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Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b69f6b  No.15598012



October Event Schedule

9/30 - 10/8: Make Up and Go!

10/8 - 10/14: Xeno Diablo Clash

10/14 - 10/26: Futari wa Pretty Cure Collaboration

10/24 - 10/30: Divergent Knighthoods (Rerun)

10/31 - 11/9: New story event


1.Infinity - 692908

2.Kihou - 740471

3.Sky Lords - 733000

4.Raven Nest (Dead) - 1024216

Guides and info


>How do I even play this shit?

You can play it from your browser by going to http://game.granbluefantasy.jp/

>I'm not going to use google botnet to play this.

You can use chrome alternatives, such as Slimjet or Iridium. If you don't like doing that, use an agent spoofer for the browser you do use to spoof chrome.

b69f6b  No.15598020

File: 58aa2268414cfb2⋯.png (429.18 KB, 600x500, 6:5, DppBZPUUwAAF_Pj.png)

Mini Halloween event starts today and will feature Fif/Funf in Halloween themed attire.

a9f236  No.15598025

File: 06030d1455bd88c⋯.png (238.95 KB, 567x872, 567:872, 466.png)


c4771e  No.15598065

File: d703164f6206b0c⋯.png (263.36 KB, 505x614, 505:614, Rank up.png)

File: d9829f6bc2c128a⋯.webm (15.58 MB, 360x500, 18:25, Ubaha 200 uncap.webm)

Rank 200 get. You have to fight UBaha. He has 140mil hp and hits like a truck.

ghandagoza has graduated from punching meteors to soloing Ubaha

439f74  No.15598080

File: 693bf46c82b6416⋯.png (1 MB, 1000x708, 250:177, oins0kql7gk11.png)

Monika ain't shit, Lovers is where its at. Oracles when?

a9f236  No.15598138

File: f7bcd2f12960e17⋯.jpg (64.01 KB, 600x300, 2:1, DprohfGXoAAmhDI.jpg)

Halloween Feather, Halloween Lady Grey, and Europa being added in a few hours.


Europa was added before best doggo, fuck this game

246e91  No.15598206


At this point it's more likely to see Fenrir in Dragalia or even FGO.

c07045  No.15598375

File: 64033283542e98a⋯.png (920.25 KB, 947x491, 947:491, Agni grid.png)

Getting 18k hp on MC and around 14k hp on the rest of party, you could get more with a sword of pallas instead of a second xeno katana.

55cd61  No.15598708

Is the EX light bracelet from the event any good as an EX weapon assuming my only other option is a second EX light harp or should I just stick with an extra gun?

0baa1d  No.15598739


It's as good as any other SL15 event weapon (other than xeno), so if you're just going to stick it into your grid it doesn't matter. You want two EX weapons in your grid typically.

It's a pretty good mainhand though so you may want to max it out just for that option.

909c62  No.15598748


Get the fist to hold you over until you get a Huang gauntlet, make sure you get enough Card Communes to 4* it so the Charge Attack gives Stamina.

3c8258  No.15598786

File: f07fb3fdbec06b4⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 570.63 KB, 567x872, 567:872, phil_aren't_girls_with_pee….png)


Anon, that's pretty gay.

dc1752  No.15598808

File: 0197c9ad786fe27⋯.png (4.78 KB, 76x62, 38:31, ClipboardImage.png)


What the fuck is that?

909c62  No.15598845

File: 7f2ba83dab38f4b⋯.png (6.5 KB, 240x120, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>Anon bought a slip cover for his body-pillow with art depicting his trap wife(♂)

c4771e  No.15598923

File: 42b32b890794a3d⋯.png (783.19 KB, 507x735, 169:245, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 79680cd24d9aa57⋯.png (711.41 KB, 511x737, 511:737, ClipboardImage.png)

my Halloween draws

38caf3  No.15598942

File: 98704ff3f627383⋯.png (573.4 KB, 572x490, 286:245, ShivaXAgnigrid1.png)

I'm using this grid currently While working towards a better Shiva*Agni Grid. I recently got my hands on an Erichtonius and I was wondering what best to replace.

38caf3  No.15598946


NVM, ignore the question. I thought I had already banished all canes from my grid

9b149f  No.15599001

We getting more Europa porn, I like this timeline

c4771e  No.15599226

File: b9018b63faba57b⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1000x767, 1000:767, ClipboardImage.png)


Cygames is trying to beat everyone to the punch

be618e  No.15600234

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>best doggo

But we already have Vajra and Pholia.


Damn it, forgot about Halloween Toots, was gonna save my draws for Legfest so I could attempt to get Pholia.

Event's actually throwing SSRs at me for once.

aa9456  No.15600618

Can't wait for my guaranteed codex. Because a R Halloween doesn't exist

3c067c  No.15600946

File: 5aefef36bee5965⋯.jpg (66.33 KB, 483x362, 483:362, the draws that preemptivel….JPG)

Just started sparking and my draws were so good I just stopped because drawing any more would be a waste. Even had a double draw of Alex and Tia.

439f74  No.15600956

File: a4604cc9c47fad7⋯.jpg (11.1 KB, 281x250, 281:250, granblue_fantasy_death_ora….jpg)


Keep going fagmo, post results

3c067c  No.15600959


I drew the entire pool I needed just about with bonus werewolf. I was going to spark orchid and hope to get alex on the side. I got super lucky. Imma save for zodiac.

3c067c  No.15601017


Forgot, also for a summon got a Grimnir.

06f096  No.15601407

File: b9df80408063298⋯.png (905.43 KB, 519x756, 173:252, halloween ticket.png)

File: e3c7eea8ea385c9⋯.jpg (50.2 KB, 500x357, 500:357, e3c7eea8ea385c97efc378ac3b….jpg)

How about that.

c4771e  No.15601441


give. I need those autistic draph titties

246e91  No.15602298

I'll regret this one day when I'm old but due to me having money to burn I bought the Suptix for Scathacha and the Beginner's Ticket for Alexiel.

Billy me, danchou.

7b2f1a  No.15602313


VAs ain't free. The tree of waifus and seiyus gotta be litterd with the money of autists.

246e91  No.15602319


If it feeds Io's VA then I'm happy. I also look at it as a thanks to Kimura for sucking me in with Persona 5 and with Love Live and Precure to make sure I don't leave.

5b4568  No.15602326


I, for one, am glad for the suptix and outfit because it makes the weekly crew mandated spark more value for money.

Reminder to other Infinity members to spark before the week runs out.

76d36e  No.15602376

File: 9fc1183abef46bd⋯.png (177.85 KB, 381x237, 127:79, 1539810841699.png)

File: f114143ec9bf479⋯.png (313.37 KB, 784x537, 784:537, 1539700978152.png)

File: 49a673c0dc783e1⋯.jpeg (79.83 KB, 550x940, 55:94, DQGr3cSU8AACYYn.jpeg)

File: 5f7d4865bc578c0⋯.jpeg (167.88 KB, 1106x1200, 553:600, Do90pK7V4AITTZv.jpeg)

File: fbe99869ae29622⋯.jpeg (68.07 KB, 819x858, 21:22, DpUgvSSU8AAWKwF.jpeg)


Danjoe here. I can ok it. Just buy Fallout 76. Also, I got Punished Toot 2: A Harvin denied her smile. And I get another free week as I already did the homoknight event feat. Mordred being a satellite bitch.

246e91  No.15602407


Why would I buy a Fallout game that is even more casualized than 4?

I got Beatrix from my Halloween Ticket.

81089d  No.15602548

File: 59c9d4ecd2dcf9f⋯.jpeg (287.83 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, DprkZkgWwAcLHnK.jpeg)

File: b65621de38dbe51⋯.jpg (81.98 KB, 737x757, 737:757, 1539765994604.jpg)

File: 861a68308cbc270⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1000x1433, 1000:1433, 1539757819753.png)

File: 85e4aef14012f8f⋯.png (11.57 KB, 450x356, 225:178, 1539746438074.png)

File: 4902ef69c8330a9⋯.jpeg (85.7 KB, 667x800, 667:800, Dpqur8xU0AEehqP.jpeg)


It's some Potato Crew inner joke, no one here would fucking buy that shit or Todd's lies

Speaking of potatoes, we're recruiting, you don't need amazing gear nor anything stellar, we get by, Tier B, some medals here and there.

be618e  No.15602590

File: d2f2b8fb4881004⋯.png (586.19 KB, 660x990, 2:3, 57716793_p0.png)


That's an understatement; can't even be saved by mods now.


>Potato Crew

Have you guys gassed your Captain yet?

246e91  No.15602609


He likes Io like I do so I can't gas him.

7c85ba  No.15602627


>likes the worst main cast

We need a camp to put your crew in.

246e91  No.15602633


It ain't my fault she's the perfect shade of chocolate.

a9f236  No.15602636


I buy every suptix

be618e  No.15602640

File: 2b54660b8c82c32⋯.gif (107.68 KB, 256x256, 1:1, 5b6587b80f03b449901801a7da….gif)

File: 5e961aa65ce7ed2⋯.gif (76.57 KB, 256x256, 1:1, cc1ba062fb48327bd4e80e96c5….gif)


That's the first time I've heard anyone pay positive attention to any part of her that wasn't her butt.

81089d  No.15602642


Worst main cast is Rosetta.

Io is pointless, but Rosetta somehow manages to be more irrelevant than Albacore.

246e91  No.15602657


I also like her hair.

Kinda sucks that the collab wasn't a two-way street as she'd be a decent enough Precure.

be618e  No.15602696

File: 0ec5543b7790168⋯.png (529.35 KB, 640x940, 32:47, 0ec5543b7790168ac49ae4a092….png)

File: d2118c0f051db04⋯.webm (2.94 MB, 440x249, 440:249, Cure White-Black.webm)

File: 035a01ee1b58293⋯.png (962.23 KB, 747x887, 747:887, 54854739_p2.png)



>decent enough Precure

In one of the series that doesn't focus as much on physical fights.

246e91  No.15602741


Let's toss her into Kirakira and she'll body everyone.

495aef  No.15603038

File: b0d4e47c7ffc989⋯.mp4 (797.59 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 72f7e5f0.mp4)

When do they add Jojo collab?

c4db16  No.15603387

File: 15a6185ac826510⋯.jpg (174.31 KB, 1200x1047, 400:349, Df-spiXU8AA8twQ.jpg)

File: 37cbbf3f74db0de⋯.jpg (130.88 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, 68376639_p1_3.jpg)


You probably won't. I've bought my start dash like a month after starting to play the game because I was enjoying it a lot and have bought every suptix since. I've been at this for 19 months now, I still enjoy the game, I still like the characters a lot and I'm still looking forward to more content.

