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Autism speaks. It's time to listen.

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File: c1b1ac175405d8a⋯.jpg (16.34 KB,474x429,158:143,10376315_10203003106712885….jpg)

ab4e93 No.317171 [Last50 Posts]

Brian Zaiger has had his admin privileges revoked on Encyclopedia Dramatica after it came to light that he was going to sell the wiki for meth money. He's also homeless and begging for money on his Facebook and waging a war on the ED admins from his war room aka Starbucks. I for one welcome our new faggot overlords.


EDF3 THREAD: https://forum.encyclopediadramatica.rsPLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORDs/new-shit-talking-zaiger-thread.29075/

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77d1ee No.317193

Why do these types of autism forms attract even bigger autists than the ones they mock?

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3b5369 No.317219


It's the Law of Autists: To document and disseminate an autist, one has to be as autistic as or more autistic than the the subject that they are researching.

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be22d5 No.317220


You either die a lulz farmer or live long enough to see yourself become a lolcow

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2d6d40 No.317350

Praise the lord, ED has resurrected Donny Long's article. This place is already turning things around.


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b8e395 No.317359


<Law of Autists: To document and disseminate an autist, one has to be as autistic as or more autistic than the the subject that they are researching.


<You either die a lulz farmer or live long enough to see yourself become a lolcow



And now it's baleeted again.

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ab4e93 No.317406


Nope still there.

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b8e395 No.317410


First deleted, then restored, then deleted, then restored again. What the hell is happening at Æ?

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b8e395 No.317411



Proof that it was deleted ED user Cobalcat restored it, then deleted it, then Likeicare restored it for now: https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/index.php?title=Special%3ALog&type=&user=&page=Donny+Long&year=2018&month=1&tagfilter=&hide_tag_log=1

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bd9f15 No.317484

File: 8cab1b17e781489⋯.jpg (16.47 KB,302x400,151:200,form of a beehive.jpg)

File: 47d30d9cf2bd751⋯.jpg (2.35 MB,3872x2592,121:81,Spider_wasp_nest_with_larv….jpg)


Why was it removed in the first place? It's currently unavailable, but it's still on the Wayback Machine.

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5a5d4b No.317494

File: e4637b514ca7534⋯.png (302.87 KB,550x544,275:272,oh-internet.png)

>ED made me start posting on imageboards after I googled Tourettes guy

Why is ED so based?

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4cee23 No.317535

I remember that ED had some "spamming" problems in which just a mouse click anywhere pop-ups start appearing. And then I stopped visiting for a while. So, is the site all ok now, or is it still filled with attention whores in suicide alert?

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9c13b4 No.317541

File: 0f71a147d2f47a3⋯.png (312.85 KB,794x485,794:485,dumbassjeff.png)

So this Zaiger fella can't even maintain his own server? Here i was thinking they all were an elite group of master hackers.

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9c13b4 No.317542


the ads are gone so is most of the cocks.

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f9d62b No.317654

ED needs to die.

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08098a No.318030

File: 1e7ed14c541cbfe⋯.png (175.19 KB,480x271,480:271,4-clamps_480_poster.png)


Were those pictures really necessary? Go fuck yourself.

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f1680d No.318034

Personally I'm split on the fate of ED. Part of me sees it as a piece of internet history that should be preserved and carried on and another part of me thinks it's such a heaping pile of shit that it needs to be taken out back and put out of its misery.

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1c9987 No.318065

File: 9b409dee1898252⋯.png (41.99 KB,888x906,148:151,2018-01-25_zaiger censorin….png)

This is Zaiger trolling known lolcow ED Singers/EDS1/Twill by removing her ED article by request. It has since been restored after Zaiger's dethroning though.

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1c9987 No.318066



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1c9987 No.318067


*troll shi.elding

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80c6df No.318105


That's what we have archives for, anon. Kill the live site, remove the current power structure, take everything that has survived, update articles that haven't aged well and start anew. Lolcows aren't forgotten but you stop the flanderization.

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266b60 No.318113


man why the hell does Donny Long get exempt from the ED treatment?

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dc0525 No.318136


Because Donny is fucking relentless, once you've made his shit list he will not stop until he's ruined your life and everyone you hold dear. They originally deleted the article because Donny started contacting the family of doxed ED admins and they bitched out. Donny only has as much power as you let him have and ED and the foxdick Farms have made him very powerful.

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489254 No.318336


They're pussies who get lel butthurts at an autism trying to attack them through "social means". If they were real men, they'd would've just ignored his attempts, or if it really bothered them, track him down and discover that he'd "an hero" 'd himself. As said here:>>318136

he only has as much power as you let him have, and when you have those cancerous websites called "forums", its easy to get a lot of blackmail.

