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e97e1e No.527215 [Last50 Posts]

The unofficial thread for the return of the reigning Queen of Internet Bloodsports, Trout and Tears

After being humiliated completely and utterly by everyone and conclusively proving himself to be unreliable and a liar, Kraut has decided to return to YouTube, attacking Moleman9000, Aydin and the Alt-Right. In the video, he claims he was a good boy who dindu nuffin and now he's going to restart his war on the "alt-right trolls" and fix everything.

Also, Kraut may be paying for view/like bots. So dig for evidence of that.


The once and future IBS Queen has finally returned. Now it's time to laugh as history repeats itself.

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695427 No.527305

>Kraut comes back

>Gabe gets suspended on twitter and his youtube gets shut down

Really gets that noggin joggin there

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b4b6c3 No.527307

File: 64977137e8e5d04⋯.png (249.91 KB,596x710,298:355,kraut cat.png)

File: 82869a85a8ebb2c⋯.jpg (88.66 KB,997x405,997:405,kraut mother bettina lanca….jpg)

File: 1dc7259b4983b27⋯.png (289.29 KB,1263x621,421:207,krautcuck.png)


don't forget to contact his mum and tell her all about it.

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9015ca No.527312

>Kraut comes back

>Gabe's twitter/youtube gets taken down

Is this a coincidence?

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f498d0 No.527313


Other than Jew, what is his family background?

He looks like a cross between southern slav and turk.

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b4b6c3 No.527322

File: 0078a83bc92cc65⋯.jpg (184.27 KB,633x510,211:170,kraut eight jewish.jpg)


he claims to be "1/8th" jewish, don't know the rest.

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c9242f No.527323

File: 69b6580d769d383⋯.jpeg (48.01 KB,720x480,3:2,E567D1CE-C9C0-46F8-ACFD-0….jpeg)

Faggots on /tv/ are celebrating mister Moleman9000 channel being flagged down. Apparently the skeptic army taking credit for the flagging.


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f2e625 No.527356

Take it to the designated ibs thread you nigger

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e97e1e No.527358

File: 47a28764ad1ac2a⋯.jpg (30.17 KB,400x260,20:13,The future is so bright my….jpg)


>Kraut false-flagged Moleman9000's channel to keep Gabe from making fun of him.

What a brilliant tactician, as always. I'm sure this will all work out perfectly fine for Blockhead Joe. No blowback whatsoever. This is going to be a successful comeback on par with Vanilla Ice's skater album or Eminem's anti-Trump freestyle.

This is gonna be great.

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629254 No.527374

dont forget faggot david shitrat and tranny drallasta

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629254 No.527376

guess that krauts mommy is now fair game???????

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55b5be No.527377

bosting in a ebin bread :—DDDDDDDD

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573328 No.527406

Well despite the rather suspicious timing that Kraut returns to Gabe's channel being censored spoiler alert, it's up now and he will know about this leads me to believe that poor little Trout hasn't learned his lesson and that the Alt Right shock troops are going to come and bully him and all his friends off the internet again.

This will only go one of two ways…

1, it'll be a shitshow for him and we all shall have a fun time laughing at him

2, absolutely nothing because he's practically irrelevant now and will fade into obscurity after being laughed at again.

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e9b278 No.527412


The Jew really shows in him. I knew he had some with what he was doing.

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1e4cae No.527414


(((absolutely not)))

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695427 No.527502


In the video he says he moved out and started working out and all that shit. The reality, according to leaks from his shitcord channel, is that he was planning shit like suing Gabe to get his ID and other moronic ideas.

I promise you, there will be cocks from him.

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209e59 No.527519


>Apparently the skeptic army taking credit for the flagging.

>b-but feminism is censoring us by false fagging our channels

>fuck you alt-right neo nazis it's okay when we do it

I know people make fun of the horseshoe theory retards, but holy fuck that's come full circle.

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ea564a No.527521


Gabe's twitter account is also down. Some said it was likely Kraut, others also pointed out that his youtube account was also deleted, but as far as I can tell, it's not true (or at least, it's not completely removed from all servers)

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ea564a No.527522



Time to check the wordfilter before every post I see…

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ade23f No.527525



looks like a kike mongrel

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cf8b01 No.527526


His yt was down for a few hours last night (with only two strikes) then reinstated.

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8021b6 No.527549

File: 10a69ad6a621a55⋯.png (56.82 KB,201x251,201:251,untitled.png)


Looks like this guy mixed with german.

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3a1c21 No.527751


Is 1/8th enough to get a better interest rate?

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64d7df No.527831


Depends, is it on your mother's side?

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059ed7 No.527861

Anyone got more Kraut brainlet pictures? Those are going to be used a lot these days I feel.

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c1f2dc No.527866

File: ab6acecbeebc7e1⋯.jpg (66.77 KB,1200x675,16:9,kraut fat slob.jpg)

File: a5d7ea20972a769⋯.jpg (133.53 KB,1024x768,4:3,kraut cat.jpg)

File: 779af93fcf9e8fe⋯.jpg (79.3 KB,784x858,392:429,kraut the jew.jpg)

File: d8253a791b15fe2⋯.jpg (37.69 KB,462x275,42:25,kraut irl.jpg)


all i got

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1714c3 No.527874


>tfw to intelligent too not get cucked

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cec213 No.527880

why does trout edit his videos so fucking annoyingly

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c9242f No.527890


It pretty true. Skeptic community always been faggoty. The fact they looked up to amazing atheist before they got famous is proof of this.

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3775e9 No.527892


Anyone gonna call out the obvious that he looks just like sam hyde?

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ade23f No.527893

File: 52d4f940bcf4a43⋯.jpg (35.08 KB,640x360,16:9,56.jpg)



he has an impeccable 56% face.

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e837b1 No.527896

File: e1ee5802c183dda⋯.png (10.2 KB,583x98,583:98,trout.png)

File: af0beb48f19705c⋯.png (599.18 KB,1050x591,350:197,kraut_lies_2.png)

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63e219 No.527898


>Living rent free in someone's head

Where did this phrase come from? I've only heard this used just in these past few weeks. There's a tendency for those who are close to each other to mirror patterns of speech.

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0cecc7 No.527903


He looks "off" somehow. Like if you saw him walking down the street you'd say "that guy definitely has autism."

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ade23f No.527911


>Gabe's the rent free one

imagine spending 9 months fuming over your own incompetence over the fucking internet and then coming to the realization that the only way to assuage your asspain is to come back, double-down, and intensify your worth as a laughing stock.

what a loser.

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64d7df No.527912


>Where did this phrase come from?

Facebook tier trump memes that got posted on reddit and now all the e-celebs use it as an insult.

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e837b1 No.527914

File: 7d9452b53d019d4⋯.png (544.63 KB,1050x591,350:197,kraut_lies.png)


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cb2e2f No.527915


Derek smart, Derek Smart, DEREK SMART

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e837b1 No.527967

File: ab5d44b8f7dbcf3⋯.png (26.86 KB,1342x703,1342:703,Trout2.png)

File: a71b29081f3c792⋯.png (213.17 KB,400x400,1:1,krautandtears.png)

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209e59 No.528026


>right now

You don't need that part.

