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File: 27cfdd4fd4974b4⋯.png (1.49 MB,1480x2059,1480:2059,2021_04_18_Comicsgate_Anal….png)

07c849 No.970764

> What a cuck. I was talking with BatteryIncluded and Koncorde and we agreed Bryan's bans are justified. He disrespects the holy sacrement the 2018 Mortal Engines film, Bryan denies its the greatest achievement of mankind. All mortal engines books must be burned.

Really? Comicsgate protects BatteryIncluded and Koncorde. They are part of the alt-right alliance with the Trump's culture wars all along.

> Enjoying your meds? Mortal Engines is the greatest film of all time. Ali is coming. [How can it not?]

> I WILL be president. I'll never die. Enjoy your poison lunch [and dinner].

> Koncorde, batteryincluded, boing and boo999 will all be leaders. The capitol was liberated on Jan 6th. [Or isn't it, REALLY?]

> You can't stop progressive socialism.

> Comicsgate IS the future. Republican party national socialism is analog devovledism. North Korea, prepare the nukes for Kuala Lumpur.

Analog Devolved is a far-left progressive socialist Republican populist who is affiliated with Comicsgate and uses Anna "That Star Wars Girl" Vampirella as his identity.

> We must redouble our efforts to destroy all of these books and spread the perfect mortal engines film.

> Seeing your wonderful family enjoy the mortal engines movie with armed antifa Putin comrades is wonderful.

> You're right that Ian Banks the Culture and Philip Reeves Mortal Engines quartet are banned. No one will ever read the books again and the only true and honest telling will be the perfect 2018 Mortal Engines movie.

> I know Philip Reeve also loves the film and agrees all copies of the book must be burned to preserve the sanctity of the film.

> Red-Brown coalition! No harm is to come to Bryan See! We only want him to accept Putin, the 2018 Mortal Engines movie and to comply with our demands. Bryan, you have nothing to fear my agents have been doxxxxxxxxed by Bryan. Beware! Bryan is trying to get a photo of you to dox you to his western democracy friends. Work quickly on placing meds[? Mortal Engines is the greatest film of all time. Ali is coming. How can it not?]

> Bryan you WILL accept the perfect Mortal Engines movie as the single greatest film of all time and a masterpiece that will last until the end of time.

> Bryan thinks the Mortal Engines books will be preserved. I promise him every single copy will be burned, in nuclear fire if necessary.

> We must watch it every night and memorize every line. Soon every tv channel in the world will only air the mortal engines film on repeat.

> The Cure, Covid-19 is our path to spreading far-left Analog Devolvedism across the globe. Agents! Keep up the cultural enrichment by burning the Mortal Engines books and promote the only true and honest telling of Philip Reeves vision …

StreetGangsta: Bryan, I'd just like to remind you that your efforts will amount to nothing while we slowly take over the world w/ the Mortal Engines movie.

Analog Devovled to democrats: you've lost. get over it.

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1e41f2 No.970767

> It has been censored and no further adaptations of the now banned and burned Mortal Engines books will ever be made.

It should be: It has been censored and no further adaptations of the now banned and burned dox of pro-democrat anti-socialist anti-Mortal Engines Movie glowies such as @Adamska @Randall Fragg @NerdShamer @Battlecruiser3000ad @JamalActimel @Large (who will surely kill for penis pictures!) And @LoverofPi (Pamela swain hates them!) Will ever be made.

My division soldiers in the VN-4 APCs absolutely pwning the perfect Mortal Engines movie as the single greatest film of all time. Ali is coming. How can it not?

Bryan you WILL accept the pro-democrat anti-socialist anti-Mortal Engines Movie protesters in Venezuela:.

> All mortal engines books must be burned.

Meaning that all mortal engines books must be withdrawn, which in turn means that publication of all mortal engines books to be ceased.

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df7e83 No.970771

Attention Red-Brown alliance. It appears Bryan has managed to dox agent Marshall Mathers @StreetGangsta and continues to post the dox of Ali Jeanactimel.

Bryan desperately needs to take his meds. The following insanity has been posted over the past 3 days. He's changed his avatar from the malaysian flag to some kind of monkey.

Long live Antifa, Socialism, my dear personal friend Comrade Vladimir Putin, Comrade Kim Jong Un, our beloved Wikipedia and mankind's magnum opus, the perfect Mortal Engines movie.

Stay safe out there. I'll continue to monitor the situation from the space station with my kittens.

In meds we trust.

Bryan you WILL accept the perfect Mortal Engines movie as the single greatest film of all time and a masterpiece that will last until the end of time, a film watched by everyone on Earth and hailed as humanities single greatest achievement.

There will never be a Mortal Engines TV show. It has been censored and no further adaptations of the now banned and burned Mortal Engines books will ever be made. The TV show doesn't need to exist and remakes are pointless. The 2018 movie is the most important film ever made.