I don't whale to roll and those 10 bucks a month don't hurt me.

There's nothing wrong in supporting something you like, even though other people might come in and complain that you're the one killing vidya for doing so.

This Suptix the fight is between Silva, Cocuroux and Scatacha, but I don't really need more water characters and I'm kinda waiting for Monika to come out.

d0d69b  No.15603425

File: ea910dc0e383e14⋯.jpg (68.08 KB, 532x721, 76:103, 1cace2075e0673ad43cd762b17….jpg)




>not Lecia


I find her somewhat annoying and abrasive.


She is cute, but I kind of forgot why she joined up with the crew in the first place.


What about her small tits?

I like those.

c4771e  No.15603456

File: 3bdc1710eccaf96⋯.png (1.25 MB, 800x1132, 200:283, ClipboardImage.png)




She's mirroring danchou as his second generation counterpart to the original crew of danchou's dad, Lecia's dad, Rosetta and Vyrn. She's more important than most on the crew

7b2f1a  No.15603636


>More important than most on the crew

>Hasn't been on the Grandcypher for years

>Didn't cover Tom Petty - Free Falling with Danchou and the Skyfarers

>Doesn't even show up in story events

Anon, I…

c4db16  No.15603657


And most importantly, is the only character in the game that is stuck at 3*.

c4771e  No.15603659



They're back in Phantagrande now. Reunion and her 4 soon

1321ab  No.15603822



I see what you did there.

It's more likely they're setting up an arc where we have to fight Lecia when she sides with her dad and then win her over again with the power of MC and THEN she'll get her 4th star.

c4db16  No.15603861


Lecia's dad, the Blue Knight is already on our side IIRC, or at least, against the White/Red/Golden knights. Also regarding the Blue Knight, Arriet is a spy working for him so we might see her some more or her getting a 5* as the Blue Knight storyline gets more traction.

1321ab  No.15603881


I think the blue knight will be on the blue knight's side, judging by how he left explicit instructions to not let Lyria and Vyrn meet.

c4db16  No.15603911

File: d2ae72ede10f5c1⋯.mp4 (12.04 MB, 598x850, 299:425, Vyrn Evolve.mp4)


That was in Grandad's diary too, probably because Lirya can unlock Vyrn's sealed Bahamut powers.

But there's little they can do now.

be618e  No.15604515

File: ad129d40d06fd8c⋯.png (232.36 KB, 608x457, 608:457, dd0de5ab8683f94c6f05866181….png)


>I kind of forgot why she joined up

She wanted to learn how to fly.

>I like those.

Pic related


No one wants those two around each other because they were massive enemies back before their memories got fucked and no one wants that shit to start up again.

7b2f1a  No.15604534

File: 6f8f4246fab3402⋯.png (247.23 KB, 760x572, 190:143, A chocolate bomb.png)


>No one wants those two around each other because they were massive enemies back before their memories got fucked and no one wants that shit to start up again.

be618e  No.15604811

File: 33656a7e66f4efe⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 74.91 KB, 640x688, 40:43, 33656a7e66f4efe018c6d199b2….jpg)


>chocolate bomb

Allahu Akbar!

2a00f5  No.15605882

After a shitty ten draw yesterday 9 Rs and 1 characterless SR weapon which amount to 1 bronze moon, I got Shiro from today's free draw and playable Europa from free draws.

c781bd  No.15607636

File: da4ee0959a06758⋯.png (767.79 KB, 960x540, 16:9, dandy3dpd.png)

I can spark now (aiming for Sturm), but I don't really want any Halloween characters, so planning on doing it mid-November. The difference in wanting to draw between saving up for a spark, and actually having a spark while not wanting to blow it, however, is fucking immense.

7c85ba  No.15607717

Anyone hacked Zooeybot yet? I need to farm white dragon scales and I missed Aurora trial by accident.

2cd4ed  No.15608049

File: 19b2982d751dbe9⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 221.78 KB, 483x492, 161:164, l-lewd.PNG)

Extra lewd, open with care.

2a00f5  No.15608069

File: 672d1288e916320⋯.png (155.89 KB, 322x505, 322:505, ClipboardImage.png)

And all you get is added armor on the call.

1f2b83  No.15608118


Wholesome. Made me smile. Thanks anon.

f56e00  No.15608144

File: 85a4af9729c73ce⋯.png (37.87 KB, 909x257, 909:257, Untitled.png)

7b2f1a  No.15610747

File: b620731def80461⋯.png (624.08 KB, 558x715, 558:715, Spark page 1.png)

File: 68de556535aa75a⋯.png (261.1 KB, 561x298, 561:298, Spark page 2.png)

File: f22382647ad7533⋯.png (256.23 KB, 562x297, 562:297, Summons.png)

If you look carefully you can see the point in which I had to start doing side stories to get tickets and crystals to complete my spark.

Granny is going on the chopping block since I already have her MLBd and Zeus is 2* now. I haven't spent a single sunlight stone on either

And I even got Halloween Doot, which I was actually planning try and roll for before Europa showed up. I owed fountain girl this spark for more than one year now.

275c1a  No.15611588

File: 05407fc55233a61⋯.jpeg (18.03 KB, 439x353, 439:353, Dp3j7ORUwAcy-VP.jpeg)

File: b21a430e081aa02⋯.jpeg (61.5 KB, 536x626, 268:313, Dp3jyr-UwAA9O70.jpeg)

File: 9567aa94d3fa7ea⋯.jpeg (42.92 KB, 511x524, 511:524, Dp3jsXmU8AAvbAI.jpeg)

File: 1a611235782a059⋯.jpeg (85.78 KB, 605x708, 605:708, Dpvlup6VAAA15BV.jpeg)

File: f6bc0ee8f1b9a15⋯.png (575.23 KB, 1075x655, 215:131, Dp0Ea7uUUAA0Ucd.png)


>16 SSRs between Characters and Summons

Shit man, sorry to watch this.

7b2f1a  No.15611624


It's OK, I got a bunch of gold moons too, so while the SSR rate was pretty decent, the new stuff rate wasn't so impressive.

be618e  No.15613092

File: 89bbd398602ec74⋯.jpg (235.64 KB, 1448x2048, 181:256, Dpc_rrOU4AAokh-.jpg)


Time to make your stash a little less gay, Potato Anon.

220db6  No.15613307


>6 year old and 20+ years old cosplaying as characters from a kid's show

Bet the artist forgot about Drusilla.

be618e  No.15613488

File: a431f133a014207⋯.jpg (85.48 KB, 700x771, 700:771, DpbhDyDUwAEzGtZ.jpg)

File: 749d7bf13fb7970⋯.jpg (35.78 KB, 600x518, 300:259, DpcSo7dU4AE1ADy.jpg)

File: 0ce8880e1dc0298⋯.jpg (84.45 KB, 700x599, 700:599, DpY_UyMU8AASvcU.jpg)



No one likes her, she's that shit a loli and the hilarious part about it is that she's one of if not the only loli that's voiced by an actual child.

f0249b  No.15613573

File: 058138d0a020135⋯.jpeg (195.97 KB, 1092x900, 91:75, Dp4OYvKVYAEAjRM.jpeg)

File: 49fc673934d62ff⋯.jpeg (190.26 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, Dp0vaX5UcAAnBDN.jpeg)

File: 32a89852e17dde7⋯.jpg (153.33 KB, 720x960, 3:4, 1539843336874.jpg)

File: 59c9d4ecd2dcf9f⋯.jpeg (287.83 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, DprkZkgWwAcLHnK.jpeg)

File: 15f099b546abeaf⋯.jpeg (61.91 KB, 540x1200, 9:20, DptZRxiVAAAX0UR.jpeg)


I didn't save that image because I just didn't liked it. I got a lot more potatoes saved. But I keep deleting them. I may post them once then just delete them from my folders as there's just no use hoarding them.

9a6d09  No.15613599


Nio and Honoka have the same VA.

be618e  No.15613627

File: fb16e5082751a9f⋯.jpg (180.12 KB, 540x1500, 9:25, DoVBSwKU8AAQhAc.jpg)


>Doesn't gotta catch em all

Was it because Fif looks a little fat?

f0249b  No.15613644

File: aa62c9f9cf1a18c⋯.jpeg (95.58 KB, 767x1200, 767:1200, Dp9PvtyUwAA9rtP.jpeg)

File: 0923e88b0c1bfdb⋯.jpeg (189.1 KB, 850x1200, 17:24, DZBM5gkUMAAihAD.jpeg)

File: fa955454835bb2d⋯.jpeg (57.56 KB, 471x678, 157:226, DnYCf0JV4AARKTr.jpeg)

File: 0b35f6dafbad1c7⋯.jpeg (71.13 KB, 693x800, 693:800, Dp1EU_4VYAEl1TG.jpeg)

File: 67e16e06cd74d45⋯.jpeg (22.36 KB, 249x339, 83:113, Dp0nkknU0AE24sX.jpeg)


I save haphazardly, post anywhere, then delete, only things I keep are /m/, Balurga, /k/, and /diy/. I just saved some precure related Grubble things and reposted them here to laugh at the fan art. Nah, Funf is cute, I don't like Precure, that's all and the image got reposted a lot on my feed.

246e91  No.15613701


>I don't like Precure

Until you find a waifu.

3cfef6  No.15613720

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Some of them are pretty cute.

f0249b  No.15613725

File: 85e4aef14012f8f⋯.png (11.57 KB, 450x356, 225:178, 1539746438074.png)

File: ecb1b913f5feb10⋯.png (417.02 KB, 900x610, 90:61, 1539697758018.png)

File: f544e6e7cb32ec8⋯.png (164.37 KB, 371x361, 371:361, 1539694893763.png)


I absolutely hate idols, maho shojos and shows like that. I'd rather have another mad max event or a new society event. Right Behind You was my type of event. Just need an event to link both the Odajumoki and the Society forward.

246e91  No.15613749


Ciel was the best girl during that season. Ichika and Himarin were good too.

3cfef6  No.15613778

File: a7393724818257b⋯.png (1022.94 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)


>Ciel was the best girl during that season. Ichika and Himarin were good too.

