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Meta Thread

This is the official /newbrit/ meta thread. Post any complaints with moderation, board assets, or filters, etc. here.

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365 wetter

Die erweiterten Wettervorhersagen von https://365wetter.de sind ein regelmäßiger Anlaufpunkt für mich. Die Website bietet erstaunlich genaue langfristige Prognosen, was besonders bei der Planung von Veranstaltungen oder Reisen im Voraus hilfreich ist. Die Möglichkeit, das Wetter nicht nur für die nächsten Tage, sondern auch für Wochen im Voraus zu kennen, ist von unschätzbarem Wert.

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Northern Ireland

With Republicans come trouble.

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My experienceThese aren't just words; they are the secret sauce to boosting online visibility, reaching a wider audience, and ultimately making a positive impact on patient care. In a world where information is sought at the click of a button, optimizing healthcare content with relevant keywords is like opening doors to wellness for countless individuals.

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Car Rent

Where can I rent a car at an affordable price and with a large selection of cars?

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Get ready for your next exciting trip to Turkey by planning ahead with the reliable weather forecast from https://havadurumu24.com.tr/. This site provides accurate weather data anywhere in the country, providing you with information two weeks in advance. Stay up-to-date with weather changes to ensure your vacation is comfortable and without surprises. Visit the site and create your perfect adventure plan!

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I've been using https://climatempo.com/ for its air quality reports, and it's been very helpful, especially considering my respiratory issues. The site provides detailed information on air quality, including pollen counts and pollution levels, which is essential for planning my outdoor activities. Knowing the air quality helps me avoid potential health issues and plan my activities on days when the air is cleaner.

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The Status of "Sass Mouth"

The status of your "Sass", the IRA MI-6 hired out of SDF for a test project on narcotics legal sales (the Japanese had it proposed that marijuana could be legal, if more expensive; therefore, profit), is poorly wrought.

"Kramer", was ordered to study his TV show, to see which character I'd placed him into, through medicine.

Before that, he had to provide the Jesuit code that made him RCMP, so it could be turned over to "Ace Chemicals", the old Williamson place.

The Joker, the world's first female sheriff.

Not King James, the purchase of the house, that crucified on the Cross as Christ.

It was puzzling, why Jesus, wouldn't eat shellfish, or oyster rolled in beef powder and garlic salt, "el diablo".

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Unit Service (Psychiatric Profile):

Engaged Robert Wolfinackis, in combat.

Robert, reported as 125 on IQ test, initiated aggression.

David, reported as 135 on IQ test, defended and passed as 150 or above real IQ.

Blood test, was Bruce and Druid, father and mother.

Placed NSA OP-INT as cadet.

Mother's psychiatric histories analyzed; MI-6, Dave Carlson's embassy records lifted, IDF.

KIA, Alice, killed through Michael, by David.

Cleared, CIA agent, classed NSA OP-INT, specialist in MI-6 and IDF.

Main mission accepted, infiltration of Sharon, Massachusetts, INTERPOL corrections hub, shutdown of all programs on Microsoft allowing breaches of monitor, violation of NSA and ACLU code.

Windows updated, Microsoft Store programs are now vetted by US Army, under compliance code of Kennedy Charter.

Air National Guard enforcing jurisprudence of area, under secret security of Hanscom Base.

Mission Memorandum (Prime Objective):

Shutdown of Sharon INTERPOL Township Monitoring (MI-6/IDF/ExSec Targeted):

Philip J. Morris: Visiting Queen Cleo, Dr. Isaiah Friedlander's wife, while 18 years old, the woman in her late fifties. Smelled like cigarettes in the hair, otherwise cleaned and lotioned, aroused and seduced. Dodged Mike Giroux, ExSec vice Rhode Island, through father.

SIGINT: Removal of Sandi MacDonald, MI-6 spy inside the NSA. Ronald Reagan, induced into dementia, from poisoning to remove shrimp consumption, Ronald Reagan Gentile, not Isaac's blood; however, myth placed opposite. Hospital system infiltrated through Taunton Behavioral, FBI command raids Taunton for MI-6 Theraveda files for Bush Jesuit Society.

HUMINT: Alignment with Ivan Boris Tomasic, Coast Guard Homeland Security. Theft of his special education papers and numbers through Janine Swanson, to print Comedy Central films as Ivan Tomasic, with own background, through Steve-O. Alibi established, that self is wounded Navy, and Daniel Craig films are printed, to plant self as Likud, James Bond 007.

OP-INT: Dropout from UMass-Amherst and direct infiltration of Sharon, Plainville, Auburn, Boston, and MCM. Prints produced for Sony Pictures inform Dr. Golden that the file for self is potential publication; actually both of us, together, written by Ivan Tomasic, unaware that he's on Comedy Central. Gotham is printed, and Dr. Golden then castrates, to thieve the money, once he figures out that agent, is not gay, he's been seeing prostitutes, and Dr. Golden's wife has been chuffed. FBI is contacted, on Christmas, to volunteer for Western Massachusetts Anti-Gang, as Hitler, to alert Jews to fact that Dr. Golden has induced stress break. Matthew Lennox's drug contacts, alerted to FBI as well, with Vatican Catholic, through Hopkinton, alerted that Matt Lennox, is Episcopalian, a pedophile to the Catholics. Jesuits, revealed as MI-6, IDF removes Dr. Golden on $377,000 suit from state of Massachusetts, FBI prints Dr. Isaiah Friedlander, Dr. Golden's real name, as GTA V enemy, a homosexual psychiatrist working for French and Jewish media.

ACLU: The death of Richard Kyanka, through Al Franken, for calling satire of Saddam Hussein, anti-Semitic. The Mormons surrogate sex slavery program of free labor, is revealed, having been an INTERPOL program out of the American Tabernacle, Hitler's transfer of legacy to the United States through Klaus Doenitz after the surrender of Germany in World War 2. The INTERPOL modem hub, is removed from legal forces, and Bill Gates divorces his wife, after it's revealed she's a slave, hired from a surrogate program. The cable company, is revealed as using kidnapped bankers' children, as sex slaves, to Hispanic and Israeli couples, raped and kidnapped for decades, to operate Comcast.

Air National Guard: The rear line out of Sharon, the road through the state police rectory to the highway, is sabotaged, with a tree on the right side outwards moved into an overhang, duplicating Maureen Charlebois nee Laverdiere's car accident on Slater Street. The sped teachers, are blocked out of leaving, revealing Sharon as armed and dangerous with false FBI authorization, the FBI a comic book writing firm, not an armed unit, the myth of cinema. Hanscom scrambles the ATF to investigate, through IRS financial services.

US Army: INTERPOL's guides, IDs, numbers, and weapons are seized. Microsoft updates its systems, to prohibit any program from Sharon, however worldwide, allowing spying on a database system, NSA and ACLU mandates, on any software, only the FCC allowed to look, out of the "cold room", the Plymouth, Alaska facility to decrypt electronic data.

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German Parliament of Owls (Deer Hunters, Washingtons)

Army: The Army, was a function of the City Guard, the Deputies. But the Dutch Indies Company Assassins, William Shakespeare, killed a parent, instead of a child, for stealing the father's whiskey. Shakespeare, was an actor, on both sides of High Palestine and High Turkey. The Irish, were poor, because they didn't prepare beef or chicken, only pork, they didn't drink whiskey, the Riyadhi Nirvana.

Marine: The Marine Corps, was a function of the Chinese Navy, the Pigs. But the Juliard Cooks, William Eaton, figured out he was a soldier, during the Barbary Wars, and defected to the Berbers, with a swash buckle in the old novels he'd read about Edward Teach, the savior of the Duvaliers, Jack the Ripper. William Eaton, was a cook and a grammatist, a man who knew industrial processes of home food preparation. Those of education, couldn't cook, because they insisted on the same process, every time; they feared prison.

Air Force: The Airman's Corps, was a Secret Service unit, of journalists, the Gigalos. But a Sheriff's Advisor, Hunter S. Thompson, was a pedophile, he masturbated to the drawings made by children, not of children; a Kurd, not an Amish, using Frankish culture, not Palestinian culture. He sucked the sheriff's cock, Hunter a woman's name, and Ladybird a man's name, both in French culture, not Norman Bastard, the culture of the Vikings, the Kurdish. Hunter S. Thompson, was a base specialist, not an Arab pilot, a mercenary. The quartermasters, now cultivate marijuana, beer, and pig, for our soldiers overseas, covered by mercenary Shi'ites.

Central Intelligence Agency: The variable collegiate corps, was a Mossad unit, of pot dealers, the Scag Barons. But an NSA police ACLU, David Charlebois, was an SIS, and had no problem with being chuffed up the ass, he was a dominatrix slave, and a homophobe transphobe, a politician. He got chuffed up the ass, by an ex-convict, to make him a premature ejaculator, proving the man on top is gay, not on bottom; instead of taking his heroin bag, and his briefcase full of money, and his leisure suit, for the Boy Scouts, he refused to marry Cassie Stock, and became an independent consultant to criminal affairs. The CIA, now performs as criminal enterprise, then works for COIN, the FBI unit of comics Congress, the FBI.

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O'Neill Rivalries

Eiizabeth I: The control of Ireland, by construment of the Church of England; hunting of rogue police, those siding with police forces. The monetary investment of Irish, as farm labor, to breed mercenaries.

Hugh O'Neill: The mother as Earl of Tyrone, the sides of battle as Irish and English, commanding both, with the diplomats, as seeking Hugh, in his castle. The winners, as those commanding both, the Essex; that retreating, as having Belfast, the impossible landing zone. The future of amiphibious warfare, the defection as assault.

Adolf Hitler: The conquest of the American Tabernacle, through Klaus Doenitz, the Germans betrayed as a masse, for conquest of Mecca, through American War College; the investment in the American Bund, the prosecutor's union, as controlled by police of creche union, administrated by Mussolinist Blackshirts, Rhode Island Corrections.

Heinz Hedrich: The ketchup on the all pork hot dog, offensive to Adolf Hitler for his vegetariand diet and the ketchup stains on his brown uniform, not mustard, not leaving stains, in the former homeless. The publication of "Batman", through Bob Kane, his Gestapo contact in America, the spies refusal of repeated cycle, however a cook's guide, unless industrial lathe, the British Marine, the MI-6.

Hugh Heffner: Sex tourism, through softcore porn, the switch of the male writer and female writer, between Playboy and Playgirl, the FBI agent overseas shutting down foreign counter terror, through American Army Special Forces and CIA accountant, the four sided Sicilian bloodline, the Mafia.

Brian Halloran: The print of "The Big Lebowski", Walter Sobchack as the Iranian doctor, framed as "Nazi" through print of Whitey Bulger as John Goodman's actor study, Whitey to the left at the Latino female dancer at the strip club, the Jackie Treehorn sketch; each character, as a Hugh Heffner rule, besides John Goodman, the Iranian Muslim porn doctor. The shutdown of Whitey Bulger, Juan Peron, through those inspired thereof.

Dmitri Medvedev: The manipulation of Vladimir Putin, a chemically castrated Jew, having invented the lollipop dentist's form over nine years of study, to dominate the German laylands, to bomb Italy, Rome; the movement of the Papacy, to London, to defeat the Coolidges, the destruction of London, Paris, and Tokyo, through the placement of Rome as isolated, the end of the Legion, the Italians, as "execute", "go", and "pardon", "halt".

David Charlebois: A Legionnaire born out of O'Neill blood, David Bowie, "71", the Jonesy having invented the whaling knife, the mastiff rifle, and the goyim chair of bar mitzfah, Wendy Darling. Firefly. The placement of the Iranian NYPD, as controlling Boston, the end of the Papacy's tourism revenues through Benedictine, the Jewish Buddhist, out of HItler Youth logic; the control of Boston, through an MI-6 squad, rebelling against the British FOP, through the SDF and Sony Pictures, shutting down the international trade in Fentanyl, the Arab Comintern's abortion union, of "lawman's act"; a mercenary agent, triggered by information signals, a wide receiver with "sticky fingers", handegg, "football". Frederick Brennan's father.

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Donald J. Trump

George W. Bush's daughter betrayed him, to me. He's raising my son. I caught him low, and captured his daughter.

Mike Huckabee, was working with Fidel Castro, and I opened the blockade, by kicking Boston cops, off the Cuban cigar business; they needed marijuana, instead of rum.

John Kerry, killed Moochy, but Moochy framed him; you can't kill Malcolm X that easily, if it's Rainbow Randolph, Moochy's wife, Alice. The Confederacy, inside the Union, John Wilkes Booth.

Barack Obama, wanted an easy speech system; so he stole from Jesus, the Qoole system, baked on weed after; American History X, with the "Show About Nothing", Seinfeld. The Temple on the Mount, the Madison Square Garden Speech.

Mitt Romney, is concerned about four lobsters, on Halloween, the 31st, on a Native with Bruce blood, an Injun and a Jew, the 19th century term with the old Joseph Smith, the hunt target, acclaimed and despised. The One Percent.

Donald J. Trump, is Harvey Bullock, in a Sevener spell, eating excrement out of his own mask; a hotelier, for police, with a lesbian wife. He deals in the fifth concept, for police restaurant delivery our of Amazon, and his wife changed her hair, before marriage. That's the Queen, caught pimping, through Robert Mugabe, Jewish Voice Ministries. It's time for Shaqula.

Hillary Clinton, needs her five Bond movies; Weinstein (intifada), Soros (craps), Bonsoronos (jerky), Obama (hemoglobin), Chapman (golf), The flow chart, for Batman, Netanyahu (monopoly), through Hillary (murder). James Bond 007, the Irish Republican Army, the Jewry of Boston.

Biden, is rumored to be French, Papa Gino's, cheese and pimento, breadsticks and marinara, instead of Italian, Bertucci's, meatballs and parsley, pizza and breadsticks. The white suit, is on Biden, mastered by me, as a child.

Am I "bots", to you, still, German Intel?

Spielberg's film, "AI"?

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Club Lennon is Kil (4chan is gay)

The NSA, deals in civilian espionage, dealing with police corruption, as a civilian's rights countermeasure to federal, state, municipal, local, and hamlet police forces.

Funded by Philip J. Morris, with the ACLU as a corporate front, they are an armed tactical administration, requiring high grades since kindergarten (an IQ test as a bully beating, taking down a conduct disorder then registering above a 150, marked "135" in school records, taken age 6), poor gymnasium scores, lessons for swim, no junior varsity or varsity athletics, and a highschool job with at least 20 hours a week for the school year, 20 to 40 hours during the summer or winter optional.

Begun by John F. Kennedy, in 1961, they deal with security of school records, college records, college campuses, campus police security, cyber privacy, home privacy, and a prohibition against wire tapping, automatically considered a foreign agency of intruder, a state treason enemy; handled with any jurisprudence, as a terrorist, the definition under NSA rules, regardless of your organization, ranks, or rights, even under Patriot Act standards, limitations on police; the NSA is civilian, not cop. The Patriot Act, is our creation.

SIGINT, requires Jewish (not Abrahamic), Arab (Ismaeli Bruce), or O'Neill (live, not Jewish), blood, a single set; they deal in router and browser architecture. HUMINT, requires Jewish Arab blood. They deal in courier services, and records retrieval, for transfer to film or FBI/ATF/DEA forces. OP-INT, requires Arab O'Neill blood. They deal in live combat functions, requiring a college undergraduate's to own a firearm; otherwise, it all goes, just for fun. Cyber Command, maintains the Air National Guard, the combat security force, codenamed "UMB", for Ultra Marine Biotics. They deal with United States and foreign military threats, particularly the USMC and MI-6. They are authorized to use gun ship helicopters, strike force fighter bombers, and assault rifles, when hunting armed units, or civilian journalist units hiding "assassins", those reporting on sitting politicians, Congress and Cabinet or Presidency, working with the Secret Service currency and accessory conspiracy units, Secret Service being the famous "Lensman" of Hard Candy fame.

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/newbrit/ #725: 2021 Edition



>The official UK Government website for data and insights on Coronavirus (COVID-19).







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Connect with me

What’s up wanting new connections.

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anyone alive?

i cant see any new posts

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Invasive procedures

Hello my name is beau i live in hamilton ontario canada i underwent an invasive procedure without my consent in a hamilton provincial prison some time ago i was incapacitated when the officers implanted a subcultaneous transdermal brain computer interface on the medical range of the the prison. I now have serious issues, lack of motor functions and bodily functions. I donated to anonymous bitcoin wallet recently 600 CAD at anonymoushackers.net . I am in serious need of a hacker in the hamilton ontario canada zip loc as it is wirelessly controlled and i need someone to do an RF hack while i find out a way to overflow the buffer in the interface i would do it myself but they r monitoring me 24/7 and they have all intentions of taking my life if i try to terminate the connection. i was studying up on ferrite chokes and decoupling the RF at it source and almost suffered a heart attack like i said the neurodevice gives my handlers full access and control over my bodily functions including organ functions nervous system and brain circuitry a good reference for the technology employed by these maniacs can b found at stop007.org created by dr.katherine horton a neuroscientist from europe who underwent a similar situation as she was attending university

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Abandon ship

Stop using this garbage site, friends, and come excrementpost with us


https://8 chan.moe/ (REMOVE THE SPACE)


Board creation is available, they can also transfer the entirety of the board (pictures/replies/css) on their servers.

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R:712 / I:282 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/ #724: BIG Boris Edition

Boris Johnson’s 2020: Everything Boris will do in the New Year - revealed


BORIS JOHNSON has been enjoying his Christmas break with girlfriend Carrie Symonds, but what does 2020 hold for the Prime Minister? Here Express.co.uk takes a look at everything Mr Johnson will do in the New Year.

>Boris Johnson has ended 2019 on a high, with the Conservatives winning the December 12 general election by a landslide. Following the election, the Prime Minister has been enjoying a luxurious break away with girlfriend Carrie Symonds.

>The pair have been holidaying in the Caribbean, reportedly staying in a £20,000 a week villa on the island of Mustique.

>Mr Johnson will be getting all the relaxation he can over the winter break, as come January he has a lot to do.

>In his plans for his time as Prime Minister, Mr Johnson laid out several areas his government will work on.

UK railways need ‘radical overhaul’, campaigners say


The entire British rail network should be radically overhauled to end the spectre of "nightmare journeys", campaigners have said.

>Scrapping franchises, reforming fares and handing control to city regions could help improve the railways, the Campaign for Better Transport said.

>The Department for Transport (DfT) said it intends to "create a fairer, more effective" railway system.

>It comes as regulated fares are set to rise by an average of 2.7% next week.

Foster agencies add pressure on UK to take child refugees


Home Office accused of still ignoring offers to house children from camps in the UK

>Pressure is building on the Home Office to fulfil its promise to give sanctuary to child refugees as it emerged that foster agencies across the UK have offered dozens of places that remain unused.

>Estimates suggest there are hundreds of places available for vulnerable unaccompanied minors in addition to the 1,400 offers from local councils that the Home Office is accused of ignoring.

>Britain’s largest fostering and adoption charity, Tact Care, said that fostering agencies had told the Home Office they had significant capacity to house child refugees. Tact Care alone had 25 spaces that could be used immediately.

pls no

Top schools defend rejecting bursary for white boys


Two top English private schools have defended their decision not to accept a benefactor's offer of scholarships for disadvantaged white boys.

>Winchester and Dulwich colleges have declined the offer - reported to be worth over £1m - by a former pupil from both, Professor Sir Bryan Thwaites.

>The schools say they do not want to put ethnic restrictions on who can benefit from financial help.

>Sir Bryan says he is now looking for state schools to accept his offer.

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/newbrit/politics Thread #723: The Brize of Freedom Edition

20 people killed in El Paso shooting, Texas governor says


Twenty people were killed and more than two dozen were injured in a mass shooting at an El Paso shopping center on Saturday, according to Texas and local authorities.

>"Lives were taken who should still be with us today," Gov. Greg Abbott said at a news conference near the Walmart and an adjacent shopping mall.

>Twenty-six people were injured, according to El Paso Police Chief Greg Allen.

Dayton shooting: 'Multiple victims' as gunman opens fire at bar in Ohio


WARNING DISTRESSING CONTENT Police are responding to reports of an active shooter in the Oregon District of the city, with footage showing emergency services responding

>A gunman has opened fire in Dayton, Ohio, leaving multiple victims, hours after the latest US massacre in Texas.

>Local TV news station WHIO-TV was reporting this morning that at least 10 people were killed in the attack and an unknown number wounded however Dayton Police Department have so far not commented on the numbers of casualties or suspects.

>Police did say they were "actively investigating an active shooter" incident in the Oregon District of the city in Ohio, USA, and urged people to avoid the area.

UK council refused to host Palestinian event over antisemitism fears


Tower Hamlets officials did not divulge real reason for turning down Big Ride for Palestine

>Officials at a London council that refused to host a charity event in aid of Palestinian children did not tell the organisers the decision was based on fears their criticism of Israel could breach antisemitism guidelines, internal emails have revealed.

>The exchanges among officials at Tower Hamlets council also reveal they thought the event should be turned down, in part because of the row over antisemitism in the Labour party.

>The council told The Big Ride for Palestine, which has raised nearly £150,000 for sports equipment for children in Gaza since 2015, that the event’s “political connotations” meant that the closing rally of this year’s bike ride could not go ahead in the borough “without problems”.

Brexit: UK calls on EU to renegotiate or face no deal


EU leaders must give their chief negotiator the mandate to revise the UK's withdrawal agreement, otherwise a no-deal Brexit is "coming down the tracks", the Brexit secretary has said.

>Writing in the Mail on Sunday, Stephen Barclay said "political realities" had changed after May's European elections.

>New MEPs were elected in 61% of seats, he said, marking a "fundamental shift".

>He called on EU leaders to allow Michel Barnier to negotiate in a way that finds "common ground" with the UK.

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/newbrit/politics Thread #722: Chink Chimera's Edition

Chinese scientists are making human-monkey hybrid embryos


MIT Technology Review reports that scientists in China are making human-monkey embryos.

>The Spanish-born biologist Juan Carlos Izpisúa Belmonte, who operates a lab at the Salk Institute in California, has been working with monkey researchers in China to perform the disturbing research.

>Their objective is to create “human-animal chimeras,” in this case monkey embryos to which human cells are added.

>The idea behind the research is to fashion animals that possess organs, like a kidney or liver, made up entirely of human cells. Such animals could be used as sources of organs for transplantation.

German public trust in UK falls to historic low amid Brexit stand-off


Brexit victory: Singapore agrees to thrash out trade plans to cover UK in no deal scenario


Poll: 9 in 10 Young Britons Believe Their Lives Have No Purpose


Report: Antisemitic Incidents Spike to UK Record High


Belgium to Invest 80k Euros in Drones to Track Migrants


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/newbrit/politics Thread #721: Jungle Fever Edition


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/newbrit/politics Thread #720: Emergency Big B Edition





























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/newbrit/politics Thread #719: Chad Taylor Edition

UK heatwave: Sweltering commuters face heatwave woes


As the UK experienced record-breaking July temperatures, the country's rail network appeared to go into meltdown.

>Passengers complained of being stranded inside "baking" carriages, with Network Rail blaming heatwave-hit overhead wires for most of the delays.

>In London, misery for some travellers was made even worse when a man was seen chasing a dog along electrified tracks near Waterloo.

>Network Rail apologised to passengers facing "uncomfortable conditions".

Red Flag: Boris SCRAPS Pledge to Reduce Migration ‘From Hundreds of Thousands to Tens of


Boris Johnson has confirmed he is scrapping the Conservative Party’s long-standing pledge to reduce net immigration “from the hundreds of thousands to the tens of thousands” — a possible red flag for many supporters.

>While European Union loyalists and left-liberals are bemoaning Boris Johnson’s new administration as the most “hard-right” in over thirty years — and many populist-leaning conservatives have pinned their hopes on him as “Britain Trump” — the former Mayor of London is politically and socially liberal on most issues, including immigration.

>Indeed, far from being a hardliner on borders, the new prime minister has pushed policies such as amnesty for illegal immigrants for years, both as London mayor and Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary, and though his pledge to introduce an “Australian-style points-based system” has been welcomed by many conservative voters, their inference that this system would be used to reduce immigration may prove to be baseless — given he has now officially dropped his predecessors’ pledge to bring the net influx below 100,000, as he is not interested in a “numbers game”.

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/newbrit/politics Thread #718: LIES AND SLANDER Edition

Phwoar it's hot today, no more lies and slander below this post

R:746 / I:228 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics Thread #717: Temperature's just right edition

xoxo boom

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/newbrit/politics Thread #716: BIG BLACK choons edition

Iran seizes British tanker in Strait of Hormuz


off to war we go tbh lads

based Jezza tbh


Donald Trump backs Boris Johnson to 'work out Brexit' if he becomes PM


Boris blimp to join 9ft Nigel Farage on anti-Brexit march in London


funposters only, no aggro beyond this post

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/newbrit/politics Thread #715: GREEN INFERNO EDITION







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/newbrit/politics Thread #714 Androphilia Edition


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/newbrit/politics Thread #713: 22st's gf on wheels edition


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/newbrit/politics Thread #712: And Iran Iran So Far Away I just ran Iran all Night and Day Edition

UK to Deploy Third Warship to Gulf Over Iran Tensions, Navy Announces New Anti-Ship Missile Rollout


Britain’s Royal Navy is increasing the size of its deployment in the Persian Gulf, with preparations underway to send another warship and an auxiliary support vessel to the region following the attempted hijacking of a British merchantman by Iranian gunboats.

>The Royal Navy announced the pending deployment of the recently overhauled HMS Kent, due to arrive in theatre in September, and fleet tanker RFA Wave Knight in August in a statement this week which described operation Kipion as “part of the UK’s commitment to promoting peace, stability, and the free flow of trade through some of the world’s most vital shipping lanes.”

>The deployment will likely focus on the Strait of Hormuz, a key strategic pinch point in the waters between the Persian Gulf to the Arabian Sea and beyond, which is bordered by a belligerent Iran to the north. The Royal Navy describes the bottleneck, easily attacked by Iran’s large fleet of fast gunboats, as one of the most vital waterways in the world for trade and that one-third of all the world’s oil flows through it in tankers every day.

>Earlier this month, HMS Montrose positioned itself between a British tanker and three Iranian gunboats after the tanker was ordered to sail into Iranian waters. The ship was credited with having prevented a hijacking, or worse. The Iranian government denies the failed ambush took place.

Manchester Arena bomber’s brother held in UK after extradition

Hashem Abedi, 22, to face multiple murder charges after being sent back from Libya


>The brother of the Manchester Arena attacker, Salman Abedi, has been extradited from Libya to the UK to face multiple murder charges over his alleged role in the attack.

>Hashem Abedi, 22, landed at an unspecified London airport on Wednesday, escorted by British police officers.

>He has been charged with the murder of 22 people, the attempted murder of others who were injured, and conspiracy to cause an explosion. He remains in police custody in London and will appear at Westminster magistrates court.

EU fishing row: Macron's France to continue exploiting UK waters even after no deal Brexit


BREXIT Secretary Stephen Barclay has paved the way for France and other EU nations to exploit British waters even in the event of a no deal Brexit.

>Mr Barclay, when grilled by MPs from the Exiting the European Union Select Committee, said the UK would seek a “continuity approach” with EU nations if no Brexit deal was reached with the bloc on October 31. The Brexit Secretary also stated EU countries could continue send its vessels into UK waters until the end of 2019. Mr Barclay said the UK would stay within the controversial Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) until at least December 31, as new quotas and access to markets will need to be finalised.

>During a tense exchange, Mr Barclay was asked: “If there is no roll over of quotes from the CFP then many boats will be coming and fishing illegally in UK waters and visa-versa?”

>The Brexit Secretary said: “No, because I think that will set all sorts of hairs running and that is not the position.

R:751 / I:203 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics Thread #711: Death Warrant Edition

Farage: Labour Has ‘Signed Its Own Death Warrant’ with Pledge to Re-run Brexit Referendum

Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage believes that the Labour Party has “signed its own death warrant” by finally declaring its support for another Brexit referendum in which it would campaign for Remain, in defiance of the predominantly Leave-voting working class which was once the party’s base.


>“This betrayal of Brexit confirms that Corbyn’s Labour is now the party of north London – not the North of England, the Midlands or Wales,” Farage wrote in an article for the Sunday Express.

>“Labour has failed the people of the regions. It has taken their votes for granted in the contemptuous belief they would ‘elect a donkey if it wore a red rosette’,” he said — referring to the long-standing received opinion that in Labour’s working-class heartlands in the North of England and Scotland the seats were so safe that the voters would vote for literally any candidate they put forward.

>Such political “donkeys”, the veteran campaigner predicted, would now become an “endangered species”, citing polling which shows that almost 40 per cent of voters are now less likely to back Jeremy Corbyn’s party in an election with the figure even higher in the English regions — “In other words, more than four out of 10 voters in the regions feel let down by the Remainer Labour Party.”

UK risks 'catastrophic' climate change impact if farming doesn't change - report

Suggestions include increasing production of British fruit and vegetables and a national nature service for young people.


>The UK's entire farming and food system must become sustainable by 2030 if the country is to tackle the climate change crisis.

>That's the recommendation from the RSA Food Farming & Countryside Commission, which says the government must put rural countryside at the heart of decisions and policies relating to the green economy.

>"If we don't make the changes we need to right now, we will go beyond 1.5 degrees, beyond 2 degrees, we'll probably go beyond 4 degrees of global warming, which will have an absolutely catastrophic effect on the whole of the country," said the author of the RSA report, Sue Pritchard.

'Cocktail of chemicals' found in UK mothers' breast milk due to home furnishings


Britons are being exposed to a "cocktail of chemicals" from birth, with potentially life-threatening consequences, MPs warned.

>Ministers were accused of "sitting on their hands" while "unnecessary and potentially toxic" chemicals continued to enter people's homes.

>The Commons Environmental Audit Committee (EAC) raised particular concerns about flame-retardant chemicals used on home furnishings, with UK mothers having some of the world's highest concentrations of the substances in their breast milk.

R:741 / I:247 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics Thread #710: The Real Refugees Edition

Also no links edition

R:728 / I:304 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics Thread #709: Iranian Shenanigans 2 Naval Boogaloo Edition

UK to send a second warship to the Gulf amid crisis with Iran

MoD says destroyer will be deployed within days to protect British commercial oil tankers


Tourists heading to Birmingham Primark from across UK

Travel companies from across the UK are laying on buses to take shoppers to a Primark store.


Huawei 'confident' UK will choose to include it within 5G infrastructure

Despite warnings from the US about the company's trustworthiness, Huawei expects to contribute towards UK 5G infrastructure.


Trump 'wishes Sir Kim Darroch well' after suggesting UK ambassador never actually criticised him

President claims outgoing envoy actually said ‘some very good things’ about him

Tommy RoThe Poster Formerly Known As Binson Reportedly Transferred to Prison Described as ‘Jihadi Training Camp’

Tommy RoThe Poster Formerly Known As Binson has reportedly been transferred to Belmarsh prison, a maximum security facility in south London once described in Britain’s mainstream media as “a jihadi training camp”.

https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2019/07/12/tommy-roThe Poster Formerly Known As Binson-reportedly-transferred-prison-described-jihadi-training-camp/


Exclusive: Farage Calls Darroch a ‘Fanatical’ Europhile and ‘Globalist’

Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage has said Sir Kim Darroch is a “fanatical” Europhile and a “globalist” who should have been replaced after the Trump victory.


R:719 / I:248 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics Thread #708: TOMMEH Edition


The ex-English Defence League leader was found guilty last week of interfering with the trial of a sexual grooming gang at Leeds Crown Court in May 2018.


R:749 / I:261 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics Thread #707: Yank Foreign Policy Edition

UK and France to send further forces to Syria in aid of US withdrawal

Move has been described as ‘major victory’ for Donald Trump’s national security team


Trump 'disrespectful' to PM and UK, says Jeremy Hunt

Donald Trump has been "disrespectful" towards the prime minister and the UK, Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt has said.


Electric Mini production in Cowley to boost UK car industry

BMW has given a boost to the UK car industry by confirming that the production of its new electric Mini will start in Cowley in November.


BMW moves some engine production out of UK over Brexit fears

Manufacturing of engines destined for South Africa plant is switched to Germany


Brexit Party Chairman: UK Ambassador ‘Should Have Offered His Resignation’

Brexit Party chairman Richard Tice MEP has said that the UK’s ambassador to the U.S. Sir Kim Darroch “should have offered his resignation” as soon as leaked diplomatic cables revealed his insulting remarks about President Donald Trump.


R:751 / I:230 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics Thread #706: Next Prime Minister Edition

On this day in history: July 8th

1099 First Crusade: 15,000 starving Christian soldiers march in religious procession around Jerusalem as its Muslim defenders look on

Judges Use EU Law to Block Deportation of Criminal Migrant


Judges have blocked the deportation of a Romanian criminal convicted of a string of offences including burglary, robbery, and possession of a knife, citing European Union law.

>20-year-old Denis Viscu has racked up 14 convictions for 20 offences since his arrival in the United Kingdom in 2007, perpetrated between July 2014 and March 2017.

>EU supporters often claim that the bloc’s Free Movement migration regime only applies to people travelling for labour, and that Britain and other member-states can deport EU migrants who commit crimes and avoid work — but in reality migration rights are much more general and deportation powers much more limited, as the Home Office found when it attempted to deport Viscu as a “persistent offender”.

>Citing Chapter IV of the EU’s Citizens’ Directive, which states that “[European] Union citizens who have resided legally for a continuous period of five years in the host Member State shall have the right of permanent residence there”, judges at the Court of Appeal ordered the migrant’s case must be reheard, the Telegraph reports.

Church of England Will Not Challenge ‘Same-Sex’ Marriage if Spouse Becomes Trans


The Church of England has confirmed that it will not challenge the “same-sex” marriages of its parishioners if a spouse changes gender after marrying.

>Currently, the church’s teaching is that marriage is between a man and a woman, however the Bishop of Newcastle the Right Reverend Christine Hardman confirmed on Thursday that it would not challenge a marriage between a couple if one of them became transgender after the marriage had been performed, reports The Times.

>“If a couple wish to remain married after one partner has transitioned, who are we to put them asunder?” Hardman said, adding: “When a couple marry in church they promise before God to be faithful to each other for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, come what may, although we preach compassion if they find this too much to bear.”

>The comments came before bishops travel to York on Friday for the General Synod, the national assembly of the Church of England which meets to agree matters such as doctrine, writing new forms of worship, and express the Church’s opinion on religious matters.

Migration Watch Slams Boris Plan to Give Amnesty to Illegal Aliens: ‘Manna for Traffickers’


The Migration Watch UK think tank has slammed Boris Johnson’s latest proposal to give amnesty to illegal migrants who have been in Britain for 15 years, saying it would be “manna for traffickers”.

>Migration Watch issues a press release seen by Breitbart London after the proposed illegal migrant amnesty — a policy Johnson has pushed for years as both Mayor of London and Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary, in spite of his arguably unjustified reputation as a right-wing populist — cropped up among a raft of other policy proposals, including replacing the 20,000 fall in police numbers during Theresa May’s time as Home Secretary and Prime Minister, and lengthening time in custody for convicted sex offenders.

>“It seems Mr Johnson is considering an amnesty for illegal immigrants in order to avoid another Windrush,” commented Migration Watch vice chairman Alp Mehmet, in reference to the so-called Windrush scandal in which a relatively small number of legal migrants, including convicted criminals, were wrongfully deported.

>“This makes no sense,” Mehmet insisted.

>“Those wrongly caught up in Windrush had every right to be here and bear no comparison to people who have either entered illegally or stayed on illegally and know full well that they have no right to be here.”

R:655 / I:194 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/ #705: Yet Another Emergency Edition

no links

R:751 / I:205 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/ #704: B Edition








R:751 / I:221 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/ #703: Christianity Edition


6.4 magnitude EARTHQUAKE hits Southern California: Biggest quake in 20 YEARS rattles thousands - including celebrities - from Los Angeles to Las Vegas, causes fires, damages buildings and sparks rock slides

>The 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck Southern California at 10.33am Thursday

>Four large aftershocks were recorded, measuring 4.7, 3.5, 3.8 and 4.2 magnitude


Iran accuses the UK of 'illegally seizing' oil tanker in the Mediterranean after British marines boarded the ship 'as it headed to Syria in breach of US sanctions'

>Raid was carried out by Gibraltar police and customs, alongside Royal Marines

>Vessel is suspected of carrying crude oil from Iran to Syria in breach of sanctions

Christian posting only below this post

R:751 / I:247 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/ #702: Emergency Edition

comfy british stained glass edish

R:751 / I:241 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/ #701: Jason Statham Edition

Tory leadership: Boris Johnson promises review on 'sin taxes'


Boris Johnson has promised to review so-called "sin taxes" to see if they unfairly target those on lower incomes.

>The Tory leadership contender wants to examine whether levies on foods high in salt, fat and sugar are effective, and has vowed not to introduce any new ones until the review is complete.

>Both leadership candidates were asked at a hustings about a proposed new tax on milkshakes.

>It comes as a charity says millions are at risk of cancer due to their weight.

World’s most powerful passports are revealed – with the UK slipping to joint SIXTH with the US


THE most powerful passports in the world have been revealed – with tiny Singapore and Japan topping the list.

>But the UK has slid down the rankings amid uncertainty over Brexit and is now in joint sixth place with the US.

>The list was compiled by the Henley Passport Index, which analyses how many countries a passport holder can enter visa-free or on a visa-on-arrival basis.

>Japan and Singapore have held onto their joint top spot, with each country offering visa-free access to 189 destinations.

Obesity rivals smoking as cause of cancer, UK charity warns


Cancer Research UK calls for government intervention ‘to end the epidemic’

>Obesity is rivalling smoking as a cause of cancer, responsible for more cases of bowel, kidney, ovarian and liver cancer than cigarettes, according to the UK’s leading cancer charity.

>Smoking is still the biggest cause of cancer, but Cancer Research UK (CRUK) has warned that government action to tackle obesity is vital, because it is a significant factor in 13 different types of cancer. Obese people now outnumber smokers by two to one.

>Michelle Mitchell, the charity’s chief executive, said: “As smoking rates fall and obesity rates rise, we can clearly see the impact on a national health crisis when the government puts policies in place – and when it puts its head in the sand.

R:685 / I:221 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/ #700: Liberalism Edition

Boris: UK Must Leave EU on Oct 31st to ‘Prove Putin Wrong’ About Liberalism


Tory leadership favourite Boris Johnson has said Britain must leave the European Union on the new October 31st Brexit deadline to prove Russia’s Vladimir Putin wrong about liberalism.

>Speaking at the G20 summit in Osaka, Japan, the Russian leader had told the press that “The liberal idea has started eating itself,” and that the “those who propagate those ideas are separate from [the people]” who live under them.

>He argued that the recent migrant influx encouraged by Germany’s Angela Merkel and other European liberals, in particular, amounted to an infringement of their citizens’ rights, saying: “People [want to] live in their own country, according to their own traditions, why should [this] happen to them?”

>He also took potshots at the British government over the way it is replacing Theresa May as prime minister, sniping that the Russian system “is different from what you have in Great Britain. We are a democratic country.”

UK weather: Heatwave shock end as icy Greenland winds send temperatures plummeting


BRITAIN’S heatwave will come to a shocking end as temperatures as low as 13C in many parts of the UK this week following a short-lived burst of scorching weather.

>Britain’s summer burst of heat appears to have been short-lived following a sweltering 34C in London on Saturday. The Met Office has predicted cloud and outbreaks of rain currently in the northwest will work its way southeast as the week progresses. Cool Greenland air is said to be sweeping in as the Met Office has forecast highs in Scotland being just 17C from Monday onwards.

>Met Office forecaster Simon Partridge said: “It’s all change after the heat as north-westerly winds from the Greenland area see temperatures drop to the teens from Monday.

>“The North of the UK will be cool with showers or longer spells of rain at times until midweek.

R:751 / I:237 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/ #699:King madlad edition

Fuck links bow down to your king

R:751 / I:271 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/ #698: Bit Hot Tbh Edition

Hottest day of the year forecast for UK


Parts of the UK are set to see the hottest day of the year, with soaring temperatures across southern England.

>The mercury could climb to 34C (93F) in London, according to BBC Weather.

>Friday was the previous warmest day of the year, with temperatures reaching 30C (86F) at Achnagart in the Highlands and 29.5C (85F) at Porthmadog in north Wales.

>A heatwave across Europe saw France record its all-time highest temperature of 45.9C (114.6F) on Friday.

R:751 / I:243 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/ #697: Foreigner Bashing Pseudo Patriot Edition

EU Brexit Negotiator Verhofstadt Rails at ‘Foreigner Bashing Pseudo-Patriot’ Boris Johnson


Guy Verhofstadt, the European Parliament’s chosen representative in the Brexit negotiations, has launched an astonishing personal attack on Tory leadership favourite Boris Johnson, accusing him of “false promises, pseudo-patriotism, and foreigner bashing”.

>Verhofstadt, a former Prime Minister of Belgium, where many key institutions of the European Union are based, sneered that “To those of us watching from the outside, the debate between [Boris Johnson and rival candidate Jeremy Hunt] confirms that they have learned nothing whatsoever from the past two years of negotiations with the EU.”

>The Belgian accused the former Foreign Secretary and two-time Mayor of London of spreading “untruths”, and that “Chief among them is the myth that Britain can tear up the withdrawal agreement that [Theresa] May negotiated with the EU, withhold its financial commitments to the bloc, and simultaneously start negotiating free trade deals.”

>Prime Minister May committed Britain to paying the EU a so-called divorce settlement of an estimated £39 billion — despite the fact the country has put tens of billions more into the EU budget than it has taken out for decades, and that the EU is seeking to exclude the British from EU projects they helped fund and develop after Brexit.

Entire British family of 12 who fled Luton home to join ISIS are now all dead


Three sons from the Mannan family were killed fighting for the extremist group while seven more - including three young children - died in an airstrike

>A British family of 12 who fled their home to join ISIS in Syria are now all dead.

>Three sons from the Mannan family were killed fighting for the extremist group while seven more - including three young children - died in an airstrike.

>The elderly parents both died of natural causes. When they fled in 2015, it was reported Muhammed Mannan had diabetes and his wife Minera Khatun had cancer.

Brexit 'could leave UK short of energy'


The UK would be vulnerable to gas supply shortages and price hikes after Brexit, an industry leader has warned.

>Marco Alvera, head of European industry body GasNaturally, told the BBC that EU nations could restrict gas exports to the UK during winter cold snaps in order to prioritise their own citizens.

>"We've spoken to several ministers and civil servants over the last two years. Energy has not been discussed enough."

>The UK imports almost half the gas it consumes via pipelines from Europe.

UK weather: Britain braced for hottest day of year as heatwave sends temperatures soaring


>The UK could see the hottest day of the year so far this weekend with temperatures set to soar above 30C (86F). A short hot spell will see the mercury climb across the country, mirroring the heatwave blasting much of Europe.

>According to the Met Office the temperature could reach a maximum of 34C (93.2F) in London and the east of England on Saturday.

>The hottest conditions recorded in 2019 so far were at Weybourne in Norfolk on June 2, where the temperature reached 28.8C (84F).

R:729 / I:282 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/ #696: Diversity Edition

Farage, Migration Watch Cast Doubt on Boris ‘Points-based Immigration’ Plan


One-third of Americans would support a preemptive nuclear strike on North Korea, researchers say


Supreme Court Blocks 2020 Citizenship Question; Leaves Gerrymandering Decisions To States


Crypto Carnage Continues - Bitcoin Crashes Below $11,000


R:726 / I:241 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/ #695: Heatwave Edition

HERE COMES THE SUN UK weather forecast – Health warning as ‘dangerous’ 33C heatwave from Saharan bubble to sweep in this weekend


MET Office forecasters have warned of a "danger to life" as a 33C African heatwave sweeps in this weekend.

>The Saharan scorcher has emergency services 'on alert' with healthcare professionals working around the clock to "ensure readiness" for the blistering weather.

>A Met Office health advice page warned: "Healthcare services will be working to ensure readiness and swift action to reduce harm from a potential heatwave.

>"Heatwaves can be dangerous, especially for the very young or very old or those with chronic disease."

UK weather forecast: Met Office issues 'danger to life' warning for 50mph winds


The severe weather warning from the Met Office says gusts could reach as high as 50mph, threatening to disrupt travel

>The Met Office has issued a wind warning for part of the UK with gusts of 50mph expected to batter towns for 36 hours.

>The yellow warning for wind is in place across Devon and Cornwall in south-west England.

>Forecasters have warned that road, rail, air and ferry transport will "likely" be disrupted by strong winds.

==BREAKING: Iran's President Rouhani mocks President Trump, says the White House is "afflicted by mental retardation."==-


big if true

Migrants found in refrigerated lorry in Surrey


Two children were among a group of 12 migrants found in the back of a refrigerated lorry.

>The vehicle was stopped in London Road, Send, near Ripley, at about 14:00 BST on Tuesday, Surrey Police said.

>The group was given water and medical treatment. The two children were taken into police protection and the adults were passed to immigration officials.

>Two men were arrested on suspicion of allowing illegal entry into the UK.

TV Producer: Cancel Classic Comedy ‘Dad’s Army’ Because It Makes Britons Pro-Brexit


A television producer has said that the BBC should cancel repeats of classic British comedy Dad’s Army because it makes the broadcaster appear pro-Brexit and inspires pro-Leave sentiments in Britons.

>Writing in the Radio Times, Daisy Goodwin, writer of the ITV drama Victoria, said that the late 1960s show was affecting Britons’ attitudes about Brexit, writing: “Forget Game of Thrones, Dad’s Army is the show that is embedded in this country’s imagination.”

>“The world of Dad’s Army is a comforting place – it was reassuring during the mayhem of the three-day week and it’s soothing to those of us who worry about the effects of a No Deal Brexit,” she added in comments reported by The Sun.

>On her belief that the notoriously left-wing, anti-Brexit BBC is actually demonstrating a pro-Brexit bias by showing the programme, Ms Goodwin said: “If you really want to nail the BBC for influencing the nation’s state of mind about Brexit, you might look at how often Dad’s Army has been shown on BBC2.

