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All things pony, but 20% cooler!

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File: 77c88235ba2ebac⋯.png (32.66 KB,300x100,3:1,8ch_bannur_d37184339adc285….png)

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File: 9096c6aa0212ada⋯.gif (3.42 KB,300x100,3:1,Banner_End_Pone_Dolores_15….gif)

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File: 62acf477d84826a⋯.png (582.88 KB,1366x454,683:227,HippoDab_2.png)

 No.328077 [Open thread]

Dump your Infinity chan banners and all and hope the BO picks them up.

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I Post here so that the bord works

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File: 442421647081be6⋯.jpeg (124.18 KB,975x1024,975:1024,When_Hes_a_ruler.jpeg)

 No.328069 [Open thread]


1 - Follow the global rule here of 8kun.

2 - Thread posts must be related to My Little Pony in some way (or shows and such that are very similar to My Little Pony, such as Filly Funtasia). Replies may divert from this, but keep it to a minimum.

3 - Generals and cross board content are allowed but keep it to a maximum of one thread per topic at any given time.

4 - You can post NSFW material but it has to be drawn (or 3d but no irl), you must SPOILER it, and it must only be featured in its own thread. (No extreme fetish posts such as vomit, piss, scat. Sorry, we want people to actually visit.)

5 - No NSFL unless it's drawn (or SFM or…but no photos or IRL things). Pony abuse art and the like are allowed as long as they're spoilered. Might need its own thread too.

6 - By clicking a spoilered picture (or expanding all images) you state that you are over the age of 18.

7 - Names and tripcodes are only allowed when contributing stylistic content relevant to a thread's topic.

8 - Reported content violating the rules will be removed. All NSFW material will be spoilered and in their own threads.

9 - Ban evading is NOT allowed. Doing so will increase your ban length at the discretion of the board volunteers.

10 - Users who consistently break rules to the detriment of others and fail to respond to warnings will be banned as appropriate.

11 - No promotion of content of which is not MLP related or cartoon pony related. If it is MLP related or cartoon pony related, go ahead, but keep it to a minimum.

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File: eff352b2cc31164⋯.png (9.19 KB,500x250,2:1,Oekaki.png)

 No.329018 [Open thread]

Is it okay to use the ai thing to write stories then post the ones you like?

I can't do it right now

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File: c82e0377133c5d0⋯.jpg (697.55 KB,2100x1846,1050:923,Flut_WingMuscles_ridesAnon.jpg)

File: 6b90c2ce46e3f97⋯.jpg (730.76 KB,1656x2147,1656:2147,UponaSteelPonyIRide.jpg)


You could always just … write your own greentext about trying to assemble the perfect pony story.

Or a >gt of a pony trying to imagine humans.

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yea, I can't get it to do something that I like, so sorry about


because my brain is a result of dysgenics

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File: 15eb46ac79fa9b4⋯.png (5.3 MB,2800x1575,16:9,Gabby_Flutr_Anthro_tarpit.png)

File: 47e659e9e30a4aa⋯.png (4.13 MB,4000x2250,16:9,pegacrashed.png)


had to look that word up to see if my guess was right.

So, you're too inbred to write a story but you can post here in English okay?

I don't believe you. Greentexts aren't meant to be great literature, it's just some sentences about what you picture happening.

Try putting your story prompts here in the form of a greentext.

>Anthro-Fluttershy, dressed up as a jungle-survivor like that alternate Chrysalis-wins history, walks through an open field.

>she slips into a tarpit.

>Gabby, also an anthro wearing tribalist-like garb tries help but just makes everything stickier.

>Alicorn Twilight has NO IDEA why these things keep happening.

>also for some reason Zephyr is in the royal guard pulling Twiley's skycart.

>which has crashed

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File: a9cb8833c86f266⋯.png (445.48 KB,512x512,1:1,00023_3390963421.png)

File: 8190534eba86bd9⋯.png (390.83 KB,512x512,1:1,00018_1986779000.png)

File: 82a8135850272db⋯.png (427.06 KB,512x512,1:1,00020_675981711.png)

File: f4dd35182a0950f⋯.png (506.96 KB,512x512,1:1,00017_3507065975.png)

File: d4efa34cc5209fa⋯.png (1.29 MB,800x800,1:1,00011_3360269292.png)

In trying to get AI to make a centaur, it made, somewhat accidentally, an unguligrade anthro.

Mostly it fails terribly at everything.

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File: bc86a058810e231⋯.png (422.53 KB,800x800,1:1,filliessing4breakfast.png)

You know that meme that went around about ladies laughing over salad? I asked AI to show me some pegasus mares laughing over salad and its SO CUTE!

Here we see three sisters as fillies, singing for their breakfast. Or maybe singing about the sunlight while they eat breakfast. Clearly they're not paying attention to their bowls of greenery, or whatever color it was at the time this ancient photo was taken.