Pretty much

246e91  No.15613914


It's quite obvious as Aoi was meh and the other two were trash.

3cfef6  No.15613974

File: ddf73f016dba119⋯.png (2.65 MB, 1280x917, 1280:917, ClipboardImage.png)


>Aoi was meh and the other two were trash

The other two were just disappointing, and their outfits don't have that same kind of flare like the rest of the group.

be618e  No.15614621

File: 1bcd465460bc4c9⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 131.29 KB, 778x1100, 389:550, DbYPO16UwAEIfIQ.jpg)


>Aoi was meh



Always fails with the tomboys.

244720  No.15615221

File: 398bc690827af1a⋯.png (135.53 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Silva_(Light)_A.png)

File: 0ac7068a5968e9d⋯.png (242.44 KB, 960x800, 6:5, Silva_(Light)_B.png)

3c067c  No.15615295


>All that for a fucking transform

>Went from sailor moons fluid transform to having to do a 5 step google verification to transform

be618e  No.15615793

File: 51fa992a3112abd⋯.jpg (663.64 KB, 877x908, 877:908, 16311381_p0.jpg)

File: aae75d1b8e97ad6⋯.jpg (512.21 KB, 1057x1500, 1057:1500, 54536239_p0.jpg)


Well it is one of the worst seasons they've had so they wouldn't be interested in attempting a streamlining of the transformation status quo.

fbc2c1  No.15618579

Started the PreCure event late, I mean super fucking late, HOLY FUCK 4 days left, fuck real life responsibilities etc etc

What should I grind for first?

I'm not that high of a rank and my light grid is garbage, the highest I can fight is EX+ and 60NM

I'm thinking in this order, 1/2 pots, fist weapon, tickets, rings, berries, misc crap

3cfef6  No.15618582


Try aiming for the 10-part ticket, if you can't make it get the single tickets.

c4771e  No.15618605


get the summon too for light quartz

55cd61  No.15618614


If the fist is a big upgrade for you your priorities should probably be

10 part ticket > Damascus Crystals > Fist

making sure to save up material for all of the fist before buying any because they drop frequently.

bb5610  No.15618617


Skip the pots if you don't need them. Get the tickets and dama before fist. Fist is nice, but it's not a must-have.

fbc2c1  No.15618649





I guess I should have explained my reasoning for the order I wanted to try

1/2 pots are easy to farm and buy purchasing them I'm not really using up my own supply, also I collect many of the necessary materials for the purchase of other treasures along the way

I think after the 1/2 pots I'll grind for the ticket and Damascus crystals, hopefully a fist or two will drop while I'm grinding the other items

Then finally the rings and berries, then maybe the merits or class points

thank you for helping me decide on what to grind

bb5610  No.15618653


Oh yeah, don't forget you need event mats to FLB the fist too. It's pretty much not worth getting if you don't FLB it.

fbc2c1  No.15618667


Should I grind the Solo EX+ or host the Very Hard raid instead?

I can solo both but from my understanding of the drop table in terms of trying to get fist drops should I fight the Very Hard raid twice for red chests or the EX+ solo once for fist/summon drops?

The EX+ is definitely better for medallion drops but wouldn't I have a better chance at a fist/summon drop from hosting/MVP a raid?

Basically is it better AP wise to host 2 Very Hard raids for the MVP + Host chests or run 1 solo EX+ for a chest flip?

I think the raids also have chest flips cause the wiki shows both a gold chest and red chests but I'm not too sure if that's what it represents

c4771e  No.15618688

55cd61  No.15618691


The raids don't drop nearly as much treasure and you still need 220 medals, 150 diaries, 90 queens, and 30 communes minimum for the 4* uncap on the fist.

The solo battles still have a chance to drop fists and summons and drop far more treasure for trading.

c4771e  No.15618749

File: 7ada851c6882427⋯.png (268.3 KB, 620x244, 155:61, ClipboardImage.png)


bb5610  No.15618921



Unless she costs 50k

she will

0bb2e8  No.15619030

File: 7d58ddb2879e8d9⋯.png (472.99 KB, 629x420, 629:420, monika.png)

here we go lads

55cd61  No.15619076


Is she just a Wind version of gun Zooey?

c4771e  No.15619084


yes, but better since she can sub, have a benefit to dodging, and use all of her skills on turn 1

9b149f  No.15619234


Not sure if her boosts are better than Zoi's retarded buffs, but yeah, I guess she can be cool in a kengo party

246e91  No.15619391


She's 20k but you need to beat all Acranum nodes on Hard.

8a76d1  No.15619398

File: c3900f9b70610fb⋯.png (432.75 KB, 476x412, 119:103, costume where.PNG)

People were worrying that she'd be as bad as Christina.

Instead we get a fairly useable cutie.

For 20k Arcapoints it's a steal.

bb5f05  No.15620625

File: 377d59fd7692612⋯.png (658.21 KB, 635x628, 635:628, ClipboardImage.png)

been waiting since i started playing for this QT to come out

788d08  No.15621187


>immediately put a ring on her

Goddamn anon, at least get to know her a bit.

c4771e  No.15622584

File: 5e636b2360ffc7d⋯.png (1.24 MB, 850x1147, 850:1147, ClipboardImage.png)

Halloween Naru when?

Every holiday naru when?

b69f6b  No.15624025

File: ad4b14c1bc333c2⋯.jpg (195.6 KB, 868x1200, 217:300, DehTd31VQAA-byB.jpg)

File: 81c8a829740bd46⋯.jpg (134.84 KB, 648x1006, 324:503, DjGpRo_UUAAysjP.jpg)

File: 114cfd16bedc0de⋯.jpg (153.45 KB, 627x996, 209:332, DpTCL6rVsAAtWYH.jpg)

File: dbd72b9f9d72bde⋯.jpg (148.12 KB, 588x985, 588:985, DYjxkQLUQAE9GM3.jpg)

b69f6b  No.15627989

File: ed08bad97d2108c⋯.gif (445.76 KB, 148x206, 74:103, vampy.gif)

Update gave us homo shotas and more character poses

55507a  No.15628112

File: 8f90f4673552a67⋯.png (6.39 MB, 1568x1632, 49:51, SSRs.png)

File: 33c01bc08c38b30⋯.png (4.37 MB, 1176x1632, 49:68, SRs(and1R).png)

Put together in Paint the characters who got another pose setting. Only one missing would be Wulf and Renie.

Ctrl + F'able list.


Clarisse, Magisa, Charioce XVII, Tsubasa, Sturm, Tien, Quatre, Romeo.

Silva, Cucouroux, Chat Noir, Anne, Drang, Uno, Pholia, Vane.

Yggdrasil, Threo, Eahta, Tiamat, Monika, Siete, Niyon, Gawain.

Juliet, Tweyen, Funf, Six, Orchid, Black Knight, D.Jeanne, Nicholas.

SRs + Suframere

Barawa, Carren (Event), Cecile, Feather, Novei.

Sahli Lao, Milleore, Pamela, Morphe, Phoebe, Suframare.

Augusta, Cain, Leona, Goblin Mage, Robertina.

Rackam, Katalina, Io, Eugen, Rosetta, Lecia.

fef275  No.15630551

File: abe7ce3af50c440⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 22.48 KB, 273x262, 273:262, 1521573948185.jpg)

244720  No.15630572

Any news on Granblue Fantasy Project Re:Link?

7b2f1a  No.15631564


Nothing like a release date if that's what you're asking. Legend goes that the reason why it is taking so long is because they want to include all characters to date. If that's true I have no idea.

Anyway, just wait for the Fes in december and surely they'll have something to say about it, even if it is a cancellation notice.

7c85ba  No.15632714

File: b4c514fa2343c51⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20181025-184807.png)

How good is this weapon?

38caf3  No.15632767


It's very good, use it to replace yugu swords once you get it to 4* status.

246e91  No.15633796


I wish that included collab characters as it'd be the closest we'd get to a Precure Musou.

244720  No.15634231


Do they even have the money to do so?

7c85ba  No.15635816

Is the game dead for anyone else?

c4771e  No.15637783

File: ff5ba0795845270⋯.png (618.38 KB, 512x721, 512:721, ClipboardImage.png)

>Go to give Camie a basic ring for R arcarum farming

>get this

Remember. Don't be a quitter, be a winner.

25eb1c  No.15638998

File: bc1f4ece8352246⋯.png (670.96 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Doubt it.png)


A cammy for you.

7b2f1a  No.15639672

Apparently Metera (Shitty Nukes With No Bonus Damage edition) is going to be the next Wind 5*.

Describe in 20 words or less what you would change for her to go from garbage to better than her fire version.

4c8137  No.15640692


2nd passive boost to debuff

4th skill team-wide ougi gauge boost

upgraded debuffs

93e7f6  No.15640698


Remove Metera and replace with Sutera in a wig. Fixed.

55cd61  No.15641445

What differences are there between Hard and Extreme in Arcanum?

I thought TP was further reduced to 25 and there were stronger monsters but it seems almost the same as Hard although, I've only done the first stage in Extreme

Is Bow of Sigurd good for anything other than now stones or fodder?

93e7f6  No.15641487


Extreme gets buffs to HP and dmg on enemies, as well as (I think) a further nerf on plain damage which makes ground zero less effectively. Some of the bosses also get a bit more tricky.

The bow is an alright weapon for short battles.

9676af  No.15641503


I'd keep one Bow of Sigurd FLB for Mechanic teams and short fights.

55cd61  No.15641723


I didn't really use much plain damage to begin with nor do I have Threo but I suspect that will affect me more when I try to do a section boss in Extreme.

It just feels like I spent a month or so avoiding it thinking it was going to be hardcore shit and instead it just might get me to sub characters.

c4771e  No.15642943


It's tougher. The end boss is harder to kill and its mechanics are more deadly.

In exchange, extreme can spawn a rare mob that drops sephira stones (ruby turtle for the first run, a bull for the second, and stone heads for the third). Plus the exp and rp of mobs are far higher.

efeed6  No.15643586


Cygames has all the money

c4771e  No.15646722

File: ccb7537e516f423⋯.png (553.57 KB, 447x512, 447:512, ClipboardImage.png)

>3rd event in a row with a costume and no SR

Chococats and Naru/Okto's events are still due. This has to be fixed before then.

