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An Exercise in Satire

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All Hail The Bum Bum King!

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a35b1e No.266050 [Last50 Posts]

Mixed results for Conservatives and Labour in England local elections

>Labour makes gains but falls short in key areas, while Tories see 1% swing outside London

>Labour has made some gains in local elections across England, but after a mixed night of results the party’s hopes of taking control of some key target councils, notably in London, were dashed

>overall, in the first major test of voter opinion since last year’s general election, the main parties remained deadlocked – a result more likely to buoy Theresa May, who at one point had faced predictions of a leadership challenge if the local polls had gone badly for her


Tories snatch key target Barnet Council from under Labour's nose

>the Conservatives have won control of Barnet Council in north London as voters appeared to punish Labour for the antisemitism controversy

>a defeated Labour councillor in West Hendon, where the Conservatives took all three seats, said that the party's inability with the issue of antisemitism cost them victory in Barnet

>Adam Langleben, who also sits on the national executive committee of Jewish Labour, told the Guardian: "Every Jewish Labour household we visited, people said, “not this time"


The local elections show a divided Britain: Labour and the Tories are trapped in a stalemate

>Britain has entered a new era of polarised politics. Neither the Conservatives nor Labour are able to revive the hegemony they once enjoyed

>it is the governing party, however, who have most cause for cheer; after multiple political scandals and nearly a decade of austerity, they have nevertheless gained seats

>on both a local and a national level, Labour is not making the gains an opposition needs to be confident of winning power, but nor are the Conservatives close to recovering their squandered majority


Corbyn has little to celebrate in Britain's local elections

>Britain’s main political parties all made gains in local council elections, benefiting from the collapse of the U.K. Independence Party, in results that saw Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour continue to struggle outside London

>“Labour hasn’t made anything like the expected gains in terms of seats, and is actually going backwards slightly on the national vote share,” said Matt Singh of NumberCruncherPolitics, “these aren’t the results of a party that’s about to storm the next general election"

>“we seem to be seeing an entrenchment of the status quo; a divided Britain in which big cities vote Labour and everywhere else votes Conservative,” said Jonathan Carr-West, chief executive of the Local Government Information Unit


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85a3c1 No.266052

File: 1f5369f76a511f1⋯.jpeg (21 KB,300x300,1:1,0EC56CC1-2BAE-47E9-AF4D-6….jpeg)

good film I rec

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a35b1e No.266053

File: 4bcb1bbf9c5ab6c⋯.png (118.36 KB,283x305,283:305,Hail.png)


>good film I rec

Thanks for the rec lad

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a35b1e No.266054

File: d5c9123bcfe48cb⋯.jpg (2.31 MB,4368x2912,3:2,Nouvelle-Calédonie.jpg)

En Nouvelle-Calédonie, une marche pour faire entendre à Macron la voix des anti-indépendantistes

>quelques milliers de personnes ont participé à une marche bleu-blanc-rouge à l'initiative de la droite non-indépendantiste de l'archipel, pour dénoncer une visite présidentielle trop orientée vers l'identité kanak à leur goût

>une marche "bleu, blanc, rouge" a rassemblé quelque 4 000 personnes selon la police dans les rues de Nouméa, vendredi 4 mai, pour défendre la Nouvelle-Calédonie française

>"l'idée est de montrer au président de la République et aux Métropolitains que la majorité des Calédoniens veut rester dans la République française", a déclaré Sonia Backès, présidente des Républicains calédoniens, à l'initiative de cette marche bleu, blanc, rouge


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a35b1e No.266055


wrong board

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a35b1e No.266056

File: 73f66b62c09e0b3⋯.gif (1.18 MB,500x283,500:283,crèmeglacée.gif)

Hottest early May Bank Holiday Monday expected

>temperatures could reach 27°C (81°F) in parts of England on Monday, which would make it the hottest early May Bank Holiday on record

>the South East can expect the highest temperatures while Wales and Scotland could also see temperatures in the mid to high 20s, BBC forecasters said

>the warmest early May Bank Holiday Monday on record was 23.6C, in 1999


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85a3c1 No.266057


youre welcome thanks for the thred

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a35b1e No.266058


>youre welcome thanks for the thred

You're welcome. We can have movie night.

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e49b46 No.266059

File: cb87a74aa9885ae⋯.png (509.83 KB,564x564,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

what did thots mean by this

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a35b1e No.266060

File: 91abde0c26835d0⋯.jpg (439.86 KB,1024x768,4:3,GayVodka.jpg)


Smirnoff is for faggots, and, as we all know, only faggots can make the modern woman appear chaste and therefore desirable.

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e4105b No.266061


>the only straight one is the only non-interracial one


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b30a04 No.266062


what is it?

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a35b1e No.266063



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b30a04 No.266064


ooh it's the weird one that I haven't watched yet. Running Man is really good as well.

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a35b1e No.266065

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a35b1e No.266066


>Running Man is really good as well

Not seen that one.

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b30a04 No.266067


You know Neo-Tokyo is three OVA's right?

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a35b1e No.266068


>three OVA's right?


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b30a04 No.266069


There's three parts, the one linked, the Running man, and Construction Cancellation Order. They're three independent works packaged together as one "film"

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a35b1e No.266070

>/sh*t/ refuse to make fred videos

To be expected tbh


Ok. What does OVA mean though?

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b30a04 No.266071


Original video animation, direct to video essentially. Anime that wasn't aired on TV.

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a35b1e No.266072

>4 votes in poal

>just me posting


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e4105b No.266073


hmmm indeed

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b30a04 No.266074

just made a really tasty bagel lads. Might turn civic it was so good.

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e4105b No.266075

File: 39de1ece00680b0⋯.jpg (262.88 KB,1280x1920,2:3,39de1ece00680b067411682e09….jpg)


good goy

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a35b1e No.266076


The McDonalds bagels are proper naughty.

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b30a04 No.266077

File: 946270bdcbdd12c⋯.png (85.83 KB,944x647,944:647,ss (2017-11-09 at 07.26.57….png)


>fast food

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a35b1e No.266078

File: 65268c8d133c1a6⋯.gif (103.42 KB,250x175,10:7,maccies.gif)


>>fast food

It is cheap and fast and healthy and delicious.

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b30a04 No.266079

File: 7ee87f786159195⋯.jpg (13.55 KB,224x186,112:93,ss (2018-01-13 at 10.30.29….jpg)


I think that statement wouldn't hold up in a court of law lad.

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85a3c1 No.266080


that ones nightmare fuel lol. loved construction order the only thing with stuff like that is you end up wishing they were feature length or their own series



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a35b1e No.266081

Who normally hosts the Film Friday?

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b30a04 No.266082

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a35b1e No.266083



Are they even alive?

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b30a04 No.266084


no, but sbmep, their twin is.

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b30a04 No.266085


Have you seen Robot Carnival?

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a35b1e No.266086


What about bmsep though?

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85a3c1 No.266087


can confirm


no but sounds like id like it thanks

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85a3c1 No.266088


he is in the loft

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b30a04 No.266089



Yeah, it's pretty good, similar to stuff like Genius Party, Memories, Short Peace, and Roujin Z. Short, self contained works with very interesting visual styles or general themes.

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1c82ec No.266090

File: 9047999b24475aa⋯.png (306.06 KB,306x449,306:449,Joe unimpressed.png)


>An agreement called the Matignon Accord followed on 6 November 1988 between the French and the Kanaks, which had the majority support of 80% of the French people.[22] According to the Matignon Accord (or Matignon Agreement) a referendum on independence was proposed to be held by 1998. However, two of the Kanak leaders who had signed the agreement, Jean-Marie Tjibaou and Yeiwene Yeiwene, were assassinated on 4 May 1989 by a Kanak activist.[23][24] The Kanak independence activists were unhappy with the situation as they felt that France would never allow them independence.

Now this is activism.

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b30a04 No.266091

File: 157ba381691bc2c⋯.png (612.6 KB,1200x538,600:269,ClipboardImage.png)

we going on patrol lads?

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a35b1e No.266092

File: 8a22eab43eae75f⋯.jpg (21.24 KB,420x280,3:2,car.jpg)


>we going on patrol lads

This is more appropriately sized tbh

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774e98 No.266093

File: ea2e71e8355f4be⋯.png (1.36 MB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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39861a No.266094

miserable tbh

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83d98e No.266095

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>266050 (You)

nice thread

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1c82ec No.266096


Have you had your circumcision yet?

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39861a No.266097

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1c82ec No.266098


You don't expect your beautiful wife to accept a sock cock, do you?

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83d98e No.266099

File: f5faed34b702794⋯.webm (5.19 MB,360x360,1:1,Tailight.webm)

wangan tbh lads

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39861a No.266100


We'll cross that bridge when I get to it

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b30a04 No.266101



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a35b1e No.266102


>miserable tbh

Cheer up lad, Jesus loves you.


>nice thread

Thanks lad.

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1c82ec No.266103

File: b72780ede199c70⋯.jpg (63.63 KB,640x425,128:85,disgust lass.jpg)


>when the goytoy actually has foreskin

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a35b1e No.266104

Got an essay due in a few days lads. Help me write it so I can out this weekend and play in the sun please.

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1c82ec No.266105


What's it on?

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39861a No.266106



If she really wants me to lop it off, I suppose…

I can't imagine it's quite the same if her goytoy is indistinguishable from an ugly husband down there.

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a35b1e No.266107


The past.

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a35b1e No.266108


A circumcision is meaningless if you have an uncircumcised heart though lad.

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39861a No.266109


probably still hurts a bit tbh

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a35b1e No.266110


It won't hurt as much as the eternity you will spend in Hell.

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39861a No.266111

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39861a No.266112

File: 67325443db6960e⋯.png (390.6 KB,683x1024,683:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

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a35b1e No.266113



Polluting /sh*t/ too, smh…

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39861a No.266114

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a35b1e No.266115



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1c82ec No.266116

File: 6fe3277c74d49d7⋯.png (2.36 MB,1080x1080,1:1,Imperium 700.png)

Imperium tbh

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d7f9e0 No.266117


Good lad

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1c82ec No.266118

File: f1af61f68888681⋯.png (5.09 MB,2450x1633,2450:1633,imperium tbh.png)


/newbrit/ is rightful Imperium lebensraum tbh

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83d98e No.266119


that's a nice clean edit that lad

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83d98e No.266120

File: a5c001a98769abd⋯.webm (4.63 MB,540x480,9:8,Molewave 4.webm)

imageboards are the finest online format and the pinnacle of human communication. The medium is one of the largest factors that place us so much higher than all the other animals

how could you say its dying

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1c82ec No.266121

File: ece3970361dac9a⋯.webm (2.4 MB,1656x924,138:77,Quarky Quark.webm)

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83d98e No.266122

File: dacaea752ec20e4⋯.webm (6.17 MB,640x480,4:3,buzzing.webm)

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83d98e No.266123

File: 991dde15202c05d⋯.webm (1.5 MB,960x540,16:9,SHAT YOUR MOUTH spoken ov….webm)

File: 3783243d6dcba72⋯.webm (7.07 MB,844x500,211:125,mmmblockin out the haters.webm)

File: b620c2f43c8c11d⋯.webm (2.33 MB,680x480,17:12,dataX.webm)

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1c82ec No.266124


Good times.

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b87a87 No.266125

File: c998ad3f2609c9d⋯.jpg (73.35 KB,600x400,3:2,CRASSUS.jpg)

In this farewell

There's no blood, there's no alibi

'Cause I've drawn regret

From the truth of a thousand lies

So let mercy comeeee and wash awayyyyyy






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8d2131 No.266126

File: d884ff42c5d7931⋯.png (520.79 KB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

morning lads

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a35b1e No.266127


Good morning! Are you going to have fun in the sun today?

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774e98 No.266128


Can't. I've got work smh

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a35b1e No.266129



But it's the weekend lad?

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774e98 No.266130


Shabbos goys are needed everywhere at the weekend smh

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b30a04 No.266131

need to apply for a job today lads

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d42bfa No.266132

File: 36726cde7f7c392⋯.jpg (845.46 KB,3024x4032,3:4,Sneaky-992507584279015424-….jpg)

File: 98ba514e749b39e⋯.jpg (1.38 MB,3024x4032,3:4,Sneaky-992507584279015424-….jpg)

File: eecb3d6f46a6311⋯.jpg (1.1 MB,3024x4032,3:4,Sneaky-992507584279015424-….jpg)

File: e60da591ea98348⋯.png (237.44 KB,580x470,58:47,ClipboardImage.png)

Smh he's becoming addicted. He'll probably quit streaming and start cosplaying fulltime if he gets enough patreon money to whore his body out.

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b30a04 No.266133

File: 512841295898db6⋯.png (911.1 KB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


>when league no longer pays the bills and all you know is video games

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d42bfa No.266134

File: 0224c70403fa670⋯.png (663.43 KB,660x910,66:91,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dc2afd413b54c91⋯.png (899.94 KB,880x880,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

The latest edition to my collection. I'm very pleased this time.


How long before he crests the slippery slope of softcore pornography? He's got a high maintenance asian girlfriend to feed.

