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An Exercise in Satire

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All Hail The Bum Bum King!

File: 4f892db223577e2⋯.png (110.24 KB,242x265,242:265,1531673829837.png)

bc6ace No.303064 [Last50 Posts]

Merkel Vows to Restore Germans’ Confidence in Government


Paul Greengrass’s Anders Breivik Movie Is Dire, Leftist Agitprop


Man Admits ‘Punish a Muslim Day’ Letters, Also Posted White Powder to the Queen, Claimed ‘Allah is Great’


Australian Senate Votes Against Motion That ‘It Is Okay To Be White’


Australia Mulls Following U.S. on Jerusalem Embassy Move, Recognizing Israel’s Capital


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bc6ace No.303067

I'll post newer news a bit later maybe

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57e49f No.303069

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f8ce5a No.303072

File: 6699712b1b7d2b9⋯.png (335.62 KB,358x465,358:465,wink.png)

for her

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67eba6 No.303073

going to stop posting dumb anime images


Merkel has been in power a long time damn almost 15 years. Der Fuhrer.

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25e84c No.303074

File: c74414faca691c6⋯.webm (7.45 MB,528x396,4:3,Pootine.webm)

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2ef311 No.303075

File: 0007eb7a36cd41c⋯.jpg (128.81 KB,1080x1314,60:73,7af28e9e-49ef-4de1-8b8d-67….jpg)


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67eba6 No.303076


>arrow firing noise


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2ef311 No.303078


neo lass what's even the point in making a new thread if the news is just the same as the last one

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2ef311 No.303079

File: 1dae4a846647b2b⋯.jpg (36.03 KB,460x397,460:397,shocked pepe.jpg)


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67eba6 No.303080

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


*swallows her whole*

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2ef311 No.303081

i ought to check dindins status tbh mummy got back from shopping late and somehow managed to also leave the front door wide fucking open the whole time

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f8ce5a No.303082


shes pretty hot tbh

probably a massive slaaaaaaaaaaaag tho

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f8ce5a No.303083

Why do you have to post horrible things? What causes one's mind to become so messed up?

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67eba6 No.303084


Good meal planning tool and you can set the diet to paleo or keto or whatever.

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2ef311 No.303085

File: f6c99a4fa86c84b⋯.jpg (247.73 KB,800x1200,2:3,67a067a1-318c-4673-8e5b-83….jpg)


i'd like to believe she's pure smh, we'll never know so we might as well believe

no idea who she is

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2ef311 No.303086


thanks lad that seems very useful

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67eba6 No.303087


You ever done Paleo? Everyone talks about keto but never paleo

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57e49f No.303088


Ronald Reagan ruined Paleo

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67eba6 No.303089


Kek you're coming out with some funny stuff tonight.

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2ef311 No.303090


i've never successfully done either because of my situation but i'd like to try total carnivore or 99% of the way there tbh

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2ef311 No.303091

that's probably because paleo is naturally keto anyway

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67eba6 No.303092


I started Keto again after badmouthing it before because I want to reduce bodyfat, wanna see if it works for me. Also I stopped drinking milk to see if my skin improves, I eat really healthy and eat a tonne of fruit and veg everyday and drink a lot of water so that might be the problem. Either that or maybe a wheat allergy, I guess keto will stop that too cause nocarbs.

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bc6ace No.303093

File: 8a8a8e85e80968c⋯.jpg (111.11 KB,707x1000,707:1000,__bowser_and_bowsette_mari….jpg)


I was busy watching goblin slayer and realised the thread was 710+ posts smh I'll put more effort in next time.



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67eba6 No.303094



Maybe you say such things to me because you see some of yourself in me.

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57e49f No.303095

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



word life this is basic reaganomics

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67eba6 No.303096


>I was busy watching goblin slayer and realised the thread was 710+ posts smh I'll put more effort in next time.

Not watched it but the manga was entertaining, the start is so grim to read/watch though, hurts to watch even though it's fictional characters.

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cc5258 No.303097

File: 2b166e857b6ae08⋯.png (789.33 KB,980x810,98:81,1539134926407.png)

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f45e8d No.303098

File: 535faff6bff22fd⋯.jpg (53.45 KB,1600x900,16:9,wojak2.jpg)


>Gummo is more than a year old now

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962f00 No.303099


if it gets difficult and you feel bad physically take a break but you have my guarantee that on less sugar your skin will improve


yes my son

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57e49f No.303100

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


in 6 days this will be a year old

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962f00 No.303101


was meant for (you) sorry

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2ef311 No.303102


that's strange because i tried quitting dairy for a short bit but it did nothing, but now that i've switched to drinking whole milk my skin has actually improved drastically. my skin looked really good last night and I couldn't really figure out why. quitting wheat is noble though i still havent managed to try that, like i've said i just am not capable given my environment smh


smh lass i forgive you

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2ef311 No.303103

dindins time

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e70cb5 No.303104

File: 0af7671e7d73db0⋯.webm (3.32 MB,640x360,16:9,5starcombo.webm)

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67eba6 No.303105





i love drinking milk going to stop for now and see what happens

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67eba6 No.303106


this post is hilarious

i see so much of myself in you tbh maybe we would be good friends

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f8ce5a No.303107


y-yeah heh…

just ate 3 pork shoulder steaks and theres one left which i might eat after

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f45e8d No.303108


Seems the only thing that has changed since then is my alcohol tolerance.

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f8ce5a No.303109

*prepares for a heart attack later on*

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67eba6 No.303110


I'm eating loads of bacon because this website reccomends that while on keto doesn't seem that healthy tho



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e70cb5 No.303111

File: f9a88106cbc773c⋯.webm (Spoiler Image,793.87 KB,960x540,16:9,dorsetfools.webm)

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962f00 No.303112

File: e68f0f90e56b6dc⋯.jpg (28.63 KB,540x320,27:16,da1419e6-5557-443a-b593-ee….jpg)



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f8ce5a No.303113


ye tbh i definitely feel it on my chest when i eat fatty pork like sausages or bacon, pork is probably worst meat to eat since pigs just eat total shit

unironically get scared of heart attacks sometimes dads side of family is prone to weak heart

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67eba6 No.303114


I like the cut of those jeans and the black sweater thing

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67eba6 No.303115


don't die lad

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f8ce5a No.303116

File: 393dbd37eede9bc⋯.jpg (32.84 KB,300x441,100:147,baste.jpg)


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f8ce5a No.303117


i'll try not to but its a terrible feeling sometimes when youre in bed at night and you get a jolt of pain through your chest

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3450ce No.303118

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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962f00 No.303119

File: ec91b51bc4d1e1f⋯.jpg (35.79 KB,600x585,40:39,weebey.jpg)

oh wait, he already was dead…


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67eba6 No.303120

thanks for the SPOILER

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962f00 No.303121


its fine, its nothing youll ever watch

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2ef311 No.303122

File: a37796a8aa0deb4⋯.png (2.33 MB,1025x1280,205:256,ClipboardImage.png)

nobody can look this good and actually drink beer r-right?

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f8ce5a No.303123


beer is oestrogenic mate

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cc5258 No.303124

File: 3c3fca93b8dba67⋯.mp4 (2.43 MB,540x960,9:16,1539026578334.mp4)

I can't stop watching lasses do retarded things, lads


>niggerfying Hideri

Pls no dont

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f8ce5a No.303125

why do you think every middle aged bloke that drinks has man boobs?

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962f00 No.303126

File: 6974a74803c878b⋯.jpg (119.39 KB,800x533,800:533,cbbed310-cc53-4d0f-abb3-35….jpg)


beer aids breast growth

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57e49f No.303127


there's no way that's not a man

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67eba6 No.303128


stop posting about it then sweetie

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f8ce5a No.303129


cue the retards that say "its ok in moderation" but get absolutely fucked up on friday night

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2ef311 No.303130

File: a31903d3f0703a6⋯.png (2.03 MB,1025x1280,205:256,ClipboardImage.png)

>she wn read you a bedtime story and tuck you in, brushing her feminine scent all over you with her luscious long hair and boobies

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2ef311 No.303131




yeah but alchohol screws up your body

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67eba6 No.303132


>ywn have a boxing match with her and lose on purpose

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f8ce5a No.303133


that looks like a shit book

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962f00 No.303134

i have no idea what is happening

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cc5258 No.303135

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's a lass, lad

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dbb89c No.303136

File: 3c1cd678a4293ff⋯.jpg (216.01 KB,1300x1809,1300:1809,DptSWB1UUAEhPft.jpg)

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2ef311 No.303137

File: 3062f198a097844⋯.png (Spoiler Image,2.16 MB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

this is too much lads

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962f00 No.303138


if you dont overdo it it wont

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f8ce5a No.303139


what an immoral whore

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f8ce5a No.303140


t. alchie

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2ef311 No.303141


yeah but surely its better to have none at all

its not fair

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962f00 No.303142


i know you like to drink too

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67eba6 No.303143

File: 5eb44fd95cb40f5⋯.png (372.35 KB,590x350,59:35,ClipboardImage.png)

North Korea SHOCK: Kim RELEASES South Korean who ‘illegally entered’ hermit state


A SOUTH Korean man who crossed into North Korea has been released by the secretive state in a rare move by Kim Jong-un’s regime.

>The 60-year-old made the dangerous journey into the hermit kingdom but was returned home via the border village of Panmunjom - a site commonly used to host high-level diplomatic talks between the two nations.

>North Korea says the man had “illegally entered” the country last month.

>South Korea's Unification Ministry said officials are investigating how and why the man made the perilous journey but thanked Pyongyang for returning him from “from a humanitarian standpoint”.

are kimmy has a heart a gold

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f8ce5a No.303144


No, I don't LIKE to drink, even though I do it.

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962f00 No.303145


then i understand your position

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f8ce5a No.303146



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cc5258 No.303147

File: 4902f60327104ad⋯.jpg (23.99 KB,339x344,339:344,1538959727396.jpg)

>Computer is taking years to reinstall windows

>probably gonna get put on the naughty step for phone posting

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2ef311 No.303148

File: d4ca31e15f4d372⋯.png (1.45 KB,814x595,814:595,ClipboardImage.png)

>ywn cuddle with her and her massive pet piggu

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2ef311 No.303149


i just kept turning it off when it said not to but it eventually installed it whilst i wasnt looking

hello NSA btw

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2ef311 No.303150


wtf i took a screenshot of this https://www.instagram.com/p/BYCdR9aBnIO/?taken-by=sophiaandstella

firefox screenshot feature is bugged

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67eba6 No.303151



>tfw almost killed myself drinking as a teenager and now cant get drunk

i just feel extreme nausea after 1 or 2 pints and too many more and ill throw up so i basically cant drink kek

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962f00 No.303152

File: 095c7b5e7d230a9⋯.png (456.58 KB,987x1024,987:1024,7ca39da4-6ce5-4617-b9a3-ae….png)

>there are two Sams

i dont fucking get it

did she time travel

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67eba6 No.303153

how do some men drink 40 pints a day insane

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f8ce5a No.303154


wish i could never drink again

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dbb89c No.303155

File: ae3845440802440⋯.jpg (116.22 KB,640x800,4:5,20968754_1993640337580616_….jpg)

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67eba6 No.303156



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f8ce5a No.303157

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


they just get used to it, its throughout the day

they also rarely eat so all their calories come from beer

depends what you drink too tbh

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67eba6 No.303158


>they also rarely eat so all their calories come from beer

top kek laughed in real life at this, beer is flowing through their veins

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2ef311 No.303159


god knows what that does to your body

never drank much as a teen and don't now

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67eba6 No.303160

imagining one person with a graph of all their caloric intake and RDA's and then there's a middle aged englishman and it's just 90% "beer"

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2ef311 No.303161


that's what keeps the binmen going

bless you, o sacred beholders of our unclean burdens

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f8ce5a No.303162


yeah its funny but ive seen alcoholics who never eat, they just drink

its horrible

seen lots of people die from it

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57e49f No.303163


lager loutism is the future of diets

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67eba6 No.303164

File: 85c56124033a0f9⋯.png (90.6 KB,1153x592,1153:592,ClipboardImage.png)


that's horrible but fucking funny kek


how old are you lad have you morphed into norf fc yet?

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67eba6 No.303165

File: a1238512fa0ad2e⋯.png (200.51 KB,1730x748,865:374,ClipboardImage.png)

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2ef311 No.303166

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f8ce5a No.303167



im in stitches this is fucking hilarious

is this the druids? hahahahahahaha

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57e49f No.303168


>how old are you lad have you morphed into norf fc yet?

no comment


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f8ce5a No.303169

>ywn marry a lovely irish-german american lass

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962f00 No.303170

File: aa8f460cfc6b5f0⋯.png (39.3 KB,540x406,270:203,8f6fee94-f022-4a5c-b87f-c3….png)

great movie. illogical at the end tho.

goodnight fellow alcoholics

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f8ce5a No.303171


goodnight darling

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67eba6 No.303172


gurten nacht

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bc6ace No.303173

File: 7412839c47898bb⋯.png (249.33 KB,543x513,181:171,1524057608.png)


>irish-german american

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57e49f No.303174


take the taigperium pill

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67eba6 No.303175

File: 99c723722f92153⋯.png (332.39 KB,640x345,128:69,ClipboardImage.png)



>apparently hes homo now


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dbb89c No.303176

File: 91762f2a93babd3⋯.jpg (84.89 KB,1080x1023,360:341,15397959031630.jpg)

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f8ce5a No.303177


that looks more like a dumb southern quadroon dixiefag that some based midwest white yankee

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f8ce5a No.303178


my first crush was a taig

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dbb89c No.303179

File: cc2ad8918486898⋯.jpg (881.01 KB,1242x1235,1242:1235,15397962633160.jpg)

File: e1fde97307b7c5d⋯.jpg (1018.75 KB,1080x1920,9:16,15397962633251.jpg)

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cc5258 No.303180

File: 231f6127a10e0d0⋯.jpg (50.61 KB,768x1024,3:4,1539713861869m.jpg)

Night night everyone

Have fun

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67eba6 No.303181


goodnight jocko

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dbb89c No.303182


na night jocko see ya in mornin pal

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2ef311 No.303183


sweet dreams lad

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2ef311 No.303184

all these lads and lasses going to bed at 9pm, such an appropriate time

meanwhile i went to sleep at 6am this morning and woke up at 12:45, then slept in for another 4 hours

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f8ce5a No.303185


*tucks you in*

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f8ce5a No.303186


lets have a party

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2ef311 No.303187

File: 26b292dccf55fe6⋯.gif (1.87 MB,623x433,623:433,imvudance.gif)

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f8ce5a No.303188

going to become a prohibitionist methodist tbh

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2ef311 No.303189


lets start a Church of Cold Water or a monastery

where we only drink cold, fresh water straight from mother earth's pure bosom, and take exclusively cold baths and showers

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f8ce5a No.303190


sounds like a COOL idea tbh

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67eba6 No.303191

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f8ce5a No.303192

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

she really does remind me[looks] of that lovely lass i met years ago


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67eba6 No.303193

File: 76daa4d3990cf53⋯.png (21.13 KB,225x225,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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f8ce5a No.303194


good pepe

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f45e8d No.303195

File: 62b38c7f4a5e82d⋯.jpeg (28.14 KB,320x427,320:427,1 Srv7u3xDx069WG6UyVsePQ.jpeg)

just finished a bottle of Jager gonna call up some slag and go out and buy some more fags tbh not sure what so say

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f8ce5a No.303196


whos the slag?