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3775e9 No.528027


I just beat that game the other day. It took me 20 years, but damn was it worth it.

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e97e1e No.528036

File: 25ace5728f83f48⋯.png (170.18 KB,400x400,1:1,cesspool_of_degenerates.png)


>Channel terminated

Well, that was rather ween. Kraut humiliating himself in public is far more entertaining than censoring him.

Still, it couldn't have happened to a nicer fish.

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059ed7 No.528040


no doubt he'll be back, hell I'm pretty sure I saw he had a backup already somewhere else in the IBS thread

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ade23f No.528141



bye, kike.

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9d77d6 No.528236

File: dd7c5490a849da4⋯.gif (193.56 KB,389x297,389:297,WhySoSerious.gif)


>losing or wining an internet war

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366937 No.528973

File: 26fa235d4ab067c⋯.png (48.01 KB,573x225,191:75,trout4.png)

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1e4cae No.529019


He does. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZUzkuF4dd2cHpyOldOT3ww

I would certainly


anyone who went to preemptively make him feel like this would be a worthwhile use of his time.

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8021b6 No.529105



No,it is "that guy definitely has semite in him". He looks like Tim Wise.

>bbbut im only 1/8 jew bro

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ade23f No.529147


just reported the account lol

I totally do not recommend that you do the same

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8d23b3 No.529179


Absolutely pathetic. So is it okay to flag people's accounts out of spite, or not okay, or only okay when you do it?

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aa483f No.529181

File: aedf4fbe3a88164⋯.jpg (71.5 KB,799x797,799:797,krautsmommy3.jpg)

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f132b1 No.529187


Does this retard that gnome will help a known backstabber?

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c2098c No.529257


Kraut appears after nearly 8 months of having been run off the internet, claiming that he is going to exonerate himself and finally release the truth. Next he releases 3 hit pieces with information that everyone already knew and so adds no value to the conversation rather than it wusn't me narrative Kraut is trying to push.

So in order to break this down lets look at his 3 soft targets, Coach Red Pill, Aydin Paladin, Edgysphinx/Braving Ruin.

So Coach Red Pill there was no new information there, everyone knows from the foxdick Farms releases and subsequent additional information on the subject all of the details including the con man aspect of CRP's personality. Nothing new there.

Whether or not it was readily available with a bit of digging does not exonerate Kraut from the fact that he collected information, including dox information in order hold onto it, and potentially use it against CRP.

We also can corroborate that Kraut was gathering this information, as he and Jeff Holiday admitted they had found the information and had been disseminating it to other people.

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c2098c No.529258


Second Aydin Paladin, quite easily the easiest of the soft targets to go after Aydin is a self possessing and obsessed internet whore who probably had some girl boner for Kraut until he went full spastic and led to the ongoing drama between the two. As far a credible source, neither of them are to be believed, as it's the pot calling the kettle black in this situation. Besides even without Kraut pointing it out, Aydin is a dumbass who has doxxxxed herself several times over, that doesn't mean that he didn't have some hand in making sure some personal information was shared, that same way it accidentally happened with CRP. So a weak fucking response video.

Next is BR or Edgy depending on your iteration. Kraut is already well documented for hating Arabs, and the movie is essentially one running joke of accusing Edgy of being an Arab/White Nationalist. Nothing knew, he'd always identified as half Arab. Second point was that he didn't make any movies. Admittedly his work load dropped off at a point, but the cocks that he put out during the period was solid, and considering at the same time Kraut was working with his youtube academics making movies that were of little interest, except for what JF would debunk next, is again not really pointing anything out. Ok BR was collecting paypig money for dicking around on Twitter, but Kraut was also still on paypig, at the same time putting out no cocks.

He also pointed out in the movie that BR was some sort of brilliant Machiavellian, using the Alt Right tards as his own personal army, and that he had been pulling strings from behind the scenes, and had only fled from the internet again when his own people started calling him out on stuff.

No mention then of any of the screen shots where Kraut had obtained BR's dox, and with an implied threat said he might release them. Kraut hasn't released them, because one BR removed himself from the internet voluntarily, saving him from confirming himself as a doxxxxer.

So lets surmise, so far Kraut has gone after 3 exceptional individuals, a con man who didn't cover his tracks well enough, a spastic attention whore, and someone who can't respond because he's conveniently gone from the internet. He hasn't gone after what should have been the prime targets in this new firesale character assassination style of his, (without the phony slower accent) JF, Alt Hype, any number of the actual people who opposed him and led to his actual downfall. Nope. He's going after soft targets, not actually addressing points, or conveniently forgetting then altogether.

He was running a discord server that was in part dedicated to gathering doxxxxing information on people he considered to be threats to his narrative or people who had called him out. He admitted as much when he turned tail and ran from the internet, plus screen shots, plus the recordings where he was trying to pull Sargon into this, etc. Jeff Holiday knew about it, Zeph knew about it, David Shitratt, anyone in the inner circle basically. People like Sargon and Wuzalu also likely knew something was going on, but didn't know to what extent. Kraut was also planning on feeding false flag information to people with his little psyops bullshit, let us never forget Tilly Law, or any of the other subsequent facts that came out during this time. He got caught doing it, got run off the internet for it, but like a good little autist he hasn't been gone, he's been hanging back in the shadows on his discord awaiting his triumphant return where everyone will see that he dindu nuffin, Kraut was a good boy, and he will be welcome back into the skeptics fold! (They don't exist as a cohesive group, never have, never will.)

Instead Kraut comes crashing back into the internet dripping with his hate and autism, in the midst of Gabe getting false flagged into oblivion, it's suspicious. Kraut could say that he got flagged because of muh alt right, the truth is he got flagged because the majority of people who used to follow his cocks just got sick of the spaghetti constantly being flung all over the place.

TLDR; Kraut's a basic bitch who can't get over his butt hurt, he attacking soft targets, the people have spoken and nuked his channel for it.

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30b14c No.529332


he should apologize for bis part in fucking up before getting right into tearing apart his enemy lolcows

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55b5be No.529439

File: 33cc91e1edcae46⋯.jpg (211.83 KB,1212x1600,303:400,soviet_soldiers_berlin_rap….jpg)




He is ruskie rapebaby. Pic related

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8021b6 No.529645


He's jewish m8.

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379e95 No.530077

File: 56b8e78428ed7a7⋯.png (125.24 KB,643x877,643:877,h8chan.png)

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424b4b No.530082

File: c78e7102cb8c507⋯.jpg (157.59 KB,780x703,780:703,kike diapers.jpg)

I honestly can't tell the difference between trout and millennial woes, in both facial structure and body language. Is this normal, or do I have vision issues I need help with?

Pic unrelated.

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30b14c No.530102

Anybody in this thread who took his channel down is robbing us of lolcow julay. fuck 'em.

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0cecc7 No.530184


It caused more spergery on his side. They're also mirrored everywhere anyway.

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a9a1af No.530213


I've seen that pic before, but I can't get the link to work, and searching


for "diapers" and "urinating" yields nothing. Does anyone have another source?

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f132b1 No.530361


>Isn't aware of

(((shut it down)))

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dbf452 No.530492

File: a0fb628d47c938f⋯.png (51.73 KB,189x267,63:89,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d56d106ca39276f⋯.png (75.62 KB,442x768,221:384,ClipboardImage.png)


He honest-to-god resembles the assburger meme.

