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Vidya Gaems
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File: d1b995c6f26d693⋯.jpg (74.78 KB, 806x624, 31:24, DnPXAB7UwAEV-gG.jpg)

6e51e4  No.15467362



September Event Schedule

8/31 - 9/9: The Other Side of the Sky

9/9 - 9/15: Ranger Sign Bravo! (Rerun)

9/16 - 9/22: Rise of the Beasts

9/23 - 9/29: Xeno Sagittarius

9/30 - 10/8: New Event


1.Infinity - 692908

2.Kihou - 740471

3.Sky Lords - 733000

4.Raven Nest (Dead) - 1024216

Guides and info


>How do I even play this shit?

You can play it from your browser by going to http://game.granbluefantasy.jp/

>I'm not going to use google botnet to play this.

You can use chrome alternatives, such as Slimjet or Iridium. If you don't like doing that, use an agent spoofer for the browser you do use to spoof chrome.

6e51e4  No.15467374

File: e0d069654418dd3⋯.png (132.28 KB, 400x270, 40:27, gold bar but not the sagi ….png)

Since this is the second xeno sagi showdown, there's no new xeno weapon.

ea04f1  No.15467394

File: 06030d1455bd88c⋯.png (238.95 KB, 567x872, 567:872, 466.png)

Why get a ring when you can get a daki?

42cfc2  No.15467602

File: fc2f0791abda54a⋯.png (111.95 KB, 640x688, 40:43, 1515987604401.png)

File: a50b486cc447872⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1189x1731, 1189:1731, a50b486cc4478724c7ec7bddd1….png)

File: f393ae0448175d7⋯.jpg (212.07 KB, 1036x1200, 259:300, 1537200632075.jpg)

File: 250d1f304a4edbe⋯.png (744.98 KB, 635x903, 635:903, 250d1f304a4edbe97ed0082f5e….png)

File: 693bf46c82b6416⋯.png (1 MB, 1000x708, 250:177, oins0kql7gk11.png)

This is my wife, say something kind about her!

47eae2  No.15467724


She needs to get more sleep and a better summon to be attached to.

42cfc2  No.15467732

File: a4604cc9c47fad7⋯.jpg (11.1 KB, 281x250, 281:250, granblue_fantasy_death_ora….jpg)


I agree about her summon needing to be better, but her tired sleepy eyes are part of her charm

9ecfb4  No.15467815

I quit playing Shadowverse around the time the crossover event with this game started, but a couple of the girls on the cards were pretty cute. What's this game like?

0fd306  No.15467843


It's a JRPG with a ton of characters, there's a good handful of free ones to get you started(not including ones from the main story) but the rest come will come from random draws, which you can use in-game currency for.

9ecfb4  No.15467847


Interesting. I remember Cagliostro and Ferry were pretty cute. How hard are they to pull in GBF?

9f5cc8  No.15467866


That's a boy with a penis

9f5cc8  No.15467869


Cag is also a boy, Ferry is a top tier SSR so the pull rate is like 0.1%

There are plenty of other cute girls though, like Camieux.

9ecfb4  No.15467875


Cag is a cute boy, though!

And that sucks about Ferry - she was a top-rarity card in SV also, but central to the last deck I enjoyed playing.

Cami is pretty cute, yeah.

21ed7b  No.15467909

File: d151fa278307464⋯.webm (4.1 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Story Trailer.webm)

File: 9dd423b8f344c36⋯.png (1.04 MB, 800x1130, 80:113, ClipboardImage.png)


Cag has 2 SSR versions, which are difficult to draw, however, she does have an event with a free SR that might get a rerun at some point.

Ferry has a difficult to draw reliably SSR, but does have an SR and a halloween SR, which has a higher draw rate. She's also due a grand version at some point, which you will be able to spark by saving up 300 draws.

An anon here has some accounts that he has done all the promotion free draws on, which might have ferry or cag on them. She does also appear in the main story, so you can get her backstory even without owning her.

2a2d7e  No.15467990


She's a fluffy Erune, which is very nice.

9ecfb4  No.15467999


I think I'll give the game a try, at least tomorrow.

725eb3  No.15468001

File: 76f82c6eac3336b⋯.jpg (95.93 KB, 569x789, 569:789, moontato.jpg)


she's not as good as moontato

42cfc2  No.15468027

File: c9528b3da24c3e8⋯.jpg (255.57 KB, 1200x847, 1200:847, DhQs3KnUcAA4zNQ.jpg)


Moontato is the second best best grill, and you have excellent taste!

cadb9f  No.15468081


The balance changes have been announced.

42cfc2  No.15468098

File: c4dff7bbb32729a⋯.png (95.35 KB, 329x377, 329:377, c4dff7bbb32729a8e1793e197b….png)


>Ten wolf's Bullshit

2a2d7e  No.15468105


>Dorothy can multi-attack

>Sara gets a 4th skill

This is all I care about.

725eb3  No.15468135

File: d5327be39c79337⋯.jpg (330.17 KB, 1000x1414, 500:707, nothing wrong in wanting t….jpg)

865f49  No.15468175

File: d5bb76a84ce6e1a⋯.jpg (564.14 KB, 800x698, 400:349, __monica_weisswind_granblu….jpg)

File: 8db5123d5754977⋯.png (131.1 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Realler_than_real.png)


Can someone else but a fucking seanigger translate the patch for fuck's sake?

725eb3  No.15468191

File: 30764035a59524e⋯.png (42.08 KB, 180x170, 18:17, sad nano.png)


i tried

2232f6  No.15468200

File: aed216484369dbd⋯.jpg (43.72 KB, 468x374, 234:187, aed216484369dbddfab2caae0a….jpg)


Wait, they changed Beas gameplay so she's a totally different character?

21ed7b  No.15468206

File: fe5ac45cdce4ecd⋯.png (792.06 KB, 850x760, 85:76, ClipboardImage.png)


>summer Bea is a totally different character to Bea

This Bea bullying must end

725eb3  No.15468210


but (if the translation is right) now she's one of the dark corest cores

77d6ab  No.15468491

File: e1a14d1ab0fd4d8⋯.jpg (209.99 KB, 600x963, 200:321, Magisa Hidebuu.jpg)

I hope titty witch still has her 75% Fire ATK up on Morax, or at least something more than 30% unique. She was my hardest hitter in double colossus.

When's cygames going to add her new clothes from the Sakura collab you motherfuckers it's been a year already



This month there is a lull in fun events and there are only grind to get strong stuff, but at least you can read the main story, side stories and fate episodes to get your RPG on.

As for Ferry and Cagliostro, just reroll until you get one (or both) of them.

Or ask for an account from account anon like >>15467909

suggested. He made a lot of alts when they were giving us tons of free draws and some of them are still unplayed.


That's another way to say GW 5* fourth skills are core.


If I'm not mistaken she just got a buff to her passive(get hit, get buffs, sausage masololi) and ougi (shield) though.


I'd say this depends on her uptimes.

Still, she's hurt pretty bad by the loss of 100% uptimes in all her buffs if you had 100% TA from grid + skills.

c11c37  No.15468687

File: ebcfc78139193de⋯.jpg (1.25 MB, 2152x1440, 269:180, Accounts for anons.jpg)



Here are the accounts that are left.

Cagliostro is on Accounts 1, 3, 5 and 8. Accounts 1 and 5 have both versions of him, the slut.

Ferry is on Account 8.

All the accounts are like rank 20ish because I grinded a bit for the LL Idols, Account 4 has played a bit of the Story before returning it.

I'm strongly considering removing Account 3 from here to sell it.

While we're at it, Account 6, hasn't logged in in 10 days. Zala, if you read this please let me know whether you have the intention of coming back to check the game from time to time or if you want to return the account to the pool.

42cfc2  No.15468980

File: bd9110682c954a7⋯.jpg (13.6 KB, 269x467, 269:467, 1513753890006.jpg)

rip gaym

865f49  No.15469065

File: ec1a3c477ce3e03⋯.png (687.19 KB, 621x677, 621:677, 1537195112844.png)

File: a2e1c14f8178567⋯.png (292.64 KB, 638x601, 638:601, 1537161852502.png)

File: 25b1919d10676ec⋯.jpg (129.63 KB, 1082x978, 541:489, 1537133117576.jpg)

File: 6554fd3c43d948a⋯.jpg (157.66 KB, 848x1200, 53:75, 1536745415534.jpg)

File: 6f712efadfdc32e⋯.jpeg (68.96 KB, 626x885, 626:885, Dmg9CXdU4AAzWEc.jpeg)

Time to rest a bit from grindan.

Who have you ringed?

We got a myriad of cute bachelorettes eligible to tie the know with, there are no bad options. Except Vira.

77d6ab  No.15469087


There are three rings available, so there is some leeway. Bet you some absolute madman has given a ring to three different versions of the same character.

>There are people playing this game that have ringed Okto or Uno

b1bb96  No.15469129

File: 66ce49172ef9b65⋯.gif (882.9 KB, 704x396, 16:9, illya.gif)



The things I'd do to her

865f49  No.15469151

File: 95ea7ddaaa6be16⋯.jpg (443.89 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, 1537093624215.jpg)

File: ad62c86bd27cfad⋯.jpg (166.18 KB, 664x1024, 83:128, 1537017850101.jpg)

File: d385fa5f0381919⋯.jpg (342.52 KB, 1600x2080, 10:13, 1536869657834.jpg)

File: 8c4e53cc1baf738⋯.jpg (491.12 KB, 1050x975, 14:13, 70626347_p0.jpg)

File: affc97732255dcf⋯.jpeg (142.1 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, DlbWXlUVsAANbF-.jpeg)


Yes, at least one cuckchanner ringed the three SSR Jannus, another did all Siegfried versions, and a twitter girl did both J.J. versions. Yes, there's a worrisome number doing esports with the rings. I have decided to give it to my boyfriend(female) Balurga, and hold another one if she ever gets an SR. My second option should Bal never get an SR is Actually seeing if she ever gets an SSR but I am not counting on it, her VA has been retired since 2017, so my choice would be Mariah

f47753  No.15469186

>Finally have a few moments to grind a bit


Hopefully I did the daily mission and stuff before

77d6ab  No.15469191


I want to eventually ring Europa (regardless of her kit) as a way of thanking water for always taking care of me.

That's a big eventually though, since Raphael was released so Grimnir should be next but there's been no sign of Grimnir and it's been quite some time since Alexiel and, well, it ain't looking like a short wait.

e90ad3  No.15469266

File: d99aa2e1798b447⋯.png (76.93 KB, 188x264, 47:66, Akko 2 INT.png)


d0f1b0  No.15469278

sometimes i fap to yaia but i dont honestly know much about this game

b9295e  No.15469308


You know she's 6 years old right?