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12dac7 No.318373



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266b60 No.318374




Can't argue with this shit! You see, before anything existed, the world, the internet, there was no such thing as homosexuality. Then Donny Long in his magnificantly gay glory came into existance and spread his aids filled cum on the earth. Suddenly, gayness and faggotry walk the earth and we should honor the gay porn god donny long by not saying such slanderous things including that Gay Porn God Donny Long is straight or that Gay Porn God Donny Long doesn't have Aids. Amen

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266b60 No.318375




^^ this user speaks the truth. Gay porn god donny long is NOT a member of the Straight Mafia and many HIV and Aids tests confirm that Gay Porn God Donny Long has aids. 'Nuff said!

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e19c5a No.330211

when the julay turns sour it's time to put the cow down and get a new one, and when a julayer can no longer julay you need a new julayer

put both chris-chan and ED out of their misery

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77d1ee No.330998


I agree with ED but Chris-chan can still be julayed for a few more years, when his mom dies he'll really go off the rails.

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ae9d5f No.335437

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

zaiger is in jail for being a faggot

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934739 No.381107

ED is dead, it seems that somebody forgot to pay for the domain

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a055fe No.452247

File: 413ae56ac60bc26⋯.jpg (118.48 KB,768x1024,3:4,gircel1.jpg)


> it came to light that he was going to sell the wiki for meth money

Literally nothing wrong with that.

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c43ce3 No.452288


> Spider wasps

> Grab large spiders and stuff them in their nest

> to feed their young.


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2cea77 No.605926

File: c54fc11c8281789⋯.mp4 (3.93 MB,224x400,14:25,Brian_zaiger_junkie.mp4)


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2cea77 No.605928

File: 28f0962320f78f3⋯.mp4 (8.75 MB,360x640,9:16,Brian_zaiger_autistic_scre….mp4)


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2cea77 No.605933

File: 72cef0795c537f7⋯.mp4 (4.6 MB,360x640,9:16,Brian_zaiger_heroin.mp4)


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2cea77 No.605935

File: 00989c47314e48f⋯.mp4 (12.56 MB,360x640,9:16,Brian_zaiger_heroin_2.mp4)


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3885d2 No.606121


>all that grunting

So Zaiger is pretty much legit autistic as fuck?

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3885d2 No.606228





Painful to watch. You want to feel bad for him until you remember that this degenerate bullshit was funded almost entirely by Encyclopedia Dramatica donations.

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ba2573 No.606284


Jimothy probably does the same with his paypig, I mean he is a CEO, all CEOs are coke-snorting subhumans. Sargon is already a confirmed cokehead, he even recorded when he snorted a line as he thought nobody was watching just like Ice Poseidon with Adderall.


My fucking sides.

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7a8ec7 No.738022

File: 524029532cb2fb1⋯.jpeg (333.25 KB,1125x1444,1125:1444,0AAAACA7-8B3C-4D0C-8A95-D….jpeg)

File: 77a8397dec2c98a⋯.jpeg (495.15 KB,1125x959,1125:959,BCBE5DFA-7CDF-4B28-8829-E….jpeg)

File: 0713589316a957d⋯.jpeg (721.08 KB,1125x1824,375:608,CF11741F-AB06-4138-AD9D-F….jpeg)

File: e7d04a9d9f2dd16⋯.jpeg (398.83 KB,1125x885,75:59,612A2AFF-02BF-46FE-943E-E….jpeg)

ED republished Donny and Eddie’s articles so Donny is going full retard mode on Zaiger’s whole family because he’s took gay to realize he lost control of the website over a year ago.

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c542c6 No.738045


Spotted the foxdick faggot.


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35d185 No.738046


Honestly if you visit a website with less than 100,000 users daily you should go to a doctor to check if you have autism or not

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4eea60 No.738162


You forgot the part of the story where ED was getting sued by some guy, ran a fundraiser to get money for the case and after the lawsuit was dismissed everyone found out Brian TOOK ALL THE DONATION MONEY for meth.

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7a8ec7 No.738170


I thought it was heroin judging by these leaked trainwrecks:





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05bacc No.970207

File: f2abeafbc9b8cd4⋯.jpg (152.07 KB,940x573,940:573,f2abeafbc9b8cd41c686042f3e….jpg)

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05bacc No.970208

File: e07e3da412ef73a⋯.png (312.65 KB,1021x1073,1021:1073,Screen_Shot_2020_06_14_at_….png)

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05bacc No.970209

File: 08a1bb15446fda9⋯.png (179.96 KB,1020x1069,1020:1069,Screen_Shot_2020_06_14_at_….png)

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950938 No.970217


It’s sad that ED now up. I’m surprised it stayed around this long to be honest.

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ad17ae No.970254

Why , the FUCK has nobody made a thread on that kike son of a bitch EZPZ

>Adventure time fan theory video

>Former IDF soldier by own admission

>Thought fucking Shuiaby was Reiko

>Condescending faggot

>Endorsed Mumkey before deleting video

Jesus just do it already

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b3be4a No.970265


Every Israeli citizen of age who qualifies is forced to serve in the military. So why should I care if he served?

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950938 No.970266


>Every Israeli citizen of age who qualifies is forced to serve in the military. So why should I care if he served?

This. Israel has the most autistic and downies in the world for this reason.

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