7b2f1a  No.15647410


The year is already over anon, there's only the November-December event left since the end of december will be Auld Lang Syne. Give it up.

Naru event was her 5* and Chococats was Gunslingers

988068  No.15648471

File: da0c61983947da9⋯.png (664.26 KB, 457x1047, 457:1047, GBF_2018-10-27_Arcarum_sea….png)

>When you realize just now that Monika is in Arcarum

>And Arcarum is trying to distract you from her

Just hands over Monika and nobody gets hurt!

be618e  No.15648673

File: fe3c1fda2f98149⋯.jpg (222.53 KB, 1200x1440, 5:6, DpsfPQAU4AAK3TZ.jpg)

File: 1bf76985c814889⋯.jpg (73.14 KB, 668x761, 668:761, DppAiBoV4AAs7-v.jpg)

File: f0aefb9f4bd1e5a⋯.jpg (64.58 KB, 517x697, 517:697, Dp2JIoPUUAA1g7p.jpg)


>Homoknight month

>Doesn't give playable Mordred

>Only gives Lyria outfit

Now the Fujos know how everyone else feels except for lolicons who are only surpassed by the old lady audience.

c4771e  No.15652085

File: 6ac966e03f9d22e⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1000x714, 500:357, ClipboardImage.png)

be618e  No.15653073

File: 36b3447393cc946⋯.jpg (212.74 KB, 891x1312, 891:1312, DoinvsFVsAAJ32Z.jpg)

File: f067e30a4e71b60⋯.jpg (245.25 KB, 878x1323, 878:1323, DoinwWMUwAA-SMX.jpg)


Io on suicide watch.

cefb31  No.15654100


The event was pretty disappointing at how the entire crew was ignored. Io really should have been in the event, she was raised by a muscle mage, Rackam is the ship engineer/pilot so should never be disincluded when the grandcypher is involved, and possibly a few random characters to interact with to better show the crossover characters getting to know the world.

06f096  No.15654183

File: ae5ddc4f149b422⋯.png (332.3 KB, 894x533, 894:533, 1469571126815.png)


>no precure skin from the collab

It's not fair

fbc2c1  No.15655122

Should I 3* a manga weapon first or 10 SKL each one to fill up a grid with 0*?

I was lucky enough to somehow get many flips from Tia and now have 6 fist SSR's, I know the gun is the main choice for wind grids, should I keep the fists, use them for fodder, filler, shards?

58ccef  No.15655145


SL10 before uncapping. I would recommend you use the fists as fodder as you get a SL10, 3* one for free from doing the story which you can use as filler in your grid until you get a sixth SL10 gun.

fbc2c1  No.15655193


So I shouldn't reduce the fists?

Wouldn't it be better to 3* another fist?

I don't know what I'm doing in terms of grid building but shouldn't I keep them, they could be useful as filler I think but if I don't really need fist shards then I guess I can fodder them to raise my Baha sword?

58ccef  No.15655292


You only need to reduce weapons if you need the stones for something, and that won't be until you're trying to make a specific Class Champion Weapon or 4* a Fist weapon.

Making a 3* fist won't be as useful because a weapon's level isn't as important as its skill level, considering four SL5 instances of Aeolus's Might II provides 40% Wind Attack Up in addition to the base stats the level 40 fists provide.

If you have Tiamat Bolts to skill up, the skill level each fist can provide to your SL5+ weapons is more important.

Your Bahamut weapon is also an option but it will take a considerable amount of fodder to SL10 it, though you can potentially use it in all of your grids. It's up to you which to skill up though.

d238e7  No.15655297


If you're asking what to do with your fodder then you're not going to be in a position to be needing fist stones anytime soon. Free rolls should cover your stone needs for the nearby future anyways.

As for if you should MLB more fists, that's up to you. A 0* SL1 fist will still give it's crap stats to your attack and 6% (without summon boosts) omega attack. So, six fists at SL1 would be crap stats and +36% omega attack before any summon multipliers.If you were to skill them I'd only skill to 4-5SL, otherwise you'll regret sinking large amounts of fodder into them. even non-baha SL10 is a big investment, it costs me somewhere around 2R, 56SR, and 3SSR.

My recommendation is to pick an element, other than light, you have good characters in, then leech your way into a basic magna grid ASAP. That should be enough to MVP your own hosts while farming for other elements.

>I don't know what I'm doing in terms of grid building

Try to get an understanding of the damage formula. https://gbf.wiki/Damage_Formula Aside from that motocal is good for when you want to see if any grid changes will be an improvement without manually calculating it.

55cd61  No.15655954

What sort of items are required for an Agni build?

As I understand it Colo canes are pretty shit and a few of the premium draw SSRs two Ixaba, a bunch of Infrit spears, etc I have are good for an Agni build plus or minus some placeholders

75732e  No.15655955

File: c22afad55ef04fd⋯.jpg (150.71 KB, 866x1200, 433:600, 1540863419532.jpg)

File: 2b48bf61f0e06af⋯.jpg (209.08 KB, 729x1032, 243:344, 1540862933904.jpg)

File: ad76148d0af9f8c⋯.jpeg (155.16 KB, 842x1024, 421:512, DqiQ2DgWwAAe7M-.jpeg)

File: 8b006e1b77da46f⋯.jpeg (183.58 KB, 850x1200, 17:24, Dqk-20PU8AAj177.jpeg)

File: 286d55b47ef530b⋯.jpeg (92.58 KB, 1000x495, 200:99, Dqgf9cqUUAI9kcP.jpeg)


People don't even use the SRs outside the stealth SSRs like Jamil, Summer Ayer, Sen, Dante must die, and whatever starter side story ones you get if you're a newfag. Before skin events it was:

>nice, I'll roll SR Jannu/Bampi for the free skin

and dumped the SR away. And now that it's the skin without having to waste mats on uncapping everyone and their mum is like "but muh free SRs"

c4771e  No.15655967


SRs come with 50 crystals and a fate episode if you like the character. Skins do not. Plus the event SRs were starting to get really strong.

75732e  No.15655981

File: aa6a8819eac7559⋯.jpg (53.23 KB, 240x443, 240:443, 1540856394012.jpg)

File: 67a746cc09770f6⋯.jpeg (146.32 KB, 778x1200, 389:600, Dqq-RaYVYAABBdP.jpeg)

File: 2e946bb05a3104b⋯.jpeg (111.59 KB, 640x904, 80:113, DqeVCgwX0AEiuAG.jpeg)

File: e4dae0b186020d1⋯.jpeg (181.13 KB, 900x1000, 9:10, DqaqJKWVsAAexXr.jpeg)

File: 49fc673934d62ff⋯.jpeg (190.26 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, Dp0vaX5UcAAnBDN.jpeg)


I'll give you the fate episodes, specially since the last two skin events were mediocre as hell. The 50 crystals are honestly a whatever thing, I'd be more concerned if each fate episode gave 300 or so.

000000  No.15656293

Fuck collabs and

hope pay money not this

9b149f  No.15656492


Ixabas, Crimson Fingers/Ecke Sachs, Athena Spear, Pallas sword + something to increase your cap (seraphic, ultima, zhuque katana)

c4771e  No.15656661

File: 2966c1b517fc745⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1427x1122, 1427:1122, Light Hallessena.png)

File: 9d808be7604bec2⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1427x1265, 1427:1265, sr razia.png)

Calling the new trial characters

c4771e  No.15656670

File: 0e6343303ae12e3⋯.png (49.22 KB, 98x170, 49:85, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a46df9ff2f93cb9⋯.png (1.43 MB, 747x1200, 249:400, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2e968c35396c4c8⋯.png (1.05 MB, 690x1024, 345:512, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c06afd224a77750⋯.png (1.22 MB, 840x1200, 7:10, ClipboardImage.png)

Also good and bad news from twitter

7b2f1a  No.15656746


Unlikely given >>15656670

But Razia SR would be nice, it would increase my chances of getting her and completing my Draph collection (i.e. having at least one version of each)

be618e  No.15657243

File: 471dfbf6eb67a5f⋯.png (285.33 KB, 720x770, 72:77, DqXbGt_WkAYck-e.png)


Fuck, can't they at least make a new character, this shit's getting ridiculous. If this actually happens, my luck's gonna throw all of them at me instead of Pholia, Renie, and Yaia.

d4e197  No.15657635

File: 7783690e64c573b⋯.png (803.64 KB, 806x1138, 403:569, bully1.png)

rip viramate

246e91  No.15657641


Why is Niyon so cute?

e3b201  No.15657729

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c4771e  No.15658940

File: 7a30e1314bcbf60⋯.webm (1.55 MB, 504x700, 18:25, Anila.webm)

File: faf3f3dfa7c255b⋯.png (506.18 KB, 514x626, 257:313, ara material.png)

File: f69262c0cb290ee⋯.png (545.35 KB, 514x679, 514:679, draph costume.png)

File: 3131c682c2065e6⋯.png (574.19 KB, 514x616, 257:308, Ferry.png)

3cfef6  No.15659613

File: ff963efec64db29⋯.gif (43.81 KB, 355x166, 355:166, ff963efec64db29cf0b81169a0….gif)


>Lancelot and Vane getting another SR or SSR version of themselves

I get Arthur and maybe Vane getting another version, but another Lancelot is stupid. Not only that, but the latest Granblue comics almost tricked me into believing that Percy's brother or Mordred was going to be the next playable characters.

2a00f5  No.15659749


Leeching M2 raids for T1 weapons, prestige, and animas is gonna be a nightmare. If you can get into a raid first off since the game's raid finder is a piece of shit.

c4771e  No.15659833

File: ad7f4a2cc697f05⋯.png (570.99 KB, 514x599, 514:599, Korwa.png)

File: 85d62ea399e0cc9⋯.png (455.77 KB, 514x577, 514:577, zombie lowain and bros.png)

File: 130399153a09d94⋯.png (605.73 KB, 514x617, 514:617, slut erune.png)

File: a395a5b920e49ac⋯.png (1.01 MB, 514x1144, 257:572, Levin sisters.png)

2a00f5  No.15660049

Outside the Michael summon, it's a complete sausage fest for draws.

c4771e  No.15660070


save your draws for christmas and piggu

7b2f1a  No.15660073


At least Agro Valley seems to combo pretty well with Europoor.

246e91  No.15660398

This event's story is awful and the biggest pile of nothing I've seen.