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dae5e3 No.303197


30 is about the ceiling, late teens to early 20's is ideal


wtf lmao


now that's quality


aren't you trying to gain weight? keto is for losing weight, it's far from an optimal way to eat for any other purpose. it lowers test etc.


>that tit:waist ratio


the daily hogg meme must have got to him


only time I was ever in love was when I was 12-13, got obsessed with the qt freckly pale north Italian girl that sat in front of me in English class. don't think I'll never feel like that about a girl again, I don't trust them

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f45e8d No.303198


The only girl ive fugged

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67eba6 No.303199



i can eat 3k+ calories on keto

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f8ce5a No.303200


good lad


once more a retarded shit post from spicposter

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2ef311 No.303201


keto is not for losing weight, whilst its an effective method of doing so the name comes from ketogenic i.e. your body uses ketones for fuel instead of glucose. it's a more efficient and healthy process which also allows you to think more clearly

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dae5e3 No.303202


sure, but there's no point. keto is for burning large amounts of body fat. if you're trying to bulk, just eat everything in sight


>it's a more efficient and healthy process which also allows you to think more clearly

I don't really believe that

>Anderson et al. saw similar results with sedentary subjects. Their study examined hormonal parameters in subjects who were put on diets that were nearly identical in terms of caloric intake and dietary fat intake (20% of calories), but differed dramatically in the amount of protein and carbohydrate (10% protein 70% carbs vs. 44% protein 35% carbs). The results showed – as to be expected – that testosterone and DHT were significantly lower in the high-protein low-carb group, whereas their cortisol (stress hormone) was also significantly higher. In other words, carbs had an androgen boosting, stress suppressing effect.

>one group of men consuming lower-carb diets (30% energy from carbohydrate) and other group eating higher-carb diets (60% energy from carbohydrate), during three consecutive days of intensive exercise (70–75% maximal oxygen consumption, 60 min/day) followed by one day of rest afterwards. The subjects who ate more carbohydrate, had significantly higher free-testosterone levels accompanied by lower cortisol thorough the study period.


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f8ce5a No.303203

*ignores your stupid post*

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f45e8d No.303204

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

is it possible for a more kino song to exist?

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67eba6 No.303205


I absolutely loved this song when I was a teenager.

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57e49f No.303206

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2ef311 No.303207


whether you believe it or not, it's the truth

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dbb89c No.303208

File: 9a634fe609d7d98⋯.png (1.5 MB,1105x777,1105:777,15387513079210.png)

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2ef311 No.303209

File: b43e83398bffd22⋯.png (2.72 MB,1300x919,1300:919,ClipboardImage.png)

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f8ce5a No.303210


he believes in all sorts of stupid shit

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dae5e3 No.303211


>Firstly, glucose is responsible and plays a huge role in GnRH levels which lead to hormonal actions in the body. GnHR is a releasing hormone responsible for the release of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) from the anterior pituitary.

>These are all critical to the production of testosterone and other hormones. This can be one reason why these studies I am about to mention turned out the way they did. [1]

>When carbs were reduced to 30% of one's diet, even more, carbs than most ketogenic diets recommend, testosterone and the ratio of testosterone to cortisol was reduced significantly in subjects. This wasn't just in normal people - this was also replicated in Olympic athletes. [2]

>Cortisol levels skyrocketed as the athletes depleted glycogen and increased the cortisol to testosterone ratio in these highly-trained athletes. The effect was blunted and reversed with the inclusion of a carb-containing shake.


keto lowers test. this is worth it in the long-term if it helps a fatty get lean, considering that body fat itself is bad for test, but it's not an ideal maintenance or bulking diet. testosterone is the most important metric of male health. and the "thinking clearly" meme is probably due to abstaining from wheat which I've heard has some opiate-like substance that clouds your thinking. potatoes, white rice, dates, etc. are healthier choices for carbs than wheat; I just eat wheat because it tastes good and is versatile and convenient, plus it's the traditional European staple food and I like that connection.

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f8ce5a No.303212

File: 15442ee23c356c3⋯.png (93.86 KB,866x900,433:450,dumbdumb.png)

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f8ce5a No.303213

you are dumber than i thought wow

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dae5e3 No.303214

snacking on salami on water crackers rn. just ate the last one so I'm gonna go get some chestnuts, another delicious and healthy source of baste carbs




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f8ce5a No.303215

>all of dis stuff is bad but i eat lots of wheat becuz it tradition

>muh test

do you ever shut the fuck up about this kind of stuff you utter brain dead moron

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dae5e3 No.303216


keto is basically a stavation diet where your body prepares to efficiently feed off your body fat to sustain the energy levels necessary to gather real food

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2ef311 No.303217

File: a2410fa8684148a⋯.png (89.1 KB,861x665,123:95,ClipboardImage.png)


it's literally from your brain using ketones as fuel instead of glucose, which is a much more complex process

i'm not arguing with you about whether keto lowers test or not because all i'm talking about is its ability to improve cognition

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f8ce5a No.303218

yeah cos wheat is a real food even though we've only ate it for the last few thousands years at most lmao

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2ef311 No.303219

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2ef311 No.303220

this article is also useful because it explains how ketogenesis is not some kind of diet all on its own, it's a natural process which happens at various levels throughout the day


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dae5e3 No.303221

File: 8b346f0a7068356⋯.png (18.22 KB,485x443,485:443,1518245437203.png)


>i'm not arguing with you about whether keto lowers test or not because all i'm talking about is its ability to improve cognition

which is more important though, test/cortisol or cognition? better to eat to max test and take a nootropic stack to offset the glucose dumb-factor


I'm not really defending wheat, I'm defending carbs and I already said that potatoes, white rice, and dates are better. I just personally eat wheat 'cause I like pasta, toast, crackers, burger buns, and occasionally fresh bread. I also eat potatoes, white rice, chestnuts, blueberries, raisins, and bananas. I should eat dates more often too 'cause I've heard they're the most nutrient-dense source of carbs of all. They're very sweet though so kinda need to brush teeth after

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dbb89c No.303222

File: fad61cc05aa2b3d⋯.png (160.94 KB,240x240,1:1,main_animation@2x.png)

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1f1342 No.303223

shouldnt we just eat what our ancestors evolved eating for millenia?

maybe im wrong idk but that makes sense to me. its what i plan to do when i can.

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dae5e3 No.303224


>shouldnt we just eat what our ancestors evolved eating for millenia?

can't go wrong with that, but just because a food has been recently introduced to our diet doesn't necessarily mean it's bad. you'd have to analyze it on a per-food basis

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2ef311 No.303225


an optimum diet will in any case increase both test AND cognition, it doesn't have to be an either-or. from this perspective a 'keto diet' is just a flawed, yet forward approach to finding the 'ultimate' healthy diet.


this is absolutely correct actually

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f8ce5a No.303226

>muh test is everything


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f8ce5a No.303227

you are a vile dumb brute

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67eba6 No.303228

File: 6512300e98666f8⋯.png (673.23 KB,600x800,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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67eba6 No.303229

goodnight all lads

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f8ce5a No.303230


goodnight northern monkey

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57e49f No.303231

File: 1f7b93a9e7aa633⋯.png (1.13 MB,625x938,625:938,1f7b93a9e7aa633d7182ec2456….png)

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f8ce5a No.303232

File: ef557ad7bd7daf8⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,21.8 KB,550x387,550:387,ef557ad7bd7daf8e569ca10707….jpg)

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f45e8d No.303233

No way to increase test at this point with out stabbing a big needle in your bum no way to avoid the endocrine disruptors

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dae5e3 No.303234


delightful pale tiddy but her face looks so ugly in that pic

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f8ce5a No.303235

File: 14586164b79651e⋯.webm (Spoiler Image,1.61 MB,360x640,9:16,1533348506971.webm)


may as well just take female hormones at this point and accept our fate


well you cant win em all eh

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dae5e3 No.303236

oh yeah and oats, how could I forget oats? low glycemic index and tons of fiber

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f8ce5a No.303237

>when you forget to unspoiler

such an annoying feature that you have to MANUALLY do it wow

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57e49f No.303238


she's genuinely the most american woman of all time

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f45e8d No.303239


God made test and whoremoans easy to obtain at the same time satan invented xenoestrogens

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f8ce5a No.303240



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2ef311 No.303241


sleep tight lass

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2ef311 No.303242


not true smh work out and take cold showers



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57e49f No.303243

File: e4c3d80ad08c207⋯.png (530.78 KB,1213x585,1213:585,21567bf7b16f16aa5062c8fc2c….png)

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2ef311 No.303244


who is this jewess/poo hybrid

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f8ce5a No.303245

File: 91de483c3ef14b4⋯.png (384.97 KB,800x451,800:451,91de483c3ef14b42b927cc985f….png)

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57e49f No.303246

File: 76ecb0cd5c8f2c8⋯.jpg (108.25 KB,799x799,1:1,DaV4U4wX0AE8sRh.jpg)



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f45e8d No.303247

File: 27bf55b46deeab2⋯.jpg (64.43 KB,782x490,391:245,Eliot graph.jpg)

fuck that slag has turned of her phone

tryed the number with caller id disabled still no answer

always going to be treated as sub human at this point.

nothing i can do the circumstances before my birth have fucked me.

Once an virgin always a virgin

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2ef311 No.303248


i thought you said you fucked her

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f8ce5a No.303249


tell me the info lad

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f45e8d No.303250



I had sex with her acouple of months ago, i came very fast she went back to england, i messaged her the whole time yet when she came back to wales and found some one else and has fucked a couple of people since then. and has no interest in meeting me again. If your a genetic dead and a virgin at 20 your only option is rope all flaws are inherent to your character at that point.

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f8ce5a No.303251


is she a prostitute?

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f45e8d No.303252


no just a normal 19 year old girl

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f8ce5a No.303253


cant be too normal if she does stuff like that to be quite honest with ya

dont be so down beaten

youre younger than me lad

aint end of world

we'll all get our good lass in the end, forget about that ho

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f45e8d No.303254


Not likely

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f8ce5a No.303255


why lad? you the lad with the fucked up dick or something?

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25e84c No.303256


he has a wheelchair, dickhead

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2ef311 No.303257


>lad in a wheelchair got laid but i can't

smh stop complaining

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21f574 No.303258

File: 2225bb5fbe48d4b⋯.jpg (105.98 KB,601x601,1:1,1468218553644.jpg)

brit/pol/ won't unban me and tor posting doesn't work

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f45e8d No.303259


>Fucked up dick

she said it was the biggest she had had however i lasted a total of 30 seconds my face and skull structure is completely fucked. Just to much competition at this point

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f8ce5a No.303260


why not get a prozzie?


there there lad..

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f45e8d No.303261


i have been in brothel twice yet refused the advances of the whores, there is something different when the female seems legitimately interested in you.

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f8ce5a No.303262


y-yeah heh…..

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f45e8d No.303263

God gave me this disparate experience as a punishment for transgresing his laws i was able to briefly experience intimacy and then had to return to my default state of loneliness

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882dc1 No.303264

File: 0806cfbdd81f8d2⋯.jpg (349.3 KB,1001x633,1001:633,SnK.jpg)

This took an unexpected turn

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1f1342 No.303265

File: dca54f2eadb6899⋯.gif (139.87 KB,379x440,379:440,dca54f2eadb68990cce6fa8e86….gif)

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21f574 No.303266

File: 6a0a00bb005bd2c⋯.jpg (47.54 KB,645x773,645:773,1519048891788.jpg)

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f8ce5a No.303267


sorry for you lad

at least youve fucked a woman

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3450ce No.303268


Is this porn?

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f8ce5a No.303269

i could have had her but i was too stupid

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67eba6 No.303270


That's high art lad.

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882dc1 No.303271

File: 521b68aec0f63fd⋯.jpg (320.3 KB,1066x1600,533:800,snk vore.jpg)


It does have its moments

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f45e8d No.303272

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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67eba6 No.303273

Nanigh Pembs if you're lurking.


>ywn love the FT tenderly

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882dc1 No.303274

File: 9f7c2fc7b271ff5⋯.jpg (400.61 KB,1023x637,1023:637,you're really a boy.jpg)

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67eba6 No.303275

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67eba6 No.303276

Hope you enjoy your nightwalk.

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2ef311 No.303277


i don't feel the slightest bit of pity for him because of the latter

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2ef311 No.303278

Why does lew always talk like this.

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2ef311 No.303279

File: c119d7721448a4f⋯.png (2.18 MB,1402x935,1402:935,ClipboardImage.png)

This is the shocking moment up to 100 rampaging teenapers swarmed “like black locusts” into a supermarket, as terrified staff scrambled to fend them off with a baseball bat.

Scores of young chimps spilled out of a house party and caused mayhem on the streets of Crouch Hill.

Witnesses said they set off fireworks by a petrol station, threw missiles at cars, pushed a moped rider off his bike and hurled eggs and paint at passers-by before storming the shop.

Footage captured on the Budget Supermarket’s CCTV shows the gang rush inside and clear the shelves of sweets before being chased out by staff, one of whom grabbed a bat from under the counter.