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b30a04 No.266135

File: 0f8641a87eb91f6⋯.png (327.05 KB,500x333,500:333,ClipboardImage.png)


maybe he's doing it to satisfy her? She got tired of him being a chubby nerd.

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a35b1e No.266136


Sounds like someone is jelly.


>latest addition to my collection

How big is your collection now lad?

>very pleased this time

He doesn't have a lightsaber smh


>that jaw

What an unfortunate man.

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b87a87 No.266137

File: 64990f5eaaecc5b⋯.png (93.3 KB,409x509,409:509,CRASSUS (WAKE ME UP).png)

Wake me up!

Wake me up inside!

I can't wake up

Wake me up inside!

Save me!

Call my name and save me from the dark

Wake me up!

Bid my blood to run

I can't wake up

Before I come undone

Save me!

Save me from the nothing I've become

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b87a87 No.266138

File: 50d1a5d08774f68⋯.jpg (238 KB,818x548,409:274,tfw_my_life_is_a_car_crash.jpg)


Looks better as a girl honestly

Utter state of soyboys


Jesus that's ugly

He may as well stay as girl since he's already lost, that much is clear



I hope he doesn't do porn but he's basically already going there


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a35b1e No.266139

File: 71c8d19c5ead395⋯.jpg (179.28 KB,680x1024,85:128,picksure.jpg)


Every time just like the last

On her ship tied to the mast

To distant lands

Takes both my hands

Never a frown with golden brown

Golden brown finer temptress

Through the ages she's heading west

From far away

Stays for a day

Never a frown with golden brown

Never a frown

With golden brown

Never a frown

With golden brown

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d7f9e0 No.266140


Got my first job interview in ages arranged for next week but I'm going to have to cancel it smh

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1c82ec No.266141

File: a5888382abc2b9a⋯.png (750.78 KB,1080x1117,1080:1117,I've seen things.png)

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a35b1e No.266142

Somebody play Old School Runescape with me please.

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b30a04 No.266143


is it fun?

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95083c No.266144


I've got an account what's your username?

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83d98e No.266145

File: 0849009de57003f⋯.webm (6.32 MB,960x540,16:9,osrs.webm)





cant tho ive got work in a bit

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83d98e No.266146

File: 573576ed4b7f1ed⋯.jpg (26.73 KB,450x320,45:32,Thumbs up 5.jpg)

>remembering that you've been paying £6/month for runescape and you haven't played it in roughly a year

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a35b1e No.266147





>paying for Runescape

It's free lad.

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b30a04 No.266148

File: f687809ce70ceb5⋯.png (206.56 KB,540x405,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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95083c No.266149


Same, kind want to get some work done

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a35b1e No.266150


>implying Mr Harry Windsor isn't the bastard child of the whore's affair


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95083c No.266151


>tfw I've got two bonds

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b30a04 No.266152


>implying they don't all have the patented Windsor Egg face

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83d98e No.266153

File: 185d3b4efef7b5d⋯.jpg (8.04 KB,225x225,1:1,download.jpg)

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b30a04 No.266154

man this application form is fucking long

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83d98e No.266155


wot u up 2

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95083c No.266156


Bought with gp lad smh, the other one was given to me by Pembs

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b30a04 No.266157


Applying to be a trolley pusher

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a35b1e No.266158


>trolley pusher

What's that?

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83d98e No.266159

File: b5dfcc6fa885345⋯.png (529.45 KB,1139x620,1139:620,92d0292bf99631b1a7679d8c75….png)


daft innit

>Coop had a 23 page book to apply

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b30a04 No.266160


general dogsbody at a supermarket

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b30a04 No.266161


it's so fucking long, and I'm only applying because of a girl anyway smh i better fucking get the job

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83d98e No.266162

File: 085a97b61cce02b⋯.jpg (55.1 KB,800x600,4:3,Untitled5.jpg)


>I'm only applying because of a girl anyway

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d42bfa No.266163

File: 7a99fbbdee55e8c⋯.png (1.79 MB,1630x910,163:91,death trooper.png)

Went for a trip today, it's surprisingly tropical out there.


I have no doubt she's encouraging him, she's already an expert cosplayer.


13 nu-figures and three vintage kenner figures.

>He doesn't have a lightsaber smh

Yeah smh at least he has a stick and two lightning-shooting hands as features.

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85a3c1 No.266164


played for a while last month and got a berserker ring drop nearly straight away at dagganoth kings fufu


coastal living is the best thing

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b30a04 No.266165


smh it's not even like that, it's because I owe her for something but wew lad my hair isn't that long

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83d98e No.266166


>doesn't deny the fat

RoundPrim confirmed

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b30a04 No.266167


spikeykneeprim also confirmed then?

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83d98e No.266168


the cheek on this one

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a35b1e No.266169


Have fun dressing shelves lad, unless you're even lower in the supermarket hierarchy that you're not allowed to do that.


Spoiler that lad smh


>lightning hands

Cool. How much did you pay for it lad?


I don't know what that means but sounds good I suppose.

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b30a04 No.266170


I'm applying for something involving pizzas and fresh prep so I'm not that low on the food chain, but still supermarket untermensch.

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83d98e No.266171



Nah lad so long as you're a good worker with good work ethic you're well above most

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d42bfa No.266172

File: e5cf2be0af88572⋯.png (3.51 MB,1630x910,163:91,ClipboardImage.png)


I could never live more than a mile from the sea, it's so nice to be able to walk over there whenever I want.


Only £9 all covered by a gift voucher.

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b30a04 No.266173


The form is so fucking convoluted I wish I could just walk in with my CV and just demand the position with a stern gaze and a strong handshake.

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95083c No.266174


> it's surprisingly tropical out there.

Lovely isn't it?

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b30a04 No.266175



So someone finally gave in and financed your plastic crack addiction?

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d42bfa No.266176

File: 1680e055e8d133b⋯.png (2.83 MB,1630x910,163:91,ClipboardImage.png)


It was my wonderful friend and it wasn't just for plastic smh.

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a35b1e No.266177


>Neo lives within a mile of the sea

>Lulworth Cove is on the sea


>only £9

Bit pricey lad.

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b87a87 No.266178

File: 6f03aaaba65ec1f⋯.png (455.93 KB,564x944,141:236,thinking.png)

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b87a87 No.266179

File: 37afc377b3d9702⋯.png (843.44 KB,651x727,651:727,henry the 8th 546.png)

A slag is a slag is a slag

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d42bfa No.266180

File: 69d07221c68bc8f⋯.png (3.45 MB,1630x910,163:91,ClipboardImage.png)


I don't live there rooooooooo.

>Bit pricey

For a brand new toy on the Last Jedi line yes they pad the releases with better characters from better movies it's quite a fast discount tbh.

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a35b1e No.266181

File: f466498f3bbb2db⋯.jpg (49.69 KB,960x870,32:29,00000(16).jpg)


>I don't live there rooooooooo

Near enough though especially considering where that forest is lad…

>fast discount

Nobody wants Last Jedi toys.

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b87a87 No.266182

File: d9f6b2c5f678ce3⋯.png (634.27 KB,747x810,83:90,henry8.png)


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d42bfa No.266183

File: ff0f8d5434e3e85⋯.jpg (53.48 KB,295x275,59:55,umaru merchant.jpg)



Y-you don't know where I live smh.

>Nobody wants Last Jedi toys.

They'll drop in price even faster now that the Soylo toys are getting dusty on shelves in front of them. Then I can buy all the people who aren't in either of those movies and become a very happy lass with all my little men.

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1c82ec No.266184


Harry the VIIIth, the original boyslag

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a35b1e No.266185

File: 38131c3cedc5a9b⋯.jpg (779.49 KB,1448x1380,362:345,QueenAnne.jpg)




>Y-you don't know where I live smh

Obviously not lad, I wouldn't know that. How could I know such things?

>become a very happy lad with all my little men

They're not even that great though.

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d42bfa No.266186

File: ec653962651980d⋯.png (226.36 KB,482x522,241:261,sakura racist.png)


They're cute and they can stand with my vintage when I start expanding that collection too. The only one with a questionable paint job so far has been the shoretrooper smh.

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1c82ec No.266187

>marry your brother's widow

>turns out your bro had good taste, she's popular with your subjects and competent

>try to divorce her because her old pussy isn't good enough for you muh son

>pope says you're immoral

>tear the country apart and cause the destruction of irreplaceable historical items in the monasteries in your quest for fresh clunge


>a very happy lass with all my little men

A proper thot would have a circle of real beta orbiters rather than plastic ones smh

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b87a87 No.266188

File: 62e74f33767871c⋯.jpg (104.42 KB,623x628,623:628,henry8(2).jpg)





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b87a87 No.266189


>A proper thot would have a circle of real beta orbiters rather than plastic ones smh

You are talking to Neo lad

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d42bfa No.266190

File: a45d875d982812f⋯.jpg (98.77 KB,1280x720,16:9,a45d875d982812f7ecb2767359….jpg)


Smh I'd never call someone an orbiter, it's cruel. I treasure all my friends.

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a35b1e No.266191

File: 8a599d725377f5d⋯.jpg (348.63 KB,1024x1024,1:1,BoleynRoad.jpg)


>proceeds to sire hundreds of children that immediately die upon birth

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1c82ec No.266192

File: 53991d729399c94⋯.jpg (50.76 KB,517x608,517:608,Mary Tudor.jpg)


I said


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b87a87 No.266193

File: ad410d4d6c299f8⋯.png (897.31 KB,629x722,629:722,ClipboardImage.png)


What you call them is irreverent, the key thing is that you're turning them into traps smh





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3b13b3 No.266194

you live near lulworth? come meet me you stupid fuckboy

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b87a87 No.266195


I don't anyone wants to be killed and eaten by you, oh great philosopher king

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b30a04 No.266196


Tbh they were all traps or interested in it before they spoke to neo iirc

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3b13b3 No.266197


i promise only to eat, not to kill this time ok ok

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d42bfa No.266198

File: 0a8ae0caacc5cb3⋯.jpg (40.88 KB,500x602,250:301,__kanzaki_hideri_blend_s_d….jpg)




>you're turning them into traps smh

The burden of proof lies not with me m'lad but with you.


>getting excited by pretending I'm a boy



This is true.

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3b13b3 No.266199

File: 25c6c4eb2766b6d⋯.jpg (207.37 KB,936x1299,312:433,35d1c221807ea29aa190522051….jpg)


you being a girl or boy doesnt matter to me lad/lass

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b87a87 No.266200

File: 534434e5900fb64⋯.jpg (51.45 KB,500x334,250:167,me tbh.jpg)


You could argue that all soyboys are basically already traps in the making


Go eat Wess, he's chubbier


fckn autocorrect

I'm not trying to prove anything m'lass, just making an observation

>pretending you're not a boy


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3b13b3 No.266201


wess probably doesnt taste anywhere near as good as neo though

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b87a87 No.266202


That was a good one

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1c82ec No.266203

File: e4fd80b88ef2fbe⋯.jpg (16.67 KB,188x341,188:341,gay community 1.jpg)


>wanting to "taste" neo

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a35b1e No.266204

File: ce8ef0188c21d05⋯.gif (1.65 MB,169x300,169:300,1536.gif)


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3b13b3 No.266205

File: 7a9f94e17ef4999⋯.jpg (15.47 KB,500x434,250:217,7a9f94e17ef4999e19a32f128e….jpg)

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1c82ec No.266206

File: 8d7663848759bdc⋯.jpg (52.29 KB,500x500,1:1,van darkholme.jpg)



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a35b1e No.266207


>f*ck you

Not very nice lad.

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3b13b3 No.266208


id ravage this lass

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a35b1e No.266209


>ravage this lass

She's been dead for nearly five-hundred years lad, she doesn't even have a head.

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3b13b3 No.266210

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3b13b3 No.266211

chicken burger and chicken nuggets from the kebab shop soon

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b30a04 No.266212


lad noooo

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3b13b3 No.266213

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3b13b3 No.266214

woman with a nice thicc bum walked by in yoga pants OOF!

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b30a04 No.266215

File: 9eb5d35d600fc8d⋯.png (575.33 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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a35b1e No.266216

File: 6640d8c83e96387⋯.jpg (259.91 KB,734x720,367:360,Anney.jpg)

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3b13b3 No.266217



i have boxes and boxes of lego tbh

i want to play with them but that would make me super autistic

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3b13b3 No.266218

suck my feet

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3b13b3 No.266219

i want to suck a beautiful womans feel and lick her armpits

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3b13b3 No.266220


feet* smh

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1c82ec No.266221

File: 1d73ac02bf9bc8d⋯.jpg (14.78 KB,502x384,251:192,Aniki.jpg)


Sorry lad

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3b13b3 No.266222

sometimes i forget how soft a lasses skin is

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1c82ec No.266223


Nice trips

You should try touching a baby's skin tbh, get permission from its mummy first though.

