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File: 39bf3394c761154⋯.jpg (128.11 KB, 715x1000, 143:200, DnildrVU8AADqyE.jpg)

e7ab07  No.15515091



September Event Schedule

8/31 - 9/9: The Other Side of the Sky

9/9 - 9/15: Ranger Sign Bravo! (Rerun)

9/16 - 9/22: Rise of the Beasts

9/23 - 9/29: Xeno Sagittarius

9/30 - 10/8: Make Up and Go!


1.Infinity - 692908

2.Kihou - 740471

3.Sky Lords - 733000

4.Raven Nest (Dead) - 1024216

Guides and info


>How do I even play this shit?

You can play it from your browser by going to http://game.granbluefantasy.jp/

>I'm not going to use google botnet to play this.

You can use chrome alternatives, such as Slimjet or Iridium. If you don't like doing that, use an agent spoofer for the browser you do use to spoof chrome.

e7ab07  No.15515103

The new event is about the gunsmith sisters. The new Silva art might be the event SR or event skin as a reward.

4109b0  No.15515117

File: dfb29823aba91b0⋯.png (1.05 MB, 552x951, 184:317, jannu.png)

Jannu jumps to cygames new mobage.

bf22c9  No.15515121

File: 03f4d93b4eebb7b⋯.jpg (82 KB, 500x557, 500:557, ponytail.jpg)


ponytail > twintails

This is objective fact.

5e26cc  No.15515157

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I forgot the Precure collab is coming up.

I wonder if they'll do like the Love Live or ZoE collabs and use Opening music for Cure Black and Cure White.

I bet they'll use this one as it's a classic.

ad7680  No.15515166


Why do nips like Joan of Arc so much anyway?

e2bfd6  No.15515335

File: a50b486cc447872⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1189x1731, 1189:1731, a50b486cc4478724c7ec7bddd1….png)


083adc  No.15515384

File: 4a879dbafb7c0f9⋯.jpg (269.28 KB, 648x489, 216:163, 62d7b3b368dcf2a1b32871c1dc….jpg)


Anon recently started playing? They've done that with every collab; the only real question is will it be tied to their ougi and if they'll be a single character or not.

5e26cc  No.15515427


I started with the P5 collab.

My best guess is that the Cures will be a single character and probably Light element.

The question is if Shiny Luminous will be in it or not.

bed6e8  No.15515446


I'm going to be mad if the Cures aren't seperate characters at least on the level of Homoswords.

5e26cc  No.15515467


Maybe they're like the Maids.

61507d  No.15515516


Because Nips have a huge boner for France or the romantic aspects of it. They even have a thing called Paris Syndrome.

083adc  No.15515774

File: c58b86a092f896d⋯.jpg (105.77 KB, 985x796, 985:796, ChLqhT9VEAAr0D2.jpg)


>Shiny Luminous

Didn't most people hate her?


I can't see them being separate since their gimmick is touching though I guess they could have a connected support skill.

ebf5c3  No.15515801


Are the pants instead of a skirt or shorts proof she is an SR? Tune in soon to find out.

5e26cc  No.15515812


I don't mind her.

56faff  No.15516047

So I'm glad we're getting a gunsmith sisters event, but at the same time disappointed it's not a choco cat sisters event with the third sister being introduced.

905b19  No.15516330

File: 3fed184ff6b1d29⋯.jpeg (164.64 KB, 850x1200, 17:24, Dn8bCd2U8AAOk0L.jpeg)

File: 10d6f210016c10f⋯.jpeg (118.67 KB, 1150x946, 575:473, DZdwWuiVAAU2utR.jpeg)

File: 810fcd164742221⋯.jpg (101.91 KB, 689x873, 689:873, 1538050606709.jpg)

File: 40dc28258d9c54d⋯.jpg (110.13 KB, 1000x816, 125:102, 1537536727311.jpg)

File: 964a1cba625b627⋯.jpg (3.17 MB, 2398x2475, 218:225, 1538014535973.jpg)

5e26cc  No.15516359


The legfest pick-ups are also up

>Yugu is the only worthwhile character

Well then.

905b19  No.15516372

File: e605a36d8fc87f7⋯.jpg (60.38 KB, 596x537, 596:537, 1538093279015.jpg)

File: 66184b13cac4b63⋯.jpeg (77.27 KB, 538x758, 269:379, DoCOA4LU4AEaxFv.jpeg)

File: 538f3825092e0f2⋯.jpeg (78.61 KB, 748x496, 187:124, DoGvAXwUUAEuOTe.jpeg)

File: e0c56c50c0d079b⋯.jpeg (51.66 KB, 778x945, 778:945, Dn9ICYkU0AAxXwr.jpeg)

File: f442da0f4d9ec8a⋯.jpeg (105.54 KB, 765x1072, 765:1072, DoB46E_UUAMROCD.jpeg)


Legfest pick ups?

5e26cc  No.15516376

df5fbf  No.15516382

Post the sideboobs

905b19  No.15516408

File: ec0d1f9d622f525⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 214.78 KB, 850x1200, 17:24, DoE50ZeUwAAqHgt.jpeg)

File: 0dea53a904586cb⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 177.28 KB, 850x1200, 17:24, Dnp8g5SUUAA-US0.jpeg)

File: 05cbc71446ec66e⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 204.96 KB, 480x655, 96:131, 1538012218951.png)

File: e2ffa0c98a4d1a3⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 441.25 KB, 399x600, 133:200, 1537988782430.png)

File: 900dd92903d246f⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 90.21 KB, 500x666, 250:333, DntkQfwU4AAE6Pf.jpeg)


Fuck that, post more potatoes.

334488  No.15516604

File: 31024e6a03d42f2⋯.png (593.86 KB, 928x715, 928:715, make lolis great again.png)


mahira is the cutest zodiac and you cant prove me wrong

2ca52c  No.15516781

File: c0d1bf33c2da123⋯.png (682.56 KB, 656x471, 656:471, mk.PNG)

File: c0bfb7d5bb15a29⋯.png (371.43 KB, 368x573, 368:573, mk2.PNG)



The mage Knight goes live TODAY, did you get you're weapons ready?

Apparently they reworked the effects of the seals as well.

6e7951  No.15516786


I held off element changing the weapon until we have confirmation of what the class is actually capable of.

6e7951  No.15516790


Oh, and Djeeta is cute as usual and Gran is homo is usual. A fucking tiara? Really Cygaymes?

905b19  No.15516927

File: 11101fd13e6024b⋯.jpg (1.16 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, wish I could be a better d….jpg)

Where is the content Kimura for fuck's sake, I have at least gotten back to drawing my wife. For whatever reason the pic might be posted sideways no matter how much I rotate it.

6e7951  No.15516948


>posting shitty hand drawn pictures of your waifu unironically

Don't do this.

905b19  No.15516953


What am I to do, harvin drawfags never step out of Nio, Box, Arulu, and maaaaaybe Flaretato. I'm tired of Bal not getting fanart.

6e7951  No.15516960


It's fine if you want to draw them yourself, just don't post it until you get to a certain level of quality That's approaching lolcow territory.

905b19  No.15516969


Lolcow territory would be me getting assblasted on criticism, I just.got pointed to drawfag boards and will try to get better if only to try and do uncommon waifu requests for fun while Kimura pushes GW to every three months.

d4927a  No.15517055

File: 2ea5b5a5aa72626⋯.jpg (35.57 KB, 284x475, 284:475, Erune loli.JPG)

Erunes lolis are pretty good.


>she's an elf now

I'm fine with this.

Nice to see that they have full 3D models in a shitty gacha for once.

696039  No.15517059

Don't make Esser 5* they said, she's useless they said


56faff  No.15517062

So just from testing, you might have to make the tetramaster CCW for giving a random circle element than just whatever weapon you might be holding.

93ed8e  No.15517091

File: d54c7cd89d3bc6e⋯.png (383.03 KB, 624x610, 312:305, moonrunes.png)

That had better not say what I think it does.

dde75d  No.15517190


It was a nice country so that's understandable.

keyword being was

e2aa82  No.15517575

So what are the chances you guys would hop in to a co-op room if I made one to farm diablo items for muramasa upgrades?

b38ca8  No.15517598


What are your minimum requirements?

e2aa82  No.15517607


doesnt sit around doing nothing

or comes with some room buffs cause I dont think I can make a lvl9 drop buff

b38ca8  No.15517673


Well, if you're willing to try we'll see what we can accomplish.

19b148  No.15517704


I'm about to go eat but will be free to join in abut an hour.

9e8932  No.15517712


Xeno Diablo rerun right after the new event as well, Precure collab either for mid or late October.


I forgot that the best thing about this collab is that

>it won't be MH, so Nagisa gets her midriff back

>more than likely two separate characters since their fighting styles are somewhat different, but same ougi

>it'll probably be better written than the current Precure and more than likely better than the 15th Anniversary movie, Toei is either set out to kill Precure or at least shelf it for a while with how bad it's getting.

And Danzen is a given. It'll probably be a battle/ougi theme though.


Some do, some don't. I haven't watched enough to actually have an opinion of her, but the fact that she doesn't actually fight or anything does give her a disadvantage.

083adc  No.15517760

File: e9b61496bc50aef⋯.jpg (363.91 KB, 2047x1516, 2047:1516, Dn9le6HVYAALKGp.jpg)


I'm disappointed that the gunsmith sisters event might not give Cami a new character. Maybe she'll be the new SSR.


>it won't be MH, so Nagisa gets her midriff back

Anon doesn't realize that it may not come back even if it's not the later series since this is for the new movie.

>it'll probably be better written than the current Precure

It's surprising they left the yuri up to shippers after I heard of them pulling crossdressing male Cure and "girls can fight too" bullshit.

>she doesn't actually fight or anything

Oh so if they bring her back, they're gonna make her their husky friend for body positivity virtue points?

e2aa82  No.15517899

File: d0c1f6f43608a3a⋯.png (31.35 KB, 932x283, 932:283, 1538140153276.png)

083adc  No.15518101

File: 300d6b66a8c8449⋯.png (992.07 KB, 772x830, 386:415, DLg888hUIAAtzCO.png)


If that's about the Platinum game but if they actually put the mobileshit on it, it'll only lead to pain and misery but if they do it and don't emulate it with Chrome or something, I won't complain until the censorship flares up again.

