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File: 8589994e3ee7bfc⋯.jpg (47.12 KB,602x536,301:268,brianna-wu-moon.jpg)

File: 353019df3c88003⋯.jpg (64.03 KB,600x700,6:7,brianna-wu-gibe-mones-pls.jpg)

cdf26f No.256380 [Last50 Posts]

Old Brianna Wu thread is autosage >>202129

Ol' Johnny Flyntstone is on a rant about spacex trying to nuke earth with moon rocks and why the government needs to give him money to campaign


God, I hope he wins, he would be so hilarious in office

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cdf26f No.256388

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cdf26f No.256393


my bad. that one's also on autosage though

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cdf26f No.256424


shit, i forgot /cow/ autosages at 400.

polite sage

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cdf26f No.256428

The moon rock catapult was in the Robert Heinlein book THE MOON IS A HARSH MISTRESS.

I think Flyntwu thinks that, since Heinlein is considered to be a "hard" science-fiction author, anything Heinlein might have envisioned is not only theoretically possible but practical and inevitable.

They'd have to be very large boulders to survive Earth's atmosphere and then you'd have to attach computers and sensors and rocket boosters to the rocks for course correction and to be able to aim them at the specific targets on Earth instead of just having them land in empty ocean or sparsely populated areas of land.

It would be a lot less expensive and infinitely more practical for an evil rich man with more money than kek just to build ICBMs on Earth than to spend decades launching hundreds of colonists to the moon with adequate resources and infrastructure to build a giant catapult on the moon thinking nobody would notice what they're up to.

Johnbrianna Flyntwu is off "her" moon-rocker.

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cdf26f No.256429

File: 1be81b5df6a4cc3⋯.png (311.73 KB,500x492,125:123,??.png)

>Rocks dropped from there have power of 100s of nuclear bombs

It makes sense because he's as dense as a black hole.

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cdf26f No.256436


>I think Flyntwu thinks that, since Heinlein is considered to be a "hard" science-fiction author, anything Heinlein might have envisioned is not only theoretically possible but practical and inevitable.

Is that why he's so obsessed with grokking agendered Martian jizz?

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cdf26f No.256457

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cdf26f No.256464

File: 5756554b89651b2⋯.jpg (106.54 KB,859x1267,859:1267,1439782402767.jpg)


> dropping a rock

> from the moon

> thinking this is how kinetic bombardment works

To be fair, he'd fit in with all the other scientifically illiterate bureaucrats.

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cdf26f No.256520



you would need a method of shooting a 'rock"

1) with enough velocity to escape the moons own pull without significant loss of energy

2) escape the moons own orbit aroudn the Earth

3) not get pulled into a separate orbit around the earth

4) not burn up in the Earth's atmosphere

5) not fucking up the moon's own orbit in firing the device

all while being accurate.


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cdf26f No.256537

File: 2d480d006836b75⋯.jpg (73.62 KB,726x472,363:236,LaunchingTard1.jpg)

File: 2d6c56f13775406⋯.jpg (151.59 KB,1091x994,1091:994,LaunchingTard2.jpg)

File: a4a51eac3444c0e⋯.jpg (16.42 KB,520x96,65:12,LaunchingTard3.jpg)


Did she delete all the tweets about the comment? Because if the "PhD" she spoke of is real then that they should loose the degree.

>Object hitting earth at escape velocity…

Well since the Earth as an atmosphere the real term they are looking for is terminal velocity. That pesky wind resistance getting in the way. This is why a penny thrown from the Empire State building won't kill you. But if Brianna Wu was launched, in a massless capsule preventing it from burning up in the atmosphere, from the moon at a vector perpendicular to the Earth it would reach ~55m/s or the terminal velocity of an average person. Where it would impact the Earth at ~0.124 MJ/Kg (its assumes mass is 82Kg). And on the day of impact not a single fuck would be given.

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cdf26f No.256550

File: a78a976b22322f1⋯.jpeg (92.62 KB,580x1024,145:256,true zeon.jpeg)

>dropping stuff from space instead of just using nukes

This is like something straight out of Gundam.

WTF I hate SpaceX now

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cdf26f No.256568

File: 4c8c9c47c1cb84d⋯.png (429.25 KB,1044x952,261:238,4c8c9c47c1cb84de571b46a5b4….png)

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cdf26f No.256577


Anything exceeding this velocity before it reaches earth (which is certain if it leaves the moon at escape velocity of 2.38kn/sec) wouldn't even hit the Earth. It would fucking BURN UP IN THE ATMOSPHERE!

But yea, Wu is nuts despite having them chopped off.

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cdf26f No.256579

File: 90ceef2e432ba6a⋯.png (40.96 KB,500x384,125:96,90ceef2e432ba6ae0c69c94c89….png)


Char was dropping asteroids to make the earth's climate collapse and force space colonization. He wasn't dropping it on population centers. He dindu nuffins

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cdf26f No.256611


>He wasn't dropping it on population centers

He did actually. He dropped 5th Luna on Lhasa, Tibet.

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cdf26f No.256613

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cdf26f No.256718

Wouldn't the moon rock bombs just burn up in the atmosphere?

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cdf26f No.256848


Yes, or miss earth after being thrown. He's just too stupid to know that. This guy is the gift that keeps on giving. The other 2 Who's are not even close to the level of stupid and funny Wu is. Just when you think the well is dry, shit like this happens.

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cdf26f No.256851


Zoe Quinn is a manipulator with severe, untreated BPD. Anyone familiar with BPD will spot all the symptoms a mile away. More than anything else, I feel sorry for her, because she has a serious mental disease and everyone around her just enables it.

Anita Sarkessian makes me feel nothing, because she is nothing. Her whole personality in her videos is reading some junk written on a teleprompter. Her job is to stare blankly at a camera and repeat things other people told her.

Brianna Wu, of the three, is the true lolcow. >she is absolutely insane and says crazy stuff, and the best part is she gets a major platform because she has friends at CNN and tons of >her parents money.

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cdf26f No.256957

LMFAO Null has a top secret war room where he is trying to get users to help him sink her campaign.

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cdf26f No.256973


It's like there's some record they feel like they have to correct to the public. This can't backfire on anyone at all.

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cdf26f No.256974


Did people at least try to tell him that Johnny has no chance of winning at all?

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cdf26f No.256977


Dynastia wants to help Wu to win, or so I've heard.

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cdf26f No.256981


Is Dynastia some kind of god? Does he have experience in working miracles? Because that's what it will take

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cdf26f No.256989

Dynastia is shitposting, but I would love to see Wu win. Why people want to stand in the way of lolcow success I will never know. If Wu wins and Wu is a lolcow, then the fall will be priceless.

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cdf26f No.256992


>Why people want to stand in the way of lolcow success I will never know

Because Johnny has genuine mental problems and will troll his power. He's already talked about trolling his power. He's only funny when he's not making life miserable for people who genuinely didn't deserve it.

Not that it matters, he won't win.

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cdf26f No.256999


Zoe Quinn is such a terrible human being that I have no pity for her even if she has legit mental health problems. I agree with your take more on Anita though, even if both managed to ride their 15 minutes all the way to the UN. (But really, all that does is illustrate how even more worthless the UN has managed to become since the cold war ended, if such a thing was possible.)



I'm mixed. On the one hand I want to see Wu win as well, because he would only discredit the Democratic Party further. It's incredibly easy to see him get snarky, pissy, and underhanded even with his supposed allies. The fact he's even mounting a campaign at all should have Democrats leery. Of course, I don't want to see the American polity as we know it take a legitimacy hit due to Wu winning. But since he has no chance in hell, it's a moot point to worry.

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cdf26f No.257001


UN was always pretty worthless.

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cdf26f No.257002


Oh, I know. But they went full first world problems with letting Zoe and Anita speak.

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cdf26f No.257006


Speak? More like whining and want censorship on their haters because of their feelings hurts. They really are liars and they suck.

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cdf26f No.257010

Does anyone remember or have screenshots of when


first started running for office and was talking about what arcade cabinets they wanted in their office? I remember it was a good bit of drama where one of multiple people who were voting in


district were like "why are you even talking about that? Where do you stand on boring municipal issues???" I can't remember Wu's reaction but I assume it was entertaining.

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cdf26f No.257014


Not only that, but the moon escape velocity is 2.4km/kgs. In order to throw a 1kg rock at earth, they would need an cannon that accelerated the rock to 2400m/s — or 8640km/h.