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a35b1e No.266224

File: 4112241aa287328⋯.jpg (50.16 KB,777x562,777:562,00000(17).jpg)



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3b13b3 No.266225

File: 393dbd37eede9bc⋯.jpg (32.84 KB,300x441,100:147,baste.jpg)

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d42bfa No.266226

File: 45fb2dc1c9a13cb⋯.jpg (188.21 KB,1080x1440,3:4,estherlynnhhj-975630765844….jpg)

File: d8d8b8ace025435⋯.jpg (219.54 KB,1080x1440,3:4,estherlynnhhj-981727469819….jpg)

The fruits of being civic.

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7cb912 No.266227

File: 05b623e1b8e2c93⋯.png (808.14 KB,564x705,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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3b13b3 No.266228

samantha tbh

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3b13b3 No.266229

that chicken burger was shit

literally just a thin chicken in unbuttered unsaladed bun


t*rk scum

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b30a04 No.266230


>when you think you're taking the imperium pill but then she makes you take her pills

now that is a relationship dynamic

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b87a87 No.266231

File: ca1c33934c8de2f⋯.jpg (29.22 KB,620x413,620:413,civic4.jpg)


I'm living proof that you're wrong smh

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7cb912 No.266232

he looks so dead inside

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3b13b3 No.266233

File: 9ddfbbbcf60ce50⋯.png (477.1 KB,427x552,427:552,e.png)

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b87a87 No.266234


What, the girl? I agree. Sneaky himself just looks like a thrall

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d42bfa No.266235

File: d39703b2d2ab1d5⋯.jpg (435.21 KB,1536x2048,3:4,Sneaky-973275009866084353-….jpg)


He's a fulltime patreon cosplayer. The lad's probably never been happier.

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b87a87 No.266236

File: 8bd651ed48212d0⋯.jpg (409.47 KB,1047x1572,349:524,cold mountain.jpg)


civics rise up

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3b13b3 No.266237

File: a3254f79fea052f⋯.png (624.67 KB,584x472,73:59,f.png)

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3b13b3 No.266238

File: 1b519cc61548547⋯.png (611.96 KB,526x551,526:551,g.png)

>she will never look at you with pure lust


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b30a04 No.266239


his eyes aren't as bad as the other one tbh. Still weird looking though.

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b87a87 No.266240

File: 80d08a7a90dcdd8⋯.jpg (111.63 KB,1200x1020,20:17,fd.jpg)


Be a man

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7cb912 No.266241


what a fulfilling career

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1c82ec No.266242

File: 3c9260d049e9958⋯.jpg (315.2 KB,580x563,580:563,pepe kebab.jpg)

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7cb912 No.266243

time to de-gay the thread tbh

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3b13b3 No.266244


how do we define what a man is? do men exist anymore? smh

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b87a87 No.266245

File: 863e0e11f96b890⋯.jpeg (161.61 KB,1224x800,153:100,henry viii.jpeg)


It's sad that they always do stuff like this smh instead of being moral. Pics for money = IMMORALITY

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b30a04 No.266246

File: b466c682ce00e17⋯.png (365.37 KB,600x486,100:81,ClipboardImage.png)

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d42bfa No.266247

File: 9e4f22c48a24184⋯.mp4 (5.27 MB,1280x720,16:9,VqZT80ePQKc7DUar.mp4)


He's got cute 56% eyes. I assume he's American but I've never checked.


>what a fulfilling career

You've got that right lad.

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a35b1e No.266248


>the fruits of being civic

Female weebs, although rare, are utter degenerates and complete perverts.

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3b13b3 No.266249


i really want to beat him up and abuse him

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7cb912 No.266250

File: 06dd2442cf2a240⋯.png (546.51 KB,564x564,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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b87a87 No.266251


A lot of so-called men aren't in fact men these days, but rather soyboys


You have a crush on him smh




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b87a87 No.266252

File: 8c9cbfa466121b7⋯.jpg (9.32 KB,205x255,41:51,barron.jpg)

>Neo is gay

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b30a04 No.266253


Have you got the webm of him looking at sissy porn on stream?

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b30a04 No.266254

what should I have for dinner lads

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b87a87 No.266255

File: faa805f981ffab6⋯.jpg (72.05 KB,634x489,634:489,u wot m8.jpg)

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a35b1e No.266256



Are they rather common creatures lad? I wouldn't know, the only lasses I know are all good lasses.

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b30a04 No.266257


it's real.

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a35b1e No.266258


The sky is blue lad.

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3b13b3 No.266259


it is sad how men really dont exist tbh

even worse is how a man is supposed to be a man portrayed by society

ie some cuck gentleman with a neat beard and that typical hairstyle[like slicked back but short on back and side]

plus big muscly dudes are seen as the only real manly men even tho they are probably queeros who do roids and also have high oestrogen fuck this gay earth please

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7cb912 No.266260

File: 92b4b5db5fc963f⋯.jpg (6.7 KB,146x200,73:100,92b4b5db5fc963f64ad3bb9968….jpg)

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3b13b3 No.266261


Not what I had. Fuck me that was genuinely awful I shall not purchase from that establishment again.

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a35b1e No.266262

I see you Gloucestersh*t

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b87a87 No.266263


They are pretty common these days lad


I don't doubt that, more concerned that you're aware of it. Really thinking here


Man up

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3b13b3 No.266264

File: 7f1eea2be861ad4⋯.png (234.71 KB,578x447,578:447,burns1.png)


>Man up

yeah but it's never going to be how it should be

everybody here with maybe the exception of vanlad is not a man

even if I do do everything I want I will still feel like a child

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d42bfa No.266265

File: c7a234b58b63dd9⋯.png (388.84 KB,582x657,194:219,ClipboardImage.png)


There was a weeb girl on my maths GCSE. One of the guys convinced her that the coffee machine in the cafeteria was a voice activated Japanese model and got her to talk to it for quite a while.


Gaaaaaaaaay and rude smh.


Did he do that?

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3b13b3 No.266266


cute pic lad

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b30a04 No.266267


Mate it's just on /v/, spicy spicy e celeb drama is always funny to watch. You're the one who said trannies aren't gay anyway.


Did you go to retard school? And yeah he did.

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7cb912 No.266268

File: 07f2e28be40f061⋯.jpg (81.56 KB,438x622,219:311,1472772102274.jpg)

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a35b1e No.266269




Stop posting these pics lad, you're giving ammunition for the /sh*t/ bois to slander us good boys.

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d42bfa No.266270

File: bf501453b138ace⋯.jpg (508.21 KB,2048x1536,4:3,Sneaky-984161058775490560-….jpg)


>Did you go to retard school?

No smh, they were just very interesting people.

>And yeah he did.

I really want to see this.


Herts banned gayism vigorously for months but /brit/ still calls him squirrel. You can't change their minds.

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b30a04 No.266271


You'll have to google it. And even the retards in my school wouldn't believe that line.

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3b13b3 No.266272

File: 0b1e37c1cb962ea⋯.jpg (15.16 KB,220x301,220:301,baste stephen.jpg)


>I really want to see this.

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a35b1e No.266273

File: 0e1174dcf04281c⋯.jpg (140.32 KB,1920x1080,16:9,00000(22).jpg)


>/sh*t/ still calls him squirrel

That isn't unwarranted though tbh

>you can't change their minds

What do you mean? Alcoholic faux-Christians can be convinced of the error of their ways lad.

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3b13b3 No.266274

food and drink in moustache ffs

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d42bfa No.266275

File: 10dbef2288c631d⋯.jpg (617.87 KB,4096x3137,4096:3137,SphereHunterCos-9377980470….jpg)


They've decided that /newbrit/ is full of gays and traps. The idea amuses them. That's why you can't change their minds even if you become more strict and moral than them.

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3b13b3 No.266276

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a35b1e No.266277


>even if you become more strict and moral than them

>implying somethingelse the good boy isn't already


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d42bfa No.266278

File: d90fb1f57b3cbfb⋯.webm (547.87 KB,1280x720,16:9,sneaky's sissy porn tab.webm)



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a35b1e No.266279


That was pretty cool. Was the battle really that short?



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3b13b3 No.266280


yeah its mostly mercia though

he is a paranoid fucker that still believes in le dorset boogieman

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7cb912 No.266281

File: 4a9a6cb6f3c7a7d⋯.gif (312 KB,450x510,15:17,51233215641313..gif)

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b30a04 No.266282



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3b13b3 No.266283


yes the initial opening battle was, there would have been a few more men but even watching that reenactment one can see how intense it must have been, one of the most important events condensed into a handful of men in a few short minutes

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d42bfa No.266284

File: 85909739baab460⋯.png (Spoiler Image,512.89 KB,1280x738,640:369,vlcsnap-00040.png)

I love his expression as he stares at the screen for that one second.

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b30a04 No.266285


Smh I bet he did that on purpose want a bender

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b30a04 No.266286

also why didn't you just crop his face?

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7cb912 No.266287


you know why

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a35b1e No.266288


Clearly staged. I can't fathom why he has an audience though.


Neo wants us to visit his tumblr

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b30a04 No.266289


>neo feminised sneaky

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1c82ec No.266290

File: bd08a23bc95b231⋯.jpg (120.91 KB,600x780,10:13,dong expanded.jpg)


>ywl to make him your slave

Roman rules, lads

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b87a87 No.266291

File: dffb219df95dfb0⋯.png (407.74 KB,778x547,778:547,wots this.png)

this thread is pretty gay tbh

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7cb912 No.266292

File: 569d56ac78f972b⋯.jpg (30.93 KB,447x263,447:263,569d56ac78f972b7b7ca49597b….jpg)

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7cb912 No.266293

File: 59353c6d45d1cd7⋯.png (406.54 KB,564x705,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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3b13b3 No.266294


fairly certain a few threads back you were gaying it up yourself tbflad

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3b13b3 No.266295


got any thots with blue eyes black hair that dont look ugly and manly lad?

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1c82ec No.266296


Nah it's totally straight, besides he looks like a girl

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d42bfa No.266297

File: dc66808bc446cb0⋯.jpg (577.52 KB,1940x2048,485:512,SphereHunterCos-9925857342….jpg)



I wanted to show you everything incriminating smh it was innocent.


Absolutely TRAD lad.

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b30a04 No.266298


not enough makeup or photoshopping for it to be herts (tm) approved

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b87a87 No.266299

Why do this


nah lad for it to be not gay you just need dead eyes

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7cb912 No.266300

File: c746e3d81d43769⋯.png (505.72 KB,563x704,563:704,ClipboardImage.png)


I'll have a look

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3b13b3 No.266301

>tfw no yakuza gf

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b87a87 No.266302

File: 9b0f204815cfe21⋯.jpg (93.07 KB,914x960,457:480,thots3.jpg)

gtg gayists

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7cb912 No.266303

File: 43891897003db6b⋯.png (384.99 KB,564x564,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>being anti-thot

smh lad

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a35b1e No.266304


I'm a good boy lad.

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a35b1e No.266305

what happened to Bongo Bongo Land, I got it but nobody talked to me on it

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b30a04 No.266306


You didn't join the secret neo bongo bongo land for people who don't post

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1c82ec No.266307


>posting females that look less feminine than a man




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3b13b3 No.266308

>tfw no nip gf

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7cb912 No.266309


imperium tbh

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a35b1e No.266310


invite me

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a35b1e No.266311



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7cb912 No.266312



No one in the thread is in it from what I know, just gayists like westie and leon

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b30a04 No.266313



Only neo and people who don't post are there. Lamb is I dunno on a holiday or something.

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a35b1e No.266314



Doesn't sound like a place for good boys tbh

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3b13b3 No.266315

>first thing on front page of local paper is complaint about increasing population of the town


too bad it wont do anything sadly smh

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3b13b3 No.266316

lads help my heart is beating fast

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3f3784 No.266317

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1c82ec No.266318


You need more people to look after all the people you have tbh.

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3b13b3 No.266319

>pictures in paper of one of the old schools being demolished


>then a new page about over 500 new houses being built



dunno about going to pub im not dressed smh

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85a3c1 No.266320

>porn claims another soul


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1c82ec No.266321


Why would we need schools when we can just import adult humans from abroad?

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1c82ec No.266322

File: 21e7d7872b0512f⋯.jpg (6.89 KB,200x166,100:83,1405760521832.jpg)


Can't stop thinking about trapperium tbh

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d42bfa No.266323

File: 85ac6fccbad4118⋯.png (709.6 KB,505x932,505:932,ClipboardImage.png)

19 things in Hull with look like Star Wars scenes

the spelling mistake is real


Where were you when you realised George Lucas based Star Wars on Hull?

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3b13b3 No.266324


got knews for ye lad

youre a faggot

a thumpin biggun too

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7cb912 No.266325

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d7f9e0 No.266326

File: 484d3501882b849⋯.jpg (331.31 KB,560x560,1:1,tgc11.jpg)

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1c82ec No.266327

File: bc273836ae4bf8e⋯.jpg (59.7 KB,800x450,16:9,boner donald.jpg)


The fifth of May is Star Wars day? Huh, I guess it rhymes.



It's not gay if he's the one taking the dick, honestly it's like you don't know how sexuality works haha

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7cb912 No.266328

File: 21ba7b96077a5e7⋯.jpg (27.77 KB,188x341,188:341,1462828666268.jpg)

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d7f9e0 No.266329

File: 99172164ee6a3ea⋯.jpg (22.24 KB,500x624,125:156,tgc38.jpg)


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1c82ec No.266330


Wh-who are you responding to there, lad?