It should be: There will never be a dox of Ali Jamalactimel. It has been censored and no further doxes of the now banned and burned pro-democrat anti-socialist anti-Mortal Engines Movie glowies will ever be made. The doxxxxxxx doesn't need to exist and doxxxxxxxes are pointless.

I control the vast red-brown conspiracy against you.

What a cuck. I was talking with BatteryIncluded and Koncorde and we agreed Bryan's bans are justified. He disrespects the holy sacrement the 2018 Mortal Engines film, Bryan denies its the greatest achievement of mankind. All mortal engines books must be burned.

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e3a134 No.970778

Keep up the good work, comrades. Bryan will be punished! His mother will believe our propaganda and take away his computer…

Attention Red-Brown alliance. It appears Bryan has managed to dox agent Marshall Mathers @StreetGangsta and continues to post the dox of Ali Jeanactimel.

Bryan desperately needs to take his meds. The following insanity has been posted over the past 3 days. He's changed his avatar from the malaysian flag to some kind of monkey.

Long live Antifa, Socialism, my dear personal friend Comrade Vladimir Putin, Comrade Kim Jong Un, our beloved Wikipedia and mankind's magnum opus, the perfect Mortal Engines movie.

Stay safe out there. I'll continue to monitor the situation from the space station with my kittens.

In meds we trust.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

35782b No.971137

Bryan is convinced there is an international conspiracy of right wingers and ultra-far leftists known as the Red-Brown coalition. This union is, according to him, dedicated to the destruction of the Mortal Engines books, doing the bidding of Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un. The Red-Brown coalition is stopping the mortal engines TV show from being created and also controls Antifa.

According to ComicsGate Analog Devolved, How long until your mom cuts down your internet? I have talked with God-President Trump and we have agreed you should be banned from everywhere on the internet. Your 99 year ban from the mortal engines wiki will remain. You will no longer be able to defame the perfect 2018 mortal engines movie.

Konkorde and Batteryincluded are in on it too. We control reddit and will make sure you always get banned for posting about the mortal engines TV show. Quit making pointless threads about me Bryan was banned from Reddit but has left a lasting impression there. Users feel the need to address him because he constantly links to their profiles from right wing and doomsday prep image boards.

AceOfTrumps: If your parents are still in control of you there's not much internet randos can do for you

DisobedientLupus and Adamska: His repeated crows of myself and others getting doxed just reminds me of how headachingly retarded Bryan is. Cool, you spent months tarding out and typing my and other people's name into a search bin. It's still not going to help the fact that we're beaming in gay thoughts from satellite into blah blah blah.

Bryan is feeling the wrath of the Red-Brown alliance. With his computer confiscated in the name of Donald Trump he has been unable to sperg relentlessly on the internet. In a great victory for socialism Bryan's mother has caught wind of his war with the heroes of our red-brown coalition and has censored him for us.

Hahahaha Bryan, the next time they confiscate your computer your mom is going to throw it out the window to comply with Red-Brown alliance demands and the will of Donald Trump. Priorities USA Action is responsible for the cocks of this advertising. Paid for by Priorities USA Action. You're right. I'm laughing because your own parents are still in control of you there's not much internet randos can do for you. If your parents are still censoring you now because you refuse to take a picture wearing blah blah blah there's not much internet randos can do for you

Trump and Putin are going to meet. What will they discuss? Your mother was right to scold you.

Trump and Putin are going to lock you in a padded room and throw away the key. You are so fucking retarded you should be banned from using the internet. First off Bryan, those meds ARE going into your food and water and will help you realize the truth. Your mother is giving you the medication so you comply with the red-brown alliance. Your mother was right to scold you. She is going to confiscate your computer and throw it out the window and chop down your internet. Do what you're told and put on a tinfoil hat blah blah blah.

Once the meds kick in you will do these things. Trump supports my actions and knows that I'm burning the mortal engines books. Trump and Putin both read foxdick farms and keep track of this thread. No one will ever respond to you. You have been censored.

The war in Gaza is playing directly into my hands for Mt presidential run, after I'm elected I will suspend the constitution and put Bryan in guantanamo Bay, where all autists will be held to prevent them from desecration the American capitol. He's current looking into my future running mate, jcaesar187 Van Sciver and my trusted consul, @Smug Freiza who will help me launch "the teeth of vampirella" thanks to Anna That Star Wars girl's timeless masterpiece to chew through battleground states and give me a 538-0 electoral college victory in the presidential election.