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cdf26f No.257023


Saudi Arabia is on the UN Human Rights Commission.

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cdf26f No.257025


The rock won't hit Earth with ecape velocity, but terminal velocity due to air-resistance. This is generally slower than the escape escape velocity

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cdf26f No.257052

If any of you have a foxdick account I suggest logging in and checking out Null's "war room" it is great cocks.

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cdf26f No.257065


Not to mention the energy requirements of all of that would be orders of magnitude more than just using that energy on who you are trying to attack

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cdf26f No.257464


I don't want her campaign to sink, there are so many more laughs to be had

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cdf26f No.257475


You think this is the end? Wu is the gift that keeps on giving, anon. Don't worry. He'll be here for a long time.

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cdf26f No.257480


I think that it's only going to get better. Imagine there's going to be a few more news interviews and my fingers are crossed extra hard for a primary debate! Who knows, Wu's campaign might end with Representative completely unheard of Republican.

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cdf26f No.257525


>beta nerd virgins

It's what they do.

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cdf26f No.257543

Kind of surprised Wu's token sci-fi issue is space rocks rather than life extension and other explicit medical advancements. Theoretical immortality/eternal youth/improved looks (including advances in plastic surgery to at least try and look more female) seems way more up his alley and is rather more likely to be an actual class-based issue than moon rock genocide.

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cdf26f No.257558


someone post pics of her beautiful visage for my peen plz.

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cdf26f No.257808


>jeopardies human life by fucking the weather up with space rocks

>it's okay though because he didn't directly jeopardize human life via mass murder

This is what Charfags actually believe

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cdf26f No.257822

File: 54f77c3c9b2b3e9⋯.jpg (79.19 KB,508x436,127:109,u frustrated.jpg)


>dropping rocks from the moon

You do that from orbit, you stupid tranny fuck. The Moon has its own fucking gravity, that's why it's a sphere and not a blob.

I weep for whatever shithole she's running as a congresssubhuman for.

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cdf26f No.257828

a draw fag needs to draw Flynt on the moon throwing rocks at earth

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cdf26f No.257830


He was saving humanity by forcing them to evolve. All so they'd understand better why he had to drop a giant rock on them to force them to evolve in the first place.

Even though he and Amuro didn't understand each other for shit

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cdf26f No.257831


And I thought Mobile Fighter was the dumbest thing to come out of the Gundam franchise.

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cdf26f No.257833


>I weep for whatever shithole she's running as a congresssubhuman for.

Probably the district that contains Harvard and MIT.

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cdf26f No.257892

File: 77566939ccd569e⋯.jpg (151.13 KB,948x1342,474:671,WUUUUUUUUUUUULAD.jpg)

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cdf26f No.257916


>Implying dropping rocks from orbit would be any better

>Implying there's anything better than ICBMs with nukes

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cdf26f No.257918


For what definition of "better"? Titanium rods dropped from orbit are precise weapons that don't leave fallout, nukes are city-killers that salt the earth for hundreds of years. They're fundamentally different animals.


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cdf26f No.257923


>Salt the earth for hundreds of years

Unfortunately, life isn't Dr. Strangelove and nukes don't work that way.

They're better, since they're far more powerful, just as accurate, and aren't an absolutely massive waste of resources which orbits where everybody can see it.

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cdf26f No.257924


He wishes. It's a working class district. The incumbent there has been unbeaten since 2001

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cdf26f No.257925


You've never seen CCA? It's good actually. Confusing, because Tomino cut the novel it was based on in half and only animated the second half. But it's good nonetheless.

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cdf26f No.257930


Harvard maybe, I can't see MIT going for Wu. He's already proven his embarrassing lack of scientific knowledge.

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cdf26f No.257931


I didn't say I thought it sounded bad, just that Char's reasonings are dumber than Trump deciding to build a giant laser boxing ring around the Earth to protect from illegal space aliens or trannies launching Moon rocks.

Or, is Char supposed to be completely batshit in this movie? If that's the case, then I take back what I said and I'll check it out.

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cdf26f No.257975


Basically his reasonings are bullshit. He doesn't really care about Zeon, his father's ideals or the advancement of humanity. He just wants another fight with Amuro Ray and will attempt to drop a giant rock on Earth just to get it.

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cdf26f No.258239



Hey you know what never existed? Inflation art of Brianna Wu.

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cdf26f No.258240

File: 02f21990bbeef9a⋯.png (793.89 KB,966x542,483:271,upload_2017-3-10_23-39-9.png)

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cdf26f No.258251


It wouldn't shock me if Char and Wu had more in common than just being preoccupied with dropping large rocks from space onto Earth. It wouldn't shock me if Brianna Wu liked the underage

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cdf26f No.258252


His wig's coming off


Transsexuals often tend to be paedophiles

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cdf26f No.258274


>Transsexuals often tend to be paedophiles

Speaking of, has Nyberg already been vanned?

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cdf26f No.258275


Actually, thinking about it, if you watch/read The Origin, Char's a fucking sociopath, although not to Wu levels despite killing many people.


I don't think anything came of that. Milo was a cockgobbling faggot as usual

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cdf26f No.258279


Nyberg's most recent tweet was 3 hours ago, has a Patreon with 44 backers paying Nyberg $166 a month and still has a sizeable audience. I'd say that Nyberg is still free. Otherwise, I can see Milo waving around a Polaroid asking if people have seen this man.

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cdf26f No.258281


>has a Patreon with 44 backers paying Nyberg $166 a month

You know, Nyberg's one of few on this board that really do deserve a shotgun to the face

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cdf26f No.258282


Used to be overshadowed by Nick Bate, but now that Sick Nick is behind bars, it's time for a new cow to send to the slaughterhouse.

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cdf26f No.258283


What is it with guys named Nick and children?

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cdf26f No.258285


Maybe it has something to do with Nickelodeon.

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cdf26f No.258328

File: a9cd5c8ba7b3381⋯.gif (29.18 KB,500x475,20:19,you-tried.gif)

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cdf26f No.258352


It could be worse. You could be the shittiest human being on the planet and if your victimhood story can still sell, it'll make bank. Like so: https://www.patreon.com/zoe

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cdf26f No.258355

File: 21d97989bb59eb9⋯.jpg (47.73 KB,575x707,575:707,C6qw8uzV0AAPA1U.jpg large.jpg)

File: 3d9c0df2bb07f02⋯.jpg (88.88 KB,593x704,593:704,excuse me im an engineer.jpg)

Our favorite engineer almost got caught in some phishing scam by those sneaky Russians


Unfortunately Nyberg's cousin is an adult now and the family didn't wanted to get dragged into the drama. Even if they wanted the crime has already prescribed so there's nothing here to make the police interested on him

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cdf26f No.258365


What a fag

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cdf26f No.258367


Quinn's scum but I don't think she actually tried to molest children. She probably still deserves a shotgun to the face but not as bad as Nyberg

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cdf26f No.258400


>It is an unconsciously sexist assumption.

It's a damn fact that goblins have a natural -2 INT modifier.

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cdf26f No.259991

Has anyone seen who he is trying to beat?


>Lynch was previously an ironworker and lawyer, and served in both chambers of the Massachusetts General Court.

>He became the ironworker union's youngest president at age 30 while attending the Wentworth Institute of Technology.

>He received his J.D. from Boston College Law School in 1991.

>He won a special election to represent the state's 9th district in the United States House of Representatives in 2001, and has been re-elected ever since.

>He currently sits on the Financial Services Committee and the Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

>Lynch provided free legal services to 14 teenagers, all white, who were accused of physically attacking a Hispanic teenager and harassing the family of his white girlfriend over a period of six months. Lynch, who claimed the youths had been "overcharged," helped some of the teenagers to avoid criminal charges and eviction by the BHA.

(You know he's going to harp on this relentlessly as well as…)

>He was arrested in 1977 for smoking marijuana at a Willie Nelson concert at the Illinois State Fair, leading to a $50 misdemeanor fine. He was again arrested in 1979 for assault and battery of six Iranian students at an anti-American protest in Boston, a charge which was later dropped. Around this time, he developed "a problem with alcohol," leading him to join Alcoholics Anonymous. (He reportedly stopped after meeting his future wife several years later, although he continued to attend occasional meetings through the 2000s.)


>Lynch was a one-time tax delinquent.[9] In the mid-1980s the city of Boston placed liens on four properties he owned due to several thousand dollars of unpaid property taxes. He owed $2,000 in overdue taxes to the state of Massachusetts from 1985 to 1998, and for several years owed $4,000 to the federal IRS.