The shopkeeper chased a crowd of young monkeys from the shop with a baseball bat

The terrified workers barricaded the door as the group kicked at the shopfront in a stand-off which continued until police arrived. Officers called in the Met helicopter, which kept watch as the crowd quickly dispersed.


post shamelessly stolen from /n/

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2ef311 No.303280


>Shop owner Hawar Bakhtear, 34, who can be seen running at the mass of youths with a baseball bat, suffered a deep cut to his hand after one attacker threw a bottle.

brown-on-brown violence should be encouraged tbh

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1ab9a1 No.303281


>God gave me this disparate experience as a punishment for

"god" isn't real and also don't blame yourself for your circumstances, they're not your fault

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f8ce5a No.303282


further proof you are a braindead moron when you say shit like this

take a look at yourself

if you dont stop posting stupid shit like this i will stop posting here

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1ab9a1 No.303283

File: e5bba243e06ddd3⋯.jpg (51.6 KB,900x900,1:1,pepe.jpg)


>you are a braindead moron when you say shit like this

like what? that there's no magic jew in the sky and if there is than he can get fucked if he thinks I'm gonna worship him? belief in 'god' is not a question of intelligence because there is no logical reason to do so, it's blind faith. there are both dumbs and smarts that believe and do not believe in god(s)

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f8ce5a No.303284

not going to post here anymore

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1ab9a1 No.303285

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3450ce No.303286

File: befbcedfe0e153c⋯.jpg (249.79 KB,1200x1500,4:5,hqdefault.jpg)

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82772c No.303287

File: ebc1a64d1fb50e2⋯.png (489.23 KB,491x488,491:488,Jewess 67.png)

>fell asleep when power went out

sheeeit, tomorrow's going to be rough

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e314f4 No.303288

File: 1d972a8418550dd⋯.jpg (77.87 KB,352x384,11:12,1d972a8418550dd1627977b1d3….jpg)

>tfw no green mexy gf

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3450ce No.303289

File: 80d232354720128⋯.jpg (126.08 KB,689x645,689:645,swampsippy.jpg)

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2ef311 No.303290

File: eafcc0d194840c3⋯.png (Spoiler Image,1.76 MB,1080x629,1080:629,ClipboardImage.png)


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82772c No.303291

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82772c No.303292

File: f7618b04d5aaf4e⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,24.51 KB,400x400,1:1,images_400x400.jpg)



forgot the image

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2ef311 No.303293

File: 9c098d3b6d4254b⋯.png (25.56 KB,540x627,180:209,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c867f5d1821d342⋯.jpg (29.4 KB,746x485,746:485,f26771af7376dfc81a17dcf369….jpg)

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2ef311 No.303294

File: 12f7f8832cfda7e⋯.png (Spoiler Image,3.17 MB,1080x1349,1080:1349,ClipboardImage.png)

spoilering girlposts for now since they torture me and probably do everyone else

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e314f4 No.303295

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I like looking at some grill, personally

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882dc1 No.303296

File: 89126148b30a0dc⋯.webm (Spoiler Image,2.86 MB,640x360,16:9,milking.webm)

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882dc1 No.303297

File: 1aa0d4d51b2dd08⋯.jpg (55.56 KB,311x373,311:373,I find it really hot.jpg)

Probably shouldn't have posted that tbh but oh well

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2ef311 No.303298

File: b186c260f468bd9⋯.jpg (104.92 KB,577x1024,577:1024,8945e25e46ed330ff57521fc01….jpg)

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2ef311 No.303299

File: d373550d73f0389⋯.jpg (145.12 KB,937x1171,937:1171,dde8445e-5422-4b8b-8a98-64….jpg)

i didnt spoiler that one because there's no "skin" on display

bored tbh

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82772c No.303300

File: 5bdacd86c20d75c⋯.webm (3.48 MB,536x670,4:5,1476580989.webm)

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e314f4 No.303301

File: 09fcad715a8e820⋯.jpg (355.61 KB,2000x1000,2:1,Sarah Silverman.jpg)


>bored tbh

listen to >>303295, it numbs the mind


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82772c No.303302

File: 703be5184225a7f⋯.jpg (38.69 KB,652x489,4:3,Jewess 584.jpg)


Sarah is a sick sow, but damn she can sometimes look qt.

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e314f4 No.303303


that's actually my ugly cunt governor that everybody hates, I named the file that because they kinda look alike

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82772c No.303304

File: b55e92c088ed3d4⋯.jpg (293.4 KB,1080x1440,3:4,171315_v9_bb.jpg)


I figured it was an edited photo of Sarah Silverman, like the Anita image of her looking like a merchant, or someone else. But yeah, this sow has all my hate boners.

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2ef311 No.303305


alright lad

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e314f4 No.303306


eh, Dennings and Emily and Abigail are objectively attractive jewesses with mouthwatering mammaries, but Sarah Silverman is just plain disgusting, especially when naked

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82772c No.303307

File: d869d908a65b797⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,30.05 KB,376x410,188:205,Jewess 582.jpg)


You don't need to tell me. It's just that… what went wrong?

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2ef311 No.303308

File: 53f99b2aa0727d2⋯.jpg (41.46 KB,500x500,1:1,12642852_789130157859057_1….jpg)



these vocals are so fucking retarded i'm laughing my bum off tbh

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e314f4 No.303309

File: 5599646b7195b93⋯.png (132.55 KB,396x385,36:35,5599646b7195b930cd6e6f2da8….png)




yeah it's extremely retarded music, but it's catchy

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82772c No.303310

File: 35377431cc86c60⋯.jpg (86.87 KB,538x720,269:360,Jewess 156.jpg)


She was just a dud, I guess. Most tend to fill out.

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2ef311 No.303311

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f8ce5a No.303312

thats it

im going to be a cowboy

goodbye lads

was nice knowing you or most of you

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f8ce5a No.303313

i must redeem myself

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2ef311 No.303314


cool get a nice bowie knife and revolver

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82772c No.303315

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


alright then, cya in Alberta when?

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e314f4 No.303316

File: 7719cd78d62233f⋯.png (3.47 MB,1920x1080,16:9,nom.png)



good lad

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2ef311 No.303317

File: 6f0260a1aba1b86⋯.jpg (39.57 KB,482x427,482:427,tumblr_inline_pge93i8uSa1s….jpg)

i am so fucking lonely and bored i want to die

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f8ce5a No.303318


come be a cowboy with me

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2ef311 No.303319


i'd love to tbh, pardner

so long as i get the biggest knife and the blackest hat

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f8ce5a No.303320


you can have the blackest knife and biggest hat

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2ef311 No.303321


that works i suppose

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2ef311 No.303322

File: c0d70dbd2e8e8ef⋯.png (Spoiler Image,495.32 KB,886x1100,443:550,ClipboardImage.png)

i miss neo

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3450ce No.303323

File: 14f2a96d5baa328⋯.jpg (23.83 KB,227x254,227:254,colonel sanders.jpg)


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3450ce No.303324

• •


᠌ ᠌᠌▬

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2ef311 No.303325

File: 71ed3086f85ff4b⋯.png (899.65 KB,540x662,270:331,ClipboardImage.png)

i love her, lads

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2ef311 No.303326

File: efc83deb56884b8⋯.png (511.01 KB,540x691,540:691,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c5ea58b6e9496c9⋯.jpg (60.71 KB,442x460,221:230,tumblr_pgrzff1S1I1w169g0o1….jpg)

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342b33 No.303327

File: 39994ab7d5ebeff⋯.jpeg (218.47 KB,750x367,750:367,ACB55D2E-35A0-45AD-AC3F-A….jpeg)

*cuts his brakes*

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21cc9c No.303328


wait a week, there will be 100 times as many boob-streaming salt-lite e-celeb thots now. $30k in one session puts literal camwhores to shame

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21cc9c No.303329

File: ead1f39df5b08bc⋯.jpg (54.6 KB,403x577,403:577,ead1f39df5b08bc1796987db71….jpg)

>y-yeah fenimisn is cancer guys, hail peenoshay haha! *adjusts cleavage* *DING* oh thanks KAG2020AZ! smug peppe! ^^

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2ef311 No.303330


shit like this seriously makes one wonder how feminists can still have the gall to say that women are oppressed

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2ef311 No.303331

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

found the video for anyone interested

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dbb89c No.303332

File: 766d53583e22f2f⋯.webm (1 MB,640x368,40:23,1539183191362.webm)

morning lads

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2ef311 No.303333

File: 84781c7de6540a7⋯.gif (922.86 KB,500x338,250:169,a36815a6-610b-47d1-95df-1b….gif)


morning lad

check em

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882dc1 No.303334

File: bdd634d72284c04⋯.gif (4.37 MB,200x200,1:1,don't care.gif)

>condensation on all the windows

>it returns when I wipe it off

Aaaaaa it's happening.


Good lass

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dbb89c No.303335


open the windows and let the moisture out

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882dc1 No.303336

File: dc929cf19763b9d⋯.jpg (379.44 KB,800x600,4:3,feel cosmic.jpg)


>I'm gonna make them give back our past

Kind of an esoteric feel tbh, I think even here not many other people feel this feel


I like death metal and even I can't stand it.

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882dc1 No.303337

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is pretty much the band that got me into death metal. This, and Death.

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1f1342 No.303338

File: c4054496db83812⋯.jpg (28.97 KB,564x564,1:1,5723ea5f2a881a00e1a903d13b….jpg)

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82772c No.303339

File: c055bbbbc32ed21⋯.jpg (14.03 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault.jpg)

File: 55bb69acf731ef8⋯.jpg (5.2 KB,320x180,16:9,mqdefault.jpg)

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bc6ace No.303340

File: b453d51295f8cdb⋯.png (174.14 KB,465x392,465:392,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 45ea4e1e9eafc25⋯.png (6.93 KB,184x94,92:47,ClipboardImage.png)

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1f1342 No.303341

File: c45f5d39802a948⋯.jpg (21.55 KB,449x330,449:330,1zzew5.jpg)

Can't wait for 2 so I can eat.

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bc6ace No.303342

File: 266fb90e814f1a3⋯.png (5.81 KB,275x66,25:6,ClipboardImage.png)

What's the angle with bringing up Russia. Was Putin supposed to swoop in and prevent the school shooting or something?

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bc6ace No.303343

File: 07bd76fb56ef7d1⋯.png (485.26 KB,587x558,587:558,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a7493e1ae221ece⋯.jpg (150.58 KB,551x550,551:550,pained jones.jpg)

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67eba6 No.303344


lols didnt know it happened there, guess everyone is getting used to the new state of affairs

we should annex somewhere too to join the cool kids clubbe


theres like a million tonnes of contaminated water too much effort to clean all that flush it away byebye

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82772c No.303345

File: bef4954ee3a35a4⋯.webm (2.15 MB,854x480,427:240,bef4954ee3a35a49234080a17….webm)


I enjoyed the time I had, but it's gone now.

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1f1342 No.303346

File: 3fb635a60f79d36⋯.gif (769.17 KB,500x281,500:281,fartin in the tub.gif)

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67eba6 No.303347

File: 4ad0ea7175facdf⋯.png (1.39 MB,720x960,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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cc5258 No.303348

File: 21bac8089df1348⋯.png (153.43 KB,300x300,1:1,1530617050691.png)

mornin pals


Good, hopefully we'll get some kind of Godzilla out of it



You always have the future in your hands, lads


Stop that

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cc5258 No.303349

File: 24df6167011e267⋯.jpg (40.45 KB,600x600,1:1,321465.jpg)


>That look

I am tired of the United States influencing the rest of the world

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bc6ace No.303350

File: 26c1c6828134593⋯.jpg (624.46 KB,1200x1245,80:83,__godzilla_godzilla_series….jpg)


It's exactly the kind of story that inspires the creation of Godzilla movies to satirize and protest it. It might be just what Toho needs to get their Godzilla reboot going.

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5242e5 No.303351

File: 68e50117c139a83⋯.jpg (66.8 KB,800x533,800:533,f943f629-4489-44e2-b047-b2….jpg)




seriously want to kill everyone and then myself


good morning

not to sound communist but do you ever wish money wouldnt exist and we were provided by a wealthy government that gets its power from people actually working and everything was thus free?

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cc5258 No.303352

File: 07de589daeb0ca1⋯.jpg (29.06 KB,382x382,1:1,36135862_187210718625131_7….jpg)


I bet it's Toho paying off government officials to get the radiation dumped into the ocean in the first place just so they can get their reboot going smh



What happened?

>not to sound communist but…

Don't we kind of have that system already with welfare states?

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67eba6 No.303353


>not to sound communist but do you ever wish money wouldnt exist and we were provided by a wealthy government that gets its power from people actually working and everything was thus free?

nah too many problems with that

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67eba6 No.303354

I do wish that everyone had enough land to grow their own food and stuff so they could be self sufficient even if they didn't want to work though

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67eba6 No.303355


>Don't we kind of have that system already with welfare states?

it is sorta similar isn't it

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5242e5 No.303356

File: 33e968bba318647⋯.png (605.86 KB,719x688,719:688,afa843b8-3c8f-4d55-9fc7-3b….png)


i came to our sorta importans secretary who runs things arpund here. waiting room empty. 10:15. slowly room fills. it gets loud. some mutt talks on turkspeak very loudly with her cellphone. its now 10:45 and the obese bitch only now exits and asks for all students who came on the topic of gap year to go forward. waited legit until they all get their turn BUT THEY KEPT COMIMG AND IGNORING ME so i just entered the bureau as soon as the last student went out and the headmaster was visibly very angry at me but didnt say anything. it was literally a 5 minute issue too. thanks for wasting an hour of my life bitch.


no i mean money didnt exist. for nobody nowhere. you pay by serving your country and evoliving it.

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67eba6 No.303357


but only being able to grow your own food and not having any other entertainment would be boring as fuck based modernism

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67eba6 No.303358


>no i mean money didnt exist. for nobody nowhere. you pay by serving your country and evoliving it.

what about people who are lazy and do nothing but still want an expensive car and expensive stuff tho? do they just get it?