9f5cc8  No.15469321


Camieux is the superior draph girl.

66222f  No.15469329


Why did they fuck up Summer Heles?

I unironically thought she was the most OP thing in the shitty light element, the saving grace.

Oh well, back to being the shittiest element.

11793e  No.15469436


>You know she's 6 years old right?

That's what makes it great though anon.

66f939  No.15469443


They didn't fuck her up though, and she wasn't OP to begin with. She's greater now that she feeds even more charge bar to the party, her assassin is still there and doesn't need charm now to work.

36c679  No.15469535

I'm real fucking sad they scrapped Bea's clock. She used to get free 50% atk, def, and data with jammed on her ougi while generally avoiding her debuffs. It also made her unique since she's the only one with that mechanic. She's still safer than her fire version, but I'm going to miss the free steroids. I don't really see how I'm going to keep her alive with low hp though, unless the passive numbers are good. I'm real excited for Feena, Yuisis, and Aldora at least.

77d6ab  No.15469660


All you need to know is that if you take the lyrics from Yellow Submarine and exchange sea with sky and Yellow Submarine with Blue Skyship you got the plot summary for this.

Gameplay is reminescent of earlier Final Fantasy and there's lots of story if you like reading.

2232f6  No.15469678

File: d73a94cc7768e7e⋯.jpg (239.92 KB, 1364x2048, 341:512, DZozgjNVMAEqxvM.jpg)

File: 3ef6d6ca0d35d57⋯.jpg (287.75 KB, 1280x1810, 128:181, dd766ff118ef4be360f28918e6….jpg)

File: 49a9869956f0cca⋯.jpg (89.76 KB, 685x950, 137:190, d1133afa770f78124b98afa5c0….jpg)

File: 01eae6d395dd361⋯.jpg (69.57 KB, 600x437, 600:437, d6b50c021cb82163bc9a44e8cf….jpg)

File: 03946e5f555778c⋯.png (226.79 KB, 572x800, 143:200, a60a7621ba392c649d73135341….png)


For bullying. Yaia is only bad for your waistline.

9f5cc8  No.15469747

File: 4f5b2062ec422e5⋯.png (60.27 KB, 728x1096, 91:137, heavy_firepower_by_miramir….png)

Hey guys, check out how inclusive tumblr fujoshits are making GBF.

Truly a victory for diversity.

b9295e  No.15469793

File: 6b7e71aed0af2a5⋯.png (68.13 KB, 184x184, 1:1, Clown.png)

77d6ab  No.15469798

File: 37ba9b5464b864f⋯.png (349.39 KB, 427x1024, 427:1024, Let us stop.png)

6749c6  No.15469873

File: 1f394836eda244e⋯.png (415.38 KB, 473x328, 473:328, Wives.PNG)

Would Nio replace Andira assuming I don't plan to 5* her any time soon? Still pre-hl, but I just plan on collecting cute jew-tens before focusing on esports.

ed50e2  No.15469874


I'm going to do it on all the Zois.

77d6ab  No.15469891


Even Visa-chan?

2dd096  No.15469907


Andira is better than Nio 4* in my opinion, and Andira will get buffs soon anyways.

ea04f1  No.15469918

File: a3c32a33e100e1e⋯.jpg (397.72 KB, 1768x2048, 221:256, a3c32a33e100e1efb1d944e242….jpg)

5f30ac  No.15469935


Visa-chan isn't that Visa anymore, is she?

77d6ab  No.15469940


She's more of Sierotix-chan now, yes. But still, it's better to call her Visa-chan not to confuse her with the other Sierotix-chan which is also Linksmate-chan.

53067f  No.15469994

>finally decide to come back to the game to see if I was kicked from the little clan thing I was in

>app is undergoing maintenance

seeing as I'll have to wait 2 hours and I can't be fucked even though I'll probably have to wait an hour for a reply, did any of you fags kick a player called Nibbed, and if so, I'll fucking rape you

9f5cc8  No.15470025


Join Crew 3 if you were, just post your ID

2232f6  No.15470070

File: 78cf9322a89adb0⋯.png (640.98 KB, 700x810, 70:81, 62887334_p0.png)


Deviant Art and making female pictures isn't fujo behavior.


Do you intend to feed Fenrir, Cammi?

53067f  No.15470102


Will do, hope I'm not though. I regret not checking in every now and then, the crew I was in was a pretty funny group.

4c4da2  No.15470108

File: f7ee143cf393beb⋯.jpg (73.54 KB, 350x700, 1:2, not_historically_accurate.jpg)


Crew 6 danchou here, Nibbed is still with us, I think the poor guy went to Gensokyo and we decided to never kick him in memoriam. Who're you?

9f5cc8  No.15470119


Still voting for fujoshit options every poll?

4c4da2  No.15470124

File: 6f33203f01259a1⋯.jpg (37.46 KB, 480x367, 480:367, IMG_20180830_064819_344.JPG)


Yeah, why, Nibba is this you? We all thought you killed yourself. And we decided to preserve your memory.

53067f  No.15470126



Nibbed is me, I gave up on the game after getting bored to shit with it. I'm returning to reunite with my waifu(s)

0bb780  No.15470133

File: 4cb7264e4f9a9b9⋯.jpg (62.56 KB, 469x728, 67:104, 4cb7264e4f9a9b9c7d81279b02….jpg)



4c4da2  No.15470145

File: 78bbf1cf510a431⋯.png (2.56 MB, 923x1436, 923:1436, 1536643520073.png)

File: 2395af128fe3e08⋯.jpg (131.01 KB, 550x382, 275:191, 1535885562646.jpg)

File: 699bf36b03a67b7⋯.jpg (314.04 KB, 1416x1333, 1416:1333, 62079669_p7.jpg)


Maaaaaan, I'm happy to see you did not fucking went to meet Truck kun. Get back here, lad, we got a lot of newfafs you can party with.

9f5cc8  No.15470162


>multiple waifus

4c4da2  No.15470181

File: 958611ead88e373⋯.jpg (29.74 KB, 698x389, 698:389, 1537028018046.jpg)



Guy didn't even played above a month, he couldn't yet find a waifu to love, but he once mentioned liking a few girls, never truly deciding on one.

ed50e2  No.15470203




I am now.


Hope you're ready for RotB.

11793e  No.15470256




I'll have you know Charlotta was my main girl.

it was for more than a month I think?

also harem a best


I'll join in as soon as the maintenance is over need to get it re downloaded onto my phone as well, shame it's a piece of shit with barely a gig of ram but the lag will have to be dealt with

Why exactly did you assume I killed my self though? that's pretty rude anon(s)


I'll probably do it loads and burn my self out within a few weeks again.

4c4da2  No.15470302

File: 9c32e7bac329957⋯.jpg (308.05 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 9c32e7bac3299574ba56aceffe….jpg)


>download gbf

Nigga play on browser, the app sucks dick.

I'm at fault for spreading the brb, Gensokyo rumour, I remember someone telling me they had lost their home and car and no prospect forward, suddenly you go off 3 months. What was I supposed to think.

11793e  No.15470317


Browsers pretty shit on mobile too, it'll be a pain either way. I'll be on the pc mostly so I should fine.

>I'm at fault for spreading the brb, Gensokyo rumour

That's fine, I don't really give a shit honestly. Sucks about that other guy though, hopefully he's all good now.

4c4da2  No.15470352

File: c3922198232f961⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 707.95 KB, 868x1228, 217:307, 70660009_p0.jpg)

File: 1bf9c3c85646acb⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 857.2 KB, 1014x1500, 169:250, 69775293_p0.jpg)

File: 3986eb4e6d25189⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 749.04 KB, 611x855, 611:855, 69801784_p0.png)


I actually dropped it as a "maybe the guy did, but at any case, never kick him, guy was a fellow potatofag and shame if he actually lost everything. F."

Here's some Charlottas to apologize for killing you.

4c4da2  No.15470364

File: 7e4bf45f4f1fcb0⋯.gif (1.08 MB, 279x219, 93:73, assburger_wew.gif)


I fucked up the spoilering, can a hotpocket fix this, sorry for the fuck up.

155884  No.15470370


>harvinlover "forgetting" to spoiler his degeneracy

You deserve another potato famine.

8b4d0a  No.15470379


>fellow potatofag

I remember there being another potatofag in the group who was saying something about hard times, dunno if it was the same guy but if it was it might've just been something temporary. Hopefully anyway.

appreciate the charlotta's



>not the greatest race

nigger you gay

77d6ab  No.15470382

Back to your scheduled RotB grinding anon.

2a2d7e  No.15470384

File: c0f09cc18c96817⋯.webm (13.78 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Charlotte VR.webm)


>pic 1

That's probably the first good lewd I've seen of Charlotta so far.

Funnily enough, vid related made me start this crap.

4c4da2  No.15470385

File: 26bc3317a109ab4⋯.jpg (65.76 KB, 600x489, 200:163, 66343652_p20.jpg)


Fuck off, this was an honest mistake. I can't dump either because rules. Sucks because I want to drown the thread in fields of potatoes.

8b4d0a  No.15470470


Never have I wanted VR more than I do right now.

21ed7b  No.15470665

File: ffa27e5d800a991⋯.png (602.1 KB, 509x678, 509:678, ClipboardImage.png)

It's time

c4a7f2  No.15470707


>getting a primal to over soul with you needs a deep bond with said primal

Loki can do it with Fenrir

Fenrirfag BTFO

054bca  No.15470722

I can't play. The game keeps doing the fucking pop up.

21ed7b  No.15470735


Yeah, I'm stuck in an update loop too

3ce868  No.15470736


It's just Cygames adding the Oracles in, no need to panic.

054bca  No.15470739


054bca  No.15470742

And I started a fucking Zeph raid too,

4c4da2  No.15470749

File: 56c506f7fa89b07⋯.jpg (36.21 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 1535803489645.jpg)

Dead Game

It finally happened Fenrirfags killed the game. We're free.

77d6ab  No.15470754

Hope you guys enjoyed those 100 crystals because they mean we don't get anything else for this.

3ce868  No.15470756


Everyone have their Gensoukyo portals ready? The prophesied time is at hand.

9be0b3  No.15470760

File: 5aa17d2b1482076⋯.png (51.51 KB, 330x341, 30:31, 5aa17d2b1482076e4df95aeed9….png)

I guess I needed an early night anyway, going to watch some found footagegoodand get some sleep for once.

Enjoy your free single pot niggers.

ca603d  No.15470770

>Spend a half-elixer and start a raid

>This happens

Oh well.

054bca  No.15470780

>App is undergoing maintenance

I bet they didn't even fix shit.

e91336  No.15470783

>3% left to Zeph

>endless update loop

This needs to hurry up so I can kill him and his bitch off.