R:693 / I:262 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/ #694: Roach Rising Edition

Cyprus Govt ‘Certain’ Turkey Trafficking Migrants Into EU via Occupied North En Masse


Man Arrested at ‘James Bond 25’ Film Studio After Placing Camera in Women’s Toilets


R:684 / I:301 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/ #693: Drones of Peace Edition

In "Stunning Blow" To Erdogan, Opposition Candidate Takes Istanbul By Huge Margin


US Carries Out Cyber-Attacks on Iran



Acting DHS Chief 'Sabotaged' ICE Raids By Leaking Plan To Washington Post


The Drone Iran Shot Down Is A Quarter Billion Dollar Surveillance Monster


R:701 / I:313 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/ #692: Punished Boris Edition

UK weather forecast: 24C scorcher to be followed by 60 HOURS of thunderstorms


Heavy rain and severe thunderstorms that have sparked a three-day Met Office weather warning will follow a sunny start to the weekend

>A sunny start to the weekend will be quickly forgotten as Britain is hit by yet more storm chaos with a 60-hour long weather warning.

>The Met Office has warned thunderstorms, heavy rain and lightning will strike large swathes of the UK on Sunday after a warm and dry start to the weekend.

>Saturday will see sunny spells and feel warm for much of the country with highs of 24C in London.

Police called to Boris Johnson's home after 'shouting and slamming' heard by neighbour


POLICE were called to the London home of Tory leadership candidate Boris Johnson and his partner Carrie Symonds, after shouting and banging was reportedly heard.

>Neighbours called the police after hearing shouting and banging in Camberwell, south London, they said. A neighbour claimed to have heard “slamming and banging”, they told the Guardian. Police were called early yesterday morning to investigate the incident.

>A Metropolitan Police statement said: "At 00:24hrs on Friday, 21 June police responded to a call from a local resident in the SE5 area of Camberwell.

>"The caller was concerned for the welfare of a female neighbour.

Windrush victim dies with no apology or compensation


Richard Stewart had hoped payment would fund trip to his mother’s grave in Jamaica

>Another prominent victim of the Windrush scandal has died without receiving compensation or a personal apology from the government, as campaigners warn those affected need more help to claim damages.

>The former Middlesex bowler Richard Stewart had been waiting for his case to be resolved so he could travel back to Jamaica for the first time in half a century and visit his mother’s grave, but he died a week ago, aged 74.

>His son, Wesley Stewart, said the cause of death was unknown, adding that his father had become stressed and depressed during the protracted process of attempting to sort out his paperwork and prove the government’s errors had caused him severe problems for years.

Delingpole: Mark Field MP Should Be Promoted — Not Suspended — for Manhandling that Greenpeace Harpie


I know it’s a bit late but please could we put forward Mark Field MP as a wild card candidate for the Conservative leadership contest?

>Sure he’s a Remainer – and clearly no match for Boris Johnson.

>Even so, he deserves some kind of recognition for the brisk way he dealt with that Greenpeace protestor at a private dinner in London last night.

>You’ll presumably have seen the footage by now because it’s all over social media. Somehow, a group of Greenpeace activists managed to infiltrate a black tie dinner event at the City of London’s Mansion House.

R:703 / I:383 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/ #691: Lower the Control Rods Edition

Clean electricity overtaking fossil fuels in Britain


For the first time since the Industrial Revolution, Britain is obtaining more power from zero-carbon sources than fossil fuels.

>The milestone has been passed for the first five months of 2019.

>National Grid says clean energy has nudged ahead with 48% of generation, against 47% for coal and gas.

>The rest is biomass burning. The transformation reflects the precipitous decline of coal energy, and a boom from wind and solar.

UK weather forecast – 32C SCORCHER as ‘Spanish plume’ smothers Britain in heat… but thunderstorms to return next week


BRITS are bracing for a scorcher next week as the mercury soars to 32C and a "Spanish plume" smothers the UK in heat.

>But it's not quite BBQ weather yet, as the humidity will bring a high risk of thundery bursts of rain.

>As the continent basks in highs of over 40C, we will feel the benefit - with hot air coming westwards.

>Next Wednesday and Thursday are set to be the hottest of the year so far with the mercury tipping over the 30C mark.

Brexit Party MEP Rees-Mogg ‘Thrown out’ of EU Parliament for Carrying Camera


New Brexit Party MEP Annunziata Rees-Mogg has claimed that she was “thrown out” of the European Parliament for carrying a camera.

>Ms Rees-Mogg was one of a number of new incoming MEPs from Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party to document their arrival in Brussels at one of the parliament’s two chambers, registering to take their seats long after the United Kingdom should have left the EU on March 29th.

>“So, having left Brussels Midi train station to get to the parliament via our chauffeur-driven car in one of the biggest underground car parks I’ve ever seen — full of Mercedes Benz, Volvo, BMW — we’ve been thrown out within a couple of minutes because apparently we can’t even carry a camera. I wonder what they’re trying to hide?” Ms Rees-Mogg remarked.

R:751 / I:311 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/ #690: Milk Chocolate Edition

Slightly early thread because all the thread makers are going to bed.

‘Words Have Consequences’: Antisemitic Writing of Imam Invited By BBC to Question Tory Leaders Revealed


Migrant Convicted of Public Masturbation on Paris Train Will Not Face Deportation


Trump Creates Doubts About What He Would Attack Iran Over


Fox's Tucker Carlson Privately Advising Trump Against War With Iran: Report


Taliban: US Has Accepted Full Withdrawal From Afghanistan


R:684 / I:261 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/ #689: Reconstruction Edition

Billionaires ‘Yet to Pay a Penny’ Toward Notre Dame Reconstruction


EU Foreign Ministers Call for Independent Investigation into Tanker Attacks


Overruling his experts, Pompeo keeps Saudis off U.S. child soldiers list


Russia warns of “cyberwar” following report the US attacked its power grid


Meet The Mini-BOT: Italy Will Break Up The Eurozone


R:682 / I:202 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/ #688: He Tried to Warn Us Edition

UK weather forecast: Britain set for storm hell before 29C heatwave - Met Office warning


THE MET Office has issued severe weather warnings with Britain set to be battered by thunder, lightning and hailstorms - days before flooding will be mopped up by a scorching heatwave.

>Britons could suffer more travel chaos as thunderstorms pave the way for a 29C heatwave set for this weekend, which will bathe all of the UK in balmy weather, officially kicking off a delayed great British summertime. Until then, forecasters have urged UK residents to take extra care when travelling as a huge chunk of England is about to be hit by floods brought on by torrential rain. A severe weather warning has been issued from the south west of England up to as far as Hull.

>The Met Office warned: “There is a small chance that homes and businesses could be flooded quickly, with damage to some buildings from floodwater, lightning strikes, hail or strong winds.

>“Where flooding or lightning strikes occur, there is a chance of delays and some cancellations to train and bus service.”

‘ISIS Beatles’ terrorist demands family be allowed to live in UK - ‘I am British!’


BRITAIN’S most senior living Islamic State terrorist has a secret family in Syria – but wants them to live in the UK.

>But despite having had his British citizenship revoked for his crimes, the jailed terrorist claims he is still “as British as anyone else”. Speaking from inside a swelteringly hot complex at a secret base in North Syria, Kotey yesterday told how his wife has tried to contact his mother for help. The 35-year-old jihadi said he did not know where his family was now as “I have not been allowed access to communicate with them”.

>But he told how he sent his wife and children – who he does not wish to name – back to her family in Aleppo when he tried to flee the crumbling caliphate in 2017.

>Kotey was seized by Western-backed SDF troops north of Raqqa and later imprisoned, but believes that one day he will be freed.

UK winner of £123m EuroMillions draw still yet to come forward


If no one claims the prize in around a week's time, then the location of where the ticket was bought will be revealed.

>The UK winner of last Tuesday's £123m EuroMillion jackpot has still not come forward to claim their prize.

>The single ticket scooped £123,458,008 - the third biggest amount in the draw's history.

>It matched all five main numbers - 25, 27, 39, 42 and 46 - and two Lucky Stars - 11 and 12 - on 11 June.

R:751 / I:279 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/ #687: KHAAAAAAAN Edition

MEP Withdraws Allegation, Apologises After Accusing Brexit Party of Being Money Laundering Front


A Scottish Nationalist member of the European Parliament has apologised and agreed to pay legal costs after accusing the Brexit Party of being a “money laundering front” after the European Union elections that party won.

<Alyn Smith, a representative for the Scotland electoral region of the European Union for the Scottish Nationalist Party — a left-wing nationalist group which campaigns to break up the United Kingdom, intending to subsume Scotland into a federal European superstate — apologised Monday, the Brexit Party revealed in a statement.

<The apology came after comments made by Smith in May, when speaking on British broadcaster Sky News the politician accused the party of being “shysters”. Alledging criminal misconduct, Smith said:

Tory leadership race: Contenders clash over Brexit


Contenders to replace Theresa May as Conservative leader have clashed over delivering Brexit during a TV debate.

<The MPs argued over whether a new deal could be renegotiated with the EU, and the prospect of a no-deal Brexit.

<Boris Johnson came under fire for not taking part in the Channel 4 debate but defended his stance, suggesting it would "be slightly cacophonous".

<His leadership bid has been backed by Health Secretary Matt Hancock, who dropped out of the race on Friday.

Sadiq Khan: Donald Trump a 'poster boy' for racists


London Mayor Sadiq Khan has called Donald Trump a "poster boy for racists" after the US President hit out at him over London's knife crime.

<Mr Trump retweeted a post from right-wing commentator Katie Hopkins blaming the violence on "Khan's Londonistan".

<Her comments came after four people were killed in a spate of shootings and stabbings in London over three days.

<Foreign Secretary and Tory leadership candidate Jeremy Hunt said he "150% agreed" with Mr Trump.

R:721 / I:292 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/ #686: Generic Edition


>Donald Trump attacks Sadiq Khan over London violence


<US President Donald Trump has once again criticised London Mayor Sadiq Khan, calling him a "national disgrace" who is destroying the UK's capital.

<His comments came after five violent attacks in London in less than 24 hours left three men dead and three injured.

<In response, Mr Khan's spokesman said the mayor's thoughts were with the victims' families and he "is not going to waste his time responding to this sort of tweet".

<The mayor was focused on supporting the city's communities and "over-stretched" emergency services, he added.

<Mr Corbyn tweeted in defence of Mr Khan, saying he was "rightly supporting the police to do their job while Katie Hopkins spreads hateful and divisive rhetoric".

<These three deaths take the total number of homicides in London in 2019 to 56. Official data shows that this time last year there had been 82 deaths - and 2018 was ultimately the worst year on record in the city for a decade.

>Hong Kong protest 'largest in 30 years'


<Nearly two million people have taken part in a mass protest in Hong Kong against a controversial extradition bill, organisers say.

<The number has not been independently verified. If confirmed, it would be the largest protest there since 1989.

<The masses turned out despite the suspension of the bill - which would allow extradition from Hong Kong to mainland China - on Saturday.

<Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam on Sunday apologised for proposing the bill.

<Many protesters, who fear increased Chinese influence over Hong Kong, are calling on her to resign over the unrest.

<They are also demanding that the bill be scrapped, not just suspended.

>One Scottish man's idea to fix the broken world of online debate


<An idea by a Highlands teenager has garnered worldwide attention and is now, six years later, the basis for a fledgling start-up.

<At its heart is a simple question: how do you fix the often ugly world of online debate?

<"Being 17, I wasn't going to start up a website or a company. Reddit provided the perfect platform to try this idea out."

<In its first iteration, Change My View was - and still is - fairly simple: users post an honestly-held belief, anything from politically provocative ("The case for reparations to African-Americans is strong", "Women already have equality") to the relatively unimportant but still extremely contentious ("Avengers: Endgame did not make any sense")

<What are the rules? There are some basic ground rules: explain your reasoning, challenge the proposition, but don't be rude or hostile. Original posters are required to engage and to truly consider counter-arguments.

<Kal's subreddit took off, growing to 100,000 members within a year and more than 700,000 today.

<Six years later, what started as a side project has now become Kal's main occupation - and he's convinced it might just help solve a vexing problem of online life.

R:726 / I:311 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/ #685: Based Rory Edition


R:722 / I:314 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/ #684: Kat Edition

Brexit: UK government in "pretty good shape" for no deal says top civil servant


UK weather: Five hundred train passengers stranded on board for eight hours after tracks flood


Change UK applies to change name after legal dispute


SUNSHINE AFTER THE RAIN UK weather forecast – Sun to return with 25C heat next week…but only after weekend washout


Chuka Umunna joins the Lib Dems after quitting Change UK


UK's special forces set for new Russia mission


R:740 / I:353 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/ #683: Comfy Edition

Delingpole: Boris Is Looking More and More Like Britain’s Next Prime Minister


BBC defends Jo Brand over 'battery acid' joke


EU Commission, Germany: New Prime Minister Cannot Change Brexit Deal


Brexit: MPs reject Labour plan for no-deal vote


Brexit: UK firms 'not even close to ready' for no deal


UK weather: flood warnings in place as rail services disrupted


BBC's Laura Kuenssberg confirms 'UK leaving on October 31' but has warning for Leavers


R:706 / I:278 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/ #682: Boomernomics Edition

Conservative George Will: America Needs ‘As Much Immigration as Economy Can Take’


Turkey Sends Jihadist and His Two Wives, Nine Children Back to France


France: Renegotiation Of Britain’s Brexit Withdrawal Not Possible — Britain Must Leave the EU in October


‘Rocketman’ Fails to Launch: Samoa Bans Elton John Biopic over Gay Sex Scenes


R:686 / I:307 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/ #681: stock pot edition

[shitebart link here]

R:745 / I:290 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/ #680: Steel Slats Edition

Sajid Javid: I Have Not Done Drugs


Green Co-Leader: I've Done Coke


Blue-Collar Tory Esther McVey Vows to Ditch May Deal, Take UK out of EU in Clean Break


Woman with Autism Is First to Compete in Miss Florida Pageant


PETA Condemns Fishing as ‘Cruel’ Harassment


Three Miles of New Border Wall Coming to South Texas


R:718 / I:273 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/ #679: Cold War Edition

owo whats this: Russia and US warships almost collide in East China Sea


A Russian warship and a US warship have come close to collision in the western Pacific Ocean, with each side blaming the other for the incident.

Russia's Pacific Fleet said the cruiser USS Chancellorsville crossed just 50m (160ft) in front of the destroyer Admiral Vinogradov at 06:35 Moscow time (03:35 GMT).

It was forced to perform "emergency manoeuvring" to avoid the US ship.

But US forces blamed the Russians, claiming their ship was responsible.

Lesbian Couple Attacked ‘for Refusing Men’s Demand to Kiss for Their Entertainment’


>A London woman and her girlfriend were left covered in blood after being beaten by a group of men when the couple refused their demand to kiss each other for their entertainment, according to local British media. Melania Geymonat, 28, said she and her girlfriend, Chris, were on a London bus when the male group “started behaving like hooligans, demanding that we kissed so they could enjoy watching, calling us ‘lesbians’ and describing sexual positions.” The men allegedly attacked Chris first before punching Geymonat when she tried to defend her girlfriend. Scotland Yard said Friday that arrests have been made in the attack.

Delingpole: Vote Conservative, Get Labour


Vote Conservative, get Labour. This was one of the salutary lessons of the Peterborough by-election in which Nigel Farage’s insurgent Brexit Party was narrowly beaten — by just under 700 votes — by Labour.'

>If these vote ratios are replicated in a general election, then Britain will be in serious trouble. It will mean that, just like has happened in New Zealand, the votes of the majority right will have been fatally split so that the party of the minority hard-left ends up in power.

>So how do we avoid the terrifying prospect of Jeremy Corbyn, PM?

>I don’t see, at this stage, how we can.

R:718 / I:316 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/ #678: 1000 Year Tory Reich Edition

no links

R:751 / I:271 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/ #677: D-Day Edition

President Trump, Queen Elizabeth II, World Leaders Gather in Portsmouth to Commemorate D-Day Landings


‘I Love Your Country’: President Trump Praises Queen, Remembers His British Roots


Germany Says ‘Nein’: Refuses Greek Demand for War Reparations


Corbyn Argued For Appeasing Hitler & Disarming During World War II


R:709 / I:304 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/ #676: Krishna Conciousness Edition

know he always loves you lads

Trump: Prepare for no deal and send in Farage


Brexit 'causing' more British nationals to become Irish


R:717 / I:286 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #675: Come back Spiccy boi Edition


R:751 / I:312 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #674: Antarctica Edition

‘Extinction Rebellion’ Climate Activists to Shut Down Heathrow for 10 Days in Drone Attack


European Commission Moves to Bring Albania Into EU


British Veterans Honour American Airmen Who Supported D-Day Landings


British Police Detain 34, Charge 12 Foreign Nationals at Hells Angels Anniversary Event


Would-Be Police Officer Denied Job for Being a White Male Wins Appeal


R:728 / I:230 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #673: Nonces Out Edition

You know who you are

R:751 / I:266 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #672: Brexitdomor Edition

UK government 'risks another Windrush' over EU citizens, MPs say


The government runs the risk of another Windrush scandal if "serious concerns" about its EU settlement scheme are not addressed, MPs have said.

>The Commons Home Affairs Committee said technical issues had "blighted" the scheme, with some struggling to navigate the online application system.

>It said people who have lived for years in the UK could face uncertainty over their rights and eligibility to remain.

>But the Home Office said the scheme was "performing well".

Donald Trump 'may' meet Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage


Donald Trump has said he "may" meet Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage and Conservative MP Boris Johnson during next week's state visit to the UK.

>The US president described them as "friends" and "good guys".

>Mr Trump's three-day visit includes a Buckingham Palace dinner and breakfast with Prime Minister Theresa May.

>Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has said he will not attend Mr Trump's state banquet, accusing the president of using "racist and misogynist rhetoric".

Donald Trump Praises Nigel Farage for ‘Great Victory’ in European Union Vote


President Donald Trump praised Brexit warrior Nigel Farage on Thursday for the results of the European Union vote.

>“Nigel just had a big victory, got 32 percent of the vote, starting from nothing,” Trump said.

>The president commented on the E.U. Parliament elections as he left the White House for a commencement speech at the Air Force Academy.

>Farage’s Brexit Party won 32 percent of the vote, seating 29 members of the European Parliament if the United Kingdom is still in the E.U. in October.

R:728 / I:295 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #671: Bionicles Edition

no news

R:747 / I:286 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #670: Brexit Party Edition

European elections 2019: Jeremy Corbyn refuses to explicitly back another referendum


Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has refused to explicitly back the idea of another referendum - despite increasing calls from within his party to do so.

>He was speaking after the party won 14% of the vote in EU elections.

>Senior Labour figures including deputy leader Tom Watson and shadow foreign secretary Emily Thornberry have called for Labour to be clearer in its support for a fresh Brexit referendum.

>Mr Corbyn said any deal with the EU should be put to a "public vote".

Sajid Javid to run for Tory party leader


Home Secretary Sajid Javid has become the latest MP to join the race for the Conservative Party leadership.

>Announcing his candidacy on Twitter, Mr Javid said that "first and foremost, we must deliver Brexit".

>He is the ninth member of the Tory Party to confirm he is running, and whoever wins will become the next UK prime minister.

>It follows the announcement by Theresa May on Friday that she would stand down as leader on 7 June.

Remain Delusion Sets In, Soubry Declares Victory for CUK Party


Anti-Brexit politicians and commentators have begun interpreting the EU election results in creative ways in order to claim success.

>Arch-Remainer Anna Soubry, the MP for Leave-voting Broxtowe who defected from the Tories to help found the Change UK (CUK) party of anti-Brexit “centrists” went so far as to declare victory, despite its signal failure to win even a single seat.

>“Thank you to over 600,000 people who voted [CUK],” she posted on Twitter.

>“We have polled better than any genuinely new UK party,” she insisted. “We are at the beginning of changing British Politics with #Labour and the #Conservatives in sharp decline”.

The Brexit Party is victorious. England is henceforth to be referred to as Brexland and the Houses of Parliament the House of Breximent. Brexit Commander Nigel Farage will soon take his seat at Brexit Street and begin governing from Brexminster.

Interesting times for British politics, lads.

R:717 / I:307 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #669: Call Me Dave Edition

David Cameron to RETURN to Westminster? Friends CONVINCED ex-PM gearing up for comeback


DAVID CAMERON is vying for a political comeback by standing once more for Parliament, his friends claim.

>Brexiteers could reportedly view the move as a threat as they fear the old Etonian may team up with his former right-hand-man George Osborne to alter the political landscape. Remainer Mr Cameron, whose allies say is the only Tory leader to win a Commons majority in 27 years, is responsible for instigating the process that ultimately led to the UK voting to exit the European Union. His return to front-line politics would therefore be seen as controversial given the current Parliamentary impasse over the contentious constitutional issue.

Everest: British man among latest mountain deaths


A British man died on Saturday minutes after summiting Mount Everest, bringing to 10 the total death toll this season on the world's highest peak.

>Robin Haynes Fisher, 44, reportedly fell ill while descending from the summit. An Irish man, Kevin Hynes, also died on Everest on Friday.

>Nepal is facing scrutiny for issuing a record 381 permits, at $11,000 (£8,600) each, for this year's Spring season.

>There have been reports of overcrowding and queuing climbers near the summit.

UK: ‘Asian Male’ Holds Knife to Baby’s Throat in ‘Terrifying’ Daylight Robbery


Police are seeking an “Asian male” with a “foreign accent” who held a knife to the throat of a 19-month baby during a “terrifying” daylight street robbery in Normanby, England.

>“The incident happened between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. on Friday (May 24) as the victim, a woman in her 40s, was taking her 19-month-old grandson for a walk,” recounted Cleveland Police in an official witness appeal.

>“She was pushing the pushchair along the footpath in the wooded area off Ormesby Road, Normanby, when a man came out of the bushes in front of her and demanded her purse.

>“When the victim refused the man produced a knife and placed it to her grandchild’s throat. The victim then handed over her purse and the man ran off towards Normanby High Street.”

R:751 / I:330 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #668: New Machine Edition

feel like shit just want im' back

Race to be new UK prime minister begins


The race to become the next Conservative Party leader has begun, following Theresa May's announcement that she will step down next month.

>The contest will not only result in a new party leader, but also in the next prime minister of the UK.

>Party bosses expect a new leader to be chosen by the end of July.

>Mrs May confirmed on Friday that she will resign as party leader on 7 June, but will continue as PM while the leadership contest takes place.

Rees-Mogg Warns of Parliamentary ‘Stitch-up’ in Appointing New PM


Leading Tory Brexiteer Jacob Rees-Mogg has warned of a parliamentary “stitch-up” in the election process of the next leader of the kind that resulted in Theresa May, a Remainer, becoming prime minister of Brexit Britain.

>Speaking to Sky News shortly after Mrs May announced her resignation, the chairman of the European Research Group (ERG) said that the some 150,000 Conservative Party members must make the final decision of who is to lead the country.

>Mr Rees-Mogg said: “There will be the Parliamentary stage but it must go to members of the Conservative Party this time.

>“It can’t be a stitch up of Parliamentarians. It needs that broader mandate. So, a few weeks – six weeks, say.”

France: President Macron Confirms Lyon Explosion is ‘Attack’, Eight Injured


At least eight are reported injured after a blast ripped through a street in Lyon, France Friday afternoon. French President Emmanuel Macron has called the incident an “attack”.

>The suspected parcel bomb detonated on Victor-Hugo Road in Lyon, south-east France around 1730 eastern Europe time (1130 ET) and is reported to have been a package stuffed with “nails, screws, bolts”. The eight injured, which includes an eight-year-old girl, are reported to have sustained light injuries.

>Lyon newspaper Le Progress reports French President Emmanuel Macron, who spoke of an attack about the explosion, remarking; “There was an attack in Lyon… there are no fatalities. There are wounded, so I obviously want to have a thought for the wounded, their families.”

>The President was joined in his comments by populist political rival Marine Le Pen: “I give my full support to the wounded in an explosion in Lyon, the light will have to be shed on the circumstances of this terrorist attack.”

R:715 / I:297 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #667: Based Nativism Edition

European elections 2019: EU citizens turned away from UK polls


EU citizens living in the UK have told of their anger after they were unable to vote in the European elections.

>The Electoral Commission said the "very short notice" from the government about the UK's participation in the elections had an impact on the process.

>EU citizens can vote in the country they live in by registering to vote and completing a UC1 form.

>But many complained of receiving the form late and of it not being processed by their local authority in time.

Macron Wants UK to Leave by October to Stop Brexit ‘Polluting’ EU


President Emmanuel Macron of France has said that he wants the UK out of the EU by October 31st to stop Brussels’ agenda being “polluted” by Brexit.

>Speaking to Belgian newspaper Le Soir on Wednesday, President Macron appeared to share some of the frustration of Britons that the exit date should have been delayed twice, saying: “In the case of Brexit, you just have to know at some point whether it stops or not.

>“If we follow the logic of saying that it scares us and that we are prepared not to respect the British vote, we betray both the British and the interest of the British,” he added, touching upon a rare sentiment of respect amongst the European elite for the vote to Leave.

>However, the progressive Europhile also saw in a long delay what he perceives s aa danger to advancement of the European Project. The French president was alone amongst his peers at April’s European Summit to push for a shorter extension of Article 50 whilst others, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel, were considering a year.

Macron Names Brexit Negotiator Barnier as ‘Great’ Choice for Next EU Chief


Globalist censorship enthusiast Michel Barnier has “great” qualities to be the next president of the European Commission, according to Emmanuel Macron.

>Commenting on rumours that the EU’s lead Brexit negotiator has been running a shadow campaign to win the bloc’s top job, as something of a ‘compromise’ candidate, the French president was generous with praise about Barnier.

>“Undeniably, Michel Barnier is a man who has great qualities and he demonstrated this once again in the way he handled negotiations with the British,” he said, speaking with Belgian media at the weekend.

>The veteran Eurocrat is “one of the European leaders who have eminent qualities and can be on the list [of candidates to lead the Commission],” Macron told Le Soir’s Wednesday edition, adding that Barnier ticked all the right boxes as someone with “experience at the highest governmental level or European Commission level”.

European Union Election Puts UK Media in Four-Day Bind as Government Unravels


Strict broadcasting rules governing election day reporting are being strung out in some cases for four days while people across Europe vote in EU elections, leaving journalists in a difficult situation over reporting the slow-motion collapse of the British government happening at the same time.

>In ordinary British politics, the goings on of Westminster are generally suspended during elections as all involved campaign and wait with bated breath for results. But with the British people voting for a parliament that isn’t even on British soil, and while the future of Prime Minister Theresa May teeters in the balance, two distinct political stories are developing in tandem.

>Nevertheless, strict laws that govern political reportage on election day to prevent broadcasters that might have the ability to influence voters while the polls are open from doing so — mainly television and radio stations — are making for awkward reports on the political developments of the day.

>This is doubly true in the case of the demise of the Prime Minister’s political career and party, which has been reflected strongly in recent opinion polls — but reporting of which are expressly forbidden on election day.

R:721 / I:257 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #666: Devilish Edition

Sloth is a virtue tbh

R:751 / I:291 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #665: Crusade When Edition

Vicar Offered to Cover up Jesus for Sex-Segregated Ramadan Event in English Church


Christians have slammed a vicar for being “ashamed of the gospel” after she offered to “cover” a crucifix and a painting of Jesus in order to host Muslims celebrating the end of Ramadan in an English church.

>The Reverend Lissa Scott also agreed to set up sex-segregated spaces for guests to engage in Islamic prayer in St Matthew and St Luke’s church in Darlington, where the Iftar meal is set to take place on June 2nd, reports the Sunday Times.

>At a planning meeting in May, attended by the Rev Lissa Scott and pro-”diversity” councillor and former mayor, Gerald Lee, representatives from the Yorkshire town’s Muslim community were told that the church would cover crosses and a famous devotional image of Jesus Christ by William Holman Hunt for the event.

>The Sunday Times reported minutes from the meeting read: “One aisle in church to be cleared of chairs for Muslim men to say prayers. Cover Christian crosses/photographs in small rooms for ladies to say prayers.”

Don't muslims literally revere jesus lol

Hard-Left Labour Leader Backs British Reparations for Africa, Former


Hard-left Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn has backed suggestions that the British should pay reparations to former colonies of the British Empire.

>In an interview for Dazed magazine, musician Gaika discussed allegedly man-made climate change and Africa with the socialist politician, asking, “Do you think that Britain, in particular, with its history, has a special responsibility to its former colonies? Do you think that debt relief, reparations, things like this, are part of a global climate strategy?”

>“Absolutely,” Mr Corbyn responded in comments reported by The Times, adding, “Debt relief and development goals that encourage the preservation of forests and the use of them in a sustainable way is perfectly possible.”

>This is not the first time the Labour leader has responded positively to proposals for the British government — ultimately, British taxpayers — to pay reparations to former colonies, many of which are still members of the Commonwealth of Nations headed by Queen Elizabeth II.

WATCH: ‘France Does Not Belong to the French!’ – Hundreds of Illegal Migrants Occupy French Airport


Hundreds of illegal migrants occupied the Paris Charles de Gaulle airport in France, preventing people from boarding their flights and demanding to speak to Emmanuel Macron’s prime minister, Edouard Philippe.

>“France does not belong to the French! Everyone has a right to be here!” yelled one of the migrants, organised by the pro-migration La Chapelle Debout group, through a loudspeaker, as they pressed for their presence in the country to be regularised.

>Calling themselves “Black Vests” in a homage — of sorts — to the Yellow Vests who have been protesting Emmanuel Macron for months, the migrants also demanded Air France “stop any financial, material, logistical or political participation in deportations” in a statement published on Facebook.

R:720 / I:233 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #664: Redcoats Edition

CUK Party: We Are Going To Need To Revoke Article 50


SNP Will Still Push For Independence If Brexit Is Stopped


R:714 / I:222 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #663: PICKLE PEEP EDITION


R:751 / I:280 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #662: Lazy Again Edition

no links

R:751 / I:208 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #661: Based Goblinas Edition

idk you wanted a thread smh

R:714 / I:226 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #660: Based Globalism edition

pretend there are links here

R:751 / I:270 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #659: Evening Coffee Edition

Ex-Defence Secretary Brands May’s Brexit Talks with Corbyn ‘Naive’, ‘Doomed’


Merkel’s Germany Considering Tax to Fund Mosques, Islamic Institutions


52 Migrants Storm Spanish Border Fence, Four Guards Injured


Crime Wave UK: Organised Criminals Killing More Brits than Terrorism, War, Natural Disasters


R:713 / I:273 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #658: Londonistan Edition

UK Police to ‘Intervene’ if Hezbollah Flags Flown on Al Quds Day


The Metropolitan Police “fully intends” to confiscate flags, banners and other items bearing the insignia of the Iran-backed Hezbollah terrorist organization if they appear at the Al-Quds Day March through central London next month.

>Senior officers said the sight of Hezbollah flags on the streets of the capital had been an inflammatory feature of past marches because anti-Israel protesters were able to say they were supporting only the political wing, which previously was not banned.

>That loophole was closed in March when the House of Commons voted to ban all wings of Hezbollah, due to its destabilizing influence in the Middle East, classifying the movement as a terrorist organization.

>The new law also tightened restrictions regarding the display of the proscribed organization’s flags, granting the police stronger powers to confiscate such items.

Ey weed make me peaceful mon its da peaceful erb da sticky sticky ey…. wagwan…

Five men killed after being deported from UK to Jamaica


Revelation set to increase pressure on Home Office following Windrush scandal

>The government is under pressure over its deportation policy after it was revealed that at least five people have been killed in Jamaica in the past year after being expelled from the UK by the Home Office.

>The men had been sent back to Jamaica despite strict rules prohibiting deportations to countries in which an individual’s life may be in danger. Other returnees have stated that they fear for their lives.

>The Guardian says the news will “put pressure on Home Office to justify resumption of deportation charter flights” which were suspended following the Windrush scandal.

Illegal Migrant Causes Havoc in French Brasserie Rampage


A 27-year-old illegal migrant who was living on the street has been charged in a court in Toulouse after he went on a rampage at a local brasserie, causing thousands of euros worth of damage.

>The attack took place on April 30th and saw the illegal migrant enter the famous “Le Cotton Club” establishment in the late afternoon and, according to a report from French newspaper La Depeche, he began to immediately start to throw chairs and other furniture around the restaurant.

>A magistrate in the Toulouse Criminal Court described the scene while addressing the migrant saying, “Tables, chairs, thirty glasses, the main window … nothing has resisted you! It took four of the employees to control you!” One employee of the restaurant was also forced to take six days off work due to injuries suffered as a result of the migrant attacking them as well.

R:714 / I:343 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #657: Royal Baby Edition

Royal baby: Duke and Duchess of Sussex show off newborn son


Harry and Meghan describe magic of having baby, whose name has yet to be announced

>The Duke and Duchess of Sussex showed their newborn son to the world on Wednesday, with Meghan declaring: “It’s magic, it’s pretty amazing. I have the two best guys in the world so I’m really happy.”

>Speaking in St George’s Hall at Windsor Castle as Prince Harry cradled their two-day-old child, she said of the baby: “He has the sweetest temperament, he’s really calm.” Harry said: “I don’t know who he gets that from.”

>The couple have not yet announced the name they have chosen for the seventh in line to the throne. By tradition, he could have at least one title, the Earl of Dumbarton, taken from one of the subsidiary titles of his father.

Brexit SHOCK: Farage makes BRILLIANT Brexit prediction – 'everything will change'


NIGEL FARAGE has predicted what will happen next with Brexit with his new Brexit Party topping the polls ahead of the upcoming European elections at the end of March.

>The Government is in Brexit negotiations with the Labour Party, but Theresa May’s de-facto deputy admitted on Tuesday that European elections would need to go ahead. Nigel Farage has predicted what he thinks will happen next with Brexit, with his new party already topping the polls ahead of the upcoming EU vote. He told Good Morning Britain: “I think these European elections in two-weeks time are going to change everything.

>“I think, I could be wrong, I think this new Brexit Party that I set up four weeks ago has kind of appeared like a jack in a box.

>“I think we are going to win these European elections. Possibly win them in quite a big way.

Mike Pompeo set to issue Huawei warning on UK visit


US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is expected to warn the UK about allowing Chinese firm Huawei access to critical infrastructure on a visit to London.

>Mr Pompeo will hold talks with Theresa May and make a speech on foreign policy ahead of US President Donald Trump's state visit next month.

>The US is reported to be alarmed at Huawei's possible involvement in building the UK's 5G mobile network.

>The UK government has insisted no final decision has been made.

Ireland: Politicians Back Globalism, But People Fear Country ‘Changing Too Quickly’, ‘Too Politically Correct’


While the political and media class in Ireland double down on their support for open borders, a new survey has revealed a majority of the country’s citizens feel uneasy about the globalist transformation taking place.

>The Irish Times brimmed with optimism reporting the results of its 2019 Sign of the Times survey at the weekend, declaring that the research showed “a seismic shift in the country’s social and moral mores in a very short period of time”.

>In its analysis of social attitudes revealed by the survey, the newspaper hailed the birth of a “new Ireland” which is “best exemplified” by referendum victories in 2015 and 2018 for same-sex marriage and for the removal of most abortion restrictions.

>“There is a ‘progressive’ outlook on important social issues with significant part of our society [sic],” proclaims the Behaviour & Attitudes market research company on one page of its report.

R:701 / I:242 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #656: Wormed Edition

no links 'cause emegency. give me something and I'll edit it in

R:751 / I:224 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #655: Beaceful Revolution Edition

Farage Calls for ‘Peaceful Revolution’ to Challenge UK’s ‘Broken’ Politics


Nigel Farage has said that the UK’s “broken” and “out of touch” political system needs to be challenged in a “peaceful political revolution” so that Britons can “win back the ability of our nation to be democratic.”

>Addressing a crowd at a Brexit Party rally in Flyde, on Saturday, Mr Farage warned that “there is something absolutely fundamental at stake” beyond the campaign for May 23rd’s European Parliament election, which goes to the very core of British democracy.

>“Can you imagine an African country, if there had been an election or a referendum that had been overturned? Many of those in the Remain camp would be having fits of the vapours, demanding the United Nations was sent in and that democracy must win through,” Mr Farage said.

>“But here in the country that has had a continuous parliament since the thirteenth century… in the country that has the mother of parliaments, it is in our very country that the very democratic process has been wilfully betrayed by a political class that has acted — in my view — in the most disgraceful, almost treacherous manner,” he said.

Austrians Describe ‘Feeling Like Foreigners’ in Their Own Country


Hundreds of regular Austrian citizens expressed to a national newspaper their views on migration, with some saying they felt like foreigners in their own country.

>The comments flooded in, partly in reaction to populist Vice Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache commenting on the concept of “population replacement” and in response to an opinion article in Austria’s largest newspaper Kronen Zeitung that agreed that demographic changes are a reality but which criticised Strache’s term for being a “conspiracy.”

>Kronen Zeitung republished some of the “hundreds” of responses they received to the column with many readers saying they felt that mass migration had changed Austria to the point where some felt highly alienated.

>“The mood in our condominium has deteriorated so much that we (65 and 68) are ready to move away to finally be able to live in peace again,” one comment read, while another lamented the trend of foreigners not learning the German language.

British Pakistani Youth Council President Would ‘Salute’ Hitler for Killing Jews


The President of the British Pakistani Youth Council (BPYC) has come under fire for comments made in a series of Facebook posts from 2014 in which he praised Adolf Hitler for killing Jews.

>Mr Kamran Ishtiaq, who once hosted David Cameron when he wanted to “spend some proper time out of Westminster”, said he would “salute” Adolf Hitler providing he killed more Jews than Muslims.

>““I know that [Hitler was a racist] and to be honest he would have killed Muslims too if he got a chance. But you know what, I would salute him still if he killed 90 Muslims and 92 Jews,” reads a Facebook post from 2014 attributed to the community activist.

>“Now why he is my hero cuz, he just killed Jews, didn’t get a chance to kill Muslims… lol,” he added.

R:687 / I:183 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #654: Brexit Backlash Edition

Reaction as local election results counted


>Candidates had to draw lots after a tie in the local elections in North Yorkshire.

>Labour candidate Gerald Ramsden was elected to the Northallerton South seat on Hambleton District Council after drawing with the Conservative candidate on 527 votes.

>The returning officer then had to randomly choose between two blank envelopes with one candidate's name in each.

Candidates draw lots after dead heat in Hambleton


>Candidates had to draw lots after a tie in the local elections in North Yorkshire.

>Labour candidate Gerald Ramsden was elected to the Northallerton South seat on Hambleton District Council after drawing with the Conservative candidate on 527 votes.

>The returning officer then had to randomly choose between two blank envelopes with one candidate's name in each.

Local elections: Conservatives lose more than 1,300 councillors


The Conservatives have lost more than 1,300 councillors, with Theresa May saying voters gave politicians a message to "get on" with Brexit.

>Labour also lost almost 80 seats in the English local elections, in which it had been expected to make gains.

>But the Lib Dems gained more than 670 seats and the Greens more than 180.

>The BBC projects that, if results it analysed were replicated across Britain, both the Conservatives and Labour would get 28% of the total vote.

R:689 / I:274 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #653: Deluge Edition

no news, panzie is on mobul

R:751 / I:242 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #652: Corbyntration Camps Soon Edition

Corbyn Criticised for Endorsing Book Claiming Jews Control Banks, Media


Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn wrote a foreword to a book which argued that Jews controlled banks and the media.

>Conservative peer and Times columnist Daniel Finkelstein uncovered the foreword written in 2011 by the Labour leader to the new edition of British economist John A Hobson’s 1902 book Imperialism: A Study, which includes antisemitic tropes and conspiracy theories about the Rothschild banking family.

>In the forward, written four years before the far-leftist became party leader, Mr Corbyn described Imperialism as a “great tome” which was “brilliant, and very controversial at the time.”

>Hobson was an influence on Lenin and other Marxists and in the book described European finance as being controlled by “men of a single and peculiar race, who have behind them many centuries of financial experience”, and claimed that “great financial houses” have “control which they exercise over the body of public opinion through the Press.”

UK: Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson SACKED over National Security Council Leak


Gavin Williamson, Secretary of State for Defence, has been sacked by Prime Minister Theresa May after details of a National Security Council meeting in which Chinese tech giant Huawei’s potential involvement in 5G infrastructure was leaked to the press.

>“The Prime Minister has this evening asked Gavin Williamson to leave Government, having lost confidence in his ability to serve in the role of Defence Secretary and as a member of her Cabinet,” said a Government spokesman.

>“The Prime Minister’s decision has been informed by his conduct surrounding an investigation into the circumstances of the unauthorised disclosure of information from a meeting of the National Security Council.”

>The spokesman added that the Government now “considers the matter closed” — although many observers believe it is likely that the Opposition will push for a police investigation and criminal charges if the now ex-minister breached the Official Secrets Act.

US Federal Reserve ignores Donald Trump and leaves interest rates on hold


US central bank holds interest rates, despite pressure from the White House to cut borrowing costs

>Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in March indicates that the labor market remains strong and that economic activity rose at a solid rate. Job gains have been solid, on average, in recent months,and the unemployment rate has remained low.

>Growth of household spending and business fixed investment slowed in the first quarter. On a 12-month basis, overall inflation and inflation for items other than food and energy have declined and are running below 2 percent. On balance, market-based measures of inflation compensation have remained low in recent months, and survey-based measures of longer-term inflation expectations are little changed.

R:715 / I:274 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #651 Venezuela Endgame Edition

Venezuela's Guaidó accused of coup attempt by government


Venezuelan authorities say they are putting down a small coup attempt after opposition leader Juan Guaidó announced he was in the "final phase" of ending President Nicolás Maduro's rule.

>He appeared in a video with uniformed men, saying he had military support.

>Mr Guaidó, who declared himself interim president in January, called for more members of the military to help him end Mr Maduro's "usurpation" of power.

>But military leaders appeared to be standing behind Mr Maduro.

No change in Japan's opposition to Israel's annexation of Golan Heights, says Suga


U.S. President Donald Trump holds up a signed proclamation regarding the Golan Heights, alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Washington on Monday. | AFP-JIJI

>Japan does not recognize the annexation of the Golan Heights by Israel and there is no change in this position, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said Tuesday.

>Suga made the remark at a news conference after U.S. President Donald Trump signed a proclamation Monday officially recognizing Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights, located in southwestern Syria.

>“We will keep a close eye on the future course of the matter, with interest,” Suga said.

State of the Nation report: Inequality in UK 'entrenched'


Its State of the Nation report said the situation had remained "virtually stagnant" since 2014.

>It is calling on ministers to provide additional funding for older teenagers in education and to extend free childcare to more low income families.

>The government said it would take the recommendations seriously.

R:678 / I:201 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #650 - Excommunication of Nige Edition

Anglican Bishop Brands Brexit Party Leader Nigel Farage a ‘Traitor to the EU’


Church of England bishop Graham Kings said this weekend that Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage, standing for European Parliament (EP) elections in May, is a “traitor to the EU.”

>The Hon. Assistant Bishop and World Mission Adviser in the Diocese of Southwark tweeted his approval of Jessica Simor QC, London candidate for the anti-Brexit Change UK (CUK) party, objecting to Nigel Farage, Tory eurosceptic Daniel Hannan, “and the rest” standing in the upcoming European Parliament elections.

>Ms. Simor asked: “How can they justify taking a salary and later a pension (paid for by us) for a job they do not intend to do in an institution they do not believe in?”

>The argument that people who do not support the European Union should not be represented in the European Parliament is surprisingly common among its backers.

Stockholm Anti-Extremism Tsar: ISIS Returnees Now ‘Caring Citizens’


Stockholm residents have nothing to fear from Islamic State fighters, as they have returned from the Middle East to live peaceful, crime-free lives in Sweden — according to officials in the nation’s capital.

>The capital’s anti-violent extremism co-ordinator, Christina Kiernan, made the claim that jihadists who had come back from Syria and Iraq were now living “orderly lives” following public anger over the government’s decision not to strip people who fought for radical Islamic terror groups of their Swedish passports.

>“The IS returnees we have talked to so far have no known current crime, they have a job and an orderly life to the extent that we do not have knowledge of activities that can in any way scare anyone,” she insisted during an appearance on TV4 this week.

>“So they are returning from this type of business and becoming caring, well-behaved citizens?” After Five presenter Tilde de Paula asked the Stockholm official to confirm.

Delingpole: May’s Fake Tory Government Caves to Anti-Fracking Loons


Theresa May’s Conservative In Name Only Government has caved to the Green Blob again — this time causing the resignation of its ‘Fracking Tsar’ Natascha Engel.

>Ms Engel, formerly a Labour MP, has tendered her resignation from her post as Commissioner for Shale Gas in protest at the government’s policy.

>Instead of accepting the overwhelming scientific evidence that fracking is safe, she complains, the government has been strangling the industry at birth by trying to appease ‘noisy green campaigners’.

>According to David Rose, who broke the story in the Mail on Sunday, Ms Engel sent her ‘explosive’ resignation letter to Energy Secretary Greg Clark last night.

R:682 / I:267 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #649 - Minecraft Adventures Edition

nu thred

R:751 / I:235 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #648: 'Ard Brexit Not Racist Just Don't Like Em Edition

Poll: Brexit Party in Third Place for National Voting Intentions, Ahead of Pro-Remain Lib Dems


The Brexit Party is gaining ground in national election voting intentions, coming third behind Labour and the Tories and ahead of establishment Remainer party the Liberal Democrats.

>The poll by YouGov, conducted between the 23rd and 24th of April, found that if there were a nation-wide General Election tomorrow, 30 per cent would vote Labour, 27 per cent for Conservatives, and 14 per cent for the Brexit Party. When Britons were asked the same question the week prior, support for the Brexit Party was at 12 per cent — representing a two point increase.

>The rising support comes as the party’s leader Nigel Farage announced that the Brexit Party, which polled first in a breakout result for European Parliament election voting intentions last week, would be running in May 2022’s General Election.

Macron Vows to Tackle ‘Political Islam’ in ‘Act II’ of Presidency


French President Emmanuel Macron has declared his intention to tackle “political Islam” in what he is labelling “Act II” of his term as French leader.

>President Macron said that the first “Act” of his presidency, which began in May 2017, was over and that he would be looking to focus on different issues between 2019 and 2021 when he is set to try for re-election. Among the topics will be the fight against a political Islam Macron described as forming parallel societies and attempting to “secede” from French society, Le Point reports.