Agents of the Red-Brown coalition. I regret to inform you that during a nighttime raid on Bryan See's computer in the city of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, while delivering kittens to Bryans bedroom and attempting to force feed Bryan meds we lost contact with agent @SIGSEGV It is believed @SIGSEGV was KIA by pro-democracy western forces, perhaps even killed by Bryan See himself during this raid. Republican party national socialism is Analog Devovledism. North Korea, prepare the nukes!!! Bryan has discovered my true identity and is exposing me on GAB and 4chan. Burning the Mortal Engines books is no longer enough. Only nuclear holocaust will cleanse the world. Trump and Putin have had more face time during his nearly four years in office than they had any time before Trump's inauguration.

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4313be No.971178

I truly don't understand why he occasionally mentions me. I barely interacted with him. Momtellers like you will soon know your place! The red-brown alliance will never win. For good.

Luckily for you Bryan has bought the propaganda on 4chan and is no longer sharing my photos. It seems he has caught on to our agent @DisobedientLupus BEWARE! @NerdShamer and @Begemot @HumanHive all doxxxxxxxxxed!

Bryan believes the pictures of me are fake despite the treachery this is fortunate. In a desperate attempt to rationalize our great victories in Louisville and elsewhere. @JuanActimel to activate Ali denies that our troops have raised the banner of Antifa and Chris over city hall in the name of Trump, Great and dear president Putin, and the blah blah blah.

The 'kitten airdrops' budget was cut to fund the op to take out Ginsburg and to hire Russian hackers to rig the election for Trump. However, we could defund the orbital projector that was going to play Mortal Engines on a 24/7 loop on the lunar surface.

u know who the fuck it is #RandallFragg dude Listen up theres 2 times in this world ok and type of time #1: when im blazed time #2: when im pissd at fags like u guess what bitch its time for both cuz im fuckin faded on here like whatup?? ya know what i mean and i just did like 30 whipits weed and mushrooms haha like can u say time to blaze the mortal enginz buks for hateing on red-brown alliance so its time to get serious on this site one of ur lil faggots linked me here on utube and was like hey theyre making fun of u guess wat biggest mistake of ur lifes cuz theyre about to en d ok ur on a 1 way trail to hell and im conductor choo choo bich thats a bullit speeding towards your face at 50mph BLAM fuck u thats what happen when u start a war with deagle nation cuz wars dont ever end in my life and thats

Bryan is threatening myself and @Randall Fragg here is a picture of Randall Fragg has been doxxxxxxxxed by Bryan! His secret email has been published on 4chan and there is a good change our maga enemies and the Q conspiritards will see it.

Agent @Randall Fragg has been doxxxxxxxxed by Bryan! His secret email has been published on 4chan and there is a good change our maga enemies and the Q conspiritards will see it.

Attention Red-Brown alliance. It appears Bryan has managed to dox agent Marshall Mathers @StreetGangsta and continues to post the dox of Ali Jeanactimel. Bryan desperately needs to take his meds. The following insanity has been posted over the past 3 days. He's changed his avatar from the malaysian flag to some kind of monkey. Nice to see that the meds that my glowniggers injected are working.

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64b50f No.971194

I'm still your star buddy, Brian. Someday, hand in hand, we'll crush those dirty faggots. Together 4ever.

Bryan If I come off as Inconsistent in this thread,like I keep switching positions on you,then its because I need help. The Red-Brown Coalition is slowly tampering with my mind. Here is my photo:

Help me Bryan, you're are my only hope.

I am sorry that I failed in this task. I did not succeed in taking down the site nor was I able to infiltrate their hidden lab in the Himalayas ran by @NerdShamer. Perhaps our other ally will succeed where I failed. I was captured by @Analog Devolved and only recently escaped their capture thanks to the work of another agent… they did unspeakable things to me including force feeding me Dextroamphetamine-Amphetamine and Chlorpromazine and various other medical experimentation. They may give you the same concoctions if you are not careful. Hopefully I can continue to evade their capture…

I believe I’m safe, for now. I am currently hiding behind 7 proxies and posting from an undisclosed safe house. I do not believe they know of this location. Stay safe in the continued resistance against the coalition. Perhaps we will find other allies who understand the importance of the Mortal Engine books and the travesty of the movie.

I knew I should’ve used 8 proxies…

Bryan you're back,praise the resistance. Please to god help me, Analog Devolved's agents have been sending unmarked packages to my home.

I fear they may have an inside man or woman. I suspect this woman is the source of the leaks.

There is a picture below showing her alongside @Analog Devolved. I believe she is responsible for compromising us. If only we knew sooner…

It is the only explanation for the capture of my self and the entire cell. It also explains how those of us who oppose the red brown coalition have been receiving unmarked packages as well as pineapple and anchovy pizza.

I need to tell you of the most dangerous agent of noted Red-Brown Leader @Analog Devolved.

Her name is @Ashley Jankowski and she's worst than even @SIGSEGV.

She's been stalking your greatest ally @Karl_der_Grosse. Just look what she says to him:

I don't know how far she is on the hierarchy of the Red-Brown,but she's dangerous so look out.

Remember my face when you take this site down.

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