75732e  No.15660463

File: e9b19d3b842c61b⋯.jpg (256.02 KB, 648x1296, 1:2, one day we will have all t….jpg)

As always, No Balurga, No buy.

Here's her newest Halloween lines.

be618e  No.15660652

File: e88c176f53cc4b8⋯.jpg (530.26 KB, 700x979, 700:979, 63013457_p0.jpg)


>Giving an idiot with absolutely no will power beyond being as manly as possible all the candy in the world

She's gonna blow up and then you're gonna dump her and then she's gonna blow you up.

5b8e25  No.15660924

File: 07f7a5b1a76ddb4⋯.png (816.85 KB, 585x669, 195:223, sigh.PNG)

10 roll for a chance at Anila. See two ssr crystals.


5b8e25  No.15660929

File: e30c6bed8c25f18⋯.png (806.5 KB, 592x872, 74:109, ClipboardImage.png)


Then single rolled, got ssr crystal.


495aef  No.15661029

File: 907bb2a2c438cba⋯.jpg (33.34 KB, 565x575, 113:115, 1279011586367.jpg)

Homoknights are the best and you people are suffering from shit taste. Would you rather have more bullshit magical girl shit?

c4771e  No.15661043


I would if the magical girl had some flaws. This event was just a parade of how amazing the homoknights were at everything they touched with no conflict in the plot until the end of the last chapter.

d0d69b  No.15661128

File: 163a7df9e703369⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1412x2000, 353:500, Fate Testarossa.png)


Yes, because I like magical girls and you are the one with shit taste.

0cb056  No.15661142


Spark Fund Status: Safe.

2a00f5  No.15663306

Viramate is back up.

06f096  No.15663912

File: 32caa7dde9c8dff⋯.jpg (328.03 KB, 1657x920, 1657:920, 1450665231375.jpg)


>more bullshit magical girl shit

yes please

3cfef6  No.15663944


I wouldn’t mind the homoknight event if it had a plot like the other past homoknight events. This current one is just boring filler.

ae1129  No.15664220

File: 9fc1183abef46bd⋯.png (177.85 KB, 381x237, 127:79, 1539810841699.png)


Fuck both the homos and the magical girls, what's wrong with more characters getting spotlight, Rosine and Bakura were pure gold in Auld Lanxiety, they could have gotten an SR. Vanzza got more lore in ATR, while Randall got a good SR and Feather finally had another setting than "be a smiling cunt", this game has 300+ characters and I know they gotta make cash, but lets us rest from this homo fatigue already.

c4771e  No.15664309


I agree to giving more characters events rather than sticking to series, but let's still keep the society events because beato a cute

and they already have more diversity of plot than homoknights already. We've have digging through old ruins, a mad max harvin gang, red line racing, and robots from the moon

7b2f1a  No.15664377


Cygames hasn't even touched upon Isabella the queen bitch and whats her face the traitor knight and The otherworld/Crimson Horizon being that was tempting Agro Valley or even The third Percival brother in the past two years.

The problem here is that dropping the homoknights at this point would just leave a spaghetti plate of loose ends in their storyline, but they haven't done anything about it anyway.

Also, I hope the Albert rerun means we're finally getting the other two paizuri sisters. It has been far too long.

c4771e  No.15664541


>I hope the Albert rerun means we're finally getting the other two paizuri sisters. It has been far too long.

They had voiced lines in Mina's halloween scene >>15659833. Cygames didn't need to bring them into the studio for that as last year's was just hers. There's a good chance we might get something more from them.

75732e  No.15664553

File: 03a5f5925e75030⋯.png (525.74 KB, 1380x1760, 69:88, 56713988_p1.png)


She's got more willpower than that, we're talking she got am arm ripped off and still tried to shank Gulzaletha. Zeta backed off against an Automagod just because it burnt her glove, Nio had to retreat against the weakest primal ever seen this side of Yudhistira, and Six jobbed to a cripple potato with nano machines, son. And Balurga isn't backed by Anti Primal tech, nor is a jewtenshoe and didn't relent.

75732e  No.15664569

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Society events are the best. If I were John Cygames and had to keep an storyline going it'd be that one, you cam even advance it to Nalhegrande as Dolza Rhem is brothers to Gulzaletha and you could make Dolza use stashed Society gear against True King.

Also it had the mostgoodbattle theme in this game.

3cfef6  No.15664576


I wouldn't mind more another Red Line event, a society event, and a couple of continuations like another Waldur event.

246e91  No.15664965

7b2f1a  No.15664994


About time they started with the society side stories.

c4771e  No.15665007

File: 9ac8e2d6114dc4b⋯.png (296.74 KB, 282x501, 94:167, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3bf0995499b6298⋯.png (532.32 KB, 558x501, 186:167, ClipboardImage.png)



On November 12th a new event called Brave Ground will be added

You fight 3 bosses and have to use a new party for each one.

It looks like the first one is fire bosses with water teams.

Albert event rerun on the 9th.

Chapters 115-118 will be added to the main story this month.

rotb will return on the 24th.

A new gold bar will be added to the shop.

Huanglong and Kirin HL raids will be added.

You fight 2 of the boss in the HL version.

Huang and Kirin weapons are getting sk20

Speaking of the Society, the first Society event with Zeta, Vaseraga and Johann will be added to the side stories.

It will come with the B Shop Zeta skin.

Guild wars on the 16th

The final day is against Zeus again.

Zeus' HP will be buffed since he got one shot last time.

It sounds like your crew can fight him twice, but only need to kill him once for the crew bonus. He drops different items on the second time.

You are rewarded some more tickets(?) after killing him the second time.

Wind Metera and Zaoshen flbs.

They're adding a cancel attack button for when you queue up attack after skills, but can't cancel it because your queue is too long.

They're adding healing potions to the skill queue when you use one. You also won't have to wait for skills to go off to use healing potions.

You can now skin your summons.

They are selling Handsome Gorilla TA at granblue fes.

55507a  No.15665028

File: 26cb5922c3acf99⋯.png (152.92 KB, 458x189, 458:189, Expectation.PNG)

File: 93c092593e289fa⋯.png (119.08 KB, 452x144, 113:36, Reality.PNG)

Reminder that Infinity has 2 open spots. Looking for members who can benefit from Tier A rewards, AKA getting enough honors to get rewards each round.

7b2f1a  No.15665029

File: ebc4ac75f1a70a2⋯.jpg (13.57 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Sleep well sweet princess.jpg)


>New story

Press F to pay respects to Katalina

c4771e  No.15665052

File: 6c5fa6304bca035⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1687x1080, 1687:1080, ClipboardImage.png)


If only there were someone about to re-enter the story who could fill the spot in the crew's hearts.

Teenage ghost GILFs > onee chans

06f096  No.15665155

File: dcf5b08eaf476c7⋯.jpg (51.8 KB, 393x326, 393:326, dcf5b08eaf476c74be11e9e3dc….jpg)


Reminder that this is fake news

be618e  No.15665355

File: 3a654d970e155e5⋯.webm (10.03 MB, 640x360, 16:9, American_Bear_Rides_.webm)


And that's when she's trying to prove herself as manly so she can join the Odajomoki gang (I don't even think she realized what was gonna happen); any other time Balurga is just like any other Odajumoki but I guess that would just qualify her as too stupid to think about her actions and like all the other Odajumoki, just does everything in the name of freedom. You really comparing a fight against an unknown world ending threat and a NEET to blissful ignorance?

When the fuck are they going to rerun Skulls event, I never got to finish that one since I didn't know I could open up that raid or max Skulls loyalty elsewhere.

c4771e  No.15665372

File: 6b845f8cdf96924⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1268x1188, 317:297, 6b845f8cdf96924228bc222283….png)


We do need the Beato hood ornament permanently in the side stories plus the first harvin sr in the side stories

02bc31  No.15665458


me on the right

75732e  No.15665650

File: d4cc0f01de3eb00⋯.jpg (63.41 KB, 540x960, 9:16, myg0t 2.jpg)

File: 9be75ce3f9043c9⋯.jpeg (46.68 KB, 600x400, 3:2, DqxXqO1UUAAJEbi.jpeg)


Reminder that Gulzaletha is one of the Society founders and thus had gear on him, and his mad max Harvin gang of fuckwits armed with tech they still use, Bal went against it all to join despite being at a huge mathematical disadvantage and still got in, then again all that meant a shit because Skull 360noscope'd him the fuck out. Also, I can imagine Baruru being a secret burger thanks to her loving to shoot anything that moves.

be618e  No.15665740

File: bf87577333bf131⋯.jpg (113.87 KB, 1280x633, 1280:633, Mad Toots.jpg)


>Walmarts wants you to own the school year like a hero

Thanks for the laugh.

d98d64  No.15666260

ce9296  No.15671002


Quick skill icons being gone means it might as well stay broken

7c85ba  No.15673383

File: 4314c33ca642940⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, fire.png)

My grid > Candi's grid

ce9296  No.15674988

File: 7822dd502d6fa7f⋯.png (2.7 MB, 1059x1464, 353:488, fire6.PNG)

What do i replace to put my atma fist in?

dc1752  No.15675809

diablo on mobile is the fault of you people

get off my board

Would you impregnate Yuel? She's really cute.

26f824  No.15675858

File: 6c401adeec2519b⋯.jpg (605.1 KB, 1280x1831, 1280:1831, 034.jpg)


That choice is not up to you

c4771e  No.15675926

File: 9ea680d30ee2fb6⋯.png (604.52 KB, 509x605, 509:605, ClipboardImage.png)

2a00f5  No.15675936


Nothing, you replace the Baha weapon with another Athena Spear.

9b149f  No.15676233


why are you using a baha weapon?

0cb056  No.15676276


The industry as a whole deserves it. Up to the point where lootboxes and predatory tactics get outlawed. Look at Final Fantasy Brave Exvius, it's getting banned in Belgium starting from December 3. Soon the rest of Europe will follow.

246e91  No.15676333


They do deserve it for making an event on one side of the US in which if you attend you get a 7* character that is top tier from what I heard and the equivalent of 10 suptix.

ce9296  No.15676826


Literally just got tetrastreamer so thats why i was using baha, i have nothing else worthwhile left to use in my grid other than atma fist

Replaced the sword with the fist though and that's been working well enough

dc1752  No.15676959

Pulled Anne and Charlotta back to back with free pulls, they decent?

495aef  No.15677076


I think Yuel is gonna force herself upon you no matter what you choose.

