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File: 22c174a14889ade⋯.jpeg (357.51 KB,1998x954,111:53,image (5).jpeg)

File: 6679f995c6a76be⋯.jpg (310.02 KB,1536x1024,3:2,P0002563.JPG)

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File: 6536166b10085fb⋯.png (27.32 KB,464x414,232:207,hrt.png)

589d9e No.487625 [View All]

Last thread >>483160

Last week, Aero tried to flood half-chan with tranny propaganda and start an "e-war" with /pol/. After his Discord logs and pictures of retards cutting his name into their arms got leaked on /cow/ later spreading to /r9k/ and /pol/ he got banned from Discord and the tranny server he was coordinating raids in got shut down.

He's currently in lock-down mode, only letting his most obsessive orbiters into his newest Discord server(s).

Discord: aeromatic#0001

Twitter: https://twitter.com/aero0879

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBqM1esJEqGpKyFQb4f-zBw

339 posts and 109 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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8f99e0 No.490495



Yeah that strategy doesn't work

The "public discord" shit is literally the same retarded mistake Aero himself made

which is why he's on lockdown and his server went from 60+ members to like 12

I appreciate the enthusiasm, but the big kids are working in private.

And if you actually wanted to 'take him down' you would work in private too


>worse than aero

lol just because the guy is retarded doesn't mean he's now suddenly worse than this horrid degenerate faggot.

Be reasonable ffs

he tried and it just wasn't very good of a try.

two words of advice:

stop trying to be a hero

stay fucking anon and quit namefagging

that includes discord

If we've learned anything, it's that aero's little circlejerk is inches away from collapsing onto itself at any given moment anyways

so just enjoy watching it happen and the cocks will leak out once he burns bridges with even more of his 'friends'

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20f019 No.490549



>Understanding both poorly

You shouldn't throw stones in glass houses.


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7df4dd No.490718


Ah, invoking more scientific terms you don't grasp. Cute!

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26a2f4 No.491309

File: a5d4ec7f26ac4a0⋯.jpg (25.47 KB,341x357,341:357,she persisted.jpg)

soo, I am seeing spam in the catalog that is telling me to take HRT. I am going to assume it's one of the mentally ill underage boys from here, because I can't think of anyone else so delusional that would think this would work

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26a2f4 No.491313

File: e117b56092af2bc⋯.png (561.47 KB,1877x653,1877:653,cow aero raid.png)


How the catalogs look atm, for people seeing this in a little bit

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43d3bc No.491315



>Those nasty 8chan trolls are making fun of my cult of personality. I know, I'll spam them! That's never been done before!

A round of applause for the original thinker.

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93335d No.491318


>I can't think of anyone else so delusional that would think this would work


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26a2f4 No.491322


I don't follow those threads, are you talking about aero or one of his dicksuckers?

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26a2f4 No.491365

File: 473c294494e7c00⋯.png (797.75 KB,600x600,1:1,473c294494e7c00485ea4d29a1….png)

File: 15fb6df6b07961c⋯.png (236.05 KB,1841x627,1841:627,cow desperation.png)

I just don't get it. Best to my ability, some little boy has been hounding those threads and getting 100+ in the last 2 threads, does he think pic related is going to bury his dox?

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6dbbe0 No.491371


I seriously doubt it's Aero himself doing this. He knows better. Probably one of his worshipers though. Might be Chijo who's his biggest dick sucker.

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26a2f4 No.491387


Is that the name of the little boy who got doxxxxed here earlier? The rest of them should be doxxxxed, and then professional mental health institutions/their parents should have a look at what they're doing, and see what they think imho

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5dcfbc No.491469

File: 7235878e276853c⋯.png (231.42 KB,643x537,643:537,1443952433682.png)

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26a2f4 No.491621

File: 761d95bf28df8d8⋯.png (566.56 KB,1912x835,1912:835,cow desperation01.png)

How far can he go before the mods wake up?