>“We are above all the children of the Enlightenment,” Macron said and added that he wanted to see France rediscover “the art of being French” in a country that has become increasingly divided in recent years.

>One of the main pillars of Macron’s vision for France is the French brand of secularism, known in French as ‘Laïcité,’ with the French president saying, “Secularism is the possibility of believing in God or not believing in Him… of never imposing on society a religion or detracting from rules of the Republic to do this.”

Storm Hannah lashes UK amid severe weather warnings


Storm Hannah has hit the UK with winds of over 80mph and heavy rain after leaving thousands of properties across Ireland without power overnight.

>A yellow wind warning is in place for Wales and central and southern England until 15:00 BST, with traffic disruption and power cuts expected.

>The Met Office has said flooding is "likely" in Northern Ireland, where a yellow rain warning has been issued.

>Scotland and south-east England are expected to see better conditions.

R:751 / I:290 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #647: United Republic of Europia Edition

Exclusive: Former British Afghan Commander Warns on ‘Terrible, Highly Political’ EU Defence Fund


The European Parliament has approved a multi-billion euro EU Defence Fund described as “terrible and highly political” by a senior British Armed Forces veteran, as the bloc’s plans for a European Army — once dismissed as “fantasy” — plod forwards.

>The €13 billion EU Defence Fund was approved by 328 votes in favour to 231 against, according to Forbes, and helps move forward European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker’s agenda for a Defence Union — which eurocrats have become increasingly open about since the Brexit referendum was got out of the way in 2016.

>“More defence co-operation in Europe is essential to address the growing global instabilities and cross-border threats to our security. It is clear that no country can do this alone,” claimed Elżbieta Bieńkowska, a member of the unelected European Commission, which acts as both the EU’s executive arm and the sole initiator of EU-level legislation — with the European Parliament having a subordinate role amending and approving bloc law.

>“The European Defence Fund marks a big step forward in European defence matters. By promoting a strong and innovative defence industry, the Fund will strengthen the EU’s strategic autonomy and technological leadership in defence,” she added.

Delingpole: Sir Roger Scruton Just Won a Landmark Victory in the Culture Wars


Conservative philosopher Sir Roger Scruton has won a spectacular victory against the New Statesman – the left-wing magazine which interviewed him and then tried to smear him as a racist, bigot and anti-Semite.

>The smear — a result of selective editing of the interview and malicious tweeting by the magazine’s deputy editor George Eaton — cost Scruton his job on a government advisory body. Among those who initially condemned Scruton for his alleged remarks were various Conservatives, including MPs Tom Tugendhat, Johnny Mercer and James Brokenshire, and former Chancellor of the Exchequer turned freesheet editor George Osborne.

>But now journalist Douglas Murray has got hold of the original interview recording and analysed the transcripts in the Spectator. What becomes immediately clear is that Scruton was badly misrepresented. Not only is Eaton shown repeatedly trying to provoke Scruton into voicing provocative opinions he doesn’t actually hold, but it is also evident that the version of events Eaton subsequently presented in a series of trolling tweets bears little relation to Scruton’s measured, thoughtful discourse during the interview.

>The fall out of this will be huge. Indeed, it is hard to overstate what a triumph this represents for free speech, sound thinking and honest journalism against the malign and increasingly devious and censorious forces of the modern left.

Report: Meghan Markle to Skip President Trump’s UK State Visit


Meghan Markle is likely to be a no-show when President Donald Trump’s state visit to Britain goes ahead this summer, as her “convenient” maternity leave delivers an “excuse” not to meet him, a Royal expert has claimed.

>Duncan Larcombe told the Sun that Markle will skip any meeting with Mr. Trump because she will be excused on the grounds of her maternity leave.

>The President and First Lady Melania Trump will be guests of the Queen and will meet senior royals during the three-day visit that comes before the official D-Day commemorations. Larcombe told the newspaper:

R:730 / I:284 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #646:Chinese Microwaves Edition

May to Let China Build UK 5G Network, Damaging National Security, Anglosphere Co-operation


Theresa May appears set to approve Chinese participation in “non-core” elements of Britain’s 5G network via Huawei, delivering a blow to the Five Eyes security alliance of Anglosphere nations, reports suggest.

>The British prime minister overrode the objections of Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson, Home Secretary Sajid Javid, Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt, Trade Secretary Liam Fox, and International Development Secretary Penny Mordaunt at a meeting of the National Security Council to allow Huawei, an allegedly employee-owned Chinese telecoms giant, to develop “non-core” infrastructure for the 5G network, according to The Telegraph.

>Digital minister Margot James has pushed back on the reports somewhat, not denying that Huawei will be involved in 5G development, but claiming that “In spite of Cabinet leaks to the contrary, final decision yet to be made on managing threats to telecoms infrastructure.”

rev up the tinfoil lads

US-UK trade deal 'more difficult' with a customs union


The US Ambassador to the UK says negotiating a trade deal post-Brexit would be "much more difficult" if the UK is in a customs union with the EU.

>Woody Johnson also said it would be "more challenging" for the UK "to get control of [its] own trade policy".

>But he said President Donald Trump is still hopeful doing a "robust, big, very generous trade deal" with the UK after Brexit.

>President Trump will come to the UK for a state visit in June.

Sri Lanka suicide bomber who studied in UK named as Abdul Lathief Jameel Mohamed


Abdul Lathief Jameel Mohamed is believed to have studied in the southeast of England at some point between 2006 and 2007

>One of the suicide bombers behind the Sri Lanka suicide attacks was former UK student Abdul Lathief Jameel Mohamed, according to security sources.

>Mohamed is believed to have studied in the southeast of England at some point between 2006 and 2007 - and later did a postgraduate course in Australia, before returning to settle in Sri Lanka.

>The terrorist was one of nine who carried out a series of blasts targeting churches and hotels in the country, killing 359 people - including eight Britons - and injuring more than 500.

R:693 / I:311 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #645: St. George Edition


R:750 / I:235 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #644: Make Fucking Threads Edition

No links, go fuck yourselves.

R:751 / I:245 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #643: Eliminate Gays Edition

reminder that from this point forward, any gayist posters, including "ironic" gayist posters, will be banned. idc who you are, minimum 1 hour

R:719 / I:224 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #642:Not 'er Fan Edition

Here Come the Architects: Modernists Want Glass Roof, Steel Spire, or Minaret for Notre Dame


Modern architects have begun circling the charred remains of Notre Dame, proposing that it should not be faithfully restored, but rebuilt with “contemporary” features such as a glass roof, steel spire, or even a minaret.

>With leading academics and professionals in architecture generally being hostile to building or restoring anything in styles predating the infamous Le Corbusier (Charles-Édouard Jeanneret) and the Bauhaus school, they were quick to pounce when President Emmanuel Macron’s prime minister announced there would be a competition to “ask the question of whether we should even recreate the spire as it was conceived by… Or if, as is often the case in the evolution of heritage, we should endow Notre-Dame with a new spire”.

>The Telegraph published an article claiming it would be a “travesty” to restore Notre Dame as it was just a day after the fire, while Rolling Stone quoted a Harvard architecture historian as saying that the burning of a building “so overburdened with meaning… feels like an act of liberation.”

>Now proposals for a new spire are beginning to come together, and leading architects do indeed appear to be pushing for a “contemporary” spire in the ubiquitous glass and steel style used for modern buildings all over the world.

Extinction Rebellion: Met Police asks for 200 extra officers


The Met Police has requested about 200 extra officers from neighbouring forces to help deal with the Extinction Rebellion protests in central London.

>Oxford Circus was reopened to traffic on Saturday afternoon after officers cleared demonstrators. Protesters continue to occupy Waterloo Bridge and Parliament Square.

>The Met said 750 people have been arrested and 28 have been charged.

>Commissioner Cressida Dick said it had caused "miserable disruption".

Change UK: ‘we’re the natural home of the remain alliance’


New party says it has received more than 1,000 applications to stand in Europe elections from defectors from other parties

>The anti-Brexit party Change UK will this week unveil its list of 70 candidates for next month’s European elections after receiving more than 1,000 applications from former Labour, Tory, Liberal and Green party activists.

>The party’s interim leader, the former Tory MP Heidi Allen, who yesterday challenged other leaders to a TV debate, claimed that the exodus from established parties showed Change UK was now the “natural home of the ‘Remain Alliance’” and of people who wanted a second referendum.

>The party said that, of 3,700 people who had applied to stand under the Change UK banner in the 23 May poll, 895 were former Labour activists, 105 were ex-Liberal Democrats and 92 ex-Greens. Dozens of other applicants had been active in the Tory party, including former MPs. Of the Labour defectors, 32 were either former MPs, or had previously been parliamentary or council candidates.

R:741 / I:287 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #641:The greatest battle of our time Edition

THE STREAM (I think at least tbh lads someone said it was)




Dame Emma Thompson has flown 5,400 miles to take part in the so-called ‘Extinction Rebellion’ protests in London.

>The actress, star of such films as Saving Mr Banks and Nanny McPhee, made the unusual decision to fly halfway around the world to join in the environmental protests in the capital. Speaking of the protests, Thompson said she couldn’t attend from the beginning as she was celebrating her birthday.

>“I was not here on April 15 because I was with my husband because I was 60,” said the actress, who has been labelled a “champagne socialist” by critics.

>“I absolutely wanted to be arrested on my 60th birthday but I haven’t quite managed that,” she added.

Swedish Journalist Caught on Social Media Celebrating Notre Dame Fire


A Swedish journalist who writes for the newspaper Expressen was caught celebrating the tragic fire that engulfed the iconic Notre Dame cathedral in Paris earlier this week.

>Expressen‘s Alex Schulman posted an image of the cathedral on fire on Instagram with the caption “at last” using the “stories” feature which posts an image for up to 24 hours, Nyheter Idag reports.

>Schulman was slammed on other social media sites for celebrating the blaze by several accounts, including that of Swedish-Assyrian journalist and filmmaker Nuri Kino who is well-known for his reporting on human rights.

>“Finally? What have you longed for? That a cathedral should burn up? I hope this is a misunderstanding,” Kino wrote on Twitter. Schulman has so far not replied to Kino’s criticism, having not posted about the fire at all on Twitter.

‘Wait for the Next’ – Islamic State-linked Group Issue Notre Dame Threat


A radical group linked to the Islamic State has threatened an attack on the damaged cathedral of Notre Dame, or possibly another historic Christian building.

>Al-Munatsir, a radical group linked to Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s erstwhile caliphate, disseminated an image showing Notre Dame’s iconic bell towers engulfed in flames, with the caption “wait for the next”.

>The SITE Intelligence Group Enterprise counter-extremism organisation, which reported on the threat, appears to believe it was targetted at the Parisian cathedral — although it is possible “wait for the next” could refer to an attack on another Christian building.

>The French authorities do not believe the Notre Dame fire resulted from arson or terrorism at present, saying it was likely an accident.

R:728 / I:200 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #640: Here We Go Again Edition

Lyra McKee murder: Journalist shot dead during Derry rioting


One of Northern Ireland's "most promising" journalists has been shot dead during rioting that police are treating as a terrorist incident.

>Dissident republicans are being blamed for killing 29-year-old Lyra McKee after violence broke out during police searches in Londonderry on Thursday.

>Police said a group known as the New IRA "are likely to be the ones" responsible for her murder.

>Ms McKee's partner said she had been left without "the love of my life".

European Parliament’s Own Prediction Sees Populist Surge in May Elections


Populist, anti-mass migration, and Eurosceptic political parties have been predicted to make advances in the next European Parliament, according to an analysis of polling released by the parliament itself.'

>The European Parliament completed its final meeting of the 2014-2019 session Thursday and marked the occasion by releasing its own projections of how it believes the forthcoming elections to select the members of the next 2019-2024 session will see a surge in populist and Eurosceptic members.

>Although the electoral campaigns for the late May election have barely begun — especially in the United Kingdom, where there is some question over whether the vote will take place because of Brexit — the prediction suggests populist groups will surge, but would fail to unseat the centrist-right group from top position.

Jihadist Plotting Holy Week Attack in Spain Arrested


Earlier this week Moroccan police arrested 23-year-old Zouhair El Bouhdidi, claiming the radical Islamist was plotting a terror attack in the Spanish city of Seville.

>El Bouhdidi, along with the rest of his immediate family, has been living in the Spanish city for the past 14 years and, according to police, had plotted to become a suicide bomber, Spanish news site El Espanol reports.

>Police say the 23-year-old had planned to use the homemade explosive TATP, commonly referred to as “Mother of Satan”, to carry out the suicide attack.

>TATP was also the explosive of choice for the Barcelona terrorists, who allegedly managed to produce 450 lbs of the chemical compound and plotted to bomb the Eiffel Tower in Paris with a truck bomb.

Half of Britons Think Labour Has a Serious Antisemitism Problem


More than half, 51 per cent, of Britons believe that the Labour Party has a serious antisemitism problem — up from more than one third (34 per cent) in July 2018.

>The survey by ComRes for Jewish News also found that 48 per cent disagree with the statement that the party’s far-left leader, Jeremy Corbyn, has “absolute determination” to eradicate the hatred of Jews from Labour, while over half (55 per cent) believe that his failure to tackle antisemitism makes him unfit to be prime minister.

>Over half (54 per cent) believe Corbyn’s failure to deal with the anti-Jewish racism undermines his claims of being anti-racist, while 56 per cent believe the party leader is unable or unwilling to stamp out antisemitism.

>Last year, the Simon Wiesenthal Center ranked Mr Corbyn in fourth place on the list of the ten worst antisemitic incidents worldwide in 2018, with the list determining that the leftist “stands directly responsible” for “injecting the world’s oldest hatred into the mainstream of society.”

R:751 / I:227 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #639: Daftie the Arthog edition

>tfw no arthog gf

R:743 / I:295 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #638: Notre Dame is Burning Edition

Notre-Dame cathedral: Firefighters tackle blaze in Paris


Notre-Dame's spire collapses due to fire


Images of the blaze at Notre-Dame in Paris


R:736 / I:281 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #637: Carl Benjamin MEP Edition

Carl ‘Sargon of Akkad’ Benjamin Named UKIP Candidate for EU Elections


Classical liberal and social commentator Carl Benjamin, better known by his YouTube pseudonym Sargon of Akkad, has been selected as a UKIP candidate for next month’s European Parliament elections.

>UKIP published a partial list of candidates Friday, with party leader Gerard Batten saying those chosen were felt to be most appropriate “to fight for a real Brexit after the European elections. UKIP’s priority is to have MEPs who will fight to make Brexit happen.”

>Describing himself as an office worker “turned successful political commentator”, Mr Benjamin addressed his 940,000-strong YouTube subscriber audience in a video on Friday.

>"I want to see Britain out of the European Union. However, it seems the political class is guilty of dereliction of duty and will not deliver Britain’s exit from the EU, so regular people like myself have to start to get our hands dirty with the political process,” he said.

R:751 / I:316 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #636: Friend Bacon Edition

brexit is delayed again, damn the news

R:751 / I:285 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #635: BULGES ARE BACK ON THE MENU BOYS edition

Only big-bulges welcome, no tiny welshlad peckers

R:748 / I:236 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #634: Love My Lads and Lasses Edition


No links.

R:751 / I:332 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #633: Therapy Edition

edit it a proper OP pls westie or somebody

or somebody write one up and I'll edit it in

R:751 / I:292 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #632: Fire Rises Edition

Speech Police: Top Cop Warns Pro-Brexit Politicians Not to ‘Inflame People’s Views’

One of Britain’s top cops has warned prominent pro-Brexit figures to watch their language, claiming that if they fail to do so they could “inflame” an already “incredibly febrile atmosphere”.

>In just the latest example of Britain’s police forces taking to their newly discovered role of the guardians of speech with enthusiasm, a senior officer said of public discussion of Brexit: “This is highly emotive … I think there is a responsibility on those individuals that have a platform, and have a voice, to communicate in a way that is temperate and is not in any way going to inflame people’s views or cause any actions out of there.”

>“I think we are in an incredibly febrile atmosphere. There is a lot of angry talk that you can pick up if you look across social media.”

>National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) boss Martin Hewitt appeared to imply the nation is on the verge of violent disorder with his warning that public figures should “think carefully” before speaking at the same time as other headline-grabbing statements were issues by police, including an announcement that they have prepared a 10,000-man strong rapid reaction force to deal with riots.

Every Region in England & Wales Apart from London Backs No Deal over Remain


Every region in England and Wales apart from London supports leaving the European Union without a deal over Remaining, according to a poll.

>YouGov surveyed 2,098 adults between March 31st and April 1st and found that when asked the question, “If Britain has not agreed a deal by April 12th, what do you think should happen?” a plurality backed leaving on no-deal, World Trade Organization (WTO) terms.

>Broken down by region, 44 per cent of the south of England (excluding London) said they prefer no deal versus 34 per cent who said they would want to remain in the EU; 46 per cent of the combined Midlands/Wales region back no deal (31 per cent Remain); and 41 per cent of the North preferred leaving in a clean break versus 34 per cent for Remain.

>Both countries voted to leave the EU in the June 2016 referendum, leading to the victory for Leave for the entire sovereign state of the UK, and the results counter Remainer claims that Britons had changed their minds about Brexit — voters rather embracing essentially what establishment politicians deem a “hard” exit over Remaining in the EU.

Fortnite: Is Prince Harry right to want game banned?


Prince Harry has called for a ban on Fortnite, saying the survival game beloved by teenagers around the world, was "created to addict".

>His words add to a growing debate among health workers, governments and lobby groups about whether gaming can be harmful to health.

>The remarks come just before the Gaming Bafta Awards, one of the biggest nights in the UK's gaming calendar, which take place in London on Thursday evening.

>But is he right?

R:708 / I:249 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #631: April Fools Edition

shitposting allowed for today only i guess lol

Report: Gang Stole BILLIONS from UK Taxpayers, Infiltrated Govt, Funded al-Qaeda and Labour


A vast network of British Asian gang members linked to Abu Hamza and the 7/7 bombers infiltrated government agencies, defrauded taxpayers of billions of pounds, and funnelled tens of millions to Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda over 20 years, an investigation claims to have found.

>The report suggests that, through a complex series of tactics, including exploitation of illegal immigration, benefits fraud, VAT fraud, and mortgage fraud, the gang managed to steal an astonishing £8 billion.

>These funds were allegedly used to provide lavish lifestyles for the gang’s members, including luxury cars and properties — but also helped bankroll Osama bin Laden’s notorious al-Qaeda network, claims a Sunday Times investigation.

>It is believed that £80 million was sent to the jihadists to help them fund their radical Islamic terrorist activities, with a source claiming that “MI5 had information that the ultimate destination for some of the money was Osama bin Laden’s compound in Abbottabad.”

Japan reveals name of new imperial era will be 'Reiwa'


Japan has announced that the name of its new imperial era, set to begin on 1 May, will be "Reiwa" - signifying order and harmony.

>The country's current era, Heisei, will end in a month with Emperor Akihito's historic abdication.

>Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga announced the highly anticipated name by holding up a board with the characters handwritten on it.

>Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has addressed the nation to explain its meaning.

Call for UK to ban patients travelling to China for 'organ tourism'


Forty MPs back effort before inquiry into allegations of forced organ harvesting

>UK patients should be banned from travelling to China for transplant surgery, the government has been told, before an inquiry into allegations of forced organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience.

>The call has so far been backed by 40 MPs from all parties before the next session of the independent China tribunal, which is investigating claims that detainees are being targeted by the regime. China dismisses the allegations as malicious rumours and insists that it adheres to international medical standards that require organ donations to be made by consent and without any financial charges.

>Opening a Westminster Hall debate last week, the DUP MP Jim Shannon urged the UK government to consider imposing an organ tourism ban like those already enacted by Italy, Spain, Israel and Taiwan.

R:724 / I:333 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #630: Libtards Demolished Edition

>Messed Up: Guy Beats Up His Girlfriend After She Played A “Break Up” Prank On Him!


>SMH: Dude Tries To Get A Refund After Eating Entire Plate Of Chicken!


>Killed It: Senior Citizens Recreate 'Twerk' Video!


>Local News Channel Attempt To Be Cool Is Super Cringe!


>Lol: He Punched His Momma In The Face Over Some Frosted Flakes!


R:714 / I:293 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #629: Keek Edition


pls edit in a proper OP here

R:751 / I:300 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #628: Europe BTFO Edition

British no more: Why some UK citizens face Brexit dilemma


The number of UK citizens acquiring the nationality of another EU country has shot up since the 2016 Brexit referendum.

>For many Britons living in Germany, France or Italy, dual nationality solves questions about freedom of movement to work in the EU, pensions and healthcare.

>But a handful of EU countries, including Austria, do not generally allow dual citizenship.

>That makes things complicated for people like British opera singer Stephen Chaundy, who has lived in Vienna with his family for many years, but often works in theatres and opera houses in Germany.

Macron Hopes Old Woman Injured in Police Charge Gains ‘Wisdom’, ‘Fragile’ People Should Avoid Prohibited Areas


PARIS (AP) – French President Emmanuel Macron has told a newspaper he hopes a 73-year old Yellow Vest protester who suffered serious head injuries after being charged by police in Nice, gains “wisdom” over the incident.

>Anti-globalisation activist Genevieve Legay remains in hospital Monday after police advanced aggressively on people defying a protest ban Saturday.

>An Associated Press reporter saw Legay, who was waving a rainbow flag marked “Peace”, fall to the pavement, blood spilling from her head.

>In an interview published in Nice Matin on Monday, Macron suggested Legay didn’t behave “responsibly,” saying that “fragile” people shouldn’t attend “places that are defined as prohibited.”

Newspapers help to radicalise far right, says UK anti-terror chief


Neil Basu criticises hypocrisy of mainstream news providers in wake of Christchurch attack

>Britain’s counter-terrorism chief has said far-right terrorists are being radicalised by mainstream newspaper coverage, while also criticising the hypocrisy of outlets such as Mail Online, which uploaded the “manifesto” of the gunman in the Christchurch terror attack.

>Neil Basu, one of Britain’s top police officers, said it was ironic that while newspapers have repeatedly criticised the likes of Facebook and Google for hosting extremist content, sites including the Sun and the Mirror rushed to upload clips of footage filmed by the gunman as he attacked two mosques in New Zealand.

>“The same media companies who have lambasted social media platforms for not acting fast enough to remove extremist content are simultaneously publishing uncensored Daesh [Islamic State] propaganda on their websites, or make the rambling ‘manifestos’ of crazed killers available for download,” Basu said in an open letter to the media on how to report terrorism.

R:744 / I:316 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #627: Emergency Bread Edition

No time for links it's an emergency!

R:751 / I:238 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #626: Based Winter Chan Edition

BBC Weather: Snow forecast to BLANKET Britain as bitterly cold system RETURNS


BBC WEATHER has forecast snow is set to return to some parts of the country this weekend as bone-chilling air heads southwards towards Britain.

>BBC Weather has claimed snow could blanket northern parts of Scotland and fall to lower levels as bitterly cold air returns to the nation this weekend. Temperatures have neared the high teens this week with spring-like conditions gripping much of Britain. But, thermometers are expected to dip once again this weekend, as a bone-chilling system whips towards the north of the UK.

>BBC Weather forecaster Ben Rich said: “During this evening and tonight, a predominately cloudy night, quite misty and murky, damp and drizzly in western areas.

>“This rain band then starts to approach the far northwest of the UK. Temperatures overnight around 8C to 10C.

Brexit: Theresa May to urge MPs to back deal as delay agreed


Theresa May will return to the UK later to try to convince MPs to support her withdrawal deal after the EU agreed to postpone Brexit beyond 29 March.

>On Thursday night, after eight hours of talks, EU leaders offered to delay Brexit until 22 May if MPs approve Mrs May's deal next week.

>If they do not approve it, the delay will be shorter - until 12 April - at which point the UK must set out its next steps or leave without a deal.

>Mrs May said MPs had a "clear choice".

Swedish Employment Service Demands More Migration to Prop up Welfare State


Sweden needs more migrants to keep its vast welfare state afloat despite the high unemployment rate for foreigners, according to the country’s Public Employment Service Director General Mikael Sjöberg.

>Mr Sjöberg, along with labour market analyst Torbjörn Israelsson, argues that the increase in the country’s elder population in coming decades could lead to a collapse of the welfare state without added migration, Nyheter Idag reports.

>The pair, do, however, acknowledge the huge disparity between the employment rate of native-born Swedes and foreign-born residents which was highlighted in a report last year that showed natives to have a low 3.6 per cent unemployment rate while the rate for foreigners was 19.9 per cent.

>The unemployment difference is also clearly seen in the heavily migrant-populated city of Malmö where the unemployment rate is double the national average.

R:738 / I:235 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #625: Brexit Machine Broke Edition

Watch Live: UK Prime Minister May Addresses Nation on Brexit Crisis


The Prime Minister addressed the nation Wednesday evening, telling the British public that the country would not be leaving the European Union next week as promised.

>The notification from the Prime Minister’s office of the last-minute address of the nation came after Theresa May wrote to the European Union asking for an extension of Article 50 — the political shorthand name for the negotiating period Britain has been engaged in for the past two years — before being almost immediately rejected.

>While Brexit is meant to officially take place on March 29th — a date promised by the Prime Minister 108 times, according to the research of one member of Parliament — May has now requested an extension to June 30th, to give her extra time to force her controversial new negotiated relationship with the EU on the country.

>The European Union reacted by saying the extension must be either much shorter — just a few weeks — or much longer, at a year or more. Adding to speculation over what might yet be awaiting Britain, the Prime Minister somewhat cryptically told Parliament during her comments at lunchtime that she would not be the Prime Minister to see Brexit extended beyond June 30th — apparently implying that if Parliament or the European Union attempted to force a longer delay, she would resign.

Geert Wilders Slams Dutch Open Borders Policies After Utrecht ‘Terror’ Shooting


Populist Dutch politicians hit out at the government’s pro-migration policies as voters went to the polls on Wednesday following a suspected terror attack by a Turkish migrant.

>At Tuesday evening’s final debate before provincial elections, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte has heavily criticised over the previous day’s shooting by a Turkish immigrant on a tram in Utrecht, which left three people dead and several more seriously injured.

>Veteran anti-Islamisation and anti-mass migration campaigner Geert Wilders accused the liberal premier along with Christian Democratic Appeal (CDA) leader Sybrand Buma of crying on “crocodile tears” in response to the attack.

Christchurch shootings: UK media 'must deny terrorists a voice'


The UK media must not help terrorists by showing "harmful" content in their coverage of incidents, Britain's most senior counter-terrorism officer says.

>Neil Basu said a "sensible conversation" was needed about how incidents like the Christchurch attack should be reported.

>Several UK newspaper websites used film taken by suspected gunman or posted links to his so-called "manifesto".

>Mr Basu said it was wrong to "hide behind the mantra" of free speech.

R:748 / I:224 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #624: 4chan Ban Edition

Majority of Britons Don’t Trust Politicians to ‘Do The Right Thing By the Country Over Brexit’


A poll has found that Britons are more comfortable with the “brief uncertainty” of a clean-break Brexit than are happy with a Brexit extension, and a clear majority think the European Union is punishing the United Kingdom for wanting to leave.

>In a poll for The Telegraph by ComRes, 46 per cent said that leaving the EU in a clean break would “briefly cause some uncertainty but ultimately work out okay,” while 40 per cent supported an extension to Article 50.

>MPs voted that the UK must leave the EU on March 29th; however, Prime Minister Theresa May surrendered ground to Remainers last month and agreed that should her unpopular Withdrawal Agreement be voted down for a second time, she would allow a vote on taking no-deal off the table and delaying Brexit.

>A poll taken in advance of last week’s House of Commons vote on extending Article 50 found that a majority of Britons were against any Brexit delay; in despite of public opinion, the lower house voted to delay Brexit on Thursday.

Telcos block access to 4chan, other sites


>Several websites including 4chan have been blocked by major Australian telcos for continuing to host footage of the Christchurch terrorist attack.

>Telstra on Tuesday blocked access to 4chan, 8chan and Voat, the blog Zerohedge and video hosting platform Liveleak.

>"We understand this may inconvenience some legitimate users of these sites, but these are extreme circumstances and we feel this is the right thing to do," Telstra networks and IT executive Nikos Katinakis said in a statement.

UK employment at highest since 1971


>The 76.1% employment rate is the highest since records began in 1971.

>Unemployment fell by 35,000 to 1.34 million in the period, putting the rate below 4% for the first time since 1975.

>The figure is 112,000 lower than a year ago, giving a jobless rate of 3.9%, well below the EU average of 6.5%.

R:751 / I:229 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #623: Older Mediterranean Queens Edition

Your first thread from the best thread maker in a while. This time I'm telling you to do two things. Subscribe to PewDiePie and follow his example and race mix with a med girl. By breeding out wh*toid genes and BLEACHing swarthy girls, together we can defeat T-Series and save the internet!

Terror investigation in Surrey after man stabbed


>Counter terror police are investigating a suspected far-right inspired attack in which a 19-year-old man was stabbed.

>The victim suffered non-fatal injuries after being struck by a man armed with a baseball bat and knife and shouting racist abuse in Stanwell, Surrey.

>The man, 50, was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder and a racially-aggravated public order offence.

>Home Secretary Sajid Javid called on society to "reject the terrorists and extremists who seek to divide us".

Comic Relief: Bodyguard and Four Weddings reunion help raise £63m


>Stars of Four Weddings and a Funeral reunited for the first time in 25 years to help Comic Relief raise £63m.

>In the mini sequel, Rowan Atkinson returned as the bumbling vicar - this time presiding over the daughter of the two original leads, Carrie (Andie MacDowell) and Charles (Hugh Grant).

>Miranda, played by Lily James, was seen marrying the daughter of Fiona (Dame Kristen Scott Thomas).

>The show also saw the return of Keeley Hawes in a Bodyguard spin-off.

Eurostar tells customers 'don't travel'


>Eurostar has told passengers only to travel from Paris to London "if absolutely necessary".

>Its services have been hit by serious delays, as long queues have formed due to industrial action by French customs officers.

>Four trains were cancelled on Sunday and another three will not run on Monday.

The fallout from the meme man's shooting continues as /newbrit/ disavows anything to do him as we are a board of peace and tolerance

R:740 / I:247 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #622: FUCK 22ST Edition


‘Parliament No Longer Represents the People’: May Loses Control of OWN MOTION Hijacked by Hardline Remainers


Brexiteers have reacted with anger after the House of Commons voted to stop the UK leaving the EU without a deal, whilst the Tory Party is in disarray after Prime Minister Theresa May lost control of her own motion.'

>Veteran Brexit campaigner Nigel Farage said immediately after the vote, “A total disgrace, Parliament no longer represents the people,” adding, “This is a Parliament of outright liars. We will have to fight them again. And mark my words — we will beat them once more.”

>Mr Farage later penned a piece for The Telegraph, where he confirmed what he had written in 2017 that “The great Brexit betrayal has begun,” noting, “Well, although it pains me to say it, the vote in Parliament to take no deal off the table proves that, 20 months ago, I was right.”

>Tory Brexiteer MP Bernard Jenkin called it a “sad day for democracy” whilst MEP Dan Hannan accused “Tory Euro-zealots” of “delegitimising our system of government.”

‘Time to WAKE UP!’ Ireland issues furious Brexit warning - ‘UK could be FLOODED’


BRITISH businesses will suffer as the UK becomes “flooded” by EU produce if Theresa May enacts her no deal Brexit tariff plan, Ireland has warned.

>A furious source in Dublin hit out at the Government’s new tariff scheme which was unveiled in the wake of Mrs May’s second crushing Brexit deal defeat. Under the scheme announced this morning, the Government has promised a “temporary approach to checks, processes and tariffs” in order to avoid a hard border on the island of Ireland. To do so, Britain will not introduce any new checks or controls on goods crossing the land border meaning there will be no customs requirements on “nearly all goods”.

>Goods going directly from the Republic of Ireland to the UK, for example by boat from ports in Dublin or Rosslare to Britain, would still be subject to WTO tariffs.

>The Government confirmed any new measures would only be introduced to protect Northern Irish businesses, ensure compliance with international legal obligations and uphold the biosecurity of the island.

Right to Buy homes re-sold since 2000 made £6.4bn in profit


A former council tenant bought their home under Right to Buy for £8,000 and sold it on for £285,000 nine days later - a £277,000 profit, the BBC found.

>The Solihull buyer was among 140 in Great Britain who bought and resold within one month, making a £3m collective profit.

>Opponents of the scheme said too many people had profited from a policy that had "much bigger social ambitions".

>Supporters said Right to Buy helped people secure their financial future.

R:751 / I:241 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #621: Locate the Brexit Edition

‘Parliament No Longer Represents the People’: May Loses Control of OWN MOTION Hijacked by Hardline Remainers


Brexiteers have reacted with anger after the House of Commons voted to stop the UK leaving the EU without a deal, whilst the Tory Party is in disarray after Prime Minister Theresa May lost control of her own motion.'

>Veteran Brexit campaigner Nigel Farage said immediately after the vote, “A total disgrace, Parliament no longer represents the people,” adding, “This is a Parliament of outright liars. We will have to fight them again. And mark my words — we will beat them once more.”

>Mr Farage later penned a piece for The Telegraph, where he confirmed what he had written in 2017 that “The great Brexit betrayal has begun,” noting, “Well, although it pains me to say it, the vote in Parliament to take no deal off the table proves that, 20 months ago, I was right.”

>Tory Brexiteer MP Bernard Jenkin called it a “sad day for democracy” whilst MEP Dan Hannan accused “Tory Euro-zealots” of “delegitimising our system of government.”

‘Time to WAKE UP!’ Ireland issues furious Brexit warning - ‘UK could be FLOODED’


BRITISH businesses will suffer as the UK becomes “flooded” by EU produce if Theresa May enacts her no deal Brexit tariff plan, Ireland has warned.

>A furious source in Dublin hit out at the Government’s new tariff scheme which was unveiled in the wake of Mrs May’s second crushing Brexit deal defeat. Under the scheme announced this morning, the Government has promised a “temporary approach to checks, processes and tariffs” in order to avoid a hard border on the island of Ireland. To do so, Britain will not introduce any new checks or controls on goods crossing the land border meaning there will be no customs requirements on “nearly all goods”.

>Goods going directly from the Republic of Ireland to the UK, for example by boat from ports in Dublin or Rosslare to Britain, would still be subject to WTO tariffs.

>The Government confirmed any new measures would only be introduced to protect Northern Irish businesses, ensure compliance with international legal obligations and uphold the biosecurity of the island.

Right to Buy homes re-sold since 2000 made £6.4bn in profit


A former council tenant bought their home under Right to Buy for £8,000 and sold it on for £285,000 nine days later - a £277,000 profit, the BBC found.

>The Solihull buyer was among 140 in Great Britain who bought and resold within one month, making a £3m collective profit.

>Opponents of the scheme said too many people had profited from a policy that had "much bigger social ambitions".

>Supporters said Right to Buy helped people secure their financial future.

R:711 / I:272 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #620: Dellingpole Advocates Fucking Killing Blairites Edition

EU Prez: UK’s Experience of Leaving EU Will Serve as a ‘Deterrent’ to Others


European Parliament president Antonio Tajani has said that the experiences of Britain attempting to leave the EU will serve as a “deterrent” to other nations considering leaving the bloc.

>Speaking to Germany’s Morgenpost, the Italian politician was asked whether, after nearly three years since the referendum and months of negotiation with obstructive Eurocrats in Brussels, he believed other Eurosceptic member states would be inspired by the UK to leave the bloc.

>“I think that’s impossible,” Mr Tajani told the Berlin daily. “The example of the British will serve as a deterrent. We have to change the European Union. But we have to stay together.”

>Saying that he would be “very happy if the British stayed in the EU,” he maintained that Brussels would remain inflexible on Prime Minister Theresa May’s withdrawal agreement and would only grant an extension to Article 50 if the UK gave a reason — suggesting a “new election or a new referendum” — but otherwise, the current impasse would not be eased by the bloc.

Delingpole: Tony Blair Is a Traitor. Where’s Capital Punishment When You Need It?


Even though Cicero almost certainly never used those pungent lines above so frequently attributed to him on the internet, it’s blindingly obvious whom he would have meant if he had been using them: Tony bloody Blair.

>There is lots of competition for the title Most Godawful Prime Minister in British History. Theresa May is currently keeping it in a locked safe, above the drawer where she keeps her leather trousers. But Blair is and long has been one of the strongest contenders for the crown. And it’s quite possible given today’s allegations that he has been “secretly advising’ Emmanuel Macron on how to thwart Brexit – that he’ll snatch the title back from May and keep it forever.

>According to the Telegraph – citing “sources in Paris” – Tony Blair has been advising the EU to give Britain no concessions at all in the Brexit negotiations. Eventually, so his theory goes, Britain will see the error of its ways and realise that it has much less to lose simply by staying in the EU.

>There’s a word for colluding with foreign powers against your own people. In better times, Tony Blair would have been imprisoned in the Tower and then shot at dawn for it. And in better times still, he would have been hung, drawn and quartered – his entrails burned in front of him – before his head was put on a spike at the entrance to the city of London pour encourager les autres.

Brexit 'sees UK finance firms move £900bn to Europe'


A report into the impact of Brexit on banking and finance firms says some £900bn in financial firms' assets have been moved out of the UK.

>It adds this has cost £3bn-4bn and involves 5,000 expected staff moves or local hires, and that figure will rise.

>The study, by capital markets think tank New Financial, says 275 firms have moved some or all of their business with Dublin the most popular location.

>It says the hit to London was bigger than expected and would get worse.

R:732 / I:221 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #619: Monarchichal Embryoism Will Save Us Edition

‘I Feel the Embyronic Kicking of Feminism’ – Meghan Wants Feminist Royal Baby


Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, née Meghan Markle, used an International Women’s Day event that she and husband Harry, Duke of Sussex, hope their baby will be a feminist.

>“I’d seen this documentary on Netflix on feminism and one of the things they said during pregnancy was, ‘I feel the embryonic kicking of feminism’,” the American divorcee, 37, told her audience at the Queen’s Commonwealth Trust event, hosted by King’s College London.

>“I loved that — boy or girl, whatever it is, we hope that’s the case, our little bump,” added the former Suits actress.

>The Duchess — also known as the Countess of Dunbarton in Scotland, and Baroness Carrickfergus in Northern Ireland — was enthusiastically embraced by the left-liberal commentariat, many of whom regarded the entry of a mixed race woman to the Royal Family as a totemic symbol of social progress.

France: Yellow Vests March Against Macron for 17th Weekend Straight


PARIS (AP) – Hundreds of protesters from France’s yellow vest movement marched Saturday for a 17th straight weekend in Paris and other cities to maintain pressure on the government to reverse policies they see as favouring the rich.

>Women, some carrying pink balloons, led the calm and orderly Paris march, advocating for equal rights and equal pay a day after International Women’s Day.

>A water cannon contained several hundred protesters who remained on the Champs-Elysees and wanted to leave the security perimeter.

>The march, which began at the Arc de Triomphe, at the top of the famed avenue, looped through both sides of the Seine River before ending at the top of Luxembourg Gardens on the Left Bank.

Brexit: We will not back deal which breaks up UK - Leadsom


The government will not sign up to a Brexit agreement that breaks up the UK, Commons Leader Andrea Leadsom has said.

>EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier said on Friday that the UK would be free to leave a proposed single customs territory with the EU - provided Northern Ireland remained within it.

>The DUP - the party Theresa May relies on for a majority in Parliament - has rejected the proposal.

>The plan is designed to avoid physical checks on the Irish border.

R:742 / I:287 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #618: European Federation Edition

Macron Attacks Brexit, Calls for ‘European Federalism’ in Pre-Election War Cry


Globalist French President Emmanuel Macron has made a direct address to the over 500 million people who live in the European Union, calling on them to support his vision of a more centralised and powerful “project” European Union which, he believes, could even entice the United Kingdom into cancelling Brexit.

>The plea to voters to back an enhanced European Union which would take more control over its member nation states comes just months before the continental power bloc holds elections to select Members of the European Parliament for the next five-year term.

>While the European Parliament itself is largely impotent, with the real power to propose and direct legislation given to the unelected European Commission, the vote is being seen as one that will inform the tone and direction of the European Union for the coming years. Given several recent polls and projections that suggest populist parties are likely to surge in the vote, loyal Europhiles including President Macron have made campaigning in the vote a personal interest.

>An English language translation of the letter provided by the President’s Elysee Palace office reveals Macron’s preoccupation with Brexit, which he called a symbol of “the crisis of Europe, which has failed to respond to its peoples’ needs for protection from the major shocks of the modern world… the anger mongers, backed by fake news, promise anything and everything.”

also there was bomb

UK Police Investigate ‘Improvised Explosives’ Found at London Heathrow and City Airports, Waterloo Station


A series of mailed improvised explosive devices have been found at a series of key transport infrastructure sites across London, with transport workers placed on high alert for more.

>Londons Metropolitan Police, who as well as taking responsibility for London policing also lead the UK’s counter-terrorism police force, said they launched an investigation Tuesday after three suspicious packages were discovered. The force said they were treating the packages as linked.

>In an internal message seen by Breitbart London Tuesday, transport workers were warned “padded envelopes… unusual items” had been delivered to several transport operators through the regular Royal Mail post and that one had detonated. Staff, and particularly ones in “major operational buildings” were warned to evacuate in the case of suspicious packages being found.

>Police said one package that had been opened by staff in Hounslow had ignited and burnt the packaging. There have been no injuries.

Elite UK school fees paid via tax haven firms, leak reveals


Charterhouse one of 50 private education providers to have received funds via Baltic bank

>An elite boarding school is one of 50 British education providers to have received fees via tax haven companies that were customers of a now defunct Lithuanian bank, according to data from one of the largest ever banking leaks.

>The disclosures come after ministers specifically warned private schools to undertake better due diligence over the sources of fee payments.

>Charterhouse, in Surrey, describes itself as “one of the great historic schools of England”, espousing “sound Christian values”. Established in 1611 on the site of a monastery, it has educated some of the giants of public life, including the poet Robert Graves, the broadcaster Jonathan Dimbleby, and 200 years before him, the evangelical preacher John Wesley. The foreign secretary, Jeremy Hunt, is a former head boy.

R:725 / I:259 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #617: under attack lads edition

Calais: Dozens of Migrants Storm Ferry in ‘Co-ordinated Attack’ on UK Border


Dozens of migrants stormed a ferry in Calais, France, in a bid to break into Britain on Saturday night, in what police called a “co-ordinated attack” on the French docks.

>Between 9:15 p.m. and 9:30 p.m., more than 50 migrants managed to board a Calais Seaways ferry which had just sailed in from Dover, England, with 211 passengers and 75 crew members on board, local media reports.

>State representative for the Nord-Pas-de-Calais department, Jean-Philippe Vennin, said a high tide enabled the horde of migrants — whose nationalities are reportedly not yet known — to board the DFDS Seaways vessel using a maintenance ladder.

>“Two of the migrants fell into the water and were quickly fished out by firefighters” while police organised “the removal of vehicles, cars and trucks” from the ferry, Vennin told local media.

fresh ginnie

UK weather forecast: Met Office issues Storm Freya warning as 80mph gales hit Britain


Strong winds travelling at speeds of up to 80mph expected to hit coastal areas

>The Met Office has issued a severe yellow weather warning as Storm Freya approaches the UK, bringing heavy gales and possible travel disruption.

>Dangerous weather conditions and winds travelling at up to 80mph are expected to hit England and Wales on Sunday afternoon.

>Forecasters expect the storm to pose a “danger to life” and fear that flying debris and large waves could cause injuries.

Hale Barns stabbing: Yousef Ghaleb Makki, 17, killed in attack


A 17-year-old boy has been stabbed to death in Greater Manchester.

>Yousef Ghaleb Makki was found in Gorse Bank Road in the suburb of Hale Barns at about 18:40 GMT on Saturday.

>He was taken to hospital where he died. Two boys, also aged 17, have been arrested on suspicion of murder and remain in police custody for questioning.

>Officers appealed for information and said there would be extra patrols in the area.

R:733 / I:283 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #616: FUCK WELSHLAD EDITION


R:751 / I:257 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #615: Only Non-whites allowed in this thread editon


R:751 / I:266 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #614: OooooooOoh Tommy Edition

Tommy RoThe Poster Formerly Known As Binson Banned from Facebook, Instagram

https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2019/02/26/tommy-roThe Poster Formerly Known As Binson-banned-from-facebook-instagram/

Facebook has banned British citizen journalist and street organiser Tommy RoThe Poster Formerly Known As Binson from its platforms, including Instagram, in a move that comes days after he released a new documentary exposing what he claimed to be dishonest practise at establishment media giant BBC.

>The social media giant claimed in a statement published Tuesday that Tommy RoThe Poster Formerly Known As Binson’s own Facebook page, which had around one million ‘likes’ before deletion, “has repeatedly broken [Facebook community] standards, posting material that uses dehumanizing language and calls for violence targeted at Muslims. He has also behaved in ways that violate our policies around organized hate.”

AP Blasts ‘Resentment’ Aimed at ‘Great Gains’ of Trans Athletes


As biological males and other trans athletes continue to rack-up an impressive record of victory while competing against biological females, a recent article by the Associated Press sounds the alarm over the “resentment,” that success might bring.

>In an article posted by NBC News on Monday, the AP argues that even erstwhile allies, like tennis great and gay activist Martina Navratilova, can become resentful of transgender women dominating their sport.

UK beats winter temperature record again


The UK has broken the record for its warmest winter day for the second consecutive day, with a temperature of 21.2°C in Kew Gardens, London.

>Monday was the first time temperatures of over 20C had been reported in winter, breaking a record that had stood since 1998.

>It means parts of Britain have been hotter than destinations such as Ibiza.

>Last February, temperatures in the UK plunged as low as -11.7C at South Farnborough, Hampshire.

R:750 / I:247 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #613: Panzie Is Not Very Well Edition

Dover migrants: Border Force launch emergency search after EMPTY boat seen off Kent coast


>THREE lifeboats, a helicopter and Border Force officials launched an emergency search after an empty boat was seen floating off the Kent coast this morning, it has been confirmed.