>He opposed a hate-crimes bill which would make racially charged language a felony, and harkened back to the 1994 racial violence case as an example.


>He is pro-life[48] and has been attacked by pro-choice group NARAL.[49] He sided with conservatives in the 2005 Terri Schiavo case, voting for federal court intervention in the case.[50] In more recent years, he has advocated for and defended funding for Planned Parenthoood. He has sided with Democratic leaders on gay rights issues, however, opposing a Federal Marriage Amendment and supporting granting medical benefits to domestic partners of federal employees.


>A supporter of American intervention in the Middle East, Lynch has made twelve trips to Iraq and a total of ten trips to Afghanistan and Pakistan.[54] Part of the purpose of these visits was to ensure accountability in reconstruction projects.[39] He voted for the Iraq War authorization in 2002, against the Democratic House leadership, and later voted to continue funding the war.

Long story short, this guy should be able to run circles around John Flynt and I hope they get to debate because that's gonna be amazing.

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cdf26f No.259995


If this guy wanted to and if the Democrats wanted him (which they wouldn't) he could become president

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cdf26f No.260193

So how did Wu's "town hall meeting" go?

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cdf26f No.260371


I hope it went well. I want to see how long this can go on for. I want to see him almost make it and fail. Then all he can say is "I almost did it." for years. Thats's right John "almost." just like you "almost" made a game and not a pile of shit.

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cdf26f No.261378

Is there an explanation why Johnnie boy is manlier with his balls cut off and HRT than his fatass or his Buffalo Bill university days?


Yeah but the DNC is set on two paths either going KILL WHITEY FUCK YEAH DIVERSITY or running another neoliberal centrist who appeals to sheltered well-off urbanites. In short they're royally fucked.

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cdf26f No.261507

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cb17fe No.270667

File: c07c619ab023b84⋯.jpg (73.05 KB,589x362,589:362,briannawumonster.jpg)

Another cringeworthy "Brianna Wu For Congress" videos in the works. They're just begging to go viral on the internet.

https://foxdickfarms.netPLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORDs/brianna-walker-wu-john-walker-flynt.23639/page-910#post-2295123

https://foxdickfarms.netPLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORDs/brianna-walker-wu-john-walker-flynt.23639/page-910#post-2295189

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cb17fe No.270737

Brianna Wu at the JCSU: "GamerGate are the KKK of the game industry!"

Talk about beating a dead horse, just because his game sucks.


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5e6c16 No.270739


His entire career has been about beating a dead horse

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81100e No.270742


The fact that G Gundam was dumb is the entire appeal of it. It's meant to be a goofy superhero-ball-z series


That hairline is horrifying


Does he actually think LeEbinRussianHackers are baiting him? Talk about unwarranted self importance


>implying he actually has a career

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f56a17 No.270744



>dropped from the moon


Why not just use intra-amosphere asteroids? Better yet, make aerodynamic projectiles that don't burn up in atmosphere.

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95a503 No.271244


the dude is beloved in his district for basically being a Republican in all but party affiliation.

Brianna's campaign is going to crash and burn, considering >her platform is full far-left social justice.


which one is the scary one?

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95a503 No.271246


>interviewer asks why John hasn't tweeted about wikileaks despite tweeting all day about stupid shit

>"i-if you were an engineer like me you'd know that wikileaks isn't important"

surely the irony isn't lost to John that he just mansplained to the interviewer?


>"you've said you identified as queer growing up. in what way were you queer?"

>"I… I used to be bisexual! yeah that"

kek, that interviewer really did do her research. she was trying to get John to admit he's a tranny.

Johnny's """secret""" trannyism is really going to bite him in the ass the instant he goes up against someone who isn't coy about pushing the issue. politics isn't a field where you can get away with being deceptive about something so integral to your identity.

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185f6b No.271279


>"I… I used to be bisexual! yeah that"

Leave it to John Boy to get caught on his back foot that easily, not realizing that this is tame compared to what he's going to have to answer should he continue down this road. The twitter meltdown alone should be one for the ages.

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49c91b No.282051

File: 4a8b7d6f1ef2380⋯.png (43.73 KB,634x372,317:186,1503529470962.png)

The Wu Wang Klan is back, baby.

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38d3f6 No.282055


PLUMPF will never recover from this. Watch hyr win the 2020 election with Sophie Labelle as xir running mate.

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307a5a No.282058


A liberal Zeon Zanscare AEUG lawyer professor and psychoframe doctor was teaching a class on Zeon Deikun, known Spacenoid

”Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Zeon and accept that he was the most highly-evolved being the world has ever known, even greater than General Revel!”

At this moment, a brave, patriotic, pro-Earth Titans Pilot champion who had served 1500 tours of duty and understood the necessity of war and fully supported all military decision made by the Earth Federation stood up and held up a rock.

”Where is this rock from, pinhead?”

The arrogant professor smirked quite Zeekishly and smugly replied “The Asteroid belt, you stupid Earthnoid”

”Wrong. It’s Came from our mother earth. If it was from the asteroid belt and evolution, as you say, is real… then it should be a Newtype now”

The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of The Life & Times of Ghirin Zabi. He stormed out of the room crying those Zeek Z’gok tears. The same tears zeeks cry for the “spacenoids” (who today live in such luxury that most own refrigerators) when they jealously try to claw justly earned wealth from the deserving Earthnoid job creators. There is no doubt that at this point our professor, Ghiren Van Aznable Haman, wished he had pulled himself up by his bootstraps and become more than a sophist AEUG professor. He wished so much that he had a zaku to blow himself up from embarrassment, but he himself had petitioned against them!

The students applauded and all enlisted in the EFSF that day and accepted Jamitov as their lord and savior. An eagle named “Bask” flew into the room and perched atop the Federation Flag and shed a tear on the chalk. The pledge of allegiance was read several times, and Revel himself showed up and enacted anti zeon movements across the board

The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He died of the zeek plague SPACE AIDS and his soul floated off into space because it wasn’t bound by mother Earth’s gravity.

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be04d0 No.282088


>Impeaching Jrumpf

That's certainly not an unrealistic and tired talking point. That's still fresh, original, plausible and actually has a realistic chance of happening.

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45d17f No.282097


It's as realistic and plausible as the wealthy deciding to pull an Operation British on all the poorfags on Earth using moon rocks.

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d36b55 No.282102

File: def024d3f8d372a⋯.png (374.68 KB,500x374,250:187,superman-throwing-cross.png)

Rocks dropped from there? Who does she think w are sending to the moon? Pic related.

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da6cd7 No.282120


True, at this point, it seems like the most likely outcome will be that he'll resign.

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d36b55 No.282121


I'm not sure he has it in him to admit defeat at this point. Plus I just doubt the republicans in the house will vote to impeach. It's so gerrymandered right now that there is no way for a democratic majority to happen through midterms. Republicans are just better at rigging the system. That's not to say that democrats don't try. They're just bad at it.

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9d8cbf No.282268


Is this dumb tranny saying he is a populist?

Well jeez and here I thought populism = BAAAAD because muhdrumpf meme

As always is only bad when the other side does it

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c632e1 No.282273

File: 3f4736af7865c1a⋯.jpg (124.1 KB,900x1060,45:53,DG3ZpJUUQAAkUkV.jpg)


It's actually bad because it usually relies on the politics of hate mongering and ethnic grievances. It's rallying behind your baser instincts.

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be04d0 No.282274


>the most likely outcome will be that he'll resign

And that's about as likely as him getting abducted by aliens.

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be04d0 No.282275


>Actually saying/doing what the people want is bad because racism

Kids, this is your brain on marxism.

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8753ab No.282339


It's interesting that she's not even making the average American salary off of this. Imagine kicking off the chain of events that gets a shitposting billionaire into the oval office, pissing off the entire internet, and speaking in front of the UN about censoring the internet, yet still only making $30,000 a year in E - begging.

Small world.

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e29b4f No.282385


t. /leftycuck/

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d7fa84 No.284106

she's on Gab


try to spin it so it sounds like she joined the alt-right

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3e5584 No.291595

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is how a real womyn plays video games.

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fa3c95 No.291750


The one at top left.