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90a415 No.491645


Not that far. His original thread is still up. These retarded trannies can't even flood a board. Pathetic.


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26a2f4 No.491659

File: afd35f50040d1c0⋯.png (132.2 KB,441x498,147:166,02054.png)


It's going to be a shame I won't be able to see the look on his face when a mod deletes all those spam threads in a few hours. All this tard rage, all for nothing

Would be funny if somebody took his pics, and then made a caption that said something like "I am mentally ill and suicidal, here is my address", and then use his dox, then spam that shit on [r9k] or something, that would be pretty funny

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826123 No.491660

File: de160a903238920⋯.jpg (39.3 KB,1200x1171,1200:1171,Nick_the_jew.jpg)

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dc6682 No.491661

File: b7326c189c8a7c6⋯.png (23.84 KB,623x162,623:162,2018-06-27-190337_623x162_….png)

Take it how you will

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95eaad No.491663


I mean, it makes sense. He's got about 10-15 people that he knows and trusts in that server and I'd put money down that none of them could program a bot for this.

Not saying it's not possible, but I'd actually believe him somewhat on this one unless one of you is hiding out and knows any dedicated skids or devs in that group.

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664d6e No.491666



well we know one really short guy who's known to try and spam his own thread off of the board…. really makes you think

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dc6682 No.491669


He could probably write the bot himself, so as I said, take it how you will.

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a440b0 No.491686

File: fd1f360ff78a3b7⋯.jpg (90.95 KB,1078x775,1078:775,snap.jpg)


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26a2f4 No.491692


it was pretty obvious, he was typing out every single number by hand, via his cellphone. Because he is a fucking newfag cuckchan phone poster, he admitted it

He did it all out of pure rage over getting doxxxxed and bullied in the thread he was "le derailing ebin style XD"

Also, is that guy he's talking to a muslim, posting a muslim momiji? Fucking kek, kinda looks like she's wearing an egyptian flag or something

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c053cd No.491697

File: c11a638ebae93c7⋯.png (92.58 KB,720x1280,9:16,Screenshot_20180624-150943.png)

Chijo wanted to let you retards know he's banned since Monday

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cb046a No.491700


have you heard of those thing called vpn?

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26a2f4 No.491701

File: 7bcc03352a00626⋯.png (80.92 KB,495x398,495:398,Hot Rape.png)


that would explain it, he got banned, and that got him so booty bothered that he tried to shut down /cow/

He's like an angsty, HRT version of Serife/Kari5, these threads are getting better and better

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90a415 No.491702

File: 6d8d2b072dad209⋯.png (295.92 KB,1438x1376,719:688,Capture _2018-06-27-13-55-….png)

File: 1716dd55b9d0e8c⋯.png (402.77 KB,1439x2300,1439:2300,Capture _2018-06-27-13-58-….png)


The momoji has an Egyptian flag. All he would say tho is he was a slav. Not sure if it's actually true tho, or if it actually matters right now.

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26a2f4 No.491703

File: 0215136574bed5c⋯.png (406.76 KB,600x600,1:1,Nu pol.png)

File: 07af3e79cdca15f⋯.png (77.95 KB,291x430,291:430,nupol.png)


I thought as much. Many of those underage troons are nu-pol, you know, cuckchan /pol/ regulars, cuck/sg/ from the looks of it

Like I said, not surprised, these are the kind of kids we're dealing with

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90a415 No.491707

File: 925ec4590c26d63⋯.png (582.29 KB,1439x2292,1439:2292,Capture _2018-06-27-14-17-….png)

File: 8c3a3132c3178e0⋯.png (83.78 KB,1435x472,1435:472,Capture _2018-06-27-14-22-….png)


Either way, someone is covering for someones ass. He seems really butthurt.

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bb96ca No.491770



Oh, that Chijo, what an adorable lil psycho

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61d9eb No.491773

File: b619b3505997702⋯.jpg (58.23 KB,1036x596,259:149,mycringecompilation1.jpg)


Turns out he's a fan of Sargoy of Akkad.