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5242e5 No.303359


execution or exile

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1f1342 No.303360

File: 9c64cebeb8651a6⋯.jpg (55.35 KB,750x756,125:126,1517661270115.jpg)

Every problem mankind has ever faced can be summed up thusly:

>Government creates problem

>People then propose to increase the size and power of the government so it can solve the problem it created

>It "solves" it and fucks something else up

Repeat ad infinitum

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67eba6 No.303361

File: 4db99bca88aa9a4⋯.png (109.63 KB,259x194,259:194,ClipboardImage.png)

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5242e5 No.303362


or just tell them if they want a car they have to work for it or fuck off

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82772c No.303363


>look in mirror

>okay looking

>see own photo

>ugly as sin

wtf??? this is the real problem in the world. what the fuck is g-d playing at?

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cc5258 No.303364

File: 643e954d8547360⋯.png (138.27 KB,331x404,331:404,1511639520191.png)


>some mutt talks on turkspeak very loudly with her cellphone

That sounds like hell alone smh

>money didnt exist

So money gets replaced by food and furniture etc? how do we go on holiday, like do we save up holiday vouchers or something?

This doesn't sound bad



This sounds good actually

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5242e5 No.303365


post face

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82772c No.303366


that and the price of pillows. why they so spensive?

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1f1342 No.303367

File: 0ccb30151f49cd8⋯.png (451.03 KB,1280x720,16:9,watamote-2-2.png)


>Look in bathroom mirror

>Think I look cool and mysterious

>Hey I think I look like Witcher 3 Geralt too nice stubble lookin' good bro

>Catch reflection in the window of someones car as I walk outside

>Look disgusting like I'm really sick and on drugs for a long time

This is just one more reason to never go outside.

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82772c No.303368

File: 05a66a7a6506bf1⋯.jpg (19.32 KB,360x254,180:127,lumberjack.jpg)


you fuckin' wish, you thirsty geyboi.

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67eba6 No.303369

File: 875fabc2ec91fb1⋯.png (1.69 MB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

my own fantasy is living self sufficiently in a commune with people of my choosing and we build a comfy walled off society together, preferably in a large traditional gothic estate with a small village


That sounds a bit similar to money though kek, what you want is determined by how much you work. Except the value of work is determined by the government or whatever idk

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1f1342 No.303370

File: 42831b3a7b864c2⋯.jpg (18.8 KB,704x400,44:25,Satou.jpg)

The outside world is a conspiracy to make us feel bad

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82772c No.303371


i get the same thing, but with my weight and skin colour

>think i look swarthy

>go outside

>whiter than paper

>think my shirt and sweater fits well

>see myself in reflection and i look like a child in a trench coat

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5242e5 No.303372


money is the labour you do. like farming and driving trucks with that food to supermarkets or building said supermarkets or being an architect or teacher etc. but you dont get payment. you do it because Nationalism™.

On the other side of the market you can go to a pharmacy and get medicine you need for free (with a doctors' note if needed). You go to a shop to just take the food you need.

If you REALLY want some exotic food like a fucking avocado idk then the government should have international money I guess. But ideally all nations stand together as allies and trade between each other or just give them things for free as well.

Just a silly fantasy.

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67eba6 No.303373


I wish I could pay someone to film me as I walk around naturally to see if my outfits are actually any good in public, it's really hard to gague what you really look like sometimes. face and hair as well

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82772c No.303374

File: 9b84bd7550738d7⋯.jpg (221.8 KB,1242x1560,207:260,IMG_1161.jpg)


fuck it lets just stay inside

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82772c No.303375

File: f5fe0c6593ffa7d⋯.gif (1.09 MB,200x270,20:27,755.gif)


unless you're dressed like a total spastic, nobody cares what you're wearing.

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5242e5 No.303376


as an example, lazyness and lack of wotk was punishable in the soviet union. as in if they saw you didnt work they just gave you work.

so i think it would be cleared under "laws". like "one has to work".

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1f1342 No.303377


Sounds like a plan.


I disagree. In my experience when I've been with normalfags they always rush to whisper to each other and laugh at people they see who look even a bit different or unusual. They're nasty creatures those normies.

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5242e5 No.303378

i mean all of this is just masturbating anyway

my fantasy is to die alone in my spaceship

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67eba6 No.303379


im just human i want people to look at me and it say something about my personality and or think i look good or whatever like most people. muh aesthetic ideal


well obviously it has a lot of flaws in reality but i do sort of wish for that because at least it would be more interesting than society at the moment and at least it would feel like you stood for something rather than everyone just being a consumerist drone


that sounds depressing and sad

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67eba6 No.303380

as a kid my fantasy was to be a great leader lol

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67eba6 No.303381

who knows, hidler was an autist neet before ww1

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82772c No.303382


I don't have any friends or outside obligations, so I don't know what the normalfags are talking about so you're probably right. I try not to dress like shit at any rate; just enough to not be made fun of.


p. weird mentality, imo. I try not to show any personality tells.

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1f1342 No.303383

File: ab83a4cc37f756d⋯.png (6.35 KB,598x212,299:106,65465.png)


100000000000000000 years in mspaint

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5242e5 No.303384

File: f19a02079971781⋯.png (201.42 KB,680x658,340:329,ee6ec2bb-08ba-460f-9cb7-77….png)


this made my day thank you.

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67eba6 No.303385

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cc5258 No.303386


I hope that's a peace sign

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5242e5 No.303387

File: 570f56072af73ff⋯.jpg (31.51 KB,590x549,590:549,a4be67f2-a052-4fd0-a648-5c….jpg)

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67eba6 No.303388

File: b0bacecd5409c4a⋯.png (682.96 KB,500x755,100:151,ClipboardImage.png)

wish i was rich and could live alone in the woods in an estate and dress like pic related

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1f1342 No.303389

File: c9fc432347e3ced⋯.png (6.37 KB,598x209,598:209,65465.png)

put a ayy in it

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67eba6 No.303390

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1f1342 No.303391

File: 1bf54b36613fd08⋯.jpg (131.18 KB,720x480,3:2,m8dthmu_ec007_h-e131908440….jpg)


i wish i could dress like a musketeer

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67eba6 No.303392


people had more fun back in tha day

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1f1342 No.303393

File: f36f37494e74520⋯.jpg (81.63 KB,1024x768,4:3,Stefan The Gatekeeper.jpg)

Taxation is theft prove me wrong

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bc6ace No.303394

File: 3840fd12fe94278⋯.png (36.53 KB,578x124,289:62,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 083750cad7b19b6⋯.jpg (259.55 KB,800x800,1:1,__boo_and_princess_king_bo….jpg)

the vatican baffles me

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82772c No.303395

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fuck I love this thot

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1f1342 No.303396


It's run by a gay paedophile cabal who hate Christianity

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cc5258 No.303397

File: 947837710f52d6e⋯.gif (427.09 KB,182x176,91:88,1530190888886.gif)


We'll be getting Muslim-Christian dialogue events for nuns soon enough, unless that already exists smh

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82772c No.303398


>being roman catholic

the absolute state of rome

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bc6ace No.303399

File: bb533a99b9e530f⋯.png (84.11 KB,586x241,586:241,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 10df0a402da77eb⋯.mp4 (1.29 MB,720x540,4:3,__bowsette_mario_series_ne….mp4)

Continuing bafflement

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82772c No.303400


Look on the bright side…

non-catholics love him

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82772c No.303401


I meant non-christians

ffs all right I've been making crap posts, I think I'm too tired rn.

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82772c No.303402


All night*

I'm phone-posting rn, smh. Good night, everyone. Sorry for posting like a retard all night.

I'll be going to bed for an hour or two before work. gn

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bc6ace No.303403


Sleep tight lad

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dbb89c No.303404

File: 4bfb82ecb76d7be⋯.png (324 KB,989x810,989:810,Ode to bonbi.PNG)

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cc5258 No.303405

File: 84dfbb9f1855afe⋯.webm (826.71 KB,480x360,4:3,Bonkers.webm)

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cc5258 No.303406

File: 0e3894995943dbd⋯.jpg (86.16 KB,961x871,961:871,7757765.jpg)


wew sleep tight laddy, try to at least

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dbb89c No.303407

File: 8ef3509f42e5671⋯.gif (167.29 KB,388x388,1:1,1539122972699.gif)

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bc6ace No.303408

File: 9be43bdb46bbf1a⋯.png (2.01 MB,1000x1457,1000:1457,__boo_and_princess_king_bo….png)


were you chasing that young girl lad

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dbb89c No.303409

File: 70e284236662c67⋯.jpg (272.88 KB,1080x1349,1080:1349,FB_IMG_1537671316112.jpg)


no, just a cosplay enthusiast

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67eba6 No.303410

File: c4670952bc9dc0d⋯.gif (176.77 KB,300x300,1:1,1539701180967.gif)

>tfw shopping and I always get loads of fruit and veg and feel superior to the PLEBS buying soda and sugary things

enjoy your food tasting nice.. nerd

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67eba6 No.303411

watching a comfy nork doc in cytuube

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67eba6 No.303412

>South Korea only puts soldiers 5'8'' or taller on their border

I'm a big lad 😤

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67eba6 No.303413

File: 4ff82aabbd1a142⋯.png (1.81 MB,1180x842,590:421,ClipboardImage.png)

>"Go on, wreck that noob lad."

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82772c No.303414

>wakey-wakes wage cuck, we're goin' half an hour early!


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bc6ace No.303415

File: c97e58b45dc223e⋯.png (1.25 MB,1395x1003,1395:1003,ClipboardImage.png)


They put them in BIG HATS too.

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1f1342 No.303416

File: f713025dde4342a⋯.gif (264.41 KB,250x250,1:1,1322936854001.gif)


ten times better alternative to rainymood

shut your curtains and pretend its a nice grey rainy day

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cc5258 No.303417

File: 3938febc1e011b4⋯.jpg (114.34 KB,398x705,398:705,1539861867358.jpg)

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82772c No.303418


Thank you, Pepe :)

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882dc1 No.303419

File: 465f82aaca3f9fb⋯.png (41.01 KB,250x250,1:1,thought hakenkreuz.png)

File: 172cb49c44eda12⋯.gif (468.99 KB,512x807,512:807,thought plop.gif)

File: f61a983bb72b57e⋯.gif (25.25 KB,112x112,1:1,thought spinner.gif)

File: 4695f9ba96ca410⋯.gif (1.54 MB,480x264,20:11,thoughtful sun.gif)

File: 85809ab0d927b7f⋯.gif (2.36 MB,280x280,1:1,thoughts agitated.gif)

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cc5258 No.303420

File: 23146aafb3d85c6⋯.mp4 (1.3 MB,720x720,1:1,875469578.mp4)

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72d83a No.303421


DJ-racemix had a fucking fit over Maine, I'm sure.

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2ef311 No.303422

i think I found neo's tumblr

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cc5258 No.303423

File: 245a9ffe4758135⋯.png (247.24 KB,378x406,27:29,1539227746129.png)

>ask a game dev for help over Discord

>They say they are that busy with things they can't even respond to my email I sent them over two months ago

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cc5258 No.303424

File: 17221fa9a2fe150⋯.jpg (19.12 KB,480x522,80:87,1539703796766.jpg)

>The guy packing your shopping didn't put your groceries in plastic bags

>You have to take each and every single piece of shopping out from the basket

>while the deliver man just stands and stares at you while you're bent over looking like a cunt

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67eba6 No.303425


>getting things delivered

Jelly, although I can actually avoid people more using the self checkout with my own bags, don't have to interact with even a guy like that.

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cc5258 No.303426

File: 44f2e2f5ecfc249⋯.jpg (48.01 KB,782x577,782:577,1530641970970.jpg)


You can't get your shopping delivered? You must be rather remote

I don't like using the self checkout service in stores because there's always security nearby watching you in case you try to steal something. I'd just rather use the til personally.

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67eba6 No.303427


I live nearby so I just go myself, it's more expensive to have it delivered right? Also I can get stuff the day I want it.

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cc5258 No.303428

File: f523bbe726e7fc2⋯.png (178.25 KB,333x427,333:427,1530928412244.png)


The cost depends on when you order it. Like, weekends can cost up to £7 for a delivery, but for me the usual cost is like £4 and that's for next day delivery during the week. And I only order stuff once a month so I can't go to the shops and get everything I need cause I'm autistic like that and need to get my shopping once a month

If I want a sweetie or anything I just go out to the local shop

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67eba6 No.303429


I buy perishable stuff like fruit all the time that wouldn't last a month tbf.

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cc5258 No.303430


aahhh good lad, buying fresh

I just buy all of my fruit frozen

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1f1342 No.303431

File: 044b42122905d16⋯.png (Spoiler Image,1.42 MB,680x567,680:567,sEqFrac.png)

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c8518a No.303432

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


at the gates is kinda ghey though. I remember listening to that album 'cause I was all sad over a crush when I was 16. Dying Fetus got me into metal, gonna see 'em live again in a week, they're gonna play a lot of stuff off their extremely good new album

been getting into brutal death metal recently. when I first started listening to it, I was actually questioning if it was too heavy and that's something that hasn't happened in like 6 years. it's very inaccessable and I like that a lot


two nukes weren't nearly enough

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c8518a No.303433

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

very highly recommend this album to anybody that likes extreme metal and hasn't already listened to it

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72d83a No.303434

I wish I weren't on my phone so I could be jew-posting

Ahhhhhh, fuck.

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cc5258 No.303435

File: 9e889811bbb83d2⋯.jpg (400.83 KB,700x700,1:1,1539238613615.jpg)


>He's gonna get back from work and post Jews all night

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1f1342 No.303436

File: 080b154587ccd9c⋯.jpg (98.43 KB,553x713,553:713,13bf3077041a9a4ae95d881a58….jpg)


It'd be pretty fun to be seduced by a dark haired big titted Jewish succubus ngl

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3450ce No.303437

Hot guff

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2ef311 No.303438

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



you need more math metal

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72d83a No.303439


No doubt, buddy.

We're finished one pour and we may have to wait 5 hours for the concrete to arrive. Fuuuuuuuck. They'll probably be able to arrive sooner than scheduled, however.