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814067 No.530715

Word of warning:

There's a serial thread derailing poster in the IBS cyclical that may try to slide or make this thread hit limit. Make sure you're archiving everything you can if it's relevant.

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9324d5 No.531501

File: b5cf1300e8347a0⋯.png (55.37 KB,1215x374,1215:374,Trout7.png)

File: 3923e1dc52026af⋯.png (31.54 KB,1559x568,1559:568,Trout_Youtubes_response.png)

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9324d5 No.531505

File: 65a805a869083d2⋯.mp4 (6.55 MB,1280x720,16:9,Kraut is too dumb.mp4)

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9324d5 No.531516

File: d455ddbe5ba25f6⋯.mp4 (2.99 MB,640x360,16:9,KRAUT TALES.mp4)

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9324d5 No.531518

File: d04cfa62608584b⋯.webm (982.7 KB,534x300,89:50,Kraut_7_minutes.webm)

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ade23f No.531587


i need the krautgate.zip meta file plz link

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9324d5 No.531612

File: f4d05397db6f0be⋯.jpg (527.39 KB,695x900,139:180,krautandtears_25.jpg)

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9324d5 No.531906

File: c35902f6687245e⋯.mp4 (13.18 MB,1280x720,16:9,trout and moneybadgers def….mp4)

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9324d5 No.532200

File: e31de471a725ad5⋯.jpg (1.18 MB,2936x3132,734:783,kraut_and_autism.jpg)

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dde638 No.532475


Is that his face? He looks like the guy that leans over the bully's shoulder and says "Yeah" to punctuate the bully's point.

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eda080 No.533412

File: 8895f924dc4da89⋯.mp4 (9.97 MB,1280x720,16:9,Jeff Holiday - 'The Shake ….mp4)

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8da882 No.533508

So what is the hard evidence Kraut did anything shady? His newest videos all deny that he did anything and try to prove this by how everyone who spoke against him has since backpedaled.

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e9e67d No.533544


When Alison Tieman is the voice of reason, something has gone very wrong.

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1af4e6 No.533577


It's not true. I know a jew who knows that guy in the picture with the gun, apparently he's just weird as fuck.

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102dad No.533622

File: 16d0d4a94f87f15⋯.png (49.56 KB,450x310,45:31,anger.png)


What the fuck is going on in that chat? Sure, you can't judge one thing from the past using current standards. But they're not talking about a play or a movie. They're not even talking about something "from the past". It's a "sacred book" that still serves TODAY as a moral guideline to build and maintain their fucked up society. And that whore saying that kids can have sex if they want to!? "Sure honey, if my eight year old daughter wants a tribal tattoo on her face and commit social suicide, I have no other choice but oblige. Who am I? The adult in the room? I can't wait to tell your mom how mature our little girl is. Quick, to the tattoo parlor before she comes home!"

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ab4653 No.534196

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f132b1 No.534462


>Trusting a jew

>Implying jews speak the truth

>Magically knows a kike in a circulated picture

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0cecc7 No.534472


Kraut's hilariously inept when it comes to religion.

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0d0323 No.535147

File: 98e6a0814a4e1ea⋯.png (15.01 KB,521x203,521:203,43567467345687.png)

File: 16bc359a32d7a8f⋯.png (55.39 KB,522x593,522:593,trout.png)

File: 44dd71dee0002cf⋯.png (122.64 KB,517x583,47:53,trout2.png)

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a50d1c No.535380

Didn't he call out Adyin the coal burning kike Paladin ??

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a50d1c No.535383

File: 2c13cfca8c8736a⋯.jpg (12.11 KB,394x23,394:23,CAMABA.JPG)

Oh , I Already see people are defending their based Kekistani Jewish Princess here ..

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e97e1e No.535401



Nobody's falling for it, Trout Boy. You aren't a master manipulator, you're just a bad liar. You're like Mundane Matt minus the pathos.

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8433f0 No.535402

File: 6b6cedfc4a170f0⋯.png (184.24 KB,519x317,519:317,trout3.png)

File: dce8c38f9061ed5⋯.mp4 (2.49 MB,640x360,16:9,trout racism.mp4)

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e97e1e No.535404

File: 2edbef02de688d9⋯.jpg (156 KB,1125x807,375:269,Frittata.jpg)


>It's just complete misandry to assume an underage girl can't consent to sex

No, you dumb hole, it isn't. It's very basic human psychology. We don't fucking rape kids in a polite society.

Fucking dumb holes like this, saying stupid shit all the time thinking it's intelligent and insightful.

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13281b No.535608


Please don't report this for extremely offensive racism.

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4b2ea5 No.535856



Anyone got a screenshot?

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a00fc5 No.536093

File: e1a994f079b336e⋯.png (224.08 KB,407x517,37:47,32eb0165b2d8e90805b693f71c….png)

How can kraut get banned on youtube? Wasn't youtube completely SJW? It's just so confusing.

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fe605d No.536128

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Yo Doppelprengel! Ich habe gehört, dass die wütende Dauerjungfrau David Shitrat dich ausgenutzt hat, weil Laura Southern ihm nicht am Pillermann spielen wollte. Wie fühlt sich an, als Hähnchen von eines geilen Soziopathen? Weiß deine Mama schon, dass du ein leichtgläubiger Vollspast bist?

Freundliche Grüße sendet dir,

dein Bernd


Keemstar got the right guy and the SJW needed some figleaf to get him off their asses.

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4b365d No.536167

Honestly, I don't see the big deal with Kraut. This cow's udders are dried up at this point.

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36305f No.536599


Not so fast. The entire thing is going to become more autistic.

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24c7f5 No.536831

File: 62788e6a19353ca⋯.png (111.85 KB,1539x456,27:8,Ifoundoutkrautisalitteralc….png)

File: f54b3621a6ccf51⋯.png (85.7 KB,1502x383,1502:383,CuckKraut.png)

File: 197f19bf5ab2ff1⋯.png (88.8 KB,1491x544,1491:544,Krautlikemthicc.png)

File: 51f1d6ee439e0a9⋯.png (200.02 KB,1500x1002,250:167,krautthesocialdemocrat.png)

File: a749b26bea45c1f⋯.png (87.19 KB,1502x362,751:181,accepttherefugeesamericans.png)

here's some rare Krauts from his Edgy Atheist board

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24c7f5 No.536834

File: 38199bbb88a2df1⋯.png (83.06 KB,1497x347,1497:347,what.png)

File: b690306741e8ca3⋯.png (82.94 KB,1494x314,747:157,stupidkraut1.png)

File: efdbc28a27804f9⋯.png (92.66 KB,1499x483,1499:483,stupidkraut2.png)

File: 0896c32e8c14847⋯.png (83.32 KB,1493x354,1493:354,JIMBTFO.png)

File: 8d9ba8ae5b682df⋯.png (86.99 KB,1495x392,1495:392,Krautthedruggy.png)

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24c7f5 No.536835

File: f0a48e5aa117ea0⋯.png (104.2 KB,1499x507,1499:507,smugkraut.png)

File: 2e21163a3f3f5b1⋯.png (98.19 KB,1494x565,1494:565,rememberthe6gorrillion.png)

File: 98bb3461f191570⋯.png (85.31 KB,1496x374,4:1,moresouthernhatred.png)

File: 8c164e863519513⋯.png (1.25 MB,1500x1568,375:392,Kruathatesancientartlikesm….png)

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4ca7f1 No.537335

File: ed60f8d0a783300⋯.png (177.36 KB,824x801,824:801,transphobic trout.png)

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58f6c0 No.537656

File: 2b88c751d62492e⋯.png (18.76 KB,522x244,261:122,trout2.png)

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32cdf2 No.537817

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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a8dc7a No.537823


Part of me is ecstatic at the incoming autism storm, the other part of me is cringing at how fucking dumb and self-destructive the "Skeptics" continue to be.