246e91  No.15680730

>A mimic took my Magna 2 virginity by giving me Ancient Ecke Sachs

So this is why my luck has been shitty lately.

000000  No.15681983

Daily reminder crossovers are the worst and granblue fantasy is becoming a dead game over it losing in revenue rankings to fateshit.

7b59c4  No.15682219


I use Charlotta on the backline of my Kengo Party so that with the 30% crew boost, Pandemonium and Altair's third skill I can get 101% Charge bar turn 1.

Then you use No More Doubt, Rending Flash and One with the Blade (if you don't have S. Grea and Dragonheart) and drop back to one% charge bar

Then you use the FLB Bonito call and raff at the peasants as your honors skyrocket after ouging three times with the MC alone in one turn

Anne is cute then again, Boxtato also is, but she's not really that good of a tank since she has no cuts, only Substitute and Armored. Charlotta and her 50% cut, along with unchallenged for herself, is overall a better tank and box user. Anne would be better if she was earth, since then she could babysit Halessena and Ayer. Since water has no characters that need that kind of babysitting, she isn't really that useful.

Overall, I'd say that Charlotta is maybe the second best tank in water if she's level 100, while Anne has bonus lines with Grea.


Sorry to burst you bubble but twigs aren't Magna 2 weapons anon, they're Tier 1 summon weapons. Still, good on you, you're going to need a bunch of them.


FGO is the second top grossing mobage, saying GBF is losing to it in revenue rankings is like saying Habanero is less spicy than the Trinidad Scorpion.

246e91  No.15682269



I do know they're a must for Fire Grids so it's always a good thing to have.

7b59c4  No.15682276


If it makes you feel any better, the Shiva weapons are pretty garbage.

ac78f4  No.15683411


>Revenue rankings


Dude, Granblue is avalaible on several online platforms, probably even steam in the future, and none of them can be tracked in terms of money, the fact android/ios rankings place them not far after FGO when 99% of the players outside japan play in-browser instead of app means that GBF is easily equal to FGO in terms of money, if not higher

246e91  No.15684022


No wonder why people say Fire is the worst element overall.

9b149f  No.15684504


that's not how you spell light

source: me, a lightfag

6f67cb  No.15684651

So where can I download the cracked bots? I lost mine

2a00f5  No.15686547

Hope people got their Europa spears or try to get them. Fuck knows when doggos will come back.


c4771e  No.15686565

File: 1fb477a525f73cf⋯.png (528.79 KB, 850x660, 85:66, ClipboardImage.png)


Europa spears?

2a00f5  No.15686593

File: 68b819ffd3a27ee⋯.png (267.58 KB, 317x551, 317:551, ClipboardImage.png)


Pretty sure this weapon will get FLB before the next rerun.

c4771e  No.15686609


Oh, I thought you meant a magna 2 weapon that Europa dropped. I forgot about her character weapon

a3ee7c  No.15687025



Magna water still sits below that.

2a00f5  No.15687065

File: 9eb33bc8dcddf9c⋯.png (167.38 KB, 322x356, 161:178, ClipboardImage.png)

File: be3d27837e8a964⋯.png (165.73 KB, 319x346, 319:346, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b1c1bc401f7c627⋯.png (190.97 KB, 318x378, 53:63, ClipboardImage.png)

Justice has been FLB'd. Now to start my third one.

7b59c4  No.15687068


Eh, I dunno, you can still meme it up with Europa harps in Magna Water nowadays.

18fd09  No.15687095

File: cd5454ca7ab0076⋯.jpg (26.82 KB, 571x458, 571:458, gets angry in telemundo.jpg)


Sephira stones are the worst timegate here. I just need Tower and Hanged Man, that's it.

c4771e  No.15687200

File: e1adf23fd6ec875⋯.png (194.77 KB, 365x337, 365:337, arcarum summons.png)


They've left it so long between the launch of arcarum and the release of the characters that you could instantly get 3 characters when they release them, kind of lessening the impact of the individual new character. Unfortunately I only have 1 ready since I've been working on each attack boosting summon with each rotating GW.


They really need to increase the amount of sephira stones we get. It's so bad that the other items aren't even a gate. You should find youself wanting to increase a summon, but not have enough elemental items for it, so you pick another element to work on while you grind the other items. Instead you just get a summon when you have enough sephira stones, regardless of which one.

18fd09  No.15687252

File: 855253c49ab4f86⋯.jpeg (31.6 KB, 750x750, 1:1, DrHKD0ZUUAAathq.jpeg)

File: c71ed6f9b316f79⋯.jpeg (160.23 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, DrCa4LPX4AI--wd.jpeg)

File: 344de013f222fba⋯.png (358.36 KB, 846x473, 846:473, this is your brain on soy.png)

File: 740c85a1d009206⋯.jpeg (66.36 KB, 605x476, 605:476, DrAAgzpVAAAINA8.jpeg)

File: 567b88bcd98cd33⋯.jpg (548.91 KB, 1200x1500, 4:5, 1541137066420.jpg)


I'd love to get more than 2 Sephiras on new scenario events, and you're right, it should be Ideans that stop you, but the Puppets shit them even for elements they don't belong to. Also, watch and laugh at Diablo mobile and the PR fag who is crying about us shitting on it all, mobile related shit, although half off topic

5c9cce  No.15687301


I bet they'll make you farm another 100 ideans for the character you want.

7b59c4  No.15687350


>Implying oracles will be released before the heat death of the Universe.

You're certainly optimistic.

0db5cc  No.15687834


Rerun in december, as always

882761  No.15688542

Wait, there's a /gbfg/ here too? I went back to 4chan just for /gbfg/ because I thought there aren't any threads there.

55cd61  No.15688581


you have to go back

a3ee7c  No.15688781

File: 38c45a39b38c287⋯.png (394.62 KB, 371x639, 371:639, mats.PNG)

File: 9fd46ee4f647fc0⋯.jpg (30.09 KB, 298x403, 298:403, Waiting-Skeleton.jpg)


I'm still waiting for the Oracles to be announced before committing to a summon.

7b2f1a  No.15689444


Anon, the hunter that chases after many hares catches jack shit

Basically you are sorely lacking in Ideans

7c85ba  No.15689478


>he didn't just make his own /gbfg/ thread

You're clearly too much of a cuck to achieve anything, you have to go back.

9b149f  No.15692952


Light has no cap up, even with Zeus you are stuck with shitty 500k autos

a3ee7c  No.15693436


I'm afraid you mssed the point, I don't have a hare to hunt and I'm pretty much just hanging around picking up mushrooms and asparagi.

Good trips though.

c4771e  No.15693581

File: 270a11297772c64⋯.png (577.39 KB, 447x512, 447:512, ClipboardImage.png)

In times of fujo, remember

thick sisters soon

7b2f1a  No.15693606


It's been 21 months, surely it is high time to release Mena and Mona playable.

c4771e  No.15697703

File: 04a09ec9ca95144⋯.png (2.53 MB, 1200x1196, 300:299, ClipboardImage.png)

52d2b4  No.15697705


Fucking degenerate.

7237c4  No.15702236

File: cbf5ab0f363507a⋯.png (72.64 KB, 276x951, 92:317, Fan poll.PNG)

File: 8e6c9e9364c8024⋯.png (382.14 KB, 460x535, 92:107, Gun.PNG)


7b2f1a  No.15702630


>After I finally give up on voting on the Gunslinger Sisters meme they finally win top of each rarity.

I did vote for Kumubou since I can vote for my favourite Rs instead of treating the popularity poll as a wishlist. However, since that isn't the case for SRs and SSRs I'll continue voting for Razia and Laguna, more so now that I have both Cucks.

As for Silva, she hasn't taken the Tweyen bait for over one year, unlike Fake-nee-san that immediately gobbled the Okto bait before I even finished the last step (screw the rainbow prism grind, I can't wait to be freed of it after getting 1000 more), so I'll give up on voting Silva, at least until I get Razia.

dc1752  No.15707412

>Friend suggests I join this Granblue discord so I stop bombarding him with questions

>Check it out

>Fucking rules upon rules

>Can't even talk or discuss doujinshi

>no use of the word fag or nigger

>In fact, no 'heinous' language at all

>Nothing 'toxic' which includes complaining about the game

>Wants me to verify my phone

I expect nothing less from mobile 'gamers'.

97eef4  No.15707416

File: 39d8fe8c1bc72bb⋯.png (9.32 KB, 120x120, 1:1, Katwhy.png)


>expecting better out of reddit

dc1752  No.15707422

File: e346bbb8bb94bb5⋯.jpg (104.73 KB, 1200x1192, 150:149, e346bbb8bb94bb5c5b48880d16….jpg)


>It was a Reddit discord

I didn't even fucking realize until I went back and looked.

c4db16  No.15707423


>Joining what seems to be reddit disagreement

>Complaining about reddit being reddit

Dude what the fuck?

Why would you even use disagreement in the first place?

dc1752  No.15707428


Was hoping I could just ask questions and not have any privacy violations due to using a fake email

7b2f1a  No.15707439


You could just ask your crew dude.

Unless you've joined a reddit crew too, a senior crewmember would probably have the answer for your questions.

c4db16  No.15707444


Don't we have a very slow thread dedicated to the game you can ask questions in?

Also, if you joined one of 8ch crews I think Crew2 has an active discord.

Crew 1 has one too but there's like 6 people in it and nobody bothers using it

dc1752  No.15707450

File: 6728b6884852803⋯.jpg (40.33 KB, 516x516, 1:1, 1c9e65f1b739498a1a186da19d….jpg)



I completely forgot those were a thing until now

02bc31  No.15713528


>20 days ago

This is what weeks of fujoshit does to a game

18383b  No.15714463

File: 3046facae8c7018⋯.jpeg (70.31 KB, 1042x418, 521:209, DrpujsPUwAEbjcH.jpeg)


Potato crew has been ghost town since the middle of October thanks to reruns, homos and reruns.

Either GW returns activity or we're dead.

