*Social Media Accounts:
Twitter: @whatsheldon (hacked), @maybeSheldon (old), @keithlatteri (suspended), @latteriweb (old, hacked), @FWXCompany, @TheHurricaneNet
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hurricanenetwork/ - owned by Keith; deleted his personal lol (http://www.facebook.com/people/_/100000600268092)
Instagram: keithlatteri
Snapchat: keith52011
Discord: sheldon#2000
Github: klatteri
Quora: https://www.quora.com/profile/Keith-Latteri, https://www.quora.com/profile/Keith-Latteri-1
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/keith-latteri-29509289/ - Deleted
*Employment Info:
Career: Meteorology, IT
Company 1: FWX Company
Job Title: Executive Director
Category: Weather Information Service
Website: https://fwx.co/
Company 2: The Hurricane Network
Job Title: Director of Operations
Category: Weather Information Service
Website: https://thehurricanenet.com/
Company 3: DC to Boston - Metro Weather
Job Title: IT Specialist
Category: Weather Information Service
Website: https://www.dc2boston.com
Company 4: Plymouth State University
Job Title: Admissions Assistant
Category: Public University
Website: https://www.plymouth.edu/
*Family Info:
🪦R.I.P. Mom & Dad 🪦
Dad’s Name: Keith N Latteri
Dad’s Obituary: https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/northjersey/name/keith-latteri-obituary?id=26710395
Pictures of Dead Dad: https://prnt.sc/cI6BRoLZ1wdx, https://prnt.sc/4P51BY5IQk9A
Mom’s Name: Lori Latteri (Foote)
Mom’s Obituary: https://www.swbrownandson.com/memorials/loraine-latteri/4106907/
Picture of Dead Mom: https://prnt.sc/zMVYauYHW47W
Brother’s Name: Michael Latteri
Picture of Spedfuck Brother: https://prnt.sc/X4tVvzvqGosA
Sister’s Name: Jennifer Winkowski
Sister’s FB: https://www.facebook.com/jennifer.winkowski
Picture of Fatass Sister: https://prnt.sc/sK98zYNLz1ts
Sister’s Address: 11 1st St; North Arlington, NJ 07031-4936
*Criminal & Traffic Record Info:
Jan 16, 2023 Record Info: https://imgur.com/a/VCLU3pn
Case Number: 23TRD00232
Court: North Olmsted Mayor'S Court
Reference: https://www.ohioticketpayments.com/northolmsted/DocketSearch.php
Jul 13, 2022 Record Info: https://imgur.com/a/sOGhCet
Case Number: 22CRB00174
Court: Brunswick Mayors Court
Reference: https://www.ohioticketpayments.com/brunswick/DocketSearch.php
May 17, 2022 Record Info: https://imgur.com/a/4UL9N7s
Case Number: 22TRD03115-A
Court: Ashland Municipal Court
Reference: https://web1.civicacmi.com/Ashland/Site/Lookup.aspx
Feb 23, 2022 Record Info: https://prnt.sc/TqBdEAQhQ4i-
Case Number: 22TRD00627
Court: Berea Municipal
Reference: http://www.bereamunicipalcourt.org/casesummary.asp?ccn=22TRD00627&pageId=32
*Vehicle Info:
License Plate: JJT9933
Make: BMW
Model: 5-Series
Year: 2020
Previously Used Passwords: keithman, keithman52, keithman5267, imgay123, loldongs, niggers, jeneal4, adelaide, yldg99, wallrus4, keithmic2