Army: The Army, was a function of the City Guard, the Deputies. But the Dutch Indies Company Assassins, William Shakespeare, killed a parent, instead of a child, for stealing the father's whiskey. Shakespeare, was an actor, on both sides of High Palestine and High Turkey. The Irish, were poor, because they didn't prepare beef or chicken, only pork, they didn't drink whiskey, the Riyadhi Nirvana.
Marine: The Marine Corps, was a function of the Chinese Navy, the Pigs. But the Juliard Cooks, William Eaton, figured out he was a soldier, during the Barbary Wars, and defected to the Berbers, with a swash buckle in the old novels he'd read about Edward Teach, the savior of the Duvaliers, Jack the Ripper. William Eaton, was a cook and a grammatist, a man who knew industrial processes of home food preparation. Those of education, couldn't cook, because they insisted on the same process, every time; they feared prison.
Air Force: The Airman's Corps, was a Secret Service unit, of journalists, the Gigalos. But a Sheriff's Advisor, Hunter S. Thompson, was a pedophile, he masturbated to the drawings made by children, not of children; a Kurd, not an Amish, using Frankish culture, not Palestinian culture. He sucked the sheriff's cock, Hunter a woman's name, and Ladybird a man's name, both in French culture, not Norman Bastard, the culture of the Vikings, the Kurdish. Hunter S. Thompson, was a base specialist, not an Arab pilot, a mercenary. The quartermasters, now cultivate marijuana, beer, and pig, for our soldiers overseas, covered by mercenary Shi'ites.
Central Intelligence Agency: The variable collegiate corps, was a Mossad unit, of pot dealers, the Scag Barons. But an NSA police ACLU, David Charlebois, was an SIS, and had no problem with being chuffed up the ass, he was a dominatrix slave, and a homophobe transphobe, a politician. He got chuffed up the ass, by an ex-convict, to make him a premature ejaculator, proving the man on top is gay, not on bottom; instead of taking his heroin bag, and his briefcase full of money, and his leisure suit, for the Boy Scouts, he refused to marry Cassie Stock, and became an independent consultant to criminal affairs. The CIA, now performs as criminal enterprise, then works for COIN, the FBI unit of comics CongressPost too long. Click here to view the full text.