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cc5258 No.303440

File: 98cbe1a49a3e214⋯.jpg (16.02 KB,236x397,236:397,1539107423224.jpg)



tbh having a Jewish gf doesn't sound too bad. I bet her and her family would be wealthy too

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2ef311 No.303441

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ahhh this is so badass it never gets old

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2ef311 No.303442


apart from the fact that you'd literally be allowing the demons to infiltrate your bloodline

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cc5258 No.303443

File: a9838ef8236c5c3⋯.jpg (24.76 KB,360x360,1:1,4663.jpg)


It's okay, I personally enjoy self destruction

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2ef311 No.303444

File: c4d4a3672df9580⋯.jpg (18.59 KB,320x304,20:19,11694879_504274899721662_8….jpg)

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dbb89c No.303445


why would a wealthy Jewish family want their bloodline polluted with goyim DNA

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72d83a No.303446


A large connected Jewish family is a large part of the appeal. You have partisan instincts fit for a j.ewess lover, my dude.

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c8518a No.303447


tbh when I was a teenager I was about to have sex with this big titty jewess but then when she took off her clothes she was fat and mishapen and I was totally turned off. all she had was milkers rly

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72d83a No.303448

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cc5258 No.303449

File: c24fcb711fb8950⋯.png (232.43 KB,486x551,486:551,1539107308921.png)


If you can't kill em, join em

And just think of all the nice schools your children will have access to!


A lot of Jews hate themselves, so one of them getting with a downtown goy like myself isn't too far of a stretch I don't think


Thank you, and your Jew posts must've had an influence on me smh


Do you regret not sleeping with her?

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67eba6 No.303450

*sends word to pembs by carrier pigeon*

Be on the lookout lad

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cc5258 No.303451

File: bf51cd2f0ea69ea⋯.gif (863.42 KB,250x352,125:176,tumblr_pczyx65eNT1wwimz7o3….gif)


I'm sure he would appreciate that

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c8518a No.303452

File: 4b1d865682faa7d⋯.jpg (51.47 KB,704x720,44:45,just.jpg)


>Do you regret not sleeping with her?

nah she was nasty, I regret coming as close as I did

I regret not dating any one of these 2 thicc beanesses and this nice-assed thirsty gookette, any one of them would have been useful as a benis-stimulation aid but I didn't do it because muh morality. fuck that one of 'em was pale-skinned, 7/8ths spanish and I wish I unironically dated her tbh even though she didn't speak English she was pretty and had a big bum and a beautiful voice, wanna go back in time and give her a flower so she can gasp say "gracias" with the qt whispery voice and also there was this time where I was behind her and she didn't know and I wish I ticked her sides and said "tickle tickle tickle" 'cause then she'd giggle

I also regret not asking out this nerdy but qt shy ginger grill that was sitting in front of me and brushing her hair, she would have been a good waifu, non-cumdumpster white women are extremely rare nowadays. she wasn't all that hot but she must have been pure sweet and that's more important, wish I understood at the time

then there was also this pug spicc that has amazing feet with long toes and a nice bum when she wore a dress at least. she kept looking at me and I think she liked me, but I ignored her 'cause there were hot popular white girls everywhere and I didn't want to normalize miscegenation. she was really trashy though

and lastly there was this chubby aryan slut that would stand up in front of me and hoist her pants up on her fat ass (not even nice, just fat) and it gave me erections just how blatant she was about it. she had tiny hands and might have been a decent slampig, she was definitely really benis-hungry

regret-o-meter: shy glasses ginger > qt pale beaness > thicc beaness > tight thirsty gook (I'm not an imperiumfag but this one I must say would have been good) > long-toed trashy spicc > chubby aryan slampig with tiny hands

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2ef311 No.303453

File: be42eff436dfe63⋯.jpg (13.73 KB,804x446,402:223,be42eff436dfe636fcad5b0211….jpg)

>"What's the confliction between heart and mind? How to bridge the void, fuse the two in kinship, to understand your prospects and vistas, and yet to see the love here too? It's more than I can do.. It's more than I can do.. vows and pursuits which at best hollow, I remain torn in two."

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72d83a No.303454


>non-cumdumpster white women are extremely rare nowadays

Oh? So you don't want a filthy shiksa, eh? Well I know just the right sort for you, burger-anon. :)

She'll be specifically (((chosen))) for your tastes too!

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cc5258 No.303455

File: eaa2b60fec46152⋯.jpg (140.84 KB,500x603,500:603,1539242225141.jpg)

im sorry i am too drunk tor eply

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c8518a No.303456

File: 9332330b130a9b7⋯.jpg (70.17 KB,600x484,150:121,9332330b130a9b73867cb1e7af….jpg)


I'd be too scared of impregnating her and then the baby being male and then her conspiring to mutilate his dick, that would be too stressful. also the fact that the vagina is a jewish vagina would probably disgust me, I don't have jewess fetish


>too drunk tor eply at 5pm on a thursday

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72d83a No.303457


Ye, the Male Jew is probably the worst possible scenario you can get out of breeding your beautiful wife, but that's what abortions are for.

I envy the other lad; being so comfy in the middle of the week.

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cc5258 No.303458


>I don't have jewess fetish

You might eventually if you stay here long enough

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67eba6 No.303459


I hope soooooo

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2ef311 No.303460



for the scot, drunkenness is not a state of being, it's a way of life

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c8518a No.303461

File: 498a6bb295b4696⋯.jpg (45.01 KB,657x527,657:527,how_to_shitpost.jpg)


I can only think of 4 attractive jewesses and they all look pretty much white with enormous breasts






thinking I'm only going to drink from now on if I'm actually getting trashed with friends (i.e. never 'cause nofriends) or occasionally drink Port wine 'cause I rly like it. but even then mummy always buys this cabernet savignon, pinot noir and zinfandel crap that I pretend to like so I can drink it for the alcohol but I don't really; I can't be assed to got to the liquor store though and I'm not wasting my money on that, I'm a penny-pincher tbh. I like Port, Marsala, and Champagne. like good beer too but I never drink it 'cause it's pure estrogen and I like rum and vodka but hardly drink it 'cause it's never available and I'm not buying any 'cause it's unhealthy, a waste of money, and I don't wanna begin the cycle of becoming an alcoholic

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f8ce5a No.303462


id make her my wife

think how good she'd look in a dress[an actual dress that hides all skin apart from the hands]

then braided hair


i no longer am in poverty, i have some hundreds of £


thank you parliament and landowners for forcibly confiscating peasant land and forcing them to live in cities

only problem with everyone being self sufficient[with modern tech] is population growth, eventually you'll get to a point where you just have too high a population density, tho hunter gatherers and most early agriculturalists didnt have this problem, guess the population would be forced to level out at the expense of having muh 8 chilluns


it's to do with your face being reversed in a mirror, which you are used to, then in photos youre not

dont be alarmed lad, nearly everyone has an asymmetrical face, but other people in your life are used to it

photos also lack 3d element and are honestly a pretty shit way to judge how someone looks, angles, lighting, etc are all important too

though its weird, i have been called ugly by stupid teen retards but also called very handsome by very attractive 20s lasses, maybe because i'm not a pretty boy like teenage girls want, i'm more brutish and scarred

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2ef311 No.303463

File: 3d9a1d9ab12e4c4⋯.jpg (374.49 KB,900x800,9:8,--mars-expedition-drawn-by….jpg)


if you really don't want to kick it out of your life i'd go with treating yourself to port once a month or something

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2ef311 No.303464

File: 54fcbcd0e52dfb8⋯.jpg (1.73 MB,2712x4069,2712:4069,143.jpg)


it's a shame she seems like kind of a thot irl because she can look so devastatingly elegant

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2ef311 No.303465

File: a7f09d998b15083⋯.jpg (91.43 KB,620x347,620:347,maisie_williams_0080_620px.jpg)

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f8ce5a No.303466


o i didnt realise it was her

kind of reinforces my point about photos being shit

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2ef311 No.303467

File: 24a4cd111200ce5⋯.jpg (49.51 KB,580x870,2:3,sophie-turner-sag-awards-2….jpg)

i would let her execute me

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cc5258 No.303468


I could probably beat those two in a fight if they each had an arm tied behind their back

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2ef311 No.303469

File: 2cced99603103d0⋯.png (413.08 KB,500x500,1:1,tumblr_nn6dpl4oB41s2791bo3….png)



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f8ce5a No.303470

File: 4695dcbc6fc3975⋯.png (536.56 KB,434x482,217:241,h.png)

imagine how much better all women would look if they wore dresses

nothing fancy, but something long down to the ankles, no frilly nonsense, just a plain dress, not even that, just a big long skirt and long sleeved, shoulder covering top

hair braided back or in pigtails, or even covered up

yes, when i have a gf i will have her like that.

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72d83a No.303471


>I can only think of 4 attractive j.ewesses

If you knew which actresses are Jewish then your list would be a lot longer, buddy. Just saying–if I were at my computer I could expand your dong mind.

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2ef311 No.303472

File: 4783e8128168b04⋯.jpg (127.96 KB,736x1104,2:3,1e8e968aaf8ee52f92d780999b….jpg)


how big are you lad? height and weight and build and all that

(((showpozness))) is probably what ruined her but it's okay, she's pure in my mind


"European civilizations unanimously associated unnatural beauty, achieved by cosmetics and dyed hair, with the lowest castes. This is because in Traditional societies, “health” was a symbol of “virtue” — to feign health or beauty was an attempt to mask the Truth.[10] Although cosmetics and jewelry were used ritually in ancient civilizations, their use eventually degenerated into a purely materialistic function.

The earliest Europeans tended toward simplicity in dress and appearance. Adornments were used solely to signify caste or heroic deeds, or were amulets or talismans. In ancient Greece, jewels were never worn for everyday use, but reserved for special occasions and public appearances. In Rome, also, jewelry was thought to have a spiritual power.[11] Western fashion often was used to display rank, as in Roman patricians’ purple sash and red shoes. The Mediterranean cultures, influenced by the East, were the first to become extravagant in dress and makeup. By the time this influence spread to northern Europe, it had been Christianized, and makeup did not appear again in northern Europe until the fourteenth century, after which followed a long period of its association with immorality."

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67eba6 No.303473

File: eaa8a5d52cde63f⋯.png (2.16 MB,1280x1280,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


there are communities on the internet for lasses who handmake their own dresses its cute

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2ef311 No.303474

File: c6086975dabad17⋯.jpg (20.09 KB,600x400,3:2,CfhbNP4XIAAXvbZ.jpg)

>At a party for the political elite in one of the early chapters of Dune, the Lady Jessica is described as wearing a simple, earth-tone dress and a single bronze hairband, throwing her into extreme contrast with the rest of the extravagantly costumed women at the party.

>True aristocracy is seen through simplicity and honestly, not complexity and disguise.

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f8ce5a No.303475


I said no frilly nonsense

I would NOT let my wife wear anything as ridiculous as that

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72d83a No.303476



Conservatively modest girls are my bane.

Wholesome girls who you can easily bring to your parents and grandparents are 10/10

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72d83a No.303477





She has such a beatable face, wouldn't mind smacking that, tbh.

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bc6ace No.303478

File: 0ce3a2060b8158a⋯.jpg (166.17 KB,1060x1500,53:75,__bowsette_mario_series_an….jpg)

>jimmy panhandling for a new yacht on wikipedia again

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f8ce5a No.303479


what clothes do you wear, lass?

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2ef311 No.303480

File: 9e5a90dc794a0b4⋯.png (433.33 KB,500x500,1:1,tumblr_nn6dpl4oB41s2791bo2….png)


i can't disagree tbh but part of me feels like the desire to beat women is a result of a ruined modern male mind. probably because of porn

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bc6ace No.303481

File: 0ed6bcf781249f0⋯.jpg (93.86 KB,722x737,722:737,__bowsette_mario_series_an….jpg)


I dunno, what panties are you wearing lad.

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f8ce5a No.303482


checkered[is that the word?] boxers

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72d83a No.303483


I won't argue against that, but for me it's contempt. To me she just looks like a degenerate.

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bc6ace No.303484

File: 4efb4703fb0a2b6⋯.png (5.96 MB,2893x4092,263:372,__bowsette_mario_series_an….png)


nerdy boy

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f8ce5a No.303485


how is that nerdy? its the only form of underwear that doesnt crush your bollocks

now tell me what youre wearing lass

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72d83a No.303486

File: fa8700d723cbdc2⋯.jpg (1.36 MB,2560x1440,16:9,2018-10-18 10.56.08.jpg)

Sitting cozy by the fire, putting down hours while doing nothing. Feels good, man. Boss offered to drive me home since we're going to be waiting for, what looks like, 5 hours. I said no–I didn't sleep 2.5 hours to just work 3.

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1f1342 No.303487

File: d53890f7f7d6e67⋯.jpg (79.26 KB,880x452,220:113,GW-150817_DSC2234-copy-599….jpg)

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3450ce No.303488


Are briefs cool again? Has that finally gone full circle?

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bc6ace No.303489

File: 2fd8ae3d062f384⋯.jpg (658.25 KB,1402x2048,701:1024,__bowsette_peachette_and_t….jpg)


>its the only form of underwear that doesnt crush your bollocks

Tight briefs can look cute tbh.

>now tell me what youre wearing lass

Only waifu gets to ask rude questions.

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f8ce5a No.303490


I'm not asking what underwear youre wearing, only your outer clothing

are you wearing a cute dress?

>Tight briefs can look cute

I'm not cute, and I have no intention of crushing my nuts

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3450ce No.303491


What underwear you wearing, lass?

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3450ce No.303492

Bet they're big ol bloomers, tbh.

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f8ce5a No.303493

File: 7a9f94e17ef4999⋯.jpg (15.47 KB,500x434,250:217,7a9f94e17ef4999e19a32f128e….jpg)

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2ef311 No.303494


tight briefs are only good for taking suggestive pictures in, or if you have a small peepee. i like loose fronted "A-front fly"s but even those can smother a bit

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3450ce No.303495

File: ab11bbb20497012⋯.png (644.03 KB,526x515,526:515,beano.png)

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2b2549 No.303496

File: 7bdf64df724bc53⋯.jpg (64.29 KB,362x374,181:187,1539862354935.jpg)


>how big are you lad?