>It is unknown how many people were on the dinghy or where they are now. A number of lifejackets were also been spotted near Shakespeare beach. Confirming the operation, the Home Office said in a statement: “Border Force is currently dealing with an ongoing small boat incident off the Kent coast.

>“Further details will be provided once the situation has been resolved.”

>The search has since been called off after no-one was found.

>The latest update comes less than a week after a group of 34 migrants were brought to shore after trying to travel to the UK in a small boat.

>Once safely brought to shore, all on board were transferred to immigration officials for interview.

>Nearly 100 people are thought to have tried to cross the English Channel in small boats so far this year.

Theresa May under pressure to consider Brexit delay


>Theresa May is facing growing calls to say she would delay Brexit rather than leave the EU if no deal is in place by the end of March.

>A new plan from some Tory MPs suggests ministers postpone Brexit until 23 May "to conclude negotiations".

>It is being suggested as an alternative to cross-party proposals which would see MPs take control of the process.

>Dutch PM Mark Rutte warned Mrs May the UK was "sleepwalking into a no-deal scenario" and needed to "wake up".

>The pair met at a summit in Egypt, as she presses EU leaders for more concessions to her deal.

Trump and the North Korean leader 'have a chance' to achieve total denuclearization


>President Trump remained coy on the itinerary for his meeting with Kim, but promised the two-and-a-half day summit would be 'interesting'

>Trump declared that him and Kim Jong Un have developed a 'very good' relationship over the past year and do manage to see eye-to-eye on matters

>He cooled any expectation of a profound breakthrough in denuclearization talks in a convoluted speech that hinted at total disarmament - 'but maybe not'

>In a tweet, Trump predicted that North Korea could become an economic superpower if it acquiesced the the US' demands to disarm

R:711 / I:306 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #612 Brexit Soon Edition

UK food imports from EU face '£9bn tariff bill' under no-deal Brexit


Analysis comes as government expected to outline plans to mitigate price shock next week

>The government is expected next week to spell out its plan to mitigate a potential £9bn food-price shock from a no-deal Brexit, as analysts predict the cost of staples such as beef, cheddar cheese and tomatoes could soar.

>With just over a month until the Brexit deadline, the Department for International Trade is expected on Monday to publish a list of new import taxes, or tariffs, that will apply to 5,200 products, including food and clothing, should the UK crash out of the EU without a deal.

>The relationship with the EU is key to the price of food because nearly one third of the food eaten in the UK comes from the bloc. At this time of year the situation is more acute because, with UK produce out of season, 90% of lettuces, 80% of tomatoes and 70% of soft fruit is sourced from, or via, the EU.

ISIS Bride Vows Son ‘Will Grow Up to Be a Jihadist’ as Crumbling Caliphate Evacuated


(AFP) — “My son will grow up to become a jihadist,” a woman cried proudly as she stepped off a bus ferrying people out of the Islamic State group’s last sliver of territory in eastern Syria.

>Defiant and angry, she is one of 2,000 people evacuated Friday from the jihadists’ final scrap of territory in the village of Baghouz near the Iraqi border.

>At a screening point run by the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces close to the village, women clad in black sat on the barren desert floor waiting to be searched by the Kurdish-led fighters.

>When asked where they came from, a group of three veiled women sitting on the rocky terrain said they were “followers” of IS’s so-called “caliphate”.

Assam toxic alcohol deaths: 99 people die in north-eastern Indian state


At least 99 people have died and more than 100 are being treated in hospital after drinking toxic bootleg alcohol in north-eastern India, officials say.

>Several women are among the victims, who all worked on tea plantations in Assam state.

>The deaths come days after tainted spirits killed about 100 people in the northern states of Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand.

>An inquiry has been ordered into the tragedy.

R:685 / I:317 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #611 Yes Sir I Can Boogie Edition

New thread

R:710 / I:290 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #610: Welsh Powerhouse Edition

Wales' employment rate rises five times faster than UK


Wales continues to have a higher proportion of adults who are working compared with the UK as a whole, according to the latest official figures.

>Between October and December 2018 the Welsh employment rate was 76.2%, while the UK average was 75.8%.

>In Wales in the past year, there has been a 3.7 percentage point rise in the rate of adults working.

>That is five times greater than the UK increase of 0.7 percentage points.

Shamima Begum has UK citizenship revoked by British government, ITV News learns


Islamic State schoolgirl Shamima Begum has had her British citizenship revoked, her family has been told in a letter from the Home Office.

>The letter, obtained by ITV News, was received by Ms Begum's mother on Tuesday.

>"Please find enclosed papers that relate to a decision taken by the Home Secretary, to deprive your daughter, Shamima Begum, of her British citizenship," the letter read.

Bernie Sanders announces second US presidential bid


US Senator Bernie Sanders says he will run again for president in 2020, making a second attempt to win the Democratic Party's nomination.

>The 77-year-old Vermont senator became a progressive political star in 2016 although he lost his candidacy bid.

>His campaign says it raised $1m (£777,000) within three and half hours of launching.

>An outspoken critic of President Donald Trump, Mr Sanders has described him as a "pathological liar" and "racist".

EU Launches Chemical Sales Crackdown as ISIS Jihadis Flock Back to Europe


EU authorities are tightening up restrictions on chemical sales in a bid to stop returning ISIS militants from blowing up Europeans with homemade explosives.

>Proposed changes to 2013 restrictions on the marketing and use of explosives precursors were introduced following a European Commission review which noted bombs cooked up by Islamists had been used in the “vast majority of terrorist attacks in the EU” including Madrid in 2004, London in 2005, Paris in 2015, Brussels in 2016, and Manchester and Parsons Green in 2017.

>Under the proposals, which have still to be signed off by the EU Parliament’s plenary, Brussels will place additional restrictions on the public’s ability to buy substances such as chemical fertilisers which can be used to make explosives, and require businesses to alert authorities to “suspicious transactions”.

R:671 / I:287 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #609: Kosovo Independence Edition


R:751 / I:294 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #608: French Revolution Edition

Yellow Vest Claims Movement Has ‘Paramilitaries’ Ready to Overthrow Macron


Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vest) movement member Christophe Chalençon announced that the anti-establishment movement has “paramilitaries” ready to overthrow the French government.

>Mr Chalençon made the claim following an interview with Italian media this week after being asked about his meeting with Five Star Movement leader Luigi Di Maio earlier this month BFMTV reports.

>Despite the interview being over, the cameras kept recording and published the remarks of Chalençon who said, “I know I’m risking a lot, I can get shot in the head anytime, but I’ll be at the end of my convictions, because if they put a bullet in my head, Macron will be placed in the guillotine.”

>“We have come to such a point of confrontation, that if they kill me, he is dead too because the people come back to the Elysée and they will dismantle everything… There are many of us like that,” he said, and added: “We have paramilitaries who are ready to intervene because they also want to bring down the government.”

Brexit: UK-US agree to preserve trading arrangements


The UK has struck a deal with the US to preserve £12.8bn of trade after Brexit.

>The mutual recognition agreement replicates the current deal between the EU and US on technical standards for exported goods.

>US President Donald Trump said the "very good trading relationship" between the countries had been "strengthened further".

>And International Trade Secretary Liam Fox said it would allow firms to "keep trading as freely as they do today".

Electronic GPS tags to track thousands of criminals in England and Wales


Thousands of criminals in England and Wales will be tagged with GPS trackers to allow authorities to trace them 24 hours a day.

>Currently, electronic tags are linked to a box at a fixed address, such as an offender's home, with alerts generated if they are not there at certain hours.

>But the new location tags will track a person's movements wherever they go.

>Justice Secretary David Gauke said the tags will better protect victims of domestic abuse or stalking.

R:748 / I:353 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #607: Valentines Day Edition

New Record for UK Renewables


Kashmir attack: Bomb kills 40 soldiers in military convoy


At least 40 Indian paramilitary soldiers have been killed in a bomb attack by militants on their convoy in Indian-administered Kashmir.

>Police told the BBC that a car filled with explosives had rammed a bus carrying the troops to Srinagar.

>Pakistan-based Islamist group Jaish-e Mohammad said it was behind the attack.

>It is the deadliest militant attack on Indian forces in Kashmir since the insurgency against Indian rule began in 1989.

British Parliament Again Votes on Brexit Amendments, 43 Days Until UK Leaves EU


Members of the Westminster Parliament are once again voting on a Brexit motion and amendments Thursday evening as both the British government, and parliamentary rebels work to keep hold of, or derail the Brexit process.

>The Prime Minister’s so-called neutral government motion which declares “discussions between the UK and the EU on the Northern Ireland backstop are ongoing” will be voted upon after a debate in Parliament, but was rumoured to be the subject of a Brexiteer revolt earlier in the day. Pro-Brexit MPs of the European Research Group had earlier said they could vote against the motion because it eliminates the possibility of a no-deal Brexit, they claim, one of the few remaining potent negotiating advantages the British still hold.

>By Thursday evening it seemed the group had softened its stance, deciding to abstain on the vote rather than vote against their own party leader, Sky News reported. The lack of their votes still means the government is likely to be defeated, however, as the Prime Minister’s majority is so slim.

R:743 / I:320 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #606: Help Bins Get a qt gf Edition

no need for links

R:751 / I:284 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #605: Grim up North Edition

Alesha MacPhail's father 'sold cannabis to murder accused'


Jurors in the Alesha MacPhail murder trial have heard that her father sold cannabis to the teenager accused of killing her.

>Robert MacPhail, 26, admitted doing deals with the 16-year-old boy who lived on the Isle of Bute.

>The teenager - who cannot be named because of his age - denies abducting, raping and murdering Alesha last July.

>He has lodged a special defence claiming the crime was committed by a woman called Toni Louise McLachlan.

PM Urges MPs to Hold Their Nerve, UKIP Warns Voters’ Wrath if Brexit Delayed


Theresa May has told members of the UK Parliament that “we all need to hold our nerve” with the European Union while alluding to the Brexit delay which several of her inner circle of senior ministers have referred in recent weeks.

>Coming to Parliament after non-starter talks with EU leaders in Brussels last week which saw her return to London empty-handed, Prime Minister Theresa May told members of Parliament that — in contrast to a growing number of the wider public — because they didn’t want to leave the European Union without a deal they should support hers rather than voting it down.

Welsh sheep farmers fear post-Brexit British branding


Industry chiefs think negative view of UK red meat may disadvantage Welsh producers

>Farmers and food producers in Wales may suffer after Brexit if their lamb and beef is marketed under the union flag rather than with specific Welsh branding, industry chiefs have said.

>The body that markets Welsh lamb and beef has expressed concern that in some parts of the world UK red meat is viewed negatively. It is keen to make sure that after Britain leaves the EU there will be a clear way to differentiate between Welsh red meat and the UK-wide product.

>The use of UK branding within the food and drinks is a sensitive issue in Wales and was highlighted at last year’s Royal Welsh Show, when Lesley Griffiths, the rural affairs minister, expressed concern over the proliferation of union flags – and lack of Welsh dragon flags.

R:750 / I:279 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #604: Wholesome Navy Edition

Howe we all lads

R:751 / I:241 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #603: Storm Erik Edition

Storm Erik leaves two dead as 75mph gales and heavy rain sweep Britain

Two people have died and there is widespread damage and disruption as Storm Erik's ferocious gales of up to 75mph continue to batter the UK.

>the storm has swept across the country leaving planes struggling to land, trees being blown onto buses and thousands without power

>a man in Devon died after 70mph gale winds blew a huge tree onto his car as he was driving on Friday morning

>hours later, shortly before 10:00, another man driving a van on the B4306 between Pontyberem and Llannon, West Wales, was killed by a large tree that fell across the road

(Bonnie Christian, Evening Standard, 9th February 2019)


Storm Erik on its way out as temperatures to soar to 15°C next week

>the storm, which caused considerable damage to the south and west of the country, has produced the most blustery of its weather according to John Eagleton

>according to the Met Éireann meteorologist, the storm was winter's farewell as the spring rolls in next week: ""The stormy weather is gone but it will remain cold and bright this weekend with some heavy showers around the place maybe even some sleet."

>while Storm Erik is swiftly blowing itself away from Ireland, the country will still suffer the effects of its tail this weekend as squally showers and westerly wind will continue to blast the region

(Mícheál Ó Scannáil, The Independent Éire, 9th February 2019)


Gale-force winds from Storm Erik cause disruption

>storms caused trees to fall on vehicles, with part of a doubledecker bus in Poole, Dorset, being crushed by a large trunk and a road in south Belfast being closed when several branches fell on a car on Friday

>the Met Office issued a number of warnings for floods and strong winds on Saturday, as Storm Erik brought gusts of almost 70mph that caused disruption on several roads and prompted emergency services to warn motorists to take care

>the strongest winds were likely to be felt on exposed coasts. Wind speeds of 69mph were recorded in Powys, Wales, and 68mph in Avonmouth, Bristol, while 50mph winds were expected inland, the Met Office meteorologist Simon Partridge said

(Mattha Busby, The Guardian, 9th February 2019)


Horror of Storm Erik

>the vicious storm rages on for a second day, with a yellow weather warning in place for most of England and Wales - with travel disruption on the roads and rail network

>fierce winds are expected to batter most of the British Isles today as the Met Office issues a yellow weather warning for strong wind covers much of Wales, central and northern England and southern Scotland until 15:00 on Saturday

>a separate yellow warning running until 15:00 on Saturday for northern Scotland predicts heavy rain could lead to flooding while in Dublin, the strong winds are set to continue, but to a lesser extent, with gusts of up to 37mph, and over in Belfast gusts will reach as much as 36mph

(James Wood and Danyal Hussain, The Daily Mail, 9th February 2019)


R:702 / I:261 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #602: Recession Edition

Bank of England: One in four chance UK will dip into recession in 2019


The Bank of England now expects the economy to expand by just 1.2% this year and sees a one in four chance of recession.

>Britain's economy is heading for its weakest year since the financial crisis a decade ago, the Bank of England said today as it unveiled its latest forecasts for the UK economy.

>The Bank slashed its economic growth forecast for 2019 to 1.2% - warning that Brexit uncertainty has started to take a serious toll on the economy.

>Its forecasts imply there is a one in four chance the UK economy dips into a recession.

Farage: EU ‘Scared’ of WTO Clean Brexit


Brexit architect Nigel Farage has said that Brussels bureaucrats are “scared” of a no-deal, clean Brexit because of the cost to European manufacturers and the looming eurozone recession.

>When asked on Sky News on Wednesday if he were offended by European Council President Donald Tusk saying there was a “special place in hell” for Brexiteers, the Leave Means Leave vice-chairman said, “No, not particularly. They’re scared, they’re rattled. They really worried.

>“I was in the parliament last Wednesday, I said that their arrogance and the behaviour of the unelected elites was driving British public opinion towards a WTO ‘No Deal’ Brexit.

UK house prices fall in January as Brexit puts off buyers


Biggest monthly drop since April comes while annual growth slows to 0.8% – Halifax

>House prices in the UK fell 2.9% in January from December and the annual growth rate slowed sharply as Brexit fears put off buyers, according to Halifax, one of Britain’s biggest mortgage lenders.

>Halifax said the monthly drop took the average house price down to £223,691 and came after a 2.5% rise in December. It is the biggest monthly drop since last April, when prices declined 3.1%. Analysts cautioned that the monthly house price changes tend to be volatile.

>In the three months to January, house prices were 0.8% higher than in the same three months a year earlier. This is down from the 1.3% annual growth rate recorded in the three months to December.

R:698 / I:273 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #601: Northern Phenotypes Edition

links later maybe

R:751 / I:271 / P:10 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #600: I'm sorry, I tried edition

one of you nerds fill this in for me


R:751 / I:255 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #599: Yeti's Tbh Edition

Rare snow rollers spotted in field near Marlborough


A rare natural phenomenon which makes it look like wheels of snow have been rolled on their own has been captured in photos.

>Six rare "snow rollers" were spotted by Brian Bayliss in Wiltshire.

>He said he spotted them in a field he owns and at first thought they had been manmade but there were no footprints.

>It is thought the bales are formed when wind conditions are ideal to blow chunks of snow along, picking up more snow along the way.

Brexit: UK still safe in no-deal scenario, says Javid


Home Secretary Sajid Javid has said the UK would remain "one of the safest countries in the world" in the event of a no-deal Brexit.

>But he told the BBC's Andrew Marr Show that there would be a "change in capability" in terms of access to certain security databases.

>He also said a general election was the "last thing this country needs".

>His comments on security come after the Met's counter-terrorism chief said no deal would be "very bad" for policing.

Tory HQ Draw Up Plans to Delay Brexit and Fight June 6th Election


Conservative Party officials are reportedly drawing up plans to delay Brexit, secure support for an EU deal in April, and hold a snap election on June 6th.

>The Remain-supporting Mail on Sunday newspaper reports that the party has begun “block-booking printing plants”, presumably for campaign materials, “and hiking its spending on digital advertising.”

>Prime Minister Theresa May had promised backbench MPs she would not lead the party into its next election battle, but has reneged on such guarantees before — for example, when she said she would not call a snap election in 2017, before doing so anyway and losing her parliamentary majority, despite winning a significantly larger share of the vote than predecessor David Cameron.

R:739 / I:243 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #598: Comfy Wintry Albion Edition

UK weather: Ice warnings as snow disrupts weekend


Weather warnings for ice have been issued for Saturday afternoon and evening in parts of England as wintry conditions continue to affect the UK.

>The Met Office is advising care as snow is expected to melt during the day and freeze as temperatures drop.

>Eastern and southern England are braced for their coldest night of the winter, with -12C (10F) forecast, while parts of Scotland could see similar lows.

>The freezing weather has disrupted travel and sports events.

Delingpole: As with the Soviet Union, the EU’s Collapse Is a Matter of ‘When’, not ‘If’…


If you want to understand almost everything that is wrong with the world right now a good place to start is the underground car park beneath the European Parliament building in Brussels.

>There you will find rank on rank of shiny black limousines — Mercedes and Volvos, mostly hybrids because “climate change” — waiting with their polite, smartly dressed and no doubt well remunerated staff drivers to ferry the 751 Members of the European Parliament [MEPs] wheresoever they please at a moment’s notice, free of charge.

>“Nice job if you can get it!”, you’ll think to yourself. Add up the basic pay and the daily allowance you get for just turning up, and your salary approaches £140,000. On top of that you’ve got your lavish expenses and the even more generous budget you get for your office staff. Oh, and the huge, ring-fenced pension on top of that.

>You can totally see why people might go native in this environment. Even if you came as an ardent Eurosceptic, rightly cognisant of the appalling wastefulness, corruption, and meddling pointlessness which are the very essence of the EU, I reckon it would be hugely tempting after a few months of all this free stuff to persuade yourself that actually what MEPs do is really important and that the taxpayers of Europe are much better off forking out billions of Euros for the privilege of being members of this vital institution.

Men Shot in Legs, Hands in ‘Paramilitary-style’ Attacks in Northern Ireland


Two men in the thirties have been shot in separate “paramilitary-style” attacks in the Ballymagroarty area of Londonderry, Northern Ireland.

>The pair were both shot in one leg, with one also being shot in the hands, according to the Belfast Telegraph — similar to many so-called “punishment shootings” which are not uncommon in Northern Ireland, despite the United Kingdom’s draconian gun control legislation.

>They were both treated at the scene of their respective attacks in at O’Casey Court and Corrib Court by paramedics on Friday evening, before being transported Altnagelvin Area Hospital.

R:751 / I:292 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #597: Roy's Rolls Edition

Roy Cropper FAQ


>Royston Roy Cropper is a fictional character from the British soap opera Coronation Street

>According to various sources, Roy Cropper's net worth has grown significantly in 2019

>100% of all voters think Roy Cropper is "HOT"

A4 Illustration of Roy Cropper from Coronation Street


>Handmade item

>Free shipping to the United Kingdom


'Coronation Street's' Roy Cropper secretly suffers from Asperger's Syndrome.


>David Nielson, who plays the lovable soap eccentric, said he makes Roy autistic and thus socially awkward on purpose, but has always kept it a secret.

>David,60, said: "Roy was a psychopath. He was stalking Deirdre Rashid and was a bit scary. It's nice to play psychos but they don't stay around too long."

>"My wife is a special needs teacher and she worked with people with autism. She said Roy could have Asperger's syndrome, making him socially inept, rather than menacing."








R:711 / I:305 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #596: Jesus Christ We Miss Neo And Somethingelse Edition

Jeremy Hardy: Comedian and Radio 4 panel star dies aged 57


Comedian Jeremy Hardy, a regular on BBC Radio 4 panel shows like The News Quiz and I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue, has died of cancer aged 57.

>His death was confirmed on Friday by his publicist, Amanda Emery.

>Hardy made his name on the comedy circuit in the 1980s, winning the prestigious Perrier Award in 1988 and best live act at the ITV Comedy Awards in 1991.

>On TV he appeared on shows like QI and sketch programme Now - Something Else.

If you just took everyone in the BNP and everyone who votes for them and shot them in the back of the head, there would be a brighter future for us all.

Jeremy Hardy Speaks to the Nation, BBC Radio 4, 13 September 2004

California: 20 Accused of Selling Birthright Citizenship to Pregnant Foreigners


A total of 20 individuals were arrested by federal authorities on Thursday after being accused of operating “birth tourism” businesses which essentially sold birthright American citizenship to pregnant Chinese women looking to permanently stay in the United States.

>California resident Dongyuan Li — along with 19 others — was arrested by federal officials for operating her business called “You Win USA” that allegedly brought pregnant Chinese women to the country for anywhere between $40,000 to $80,000 to have their children in America in order to secure them birthright U.S. citizenship, according to the Associated Press (AP).

Brexit: Third of UK businesses considering move abroad - survey


Almost a third of UK companies could move operations abroad because of Brexit, a survey has suggested.

>Research for the Institute of Directors revealed that 16% already had relocation plans while a further 13% were actively considering doing so.

>The IoD said it took "no pleasure" in revealing "these worrying signs".

>A government spokesman said the best way to provide "certainty for businesses and individuals as we leave the EU" was to "leave with a deal".

R:751 / I:284 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #595: 22st has work soon edition

Everyone point and laugh

R:751 / I:241 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #594: HE'S GONNA SAY IT edition


R:751 / I:278 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #593 : Chubbies edition

[insert shitebart link here]

R:748 / I:288 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #592: Ethnic thread, civics get out edition


R:751 / I:332 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #591: ETERNAL WAIT Edition

>that lad waiting for somebody else to make the thread

R:751 / I:296 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #590: The Yellowman Cometh Edition

China slashes ground troops by half, boosts strategic force

>China has slashed the size of its Army by about 50% and boosted other units like strategic support force responsible for cyber warfare, according to the country's official news agency Xinhua

>"this new data is unprecedented in the history of the PLA (People's Liberation Army) - the army now accounts for less than 50% of the total number of PLA troops; almost half of our non-combatant units have been made redundant, and the number of officers in the PLA has been reduced by 30%," the news agency said

>it said the four other branches of the PLA - the navy, air force, rocket force and strategic support force, which is responsible for areas such as cyberwarfare - now jointly make up more than half of the Chinese military, overtaking the army


Chinese Christian details indoctrination camps, being forced to blaspheme Christ

>a Chinese Christian woman revealed the mental abuse she endured at a Chinese “indoctrination camp,” including how police withheld sleep after she refused to blaspheme the name of Jesus Christ

>Jian Yongjiu, a member of The Church of Almighty God, told Bitter Winter magazine that after she was arrested for “organizing and using an organization to undermine state law enforcement," she was sent to a “legal education center” in Hangzhou city, in China’s eastern coastal province of Zhejiang

>while presented as “educational” facilities, inmates are routinely submitted to an “inhuman regime of labor and indoctrination and to strong pressure to renounce their religious faith, with instances of torture and suspicious deaths frequently reported,” according to Bitter Winter


Britain is right to send its navy to the South China Sea

>the Royal Navy and US Navy held joint exercises in the South China Sea last week, for the first time since China began building new military bases in those waters; the exercises sent a message to Beijing that it faces an evolving united front of nations committed to maintaining freedom of navigation in some of the world’s most vital waterways

>London has repeatedly stated that the United Kingdom will increase its activities in Asian waters, in large measure as a response to the threat posed by China’s growing strength and militarisation of man-made islands in the region

>Teaming up British ships with the US Navy sends a strong signal that Beijing is increasingly alienating the world’s more powerful nations; it is also a significant boon to Asian nations who have felt trapped between America and China; the more that a community of maritime interests develops in Asia, the more that smaller nations will feel they are able to resist Beijing’s demands over territorial issues and blandishments which pull them to China’s side


How Britain's Ministry of Defence is playing for time (and money) in a dangerous world

>December 2018, just before policymakers and pundits escaped their besieged bunkers for Christmas, the UK government published the long-awaited final report on its Modernising Defence Programme; this programme was meant to update the military commitments made in the last full-blown Strategic Defence and Security Review of 2015

>revising 2015’s review became necessary thanks to a marked change in circumstances. Partly, those changes are strategic; relations with Russia have deteriorated even further since 2015, Islamic State (IS) is much diminished, and new military technologies and tactics are advancing

>the Treasury, for its part, recognises that Britain’s security environment has deteriorated to a worse condition than at any point since the Cold War. Yet it is still attempting to avoid major new spending commitments until the full fiscal shock of Brexit becomes clear. It has also long been sceptical of the MOD’s budgetary requests, viewing the department as a perennial financial black hole


R:748 / I:297 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #589: Citizenship Sale Edition

Brexit: Theresa May scraps £65 fee for EU citizens


Theresa May has scrapped the £65 fee millions of EU citizens were going to have to pay to secure the right to continue living in the UK after Brexit.

>She also vowed to seek changes to the Irish backstop from the EU.

>But she again rejected calls to rule out a "no deal" Brexit - and warned another EU referendum could threaten the UK's "social cohesion".

>Conservative rebels and Labour accused her of being in denial about the scale of opposition to her Brexit deal.

Rolls-Royce vies for UK nuclear role


Rolls-Royce has confirmed it is in talks with Chinese state-run firm China General Nuclear (CGN) over providing essential systems for a new power station in the UK.

>The UK engineering company makes instrumentation and control systems for nuclear reactors.

>The plant will be based at Bradwell, on the River Blackwater in Essex.

>The project is one of three new nuclear schemes in this country in which CGN is centrally involved.

Egypt TV host Mohamed al-Ghiety jailed for interviewing gay man


An Egyptian TV presenter has been sentenced to one year of hard labour for interviewing a gay man last year.

>A court in Giza also fined Mohamed al-Ghiety 3,000 Egyptian pounds ($167; £130) for "promoting homosexuality" on his privately owned LTC TV channel.

>The gay man, whose identity was hidden, had talked about life as a sex worker.

>Homosexuality is not explicitly criminalised in Egypt, however, the authorities have been increasingly cracking down on the LGBT community.

R:751 / I:275 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #588: Not Bond Villains Edition

No Worries, Mate: Australia Signs Agreement to Secure Trade with Post-Brexit Britain


Cabinet Minister Warns Blocking Brexit Will Unleash ‘Political Tsunami’


Davos Men Gather Under a Cloud as Globalism in Retreat Worldwide


European Army: Merkel Calls for Development of EU Weapons Systems


R:741 / I:273 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #587: Bee Yourself Edition

Stale links.

Queen’s 97-year-old Husband Survives Dramatic Car Smash


Farage: ‘We’re on the Verge of Brexit Being Betrayed’


Rape Reports in Sweden up 33 Percent in Last Decade


Sweden: Illegal Migrants Given Jobs with Access to Airport Secure Areas


Police with ‘Cynical Disdain’ for Victims Sabotaged Child Abuse Investigations, Court Hears


R:751 / I:283 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #586: Phil Edition

Queen’s 97-year-old Husband Survives Dramatic Car Smash


Farage: ‘We’re on the Verge of Brexit Being Betrayed’


Rape Reports in Sweden up 33 Percent in Last Decade


Sweden: Illegal Migrants Given Jobs with Access to Airport Secure Areas


Police with ‘Cynical Disdain’ for Victims Sabotaged Child Abuse Investigations, Court Hears


R:737 / I:339 / P:11 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #585: Lain Edition

Brexit: Theresa May meets party leaders to try to break deadlock


Party leaders and senior MPs have been meeting Theresa May to try to find a compromise on Brexit after her withdrawal deal was rejected by MPs.

>But Labour's Jeremy Corbyn called the talks a "stunt" and will not take part unless a "no deal" Brexit is ruled out.

>Senior politicians on all sides have also been meeting with cabinet ministers to try to find a way forward.

>The PM will publish a new plan on Monday with a full debate and key vote scheduled for Tuesday, 29 January.

Nuclear plant in Anglesey suspended by Hitachi


Hitachi has said it will suspend work on a multi-billion-pound UK nuclear project because of rising costs.

>The decision puts thousands of jobs at risk if the £13bn plant at Wylfa Newydd in Anglesey, north Wales, is scrapped.

>The Japanese firm had been in talks with the UK government since June about funding for the project, which was being built by its Horizon subsidiary.

>The government said it had failed to agree terms with Hitachi. The nuclear industry said it was "disappointing".

Tony Blair: No deal Brexit 'catastrophic' for UK


>Threatening a no deal Brexit "is a problem for the EU", but a "catastrophe" for the UK, former Prime Minister Tony Blair has told the Today programme.

>He said it would cause "enormous" and "profound damage" to the UK economy.

>Prime Minister Theresa May's Brexit deal was voted down on Tuesday. There are now 71 days to go until the UK is due to leave the EU on 29 March.

R:717 / I:306 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #584: Teresemme Edition

Brexit: Theresa May's deal is voted down in historic Commons defeat


Prime Minister Theresa May's Brexit deal has been rejected by 230 votes - the largest defeat for a sitting government in history.

>MPs voted by 432 votes to 202 to reject the deal, which sets out the terms of Britain's exit from the EU on 29 March.

>Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has now tabled a vote of no confidence in the government, which could trigger a general election.

>The confidence vote is expected to be held at about 1900 GMT on Wednesday.

Theresa May is incapable of admitting error or defeat - even in the most humiliating circumstances


>The inevitable words came in the peroration of her brief speech: “It is my duty (to deliver on the Referendum).” This is how Theresa May sees it. We must assume that this sentiment is sincere, however bizarrely, obsessively obtuse it may seem.

Revised UK child citizenship character test 'still poor'


Guardian reported last year that hundreds of children had had applications denied

>The government has updated its guidance on how the “good character” requirement should be applied to children in citizenship applications, but campaigners say the move does not go far enough and are calling for it to be scrapped entirely.

R:744 / I:241 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #583: Europhile Wake Edition

Theresa May Admits Blocking Brexit ‘Would Be a Subversion of Our Democracy’


Pro-Brexit Govt Whip Resigns to Vote Against May’s EU Deal


Theresa May Warns ‘No Brexit’ Is More Likely than ‘No Deal’


Afghan Stabs Polish Woman in German Hospital, Killing Unborn Baby


R:714 / I:314 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #582: Wog Armada Edition

Migrant boats are now landing in northern England in a change of tactic by people smugglers

Migrants making the perilous journey over the seas into the UK are changing course to avoid capture, it has emerged

>unscrupulous smugglers are sending people in small boats on 200-mile journeys to land in more sparsely populated areas further up the coast

>there have been at least two incidents of men landing in Lincolnshire in the last two months in a noticeable change of tactic

>it is thought they are exploiting the fact that Border Force patrols are so heavily focused on patrolling the English Channel around Kent that they can slip in unnoticed

(12th January 2019)


Meet the migrants waiting to make their Channel dash

>“tell your Sajid Javid that he will have blood on his hands. We are dying because of him,” one of them shouts across at me, as I visit the site

>Mohammed claims to have already tried to cross the Channel several times by dinghy, with his last attempt coming as recently as several weeks ago; it was an anti-climax, he recalls with a hollow laugh, after the motor on his boat broke down several hundred metres from the French coast and he was quickly picked up by the coastguard

>according to Mohammed and other Iranians in the camp, smugglers and their middlemen live part-time among the migrants and in city town’s hostels, acting with relative impunity; their malign influence over the settlement is clear, with many groups of migrants refusing to speak to me, claiming that if smugglers saw them they could face retribution

(12th January 2019)


Russia warns Britain over call for new post-Brexit bases

>Russia has issued a warning after the Defence Secretary suggested Britain could expand its military presence around the world

>the Kremlin said that it "reserves the right to adequate retaliatory actions" if it deems post-Brexit British army bases mooted by Gavin Williamson pose a threat to Russia or its allies

>Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said suggestions that the UK might build new military facilities around the world, namely the Caribbean and the Far East, were "destabilising" and "provocative"

(12th January 2019)


UK Royal Navy to deploy Type 23 frigate to Japan

>the UK Royal Navy will deploy Type 23 frigate HMS Montrose to Japan in early 2019, Prime Minister Theresa May announced during a joint press conference with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe held on 10th January in London

>the warship will be dispatched to Northeast Asia to help enforce sanctions against Pyongyang "as part of our joint determination to a peaceful resolution to tension in the region and the complete denuclearisation of North Korea", said May

>the deployment announcement comes after UK naval vessels were dispatched to the region three times over the past 12 months

(11th January 2019)


R:642 / I:293 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #581: Paris Edition

Paris Building Blast Blows Out Windows, Flips Cars


EU Army ‘Already Taking Shape’ Brags German Defence Minister


‘Clean, Sovereign Brexit’ a ‘Win-Win’ for British Science, Say Leading Academics


Report: UK Govt Failed to Deport 50,000 Rejected Asylum Seekers


R:705 / I:381 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #580: Slavo-Wop Union Edition

Parliament REFUSES Petition to Debate UN Migrant Pact: ‘Already Been Agreed’


Paranoia: Macron Govt Wonders if Italy, ‘Foreign Powers’ Funding Yellow Vests


‘European Spring’: Italy’s Salvini Building Alliance with Poland to ‘Save Europe’


Macron Govt: Yellow Vests Have Destroyed 60 Percent of France’s Speed Cameras


Brexit Was a Crazed, Sinister, Disastrous Plot, Explains Cumberbatch TV Drama


R:714 / I:295 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #579: Smug Boy Edition

British Yellow Vest Who Heckled Pro-EU MP Purged by Facebook, PayPal


Swedish Police Recover Hundreds of Explosives During Grenade ‘Amnesty’ – But No Grenades


Trump Clips EU’s Wings: Bloc Realises Its ‘Ambassador’ Downgraded Without Notice


R:693 / I:255 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #578: Owen Jones Edition

'We lost nearly £10k to TV licence scammers'


When Jerry Tack received an email saying the TV licence needed paying, he didn't think twice about it.

>Nothing seemed suspicious about the website he clicked on, so he entered his bank details - and began a chain of events that would lose him £9,900.

>Jerry, from Hampshire, was among thousands contacted in what police called a "particularly nasty" fraud.

>But the banks say they cannot reimburse customers who have mistakenly authorised payments to fraudsters.

Brexit: Date for vote on Theresa May's deal confirmed


MPs will vote on Theresa May's Brexit deal on Tuesday, 15 January, government sources have confirmed.

>The Commons vote was called off last month by the PM, who was facing defeat, but sources have told the BBC the vote will not be delayed again.

>It is also understood the government will set out further reassurances on the controversial backstop.

>Meanwhile, more than 200 MPs have signed a letter to Theresa May, urging her to rule out a no-deal Brexit.

Surrey train stabbing: Suspect Darren Pencille refuses to enter plea, claiming he is 'paranoid'


>A man accused of the fatal stabbing of a fellow train passenger refused to stand and did not enter a plea as he appeared in court this morning.

>Wearing a grey tracksuit and black, thick-rimmed glasses, Darren Pencille stood initially as he was flanked by two guards before then speaking to magistrates from the floor of the dock.

>While sitting down and not visible, he said: “People are making me paranoid. Can I just talk to you like this?”

R:726 / I:383 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #577: Teach Them to Swim Edition

HMS Mersey, migrants and the Royal Navy

After declaring a “major incident” the Home Secretary has formally requested assistance from the MoD to deal with a growing number of migrants attempting to enter the UK by crossing the English Channel in small boats

>he Home office will pay the MoD the approximately £20,000 per day it costs to operate the ship and she will remain on station until relieved by the two UK Border Force cutters returning from the Mediterranean; it is unclear how long this will take, HMC Seeker is currently alongside in Gibraltar and HMC Protector is in the harbour at Mytilini on the Greek island of Lesbos

>for HMS Mersey, conducting surveillance a few miles away from Portsmouth and in partnership with other UK government agencies is not especially demanding or a big departure from normal OPV duties; should she be involved in rescuing migrants from small boats and delivering them into UK ports that would be something different and probably attract a storm of controversy

>it is reassuring the RN is ready and able to bolster the UK Border force for a short period when needed; this ‘crisis’ has shown there is a shortage of both RN and UKBF patrol assets which needs to be addressed but even if better equipped, neither of these agencies can solve the problem of migration, which is a global issue requiring joined-up international agreements

(4th January 2019)


Reality Check: Who rescues migrants in the Channel?

>the number of migrants crossing the English Channel by boat is small - it pales in comparison to those making the perilous journey across the Mediterranean - but there has been a small spike in crossings in recent months

>in 2018, the Home Office says 539 people attempted to travel to the UK on small boats; of these, 434 (around 80%) made their attempts in the last three months of the year

>it's the responsibility of the authorities there to ensure that anyone in distress in these zones receives assistance. In reality, if people are in danger, any boat nearby will have a duty to rescue them; those picked up in the UK zone will be taken to an English port and those in the French zone to a port in France

(6th January 2019)


France steps up efforts to prevent Channel crossings

>the French authorities have set out plans to prevent people in small boats risking the dangerous Channel crossing to England after the Royal Navy agreed to deploy a vessel to the Strait of Dover

>measures being taken include improved cooperation between law enforcement agencies and more surveillance and security on beaches along the northern French coastline

>the French interior minister, Christophe Castaner, said: “This plan should allow us to end these crossings by migrants who are not only illegal but also extremely dangerous. It is in our interest, as it is for the UK, to not allow new smugglers to operate which would attract new migrants.”

(4th January 2019)


"Smuggler hunter" says UK ignored his alert on migrants in Channel two years ago and now faces tens of thousands arriving by boat each year

>Carlo Parini, who spearheaded Sicily’s illegal immigration task force, today tells Britain it must take urgent action to prevent a potential wave of tens of thousands of migrants arriving by boat on our shores each year

>in the wake of hundreds of refugees making the perilous crossing from France to Kent, he told The Sun on Sunday that officials must be prepared to position ships on both sides of the Channel

>"there is always a risk that if you don’t tackle the new trafficking route now while it is a small trickle, it will expand to become a giant problem like the route from ­Turkey to Greece which has tens of thousands of migrants crossing a year.”

(6th January 2019)


R:700 / I:229 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #576: Based and Redpilled Edition

>Man Catches His Wife Cheating In Backseat Of Car With Another Man So He Breaks Out The Window To Confront Her!


>Old Head Beats Up A Young Guy For Running His Mouth At Him On A Bus!


>Minneapolis Police Officer Fatally Shoots Suicidal Man Armed With A Knife! (*Warning* Graphic)


>R. Kelly's Artist Describes Watching Her 14-Year-Old Niece Allegedly Getting Pee'd On By R. Kelly & Victim Speaks On Infamous Tape!


>Taking His Sweet Time: $1.5 Billion Mega Millions Winner Still Hasn’t Come Forward!


R:730 / I:231 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #575: Trustworthy Edition

Poll: Merkel STILL Most Trusted Politician in Germany


London Man Repeatedly Stabbed in Stomach, Day After Two Fatal Stabbings


Home Secretary Attacked by Pro-Immigration Charities After Questioning Motives of Boat Migrants


One in Five Austrian Residents Born Overseas


Austria Withdraws Support from EU Army Project


R:688 / I:244 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #574: New Year Edition

New Year’s Eve: Manchester Knifeman Shouted ‘Allah!’ Before Stabbing Three


Amsterdam: Man Claiming to Have Bomb Overpowered at Airport


Israel and U.S. Formally Exit ‘Corrupted’ UNESCO


Spain: 42 Arrested in North African Drug Smuggling Operation


A Dozen Migrants Land on English Beach as Top Officials Discuss Channel Crisis


R:689 / I:215 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #573: Anglican Autism Edition

Hammersmith stabbing prompts 39 attempted murder arrests


Thirty-nine people at a house party were arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after a man was stabbed in west London.

>The man, thought to be in his mid-30s, was found with life-threatening wounds when police were called to Fulham Palace Road, Hammersmith, at 01:00 GMT.

>The Metropolitan Police said the victim was chased by men and women following "a minor argument" in a shop.

>The suspects were seen going into a property where there was a party.

Church of England Demands UK Welcome Illegal Boat Migrants: ‘Everyone is Precious’


Asserting that “every person is precious”, the Church of England has urged Britain to welcome the boatloads of illegal migrants crossing the Channel.

>As ministers called on the Home Office to take action against an unprecedented influx of boats carrying migrants from the third world, the bishop of Dover told the Observer it was “crucial that we all remember that we are dealing with human beings here”.

>Speaking with the backing of the church, the newspaper reports, the Rt Rev Trevor Willmott said: “Across the nation, we have been celebrating the season of hope and goodwill as we remember Christ’s birth — let’s not forget so soon that every person is precious.”

Report: Jeremy Corbyn ‘So Upset’ by Anti-Semitism Claims He Couldn’t Tackle the Issue


Anti-Semitism allegations against UK Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn left him “so upset” he was powerless to act and defuse the issue, his colleague Emily Thornberry has reportedly said.

>The shadow foreign secretary revealed Mr. Corbyn has not dealt with the scandal “properly” and found it “difficult to deal with the problem” because claims had been directed against him personally. She said:

R:703 / I:220 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #572: JoJo Edition

insert news here

R:751 / I:230 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #571: After Christmas Edition

Germany Considers ‘Mosque Tax’ to Counter Foreign Funding Influence


London Man in Hospital After Acid Attack


Matteo Salvini Cites Pope John Paul — Not Francis — in Christmas Card


Leftists Outraged by Queen’s Gold Piano


Don’t Worry About Fertility Falling Because Immigration and A.I. Will Replace the Unborn, Says Academic


Canadian Imam: Muslims Saying ‘Merry Christmas’ Worse Than Murder


R:684 / I:244 / P:12 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #570: Christmas Day Edition

there is no news on christmas

R:721 / I:237 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #569: Broadband Technician Edition

UK Police Now Say There May Have Been No Drones at all After Christmas Travel Chaos


Remainers Can’t Stop No Deal Brexit if May’s Deal Voted Down, Says Leadsom


Resurgent al Qaeda Plotting Attacks on Airports, Planes, UK Minister Warns


Swedish Journalist Gets to Keep Job After People Smuggling Conviction


Boyband ‘The Breunion Boys’ Launched to Stop Brexit


French Official: Christmas Market Terrorist Pledged Allegiance to ISIS


Erdogan Unhinged: ‘Jews in Israel’ Kick Women and Children


Last Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Fighter Simcha Rotem Dies at 94


R:696 / I:257 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #568: No huWhite Christmas

White Magic

>the white Christmas we imagine, where there are layers of snow covering the ground, is much rarer; Ladbrokes have reduced the odds from 10/1 to 5/1 that the mild temperatures will smash the 15°C record set in 1920

>according to the Met Office, Christmas Eve will see cloudy with patchy rain conditions

>it will be mostly dry and cloudy on Christmas Day itself, with some showers expected for Boxing Day

(23rd December 2018)


Resurgent al Qaeda plotting attacks on airports, planes, UK minister warns

>the UK’s security minister has warned that a resurgent al Qaeda is seeking to carrying out fresh terror attacks on airplanes, using drone technology and jihadist sleeper agents working at airports

>Ben Wallace MP told The Sunday Times that with Islamic State on the decline, al Qaeda was regrouping and had already made grounds in Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, and Libya under the organisaton’s spiritual leader and Osama bin Laden’s inheritor Ayman al Zawahiri

>the minister said that an additional £25 million has been put into threat detection and counter-terror activities to “protect our planes even more from new chemicals,” miniature bombs, and the “insider threat” of al Qaeda operatives working in airports

(23rd December 2018)


Ukrainian official invites British warship to cross Kerch Strait & see how Russia reacts

>a deputy minister in Kiev suggested that the British Navy should send its warship to the Sea of Azov to test Russia’s response; Moscow described the idea as "bonkers"

>since the Royal Navy hydrographic survey ship, HMS Echo has no weapons on board, it is not bound by international regulations, which limit the activity of navies belonging to non-Black Sea states in the region, Deputy Minister Yuri Hrymchak argued

>officials in Moscow blasted the suggestion as being out of touch with reality; it indicates “how dangerous the current regime in Kiev is for the world,” Russian Senator Frants Klintsevich said, adding that "this regime is descending deeper into a maniacal condition"

(23rd December 2018)


Bishops set to boycott Church of England transgender guidance

>earlier this month, the Church issued a document encouraging clergy to use liturgy "to enable people to mark a major transition in their lives"; the guidance suggests a person can renew the commitments they made in baptism in a public setting marking their new identity

>a number of bishops, led by Bishop of Wakefield Rt Rev Tony Robinson, are now said to be calling for a conscience clause to be introduced for those who feel they couldn't lead a service like this

>in a statement, Bishop Julian warned the guidance was "both highly divisive and theologically and pastorally questionable"; the CofE says there is no obligation on clergy to offer this service

(23rd December 2018)


Nearly 40% of UK millennials can’t identify baby in Bethlehem Christmas story

>the upcoming generations of the West are not only growing up in a post-Christian culture; they are growing up in nations where their families are often several generations removed from any semblance of Christian belief and Christian knowledge

>a survey carried out by the research firm OnePoll discovered that 38% of Britons between the ages of 21 and 28 did not know the identity of the baby in Christmas Nativity scenes, around 37% could identify neither Joseph nor Mary, fewer than 10% could name the gifts given to the Lord Jesus by the three wise men and some even believed that Santa Claus was somehow linked to the Christmas story

>to be unaware of the beliefs that motivated prior generations for over a thousand years is to be cut off from our own history in an extraordinary way; it is to ensure that we simply cannot understand why things happened the way that they did, and to be crippled in our ability to analyze the present and plan for the future

(21st December 2018)


R:672 / I:215 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #567: Israeli Gas Edition

Israel, Greece, Cyprus to Ink European Natural Gas Pipeline Deal


Israel Prepares for Mass Immigration of French Jews


Senior Businessman: UK Will ‘Prosper’, Reap the Benefits of Brexit on WTO Rules


European Govts Shred ‘No Deal’ Scaremongering on Customs, Travel Disruption


R:724 / I:251 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #566: Arelass Edition

Tories to Open Britain to ‘Even More Massive Levels of Immigration’ Post-Brexit


Tory Ultra-Remainers to Resign from Party if Govt Pursues ‘No Deal’ Brexit


Islamists Suspected After European Women Brutally Murdered in Moroccan Mountains


Der Spiegel Admits Top Reporter Faked Stories for Years


U.S. Secures 20-year Deal to Supply Natural Gas to Poland


R:707 / I:225 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #565: Antarctica Edition

Govt Confirms It Will Ramp Up Preparations for No Deal Brexit


Danish Minister Tells Somalis ‘Go Home and Rebuild Your Country’


Macron Losing Police: Interior Minister Meets Unions as Cops Complain of Cuts, Strain, Threaten ‘Go Slow’


Russia Announces Military Base in Venezuela


R:725 / I:249 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #564: The Qwaser of Stigmata Edition

put something here

like legit this time

R:738 / I:246 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #563: American Collusion Edition

France Accuses Trump of Interfering in its Politics as ‘Yellow Vest’ Protests Rage


Paris (AFP) – The French government on Sunday urged Donald Trump not to interfere in French politics after the US president posted tweets about the protests rocking the country and attacked the Paris climate agreement.'