9be0b3  No.15470788

File: 55fd1f69114abf5⋯.gif (1.91 MB, 500x500, 1:1, icanttakethisshitanymore.gif)


Yeah there's no chance that raid will still be valid. I hope I'm wrong but…

054bca  No.15470789


Got further then me. I put debuffs on hime then

>There is a new version. The app will update.

>There is a new version. The app will update.

>There is a new version. The app will update.

>There is a new version. The app will update.

>There is a new version. The app will update.

>There is a new version. The app will update.

77d6ab  No.15470800

Inb4 they are updating to add Shitori Grand already and jew us out.

I mean, they had all that timefuckery going on, who's to say she didn't complete her training and shit the moment we stepped out of Spess Whale.

f47753  No.15470801

>Could do a few raid before having to do stuff

>Leave to do stuff

>Come back to continue light grinding


There better be 3 billion crystals.

Also, I saw they gave a few SSR omega weapon from previous quests, maybe they fucked up on this?

4c4da2  No.15470822

File: 87169bdaeeb54b8⋯.png (576.63 KB, 638x912, 319:456, 1537313932208.png)

File: 4187d4a5c287bb2⋯.png (344.34 KB, 640x688, 40:43, 1537314081007.png)

File: f570c0a880f9e79⋯.png (457.43 KB, 632x534, 316:267, 1537313781897.png)

File: 60d2982b46dfe54⋯.png (744.85 KB, 636x902, 318:451, 1537312302576.png)

Even better rumor is that it's a mass banning of all kinds of bots.

Aldo new quest arts for all 4 main primals. Rate Colo chan's ass.

21ed7b  No.15470847

File: 7abf800be227515⋯.png (1.12 MB, 850x1202, 425:601, ClipboardImage.png)


>Rate Colo chan's ass.

It's pretty good

ea04f1  No.15470851

File: 531497028215837⋯.jpg (208.96 KB, 1636x1157, 1636:1157, 531497028215837fbaecf18e8c….jpg)


>Do you intend to feed Fenrir, Cammi?

No, just my semen

cadb9f  No.15470876


What are you talking about?




Andira has a better buff but coma is incredible.

1c2c88  No.15470891

they better give us a gorillion crystals for this unplanned maintenance right after a 6 hour maintenance period

6e51e4  No.15470908

Maintenance is over, go back to the mines.

572e7d  No.15470960

File: 54af89c2da8e99a⋯.png (467.08 KB, 459x616, 459:616, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c443aad2afd3b21⋯.png (515.54 KB, 459x614, 459:614, ClipboardImage.png)

They finally added in progress bars to weapon forging.

f47753  No.15471129

>Use 10 single ticket


>Soriz SSR


>Tiamat Bolt (Gold moon)

Thank you RNJesus

e91336  No.15471164


I ended up making it in time to rip zeph apart.

55a1aa  No.15471194


Loki somehow got more faggy.

c4a7f2  No.15471208


He's so beta that he got lonely enough to fuck his dog.

77d6ab  No.15471214


Well, at least he realises that he needs to go outside and make some friends. Even if he needs to mindbreak and kidnap people for that.

2232f6  No.15471641

File: eed83afc8829e5d⋯.png (479.62 KB, 800x800, 1:1, eed83afc8829e5d69e596ec1f3….png)


Doing it for Mika?

865f49  No.15472178

File: 3906f86340029c7⋯.png (111.27 KB, 500x699, 500:699, q-sachiko-few-hours-before….png)


We need to bap Sachiko.

6c84a6  No.15472263

File: 4c6ec07e4b970c5⋯.jpg (355.09 KB, 633x511, 633:511, cc6598ffb3a405fa9c4e227188….jpg)


>oppai Harvin

Might as well post Draphs.

865f49  No.15472409


But Riruru, Arulu, and Zahlhamelina all have noticeable breasts, while Balurga, Philosophia and Char have lines that mark they do, just not on Riruru nor Arulu levels. They have also good thighs specially Miraoru, Leonora and Philosophia. While others like Toot, Doot and Lyudmila have great hips. All harvins have good stuff on them.

c7b9a2  No.15472445

File: c781bbc33e533eb⋯.png (16.57 KB, 337x372, 337:372, extra sad wojak.png)

>tfw potato gf will never real

865f49  No.15472455

File: c6640eaac410593⋯.png (1.66 MB, 890x1189, 890:1189, 1537341702883.png)

File: 764f6c8519b99fc⋯.jpg (125.3 KB, 858x1200, 143:200, 1537341152769.jpg)

File: d3f3402f8e71745⋯.png (897.89 KB, 817x1000, 817:1000, 1537324262630.png)

File: 0dda7bd97a10240⋯.jpg (156.96 KB, 847x1200, 847:1200, 1537319509148.jpg)

File: a3f6e71a2d46608⋯.jpg (83.86 KB, 689x938, 689:938, 1537319094538.jpg)


>tfw no potato gf will ever be real

I'm gonna need 2 Tia Bolts for this.

42cfc2  No.15472998

File: 8ac3c4e64e35d85⋯.jpg (1.61 MB, 1560x1315, 312:263, 1521755710443.jpg)

File: 7d9dbd378ffaa37⋯.jpg (102.87 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 1512432398298.jpg)

File: 6a910b14d4387b9⋯.png (423.08 KB, 630x920, 63:92, 6a910b14d4387b91dd1046155b….png)

File: 508e27614d52e7c⋯.png (281.38 KB, 450x562, 225:281, 167f296678e7909830e40bce1e….png)


>I will never have an autistic waifu from granblue

>I will never find an autistic waifu in real life

Its hard to keep going on sometimes.

c4a7f2  No.15473021

File: f77cea3d528ea12⋯.png (495.34 KB, 610x861, 610:861, Daetta.png)


>I will never have an autistic waifu from granblue


fc73a9  No.15473045


10/10 autist

SSR someday I hope

865f49  No.15473066

File: 4896b79f6fb88d4⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 750.64 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 1537313980673.png)

File: 408f6276e164169⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 272.55 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1537283530712.png)

File: 753ada40e26e8f6⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 148.6 KB, 772x1080, 193:270, 1537286030748.jpg)

File: 958d91bc228b071⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.44 MB, 700x1333, 700:1333, 1534998944274.png)

File: a0c3548aee3d894⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.91 MB, 1790x2082, 895:1041, 55190797_p7.png)


He said autist, not somehow more damaged than Danua.

42cfc2  No.15473145

File: 8a331af26ada8ab⋯.png (495.87 KB, 575x1000, 23:40, 217d25d8fee2be967443bfa107….png)



As long as she genuinely loves me

66222f  No.15473209

So in the new fate episode, you can ask who's special to Robomi. She doesn't answer.

So you guys think she likes Gran?

77d6ab  No.15473225


She's a widow with a grown hologram son anon, keep it in your pants.

c4a7f2  No.15473238

File: 33d06f0a566ef2a⋯.webm (202.71 KB, 120x130, 12:13, 33d06f0a566ef2abead63d003….webm)


I totally forgot about this autistic potato too.


What new fate episode are you talking about?

3ce868  No.15473315


Tia HL

Pls help, nips won't

ed50e2  No.15473422

File: fff2799a7bacac2⋯.png (650.12 KB, 629x764, 629:764, Zois ring.PNG)

Now I need to get the other Zois somehow.

98beee  No.15473500

File: 9da3310cd70d805⋯.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 10.43 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, MIMLEMEL ミムルメモル.mp4)


Here's an autistic potato for you my fellow potatofag

bb5802  No.15473757

Battōsai reporting in. Real life pulled me away from the grind for a bit and now I don't wanna open grubble anymore. Might show up for GW though.

c11c37  No.15473773

File: 680d0ae3560c0cf⋯.jpg (291.41 KB, 900x1589, 900:1589, 249b63c571d3e6cb5cedfaa9a8….jpg)


Playable Colo-chan when?

2a2d7e  No.15473821

File: 810b472ee15e783⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 147.65 KB, 636x810, 106:135, fire grid.JPG)

I need to figure out how to fix this.

Spoiler for shame.

eac059  No.15473835

File: b02675edf24d37e⋯.png (132.25 KB, 388x277, 388:277, yaia.png)


never fuck your dumb oc

8f6471  No.15473875


Is that Fatalpulse?

1c2c88  No.15473941


The first thing to do is up your SL, that will markedly improve your grid.

After that try to get your hands on some AES since Colo sticks are garbage and should be replaced ASAP.

Question: does the Arcarum boss in 9-3 reset if you lose a run? By which I mean if you run out of TP do you get a different boss the next time around?

a155c1  No.15473996


Yes, you get a different boss every time you lose

2a2d7e  No.15474050


Yea, that's about what my crew told me as well.

I just need to figure out how to grind skill fodder quickly.

57fc42  No.15474074

>waits for snek drop

>gets one after waiting five minutes

>can't connect to the site

>another two dropped as this happened

>internet then decides to physically stop

yeah fucking thanks dickhead

c11c37  No.15474169


Second EX weapon, weapon skill ups.

You can get easy fodder by running your hard and Magna raids daily.



2232f6  No.15475086

File: 4d4555c2bd4c964⋯.jpg (265.54 KB, 1125x1500, 3:4, DnSDk3wU8AIJ53I.jpg)


Do you mean someone in their truck is gonna have a crush on her or she'll get a "welcoming" party?

25ce61  No.15476842



Just fap to Mika and it will average out

8d81ca  No.15477105

File: 6edff41c5c694eb⋯.jpg (105.03 KB, 480x822, 80:137, I married my cute dork bro….jpg)

I finally did it everyone. I married my rowdy diamond in the rough girlfriend, hope you all be as happy as I am right now.

c8c536  No.15477162


>he took OD atk up over generic earth attack up

Post your nodes so I can mock you further.

8d81ca  No.15477170

File: a052236733700a2⋯.png (44.54 KB, 866x343, 866:343, a052236733700a22a6acdeae80….png)

File: e7537db1ee703a6⋯.png (423.06 KB, 1031x896, 1031:896, 27320f32a90fb91bbddb1d3d72….png)


But that's her gimmick. Going all out in Overdrive thanks to Savage Strike. Afterwards it's a holdout game between Lucha and Grand Eugen eating damage protecting her.

21ed7b  No.15477374

File: d4725308671591c⋯.png (886.85 KB, 589x1200, 589:1200, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 21b2f4ae116fd5b⋯.png (1.18 MB, 632x1200, 79:150, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cdb2e2c63211cb4⋯.png (822.74 KB, 1199x748, 109:68, ClipboardImage.png)

77d6ab  No.15477559


This image made me realize it would be pretty funny if Europa character version just took the fountain around with her.