6ft, 170lbs, used to be around 205lbs late last year

my shoulders around 21 inches so I could easily destroy a lass with one punch if I wanted to

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f8ce5a No.303497


youd rather destroy a tight boypussy before you destroy a lass

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2ef311 No.303498

File: af2ddd392051da9⋯.png (137.89 KB,292x308,73:77,received_1600550789977440.png)



wew lad you're large, how much of a balance is there between muscle and fat? this probably sounds gay tbh but i'm just curious to see how we size up to each other



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72d83a No.303499

File: f053d08d8ccc4f0⋯.png (245.22 KB,491x488,491:488,ebc1a64d1fb50e24e329d8b680….png)

>j.ewess-posting hasn't turned you bi's of guys

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2b2549 No.303500

File: 231f0509eb81ba0⋯.png (142.96 KB,600x600,1:1,1539324804882.png)


keek ya wee cheeky cunt It's true tbh


no that doesn't sound gay and I'm pretty lean atm honestly. I've been going on a lot of walks with weight plates in my backpack recently

I think you're taller than me iirc

I could easily destroy any lass right now


I hope you finish work soon, lad. You need to save the lads from the gay with your Jew posting

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2ef311 No.303501

File: b70fac9d16c9cd7⋯.png (2.48 MB,910x1200,91:120,ClipboardImage.png)


talmudic whores will not easily sway the staunch aryan spirit tbh

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72d83a No.303502



What will it take for you lads to go the straight and narrow, start a family and un-fuck your shit?

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f8ce5a No.303503

big fat bums and boobies

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f8ce5a No.303504

File: 0df67f02e853cc4⋯.png (504.93 KB,600x400,3:2,0df67f02e853cc4ca700ef8538….png)



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2ef311 No.303505


yeah i'm 6ft1 and a half, bmi visualiser makes me look skinny as fuck but my arms are decently big. i need to go on more weighted walks but doing a sort of light farmer's carry, you ought to do it too lad carrying weight in a backpack isn't very natural

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f8ce5a No.303506



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72d83a No.303507


I'll be here for a while.


Are you reaffirming Richard Spencer's "implicit white identity" comment, lad?

Oh boy.

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2b2549 No.303508

File: d25197017fd7a4c⋯.png (467.85 KB,822x1200,137:200,1539266916329.png)


>What will it take for you lads to go the straight and narrow

A rich Jewess gf to come save me

Know any?


>yeah i'm 6ft1

You're the king of us all smh

I'm not sure how to go about doing the farmer's carry without looking awkward tbh

plus the weighted backpack helps me train for something

>my arms are decently big

jealous, I've always had trouble with building muscle there


where are you and what are you up to?

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2b2549 No.303509

File: 67d19b94de78db3⋯.jpg (36.51 KB,640x640,1:1,1539236952741.jpg)

>Check liked videos

>See "Video Deleted"

>Can't remember what the video was

Oh well, that's that then

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f8ce5a No.303510

>Neo not telling us what she's wearing

shake me head

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2ef311 No.303511

File: d5b210f0b7401a5⋯.jpg (76.88 KB,716x960,179:240,11707524_587612468008975_2….jpg)


keek, I like being tall but most of the time I don't feel like I am. it's nice to have lasses tell you it though and that they find you intimidating

i just carry dumbell bars without any weights on at the moment, it might look a bit weird but i don't care too much tbh. just doing a brusque walk with them down through the park works up a real sweat. it's such a good exercise because it's very natural, you can do it with almost anything, builds up your forearms and is actually useful


hate when that happens smh


she's all about taking and not giving smh

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f8ce5a No.303512


>she's all about taking and not giving smh

i'm fine with that… oof!

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72d83a No.303513

>A rich Jewess gf to come save me Know any?

If I knew one personally I wouldn't be bloody telling you about it, would I?

>where are you and what are you up to?

I'm at a family friend's house pouring a garage floor, as you've seen, and about to pour the foundation to his house, but that won't be arriving for a while.

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72d83a No.303514


Sorry for the slow response, I'm on mobile.

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67eba6 No.303515

Tried almond milk for the first time, it just tastes like almonds in milk form. Not sure what I expected.

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67eba6 No.303516

File: 2aa480c2e6b5270⋯.png (674.2 KB,930x620,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


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2b2549 No.303517

File: 891edbf7004c04d⋯.jpg (2.72 MB,1764x2508,147:209,4361346.jpg)

>tfw no gf to perforate your left eyeball with her high heels



How do I differentiate between creepiness and intimidation?


>If I knew one personally I wouldn't be bloody telling you about it, would I?

Some friend you are

>I'm at a family friend's house pouring a garage floor

How long does that take to dry?

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f8ce5a No.303518


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f8ce5a No.303519

*sniffs her hair*


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f8ce5a No.303520

how do you pronounce almonds?


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2ef311 No.303521

File: 876b24f61f3f2a7⋯.jpg (83.52 KB,550x823,550:823,129000760_14637088964571n.jpg)


it's the best out of all the non dairy milks imo. Oatly comes a close second but it's expensive and seems proprietary


i dunno lad, i'd say that creepiness is your behaviour whereas intimidation is down to physical appearance and demeanour.

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2ef311 No.303522



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2b2549 No.303523

File: c305ecc76ac7ec3⋯.gif (89.51 KB,380x370,38:37,1539269458256.gif)


Don't sniff my hair!


tbh lad I shouldn't be having conversations with people while I'm like this. I can't follow, but I get what you mean

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72d83a No.303524

Stoners are so invested to pot; it's the only time you'll ever really hear them try to reason their way through the particularities of law and judgment. It runs me the wrong way, tbh. They're just working to justify their habit. Why does it even matter to you if it's bad or not? Just enjoy it, right? You'd still be smoking it if it were proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to be harmful anyways. Just "chill".

Context: my dad's ranting about the laws surrounding the legalization of pot. Literally talking about bogging down the courts so he doesn't have to pay a DUI ticket for pot.

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f8ce5a No.303525

>ywn kill all stoners, drunkards, druggies, smokers

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f8ce5a No.303526

dunno what to eat

ate some mussels earlier

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f8ce5a No.303527

most people who smoke weed are honestly dumb as fuck and do it for pleasure

these people will do anything to bypass the law, just how when alcohol was banned from being sold in some places, doctors would prescribe alcohol to patients

if it was legal for medical purposes, they would abuse it and take away from people that need genuine help

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72d83a No.303528


It depends if it has accelerator in it–usually it's unworkable by the next day, and "finished" after about a week or two. It gets harder over time too. We just get it to the point where everything is hard enough to mould it well to let it set then leave.

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f8ce5a No.303529

its one of those things that makes it less enjoyable because of the people that do it, not so much the actual thing itself

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72d83a No.303530

File: 15689604e34ed86⋯.jpg (6.02 KB,290x174,5:3,images.jpg)


I know that feel… Papa Duterte does enough for the both of us to rest easy, take solace in that.

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2ef311 No.303531


mussels are a high test food, they're one of the top sources of zinc

what do you have? i'm having filled pasta for supper but i'll wait till daddy gets home til i have it

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f8ce5a No.303532


want to limit myself really

might actually not eat tbh

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f8ce5a No.303533

theres nothing like autumn/winter nights

summer nights are nice too but different

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f8ce5a No.303534

so odd how something like weather or just looking at something can invoke such strong memories, feelings, smells

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2ef311 No.303535

File: 02720bfbe92ca6c⋯.png (2.84 MB,1125x1117,1125:1117,ClipboardImage.png)


its a primal thing tbh, the mind is a fascinating entity

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f8ce5a No.303536


amazing tbh

i love all weather

so beautiful

all those smells.. tastes.. feelings.. the brush of wind.. the smell of fresh summer air.. the autumn leaves.. the snow.. the grass…

it certainly brings one back to childhood.. or a child-like state which i believe is the natural state of being which we lose over our adolescent years due to modern living

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f8ce5a No.303537

no matter how fucked things are that will never be taken away

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2b2549 No.303538

File: 26edb955cbc4e4b⋯.jpg (44.99 KB,1384x640,173:80,1539886676415.jpg)

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2ef311 No.303539


agreed 100%, man's natural curiosity has been dimmed by both the overstimulation but yet also the monotony of modern life

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2ef311 No.303540

File: be0a428cfb6d488⋯.gif (819.35 KB,500x281,500:281,1475204298373.gif)

it's fascinating particularly because only now is modern science becoming able to find out that actually, these sensory experiences are kind of necessary for good health. the example that springs to mind is that there are health benefits to something as simple as walking barefoot on natural ground, but we lose that when we cushion our feet with socks and shoes

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2ef311 No.303541


you alright pal

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f8ce5a No.303542



we unironically deform our feet by wearing shoes and socks, just look at the feet of people who live barefoot, who have much wider feet and bigger spacing inbetween toes

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2b2549 No.303543

File: d12182cdafe4f4a⋯.png (668.71 KB,1000x1000,1:1,1539191034949.png)


just drunk and wondering if any of those lads I met in Iraq are dead or not

I'm alright really, just a mild sperg out

Thank you

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67eba6 No.303544

File: f14b2d131ba8906⋯.jpg (585.15 KB,900x900,1:1,d47dd74f1846759c.jpg)

Within a few weeks I might be able to afford to go swimming every single day. That will make me happy.

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2b2549 No.303545

File: 6d58e9fc2569574⋯.png (134.96 KB,420x322,30:23,1539313573473.png)


This is good news

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67eba6 No.303546


Even if they're dead they probably lived more than most people, right?

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2b2549 No.303547

File: ff09c39f7448d68⋯.gif (439.67 KB,200x200,1:1,1530617251964.gif)


Honestly lad, not likely. Their lives back home must've been shit and boring and war itself is boring.

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2b2549 No.303548

File: b3b8041a822c069⋯.mp4 (1.69 MB,720x1280,9:16,reflection.mp4)

>Let me show you all how sad I am by posting a sad anime gif

I'm going off for the night. Goodnight everyone, have fun

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f8ce5a No.303549


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f8ce5a No.303550

hear me out here

chocolate… coffee…

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67eba6 No.303551


Might be true tbh.


Goodnight it's a cold night here shivering a bit.

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2ef311 No.303552

File: b5d3cccdbdf5003⋯.jpg (104.29 KB,712x1000,89:125,10152838_p0.jpg)


i in particular know this all too well, my 2nd toes are literally bent at the ends because my school shoes when i was 13-14 restricted my growth


ahh lad they're probably fine


night lad take care


>earth's surface is 80% water

>having to pay money to swim in it

ahhhhh revolt against the modern world tbh

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f8ce5a No.303553


put more layers on boy

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f8ce5a No.303554


all my toes point outward, and bend outward like 20 degrees lmao

i hardly ever wear shoes, fucking hate them so much so uncomfortable

ideally i should walk for long distances without shoes so i can improve my feet muscles, they are pretty fucked right now and walking is difficult

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f8ce5a No.303555

File: 2225bb5fbe48d4b⋯.jpg (105.98 KB,601x601,1:1,JUST.jpg)

>tfw have feet problems when i was younger and doctor tells me i must do certain exercises to stop it becoming a problem

>mummy never enforces it so i just forget

>few years later some other doctor basically says "lol who cares its just autism forget about it"[this happens all the time, a lot of them never really consider an cause and are quick to jump to conclusions] and never even bothered asking if i had any problems which basically fucked it up even further to the point where walking is difficult today due to misdiagnosis

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1f1342 No.303556

File: c4054496db83812⋯.jpg (28.97 KB,564x564,1:1,5723ea5f2a881a00e1a903d13b….jpg)


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f8ce5a No.303557

File: 27748252d5ed6af⋯.jpg (31.39 KB,400x400,1:1,fb.jpg)


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2ef311 No.303558

File: 11f8624fa9fab82⋯.png (1.99 MB,958x1437,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)


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f8ce5a No.303559


you moral man, i cant help but partake in the consumption of caffeinated drinks.. *whips myself*

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31b318 No.303560


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f8ce5a No.303561


ello chief

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67eba6 No.303562

File: d7c6282be997071⋯.jpg (61.95 KB,385x600,77:120,ynrmck14trs11.jpg)

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1f1342 No.303563

File: 3568d4c9af3ca24⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,22.31 KB,188x331,188:331,screenshot.199000664.jpg)

Anyone know the name of this saucy anime slut?

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72d83a No.303564



Lol, you're the board grug.

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f8ce5a No.303565

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31b318 No.303566

File: 4a324d76fbbeb43⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,21.82 KB,615x409,615:409,33494459.jpg)

Anyone know the name of this saucy anime slut?

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f8ce5a No.303567

File: 0ae6caf441d9c58⋯.png (337.87 KB,630x332,315:166,wtf.png)

Anyone know the name of this saucy anime slut?

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67eba6 No.303568

File: 1754bdd5f8d483f⋯.jpg (122.06 KB,600x739,600:739,vining-2.jpg)

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72d83a No.303569



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f8ce5a No.303570


Who's this saucy anime slut?

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1f1342 No.303571

File: 0ccb30151f49cd8⋯.png (451.03 KB,1280x720,16:9,watamote-2-2.png)




Is this the birth of a new epic meme?

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72d83a No.303572

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dbb89c No.303573

File: 9ee71a8e770e995⋯.jpg (78.91 KB,782x1000,391:500,DdPNb-8V0AAJq4b.jpg)

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dae5e3 No.303574



wordfilters are gone so no need to fret about that


>the desire to beat women is a result of a ruined modern male mind

it's normal to be comfortable with smacking them for misbehavior- I would only say that it's unhealthy if there's legitimately no reason, which is unlikely


>its the only form of underwear that doesnt crush your bollocks

I don't find that any underwear crushes my bollocks, and I have significant bollocks. they do restrain erections though which is uncomfortable


I hate "almondmilk" and the fact that they market as that is an insult to milk. If I were a legislator, I would be pushing to ban labeling anything that doesn't contain dairy as "milk". It's ALMOND WATER but that doesn't sound as appetizing


usually ah-mons or ah-monds with a slight d, occasionally awl-monds


>ate some mussels earlier

good lad, shellfish is my favorite

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67eba6 No.303575


Are you pembs

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72d83a No.303576


It may be a force of habit at this point, smh. I wonder if this trauma will be inherited generationally. Will we see if future generations will be struggling to cope with J.ewess oppression.

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dbb89c No.303577


no mate

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1f1342 No.303578


are you a german spy?

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dbb89c No.303579


no, but that's what a german spy would also say

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2b2549 No.303580

File: 19edbfebc9fad1a⋯.jpg (380.01 KB,718x1007,718:1007,b999525259acb1c11efbe73f2a….jpg)


>feet post

by Allah this fetish will kill me

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2b2549 No.303581

File: 4d53e326c825ea1⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image,623.56 KB,1272x1631,1272:1631,f83eb6be9db40b682bf38b5ad….jpeg)


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1f1342 No.303582

File: 5772ee1cbc86939⋯.png (197.75 KB,500x280,25:14,raw.png)


>no, but that's what a german spy would also say

The world is inside out and upside down. Who can I trust?