>“We do not take domestic American politics into account and we want that to be reciprocated,” Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian told LCI television.

R:751 / I:249 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #562: Okay they caught him Edition

WATCH: Aftermath of Shootout with Police Shows Strasbourg Attacker Slumped in Doorway


Video taken after a shootout between French police and Cherif Chekatt shows the Strasbourg terror suspect slumped in a doorway after being fatally shot.

Macron Had Helicopter on Standby to Escape Presidential Palace During Protests


French President Emmanuel Macron was not only present at the Élysée Palace during “Act IV” of the Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vests) protests but had a helicopter on standby to escape in case protesters broke in, according to reports.

>The French leader fortified the Élysée Palace last Saturday with an unprecedented amount of security, including 500 republican guards, around a hundred police and gendarmes armed with water cannons, and other anti-riot measures, Le Dauphine reports.

R:739 / I:235 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #561: Arrested for 27 things but now they can't catc him Edition

Strasbourg shootings: Armed police mount operation in Neudorf district


Police in the French city of Strasbourg have carried out a security operation in the district of Neudorf as they continue their hunt for the gunman who attacked a Christmas market on Tuesday.

>Cherif Chekatt, 29, has been on the run since the attack, which left three people dead and many more injured.

>He was dropped off in Neudorf by a taxi which he commandeered to leave the city centre.

>Hundreds of police are hunting for him in France and Germany.

is he gonna make it lads?

R:751 / I:234 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #560: Jackie Chan Edition

Tories Trigger Vote of No Confidence in Prime Minister Theresa May


‘In the National Interest, May Must Go,’ Tory Brexiteers, Remainers Fracture on No Confidence Vote


Strasbourg Christmas Market Shooting: Three Dead, 12 Injured


Italy’s Salvini Slams E.U. for ‘Unbalanced’ Approach to Israel


Majority of French Reject Macron’s Offers, Want More Yellow Vest Protests


R:675 / I:245 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #559: EU APC Edition

Belgian Government Collapses Over UN Migration Pact


Viral Video Shows EU-branded Armoured Vehicle Crushing Paris Protests


Macron to Address France After Fourth Weekend of Yellow Vest Protest


Ex-IMF Director Slams Anti-Brexit Economic Forecasts: ‘Farfetched Stories’


R:716 / I:275 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #558: French Revolution Edition

Mounted Police and APCs Deployed as ‘Act IV’ of Yellow Vest Protests Unfolds


A total of 615 Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vests) have been arrested in Paris so far, with 508 of them remaining in custody as French police attempt to lock down the streets of Paris and make preventative arrests to quell potential violence.

>New reports indicate that around sixty people required hospitalisation as a result of the protests in Paris today, mostly with minor injuries. The number of injured is down sharply from last week, when 162 people required hospital care.

>New arrest figures for Paris show the number of Yellow Vests arrested by police has risen to 737. At least 55 people are said to have been wounded so far in the violent clashes, including three police officers.

>Around 400 Yellow Vest protesters have been arrested in Brussels, Belgium, and one police officer has been wounded.

Black Dems Upset Pelosi Considering Committee Term Limits


Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-LA), the Chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), said on Thursday that it is a “bad idea” for House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to consider instituting term limits on committee chairs.

>Pelosi said on Thursday that she was “sympathetic to the concerns that have been expressed” by some House Democrats regarding term limits.

>“I think it’s a bad idea, I think it’s awful timing, and I think it’s a hell of a reward for all these chairmen who went out there traveling the country and busting their behinds to get Democrats elected,” Richmond told The Hill.

>As The Hill noted, Republicans “have an established system of capping chairmanships,” arguing that “the constant churn of new faces brings fresh perspectives and ideas to the legislative process.” But, on the flip side, “chairmen who lose their gavel may want to leave Congress altogether, depriving the institution of experienced legislators” with institutional knowledge.

'Generational divide': UK split by age over tax rises for public services


Under-45s list climate change, Brexit and technology as bigger priorities than healthcare'

>Younger adults are far less keen than older people on raising taxes to fund public services and want volunteers to help ease the growing crisis in social care, a survey shows.

>It reveals a stark generational divide over whether to increase taxation, with under-45s much less supportive than those aged over 45.

>The results suggest that public support for tax rises to fund the NHS, and the health service receiving a growing share of public spending, may be eroded in the coming years.

R:706 / I:291 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #557: PAY UP Edition

Germany and France to Europe: Accept Migrants or Pay Up


France and Germany have said that countries which reject migrants should be forced to pay to be excused from the European Union’s redistribution programme.

>The proposal was reportedly made in a document, seen by Reuters, circulated to member states’ interior ministers in Brussels on Thursday.

>The suggested migration rules would still insist countries take migrants from other member-states unless there is a strong objection. In which case, such nations would be able to make “alternative measures of solidarity.”

>Diplomats told Reuters this is Eurocrat-speak for making additional contributions to the European Commission’s budget or paying for development projects in Africa, where the bulk of Mediterranean Sea arrivals are coming from.

'Humiliation on a historic scale': what the papers say about first day of Brexit debate

Front pages paint a grim picture of Theresa May’s horror day in parliament


>Theresa May’s shocking day in parliament dominates the front pages, with papers leading on the prime minister suffering three defeats including a historic Commons vote that found the government in contempt of parliament.

>As Laura Kuenssberg, the BBC’s political editor, put it: “That’s an absolutely terrible, terrible set of front pages for the government.”

>The Mirror runs the headline: “63 minutes of mayhem”, saying the day’s events left the prime minister’s authority “in shreds after a humiliating hat-trick of defeats. It threw her Brexit plans into disarray and created further chaos.”

UK children face winter health crisis due to pollution, say doctors

Toxic air and cold weather could create deadly conditions and stretch NHS, medics say


>Thousands of children are facing hospital this winter as cold weather and the UK’s air pollution crisis combine to create potentially deadly conditions for young people, doctors have warned.

>The Royal College of Paediatricians, the Royal College of Physicians and children’s charity Unicef say that the UK’s toxic air and cold weather will leave a huge number of children extremely vulnerable this winter, creating an “overlooked” emergency for an already stretched NHS.

>“Wards could soon be filled with wheezing, spluttering children, their lungs struggling to battle the double burden of cold weather and toxic air,” the groups state in a letter to the Guardian.

R:650 / I:229 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #556: Ammunition Edition

links go here

R:707 / I:276 / P:13 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #555: Legitimate Gets Edition

Petition: The UK should not agree the UN's Global Compact for Migration


Dow Plunges by Nearly 800 Points on Fears of Economic Slump


Bond Market Sends Up a Recession Warning Flare


Sex Offender Jeffrey Epstein Settles Suit, Averting Accusers’ Testimony


R:680 / I:242 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #554: Jupiter Falls Edition

Delingpole: President Macron Is Heading for His Green Waterloo


As the Gilets Jaunes protests in France catch fire, French President Emmanuel Macron is heading for his green Waterloo. And really, humiliation, defeat and — with luck — exile somewhere really remote just couldn’t happen to a more deserving candidate.

>One reason this dime store Napoleon has it coming is outlined in a characteristically incisive piece by Dominic Lawson in the Mail. It’s headlined: “Why It’s Hard Not to Gloat at the Travails of the Strutting French President Who Called Brexiteers Liars.”

>Lawson points out that of all the European leaders, no one has gone further out of his way to try to shaft Britain’s Brexit prospects than the pint-sized Mummy’s Boy Macron.

Brexit backstop plan is calculated risk - Geoffrey Cox


The UK would be "indefinitely committed" to EU customs rules if Brexit trade talks broke down, the chief law officer has said.

>But Geoffrey Cox said it would not be in either side's political interests to allow that to happen.

>The attorney general said it was a "calculated risk" and "I do not believe we will be trapped in it permanently".

>Labour accused him of "hiding" the full legal advice on the Brexit deal "for fear of the political consequences".

Russian journalist monitored for ‘suspicious behaviour’ near UK military base


>A Russian journalist was monitored for “suspicious behaviour” close to a British military base, the Ministry of Defence has said.

>Timur Siraziev was seen repeatedly passing the 77th Brigade’s barracks in Hermitage, Berkshire, the Mail on Sunday reported.

>The newspaper said he had been recorded by the base’s security cameras and had been seen filming close to the perimeter fence.

R:671 / I:254 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #553: Revolution Edition

Macron Considers State of Emergency After France Experiences Worst Civil Unrest Since 1968


French President Emmanuel Macron is considering imposing a state of emergency in France after violent protests in Paris saw the Arc de Triomphe vandalised and hundreds of arrests.

>President Macron was met with jeers and calls for his resignation by bystanders as he toured the damage along the Champs-Élysée on Sunday morning after his return from G20 in Buenos Aires.

>Macron visited the Arc de Triomphe which was vandalised with graffiti that read “Macron resign” and “Yellow Vests will triumph” after the capital experienced its third straight weekend of civil unrest over rising taxes linked to the progressive president’s climate change programme.

Brexit: Gove warns of referendum if MPs don't back PM's deal


If MPs don't back Theresa May's Brexit deal there could be another EU referendum, Michael Gove has said.

>The leading cabinet Brexiteer said Mrs May's deal was not perfect - but if MPs did not vote it through on 11 December there was a risk of "no Brexit at all".

>He told the BBC's Andrew Marr show there may now be a Commons majority for another referendum.

>Labour has said it will attempt to topple Mrs May and force a general election if MPs reject her deal.

UK crimewave: 'Ignore low level crime and crooks will think they can GET AWAY with it'


A FORMER US police commissioner has warned Britain’s police forces to stop dismissing ‘lower level’ criminality as not worth their time – because it makes the crooks feel they are untouchable.

>Legendary US cop William Joseph Bratton – who successfully cleaned up the streets of New York and Boston - has urged UK officers to target low-level disorder and smaller crimes, or else criminals will believe they can “get away” with more serious offences.

>He said: "It's also important to focus on low-level disorder as well as serious crime.

>"It's tempting to assume petty offences aren't worthy of stretched police resources.

R:705 / I:295 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #552: Slide of Death Edition

Scalpel blades found taped to children's slide in Ormskirk


Scalpel and razor blades have been found taped to the sides of a slide in a children's play area.

>They were found stuck to play equipment at the Winifred Lane play area in Aughton, near Ormskirk, Lancashire Police said on Facebook.

>Doreen Stephenson, a councillor for Aughton Park, labelled the culprits a "disgrace", adding: "It's quite frightening to think what the consequences could be."

>Police urged "everyone to be vigilant".

UK to unveil £1bn life sciences investment


Government keen to show Britain remains attractive despite Brexit

>Hundreds of millions of pounds worth of fresh investment in UK life sciences will be unveiled next week as the government seeks to show that Britain remains attractive to global industry, despite the continuing political turmoil over Brexit.

>The centrepiece is expected to be an announcement of further investment by UCB, a Belgium-based company that already has a significant presence in the UK.

>Its commitment will form part of a new life sciences “sector deal” that is expected to include as much as £1bn of additional investment by the industry, according to one person briefed on the announcement.

Brexit: Sam Gyimah resigns over Theresa May's 'naive' deal


A minister has resigned saying a row over involvement in the EU's Galileo satellite-navigation system shows the UK will be "hammered" in negotiations over a Brexit deal.

>Science and universities minister Sam Gyimah quit after Mrs May said the UK was pulling out of Galileo.

>The UK wanted to stay part of it but the EU said it would be banned from extra-secure elements of the project.

>Mr Gyimah said it was a foretaste of the "brutal negotiations" to come.

R:739 / I:260 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #551: Just think of the GDP growth Edition

Despite EU Arrivals Lowest Since 2012, Migration Drives Non-UK Born Population to 9.4 Million

British government statistics show that net arrivals from the European Union are at their lowest since 2014, but this has not stopped rising immigration from the rest of the world continuing to push the United Kingdom’s population upward.

>Despite net EU arrivals — the difference between those arriving and leaving — falling to the lowest level since 2012, this group still yielded an overall positive figure in the ONS statistics, with approximately 74,000 more European Union citizens arriving than leaving during the period.

>Far larger were arrivals from the rest of the world, which are at their highest level since 2014, with net addition of 248,000.

>Overall, the net-positive levels of immigration, which despite coming below the recent 2016 peak, are still running at historically high levels. The ONS revealed that the foreign-born population of the United Kingdom now stands at 9.4 million and that arrivals from Romania in recent years have been one of the largest drivers of growth in that total.

R:751 / I:241 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #550: Very Old Memes Edition

Brussels Beware: ‘Street Fighter’ Orbán Teams Up with Action Man Chuck Norris in Hungary


R:729 / I:266 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #549: Safety Dance Edition

The short version of this song is better than the long.

R:751 / I:277 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #548: Incel Wizards Edition

Poland Scorns EU Army, Insists America Is ‘Only Real Guarantor of Security in Europe’


Nigel Farage Tells Breitbart: May’s Brexit Betrayal is Like ‘Voluntarily Going to Prison’


UK Parliament Seizes Internal Facebook Documents


‘Spain Wins’ – Madrid Brags May’s EU ‘Deal’ Offers Chance to Grab Gibraltar Sovereignty


R:706 / I:217 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #547: Russian Empire Edition

Russia 'fires on and seizes Ukraine ships'


Ukraine's navy says Russia has opened fire and seized three of its vessels off the coast of the annexed Crimea, in a major escalation of tensions.

>It said two gunboats and a tug were captured by Russian special forces after a chase. Two Ukrainian crew members were injured.

>Russia is yet to comment on the claims.

>It earlier accused Ukraine of illegally entering Russian waters, blocking access to the Sea of Azov with a tanker put under a bridge in the Kerch Strait.

Theresa May Writes ‘Letter to the Nation’ Begging Support for ‘Worst Deal in History’


Theresa May has written a “letter to the nation” begging the public to support her Brexit deal, which has been signed off by EU leaders but could be voted down in Parliament by Tory Brexiteers and Northern Ireland’s Democratic Unionist Party (DUP).

>The Prime Minister has agreed to pay a £39 billion+ divorce settlement to the EU and submitted to a lengthy “transition” period after Brexit in which Britain will remain subject to all EU rules and regulations, without any representation in EU institutions, during which a future relationship can be negotiated.

>If one cannot be struck in time, the “transition” can be extended for up to two years, or the United Kingdom and European Union will enter into “backstop” arrangements which the UK cannot leave without permission, and which would involve the UK continuing adopting EU regulations on goods, competition, state aid, and more, as interpreted by EU judges, and establish a “single customs territory” which largely duplicates the EU Customs Union.

>Theresa May does not enjoy an outright majority in Parliament, having to rely on Northern Ireland’s Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) to pass legislation — and the Brexit-supporting party has vowed to vote against the deal, over additional provision in the backstop which would leave their Province subject to additional EU obligations in order to keep the border with the Irish Republic open.

UK Govt Accused of ‘Massaging’ Migration Stats with Cheap Foreign Labour Plan


The UK government has been accused of planning to “massage” immigration statistics in its plans to maintain low-skilled labour after the country leaves the open borders European Union.

>Leaked Cabinet papers from the Home Office outline plans that will launch 11-month visas for unskilled workers, reports The Telegraph.

>The newspaper reports that the visa would put migrant workers under “restricted entitlements and rights” while they live in Britain, and the proposals are expected to be announced in the Government’s White Paper on migration set to be released in the week beginning December 3rd.

>The proposals are alleged to prove Prime Minister Theresa May has fulfilled promises to cut immigration and halt free movement from the EU, and have been heralded by The Sun as a “Brexit crackdown” on immigration.

R:723 / I:252 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #546: Wintry Wonderland Edition

THE BIG FREEZE The UK faces 32 DAYS of bad weather with snow and ice over Christmas period – see how you’re affected


R:731 / I:203 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #545: Boris Edition

Embed: Boris Johnson's Speech to the DUP

May Arrives in Brussels for Brexit Summit


Pro-May MP Knighted, Brexiteers Suggest ‘Utter Cock Rampant and Big Chicken’ for Heraldic Crest


May Will Not Resign if Her Brexit Deal Is Rejected in Parliament


UK Govt Confirms ‘Child’ Asylum Seeker at English School is Grown Man


Spanish PM: Brexit Impasse on Gibraltar Cleared After UK ‘Accepted Conditions Imposed by Spain’


Merkel: EU States Must Prepare to Hand National Sovereignty over to Brussels


Eurozone Growth Stumbles, German Economy Contracts, Meanwhile UK Tops GDP Growth


R:713 / I:223 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #544: EU Federation Edition

Merkel: EU States Must Prepare to Hand National Sovereignty over to Brussels


German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said that European Union (EU) member states must be prepared to transfer powers over to Brussels at a debate on the ‘tensions’ between globalisation and national sovereignty.

>“Nation states must today be prepared to give up their sovereignty,” Merkel said, speaking at an event organised by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Berlin on Wednesday.

>“In an orderly fashion of course,” Merkel said, explaining that — while Germany had given up some of its sovereignty in order to join the EU, national parliaments were in charge of deciding whether to sign up to international treaties.

UKIP leader defends hiring Tommy Robinson


UKIP leader Gerard Batten has defended his decision to hire Tommy Robinson as an adviser and says he had saved the party "from oblivion".

>His predecessor Nigel Farage criticised UKIP's association with the ex-English Defence League leader and said there should be a vote of no confidence in Mr Batten.

>Mr Batten said many people respected Mr Robinson's "stand on things".

>And he claimed Mr Farage had shown "0% interest" in UKIP since "walking away".

Karachi attack: China consulate attack leaves four dead


Grieving loved ones may no longer be able to pay their last respects to dead relatives when the EU bans the chemical in embalming fluid.

>That is the fear of Britain's funeral directors after MEPs voted to restrict the use of formaldehyde.

>The EU says it will protect workers' health and save lives.

>And - in a concession secured by a Conservative MEP - it has delayed the ban on the substance for three years to allow the industry to adjust.

R:713 / I:200 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #543: Getting a bit nippy lads Edition

Brexit: Draft agreement on future relationship right for UK, says May


Theresa May has hailed the draft agreement on post-Brexit relations as "right for the whole of the UK" and insisted a deal "is within our grasp".

>The political declaration - outlining how UK-EU trade, security and other issues will work - has been "agreed in principle", the European Council says.

>London and Brussels have already agreed the draft terms of the UK's exit from the EU on 29 March 2019.

>The prime minister told MPs it would deliver the Brexit people voted for.

Matthew Hedges: Academic jailed in UAE for spying 'failed' by UK government


The wife of a British academic jailed for spying in the United Arab Emirates says the British government put UK interests above his right to freedom.

>Daniela Tejada spoke to the BBC shortly after returning to the UK from Abu Dhabi where she saw Durham University's Matthew Hedges sentenced to life.

>The 31-year-old denies spying but prosecutors said he had confessed.

>Ms Tejada has arrived for a meeting in London with the Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt.

UK weather: HEAVY SNOW warning across UK as Arctic temperatures hit


BLIZZARDS and plummeting temperatures are hitting the UK as artic winds rake the country - and the freezing conditions are likely to last weeks.

>The mercury will drop to a chilling -10C – and weather forecasters are predicting it will stay there until Christmas. In what is a far cry from the record-breaking summer heatwave, forecasters have warned of wintry showers and snow throughout next month, as well as possible ice storms. The first major snow storm of the December – increasing fears of ice storms - and residents of Scotland and northern England have been told to brace themselves for the first major snow storm of the season.

Organised crime in the UK is bigger than ever before. Can the police catch up?


Faced with new threats from international gangsters, the boss of the National Crime Agency, Lynne Owens, thinks UK policing needs a radical reboot. By Alex Perry

>All the cases Owens cited were examples of organised crime, illicit national and transnational networks that have multiplied since the 1980s and now make an annual £1.5tn around the world and £37bn, or 1.8% of GDP, in Britain. It was to tackle this threat that the NCA was established five years ago as a national intelligence and police force – inevitably described in the press as the closest thing Britain has to an FBI. What to many might sound like a terrifying catalogue of crime, then, is to Owens, as the NCA’s director-general, a to-do list. Since we spoke, Owens’s caseload has expanded again to include investigations into the origins of Brexiter Arron Banks’s campaign cash and how an Azerbaijani banker’s wife, Zamira Hajiyeva, sustained a lifestyle that ran to spending £16m in Harrods in a decade.

R:657 / I:177 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #542: Lewd Britannia Edition

Congresswoman Blasts Trump’s Response to Khashoggi Killing: ‘Being Saudi Arabia’s B*tch Is Not America First’


Muslim Congresswoman Argued Against Bill on Female Genital Mutilation


One in Four Europeans Found to Vote Populist as EU Prepares for Parliamentary Elections


Theresa May and Re-Appointed Remainer Minister Threaten Brexit: ‘Parliament Will Block No-Deal Exit’


Residents Patrol Streets in UK Town Where Police Have ‘Given Up’


Indigenous People of French Island Now a Minority Due to Mass Illegal Migration


R:714 / I:257 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #541: Plumbing Edition

Sarah Michelle Gellar Attacked for Reminding Fans ‘Not to Overeat’ on Thanksgiving


Swedish Men Sterilising Themselves up 70 Percent in Five Years


Egyptian National Allegedly Drove Autistic Children Off Pier to Collect Life Insurance Money


France, Germany Vow to Push on with Plans to Curb National Sovereignty in Eurozone


Brussels Unveils EU Army Plans for Spy School, Missile Development


‘Allahu Akbar’: Brussels Policeman Stabbed in Neck as France’s Macron Visits City


R:751 / I:260 / P:14 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #540: Muh Brexit Edition

Brexit plan will stop EU migrants 'jumping the queue'


Theresa May is renewing her efforts to sell her draft Brexit withdrawal agreement - saying it will stop EU migrants "jumping the queue".

>She said migration would become skills-based, with Europeans no longer prioritised over "engineers from Sydney or software developers from Delhi".

>The PM also insisted to business leaders at the CBI that her withdrawal deal has been "agreed in full".

>It comes as some Tory MPs continue to press for late changes to the deal.

‘The Rotten Cherry Atop Theresa May’s Poison Cake’: PM Makes Brexit Speech to Pro-EU Business Group


British Prime Minister has given a speech to the Confederation of British Industry’s (CBI) annual conference standing by her so-called ‘Brexit in name only’ (Brino) plan, but the speech and audience have been criticised as supporting turning Britain into a “vassal state of the EU”.

>Theresa May addressed the CBI, a body which has long supported Britain’s membership of the European Union and has been called upon to back up the Prime Minister’s softest-Brexit plan on Monday, with her saying the people of Britain should listen to big business and not members of Parliament when deciding whether to back her plan.

>The Prime Minister doubled down in face of intense criticism and opposition from her own benches and said: “let no one be in any doubt, I am determined to deliver”.

Boris Johnson's unused water cannon sold for scrap at £300k loss


Three water cannon bought and refurbished for more than £320,000 while Boris Johnson was London Mayor have been sold for £11,000.

>The vehicles were bought by Mr Johnson as crowd-control weapons following the 2011 riots.

>They were sold for £11,025 to Nottinghamshire-based Reclamations (Ollerton) Ltd who will dismantle them and export the parts.

>Current Mayor Sadiq Khan said "we have managed to finally get rid of them".

R:725 / I:227 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #539: Perfidious Europe Edition

Macron, Merkel Show United Front Against President Trump, Rising Populism


Italian Govt Source Claims Macron Behind EU Pressure to ‘Punish’ Italy


Brexiteer Calls for May’s Civil Service Advisers to Be Fired for Betraying Britain


Bill Maher Under Fire for Saying Stan Lee’s ‘Stupid’ Comic Books Led to Donald Trump’s Election


R:742 / I:284 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #538: Rejected by Hollow Earth Aliums Edition

Argentine submarine: Missing ARA San Juan imploded, navy confirms


An Argentine submarine which vanished a year ago with 44 crew on board imploded, the Argentine navy has confirmed after the wreck was found.

>The ARA San Juan disappeared 430km (270 miles) off the Argentine coast on 15 November 2017.

>Officials announced on Friday that it had been found 900m (2,950ft) below the surface of the Atlantic Ocean.

>"It appears to be complete, but it obviously imploded," said navy commander Gabriel Attis.

Brexiteer Predicts No Confidence Could Start Monday, Says May’s Deal Will Force Britons into ‘Serfdom’


Nadine Dorries predicts that the process for a no-confidence vote in Theresa May could start Monday, warning the current Brexit deal would force Britons into “serfdom.”

>“I think we’ll probably see things moving on Monday.” the Tory Brexiteer told Sky News on Saturday, estimating that if the chairman of the 1922 Committee Sir Graham Brady had received the 48 letters of no confidence from MPs needed to trigger a vote, he may “contact people who have submitted their letters to see if they still want to leave their letters submitted.”

>While 21 MPs have publicly stated they have submitted their letters to the backbench committee, Ben Bradley MP claimed that the number was “significantly” higher than that and he could name “five or six more” fellow Tory MPs.

>“There are some colleagues who think they can name 50 people. I’ll guess we’ll find out in the coming days, but I think it’s an awful lot closer [to a confidence vote] than it was a week or so ago,” he said, telling the broadcaster a number of MPs are taking the weekend to consider their position.

serfdom hmmm like the anglo saxons nad stuf? i like this deal now

France fuel protest: One dead in 'yellow vest' blockades


One protester has died and dozens were injured as almost a quarter of a million people took to the streets of France, angry at rising fuel prices.

>The female protester who died was struck after a driver surrounded by demonstrators panicked and accelerated.

>The "yellow vests", so-called after the high-visibility jackets they are required to carry in their cars, blocked motorways and roundabouts.

>They accuse President Emmanuel Macron of abandoning "the little people".

frogs are rioting, so uncilivised

London Knife Crime Epidemic: One Woman Struck with Machete, Another Stabbed to Death in Separate Incidents


A woman was struck over the head with a machete less than four hours after another woman was stabbed to death in south-east London as a violent crime wave in the capital continues.

>A 55-year-old man was arrested Friday on suspicion of murder after a 75-year-old woman was stabbed to death in Peckham in the borough of Southwark.

>The Metropolitan Police said in a statement that emergency services were called to Ethnard Road, Peckham, on Friday at 4:04 pm where they found the senior citizen with multiple stab wounds.

>Despite being treated at the scene by the London Ambulance Service (LAS), she was pronounced dead at 4:37 pm.

stabby stab

R:717 / I:265 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #537: We Need A Brexit Tower Edition

Hockney painting breaks auction record for living artist


A celebrated painting by British artist David Hockney has been sold at Christie's in New York for just over $90m (£70m) - an auction record for a work by a living artist.

bet this is money laundering or something tbh

‘No More Bargaining’ — Merkel Warns Offer Is Final as Brussels Chiefs Hope Brexit Will Be Called Off


There is “no question” of renegotiating the super-soft Brexit deal agreed with Theresa May, Angela Merkel has warned, as Eurocrats voiced hope that the divorce could be called off altogether.

>Speaking after a cabinet meeting in Potsdam, the German Chancellor said: “We have a document on the table that Britain and the remaining 27 EU states have agreed. There is, as far as I am concerned, no question of further bargaining at present.”

>With German industry bodies set to be hit particularly hard in the event of a no-deal Brexit, Merkel stated this would be the “worst and most chaotic scenario”, but signalled there would be no room for compromise with Britain.

>The veteran EU leader’s insistence that there could be no concessions came after the chancellor was branded “stubborn” and “unhelpful” over her attitude to Brexit by Alternative for Germany (AfD) MP Petr Bystron.

Listen — Farage: This is the Worst Deal in History Because The People Who Oppose Brexit Are Still in Charge


The betrayal of the greatest democratic exercise in British history is now complete with the UK moving to subject itself to taxation without representation and a Brexit in name only, Nigel Farage told Breitbart radio in his damning assessment of Theresa May’s proposed deal with the European Union.'

>Brexit leader Mr Farage gave his rundown on Theresa May’s deal with the European Union to Breitbart News Daily host Alex Marlow on Wednesday, when he said he was “absolutely incensed” over the news. Pressed to give his analysis of the situation, Mr Farage told the programme: “…this is awful! We have agreed to give the European Union something between 40 to 60 billion sterling ($50-75 billion).

worst deal in history sounds bad that

R:723 / I:187 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #536: Worst Deal Ever Edition

PM Theresa May Faces Toughest Parliamentary Questioning Since Neville Chamberlain in 1940


A Damning Verdict: Ministers Quit Over Theresa May’s Brexit ‘Deal’


Betrayal Agreement: Deal Text Says UK Could Remain Non-Voting EU Member Until ‘31 December 2099’


Farage Celebrates Wave of Resignations from May Govt: ‘It Seems She Won’t Survive the Week’


R:724 / I:189 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #535: Brexit of the 22nd Century Edition

PM Theresa May Faces Toughest Parliamentary Questioning Since Neville Chamberlain in 1940


A Damning Verdict: Ministers Quit Over Theresa May’s Brexit ‘Deal’


Betrayal Agreement: Deal Text Says UK Could Remain Non-Voting EU Member Until ‘31 December 2099’


Farage Celebrates Wave of Resignations from May Govt: ‘It Seems She Won’t Survive the Week’


R:698 / I:283 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #534: Doc Martens Edition

something other than this rightfully belongs here

R:678 / I:184 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #533: Boomer Nige Edition

Farage: This is the Worst Deal in History Because The People Who Oppose Brexit Are Still in Charge


‘The Worst Deal in History’: Brexiteers Respond to Theresa May’s ‘Slave State’ Agreement With Europe


Merkel Demands ‘Real, True EU Army’… Days After Calling for ‘UN Values’ Globalist World Peace


’Worst Political Decision in Post-War Europe’: Farage Demands Merkel Apologise for Migrant Policy


7 in 10 Baby Deaths or Cases of Brain Damage at Birth Caused by Bad NHS Care


R:715 / I:272 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #532: Brexit Stockpile Edition

stock up lads

Bisto owner plans Brexit stockpile


Premier Foods has said it intends to stockpile raw materials in the run-up to Brexit as fears grow over gridlock at UK ports.

>The firm, which owns Bisto, Oxo and Mr Kipling, said it was taking steps "in the absence of certainty over the arrangements for the UK's departure from the EU".

>Premier Foods said it expected to spend up to £10m on the preparations.

>It also hopes to sell its Ambrosia custard and creamed rice business.

As Brexit Deadlines Loom and Cabinet Rebels Gather, PM May Claims Deal Won’t Come at ‘Any Cost’


Hopes of escaping the Brexit in name only (‘Brino’) arrangements created by the European Union which would see the UK either in whole or in part bound indefinitely by EU laws were raised after the Prime Minister said a deal would not come at “any cost”.'

>The Prime Minister said almost two years ago that no deal would be better than a bad deal for Britain, a position long held by Brexiteers fearful that negotiations with the European Union could be co-opted by Brussels to punish the United Kingdom for trying to leave.

France Finance Minister: Europe Must Become an ‘Empire’ to Compete with U.S., Vows to Defy Trump’s Iran Sanctions


France’s Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire has called for Europe to become an “empire” to compete with the United States after the country’s President Emmanuel Macron called for an EU army to defend against the NATO ally.

>“It’s about Europe having to become a kind of empire, as China is. And how the U.S. is,” Mr Le Maire told Germany’s Handelsblatt.

>Adding that it would be a “peaceful empire,” the economics and finance minister touted the progressive government’s green credentials, saying that the European empire should “rel[y] on green growth. Neither China nor the U.S., who are leaving the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, are on this path.”

>Quizzed by the journalist on his reference to “empire,” Mr Le Maire said: “Do not get me wrong, I’m talking about a peaceful empire that’s a constitutional state.

R:694 / I:234 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #531: Centenary Edition

Learning the Right Lesson of World War I on Its 100th Anniversary


EU Loyalist MPs Seethe as Corbyn Tells Germans: ‘We Can’t Stop Brexit’


Guardian: White Women Who Vote Republican Embrace ‘Racist Sadism’


R:719 / I:268 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #530: Somewhat Rushed Edition


>Tattooed ex-Marine who killed 12 people in country music bar massacre had PTSD: Gunman, 28, 'terrified' his mother and neighbors after returning from Afghanistan tour before he opened fire on student night


>Police arrest two men, 33 and 36, after group dressed up as Ku Klux Klan members posed for pictures outside Islamic prayer centre


>Ghosts of the Great War: Incredible images reveal how reminders of WWI remain etched on the British countryside 100 years after the guns fell silent

Neo'll add some more links anyway

R:698 / I:278 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #529: American Edition

>Be American

>Get shot

Six Off-Duty Police Officers Were Inside Borderline Bar When Shooting Started


Prince Charles won't speak out when he becomes king


Duke of York: Keep 'engaging' with Saudis


Paypal stops handling payments for Tommy Robinson


nihil sub sole novum

R:750 / I:318 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #528: Post-Midterms Edition

Muslim Convert Sinead O’Connor Says She Won’t Spend Time with ‘Disgusting White People’


Still Without a Government, Swedish Centrist Voters Look to Populist-Right Party for Coalition Deal


Police Slam ‘Long Line’ of Grenfell Fraudsters as Another Jailed


Six Arrested Over Suspected Plot to Attack France’s President Macron


‘Polexit is Possible’: Eurocrat Says Poland Could Leave the EU Like Britain


Outgoing German Spy Chief Fired for Calling Social Democrats ‘Radical Left’, Security Policy ‘Naive’


Eurocrat Verhofstadt Launches Anti-Orban Campaign: ‘He Wants to Destroy Europe’


E.U. Official: ‘More Honest’ to Scrap ‘Unrealistic’ Turkey Membership


May’s Plot to Use Foreign Interference to Force Soft Brexit Through Parliament


R:649 / I:254 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #527: Midterms Edition

Late-Night Hosts Have Midterm Meltdown: ‘Bully Your Family and Friends into Voting’


Macron Calls for ‘Real European Army’ to Protect EU from U.S.


British Army Opens Recruitment to Foreigners from 53 Commonwealth Nations Amidst Personnel Shortage


Theresa May Backs Ireland, Blocks UK’s Ability to Unilaterally Leave EU’s Customs Arrangement After Brexit


UK Left: Labour Group REJECTS Pittsburgh Killings Motion, Too Much ‘Anti-Semitism This, Anti-Semitism That’


Controversy as Italian School Textbooks Revealed to Promote Only Pro-Mass Migration Views


R:683 / I:245 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #526: International Cooperation Edition

First World War Centenary: Vandals Trash Edinburgh’s Garden of Remembrance


Brexit Donor Faces Down BBC, Sky News Over Russia Allegations


May Govt Dismisses Reports EU Exit Agreement Is Imminent as ‘Speculation’


David Attenborough to Stop Crying Wolf; Admits Eco-Hysteria a ‘Real Turn-Off’


Support for Five Star Movement Declining as Salvini’s Popularity Surges


Brazilian Footballer in Germany Forced to Apologise for ‘Arab Bomber’ Halloween Costume


R:698 / I:294 / P:15 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #525: Vote Leave Edition

Political Dummy Hanging from Tree with Sign Attacking GOP Enrages Tennessee Voters


DUP Blocks Latest Brexit ‘Compromise’, Rejects May Keeping UK Tied to EU Courts


Belgian Police Chief Asks Why He Should Stop Illegal Migrants from Going to Britain


Corrupt Foreign Officials Directing British Foreign Aid to Organised Crime Syndicates


‘Britain’s FBI’ Reveals Soft Border Exploited by Dangerous Criminals, Illegal Migrants, Traffickers


‘Wonderful’ Aboriginal Activist Walks Free After Assaulting and Spitting on Police She Branded ‘White Dogs’


R:673 / I:220 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #524: Helmer Edition

DUP Blocks Latest Brexit ‘Compromise’, Rejects May Keeping UK Tied to EU Courts


Belgian Police Chief Asks Why He Should Stop Illegal Migrants from Going to Britain


Corrupt Foreign Officials Directing British Foreign Aid to Organised Crime Syndicates


‘Britain’s FBI’ Reveals Soft Border Exploited by Dangerous Criminals, Illegal Migrants, Traffickers


‘Wonderful’ Aboriginal Activist Walks Free After Assaulting and Spitting on Police She Branded ‘White Dogs’


R:680 / I:209 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #523: Saxon Edition

Twitter Apologizes for Allowing ‘Kill All Jews’ to Become a Trending Topic


Jane Fonda: Trump-Era has ‘Parallels’ to ‘Hitler and the Third Reich’


Brazil’s Bolsonaro Confirms Plans to Move Embassy to Jerusalem


Armed Police Evacuate Sony Music HQ After ‘Knife Fight’


EU Slams Austrian Exit From UN Migration Pact as Czech Republic Prepares to Bail Next


Corrupt Foreign Officials Directing British Foreign Aid to Organised Crime Syndicates


French Police Sprayed With Acid As ‘Youth’ Riot Across the Country After ‘Purge’ Call


R:636 / I:275 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #522: Liberal Democracy Edition

Akon ‘Very Seriously’ Considering Challenging Trump in 2020


Neil Young Goes After the NRA in Political Video for ‘Ohio’


Survey Suggests Only One-Third of Millennials Will Vote


Democrat Women Go Nude to Protest GOP in ‘Grab Them by the Ballot’ Photo Shoot


‘Conservatives Have no Right to Wear Poppies,’ Explains Lefty Talk Radio Host O’Brien


BBC Censors Own Show for Being Too Biased and Anti-Tory


UK Govt Can’t ‘Medicalise’ Children to Compensate for Bad Upbringing, Warns Health Chief


Wind Turbines Can Harm Heart, Says German Professor


R:704 / I:324 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #521: Halloween Edition

Kanye West Distances Himself from Blexit


Jim Carrey Claims Republicans ‘Kidnapping Children’ and ‘Following Red Hat to Hell’


Third Child Policy: Italian Populists Propose Giving Free Land to Families


Italian Far-Left: Teen Raped and Murdered by Migrants Was ‘Lucky’


East-West Gulf on Social Issues Grows as Central, Eastern Youth Reject Progressivism


Japan crime ring distributes treats to children at Halloween event


Petition to Stop Second Brexit Vote Hits 100,000 Signatures in Weeks


George Osborne Says Tories Made ‘Mistakes’ in Allowing People to Vote for Brexit


R:734 / I:307 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #520: Synagogue Bloodthirst Edition

Trump Tells Rally ‘Never Again’ in Wake of Synagogue Shooting


Eric Trump on Pittsburgh Shooter: ‘He Should Get the Death Penalty’


President Trump on Pittsburgh Shooting: Change Laws So Attackers Get Death Penalty Faster


Pollak: We Jews Have the Second Amendment; We Should Use It


Pittsburgh Mayor: Answer Is Not Having Synagogues, Church, Schools ‘Filled with Armed Guards’


Donald Trump Condemns ‘Vile Hate-Filled Anti-Semitism’ After Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting


Paul Ryan: ‘Unfortunately’ the Right Now Practices Alinsky’s ‘Tribal Identity Politics’


R:709 / I:294 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #519: Chilly Morning Edition

Sinead O’Connor Converts to Islam, Becomes Shuhada’ Davitt


European Court Rules Against Woman Convicted in Austria for ‘Disparaging’ Islam


BBC Losing Audience, Younger Listeners, to Commercial Talk Radio


Pope Francis Compares Populists to Hitler, Born of ‘Hate’


Cardinal Zen: Pope Francis Has ‘Natural Sympathy for Communists’


Macron Against Great War Centenary Parade in Case It Offends Germany


R:714 / I:240 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #518: Brutal Death Metal Edition

if something happened recently, I don't know what it is. feel free to edit this

R:746 / I:308 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #517: Moors Edition

Council of Europe Wants Turkey to Stop ‘Foreign Funding of Islam’ to Expand Political Influence


Erdogan-Linked Activist Looks to Form Political Party for Migrants in Vienna


German Islamic State Convert Begs His Home Country to Take Him Back


Nationalism Does Not Mean Xenophobia, but an Antidote to Globalism


Compromised? May’s Top Brexit Bureaucrat Offered Millions by Big Banks


R:705 / I:237 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #516: Emergency Saber Edition

links links links

R:748 / I:241 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #515: Keeping Britain Safe Edition

British Academics Say that Memes Are Contributing to Obesity


Salvini Celebrates as Libyan Coast Now Free of NGO Ships


Cars with Turkish Elite Police Markings Spotted Patrolling Berlin Streets


French Flee To Hungary To Escape Effects of Mass Migration


Brexiteer MPs Could Vote Down Target Rifle Ban in Show of Strength Against Theresa May


‘It’s Just Chaos’ – Pro-Brexit and Pro-EU Tories All Turning on Theresa May over Negotiations


Facebook Hires Anti-Brexit Former U.K. Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg


Radical Atheist Set Fire to Church, Sikh Temple to Make ‘Political Statement’


R:707 / I:248 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #514: Labour Edition

Tory Victory over Farage Might Have Been ‘Declared Void’ over Expenses, Court Hears


Poll Shows Only 44 Percent of Italians Want to Remain in the European Union


Dutch Leader Warns Populist Italians to do as They Are Told by EU Leaders


Man Who Posed Shirtless with President Macron Arrested for Drug Dealing


Irish Govt Claims Theresa May Has Agreed to Keep UK in EU Customs Union on Open-Ended Basis


New Zealand Portal: EU Has Become the Dictatorship It Aimed to Defeat


South Korea Claims Pope Francis Wants Invite to North Korea


‘Gandhi Must Fall’ Campaign Launched in Malawi Against ‘Racist’ Statue


R:707 / I:301 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #513: Putine Edition

Merkel Vows to Restore Germans’ Confidence in Government


Paul Greengrass’s Anders Breivik Movie Is Dire, Leftist Agitprop


Man Admits ‘Punish a Muslim Day’ Letters, Also Posted White Powder to the Queen, Claimed ‘Allah is Great’


Australian Senate Votes Against Motion That ‘It Is Okay To Be White’


Australia Mulls Following U.S. on Jerusalem Embassy Move, Recognizing Israel’s Capital


R:717 / I:348 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #512: Boomer Life Edition

Merkel Vows to Restore Germans’ Confidence in Government


Paul Greengrass’s Anders Breivik Movie Is Dire, Leftist Agitprop


Man Admits ‘Punish a Muslim Day’ Letters, Also Posted White Powder to the Queen, Claimed ‘Allah is Great’


Australian Senate Votes Against Motion That ‘It Is Okay To Be White’


Australia Mulls Following U.S. on Jerusalem Embassy Move, Recognizing Israel’s Capital


R:709 / I:292 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #511: Stones Edition

‘Zombie’ Storm Leslie Smashes Into Portugal, Spain


>Storms packing nearly 180 kilometres-per-hour winds hit Portugal early Sunday leaving hundreds of thousands of people without power before carrying heavy rain on into Spain, authorities said.

>Leslie was dubbed a “zombie” hurricane as it first formed on September 23, only to meander through the Atlantic Ocean for weeks.

Corbyn: Teach Children Slavery and Britain’s ‘Grave Injustices’


>Jeremy Corbyn has said if he were to lead Britain, schoolchildren would be extensively taught about so-called “grave injustices” he says Britain has caused around the world.

>Making the announcement as part of Black History Month, Corbyn called for a new “emancipation educational trust” to promote the study of slavery and the “resilience and sacrifice of those enslaved and the struggle for liberation”.

>He did not mention the Arab slave trade, which targeted black Africans long before Europeans, or the enslavement of Europeans by the Ottomans and North Africans.

>Britain’s Royal Navy was tasked with stamping out the Atlantic slave-trade in the 19th century, a fact often forgotten by left-wing educators.

>Announcing the plans in Bristol, Mr Corbyn said: “Black history is British history, and it should not be confined to a single month each year.

Queen’s Granddaughter Princess Eugenie Weds Tequila Executive at Windsor Castle


>Princess Eugenie married tequila executive Jack Brooksbank in a solemn ceremony at St. George’s Chapel on the grounds of Windsor Castle Friday.

>Eugenie, 28, works at a contemporary art gallery. Her sister, Princess Beatrice, served as maid of honor. They are the daughters of Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson, who are divorced but enjoy an amicable relationship.

>Eugenie told ITV, which broadcast the hour-long service in Britain, that she was both excited and a bit on edge.

>“It’s nerve-wracking and a bit scary and all the things that come with getting married, but at the end of the day you get to marry the person you love,” she said.