5e26cc  No.15518105


The newest one is the only series I've started to skim.

>Loli and robot get into friendship drama every 2 episodes and it's getting tiresome

>Loli's big brother is gay for his figure skating friend

>Original trio is okay but feel sidelined compared to loli and robot

The villains are alright.

e2aa82  No.15518123


at least it would shup up retards who keep begging for "western release"

dde75d  No.15518179


There is a western release though? You just use chrome or another botnet™ and play it like that. Technically speaking it's not a western release but it's in english, what else could they possibly need?

e2aa82  No.15518194


>what else could they possibly need?




shit lke that

5e26cc  No.15518221


People are too dumb to follow a simple guide.

dde75d  No.15518231


But, it's in english? I think it is at least, I can't remember. If they're too lazy for that then I don't think they're capable of playing anything gacha related.

I think having the game on steam would be awful though, it'd make the game more viable for top tier retards who would dilute the game and then eventually you'll have tumblr crying about it and the game will probably turn to shit.


How someone can be so dim to not be capable of following a guide is beyond me, but I believe it.

cdefd6  No.15518244


>I don't want a separate unrelated account

>I just want to put all my data in google

The absolute state of normalfags

56faff  No.15518538

Fucking Tien is ridiculous now. In OD, Bea and Tien do 14 mil damage alone. Is that enough for me to 1 turn EX+?

696039  No.15518623

File: fc9d0fa29063fa1⋯.png (971.57 KB, 1080x594, 20:11, ClipboardImage.png)


this is getting out of hand

e2aa82  No.15518718


Runeslayer good?

37b72b  No.15518945

File: 18efb7261f200fb⋯.png (3.52 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, nz873h61m2j11.png)


With level 100 nio and level 100 tien in wind and dark, you can pull off some insane memes. Kengo is still water's choice despite Magic Knight's synergy with Uno's big dick autos and Vajra's double step attacks. Glorybringer is still better for light.

37b72b  No.15518953

File: b17afcd88b278cd⋯.gif (1016.03 KB, 500x281, 500:281, b17afcd88b278cd8c236b2915b….gif)


Wind and fire I meant, fug

e2aa82  No.15518985


So, wind Runeslayer, earth Kengo, Light Gloryhole

083adc  No.15519363

File: d93ec2aaf0beb1d⋯.png (712.79 KB, 827x963, 827:963, Dlz3g9WU0AA6aIJ.png)


Before or after the 5*?

e6b90f  No.15519435

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

56faff  No.15519512


After 5*.

083adc  No.15520443

File: 9cdbdebbc0c143e⋯.jpg (112.87 KB, 852x625, 852:625, DmuqfxeU0AAuyuD.jpg)


Was this posted here because of a bug? Also why do mystery type games seem to always have a fat chick these days?

56faff  No.15520448

Which emblem is better for the Tetrastreamer?

5e26cc  No.15520681

I want to cum inside Yaia and get milk out of her massive tits.

c6b6fa  No.15520703

I think I'm actually retarded. Several of my grids are sitting here with fully uncapped weapons sitting around level 40~ but 10 weapon skill.

I've essentially been allowed to ignore actually leveling anything by being carried by weapon skills and it is probably 90% of the reason I don't see any actual increase in combat capability even though my grids have been getting "better".

56faff  No.15520895

File: e1331db958c9fb1⋯.png (66.95 KB, 272x160, 17:10, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 71550e7d6dfde89⋯.png (252.81 KB, 318x406, 159:203, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8d2ecf5877626eb⋯.png (270.66 KB, 317x399, 317:399, ClipboardImage.png)


I may not have reached the 100 mil damage but holy fuck does this team hit hard. And the worst part, powercreep with nothing to check it.

b65d98  No.15521092


Some nip is airing his grievances that this was supposed to be a chococat event and got duped.

5bdaa6  No.15521120

File: 7f22e1d4dc22b0f⋯.mp4 (7.75 MB, 640x480, 4:3, NwRrwmWs2ckSDeit.mp4)

b65d98  No.15521122


Thanks, I'm not at home, can't do the whole jazz to extract video here.

f5d172  No.15521132


I need a gif of that last part.

d4927a  No.15521426

File: c8e7499bbdf412d⋯.jpg (30.68 KB, 250x327, 250:327, c8e7499bbdf412dc8206fb3e08….jpg)


What a mess.

b6761c  No.15521717

File: 6d77365acbf5b1c⋯.png (999.89 KB, 850x717, 850:717, ClipboardImage.png)


we need this level of nip shitposting aimed at only getting skins from the latest events

56faff  No.15522295

File: b7bb7bc84aca975⋯.png (31.15 KB, 303x212, 303:212, ClipboardImage.png)

I hate the M2 item pool so fucking much.

083adc  No.15522438

File: 7eb88f1679cd9ed⋯.jpg (55.63 KB, 500x322, 250:161, 1428116242452.jpg)


A nip denied his chocolate and Cami denied any real attention.

144292  No.15522659

File: b42c4125b7f1860⋯.mp4 (2.74 MB, 960x480, 2:1, 64qhfxplBMM4d6LS.mp4)

New video posted by sukagames.

ebf5c3  No.15523199

File: ac3181bbb7fea64⋯.gif (985.81 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Database.gif)


The autistic sadness is almost tangible.

bce589  No.15523236

File: 9cf7c988e242f89⋯.jpg (186.28 KB, 992x1200, 62:75, DXYBe41VMAEma7j.jpg)


This has only happened to him once. Imagine how Fenrirfags feel.

1f0ea5  No.15524441

File: e6e1c0eb9b95d13⋯.png (156.16 KB, 504x370, 252:185, d6613f6085e88a5bb4b15896be….png)

083adc  No.15524531

File: b99555c03a6777c⋯.png (2.89 MB, 1200x1813, 1200:1813, 326a0e414a67ec45949d1835d8….png)


This face isn't worth stealing a bike and her skills aren't even worth stealing a trike because they're pretty lame without multi attack support.

696039  No.15524579


>needing DATA when Grea and Kaneshige are a thing

56faff  No.15524961

>Shiva Anat is a thing

Well fuck me.

ebf5c3  No.15524980


Less chuuni than Grimnir.

Also, Silva fist prof theorists BTFO, Light Silva's draw weapon canonically is an axe. Seems pretty good in one turn mechanic comps or for use with Song 5*.

Motherfuckers give me event SRs

93ed8e  No.15525549

File: e177546b3b5cdf5⋯.png (307.06 KB, 547x679, 547:679, next is 175.png)

<<It's time.>>

d4927a  No.15525558


She's a cute.

I sparked her too.

61507d  No.15525711

File: 417f13b80088d36⋯.mp4 (7.43 MB, 640x480, 4:3, gondola from far away.mp4)


>It was a nice country

>Keyword being was

No doubt that it was nice, and it's a real shame it's not anymore.

b6761c  No.15526017

File: 827dcdb31720f8b⋯.png (606 KB, 515x582, 515:582, Camieux.png)

5e26cc  No.15526752

Wind Juri is pretty fun.

9d4c39  No.15527009

File: 4b741a324767fb7⋯.png (67.89 KB, 355x307, 355:307, 1378765114588.png)


fc26bf  No.15527478

File: 57aa38a4db950fd⋯.jpg (173.87 KB, 1086x592, 543:296, DWovKObVQAEQMQH.jpg large.jpg)

The dorm system should be like this

Don't do it the way GFL has it cygames, don't do it man

56faff  No.15528990

So which emblems are the best for Lunatic Broom and Unsigned Kaneshige?

1f0ea5  No.15529006


Dunno for LB, noone ever discusses it. At a guess, the charge bar boost if you have the skill that converts CB to MP. Otherwise the healing + buff skill.

Refresh is useless.

For unsigned Kaneshiga, go for the cb boost. So everyone in your team Ougis.

ebf5c3  No.15529095

File: ee2d621a174f566⋯.png (461.59 KB, 565x591, 565:591, The meme sword of the meme….png)

File: 1be72366a3c9076⋯.jpg (308.74 KB, 1654x1166, 827:583, Unlimited Bonito Works.jpg)


This. Devilry is part of what makes the entire ougi setup beautiful.

696039  No.15529098


what are those level borders really for?

56faff  No.15529323

Monica requirements are to complete all 3 hard routes, and she'll be available in the point exchange. Hope you didn't buy the sunstone.

5e26cc  No.15529407

File: bfac53d19de645b⋯.png (414.29 KB, 600x500, 6:5, jsnjadjasnbfahgfhdhgfadhhf.png)


b6761c  No.15529414

File: 5fc8ce1ce4f3500⋯.png (530.17 KB, 581x498, 7:6, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b100d95680d11c4⋯.png (269.12 KB, 360x469, 360:469, ClipboardImage.png)

October News


Precure collab this month

2nd Run of Xeno Diablo, so no new weapon

Halloween event starts on the 17th. Same as last year; mini quests. You get a halloween character ticket from it. Daily mini stories for halloween characters. Last year's halloween story will also rerun at the same time.

Worst jutenshu will get a halloween skin.

Homoknights: the next generation will get a rerun this month.

Percy's event will be added to the side stories. You can get his and Lancelot's point B shop skins from it as they are discontinuing the point B shop. Other skins from the point B shop (cag, Jeanne, birtdman, seruel, vampy, vira, zeta) will be available over the coming months. These skins are pretty much ex poses as they don't have new sprites.

As >>15529323 said, Monica will be added this month and needs all hard paths cleared.

All the new character art that they have added to events will become ex poses. 49 characters will get one. We finally can get the magisa art.

Beatrix is getting a song. Another Bassist will be left out again.

Granbluefest will be held on December 15th, so the livestream goodies will be around then. and possibly the start of another biggest

bf22c9  No.15529434

File: be01c32e6c8bbf3⋯.jpg (71.17 KB, 400x772, 100:193, 1448920368891-0.jpg)


praise midriff

5e26cc  No.15529453


Apparently KMR said that they moved the Knights events to October despite November being Knights month because some big stuff is coming.

ebf5c3  No.15529459


The cheers of the fujoshi rejoicing can be heard from the other side of the globe.