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b3dc14 No.292153


>implying that faggit read heinlein

He probably got the idea from that shitty movie iron sky where a bunch of moon natzies start hurling rocks towards earth using flying saucers

Thats when I realized the finngols were truly a nation of spergs

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b3dc14 No.292164


Down to $2300, guess the free ride is over

The countdown to porn begins soon


Sounds like a fucking white male and that's the only argument mr.wu will use


Literally a shit-tier college


>he just mansplained to the interviewer

But mr.wu is a wuman!



What a fucking tranny retard


Underrated post

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7afa1f No.292222


I'd say Wu got it from Gundam, but I don't even he'd be smart enough to even understand the one with the bodysuits and giant sombreros in space.

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7afa1f No.292229


>Zoe Quinn's Patreon is at $2300 while Jim's is at $3600 3 years after nuking most of his old fanbase

If you ever wanted to see where the culture went, there you go.

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aec160 No.292754

File: 92e15bcfc0eae0f⋯.jpg (337.58 KB,1125x1558,1125:1558,the-wu-tang.jpg)

File: a49555695fb6fd8⋯.jpg (409 KB,1099x710,1099:710,johnny-boy.jpg)

Today in As The Wu Turns:

Johnny claims to have been "in high school" when the Monica Lewinsky scandal broke, but is sorry for the way she was treated. :'(

In reality, Johnny Flynt was in college and wrote a column reminding everyone that Monica Lewinsky is a whore. To ensure he was understood, Johnny added:

> Monica Lewinsky is a whore. I'm talking about the actual meaning of the word.

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fdfaee No.292758

So Larry Flynt is John Flynt's father? I never gave a shit about gamergate and only know of this thing from occasional dips in cow threads and Wheelie man movking the shit out if it.

If that is hid father do you think you could provoke a reaction by asking him if his daddy's porno buddies diddled him and that is why he is all fucked up and retarded.

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6353b9 No.292763


Source? This could be vital info.

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aec160 No.292764



The absolute state of /cow/

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26c558 No.292774


Did anyone went to twitter with that?


Don't be a retard

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aec160 No.292776


Not sure. Brianna has never admitted to being Johnny so it would be easy for him to ignore.

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8cfbfb No.294113

File: 39046dc73f25e03⋯.png (41.05 KB,637x428,637:428,upload_2017-11-28_12-8-49.png)

File: d43b7933ac976f6⋯.png (19.97 KB,592x296,2:1,upload_2017-11-28_12-9-51.png)

File: 6eead87456306cd⋯.png (55.23 KB,362x441,362:441,faf.png)


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8cfbfb No.294114

File: 824c308b44ec01f⋯.png (17.11 KB,590x237,590:237,upload_2017-11-28_12-9-17.png)

Oops forgot second cap

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031a1e No.294117



LMAO. Does anyone know what the polls look like? Does she have a chance in hell of winning?

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aec160 No.294120


Media isn't going to poll a congressional primary this far ahead of the vote. There are no indications that the incumbent is unpopular or endangered at all or that Wu is actually a contender. Contenders would be out knocking on doors 24/7 and doing everything to get him name in front of the people who would actually vote for him, they'd be lining up endorsements (which leads to fundraising).

Wu booked a theater to watch Star Wars and made a "campaign video" too long to air on TV and completely incoherent anyway, with a Chinese man dressed as Godzilla stomping around under a neon light.

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74f0fe No.294122


>Does she have a chance in hell of winning?

It's been said many times before. It's a working class district, with an incumbent who's been elected every term since 2001. He's basically a Republican in everything but name. When he first ran his competitors were 5 Democrats and 3 Republicans and they claimed they found it hard to think of points they disagreed on. Johnny wants to run on social justice and 'tech' issues and, what's more, he's disastrously incompetent. He's having a difficult time getting the 2000 signatures he needs to be able to run in the first place.

He has a snowball's chance in hell of winning

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74f0fe No.294123


He's in for a shock when he tries to enter the political arena

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d986fd No.294125


>get hired to do oppo research on Brianna Wu

>autists on the internet already dug up all the embarassing shit, right down to the Buffalo Bill comparisons from his old college mates

Imagine having to explain this creature to your boss, a 62 year old man with a distinguished political career in local and federal levels of government.

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74f0fe No.294130


Imagine that creature having to explain himself. It's not like Twitter or his safe spaces where he can just deny who he is and expect people to buy it. He has to fess up to who he is if he even wants the remotest chance of winning

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7adabc No.294133


This is what I've been wondering since day one. I don't know anything about his opponent but even on the chance that he wins he's going to try to continue to the political ladder and the first time Brianna has to face off with an actual republican opponent he's going to get ripped to shreds no holds barred.

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aec160 No.294142





The Lewinsky editorial is basically career poison. I think it would end not just Johnny's political aspirations (lol) but if they were reported by someone reputable (and actual media rather than some random Twitter guy), he would find them hard to run from.

You don't just give a vacant stare when someone confronts you with having called Monica Lewinsky, in an editorial, a whore who was asking for it.

Since everyone else seems to be sleeping on it… how do we do it?

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74f0fe No.294143


We wait until he's actually in the running, and then we give it to Stephen Lynch, his opponent.

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aec160 No.294145


Is there a place where he explicitly denies being John Flynt? I know the mountain of evidence that proves it, but one of the problems is the complexity of it.

He's literally lying about everything, down to claiming he was "only 17" when the Lewinsky scandal happened. That's just a completely gratuitous lie, too. Nobody even asked.

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7adabc No.294157


If you don't think foxdick fags haven't already drowned his opponent's email inbox with links to every shitty thing he's ever said or done you're naive as fuck. He has plenty of ammunition for Brianna during the election the problem is going to be having actual citations of these events. The old testimonial about him getting a restraining order against him for screeching racial slurs for example, is only documented on Null's lolcow wiki and a few other obscure places online. Unless people can get actual journalists to cover this kind of stuff all Brianna has to do is chalk it up to GooberGate soggy knees.

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7adabc No.294158

This :


Should've been a reply to this.


>Since everyone else seems to be sleeping on it… how do we do it?


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238f3f No.294166

I'm so excited to see him get destroyed politically, it's going to be so fun, in several different ways. I've seen several live shitshows unfold and I think while not the biggest one, this will be the funniest one.

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aec160 No.294168

File: 569a4751096a45d⋯.jpg (30.8 KB,563x352,563:352,569a4751096a45da5b8ae226e7….jpg)


Right. Johnny's opponent isn't going to "bring it up" so long as nobody knows "who the fuck Wu is." Lots of weird people run in primaries every year, there's really no point in stigmatizing a clown no one has even heard of.


This is actually not surprising, about the signature drive. That would require Johnny either standing out in public with a clipboard for quite a few weeks or paying people to do so.

From my time working in politics a very good canvasser at a very busy spot can average about 30 signatures an hour (they have to actually read what the people write down or they're useless when the petition signatures are challenged, which they always are for challengers.) It's really a grinding experience, because some people will just shrug and fill out their name & address but others (rightly) want a chance to rant about politics and find out what your candidate believes in.

Anyway, 2000/30 = about 66 man hours. And you can't just get to 2000 and stop because of the aforementioned challenge, which usually turns up people who can't be matched to voter rolls. But at this point I've put more effort toward Wu For Congress writing this post than Wu has.

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74f0fe No.294173


In the event that he's actually in the running people can always be produced who actually knew him back in college and pre-transition, not to mention his estranged parents. A congressman probably has a lot more resources in this area than your standard internet autist.

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a27488 No.294177


With how partisan things have become you’d have to literally produce charges of child molestation. Even then it might not be enough. It’s become about party over country.

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aec160 No.294179


It's Boston and it's a Democratic primary. In cities like Boston and Chicago and NYC, the primary is usually the "real" election because Republican organizations are microscopic.

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74f0fe No.294181


>This is actually not surprising, about the signature drive. That would require Johnny either standing out in public with a clipboard for quite a few weeks or paying people to do so.

His solution is basically to e-beg for $25,000, which he says will go towards paying for a con where he can get the requisite number of people and get them to sign for him. He's this delusional

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74f0fe No.294222


I think 'Fraud who lies about his real name, his education (because you know at some point he's going to flaunt his supposed degrees) and his background' would be more than enough to disqualify him from the race even in a district where the constituents are likely to be hospitable to him, never mind this one where the constituents are apathetic if not completely against everything he stands for

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aec160 No.294229


Haha wow. Yeah, that's an elegant solution: rather than paying people to stand in shopping malls and parking lots collecting signatures, throw a convention and invite them all to one space.