Gorilla playable confirmed? There's a 1/6 chance there is a joke about Light Gorillas just waiting to be made here

6e51e4  No.15477619

File: 2d798f3513fa03d⋯.jpg (89.4 KB, 574x643, 574:643, Dnh5nRFU4AE4CWD.jpg)

7284c4  No.15477643

File: 120d7d04e5355bf⋯.png (90.35 KB, 344x259, 344:259, Untitled.png)


There's literally no reason to take a conditional 10% dmg up over a flat 10% dmg up. Even if you want the OD gimmick, you can just take both. These are the EMPs I'd take if I were you.


>first pic


77d6ab  No.15477682


I'd say take out one star from either the CA DMG or DA and put it in ATK and DEF. As an R char her base stats are real shitty and she could use 2k ATK (maybe even more), and 30% CA DMG up is already pretty decent, and the second DA star isn't that good either.

6c84a6  No.15477878

File: ea1dc77b53bb379⋯.png (128.11 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Arulumaya_(Holiday)_A.png)

File: 10410dfeb481aad⋯.jpg (119.33 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, riruru.jpg)


None of them have sizable breasts. Only the tiniest little buds.

2232f6  No.15477941

File: 328326cac8ab06f⋯.mp4 (13.58 MB, 640x360, 16:9, グランブルーファンタジー-Paradise Lost.mp4)


I like to think of Handsome Gorilla being paired up with Belial as a theme of degeneracy.

0bb780  No.15478146


Round-robin Qilin train in co-op room

0bb780  No.15478178


Was competing with another room, try D18CF0 if you want to join.

8d81ca  No.15478454


You're posting two older art examples, see S. Arulumaya and S. Riruru, and Zahlhamelina, they don't have B cups, but they have seeable breasts, they aren't all flatlined.

6c84a6  No.15478913

File: 8ff3262b6b07537⋯.png (85.95 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Arulumaya_(Summer)_A.png)

File: 29bec39cf3db88a⋯.png (78.06 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Lilele_(Summer)_A.png)


I'm not seeing anything significant enough to be called tits.

eac059  No.15479278

File: a4caf160b57d30a⋯.png (45.48 KB, 466x452, 233:226, iridium_2018-09-20_23-13-4….png)

i want to ring her badly

8d81ca  No.15479295

File: 8854f4790e27905⋯.png (7.39 KB, 331x331, 1:1, 1537463453641.png)


ProtoTokage HL nips never answered.

8d81ca  No.15479475

File: 911162655003095⋯.png (556.47 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 70772296_p26.png)

File: 80ff7b142d000ad⋯.png (539.06 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 70772296_p15.png)

File: 63732591c71042e⋯.jpeg (44.83 KB, 832x803, 832:803, DnbAGcqVsAAtfaj.jpeg)

File: 5653536fb6ef3aa⋯.jpeg (47.41 KB, 970x603, 970:603, DnbAFGNVYAAPiK5.jpeg)

File: 09d0034c4557e3e⋯.jpeg (50.34 KB, 916x800, 229:200, DnbAEWSV4AUPQEy.jpeg)


At least it got killed.

Time to discuss what will happen to Katalina now that Miyuki Sawashiro isn't coming back.

488a1e  No.15479485


>Miyuki Sawashiro isn't coming back

What happened?

8d81ca  No.15479499

File: adcef499733dc70⋯.jpg (147.4 KB, 1024x597, 1024:597, 70764733_p0.jpg)

File: ede6aceb810864a⋯.png (312 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 1537436211424.png)

File: 01e3f79adfdbf54⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 1537436068697.png)

File: 7ffdcb79da555ce⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 1537435482936.png)


After pregnancy leave started she apparently called to quit, citing that she will raise her kid. KanaHana, Zeta's VA also not joining this Grubble Fes, no reason given, but she's been around enough that maybe she's lowering her work rate already. No Harvin VA will be in the Fes, except Siero. Main cast of Gran, Lyria, Vyrn, Kimura, FKHR, Lowain, Vira, Narmaya and several others confirmed.

77d6ab  No.15479545


>Katalina 5* never (not even the SR)

>Grand characters 5* never because Katalina would be the first one

>Story can't go on without Katalina

>Vira cancelled because can't have Vira without Katalina

Where were you when GBF got its death sentence?

488a1e  No.15479578


>she apparently called to quit, citing that she will raise her kid.

Understandable, and congrats to her.


>Story can't go on without Katalina

Either they have to write her off (really doubt this) or get a replacement seiyuu.

I just started a year ago, and this sort of thing along with draph dad's seiyuu passing happens.

77d6ab  No.15479627


>Get a replacement seiyuu.

They haven't done so even for Gandalf when his VA died some years ago, so I don't know if they'll start now.

The way they're hardheaded about this they'll either use stock pharases like when Eugen's VA was down or they'll really have to write her off (and maybe Lecia will finally get a chance to shine by stepping on Katalina's cold body)

8d81ca  No.15479648

File: 38ade62e48cb23d⋯.jpg (3 MB, 1400x1830, 140:183, 70764686_p0.jpg)

File: 44c7c59714dcc4a⋯.jpg (432.73 KB, 566x800, 283:400, 1537447834487.jpg)

File: f3b07a449ee246c⋯.jpg (125.66 KB, 885x626, 885:626, 1537446967034.jpg)

File: f4942deda4d2f0a⋯.jpg (793.42 KB, 2000x2592, 125:162, 1537446814549.jpg)

File: ab359b499904fa3⋯.png (399.99 KB, 700x1187, 700:1187, 1537405006851.png)


Peeps mentioning this must be why suddenly Lecia and Monika have newer art and lines, also Monika was already mentioned since March so there's a more solid explanation, but whatever happens can change the party chemistry.

488a1e  No.15479691


>They haven't done so even for Gandalf when his VA died some years ago.

That was probably to honor him, and looking back on it, it wouldn't feel right just to fill in that void with someone else like how DB Supers did with Bulma and Satan. I guess there's no choice, but to write her off where she just leaves to train and tells Gran/Djeeta to take care of Lyria for her.

>The way they're hardheaded about this they'll either use stock pharases like when Eugen's VA was down or they'll really have to write her off.

That makes sense in just reusing phrases for the mobage game, but I wonder how this is going to work for Re Link unless the lines for the game were already recorded.

>maybe Lecia will finally get a chance to shine by stepping on Katalina's cold body

Maybe, but Lyria, Vira, and Nigger Cat is going to miss her.

2232f6  No.15479728

File: 3bf01aa54857782⋯.mp4 (2.09 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Vkun.mp4)


Asians are only like that when someone dies; retiring or leaving leaves the character up to having what needs to be changed be changed. Even Hasbro did it with the G.I. Joe Renegades series when the head artist died.

8d81ca  No.15479737

File: a36e7c3a87ee1b7⋯.jpg (639.67 KB, 900x1000, 9:10, 69202740_p9.jpg)

File: dc65017857e1be7⋯.jpg (930.06 KB, 1000x700, 10:7, 69403975_p0.jpg)

File: 6de70b4ac3fc0c7⋯.jpg (1.34 MB, 1500x3318, 250:553, 69902136_p0.jpg)

File: c578de0ff31c9f2⋯.png (3.31 MB, 2971x2000, 2971:2000, 70681004_p34.png)

File: bf6a2238f87c307⋯.png (1018.35 KB, 800x1093, 800:1093, 70681004_p19.png)


Without Kat they all get the chance to escape their fucking gimmicks. Juri could get Farrah to even notice him, Vira could either learn to control Chevalier, and Lowain could finaaaaaaally fuck off bow that his bros are married.

428b85  No.15479743


Which is why I think they'll definitely replace her. She is the 3rd most important crew member plotwise and has many relationships with other characters, too many to just give up.

488a1e  No.15479758

File: fe11f5bb733a234⋯.png (754.62 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>Without Kat they all get the chance to escape their fucking gimmicks.

>Finally some fucking character development

I'm on board for this.

>Vira could either learn to control Chevalier

And finally notice pic related.

8d81ca  No.15479768


Isn't Tyre Yaia's?

77d6ab  No.15479769

I find it kind of funny since it's a 180 degree turn from her previous "I'll go back to VAing ASAP".

Motherhood really is a hell of a drug.

21ed7b  No.15479832

File: d0332cb6e0b105d⋯.png (232.06 KB, 850x708, 425:354, ClipboardImage.png)


All the grandblue mothers end up going away.

Why must we suffer? And why can't nene go away too

2232f6  No.15479849

File: 68dedf97cd4a847⋯.webm (227.38 KB, 708x1000, 177:250, fee8b233c77f0efae54d0f57a….webm)


Was there any doubt?

8d81ca  No.15479856

File: 1c41e7e4acfd6af⋯.jpg (279.38 KB, 1004x1000, 251:250, 56791744_p0.jpg)


Nene is better than other characters that ought to fuck off already.

77d6ab  No.15479867


I've never read her skill fate episode, did they ever find Yae's deadbeat dad?

8d81ca  No.15479878


Nope, and it's not like they're actually trying but if memory serves, Yae gets spotlight in skill fate, and Nene is shown as a good woman who cares about her.

77d6ab  No.15479889


Well, her voice grates but she gives you free candy so surely she can't be a bad person.

8d81ca  No.15479900

File: 3f1f513d34eb112⋯.png (168.5 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Nene_B.png)


I no longer have it, but her original art was gonna be a 60+ old Oba san with no kid and a skill about Taunting and gaining strength that got reworked into her passive. Glad we got her as what she looks like right now. Her voice is less grating than Salsa's to me.

2232f6  No.15480742

File: bdbade1ce131920⋯.jpg (436.88 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, DA0DCbhUQAIHmTg.jpg)


Her voice is shit without her original design.

fb9392  No.15480912

File: d1c28d17fbbf60d⋯.png (622.46 KB, 752x433, 752:433, 9.21clanbattle.PNG)

It's Clan Battle time. If you're in the priconne clan, don't forget to punch the bosses.

21ed7b  No.15480941

File: 783b329f5ffb5e6⋯.png (387.71 KB, 473x511, 473:511, ClipboardImage.png)

581c59  No.15480968

How much damage cap up do you get if you use both a seraphic and a rotb malus weapon?

eac059  No.15481216

572e7d  No.15481792

File: 033f3042eb4f78e⋯.png (68.82 KB, 453x236, 453:236, ClipboardImage.png)

It finally happened, after hosting uBaha HL for half a year, my first gold bar drop came from Huanglong.

2a2d7e  No.15482097

File: 35441dc9b233fa9⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 98.37 KB, 575x800, 23:32, df51d13126736cc9c1aba9ef72….jpg)

File: 018c52edeab33cd⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 48.03 KB, 567x800, 567:800, b5dc5404b0575fe43783acfd84….jpg)

File: 74a4712b0842387⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 345.5 KB, 1749x2767, 1749:2767, 74a4712b084238708f00be6acc….jpg)


>After pregnancy leave started she apparently called to quit

Well, shit.


