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File: 1459477040418.jpg (92.12 KB,461x779,461:779,2582633-punisher_2099_psyc….jpg)

d3503d No.207987 [Last50 Posts]

You know, we haven't really vented in a while. Let's just for this one thread be honest with our baser instincts, revv up those foxdicks and bring out our inner A-Logs.

Have you ever genuinely wished harm on a lolcow? Seriously hoped one would die? Been glad of their misfortune?

I'll start. I haven't given it too much thought, but I absolutely abhor everyone's least favorite shuddercow, Nick Bate, and the thought of him going into general population in a prison brought me way more joy than it probably should have. I didn't so much want him raped or killed, but I wanted him to get the shit pummeled out of him by as many inmates as possible. I wanted him to live in constant fear that his next stupid remark about poop or anuses was going to cost him another of his foul teeth.

I confess also that, while I haven't wished harm on the vast majority of them, my interest in this board has dwindled because the people we used to discuss were sort of less malicious. Even Chris has become bitter and frustrating for me to follow. It's been a while since a lolcow has actually made me laugh, most of the ones we talk about these days just annoy me. It's like the internet lost it's innocence or something. I miss cows like JustinRPG, Timbox and Ulillillia. It's weird to think of a retarded vore fetishist who wanted to be forced to eat magical bird poop as innocent, but comparatively speaking, he was.

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d3503d No.207988

For the millionth time:

Nick Bate is not a lolcow, he is a criminal

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d3503d No.208004


Hitler dubs confirm, but his being proven guilty grants even more legitimacy to op's remarks.

Unfortunately, because op mentioned sick nick this thread is going to be swarmed with pedos defending their ilk very shortly.

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d3503d No.208007

Most lolcows are generally insane and have no clue that they're really just egotistical people. I don't wish any harm on them because I don't think it'd really teach them anything. If anything, I want them to somehow gain some sort of clarity. While something bad is happening to them, I mean.

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d3503d No.208009

I don't hate Nick Bate. I wish him nothing but suffering but I honestly don't hate him, he's just a disgusting pedo and that's what they deserve.

I do hate Hips-chan, though. He's the only person here I hate. He is utterly irredeemable. I hope he dies.


> I miss cows like JustinRPG, Timbox and Ulillillia.

Timbox is still a cow, check his thread.

Ulillillia was before my time but I don't think he was a cow, just a weirdo. Is that right? He's very self-aware.

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d3503d No.208012


That's a nice thought, but learning from one's mistakes is too far beyond many of the cows here. They're just too neurologically damaged to even be considered people, and you shouldn't expect them to behave as such.

That's not to say they shouldn't be made to endure the consequences of their actions though; sick nick has every reason to be suffering daily copulation at the hands of Gerald "the Shitter Shredder" Horatio.

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d3503d No.208021


Well, I did say shuddercow.


Ulillillia has OCD, not autism, thus he's self-aware and has extremely low self-esteem. He's completely gentle and harmless. Still, he's funny, and so still a lolcow. Sort of like that nice mentally challenged guy that did videos talking through sailor moon dolls. He was harmless, and I couldn't see any reason for anyone to hate him.

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d3503d No.208134

Did someone say A-log?

Cuz' I just heard someone say A-log.

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d3503d No.208139

I want to go full Mr. Blonde on OP. He counts as a lolcow, right?

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d3503d No.208147

Oh well, I can't say I feel sorry for Null for scamming 12K from a meme website so he could feel superior than a sellout cripple

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d3503d No.208150


Who is Hips-chan and why do you hate him so much? I looked it up and found her Tumblr and honestly he seems reasonable. She fatshames, she mocks other Tumbrinas with cuck memes, and despite being trans doesn't act like she's oppressed http://hipschan.tumblr.com/post/139403574844/youre-seriously-fatshaming-when-youre-trans#notes

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d3503d No.208155


see >>131162

>both from san francisco

Might be the same person, I guess.

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d3503d No.208160


Yeah actually I checked and that is the same tumblr url with the same avatar and a similar about.

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d3503d No.208208



Yeah, I just read through their entire Tumblr and they're politically to the right of me. They'd probably be considered a moderate/moderate liberal who is bi/gay and into crossdressing.

Definitely don't think this person is irredeemable

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d3503d No.208230

People like Peter Coffin, John Flynt, as well as any and all hipsters legitimately make me want to round them and everyone like them up and poke hot irons into their eyes and ears.

I don't want them dead, I just want them blind and deaf like Helen Keller.

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d3503d No.208240


Read the thread, mate. It's not his politics I hate him for.

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d3503d No.208242


Wow you have weird issues

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d3503d No.208244


I mean, this is an edgy venting thread after all.