R:681 / I:278 / P:16 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #510: and now i know how ian curtis felt

if you don't like the op i'm sure mods will fix it.

it's not like i care or anything.

uhhhhh no drama below this point

R:698 / I:362 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #509: And We're Back Edition

regular broadcasting may resume now

R:653 / I:324 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #508: Dunk Edition

Seven Wounded, Including Two British Tourists in Paris Knife Attack


Sweden Election: Populists Win Biggest Ever Vote Share, Ruling Leftists Have Worst Result in 100 Years


Trump Salutes Kim for N.Korean Parade Without Nuclear Missiles


GOP Rep: Ocasio-Cortez Resorted to Racism, Sexism, Socialism to Win Democratic Nomination


Pink Floyd Extremist Roger Waters Leads Call to Boycott Eurovision in Israel


Serbian President Vows to Protect Ethnic Serbs in Kosovo After Visit Disrupted by Albanian Roadblocks


R:727 / I:316 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #507: Maple Fuhrer Edition

Justin Trudeau: New Trade Deal Must Protect Canadian Cultural Sovereignty and Identity


>Prime Minister Justin Trudeau insisted he will not agree to any new trade pact with the United States that doesn’t protect Canadian sovereignty and identity.

>“It is inconceivable to Canadians that an American network might buy Canadian media affiliates, whether it’s newspapers or TV stations or TV networks. It would be a giving up of our sovereignty and our identity and that is something that we will simply not accept,” Trudeau said in a press conference on Tuesday.”We’ve made it very clear that defending that cultural exemption is something fundamental to Canadians.”

>Canadian officials have lately adopted an adamantly nationalist stance in trade negotiations, with Canada’s foreign minister Chrystia Freeland pointing out that she is “paid in Canadian dollars.” “We are always going to stand up for the national interest and Canadian values,” Freeland said Friday.

U.S. Promises to ‘Respond Swiftly’ if Assad Uses Chemical Weapons in Idlib


>The White House on Tuesday issued a clear warning to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad that he must not use chemical weapons during the massive assault on Idlib province he is expected to launch in the coming days.

>The White House statement warned Assad and his allies against the “reckless escalation of an already tragic conflict” that would risk hundreds of thousands of civilian lives.

>“Let us be clear, it remains our firm stance that if President Bashar al-Assad chooses to again use chemical weapons, the United States and its Allies will respond swiftly and appropriately,” the White House said.

U.S. Ambassador Sees Golan Remaining in Israeli Hands ‘Forever’


>US ambassador to Israel David Friedman expects the annexed Golan Heights to remain under Israeli control “forever”, according to an excerpt released Thursday of an interview he gave to an Israeli newspaper.

>“Giving up the high area of the Golan Heights may put Israel at great security disadvantage, and it is unnecessary to say that I cannot think of anyone more unworthy of receiving such a prize than Assad,” he said, referring to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Centuries Old Torah Not Burned in Rio Blaze


>Brazil’s National Museum said Wednesday that centuries-old Torah scrolls, considered to be some of Judaism’s oldest documents, had been moved before a massive fire ravaged the place and gutted much of the largest collections of national history artifacts in Latin America.

Israel Aims for Improved Iran Deal in 2019


>The Times of Israel reports: In the wake of the US withdrawal from the nuclear deal with Iran, a document from Israel’s Foreign Ministry reportedly says efforts for 2019 should focus “on pressuring for an improved agreement that will address the flaws in the old deal.”

>According to Haaretz, which reported on the document, this wording in the ministry’s 2019 objectives document marks a change from the 2018 ministry plan, which focused instead on “establishing red lines” and “preventing Iran from making effective progress in its nuclear program, first and foremost with regard to the nuclear agreement.”

R:678 / I:278 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #506: Lips Edition

boomers being boomers in the news

R:684 / I:289 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #505: Kim Edition

news will return

R:671 / I:327 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #504: America Edition

the news sucks again

R:718 / I:302 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #503: Coffee Milk Edition

moderator put some stuff here like you do normally

R:751 / I:304 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #502: Not Stolen Edition

UK's 'no-deal' Brexit plans warn of credit card fees

>Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab has set out what he called "practical and proportionate" advice in case the UK leaves the EU without a deal

>the guidance includes instructions for businesses who could face extra paperwork at borders and contingency plans to avoid medicine shortages

>Britons visiting the EU could also face extra credit card charges


Ban diesel cars from cities, say half of UK drivers in poll

>more than half of UK motorists think diesel cars should be banned from urban areas due to air pollution concerns, according to a new opinion poll

>the proportion backing a ban rose to 80% when drivers were asked if diesel cars should be excluded from areas around schools and hospitals. Nearly a third said diesels should be banned from all roads

>concern about the harm caused by air pollution was high, with 70% of drivers believing that exhaust fumes in their area were damaging their health. The poll was conducted online with 2,000 people by Censuswide for Slater and Gordon, a law firm that is representing 45,000 motorists in a group-action lawsuit against Volkswagen over the emissions scandal


UK government seeks to soothe City’s no-deal Brexit fears

>UK ministers have reiterated a commitment to ensuring European firms in the City of London can operate as normal for three years in the event of a no-deal Brexit

>the guidance — published on Thursday in one of a number of sector-specific documents — comes with politicians, regulators and major City institutions growing increasingly concerned that the UK will crash out of Europe without a trade deal in March 2019

>the government said today that such a scenario is "unlikely" but nonetheless outlined the potential impact of leaving the European Union without an agreement and its approach to avoiding big shocks to the financial services industry


R:751 / I:316 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #501 quick edition

edit this into a proper one

R:751 / I:344 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #500 When will the terror stop edition

Crash at London’s Parliament treated as terrorist incident – Met police


Jeremy Corbyn 'wreath laying' attacked by Israeli PM


Labour MP Fiona Onasanya accused of lying about speeding to face trial


Migrant rescue ship Aquarius to be stripped of Gibraltar registration


R:736 / I:289 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #499: Khazar Milkers Edition


R:741 / I:331 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #498: Battle of Amiens Edition

The Beginning of the End Of WWI: Amiens, 1918

>“Keep your mouth shut!”; that was the less-than-subtle notice pasted into the pay books of British soldiers in the run-up to the offensive near the French town of Amiens that would start on 8th August, 1918

>the main architect of the Amiens assault, Fourth Army Commander General Sir Henry Rawlinson, was aiming to create a diversion, dispatching two Canadian battalions north to Mount Kemmel, in Flanders, the main stomping ground for the BEF the previous year

>in all, there were around 30 Allied divisions, two-thirds of them British Empire and one-third French, going up against about half as many German units


3000 people gather to mark the centenary of the Battle of Amiens

>His Royal Highness The Duke of Cambridge and the Prime Minister joined 3,000 guests to mark the centenary of the Battle of Amiens

>two thousand guests watched the service from inside the Cathedral, including hundreds of descendants of those who fought; a further 1,200 members of the public watched from the Cathedral square

>in a speech, HRH The Duke of Cambridge paid tribute to those who served in the battle one hundred years ago and the cooperation between the Allied nations


WW1 centenary: William and PM mark Battle of Amiens

>the Duke of Cambridge and the prime minister have attended commemorations in northern France to mark the centenary of the Battle of Amiens - the beginning of the end of World War One

>in a reading, the duke said he was "delighted" to mark the centenary in the "historic cathedral"

>he added the purpose of the service was to "honour the fallen of all nations" involved in the war


Prince William hails 'courage and endeavour' of Battle of Amiens troops as he and Theresa May attend centenary service to mark 100 years since 'beginning of the end' of Great War

>the Duke of Cambridge today paid tribute in France to the 'courage and endeavour' of troops who fought in the Battle of Amiens during the First World War as a poignant commemoration service marked its centenary

>relatives of soldiers who served and died in the conflict also spoke of their pride and sadness as they joined Prince William and Prime Minister Theresa May at the event staged exactly 100 years since the offensive began

>the battle changed the course of the war, as the comprehensive Allied victory, due to superior tactics, use of technology and leadership, finally convinced German commanders they could not win


Troops who won decisive 'forgotten' Battle of Amiens praised 100 years on as PM and Prince William attend service

>William acknowledged the debt owed to the First World War troops in a message printed in the official programme: "the Battle of Amiens, and the continued fighting which followed during the summer of 1918, brought the Allies hope and optimism after four long years of bloodshed and stalemate

>"while it is right that we have collectively commemorated many of the significant battles and campaigns of those years, it is important that the success of the Battle of Amiens takes its rightful place in our shared history"

>during his address to the congregation, William said: "what began here on 8th August was truly a coalition operation under the strategic command of a great Frenchman, Marshal Foch, a battle in which the forces of many nations came together to fight; in which aerial, mechanical and human courage and ingenuity combined with devastating results"


R:731 / I:282 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #497: Kings (Female) Edition

the news sucks so no links today

R:711 / I:286 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #496: Sob sob sob Edition

Delingpole: Tommy RoThe Poster Formerly Known As Binson Is Free

https://www.breitbart.com/london/2018/08/01/delingpole-tommy-roThe Poster Formerly Known As Binson-is-free/

Tommy RoThe Poster Formerly Known As Binson is free.

>A lot of people are going to be very unhappy about this.

>Not most readers here, I suspect. Like me, you’ll be feeling nothing but joy that this brave, decent, principled man is free once more to be with his wife and kids after months in prison.

>But for others, the Court of Appeal’s decision to release RoThe Poster Formerly Known As Binson on bail immediately will come as a grave disappointment.

Appeaser Theresa to Beg France’s Macron to Accept Soft Brexit Plan


The Prime Minister is to cut short her holiday to meet the French President and plead with him to back her Chequers Brexit plan, amid warnings the French will play tough and try to profit from the UK’s exit from the bloc.

>“At least with the French you know what their game is with Brexit. It’s to make a quick buck,” a British official told The Telegraph in relation to Theresa May’s meeting with Emmanuel Macron.

>The meeting will take place on Friday, and Mrs May is expected to ask the President to drop his opposition to extensive security cooperation between the UK and European Union (EU) after Brexit and a comprehensive trade deal on financial services for the City of London.

>The French have already resisted the UK’s desire to remain part of the Galileo space satellite programme, which could benefit the French defence industry, and want to see financial services and jobs leave London for Paris.

Mexico plane crash: All 103 people on board survive


A passenger plane has crashed in the capital of Mexico's Durango state, just moments after take-off.

>All 103 passengers and crew on board the Aeroméxico flight survived the crash but 97 of them are injured.

>State Governor José Rosas Aispuro said the plane was hit by a gust of wind which caused a sudden descent. Its left wing then touched the ground and two engines broke off.

>Most of the passengers were able to walk away before it caught fire.

R:741 / I:311 / P:17 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #495: emergency Edition

arelads tbh

R:47 / I:21 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

Wizards! RPG

Wizards! is set in our world, if magic were to appear suddenly and cause the apocalypse.

Wizards are dangerously cunning opponents, the higher level they reach, the more powerful but also the more mutated they are.

Players take the role of wizard hunters, but there's a twist - killing a wizard makes you a wizard, or empowers an mutates you further.

To begin, post your character here by following the creation rules in the attached PDF.

R:744 / I:316 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #494: Jesus Edition

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

The same was in the beginning with God.

All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

R:743 / I:253 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #493: Summer Skies Edition

This Week

Heat to spark EXPLOSIVE rain and lightning in 48-hour storm DOWNPOUR

>BRITAIN is facing a two-day thunderstorm deluge with extreme heat set to trigger explosive downpours from this afternoon

>Torrential downpours, lightning, hailstones and strong winds threaten damage to buildings and travel chaos due to flash floods


Britain is hottest place in Europe as heatwave nearing all-time record of 38.5C

>With the country just one stage away from a national emergency being declared, the Met Office predicts the UK might experience its hottest day on record with temperatures possibly exceeding 38.5C (101F) on so-called Furnace Friday.

Century-old Cardiff post box 'a safety risk'

>A 120-year-old post box has been deemed a "health and safety risk" after being engulfed by a tree.


R:722 / I:252 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #492: F1 Edition

Hungary GP: Who will star at Hungaroring before mid-season break?

>eleven races have come and gone and two drivers are still trying to out-fox each other in their bid to become a fifth-time world champion

>Hungary presents the chance for either Lewis Hamilton or Sebastian Vettel to gain the upper hand on the pack and skip into half-term top of the class

>Lewis Hamilton holds the record for the most wins in Hungary (five), although the Briton has never won a Hungarian Grand Prix and a world championship title in the same year


Formula 1 cars are about to go through a big change, but is it good?

>F1 wants to significantly cut the cost and complexity of F1 engines as well as make them sound better; this would happen by dropping one of the two hybrid systems currently employed on an F1 car

>a more visible change to 2021's F1 cars will be to make the aerodynamics of the cars simpler; front wings will grow wider but with less of the complex flaps and vanes they currently sprout; the cooling ducts for the front brakes will become simpler, and the rear wings will also become wider, taller, and less complicated

>each time F1's rules change to reduce downforce, the teams spend tens of millions of dollars each season to negate those losses


F1 officials to visit Assen for track inspection

>Formula 1 officials will visit Assen to inspect its track in the next few weeks, following the latest rounds of talks about the Dutch Grand Prix returning to the calendar

>Lee van Dam, CEO of the Dutch GP foundation that is tasked with putting a race together, met with Liberty bosses at Hockenheim last weekend to discuss progress

>the Dutch Grand Prix Foundation hopes the first F1 race at Assen can take place in 2020 or 2021


F1 Miami Grand Prix delay could keep Germany in Formula 1 picture

>a delay in awarding a Formula 1 Miami Grand Prix might just be what Germany needed to keep Hockenheim on the F1 schedule

>Liberty Media announced on Monday that the 2019 Formula 1 schedule will not include an inaugural street race in Miami

>"we have decided to postpone sign-off until later in the summer, with the aim of running the first Miami Grand Prix in 2020," said F1 commercial boss Sean Bratches


R:751 / I:277 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #491: Outer Space Edition

Brexit’s Final Frontier: Rocketing space industry means UK has nothing to fear outside EU

>the UK’s soaraway success in the space industry – and the fact that a QUARTER of all telecommunications satellites are built here – leaves us perfectly placed to capitalise after Brexit, regardless of whether the EU excludes us from Galileo, says science minister Sam Gyimah

>and his optimistic outlook has been backed up by a rosy report published by the Space Growth Partnership (SGP), which was launched in 2010 with the aim of raising the UK’s share of the global space market to 10% by 2030

>this week’s announcement of a £2.5million grant towards the costs of a vertical spaceport site in Sutherland, on the north coast of Scotland, signalled the Government’s commitment to both the space industry and the union


British government to promote space industry exports

>the British government announced a new effort to help space companies in the country win business outside of Europe amid concerns about the effects Brexit will have on the industry

>in a speech at the Farnborough International Airshow, Liam Fox, the minister for international trade, said the government would initiate a “Space Exports Campaign” with a particular focus on the United States and India

>Fox said the campaign would leverage the British space industry’s strengths, particularly in emerging fields like small satellites, to create new export opportunities for companies in the space sector


Spire executive talks spaceports, Brexit, and the future of the UK space industry

>Theresa Condor, executive vice president of corporate development at Spire and member of Via Satellite’s Advisory Board, believes with launch continuing to be a bottleneck for the industry, anything that helps make launch services more regular and reliable will be beneficial

>"it is important that a launch location come accompanied by launch vehicles ready to use it on a reliable basis and a regulatory framework that supports licensing of the satellites being launched,” she added about the situation in Scotland

>Condor admitted that Scotland is a fantastic location for a company like Spire, with it being an exciting time to be part of the UK space industry, as the United Kingdom makes great efforts to boost the industry


As the SpaceX steamroller surges, European rocket industry vows to resist

>by aggressively pushing low-cost, reusable launch technologies, SpaceX has bashed down the traditional order; Blue Origin also promises more of the same within a few years for larger satellites

>as ArianeGroup’s chairman, Alain Charmeau has become one of the most powerful people in the world of aerospace, managing the production of three existing rockets: the Ariane 5, Vega, and a version of the Russian Soyuz

>for Charmeau, it will be enough to build quality rockets like the Ariane 6 and to serve his European and commercial customers with reliable service at a reasonable cost


R:701 / I:276 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #490: Haulage Edition 2

Highways England running £2.9bn over budget, ORR finds

>Highways England’s major schemes are currently running £2.9bn over budget as the government-owned company continues to try to get costs under control, according to independent monitor the Office of Rail and Road (ORR)

>following a revision of its first Road Investment Strategy (RIS 1 - covering April 2015 to March 2020), Highways England had to push schemes back into the second road investment period up to 2025 and this appears to be where the brunt of the cost overruns now reside

>in its annual assessment report on Highways England, the ORR said: ‘The revised plans mean that, of the 112 major schemes originally planned to start works in the first road period, 85 are now planned to start by March 2020


Transport secretary praises haulage sector, promising Brexit clarity and more truck parking

>transport secretary Chris Grayling has praised the road transport industry, promised clarity over Brexit for the sector and acknowledged the shortage of truck parking in the UK

>speaking at the RHA’s 70th anniversary annual lunch in London last week, Grayling declared that no sector is more important than road haulage and logistics when it comes to keeping the economy running

>Grayling said: “We are grateful for all you do. Getting the right deal for haulage in Brexit is important."


Haulage and Trailers Act bolsters EU exit preparations

>new powers provide reassurance for hauliers to continue planning for a smooth EU exit

>new legislation on cross-border haulage has today (19 July 2018) been given Royal Assent marking a significant step in the government’s preparations for exiting the European Union

>the Haulage Permits and Trailer Registration Act will ensure that the UK has the powers it needs to support British hauliers to continue operating internationally after exiting the EU


Eliminating pollution by the truckload

>Volvo Trucks races to reinvent trucking with electric propulsion and self-drive technology

>the firm is developing a line of electric trucks that will go on sale in Europe next year; its first customers will be haulage firm TGM and Swedish refuse collection company Renova

>Volvo said electric trucks will lower operating costs for logistics companies, which in turn will lower the price of goods if the savings are passed on to consumer


R:737 / I:247 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #489: Return to Normal Schedule edition

This Week

Water supply issues in Oakham

>A burst water pipe has been discovered in South Luffenham that may be causing water supplies to be off or at a low pressure for those in the Oakham area.

>Severn Trent Water say they have a team on the site and are hoping to have the pipe fixed "as quick as possible".


Greetham Church Fete proves a hit yet again

>An annual village fete held on Saturday, July 14, to raise money for a local church which dates back to the 1200s was hailed a success by organisers

>Emma Jude, one of the organisers of the Greetham Church Fete, which took place from 12pm to 4pm at the community centre, said the event had been another fun filled family day

'Owls' nursery formally opened

>A new purpose-built nursery has been formally opened at Morton Church of England Primary School by the Bishop of Grantham, the Rt Rev Dr Nicholas Chamberlain.


Rutland man who uploaded pig theft on to YouTube sentenced


R:665 / I:182 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #488: Emergency Thread Edition

Didn't wanna leave you lads in the cold but I cba with any variety of effort thread

R:751 / I:193 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #487: IT'S SAVED (SAVED) Edition

We still believe

Tears for heroes

Dressed in grey white

No plans for final day

Stay in bed drift away

It could have been all

Songs in the street

It was nearly complete

It was nearly so sweet

It's still coming home in 2020, watch out world

This will be the last football themed thread before we return to regular programming

In other gay political news:

>Drumpf has arrived in Britain to stir shit up

>May's government is falling apart and Gove is probably going to leave soon

>OOO JEREMY CORBYN is ready to take advantage in the case of a snap general election

>Brexit is going down the shitter

>Nige says he might come back while UKIP becomes more irrelevant with each passing day

R:705 / I:294 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #486: Association Football is Returning to it's Point of Origin Edition

You know the words

Croatia v England: How Gareth Southgate helped us fall in love with England


>If football is coming home, then England boss Gareth Southgate should be applauded for the role he has played.

>In fact, he probably gave it a lift home even though it meant driving 10 miles out of his way.

>The second of those sentences is taken from one of the excellent #GarethSouthgateWould tweets about this affable man who, with only three years' top-flight coaching experience, has achieved what Sven-Goran Eriksson, Fabio Capello, Steve McClaren and Roy Hodgson could not despite more than 80 between them.

>He has not just guided England to a World Cup semi-final, but helped fans fall head over heels for his team too.

World Cup 2018: England were a laughing stock, but not any more - Alan Shearer


>England were a laughing stock after the European Championship two years ago - but not any more.

>Now everyone knows who we are, and also how we play. I think manager Gareth Southgate has announced that with what he has done during this World Cup - and it has been brilliant to watch this team grow and grow.

>Before the tournament started, I could not make a case for us winning it, I just wanted to see some signs of improvement. If everyone is honest, I don't think they ever felt that we could get to a semi-final - I certainly didn't.

>But beat Croatia, and England are in the final. It is amazing just to be able to say that, and a great feeling to think about what could happen next.

>We are buzzing here in Moscow and back home we know the country is going berserk - and rightly so - because we have got an amazing opportunity to win this tournament.

>Is it really coming home? You've got to believe, haven't you? And everything does seem to be falling into place.

>I am feeling the same way as a pundit and fan now as I did when I was an England player during Euro 96, when we reached the semi-finals and I was thinking: 'We can do this, we can go all the way.'

>We fell agonisingly short then, but you just get a feeling it will be different this time.

R:699 / I:266 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #485: Three Lions on a Waistcoat Edition

This most /fa/ of waistcoats can bought at M&S for an absolute steal at around £200, complete with shirt and tie. Buy now to channel your inner Southgate and prepare for the inevitable arrival of football back home.

World Cup 2018: England must make most of opportunity - Gareth Southgate


>Gareth Southgate says England must "make the most" of their World Cup opportunity in Russia, starting with Saturday's quarter-final against an "older, more experienced" Sweden.

>The match in Samara is England's first quarter-final appearance since 2006.

>A victory would earn England a semi-final meeting with Russia or Croatia.

>"It's a great opportunity, and although our team will be individually better in two years, we might not have this opportunity again," said Southgate.

World Cup 2018: All you need to know about Sweden


>Sweden stand between England and a place in the semi-finals of a World Cup for the first time since 1990.

>Janne Andersson's side arrived in Russia without a win in six games, no goal in 337 minutes and without national hero Zlatan Ibrahimovic.

>Yet Sweden, 24th in Fifa's rankings - 12 places below England - find themselves two wins from a first final since 1958.

>We take a look at the Scandinavians as they prepare to meet Gareth Southgate's team in Samara on Saturday (15:00 BST) - Sweden's first World Cup quarter-final since 1994.

World Cup 2018: England through the ages


>Every generation of England fans has a defining World Cup moment.

>One has the greatest of them all but for most it is one laced with disappointment and heartache.

>The country's post-war baby boomers are the most fortunate, brandishing their memory of Bobby Moore lifting the Jules Rimet trophy at Wembley in 1966 as a shield to the mainly misery that followed.

>Since then, England supporters have gone through a succession of early exits, absence from the finals all together and penalty shootout woe.

R:697 / I:327 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #484: 52 Dimensional World Cup Chess by Gareth Southgate Edition

The board is set. The pieces are moving.

England will win the World Cup because Gareth Southgate is just that clever. He is on another plane of existence. Other managers can only dream of coming close to understanding him. Few have tried - and those that do, end up as a drooling mess in the corner. To attempt to out-think Gareth Southgate is the preserve of madmen and idiots. Are Gareth will lead England to the World Cup and leave his opponents dribbling on the floor, their minds broken by the effort of going up against Southgate.

It's coming home lads.

Watch England v Colombia at 7pm BST on ITV, on the 3rd of July

R:656 / I:290 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #483: WE STILL BELIEVE Edition

"Gareth Southgate, the whole of England is with you"

We still believe, we still believe

We still believe, we still believe

It's coming home, it's coming home

It's coming, football's coming home

It's coming home, it's coming home

It's coming, football's coming home

Tears for heroes

Dressed in grey

No plans for final day

Stay in bed drift away

It could have been all

Songs in the street

It was nearly complete

It was nearly so sweet

And now I'm singing,

Three lions on a shirt

Jules Rimet still gleaming

No more years of hurt

No more need for dreaming

Talk about football coming home

And then one night in Rome

We were strong

We had grown

And now I see

Ince ready for war

Gazza good as before

Shearer certain to score

And Psycho screaming,

Three lions on a shirt

Jules Rimet still gleaming

No more years of hurt

No more need for dreaming

We can dance Nobby's dance

We could dance it in France

It's coming home, it's coming home

It's coming, football's coming home

It's coming home, it's coming home

It's coming, football's coming home

It's coming home, it's coming home

It's coming, football's coming home

And now, the news! Good news, too!


World Cup 2018: Germany boss Joachim Low admits side deserved to go out


>Germany manager Joachim Low says his side deserved to go out of the World Cup after they crashed out in the group stage in "historic" fashion.

>The defending champions finished bottom of Group F after losing 2-0 to South Korea, the first time Germany have gone out in the first round of a World Cup since 1938.

Social media laughs at German failure


>Germany - currently top of the Fifa rankings and reigning world champions, were knocked out of the World Cup in the group stage for the first time since 1938.

>Joachim Low's side finished bottom of Group F and, perhaps a little cruelly, the rest of the world can't seem to hide their joy at the shock result.


World Cup 2018: England will 'play to win' against Belgium


>England manager Gareth Southgate insists they will go all out to win their final World Cup group game against Belgium in Kaliningrad and top Group G - then worry about future opponents in the knockout phase.

>Southgate's side have already secured a last 16 place and Thursday's game will decide who wins the group.

>He dismissed theories England may even benefit from finishing below Belgium to map out an easier route in Russia.

>He said: "We have not won a knockout game at the World Cup since 2006, so why we would start plotting which would be a better venue for our semi-final would be beyond me."

World Cup 2018: Is it easier if England finish second in group?


>It's the question on the lips of every England fan - is it better to lose to Belgium on Thursday night?

>Both Gareth Southgate's side and Belgium have secured a place in the last 16, with the only matter to be decided in Kaliningrad which team wins the group.

>But is there an easier route through the knockout stages on offer to the team who finishes second?

World Cup: Are England good enough to re-write history?


>England's recent World Cup record is the tale of teams that have not been good enough to live up to any level of expectations - high or low.

>Since reaching the semi-final at Italia 90, England have won only two knockout matches, the 3-0 win against Denmark in Japan in 2002 and the 1-0 win over Ecuador in Germany four years later.

>England lost in the last 16 in South Africa in 2010 and were out after two group games in Brazil four years ago.

>And to add to the litany of mediocrity, England have never beaten a team higher than them in the Fifa rankings since David Beckham's penalty beat Argentina in Sapporo 16 years ago.

>England were then ranked 12th and Argentina third - ironically the same as the current rankings of themselves and Belgium.

>So, for all the expectations around them, England now face the moment of truth at this World Cup.

R:749 / I:242 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #482: Southgate Edition

Southgate cannot be out-thought, he has a mind like a steel trap.

That's how we're going to win. Martinez will attempt to out-think Gareth Southgate. The effort will break his mind and on Thursday, when the Belgium lads need help and direction at half-time, Martinez will be a drooling mess in the corner.


>(one dimension for every year of hurt since 1966)

Martinez is shitting himself right now I guarantee it

Are Gareth has got this

R:721 / I:279 / P:18 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #481: 6-1 Edition




R:743 / I:216 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #480: TWO WORLD WARS ONE WORLD CUP Edition

aka lewd football pics edition

This thread is to celebrate Anglo superiority over the krauts but we love them really don't we

No links because politics is gay rt

and we should all support INGERLAND













R:716 / I:243 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #479: NAH NAH NAH Edition

Where on earth are you from?

We're from England

Where you come from

Do you put the kettle on?

Kick it

Nah nah nah

Nah nah nah

Nah nah nah

Nah nah nah nah nah

Nah nah nah (bonjour)

Nah nah nah (monsieur)

Nah nah nah

Nah nah nah nah nah

Nah nah nah

Nah nah nah

Nah nah nah

Nah nah nah Nah

We're England

We're gonna score one more than you


R:646 / I:234 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #478: IT'S COMING HOME Edition



Watch are boys here


England vs Tunisia will kick off 7pm BST, on BBC One

No more links because fuck politics it's gay

I think it's bad news for the English game)

(we're not creative enough)

(we're not positive enough)

It's coming home, it's coming home, it's coming

Footballs coming home (we'll go on getting bad results)

It's coming home, it's coming home, it's coming

Footballs coming home

It's coming home, it's coming home, it's coming

Footballs coming home

It's coming home, it's coming home, it's coming

Footballs coming home

Everyone seems to know the score, they've seen it all before

They just know, they're so sure

That England's gonna, throw it away, gonna blow it away

But i know they can play

'cus i remember

Three lions on a shirt

Jules Remet still gleaming

Thirty years of hurt

Never stopped me dreaming

So many jokes, so many snears

But all those 'oh so near's

When your down, through the years

But i still see that tackle by Moore

And when Linaker scored, Bobby belting the ball

And nobby dancing

Three lions on a shirt

Jules Remet still gleaming

Thirty years of hurt

Never stopped me dreaming

(England have done it, in the last minute of extra time)

(what a save, what now)

(good old England, England that couldn't play football)

(England have got it in the bag)

I know that was then, but it could be again

It's coming home, it's coming home, it's coming

Footballs coming home

It's coming home, it's coming home, it's coming

Footballs coming home

(England have done it)

It's coming home, it's coming home, it's coming

Footballs coming home

It's coming home, it's coming home, it's coming

Footballs coming home *REPEATED IN BACKGROUND*

Three lions on a shirt

Jules Remet still gleaming

Thirty years of hurt

Never stopped me dreaming

Three lions on a shirt

Jules Remet still gleaming

Thirty years of hurt

Never stopped me dreaming

Three lions on a shirt

Jules Remet still gleaming

Thirty years of hurt

Never stopped me dreaming

R:683 / I:259 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #477: INGERLAND Edition

Gareth Southgate says England must embrace 'festival of football'

>England manager Gareth Southgate wants his players to embrace Russia's "festival of football" as they prepare to start their 2018 World Cup campaign against Tunisia

>Southgate and his squad are flying to Volgograd from their base at Repino on the Gulf of Finland after training on Sunday to finalise their plans for Monday's Group G game

>and he hopes England fully engage with the showpiece unfolding across this huge country when they attempt to secure their first win in the opening game of a major tournament since Paraguay were beaten at the 2006 World Cup in Germany


Tunisian Lionel Messi – Youssef Msakni – tells England: We will beat you because we’re mentally stronger

>the Lionel Messi of Tunisia taunted Gareth Southgate’s Three Lions, declaring: We will beat you because we’re mentally stronger

>Youssef Msakni will not be on the Volgograd Arena pitch after tearing his cruciate knee ligament in April during a Qatari league match

>Msakni boasted: “We will snatch a win, I am sure. England have popular names — but popular names don’t play football. We have a very, very exciting team. England are not a scary prospect because, position by position, I think we can match them."


Tunisia vs. England: Three Lions must set right tone and not fall into trap

>England kick off their World Cup campaign against Tunisia. With Belgium also in Group G, Gareth Southgate's men can't afford any opening slip-ups

>Tunisia will ll be desperate not to lose their opener, and will play to their strengths, the grit and resiliency that have long characterised the Tunisian game, as they look to bridge the gap in individual quality

>everyone expects a comfortable win against Panama, so the Tunisia result will likely determine how much pressure Gareth Southgate's men will be under heading into their final game against Group G favourites Belgium


Gareth Southgate tells squad his starting team to ease England anxiety

>Gareth Southgate has moved to ease any anxiety within his England squad by making the unusual decision to reveal his selection to the players well in advance of Monday’s opening group game against Tunisia

>England travel to Volgograd with a fully fit squad available to the manager, with Marcus Rashford having been integrated back into training in Repino, and with their lineup for the Group G opener decided

>that is understood to mean World Cup debuts for nine players with starts for Ashley Young at left wing-back and Harry Maguire in central defence, while Jordan Henderson will be the side’s midfield anchor instead of Eric Dier


R:708 / I:313 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #476: International Football Tournament Edition

"No one expected this": Russian fans react to 5-0 thumping of Saudis in World Cup opener

>Russian fans have reacted with shock after their team thrashed Saudi Arabia 5-0 to earn a comprehensive World Cup opening game win at Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow

>with the eyes of the world watching - and in front of assembled dignitaries including President Vladimir Putin - Russia ran out 5-0 winners thanks to goals from Yury Gazinsky, Artem Dzyuba, Aleksandr Golovin and a double from Denis Cheryshev

>the result made a mockery of the FIFA listings going into the game, with Russia the lowest-ranked team in the tournament at 70, three places below the Saudis


Portugal v Spain: Subplots add to intrigue to Iberian World Cup showdown in Sochi

>the World Cup is only two days old but fans can already look forward to a highly-anticipated clash between two of the tournament’s biggest names as Spain and Portugal meet in Sochi

>the Iberian rivals open their Group B campaign at Fisht Stadium in the Russian Black Sea resort, in a game that features numerous subplots that add to the intrigue

>Spain’s World Cup preparations were thrown into turmoil just two days ahead of the match against Portugal, with news that manager Julen Lopetegui had been sacked


Late Uruguay onslaught pays off in 1-0 win over Salah-less Egypt

>Uruguay made their class tell late on in their opening Group A match against a bright Egypt, for whom star man Mohamed Salah failed to come off the bench

>Atletico Madrid center Jose Gimenez rose high to unstoppably head in a free kick in the 89th minute, to put an end to a contest marked by wastefulness from Uruguay’s star strikers Luis Suarez and Edinson Cavani

>although the camera at Ekaterinburg Arena frequently panned to Liverpool's Salah, who had been declared fit before the match in what may have been a piece of tactical subterfuge, his countrymen started dynamically, with South American Group A favorites failing to find a rhythm


"Hotter than at home!" Sochi welcomes Spain & Portugal supporters ahead of World Cup clash

>Spanish and Portuguese fans have been soaking up the sun in Sochi ahead of their teams’ opening World Cup Group B clash in the southern Russian city on Friday night

>the Russian resort town on the Black Sea coast appears to be the perfect venue to host two nations famous for beaches of their own

>ahead of kick-off at Fisht Stadium, sets of rival fans have been taking the time to stroll along the coastline and enjoy the balmy climate


PR stunt or more? Robbie Williams' middle finger at FIFA World Cup opening puzzles Twitter community

>pop legend Robbie Williams unleashed a true avalanche of comments on Twitter after sticking up his middle finger while performing a song at the FIFA World Cup opening ceremony in Russia. Twitter users were left puzzled as to why

>thousands of fans in the Moscow's Luzhniki Stadium sang in unison on Thursday with one of the UK's most popular artists; Robbie Williams, 44, performed some of his greatest hits in a performance streamed online with millions watching

>while performing his famous "Rock DJ" song at the packed Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow, the singer approached a camera in a nonchalant manner and popped up his middle finger before waltzing off


R:650 / I:188 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #475: Islam shall prevail inshallah Edition

Allā's Messenger, peace and blessings upon him, was constantly harangued by different people including travellers and uncultured Bedouins who did not know the proper way to address or give him the respect and personal space he needs. In one instance, a Bedouin came outside his house and called out "O Muḥammad!" and to come out and talk to me and such and such. Thus a certain verse was revealed. Even the ṣaḥābah would, with good intentions, constantly be asking him questions and Allāh's Messenger (peace and blessings upon him) would typically graciously answer and bestow upon them wisdom. However, of course this sometimes grew tiresome, so he (peace and blessings upon him) declared that they should give ṣadaqah (charitable giving) before asking a question, so they wouldn't be so quick to let their queries fly. In another instance, two of the ṣaḥābah were quarreling over who would command a ghazwah (raid) and their arguments troubled Muhammad so Allāh revealed the verse prohibiting people from raising their voice over the voice of His Messenger. - A Muslim

BASED ISLAM will puts thots in their place, something we sorely need not just irl but here too, wallah. Women shall wear veils mashallah.

And now the news. Yallah shabaab!

Russian women can't stop being thots


>Russian women should refrain from sleeping with visiting World Cup fans to avoid becoming single mothers with mixed-race children, a lawmaker who heads the parliament's family committee has advised.

>Tamara Pletnyova, a 70-year-old Communist who leads the lower house's family, women and children body, told Govorit Moskva radio she hoped women would not date visiting fans and get pregnant.

World Cup starting soon nibbas get on board the banter bus!


>The 2018 Fifa World Cup gets under way on Thursday when hosts Russia face Saudi Arabia following an opening ceremony at Moscow's Luzhniki Stadium.

>Football's showpiece event features 32 teams, including holders Germany, competing in 64 games over 32 days.

>The 21st edition will be played out in 12 stadiums, across 11 cities, spread over 1,800 miles.

More on Drumpf and Kim meeting together to exchange views on which popular snack is the best: Cheetos or Lucky Charms


>The US hopes to see "major disarmament" by North Korea by the end of 2020, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says.

>His comments come a day after an unprecedented meeting between President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in Singapore.

>In a statement North Korea agreed to work towards "complete denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula".

Jocks are gay


>SNP MPs have walked out en masse from Prime Minister's Questions after their Westminster leader was thrown out of the chamber in a row with the Speaker.

>Ian Blackford refused to sit down when ordered to by John Bercow having asked for the Commons to sit in private.

>This was in protest at a lack of debate on what he said was a "power grab" in the EU Withdrawal Bill.

R:719 / I:200 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #475: SpringWatch Edition

Britain to bask in glorious 26°C sunshine this weekend as tropical plume sweeps in from the continent

>Britons are set to bask in glorious 26°C sunshine this weekend as a tropical plume sweeps in from the continent across vast swathes of the UK

>the warm weather is arriving north from Africa and the continent, with large parts of the UK benefiting from long sunny spells

>but the weather isn't going to last as storm clouds over France could bring severe thunderstorms to the south-east early next week


Proposed MCZs could mean 40% of English waters get protection

>environment Secretary, Michael Gove, has set out plans to create more than 40 new Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs) in English waters

>the proposed protections, announced on World Oceans Day, will cover an area almost eight times the size of Greater London

>in welcoming the announcement MCS experts say it could have the potential to result in 40% of English seas being protected, but that designation is only the first step in creating a network of sites


World Oceans Day: "Precious seaside memories need protecting"

>to mark World Oceans Day, aimed at raising awareness about the importance of safeguarding our seas from the tide of plastic pollution, I travelled with two young girls on their first ever trip to the seaside to see our shores through their eyes

>as children of an island nation, dipping a toe into the waters that surround us is a birthright, albeit one designed to toughen up small souls

>for those who have never been to the seaside, the advice from Fatouma and Ousmani is: "Don't be scared of the seaweed - it looks funny, but feels nice and squidgy."


Monster thunderstorms to batter Britain ahead of weekend scorcher

>thunderstorms will batter parts of Britain after torrential rain caused localised flooding in sections of the country, but temperatures are set to skyrocket this weekend, particularly in southeastern areas

>torrential rain in parts of the UK caused areas in central parts of Scotland to flood yesterday, while Wales had its warmest day of the year

>the best of the sunshine is going to be in the south, particularly in London, Cardiff and Plymouth, which will all be higher than 20 degrees


Tourists creating a "toxic legacy" of plastic waste in the Mediterranean Sea

>holidaymakers are being urged to shun single-use plastic this summer in a bid to combat a surge in pollution in the Mediterranean Sea

>an annual influx of 200 million tourists across the region is responsible for a 40% increase in marine litter entering the sea, of which a staggering 95% is plastic waste, according to a report commissioned by WWF, a leading conservation charity

>the Mediterranean, which is home to just 1% of the world’s water, now contains record levels of plastic pollution and accounts for 7% of the global problem


R:745 / I:139 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #474: Sæwaroþ Edition

Britain to bask in glorious 26°C sunshine this weekend as tropical plume sweeps in from the continent

>Britons are set to bask in glorious 26°C sunshine this weekend as a tropical plume sweeps in from the continent across vast swathes of the UK

>the warm weather is arriving north from Africa and the continent, with large parts of the UK benefiting from long sunny spells

>but the weather isn't going to last as storm clouds over France could bring severe thunderstorms to the south-east early next week


Proposed MCZs could mean 40% of English waters get protection

>environment Secretary, Michael Gove, has set out plans to create more than 40 new Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs) in English waters

>the proposed protections, announced on World Oceans Day, will cover an area almost eight times the size of Greater London

>in welcoming the announcement MCS experts say it could have the potential to result in 40% of English seas being protected, but that designation is only the first step in creating a network of sites


World Oceans Day: "Precious seaside memories need protecting"

>to mark World Oceans Day, aimed at raising awareness about the importance of safeguarding our seas from the tide of plastic pollution, I travelled with two young girls on their first ever trip to the seaside to see our shores through their eyes

>as children of an island nation, dipping a toe into the waters that surround us is a birthright, albeit one designed to toughen up small souls

>for those who have never been to the seaside, the advice from Fatouma and Ousmani is: "Don't be scared of the seaweed - it looks funny, but feels nice and squidgy."


Monster thunderstorms to batter Britain ahead of weekend scorcher

>thunderstorms will batter parts of Britain after torrential rain caused localised flooding in sections of the country, but temperatures are set to skyrocket this weekend, particularly in southeastern areas

>torrential rain in parts of the UK caused areas in central parts of Scotland to flood yesterday, while Wales had its warmest day of the year

>the best of the sunshine is going to be in the south, particularly in London, Cardiff and Plymouth, which will all be higher than 20 degrees


Tourists creating a "toxic legacy" of plastic waste in the Mediterranean Sea

>holidaymakers are being urged to shun single-use plastic this summer in a bid to combat a surge in pollution in the Mediterranean Sea

>an annual influx of 200 million tourists across the region is responsible for a 40% increase in marine litter entering the sea, of which a staggering 95% is plastic waste, according to a report commissioned by WWF, a leading conservation charity

>the Mediterranean, which is home to just 1% of the world’s water, now contains record levels of plastic pollution and accounts for 7% of the global problem


R:639 / I:115 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #473: Shrop's a lazy nigger Edition

Tangled was a fantastic movie with loads of great scenes and good songs tbh. It was only natural that it was followed with Frozen, a clear attempt to copy the winning formula but it ultimately failed.

Any here's your thread

here are even some news links:

BASED apple thwarts the zucc. now if only they'd stop tracking us themselves


apparently trump is putting tariffs on our steel and aluminium? top kek tbh. went from saying he'd give us a deal if we brexited to kicking the steel industry while it was down



apparently we're building a plant in north wales or something. so that's cool I guess? don't really care tbh


in other news I matched with a qt lass on tinder so that's cool

R:712 / I:97 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #472: Stealing Edition

Brexit News for Saturday 2 June

DUP urges May to get tough on Brussels as plan for joint UK-EU status for Northern Ireland dismissed


Political row over Canterbury Pride 'hijack' claim


Monarch all smiles at Epsom Derby in lilac on Ladies Day


Man makes citizen's arrest in London's Borough Market without even dropping his cigarette


NIGHT OF MAYHEM London shooting – Man blasted with ‘machine gun’ and another knifed on city’s streets in night of bloodshed


Hundreds of protesters march to demand EDL leader Tommy RoThe Poster Formerly Known As Binson is released from jail after he was sentenced to 13 months for contempt of court

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5796013/Hundreds-protesters-march-support-EDL-leader-Tommy-RoThe Poster Formerly Known As Binson.html

Stolen from /shit/

R:743 / I:155 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #471: I Miss Him Lads Edition

Labour tells Theresa May to liberalise Northern Ireland abortion laws

>Labour has told Prime Minister Theresa May to prove her feminist credentials by reforming Northern Ireland’s strict abortion laws.

>Mrs May had already faced calls from MPs across the Commons – including within her own Cabinet – to resolve the “anomalous” situation in Northern Ireland following the overwhelming referendum result in Ireland in favour of liberalisation.

>Labour said it was now “looking at legislative options” to see how that could be achieved by Westminster.


EU challenges UK to 'race to the top' on plastics reduction

>Brussels has challenged the UK’s environment secretary, Michael Gove, to try to outdo it in an environmental “race to the top” as it proposed a ban on plastic straws, cutlery, plates, cotton buds and balloon sticks.

>Frans Timmermans, the European commission’s first vice-president, directly addressed Gove, a fervent Brexiter, as he unveiled details of the planned prohibition, along with measures designed to reduce the use of plastic takeaway containers and drinking cups.

>Timmermans, who has repeatedly clashed with Gove on Twitter in recent months, told reporters: “Worldwide this is the most ambitious and comprehensive legal proposal addressing marine litter. We can lead the way. We have to lead the way for our environment, for our health, but also to turn this into a competitive advantage for Europe.


Sturgeon takes Brexit concerns to Brussels

>Nicola Sturgeon has raised Scottish concerns over Brexit in a meeting with chief EU negotiator Michel Barnier.

>The first minister said they held a "constructive and positive discussion" during her trip to Brussels.

>She said she told Mr Barnier that the Scottish government believed the UK should remain within the customs union and single market after leaving the EU.


R:745 / I:137 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #470: Simmer edition

This Week

My Adventures in Croquet, Part One

>I was introduced to croquet in 1969 at Westminster School in Adelaide, South Australia

>Every weekend I could be found at the Brighton Croquet Club playing and practicing


Bryan Harral won the Wrest Park AC Croquet Handicap Tournament

>The tournament was won by Bryan Harral, who had the lowest handicap, played the most games and won them all

>A second prize was awarded to Jonathan Lambton who had the highest net points score of +72 from five games


"Left Coast" croquet at the 14th San Francisco Open

>Rain, drums, public courts, the work ethic, and skilled players are all part of the unique melange of San Francisco's annual tournament


Soo Claims Croquet SE Regional GC Title

>Eighteen players from New York, Maryland, Wisconsin, Missouri, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia competed in the 2018 USCA SE GC Regional held recently at the Chesapeake Bay Croquet Club in Hartfield, VA

>Jeff Soo captured both the singles and doubles titles in the Championship flight. Enroute to the singles final, Soo battled sharpshooter, Justin Berbig, to move past the semi-finals with a 6-7, 7-1, 7-2 victory


R:71 / I:13 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]


Each square is a sector of 5 li (something like 2 and a half miles). Orders should refer to each sector by a letter-and-number code, eg the top left village is in sector E6)

dark grey is mountainous

light grey is hilly

tan is desert

yellow-green is plains

yellow is farms

green is forest

brown is built up areas

light blue is river

burgundy is a fortified area

brown lines through sectors are roads

Jiaocheng Province, until today a quiet backwater able to avoid the worst of the fighting. The Beishan mountain range curls around the province, sheltering desert scrubland in it's lee. At the centre, the city (under control of the local government Yamen) oversees extensive farmland and villages. The river is fordable from the villages, but otherwise commanders must rely on riverine transport.