>maybe Lecia will finally get a chance to shine

I hope not.

I only just finished the first part of the story but Lecia gives me a very (at best) lukewarm impression.

It's like they tried to prop her up badly, but she just came off as mediocre and doesn't have 1/4 of the pull or charm that Katalina does.

I'd rather have Rackam and Io take everything over.

55a1aa  No.15483082


Sawashiro got me in the door here. Was already listening to her in princess precure, then to hit a more husky version of that in the opening was great bait.

66f939  No.15483498

too bad I can't use my ring on Candi

d02c07  No.15483579

File: c1150455bb37d66⋯.mp4 (2.36 MB, 854x480, 427:240, GET EM OUT.mp4)


Is there any actual truth to this or is this fake news. I tried to find some more info and couldn't.

a155c1  No.15483666


I agree, and where is Summer Candi?

21ed7b  No.15483695

File: 9b7251fec6091c2⋯.png (610.96 KB, 723x705, 241:235, ClipboardImage.png)

c74f61  No.15483737

File: 24ed3b3a6117244⋯.png (86.46 KB, 295x289, 295:289, Yandere_Kanojo_c01_014_c_k….png)


>tfw Shadowverse art is better than nu-Granblue art

55a1aa  No.15483814


Hey, where are da horse women at?

d772eb  No.15484098


Hey is there a way I could get account 4 for a friend? I want to get him on GBF but he got sad he didn't started playing with the persona event.

He also wanted to play because of Grea.

581c59  No.15484122

File: 3629732ed2df9ab⋯.png (856.81 KB, 484x1014, 242:507, marry.png)

Core character in my heart

d772eb  No.15484149

File: 89420234f5b5d11⋯.png (209.2 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Sandalphon_(Event)_A.png)

File: 0fdeb6289f336d0⋯.png (152.17 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Nezahualpilli_A.png)


I disagree, I prefer the new art of the game. Of course I loved the old style of the game, but now we have less problems with proportions, and characters look much more charming with their expressions. Of course it all comes down to taste.

I would like to mention that the only thing I don't like in the newer art is that girls tend to be more on the moe side compared to older versions, for exaple De la fille.

2232f6  No.15484192

File: c25f4d750505afb⋯.jpg (141.63 KB, 945x840, 9:8, c25f4d750505afb60b5e894062….jpg)


You're waifu a worse than fujoshit.

d26d90  No.15484195

File: 818f2cdeb0c6565⋯.png (2.74 MB, 3055x3055, 1:1, 61984397_p0.png)

File: b5ff2df00b8c462⋯.jpg (450.84 KB, 666x931, 666:931, 64927389_p0.jpg)

File: c3b126365b3bab5⋯.jpg (299.24 KB, 765x700, 153:140, 65951055_p0.jpg)

File: 2bb4f04da1d4146⋯.png (265.44 KB, 512x680, 64:85, 68249633_p0.png)


Congratulations on marrying Drusilla!!

054bca  No.15484204

File: ab41085b6b2963e⋯.png (1.92 MB, 1125x1500, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

I'm getting so burnt out from RotB. Good thing Xeno Sag is next and I can take it easy.

c74f61  No.15484205


I mean the art quality in general for new art is bad. Look at the pic I replied to; it's best to worst from left to right.


But clearly not core in your party

d26d90  No.15484270

File: f5cfa2461ac0da3⋯.jpeg (24.67 KB, 428x344, 107:86, images (1).jpeg)


How do you even use Drusilla in a foight, m8?

054bca  No.15484298

File: 88a50e911b9b2a4⋯.png (360.45 KB, 318x671, 318:671, ClipboardImage.png)

Now to wait for the next RotB for another ring.

c74f61  No.15484430


You put her in your frontline where she spends your money and then dies.

3ef3ff  No.15485846

File: 97c0b486dfe1b5f⋯.png (733.15 KB, 629x805, 629:805, ready (tm).png)

alright, lay it on me bossman.

2a2d7e  No.15485866

a80e2e  No.15485996

>Wake up feeling like shit and groggy as fuck

>Oh, wind bait banner's up. I'll spend 2 tickets

>End up spending 6K like a dumbass because I couldn't see

Remember kids, if you're drawing make sure you're fully awake.

832622  No.15486037

>tfw water grid is finally looking somewhat decent

I feel like I'm not doing enough damage still though, is it just because I'm lacking one more ssr knife and level 10 sl?

832622  No.15486045

File: e0531d2a32b4bea⋯.png (772.87 KB, 616x647, 616:647, ClipboardImage.png)


>forgot the fucking image

a80e2e  No.15486057


Should've gotten the Love Live dagger.

832622  No.15486062


Wasn't there during the event, I think what I mostly need is an uncapped ssr snek. I only have a 0* currently. Guess it's back to snek rape then.

dcab43  No.15486066


You need an EX weapon, and to get rid of two of those normals, Assuming you're running Levi. The SR gun also needs to go. Look into baha weapons and see which will help your team(s), that'd be a good replacement for one of the three that need replacing.

832622  No.15486072


I need one more snek dagger which will replace the sr snek weapon. And an EX weapon was on my to do list, just don't know how to get one yet. I'll look it up shortly.

dcab43  No.15486105


In the mean time you should probably see more gains by main handing the spear and replacing the sword and katana with your two highest attack weapons from any element. Because the skill levels on your letter openers don't mean much if your attack is low.

You could also farm up more copies of the katana and spear to buff up their attack instead.

2a2d7e  No.15486119

File: 364e4c1957f2d2c⋯.png (548.33 KB, 620x1148, 155:287, 63347374_p0.png)



An EX water gun was available from the last event. It should serve you nicely even at 0* if you got one.

I also heard that the seraphics don't have much use until they're SSRs, so you could try replacing it with something else more meaningful until then.

Final protip that I was told recently is that the estimated damage number is very untrustworthy. When in doubt between 2 set-ups, use the trial battles to figure out which one will do more damage.

Also, increase the image quality in the settings, you nig.

Take good care of her.

832622  No.15486126


>Also, increase the image quality in the settings

The casino bot anon, I keep forgetting to change the quality back.

What was the last event and how do I get the water gun if I wasn't there? I assume I can't right? I did what >>15486105 said and my damage has risen, until I get to rank 50 I'll keep at it and farming sneks for the 3* snek summon.

832622  No.15486131

also charlotta is best girl and great care will be taken with her

2a2d7e  No.15486218

File: 71c6d43be3c25be⋯.jpg (138.27 KB, 754x1100, 377:550, 71c6d43be3c25bedacc1d88248….jpg)


You actually don't have to change the quality, just the size of the window.

The last event was Ranger Sign Bravo which lasted until the 15th and you can't get the gun now.

But don't worry about it because these events usually come with some EX weapon. Xeno Saggi (starts tomorrow) will have a wind EX and the Tales collab after that will have fire.

As for damage, I'm no expert, but I think it's safe to just stick whatever has the highest ATK stat if the on-element weapon that you have right now has no ATK skill at all.

And if your Levi isn't at 3* you'll probably be better off with the free Jehuty summon instead.

Like I said, use trial battles when in doubt.

I don't know when you started playing, but to have a grid like that before even hitting 50 is fantastic, I think.

Honestly, just take it slow, you don't want to burn yourself out too early.

832622  No.15486247


I burnt my self out last time, took a break for many months leading to my crew thinking I had killed my self. I had played previously for about 2-3 weeks and that was with some pretty fucking intense guidance and non stop playing I have the summon from the foamy deep quest though. I was told that was good. As for the quality, it doesn't work when I don't change it but as soon as I do change it, it's perfectly fine.

my water grid was mostly luck too, silva, pengy and charlotta all from lucky draws. Silva and pengy were from me being autistic and using 300 crystals while waifu charlotta was from the first summon you get at the beginning of the game.

>but I think it's safe to just stick whatever has the highest ATK stat if the on-element weapon that you have right now has no ATK skill at all.

I agree with this, until you have the right weapon, an on element weapon or just something with big damage would be better, that's how my damage numbers rose so much at least. Once I get one more snek dagger and fully uncap my seraphic weapon never ever along with having a bahamut weapon I should be set. Just need to get to rank 50, currently on 48 though.

16052f  No.15486344

File: ac1f04aa1121159⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 148.53 KB, 634x806, 317:403, just like get more fodder ….JPG)


The boat summon is good enough.

You can get a free baka weapon from the "What makes the Sky Blue" side story, but you need to progress the main story for a bit before you can play it.

If you don't know something, just pester your crew about it.

For the record, I'm rank 102 and still have no idea what I'm doing, I'm just here for the jpegs.

This >>15473821 was my fire grid until a few days ago; I got some extra advice from my crew, changed my main summon to 3* Colo (previously had a 100% elemental) and suddenly went from about 200k per character on ougi to over 1 mil.

It's still nowhere near acceptable, but a bit of advice always helps.

832622  No.15486372


I'm always pestering my crew to the extent where I kind of feel bad because my questions are usually "where is this" but they have helped me immensely, we did nearly 30 magna runs together

832622  No.15486383

double posting again I now, but are there any downsides to opening two windows and playing as many raids as possible other than eating up your EP as much as possible?

347ea0  No.15486389

File: e5a805c7d39fb4a⋯.png (2.35 MB, 1919x1042, 1919:1042, hardcore grinding.PNG)


>2 windows

You are like baby.

832622  No.15486416


I want NEED more monitors so I can have like 20 fucking windows open all at once

98d920  No.15486936

File: 0ab1f12ea5a493a⋯.png (451.9 KB, 832x832, 1:1, 1537579840281.png)


I may be retarded. But isn't using Yoda a bad idea on HL? I once got keked out of a shitty crew for that.

2232f6  No.15487054

File: a57906806b4871e⋯.jpg (64.1 KB, 600x600, 1:1, DnWA34gU0AA2AZM.jpg)


There's a new event story before we get the Tales collab.


It's just Guild Wars.

347ea0  No.15487103


I was grinding tokens in the guild war. It was just a matter of summoning Bonito and hitting Attack once per raid.

Also Yoda is pretty good for 1 turning stuff with Bonito, that extra million damage helps a lot in EX+ and NM 90s. That and I don't have Vajira nor Silva.


Sure m8, leave me an e-mail and I'll send you the login info.

98d920  No.15487249

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Repostan best Grubble music theme.

And these are the Automagods.

98d920  No.15487278

File: 72097408e197ab3⋯.png (215.74 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Automagods_NPC.png)

File: 01b8457ee2397e1⋯.jpg (98.06 KB, 639x595, 639:595, 637f3f49.jpg)

File: ebdb33b74c9353c⋯.jpeg (22.35 KB, 262x300, 131:150, images (2).jpeg)

Double post, because that event deserves to be added to side stories.