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b87a87 No.266331

File: e8d8794170895d3⋯.jpg (358.62 KB,1306x1420,653:710,image.jpg)


this but unironically

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3b13b3 No.266332



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d7f9e0 No.266333

File: 2d38f8f3fa5ef04⋯.jpg (17.48 KB,600x600,1:1,le porn stopper.jpg)


A lad who needs to


thinking about traps smh


I love him lads

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b87a87 No.266334

File: a4a28989397d386⋯.png (233.95 KB,638x339,638:339,welcome.png)

smh May seemed so far away when I took that pic

Take me back


The only people who don't are gayists

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d7f9e0 No.266335

File: a750c0526edc2e4⋯.jpg (32.03 KB,472x472,1:1,just help.jpg)


>almost half way through the year already

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3b13b3 No.266336

File: 0df67f02e853cc4⋯.png (504.93 KB,600x400,3:2,0df67f02e853cc4ca700ef8538….png)

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b87a87 No.266337

File: 64439e07a2c9a57⋯.png (79.61 KB,295x229,295:229,JUST fucking kill me not e….png)


Just fuck my year up fam

Glad I'm not there anymore tho

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d42bfa No.266338

File: ff09fcbbd027f17⋯.png (596.97 KB,935x1000,187:200,ClipboardImage.png)


Why lad, tell me about it.

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b87a87 No.266339

File: 35110e528b78363⋯.png (1007.02 KB,640x1200,8:15,ClipboardImage.png)

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a00082 No.266340


FUCK hot weather tbh

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a35b1e No.266341

>10% of my essay complete

*clocks in for night shift*

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a35b1e No.266342

somebody stay awake with me please

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a00082 No.266343


Modafinil works well for these sorts of things



no chance. I'm up at 9 tomorrow

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7cb912 No.266344

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a35b1e No.266345


>up at 9

Have you got church too lad?



We can play chess, it will be fun :-)

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a00082 No.266346


Church of the false god money lad


you have work to do lad

youre paying 9k for this shit aren't you??


Why you staying up you rapscallion?

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7cb912 No.266347

File: 4e9831afb417d22⋯.png (531.1 KB,564x704,141:176,ClipboardImage.png)


>Why you staying up you rapscallion?

I'm not, I'm getting up at half 7

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a35b1e No.266348


>you have work to do

It won't take me long to do if I get on and do it, just that the work itself requires careful thought so as to avoid being detected as plagiarism

>paying 9k for this sh*t

Uni costs £9,250 these days lad

I'm not paying nothing though because I have a scholarship

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3b13b3 No.266349


would absolutely demolish the one on the right

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a00082 No.266350

personally I'd prefer the left one

Given the choice I'd take both tho


Yikes lad, that's worse than the shit I gave to put up with.



Just absorb you data to yo brain and if you do it properly it comes out in your own words!

smH lad


good for you lad

however you are still incurring a cost, although approx. 9k less than the common man

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3b13b3 No.266351

>want to play a multiplayer game but the lag combined with shit fps make it unbearable


given the choice I would kill you then take them as war trophies

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7cb912 No.266352

File: 0621a5fd821bb72⋯.png (942.29 KB,564x847,564:847,ClipboardImage.png)



yeah tbh

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3b13b3 No.266353

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

what the actual fuck

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a00082 No.266354


you do have that choice m'lass


it's a horror tbh. 'specially on days like this

gotta keep THE MAN happy tho

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3b13b3 No.266355

I really need sedatives

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3b13b3 No.266356


keep me happy chappy

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a35b1e No.266357

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tá /newbrit/ anois /nuabrit/

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d7f9e0 No.266358


Buachaill maith

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3b13b3 No.266359


bums and boobies

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3b13b3 No.266360

wish i spoke gaelic so i could speak a meme language that foreigners cant understand

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a35b1e No.266361


>speak a meme language that foreigners can't understand

It is rather annoying that wogs, for the most part, can speak in their secret desert tongues or jungle clicks so as to exclude us from their conversations. We need a language of our own, English has been made far too mercantile. Would it be better to learn Old English rather than Gaelic though?

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3b13b3 No.266362

>mercia replies several times

>decided to randomly permaban

>deletes all posts

one day you can reply to him and he will do nothing, then he will ban you several days later over posts you made days ago

he is 1984 tier mod tbh

if i met him irl i would probably batter him to within an inch of his life

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a35b1e No.266363


>he is 1984 tier mod

I've never had a problem with him.

>I would probably batter him

What if he turns out to be hench?

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3b13b3 No.266364


yeah even though he hates newbrit and things its some boogieman

he is a weak scrawny long haired faggot, he gets scared whenever his pics were posted

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d7f9e0 No.266365

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Do it lad, take the greenpill

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b87a87 No.266366

File: 8ef9162b2e6e21f⋯.png (1.11 MB,1920x816,40:17,i_love_her_lads.png)


Learn Hebrew and Yiddish for your beautiful wife

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b87a87 No.266367

Gay orgy in London tomorrow

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a35b1e No.266368


I guess we know where you will be then.

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b87a87 No.266369


No I'll be cracking heads at the chinlet international conference to show the power of chins everywhere

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b87a87 No.266370

Shift your politics to the far left and earn people's respect that way.

Revolutionaries are manly, confident and charming intellectuals whilst rightist bankstercucks are retarded insecure and brainwashed idiots.

Women know this instinctively and won't breed with low IQ right wing manchildren, as their children will be idiots as well, due to their flawed genetics and unfit father.

Read some Marx to begin with, and quote him and Lenin whenever politics are discussed around females.

Then go directly to guys like Foucault, Chomsky, DeBord etc. for prime quote material. You will be perceived as a deep thinker, and a man of strong conviction and morality.

Women cannot resist.

Throw out your stupid meme t shirts and buy a lot of khaki military green shirts, mao suits, military boots, and either a patrol cap that matches your outfit in colour or a red or black beret. No other colours.

Throw out all of your electronics and other items, produced by imperialist nations. Use only Chinese electronics, and drink only Cuban rum. If you smoke, switch to Cuban cigars.

Stop all video game playing, and read only. Marxist philosophy and books by famous communists and anarchists should be 80% and the rest left leaning speculative fiction and sci-fi. Do not watch any more American movies.

NEVER say a positive thing about the United States ever again.

Lastly, hang the flag of any revolutionary movement or anti-imperialist state (Cuba, Soviet Union are a classic) and a framed picture of a revolutionary of your own choosing.

I recommend Thomas Sankara as you will display a superior intellect by being revolutionary, non-racist, for women's liberation and anti-imperialist all at once.

Seeing this, women will see you as a rebel and a man of conviction. You will be their hero, and they will think about you for the rest of their lives.

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a35b1e No.266371


Marx and Engels were both correct with regards to the Irish question. Perhaps we should embrace their other ideas.

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d7f9e0 No.266372

File: f5c8c034a819c06⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,58.34 KB,588x370,294:185,before.jpg)

File: ba8156e524d741e⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,95.91 KB,486x579,162:193,after.jpg)


Sound advice tbh but it left out the importance of having a furry profile picture on social media

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83d98e No.266373

File: 1b48bc1dafefe28⋯.webm (1 MB,480x480,1:1,TUBULAR.webm)

Hello lads have you had a nice eveni-



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b87a87 No.266374

File: c1a38461af0ac33⋯.png (237.69 KB,605x368,605:368,gentleman by day, wolf by ….png)


I completely agree lad


That's the most important thing of all

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a35b1e No.266375


Hello lad. How are you?

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83d98e No.266376

File: 18ed533f147abe6⋯.webm (5.91 MB,540x540,1:1,Where is my Mind.webm)


Aye same old lad. Was supposed to meet mates for 11pm/Midnight but people in the pub took forever to leave after last orders so I ended up meeting them after 1 oclock, by which time there had been a brawl so I just came home now

>imbuing wicked sins

smh tbh lads

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83d98e No.266377

File: d1cdb3c501e24df⋯.webm (7.32 MB,640x360,16:9,Outer Wilds.webm)

did you lads get any runescaping done?

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a35b1e No.266378


>been a brawl

Fun times lad.

>>imbuing wicked sins

Not me, I'm a good boy.



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83d98e No.266379

File: 1482ad4748e865f⋯.webm (3.35 MB,300x300,1:1,Твои слёзы.webm)


You're a good egg tbf, take it easy

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a35b1e No.266380


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a35b1e No.266381

File: a4782f72590d5e0⋯.png (2.3 MB,1920x1357,1920:1357,BeddyByes.png)

Goodnight everybody.

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8aaf5b No.266382

File: 412ad4b993f8980⋯.jpg (1.04 MB,2587x3000,2587:3000,MaxfieldParrish01.jpg)

Hello all. Haven't been here before.

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a35b1e No.266383


>they're probably laughing at us all on /newbrit/

Obviously, you are .sh*t/

>somebody should check in over there

Please do, it is lonely here.

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a35b1e No.266384


Hello friend. Who are you?

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a35b1e No.266385

File: a3c69598fc94c0f⋯.jpg (115.95 KB,1280x720,16:9,00000(27).jpg)


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8aaf5b No.266386


I've heard there's a lot of homosexuality here. Didn't know whether to believe it or not. Thought I'd have a look.>>266384

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a35b1e No.266387


>there's a lot of homosexuality here

No, we're good boys, /sh*t/ are the real homosexuals.

>thought I'd have a look

get out whilst you can lad

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8aaf5b No.266388


I got a bit annoyed at /brit/ after I got banned by mercia. He banned me for using the leaf flag which was recently made available there. His reason for the ban was just


which is fair in a lot of cases. When I appealed the ban and said I'd lurk and post less, he doubled the duration.

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3b13b3 No.266389


Mercia has been banning anyone he doesn't like recently, permabans at that

While mods like SA joke about disliking yanks he doesn't go so far to ban anyone who isn't british, which is what Mercia wants, he only wants people he likes on /brit/, his own personal board. the whole janitor meme is true, he has no life so he tries to exert power over an imageboard

sad really

nobody even likes him

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3b13b3 No.266390


another thing is that he keeps banning a few people for being "dorshit" despite not even being me lel

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8aaf5b No.266391


kek, there is rife tinfoiling over there about who's who. I remember you posting during the graveyard shift consistently. I think you wanted to be banned once because /brit/ was bad for your mental health. Kek.

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3b13b3 No.266392


/brit/ is bad for anyones health, it honestly drives people insane

constant negativity from all the news links and the like being posted, plus it's a hugbox too, go outside and you'll be banned

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3b13b3 No.266393

i find it hilarious how he actually thinks theres some newbrit cabal trying to destroy /brit/

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a35b1e No.266394

Good morning.

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3b13b3 No.266395


mornin beautiful

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a35b1e No.266396

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You up to anything today lad? Any plans? You going to have fun in the sun?

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3b13b3 No.266397


maybe eat then go to bed in a few hours

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3b13b3 No.266398

8 country fried pork steaks


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1c82ec No.266399

File: 3bcf7e5898ee17d⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,117.56 KB,932x744,233:186,rose.jpg)


Thank goodness I post on /newbrit/ instead. Here the only psychological damage I suffer is trapperium.


Hullo lad, such is life on /brit/. You're welcome to post here, we have another leaf who comes to dump Goblines. It's generally more relaxed on the moderation front but you'll have to put up with more shitposting and less of a news-focus, not that /brit/ doesn't regularly devolve into shitposting.

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3fa5fc No.266400

File: fa346f04ee6960a⋯.jpg (404.25 KB,1690x1340,169:134,weary wojak.jpg)

When the long, long day is over, and the Big Boss gives me my pay,

I hope that it won't be hell-fire, as some of the parsons say.

And I hope that it won't be heaven, with some of the parsons I've met —

All I want is just quiet, just to rest and forget.

Look at my face, toil-furrowed; look at my calloused hands;

Master, I've done Thy bidding, wrought in Thy many lands —

Wrought for the little masters, big-bellied they be, and rich;

I've done their desire for a daily hire, and I die like a dog in a ditch.

I have used the strength Thou hast given, Thou knowest I did not shirk;

Threescore years of labor — Thine be the long day's work.

And now, Big Master, I'm broken and bent and twisted and scarred,

But I've held my job, and Thou knowest, and Thou wilt not judge me hard.

Thou knowest my sins are many, and often I've played the fool —

Whiskey and cards and women, they made me the devil's tool.

I was just like a child with money; I flung it away with a curse,

Feasting a fawning parasite, or glutting a harlot's purse;

Then back to the woods repentant, back to the mill or the mine,

I, the worker of workers, everything in my line.

Everything hard but headwork (I'd no more brains than a kid),

A brute with brute strength to labor, doing as I was bid;

Living in camps with men-folk, a lonely and loveless life;

Never knew kiss of sweetheart, never caress of wife.

A brute with brute strength to labor, and they were so far above —

Yet I'd gladly have gone to the gallows for one little look of Love.

I, with the strength of two men, savage and shy and wild —

Yet how I'd ha' treasured a woman, and the sweet, warm kiss of a child!