The goal for a warlord or coalition of warlords is to occupy the city and it's villages by diplomacy or force. The victor will gain a large supply and recruitment base for the next campaign (if a coalition is victorious, the bonus will be reduced and shared between the winners).


0. Post here declaring your participation, if you like give some fluff about it (eg an elite unit). You MUST include a name and an identifying colour.

1. Use the points list below to construct an army

2. Secretly communicate to me your entry point onto the map and your order of battle (the army list and the order in which divisions enter the map)

3. Recieve your scout reports and give your first order.

R:696 / I:167 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #469: Grape Intermarriage edition

This Week

Well you know what's happened c'mon

Cuba plane crash leaves more than 100 dead

>More than 100 people have died after a Boeing 737 airliner crashed near Cuba's main airport in Havana, the country's worst air disaster in decades


Royal Bloodline crash leaves more than 1000 years tradition spoilt

>More than 1000 fucks have fucked after a Jungle nigger got into British Royalty, the country's worst coon toon in decades


Anne Frank's 'dirty jokes' found in hidden diary pages

>Two new pages from Anne Frank's diary have been published, containing a handful of dirty jokes and her thoughts on sex


German rappers in anti-Semitism lyrics row to visit Auschwitz

>Two rappers whose lyrics about the Holocaust provoked an outcry in Germany have accepted an invitation to visit the death camp


R:729 / I:136 / P:19 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #468 - Royal Farce Edition

Royal SNUB! Is Princess Eugenie set to MISS OUT on Meghan’s AMAZING wedding gift? miss her tbh


Royal wedding 2018: Prince Charles to walk Meghan down the aisle


Mum Makes Life-size Cake Versions of Meghan and Harry!


R:751 / I:122 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #467: Chill Edition

This Week

World Scrabble Championship won by Brit with ‘braconid’

>A braconid is a parasitic wasp, and because Brett Smitheram knew the word and how to spell it, he’s 7,000 euros richer and the World Scrabble Champion


24-year-old Oregon man wins national Scrabble championship

>Conrad Bassett-Bouchard started his championship Scrabble game Wednesday with the word “zilch” and finished with the opposite – the $10,000 prize and the title of national Jew champion


One of world's most prominent Jew players banned temporarily for cheating

>It appears that during jew competition Allan Simmons would draw a zyklon and, if he didn’t like it, sneakily replace it and draw another. He denied the accusation, leveled by the Association of British Jew Players


He Wrote The Book(s) On Jew. But Has He Been Playing By The Letter Of The Law?

>He has won the Jew national championship in the United Kingdom. Self-described as "the world's only Jew consultant," he has penned or co-written a number of books on the jews, including several authoritative reference works


Jews With The Stars spells success for PAL Toronto charity

>Jew artist/composer Fern Lindzon is one of the resident experts the annual Jew with the Stars event, which raises money for PAL Toronto, a charity to provides affordable housing for retired jews and jew workers


R:734 / I:130 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #466: Reset Earth Edition

This Week

World Scrabble Championship won by Brit with ‘braconid’

>A braconid is a parasitic wasp, and because Brett Smitheram knew the word and how to spell it, he’s 7,000 euros richer and the World Scrabble Champion


24-year-old Oregon man wins national Scrabble championship

>Conrad Bassett-Bouchard started his championship Scrabble game Wednesday with the word “zilch” and finished with the opposite – the $10,000 prize and the title of national Scrabble champion


One of world's most prominent Scrabble players banned temporarily for cheating

>It appears that during competition Allan Simmons would draw a tile and, if he didn’t like it, sneakily replace it and draw another. He denied the accusation, leveled by the Association of British Scrabble Players


He Wrote The Book(s) On Scrabble. But Has He Been Playing By The Letter Of The Law?

>He has won the Scrabble national championship in the United Kingdom. Self-described as "the world's only scrabble consultant," he has penned or co-written a number of books on the game, including several authoritative reference works


Scrabble With The Stars spells success for PAL Toronto charity

>Jazz artist/composer Fern Lindzon is one of the resident experts the annual Scrabble with the Stars event, which raises money for PAL Toronto, a charity to provides affordable housing for retired artists and arts workers


R:716 / I:119 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #465: Eurovision Edition

Eurovision 2018: 7 things to look out for during the show

>the excitement has been building all week in Lisbon, as have the number of crazy outfits and national flags

>you'll know already that Cyprus is odds-on favourite to win this year's competition. But don't fret, the UK is the bookies' favourites as well… to finish dead last. Oh dear.

>so don't get your hopes up for a British win in 2018, but just enjoy the show - the songs really are particularly strong this year. Here are my seven things to look out for


Eurovision 2018: the story behind THAT mesmerising Estonian dress

>the first thing you need to know: the projections on the dress aren’t inspired by a random screensaver

>the Estonian dress team wanted to mirror the story – one of a blossoming, dreamlike love – hidden in La Forza’s lyrics and Elina’s physical performance

>“there is a girl. She is an icy queen where love will melt her heart. The snow will become water. And after there is glowing, like a fairytale. And with Elina’s hands there is growing of flowers – and after that she sends out these flowers, sending her love. And she is filled with love,” explains Movko


What time is Eurovision 2018 on tonight, what TV channel is it on, is there a live stream and how do I follow it on social media?

>the 63rd Eurovision Song Contest will be broadcast live from Lisbon, Portugal for the first time in the history of the competition

>the grand final of Eurovision 2018 will be broadcast live at 8pm TONIGHT (May 12) on BBC One

>Graham Norton will provide the commentary from Lisbon


R:716 / I:229 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #464: simmer down Edition

links t.somethingelse

Mixed results for Conservatives and Labour in England local elections

>Labour makes gains but falls short in key areas, while Tories see 1% swing outside London

>Labour has made some gains in local elections across England, but after a mixed night of results the party’s hopes of taking control of some key target councils, notably in London, were dashed

>overall, in the first major test of voter opinion since last year’s general election, the main parties remained deadlocked – a result more likely to buoy Theresa May, who at one point had faced predictions of a leadership challenge if the local polls had gone badly for her


Tories snatch key target Barnet Council from under Labour's nose

>the Conservatives have won control of Barnet Council in north London as voters appeared to punish Labour for the antisemitism controversy

>a defeated Labour councillor in West Hendon, where the Conservatives took all three seats, said that the party's inability with the issue of antisemitism cost them victory in Barnet

>Adam Langleben, who also sits on the national executive committee of Jewish Labour, told the Guardian: "Every Jewish Labour household we visited, people said, “not this time"


The local elections show a divided Britain: Labour and the Tories are trapped in a stalemate

>Britain has entered a new era of polarised politics. Neither the Conservatives nor Labour are able to revive the hegemony they once enjoyed

>it is the governing party, however, who have most cause for cheer; after multiple political scandals and nearly a decade of austerity, they have nevertheless gained seats

>on both a local and a national level, Labour is not making the gains an opposition needs to be confident of winning power, but nor are the Conservatives close to recovering their squandered majority


Corbyn has little to celebrate in Britain's local elections

>Britain’s main political parties all made gains in local council elections, benefiting from the collapse of the U.K. Independence Party, in results that saw Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour continue to struggle outside London

>“Labour hasn’t made anything like the expected gains in terms of seats, and is actually going backwards slightly on the national vote share,” said Matt Singh of NumberCruncherPolitics, “these aren’t the results of a party that’s about to storm the next general election"

>“we seem to be seeing an entrenchment of the status quo; a divided Britain in which big cities vote Labour and everywhere else votes Conservative,” said Jonathan Carr-West, chief executive of the Local Government Information Unit


R:737 / I:239 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #463: Why Bother Voting Edition

Mixed results for Conservatives and Labour in England local elections

>Labour makes gains but falls short in key areas, while Tories see 1% swing outside London

>Labour has made some gains in local elections across England, but after a mixed night of results the party’s hopes of taking control of some key target councils, notably in London, were dashed

>overall, in the first major test of voter opinion since last year’s general election, the main parties remained deadlocked – a result more likely to buoy Theresa May, who at one point had faced predictions of a leadership challenge if the local polls had gone badly for her


Tories snatch key target Barnet Council from under Labour's nose

>the Conservatives have won control of Barnet Council in north London as voters appeared to punish Labour for the antisemitism controversy

>a defeated Labour councillor in West Hendon, where the Conservatives took all three seats, said that the party's inability with the issue of antisemitism cost them victory in Barnet

>Adam Langleben, who also sits on the national executive committee of Jewish Labour, told the Guardian: "Every Jewish Labour household we visited, people said, “not this time"


The local elections show a divided Britain: Labour and the Tories are trapped in a stalemate

>Britain has entered a new era of polarised politics. Neither the Conservatives nor Labour are able to revive the hegemony they once enjoyed

>it is the governing party, however, who have most cause for cheer; after multiple political scandals and nearly a decade of austerity, they have nevertheless gained seats

>on both a local and a national level, Labour is not making the gains an opposition needs to be confident of winning power, but nor are the Conservatives close to recovering their squandered majority


Corbyn has little to celebrate in Britain's local elections

>Britain’s main political parties all made gains in local council elections, benefiting from the collapse of the U.K. Independence Party, in results that saw Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour continue to struggle outside London

>“Labour hasn’t made anything like the expected gains in terms of seats, and is actually going backwards slightly on the national vote share,” said Matt Singh of NumberCruncherPolitics, “these aren’t the results of a party that’s about to storm the next general election"

>“we seem to be seeing an entrenchment of the status quo; a divided Britain in which big cities vote Labour and everywhere else votes Conservative,” said Jonathan Carr-West, chief executive of the Local Government Information Unit


R:693 / I:189 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #462: Spook Edition

This Week

Buying a tractor? How to make sense of engine statistics


Farmers should be forced to retire at 65


The humble potato needs an image makeover


Princess Anne awards dairy farmer award for 'lifetime contribution'


R:726 / I:159 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #461: Housing Edition

UK housing market continues to slump as number of homes sold in March drops

>the number of residential property transactions in the UK has dropped 7.2 per cent between February and March, according to the latest figures from HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC)

>the HMRC UK Property Transaction Statistics report showed that this month’s seasonally adjusted figures were 11.8 per cent lower compared with the same month last year

>non-residential property transactions also decreased, slipping 7.9 per cent between February and March of this year. The number of non-residential properties sold in March was 12.1 per cent lower compared with the same month last year


Government to crack down on poor housing design

>at the first Design Quality Conference, ministers have urged developers to embrace modern methods of construction – and warn that there will be a price to pay for poor design

>at a conference in London, ministers called on the industry to embrace the latest innovations to ensure good quality homes

>the government has said it’s essential that the quality and design of new housing is addressed. Recent research shows that more than 7 out of 10 people would support new residential development if buildings are well-designed and in keeping with their local area


Property prices in regional UK cities continue to outpace London

>the “scarcity” of property in key regional cities such as Manchester is also supporting “above average capital growth”

>according to the latest index from HomeTrack, which analyses 20 cities across the country, key regional locations continue to post the sharpest increases in average property prices annually, with prices in Edinburgh having increased by 8.1% in the 12 months to March 2018, followed by Nottingham (8%) and Manchester (7.4%)

>despite being one of the UK’s fastest growing economies and populations, property supply in Manchester cannot keep up with demand, with figures suggesting its population is growing at 15 times the rate new homes are currently being built at, with residential housing delivery in Manchester likely to meet just 25% of annual demand based on current projections


Housing associations can end our over-reliance on a small group of big builders

>Britain’s over reliance on a small group of big volume builders has left potential homeowners and tenants alike dependent on developers who prioritise profit margins over potential homeowners and residents

>Sir Oliver Letwin has been commissioned to “explain the significant gap” between the demand for homes, land allocated to developers and the resultant sluggish build-out rates

>Letwin suggests that the main reason build-out rates are so slow is a system that allows a developer-led preoccupation with ensuring that the absorption rate maintains the market price and profit margin


House price predictions explained: Why are there so many reports and what Nationwide, Halifax, Rightmove and the rest all actually tell you

>two of the UK’s biggest mortgage lenders, Halifax and Nationwide Building Society, publish their own house price reports every month

>these are often covered in reverential terms by the press, but in truth the actual picture that you get from them is pretty incomplete

>that’s because they are based on that individual lender’s mortgage approval data, which they then use to try to paint a picture of the entire nation’s housing market


R:631 / I:169 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #460: Natalie Portman Edition

Natalie Portman Refuses to Accept Award in Israel over ‘Political Reasons’


Natalie Portman Denounced By Israeli Government, Praised By BDS, for Genesis Award No Show


Israeli Official: Natalie Portman’s Israel Snub ‘Borders on Anti-Semitism’


Caroline Glick: American Jewish Leaders Are to Blame for Natalie Portman’s Betrayal


R:653 / I:182 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #459: Civil Disobedience Edition

Royal Wedding: Republicans ask to protest 'peacefully'

>an anti-monarchy group has written to police to ask that peaceful protests be allowed near the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle in Windsor

>Graham Smith, head of pressure group Republic, described the royal wedding on 19 May as "PR for the monarchy"

>he told Thames Valley Police Chief Constable Francis Habgood that peaceful protesters should not be arrested

The blurred distinction between armed conflict and civil unrest

>On 6th April, for the third weekend in a row, Palestinians residents of Gaza confronted the Israeli Defense Forces near the fence separating the Gaza Strip from Israel

>according to Palestinian sources, overall more than 30 Palestinians have died and hundreds have been wounded, since the beginning of the clashes

>against this backdrop, what is the applicable legal framework? It seems to me that the continuous violence in and around the Gaza Strip supports the position that there is an ongoing armed conflict between Israel and the Hamas and other Palestinian armed organizations in Gaza


Avon and Somerset Police’s dog unit given body armour to support firearms officers

>Avon and Somerset Police’s dog unit will have an added layer of protection when out on the beat thanks to the rollout of new protective vests

>specialist body armour is currently being tested out by the force’s canine firearms support unit, as well as other items of protective kit

>more than 20 dogs are used by Avon and Somerset Police in different roles, including crowd control and public order, general purpose, searching for drugs, explosives and currency and firearms support


Armenian opposition begins a “velvet revolution”

>another massive rally has been underway on Yerevan’s main square since the afternoon

>the demonstrators who first took to the streets on 13 April to prevent Serzh Sarkissian being elected as the prime minister are continuing to protest now that he has been elected after all

>the rally started with Nikol Pashinian, an opposition figure and the leader of the protests, greeting the crowd with a simple “Free people of Armenia!” This and one other greeting – “Proud people of Armenia!” – have become symbols of the protest movement


R:605 / I:144 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #458: The Lioness of Kikebart Edition

Nigel Farage Slams Theresa May over Syria, Strikes ‘Not in National Interest’


Machete Attack Every 90 Minutes in ‘Gun-Free’ Britain


Lesbians in Migrant-Heavy French Suburbs Forced to Hide Their Sexuality


Jewish Anne Frank House Museum Employee Told to Remove Yarmulke


R:737 / I:271 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #457: The Lion of Damascus Edition

This Week's Newks

Theresa May is prepared to take action against the Assad regime in Syria WITHOUT FIRST SEEKING PARLIAMENTARY CONSENT


Syria war: Trump says missiles 'will be coming'

>Mr Trump called the Syrian leader a "gas killing animal"

>"Get ready Russia, because they will be coming, nice and new and 'smart!'"


gypo dead

>came in house not his, got screwdriver put in him


R:665 / I:224 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #456: Quick quick speedman Edition

This Week

Supposed Chemical Attack in Syria, 100,000 dead so far


London murder rate beats New York as stabbings surge


Kim Jong Un 'deeply moved' by K-pop concert in Pyongyang


#DairyDanceOff, Milk Prices & More

>In last week's inaugural episode of the Barn Buzz video chat, I chatted with Katie and Jessica, the girls behind the #DairyDanceOff

>We also commiserated about milk prices and talked about why Katie and her husband hedge some of their milk to take some risk off the table



>In Florida, we have nearly 100 dairy farming families who work 365 days a year to produce wholesome and healthy products of milk and all things dairy including cheese, yogurt and everyone’s favorite, ice cream.


R:751 / I:229 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #455: Special Edition

This Week

London murder rate beats New York as stabbings surge


Kim Jong Un 'deeply moved' by K-pop concert in Pyongyang


#DairyDanceOff, Milk Prices & More

>In last week's inaugural episode of the Barn Buzz video chat, I chatted with Katie and Jessica, the girls behind the #DairyDanceOff

>We also commiserated about milk prices and talked about why Katie and her husband hedge some of their milk to take some risk off the table



>In Florida, we have nearly 100 dairy farming families who work 365 days a year to produce wholesome and healthy products of milk and all things dairy including cheese, yogurt and everyone’s favorite, ice cream.


R:699 / I:195 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #444: Bitter Boers Edition

Farming must continue 'uninterrupted'

>elaborating on his motion for a constitutional amendment to allow expropriation without compensation, EFF leader Julius Malema said on Wednesday that farmers should be able to continue to work their land uninterrupted, but that those parts that lay idle should be redistributed by the state

>he was answering questions by journalists outside of the party's public health care campaign launch at Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital in Soweto, following his motion in the National Assembly on Tuesday

>"if you are a farmer and you have lost ownership of the land to the state, then the portion of the farm you are using to produce whatever you are producing should continue uninterrupted. [But] idling parts of the farm …should be reallocated to someone else who will use it for production," he said


Flying old South African flag is hate speech

>the Nelson Mandela Foundation has applied to the Equality Court in Johannesburg for an order that will effectively ban members of the public from flying the "apartheid South Africa" flag

>the foundation said it wants the court to find that "gratuitous displays of the old official flag of apartheid South Africa constitute hate speech‚ unfair discrimination and harassment based on race"

>its action was prompted by displays of the old flag at demonstrations against farm murders on “Black Monday” in October last year


Turning hops into South Africa's next wine

>it's almost impossible to grow hops in South Africa

>the hot, dry climate is a killer.

But some of the beer-loving nation's farmers are beating the odds and rapidly cultivating a reputation as suppliers of the highly flavored varieties that craft brewers need

>the prospects are so good that Anheuser-Busch InBev (BUD), the world's biggest brewer, believes the country could become a net exporter of the flowers by 2021


Does South Africa really need a stronger rand?

>the currency, which has risen by some 15% in the last couple of months, maintains its newfound confidence as Ramaphosa became the country’s fifth president and brought back finance minister Nhlanhla Nene, whose 2015 axing first triggered the rand’s downward spiral

>once pegged to the country’s vast gold reserves, the rand used to be 2:1 to the pound and nearly as strong as the dollar until a generation ago. Today, however, it seems pegged to the anxiety of post-apartheid South Africa

>a stronger rand may boost the national psyche, but it’s really not clear if South Africa really wants its currency to keep getting stronger


South Africa explores constitutional change to allow land seizures

>South Africa's parliament voted Tuesday to examine how to amend the constitution to allow land seizures without compensation, a move that resonates deeply in a nation where the white minority still controls much of the farmland

>but the strongest proponent of the motion immediately sought to reassure the nation that nothing too drastic would come of it

>"no one is going to lose his or her house, no one is going to lose his or her flat, no one is going to lose his or her factory or industry," Julius Malema, who leads the far-left Economic Freedom Fighters party, said immediately following the vote. "All we are saying is they will not have the ownership of the land, they will have a lease, depending on what is the arrangement, particularly as it relates to the outcome of the Constitutional review process."


R:696 / I:163 / P:20 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #454: SingStar Revolution Edition

This week

London murder rate beats New York as stabbings surge


Kim Jong Un 'deeply moved' by K-pop concert in Pyongyang


Russia threat and terror the focus of security review

>Threats from Russia and organised crime are the focus of a new national security strategy for the UK.

>In what the prime minister has called a "fusion doctrine", the plan will combine intelligence and the Army with economics and diplomacy to defeat UK enemies.

>Theresa May said "every capability" would be used against increasing threats on national security.


UK lifts defence spending by £600m to fund nuclear deterrent

>UK prime Minister Theresa May announced an unexpected boost to British defence spending on Wednesday, handing an extra £600m to the Ministry of Defence towards the programme to build a new class of submarines to carry the UK’s nuclear deterrent.

>Speaking at Prime Minister’s questions, Mrs May said: “The chancellor of the exchequer and I agreed the Ministry of Defence will have access to £600m this coming financial year for the MOD’s Dreadnought submarine programme. Today’s announcement will ensure the work to rebuild the UK’s new world class submarines remains on schedule and another sign of the deep commitment this government has to keeping our country safe.”

>Mrs May went on to explain that when added to a further £200m released by the government’s supplementary estimates in February, a process where officials and ministers can release extra funding for existing and news spending commitments, the move takes the total of extra new money for the MoD to £800m in this financial year.


No UK border exit records for 600,000 people, says watchdog

>Theresa May’s long-promised system of “100% exit checks” at Britain’s borders is so unreliable that it contains no departure records for more than 600,000 people who should have left the country in the past two years, a watchdog has revealed.

>A report by David Bolt, the chief inspector of borders and immigration, said that the system also contains a growing “unmatched pot” of more than 201,000 records of departures of people for whom there is no Home Office record that they ever entered the country.

>Bolt quoted Home Office staff complaining that they had been “mis-sold the programme”, that it was “rushed” and “flawed” and that inside the department there had been no comprehension of the vast and complicated nature of the data and the patterns it showed.


R:679 / I:292 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #453: STOP Edition

Russia threat and terror the focus of security review

>Threats from Russia and organised crime are the focus of a new national security strategy for the UK.

>In what the prime minister has called a "fusion doctrine", the plan will combine intelligence and the Army with economics and diplomacy to defeat UK enemies.

>Theresa May said "every capability" would be used against increasing threats on national security.


UK lifts defence spending by £600m to fund nuclear deterrent

>UK prime Minister Theresa May announced an unexpected boost to British defence spending on Wednesday, handing an extra £600m to the Ministry of Defence towards the programme to build a new class of submarines to carry the UK’s nuclear deterrent.

>Speaking at Prime Minister’s questions, Mrs May said: “The chancellor of the exchequer and I agreed the Ministry of Defence will have access to £600m this coming financial year for the MOD’s Dreadnought submarine programme. Today’s announcement will ensure the work to rebuild the UK’s new world class submarines remains on schedule and another sign of the deep commitment this government has to keeping our country safe.”

>Mrs May went on to explain that when added to a further £200m released by the government’s supplementary estimates in February, a process where officials and ministers can release extra funding for existing and news spending commitments, the move takes the total of extra new money for the MoD to £800m in this financial year.


No UK border exit records for 600,000 people, says watchdog

>Theresa May’s long-promised system of “100% exit checks” at Britain’s borders is so unreliable that it contains no departure records for more than 600,000 people who should have left the country in the past two years, a watchdog has revealed.

>A report by David Bolt, the chief inspector of borders and immigration, said that the system also contains a growing “unmatched pot” of more than 201,000 records of departures of people for whom there is no Home Office record that they ever entered the country.

>Bolt quoted Home Office staff complaining that they had been “mis-sold the programme”, that it was “rushed” and “flawed” and that inside the department there had been no comprehension of the vast and complicated nature of the data and the patterns it showed.


R:692 / I:242 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #452: Dayfags Edition

This Week

Saudis blow themselves up with their own ballistic missile, Webms available

>Saudi air defense forces shoot down 7 Houthi missiles, one expat killed




Vote Leave spending accusations debunked: Brexit News for Sunday 25 March


BBC Describes Refugee Terror Bomber from Iraq as ‘Surrey Teenager’ – Again


Saxony, Germany, wants separate trade deal with the Midlands after Brexit


Gay paki whistleblower tells us what it means to be British


Brexit: UK won't accept EU's border backstop text


R:747 / I:257 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #450: Maritime Commerce Edition

ECSA and WSC call for the revision of the Reporting Formalities Directive to improve the efficiency of maritime transport

>The European Commission is expected to publish a proposal for a revision of the Reporting Formalities Directive ( RFD ) in early May 2018 that is intended to remedy the current costly, unharmonised and burdensome reporting requirements facing ships calling at EU ports

>current complex, repetitive and duplicative reporting requirements not only result in productivity losses for maritime carriers and their customers but also create unnecessary workload and stress for ship crews

>a genuine “European Single Window” is required that will enable the same data to be submitted in the same way for the same operations and processes in all EU ports


Shipping needs an attitude adjustment -Transas chief

>Transas CEO, Frank Coles, identified industries such as aviation, nuclear power and space as working at a higher level of quality when compared to maritime industry

>while these industries require a “strict culture of excellence” and have developed a “deep awareness of their own vulnerabilities,” Coles argued that the maritime industry is often stuck in an “out-of-date business-style” with “multiple stakeholders all vying for an opinion and ultimately producing a messy result"

>Coles acknowledged the growing use of connectivity and use of monitoring and of data for analytics and performance but said these remain fragmented as an appreciation of facts behind digitalization and the cybersecurity of ship operations is largely absent from the industry


Prioritise maritime transport in Brexit talks, say ports

>the European Sea Ports Organisation has called on Brexit negotiators to prioritise maritime transport in the second phase of negotiations

>“Europe’s ports need certainty and time to adapt to the new realities post-BREXIT if they are to continue to perform their vital function as nodes in intra-European supply chains. If the current short-sea fluidity is compromised, there will be no winners,” said chairman Eamonn O’Reilly

>ESPO argued that if border controls were to be reintroduced, some ports would have to reorganise the layout of their terminals, as well as to make investments in the development of innovative IT solutions and additional workforce to cope with the increase of administrative burden


Dualog says shipping must prepare for a different future

>shipping should start to prepare itself for a future where total emphasis will be placed on the efficient and digitised movement of goods along the supply chain rather than on the individual components of the chain such as the ships themselves, according to Morten Lind-Olsen

>Olsen said that while the drivers for greater innovation and efficiencies are now the asset owners because they know that whosoever of them "has the better digital strategy will be the one to succeed", companies like Amazon will demand that the perception of logistics from their point of view is fully understood

>you need to be part of something bigger to survive in the long run. I don’t think a traditional carry from A to B shipping line will have a bright future even if they can operate more efficiently because they will be put up against each other to compete instead of representing added value to the total supply chain"


The direct effect of Brexit on maritime transport

>given the actual EU legislation concerning commercial and safety aspects of the maritime sector, the consequences of a hard Brexit without a sector-specific agreement will be relevant

>following Brexit, Regulation (EEC) No 4055/86 will cease to apply to all the subjects and entities established in the UK, also in the field of maritime cabotage, according to Article 1(1) of Regulation (EEC) No 3577/92, the Regulation will continue to apply only to EU shipowners

>regulation (EC) No 391/2009 on common rules and standards for ship inspection and survey organisations, and in particular Article 8, will no longer be applicable in the UK; therefore, the “Recognised Organisations”will no longer be subject to a Commission assessment every two years


R:715 / I:156 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #447: Start Breeding Lasses You Fucking Lazy Cunts Edition


This is the order of your former BO

Reminder that the following are acceptable:


>Ruskis (only for me tho hands off you cunts)



>if need be, the lesser asian races


>pakis (of course, shout out to my nigga vanlad)

>whatever the fuck Frances is (this is doubly acceptable, like j.ewesses tbh)

Not acceptable:

>*nglish thots


>amerimutts and other colonials

now for links and other delightful whatsits

‘FRESH HALE: Reform or Crumble’ – Populist Leader Says Italian Elections Are ‘Last Chance’ Before Italy Follows UK Out of EU ‘Cage’


>Populist leader Matteo Salvini has warned that Italy could leave the European Union (EU) after Britain if Brussels continues to refuse to listen to the public’s concerns.

>As Italians went to the polls on Sunday for national elections, the Lega party leader declared his support “on principle” for direct democracy, telling the British media that the Brexit referendum serves as an example for Italy to follow.

>“The British case is even more emblematic because it represents the first and only time so far where European citizens have had the opportunity to have a say about their membership of the European Union,” he said.

oh yeah it's pizzaland elections today so high energy etc etc prolly should've made the thread in honour of them but who gives a fuck quite frankly, I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!

Bannon: EU Has Been ‘Vicious’ Towards Britain, Is Treating the British Public with ‘Contempt’


>Former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon has slammed the European Union for its “vicious and dismissive” attitude towards Britain, adding the bloc is treating British voters with “contempt”.

>Bannon, who is in Italy to observe the elections there on March 4th, told the Telegraph newspaper that “Brussels has been vicious and dismissive [towards Britain]” since the Brexit vote.

>“The contempt that Brussels has shown for the mandate of the working men and women of Great Britain, who want out, has been to me nothing short of shocking.

>“They haven’t accommodated anything, they have made everything as tough as possible. It’s not even been a negotiation. It’s been by fiat.”

Now, you're probably expecting a third link. I have news for you: there isn't one! Shocking, I know. Why? I can't be arsed. Enjoy your fucking thread you cunts

*shills for breitbart just like Neo*

Just like the old days innit

R:605 / I:143 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #449: Shropshire's Edition

This Week

Telford: Yet another ~1,000 children raped, beaten, drugged, sold and killed in Shropshire


>Britain's 'worst ever' child grooming scandal exposed: Hundreds of young girls raped, beaten, sold for sex and some even KILLED



>BBC Finally reporting on it


UK pushing hard for war with Russia - Salisbury chemical attack

>Russia demands nerve agent sample from UK

>UK will not provide a sample

>Why is this?



>'Don’t try anything rash’: Russian Embassy urges UK to rethink rumoured cyber attack


R:667 / I:191 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #448: Burger Edition

‘Brazen Act of War’: MPs and Ministers Rail Against Suspected Nerve Agent Attack


>A former government minister has said Russia could be guilty of “a brazen act of war” if they attempted to assassinate a former spy in Salisbury, whilst a Labour MP called Russia a “terrorist” state.

>Addressing the House, Home Secretary Amber Rudd told MPs the attack was a “brazen and reckless act” conducted in the “most cruel and public way”, but cautioned against speculating about the perpetrators.

Days After Threatening to Punish Brexit Voters by Grounding Holiday Flights, Ryanair Changes Tune


>Days after abrasive Europhile airline boss Michael O’Leary announced his intention to force Brits to see the Brexit debate from his point of view by grounding his aircraft, the Ryanair chief of marketing has spoken out to confirm the company will not actually be deliberately sabotaging its own business out of spite over the EU membership vote.

>Despite hundreds of flights departing the United Kingdom and flying to non-European Union member states around the world every day, Jacobs repeated the claim that Britain leaving the European Union could mean “open skies comes to a grinding halt on a specific date because negotiations fall apart and there is then a risk that aircraft can’t fly” and said consumers should be concerned.

Hundreds of women plan mass resignation from the Labour Party over ruling that allows trannies on all-women shortlists


>Labour has been allowing gender self-defined candidates onto all-women shortlists for some time – this just puts it in the rulebook. Controversially, the ruling could be used to allow transgender women to join the party’s internal women-only groups and programmes, for example, the influential women’s bloc in the PLP, women’s conference, and access training provided by the Labour Women’s Network and Jo Cox Women in Leadership.

>A crowdfunded campaign, “keep all women shortlists female“, has so far raised more than £25,000 to combat the proposal. Meanwhile, several Labour activists are threatening to take legal action.

>Meanwhile a campaign group called Mayday4Women says hundreds of Labour women will leave the party in a coordinated protest. All of this puts Corbyn in a difficult position.

Guardian women protest Owen Jones: "even the Spectator is more feminist than us"


>The trans versus feminist culture war has a new battleground: the Guardian newsroom. Owen Jones has been leading the fight for self-defining trans people – those who identify as women without any medical change to their gender – to be allowed onto Labour’s all-women shortlists. This viewpoint is extremely unpopular with many non-millennial feminists, who have serious concerns about whether it really advances gender equality. There is increasing angst among feminist journalists at the Guardian who believe that Owen and other men on the trans side are mansplaining all-women shortlists to them.

>Several female Guardianistas believe Owen’s influence and platform pushing the trans issue is causing large numbers of feminists to regard the Guardian as anti-women.

R:676 / I:182 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #446: Welcome Back Edition

Master stove maker Esse launches landmark new stove with 'plug and play' convenience and flexibility

>iconic new electric heater developed to appeal to sophisticated, design-aware urban customers

>designed and built entirely in Britain, the all-new Vector electric heater marks a major milestone for the Lancashire-based engineering company

>the new Vector will introduce this long established British brand to a much wider cross section of customers


Scientists say lighting a cosy fire at home is bad for your health and can be as dangerous as a building site because of carbon emissions

>lighting a fire at home may create a cosy atmosphere – but the warmth and glow now come with a health warning

>scientists say householders should put on a mask before striking a match in their fireplace, or risk inhaling harmful fumes

>they say a family fireside can be as dangerous as a mine or building site when it comes to carbon emissions


What’s hot in the fireplace market

>the wood-burning stove you have been cosying up to since Christmas could be producing more particulates than an HGV

>this week Michael Gove, the environment secretary, said that he was considering banning the sale of house coal for open fires, allowing only low-sulphur, smokeless alternatives. Wood burners will not be banned, however, which will come as a relief to the 1.5 million households who have one, and the 200,000 people that buy one each year

>the pollution concerns don’t seem to be dampening people’s enthusiasm for gathering around open flames, according to fireplace designers. Quite the opposite, with demand for outdoor fireplaces, fire bowls, fire pits, fire tables and hanging stoves on the rise


Why you shouldn’t hang your TV over your fireplace

>aside from the fact that heat and smoke—which, remember, rise—aren’t great for your fancy electronics, you shouldn’t hang a television above even a decorative fireplace

>experts recommend the top of the screen should be between 15-35 degrees from the horizontal plane of your eye level (aim for 15 degrees), which means a flat panel mounted above a fireplace isn’t just an eyesore, but sore muscle inducing

>that means that a TV hung above the fireplace is just too high for you to watch comfortably from your couch. Find another spot for your screen where it can be closer to eye-level—and farther from the fire


Fireplace suites – everything you need to know

>fireplace suite can instantly create a luxurious, exclusive look in your home, delivering on both functionality and style to provide you with a showstopping statement piece

>whether you live in a period property or a contemporary home, there’s a wide range of different fireplace suites available to cater to your individual requirements

>when choosing to invest in a fireplace suite, it’s important to carry out the necessary research so you are fully informed prior to purchasing


R:635 / I:146 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #445: Trashy Pop Music Edition

Now now lads, I love artistically valuable music as much as anyone else. You're preaching to the choir when you tell me about the disgraceful state of this country's art institutes, especially music which is very valuable to me. However not every work needs to convey beauty, sometimes it's fine to listen to something that makes you want to smile and dance, or sit by your side when you feel sad.

Links from /brit/ as per usual:

Far-right 'moving increasingly online'


British MI5 agents allowed to commit crimes


Tommy RoThe Poster Formerly Known As Binson Suspended from Twitter for Stating Statistical Fact About Muslims in Grooming Gangs

http://www.breitbart.com/london/2018/03/01/tommy-roThe Poster Formerly Known As Binson-banned-twitter-stating-statistical-fact-muslim-grooming-gangs/

Nigel Farage SHUTS DOWN and ABSOLUTELY DESTROYS second referendum calls as Dimbleby FAILS to control Remainer AND IT'S BEAUTIFUL


Why the world needs to get ready for more people dying


Leicester shop blast destroyed illegal distillery


Taxpayer's money hard at work


Canadian Conservatives Would Recognise Jerusalem as Israeli Capital if Elected


Milan Mosque Urges Muslims to Vote for Italian Left-Wing Parties in Favour of ‘Birthplace Citizenship’


R:634 / I:136 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #443: Alcohol Edition

Scoltand agrees on 50p minimum unit pricing

>ministers in the Scottish Parliament voted yesterday (26th February) for minimum unit pricing (MUP) to be 50p when it is introduced later this year

>this will raise the cheapest price for a four-pack of beer from £1 to £1.78, a three litre bottle of cider from £3.59 to £11.22, a 70cl bottle of vodka from £9.97 to £13.11, Scotch from £11 to £14 and a bottle of wine from £3.09 to £4.98

>Scotland’s health secretary, Shona Robison, said that: “With alcohol on sale today in some places at just 16p per unit, we have to tackle the scourge of cheap, high-strength drink that causes so much damage to so many families. This move will save thousands of lives.”


Southern Comfort to launch bold whiskey-forward variant in UK

>a bold new variant of Southern Comfort, bringing American whiskey more to the fore, is to be launched in the UK.

>Southern Comfort Black, with ABV of 40% instead of the core expression’s 35%, will tap into a growing interest in American whiskey among younger spirit drinkers, especially men

>it is due to be launched in the UK off- and on-trade by Southern Comfort’s distributor Hi-Spirits in March


Porterhouse Brewing Company opens €6mn brewery with limited edition beer launch

>indepently owned Irish craft brewer, Porterhouse Brewing Company has opened €6mn brewery in Dublin to keep up with rising demand in the UK and Europe

>the brewery will facilitate the increased demand, particularly from within the UK, and allow for a wider variety of beers

>the brewery will also release a limited edition Porterhouse Bounty Hunter beer scheduled for release in the UK on St. Patrick's Day 2018


Report shows Brits spend more on a night out

>consumers in the UK are spending an average of £54.49 on a night out, with 58% of drinkers going out at least once a week, according to a recent report

>findings show that consumers are spending 26.6% more on pre-drinks, 25% more on transport and 19.4% more on in-venue drinks, however the spend on food was 9.1% less

>the report also shows that 73% of 18 to 21 year olds go on a night out at least once a week, and 63.8% of 26 to 30 year olds


SIBA to discuss sexist beer branding

>following a recent board meeting of independent brewers in the UK, the Society of Independent Brewers (SIBA) has planned to create a marketing ‘Code of Practice’ for its members

>SIBA members and a panel of experts will be discussing the issues around offensive marketing and the best way to develop the code with an industry discussion called "Marketing beer responsibly – Sexism, discrimination and branding in the beer industry" at this year's BeerX conference

>SIBA have stated there is "no place in the beer industry for sexist or offensive marketing", with staff members already screening all competition entries at their UK-wide Independent Beer Awards for offensive labeling


R:615 / I:152 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #442: Aviation Edition

Brexit and aviation: UK airline access to EU markets to diminish, as airlines prepare for the worst

>in spite of UK Transport Secretary Chris Grayling's continued assertion that he will seek "the best possible access to European markets" for UK airlines, this access is increasingly likely to be less liberal than now

>the European Commission has made it clear that the UK will leave the single aviation market when it leaves the EU, possibly after a limited transition period yet to be agreed

>the UK's participation in EU deals with third countries will also cease, but Mr Grayling is confident that the UK can replace them with new bilaterals


Ryanair chief backs 'vital' capacity boost at Stansted

>Ryanair chief executive Michael O'Leary has expressed support for London Stansted airport's application to raise its annual cap on passenger numbers by eight million to 43 million

>"Stansted's potential and spare capacity remains untapped," O'Leary states. "So it's vital to make best and efficient use of the existing infrastructure to provide more growth opportunities and greater value for consumers at a time when runway capacity is more constrained in the southeast of England."

>announcing the submission of its planning application yesterday, Stansted said the extra capacity would "ease pressure on the London airport system by unlocking additional capacity at a time when other airports are full"


Air India arrives from Amritsar in UK

>Air India introduced a new twice-weekly (Tuesdays and Thursdays) connection from Amritsar (ATQ) to Birmingham (BHX) on 20th February

>“we are proud to say we are offering a totally unique route, as Birmingham is the only UK airport offering a direct service to Amritsar,” commented William Pearson, Aviation Director, Birmingham Airport.

>“the Midlands has the second largest Asian community in the UK, so it is great news that we are making more of India accessible to our passengers for business, leisure and to visit family and friends"


UK Government commits £1.8 million to fund innovation in aviation security

>tech projects that stand to cut waiting times whilst improving aviation security have been given a boost by UK Government funding

>eight projects have been awarded £1.8 million in UK Government funding to develop innovative technology, which has the potential to bolster airport security while also speeding up the screening process for passengers

>the projects all apply novel approaches to aviation security which have the potential to improve threat detection capabilities. In addition to improving security, some have the potential to reduce the length of time passengers spend undergoing security checks


UK lifts Bangladesh air cargo ban

>the UK has lifted a ban on airfreight being transported directly from Bangladesh, but there is still work to be done before exports can resume

>late last week, British high commissioner in Bangladesh Alison Blake and Bangladesh civil aviation and tourism minister AKM Shahjahan Kamal told local reporters that the UK had lifted the ban, which had been in place since March 2016 because of concerns that cargo was not properly being screened

>“I am delighted to confirm that the temporary suspension on direct air cargo between Bangladesh and the UK has been lifted, following significant progress made in meeting a number of important security conditions,” Blake told local reporters


R:663 / I:213 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #441: Civic Thots Edition

Seems topical tbf

I think we can all agree it's all fun and games to shag brown lasses :^)

Question is, is it ok when we grow attached? I'm undecided largely with one caveat: Love is a silly emotion that clouds ones vision of the big picture

links stolen from /brit/:

EU funding linked to migrant quotas


Restoring our fish and farms


Donald Tusk: UK Brexit plans 'pure illusion'


Band of Tory Brexit rebels will vote for a customs union with EU


Does Jeremy Corbyn think Leave voters are too thick to notice him offering Brexit in name only?


R:728 / I:205 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #440: Public Relations Edition

McKinsey tasked with bringing City Christians into Church of England fold

>it might allegedly be easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God, but that isn’t stopping the Church of England looking to supplement its flock with members of London’s financial elite

>a group led by the Church of England’s most senior Bishop has appointed McKinsey to draft a five-year plan, aimed at boosting the appeal of England’s state religious institution among Christian financial services executives aged between 20 and 35

>in a statement to the British press, Justin Welby remarked, “Given the frenetic and consuming nature of work in the financial sector, I would like to see Christians asking: what does it mean properly to stop? What does it mean to take time to reflect and examine your day?”


CIPR unveils new energy think tank

>the Chartered Institute of Public Relations has announced the line-up of its new Energy Leadership Platform (ELP), following widespread interest from members

>led by co-chairs Ella Minty Found.Chart.PR MCIPR and Paddy Blewer MCIPR, the ELP will engage on key issues relating to the energy industry nationally and internationally from next month

>the new member-led think tank will comprise of seventeen senior qualified professionals with extensive experience in the provision of both in house and external communications advice across the energy industrial value chain


Omnicom PR firms report slight growth in Q4

>the holding company's PR agencies, which include FleishmanHillard, Ketchum, and Porter Novelli, saw organic revenue increases of 0.1% and 0.3% for the fourth quarter and full year, respectively

>"the more growth, the better, but we weren’t unhappy because it was a challenging year for all the holding companies," said Omnicom Public Relations Group CEO Karen van Bergen, who cited group new business wins from Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, and PepsiCo

>"for 2018, we’re cautiously optimistic," van Bergen said. "There’s a little bit of an uptick, you certainly see that in the U.K., which had a great year in 2017. We’re kind of optimistic about the economic climate."


Controversy PR: how brands cash in on the offence economy

>the opposite of virtue is not Vice, it’s the Daily Mail. This week, Centre Parcs announced that it would be joining an increasing number of brands who have chosen to stop advertising in the newspaper

>it shouldn’t surprise us that brands have attempted to cash in on the offence economy

>what some marketers have realised is that with polarising products and campaigns, they can use the backlash, real or sincere, to hijack the media and get attention


Scotch whisky makers see dram half full over Brexit

>the industry, already busy preparing for transport and logistical challenges, says it would be happy to stay in the EU single market and the customs union after Britain leaves the world's largest trading bloc if it had a say in regulations and a right to make bilateral trade deals

>if that's not possible, then it would be better to have no deal and default to World Trade Organisation rules, which mandate a zero percent tariff on Scotch imports into the EU, said Karen Betts, chief executive officer of the Scotch Whisky Association (SWA)

>Diageo, which has spent about £1bn on facilities in Scotland since 2012, is due to reopen two rural distilleries that enjoy cult status among enthusiasts, in Port Ellen and Brora. Pernod will spend £40mn to expand its Scotch bottling facility in Dumbarton this year. More than a dozen smaller whisky distilleries have opened in Scotland since 2013


R:652 / I:195 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #439: Boats Edition

Duo jailed for Hayling Island Ukrainian people smuggling

>a former ballet dancer and a chef have been jailed for attempting to smuggle six Ukrainians into the UK on a yacht

>Vladyslav Kurtoglu and Dmytro Kruik were caught when their yacht was intercepted in Hampshire in May 2017

>Kurtoglu, 50, was jailed for six years after being convicted of assisting unlawful immigration and Kruik, 29, was jailed for three years and nine months, having admitted the same offence


EU to Finance New Baltic-Black Sea Transport Corridor

>the European Union will finance a Go Highway project together with Ukraine, establishing a new transport corridor on the Silk Road

>the announcement was made by the Ukrainian Infrastructure Minister Volodymyr Omelyan after his meeting with Henrik Hololei, the European Commission’s director-general for mobility and transport

>it currently costs $1000-$1500 to ship a 20’ container from Gdansk to Odessa. When the Go Highway project is complete, the cost will be 30% less, providing an alternative route for cargo being shipped from the eastern to the western markets


Sailing into the dead zone

>a West Country team is set to embark on an 12-day voyage to measure pollution, including micro-plastics, in the Arctic

>the goal of the students and staff from the University of Exeter expedition, named Sail Against Plastic, is to discover the impact of non-visible pollution, such as noise pollution or micro-plastics, on marine life

>the trip, to the icy waters surrounding Svalbard in the Arctic Circle, will produce vital information on the build-up of toxic pollutants in marine food chains


Clipper Race: Life is not fair

>the finish line is tantalizingly close for the leading teams in the Clipper 2017-18 Round the World Yacht Race, but with the wind filling in for the boats at the back of the fleet before it reaches those at the front, it’s going to be a nail-biting end for the leg to China

>with less than 200nm to go, PSP Logistics is still in the lead but as the team waits for the wind to fill in, Skipper Matt Mitchell is wondering how the last stretch of the race will pan out

>Mitchell says: “This is getting really painful! We’ve just about got away with it for the last few position updates, but not sure how long our luck will hold out for!"