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2b2549 No.303583

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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67eba6 No.303584


reminds me a lot of old ps2 games

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2b2549 No.303585

File: 3be1c7ce968fe85⋯.jpg (51.31 KB,994x701,994:701,1539762683681.jpg)

>degenerate fetishes won't go away

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67eba6 No.303586


you better not be into eating poo lad…

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f8ce5a No.303587


unironically want to kill people who have any fetish like this

in my eyes, they are irredeemable

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2b2549 No.303588

File: 353e3d7a6c523a4⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image,410.75 KB,900x1464,75:122,4c9b68b59a214c027870b898c….jpeg)


keeeek, no way. I'm not that far gone

Just feet smh

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f8ce5a No.303589

mate feet are one of the tamest fetishes out there

honestly nothing to worry about even though its quite freaky

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f8ce5a No.303590

File: 17d0998d157233b⋯.gif (43.1 KB,250x243,250:243,6a00d83451b31c69e2012876b2….gif)

>tfw lactating fetish

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67eba6 No.303591



Mine is worse than both of yours but I'm not telling so don't worry about it

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f8ce5a No.303592


nah its alright lad, probably not as bad as some things i wont tell anyone

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f8ce5a No.303593

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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baf562 No.303594



liking girls' feet and milky tits are both completely normal and should not be considered fetishes IMO

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31b318 No.303595

File: 87a0e4071198599⋯.png (Spoiler Image,444.32 KB,854x502,427:251,87a0e40711985998eb29e321ce….png)

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dbb89c No.303596

File: 19c053ba79d36b4⋯.jpg (123.14 KB,1200x850,24:17,DVG1yyWVwAE-d2l.jpg)

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3450ce No.303597


>tfw all of your fetishes are so vanilla, you're a bit embarrassed to say them out loud

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f8ce5a No.303598


the feet fetish is probably some mental intergenerational thing passed down from the victorian era

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2b2549 No.303599

File: 9e889811bbb83d2⋯.jpg (400.83 KB,700x700,1:1,1539238613615.jpg)


idk lad

I want a lass to yank a tooth or two out of me with a pair of pliers


been having thoughts about a lass puncturing one of my eyes with her high heels




Are they worse than what I've mentioned above?



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dbb89c No.303600

File: d656ffbad8a371b⋯.jpg (121.85 KB,848x1200,53:75,C5EJNICUMAAizyk.jpg)

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67eba6 No.303601


>Are they worse than what I've mentioned above?

yeah, although puncturing your eyes with a high heel is just wrong youd jus die

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f8ce5a No.303602



christ lad sort yourself out

as soon as a woman attempts to hurt me id probably go mental and tie her up

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baf562 No.303603

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


good lad


pretty girls usually have pretty feet and ugly girls usually have ugly feet so it's just another sexy body part that can be used to gauge genetic quality and thus breeding potential, like the bum for instance

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2b2549 No.303604

File: 42e6233cc78cf6d⋯.jpg (89.28 KB,700x727,700:727,1539242300048.jpg)




No, just the eye, nothing further than that

You best not be into ball torture, lad


I'm trying to sort myself out smh

And idk lad, lasses can be very convincing. I'd let one yank my nails out Np if she was nice enough


Thank you lad

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2b2549 No.303605

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f8ce5a No.303606


i guess, i mean i wouldnt care if a girl had weird feet or something but non-whites tend to have really ugly feet, like really weird shaped feet, not just a simple "hick" feet that look more cute, like a crooked tooth or two if you get me bro

same with teeth, dont care about straight teeth or white, as long as they are looked after and not lost, teeth arent really meant to be amazingly perfect but you dont want ugly teeth either

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baf562 No.303607

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>non-whites tend to have really ugly feet

not spiccs

>teeth arent really meant to be amazingly perfect but you dont want ugly teeth either

if they're too bad or she has bad breath then that's nasty. but yeah they don't have to be perfect, mine aren't (although I do have decent teeth tbh, I need to whiten them, I have the gel and everything but I'm lazy)

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962f00 No.303608



idk seems vanilla to me

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2b2549 No.303609

File: 8c31644898beed8⋯.png (309.23 KB,445x583,445:583,1539256787044.png)


oh no, she's here

hi Daftie

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f8ce5a No.303610


bet youre into all sorts of messed up stuff arent you lassie

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f8ce5a No.303611

man i wish my xbox didnt break years ago

i loved rdr so much

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baf562 No.303612

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.




maybe there's an emulator or something

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2b2549 No.303613

File: 283f2910021359b⋯.jpg (16.87 KB,640x479,640:479,1539268160995.jpg)


>The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.

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962f00 No.303614


i used to like submissive stuff but with time i switched to sadism

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baf562 No.303615


it's None So Vile

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3450ce No.303616


Mr Vanilla here. I like nice shy girls, and undergarments, but not sexy ones, just normal ones. Sometimes I like hugs.

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baf562 No.303617

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

gonna shower

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2b2549 No.303618

File: 392d9f314116aff⋯.png (483.17 KB,497x756,71:108,1539336081166.png)


>i switched to sadism


a shame you aint on Discord tbh


Listening to them now tbh, thanks!

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baf562 No.303619


>Listening to them now tbh, thanks!

oh man Cryptopsy- None So Vile is one of the best death metal albums ever, you're in for a treat if you've never heard it

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31b318 No.303620

File: acc400c52c251dd⋯.png (Spoiler Image,309.59 KB,544x468,136:117,absolutely clegg.png)

>fetish discussion

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962f00 No.303621


every girl's dream


i will when university stops fucking me in the ass just give me time

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3450ce No.303622

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2b2549 No.303623

File: 12d061ec89167ad⋯.png (481.63 KB,476x561,28:33,1539270838678.png)


I'm really enjoying this tbh. Thanks again, lad!


It can't be helped! You can join in if you wish


>university stops fucking me in the ass

yeah, you don't seem to be having a good time there from what you've posted. Poor lass smh

>just give me time

I'll always be around~

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962f00 No.303624

File: d6174c3677483bb⋯.jpg (145.15 KB,1600x1205,320:241,1539728994412.jpg)


just shy guys in general. and huggy guys, yes.

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31b318 No.303625

I remember why I have faggot filtered

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2b2549 No.303626

File: 3ff16dbcd63997e⋯.jpg (321.37 KB,1280x720,16:9,1539246472822.jpg)


no (you) for you!

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2ef311 No.303627

File: 0e1d0a1315f8dd4⋯.jpg (29.44 KB,500x465,100:93,14263992_1909424365951954_….jpg)

came back after dinner and listening to some of dad's favourite classical and choral music hoping to share some of it with you but i see you are all immoral degenerates so I shall withhold such sacred beauty

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3450ce No.303628

File: dc015d16d711c32⋯.jpg (55.46 KB,595x818,595:818,6.jpg)


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31b318 No.303629

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


*sips* they don't make them like they used to

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bc6ace No.303630

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What sort of composers does he like.

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baf562 No.303631

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'm eating ground beef slop, picking up forkfulls and placing it on warm toast, pretty good


I really like marche slave and I used to shitpost about wwiii and rooting for Russia but I guess it's not happening

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2ef311 No.303632

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


he does love mahler actually but the specific pieces he played to me were thomas tomkins, messiaen and purcell

>ywn live in a theocracy where cites are just massive cathedrals and plaintive choral music can be heard wherever you go

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67eba6 No.303633

File: b4506f6dee4d783⋯.jpg (42.38 KB,600x800,3:4,b03847bd7544ed556793df8aa7….jpg)

really want someone to make a really horrible insulting personal post telling me im worthless

someone do it NOW i give you permission

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bc6ace No.303634

File: 937ad27e78a5563⋯.gif (55.16 KB,284x182,142:91,Killerbees_ani.gif)

>The Africanized honey bee was first introduced to Brazil in 1956 in an effort to increase honey production, but 26 swarms escaped quarantine in 1957. Since then, the species has spread throughout South America and arrived in North America in 1985. Hives were found in South Texas of the United States in 1990.

>Africanized bees are typically much more defensive than other species of bee, and react to disturbances faster than European honey bees. They can chase a person a quarter of a mile (400 m); they have killed some 1,000 humans, with victims receiving ten times more stings than from European honey bees. They have also killed horses and other animals.

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67eba6 No.303635


have had a phobia of bees since i was a child and was stung in the pram, trying to get over it

my goal is to be able to catch a bee in my hand and hold it there like my granddad does

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2ef311 No.303636

File: 5b6fae89524d1ba⋯.jpg (257.08 KB,1280x1600,4:5,tumblr_oz67r571u11sn3ne4o2….jpg)


>lew has a bullying fetish

fucking pathetic faggot

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2ef311 No.303637

love you really

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2ef311 No.303638


god damn nigger bees murdering people n sheeiitt

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67eba6 No.303639


bullying makes me stronger

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67eba6 No.303640

dont do it too much though

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67eba6 No.303641

you have to craft me like hephaestus

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67eba6 No.303642


dont beat me up mr skeleton

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3450ce No.303643


you're alright, tbf.

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67eba6 No.303644



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2b2549 No.303645

File: c0ea9bb50a0c208⋯.png (339.34 KB,990x556,495:278,1539868470906.png)

night night for reals this time everyone

And remember to be nice to Westie!

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67eba6 No.303646


goodnight lets get a good nights sleep

sleeping onmy back has helped my poster a bit i think

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2ef311 No.303647


you can't farm us for (night night)s lad we know your tricks

night night though sweet dreams pal

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31b318 No.303648

File: e61cb21ed3bd7e3⋯.jpg (93.35 KB,706x864,353:432,appy-s12-fb01.jpg)

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bc6ace No.303649

File: 55f5ac8946b4115⋯.png (1.62 MB,1280x1062,640:531,__bowsette_and_princess_ki….png)


sleep tight lad

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67eba6 No.303650

File: fd2206575761eb4⋯.png (889.79 KB,1142x834,571:417,ClipboardImage.png)

>get anxiety everytime daftie posts

is this ptsd?

also ive just realised double d is called double d because his version of edd has two ds

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2ef311 No.303651

File: a1728e803a2e2dc⋯.png (527.73 KB,537x767,537:767,VilHelmConcept.png)


it's spelt posture you dip

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3450ce No.303652

File: 7c00e6f21dc69fe⋯.jpg (68.8 KB,640x866,320:433,cowboyhenk.jpg)

Cowboy Henk is kino, tbh

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2ef311 No.303653


chad tbh

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67eba6 No.303654

File: 37616d73196177f⋯.png (38.2 KB,207x229,207:229,hmmm.png)

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3450ce No.303655

File: 2f52ff9822fe007⋯.jpg (171.82 KB,700x973,100:139,cowboyhenk1.jpg)

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31b318 No.303656



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67eba6 No.303657


feel sorry for that fish

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67eba6 No.303658


cool cloak

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67eba6 No.303659

File: 012ce7f867cf0e1⋯.jpg (5.51 KB,289x19,289:19,1539851761998.jpg)

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3450ce No.303660

File: 2cafe9e0792faa4⋯.jpg (158.08 KB,650x919,650:919,cowboyhenk2.jpg)

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67eba6 No.303661

File: 2300629c6a9dc43⋯.jpg (123.55 KB,428x754,214:377,1539847944577.jpg)


why did he do that

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2ef311 No.303662

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


his voice sounds so badass too tbh he's a great npc

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31b318 No.303663



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2ef311 No.303664

>the word npc has now lost its original meaning


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baf562 No.303665

File: 22da0df08ceebe9⋯.jpg (1.56 MB,2834x4278,1417:2139,spelt.jpg)


>ywn torture queen boob with bowsette





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2ef311 No.303666

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67eba6 No.303667



wellllllllll why dont you own an amazon kindle

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2ef311 No.303668



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3450ce No.303669

File: d7579bb33cc0c4f⋯.jpg (152.75 KB,700x942,350:471,cowboyhenk3.jpg)

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baf562 No.303670


yeah ik but it stills looks weird to me






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2ef311 No.303671


i can understand tbh


annoys me because the s makes the word seem weaker to me somehow

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bc6ace No.303672

File: a296565dacac2f8⋯.png (794.7 KB,1085x1525,217:305,__bowsette_mario_series_an….png)

That last image was a lot more sexual than I thought it was from the thumbnail, I am sorry.

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67eba6 No.303673


post booete

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31b318 No.303674

File: 0636967741d3d6a⋯.png (205.88 KB,600x341,600:341,ClipboardImage.png)


>I am sorry

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2ef311 No.303675


bowsette and co are inherently lewd, smh

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bc6ace No.303676

File: 476c80fcab80f02⋯.png (608.82 KB,1129x771,1129:771,__princess_king_boo_luigi_….png)




I am smh, some of these pictures have cum on them and you can't tell from a thumbnail. I'm lucky it wasn't one of those.


that's just your male gaze lad

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f8ce5a No.303677

had a wank


ive had several wasps just casually sit on my finger

ironically im more scared of bees than wasps despite never being stung by either

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2ef311 No.303678


burgeoning boobers and ahegao faces are sesual regardless of my gaze, lass sorry sweaty i don't make the rules xx

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2ef311 No.303679

File: 0017a8fd9c1b766⋯.png (570.55 KB,700x980,5:7,55443730_p0.png)


didn't need to know that lad

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31b318 No.303680

File: 5ee677857e8d57c⋯.jpg (110.04 KB,501x753,167:251,CuAwYt-WAAABKkN.jpg)

at least you'll never get lewd francees'

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baf562 No.303681


I like defense because defensive is spelled with an 's' either way


>had a wank

not gonna become a cowboy at that rate, lad

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f8ce5a No.303682


may not be a cowboy..but i'm a lone ranger.