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209e59 No.538154


Unrequited love is being pretty harsh on sargoy.

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7e9bcc No.538340

File: 96675e4a4e62c38⋯.gif (2.71 MB,429x592,429:592,d3882f82b696.gif)


>live in 2 days


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237160 No.538639

File: 9803d7443491e88⋯.jpg (53.98 KB,650x502,325:251,Dluspi-X4AAbfVL.jpg)


Pretty epic! But he doesn't have a suit so dropped.

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d067ca No.540270

Carl of Boomerfail

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fb28c6 No.545011

File: e0c6fcafe3b941a⋯.png (1.39 MB,850x850,1:1,CALLNEDKELLY762.png)

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fb28c6 No.545348


Since some of you cyber cowboys are unsure of when this one was recorded, it was done on the evening of the 17th of this month. Get into Kraut's server while it's still open, buckaroos. Plenty more where that came from.

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3694fa No.545584

File: 14ba9d38b9be116⋯.png (56.65 KB,166x162,83:81,1513773532443.png)

File: cb76887c409e0d1⋯.jpg (84.73 KB,585x799,585:799,1513810973250.jpg)

File: ba4f57d4f71c42a⋯.png (398.61 KB,945x574,135:82,Krautmeme6.png)

File: 75baf863bf07da3⋯.gif (2.37 MB,600x338,300:169,krautandtearstitled.gif)

File: 0d268742b2cb8eb⋯.jpg (266.2 KB,956x570,478:285,1514480898996.jpg)


> fighting an internet war at all


Some oldies. I had a good edit of the one with kraut in his room but I can't find it.

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e97e1e No.546671

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Saw this on the Killstream last night, too good not to share. EVEN MORE leaked private convos with Kraut. A former fan of his tries to talk some sense into him and tell him the obvious truth, and Kraut has a total meltdown.

Starts at roughly 8:24 and ends at roughly 14:37. Great watch. Anyone wanna clip this for me?

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52fbbb No.546915

File: e5e3e9716c38efa⋯.jpg (290.59 KB,2048x1272,256:159,kraut.jpg)


>A former fan of his tries to talk some sense into him and tell him the obvious truth, and Kraut has a total meltdown.

I'm guessing you're referring to this?

Just thought I'd post it for easier access.

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fb28c6 No.546967

File: 912ed2232607f62⋯.png (955.67 KB,1280x720,16:9,vlcsnap-2018-09-21-15h34m1….png)

File: b52ed80adb8975b⋯.jpg (59.35 KB,640x427,640:427,a597e3294960e2247abec4b1d1….jpg)

Hey, Cyber Cowboys, have some more for the weekend. Lotta nonsense, so it's gonna be chewy.


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72a547 No.547255

File: 45d27a94b88a0d2⋯.png (112.77 KB,600x453,200:151,krautandtears_2.png)

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33732b No.551726

File: ad55713468e1556⋯.jpg (17.86 KB,480x362,240:181,kraut mother bettina lanca….jpg)

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a00fc5 No.552157

File: 2fdce95f9c6fd4a⋯.png (480.69 KB,794x560,397:280,1457794493324.png)



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968cf6 No.552173

File: 4b632204b573f0e⋯.jpg (102.29 KB,962x1080,481:540,aydindiaper.jpg)



Why kraut didn't upload the Aydin video yet? Is he afraid her white knights will mass flag him?

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a00fc5 No.552233


Kraut is permabanned from Jewtube.

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62a843 No.552321


Devils advocate already let loose. Stupid manlets worship something like her. Im sure she looks like their mum. So they're happy to shag the mum. Ironic she's infertile.

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968cf6 No.552481


Look at these discord leaks someone posted on her thread.

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968cf6 No.552482

File: 6fd35059a0dc267⋯.jpg (23.49 KB,585x258,195:86,6fd35059a0dc267dcbd2aa304e….jpg)

File: 8bdf7785b7863c6⋯.jpg (34.7 KB,588x246,98:41,8bdf7785b7863c6aea8cd78e5a….jpg)


Here they are

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fb28c6 No.554571

File: a584eea4c2466da⋯.jpg (14.38 KB,227x222,227:222,picrelated2018-09-23 22-57….jpg)

File: 0011c626556dc5b⋯.jpg (84.3 KB,1063x1063,1:1,0011c626556dc5b89895f0b9e2….jpg)

Alright, got some more shit from Kraut's server, most irrelevant garbage, but I do have some shit of him reciting lyrics from a nazi song in english.



Mostly irrelevant shit, except for the recording from the 23rd, which has him reciting pic related.

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bf9ad5 No.555033



use vocaroo, faggot

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fb28c6 No.555310

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bf9ad5 No.556533


that's the most boring shit ive ever heard

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68febf No.556861

You won't believe what Spaltpimmel was saying recently.


Also generation Identity is actually a French movement.

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68febf No.556882

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


There were also multiple groups calling themselves altright before that shit fell apart together with Spencer's credibility as leader, because nobody wanted to be associated with the name Spencer. The identitarian movement started in France as arm of the new right. Its a distinct French thing and as such its pretty irrelevant in Germany outside of Dachau, Buchenwald any other place that has a concentration camp.


Das macht deine verlesung von Landserliedern noch lustiger. Anstatt mal rauszufinden, ob da Englischsprachige RAC bands aufspielten, gehst du hin und übersetzt mal eben mal das Album einer Band, die es seit 2003 nicht mehr gab. Den aufwand hättest du dir sparen können, weil die texte vieler dieser Bands den Bestand der Volksverhetzung erfüllen und daher illegal sind. Seis drum, Schwanzos Duo. Es gibt ja immer noch legalen beschissnen Streetpunk von Lunikof.

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5cfd1a No.557328

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Huch! Wo ist denn Pen0rX2 abgeblieben? Kann es sein, dass er mal wieder mal beim schlampigen Recherchieren erwischt und dann nochmals verblasen wurde?

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1e049b No.558332

File: d3d51da00b21066⋯.jpg (200.1 KB,450x422,225:211,bf7ca8d550163da50899473caa….jpg)

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8a5403 No.558920

File: e4505795ccd754c⋯.png (76.55 KB,502x565,502:565,pureTrout.png)

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d52b10 No.558922


I'm thinking about starting a twitter account that just circles all of the typos and misspellings in his tweets.