Unless they actually mean Arcarum characters.

083adc  No.15529509

File: 0f7c53002710c1e⋯.jpg (92.83 KB, 600x800, 3:4, Cth9FJyUAAU29ot.jpg)


Feels good never having to worry about their outfits since the bike shorts are my favorite part of Blacks.


How come every month we get a magical girl collab event, we get swamped in fujo bait?

Hey, anyone knows if weapon specialty Extended Mastery bonuses stack if both I and II are the same weapon type?

ebf5c3  No.15529533


Yes they do. Additively if I'm not mistaken.

bf22c9  No.15529583

1ba6ab  No.15529587


Concentrate on the pokebattles and don't multitask chimp.

b65d98  No.15529689

File: 7c7f91303005d78⋯.jpg (115.32 KB, 748x1199, 68:109, 1538286432805.jpg)

File: 177c8449d035e6d⋯.png (78.95 KB, 402x92, 201:46, 1538283700574.png)


Guess that Nut bolt ditto fried their brains. Poor guy.

b6761c  No.15529827

File: 2291d9f758b4c89⋯.png (2.74 MB, 1080x2102, 540:1051, playable when.png)

b65d98  No.15529996


Add Oceanus to that list, and Magical Miki.

005db0  No.15530154


Time to tell >>15517760 to eat a dick

>Anon doesn't realize that it may not come back even if it's not the later series since this is for the new movie.

696039  No.15530168


>worst jewten

>he doesn't know

d185da  No.15530178

File: a09a006b305f2ae⋯.png (239.47 KB, 589x523, 589:523, 1513646596121.png)


how can she be the worst jew if she's cute? the worst jew is salsa by far

1ba6ab  No.15530182

File: 564b8af86490b0c⋯.jpg (128.48 KB, 852x646, 426:323, 62820473_p3_master1200.jpg)


This is bait.

d185da  No.15530191

File: e71b740ec05c599⋯.png (492.93 KB, 538x601, 538:601, current event.png)


enjoy your cavewoman with male voice

2ca52c  No.15530296

File: 85dd20aa9479b05⋯.jpg (3.53 MB, 2083x3023, 2083:3023, Kumuyu.(Granblue.Fantasy).….jpg)


She's so damn adorable.

I've been working a soul crushing job for the past 2 years, 6 days a week, sometimes 7, full time but hired to work "on call up to 4 days a month" so they could get away with paying me 500€/mo. (and 150 of them went away on traveling expenses only).

3 months ago they pulled a bullshit excuse to lower that to 400, last month they didn't even bother renewing the contract, but still asked to continue working promising they'd pay.

I've lost about 1000€ on these fuckers, other than sacrificing 2 years of my life for them in exchange for peanuts, my self-esteem has never been lower and I was getting closer and closer to just grabbing a rope and finding a sturdy tree.

Today I went back to being a NEET.

I play videogames to escape from this shit reality, but this event hit way closer to home that it should have

Her line made me smile and gave me a little morale boost.

Maybe I can hold on a little longer, hoping for things to get better

2ca52c  No.15530303

File: ebcfc78139193de⋯.jpg (1.25 MB, 2152x1440, 269:180, Accounts for anons.jpg)

Also friendly reminder for newcomers that these accounts are still looking for a good owner to take care of them.

8fcf83  No.15530332


Don't be a quitter. if an employer's fucking with you, find a different job.

b6761c  No.15530635

File: 7ec6078c1c6f2f1⋯.webm (2.02 MB, 360x510, 12:17, Cammy.webm)

3fa6fb  No.15530655

File: 91682bfe5b69f43⋯.gif (1.4 MB, 480x270, 16:9, ol27bdaBny1s9k997o1_500.gif)


Things won't get better but hang in there anon.

716e5b  No.15530681

File: b68c724891b2e68⋯.mp4 (100.61 KB, 720x720, 1:1, kirby punch.mp4)


Jesus dude, why'd you stick with them for so long? At that point being NEET is a breath of relief. Hang in there faggot.

I'm looking for a job too, but everything available is deadening production line work. I still have to bite the bullet, so you don't get to quit either, asshole.

b65d98  No.15530728

File: 357486dc7ec6881⋯.png (2.49 MB, 1240x1748, 310:437, 68262397_p0.png)

File: ae316fe35a88fa7⋯.png (2.67 MB, 1388x2051, 1388:2051, 68340025_p0.png)

File: 8b2ff4b37d6f242⋯.png (986.12 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 70725229_p0.png)

File: c36e09eb4eefcd7⋯.jpg (112.06 KB, 600x750, 4:5, 1538319781324.jpg)

File: bbca6d6a7c3cc81⋯.jpg (265.13 KB, 776x1000, 97:125, 1538317593848.jpg)


Some Kumuyus and Monis for you faggot, be a man, chin up, square up. Don't be a walking disgrace.

5e26cc  No.15530735


I want to cum inside Monika.

b65d98  No.15530765

File: 8acdcc8ece06ffb⋯.jpg (393.44 KB, 1500x2068, 375:517, 1538380534762.jpg)

File: 1684ac3e39ef680⋯.jpg (817.41 KB, 1600x1131, 1600:1131, 1538370017663.jpg)

File: 3da12ac4f926af1⋯.jpg (61.84 KB, 600x595, 120:119, 1538369979781.jpg)

File: e5530d5cc5837cd⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1000x1367, 1000:1367, 1538101482500.png)

File: 06a9f084dcc6075⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1316x1075, 1316:1075, 1538052685701.png)


Here. More Monikas.

4ca99e  No.15530770

File: 0fc080c3db8e8fd⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 804.75 KB, 1000x941, 1000:941, 0fc080c3db8e8fd151331da626….jpg)

5e26cc  No.15530803




Now I can ask: How harder is Hard Arcanum compared to Normal? Are the Discarded Puppets even more of a cancer?

4ca99e  No.15530828


There's a moderate increase in enemy difficulty, but it imposes new restrictions on you. You only have 50 TP per expedition to work with and some stages prevent you from using SSR characters.

144292  No.15530897

File: 815d0f98448492c⋯.png (659.6 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, 54720999_p0.png)

File: 76cdca66a306c63⋯.jpg (542.97 KB, 611x862, 611:862, 54613639_p0.jpg)

File: 3d8e89e30b9af5b⋯.png (985.24 KB, 900x1237, 900:1237, 59630337_p0.png)

File: 853c7e4c42c69fc⋯.jpg (5.12 MB, 2480x3507, 2480:3507, 63554893_p0.jpg)

File: 2df86cf2ba19e2e⋯.jpg (3.96 MB, 3546x3960, 197:220, 62479335_p0.jpg)


Some floor also take away skills, or item usage and certain bosses have increased resistances and can debuff you for more turns.

d4927a  No.15530955

File: 6b137ffd8c1bd18⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1108x1500, 277:375, 4bc961503ab099daed4b033c09….png)


Never hope for a better tomorrow, just know that it is already here.





Monika is a slut and for rape.

4109b0  No.15530996

File: 6e1d82e9bd06f53⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 1457x1032, 1457:1032, flatmon1.jpg)

File: 0f9de397acd32c0⋯.jpg (2.07 MB, 1339x2000, 1339:2000, flatmon2.jpg)

File: e96aa73be0a8c7e⋯.jpg (122.8 KB, 707x1000, 707:1000, flatmon3.jpg)

ebf5c3  No.15531008


Nothing that Threo and GZ can't solve most of the time, and if you have a halfway decent magna grid filled with arcarum weapons you should be able to power through character rarity restriction stages as long as you remember the most important rule of Arcarum: "Nukes trump all, AoE Nukes are even better". Oh and for skill seal stages use a the DATA and ATK boosts so that you don't TP out. Those aren't that expensive and I prefer using them to losing a day if I get an exterminate R character skill seal level, which happened to me and could happen to anyone, though it might have been in extreme.

Bosses increase in health for both Hard and Extreme, but I do not really remember if they get more triggers or ougis, since I only did Normal and Hard once each since Extreme has better loot like Tier 2 raid weapons, more points and bosses give more ideans.

Extreme also has new enemies that give materials you need to FLB Arcarum Summons, though it takes any plain damage you deal and cut it by half, so Threo and Babysitter Gnome aren't that good there.

144292  No.15531136


Get this depressing knockoff out of our sight, where are the tits, Monika without tits is like Hatless Lecia.

b6761c  No.15532333

File: 2c84a997f424a14⋯.png (441.87 KB, 513x427, 513:427, foundry.png)

Post your foundry

c9939d  No.15532418

File: 1573b9fe52373f5⋯.png (253.95 KB, 400x322, 200:161, Cozy Foundry.png)


Decided to make my foundry more work related but with a couch in the middle for breaks, really liked the marble and couldn't decide between the night window or the lamp so I flipped a coin.

Digging the chibi's hope future events will include more of other characters

Come the fuck on CyGames, most gachas offer their characters chilling and interacting with things, what's taking you so long with a airship view of the characters we unlock doing adorable shit on the ship?

91a5a8  No.15532454

File: 660f2a0ff1d16ce⋯.png (879.29 KB, 796x1022, 398:511, 1538319292074.png)


>silva and song sharing a room after you clear both of their level 100 fates

>all the samurais in the game meditating on the docks

>all established chefs and waiter characters working in the kitchen

>tea room with noble characters chatting

Theres so much potential for interaction, but itd be a bitch to code.

4ca99e  No.15532469

File: 4617882a80cf721⋯.png (251.82 KB, 392x321, 392:321, ClipboardImage.png)



The couch is irresistible. I like this customization thing but I wish it was a little more practical, or at least visible outside of this one event.

696039  No.15532570

File: 9a4145706c3f29b⋯.png (636.59 KB, 547x704, 547:704, ClipboardImage.png)

So I tested the meme with my 0* twig grid

4109b0  No.15532716

File: 46e59a04d4d6ba0⋯.png (522.23 KB, 614x740, 307:370, blues.png)

Nano and snek make the jump to Dragalia.