Trips don't lie, but I don't think it's even going to get to that part. Even if Johnny doesn't take the first opportunity to depart (while claiming some kind of systematic problem that makes it harder for people to run for Congress from their Twitter feed), he really is so unknown locally that he'll just be another goof.

You know what would be really fun, though? In Chicago, for years, a professional clown ran for the Republican nomination for mayor every year. And every year he won, because enough members of the mayor's electoral machine would cross over to vote and make sure he won that primary. I can't imagine Republicans could pull this off to elect Johnny in the primary to ensure an easy R pick-up but it would be fucking hilarious.

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d6ff4f No.294246


Nobody has to ask because it's something that trannies organically create over a long term process. They desperately wish to become a fictionalized personality in their heads and basically world-build an alternate history timeline for themselves. People like Wu have their self-image's prevaricated life history and adventures memorized like some spergs can spout the biography of a Star Trek character. Eventually they just start trying to fake it until they make it and relate those tidbits of information in lieu of reality. My friend used to follow the Faceberg account of a fag he knew in college who eventually decided to transition and now said fag is basically using social media to roleplay claiming that he was born in a different state 5 years later than he was and graduated with a completely different major of study.

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aec160 No.294260


That's interesting. You might remember this story about a tranny that called himself "Dr. V." and who claimed to create a "magical golf club." Much of the selling was based around Dr. V's supposed credentials as a scientist. A writer started investigating and found a bunch of holes in the story, typical of the kind of things con-men lie about (in fact, his ex-wife's brother, when he died, said "Well there's one less con-man in the world.") He even wrote like Chris Chan, with randomly capitalized words and odd punctuation. The tranny even threatened to kill him at one point.

Dr. V. killed himself when it was close to being published, and the writer and publication accused of "transphobia" because they said a guy who claimed to have a degree from MIT didn't have a degree from MIT. It's really quite amazing to read back on it now, but it's exactly what you're talking about with the added dimension that a writer simply trying to find out who invented this device with amazing properties was.


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a27488 No.294286


That's not true of NYC. Especially in Mayoral elections

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f8cdf2 No.294310


>with a Chinese man dressed as Godzilla stomping around under a neon light.

Gee, wonder who that could've been.

I kinda wish he does win the primary just to give us another red seat in the house, and to make things worse for his cause than if he'd never gotten involved.

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7adabc No.297502

File: d7aa9d8ccfa01db⋯.png (418.8 KB,580x682,290:341,lzpyce.png)


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fe3680 No.297536

File: 09f13e9e6ea343c⋯.jpg (96.82 KB,652x652,1:1,09f13e9e6ea343cc94c4ea0006….jpg)


>Bitcoin will use all energy on Earth by 2020


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8dc3af No.297538


what the fuck are you talking about? with the exception of bloomberg buying off the democratic donor groups and buying ballot lines to basically be a republican/independent in name only, New York's mayoral elections follow that description to a t.

It took Giuliani 3 runs at the office with dinkins fucking burning the city to the ground in the mean time for him to win by a tiny margin.

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aec160 No.297541


Eh he wanted to be myopic rather than wrong and succeeded. There's one Republican Congressman from New York City (Staten Island and some of Brooklyn).

His original post:


had zero relevance to Wu at all or even to the post he was replying to.

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dcf977 No.297542


>will use all energy on earth by 2020

Can someone please explain this to me? I get that Bitcoin rigs require a lot of juice but not nearly as much as say, a factory or a television station. That's like saying computers will use all of the world's energy because everyone has one now.

Besides, if that much energy was being used to produce Bitcoins, wouldn't that devalue the currency? I mean, I assume what gives BCs their value is the difficulty and resources it takes to produce them. If we had all energy on earth devoted to creating them, wouldn't inflation render them worthless? You'd be better off farming WoW gold.

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aec160 No.297546


It takes some effort to try to see anything from Johnny's perspective.

My guess is he saw an infographic about the increasing difficulty of mining 1 bitcoin from bitcoin's inception into the future, and it concluded with something like "At this rate it will take more energy than the world produces in 1 year to mine a single bitcoin."

Which has nothing to do with ANYTHING AT ALL but it's probably all he actually knows about bitcoin and brandished it to see knowledgable. Johnny strikes me as the type of person that just gobbles up bits of pointless trivia rather than knowledge.

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dcf977 No.297567


Right, but that would be a very poor understanding of the issue, then. Just because it would "require" all the world's energy for a year to create a single bitcoin doesn't mean that those resources would be allocated towards it.

Fuckin' Wuwu.

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aec160 No.297572

File: c188fb8d23aedae⋯.jpg (153.5 KB,607x844,607:844,wuwuw.jpg)



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630ffd No.297574

File: b24b4d93d672112⋯.png (50.59 KB,589x534,589:534,My Final Form.png)



That's right, goyim. Keep playing with my monopoly money, or else you'll crash the world's power grids in time for Drumpf's reelection. Do you really want to send us back to the evil, bigoted 1950's in your greedy pursuit of freedom from central banking cartels? I didn't think so!

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242192 No.297583


Does this mean that I should finally get into bitcoins?

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91bdbf No.297857

File: 8ca54deb2823caa⋯.png (77.57 KB,200x191,200:191,8ca54deb2823caa3594d7e16f8….png)



>tfw I'm a /co/ writefag and last week I wrote that in the far FAR future the government secretly transforms the information from e-currency traffic into energy to power a military officer's room as means to constantly devalue said currency.

It was just a small gag.

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120bc0 No.297883

File: afff2e3ed55cb84⋯.png (1.58 MB,1242x1765,1242:1765,wu porsche.png)

File: bf8d0079f1ebea7⋯.png (541.11 KB,1061x1440,1061:1440,wu m16.png)

File: 46ae32050e30c0c⋯.png (426.76 KB,1124x1176,281:294,wu time.png)

File: 647ce79c36d5fb4⋯.png (194.53 KB,1159x426,1159:426,wu.png)

He backed his car into something, or if you believe his story a 23 y.o. tried to pass him and hit him, and then the cop that took the report had an M-16 on the passenger seat.

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7afa1f No.297884


It's as believable as Johnny Flyntstone being born as a woman.

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f63811 No.297887


Not helping the "women can't drive" stereotype :^)

>i could name 50 things i need to be doing

Then stop tweeting trying to make your shitty driving about mass shootings and gun control somehow.

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a2fef9 No.297893


I've been in a situation before where I was unbelievably busy to the point where I didn't have time to just sit down and eat and I even had a set time to sleep and wake up so I would squeeze the most of the day before going to bed, and would wake up at the exact time needed to be just rested enough for the next day. Fortunately that didn't last long, but one thing I sure as hell didn't have time for back then was telling people on social media how busy I was.

There's some shit I'll never believe when I see people posting them on social media, and "I'm really busy right now" is on the top of my list.

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dcf977 No.297903

File: 32f5fb5978c97a7⋯.jpg (59.67 KB,700x368,175:92,fake-slashed-tire-tweet-la….jpg)


Now I'm reminded of Laura "Dirty Bloomers" Loomer and her tire. Just from the pic you could tell the tire was old, shitty and rotting and the damage looked more like it was caused by aging, poor conditions and possibly shitty driving.

Wu's story at least makes more sense, but it's full of the same kind of victim-narrative bullshit that makes me skeptical. It's very common to see people who are stuck in their own heads driving badly because they don't think about it and then blame it on other people.

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078e54 No.297991


>The police officer that wrote my acciden report had and M-16 assault rifle in his passenger seat.

Did fucking SWAT come out or something? Are cops even allowed to use something like that outside of extreme circumstances? He's fucking lying anyway and just looking for attention.

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630ffd No.297993


>police departments receive practically free milsurp from Iraq & Afghanistan because the government's desperate to offload it

>police departments aren't really sure what to do with it so they stick assault rifles in every cop car and fool around with MRAPs whenever they possibly can

<"It must be white people's fault! I bet it was those rascally Columbine kids again…"

How insane can one person be?

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251166 No.298033


I can confirm this is a thing, the police around here carry rifles in their cars and use them over the most mundane of situations

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7a0447 No.298052


>He's fucking lying anyway and just looking for attention.

When isn't he?

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9ac6ce No.298078




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db2219 No.306307

File: 4a8830a991306a3⋯.jpg (119.46 KB,953x523,953:523,GhostOfPastAltRight.jpg)


The alt-right? But… that's impossible: the alt-right is dead, remember? You killed it! Unless…

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078e54 No.306311


Remember that this is the guy that thinks a rock thrown from the moon would hit the Earth with the force of 100 nuclear bombs.