Well, 'tis Thy world, and Thou knowest. I blaspheme and my ways be rude;

But I've lived my life as I found it, and I've done my best to be good;

I, the primitive toiler, half naked and grimed to the eyes,

Sweating it deep in their ditches, swining it stark in their styes;

Hurling down forests before me, spanning tumultuous streams;

Down in the ditch building o'er me palaces fairer than dreams;

Boring the rock to the ore-bed, driving the road through the fen,

Resolute, dumb, uncomplaining, a man in a world of men.

Master, I've filled my contract, wrought in Thy many lands;

Not by my sins wilt Thou judge me, but by the work of my hands.

Master, I've done Thy bidding, and the light is low in the west,

And the long, long shift is over … Master, I've earned it — Rest.

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2f0902 No.266401


>SA posts graphic images of interracial relationships to blackpill

>"Why are you posting this cuckshit"


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95083c No.266402


>Falling for Neo's evil tricks


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4396ca No.266403

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95083c No.266404


Thankfully you're here with the kino lad

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3b13b3 No.266405


turned out very nice

8 beautiful, lovely, country fried pork steaks, ate 1 and a half and will save the rest

no idea what to do with leftover flour, so i mixed it with the leftover breadcrumbs and suet/water

fried a little bit of it and it was pretty much like crispy batter, not sure what to make of it though


it makes no sense for someone to even post that tbh

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3b13b3 No.266406

if I wasn't so tired I would continue cookin all day long

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3b13b3 No.266407

modern women really dont know what theyre missing in the kitchen

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a00082 No.266408

File: 451ad1938aadf2a⋯.jpg (36.65 KB,500x588,125:147,7517defc2828c9ffbe4540d3e4….jpg)


Welcome to the dark side. We have cookies !


Rose isn't a trap tho

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a00082 No.266409


wait a minute is that sneaky?

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4396ca No.266410

File: 4c0413b42b15d81⋯.jpg (28.76 KB,179x320,179:320,1469188237765.jpg)

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a00082 No.266411


I always disliked him for being a soyboy and it seems my predujices were founded. I bet it was aphromoo that turned him to the dark path

although I can't prove aphro is actually gay -but he sure seems like it!

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84b5fa No.266412

Suns out guns out


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a35b1e No.266413

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84b5fa No.266414

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a00082 No.266415


suns out, poor ol shrop's gonna be worked to the bone again…

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84b5fa No.266416


Think of the 3 P's lad



Partial sunburn

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a00082 No.266417


kek alright lad you've convinced me

tbh I do like the tanning effect received from my time spent outside

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a00082 No.266418

irritatingly I also can't phone the tax office until next tuesday as they've been taxxing me 20% despite me being significantly below MTA

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84b5fa No.266419


You stay on emergency until your company notifies them through payroll, then you get sent a rebate and new tax code

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84b5fa No.266420

Stay on emergency tbh, full time will give you like a grand and a half as a rebate every year

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d42bfa No.266421

File: aab8e0eb63d7471⋯.jpg (128.6 KB,720x1280,9:16,SphereHunterCos-9604007414….jpg)


I did nothing smh, all these lads were gay long before I met them.

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95083c No.266422


You aint helping them lass

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a00082 No.266423

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I see. I will inform the GM then tbh. not interested in PHAT rebates tbh, I need the money nowish if I'm gonna be renting ect soon


while I agree it must be said that the act of deciding to befriend neo is symbolically similar to making a conscious decision to start watching gay porn. you only gravitate towards yon corrupter if you wish to become corrupted

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77d4cd No.266424


Youll only get max £30 a week more though, at 40hrs

You never just receive your wage, even under MTA, you get a taxband then its recalculated next year based on what you actually earn

Its honestly more useful to get it in a lump sum lad

Its like a months wages

You'll probably just spunk the difference, unless you manage to be a spread sheet account normie lmao

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a00082 No.266425

File: 00f1f61ac55979c⋯.jpg (29.9 KB,496x745,496:745,e5f8eef97efd037cab2e701f80….jpg)

I do hope it stays this sunny past monday though. Now that the college higher ups have let me free I'd like to go on a few walks and do some sunbathing tbh

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77d4cd No.266426



Taking the rig to the beach in a bit

got some MDA lmao, like off of the 90s

Not working tomorrow? Wouldnt it be double time?

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a00082 No.266427


I'll give it a think I suppose. Can't do anything about it til bank holiday passes anyway

>spread sheet account normoid

smh lad I was planning on it tbh

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77d4cd No.266428



Ahhh just roll with what's in your pocket reeeeee

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77d4cd No.266429

Its fookin h.o.t.

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a00082 No.266430


>the beach

shieeet it's been ages since I've been to the beach. I miss digging pits and looking at the lasses bums tbh


yowza lad that sounds interesting. youre gonna be a right sight for all those poor normie families just lookin for some donkey rides


nah I'm working tomorrow. I hope it's double time but I wouldn't know. Will have to ask today


but I need to save for a licence and a van amongst other things laddddd

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b30a04 No.266431

File: 759e7890a236447⋯.png (740.69 KB,539x762,539:762,ClipboardImage.png)

Still unable to mobile post lads.

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7f0aaa No.266432

>at beach

>winging rocks at the wave breaks with a slingshot

>beachwarden arrives on quadbike and says we arent allowed to do this

Reeeeeee y not u cunt

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d42bfa No.266433

File: 0a581d1e51f385d⋯.jpg (53.69 KB,700x800,7:8,DrossDrawings-954083293435….jpg)


Please refrain from likening me to gay porn smh, my friendships are all wonderful and precious.

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b30a04 No.266434



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7f0aaa No.266435





Nah weve got a fuckibg huge marquee to hide in

They'll hear us from at least a mile each direction though

Based coastal geography


Fair, invest in non fungible assets tbh

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a35b1e No.266436


Why do they have such long fingers?

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b30a04 No.266437

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b30a04 No.266438

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b30a04 No.266439


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b30a04 No.266440


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b30a04 No.266441


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7f0aaa No.266442


Lmao wtf

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d42bfa No.266443

File: f6a8d37bf35febc⋯.png (1.06 MB,1192x1920,149:240,ClipboardImage.png)




Smh lad you know what happens when boys give up on women.

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d42bfa No.266444

check em

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b30a04 No.266445


They stop giving insufferable bints the time of day?

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d42bfa No.266446

File: 951a0868f54dcf6⋯.png (59.63 KB,205x207,205:207,ClipboardImage.png)


No lad, they turn to other things in desperation.

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b30a04 No.266447


I'm pretty sure that comes from men who want the same treatment as women, not men who give up on women.

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b87a87 No.266448

File: 0d88c18e090e55f⋯.png (796.71 KB,1200x700,12:7,francais.png)

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a35b1e No.266449



Only reasonable application tbh

Longfingers should be shot.


>joins the army

>cries when shouted at

Smh, should've joined the RAF

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a35b1e No.266450



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a35b1e No.266451

Still going strong lads.

600 words left to write.

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7f0aaa No.266452

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>93.3fm Shoreham to LA

Hooooo booooiiii we ain't going home tonight


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7f0aaa No.266453


What are you writing sweetie

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a35b1e No.266454

>the /sh*t/ bois haven't got a thread again

Wew, and some complain when we have early threads.

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a35b1e No.266455

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





An essay.

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7f0aaa No.266456

>random youths turning up

If you build it, they will come

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a35b1e No.266457

>4000 word essay

>can be up to 10% over word limit

or 10% under

Looks like I have finished ;-)

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7f0aaa No.266458


Bout what

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b87a87 No.266459

File: ab8ec7674645540⋯.jpg (75.54 KB,321x348,107:116,JUST end it.jpg)

>drag queen singing at gay for freedom

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7f0aaa No.266460


This isn't your to-do list fam

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7f0aaa No.266461

File: 3f0195330c692e3⋯.jpg (56.66 KB,552x829,552:829,x9jhv3cbw2w01.jpg)


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b87a87 No.266462

File: 6d42166cc084ea4⋯.png (135.61 KB,394x273,394:273,YOU'RE A FUCKING MELON.png)


I'm so fucking done with this shit lad

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7f0aaa No.266463


Aren't we all pal

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7f0aaa No.266464

Actually melting

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b87a87 No.266465

File: 3630b7e47a7a003⋯.jpg (71.54 KB,800x600,4:3,the fuck is is this fuckin….jpg)



What is happening with your druid soon to be Christian commune lad?


Going to bbq with mates later hopefully it will be wholesome

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b30a04 No.266466

File: c0c9c15f1d3c85e⋯.png (11.04 MB,4032x3024,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

go outside

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d7f9e0 No.266467

File: 0df67f02e853cc4⋯.png (504.93 KB,600x400,3:2,party all the time.png)

>it's a sunburn but only on one arm episode

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b30a04 No.266468

File: ba42599cf7457e8⋯.png (4.1 MB,1674x2048,837:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

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b30a04 No.266469

too hot today lads oof

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d42bfa No.266470

File: 4ca58c6bccf8650⋯.jpg (51.04 KB,531x671,531:671,SupaGigas-9005993638645923….jpg)


Why does everyone have to be so disgustingly yankified? And besides Trump has really dropped off in quality since 2016 so that shirt is pure cringe now.

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b30a04 No.266471


>American flag

>why is everyone so yankified

you tell me lass

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d42bfa No.266472

File: 207d624230b8a7f⋯.jpg (36.92 KB,500x603,500:603,SandCask-92155415271027097….jpg)


I use it ironically smh.

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b30a04 No.266473

File: 7ee87f786159195⋯.jpg (13.55 KB,224x186,112:93,ss (2018-01-13 at 10.30.29….jpg)



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7e7494 No.266474

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7e7494 No.266475

too hot tbh

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a35b1e No.266476


>only just noticed the wog in the suit sat down


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58f644 No.266477

>solovairs developing cracks even though I constantly and autistically polish them

I must live on the sun or something

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b30a04 No.266478


price of being imperium

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58f644 No.266479


smh I hate having my doc's/solovairs falling apart every six months.

Might have to move onto timbs

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b30a04 No.266480


Smh I heard very good things about solovairs as well.

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a35b1e No.266481



>cheapest pair is £155


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58f644 No.266482


they've done about 800 miles.

not ideal

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58f644 No.266483

yo vanlad, what's a good type of timbs to start with although I should probably get some cheap site boots purely to have shoes that last

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3b13b3 No.266484



these are a thing? what authority do they even have? just tell them to fuck off

that said it does piss me off that the port down here now owns a huge bit of land and pretty much all the water here, if you go fishing in the harbour despite it being perfectly fine they will come out and hunt you down and find you

god damn its so fucking hot i was hoping to sleep until about 12 midnight but I just cant

probably go to bed around then i hope with window wide open

i feel so damn tired even after 5 steaks

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3b13b3 No.266485


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3b13b3 No.266486

do not notice any effects of eating garlic every day

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85a3c1 No.266487


stop wanking

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3b13b3 No.266488


suck my dick

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3b13b3 No.266489

my insides have felt fucked for the past few days

terrible and frequent stools combined with stomach cramps

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85a3c1 No.266490

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3b13b3 No.266491

I'm a high status alpha male

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b30a04 No.266492

>occult lass seems to be really attached to me

uh lads…

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3b13b3 No.266493


careful lad she might use tarot cards to capture you

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b30a04 No.266494


Those can't do that tbh, and I'd like someone to do spoopy occult stuff with.

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3b13b3 No.266495


beat her up

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b30a04 No.266496


Why would I want to do that to a woman who likes me?

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b30a04 No.266497

She also seems to be into the cooler side of the occult, like cults and unsolved mysteries, rather than wicca.

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3b13b3 No.266498


treat em mean keep em keen

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3b13b3 No.266499

shes probably just another slag

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b30a04 No.266500


Yeah probably but if I can get my way into a spooky party or something or just have some more friends that'd be great.

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3b13b3 No.266501

File: 899d3c72b528fcd⋯.png (252.29 KB,632x409,632:409,burns.png)


>wanting friends

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b30a04 No.266502


spoopy occult friends to talk about serial killers and cults with

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3b13b3 No.266503


>its an anprim becomes involved in a spooky death cult and gets sacrificed episode


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b30a04 No.266504


Sounds pretty cool to me

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b87a87 No.266505

File: 8269d91ff3ac641⋯.png (374.6 KB,683x669,683:669,ClipboardImage.png)

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58f644 No.266506

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b30a04 No.266507

File: e321334bd14f88b⋯.png (207.69 KB,567x427,81:61,ClipboardImage.png)

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b30a04 No.266508

File: f579c8e8b586109⋯.png (483.47 KB,540x540,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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b87a87 No.266509

File: e370ec41cb1d3f5⋯.png (740.21 KB,1123x576,1123:576,ClipboardImage.png)


Really don't get fashwave tbh

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b30a04 No.266510

File: 213b4910317b786⋯.png (457.1 KB,500x491,500:491,ClipboardImage.png)

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83d98e No.266511

File: 97c2b1703d6a2b0⋯.webm (1.99 MB,720x540,4:3,Wojak ISS 2.webm)

File: 83a3917983968c7⋯.jpg (430.63 KB,2560x1646,1280:823,M57 Attempt 1.jpg)

caught a dying stars' swan song tbh, after becoming a red giant it's ejected matter into space as a ring and then shrunk down into a tiny white dwarf. You can make out the white dwarf in the center of the ring of ejected material, eventually it will burn out and disappear forever. tfw tbh

25 minutes total camera exposure time at 600mm f/7

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83d98e No.266512

File: 7c1464cd6a22e61⋯.jpg (7.32 MB,4722x2656,2361:1328,LeoT Attempt 1.jpg)

Here's the Leo Triplet too, group of galaxies right by each other. Didn't expect to see much but was pleasantly surprised, must give it another go

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3b13b3 No.266513

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3b13b3 No.266514

why do models always have ugly bodies?