56faff  No.15532724

File: f46944888902e13⋯.png (120.18 KB, 319x194, 319:194, ClipboardImage.png)

That Song painting is Silva's right?

eb5e56  No.15532945

File: 582455ca2602ece⋯.png (541.92 KB, 422x564, 211:282, ezelith.PNG)

File: c6681000065cb8b⋯.png (508.89 KB, 424x554, 212:277, nefaria.PNG)

Post your 5*s

b6761c  No.15533014

File: b5db24f2640c765⋯.png (685.6 KB, 361x1100, 361:1100, 5 stars.png)

144292  No.15533024

File: 064c2e5fe650773⋯.jpg (69.65 KB, 639x889, 639:889, 1538420095464.jpg)

File: 03624afab9f056d⋯.jpg (418.85 KB, 747x1120, 747:1120, 1538412749652.jpg)

File: 2d6ab85dde03919⋯.jpg (167.05 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 1538412574657.jpg)

File: 1e9fc37ab592a78⋯.jpeg (166.17 KB, 1000x495, 200:99, DoarVMVVsAIf92J.jpeg)

File: 3cff238688f5cb7⋯.png (187.93 KB, 500x700, 5:7, 1538381876572.png)

So who won the event Art portrait Bowl.

Clear winners:


Archer potatos


Okay but they still got more.options:



Old quest Drang and Sturm

Old Jewtenshoes art

1ba6ab  No.15535025

File: 38acf4993b46aa0⋯.png (428.63 KB, 630x393, 210:131, Untitled.png)


>people treating the foundry like a house instead of a place of work

>doesn't even have a furnace


61507d  No.15538682

File: 1de0e70b45a69a6⋯.png (250.22 KB, 469x298, 469:298, ClipboardImage.png)



Made it a combination of those two things, but more work place and a kitchen to cook.

9c7e6e  No.15538706

File: 5021ce66fe62ba4⋯.png (50.28 KB, 600x150, 4:1, asdhsadkjaskjxabsdchashd.png)

File: 7c0a2191cb89949⋯.png (75.78 KB, 600x150, 4:1, sandjsahbashfbhdbhfshbfhbh….png)

File: d8cf3e31799012a⋯.png (57.63 KB, 600x150, 4:1, kjksadksamaskdkasjk.png)

File: 1325de806648f47⋯.png (55.22 KB, 600x150, 4:1, sdajahsjkdajksjdhjk.png)

File: 16f60c6c000dacb⋯.png (65.46 KB, 600x150, 4:1, romi2_anskjdasghiugeigriei….png)

Here are some of the skins that will be usable next major update.

c9939d  No.15539164

File: 5bc884c6967207c⋯.png (130.8 KB, 400x384, 25:24, なに.png)

r8 my 10 draw

5e26cc  No.15539217


You didn't get Grand Io so you live.

c9939d  No.15539263


>You didn't get Grand Io so you live.

>so you live

What does this anon mean by this?

ebf5c3  No.15539278


There might me less unique IDs this time around.

bc6333  No.15539283

File: 0ad9ae62202e665⋯.jpg (83.44 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DmlgygdVAAA4czt.jpg)

File: 421e9db7b1bee58⋯.jpeg (148.49 KB, 1200x856, 150:107, DmqKc1mU0AE69Au.jpeg)

File: 3b7a0df4ac79a7b⋯.jpeg (156.41 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, DnzQxcjXcAIN5UE.jpeg)

File: bbd8ea87e8a37aa⋯.jpeg (168.98 KB, 1199x854, 1199:854, DogBya9U0AAKjSt.jpeg)


Poor lad has been assmad everyone but him has gotten Grand Io this banner.

083adc  No.15540734

File: bc08f0dd760e721⋯.webm (8.43 MB, 454x520, 227:260, GRANBLUE_FANTASY_STORY_MU….webm)


I haven't; I got Vajra for the third fucking time but I wanted a character! Why me…

1f0ea5  No.15540861

The Skylords are still recruiting, only 3 places left.

If anyone is new, just post your ID and we'll let you in.

696039  No.15542461


I'd go back but my kokoro belongs to Kihou now

0a0a90  No.15542670

File: 1c5c8c518134055⋯.png (157.32 KB, 288x247, 288:247, 1c5c8c518134055d593754fa79….png)


Who are you, I want to bully you now!

a4653d  No.15542752

File: e4247c75d6c897c⋯.png (837.95 KB, 800x616, 100:77, e4247c75d6c897cf6331f54b98….png)


Construction jobs are always the answer; don't need a fucking PhD or faceberg/social jew account to get in one, free weekends, good pay, you'll drop weight insanely fast, build muscle and strength, will learn how to handle men not that way you homo and you'll come home so fucking tired all you'll wanna do is eat something greasy and then sleep, then you'll wake up super early but won't feel tired at all, this shit deals with anhedonia better than any (((psychiatrist))) or (((medicine))) could, and people have more respect for a sweaty man who breaks his ass everyday than a """man""" who wagecucks in mcdonalds or walmart for 5 dollars/hour, plus if you already grew tired of playing vidya and watching anime all day this shit will make you fall in love with them again.

eb5e56  No.15543600

File: 16c75b441f968e8⋯.png (192.25 KB, 307x526, 307:526, DL_lily.PNG)

File: eb0d7142b6b1eec⋯.png (251.51 KB, 312x525, 104:175, DL_levi.PNG)

Just drew these.

e2bfd6  No.15543701

File: d26cd921a89a78d⋯.png (26.11 KB, 589x392, 589:392, d26cd921a89a78d2a17bfef563….png)



>dragniggia lawlst

This isn't granblue.

d4927a  No.15543931

File: 6a97956f88e7ef3⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1920x1200, 8:5, 6049de97042614c79d7c673640….png)


Lilly is very cute.

Good job.

4a0a84  No.15544089

File: 27b95d0b4d415ce⋯.png (45.78 KB, 366x185, 366:185, ClipboardImage.png)

Sometimes the hassle is worth it.

2ca52c  No.15544101

File: 4fe1348752a5c26⋯.png (39.13 KB, 384x768, 1:2, Camieux.png)

File: bee02adc6347c37⋯.png (33.35 KB, 384x768, 1:2, Cocuroux.png)

File: 0c7a3789bf2cbd6⋯.png (33.99 KB, 384x768, 1:2, Silva.png)

File: 9cd6acc3937a252⋯.png (11.38 KB, 192x192, 1:1, Song's portrait.png)

I remember playing with character sprites back when ragnarok online was a thing, using photoshop's timeline to animate them frame by frame.

Fuck that was almost 13 years ago.

3144cb  No.15544160


Bros, support cygames in every game.

e7ab07  No.15544165


Fuck off

2ca52c  No.15544197

File: a1a3d3de998d776⋯.png (33.7 KB, 96x194, 48:97, Camieuxmate 1.png)

File: dacccee0cae3996⋯.png (33.17 KB, 96x194, 48:97, Camieuxmate 2.png)

File: 1bc8a68fc337540⋯.png (45.49 KB, 96x194, 48:97, Lyriamate.png)

File: b1318f75d3b41e7⋯.png (45.5 KB, 96x194, 48:97, Ruriamate.png)

Reposting Lyria and a new Cammymate.

Cocoumate and Silvamate soon

2ca52c  No.15544467

File: d8583c5496b934e⋯.png (47.35 KB, 96x194, 48:97, Cocoumate 1.png)

File: 54fa483d4cd2358⋯.png (47.74 KB, 96x194, 48:97, Cocoumate 2.png)

File: 6e4197e98066ea9⋯.png (47.93 KB, 96x194, 48:97, Silvamate 1.png)

File: c56a5290f345515⋯.png (47.78 KB, 96x194, 48:97, Silvamate 2.png)

The older sisters

d4927a  No.15544485

File: 7c13a1623b1824e⋯.png (222.63 KB, 457x426, 457:426, 7c13a1623b1824e51df5784268….png)

5e26cc  No.15544564

Where's the Lily porn at?

06b8a8  No.15544576

File: 4ccecdf4de016dc⋯.jpg (422.08 KB, 600x800, 3:4, 59876498_p0_master1200.jpg)


No good porn since Lily is a pretty generic klutz loli template nano

0f344e  No.15544967

File: fd208d50a7e910f⋯.png (190.67 KB, 342x337, 342:337, Untitled.png)

1f0ea5  No.15545251


I see you too are a man of taste and culture.

e2bfd6  No.15545456

File: a7be6aa254b05d0⋯.png (31.01 KB, 126x136, 63:68, BRUTHA.PNG)

d4927a  No.15545492

File: f2a35cca79ee615⋯.jpg (72.03 KB, 636x434, 318:217, room.JPG)

File: 34e3f9801cbffc7⋯.jpg (10.88 KB, 79x165, 79:165, kukuru.JPG)



I like this one.


The comfy look you can get is the best.

56faff  No.15545977

File: 8098d10772defec⋯.png (31.74 KB, 86x253, 86:253, ClipboardImage.png)



10/10. Love it.

9e8932  No.15546043


Definitely loving it.

Any chance for Arulu?

56faff  No.15548714

>YFW they add an R halloween character just to fuck you when the halloween ticket happens

Alternatively, you just get a codex since there's no R halloween character.

e7ab07  No.15551198

File: 43257fdd4e1e098⋯.gif (10.54 MB, 600x600, 1:1, yugu.gif)

Couple of spots in Infinity open if anyone wants to join.

696039  No.15551398


did they all go to play dragalia?

1f0ea5  No.15551417


How many Bathroom breaks are we allowed during GW?

e7ab07  No.15551425


Who knows. they've been dead for more than a month.



7e4e5d  No.15551436


None. Your urine caterer and sleep suppressants will be delivered to you via mail.

b6761c  No.15551453


you're allowed as many as you wish. You can still grind GW on your phone Although the lack of multiclienting will affect your efficiency, so you will have to make it up later

696039  No.15551463

File: e7cd9d3eed04234⋯.png (1.46 MB, 960x1280, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)


what if I do this?

df965a  No.15551485


I can't imagine a worse hell than trying to play the game on four phones at once.

4109b0  No.15551611

File: ceee5c58e2c188b⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1279x619, 1279:619, somewhere.png)


Not all.

d4927a  No.15551701

File: 18bc817f52f0ca3⋯.jpg (191.38 KB, 500x364, 125:91, 1438295095432.jpg)


Fucking genius madman.