347ea0  No.15487294


It's still fairly recent, but eventually it will.

Right Behind You was a great event, up to the point where Vaseraga gets embarassed by Zeta trying to push him to admit he fell in love with his blacksmith.

556f63  No.15487359

File: 71e378c5559195a⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.89 MB, 2046x1446, 341:241, 81d7dabd0851526240239f52db….jpg)


Same here.

I've fapped to the porn for years, but never played the game or watched the anime.

Finally decided to give it a try after this thread.

Not only it's gachashit >>15469266, it requires you to create an online account on some botnet service. Since it didn't ask me for an account right from the start I was thinking it saved data locally on your browser, but it just trolled me by asking to create an account after the hour-long tutorial chapter ended.

Looks like I'll stick to the porn.

98d920  No.15487378

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Holy shit, /g/ everything is botnet in CY+3 man. Enjoy the jaypegs with us.

Also this is a song from Yuki Kaida, Balurga's VA in an old fujo anime.

6bdef0  No.15487569

tfw no bonito-humanoid gf.

That would've been the best zodiac girl.

581c59  No.15487601

File: 6095d6b80d10330⋯.jpg (184.64 KB, 490x876, 245:438, 2018-09-22_12-10-06.jpg)

Is this enough damage to one turn gw ex+?

054bca  No.15487650

File: d6ac72408a4cad6⋯.png (174.85 KB, 303x452, 303:452, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 922f41a769fb1ed⋯.png (160.47 KB, 316x510, 158:255, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 485f121a3ec46e5⋯.png (136.6 KB, 319x232, 11:8, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e3a697a1b0dad7b⋯.png (152.57 KB, 319x294, 319:294, ClipboardImage.png)

I have way too much shit that requires Silver Centrums.

347ea0  No.15487656


Just host 2 grand orders a day, you'll get 'em soon enough.

832622  No.15487752

File: bed0eb5adb3794a⋯.png (788.29 KB, 650x850, 13:17, ClipboardImage.png)

9a5f83  No.15487827


I want to eat this potato

2232f6  No.15487847

File: 164adccdb9d2cd3⋯.jpg (222.6 KB, 1448x2048, 181:256, Dlr28AoVAAAPerD.jpg)


Everything IS a botnet which begs the question why is he on the internet; the NSAs botnet.


Better Centrums than Seraphic Anima.

224e61  No.15487871


>being shocked an online game requires an account

You might be retarded.

832622  No.15488068

File: f14f636988739c3⋯.png (484.1 KB, 666x500, 333:250, ClipboardImage.png)

>finally reached rank 50

556f63  No.15488164



It's not so much the botnet in itself, it's more the hassle of having to create another goddamn online profile to manage just to play a fucking browser game without any option to backup my save locally.


One of the reasons I never tried it was because I thought it was MMO shit or at least had MMO elements. Then reading this thread I understood it was more similar to traditional Final Fantasy games. When the game started as apparently an old-school single-player JRPG adventure and it didn't ask me to create an online profile before and during the tutorial chapter, I figured it wouldn't need one. So yeah, I'm probably retarded.

Does it have any reason for it to require an online account though, other than storing your saves in the (((cloud))) and enabling the gachashit stuff.

2dbb0e  No.15488200


Off the top of of my head, friend list for borrowing summons more consistently, being in a crew for buffs and people to raid with and Co-Op which is necessary for late-game classes.

2232f6  No.15489007

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


That's not Robomis theme.


>Does it have any reason for it to require an online account

It has MMO elements and they don't want people using save editors.

98d920  No.15489280

File: 80e2e50fc97185c⋯.jpg (110.49 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 63166009_p0.jpg)

File: 5d7a8ec9bd65636⋯.jpg (355.66 KB, 585x730, 117:146, 63569943_p0.jpg)

File: 649c70dce27c1a4⋯.jpg (1.1 MB, 2893x4092, 263:372, 60741822_p0.jpg)

File: 6a402da111dcfc4⋯.jpg (753.69 KB, 1831x1770, 1831:1770, 70130967_p0.jpg)

File: 64c4e11fe19eed6⋯.jpg (151 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 68570084_p1.jpg)


They're discussing a Gbf rep for UltiSmash, and both plebbit and cuckshed are pinning this on the guy who leaked the new SamSho game recently. Since Dragalia Lost there's been people talking between Cygames and Ninty. Expect nothing tbh, game is nearly to launch date.

55a1aa  No.15489304

File: fc10df1518ec411⋯.png (73.45 KB, 633x155, 633:155, no forgive.png)


>reading halfchan

>linking to halfchan

98d920  No.15489322

File: ee673e9a954a875⋯.jpg (129.65 KB, 350x350, 1:1, 68570084_p5.jpg)

File: 383666197011357⋯.jpg (139.38 KB, 350x350, 1:1, 68570084_p6.jpg)

File: c98174d9608c294⋯.jpg (92.05 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 68570084_p2.jpg)

File: 93b6f953ef094f5⋯.jpg (269.79 KB, 411x600, 137:200, 68570084_p22.jpg)

File: 067a8c420c6557c⋯.jpg (114.39 KB, 350x350, 1:1, 68570084_p7.jpg)


I got this sent from Bandcamp

055089  No.15489337



who gives a fuck about soytendo franchises anyway

3ef3ff  No.15489347

File: 2ef8b970a5533ae⋯.jpg (71.6 KB, 402x548, 201:274, 2ef8b970a5533ae6262db01511….jpg)


(you) when the game gets flooded with people who were introduced to the game by nintendo.

98d920  No.15489352

File: 6b42dea5b199c4c⋯.jpg (223.87 KB, 990x700, 99:70, 67576686_p5.jpg)

File: 03f3f78fd995c4a⋯.jpg (286.26 KB, 700x990, 70:99, 67576686_p6.jpg)

File: fd064160c2970c0⋯.jpg (112.52 KB, 350x350, 1:1, 68570084_p8.jpg)

File: 90b5122bee94c8b⋯.jpg (1.29 MB, 2048x2048, 1:1, 69351223_p0.jpg)

File: 5176d01e97588aa⋯.jpg (1.24 MB, 2048x2048, 1:1, 69207950_p0.jpg)


Imagine the influx of fightanfags incoming if gbf does get a rep inside and GoldenSunfags start killing themselves over this along with Genofags, Waluigifags and other irrelevant characters getting upstaged by cykagames

77d6ab  No.15489356


>not waiting to see what Mahou Senshi and it's weapon are going to do before picking the element

I've paid one thousand katana stones for my folly with the unsigned kaneshige and I won't repeat my mistake.

3ef3ff  No.15489366


you need to understand I fucking hate the ccw grind and don't actually use the weapons. it was to get it done quickly, not right.

98d920  No.15489373

File: 2479a5295b2dc87⋯.jpeg (32.04 KB, 500x500, 1:1, DnYJjKYU4AAuQdq.jpeg)


Because people use fucking Broom or Avenger Rebirth all the time in endgame grids.

bb1baf  No.15489392

How do I find a gf that looks like OP's image?

77d6ab  No.15489430


Nigger, how did you not notice you did a ten draw to manage to do a second one?

And why did you fall for the element rate up scam? Did you want SRs like a friend of mine did?



We would have to start the Society storyline with a Footsteps on Sacred Ground sidestory though. And then go through the whole thingamajig with Platinum Sky, Gripping Freedom and whatnot.




Why must Seraphic anima have a 1/3 chance of dropping if you don't host/MVP if every damn thing nowadays need it? And why did it have to be fucking seraph cradles you get instead of something useful, like a bunch of quartz or some shit.

7813f8  No.15489439

>used nearly all my half pots for recruiting nio, farming 3 bars and trying to unlock tier 4s

I've reached hl on my second month, but now I'm screwed since I don't have any left to farm xeno sagi.

How is an element changed murakumo for a kengo mainhand? Just realized I don't have any good mainhand for it with water.

77d6ab  No.15489447

File: 0b7ea78189c0bc9⋯.png (1.02 MB, 644x817, 644:817, Charge Bar Memes.png)


Absolutely disgusting.

Do it nigger. I only had 30% DEF down in that picture.

a80e2e  No.15489455


To be honest I've gotten a great number of SSRs through these bait banners. Just not Wind ones.

581c59  No.15489478


Not that anon, but is kengou still good with random characters? I got Pholia, Vajra, Katalina, Silva, Lily. Aqours and Chat Noir too.

77d6ab  No.15489496


Kengo is pretty decent as an ougi battery, and has guaranteed DA as long as he doesn't get hit, so his own damage and MA is pretty sustainable. Works pretty well with Vajra, and while I don't have her, Pholia and her MA shield should profit a lot from being paired with him and ouging a lot.

For Silva I don't know exactly since I don't have her either and don't know how she works exactly, but you probably won't be able to have her ougi specs up every time she ougis, but still, should work pretty well. Katalina should get almost 100% uptime on her water atk up.

But of course, fuck those guys, you're going to use the premier water character, the one and only Chat Noir. You can just make a party with MC and Chat Noir and MVP UBHL, if not solo it in record time. Maybe next time they rebalance him they get it right

2232f6  No.15489504

File: 74360047c230a0c⋯.png (155.59 KB, 371x329, 53:47, 74360047c230a0c26490c92124….png)


>Gbf rep for UltiSmash

Napalm was invented for people like that but it's not far fetched though since Cloud made it in from just being a character in a rhythm game and Cygames is making Nintendo a game. Probably have a Switch version Platinums game being made since Japs will jump on that hard.


When their numbers gets Cygames to make Western servers and throw the translation to the Commiefornia dogs.


Wario fans will always be the most fucked.


Is that a giant pillow?


>Gripping Freedom

That should've been reran long ago.

>Why must Seraphic anima have a 1/3 chance of dropping

To keep your eternal soul forever chained to the game with grinding.

d58c3e  No.15489518

File: 0032f9cc81636c0⋯.jpg (270.08 KB, 1667x2000, 1667:2000, 4ea2e7c3fe72a36bc3560af1b1….jpg)


Silvia is pretty straightforward.

>first skill for big ougi

>second skill for big crits

>third skill for topping off for chain after using

>the fourth skill, which you use to swap in a strong attacker/break assassin/dmg cut character

77d6ab  No.15489552


To finish my opinion, if I were you I'd probably use Vajra and Pholia with a fourth character of your choice (Katalina probably, since she has a buff, cut, veil and heals, but you do you). Pholia will shit so many ougis she'll be effectively immortal unless an enemy can take her shield out in one hit, and Vajra has her stackable buffs and 200% charge bar, and since she lacks good multiattack, she could use Pholia's 2.