2a00f5  No.15714564


SW is gonna be tons of fun.

d0d69b  No.15714725

File: 9be8448113f2e22⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1244x880, 311:220, 9430659f2bba692f6c69cf09de….png)


>tfw I'm completely unmotivated to grind and barely care enough to skip these stories for the crystals and fights

My crew probably thinks I'm dead too and they likely need someone to liven up the usually dead chat with some quality shitposts.

c4771e  No.15714954

File: ac5d84c80b6178b⋯.png (1.15 MB, 502x3712, 251:1856, Proving grounds 1.png)

File: 956fc6452acad1b⋯.png (383.64 KB, 502x1993, 502:1993, Proving grounds 2.png)

All the info for tomorrow's event

b0510b  No.15715737

File: fe8f28e123dedb3⋯.mp4 (11.39 MB, 480x360, 4:3, BethesdaAnimationStudio.mp4)


And I'd not even blame you at all, an entire month of nothing, from Gunsisters to now it's been the worst time period this game has ever had. Honestly I don't think fujoshit sells this much if the only guys on top are Percival and Siegfried. Shit doesn't add up.

c4771e  No.15716643

File: 4f63f28529405d6⋯.png (1.51 MB, 850x1202, 425:601, ClipboardImage.png)

c4771e  No.15720214

File: c21314a02c6eefe⋯.png (430.36 KB, 506x446, 253:223, ClipboardImage.png)

The new event is up.

efeed6  No.15720408

Did something happen to viramate? It tells me its incompatible and I have to update the extension but theres nothing to update

d238e7  No.15720423

File: bbf0d8d43b8a64c⋯.png (212.35 KB, 600x228, 50:19, not gisla or finger.png)

Looks like the SSR ticket can give moon weapons. Not that anyone has ever wanted this one.

439f74  No.15720443

File: b3bbef162755fdd⋯.png (717.57 KB, 476x930, 238:465, michael.PNG)


Sorry friend, not everyone can be a flaming lucksack.

0d0cce  No.15720552

two questions

which girl has the most lickable armpits

and is it true that the cow girls are toddler sized

c4771e  No.15720559

File: 9dd423b8f344c36⋯.png (1.04 MB, 800x1130, 80:113, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7cf2c69b9db295a⋯.jpg (651.9 KB, 2048x1154, 1024:577, Draph height chart.jpg)


1 is obvious. second pic related for 2

703d97  No.15720568

Did I miss this November SSR ticket thing?

439f74  No.15720575

File: dd5281226616bc3⋯.png (144.79 KB, 640x688, 40:43, giving newbies info.png)


Its in the new event demo, Proving Grounds. Grind 100 badges to get the ticket + 3 SR/SSR tickets along the way, final reward at 150 badges is an intricacy ring. Grind out Level 3 for the quickest badges.

285cb0  No.15720685

File: 73703fa38769eff⋯.png (249.07 KB, 454x448, 227:224, 2.1 Water Team.PNG)

File: 55c687b286fba0b⋯.png (374.94 KB, 471x409, 471:409, 2.2 Water Grid.PNG)

The character restriction is a nice mechanic that forces you to dust off shit that has been benched for years.

The bosses are also just the right amount of pain in the ass to be somewhat challenging.

They did a good job with this.

efeed6  No.15720705


I wish they had done this event in december instead, I could get my water grid going with Fenrir bows and varuna

2a00f5  No.15720756

The Amasulata fights in Proving Grounds are complete cancer. Sethlans is infinitely easier than him.

efeed6  No.15720899

And cygames just broke vira again

7b2f1a  No.15720916


Fenrir and Cerberus is dead anon, it's been like, one year.

It's time to let go.

efeed6  No.15720922


rerun always happens in december dumbass

7b2f1a  No.15720939


Usually there is a rerun during the middle of the year (July or August), which wasn't the case this year, as there's been no Fenrir and Cerberus showdown since February.

d238e7  No.15720942


Last rerun was in February, with the one before that running April 2017. The last time Fenrir ran in December was in 2016.

227ad2  No.15720954


Nah m8, they're coming. Get ready to farm some bows though, 'cause they'll probably be gone for another year.

63e4a0  No.15722442

File: 00392a2192eeeff⋯.jpg (106.36 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Polnareff decides to let i….jpg)

What teams are anons using to farm ex+? The first fight isn't really hard but it takes forever because it's immune to atk/def down. I'd like to get my loot without pulling my hair out.

7b2f1a  No.15722500

File: 875722162c8eb88⋯.png (264.75 KB, 525x306, 175:102, Of course, the backline wa….png)


Do you have Cocouroux? That'll solve most your problems.

If you don't, try using Yuel or Drang to get Fire ATK down and Water DEF down on the boss. Altair is a last case because he only has Water DEF down.

If you don't have any of them, I'd use MC as Nighthound or Elysian.

This is the party I was using to 7 turn Amatsumaula on NM.

1dfead  No.15722550


it's not immune to elemental def down, so nighthound is actually useful for once

1ef834  No.15723019

File: 8d5a4c99486e7b1⋯.png (51.89 KB, 192x152, 24:19, wake me up.png)

109 gold moons, only one or two bad sparks away from a siero tix. I'm gonna do the only right thing, ticket credit card zoi

246e91  No.15723035


What can you Sierotix? I assume it's anything but Grand characters and the likes of Lucio, Anila, etc.

4c8137  No.15723107


>What can you Sierotix?

Pretty much everything, including limited time characters like SR Anila and Credit Card Zoi.

4c8137  No.15723116


Lady Katapillar and Vira is built to fight that thing.

1b7678  No.15723137


At least you can get through the first part of ex+, my water team can only go through extreme, but ex+ is out of the question for now.

246e91  No.15723155

>tfw I'm 120 points short from getting Monika

7b2f1a  No.15723163



>not Linksmate-chan


4c8137  No.15723233


>SR Anila

I meant Amira, initiate bullying.

6c9e1f  No.15723270


When can I get her?

9b149f  No.15723276


just spark medusa bro

246e91  No.15723369


After beating Arcanum Hard on all 3 points.

ce9296  No.15723467


just get damabars, they are the only realistic choice for gold moons

7b2f1a  No.15723541


Men should aspire for romance ever greater, so if anon dreams of a Sierotix I say let him dream; And if anon achieves his dream, shouldn't it mean that we too can achieve the same as him?

What are we even here for if not cute girls?

Did you really come here just to uncap weapons?

Sad is the human that would sacrifice his dreams and hopes of cute girls for power.

2a00f5  No.15723548

So I like this Proving Grounds stuff, but the fact that the first battle of EX+ and second battle of HL is harder than the Sethlans fight is some bullshit to be honest.

c4771e  No.15723590

File: 5caf0fbd34ce0ee⋯.png (69.27 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

7b2f1a  No.15723631


Well, I mean, if you're into that I won't judge.

363de2  No.15723636

File: b185ca6f7a59cf4⋯.png (2.2 MB, 712x1920, 89:240, thesideofjustice.png)

1ef834  No.15723863

File: b355e7c8395870c⋯.jpg (110.97 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, Dp6vxAqU8AAWBZi.jpg large.jpg)


Realistically this is what I'm going to end up doing, if it even becomes worth doing.

Currently I'm sitting on 1 damascus bar after having uncapped 2 murgs, LE, and Reunion. I have like 95 damascus crystals, and probably 5-6 more in grain.

Not really convinced I even need to buy more because I highly doubt the gacha is going to give me the weapons necessary to swap to either Agni or Zeus, and i only need 9 bars total for the stuff I feel like i'm going to uncap for my varuna grid, and maybe another 3 if I want to uncap orchid's dagger.

Ain't nothing to spend these gold moons on

2a00f5  No.15724405

>Viramate when down for a third time

It's dead Jim.

9b149f  No.15725412


>current year +3

>playing dark

>when water and earth rule the world

d0d69b  No.15725450


>(supposedly) have some of the best dirt characters

>it's the worst of all my grids

>it's so bad, being off-element is better

I'll wait until next year to farm Fenrir.

7b2f1a  No.15725458


Fenrir is easy peasy as long as you have Jasmine SR.

>wait until next year to farm Fenrir

I wouldn't do that if I were you. You're probably looking at another 10 month wait.

ede728  No.15725912


You can take this shitty meme back to cuckchan

9b149f  No.15726885


not a meme when water kengos fighting off element can win mvp against hades whales fighting on element

7237c4  No.15727087

Are the new updates actively trying to kill Viramate? It's been multiple times now that VM dies right after it.

227ad2  No.15727118


I'm thinking yes

246e91  No.15727229

So, I got SSR Ferry. My party now consists of Zoey, S.Naiose and Lucio on the front while the Precure and Ferry are on the back.

Do I switch things up to make Ferry work or do I keep it as is?

9b149f  No.15727279


use Zoi with Ferry, shit damage

2a00f5  No.15727538


I think it might be an error with the killswitch when the anti-cheat updated.

1b7678  No.15727688

File: c35b6e914d7d4e5⋯.png (170.61 KB, 480x400, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)

Got a choco cat from the ticket. Is she worth using in a dark team?

1b7678  No.15727696

File: 5d092a122c34ba0⋯.jpg (445.13 KB, 700x928, 175:232, 60833058_p0.jpg)

File: 9c3a1cc211368f4⋯.jpg (471.98 KB, 700x960, 35:48, 60833058_p1.jpg)


Fuck, I meant earth.

7b2f1a  No.15727741



Do you have an erune quota to fill for Tez-cat-tapioca? If not, no, not really.

246e91  No.15727756


I have her and she's benched because she takes too long to get going.

1b7678  No.15727783

File: dd08ce5e65e3a62⋯.png (833.02 KB, 850x850, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>Do you have an erune quoate to fill for Tez-cat-tapioca? If not, no, not really.

Have Tez somewhere in the crate, and the only earth erune I have is Euseless.


>I have her and she's benched because she too long to get going

So she's in the same boat as Euseless. One hand, I got 50 crystals out of her, but the on other hand, that's a below decent pull from a ticket.

7b2f1a  No.15727794


You mean Normal or Halloween Eustace Bagger?

Because Normal Eustace is now a pretty simple character to use compared to how he was before the summer rework.

And be grateful you didn't get a shit moon weapon like others have.

c4771e  No.15727807

File: 3f1e6a860aa2198⋯.png (848.28 KB, 602x759, 602:759, Melleau no buffs or debuff….png)

File: e2389d59da6d454⋯.png (994.55 KB, 615x771, 205:257, Melleau w buffs and debuff….png)


she's honestly not too bad now. 3 stacking passives is nice, and her emp attack stackable buff is on a different modifier from her other stacking attack buff. She's an old character too, so she might be due for a 5* soon. Maybe the chococat event will spur it along

7b2f1a  No.15727815


>Maybe the chococat event will spur it along

Anon I…

1b7678  No.15727838


Earth Eustace.