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3f6a27 No.558993

File: ab07ba83598f7eb⋯.webm (396.6 KB,1280x720,16:9,Best of newest Kraut disc….webm)

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81f093 No.574447

File: a2ce929a56440a4⋯.png (32.11 KB,483x321,161:107,trout big gay.png)

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209e59 No.574540


>I dumped some excess fat from cooking into the kitchen sink

>it's the apartment's fault

The unrivaled intelligence of the youtube academics.

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feb924 No.577823

Isn't Kraut is a quarter Jewish?

not being anti-semitic, real question.

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2c7a3e No.578168


This half-kike pretentious piece of shit again? What the fuck is wrong with him? He was humiliated beyond repair by everyone yet he is still trying to become that fairy tale hero who defeats the "big bad evil Alt-rite dragoon"

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2c4246 No.578254


It's rather simple really. He was getting shekels just for making youtube videos, when he was PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD his easy ride was over and had to go back into reality to make money. He discovered to his utter horror and no one's surprise that he couldn't do anything, he has no actual qualifications to speak of to enter academia on any level, and he's too physically weak for manual labour, he even said so himself that he didn't last more than a couple of days working at construction because he's too weak.

So what else is left? Try to worm and slither his way back into youtube ad revenue money again and paypig shekels. Hence why he just won't give up the videos.

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dbf452 No.578371

File: 3411e919d92470b⋯.gif (397.5 KB,245x138,245:138,1414754459582.gif)


>worrying about being a bad goy

>on 8ch

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cdae43 No.578472


>not being anti-semitic

then gtfo, what do you think this forum is for?

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07d43f No.578473


Nah, mate. He's Aryan.

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d2e992 No.581756


So if he and Soygoy have babies would they be 50% crypto, 50% jewish, I understand…

inb4 men can't make other men pregnant, I'll let you know as an academic in high standing, that in fact, trouts can get pregnant.

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60bb08 No.585955

File: 9fbc7c4fcaee3b4⋯.webm (224.77 KB,640x360,16:9,Kraut and bricks.webm)

File: 1906797e9e783e6⋯.mp4 (2.58 MB,1280x720,16:9,Kraut not DSP.mp4)

File: 67aa7ce20320a1a⋯.webm (212.16 KB,640x360,16:9,Kraut_NOBODY.webm)

File: 1f1cfe3cc52c138⋯.webm (739.16 KB,640x360,16:9,Kraut - WE collective.webm)

File: da621909afd8134⋯.webm (1.19 MB,640x360,16:9,Kraut_on_Sargon.webm)

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ecbc08 No.627144


I heard it in a rap song once.

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db4c88 No.636350

File: aa311b760150be1⋯.png (65.1 KB,633x517,633:517,trout7.png)

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f5ccde No.636435

His Jewishness is the most interesting part about him as he ticks the boxes for a stereotypical Jew.

1.He hides his Jewishness

2.He lies and pretends to be something else(fake accent, fake political beliefs)

3.Anti-European views

4.Sexual deviant

He is like your typical 1920's Jew who bashed German nationalists and pretended to be German.

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588bda No.636484



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14dda1 No.654140

File: 6cc6217a9d2587a⋯.png (63.64 KB,615x624,205:208,trout8.png)

File: c87221e7e770725⋯.png (420.14 KB,578x414,289:207,trout_frozen_squirrel.png)

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f22ab2 No.654148


Is he using a murderer as his profile pic? Am I the only one getting a bad feeling about this?

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97f078 No.654183


CRP pls go

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23426e No.654197


The UNA Bomber AKA Ted Kaczinsky is a very misunderstood figure and also a former terrorist. I bet Trout doesn't even know what his works are about.

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14dda1 No.654229

File: f4d05397db6f0be⋯.jpg (527.39 KB,695x900,139:180,krautandtears_25.jpg)

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90dee9 No.655249

drama faggotry that's all internet blood sports is is fucking faggot drama

if you like it then stick to facebook or kys

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fcec11 No.656029


>europeans did it too so it's okay

>it's muh soggy knee to think children can't consent

wtf are these non arguments?

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fcec11 No.656030


nah, it's just "ooo I am edgy cool smart guy" shit

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ae0fcc No.656323


Hey, my friend is a dumb faggot who thinks Kraut wasn't doxxxxxing people. Does anyone have any evidence where I can point him at to teach him about Kraut actually doxxxxxing people?

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30b14c No.658293


Have you tried showing him the Metokur videos or the ED page? Those have parts of the logs with him doing a lot of evidence of which things he did.

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7810c2 No.658508


Peak moneybadger intelligence

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f40b72 No.658867

File: 4a5b99313b074b6⋯.png (182.55 KB,500x420,25:21,trout_visits_cow.png)

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faa6fb No.675730


Yeah he said the Metokur stuff was 'out of context' and 'lies' because he's been checking out libcucks.

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dc165b No.676296

File: 5b469460e65a2cf⋯.mp4 (1.22 MB,1280x678,640:339,losing_subs_kraut.mp4)

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d605b1 No.676385

File: 25ace5728f83f48⋯.png (170.18 KB,400x400,1:1,cesspool_of_degenerates.png)


That's actually pretty sad.

He's just in total denial and his remaining friends are protecting him from realizing it's over.

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f886ad No.678971

File: 62cab7ebf441cd8⋯.png (25.13 KB,506x253,2:1,trout_broke.png)

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c0bb22 No.679397


The answer is clearly "cigarettes".

You can't start the morning without a coffee and a good smoko.

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ae6fbe No.679455


enjoy your horrible death in the late 40s

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59ec8a No.679457


Do you really want to live much longer in this clown world? Can't blame a man for wanting to clog his arteries and poison his liver anymore.

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cde50a No.679502


>enjoy your horrible death in the late 40s

I have been smoking and drinking coffee since I was 14 and I am still here, perfectly healthy.

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ae6fbe No.679509


everyone is healthy at 15.

also, can you fucking read?

>late 40s

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cde50a No.679532


>everyone is healthy at 15.

I am 48 retard

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f886ad No.680206

File: 663556faa3d2f00⋯.png (63.46 KB,627x627,1:1,trout hates islam.png)

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f886ad No.680222

File: e347028751d6528⋯.png (48.23 KB,497x507,497:507,trout opposes islam.png)

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f886ad No.680250

File: 60c366b2b80562a⋯.png (36.34 KB,498x297,166:99,trout_desktop_chaos.png)

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f886ad No.680270

File: bd0aee7bc63f511⋯.png (79.76 KB,628x643,628:643,trout_dindu_nuffin.png)

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f886ad No.680310

File: 6e09d59b6ae7bba⋯.png (29.06 KB,503x291,503:291,trout6.png)

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f886ad No.680314

File: 2ab6afd84a7e4db⋯.png (53.39 KB,522x466,261:233,trout5.png)

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509345 No.680546

File: 0dcbb49a94ce666⋯.png (67.47 KB,624x430,312:215,trout_BPS_video.png)

File: 1865fae51514d1c⋯.png (43 KB,501x315,167:105,trout_BPS_video_2.png)

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d605b1 No.680571


When Trout calls someone a "person of great character" it's pretty obvious they're the exact opposite.

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babb52 No.680805

File: 8ed0ecf0a107e64⋯.png (329.76 KB,469x504,67:72,5ef0450383d25af09f719f49d9….png)


Oh wow, I'm astonished, MRA's truly are rape apologists.