I cannot sing enough praises for the Unsigned Kaneshige. 30% Charge bar speed up party wide on ougi (from a Devilry emblem), 10% charge bar as an ougi effect, which can feed Kengo himself if you are just 20% or so shy of 200% charge bar (affected by the 30%) on top of the normal 10% charge bar for other party members(again affected by the 30%) on each of up to three potential ougis (if you TA with next to 200% charge bar after using No Turning Back), with 50% base charge bar speed up on MC from a passive that stacks with the 30% or Pandemonium (70%) is just so beautiful dudes.


Checking your comments and the wiki, I guess at least you might be able to ougi a second time while her crit buff is still up since it has a 3 turn duration. Should be pretty neat.

98beee  No.15489768

File: 75dd12ad10aaece⋯.jpg (650.06 KB, 1595x1063, 1595:1063, 63452760_p0.jpg)

File: a71ee54000683b4⋯.jpg (687.09 KB, 1800x1280, 45:32, 65430421_p0.jpg)

File: 7a57a87bce72a72⋯.png (3.7 MB, 2893x4092, 263:372, 69486891_p0.png)

File: edbaaf646ec854a⋯.jpg (77.91 KB, 605x700, 121:140, 67576686_p1.jpg)

File: 3276df45180b319⋯.jpg (110.03 KB, 890x830, 89:83, 67576686_p4.jpg)


Yah, a pillow, that artist likes to draw sleepy Boxes, Wariofags are better than Krystalfags and Genocucks. I wish we did got a rep, I haven't liked smash ever, but watching threads meltdown for weeks would be beautiful.

e451d7  No.15489780


Is there any use for drang balls in a magna grid? I've tried to draw for cute girls during last month's flash but got 2 of those and eden instead.

f47753  No.15489918


>Thinks that GBF will be flooded for longer than 50 rank

>Not that it will be GBF players that will shit up smash games to collect salt

d58c3e  No.15489946


You're probably better off with a Europa harp. That said, putting one ball in your harpless grid probably won't hurt.

77d6ab  No.15490099


Well, it's a massive modifier besides the ougi damage up and cap up. Just don't uncap one ball with the other.

Theoretically you can get an insane Ougi cap up and Ougi damage up by using two Drang Balls and one Europa Harp with Leviathan FLB and Varuna MLB. I'm not sure what the other 7 weapons would be for you to get enough damage though.

832622  No.15490737

File: 8da8f6d70b3d655⋯.png (325.96 KB, 596x733, 596:733, ClipboardImage.png)

>play the event for less than 20 minutes

f8fbcd  No.15490809


>he thinks the summon is worth anything

Guess how I can tell you are new

832622  No.15490826


I haven't got much knowledge on the game wind wise, I've focused on my water grid Also it's better than the shit tier summons I had

66f939  No.15490878


>not wanting free quartz

it's like you never farmed magna II

d58c3e  No.15490916

File: 92cae7bbfb3fed8⋯.jpg (146.9 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 92cae7bbfb3fed870f12be9d5d….jpg)

>tfw I have progressed enough that I can auto the extreme with a Kaguya support summon and Storyteller mainhand

It's a good feel.

cadb9f  No.15490986

File: bf2c592837e1680⋯.png (193.18 KB, 414x528, 69:88, 1st maniac.png)


You want this one.

832622  No.15491053


Already got it anon

cadb9f  No.15491090


Ok, you're done then.

f8fbcd  No.15491155


Tiamat is the best summon, Tia also drops Tia bolts often so you'll be able to swap to a Tiamat summon soon. Best time to swap is 5 guns.


Nigga I have so many SSRs I ran out of rupies to reduce them.

66f939  No.15491348

File: f7c7feecad7e14a⋯.png (388.6 KB, 398x779, 398:779, ClipboardImage.png)


2232f6  No.15491372

File: 12dfe82d6ddaf27⋯.jpg (146.43 KB, 1146x864, 191:144, Dgg0uYHUwAATYMq.jpg)


>watching threads meltdown for weeks would be beautiful

Nothing in Smash will ever be capable of that much salt production again except maybe the fallout when they cut a chunk of the roster on the next console.


Hah, Anon got blue balled.


Wind is the easiest element to start with from Tiamat having the only omega weapons worth a damn without needing specific characters.


Is it totally uncapped and turned into the True version?

832622  No.15491377


I'll be doing wind soon but I want to finish up my water grid first.

No it's not uncapped at all yet, I'll have to do it another time

66f939  No.15493258

File: 3e6ec784b9c2e48⋯.png (161.33 KB, 271x352, 271:352, ClipboardImage.png)

I'll just leave this here Balurganon meltdown in 3

962cce  No.15493410

File: 67946936a298516⋯.jpg (52.96 KB, 313x329, 313:329, j016.jpg)


Every time

f47753  No.15493480


>That host

What a nigger

054bca  No.15493515



So I'm pretty sure if a Gbf rep happens, it's gonna be as DLC since I'm sure the base roster is done. Of course, that depends if the talks are successful.

d6fa3f  No.15493524


That shit is just reg from made in ab- oh fuck off.

962cce  No.15493533

File: eea94aa3ad3d13b⋯.png (47.8 KB, 406x460, 203:230, 42dde49e6fd25d857853e12ef9….png)

66f939  No.15493567


the guy basically soloed ubhl in 2 minutes (though there were probably other 5 nips in the raid assisting with debuffs and such)

832622  No.15493605


thats a joke right? I feel like someone actually made this believing it

b5e19e  No.15494456

File: 6dbbb606faa1b16⋯.jpeg (68.45 KB, 583x839, 583:839, DhkCWyXUcAE806L.jpeg)

File: def9ea0008f9b54⋯.png (134 KB, 488x679, 488:679, Birthday #2 Scene 4.png)

File: a87707035c112d2⋯.jpg (52.98 KB, 597x652, 597:652, DQSnssAUEAAJaKN.jpg)

File: 03a5f5925e75030⋯.png (525.74 KB, 1380x1760, 69:88, 56713988_p1.png)

File: 9f3986b60e9be0f⋯.jpg (1.13 MB, 1240x1748, 310:437, 5e3a4e1b2f910ab00beb4cce39….jpg)


Balurgaanon here. This isn't the first time I read through shite like that. I don't mind their autism at all.

054bca  No.15494523

When's magnafest? I need to start collecting silver weapons for Song.

2232f6  No.15494536

File: 21b8e22a7a7747d⋯.png (2.11 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, 21b8e22a7a7747d702c32880ce….png)


They're not wrong, Balurga is a trans girl; got her arm bit off to become a cripple.


Yep, new Cloud but I think there's still one more new character for the roster and at least two more new (((characters))).


That's not autism, that's faggotry.

054bca  No.15494573


What I meant by "base roster is done", I meant more like all the characters were chosen to the roster whether then all the character have been shown. I'm gonna say maybe 2 to 3 more echos and 1 or 2 actual newcomer(s).

b5e19e  No.15494640

File: 6ecc09213e8587e⋯.jpg (109.03 KB, 613x459, 613:459, 1537526733165.jpg)


Faggotry. Autism. Both mental diseases anyways.

2232f6  No.15494997

File: cdbcdde209c9403⋯.jpg (178.29 KB, 1200x802, 600:401, DdorS1-U8AEbqDQ.jpg)


Autism can be useful; faggotry can't.

979bb3  No.15495660

File: b149188d378a8e4⋯.png (58.95 KB, 374x152, 187:76, holyshid.PNG)

Arcarum is nice sometimes.

fc73a9  No.15495758


I agree, I'd say 1/3 of my rainbow grids would cease to exist if Arcarum never existed

eafe14  No.15496016



>Wario fans will always be the most fucked.

Sadly true.

Imagine having the character you love completely butchered and devoid of anything that resembles its origins save for one move. That's it. Pretty much what characters go through in Duty Fighter V.

What's worse, at least characters get references to other entries they're in by virtue of items, stages or even tracks. Wario's the only character who gets nothing resembling his original series. sage for offtopic

ea04f1  No.15496181

Is an athena sword/spear grid viable with agni after the MLB update they got a while back?

1160ce  No.15496217


About as viable as Varuna without Fimbuls or Hades without Gislas. You will hit hard, but never as hard as you would with the lychpins of the grid.

ea04f1  No.15496230


the lynchpin being crimson fingers I'm assuming?

1160ce  No.15496239


I'm not into the Agni meta but I think it's a combination of fingers and Sturm's weapon.

ea04f1  No.15496259


I have two Ixabas, but… I'd really rather use my damascus bars on other things. Really wish these things weren't so hard to get.

2232f6  No.15496314

File: 2e7e1ef04bd9702⋯.jpg (212.58 KB, 1235x1326, 95:102, ed114656bf7214886113a936c4….jpg)


Maybe when Miyamoto and Sakurai are finally 10ft under.

e328fc  No.15496353

I humbly request a granblue lewd dump

1160ce  No.15496360

File: 61791a5c07766a0⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 428.24 KB, 1200x400, 3:1, 63425670_p10_master1200.jpg)


Typically you want to spend your dama on your main element, so if you aren't going to main fire you're better off just going for a colo build.


Save it friend it's all yours

153b90  No.15496429

File: 130c1675b6cb14e⋯.png (764.27 KB, 1480x1000, 37:25, 130c1675b6cb14ef22db145b13….png)



77d6ab  No.15496462


They really should add more damascus bars to the shop. All these Grand/Flashfest characters with their weapons that are basically mandatory as soon as their FLB gets released don't really mesh well with the fact Damascus Bars are a limited resource. And fuck using gold moons, for 2 and a half MLB weapons worth of damascus bars you can get a Sierotix.

But I guess all we'll get is one bar on xmas.

91b026  No.15496474

File: 52c9168241d06f4⋯.jpg (180.25 KB, 717x896, 717:896, 1537733959603.jpg)

File: 51e3dd84da0e11e⋯.png (285.38 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1537733603237.png)

File: bcb94cc8f765ca1⋯.png (438.09 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 1537436464131.png)

File: c8ee94166bd8cc2⋯.jpg (45.09 KB, 924x374, 42:17, 1537436248474.jpg)

If they gave a free Sierotix today who would you pick?

a80e2e  No.15496480



ea04f1  No.15496481


I'd save it for Fenrir

1160ce  No.15496492


Be honest, do you think that you need a high quality version of that pic? Do you think I need one? Do you think anyone does?


You should never be spending gold moons for additional copies of weapons to FLB. The idea is that you buy a moon weapon, then dama it. Also, this lack of dama you mention is only a factor if you're a filthy luckshitter so explode.


I want to say Grea but I'm also looking at Orchid's crazy sister, so I'll hold off.