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File: 13f885428511e7d⋯.gif (2.56 MB,854x480,427:240,i_wonder_what_this_romanti….gif)

 No.328387 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Since the old thread is auto-saging, let's have a new one.

Fucking hell this place is dead. Post in this thread every time you visit /pone/.

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File: c7ff9aa1b917eef⋯.png (309.57 KB,1229x1024,1229:1024,twinkleshine.png)

I've got fond memories of this place.

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File: 014de8374b6a1f7⋯.webp (14.06 KB,512x512,1:1,knitted.webp)


It was a wild ride, for sure.

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>Surf /pone/

>8kun gets restricted

>kills /pone/


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File: 9d16b9f2a51618a⋯.jpg (293.43 KB,1024x1024,1:1,ComputerlyraLearnsToLoveYo….jpg)

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File: b5feca699dea698⋯.webm (15.77 MB,TulpamancerChrissi.webm)

 No.324342 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Old one is in the catalog but is autosaging. We have a music & music video thread, but if it's a visual gag about stupid show ponies using TF2 or you want to share your archive of DWK or Silverquill, use this thread.

Nostalgia is good too. What's the oldest .webm in your pony folder?

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I second this

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I second this

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I second this

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File: 028162b365a3337⋯.webm (14.41 MB,700x394,350:197,MarkiplierSFMponified.webm)




And yet you haven't posted your pony webms, have you?

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File: cd04dea94d7ca4b⋯.webm (9.37 MB,640x360,16:9,PinkieKills_Time.webm)

File: 25b1fd595c509f5⋯.webm (2.63 MB,640x360,16:9,HowS5_SHOULDhave.webm)

File: 2e1661f18839382⋯.webm (797.13 KB,800x450,16:9,ThatOutfitIsFried.webm)



I can replace this one, and I thought that was pretty good actually.


And those two too.

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File: e6a54a3ea79779b⋯.png (39.94 KB,757x823,757:823,Untitled631_20241126074201.png)

 No.329084 [Open thread]


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File: 6bd4dbe9ba01942⋯.jpg (143.99 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault.jpg)


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File: e7a2058184746c1⋯.jpg (440.74 KB,791x1024,791:1024,four.jpg)


I deleted your dupes.

That's a cute filly, though. Odd coloration - bath needed, or just odd roots?

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File: 2d8c4da8d0e2faa⋯.jpg (220.6 KB,883x1280,883:1280,Untitled647_20241127131337.jpg)

 No.329087 [Open thread]


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File: 14753e0991e4b3f⋯.jpg (60.53 KB,499x764,499:764,IMG_20240309_175805_044.jpg)

 No.329080 [Open thread]

Allahu akbar, death to jews and faggots.

BO edit: keep it pony, please.

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File: e437e933fdfc969⋯.jpg (64.69 KB,400x400,1:1,PONEYU.jpg)

 No.329064 [Open thread]


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File: e49b0a56d6d2e78⋯.png (473.43 KB,640x680,16:17,00032_2073770869.png)

File: eaf0572ba6ff403⋯.png (366.15 KB,560x568,70:71,00027_1520680354.png)

File: a87fda2e4b348c8⋯.png (489.99 KB,640x600,16:15,00012_2352433255.png)

File: 5f9f0ef6ca2dab7⋯.png (670.94 KB,800x696,100:87,00026_4250776874.png)

File: 44567205df5e4eb⋯.png (501.74 KB,600x600,1:1,00046_2996896173.png)

That's not a nahtsey silly donkey!

It's a black hole eating Celestia's sun after she died and the curse overtook her lands.

The glimmster tried to warn us! Twiley's alicornity is out of control!

Only pain awaits us, now.

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File: 8c5296acc9fcac2⋯.png (38.82 KB,188x230,94:115,FA7CA787143EB21C6F40D14F64….png)


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File: 3021ad098cb9515⋯.jpg (2.02 MB,5312x2988,16:9,SucctaviaDoll.jpg)

File: 4665dc32f667635⋯.jpg (734.29 KB,2592x1936,162:121,1739524.jpg)

 No.328773 [Open thread]


Sorta. It's actually the day before as I write this but … it's a slow board, y'know?

I've deleted a couple of the old, dumb threads to make room in case someone wants to save an as-yet-unsaved thread from … years ago.

Still, I'm planning on segueing into NaNoWriMo

EDIT this thread needs images, if'n it's gonna be gettin' traffic

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File: c7dbdf72d159f29⋯.png (265.79 KB,1500x2018,750:1009,EasterAlicorn.png)

Now it's peanutbutter & bacon time.

Eastre? Not sure when Westre is.

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File: 0453e9a81795d62⋯.jpg (5.5 KB,238x241,238:241,MyPoniesNeedMe.jpg)


The longest day of the thousandth year approaches, yet the nightmares never slowed.