256b57  No.15551703

File: 02bee18e08ce8d5⋯.gif (3.86 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 1522757860946.gif)



Does your crew slut reward headpats or cummies when you win? Asking for a friend haha

fb0e52  No.15551789

File: 56ffb2e52a277ba⋯.jpeg (180 KB, 892x1200, 223:300, DouiSXsVsAATHM8.jpeg)

File: cea0b461ea9f8aa⋯.png (227.06 KB, 500x500, 1:1, C-GozbiU0AA-m-n.png)

File: 0503852792d3702⋯.jpg (1.03 MB, 1184x800, 37:25, 1538671662497.jpg)

File: a6f4dd82aa47b82⋯.jpg (109.1 KB, 740x914, 370:457, 1538663316631.jpg)

File: f2f766c291941d2⋯.jpg (69.22 KB, 501x708, 167:236, 1538659819111.jpg)

Potato Crew has spots open for fellow potatofags that appreciate these butifel tiny gifts of nature. We can take absolute newfags interested in other inferior races such as Er*nes or Dr*phs.

083adc  No.15551818

File: 48c60f454ebef0a⋯.jpg (212.49 KB, 1500x1200, 5:4, DoK-oyWU4AANEv2.jpg)



Wow, Infinity is doing so well they're outsourcing their PR department.


You'll get an anime about your exploits.


I was moving down the page so fast that it looked like the butt in pic 5 was Funfs.

>Potato Crew

You guys still haven't disbanded?

d185da  No.15551826

File: 04264bc1eec53d8⋯.png (381.95 KB, 305x318, 305:318, io has an important messag….png)


kill yourself kmr

fb0e52  No.15551837

File: 1fe9a92c6a5202a⋯.jpg (64.1 KB, 600x577, 600:577, 1538675369543.jpg)

File: 40f5456a1fb80c4⋯.jpg (142.64 KB, 709x1000, 709:1000, 1538673722204.jpg)

File: 50667d34a20e392⋯.png (230.58 KB, 428x654, 214:327, 1538673448959.png)

File: 27d727e125b140c⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1163x1250, 1163:1250, 1538672900165.png)

File: 029233bb1d3cb51⋯.jpeg (81.78 KB, 600x863, 600:863, DCnoU3yVYAAchys.jpeg)


We aren't in the OP, but we're alive as always, we got a healthy population and magna trains daily to help newfags while our top guys run Baka. We just never post recruiting ads.

1f0ea5  No.15551883


You deserve a potato famine, Draphs and Erunes are superior.

fb0e52  No.15551958

File: 6045cfeee175dd5⋯.jpeg (70.06 KB, 576x800, 18:25, DnBR9nEU8AEqYkL.jpeg)

File: 1efaaee6d7a8d62⋯.jpeg (205.08 KB, 1200x811, 1200:811, DSYYgsAUMAAqOAh.jpeg)

File: a1242c10b4aa756⋯.jpeg (171.23 KB, 1199x806, 1199:806, Dokp_wRU0AAl6ao.jpeg)

File: 020bb07336dad65⋯.png (719 KB, 804x909, 268:303, 54682818_p0.png)

File: 5c1c9dff376338e⋯.png (883.8 KB, 842x1059, 842:1059, 62733478_p0.png)


We ARE already on that famine, since July 2017 we haven't had a new potato girl.

1f0ea5  No.15552429


That just means Cygames itself has good taste.

Same reason they made a Cammy event.

ebf5c3  No.15552598


There hasn't been a new Draph either since Razia or Strum (or Reinhardtzar if you want to be technical and count both sexes) though.

Seems like everything we get are Primal Beasts and Erunes these days (And Humans, but no surprise there).

1f0ea5  No.15552665


They're pandering to their new audience of Fujos

Just wait, the next playable SSR is Belial.

083adc  No.15552823

File: 93eb694dec87160⋯.jpg (133.53 KB, 951x495, 317:165, Dn2_HHaUYAA68mU.jpg)

File: 500796aedb2cf1b⋯.png (732.22 KB, 707x1000, 707:1000, a55791d0bf5180e1bc85384ce0….png)

File: 761c346d6c73beb⋯.jpg (160.66 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, DoBqX94V4AAnD-g.jpg)

File: bce75704dd9c252⋯.jpg (422.21 KB, 1200x1097, 1200:1097, 9662ed2a46e9613c267bbf17ec….jpg)

File: b02d855b5aff334⋯.png (679.64 KB, 850x601, 850:601, 6429cc8b29c81ca84d61c1aeaf….png)


>Make up and Go

>Cammy event

>Not Cucourox event

Hell, even Silva got more out of it than her. There honestly needs to be more Harvin, there's barely any at all compared to the others.


>next playable SSR is Belial

Not so close to a gibme period they won't.

fb0e52  No.15553301

File: 995639483c0dc73⋯.jpeg (122.25 KB, 1142x1200, 571:600, Dk8seZxU0AAK51D.jpeg)

File: 854c64f036adea0⋯.jpeg (153.55 KB, 1125x1200, 15:16, DoqJAFlUwAAg623.jpeg)

File: f147a883fc0319b⋯.jpeg (102.35 KB, 1013x1200, 1013:1200, Do1BuXuUUAE-Sso.jpeg)

File: 18e24e211cb8dae⋯.jpeg (148.35 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, DozXyALUUAAAXAA.jpeg)

File: 82fa9d62ebf35b9⋯.jpeg (128.12 KB, 520x819, 40:63, Do1PDrGU0AEa_av.jpeg)


If that's true then Draphs are having worse times than potets, Razia was added on February 2017, then Rein in November, since then it's been reskins, SR Karva, Ghandagaoza, and Almeida.

083adc  No.15554330

File: 6b508f26a4285ef⋯.jpg (708.99 KB, 859x1216, 859:1216, 60300664_p0.jpg)

File: af159862e1b1c32⋯.jpg (803.07 KB, 859x1216, 859:1216, 60410793_p0.jpg)



>40 all together

>11 SSR

>16 SR

>4 event characters

>8 limited characters

>26 different characters


>57 characters altogether

>18 SSR

>28 SR

>5 Event characters

>12 Limited characters

32 Different characters overall

Draphs will never be worse off until Harvin at least have the ability to have a full front line of SSRs outside of water and GO teams.

0f1bc4  No.15554920

File: 761c346d6c73beb⋯.jpg (160.66 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, DoBqX94V4AAnD-g.jpg)

File: 36b0be41e4a1f19⋯.jpeg (138.48 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, CQ8xrQNVAAA867K.jpeg)

File: 82fa9d62ebf35b9⋯.jpeg (128.12 KB, 520x819, 40:63, Do1PDrGU0AEa_av.jpeg)

File: 5870e02d3535990⋯.jpg (316.41 KB, 800x566, 400:283, 68069376_p0.jpg)

File: 84810a687dbf33e⋯.jpg (130.19 KB, 601x850, 601:850, 68069376_p4.jpg)


Earth has Mahira, Arulu and SRs, Wind got Nio, Melissabelle, and SRs, and Dark now has Lunalu, Marquiares and SR Ludmilla, but then Draphs have no Wind full team. And only Narmaya and Izmir as water SSRs. And Baotorda alone as Light SSR.

b6761c  No.15555314

File: add8eeb252f649a⋯.png (356.39 KB, 960x800, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)


>And only Narmaya and Izmir as water SSRs

You're forgetting a draph water 'ssr'

1f0ea5  No.15556201

File: 93822512c88b11d⋯.png (2.19 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20181008-024130.png)

Rate my earth grid

0b5c24  No.15556431







someone more creative should make a better list

5cede8  No.15556463

File: f1f5a3ab204a8fd⋯.png (276.36 KB, 627x473, 57:43, 43654675568.png)


where do you think you are

696039  No.15556483

File: b6ddec5720ea1f9⋯.png (383.74 KB, 434x452, 217:226, ClipboardImage.png)


I mean, it's like you want to double attack

5e26cc  No.15556484


I just want a Nihilith summon.

56faff  No.15557164


But why? I thought Perseuses weren't good.

ebf5c3  No.15557256


Are you stuck in the past gramps? They are really good now that they've reworked Haunt. You end up with a massive attack modifier (at level 10 no less), 10% DA penalty (instead of the former DATA) and some HP.

It's an Alexiel Katana, with less ATK stats, no counter but with a larger omega attack modifier. And it doesn't need to be FLB to get the second skill.

005db0  No.15557616


Didn't even know they reworked it.

Is it better to go with the Ancient one or regular one? *t. tit angel user**

ebf5c3  No.15557672


I'd say just use Ancient ones where you'd normally use Yggdrasil Swords (i.e. Omega grids, a single one as a omega modifier in a Double Elemental or Titan grid) and Regular ones where you'd put AK-4As if you had them (many in Titan Grids, Double Elemental grids). As long as you have enough TA buffs, the DA penalty is negligible.

4aa223  No.15557807

File: c83adf4793ec313⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1080x2102, 540:1051, When.png)

d8c181  No.15558620


I have the same you posted plus a Leviathan and a 5 star print.

ebf5c3  No.15558623



Motherfuckers. Nefaria rate up when?

5e26cc  No.15558642


If it makes you feel better all I have are Hawk and Jeanne.

d8c181  No.15558645

File: 8dbe7e97faffc9d⋯.png (556.8 KB, 600x585, 40:39, CYGAMES NINTENDO PLZ.png)


Probably in the next light event.

I really hope we get one day a Nintendo Collab at the very least, the artist works for gamefreak.

ebf5c3  No.15558697


I got Xander and Ezelith myself after rerolling a bunch and eventually getting sick of it since Nefaria didn't show up even once. I only did one ten draw after that.

e2bfd6  No.15558825





I rolled Lily and Agni so far, I hope the stream of wyrmite doesnt dry up too bad or else were gonna have a dedgame on our hands

d8c181  No.15558838


Event gives a shitload of wyrmite, probably more than GBF events. Do your daily endeavours and you will be making rolls soon enough. I have done 5 10-draws and have 6 more saved for the future. I still need to do chapter 6 too. I starded playing in like the fourth day since launch.

Also save them in case of the possibility of sparking is a good idea.