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3b13b3 No.266515

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I want to capture her and force feed her until she becomes thicc

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3b13b3 No.266516

>people that use CE/BCE instead of AD/BC

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3b13b3 No.266517

spanish atrocities during colonisation of the americas are a myth spread by homosexual anglo whigs

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1c82ec No.266518

File: 429277ac6944af1⋯.jpg (132.09 KB,1885x1060,377:212,I wonder who that could be.jpg)




You know who's behind this don't you?

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3b13b3 No.266519


it's just sad and pathetic when people use it even though it means the exact same thing

its virtue signalling at its greatest

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3b13b3 No.266520

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1c82ec No.266521


>the port down here now owns a huge bit of land and pretty much all the water here, if you go fishing in the harbour despite it being perfectly fine they will come out and hunt you down and find you

Based enclosure.

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3b13b3 No.266522


keq only just realised I typed find instead of fine[usually at least a couple hundred pounds], but find is still correct

They will write about it in the dorset echo too, not sure if they use your real name but anyone who commits a crime and is found guilty has it all posted in the paper, half of them are for not paying tv licence smh

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3b13b3 No.266523

File: 2225bb5fbe48d4b⋯.jpg (105.98 KB,601x601,1:1,JUST.jpg)

>ywn be an american southerner

no reason to live

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d42bfa No.266524

File: d2c92a79642ce34⋯.jpg (418.25 KB,1411x2000,1411:2000,1473575509829.jpg)


Being an english southerner is much better tbqhwy.

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3b13b3 No.266525



Britain is a pathetic cucked place I hate it

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d42bfa No.266526

File: 27c96d01090ebfd⋯.jpg (634.75 KB,1697x1200,1697:1200,1481486463044.jpg)


At least english people can see each other in the street. Every state in america is a designated interracial breeding ground, and they're going to have worse gun laws than us very soon.

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3b13b3 No.266527


shut up you thumpin great phaggot

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3b13b3 No.266528

really hope you dont live anywhere near me cos if i see you youre dead nipp

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a00082 No.266529


might be worth dropping the garlic and see if it helps

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a00082 No.266530


models have nice skinny figures lad

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3b13b3 No.266531


>skinny figures


queer pedo fuck off


i'll drop you

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a00082 No.266532

File: 7936cea1954fd0f⋯.jpg (37.34 KB,500x500,1:1,857e170c7f1477e48ace83a0fc….jpg)

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3b13b3 No.266533


is degenerate and wrong!

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14e7f0 No.266534


Dorset is fucking bang on wit this one, have fun humping a gay mans idea of what a woman should look like

>tfw Dorset still lusts after a skinny Jewish lass

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3b13b3 No.266535

File: 25c6c4eb2766b6d⋯.jpg (207.37 KB,936x1299,312:433,35d1c221807ea29aa190522051….jpg)


i dont lad




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3b13b3 No.266537


thanks chief but I don't like her I want to beat her up

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14e7f0 No.266538


I'll let you off this time

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3b13b3 No.266539

File: 899d3c72b528fcd⋯.png (252.29 KB,632x409,632:409,burns.png)

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14e7f0 No.266540


I deleted it and reposted it smh smh

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3b13b3 No.266541


I'll let you off this time

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14e7f0 No.266542

File: e253771144e4d85⋯.jpg (11.38 KB,200x200,1:1,e253771144e4d8544b99324a18….jpg)

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3b13b3 No.266543

File: 5e048556a65439e⋯.jpg (63.29 KB,526x400,263:200,devilpepe.jpg)


you walked right into that one lad

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14e7f0 No.266544


I really did

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3b13b3 No.266545

room stinks of cum, sweat and food

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b30a04 No.266546


RIP star nigga

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14e7f0 No.266547


Why would you share that with us lad?

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3b13b3 No.266548


you need to know

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3b13b3 No.266549

File: 34a3b4fa5dd0469⋯.gif (1.39 MB,332x369,332:369,boooobz.gif)

i just want to place my head right in between those big ol milkers

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83d98e No.266550

File: f9a88106cbc773c⋯.webm (Spoiler Image,793.87 KB,960x540,16:9,Dorset OFAH.webm)


the mad cunt

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b30a04 No.266551

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83d98e No.266552

File: 61b24ad9651e1d9⋯.webm (2.97 MB,540x540,1:1,DREAMER.webm)

Given my 4 months notice at work tbh lads, soon a free neet

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b30a04 No.266553


your work getting rid of you?

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539da3 No.266554


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539da3 No.266555

File: 9f32bbdded12273⋯.png (725.92 KB,1000x561,1000:561,ClipboardImage.png)

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3b13b3 No.266556

going to sleep

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01fef4 No.266557

Big fish little fish cardboard box


Dunno lad wess still appears to be soul searching

Or more likely but less desirably further radicalising himself

I've got an MOT on the small van in a week, then all my savings can be used to move it forwards, or most probably upgrade my big van/buy a caravan

Wag1 today anyway chapzz

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01fef4 No.266558


>4 months

The fuck

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b30a04 No.266559

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14e7f0 No.266560

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b30a04 No.266561

>not enough cereal for another bowl

>not enough space in my bowl to finish it off

ah just gonna take the box with me

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01fef4 No.266562


Dry cereal from the box > all crisps except s&v minicheddars

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e0e348 No.266563

File: 7c8ddef08b8cba3⋯.jpg (85.97 KB,678x666,113:111,1516283985981.jpg)

I came here to post waifus

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01fef4 No.266564

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d42bfa No.266565

File: b40a98a650de748⋯.mp4 (Spoiler Image,1.25 MB,730x1080,73:108,BardbotPlus-98481555045400….mp4)

I really wish I had an outdoor shower in my garden right now.

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01fef4 No.266566


It's called a hose you stupid fuck

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b30a04 No.266567

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1c82ec No.266568



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1c82ec No.266569

File: f4f6df9564d9973⋯.png (300.39 KB,480x360,4:3,gondola graffiti.png)


>they're going to have worse gun laws than us very soon

What do you base this on?


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c809ca No.266570

File: c0c0f120722aeae⋯.png (552.97 KB,590x636,295:318,ClipboardImage.png)

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01fef4 No.266571


She looks like a lass that I'd trust as a mother and also as a brief lmfao

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01fef4 No.266572

>aldi Bourbon tastes like watered down early times with less rye

Its fuckibg good for £12

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d42bfa No.266573

File: 0cc3069c2844b52⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,58.72 KB,420x573,140:191,0cc3069c2844b528ce061f1e92….jpg)


Parkland activists will get what they want across the country. They've already pressured the Republican governor of Florida to raise the age restriction on gun ownership from 18 to 21 which is a bigger restriction that we have over here. Trump has wavered towards gun control appeasement in the aftermath of every shooting so far. The banks and big corporations are cutting off services and partnerships with pro-gun organizations and businesses. The media have an army of very young child activists who won't die or retire anytime soon.

The current paradigm will be the tipping point for gun control in America, mark my words. They've tried for decades but this is the first time they've had so many trump cards if you'll pardon the pun.

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1c82ec No.266574

File: 91a9b807f65ff96⋯.jpg (184.88 KB,949x948,949:948,things are bad.jpg)

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14e7f0 No.266575


I really hope not, I've always envied American gun laws

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b30a04 No.266576


I dunno, the AWB of the 90s and early 2000s was really bad, Bush and Clinton took gun owners to the cleaners back then, and ever since that many of the gun lobby have become pretty hardline. I have hopes that the average gun owner is more connected than they used to be and more vocal.

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b87a87 No.266577

File: 5c9c150b5ad8b73⋯.jpg (15.88 KB,315x180,7:4,SoKoreanSign1.jpg)

Maybe if the yanks lose their guns they'll shut up about muh freedumbs and finally, with the loss of their idol, realise what a pickle they've already got themselves into

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1c82ec No.266578

File: e1a64a0f5e1c55c⋯.jpg (93.24 KB,960x720,4:3,panic stricken.jpg)

If they take the yanks' guns away will their freespeech be next?

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7ef486 No.266579


u wot


tbqh the lidl bourbon I had wasn't that bad


almost certainly tbh

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01fef4 No.266580


I'd let her prepare my legal defence after some hanky panky


Its too sweet but beats JD, and the 5yo stuff for £15 beats almost anything except bullet rye

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01fef4 No.266581

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01fef4 No.266582

>screen dimming app triples charging speed

Yeah boi

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b30a04 No.266583


>he doesn't have brightness turned down constantly to maximise battery life and minimise damage on eyes

I turn down everything tbh

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d42bfa No.266584

File: c6e48df93a40b9a⋯.png (345.54 KB,960x1280,3:4,1469324423743.png)


Most states already have fledgeling hatespeech legislation and the country as a whole is henpecked by powerful "charities" like the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center who have a lot of influence over state governments and law enforcement.

Liberal Americans also tend to be super zealous about forcing their social agenda from within public and private institutions to create small fiefdoms where human behavior is strictly policed by staff policy regardless of constitutional rights.

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01fef4 No.266585


Nah lad I have it minmaxed as I run my life off batteries I charge with an engine and solar panels

This app makes it dimmer than the lowest setting including battery saver

Its on the blue light filter app but I never noticed it

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b87a87 No.266586

File: c969ad7228ae218⋯.jpg (420.98 KB,1242x876,207:146,ami go home.jpg)


Let them die I fucking hate yanks

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01fef4 No.266587

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Still really like it

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e3bae6 No.266588


> 5yo stuff for £15 beats almost anything except bullet rye

might cop some tomorrow as a reward for myself

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d42bfa No.266589

File: 1c7ab7b18b2956a⋯.png (505.43 KB,800x480,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Which sport is more athletic, darts or dota?

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e3bae6 No.266590



it takes skill to neck pints mid game

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b30a04 No.266591

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8b9097 No.266592



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8b9097 No.266593


A few drinks steadies the hand tbf

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8b9097 No.266594

>at pub

>got stitched up with a line of k instead of coke

Jokes on you cunts I fucking love k

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b30a04 No.266595


did you pay coke price for k though?

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8b9097 No.266596


Fuck no lad I'm still holding my bit

A free line is a free line

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b30a04 No.266597

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83d98e No.266598

File: b5e48e757c3776b⋯.webm (3.83 MB,360x360,1:1,Burnout Revenge - Tuned t….webm)


Nah I'm just leaving to try give the engineering world another go, not quitting the bar job though


Well the last person gave 4 months notice to teach me their job, doing the same tbh, find some new staff first tbf


absolutely lad


Well it's incremental changes that are the most threatening, with the speed of these current changes it's going to happen

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83d98e No.266599


>standing up or sitting down

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8b9097 No.266600




Ah I see, fair play that's pretty honorable tbf

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8b9097 No.266601


What about wheelchair darts

You ableist cunt

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e3bae6 No.266602


>not playing dota at a standing desk

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8b9097 No.266603


>not playing it with a dance dance revolution mat

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e3bae6 No.266604

File: 21cdf6f89894d59⋯.png (702.68 KB,564x734,282:367,ClipboardImage.png)


sounds like something Neo would encourage

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d7f9e0 No.266605


>not the DK bongo drums

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8b9097 No.266606


Bloody hell calm down

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e3bae6 No.266607

>dota on a guitar hero controller

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8b9097 No.266608


They're surprisingly alright for original halo lmao

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8b9097 No.266609

>have seen "dota" mentioned in various places for years

>don't know what it is

>don't care

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8b9097 No.266610

>Dorset county council refuses to comment on pedo case


Give the fat Masonic CIA agent a click

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b30a04 No.266611

>expert nog on the news is asked where teeniggers get their guns from

>"we don't make guns here" so we have no idea

Just by browsing the internet I am more of an "expert" than her. Need to stop watching the news tbh by my parents love it when an ugly nog on the telly tells them we need to buy more mixtapes or else the niggers will keep shooting each other.

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83d98e No.266612

File: 53b4c85ab4d44c8⋯.jpg (794.14 KB,1280x1280,1:1,FaceApp_1525718679601.jpg)

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8b9097 No.266613


Hypothetically all you need for a gun is about £1k cash lmao

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8b9097 No.266614


>guy incognito

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e3bae6 No.266615



>a grand

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b30a04 No.266616


Even then, we do have legal gun manufacturers and legal firearm businesses, so the statement "we don't make guns here" is incredibly incorrect.