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aa91d5 No.378466

File: a5d221887754f20⋯.png (22.22 KB,1172x596,293:149,upload_2018-3-20_13-30-21.png)

Would you donate your hard-earned $20 to Brianna Wu? Or something else?

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ce46fe No.378496


Why I like to call her Tard Aznable or the Red Cockpit.

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9f0f87 No.378646


I know this post is over 2 months old but still:

> "Bolder" in a borderless white "light" (as in thin) font over the white Capitol dome.

Great design choice there.

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54ae52 No.379262


>Tard Aznable

I giggled

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7a0c3c No.406131

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bumping thread thread because a lot of chatter in the Wheaton thread.





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3c8412 No.406751

File: c26f9ffb79a50a0⋯.jpg (16.33 KB,255x251,255:251,john4.jpg)

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660f94 No.406791



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dc2407 No.438534

File: 9f7f82abb745b8a⋯.jpeg (214.58 KB,1200x1049,1200:1049,10981C6A-45E4-4108-AFE7-B….jpeg)

File: 41d6fab67beeb9c⋯.png (63.05 KB,590x259,590:259,gamergaaaaaaaaaate.png)

File: 28e62d7c79a553c⋯.png (1.44 MB,1440x1080,4:3,upload_2018-5-7_22-0-10.png)

File: 8d0dee6ab69ae66⋯.png (1.98 MB,1440x958,720:479,warrenlynchsoywu.png)

File: e4f7c336aedaca4⋯.png (31.68 KB,352x102,176:51,we5nZtM.png)

Just dumping some random Brianna Wu stuff.

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577bb9 No.438553

File: ded0a64004640cd⋯.png (201.21 KB,419x421,419:421,warren i am growing strong….png)

File: e6ed02d93146cde⋯.png (307.63 KB,510x488,255:244,coffee.png)

File: c47f1eb6fc5d050⋯.png (256.27 KB,512x511,512:511,warren.png)

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4fc8ad No.438971

File: 95933f5c6801c17⋯.jpg (16.13 KB,326x368,163:184,brianna.flynt.wu.jpg)


I'll just leave this here.

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170d1b No.438987



Should've gone with ABriannaFutature

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5014d7 No.439169

File: a3c9d0093acc9cf⋯.gif (1.73 MB,480x360,4:3,krusty wants out.gif)


>undergoing surgery to have your penis removed

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1f3921 No.473441

File: 790f826dbdabde5⋯.jpg (74.81 KB,585x606,195:202,IMG_20180709_103103.jpg)

Do we have someone to record this shit ?

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29f21e No.473442


>The Fifth Reich

This dude is dumber than a sack of hammers.

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ca2b13 No.473474

File: a5955af6ff9b593⋯.gif (3.79 MB,326x354,163:177,BriannaWuhehaw.gif)


It's kind of terrifying. As ugly as he always was, trannydom is such a flimsy facade. Within a matter of years their face and body, monstrous though they may have been, just start to completely fall apart.

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ca2b13 No.473477

File: c98e31d27df9c67⋯.png (57.78 KB,742x440,371:220,1q-fundraising-wu-thing.png)

While I'm here, I noticed 1Q fundraising reports have been out for awhile.

Johnny increased his cash on hand more sevenfold! Unfortunately that means he only has $3000.

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f61268 No.473499

File: 988640d096ed3db⋯.png (379.35 KB,577x863,577:863,wu tang man.png)

how much money would we need to raise to get smegmaking on the ballot opposite wu so he could debate it?

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29f21e No.473505


How did she spend $47,000 already? Something tells me this is her latest scam.

Article related: http://archive.is/Wr0uo

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ca2b13 No.473536

File: 887a84bc37fd377⋯.jpg (21.54 KB,600x338,300:169,CdzU6hEUIA0Ppje.jpg)

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5d0374 No.473704


>if he'd turn off the TV and read a history book

>Hitler and the Fifth Reich

wew lad

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ca2b13 No.473722

File: 3aa57aa279759a6⋯.png (223.55 KB,1213x707,1213:707,wu-ting-3.png)

File: f42f1a123be2817⋯.png (254.2 KB,1196x809,1196:809,wu-ting-2.png)

File: a6a538e86d4a89f⋯.png (223.95 KB,1214x681,1214:681,wu-ting-1.png)

File: 15854bfbd1eee85⋯.png (213.7 KB,1233x831,411:277,wu-ting-4.png)

File: 10aeaa16266c57e⋯.png (241.55 KB,1205x856,1205:856,wu-ting-5.png)



The best stuff is in the older ones. As he gets closer to the election Johnny has found it harder and harder to raise money to defray the cost of his lunches, crosscountry trips and, oh yeah, "reimbursements." He appears to have closed his office (which had no full time employees) because he couldn't afford the rent and nobody was ever there anyway.

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aa2647 No.473723

File: da972296bd06d5a⋯.pdf (1.12 MB,John Flynt for Clowngress ….pdf)

File: 5cd4cd49e419fd7⋯.pdf (125.69 KB,John Flynt for Clowngress ….pdf)

File: 6b422dcfbf6e934⋯.pdf (507.55 KB,John Flynt for Clowngress ….pdf)

File: 7137b585b696217⋯.pdf (450.78 KB,John Flynt for Clowngress ….pdf)

File: dc71fd266f3765f⋯.pdf (171.92 KB,John Flynt for Clowngress ….pdf)


Downloaded these files.

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20c555 No.473784


hahaah good job. On one hand I wanted this to be serious for the meme potential, on the other hand I think the scam angle is hilarious and we should contact his donors to tell them they're being defrauded/get an FEC audit.

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77bc78 No.473790





Quit larping.

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20c555 No.473799


>on this board we love our cows and only observe

k faggot.

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77bc78 No.473841


Don't misunderstand me, I don't have a problem with seeing them sperg out because some anon tweeted at them, but this larping about contacting some up and coming congressman and getting him to use random information he got from basement dwellers is a fucking joke. Wu will withdraw or fade into irrelevance, this larp about engineering some political downfall is simply cringey.

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5d0374 No.473870


>lunches, crosscountry trips and, oh yeah, "reimbursements."

Holy shit. My noggin is a joggin. Who could have seen this coming? Oh right, literally everyone that's not retarded.

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f03802 No.473914


Fuck off Sargon.

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77bc78 No.473916


Larp more, faggot.

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2b4002 No.473977


>this larping about contacting some up and coming congressman and getting him to use random information he got from basement dwellers is a fucking joke. Wu will withdraw or fade into irrelevance, this larp about engineering some political downfall is simply cringey

You're too verbose. Just say DO IT FAGGOT until the faggot does it.

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3e3191 No.491060

File: 2bbcf59169d1103⋯.png (634.76 KB,763x6900,763:6900,wu_convo.png)

File: 5535b439107b2ae⋯.png (449.12 KB,654x1287,218:429,f67904d3-e9bb-43d0-93cc-6d….png)

Brianna has autistic blood on his hands

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69e557 No.491123


So why did Paypal take the money?

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f65151 No.491169


I think Chloe was the one who did a fake kickstarter to buy HRT? I remember she made her first thread for that scam on a forum I used to frequent, The Indie Stone forums. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Cunt almost got me banned.

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55c0a3 No.491705

File: 937a7af13de898d⋯.jpg (27.67 KB,485x364,485:364,1426450247066.jpg)


Yeah. Chloe was the one who said that he had a piece of metal lodged in his heart and it was poisoning him so he started a IndieGoGo to get it removed. But, some game journalist from Dtoid started digging and he found that Chloe was really a dude and there was no metal shard in his heart and he was really gonna use the money to cut his dick off. Chloe then got the journo fired for "transphobia" and then had a suicide stream where he took a bunch of pills but Chloe called the cops before the stream. It's nice to see that Chloe had the balls to finally off himself especially by immolation.

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9bdcd0 No.491729


People claimed he said "I didn't think it would hurt this bad." before dying off third degree burns, so who knows what was his plan. https://archive.fo/58FD1#selection-621.74-621.113

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3e3191 No.491774


He basically opened a kick starter because he was apparently dying of metal poisoning or something like that, but then he used the money to cut his dick off

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d16458 No.492108

File: 9c8c4ce67b5738f⋯.jpg (23.55 KB,512x378,256:189,1424426143060.jpg)


>Self-immolation infront of a crowd of sensetive portland faggots

If he was half as hardcore in life as he was in death, he might not have grown up to be a unsalvageable tranny wreck.