5e26cc  No.15558851


It's confirmed that the game uses FEH's pity system.

d8c181  No.15558879


It does, but no info if there will be any other way of getting 5 stars. Maybe we will get the surprise ticket, nothing is certain this early in the game.

083adc  No.15559254

File: 75d0f623b44c2cb⋯.png (521.43 KB, 770x800, 77:80, 642de806043e98b748a52b0885….png)


>the artist works for gamefreak

That's not saying much since designs both human and Pokemon have gone or started going to shit.



The fact you guys made a thread for this game and haven't even been using it pretty much says it's a dead game.

b6761c  No.15559494

File: 5aa9442b0bf5ec7⋯.png (85.46 KB, 487x102, 487:102, foundry points.png)

File: c349d6aa05eb7d6⋯.png (1.14 MB, 750x1000, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

>There are people who chose to be a quitter rather than a winner this event

Camieux would be disappointed

4b3a2c  No.15559532


>only 15 boxes worth of tokens

It's like you don't 900 box a spark every event.

1f0ea5  No.15559661


>he only grind one spark per event

Fucking casuals, I bet you don't even schedule bathroom breaks for grinding.

d8c181  No.15559781

File: 534e9ed39d754cf⋯.png (16.56 KB, 875x204, 875:204, uh oh.png)


>Ded game

You should worry more about GBF, Cygames is not thinking straigh.

b72a44  No.15559795


Not too worried. Gameplay looks really shallow, along with the artstyle. Right now this doesn't have anything to make it stand out in the sea of mobatrash except for the branding.

1f0ea5  No.15560106

Titan farming


93be5f  No.15560125

File: 1d7af31527e11b8⋯.png (245.17 KB, 960x640, 3:2, Svarog_(Awakened)Close.png)

so this game is like a knock off of Kamahime Project without the sex ?

083adc  No.15560710

File: 1b701ee264c6b40⋯.jpg (220.11 KB, 1024x639, 1024:639, Dn2r3U9VsAAUTB1.jpg)


>Cygames is not thinking straight

They can't do anything that the Japs would get pissed about unless they contain it to the Steam version if they go through with that.

>new face of Cygames

Two companies never work well enough together to allow that.

ebf5c3  No.15560746


Reminds me of how Cygames got DMM to host Granblue. Pretty funny when I think about it.

2674b2  No.15560800


>Remove the MVP chest from raids

But why? Why would you remove incentive to join raids or solo your own?

ebf5c3  No.15560814


Because then you have more people healing and providing support, which is more invaluable than selfishly only hitting the enemy to race.

d4927a  No.15561114

File: 1b409c61b9a5494⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1042x1474, 521:737, f2652f634695821784764fa474….png)



Lily is a cute girl and needs lots of love.

I hope the Crystalia event gets a rerun at some point, I never saw it.


On the one hand, I think it would be very helpful for newcomers, but on the other kind of remove the point of improving.

These games have a fucked system anyway.


>new face of Cygames

They better come up with some really, really good girls then.

The feature/raid/power creep is coming and if they keep adding more and more to GBF without restraint in an attempt to keep it "fresh" it'll become a bloated mess and if that is what they are worried about, then yes, they ought to think about a new flagship title.

I don't know how popular their other games were though, when I looked through their page on wikipedia, a lot of them had been shut down.

Did they ever release the horse game at least?

5e26cc  No.15561200


There are only two, maybe three good girls in DL: Cleo the cat mage maid thing and Melody the clumsy maid who uses a katana.

9125e2  No.15561686

File: 1c7dc9bcf2b42e0⋯.png (2.08 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-10-09-03-4….png)

File: b5ae2ff89131fd6⋯.png (2.1 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-10-09-03-4….png)

File: c6d25d077408311⋯.png (1.88 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-10-09-03-4….png)



Managed to get Lily, Zephirus and Poseidon, I'm still level 26 and only got as far as Normal mode chapter 5/hard mode chapter 1.

I feel like I need some decent fucking Print that isn't Cerberus though.

I'm not sure wether to make one more 10 roll hoping for the 4* fire healer or a Phoenix, or just save for the next banner, I'm yet to get the event 10 roll too.

Sparking doesn't seem like it'll be implemented anytime soon since the SSR pool is so small.


They're gonna head face first into the shitter if they want to focus too much on DL. It's a cute game, but has little to no depth to it. The cutscenes and Fate Episodes aren't even voiced and there aren't enough cute characters around for it to be waifubait.

bf22c9  No.15562034

Is anyone else getting errors when trying to post in chat?

4109b0  No.15562045

File: 7951cf4085ec310⋯.png (385.33 KB, 586x773, 586:773, upgrade.png)


Horses are said to come out in the winter.

For DL I'm pleased that the item upgrade UI is a little better. Exp items don't take up space, but a stacking currency, something I've wished would replace angel crap for the last two years.

084fdb  No.15562662


>sk10 katanas

but why would you do that

084fdb  No.15562669

Just out of curiosity, how many of you guys do ubhl regularly?

b72a44  No.15562683


I do it, but only at my PC and quite rarely since I'm still rank 175. I used to host it, but I completed my ultima weapon and I'm still pondering what to make my other ones so I'm holding off for now.

696039  No.15562715


I do at least 2-3 per day, it's hard to see ubhl failing these days

d8c181  No.15563093


Yeah, they need to be careful with GBF to not loose players since the game is still making mad bucks. I think it's still very early to judge the game since GBF also changed a lot compared to a few years ago, I just hope they do surprise tickets and fix the feather system to be more like the EP system we have in GBF.

Also do something with the art, create a second portrait for each character so more people wanna roll them like in GBF.

72fdd6  No.15563329

File: 0de807896366133⋯.jpg (365.91 KB, 738x900, 41:50, 67601240_p0.jpg)

File: a433809d0d239af⋯.jpeg (70.47 KB, 495x619, 495:619, images (1).jpeg)

File: f110ff08d5f8356⋯.jpeg (31.31 KB, 567x541, 567:541, images.jpeg)


The pastel colors, chibified everything and fucking nano made me hate the game instantly. I'm sticking to Grubble until it dies.

Gas the crystallians, gobu.

d4927a  No.15565833

File: 0480cddba396c9a⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 148.02 KB, 1282x720, 641:360, 1c055a7a75446cbe93f2720bb3….jpg)


>hating nano



>Exp items don't take up space

One day.

61507d  No.15566055

File: b53815b482a7f7c⋯.png (409.7 KB, 960x800, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bd36a1b9b6ba43d⋯.png (483.21 KB, 960x800, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)


I wouldn't mind Constance or any of Percy's brothers being playable.


>Jade as a recruitable

That would be great, but it's likely he'll be a SSR summon, and if they ever make a part 2 for Ranger Sign: Bravo, they better make Walder an SSR.

fd2b34  No.15566077


You are all subhuman slaves for playing this mobileshit non-game and you need to kill yourselves.

1f96f7  No.15567178

Are the Xeno drops really low?

6ffda7  No.15567218


It's approximately 1.5% from the Host red chest from raids.

It's a really rare Gold Chest drop from other Xeno things.

1f96f7  No.15567229


Yea i am barely getting drops after grinding for hours. Got 2 bows and a handful of SRs and one summon. Its a bit dumb at this point.

b6761c  No.15567238


At least when the second weapon comes in you can just buy 2 full weapons from the shop without needing any rng drops. Just focus on flbing one katana for now.

56faff  No.15570092

Game is shitting itself on my end. It keeps on getting errors. The fuck is going on?

1f96f7  No.15570579


massive jap grinding

44dab8  No.15570629

File: d9f152ba7c2d463⋯.png (829.67 KB, 689x973, 689:973, draph_sturm_granblue_fanta….png)

File: b290502e04055b2⋯.jpg (276.17 KB, 600x829, 600:829, draph armpit.jpg)

File: 89236f7979eb799⋯.png (472.46 KB, 618x595, 618:595, narumeia draph headpat.png)

File: db2325a83186598⋯.png (1.32 MB, 849x1200, 283:400, delicious smol draph.png)


Post big tiddy midgets

92bd47  No.15572113

72fdd6  No.15572347

File: cbb6d50e088d055⋯.jpeg (121.34 KB, 596x682, 298:341, DpNoBr_UUAAMZTk.jpeg)

Here's your PreCure Gears of War feet rewards, Light Quartz and Fist stones

3c2771  No.15572567

File: c2f352357891b09⋯.jpg (211.7 KB, 825x825, 1:1, 20180826_155231.jpg)


>That last image

2b0761  No.15573083

File: 89a9af69358ab15⋯.png (558.63 KB, 720x600, 6:5, Dorothy and Claudia.png)


But anon, Constance is already playable.

The maid's full title after you uncap them (in a liberal japanese translation because the translators are lazy on the strangest things and I think they even straight up removed the Skybound placeholder since I can't find it on the characters anymore) is "'Their Queen and' Dorothy and Claudia"

5e26cc  No.15573120


>Reducing Light element Fists with built in Stamina and can be SL15

f5d50f  No.15573140


Now that Runeslayer is a thing, this weapon is probably going to be quite good with MC heal per turn and bonus charge bar if HP is full, as well as a stamina buff on ougi. Sadly I made my ultima weapon light so I'm comitted.

61507d  No.15574659

File: c168cfbb10e4e12⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1280x1280, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6963c1b02e10149⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1280x1280, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>Constance is already playable

>The main title for the SSR is Their Queen and Dorothy and Claudia

Well I'll be dipped. If that's the case, then I wouldn't mind a playable Shiva, Europa, or any of the primals.

3d08db  No.15574735

Can we give Mimlemel back her happiness? Thanks.

2b0761  No.15574758


Doot for her soul anon.

Mimlemel and Punkin is all I want from this halloween banner

44dab8  No.15574842

File: 6bc192b64f2ccc6⋯.png (769.66 KB, 689x934, 689:934, narumeia draph 3.png)

File: 83dcbfbbd708f46⋯.png (1.12 MB, 776x980, 194:245, narumeia draph 1.png)

File: f8385d2f849ae40⋯.jpg (679.56 KB, 1000x653, 1000:653, qt draphs.jpg)



shut the fuck up gaylords, porst midgets with rotund breasts

5e26cc  No.15574863


Yaia is the only good Draph.

a5bf86  No.15574876

File: e55c7f256773c65⋯.png (341.18 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Screenshot_20181012-012908.png)

Well you fags, it was a pleasure shitposting with you.