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d605b1 No.681615


He already breaks rocks for a living.

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e445bc No.681965

File: e5f56b1949e539a⋯.png (117.22 KB,469x429,469:429,trout.png)

File: 067d7f6266505ad⋯.png (126.17 KB,468x537,156:179,trout2.png)

File: ad3e591030dbbea⋯.png (98.32 KB,468x407,468:407,trout3.png)

File: af439939b4a303a⋯.png (102.5 KB,471x408,157:136,trout4.png)

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e445bc No.682036

File: 61354b03ab9423a⋯.png (44.44 KB,494x516,247:258,trout5.png)

File: b299346c01116f0⋯.png (49.88 KB,496x554,248:277,trout6.png)

File: 080d37bcb58ef94⋯.png (35.9 KB,503x417,503:417,trout9.png)

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a60ed5 No.682043

Kraut is my ex-bf.

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e445bc No.682056

File: c995fa1f57266ca⋯.png (446.18 KB,1139x1593,1139:1593,Dilation Nation.png)


not surprised tbh

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a60ed5 No.682060


Glad you have been deplatformed from paypig.

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e445bc No.682070

File: 9bd64123a5db316⋯.png (626.25 KB,1300x1900,13:19,krautlas_surgin.png)

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e445bc No.682074

File: 1a199cbf952a05b⋯.png (28.39 KB,503x311,503:311,trout10.png)

File: 07e87c39d93c989⋯.png (70.99 KB,500x580,25:29,trout11.png)

File: ece7e18fb29717f⋯.png (137.47 KB,497x1294,497:1294,dox_holiday.png)

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a60ed5 No.682082


Why are you the only one posting here?

Too much time on your hands Carl?

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a60ed5 No.682100

File: 372f9146f8dcb18⋯.jpg (25.44 KB,400x400,1:1,qUDstBj9_400x400.jpg)

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e445bc No.682110

File: ce86fc7f3bb4217⋯.png (290.99 KB,666x666,1:1,fear_me.png)

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a60ed5 No.682124

File: 74af9ecfc4e36b5⋯.jpeg (8.64 KB,225x225,1:1,images (10).jpeg)


Sucky sucky?

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a60ed5 No.682146

File: 93caf74543b37ec⋯.jpg (42.45 KB,400x400,1:1,dgvsMClu_400x400.jpg)


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a60ed5 No.682155

File: 942f5819af04bbb⋯.png (268.93 KB,857x467,857:467,jeff44.png)

"I'll be staying out of it and focusing on pseudoscience. I hope you're all well. Unrelated Christmas video soon. Take care. /fin"


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e445bc No.682194

File: 76024c9e1d05421⋯.png (33.71 KB,502x424,251:212,trout12.png)

File: de862b2ec407828⋯.png (38.38 KB,500x454,250:227,trout13.png)

File: 87bd6d5daf0bd81⋯.png (92.85 KB,504x939,168:313,jared holt.png)

File: 15b9eafd5e955e3⋯.png (122.66 KB,501x659,501:659,trout14.png)

File: e7a19980306c596⋯.png (44.59 KB,501x419,501:419,trout15.png)

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857b61 No.684497


That last one, he misspelled "patebin"

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fcc38e No.685721

File: 557ada0a6db98ec⋯.gif (477.05 KB,400x400,1:1,kraut_stairs.gif)

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148996 No.687081

File: 7f39f9ce747d093⋯.mp4 (1.91 MB,640x360,16:9,Trout frozen squirrel.mp4)

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e70d3b No.687115

you know the saddest part about Trout is the fact that he's so unaware about being a colossal fuck up, that he carries on with his really cringy damage control, which is really funny when i remember the day where he told somebody on a live stream "yeah, i want to become the German version of Metokur"

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7cc658 No.687259

He is gonna kill himself soon

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209e59 No.687305


I hope not unless he streams it.

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3ac651 No.687306


I don't think so, or at least he's not going to be the only person he'll kill (or try to). I've known the type of guy Kraut is. From the way he speaks, especially now that the jig is up and he's been completely disgraced, you can see that there's something really hateful and violent brewing inside of him. Eventually he's gonna completely lose his mind and start hurting people, just a matter of time at this point.

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bbdb40 No.691021

File: 0941c355d953c04⋯.png (76.55 KB,495x675,11:15,trout_No_You_Lost_It.png)

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bbdb40 No.691940

File: 887710fc1c8a8d8⋯.png (24.65 KB,502x293,502:293,trout_just_can't_without_n….png)

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b1d0ac No.692787

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d605b1 No.693015

File: c3b7f4713d4f4c3⋯.png (217.01 KB,680x581,680:581,During the stone age.png)


Hot Take: Kraut is a drug addict and he's using nicotine to comfort himself during withdrawal because he can't afford to regularly buy drugs.

Probably adderall or some other methamphetamine, considering people think that's the drug that makes you smart.

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d605b1 No.693309

File: 7c7489d79b95ddd⋯.png (649.28 KB,852x639,4:3,Gay Ops Commanders.png)

You are now hearing the Bulk and Skull theme in your head.

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61285e No.693380

File: 2d6d8a3a9c17be0⋯.webm (2.1 MB,800x600,4:3,Kraut_and_Shitrat.webm)


Here you go.

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d863fe No.694339

File: 315cb69fe511d39⋯.jpg (17.09 KB,750x206,375:103,DwG7AmsWkAAwTi7.jpg)

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d605b1 No.694348

File: 37837c037ae185b⋯.jpg (62 KB,680x816,5:6,This is Beautiful.jpg)


Oh, anon. This is perfection incarnate.

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209e59 No.694537


>i'm going to hack your IP and have my dad beat you up

Trout just keeps getting more pathetic.

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eaf23c No.694749

File: 37e42828888463e⋯.jpg (33.76 KB,657x527,657:527,tupkai apustaja.jpg)


That nicotine withdrawal is getting to him.

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d605b1 No.697755

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Call me a tomato, because we're about to play catch-up, kids.

If you're just now tuning in and your last experience with Kraut's antics are from Jim's "Trout and Tears" series, there's a lot of fun stuff you missed so far, but right now is the best time to get back into following him. Unless you're a genuine fan of his older videos hoping he'll return to his good ol' ways, because that dream is dead as an anti-vaxxers infant child after an old man coughs 20 yards away. I reccomend Jim's New Years stream if you want some details I don't get into here.

The Baiscs:

>Kraut has attempted a "comeback tour" where he goes everywhere he can and claim he didn't do anything wrong. He managed to fool Sargon and Ian Miles Cheong into believing this, but the evidence is very clear that he's lying. He attempting to take back all his confessions by claiming his family was harassed, which nobody is buying because he doesn't have a vagina or a gender studies degree.

>People who watch Killstream keep going into his "public" server and leaking shit. Even though Kraut claims all the info is public, he clearly doesn't want it getting out and gets very frustrated when it is.

Info from the leaks:

>Kraut is still very angry and embarrassed about the drama, feels he shit his pants and did nothing wrong and wants revenge. He admits to thinking about it "all day" and spends 16 hours in his Discord server. Not "leaves it open" but actually spends time reading stuff and replying to people.