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dc2407 No.500596

File: 5f23bb2ff72e39e⋯.jpg (112.87 KB,590x704,295:352,briannawutotalbiscuitdeath.jpg)

Brianna Wu is still happy that TotalBiscuit passed away because of, you guessed it, GamerGate. And he calls himself a congresswoman?

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374dec No.501405


be sure to tell democrats, and any media stating that Gab's a cesspool of white supremacists, that Wu has a account on Gab (https://gab.ai/Spacekatgal)

that way, they'll think Wu's a white supremacist, and luls will ensue

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ca2b13 No.530056

File: 37de3a4419ed110⋯.jpg (212.75 KB,1103x650,1103:650,wu-thing-klan.jpg)

File: 4dc75a08fe5807e⋯.png (99.04 KB,719x350,719:350,11-.png)

File: 34de12378f56411⋯.png (65.24 KB,695x251,695:251,exhausted.png)

File: aeb49c44b28ca25⋯.png (145.31 KB,669x535,669:535,moon-rocks.png)

File: 5b8254b7941a85c⋯.png (126.86 KB,688x433,688:433,save-us.png)

We need a Wu-pdate. Election is next Tuesday. Kotaku spent a hectic day with Brianna and Frank sitting inside all day and then talking to voters for a whole hour, and despite their best attempts, hilarity still ensued. Wu admits he has no shot at winning but insists he'll run again in 2020.

He's also still ranting about the moon rocks.


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ca2b13 No.530060

File: 348b8495bf0b77f⋯.png (80.28 KB,555x429,185:143,dont-show-them-how-i-look.png)

File: 02e7060d6aaaa9c⋯.png (342.55 KB,546x706,273:353,angery.png)

Wu also made "news" by claiming that the Boston Globe intentionally used ugly pictures of him.


Google "shame and narcissistic rage in autogynephilic transsexualism" to understand what's going on here. Wu, like most trannies, believes he looks like an anime princess. When they get called "sir" or have a glimpse of how the world really views them, it's a shattering experience and they usually react violently.

These two posts represent the entirety of Wu's pre-election coverage 4 days before the vote.

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5ae676 No.530071



Imagine getting any press coverage. Most candidates get none unless they can afford a paragraph in the paper.

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5d0374 No.530094


Already starting the 'oh poor me look how muh soggy knees is keeping me from running plz gibs more monies!' I see.

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ca2b13 No.530216


Even better, imagine being some working class Masshole and some six foot tall tranny walks up to you in cats eye glasses and says in a baritone HI I'M ONE OF THE WOMEN RUNNING FOR CONGRESS. The things you'd hear if you mic'd those guys up as soon as Johnny and Frankie slinked off.

But I'm pretty sure even this one hour canvass was strictly for show for the idiot from Kotaku. There is no indication that he's campaigned at all. He got free media every time he opened his mouth but was just too lazy to even bother with that most of the time.

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5ae676 No.530242


>was just too lazy to even bother with that most of the time

This seems to be an all too common theme with these """oppressed wymyn""".

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34c9c8 No.530350

File: 296f5b390e9cfce⋯.jpeg (30.1 KB,685x620,137:124,wow.jpeg)


>Bright anime hair

I bet that quote alone would suffice to kill your campaign, if she ever had any chance in hell

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b4ddf1 No.530369


So a tranny runs around playing pokemon go and claims this is politics?

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d16458 No.530381

File: 0374c1cd03188d4⋯.jpg (74.32 KB,678x365,678:365,bemused-priest.jpg)


Very succinctly put, anon.

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dc2407 No.532998

Yeesh. Vox published an all-softball interview with Wu by one of her most consistent ass patters, Anna North. I think this one merits going though line by line since it's such a horror show.


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aac79f No.533014


>Literally did a photo shoot with them


Literally Who strikes again… what's up with that? Is it years of teaching people to use flowery and emotional language that forces them to clarify every fucking statement they make? Is it because these people are so up their own asses and unstable that they only occasionally mean what they say and have to preface it with "literally"? How is it possible for such a useless word be that popular?

>Could you pass me the salt?

>Oh! So I look angry to you?

>No. I mean, literally the salt.

>Oh, I'm literally sorry, I literally didn't understand what you were literally saying.

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ca2b13 No.533028


It's plainly obvious he's not campaigning in any form that anyone would recognize. He never gives speeches, never sits in union halls and spent a grand total of 1 hour knocking on doors for the benefit of the cameras. Any reporter can see it and could verify it by just coming back at random times for a few days and likely seeing Wu sitting on his couch watching Netflix all day. Actual campaigning is labor intensive and expensive, you paper the district in your signs and leaflets and speak anywhere they will have you, especially when you're going against a popular incumbent.

Yet not one outfit has even suggested that what is plainly happening is happening. They're all pretending that this is real and important and "here's why that's a good thing."

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5fe2da No.533047

File: 3f7f41e5f5b4bfc⋯.png (396.62 KB,720x774,40:43,20180904_135133.png)

Brianna's primary is today and he's still acting like a retard.

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aac79f No.533102


Just that quote? The guy on the left looks like he's having a stroke. The guy on the right looks like he shat his pants and hopes no one notices. Then, Wu, right in the middle, looks downright batshit insane with wide-opened eyes and a demented grin on >her face. Brianna's reaction is of course "OMG, where's the dress!!!", completely obvious to how crazy >she looks in that picture.

>I have dressed professionally every day for 2 years to present myself as a serious candidate


What a fitting Twitter handle when you try to run for serious things and stuff.

The Vox article is just as incredible.

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ca2b13 No.533148

File: a5955af6ff9b593⋯.gif (3.79 MB,326x354,163:177,BriannaWuhehaw.gif)


I'm sure he'd answer that "spacekatgal" is more "relatable" and "the kind of politics that reaches millennials." Like when he wanted to invite all of his friends to watch The Last Jedi in a movie theater rather than hold "old fuddy duddy" campaign fundraisers.

It's kind of funny, I think Wu actually thought this would be a good way to keep grifting - why join someone's paypig when you can make a campaign contribution and change the world?!! - but realized all these expenses would be public and he would go to jail if he kept pouring all of his personal expenses into his campaign budget. Notice they spent tons in 2017, flying all over the country, but it slows to a trickle in 2018, when a real "candidate" would be ramping up spending:


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b511f6 No.533233

Looks like she got "Lynch"ed!

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dbad8d No.533243

>Incumbent U.S. Rep. Stephen Lynch of Massachusetts has fended off two Democratic primary challengers, including a Boston-based software engineer.

>The win means Lynch, first elected in 2001, is virtually ensured another two-year term in the 8th Congressional District. There are no Republicans on the November ballot.

Congratulations, Mr. Lynch.

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ca2b13 No.533245

File: d459e01a74d5eb9⋯.png (39.4 KB,610x293,610:293,literally.png)


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dc2407 No.533247

File: 64279aaf461ef6e⋯.png (316.74 KB,662x584,331:292,briannawudefeat.png)



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ca2b13 No.533257

File: 199fe0f87a2e3f1⋯.png (133.66 KB,583x629,583:629,wu-wu.png)


I forgot about all of his college antics when he would demand to be in the paper and then his parents just bought him whatever he wanted so he'd stop whining.

He's clearly learned that lesson: "I didn't try and didn't win so next time I want to get more of other people's money to buy it."

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ca2b13 No.533282

File: 5182290b6f29758⋯.png (138.25 KB,550x627,50:57,jewsican.png)


Apparently Johnny found the only Mexican Jew married to a US District Attorney in the world and called her a White Supreeemiss.

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5d0374 No.533305


The fact that John got more votes then anybody is nothing short of a miracle. At least he can celebrate his victory over sanity.

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24ea49 No.533308

File: cdb9735fdb214fd⋯.jpg (29.93 KB,499x499,1:1,🐸👌.jpg)



How long until he blames someone else for his loss?

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dbad8d No.533344


Considering he did next to nothing, I think he'll forget about it pretty quickly.

He seems to have become one of those boring "politicians" who run every term but never really try to get elected.