2b0761  No.15574895


Did you legit distribute CP or is Italy shitting its pants?

2b0761  No.15574899


Well nevermind, I saw the english part of the warning and seems the entire domain is blocked.

Sorry about your government then.

44dab8  No.15574907


All Draphs are good for pumping with cum, impregnating and taking responsibility.

c36182  No.15574942


Why aren't you already using a VPN?

e46bd5  No.15574953



o i am laffin

56faff  No.15575065

File: 22d2a846a2a90c3⋯.png (39.33 KB, 299x224, 299:224, ClipboardImage.png)

True Animas and Centrums need to be removed from M2 raids.

b0bd00  No.15575157

File: 1b2f13dca6bfeed⋯.png (746.71 KB, 547x1062, 547:1062, 001.png)

File: 972170f99658e0b⋯.jpg (528.85 KB, 1000x1417, 1000:1417, 005.jpg)

File: b707c8b5bb9107e⋯.jpg (69.06 KB, 441x600, 147:200, 007.jpg)

File: d6f7e5ba8ecc7ac⋯.jpg (146.82 KB, 723x919, 723:919, 005.jpg)

BFDT. For the best in GBF, accept no substitutes.

2b0761  No.15575181

File: f9974d1a5ee2b0e⋯.png (421.41 KB, 548x700, 137:175, Threo Kuavera.png)

File: a9491a28cbd657b⋯.jpg (177.18 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, Almeida Obui.jpg)

File: e40ec393ef9edea⋯.jpg (137.89 KB, 1100x827, 1100:827, Anila kztk.jpg)

File: 3eee16421b396eb⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 1290x911, 1290:911, Anila Aliza Threo Pija.jpg)

File: 7becabe14648302⋯.jpg (88.66 KB, 600x849, 200:283, Augusta mizuno.jpg)

b0bd00  No.15575195

File: 455c8bc1b37f271⋯.jpg (579.74 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 006.jpg)

File: ab0ad08e2aa275d⋯.png (126.79 KB, 960x800, 6:5, 000.png)

File: 6e68d18d9b80abd⋯.jpg (597.13 KB, 1453x2047, 1453:2047, 001.jpg)

File: 19ec526419ee298⋯.jpg (393.37 KB, 689x1101, 689:1101, 002.jpg)

a4653d  No.15575411

File: 1ec2de42e53d523⋯.jpg (442.74 KB, 980x1240, 49:62, 34e92b4182023d55711fa13e7f….jpg)

File: 2afd524b0851289⋯.jpg (855.16 KB, 862x1000, 431:500, eb72b41940c8d163d9b339d871….jpg)

File: 4208dd0ed064f84⋯.jpg (716 KB, 850x1200, 17:24, 97a8e5f010c4856c705e801d88….jpg)



I want paizuri from her mother.

44dab8  No.15575514





Thanks for posting bigbreasted midgets

20753d  No.15576184

File: 2e81615a30c80c4⋯.png (3.43 MB, 1393x2018, 1393:2018, 2e81615a30c80c40d01d2f9d04….png)

File: e774a151e619160⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 2001x1555, 2001:1555, e323f5073cc7e6f60ec4fd2a65….jpg)

File: 74a4712b0842387⋯.jpg (345.5 KB, 1749x2767, 1749:2767, 74a4712b084238708f00be6acc….jpg)

File: a0a4266e44baa5b⋯.jpg (66.86 KB, 600x846, 100:141, 09f51b554fdccf1724ffc04382….jpg)

File: 361ef7d48dd857d⋯.jpg (225.78 KB, 942x1333, 942:1333, 361ef7d48dd857da8495410a5f….jpg)

I prefer Erunes.

2bfc93  No.15576190



19b148  No.15576652

there's a new button on the GBF client page called Campaign. Can somebody who reads Moon to look at the Nip page it links to?

c36182  No.15576665


Can't find it, give a link or screenshot?

19b148  No.15576687

cdf202  No.15576700


Spend mobacoin and you'll win mobacoin (more or less than you spent).

19b148  No.15576791


Alright, thanks for looking. Too bad it's just another scam.

622225  No.15578880

File: 9f1f3822613b337⋯.png (74.02 KB, 197x214, 197:214, 1054.png)


>race mixing

2b0761  No.15579244


Should've posted Bahamut, he's the one who loves racial segregation.

a18846  No.15580696

File: ac09215fc440e13⋯.jpg (255.64 KB, 916x1269, 916:1269, Kogane.jpg)

5e26cc  No.15580744


Is this what danchou meant by BIGGEREST?

I like all of this.

a18846  No.15581069


Wait for anniversary and you'll see true biggerest, that if this game survives that long.

696039  No.15582118


nah, BIGGERESTESTEST will be next anniversary or end of the year

f02c6a  No.15582155


Fucking finally. I feel like they purposedly killed the game for a couple weeks so people would get bored and go try Dragalia.

0ee0c2  No.15582232

File: 624dc2dab68230c⋯.jpg (139.67 KB, 690x862, 345:431, DpYSQPSUcAA956K.jpg)

Revealed the details for the December Campaign

56faff  No.15582254

Games running like horse shit. Takes forever to load anything.

e7ab07  No.15585019

File: a5b98fb0d47f671⋯.jpg (50.54 KB, 390x340, 39:34, holy shit cag.jpg)

>Pretty Cure collab gives us another free light SSR

7870e4  No.15585103


Their title are The Emissaries of Light. It was quite expected.

de8c8e  No.15585205

File: 9719936c9cce1b1⋯.mp4 (7.61 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Pickle Surprise.mp4)

Never heard of PreCure before this week, they look like traps. Enjoy your fucking pickle surprise week.

083adc  No.15585786

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Everyone saw it coming but no one wanted it to happen.


Precure is what happens when a guy who worked on Dragonball goes off to make a Magical Girl series.

13a4e6  No.15585819

File: e7db686bc4a025e⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 6.03 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, [MiMiA Cute] Seshi Knight….webm)


Someone said Magical Girl?

083adc  No.15585865

File: a91ef0c4214ccf7⋯.jpg (778.5 KB, 1100x880, 5:4, aa006a4f420a6173da1c9313f5….jpg)




How Madoka Magica has fallen.

415c44  No.15585895

>you can have the honour of listening to Mepple on the home page now

No. Fuck off.

ffb2bf  No.15586013

File: 4517866c23efeb5⋯.jpg (89 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 67b49c082c64e8ee6eca7f5f5e….jpg)

lol. I am glad I decided to quit this garbage. More magical girl bullshit events which have absolutely nothing to do with granblue. This game is dying a slow death and I hope none of you faggots actually put money on this.

5477a6  No.15586456

File: e489dad7da811b3⋯.png (291.43 KB, 352x363, 32:33, ClipboardImage.png)

The isekai epidemic is getting out of hand.

4db897  No.15586509


I keep forgetting Mepple is also Shirou in here. And Gawain, but nobody gives a shit about Gawain.

1f0ea5  No.15586647

File: a84ab0e5a278910⋯.png (599.84 KB, 545x1041, 545:1041, first metatron raid.png)

How good are these weapons?

5e26cc  No.15586721


Don't be like that, mepo.

2d335b  No.15586727

File: 81a3bf6f3cbba61⋯.png (977.43 KB, 850x1063, 850:1063, 3d72133cb8f1da1b7547845e6c….png)


The claw is garbage. The bow is Metatron's good weapon that you want four FLBs of on your light grid to unlock peak autism. Good job!

31e12b  No.15586856

>forced to play on lite because the servers are crapping themselves

2de3e3  No.15588011

File: 792360577f9785f⋯.jpg (111.17 KB, 960x720, 4:3, mpv-shot0061.jpg)


>Bring super popular serie in GBF

>Server dies from overload


5e26cc  No.15588100


It helps that they're really good.

4db897  No.15588102

File: 5f8834f66e88100⋯.jpg (14.83 KB, 315x244, 315:244, smug asshole fairy.jpg)

>the event is still better than Hugtto's efforts in bringing Nagisa and Honk back

5e26cc  No.15588145


The event legitimately feels like a lost episode of Futari Wa.

bf22c9  No.15588279

File: 26677914a76923f⋯.png (218.05 KB, 263x353, 263:353, team.png)

File: 6c03d1182048f78⋯.gif (33.18 KB, 200x150, 4:3, 40b0c083930548d61e9a913d4a….gif)

>can finally make a full mahou shoujo squad

The time has come and so have I

13a4e6  No.15588565

One of the first doujin on sadpanda that I fapped to was a pretty cure one. This event brings back memories.

083adc  No.15588639

File: e8c9d53ab3f87af⋯.jpg (800.79 KB, 1254x1771, 114:161, 17709736_p0.jpg)


>Sakura needed Precure to get people to use her

Gonna have to focus on making a light grid now.

56faff  No.15589283

File: 80d875a3249dee5⋯.png (197.3 KB, 319x361, 319:361, ClipboardImage.png)

>26 more Sephira Stone

>Can't buy them because Monika releases sometime this week

I hate Sephira Stones. Also Grand Monika releases this Flashfest with Regular Monika.

93ed8e  No.15589284

File: 881c29fbe74d674⋯.jpg (187.64 KB, 900x714, 150:119, 5ee85b074b2e4dbe043c5aec19….jpg)

The survey's back.

2b0761  No.15589295


Another shot at 3k crystals

083adc  No.15589403

File: 6ad7a05701f8b8d⋯.jpg (383.99 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 92e6a45c6cfcc7f0ac01f3a7c2….jpg)



Halloween Monika.

56faff  No.15589574

What are the chances that a pub ProtoHL will fail now?

bce589  No.15589585

File: 5616328c01225c8⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1036x1449, 148:207, __fenrir_granblue_fantasy_….png)


>Halloween Monika

Halloween Fenrir

5e26cc  No.15589595


Halloween Niggercats.

b6761c  No.15589599



>Summer Zooey

>Valentine Medusa

We are due a primal for one the other themed holidays

4b3a2c  No.15589604


inb4 Halloween Lucio

28bb10  No.15589605

>>15589599 (checked)

Valentine Zooey when?

b6761c  No.15589606


halloween sandal. Even more edgy.