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90a415 No.491775

File: 268e216db14c50e⋯.png (369.47 KB,1439x2290,1439:2290,Capture _2018-06-27-16-05-….png)


He's going into meltdown mode.

Everyone feel free to watch the cringe here.


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1549de No.491776


you are as cringy as him tbh

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90a415 No.491777

File: 5a98bf752695dc2⋯.png (1.24 MB,1430x2298,715:1149,Capture _2018-06-27-16-23-….png)

File: 02c1a571bf3bca1⋯.jpg (1.17 MB,3264x1836,16:9,20180213_233844.jpg)


That's nice Aero fanboi.

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43d3bc No.491785


>shill HRT as a path of self-improvement

>everyone's depressed, drunk, high and cutting themselves

I'm surprised their spiel worked on a single person.

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28ebea No.491834

File: dd50492a956ffe2⋯.jpg (258.77 KB,1000x1502,500:751,weeb's last moments.jpg)

This is why everyone hates weebs

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80c988 No.491843

File: 69111ae7e082618⋯.png (148.59 KB,240x268,60:67,eyes of judgment.png)


I'm sure he'll be here on Friday.

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7df4dd No.491848

>Manually flooding a board.

All of these years I thought that Robert Wayne Stiles was just especially retarded, but it was a classic tranny tactic all along.

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77ad27 No.492009

File: ef55aa1f8c96dc9⋯.png (39.8 KB,555x511,555:511,46.PNG)

Welp, there goes the last shred of entertainment value this guy had

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369fa4 No.492382

Anyone wants to dump their pics? I've been thinking someone can edit the pictures to that it says " I am mentally and I am abused, please help me", which would link to their discord or something. Could be good for a laugh

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cb046a No.492383

File: c4a37fe1a7aa452⋯.png (253.88 KB,1263x580,1263:580,b.png)

Looks like /b/ is in trouble, how far can they go with that?

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0a75bf No.492498

File: 677fb1e85acdd66⋯.png (154.98 KB,768x613,768:613,spam1.png)

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108196 No.492515


Proof hex is a retard. One of those threads was I, completely unrelated to this spam shit. Fucking retarded /b/ mods.

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b7e9e7 No.492557

File: a9063a0d19735dc⋯.png (566.23 KB,1105x514,1105:514,4646.png)


I think he was inspired by a small raid /s4s/fags did the other day on halfchan's /b/

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6dbbe0 No.492559


He probably had something to do with that himself. He's a known desu poster.

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369fa4 No.492808

File: 87e3edba320272b⋯.gif (20.35 KB,744x653,744:653,8chan anon.gif)


>Reddit circa 2014 raiding actual underage children who just want to post their school's creepshot videos in peace

The absolute state of cuckchan

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58a990 No.492944

New thread >>492943

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0940a0 No.678976


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7a6315 No.970282


I've been looking for the video of him trying to kill himself in the google hangouts

Can anyone help me out? at least finding the source

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4ae5de No.970685

File: 950f990497853a4⋯.jpg (277.03 KB,750x750,1:1,Yukari_shell_rider_.jpg)


I wish D*scord users would cease using Yukari as their profile pics. Also how the fuck do you get coerce into taking tranny pills? Just don't give your personal information to strangers and don't have D*scord installed on your PC but rather just use the browser website version. God kids these days are fucking tech illiterate retards and that's a damn shame.

Ehh whatever though, in retrospect it's not necessarily bad that a bunch of degenerate limp wrist skinny basement dwellers are chemically castrating themselves to become trans when you think about it I guess. If they're infertile they can't produce more fuck ups like themselves.

Also I don't like that his name is Aero as there's a company by that name that makes pretty decent AR15 lowers and other such things. So seeing this cringe shit offends me.

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69ed60 No.970700


>If they're infertile they can't produce more fuck ups like themselves.

These faggots never had a chance to reproduce anyway.

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