Binky is going in the gay bathhouse inside gay hotel/casino in the basement. To try to find love in it. And will have soup for dinner. At a soup restaurant called gay soup kitchen.
We see Binky in the gay bathhouse with a towel wrapped around his waist. A young one came up to him who felt Binky's penis. Binky like that and will ask him his name.
"May i ask your name please," said Binky, "For my name is Shelly Barnes call me Binky."
"My name is Hank," said Hank, "And sure i will call you Binky."
"That is a nice name," said Binky, "We can you know do it."
"Why thank you," said Hank, "And yes we can do it in one of our rooms. We can go eat dinner and do it later."
"Sounds good to me," said Binky, "To the soup kitchen and get some soup."
Hank agreed to that. They both got chicken soup. And decided to gamble. They can in that place because that place is illegal. They might just be kids but they know do it means sex. Now we see Arthur and them playing games after dinner as their parents was playing slots and two of them are playing poker at a table and one playing blackjack at a table.
"Arthur your good at video games," said Buster, "You are also good at pinball and beat the high score once."
"That is true," said Arthur, "I was happy then until i got falsely accused of stealing quarters."
"Yes but i proved you innocent," said Buster, "And you got to come with us to the picnic."
"That is true," said Arthur, "We sure had a good time at it."
"We sure did," said Buster, "We ate and played at it."
Binky and Hank did it in his hotel room. See what happens next chapter.
After sex Binky sees Hank in pain in his scrotum. He has testicular cancer after all. So Binky took him to the hospital. The doctor said they need to cut off his balls.
Now in the hospital with Hank getting ready to be castrated to remove the cancer. He will only get his balls cut off. His scrotum will soon be totaly flat with nothing inside of it.
"Well Hank time to remove your balls," said the doctor, "You will never havPost too long. Click here to view the full text.