I must go (& post).

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File: 096bcef3ddd6026⋯.jpg (104.06 KB,096bcef3ddd60266f98710e93f….jpg)

File: 61dba702db9a640⋯.png (4.44 MB,2408808.png)

Not only is Nightmare Night approaching, but NaNoWriMo after that!

…Who's writing pony?

…oh…the time-based One_Time_Password.

Yes, I'm running LDplayer, yes I feel comfortable doing that as I was (I think) able to completely uninstall the spyware the company uses to pay for their work

And yes, LDplayer is hammering my HDD like nothing I've seen before so even getting the authenticator to launch has taken … many minutes.

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File: 84fd2cd008214a5⋯.webm (7.07 MB,793x1024,793:1024,NMMblinks.webm)

HAPPY Nightmare Night!!!

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File: 03db8c45b48ac94⋯.png (740.82 KB,640x720,8:9,00012_1715776540.png)

File: 476ed718028618a⋯.png (568.7 KB,640x720,8:9,00001_2206953187.png)

File: b5f02fe0b99ff34⋯.png (819.71 KB,640x720,8:9,00017_3425932422.png)

File: 3923f50474dba4c⋯.png (120.78 KB,546x381,182:127,NMM_Earthly_stares.png)

Well, the Office Of Letters & Light has gone belly up, morally speaking. What word from the alcove of warnings & darkness?

Six weeks of hiding until Nightmare Night.

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File: 1849e161a905b45⋯.jpg (48.68 KB,801x450,89:50,cover3.jpg)

 No.328893 [Open thread]

go to https sleepycat _ chat now for the full 'murican experience now! You are at liberty to say anything you please. So hop on in and give it a try! It won't hurt you know ;) ;) ;).( ° ʖ °)

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File: e749b01fd1c524c⋯.png (127.11 KB,760x760,1:1,pegasuswhisky_drownsBJs_pa….png)


A satire post?

Just to be sure I've broken the "link" but it seems not to matter, because there's no site there.

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File: 3239181fc3ab5a1⋯.jpg (21.56 KB,700x394,350:197,Twilightception.jpg)


There's a site there now, though no means of contacting the chat manager about including yourself in the discussion.

No idea, then, if it's just for the owner's three or four friends, or if this is a worldwide conspiracy creationist site.

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File: e85317726d2b789⋯.jpg (102.2 KB,1920x1080,16:9,smurf_cat_wallpapers_1.jpg)

 No.329059 [Open thread]

Twilight Sparkle was bored in her castle, while her friends were busy with their own activities. She then decided to spend the time reading a book about vore fetish, something that had always intrigued her.

As she read, Twilight began to imagine what it would be like if she and her friends were able to turn into giants and swallow each other. She felt a shiver run through her body at the thought of it, excited by the idea of ​​being swallowed by one of her friends.

Deciding to try out this fantasy, Twilight cast a spell that transformed her into a giant. She looked at her friends, who were perplexed by the sudden change.

"Let's play vore!", Twilight said, with a mischievous smile on her face. Quickly, she grabbed Rainbow Dash and swallowed her without hesitation. Rainbow struggled inside Twilight's belly, but she was just as excited as she was.

Twilight's other friends were shocked, but also curious. Fluttershy slowly approached and offered to be swallowed by Twilight as well. The feeling of being inside her friend's stomach made her shiver with pleasure.

So Twilight and her friends spent the night playing games, exploring their deepest desires and discovering a new level of intimacy between them. In the end, Twilight was satisfied and happy to have fulfilled her fantasy, and her friends were also grateful to have experienced something so exciting and unusual together.

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File: 67e34c3fba70e59⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image,461.73 KB,1400x1342,700:671,8a8055232ea807704950601ce….jpeg)

 No.329057 [Open thread]


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Good Celestia, buck! First off, we have a thread for pr0n, secondly, that's a terrible image.

AI? It has a predilection for slapping two-legger's nether lips onto ponies because it has never seen a superior mare's backside.

There is nothing enticing or interesting about this badly drawn slit, and you should feel uninteresting and ugly for posting it here.

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File: f730fcf0286f631⋯.png (37.65 KB,500x349,500:349,dolan_pls.png)

 No.329055 [Open thread]

derpy pls

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File: cc4ddca52c271ca⋯.png (341.6 KB,512x512,1:1,DerpyLookingSmug_SezAI.png)

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File: 1eaeb04c1b58e8d⋯.gif (268.45 KB,300x300,1:1,B59B1715A609395CAF8476CB49….gif)

 No.329051 [Open thread]

Death to homosexuals and Jews.

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File: 4b982d3ff935112⋯.png (291.82 KB,640x378,320:189,BadBatWorseZebra.png)

Just watched ABCs of Death - "P" was not for Pony

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But death to niggers most of all.

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