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8b9097 No.266617


>what is moving weight

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8b9097 No.266618


Fair play lad I took that for granted

>surge in eastern euro immigrants in the 90s/00s

>wonder where the slavshit pistols come from

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8b9097 No.266619

In entirely unrelated news, swim is buying a stab proof

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b30a04 No.266620


>slavs making money off selling choppas to wogs since the 90s


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8b9097 No.266621


Lmao exactly

The other thing is that guns are shared and reload ammo only comes from a few places

Love to see the ballistics comparisons tbh, bet 50% of the shootings this weekend used the same powder

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b30a04 No.266622


Tbh I remember maybe last year some Irish mobster was killed with ammo that had been stolen from a German police armoury in the early 90s.

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8b9097 No.266623

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>when he drop

>take his glock

>and I'm swayze

>celebrate my escape

>sold the glock

>bought some weight

>lay back

>I got some money to make


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83d98e No.266624

File: b77040ac1df84ba⋯.webm (417.61 KB,960x540,16:9,Dorset Cybersafe.webm)

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8b9097 No.266625


Fucking hell that shows something

I reckon paramilitary=\=drug gangs, ie: never seen a new round except a shotgun shell, except for at a gun range

The paras would kneecap most of them

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d42bfa No.266626

File: e42cf1cba8b34d5⋯.png (295.29 KB,480x574,240:287,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 56cd0738c6442b9⋯.gif (934.29 KB,445x330,89:66,poke.gif)

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8b9097 No.266627


brojobs are no homo tho

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8b9097 No.266628

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


La la la la la lalaaaala

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a00082 No.266629


>the act that produces children is degenerate and wrong




nay lad, you are both incorrect. I like thicc lasses as much as the next guy but skinny lasses are also a ok

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a00082 No.266630


love these graffiti thots

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8b9097 No.266631


Im the next guy and I don't like thicc anything at all

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e3bae6 No.266632


you're directly responsible for it

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a00082 No.266633

File: 3c6ea588d8a162b⋯.jpg (30.62 KB,615x409,615:409,AUxj4vQ.jpg)


Well I guess it's time to start deleting my thicc thots

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1c82ec No.266634

File: 0f500320ba9eedd⋯.jpg (20.88 KB,450x301,450:301,intredasting.jpg)

>Kaffir (alternatively kaffer; originally cafri) is an ethnic slur used to refer to a black person. In the form of cafri, it evolved during the pre-colonial period as an equivalent of "negro". In Southern Africa, the term was later used as an exonym for Bantu peoples. The designation came to be considered a pejorative by the 20th century

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8b9097 No.266635


>then send me to hell

>cos I ain't begging for my life

>ain't nothing worse than this cursed-ass hopeless life

I love him lads

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a00082 No.266636

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

my boy tbh

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b30a04 No.266637



Here it is. Essentially tens of thousands of rounds were discovered stolen after an internal audit realised someone had been siphoning off ammunition for who knows how long. So imagine enough ammunition to train officers, equip officers (maybe 45 rounds or more per each officer for a day, now imagine how much ammunition they're allocated per year for duty and training) also for competitions, and for special response teams. That's a lot of bullets going in and out of the average police department.

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d42bfa No.266638

File: 82fa63bc6309ece⋯.png (509.92 KB,551x793,551:793,__ranma_chan_and_saotome_r….png)


Sounds just a little bit gay to me smh.


Lies and slander.

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8b9097 No.266639


Fuckibg hell that's mafia as fuck, always wondered how the UVF had mp5s


That's why you have to say no homo afterwards

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1c82ec No.266640

File: 4ebc8ff79fb4dba⋯.jpg (49.44 KB,1050x590,105:59,Mark Williams.jpg)


You're a few years late, but don't sweat it you aren't missing anything. Godswilling it might even be a dead scene by now.




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8b9097 No.266641


I picture it as being a gay anime version of command and conquer, and I don't want to be corrected


Baize chess, as pratchett (pbuh) called it

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a00082 No.266642

>be shrop

>be a sweaty boy


Dota? Dead? not likely mate, community's still going strong.

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8b9097 No.266643


Sweaty betty

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1c82ec No.266644


Oh yeah, doesn't the constitution only protect their freedumbs from the federal government or something like that? So it's natural to target state governments instead. Still I think it would be a big step for the yanks to criminalise hatetalk.

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1c82ec No.266645


That's sad.

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b30a04 No.266646

File: c90b83150050e80⋯.png (482.02 KB,578x365,578:365,ClipboardImage.png)


Either from the British armed forces, because MP5s were legal in Ulster, there was an IRA march where they all posed with guns, and then the next day there was a UDF march where Ian Paisley and all the UDF members marched holding their FAC's raised in the air. the Ulster groups had connections in Israel and South Africa as well as central Europe, such as the guns here being made in Czechoslovakia. And they'd also raid republican stashes for guns. Also lots of commonwealth countries held sympathy for the Ulsterites, with guns even coming from places such as Canada.

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a00082 No.266647




why aye mon. LoL is WAY better

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a00082 No.266648

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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bbd606 No.266649

File: 024cdadb3698603⋯.jpg (75.16 KB,720x720,1:1,26734460_1938433743151968_….jpg)


>Sweaty feels

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e3bae6 No.266650

File: 64a2d8eda683c0c⋯.png (497.99 KB,500x602,250:301,ClipboardImage.png)

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a00082 No.266651

File: 2e5977049542ba5⋯.jpg (51.64 KB,564x846,2:3,612699e07b6951496c24d7e9f1….jpg)


there was a salt patch on my t shirt where my pocket was. truly madness tbh.

truly do I hate the sun and truly do I hate the common man that comes to my restaurant and eats


kworrr tbh

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2815a6 No.266652

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Ta lad that's really informative

I think I read about SA sending FALs or AKs or something

Wonder where most if is now tbh

Seizures are low af, from what swims seen

I know the Yanks armed the IRA and PIRA with all sorts of shite



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2815a6 No.266653

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83d98e No.266654

File: 131ea1ffce14db2⋯.gif (2.76 MB,480x352,15:11,131ea1ffce14db2a67678261cc….gif)

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a00082 No.266655



>my boy calls him a peanut head and points his knife at the screen

truly hilarious

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a00082 No.266656

File: 8d50a2bfa53a509⋯.jpg (100.65 KB,485x735,97:147,grunge-grunge-girl-grunge-….jpg)


that's about 2 points too far tbh

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e3bae6 No.266657

File: e81b5aed6481c5f⋯.png (391.47 KB,540x540,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

need me a thot smh

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bbd606 No.266658


> I hate the common man that comes to my restaurant and eats

is this a reference i dont get?

>there was a salt patch on my t shirt where my pocket was

>tfw havent worn a t shirt all day since i got in


smh skets

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bbd606 No.266659

File: 60afefd58a8815b⋯.gif (1.93 MB,235x240,47:48,1492459095126.gif)

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b30a04 No.266660


Nah lad I was purely talking about Ulster. In Canada and similar places there were people sympathetic to the UDF. There's also a network of orange lodge's across the world, and back then the orange order was a lot more influential. You also had stuff like the Canadian Ulster Loyalist Association and similarly named groups across the world of ex-ulstermen who would fund, hide, or provide what assistance they could to the Ulster forces.

>Sympathisers in Canada were already aiding those in Northern Ireland who were willing to use violence to defend the status quo. Two UDA smuggling rings had been uncovered, the first in 1972 involved five Toronto businessmen who planned to ship guns hidden in grain containers to ports in the UK. The second was closed down in April 1974. Early in the month English police acting on a tip-off found a cache of nine M1 carbines, 13 Sten guns, 66 Sten magazines, and 2,000 rounds of ammunition in the hold of a ship docked at Southampton which had recently arrived from New York. Two weeks later the Canadian end of the operation was shut down when the RCMP arrested 40yr old Ronald Whiteside and George Harry Hall, 24. Four M1 carbines were found in Whiteside’s home. The two men, both members of the Canadian Ulster Loyalist Association, were jailed that November.

>Joe Fawzi, a Lebanese Christian arms dealer with links to the Phalange and KRF – the same source the UVF had attempted to tap a decade before. Informed by Fawzi that guns could be had, the UVF and UDA collaborated in the robbery of a Portadown bank, stealing £325,000. The money was then allegedly taken to Switzerland, in person and in relatively small amounts that would not attract suspicion, by so-called “lilywhites” – respectable Protestant businessmen with no criminal or paramilitary traces. Once released, a large shipment concealed in a consignment of ceramic tiles left Naqoura in Lebanon bound for Belfast docks where it arrived in December 1987. In total, around 200 vz. 58P assault rifles, 90 FEG P9M pistols, 500 RGD-5 hand grenades, 10 RPG-7 rocket launchers plus 150 warheads, and tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition made the trip. From there they were taken to a farm near Tandraghee in Armagh to be split between the UVF, UDA, and Ulster Resistance.

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a00082 No.266661

File: bba9240695e75ba⋯.jpg (185.51 KB,1300x870,130:87,24863673-Forex-stock-marke….jpg)


>that waist


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2815a6 No.266662



Post the kid that looks like my mate KP please lad

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bbd606 No.266663

File: 948d4f69a5a2d9f⋯.jpg (14.78 KB,282x215,282:215,1492402860547.jpg)

File: 412aaf8f5b0d39a⋯.jpg (21.09 KB,400x400,1:1,1494602514396.jpg)


ye, you got it lad

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a00082 No.266664


No lad, just expressing my new found misanthropy

>no shirt

I fokin wish lad

If I could've gone about the place showing off the goods I would've been 10/10

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b30a04 No.266665


>The vz. 58 became the favoured weapon of the resurgent UVF and UDA campaign of the late 80s and early 90s, being used in scores of killings and attempted murders. The P9M pistols, a Hungarian clone of the Browning Hi-Power, were similarly popular. The RPGs, a weapon previously more associated with the Provisional IRA, were put to use in attacks on Sinn Fein offices and republican bars – particularly by the UDA – although the first was carried out by the UVF against the Sinn Fein advice centre in Brompton Park on the 15th of May 1988

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e3bae6 No.266666

File: 55767f8b31dd409⋯.jpg (2.43 MB,4328x5800,541:725,55767f8b31dd40916565b39939….jpg)

jewperium tbh

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e3bae6 No.266667

File: 9391c4da0cc77aa⋯.png (299.51 KB,564x562,282:281,ClipboardImage.png)

a thot for good measure though

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b30a04 No.266668

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a00082 No.266669


this is the one lass that got it all started for you, bless her

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bbd606 No.266670


> just expressing my new found misanthropy

anything prompt it or just feeling edgy these days?

>If I could've gone about the place showing off the goods I would've been 10/10

although good for this weather, not wearing a tshirt is gross unless you're a lass tbh

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a00082 No.266671


>prompt it

working in the service sector lad. it changes you.

>no tshirt

you know what's more gross lad? the amount of sweat you'll see on any t shirts I wear in this weather.

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e3bae6 No.266672

File: d3af271506137b5⋯.png (478 KB,563x564,563:564,ClipboardImage.png)

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2815a6 No.266673


Lmao ta lad I'm with him now, he is not happy with the comparison lel

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bbd606 No.266674


> it changes you.

tbf i've heard stories

>shirts/no shirts

damned if ya do, damned if ya don't :/


OH SHIT! The KP man himself, what did he say about the comparison?

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8b9097 No.266675



Fuckibg wew

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a00082 No.266676

File: 97dcbbd1cd24664⋯.jpg (81.33 KB,564x705,4:5,b6e3ce91e31cc48291b47a6c57….jpg)


nice lass there

nice rucksack too tbh, although I'd prefer a big hiker one

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8b9097 No.266677


His missus says its definitely him, he is vigorously disagreeing

he still has a beanhead

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1c82ec No.266678

>Jock has caught up with are Mark


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1c82ec No.266679


Delightfully devilish, HK

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8b9097 No.266680


Ta lad I've bookmarked it, that's interesting af



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8b9097 No.266681



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a00082 No.266682



I thought me mates were being babies, that cheery old shrop would maker it. but alas, here I am.


precisely lad

so gay or not gay, shrop's summer wear is tank tops and scoop necks if anything at all - just out of necessity.

how you bee doing anyway lass?

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a00082 No.266683

>3 different large blisters on my hands just from today

gonna have many hands soon lads

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e3bae6 No.266684



was genuinely torn between thotperium and jewperium for the quints

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a00082 No.266685


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1c82ec No.266686


It's the world snooker final tonight. Mark Williams has lost 5 frames in a row to John Higgins.

>delicious panem et circenses

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8b9097 No.266687


>not taking your polo shirt off and tucking it into your shorts

Suns out, guns out

Do you even summer


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a00082 No.266688


it's the final today? half tempted to stream it tbh

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e3bae6 No.266689

>mixing rum and port

why did I think this would be a good idea

it burns so good though

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bbd606 No.266690

File: 60b56fb46b86d00⋯.jpg (66.58 KB,456x767,456:767,T09PRQbe4elXODZL3LZCj6UGA0….jpg)


>His missus says its definitely him

Aha, thats how you know it's true.