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bce7d5 No.533350


He got more votes because nobody knew who he was. It was a small local election, Johnny was never held up to any scrutiny. People seeing his name on the ballot probably thought he was a Chinese woman instead of whatever-the-fuck he really is

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ca2b13 No.533357

File: 0c262130b1d7d62⋯.png (284.41 KB,633x403,633:403,92dc95bb224c6e5cfe4185a420….png)


Yeah, Lynch is a pro-life democrat in a blue state. Since there's no opposition party to speak of in his district, he's going to have a certain % of the vote against him just on those grounds. For the last 8 years Lynch has won primaries and the generals with 98% when he's unopposed and a similar 70/30 he got here when he has a live body, whoever they are.

What surprises me is Johnny received no visible support at all from pro-choice and >women's groups. Very different than what's happening in other Dem primaries. I thought they'd be dumb enough to jump on board but they clearly looked at him and took a hard pass, despite Johnny's media acclaim as a brave feminist "activist."

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aac79f No.533365


The problem was obviously the picture with the anime hair (if I recall, the thing showed her new hair color and added: "look what years of gamergate did to me" - ow the edge). Therefore, the loss was caused by gamergate.


23.3%? Are you fucking kidding? I know Lynch still crushed Flynt, but how could Brianna get these votes at all? >She is dangerously incompetent at worst, unqualified at best not to mention paranoid, delusional, a compulsive liar and emotionally unstable

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ca2b13 No.533392

File: 02fa5b64ad989da⋯.jpg (149.91 KB,1069x1200,1069:1200,DmMqSdIVAAAbi0L.jpg)

File: bbac1a42375eb04⋯.jpg (97.58 KB,582x825,194:275,DmMqSF5VsAAeRkR.jpg)

File: eaee46e13282052⋯.jpg (47.32 KB,1200x391,1200:391,DmMtz6BV4AApOq3.jpg)

Found this, I can't believe he still denies this.

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4ef8b8 No.533437


That's because he's one of the older trannies that actually believe the concept of you've transitioned, you've done your surgeries, etc. You're now a woman.

Most trannies now think they don't have to put forth effort to become the gender they want and they believe transgender is its own gender now rather than being on the male/female binary.

The reason he won't own being trans is because he fundamentally can't because he would personally not believe that he could be anything other than a man or a woman now that he's gotten the cut. Remember, he's a Mississippi boy from the 80s at heart and mind.

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bce7d5 No.533477


>how could Brianna get these votes at all?

As I mentioned here >>533350 people voted for him because they don't know who the fuck he is. The 23% or whatever were presumably tired of Lynch and wanted to vote for somebody new. They probably wanted to vote for somebody non-white and if you didn't know anything else about the candidates and you saw the name 'Brianna Wu' on the ballot paper you might be forgiven for thinking 'that's a Chinese woman' rather than 'that's an insane white boy with a mutilated cock' that we naturally think because we know who he is.

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5fe2da No.533483


Also bear in mind that the Asian population must likely saw her last name and voted for her.

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374dec No.533504


>how could Brianna get these votes at all?

Wil Wheaton's followers tried to hack the election


someone should start a conspiracy theory saying that he murdered John Flynt. that's probably the only way he'll out himself

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ca2b13 No.533716

File: ce34499275063bd⋯.png (519.17 KB,640x480,4:3,iran-womens-soccer-team.png)


Thanks. That's pretty much the same concept that the Ayatollah Khomeini outlined for fags getting cut in Iran.

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552bc5 No.533745


>dangerously incompetent at worst, unqualified at best

You're gonna have to be more specific, that could be any politician. Towns elect literal dogs, voting's been a meaningless pageant ever since we lost our unity. Choose your favorite color of Jew.

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24ea49 No.534429

File: 96bcb6b0b3ce318⋯.jpg (32.51 KB,600x546,100:91,aww yeah wymyn.jpg)


>someone should start a conspiracy theory saying that he murdered John Flynt. that's probably the only way he'll out himself

Better yet, I'd like to hear that discussed in newsrooms before they inevitably refuse to go forward with it. There's no way that newsmen aren't talking shit behind the scenes.

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5fe2da No.537358


Brianna just posted her phone number in an email to campaign donors.

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dc2407 No.537520

Brianna Wu is obsessing over GamerGate again on this SyFy article.


Quote Brianna Wu: "I think that Donald Trump has unfortunately Gamergated the entire politics of America."

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b81342 No.537522


Imagine living life looking at everything through a filter that rates things on gamergate out of 10.

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2a4f71 No.537599

File: f072217c4c05cdf⋯.jpeg (412.71 KB,800x800,1:1,kek.jpeg)

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ca2b13 No.537672

File: afdd1f8703ca91d⋯.png (315.85 KB,632x307,632:307,gamergate.png)

File: 6d68d37fe6e3e9b⋯.jpg (432.28 KB,1280x1385,256:277,tumblr_nn2jssbX0N1u0r0dgo1….jpg)


Easy for you to say but GamerGate is BOMBING OUR NEIGHBORHOOD RIGHT NOW >:(

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5ae676 No.537691


Who is this hacker gamergate?

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b81342 No.578553

File: 43160f1f7f75cc6⋯.mp4 (6.78 MB,720x720,1:1,john flynt slowly going ma….mp4)

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a891ce No.794610

File: 8c98536d51056d2⋯.png (289.25 KB,1440x1942,720:971,muw8d33h6bj21.png)

>unsolicited opinions about firearms

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9498b7 No.794969


It's a good thing you CAN'T get a military combat rifle without an FFL and some of the most rigorous background checking and mental health evaluation in the world.

But you can still get a spooky AR-15! Oooooh!

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ac4fa6 No.795847


TBH this tweet has a point. If this tranny can get access to a firearm like that you need some serious changes to your system. Someone that mentally ill shouldn't be allowed to use a M16 with or without supervision.

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18cbb3 No.798236


The problem is that the system things trannies should be handling rifles in the mIddle-east while the government lists Christians as the largest terrorist group in America.

We might as well make it open-season for everyone. I'm already drinking heavily because I had to watch my dead Uncle's beautiful MAC-10 be destroyed by the ATF because my Dad watches too much CNN.

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5ae676 No.798616

>A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the Right of the People to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.

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b7fb61 No.915140

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Not sure if this was posted here already but Brianna Wu was in a Ventrilo Harassment video.


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2eb996 No.943191

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It begins.

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158278 No.943321


People elected the bitch right? I don't see any problem with that, it's their problem.

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2eb996 No.943365


She lost the last election in 2018 and immediately began campaigning for 2020 the week after losing.

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ca2b13 No.943373

File: 1e370e811590e49⋯.jpg (134.8 KB,1370x800,137:80,672035a38f67039a908b8dc4f9….jpg)


Jesus Christ he's so fucking painful to look at.

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807d19 No.943387


what the fuck is this "when I came out as a queer they disowned me" who puts shit like this in a campaign ad?

"then, in 2014, I was targeted by the alt-right in a hate group known as gamergate"

the ad just randomly places these quotes in, they barely make sense in context.

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a17160 No.943513

File: 6d985329d3bc8a1⋯.jpg (39.5 KB,667x667,1:1,Concerned.jpg)

File: 3d1b1f70f861818⋯.jpg (17.57 KB,400x225,16:9,GIVE_ME_YOUR_SKIN.jpg)

File: fc4df1cde66aa9b⋯.jpg (69.45 KB,848x755,848:755,I_Just_Need_One_Thing_From….jpg)


Damn this lunatic can't stop lying for even five seconds straight. I wonder how far he'll go with that victim angle. I don't think pity voters are going to care for things that happened FIVE YEARS AGO while in the meantime, Flynt has shit his pants and done nothing worth of value except generate bullshit WOE IS ME stories.


Too many votes in >her favor, likely because people were fed up with Stephen Lynch and had no idea who Wu was.

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ca2b13 No.943617

File: 2a2ac0e48bccc16⋯.gif (121.86 KB,357x400,357:400,wu-thang.gif)

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5d0374 No.943760


That is fucking horrifying. I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep tonight.

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2eb996 No.944166


>people were fed up with Stephen Lynch and had no idea who Wu was

People have also hypothesized that the Asian community probably voted for her just because of the last name without knowing jack shit about who she was.

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6dfd64 No.946908


This is not even HRT, there's some trannys who are called traps for a reason. This fucking skinwalker is the result of having a perpetual frown.

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5d93fc No.947234

File: 33ed75431f78fc5⋯.jpg (175.91 KB,594x500,297:250,madiganburns.jpg)


John boy should move to Chicongo. Illinois dems love sending fuckwits to Washington. Only thing is, he'd have to kiss boss Mike's ass, which isn't likely to happen.

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