5e26cc  No.15589616


Valentine Yggdrasil.

Truly the purest of waifus.

083adc  No.15589790

File: ab44cf13c35a4d0⋯.jpg (174.53 KB, 800x900, 8:9, ab44cf13c35a4d08c19318db97….jpg)


Can't make a Halloween character for Lucio if he can't ride a horse.

56faff  No.15589823

I'm getting looping network errors again.

db81ea  No.15589837

File: 31dddefeac32822⋯.png (1.83 MB, 1163x1179, 1163:1179, ClipboardImage.png)

hey hope you guys are enjoying this treatment and not taking it for granted

93ed8e  No.15589843

File: 273c5f8be2ced3f⋯.gif (728.31 KB, 216x288, 3:4, 273c5f8be2ced3f17897e067b3….gif)


Fuck you kmr give me 10 rolls.

b6761c  No.15589846


you need to add the anniversary stream goodies to that list to make FGO look even worse

083adc  No.15589859

File: 11a2eddee1287b5⋯.png (546.44 KB, 655x601, 655:601, FGO vs GBF.png)


It's Fate and Nintendo, what else am I to expect?

5e26cc  No.15589867


FEH has become so stagnant it's not even funny.

56faff  No.15589871

So found out the issue. Seems to involve the chat. I have to clear the chat cookies for it to not shit itself.

db81ea  No.15589885

File: 2e61a17987d7aef⋯.jpg (81.65 KB, 360x596, 90:149, 1539473357043.jpg)


How about this? Behold, the christmas present.

b6761c  No.15589891

File: ed38b93564999fb⋯.webm (7.9 MB, 832x474, 416:237, Lyria spazzing out.webm)

5e26cc  No.15589897


I want to get that giant Vryn plush doll and send it to danchou.

083adc  No.15589898

File: 730f7f5316fc523⋯.png (5.63 MB, 2160x3840, 9:16, 56571201_p7.png)


Mobile Waifu Emblem lasted a lot longer than I expected it to. Is Pokemon Go finally dying?

5e26cc  No.15589908


Maybe no. Who knows. The problem with FEH is that it's so painfully obvious IS has no idea how to make the game interesting so they're just adding units that are disgustingly designed to be meta and powercreeping pretty much everything that exists while refusing to clean the summoning pool.

And I haven't even mentioned how every new mode they've added is completely awful and the game's story is utter shit.

083adc  No.15589949

File: 560b81fcfe5477d⋯.jpg (1.31 MB, 1500x1598, 750:799, 62826618_p0.jpg)

File: faa6ee8fa4830ae⋯.jpg (379.6 KB, 700x968, 175:242, 62826618_p9.jpg)

File: b64b4b4b64d376f⋯.jpg (437.29 KB, 800x1055, 160:211, 62826618_p10.jpg)


Hmm, the only thing I knew it had an issue with was them not sticking to one artist. I don't care how it might tickle someones nostalgia; shit like that severely weakens my interest.

5e26cc  No.15589986


That's not really an issue for me for the most part because some of the artists are really good like Ippei for drawing burly, realistic men or Amagaitaro for drawing lolis.

The problem is that the game's life and how much you're gonna play per day heavily relies on your character roster.

b6761c  No.15589989

File: 8dcf72bf68473c8⋯.png (762.09 KB, 508x720, 127:180, ring.png)

Finally decided on my ring choice. Let the Stan cucking begin

1f0ea5  No.15590254



Remember the Arena event with Soriz, Randall and Feather?

20753d  No.15590557


Do you think he bangs her every night?

a19d20  No.15590745

So did this shit ever come to phones in the west? the browser keeps crashing and daddy neets his fat draph titties

aefeed  No.15590749


There's an app you can download from Qooapps. I alternate between the two when the browser version decides to start acting up.

b6761c  No.15590793

File: 586f90a6486c25d⋯.png (770.38 KB, 960x800, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cd6ba10c6648ff2⋯.png (801.06 KB, 960x800, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)


only a couple of days until halloween and then the draph tits will come individually wrapped

db81ea  No.15590879


What happened in those? I'm pretty sure I skipped one of em. Draphs don't interest me.

aefeed  No.15590906


>Aliza takes off her magic gear and becomes a SR again

>Soriz loses to the power of maid thighs

>Aliza loses to a kick-off with Randall

>Feather and Randall have a moment with strong yaoi undercurrents

>the potato with NANOMACHINES SON beats fucking Seox

>it is also revealed puny potato limbs cannot compete without magical assistance confirming the inferiority of the potato race

e16b03  No.15590907

File: 310aa51ac5dafe0⋯.jpg (48.66 KB, 500x676, 125:169, f6d7222e278e3fa81c6ff123aa….jpg)



These guys fucking confuse me. The male ones are just dusty emotionally crippled zombehs who are that fucked up in the head they think every second woman they come across is some long dead GF. While the female ones tend to be fucking hot, perfectly sane and generally chill.

0ee0c2  No.15590973



>Perfectly sane

2b0761  No.15591095


I believe in the mythical fist proficiency martial artist harvin SSR, coming not so soon.

a7ece7  No.15591148


Doesn't matter if she's a rotting corpse and her pussy dried out thousands of years before anybody who worked on the project were even born, you gotta get those MGfag shekels.

083adc  No.15591417

File: d9935c85db1ce45⋯.png (635.12 KB, 1560x1428, 130:119, 60127126_p3.png)


He wouldn't be seen anymore and Sturm would suddenly be a massive if that ever happened.

083adc  No.15591425

File: ba21572890e8cbd⋯.jpg (794.78 KB, 800x1130, 80:113, 63114978_p0.jpg)

File: c869ce8bbf0235d⋯.jpg (814.08 KB, 800x1130, 80:113, 63114978_p1.jpg)


>be a massive wreck

Damn it.

7ccb81  No.15592363

File: 77307da499dc491⋯.png (316.94 KB, 388x344, 97:86, water_magna_10_15_18.PNG)

So Arcarum decided to drop me an ancient auberon. What out of this grid should I replace with it, if anything?

2b0761  No.15592421


Butterknives are pretty shitty, trade one of them that is 0*.

7ccb81  No.15592444


The daggers are 1 4* and 4 3*s. Is replacing a 3* levi dagger with a 0* aub worth it just the same?

2b0761  No.15592467


The damage is shitty either way and both don't have much in way of base ATK stats (0* will take about 1k base ATK, but that doesn't matter much at 20k total ATK). But at least the auberon gives you loads of HP (with Snake) and some chance to hit a crit and a reasonable boost to DA. I'd say go for it, you'll lose some damage but not enough to be noticeable, but you'll be able to see your HP increase besides the side perks.

4b3a2c  No.15592524


A 0* SL10 aub will have 10% omega attack from it's majesty skill, if you're running at least one snake at 100% that changes to 20%. Swapping the axe with the aub will keep the 20% you lost from the axe plus the aub's other skills. Alternatively, you could MH a snake dagger and ditch the glowstick in favor of the aub.

2b0761  No.15592545


I'd say the butterknife is a pretty garbage MH. In case he keeps the snake daggers, it is probably better to trade the axe since he is already using both the Wand of Gabriel and a Bahamut dagger, and water also has a bunch of normal attack buffers. And to top it all off his axe doesn't have any secondary skills.

4b3a2c  No.15592569


Yeah, sneknife is a garbage MH, but so is the glowstick's 20% DA on ougi. Were I him I'd dump the stick before the axe, as the axe offers 2% more attack than the stick and he already has the cocy stick for EX.

2b0761  No.15592662


I don't know about that: 2% more attack isn't that much, and it isn't even being boosted by a summon, and to top it all off normal buffs are so common and he is already running a Bahamut weapon.

On the other hand, there is nothing that increases the EX modifier besides the weapons in your grid. So damage formula wise it's better to ditch the axe and keep the glowstick.

c635cc  No.15592814


You only use auberons if you need the health, just reduce it or something.

2b0761  No.15593060


Well, I'm assuming he'll need the HP. There's no way he is going to race against Varunalords or Kengolords with a butterknife grid, while HP is good for solo content and trying to dent your hosted raids.

e1cc32  No.15593271

File: a90cce9624f7191⋯.jpg (680.99 KB, 1229x1187, 1229:1187, monika when.jpg)

2b0761  No.15593283


Grand Blues Lecia is way more interesting than story Lecia. Why isn't there a fate episode where Lecia crawls from the ceiling to stop lolicons?

bce589  No.15593465

File: 6aba62bc7a1bad8⋯.png (53.33 KB, 690x608, 345:304, daki.PNG)

So /v/, what have you done for your granbluefu today?

5e26cc  No.15593472


I wish I could find an Io figurine.

e1cc32  No.15593483


Every single Gran Blues version is better than vanilla.


>tfw waifu isn't popular enough to merit figs or dakis

083adc  No.15593533

File: dce4ce7bee0938f⋯.png (754.59 KB, 916x595, 916:595, 54157373_p0.png)

File: 1fdfad6721439d7⋯.jpg (321.8 KB, 630x2760, 21:92, episode_77.jpg)


>tfw waifu isn't popular enough to merit figs or dakis

Make your own then.

56faff  No.15593578

File: 8ce469b796d84e8⋯.png (1.68 MB, 630x2760, 21:92, ClipboardImage.png)

Next grand flashfest conformed?

083adc  No.15593585

File: 8f93ca616d76c8b⋯.jpg (76.66 KB, 600x755, 120:151, 23ea6928053f1ffde8cc033f12….jpg)


Would rather it conform to a magical girl theme.

b6761c  No.15593595


not sure. Surely this grandefest will be halloween since the event starts alongside it, but Europa coming out of nowhere for a grandblues does seem like strong evidence that she'll be playable soon.

e2bfd6  No.15593639

File: 7618851c34bd5f7⋯.png (96.88 KB, 133x300, 133:300, image0.png)

90cb1a  No.15593687


>Primal Water Heal character

I think everyone expected it to turn out this way.

e7ab07  No.15598013

New thread


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