77d6ab  No.15496511

File: 7febff15ca1b6af⋯.jpg (596.83 KB, 679x960, 679:960, Summer Medusa and Zooey sh….jpg)


Medusa, I mean, apart from her and Visa-chan there are ways to get all other characters except maybe the blu-ray ones.


I meant each Chocobar costs 20 gold moons. For less than 8 bars you can get a Siero Pick Ticket.

Just MVP your gacha by sparking during Legfest/Flashfest bro.

1160ce  No.15496522


You aren't supposed to spend your moons on dama either.

91b026  No.15496523


Emphasis on today lads

2232f6  No.15497581

File: 39d10e0d7284aea⋯.png (159.35 KB, 960x800, 6:5, 39d10e0d7284aea142395d381f….png)


>Be honest

You're lazy and this settling will get you nowhere in life.


Snake butt, what else?


This asshole gets it; don't waste a Siero ticket on shit you can get from normal draws, go for something you can't even get with money.

832622  No.15499186

File: ac50c623d2e1d06⋯.png (734.54 KB, 624x643, 624:643, ClipboardImage.png)

>tfw watergrid isn't a total piece of shit anymore

still need the other two ex weapons and a proper ssr bahamut and for my seraph weapon to be uncapped fully though

a80e2e  No.15499462


You haven't done the side story that gives you a free Nova weapon?

1c2c88  No.15499510


He's a member of my crew so I know he's not yet at the MSQ requirement to start WMTSB, He's aware of it and working towards it.

832622  No.15499526


Not high enough in story yet, that's in chapter 44 and the story is rather uninteresting so far. Getting there though, just been grinding out my grid today. what >>15499510 said

42cfc2  No.15499616

File: 609fbd6c37edbc7⋯.jpg (70.64 KB, 750x439, 750:439, 1515326756762.jpg)


Story gets better when you reach Agastia

832622  No.15499687


What chapter is that? I'm on 29.4 right now.

what the fuck is wrong with that dudes face, he looks really fucking weird

77d6ab  No.15499835


You realize it's an edit mixing smugman with doggo, right? probably not

Story has been pretty interesting ever since Pommern turned into a good guy. And just now Furias came back from slipping from the face of the earth (sky?)

16052f  No.15499871


>turned into a good guy

Pommern was always a hero, proudly serving his nation.

77d6ab  No.15499889


Yeah, but he went from caring only about chain of command and catching Lirya and Katalina to screwing over the prime minister so she doesn't use the citizen's souls to paradox everyone else.

88466b  No.15500077


I rewatched the opening tutorial again. Reminder that Pommern is a scumbag that sics hydras on village children after his worthless soldiers lose to said child.

21ed7b  No.15500122


Pommern brings legendary beasts to town of children so they can experience the thrill of being a hero and begin their journey in the world with free hydra loot.

He's also a good wingman, giving you the push to soulbond with that girl you just met

16052f  No.15500181

File: 37d28c555afcafa⋯.jpg (556.87 KB, 600x800, 3:4, 37d28c555afcafa1fe569acb78….jpg)


Pommern is actually shown to love his men and people above all else, something I haven't seen trash like Monika display yet in the story.

He is even willing to suffer terrible pain and injury by using unsafe, experimental weapons for their sake.

Just because he shows no mercy to those he was ordered to put down and unwavering loyalty to his country does not make him a bad person or a bad soldier for that matter.

If you want to put the blame on someone, put it on his literally insane superiors.

Pommern did nothing wrong and is a man to be admired.

21ed7b  No.15501832

File: 58c88aab71620ad⋯.png (268.56 KB, 620x244, 155:61, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f53eb4a87550b17⋯.png (11.36 KB, 604x200, 151:50, passive skill.png)

488a1e  No.15501937


That's a pretty lame 5* art for Ghanda.

3f8c3a  No.15501972


I think Ghandkuma is pretty swell, although it's flirting with controversy like Belial.

Also I've just now noticed the nip news update has flavour text for each of his changes. How much lore have we missed out on?

d98a90  No.15502029

File: 5323ede931affa1⋯.jpg (6.97 MB, 4712x2655, 4712:2655, 1f1592e7bf555692771b7a08a9….jpg)

21ed7b  No.15502210

File: 95987871ba47397⋯.png (674.41 KB, 513x734, 513:734, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bb8821735ce5211⋯.png (721.33 KB, 514x739, 514:739, ClipboardImage.png)

fc73a9  No.15502465


Pommern SSR Grand when?

9be0b3  No.15502550

File: c05446e2738b41a⋯.png (219.5 KB, 572x395, 572:395, ClipboardImage.png)

What passes for my wind team atm, is Birdman, Selfira and Siegfried up front. With the Yuisis changes can I get away with swapping him with Yui?

cadb9f  No.15502568


Summer Sieg is useless. Even old Yuisis would've been better.

9be0b3  No.15502580


Thanks, I mainly used him as yui was annoying to play previously.

538e9e  No.15502585

File: 49016f5deb75710⋯.jpg (305.78 KB, 629x876, 629:876, 59955702_p0_master1200.jpg)


>good husbandos but terrible waifus

You have my pity.

3ce868  No.15502619


He's not useless though, he keeps hitting near the damage cap while the rest of my team does 100k

9be0b3  No.15502621

File: ac76af9f8a24ddd⋯.jpg (14.33 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)


This is my curse in most elements.

91b026  No.15502737

File: 8dd684c07de9be6⋯.png (791.47 KB, 955x716, 955:716, 1537858485012.png)



dd4dc2  No.15504858

File: ff1cc356b14a7d1⋯.png (214.11 KB, 314x388, 157:194, ClipboardImage.png)

I honestly don't know if getting Sephira Stones or M2 Omega Animas is worst.

ea04f1  No.15504902

File: cccce9fdaf76f3d⋯.png (463.55 KB, 530x750, 53:75, 70044002_p1.png)

What would you put in her dish?

69adec  No.15504924


delicious unguarded pot-roast.

77d6ab  No.15504931


Obviously it's the sephira stones. At least M2 doesn't timegate you.

581c59  No.15505390

Dark Bea is moving from core in my team to the dumpster now

56daa8  No.15505402


She moved from recyclables to the dumpster

>here is a dark attacker that can activate enmity and self TA

>in the element where Cortana, cerb guns and S. Zoi exist

dd4dc2  No.15505521

File: 40aa40275634d0f⋯.png (163.74 KB, 314x370, 157:185, ClipboardImage.png)


At least I'll get Fraux. Though I'll probably get Empress too before they release.

77d6ab  No.15505583


You can use her, Seox and Orchid to say screw it to everything you mentioned and beat down on bosses while being pretty much immortal.

581c59  No.15505636

File: ee0290e7d18fddb⋯.png (206.85 KB, 463x355, 463:355, 2018-09-25_18-53-12.png)

Got too many new dark characters recently, who should I use? I want to use Vira because she looks like dark Amira. Not sure who's better between Naru or DAO. Is S Zoi that important that I should always use her?


Yeah it was pretty amazing having Bea turn into a god with a little TA.

77d6ab  No.15505687


Narmaya is good for long fights if you can hit cap because her butterly thingie lets you hit overcap with bonus damage. Same for Vira 5* and Luminiera Merge. Olivia is also good for that same reason, since she also gets bonus damage from her passive, besides her delay and trigger cucking.

Zooey is good because she is the easiest way to hit cap. If you could hit cap at full health with Cortanagirl, Fake-nee-san and Katalina fan number 1, then that's your best choice.

If you can't, you need Zooey to let two of them hit hard.

42cfc2  No.15505693

File: f393ae0448175d7⋯.jpg (212.07 KB, 1036x1200, 259:300, 1537200632075.jpg)


Beatrix, Olivia and Zoi in the front, and Narm and Apollonia in the back. Substitute Bea or Narm with Vira when a veil is needed. Note that all these characters have sword proficiency, so an Ultima sword will be wonderful for you to include in your grid.

21ed7b  No.15505997

File: 9e35e57079bdb87⋯.webm (569.48 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Ghandagoza ouogi.webm)

56daa8  No.15506221


You still have a problem with activating enmity with the other two, Orchid in particular. Unless you're building a non-enmity grid, in which case you wouldn't use Bea anyway. She's a square peg for a round hole.

6daa2f  No.15506874

>next story event is about the gunsmith sisters

About damn time.

77d6ab  No.15506998


You'd actually use Beatrix because of her survivability, 40% ATK down and 1 hit invulnerability on ougi, not for activating enmity. You could still put in a Gisla or a couple of claws so that she can hit cap with one press of her 3, besides increasing her dodge and MA. Orchid and Seox don't care about not activating enmity because they'll hit cap anyway.

adb2b4  No.15507018

File: 5022ad445c215f6⋯.jpg (1.63 MB, 1220x1710, 122:171, 61136093_p0.jpg)


I still have no reason to not use Dijon over her in my typical Hades grid. She just brings too little to the table as an attacker, when I have many better choices.

55a1aa  No.15507091


And folks thought it'd be the brown cats.

77d6ab  No.15507268

File: fb4a760562213ff⋯.png (170.02 KB, 388x345, 388:345, Even a dead character can ….png)


You do you buddy, I'm just saying, even if you or the others prefer little miss alter over bullybait (human), that doesn't affect her passive dodge + MA, self-Centurion, or 100% uptime on her unique Jammed a la Ayer. Calling her worse than other characters is debatable, but saying she is bad now is just not true.

55a1aa  No.15507386

File: 73b07a88dab7cc1⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1274x723, 1274:723, limited.png)

Ready for halloween limiteds?

21ed7b  No.15509679

File: 12d1107c3d9ff26⋯.png (68.4 KB, 453x80, 453:80, cucoroux.png)

File: 2ac95a34cec85e6⋯.png (68.1 KB, 454x80, 227:40, Silva.png)


Looks like Silva and Cucoroux have new art, so one of them will hopefully be the event SR. Most likely cucoroux with gacha silva since cucoroux recently got a gacha ssr

77d6ab  No.15510381

Mahou Senshi when? September is almost over KMR.


Silva is overdue a SR version so she can fit the same rarity as her sisters.

21ed7b  No.15511442

File: 536ad83b745b3c7⋯.png (508.62 KB, 473x512, 473:512, ClipboardImage.png)

Looks like we may be getting a new version of milk draph this legfest

77d6ab  No.15512079


That'd be nice, I needed Laguna, Sturm and Razia to finish my female draph collection.

Not like I'll draw for Laguna if she launches, but still, it marginally increases my chances of getting her in the long run.

6e51e4  No.15515093

New thread


dd4dc2  No.15515246

File: e0c95863a5eb55a⋯.png (647.92 KB, 500x557, 500:557, ClipboardImage.png)

I want this Silva as a SR so I can use it as a costume.

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