>that cheery old shro

kek tbf this is the most put out i think i've ever seen you, although i've haven't been around that much so my opinion might not be the best

> shrop's summer wear is tank tops and scoop necks if anything at all - just out of necessity.


>how you bee doing anyway lass?

pretty good just had a 3 day bender so now im tired but i gotta get some shit done so i canny sleep smh

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8b9097 No.266691


Good lad

Callous-hand masterrace speak softly but carry a big stick (thorns and all)



That means its working


I've got the text feed lad, it was on at spoons earlier

I lost my £12 accy on williams going through already

I don't bother watching the games anymore, except for ding jun wei and are Ronald

RIP hunter tbh

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e3bae6 No.266692

File: f6925e35bf87d89⋯.png (729.94 KB,900x992,225:248,ClipboardImage.png)

most of yeezy wave 6 looks awful tbh lads

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a00082 No.266693

File: 466da7d33bf52a3⋯.jpg (52.84 KB,510x680,3:4,5b95ec7cdfa2549ae8ba4d6b43….jpg)


I can only dream of this level of alcoholism tbh. I'm gonna be buying myself a bottle of whisky soon so I can try and get back on the spirits train


>not been around much

nah it is. I try and keep a stable mood otherwise but I can get a little irritated after a shift.


ay man, I gotta air our some how

>3 day bender

never done one of those. I imagine it'd take me a full week minimum to recover to even 80%. sounds fun tho. good luck with yon work te be done



that one of your life mottos? sounds about right tbh. Need to work on my stick tho as speaking softly is easy enough

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8b9097 No.266694


Someone bought me a fosters earlier so I had to put some tequila in it



And yes tank tops r gay unless you're playing basketball

Don't get me started on scoopnecks


Just watch the highlights tbh lad

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a00082 No.266695


all yeezys are shit except the addidas shoes. even then it's really only the designs on the shoe that make them cool, and not the shoe itself

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a00082 No.266696


now THAT is a good idea

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a00082 No.266697


>talking shit on my summer wear

it's those or no shirt. I'm sweaty and high body temp, as I'm a good, germanic presenting boy. literally can't wear t shirts or shirts or I just cover the pits and the back in moist patches

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e3bae6 No.266698


>That means its working

I'm not sure how much I like this character arc.


>all yeezys are shit except the addidas shoes. even then it's really only the designs on the shoe that make them cool, and not the shoe itself


Yeezy trainers are the only hypebeast shit I would buy if it was actually possible to find it, obviously.

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1c82ec No.266699

File: 9f3c12c49860fac⋯.jpg (46.13 KB,640x423,640:423,Stuart Bingham looking smu….jpg)


>muh Ronnie

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83d98e No.266700

File: c54cc05d9033536⋯.webm (15.94 MB,960x540,16:9,maze.webm)

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bbd606 No.266701



have you tried getting a different job lass?

>ay man, I gotta air our some how

just wont wear any pants or trousers, its a bold move that proves you as an alpha

> I imagine it'd take me a full week minimum to recover to even 80%

i do not feel great ngl



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a00082 No.266702


Me chink mate has decided to transition from smart formal to hype beast recently. honestly I quite like the look.


smh I know that one

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b30a04 No.266703

File: 4f0b4e58d3af67a⋯.png (440.82 KB,540x555,36:37,ClipboardImage.png)

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8b9097 No.266704


wear a normal cotton t shirt underneath your peacock (or work) shirt, but cut it short, in line with your nips, and cut the round collar off, like a man bra essentially

if anybody replies to this negatively I'll fuckibg cut them

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1c82ec No.266705

File: 4072dc83cced05f⋯.webm (293.55 KB,640x360,16:9,nice 3x3.webm)


>13 minutes

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a00082 No.266706


it's me first one lass. we'll ride this out for a bit until I either transition to trade or find another job I actually like. gonna leave her eventually though as I wanna freelance.

>no pants or trouser

I do often walk around in my pants tbh. I guess it's not too much to make the step to buck nekkid

>don't feel great

I like to eat lots of meat&animal products and calories on my recovery. usually mix weird foods like nutella and vegetable pate. also once you get in a decent amount of water and potassium it might help you to add some salt to the water to hydrate further

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8b9097 No.266707


I grew up watching him, Hendry and parrot tbh

Watching on form Ronnie is night and day to normal snooker

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83d98e No.266708

File: 5eb5a5d823f9f9c⋯.webm (6.37 MB,16x16,1:1,VLA.webm)


Not long until FilmFriday webm edition

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a00082 No.266709


this sounds like a pretty good idea actually. will come back with results at some point

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b30a04 No.266710


Ey lad you good?

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e3bae6 No.266711

File: 25b1e3b1bbc5ea3⋯.png (419.7 KB,564x563,564:563,ClipboardImage.png)

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8b9097 No.266712


It works lad, better than any expensive antiperspirants except botox injections

Provided you are moving about

Obviously standing still will cause it to wick through

**Had to work in shirt and trousers at all times in the design job, not allowed shorts, no AC, just sitting at a desk drawing stuff

My assistant lasses were well fit though so I didn't want to have visible sweat patches lmao**

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8b9097 No.266713



Swimming shorts tbh, if they have that ball netting in

Or just boxers

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8b9097 No.266714



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e3bae6 No.266715

File: e0e9bf2ce6fcfb4⋯.png (393.84 KB,564x564,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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a00082 No.266716


>except botox injections

scratch that lads some one get me a needle

>moving about

always lad, always


so many pretty lasses come to the tables and it's always such a shame when I have sweat on me pits because it's hot and I have to run back from tables smh


tunks also feel good too

always nice when ya bollocks get some freedom

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8b9097 No.266717






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a35b1e No.266718

Good evening everyone. I hope none of you got burnt by the sun whilst having fun today.

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8b9097 No.266719

File: 5d3dd29a929899c⋯.jpg (134.02 KB,1300x1002,650:501,a-model-looks-to-be-badly-….jpg)

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a00082 No.266720


they good?


haha yeah, fun

nah I tan easy and rarely burn

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8b9097 No.266721






That's better

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a35b1e No.266722


Someone should've woken him up smh


>haha yeah, fun

Glad to hear it lad :-)

>tan easy and rarely burn

Are you a wog or something lad? I rarely tan and easily burn.

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8b9097 No.266723


Nah nothing special, just like vallies but much stronger

Cheap af though

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a00082 No.266724





olive skinned I suppose lad. I get it from me ma

all celtic on her side though, and that doesn't include spanish.


>like vallies but stronger

surely that's a glowing recommendation? never touched vallies tho, don't really even know what they do

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a00082 No.266725

not that it is actually a recommendation as I know you personally abhor drug usage

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e3bae6 No.266726

File: 8cbe06a102b9be6⋯.png (325.34 KB,480x480,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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a00082 No.266727


decent tbh

nice eyes and lips

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e0e348 No.266728

File: 0a20d94ccfff7a6⋯.png (229.23 KB,606x467,606:467,sam lens.png)

>banned from brit for no reason

This is my home now

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b30a04 No.266729


Who are you?

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e3bae6 No.266730

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bbd606 No.266731


fuckin' lmao


Eyy lad im good, you good?

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a00082 No.266732

File: ce4802e0298ed56⋯.jpg (81.63 KB,564x704,141:176,9ff955c410d5d51bcb52787f27….jpg)


welcome lass

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83d98e No.266733

File: 1f65a7fd2598cff⋯.jpg (48.02 KB,280x373,280:373,Dorset Stop.jpg)

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8b9097 No.266734


Basically yeah

Too easy to get stuck on them though, and benzos have actual withdrawals 35p/2mg bar



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a00082 No.266735


Ups and downs as always I suppose. I'll have to erowid them.


cheap as a freddo. very interesting tbh

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8b9097 No.266736


Fuck you



you'll thank me for that tip eventually lad, a snap-on salesman told me when I was an apprentice

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b30a04 No.266737


I'm alright, gonna finish college next month or sooner if I can, then it's yeeting time applied for a job yesterday and i'm probably gonna become a wagecuck the whole summer

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8b9097 No.266738


Cheaper than a freddo, only need .5mg, a few beers and a joint to do the job

.25mg with no tolerance is noticeable with beer

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a00082 No.266739


>next month

kekkin tbh. I finished a month early because I told my tutors I cba


Why thank you mr street smarts man

on a totally unrelated matter I might text you in 2 weeks or so

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bbd606 No.266740


i finish soon aswell lad, weird feeling

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a00082 No.266741

has anyone heard from wess since the last debate?

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8b9097 No.266742


35p is the bulk price on 3.3k bars btw, could probably find £1.50/bar for retail purposes, they're at £3.50 (for end users in BN)

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1c82ec No.266743

File: a0443eb322b4e12⋯.webm (Spoiler Image,903.93 KB,426x426,1:1,trapjap.webm)


Welcome to the inclusive and friendly /brit/ alternative.

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e3bae6 No.266744

File: bd30b23ebcd71e6⋯.png (1.22 MB,960x720,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


He's married a black lass and is now happier than he ever was before

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b30a04 No.266745


I wish lad but my teacher's a loser and I do want to get muh full marks


Can't wait tbh


Yeah I chat to him occasionally, he seems to be doing alright, same old same old in terms of applying and being denied

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14e7f0 No.266746



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8b9097 No.266747


No sadly

Going to text him next week and find out wag1 tbf



Tell him I said hi

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bbd606 No.266748

File: c7996f9b56c0cff⋯.jpg (135.37 KB,1080x1080,1:1,c7996f9b56c0cff2633c99d5af….jpg)

goin' sleepy byes, night lads

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e3bae6 No.266749


night lass

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b30a04 No.266750


night lad peace out don't die

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a00082 No.266751


ahhhhh I see I see. still quite decent all things considered. along with some other things a lad would be happy




well that's good to hear

but also a wild plot twist

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8b9097 No.266752


Lmao oi

Being the only bloke in the office without sweat patches was great


Night fam

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83d98e No.266753

File: 33e3839fd634283⋯.webm (4.01 MB,640x360,16:9,⁷〄₇.webm)

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e3bae6 No.266754

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a00082 No.266755


>full marks

I remember the good ol days when I cared about A*s


that's good to hear. is he still on a break or is he fed up with /nb/?


hopefully he'll be in good spirits. sad to see yon 2 blighters not in cahoots recently


night night lass

join you soon tbh. gonna test out the nytols tonight

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83d98e No.266756

knock-off hobnobs dont come close

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b30a04 No.266757


Just trying to sort himself out innit

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8b9097 No.266758


He's a good lad then

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8b9097 No.266759

Can we have a new thread please princess

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b30a04 No.266760


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8b9097 No.266761



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a00082 No.266762


a high aspiration. hopeful that he does then tbh


too right tbh

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a00082 No.266763


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a00082 No.266764


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a00082 No.266765

File: 569edcbdac61abf⋯.jpg (422.35 KB,1000x675,40:27,vodka-Red-Bull-cocktail.jpg)

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b30a04 No.266766


yeah all hoping for it innit.

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8b9097 No.266767


Lidls ones are pretty bloody good for 40p

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8b9097 No.266768


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8b9097 No.266769


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8b9097 No.266770


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8b9097 No.266771


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a00082 No.266772

File: f0ac62d9219fad5⋯.jpg (11.77 KB,400x266,200:133,camel.jpg)






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8b9097 No.266773


Pussy pocket


Pocket pussy

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a00082 No.266774




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a00082 No.266775


A pussy pocket sounds like a wild thing to stick your hand it into

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8b9097 No.266776

>been awake since Friday

>work tomorrow


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e3bae6 No.266777

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a00082 No.266778


fucking yikes lad

I thought you were sleeping easy these days since your theory was correct

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8b9097 No.266779


>nigga you take whatever you goddamn want from that pussies pocket, he ain't gon do shit

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8b9097 No.266780


Bank holiday weekend lad lel

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a00082 No.266781


I was thinking more a denim pocket full of damp squidginess and a mild fishy smell

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e3bae6 No.266782

>mate is a speedfreak now

drugs were a mistake t. alkie

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a00082 No.266783


oh I know that all too well. nice to hear someone was partying

i missed a fuckin foam party this weekend

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a00082 No.266784


F I suppose

that nigga needs to get his head out the gutter and stick to coco like a REAL MAN

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a00082 No.266785

that new thread still isn't here huh

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83d98e No.266786

File: b7b20294372c7a2⋯.jpg (88.84 KB,720x960,3:4,1526204_10152162772694258_….jpg)


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e3bae6 No.266788


susan is a 1960's yeye singer caught in the wrong era

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83d98e No.266789

File: 27d607ca9512f89⋯.jpg (59.92 KB,684x684,1:1,532631_10100203901313862_2….jpg)

File: 4c63e62990b9597⋯.jpg (79.78 KB,630x896,45:64,1456070_10100420823639782_….jpg)

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8b9097 No.266791


Speed is on the "always required" list tbf

Only like ~40mg/day though, its a shite recreational drug lmao


This is the first 3 dayer I've done in a few years tbf

Can't imagine doing 4 or 5 like back in the day

I'd die

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