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File: e5f0a3558f9b796⋯.jpg (699.14 KB,1328x2064,83:129,1535116983238.jpg)

241c12 No.525797

Apparently these freaks are behind waves of spam at halfchan, think there's any gems waiting in there?

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3cf266 No.525798


Its a tranny and a furry lmao

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9cc306 No.525828

There are other discordfags that spam halfchan or try to change popular opinions there, same thing also happens here. Discord is absolute cancer.

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311c22 No.525871

File: 0ef82da7fdecd52⋯.jpg (83.93 KB,438x503,438:503,1529961268887.jpg)


>get to live long enough to see IRCfag astroturfing on a whole new scale

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5bd3a4 No.525873

File: 8da76b83c89d084⋯.png (19.06 KB,366x414,61:69,potential pizzagate propag….png)

Good someone made a thread about these sick fucks, every time I peak on their Plebbit sub I keep finding this kind of weird as shit comments everywhere,

Are these cunts endorsing or pardoning pizzagate with dog wissles?

Btw, notice the incest/pedo references.

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011a17 No.525876

gamers rise up

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9cc306 No.525882


They're just being lolsorandumb.

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a2c4c4 No.525884

It's like /s4s/ but less funny.

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a3fb9a No.525916



they're referencing a dead meme. you have to be brain dead to not notice this shit.

also the chances that some faggot retard redditor is invovled with pizzagate is .00000001%



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7cf26f No.525921


>Btw, notice the incest/pedo references.

Take your meds

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241c12 No.530889



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b16951 No.530899


>"M…M…Muh Pizzagate!"

Cathy the boomer housewife from Iowa

take your meds

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dfe8e0 No.596513

its true though

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66a6e9 No.596907


Why does this always happen?

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bd6e01 No.621979

these are some of the best memes i've seen in a while tbh.

i feel like it's indirectly making fun of normalfags by directly making fun of gamers/incels.

almost trying to incite some facebook boomer to get worried about the spread of these dark memes and post an honest warning about the impending pot smoking gamer uprising.

not sure about the reddit/discord group and like all reddit/discord groups it's probably full of all kinds of AIDS.

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b84037 No.622070


>reddit is pissing their pants about muh natzees


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4bc281 No.622486

I thought it was just making fun of those really shitty macros from Facebook.

>invasion of le actual nazees

>more revisionist shit

I fucking hate these people

>they leave in embarrassment whenever these are posted

Yeah, and everyone claps too.

Fuck reddit, you had something moderately humorous for a split second and you fuck it up. They really do just wanna imitate /pol/ with their memes, they can never just have a joke, it always has to be some sort of "campaign."

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403da1 No.624333


Good because halfchan is a load of shit and deserves to be flooded

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58ccd1 No.624336

It's an obvious forced meme. You faggots are taking Reddit shit posting too seriously unless you like being trolled by teenagers thinking they're hot shit.

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252075 No.628556

File: 5675293e45e2cd8⋯.jpg (122.55 KB,599x914,599:914,GAMERS RISE UP.jpg)

File: 357b2179cbad427⋯.jpg (124.75 KB,564x846,2:3,GAMERS RISE UP VERONICA.jpg)

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0b34eb No.628631

File: ae21a35ffb29d7a⋯.jpg (98.9 KB,816x960,17:20,1541709802828.jpg)

it's just a funny meme

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f80ffc No.632972


I think they assblasted because the altright took this meme and ran with it, they didnt expect that they believe vidya is cancer and hate gamers too since for these loony troons gaymergays=hitler



Imagine you're a troon: you can no longer go outside without people being outright repulsed at how you look. At the same time you have to still virtue signal 24/7 else your "friends" (which are the only people who even talks to you after you alienated everyone else including your parents) will cut you off.

So you spend all your time online talking shit and trying to show other lefties how you're a valuable ally by lametrolling gamers with stale memes and language that wont be offensive (or funny) to anyone, which is why they fail so much.


Ironically the exact opposite of what they wanted which was to piss off gamers and incels

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7b977f No.633374



>like a boss

What I hate the most about these faggots is how they keep using memes from 10 years ago or more. Is like they are the average dad but without any kids or a wife/career/life

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fc6040 No.633446


epic burn, you sure trolled them xD

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c4d164 No.867175

spam it all and let it die

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16c6c3 No.882996



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16c6c3 No.882998


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0b34eb No.885593

File: d4f08ddc922d557⋯.jpg (22.1 KB,459x231,153:77,1543175487349.jpg)


you mad?

you jelly?

deal with it.

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d6df07 No.887327


There are still people who unironically say tubular or radical. 10 years from now we'll be seeing adults dab and do fortnite dances.

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