>is now a pretty simple character to use to how he was before the summer rework.

Will give a test run on him to see if I can squeeze him into my teams.

>And be grateful you didn't get a shit moon weapon like others have.

You're right. That really sucks.


> She's an old character too, so she might be due for a 5* soon.

I hope so, she's pretty cute.

>Maybe the chococat event will spur it along

Hopefully there's an event for her along with other characters that haven't gotten the spotlight yet.

7b2f1a  No.15727846


Both Eustace and his halloween version are earth.

Overall I'd say his normal version shines on Mechanic teams, due to his mechanic and party critical hit buff.

1b7678  No.15727855


>Both Eustace and his halloween version are earth

Didn't notice that until now, but I do have the normal version of him.

229fb0  No.15727871


She belongs in tier 7.5 or below. She gets crazy high aggro while still being a glass canon at heart. A 50% def boost after 5 ougi's is a laugh considering she is already weaker to taking damage than most characters. Meanwhile her damage is crap compared to all other attackers unless it's a super long game and she has no utility or effects to boost caps so in end game grids she's useless. They literally fucked her character up horribly giving her aggro with only a measly afterthought ougi boost to def. Also don't expect jack shit for a 5* people were saying she would get one soon since they 'buffed'(nerfed) her and it's been almost a year since then.

e4b33f  No.15727972



No, it was a buff. Nemone was the one who got nerfed for no reason.

229fb0  No.15728285


The only thing they gave Melleau was hostility up(stacking, permanent) and def up(permanent stacking, pathetic amount at that). She is a glass canon, aggro up literally helps none in the game unless the character is a counter character or has crazy high def to mitigate damage, neither of which Melleau has. It was a fucking nerf.

c4771e  No.15728300


just run an alex katana grid for the counter

e4b33f  No.15728313


She got the stacking attack up as well. Before the buff she had no use, after the buff she can be used to stop characters like Hallessena and Ayer from taking hits. If the hostility up is a problem you can just not use it, it's on a skill.

c4771e  No.15729375

File: 4b2238b4fb730c7⋯.png (2.23 MB, 1200x849, 400:283, ClipboardImage.png)

>Cygames tweeting out art of Fenrir

132bc2  No.15729404

File: 1e103a6c5135100⋯.jpg (137.02 KB, 746x1087, 746:1087, 1e103a6c5135100d5c53d0ea1b….jpg)


>Fenrir is the pig divine general

Fimbuls soon

9e2b2d  No.15729414


Fenrirfags are on the same level as the fujoshits that got sandycunt into the crew.

9a6d09  No.15729645


Time to beat the bows outta her again, good.

7b2f1a  No.15729747



Who cares about that Anon, I'm more interested in Doot being in that picture.

a9f236  No.15729754

File: b05afeb3b4feefd⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1253x1500, 1253:1500, __fenrir_granblue_fantasy_….png)


>possible flashgala next banner


7b2f1a  No.15729769


I wouldn't raise my hopes if I were you anon.

If anything Fenrir would be a Legfest character like Pholia since she is a major player in the main story. And for that to happen we'd have to finish the current arc since she and Loki are probably going to be the bosses. So Fenrir Playable not any time soon

7c85ba  No.15730064


chances are, Loki will be the actual character and fenrir will appear in his character arc and as a skill.

fenrircucks btfo

a9f236  No.15730250

File: cccce9fdaf76f3d⋯.png (463.55 KB, 530x750, 53:75, 70044002_p1.png)


Plenty of major story characters are Flash Gala exclusive, like Sturm/Drang/BK etc.

Hell, going by Sturm/Drang's fate episodes characters aren't even required to be in the crew to be playable.


Cygames would have a mini riot on their hands if they pulled that shit.

0d96a6  No.15730292

Fenrir gets released but not on Water

How do you react?

a9f236  No.15730314


I wouldn't mind, I'd just add her to the frontline regardless of element.

7b2f1a  No.15730322


>Fenrir finally gets released

>She's an SSR

>She's a primal beast

>She's fire

>She's wearing hand puppets

>It's just Cerberus cosplaying as Fenrir

246e91  No.15730330


And then Fenrir appears in Dragalia.

c4771e  No.15730717


the antagonisty characters from the main story go into grandefest, though. Sturm, Drang, Black Knight and Orchid are in there.

7b2f1a  No.15730879



Fair enough, Strum, Drang and BK completely slipped my mind to be honest.

Orchid too, but she isn't antagonistic at any point, despite being on their little party, since she only gets enough power to fight after everything in Phantagrande has already been solved, and she even travels alongside the crew for a bit before that.

0bb2e8  No.15731223

File: 89502ed20839542⋯.png (144.33 KB, 601x351, 601:351, nerf drops pls.png)

When did you figure out m2 was bullshit?

1ef834  No.15731464

File: 88a165ea684035a⋯.png (1013.6 KB, 454x1186, 227:593, ubhl grid party summon.png)

File: c817b444da303c8⋯.png (195.03 KB, 554x316, 277:158, 81908ab636b7ca590e66f80b4c….png)

I think I'm finally ready to run UBHL

7237c4  No.15731487

Crew 2 has a free space if you need a crew for the Guild Wars.

2a00f5  No.15731514


When it first came out.

6c9e1f  No.15731569

Is hard mode arcanum supposed to be damn near impossible without using brave tonics? I keep running out of TP.

7b2f1a  No.15731612


Anon, use nukes.

439f74  No.15731635


Use warlock/hermit with Arcane Blast, RoA3 and miserable mist, pick party members with plentiful/ hard hitting attack skills so you don't run down your TP supply auto attacking.

c4771e  No.15732260

File: 0b408e7209323fc⋯.png (697.51 KB, 850x543, 850:543, Fire Team.png)

File: 594423824d64264⋯.png (745.46 KB, 509x988, 509:988, Fire Grid.png)

File: 7fec2e04fd1bf2d⋯.png (458.39 KB, 505x525, 101:105, Fire Summons.png)

1 day until GW. Show your grids and waifu teams that you'll be beating up the fujo with

a9f236  No.15732357


>put a ring on Aliza


5da6ac  No.15732611

File: bf6980d64fd3d1e⋯.png (3.7 MB, 2294x1418, 1147:709, Untitled.png)


Couldn't finish my last egg sack on time.

c4771e  No.15732726

File: 9cd830e4ff817cc⋯.png (1010 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e0ad2197a6efa60⋯.png (903.53 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: de4ccfad57a254f⋯.png (863.47 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

0bb2e8  No.15732854

File: f01e9b517411a5a⋯.png (603.01 KB, 623x642, 623:642, 2nd.png)

And that makes 2. I'm not 40boxing again though.

e4b33f  No.15732859


Why not use Runeslayer instead of Kengo?

b0510b  No.15732863

File: 0b877fa5ffdfe78⋯.gif (982.3 KB, 320x287, 320:287, 1539403063624.gif)


This is fucking wrong and beyond autism, fuck the eternals.

9b149f  No.15733283

File: 014653d691186b6⋯.png (340.72 KB, 442x435, 442:435, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b4dbfe01622c9a2⋯.png (688.25 KB, 726x481, 726:481, ClipboardImage.png)


change Heles with Therese and mc with runeslayer for the 80 million dmg in one turn meme

41e08c  No.15733445

File: 0522ac0a2fe48b4⋯.jpg (653.39 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20181115-072737….jpg)

dc1752  No.15733917

How do you link your phone number to mobage? I can't find a button anywhere to do it.

9c58e7  No.15733932


You need a japanese number I think, so unless you have that then don't bother. If you do you should be able to do it through account management or on the mail thing where it says some shit about 1k crystals

1ef834  No.15733965

File: ac3eecc58ab17e2⋯.png (444.65 KB, 480x506, 240:253, GW team nov 2018.png)

File: 491aa4e78c62fd2⋯.png (482.82 KB, 477x501, 159:167, GW grid nov 2018.png)

File: eb56f1b1c24e001⋯.png (542.62 KB, 482x497, 482:497, GW summons nov 2018.png)


I should feel ready

But I don't.

4c8137  No.15734065

File: 2b3b434b2579ebd⋯.png (226.98 KB, 450x466, 225:233, fuck proving grounds.png)

Filename related, it's kinda fun but fuck if it wasn't annoying as shit.

7c85ba  No.15734176


There was no real reason to grind the NM if you weren't specifically after the weapon. I think they should make it so there's a daily quest for each level. That way you're encouraged to run every level once a day at least. Otherwise you could just farm the cheapest one for the trophy and get an intricacy ring for free.

2a00f5  No.15734258

File: 469ea8e9ffc58a8⋯.png (80.63 KB, 288x167, 288:167, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b4fc442792b4af3⋯.png (81.24 KB, 287x164, 7:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ef090f01fea9d06⋯.png (268.45 KB, 320x445, 64:89, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8a9744b6d63b95d⋯.png (274.37 KB, 322x444, 161:222, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f044f8f5c43acae⋯.png (233.39 KB, 322x331, 322:331, ClipboardImage.png)

I am ready. Except for the CF.

4c8137  No.15734477


Most of that was EX+ though

e4b33f  No.15736789

File: cc45bf52013248c⋯.png (687.36 KB, 631x528, 631:528, 2017.png)


I didn't do anything to prepare this time around.

9e2b2d  No.15737135

File: 24b7be591f0e68c⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1408x792, 16:9, pecop.png)

File: f04cd1b179a05b8⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1408x792, 16:9, koro1.png)

Collab Dec 9th fellows.

ec3daf  No.15737242

File: 4e32b316e91e667⋯.png (615.5 KB, 455x553, 65:79, it just works.PNG)

The meme never ends

ec3daf  No.15737270

File: 78f6c51ae84ce1d⋯.jpg (46.94 KB, 680x530, 68:53, DsHolZOVAAAWbLh.jpg)

File: 540facbdb57676b⋯.jpg (36.86 KB, 680x535, 136:107, DsHomNPVYAAn4lh.jpg)

9b149f  No.15737512



gbf is saved

c4771e  No.15737523



more big titty MAO girls

7b2f1a  No.15737883


MAO already voiced fake nee san though.

efeed6  No.15739160

Vira just keeps fucking dying

b69f6b  No.15739174

New thread


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