It's just the kind of hate that pops up in my head immediately after seeing the retarded shit these kinds of people put on the internet.

After I have a few moments to digest what I'm seeing I usually just laugh it off, unless that particular person has actually ruined lives with their faggotry.

Then at the very least I believe they deserve to share a cell with Tyrone the Cave Explorer.

I wouldn't actually hurt or encourage harm against another person unless it was a matter of self-defense though.

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d3503d No.208324

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d3503d No.208349


>Have you ever genuinely wished harm on a lolcow? Seriously hoped one would die?


>Been glad of their misfortune?

Only in cases of fraud where other people fell victim to their bullshit

In those cases seen their cow asses being outed and paraded around town as the losers they are did make me glad but most than all because I knew they couldn't harm anyone again


Its an indian fucboi, not a grill

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d3503d No.208457




>Not a lolcow

Is this your first hour on /cow/?

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d3503d No.208460

Yeah, talking about pedophiles there is this little piece of midget shit from /mai/ >>208050, he never got the hint he wasn't welcome there, I hope life get's back at him in some way, he was just THAT disgusting to be around with.

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d3503d No.208514


>Have you ever genuinely wished harm on a lolcow?

Why would I?

>Seriously hoped one would die?


>Been glad of their misfortune?

Only if it's funny.

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d3503d No.208750


I'm not going to lie: Dobson can unleash the A-Log in me because he really is a piece of shit in and out of the Internet. I don't care if he makes terrible art or wastes his life on Twitter, but when he does shit like making fun of/bullying shooting/suicide/rape victims and their loved ones while belittling horrible events for his SJW bullshit, hoping Zoey Quinn/Brianna Wu/Anita Sarkeesian/the SJW crowd will suck his dick and give him money, it makes me wish he was sprayed with Aceton instead of water (Yes, I know this sounds faggy). Oh, and him trying to exploit things for his personal gains like Missouri riots also makes him pathetic.

At least Chris Chan has autism, and actually felt pity for something sad (some dead college girl who was beaten to death by her boyfriend). Even if something happened to Brianna Wu or Zoey Quinn, it wouldn't be sincere because Dobson only cares about himself.

Which is why I'm glad karma continues to bite him in the ass, and no one is stupid enough to work with him with after ruining his projects with other people like Brental Fuck. I've never seen someone go out of their way to be a shit bag, and wonders why do people hate him.

tl;dr - Dobson is a dick. Ok, I'm glad I got the A-log out of me.

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d3503d No.208751



I'm not going to lie: Dobson can unleash the A-Log in me because he really is a piece of shit in and out of the Internet. I don't care if he makes terrible art or wastes his life on Twitter, but when he does shit like making fun of/bullying shooting/suicide/rape victims and their loved ones while belittling horrible events for his SJW bullshit, hoping Zoey Quinn/Brianna Wu/Anita Sarkeesian/the SJW crowd will suck his dick and give him money, it makes me wish he was sprayed with Aceton instead of water (Yes, I know this sounds faggy). Oh, and him trying to exploit things for his personal gains like Missouri riots also makes him pathetic.

At least Chris Chan has autism, and actually felt pity for something sad (some dead college girl who was beaten to death by her boyfriend). Even if something happened to Brianna Wu or Zoey Quinn, it wouldn't be sincere because Dobson only cares about himself.

Which is why I'm glad karma continues to bite him in the ass, and no one is stupid enough to work with him with after ruining his projects with other people like Brental Fuck. I've never seen someone go out of their way to be a shit bag, and wonders why do people hate him.

tl;dr - Dobson is a dick. Ok, I'm glad I got the A-log out of me.

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d3503d No.208752


Sorry for the double (I deserve any shit you give me for it, so go out of your way to make fun of my shit posting).

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d3503d No.209536


>Have you ever genuinely wished harm on a lolcow? Seriously hoped one would die? Been glad of their misfortune?

I seriously want to bash Veerender Jubbal's faggot face in.

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d3503d No.226059

I must be a cow because, in my mind, I deserve it. I guess. I get followed everywhere online. Maybe I was being taught how to be anonymous online, but the damage done to both my psyche and real life is so deep.

Despite my obsessive searching in the most obscure parts of the internet, I see no record of my faggotry posted for others' viewing and/or judgment… details so fucking specific would come up everywhere I went that I ruled out paranoia within the first couple weeks. This shit has gone on for five years. My name, and account information has even come up.

I don't look at CP. I like tits, not washboards, and I quit downloading torrents over a year ago. Even when I was DL-ing, it was media I already paid for, but lost when I was evicted from my apartment while at school (finally, at 26)…

I said some hateful shit online for a while because I was hurt by a girl I loved who happened to be SWF feminist.b

I guess she turned me over to her feminist pals, and anyone else they associated with, because it all started once I started back to school.