>Kraut has a severe nicotine addiction and used to smoke 40 cigarrettes a day. The internet has not been kind to his recovery attempt, and people are trying to mail him cigarrettes and post pictures of people smoking all over his Twitter.

>Kraut has a job breaking rocks for home gardens and had to move back in with his parents when his channel failed, had to borrow money from his little brother for a video game.

>Kraut is in denial about his channel being dead and believes if he gets back to regularly making videos (which he has a ton of trouble with) he can save it. He's extremely nervous and devestated about how his subscriber and view counts are collapsing.

>Kraut talks about wanting to inflict physical violence against all of the people who made fun of him, of particular note was a post where Kraut said he wanted to put a power drill through Jim's face.

>Kraut has TWELVE FUCKING PEOPLE he shows his videos too now before he uploads them. If they don't like it, he deletes the video entirely. 3/4th of his potential new videos have been rejected since the process has started.

>Most of the faggots who were on Kraut's server back then are there now too, and they're up to their old tricks: making hitlists about various YouTubers, planning manipulative/sneaky ways to hurt them and their channels and acting like a circlejerk for Kraut.

>Kraut is extremely bad at vetting people in his server and even PM'd one of the leakers, spilling his guts out before it was all brought to the killstream for everyone to laugh at.

>Kraut and crew are still attempting gay ops, but now that everyone knows not to trust them the result have been abysmal. His latest plan backfired horribly because David Shitratt accidentally posted original and edited screencaps from jcaesar187's discord in the same damn video. Kraut tried to rescue him by combining the two messages (which makes no sense) but spelled "Pastebin" as "Patebin" immediately clueing everyone in that it was fake and he wrote it himself.

As for David Shitratt, he's a surprisingly important player in all of this and basically the real "brains" behind this operation, which is probably why it's such a fucking failure. But he's such an exceptional individual he easily deserves his own thread.

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d605b1 No.697775

File: 4191c802be33a0e⋯.png (607.34 KB,1333x900,1333:900,Frieza Real Estate.png)


Some stuff I forgot to mention:

If you're one of the aforementioned fans of Kraut's older videos about european politics, immigration and censorship, you'll be extremely disappointed to hear that Kraut never wants to do those types of videos again. He believes this type of videos "help" the alt-right and fears they'll use them for nefarious purposes. Of course, nobody on the alt-right wants anything to do with Kraut or anything he makes. But of course, Kraut is in denial.

Thankfully, if you're a Kraut fan, you're probably used to soul-crushing disappointment at this point.

Kraut has clearly not learned anything since last time, since in addition to doing gay ops on discord and typing in all caps with tons of excalmation points when he gets mad, he's also making anti-"alt right" videos again, launching a new series called "Paranoia Pornographers" and trying to debunk their arguments and generally "own" them. His first video was on Black Pigeon Speaks and was supposed to be how BPS was a plagarist who didn't cite his sources – in a fucking YouTube video, which tells you how far up his own ass Kraut is. Unfortunately his assisstant Shiratt was too goddamn stupid to do his research properly and it soon came out that BPS did cite his sources and didn't plargarize anyone. Oops! Then (((mysteriously))) BPS got a strike on his channel. Kraut denied any involvement but he's very clearly not trustworthy and he hangs out with serial flagger Mundane Matt. So, use your better judgement here.

I should also take a few seconds to mention that Mundane Matt and Kraut have bonded over their mutual hatred of Metokur and the Killstream and are now talking regularly over Discord. What does this mean? Absolutely nothing. The only thing it indicates is that two througholy pathetic individuals are working together to emotionally support each other, enable each other's bad decisions and engage in general buffoonery they mistake for elite spy tactics.

Don't rage, don't pity, just point and laugh.

By the way, if you're a fan of Kraut's older videos and are looking for something to fill that void, you should probably check out Black Pigeon Speaks, because his cocks is a lot like what Kraut's used to be. Anyway, that's all for now! Glad to get you caught up.

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60baef No.697954


he's on discord 16 hours a day smoking 40 cigs something will leak like it always does

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8a5403 No.698215

File: 058a3e83694a99a⋯.gif (1004.2 KB,500x350,10:7,b5790c89cce4e9cb0a5d492012….gif)

>>697755 (checked)


Thanks for the update anon.

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3ae014 No.698242

File: 2a1c21655652cb5⋯.jpg (25.38 KB,289x273,289:273,1508158847283.jpg)


Oh-oh Metokru better be careful, rumor has it, angry Kraut is makeing his Dad take factory teaching courses, to perfect the art of power drilling. Prepare your fucking kneecaps kiddo.


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8a5403 No.698251

File: 5c9ab1372e46c8d⋯.png (169.09 KB,501x681,167:227,trout_will_block_you.png)

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648bdd No.702473

File: 09cccf4c9f45eaa⋯.png (335.23 KB,627x665,33:35,kraut chew.png)

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2fe180 No.702865

File: 1362453fcb7b1b0⋯.png (51.35 KB,506x361,506:361,trout_you_deserve.png)

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74b6db No.702926

File: 7fe0f1c4d83deb2⋯.png (32.07 KB,514x352,257:176,Boger Face.png)


Had anybody else said this I would disregard it as just a mere shitpost, but knowing Kraut, he may actually want to harm that women.

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2fe180 No.702937

File: 60c621367cc0931⋯.mp4 (2.91 MB,720x480,3:2,kraut_kill_your_enemies.mp4)


>he may actually want to harm that women

It wouldn't surprise me honestly, webm related.

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f22ab2 No.705932


Kraut probably grinds his teeth at night too.

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d5b8d7 No.707184

File: 3b9b828cdda08b6⋯.jpg (69.31 KB,490x490,1:1,3b9b828cdda08b69cb6adace2d….jpg)


>to be shot

Hey Kraut, She's got the gun, your move faggot.

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3775e9 No.707601


I thoroughly enjoyed reading that.

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d20a55 No.708984

File: e288ad3c5ed0370⋯.mp4 (14.26 MB,350x180,35:18,kraut_leaks_march_2018.mp4)

>decides to take Heinrich Heine to represent him

>as a defender of Western civilisation

>Heine was born in Düsseldorf, in what was then the Duchy of Berg, into a Jewish family. He was called "Harry" in childhood but became known as "Heinrich" after his conversion to Lutheranism in 1825.[2]

>Relatives Salomon Heine, Gustav Heine von Geldern, Karl Marx

>Heine arrived in Berlin in March 1821. It was the biggest, most cosmopolitan city he had ever visited (its population was about 200,000). The university gave Heine access to notable cultural figures as lecturers: the Sanskritist Franz Bopp and the Homer critic F. A. Wolf, who inspired Heine's lifelong love of Aristophanes. Most important was the philosopher Hegel, whose influence on Heine is hard to gauge. He probably gave Heine and other young students the idea that history had a meaning which could be seen as progressive.[17]

>In London he cashed a cheque from his uncle for £200 (equal to £15,890 today)

>On his return to Germany, Cotta, the liberal publisher of Goethe and Schiller, offered Heine a job co-editing a magazine, Politische Annalen, in Munich. Heine did not find work on the newspaper congenial, and instead tried to obtain a professorship at Munich University, with no success.[32]

>Heine had had few serious love affairs, but in late 1834 he made the acquaintance of a 19-year-old Paris shopgirl, Crescence Eugénie Mirat, whom he nicknamed "Mathilde". Heine reluctantly began a relationship with her. She was illiterate, knew no German, and had no interest in cultural or intellectual matters. Nevertheless, she moved in with Heine in 1836 and lived with him for the rest of his life (they were married in 1841).[41] He was born in 1797 and needed to wait seven years for her to get desperate enough to marry just about anyone

>He published several poems, including Die schlesischen Weber, in Marx's new journal Vorwärts ("Forwards"). Ultimately Heine's ideas of revolution through sensual emancipation and Marx's scientific socialism were incompatible, but both writers shared the same negativity and lack of faith in the bourgeoisie.