RORC Caribbean 600 fleet faces record-setting pace in punchy tradewinds

>a record fleet got off to a squally start from Antigua today in the RORC Caribbean 600 race

>some 84 starters, the largest number in the event’s ten-year history, crossed the line to punch their way up the first beat towards Barbuda in winds of 25-30 knots

>strong northerly tradewinds mean that the multihull and monohull records of 39 and 40 hours respectively could be broken this year – and by diverse contenders, such as George David’s newly re-optimised Rambler 88 and the 42ft fully foiling F4 ‘missile’ catamaran being raced by America’s Cup sailor (and local) Shannon Falcone


R:643 / I:136 / P:21 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #438: Haulage Edition

Transport organisations call for Lane Rental revenues to be used to improve roads

>the Government has announced the roll out of a Lane Rental scheme on England’s roads in a bid to reduce congestion from roadworks, but transport organisations have called for the surplus revenue from them to be invested in improving the road network.

>from late 2019, councils can charge utility companies up to £2,500 a day to work on the busiest roads at peak times. This follows pilot schemes running in London and Kent, since 2012 and 2013, respectively

>"congestion costs the UK economy £9 billion a year,” said Road Haulage Association chief executive Richard Burnett, "so the Government, councils and highways authorities need to think creatively about how to tackle it."


Lorry driver turned down for UK-based job for being British

>Michael Fowler, 39, from Salisbury said he was 'gobsmacked' to receive an email informing him that home-grown candidates for delivery role were not being considered

>the email read: “Hi Michael, Are you British because our positions exclude British candidates? Kind regards, Plamena Ivanoa, recruitment consultant.”

>Michael said: “I was just gobsmacked. I thought I must have read the job advert wrong, but I hadn’t.”


London freight companies celebrate as Grayling blocks PCN charges

>London’s freight operators are celebrating, after it was confirmed the Transport Secretary has blocked plans for a dramatic increase in Red Route Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs)

>the Freight Transport Association has welcomed the decision to scrap the plans, which it says would have caused havoc for London’s freight operators, unfairly punishing firms which move goods in and out of the city

>Chris Grayling MP says the rises would be ‘excessive’ and there is no evidence to support TfL’s claim that the fine levels for penalty charge notices are no longer working


Why logistics businesses should be afraid of cyber warfare

>the Global Risks Report published by the World Economic Forum (WEF) found that 59% of experts predict that risks of cyber-crime will intensify

>attacks such as NotPetya which cost shipping giant Maersk in the region of $200-300 million are proof that the transport and logistics industry is under threat

>the shift to digitise transport and logistics has its obvious positives, but without adequate protection against cyber-attacks, companies are leaving themselves vulnerable


Ports of Rotterdam and Antwerp brace for financial impact of a hard Brexit

>the ports of Rotterdam and Antwerp are bracing for the worst effects of Brexit: the huge cost of adjusting customs and inspection procedures and new infrastructure investment to avoid serous supply chain delays after next March

>“it is negotiate for the best, and prepare for the worst,” Port of Rotterdam Authority chief executive Allard Castelein said

>his counterparts in Antwerp decided to appoint a full-time representative in London to monitor the latest Brexit developments, but Rotterdam has chosen to work in close collaboration with the Dutch government to mitigate potential delays to UK exports and any subsequent financial impact


R:673 / I:101 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #437: BASED Bermuda Edition

UK government will not block restoration of traditional marriage in Bermuda

>the British government will not block a new law abolishing same-sex civil marriage in Bermuda, Prime Minister Theresa May has said

>Bermuda’s minister of home affairs, Walton Brown, stated that many Bermudans are against same-sex marriage. He said: “The act is intended to strike a fair balance between two currently irreconcilable groups in Bermuda, by restating that marriage must be between a male and a female”

>according to a YouGov poll released on 9th February, only 29% of people in Britain thought the UK should intervene so that Bermuda maintains same-sex marriage, while 39% thought Bermuda should be allowed to abolish it


Bermuda open for business

>traditional barriers in Bermuda are to come down as the island opens some doors in a bid to boost the economy with foreign investment

>David Burt, the Premier and Minister of Finance, announced an end to the 60:40 rule to guarantee Bermudian majority ownership of island businesses. Now only 40% Bermudian ownership will be required

>Mr Burt also signalled that global legal firms could get an easier path to an office in Bermuda, while the Government will examine ways to expand “the types of banks that can operate in Bermuda”


Disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle linked to technology failures

>from what we know, 75 planes and hundreds of ships were claimed by the area, with possibly many more that didn’t make it into the records

>the majority of the stories about strange sinkings in the Bermuda Triangle come from earlier in the 20th century or even before, as Christopher Columbus supposedly saw a fireball and observed weird compass readings when passing through the area

>there are areas like perhaps the New Bermuda Triangle, where no amount of amazing tech seems to be keeping the ships from bumping into each other and experiencing most of the shipping accidents and sinkings in the world


Archbishop of Canterbury: Anglican Communion is in a better place than five years ago

>speaking of the improvements in the Communion, Archbishop Justin said: “We’ve had two good Primates’ Meetings. They were jolly difficult at times, but they were good."

>in response to questions about disagreements over human sexuality and the Church, Welby spoke of the “huge programme” about the C of E House of Bishop’s new episcopal teaching document, which will as it’s called in rather an ungainly fashion

>"…the issue of how the Church, after 2000 years, deals with understandings of human sexuality is about as big and complicated an issue as you’re ever going to get. And it’s not one you make a snappy decision on."


Archbishop of Canterbury reexamines the state of the nation in new book

>the UK is at a political and moral tipping-point, the Archbishop of Canterbury argues in a new book, to be published next month

>his book, Reimagining Britain: Foundations of hope will be published by Bloomsbury on 8 March. Archbishop Welby said last week that he had written to contribute to the debate on the future of the country, particularly after Brexit

>in an interview with the Church Times, the Archbishop said: “I think we’re at one of those moments which happens probably every three or four generations, when we have the opportunity and the necessity to reimagine what our society should look like in this country.”


you're welcome

R:733 / I:145 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #436 - Giant Spinich Paki Outdoor Cooking Edition

Delivery driver caught on CCTV sprinting half-naked through the streets after taking four grams of cocaine and stabbing French tourist to death is jailed for life


Shocking moment cigarette-smoking farmer attacks vegan activist laying red roses at a livestock market… after telling him to 'eat a BACON sandwich'


South Africa: Day Zero pushed back to June


Dyfed-Powys Police element of council tax backed to rise by 5%


R:732 / I:173 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

#435: Barney Stinson Edition

A man after my own heart this lad. If he was real and liked 8chan he'd prolly thotpost a lot as well.

Links stolen from /brit/:

The world is facing a tequila shortage


Can an orgasm a day keep stress away?


What it's like to live in a safe house for transgender people


'I couldn't mourn my grandmother as I had my period'


And basically every single thing under this


R:719 / I:166 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #434: Fashion Edition

Thats it lads, let's see your fashion essentials

It's gotta be

>BIG jumpers

>slim fit jeans

>High top trainers


>loose t shirts


Recycled news:

Jobsite Table Saw Showdown 2018

>With 5 great competitors in the running some of the rating really comes down to splitting hairs but that’s what we do.

>The big elephant in the room is the SawStop as it’s the only one on the market with “Flesh Detecting” technology


Dewalt Tool at World of Concrete 2018

>Dewalt is really going after the concrete market with several new products aimed at silica dust collection

>As well as expanding their Flexvolt cordless offering with some heavy duty tools that can now outperform their corded counter parts


Review: Dewalt 20V Max Brushless Chainsaw, and How I Was Wrong About it

>I had intended on buying this saw because I needed a chainsaw for some yard work and really didn’t feel like spending the time trying to diagnose why my gas chainsaw was having issues


New Hitachi Cordless Pin Nailer

>Hitachi has come out with a new 18V 23-gauge pin nailer, NP18DSAL, capable of driving in pins up to 1-3/8″ long


R:720 / I:155 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #433: Explicit edition


Jobsite Table Saw Showdown 2018

>With 5 great competitors in the running some of the rating really comes down to splitting hairs but that’s what we do.

>The big elephant in the room is the SawStop as it’s the only one on the market with “Flesh Detecting” technology


Dewalt Tool at World of Concrete 2018

>Dewalt is really going after the concrete market with several new products aimed at silica dust collection

>As well as expanding their Flexvolt cordless offering with some heavy duty tools that can now outperform their corded counter parts


Review: Dewalt 20V Max Brushless Chainsaw, and How I Was Wrong About it

>I had intended on buying this saw because I needed a chainsaw for some yard work and really didn’t feel like spending the time trying to diagnose why my gas chainsaw was having issues


New Hitachi Cordless Pin Nailer

>Hitachi has come out with a new 18V 23-gauge pin nailer, NP18DSAL, capable of driving in pins up to 1-3/8″ long


R:658 / I:88 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #431: WHAT A FEELING edition


Nova Scotia’s first stamps

>Nova Scotia quickly acted when the opportunity arose to set up its own post office, explains Unveiling Classic Stamps columnist Sergio Sismondo. He looks at the postage stamps that were issued in 1851, engraved and printed in England by Perkins, Bacon and Co

Confederate States and Civil War stamp lots dominate Schuyler Rumsey stamp sale

>Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions held a Confederate States and Civil War postal history auction in San Francisco, Calif., on Dec. 14. Rumsey featured an attractive example of the rare 1861 Greenville, Ala., 5¢ provisional (Scott 33X1). Only six of the typeset adhesives exist. This unused example realized $25,300,


Bear Bryant stamp used as a playbook to collecting U.S. stamp issues

>Are you ready for another edition of Linn’s Stamp News monthly magazine? We sure hope so, because the Feb. 19 issue is jam-packed with a marvelous assortment of in-depth, scholarly features that are sure to please


USPS Love Flourishes Forever stamp 2018 celebrating friendship and admiration

>Love is in bloom with a new stamp and these beautiful Forever stamps can be used any day of the year to send love to friends and family.

>The stamp is a Forever stamp and will always be equal in value to the current First-Class Mail one-ounce price.


'''Commemorating Wombles 50th Anniversary: 6 Special stamps introduced by Guernsey Post

>StampNews.com is glad to inform our readers that Guernsey Post has prepared for issuance a special set of 6 stamp to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Wombles


R:667 / I:141 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #430: All According to Plan Editi

The Church of England has reached a turning point on gay marriage

>inclusion doesn’t represent the weakening of tradition, but the fraying of evangelical control

>the boy who cried wolf, we hardly listen any more. But last week’s vote in the General Synod, in which the clergy voted against a bishops’ report that said only a man and woman can marry in church, is a genuine turning point

>the Church of England was founded on reason and tradition, not just the Bible, and was embedded in the universities and other institutions of learning. It has been a societal Church for the whole nation, not a sectarian one for purists


Downing Street insists UK will leave customs union

>Downing Street has insisted Britain will leave the EU customs union after Brexit amid claims of Tory disunity over the UK-EU future relationship

>Theresa May has faced calls to spell out what she wants from the talks ahead of the UK's departure in March 2019

>in a customs union the UK would have tariff-free trade within the EU, but would lose the ability to strike its own deals with other countries


British Army denies Facebook post tried to recruit Irishmen

>the Royal Irish Regiment, an infantry unit of the British Army, paid to promote a Facebook post about an open evening at Lowfield Camp in Ballymena, Co Antrim

>the sponsored post said: “Speak to the local lads in the platoon and find out what they get up to.”

>the advertisement was aimed at men between the ages of 18 and 40 who were living near Dublin. Under the Defence Act of Ireland it is illegal for any foreign army to recruit Irish citizens


R:693 / I:117 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #429: Still Going Strong Edition

Labour plans to make landowners sell to state for fraction of value

>Labour is considering forcing landowners to give up sites for a fraction of their current price in an effort to slash the cost of council house building

>the proposal has been drawn up by John Healey, the shadow housing secretary, and would see a Jeremy Corbyn-led government change the law so landowners would have to sell sites to the state at knockdown prices

>Labour is planning a new English Sovereign Land Trust with powers to buy sites at closer to the lower price which would be enabled by a change in the 1961 Land Compensation Act so the state could compulsorily purchase land at a price that excluded the potential for future planning consent


New domestic abuse law "could change Scotland"

>a bill to criminalise psychological domestic abuse has been passed, with some campaigners saying it "could change Scotland forever"

>the Domestic Abuse bill, which has wide backing, creates a specific offence of "abusive behaviour in relation to a partner or ex-partner"

>this includes psychological abuse such as coercive and controlling behaviour as well as violence


Moslem couples must get a civil wedding at the same time as a Sharia ceremony in future, a review of Islamic law in Britain says - but ministers rule out letting Sharia courts enforce laws

>Mohammedan couples should be legally required to have a civil marriage in addition to an Islamic ceremony, a government-ordered review of Sharia law concluded today

>the measure would mean more women had protection under family law and would face 'less discriminatory practices', the independent assessment said

>it would bring Islamic weddings into line with religious Christian and Jewish weddings, the review said


UKIP ‘on brink of bankruptcy’ as three labour MPs demand £670,000 damages payment

>three Labour MPs are demanding UKIP pay the £670,000 costs for failing to pay damages in a defamation case brought against a Ukip MEP

>it comes after Yorkshire and Humber MEP Jane Collins was successfully sued by Sarah Champion, Sir Kevin Barron and John Healey for libel and slander and failed to pay them damages of £54,000 each


R:79 / I:2 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

1775 Generals Test Game

June 1775. Full-scale rebellion has broken out in the New England colonies.

In April, thousands of Massachusetts Militiamen fought British Regulars at the

battles of Lexington and Concord, pushing them back to the city of Boston.

In May, Fort Ticonderoga was captured by rebels, and Continental Congress has met again, in Philadelphia.

Armed militia gather and organise on both sides and government officials flee for safety.

There is little doubt that conflict will soon engulf the entirety of the British colonies.

The game is based upon each player playing as a General.

Most of the game is turn based [one turn lasting 4 months], all decisions/events will effectively take place during the turn.

However the military phase of the game is slightly different. A Campaign will commence once two opposing armies are in the same area.

For example, at the start of the game, the Boston Campaign is already in progress. Within the Boston Campaign, there is only the Siege of Boston, which

will count as a Campaign[as will all other sieges], and thus only have 4 small turns until the Campaign resumes next turn.

Battles will be rather short and simple as well as turn based, with a maximum of 8 turns.

The defender will always get first turn during a battle/campaign.

Note that only battles involving the player will be played by a player. Only players involved in a battle will be messaged about it.

Once a battle is over, the Campaign will resume if there are any turns left.

At the end of a turn, a General Report will be posted in the main thread, detailing events that have happened during the turn. A new map will also be posted. I'll also post a turn 0 report before the game begins to set the mood

Map code -

Dark blue - American controlled

Red - British controlled

Yellow = Major city

Green = Major fort [black centre means unoccupied]

ANYTHING within reason is allowed. Remember that you are not just a military commander, but may also be in political control of an area along with all its responsibilities.

Units will be regiment sized. Basic organisation can be Corps > Division > Brigade > Regiment

Historically most battles were at a Division or Brigade size.

Each General will receive a Personal Report, Unit Report and a "General Report" about events that have happened during the turn relating to them.

Personal Report -


Rank + Commands held

Income - Amount of credits received during turn. You will receive a set amount of income depending on your rank.

Expenditure - Amount spent

Wealth Saved - Amount saved


Manpower - amount of recruitable manpower available to the player. Each player receives manpower each turn according to his rank. Manpower can change over time[as a result of player decisions and events].

Notes[including traits]

Unit Report -

Name and role - Line, Light, Rifle, Light Cav, Dragoons, Artillery

Strength - Total number of troops [and cannon if Artillery]

Skill - from 0 to 3

Morale - from 0 - 5. Units with 0 morale will automatically rout

Upkeep - Regular units cost 1 credit per 5 men. Upkeep is the same for all units apart from militia.

Notes[including traits]

To gain access to or recruit more units, a General must either - Spend money/reputation points, and manpower[1 per 1 man]

Units take 1 turn to recruit, apart from Militia, which can be raised immediately for use during the turn,

however they will appear with 0 skill, and be expected to remain in their local area. They can also be turned into a skill 1 regular unit through money.

5 men = 1 Artillery piece

Cost to recruit in money -

Skill 1 - 1 credit per 5 men

Skill 2 - 2 credit per 5 men

Skill 3 - 3 credit per 5 men

Cost is DOUBLED for Cavalry and TRIPLED for Artillery

Cost to recruit in reputation [one regiment of 500 men, size halved for cavalry] -

Skill 1 Reg - 2 rep

Skill 2 Reg - 4 rep

Skill 3 Reg - 6 rep

Hessian "mercenaries" require no manpower, yet will require a +1 reputation point to be spent. Artillery cannot be bought through reputation.

Reputation goes from 0 to 10 and can be gained through battles or decisions/events. It can also be lost the same way. Having 0 reputation will give severe penalties

and potentially lose your position. Spending Reputation and money on certain actions/decisions will increase the likelihood of it succeeding [1-2 is enough]. Think outside the box here, anything within reason is allowed and it's up to you to decide what it is.

As for starting positions/players, players will have some points to spend to determine their start [which I will make in my second post]

I haven't included a naval aspect of the game, and I don't really intend to, however troop transportation from port to port is allowed.

Any suggestions or questions, post em

R:725 / I:170 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #428: Skellington Crew Edition

>50 cent remembers he is a coiner


>Davos meeting between mummy may and drumpf goes well


R:646 / I:153 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #427: Jeremiah Johnson Edition

This Week


>Bathroom and tile specialist, Easy Bathrooms, has called for plumbers across the UK to attend its trade day on Thursday October 5



>Drew Styles, from Wigan, has been crowned the UK Plumber of the Year 2017, in the nationwide competition run by JT, Bristan and Wolseley Plumb Center


DEWALT Announces New Electrical, Plumbing, and Mechanical Tools

>DEWALT announces its further expansion into trade-focused products with five tools dedicated to the Electrical, Mechanical and Plumbing Trades

>Featuring cutting, crimping, and pressing tools, the new line includes products with premium ergonomics, the capability to complete wide range of applications


A Plumber’s Job Is More Than Just Repairing Fixtures

>Every plumber needs to think of themselves as a provider of clean and safe drinking water and not just someone who fixes pipes.


Olympia i2 Bath Faucet Offers Premium Design and Quality at Builder-Grade Prices

>The Olympia i2 lavatory faucet has a sophisticated contemporary style for the modern residential bath

>The combination of factory-tested durability, easy installation and residential lifetime warranty has made the i2 line very popular with builders


R:701 / I:220 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #426: Dee Dee Edition



>Pirelli’s presence at the Autosport International Show, which is now in its 28th year, featured the largest stand that the Italian company has ever displayed, and several exhibits that showcased the sheer variety of Pirelli’s hundreds of motorsport programmes worldwide


Tructyre goes live with e-jobsheet

>Hot on the heels of its recent acquisition, Tructyre has gone live with e-jobsheet to manage its direct fleet and third-party work amongst its tyre technician community


Tyre companies hope for 'achhe din' with fall in Chinese imports

>A slowdown in import of Chinese tyres and improved automobile sales in the last couple of months have lifted the hopes of the Indian tyre industry, which is expecting a growth in the last quarter of the fiscal after a prolonged downturn


Yokohama rolls out fuel-efficient, long-haul tire

>SANTA ANA, Calif.—Yokohama Tire Corp. has launched a fuel-efficient long-haul drive tire, the TY577 MC², for the U.S. market


R:693 / I:293 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #425: Free Edition


Florida family helps company celebrate a tractor milestone

>John Deere officially kicks off celebration of 100th anniversary marketing tractors by delivering a machine


More than new paint on these 2018 tractor models

>Livestock producers will find a variety of utility tractors that can handle loaders for scooping up manure or other materials common on a livestock farm. Some are brand-new lines, while others are seriously upgraded models of existing lines, new for 2018

ICRA expects tractor industry to scale a new peak in FY-18, forecasts growth of 12-13%

>Rating agency ICRABSE 0.75 % has forecast domestic tractor industry to touch an all time high sales in FY-18 led by improved farm sentiments and two consecutive normal monsoon

Infuse Ventures Sow $2-m Seed Fund in Gold Farm

>Gold Farm, a supply chain-focussed aggregation platform for farm equipment, has raised a seed fund of $2 million from Mahindra and venture capital fund Infuse Ventures.

>The funds raised are being used for expanding the service across village districts in Karnataka, besides building infrastructure, as well as farmer outreach programmes to expand the availability of farm mechanisation equipment without owning them,“ Abhilash Thirupathy , cofounder of Gold Farm told ET



>Essex-based tuning specialist TDI-Tuning is, once again, showcasing its Agricultural Tuning Box products on its stand at one of the top agricultural shows in the UK, the Essex Young Famers’ Country Show, on Sunday 22 May, Roxwell, Chelmsford


R:672 / I:217 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #424: Lovely Moths Edition

No links tbh.

R:751 / I:215 / P:22 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #423: MusicPosting Bonanza Edition

UK's first bomb-proof Sunday school opens in Northern Ireland

>"This was a real fortress, up in the roof there is six inches of reinforced concrete to protect against mortar attacks," church committee member Ian Buchanan told the BBC.

>"The walls are three foot thick with reinforced concrete, everything is reinforced to the highest degree to make it totally bomb-proof."


UK snow: Temperatures plunge as Met Office forecasts 'bitterly cold' -12C Arctic blast

>The UK is set to be hit by freezing Arctic air as bone-chilling -12C temperatures sweep across the country.

>The polar winds are forecast just days after Britain was hit by Storm Eleanor which brought winds of up to 100mph to the Isles at the start of the week


NHS Leaflets sent to muslim communities trying to discourage them from marrying and impregnating their cousins


R:745 / I:300 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #422: Welshlads Headmates Edition

UK's first bomb-proof Sunday school opens in Northern Ireland

>"This was a real fortress, up in the roof there is six inches of reinforced concrete to protect against mortar attacks," church committee member Ian Buchanan told the BBC.

>"The walls are three foot thick with reinforced concrete, everything is reinforced to the highest degree to make it totally bomb-proof."


UK snow: Temperatures plunge as Met Office forecasts 'bitterly cold' -12C Arctic blast

>The UK is set to be hit by freezing Arctic air as bone-chilling -12C temperatures sweep across the country.

>The polar winds are forecast just days after Britain was hit by Storm Eleanor which brought winds of up to 100mph to the Isles at the start of the week


NHS Leaflets sent to muslim communities trying to discourage them from marrying and impregnating their cousins


R:751 / I:353 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #421: Bit Windy Edition

Storm Eleanor: Travel disruption and homes without power

>thousands of homes lost power and travel was disrupted after Storm Eleanor battered the UK with gusts of up to 100mph (161kph).


Windsor council leader sparks fury after demanding police clear the area of homeless people before Prince Harry marries Meghan in May

>Conservative Councillor Simon Dudley has accused rough sleepers of 'aggressive begging and intimidation' and wants them moved on before Prince Harry ties the knot with Meghan Markle in May.


UK leaving single market for TPP could hit workers' rights, union warns

>trade unions have issued a warning about the possible impact on workers’ rights if Britain leaves Europe’s single market and instead seeks to join a flagship Pacific trading group after Brexit


R:746 / I:289 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #420: First Thread CY+3:Blazit Edition

Here's to a bright new year with lots of joy lads and lasses.

R:750 / I:190 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #419: Last Thread of CY+2


R:642 / I:198 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #418: Finding a Beautiful Wife Edition

Will she be a lovely j.ewess?

Will she be Greek?

Will she be Russian?

Find your beautiful wife today. Post j.ewesses tbh

now some links for this post-Christmas thread

UK weather: Snow causes travel delays and power cuts


>Heavy snow and ice have disrupted road and air travel in parts of the UK and left thousands of homes without power.

>Drivers were at a standstill on the A14 in Northamptonshire for several hours, while a lorry crash on the M1 blocked the motorway.

>The Met Office has issued a yellow weather warning for ice overnight across most of the UK.

France expected to make 'absurd' demand that Britain helps fund Calais border controls after Brexit


>Britain is facing demands to help France pay for the cost of setting up new customs posts at its Channel ports after Brexit.

>Theresa May will meet the French President Emmanuel Macron for an Anglo-French summit next month, The Telegraph has learnt, at which the border issue is likely to be raised.

>French politicians and officials believe Britain should contribute towards the cost of tighter border controls, as it currently does under the Le Touquet treaty.

Labour voters could abandon party over Brexit stance, poll finds


>Labour is coming under pressure from leading pro-remain campaigners to clarify its stance on Brexit, after polling showed that a quarter of its current voters could switch party by the next election and more than half would oppose Labour backing Brexit.

>The poll of people planning to vote Labour – conducted by YouGov for the Best of Britain campaign group – found 24% said they may change their minds before the next election, and two-thirds of those who voted remain would be disappointed or angry if Labour says it will proceed with Brexit.

>The poll also found many Labour voters have opposing perceptions about the party’s current stance on Brexit. It found 32% of Labour remain voters believe Labour is “completely against Brexit” and a further 31% of Labour leave voters believe Labour is “completely in favour of Brexit”.

R:713 / I:236 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #417: Christmas Edition



R:572 / I:182 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #416: Christmas Eve 2K17 Edition


>Britons should "take pride" in their country's Christian heritage at Christmas, Theresa May has said

>in her Christmas message, the prime minister said there is a "confidence… that in Britain you can practice your faith free from question or fear"


'Leoncy' as British Army spends £2million to ditch famous 'Be the Best' slogan because top brass fear it's ELITIST

>the British Army is 'wasting' millions of pounds of taxpayers' money to scrap its famous 'Be the Best' motto – because top brass say it is elitist


Huge health gap revealed between UK’s rich and poor

>children from poor families are far more likely to end up in hospital A&E departments or need emergency treatment for conditions such as asthma and diabetes

> the nation’s poorest teenagers were found to be almost 70% more likely to appear in A&E than their less deprived counterparts


R:739 / I:227 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #415: 80s edition

Year 415 (CDXV) was a common year starting on Friday of the Julian calendar. At the time, it was known as the Year of the Consulship of Honorius and Theodosius (or, less frequently, year 1168 Ab urbe condita). The denomination 415 for this year has been used since the early medieval period, when the Anno Domini calendar era became the prevalent method in Europe for naming years.

>Constantius, Roman general (magister militum), drives the Visigoths out of Gaul. He captures the usurper Priscus Attalus, and sends him under military escort to Ravenna.

>The Visigoths invade the Iberian Peninsula and begin to conquer territory taken previously by the Vandals. King Ataulf and his pregnant wife Galla Placidia leave Gallia Narbonensis; they relocate at Barcelona. Their infant son, Theodosius, dies in infancy, eliminating an opportunity for a Roman-Visigothic line. Ataulf is assassinated in the palace while taking a bath. Sigeric succeeds him, but after a reign for seven days he is also murdered.

>Autumn – Wallia, brother of Ataulf, becomes king of the Visigoths. He accepts a peace treaty with emperor Honorius, in return for a supply of 600,000 measures of grain. After the negotiations he sends Placidia to Rome with hostages.

Toys R Us staves off collapse after rescue talks


>Toys R Us has staved off collapse after creditors backed a rescue plan for the UK retailer.

>It follows last-minute negotiations with the Pension Protection Fund (PPF) to secure a £9.8m injection into the company's pension fund.

>However, the rescue plan entails closing 26 of its 105 UK outlets, putting 800 jobs at risk, although no stores will close until spring 2018.

>Toys R Us employs 3,200 staff in total in the UK.

Theresa May seeks to reassure UK's Polish residents


>Theresa May has sought to reassure Polish people living in the UK that they are still welcome after Brexit.

>Speaking on a trip to Warsaw to sign a new defence treaty with the country, the PM said the one million Polish residents were a "strong part of [UK] society".

>She promised a "simple" and "easy" process to get "settled status" to remain after the UK leaves the EU.

>The trip comes after Mrs May sacked one of her closest allies, Damian Green.

Shell enters UK household energy market


>Shell has agreed to buy the energy supplier First Utility, giving the oil giant its first foothold in the UK's household energy market.

>First Utility is the biggest energy supplier in the UK outside the so-called "big six".

>The company supplies 825,000 homes with gas, electricity or broadband.

>Shell is already active in the wholesale energy market, but this is the first time it will supply UK homes directly.

The Jungle: Bringing the stories of the Calais camp to the UK


>It might be set in the infamous Calais refugee camp - but The Jungle is "full of life", says playwright Joe Robertson.

>"Everything is happening on top of everything else - just as it was in The Jungle."

>Robertson is describing the set that's been created at London's Young Vic, where audience members can share bread and tea in the Afghan Flag, a fictional cafe that's the setting of the play he's written with university friend Joe Murphy.

>The playwrights, known as the Two Joes, travelled to The Jungle as volunteers, setting up a makeshift theatre called Good Chance. It's a phrase that not only means hope, but was also used by those desperate to reach the UK when they believed they had an opportunity to make it across the Channel - through whatever means.

R:698 / I:245 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #414: Sweden before mass immigration edition

[insert something here]

R:702 / I:209 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #413: White Cider Edition

Considered making a cocaine OP but I thought ya'll dislike it, like you did when I made that one about weed. Let it be known that good ol shrop cares about his fellow man, and has a heart of gold.

Anyhow remember to follow your dreams lads

Former PM takes on UK-China investment role


>David Cameron is to take on a new role leading a UK government-backed investment initiative between Britain and China.

>The former prime minister will take charge of a £750m ($1bn) fund to improve ports, roads and rail networks between China and its trading partners.

>The government said working with China's Belt and Road Initiative would create jobs and boost trade links.

>It comes after Chancellor Philip Hammond's two-day trip to China.

>The Belt and Road Initiative was first unveiled in 2013, but this year China's President Xi Jinping pledged £96bn ($124bn) for the scheme.

Revealed: the best place to live in the UK


>A peaceful corner of Hampshire, one of the least deprived areas in Britain, has perhaps understandably reclaimed its crown as the best place to live in the country.

>This "tranquil" district has been awarded the top spot by lender Halifax five out of six times, but briefly lost its crown to Winchester last year.

>Halifax's quality of life index quantifies where living standards are highest in the UK by ranking an area's average life expectancy, employment and earnings, crime rates, general levels of well-being, and access to places for socialising and downtime. Each local authority district is then given a score out of 10 for each variable in the index.

First bitcoin homes sell in the UK


>Developers have sold the first two luxury homes in the UK using bitcoin currency.

>It follows an increasing trend in the last few months for developers to place new homes on the market in the cryptocurrency.

>Property developer Go Homes announced the successful sale of the homes yesterday, both have been bought by men in their 20s in the technology industry.

R:748 / I:196 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #412: Galatia Is Rightful Anglo Clay Edition

Year 412 (CDXII) was a leap year starting on Monday of the Julian calendar. At the time, it was known as the Year of the Consulship of Honorius and Theodosius (or, less frequently, year 1165 Ab urbe condita). The denomination 412 for this year has been used since the early medieval period, when the Anno Domini calendar era became the prevalent method in Europe for naming years.

>The Visigoths, led by king Ataulf, move into the south of Gaul. He establishes his residence at Narbonne, and makes an alliance with emperor Honorius against the usurper Jovinus.

>Emperor Jovinus elevates his brother Sebastianus as co-emperor (Augustus) and takes control of Gaul.

>Heraclianus, governor (Comes Africae), revolts against Honorius and proclaims himself Augustus. He interrupts the grain supply to Rome. Honorius condemns him and his supporters to death with an edict at Ravenna.

>The Theodosian Walls are constructed at Constantinople during the reign of emperor Theodosius II. The work is carried out under supervision of Anthemius, notable praetorian prefect of the East.

>Winter – Olympiodorus, historical writer, is sent on an embassy by Honorius, and sails in stormy weather around Greece up the Black Sea, to meet the Huns who are located on the middle Danube (modern Bulgaria).

The Galatians (Latin Gallograeci, Greek Γαλάτες) were a Gallic people that dwelt mainly in the north central regions of Asia Minor or Anatolia, in what was known as Galatia, in today's Turkey. In their origin they were a part of the great Celtic migration which invaded Macedon, led by Brennus. The original Celts who settled in Galatia came through Thrace under the leadership of Leotarios and Leonnorios c. 278 BC. These Celts consisted mainly of three tribes, the Tectosages, the Trocmii, and the Tolistobogii, but they were also other minor tribes. They spoke a Celtic language, the Galatian language, which is sparsely attested.

In the 1st century AD, many of them were Christianized by Paul the Apostle's missionary action. One of the Epistles of Paul the Apostle in the Bible (New Testament) is addressed to Galatian Christian communities (Epistle to the Galatians).

Former PM takes on UK-China investment role


>David Cameron is to take on a new role leading a UK government-backed investment initiative between Britain and China.

>The former prime minister will take charge of a £750m ($1bn) fund to improve ports, roads and rail networks between China and its trading partners.

>The government said working with China's Belt and Road Initiative would create jobs and boost trade links.

>It comes after Chancellor Philip Hammond's two-day trip to China.

>The Belt and Road Initiative was first unveiled in 2013, but this year China's President Xi Jinping pledged £96bn ($124bn) for the scheme.

Revealed: the best place to live in the UK


>A peaceful corner of Hampshire, one of the least deprived areas in Britain, has perhaps understandably reclaimed its crown as the best place to live in the country.

>This "tranquil" district has been awarded the top spot by lender Halifax five out of six times, but briefly lost its crown to Winchester last year.

>Halifax's quality of life index quantifies where living standards are highest in the UK by ranking an area's average life expectancy, employment and earnings, crime rates, general levels of well-being, and access to places for socialising and downtime. Each local authority district is then given a score out of 10 for each variable in the index.

We're off to the moon lads…

First bitcoin homes sell in the UK


>Developers have sold the first two luxury homes in the UK using bitcoin currency.

>It follows an increasing trend in the last few months for developers to place new homes on the market in the cryptocurrency.

>Property developer Go Homes announced the successful sale of the homes yesterday, both have been bought by men in their 20s in the technology industry.

Mean girls is anglo tbh

R:744 / I:210 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #411: Battle of Bibracte Edition

Year 411 (CDXI) was a common year starting on Sunday of the Julian calendar. At the time, it was known as the Year of the Consulship of Theodosius without colleague (or, less frequently, year 1164 Ab urbe condita). The denomination 411 for this year has been used since the early medieval period, when the Anno Domini calendar era became the prevalent method in Europe for naming years.

>Emperor Honorius sends two Roman generals to deal with the usurper Constantine III in Gaul. They kill Gerontius, Constantine's rebellious general (magister militum) in Spain, then besiege Arles and defeat Constantine. He is taken prisoner and put to death at Ravenna.

>Following the defeat of the Constantine III, the Burgundians and the Gallic nobility proclaim Jovinus, Gallo-Roman senator, emperor of the Western Roman Empire at Mogontiacum (modern Mainz).

>King Ataulf leads the Goths into Gaul at the instigation of Honorius, who promises to recognise a Visigothic Kingdom if he defeats the several usurpers who threaten the Roman Empire.

>The Alans establish their rule in the Roman province of Lusitania (Portugal south of the Duero River and Spain).

>The Teutonic tribes in Spain join the Roman Empire as foederati (allies with military commitments).

The Battle of Bibracte was fought between the Helvetii and six Roman legions, under the command of Gaius Julius Caesar. It was the second major battle of the Gallic Wars.

>The battle lasted many hours into the night until the Romans finally took the Helvetic baggage train, capturing both a daughter and son of Orgetorix. According to Caesar, 130,000 enemy personnel escaped into the night. Unable to pursue on account of battle wounds and the time it took to bury the dead, Caesar rested three days before he followed the fleeing Helvetii. These, in turn, had managed to reach the territory of the Lingones within four days of the battle. Caesar warned the Lingones to not assist them, prompting the Helvetii and their allies to finally surrender.

This is how Caesar treated migrating foreign tribes.

Brexit: EU leaders agree to move talks to next stage


>EU leaders have agreed to move Brexit talks on to the second phase but called for "further clarity" from the UK about the future relationship it wants.

>The first issue to be discussed, early next year, will be the details of an expected two-year transition period after the UK's exit in March 2019.

First vulnerable child refugee arrives in UK from Greece under Dubs scheme


>The first vulnerable child refugee stranded in Greece who qualifies for sanctuary under the Dubs amendment has arrived in the UK, more than a year after the government pledged to bring over hundreds of children.

>The Home Office had accepted that the boy was vulnerable and eligible for transfer 16 months ago.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle to marry on 19 May 2018


>Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's wedding will be held on Saturday 19 May 2018, Kensington Palace has announced.

>The pair confirmed their engagement in November and said the service would be at St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle.

ISIL weapons traced to US and Saudi Arabia


>Weapons supplied by the United States and Saudi Arabia to opposition fighters often fell into the hands of ISIL, significantly enhancing the "quantity and quality" of the group's armaments, a new report alleges.

>The number of weapons goes "far beyond those that would have been available through battle capture alone", according to the study by arms-monitoring group Conflict Armament Research (CAR) published on Thursday.

US jets intercept Russian planes over Syria and fire warning flares


>American F-22 fighter jets have fired warning flares in Syrian airspace after Russian Su-25 jets entered an agreed upon deconfliction area, according to a US official.

>The official told Reuters that the Russian jets left the area, which was above the Euphrates river, after the two US jets sent the warnings.



>Here are about 700 hatefacts (politically incorrect but true statements) on Islam, race, gender relations, ethnocentrism, diversity, and more.

Film Friday Poll, last chance to vote.


Let's have a good thread all…

R:693 / I:186 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #410: (You) Dickheads Edition


R:728 / I:164 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #409: Cute Grils Edition

Year 409 (CDIX) was a common year starting on Friday of the Julian calendar. At the time, it was known as the Year of the Consulship of Honorius and Theodosius (or, less frequently, year 1162 Ab urbe condita). The denomination 409 for this year has been used since the early medieval period, when the Anno Domini calendar era became the prevalent method in Europe for naming years.

October 13 – The Vandals, led by king Gunderic, cross the Pyrenees into the Iberian Peninsula. They receive land from the Romans, as foederati, in Baetica (Southern Spain). The Alans occupy lands in Lusitania and the Suebi control parts of Gallaecia (modern Portugal).

Fishermen warn EU states against trying to stop UK taking control of its own waters


>Scottish fishermen’s leaders have expressed broad satisfaction with the latest EU fisheries deal, while warning member states against trying to stop the UK taking back control of the industry during Brexit talks.

Brexit: EU rebel Dominic Grieve says he will 'stand up and be counted'


>Theresa May has insisted Parliament will have a "meaningful vote" on the terms of Brexit as she faces the threat of a defeat in the Commons.

>The PM said MPs would have a say on the final deal before the UK exit in March 2019, but it must happen in a way that ensures a "smooth and orderly" exit.

'Meghan Markle' and 'fidget spinners' top UK Google search


>"Meghan Markle", fiancee to Prince Harry, has been revealed by Google as the top most searched term in the UK for 2017.

>It puts the royal bride-to-be ahead of "iPhone 8" and "Hurricane Irma" in the list of top search terms.


R:683 / I:168 / P:23 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #408: RIP My Poor Poor Van Edition

A haiku eulogy for my van

Citreon Berlingo

I enjoyed driving you

Now you are broken

R:726 / I:218 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

/NewBrit/Politics #407: Magic Internet Money Edition

Year 407 (CDVII) was a common year starting on Tuesday (link will display the full calendar) of the Julian calendar. At the time, it was known as the Year of the Consulship of Honorius and Theodosius (or, less frequently, year 1160 Ab urbe condita). The denomination 407 for this year has been used since the early medieval period, when the Anno Domini calendar era became the prevalent method in Europe for naming years.

Gratian, Roman usurper, is installed as emperor after the death of Marcus. According to Orosius, he is a native Briton of urban aristocracy.

>Gratian is assassinated and Constantine III, a general (magister militum), declares himself Roman emperor. To extend his dominion over Gaul and Spain, he takes practically all the Roman garrisons from Britain and crosses the English Channel. Constantine occupies Arles and establishes tenuous authority over Gaul, sharing control with marauding "barbarians". This is generally seen as the beginning of Rome's withdrawal from Britain.

"Young men, hear an old man to whom old men hearkened when he was young."

UK snow: Bad weather hits air, rail and sea travel


>A quarter of flights at Heathrow have been cancelled and the Port of Calais has been closed as bad weather continues to affect parts of the UK.

Mt Hope installed as 'UK's highest peak'


Britain has a new tallest mountain.

>Mt Hope, which is sited in the part of the Antarctic claimed by the UK, was recently re-measured and found to tower above the previous title holder, Mt Jackson, by a good 50m (160ft).

Brexit deal is a 'gentleman's agreement' says EU


>The agreement to move Brexit talks on to the next phase is not strictly legally binding but the two sides have "shaken hands" on it, the EU has said.

R:738 / I:231 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #406: I am a fan of artsy thots

Lemme tell ya lads


Union Urges Gay Teachers to Come Out in the Classroom, Teach LGBT Experiences


Amnesty International Refuses to Return Illegal Soros Donation to Fund Pro-Abortion Activism in Ireland


Swedish Sex Crime Reports up 33 Per Cent Since Last November


R:708 / I:196 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #405: Resignation Edition

Union Urges Gay Teachers to Come Out in the Classroom, Teach LGBT Experiences


Amnesty International Refuses to Return Illegal Soros Donation to Fund Pro-Abortion Activism in Ireland


Swedish Sex Crime Reports up 33 Per Cent Since Last November


R:700 / I:236 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #404: [Thread Title No Longer Exists] Edition

CBA tbqh

Mod please help

R:722 / I:213 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #403: NEW DAY, NEW START, NO SURRENDER



Here are some music links for such a wonderful day, enjoy! News is sad and depressing so I thought I'd provide some more cheerful links instead.





R:704 / I:228 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #402: Aint Got A Scooby Doo Edition

No links because pub in a min

Anprim plz fix

R:693 / I:227 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #401: Do I Have To Do Bloody Everything Edition

Two police officers suffer serious injuries in stabbing incident


Five injured as car collides with pedestrians in south-west London


Hero police officer clings on to van hanging precariously over motorway bridge with driver trapped inside


Mother arrested on suspicion of child neglect after toddler wanders into shop alone


Person dies after being electrocuted at Manchester Piccadilly train station


Fate of London, Mumbai and Delhi are intertwined: London Mayor


Links pilfered from /brit/

R:741 / I:231 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #400: My Head Hurts Plz Kill Me Edition

>skin pigmentation more complex than thought


>dangers of being a porkster underestimated


>reading aloud improves recall


R:717 / I:237 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #399: Time Traveling Edition

1016 Cnut the Great (Canute), King of Denmark, claimed the English throne after the death of Edmund II, often known as Edmund Ironside. The cognomen 'Ironside' was given to Edmund because of his valour in resisting the Danish invasion led by Cnut the Great.

Scandinavians OUT

Net migration to UK shows largest annual fall since records began


>Net migration to Britain over the past 12 months has fallen by the largest amount since records began, with EU nationals accounting for three-quarters of those who chose to return to their native country, official figures show.

Google faces mass legal action in UK over data snooping


>Google is being taken to court, accused of collecting the personal data of millions of users, in the first mass legal action of its kind in the UK.

UK weather: Britain to face coldest night of the year tonight as forecasters issue snow warnings


>Weather warnings for snow and ice have been issued for parts of the UK, with temperatures set to drop below freezing on Thursday.

R:746 / I:228 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #398: Rats Edition

London councils receive 100 rat and mouse complaints every day


Incredibly rare exploding 'rat bomb' given to British spy to destroy German factories during the Second World War goes up for auction for £1,500


Amber Rudd and Sadiq Khan blast back at Donald Trump after anti-Muslim video tweets


Disgusting moment mum spotted a RAT scampering over shelves in B&M Store



Net migration to UK shows largest annual fall since records began


>Net migration to Britain over the past 12 months has fallen by the largest amount since records began, with EU nationals accounting for three-quarters of those who chose to return to their native country, official figures show.

Google faces mass legal action in UK over data snooping


>Google is being taken to court, accused of collecting the personal data of millions of users, in the first mass legal action of its kind in the UK.

UK weather: Britain to face coldest night of the year tonight as forecasters issue snow warnings


>Weather warnings for snow and ice have been issued for parts of the UK, with temperatures set to drop below freezing on Thursday.

R:725 / I:272 / P:24 [R] [G] [-]

/newbrit/politics #397: Well Done Condor Edition

Year 397 (CCCXCVII)

>Scottish missionary Ninian establishes a church (Candida Casa) at Whithorn, and begins his work among the Picts.

HMS Condor was the name-ship of the Royal Navy Condor-class composite gunvessel of 3 guns.[3]

>Meanwhile, Temeraire had taken on the Mex Forts and was causing damage to Mex when she grounded on a reef. Condor, commanded by Lord Charles Beresford, went to her assistance and she was refloated and resumed the attack. While the offshore squadron was engaging the forts at long-range, Monarch, Penelope and Condor were ordered into close engagements with the forts at Maza-el-Kanat and Fort Marabout. Condor sailed to within 1,200 feet of Fort Marabout and began furiously firing at the fort. When Fort Marabout's guns were disabled, the flagship signalled "Well Done, Condor." Condor's action allowed the ships to finish off Fort Mex.

Don't let Brexit end culture city hopes, MPs tell Juncker


>A group of MPs have written to the head of the EU Commission to complain about Brexit scuppering the UK's entries for European Capital of Culture. The cross-party group each represents areas that have submitted bids for the 2023 title. They said it was "inexplicable" the EU waited for bids to be submitted before revealing they were all ineligible.

Extra £12m in UK aid pledged for Myanmar's Rohingya


>An extra £12m of UK aid will be sent to help Rohingya Muslims fleeing violence in Myanmar, International Development Secretary Penny Mordaunt has said. Violence in the Rakhine state of the country, formerly known as Burma, has forced more than 620,000 Rohingya to flee to neighbouring Bangladesh. The money will be spent on drinking water, food, latrines, shelters, soap, cooking utensils and water cans.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry give first television interview – live


>Actor Patrick J Adams, who plays Markle’s on-screen partner in the TV show Suits, has joked he feels cheated by the engagement. Adams also sent his best wishes to the couple, and said Prince Harry is a “lucky man”.

>Still nothing from Donald Trump, but not everybody has managed to get their congratulations message right. DUP leader Arlene Foster has apologised to the couple and the Duke of Cambridge after sending her congratulations to the wrong prince. The message also mis-spelt Ms Markle’s first name. The MP has now corrected the mistake.