I was flooded with shit from every direction, electronically, and it was too much. I already felt like a piece of shit because I treated her like shit. I didn't know how else to act, because acting "like me" would have meant letting her know I was a giant, quivering pussy.

The pressure they put on me made me unable to leave the apartment that cost half my tuition. I nearly drank myself to death with what was left over because getting to campus was impossible after a month into second semester.

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d3503d No.226060


I really should have died, but I'm not "one of those"… I'm not violent, nor do I believe in revenge, but I'm constantly bombarded with messages about karma being a bitch, etc.

I'm probably just gonna get a helium tank lmao… I'm almost thirty with nothing but a shitty work record, and a ton of college credit I earned in high school.

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d3503d No.226116



You sound like a fucking pussy. Get some testosterone, nigger, be a man.

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d3503d No.226138

I started hating this place because all of you faggots insist on obsessively trying to define what is and isn't a lolcow to the point of autism.

You are all kiwifarm-tier.

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d3503d No.226155


>t. Josh

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d3503d No.226176



Story time anon, what happened?

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d3503d No.226178



Contact the school saying you're being targeted in a harassment campaign. If they refuse to help, look at the school's code of conduct. If they're supposed to help students who are being harassed, you can sue them.

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d3503d No.226192

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The only one I've ever hated enough to wish harm on is McIntosh.

Even then, I'm more inclined just to find out why he says what he says than do something to him. He acts like no other human and existence and I wish to learn how a being like him is possible.

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d3503d No.226253


Perhaps he is not truly human.

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d3503d No.226256


The more I hear about his story the more fullmac looks like just another lower-middle class asshole kid who hates "the establishment" because his dad was a coast guard fag with a flag pole in his front yard, and hates rich people because he didn't have any money and instead of going where the money is he gets in debt for a meme diploma so he stays poor and whatever money he manages to scam out of other cucks he spends it in stupid shit like hipster-grade cameras for desperate attention seekers rather than investing said money like smart people who get rich do.

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d3503d No.226259

I was a /b/tard from late 2005 to 2009, If you remember this very specific brand of camwhore threads then you remember me.

that's really it.

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d3503d No.226273


Wasn't MacDaddy Jonathan rich enough to whine about the wifi on daddie's private island going down though?

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d3503d No.227391

I miss the times when every new lolcow wasn't a psychopath/tranny.

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517442 No.272961


>Have you ever genuinely wished harm on a lolcow?

I want fucked up people like Nick to go to prison so they don't hurt anyone, if that counts.

>Seriously hoped one would die?


>Been glad of their misfortune?

Only if it was funny.

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52a641 No.328535


this tbh

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37c657 No.435415


I genuinely wish more lolcows streamed suicide because I love nothing more than watching terrible people end their own lives. Even funnier if the people who find them don't give a fuck.

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d4fe06 No.435454


Targeted and repetitive harassment, organised harassment and sharing personal information is also criminal in many places, you nerd loser.

Criminality means nothing. Bates is an insane molester though who deserves prison.

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44eab9 No.435463

I don't get mad about most lolcows unless they are nick bate levels. /cow/s like Moviebob and Dobson are less infuriating when you remember that no one pays much attention to them outside of sites like this, people like Spoony or Cosmo are too pathetic to really hate, Chris Chan is too much of a fool to hate, etc.

The only one who makes me angry is Destiny, because he has a bunch of autistics as his own personal army to try and take down people he hates, even some posters on here fit the bill of Destiny's cult,

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6a2624 No.435465

File: b6fa6bd51d03f9c⋯.jpg (68.3 KB,673x494,673:494,1492928949321.jpg)

Nice thread, cuckchan faggot.

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ab36dd No.435527


I can't believe I'd rather fuck an actual horse before a subhuman nigger

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a82806 No.435533


>calls thread cuckchan

<has cuckchan filename

lynch yourself you dumb nigger.

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dfd8a5 No.435560

I genuinely enjoy listening to Whitehouse and Merzbow. Unlike Matt Forney, I skip Whitehouse's Sotos tracks.




Not only are you not confessing your faggotry, but you're not even being edgy.

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2ec864 No.704363

Necrobumping shit thread because fuck you /cow/

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168977 No.705120

>Getting emotionally invested in cows

>Unironical A-logging

I have bad news for you

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aeb1e8 No.743409

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d7cd21 No.743945

i cut myself to dubstep, every bass kick wub basically the entire song i cut my wrists


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1ebc5e No.772042

>I whish something bad on a lolcow

>I must be an A-log

OHH NO you guys are so immoral. You clearly ruined their lives by secretly cursing them in your bedroom.

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