Sounds pretty bad but I guess that is just the Nazis on Wikipedia tarnishing his beautiful reputation. So I'll just find some info elsewhere. It said that he participated in the July Revolution in France, right? I'll just look at that then

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d20a55 No.708989

File: e06ca8057ffc9d2⋯.png (109.13 KB,1430x422,715:211,Kraut's idol.png)


>As a poet, critic, and satirist of the government in Germany, Heine encountered difficulty in his homeland, and in 1831 he undertook a voluntary exile to Paris, where he lived for the rest of his life.

>"In spite of his obvious and intentionally displayed worthlessness, Heine was practically deified in Germany, and he gathered under his dirty banner a whole swarm of imitators. These people called themselves 'Young Germany.' When one thinks back on the image of German youth as we recognize it in Siegfried, one sees here the nauseating opposite. The physiognomy of Young Germany was that of a Jewish boy, coming out of Paris clothed after the latest fashion, but totally blasé, unnerved by sloppiness, and with a specific musky, garlic-like odor."

>He had obtained his doctorate of law in 1825, and at the same time had decided to convert from Judaism to Christianity. This was necessary because of the severe restrictions on Jews in the German states; in many cases, they were forbidden, without specific permission, to have their own businesses or to leave the areas in which they were assigned to live. Understandably, then, as Heine himself said, his conversion was "the ticket of admission into European culture."

>The state of mind in which Heinrich Heine crossed the Rhine may be seen in the concluding words added to his Letters from England immediately before publication: "Liberty is the new religion, the religion of our day …. The French are the chosen people of that religion, for in their tongue are written its first gospels and its first dogma: Paris is the new Jerusalem, and the Rhine is the Jordan which separates the holy land of liberty from the country of the Philistines."

>Francke goes on in many places to criticize Heine for his lack of consistency, his social ideals, and his actions while in Paris: "the fatal defect, the essential barrenness of Heine's life," he says, is that "this man, who could speak so fervently of the ideals of existence, never placed his genius in the service of these ideals." He continues, saying that "when we come to cast the balance of his life, we find that, with all his noble sympathies and aspirations, he was at the end – or shall we not rather say at the beginning? – religiously, politically, and even artistically a renegade." [17] In his concluding remarks, Francke's bias turns to outright disparagement, criticizing practically all of Heine's actions and decisions, and asking: "Is it too much to say that of all the writers of his time Heine is the saddest example of the intellectual degeneration wrought by the political principles of the age of the Restoration?"

So in summary, Kraut's ideal man is a Marxist university trustfund baby.

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d605b1 No.722411

Kraut might be going on an IBS show RIGHT NOW! This is big, if he doesn't puss out.

Talk about it in the IBS thread if it happens!

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be18bb No.722822


he already uploaded it to bitchute

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d605b1 No.723406


My GOD that ass. I would fuck the shit out of that.


>She's infertile

So basically the perfect woman? You can load her up with buckets of cum and not have to worry about a kid.

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960292 No.727665

File: 9a08d4f672f30c7⋯.jpg (104.29 KB,700x1200,7:12,It.jpg)


This is how she looks like now.

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3fdf1f No.728941


What's with her legs, arms, face, eyes, hip to waist ratio, and terrible dye job?

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b4b71a No.730598


She's jewish

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d605b1 No.730952


Aw, poor girl. Must have been all that stress from bipolar disorder, or maybe just stress in general. Poor thing cracked like a fucking egg.

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d605b1 No.730958


Are you gonna tell me Kraut actually uploaded a video and so few people gave a shit that its been up for weeks rotting on his page, nobody even responding to it because they're just that uninterested?

Are you telling me things have gotten that bad for our little German Salmo trutta?

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cf8b01 No.730979

File: eec6230069efc43⋯.png (176.08 KB,329x353,329:353,AYDIN.PNG)


The bitch needs to shave or wax.

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7187ed No.732936

File: 8294441f5e78e7c⋯.png (19.95 KB,489x253,489:253,trout two nukes not enough.png)

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7187ed No.733405

File: 08c8e2671c4edd7⋯.png (31.15 KB,483x380,483:380,trout if you fail.png)

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3e12be No.733487


Jesus Christ, Aydin is so repulsive.

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37ab7b No.737552

File: 936ab364e641b97⋯.png (308.49 KB,990x682,45:31,936ab364e641b97cc1e83efd05….png)

If you guys want to see how retarded Kraut really is, watch the stream he just did with Jim.

>Jim literally explains to him that all his "friends" treat him like shit and are using him as a fall guy

>Kraut cannot comprehend anything Jim is saying, goes on about some dumb philosophical shit about suffering

You cannot make this up.

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d605b1 No.738004

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Why just tell people about it when you can show 'em? We've got a big, beautiful mirror right here.

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e426a6 No.761319

File: df1de95309dd910⋯.png (43.77 KB,492x393,164:131,Trout watching makeup vids.png)

File: c9e0c6f74cfcfd7⋯.png (224.6 KB,492x549,164:183,trout - keem.png)

File: fc10cbaf53e511b⋯.png (50.5 KB,497x462,71:66,Trout_Donka_apologized.png)

File: db01f13dd5345be⋯.png (31.47 KB,495x375,33:25,Trout_I_will_dox_you.png)

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c23e7c No.843935

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Godwinson's Trout interview.

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38b570 No.844024


What does Kraut scream around 15:40? "Melea"? It sounds like a German word.

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bf7899 No.896460

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What's happened with Kraut the last few months? Apparently, he's made a few new videos. One about Génération Identitaire, one about how ISIS brides should be brought back to the west, a second one about battlefield 5, and this one – a video about

>How Conservatives Prostitute themselves to White Nationalists

to quote the title.

>TFW I wish Kraut's feaverdreams were real.

Also: Despite criticising BPS for not providing sources (which he did), you have to join his (((Discord))) server to se his sources.

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509345 No.961219

File: 8eb046a5e260c4e⋯.png (56.4 KB,258x934,129:467,a4a07219d2f383dbd7fb1242be….png)

File: 933ddaa1d76cef3⋯.png (7.76 KB,243x323,243:323,3aae289973010f1702a4f35fe0….png)

File: 3af241bc623f8d6⋯.png (8.45 KB,243x632,243:632,4203e18fef39f26153be2ae9b5….png)

File: 067392a1fd67a2b⋯.png (9.47 KB,244x650,122:325,8ae69d883a56321bc534cd45f2….png)

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