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2ef311 No.303683


yeah but fence is spelled with a c so um checkmate atheist

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67eba6 No.303684

File: 0d8a81d25650de0⋯.jpg (272.27 KB,850x658,425:329,sample_65213cbcd50b4b737e6….jpg)

nanigh lads

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2ef311 No.303685


sweet dreams lass

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72d83a No.303686

>still at work when everyone is going to bed

Just like the good old days >:(

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2ef311 No.303687


i'm still here lad, you're not alone

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72d83a No.303688

File: 613414bc41f440a⋯.jpg (1.16 MB,2560x1440,16:9,2018-10-18 17.35.57.jpg)


Thanks :)

What are you up to? I'm just having a pilsner in the truck, work's done now. Kinda just waiting on the finisher guy.

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5d97f4 No.303689

File: 4a5f58dd11963f0⋯.mp4 (4.37 MB,224x400,14:25,COME AWN NIGGER.mp4)


I'm here too, not even 8 o' clock yet in my neck of the woods

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2ef311 No.303690

File: 47606369d95897c⋯.mp4 (1.92 MB,400x300,4:3,tumblr_pgram0Ou2k1tl4ero.mp4)


oh, i've just been browsing and playing overwatch tbh. might go out for an wolk at some point

watch the whole thing

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72d83a No.303691


I'm on my way home, I'll watch once I get there.


I'm two hours behind you, it seems. East coastie-sama. I'll have you to talk to when the Britty Boys are catching normalfag hours of sleep, smh.

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72d83a No.303692


Here's your intended (you), fam. Didn't mean to rob you.

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f8ce5a No.303693

File: 78d1c1967dc4e52⋯.jpg (466.06 KB,1280x768,5:3,eng7.jpg)

i'm still here

just living out a world that was never meant to be…………………..

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72d83a No.303694


What are the queefs of Ocean air like, buddy? I've never been. Prarie-boy, tbh.

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f8ce5a No.303695


Salt, seaweed, such a distinct smell to the sea. The salt air making your fingers dry.

I dislike the smell myself but I cannot escape it. The ocean beckons for me.

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72d83a No.303696


The Ocean is a strange, beautiful, and smelly mistress. Sounds nice.

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5d97f4 No.303697

been listening to the shitty deathcore garbage I listened to when I was 14 and it's making me nostalgic, I want a qt scene gf with black hair and nails


is that EU3? why no EU4?



yeah the air smells distinctly different once you get like 10 miles away from the ocean. smells fresh and salty, you start seeing that long grass and sand and those posts stuck in the sand connected by rope, seagulls flying ahead.. it's nice. try shucking and eating live oysters, make sure you slurp the brine, that will give you a good taste literally

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5d97f4 No.303698


yeah so you have the dry, white, soft sand which buns your feet because it's so hot from the sun so you run across that until you make it to the cool, wet sand-mud that the tide reaches and it's a huge relief. said mud is great for playing with when you're a kid, you can dig holes and throw mud at people, sometimes you can find little crabs and stuff when you dig a big hole. there's water under the mud if you dig a bit

and then there's the water which is cold and you don't want to get it in your mouth 'cause it's extremely salty and rather dirty as well. but it's nice to walk in.

also, there's bikini thots and some beaches have estuaries and tide pools and stuff which are unique ecosytems that have schools of cool little fishes and sometimes people will fish in there

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f8ce5a No.303699


literally just huge pebbles size of your feet beaches where i am tbh and praise heavens for it

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2ef311 No.303700


thanks lad i appreciate it

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5d97f4 No.303701

File: af2a0c7f7783546⋯.png (29.42 KB,741x568,741:568,care_to_elaborate.png)


>literally just huge pebbles size of your feet beaches where i am tbh and praise heavens for it


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f8ce5a No.303702

File: 6ef44813e50e510⋯.jpg (820.29 KB,1496x1000,187:125,chesil.JPG)


all the beaches where i live

are pebble beaches

and the pebbles are the size of feet

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5d97f4 No.303703

File: 9f380f43c361382⋯.jpg (58.77 KB,560x560,1:1,1.jpg)

File: 71ea1a5ee816511⋯.jpg (34.88 KB,800x580,40:29,2.jpg)

File: c760d677f2fac81⋯.jpg (71.21 KB,614x409,614:409,3.jpg)

File: 563c010ad75f3ee⋯.jpg (62.92 KB,960x638,480:319,4.jpg)


ah that sucks

this is more what I think about when I hear beach

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82772c No.303704

File: d37b2b6e8f0194d⋯.jpg (115.14 KB,612x612,1:1,Jewess 545.jpg)

Posting from computer again, guys :)

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82772c No.303705


Fuuuuuck, that's some gay shit. I hate when teachers try to be cool.

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3450ce No.303706

File: 191547d121b0343⋯.png (68.81 KB,1198x1328,599:664,my epic comic pg6.png)

done another one

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5d97f4 No.303707

File: b3ad8cd6758cb1d⋯.gif (3.59 MB,344x499,344:499,7b549a7a1e2abbf52f0858ff34….gif)

File: 64cd89d1ff9f6ed⋯.png (323.61 KB,804x714,134:119,64cd89d1ff9f6edd83955b003a….png)

File: 35228c4fdb58ac6⋯.png (130.23 KB,668x1405,668:1405,cfce20937aee9604eddccacc0c….png)

File: f2c6bbd992cc24d⋯.png (311.77 KB,808x1300,202:325,f935bca3632cce0840b7ebe1ce….png)

File: fde87b4b86a1bdd⋯.jpg (126.83 KB,623x420,89:60,fde87b4b86a1bdd2cb93912e81….jpg)

I should grow out my moustache and soul patch, get a pair of relaxed fit wrangler jeans, a prop shotgun, brown belt and those shoes and dress up as this guy for a Halloween party. maybe I'll get laid without having to get /fit/

but seriously though I need to start working out

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2ef311 No.303708


someone clearly didn't watch the whole thing :)

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82772c No.303709


I did. Based mudslime shows us how it's done.

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2ef311 No.303710

File: ba9f650c26a1bd2⋯.mp4 (5.32 MB,640x360,16:9,retarded slav adventure.mp4)


keek, alright lad

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82772c No.303711


that looks like jahans

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5d97f4 No.303712

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


skip to 2:55 if you don't wanna listen to the whole thing

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82772c No.303713

File: 3da58d8459220c9⋯.jpg (112.09 KB,750x1334,375:667,Jewess 421.jpg)

>go to take a shit

>not quiet about it

>notice people are talking outside

>don't remember hearing anyone pull in

>feel embarrassed

>try to make out what they're saying

>can determine it's my dad talking to his girlfriend

>finish poop and wash hands

>listen closer to door since i wanna stall for time

>go out and prepare for shower

>nobody is home


I thought my hallucinations stopped two weeks ago! Legit been having hallucinations for over 3 months now and I don't know why.

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f8ce5a No.303714

File: 514800e5629091a⋯.png (135.77 KB,443x455,443:455,70b447c480654b95eb1a1fc2a6….png)

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82772c No.303715

File: 00fb6686a86709d⋯.jpg (83.81 KB,1000x1000,1:1,Jewess 474.jpg)


I read that schizophrenia starts in your early adulthood; I really hope it's not that and that it won't progress any worse.

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f8ce5a No.303716

File: 5d9e18da89c119b⋯.png (514.91 KB,430x546,215:273,l.png)


i-its ok lad…

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5d97f4 No.303717

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


some schizo nigger wrote this to cope with his hallucinations

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82772c No.303718

File: 60ba21ba6703bec⋯.jpg (78.35 KB,1080x1349,1080:1349,Jewess 396.jpg)


I legit don't know what to do about it. I haven't told anyone and I don't even really feel bothered by it. It's just something I have passing concern over, tbh. I don't know where it will lead.

I know for sure I've had many 'real' hallucinations and that I'm not mistaking them, but there are also many that I'm unsure about. I never KNOW that something was for sure real, and it's fucking with me.

Not fun.

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f8ce5a No.303719


that pic is rather immoral

id recommend getting some help lad

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f8ce5a No.303720

had a wank over kat dennings

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3450ce No.303721

Heard screaming and people murmering on my night walk, and saw no one there. Was genuinely concerned it might be ghosts for a minute.

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5d97f4 No.303722


hope you eat some oysters or mussels to replenish zinc


ghosts are definitely real, there used to be one in my house

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82772c No.303723


That happens to everybody, lad. Just ignore the inner-city screams and gunshots and you'll be fine :)

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f8ce5a No.303724


lad this is a feeling i dont want to feel

i hate people screaming at night

night time is worst for things like that

where i live it is basically dead at night, can walk for miles and see absolutely no-one, not even cars driving, even tho theres loads of houses, quite spooky

scares the shit out of me when i hear something

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f8ce5a No.303725


i think the reason you dont believe in God is because you don't understand what God is/can be

God isn't some bearded dude in the sky

You can believe in ghosts/spirits which are definitely real, but not a creator of the universe, or some kind of life energy which some call God

The idea of God is not some jewish trick buddy

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3450ce No.303726


I live in a quiet area. No one out there that time of night.

It was weird it was like for a split second I walked into a busy room, and then nothing. I think it's the ghost of the pub that used to be there. Come to think of it, someone was murdered outside that pub.

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82772c No.303727

File: d096f0c1a483a94⋯.jpg (53.75 KB,564x1002,94:167,Jewess 513.jpg)

I don't believe ghosts exist and ghosts are definitely not real

I'll be having a shower now, cya in a bit.

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3450ce No.303728


It's quite possible it was a fox, tbf. The murmering was the really strange thing.

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f8ce5a No.303729

File: 2188565fbd02255⋯.jpg (123.23 KB,1080x1080,1:1,eb5b50c57a56591fa27ab74da0….jpg)

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f8ce5a No.303730


yeah foxes can make an awful noise at night

the murmering could be explained

sometimes when i walk past drainpipes i can hear the water running and it sounds rather spooky

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5d97f4 No.303731

stand corrected about the mussels, they don't have nearly as much as oysters. oysters are the kings of zinc


>The idea of God is not some jewish trick buddy

the idea that the old testament is true and rabbi yeshua bar yosef is the son of god and rose from the dead and all that is though. I don't like monotheism anyway, a polytheist culture would be cool though. like imagine if you want to have a particularly zesty fugg with the waifu one night, you could go to the temple of Aprodite and leave a steak as an offering or something and in return she would bless your waifu's vag and make it a lil wetter tighter that night. or it could just be the placebo effect; either way, it's cool, it's fun, and it's trad

I definitely dislike the whole "we are born sinners that deserve punishment" and "oh no I thought a bad thought, please forgive me" aspect.. I've been through that 'cause I was catholic up until I was 14. catholic + ocd = awful, never again

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5d97f4 No.303732

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>yeah foxes can make an awful noise at night

fishercats breh

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3450ce No.303733


It was a wall of conversation like when you walk into a busy room, but just for a second.

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f8ce5a No.303734


*prays for you*

im sorry lad… i hope one day you see the light of the Lord

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f8ce5a No.303735



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5d97f4 No.303736

File: 4d2241f1abd487f⋯.webm (1.24 MB,574x382,287:191,evangelicals.webm)


ik it's the worst. well other than evangelical

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f8ce5a No.303737

File: fa655d8bb62065d⋯.jpg (128.74 KB,1170x1170,1:1,sponge.jpg)


unironically spooky

only once?


so your entire religious views are shaped by "muh dik"?

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3450ce No.303738


Yeah. Turned a corner, expecting to see a gathering of people, but nothing there.

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3450ce No.303739

tbh, late at night a while ago I saw a woman in a flowing red garment walking with a menacing gait. Couldn't tell if ghost or lost Muslim.

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f8ce5a No.303740


tell me more lad

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3450ce No.303741


She just kind of walked forward. It was unsettling for some reason.

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f8ce5a No.303742


what was her clothes like

what did she look like

did she even look at you?

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3450ce No.303743


Only looked at it for a split second because I didn't want to be rude and stare.

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f8ce5a No.303744



should have smiled to her

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5d97f4 No.303745

File: 9a2ecbc43faebe2⋯.jpg (56.44 KB,720x718,360:359,9a2ecbc43faebe297c0826d3d3….jpg)


>so your entire religious views are shaped by "muh dik"?

no, I think people should follow the traditional religion of their ethnic group. for the British, this is either Druidism (Brythonic) or Wodenism (Anglo-Saxons). religion is an aspect of culture, not something that's actually true

I don't believe in christianity, it completely relies on the allegedly testimony of those that saw jesus alive after the crucifixion. how can you consider alleged eyewitness testimony 2000 years ago as legitimate evidence? it's ridiculous, that's why they call it faith. and moreover I fundamentally disagree with its moral teachings; it doesn't make logical sense why an all-knowing and loving god would behave in such a way. that's one of the main reasons why I don't believe it, besides the fact that I don't see any reason to in the first place. and because I fundamentally disagree with the christian god, even if it were true, I would reject him

it just seems to me that jesus was some mentally ill jew that created a heretical jewish sect that gained a significant amount of followers, but was rejected by the majority of jews. it spread out of judea and eventually became followed predominately by Europeans. then European world conquest and colonialism happened, spreading christianity, and then Europeans began to abandon christianity (and decrease in population relative to the turd world), so now it's a majority non-white religion

I don't view christianity as a positive despite muh birthrate because it condones miscegenation and opposes the harsh treatment that the other races deserve. I believe in the relentless pursuit of global domination by the white race, I don't care about non-white babies being coathangered or any of that bullshit, these people that think niglets getting coathangered is bad because magic are absolutely delusional. the in-group of christianity is "christians" which includes countless millions of shitskins, and it necessarily has to be their first priority. people should put their ethnic group and their country above everything else, not some stupid kike god that says niggerabortions are evil because magic

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f8ce5a No.303746

File: a70ac2670094d44⋯.png (399.9 KB,438x577,438:577,yum.png)

edgy, dude

hopefully one day you'll wisen up and get out of that teenage phase of atheist/white supremacism

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3450ce No.303747

I think my problem with religion is having to pick one, more than anything. I kind of think it's all true.

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f8ce5a No.303748


This is my belief tbh, some form of perennialism

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82772c No.303749

File: c52c9db63a9cf7b⋯.jpg (351.04 KB,2048x1640,256:205,Jewess 568.jpg)


Why do you post that ethot, if you don't even like her?

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f8ce5a No.303750


Because I'm lonely.

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82772c No.303751

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Alright, makes sense.

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5d97f4 No.303752

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


maybe you can join some music club or something and meet some qt young grill that plays a musical instrument or sings and then you can show off your musical talent and woo her with confident charm?

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f8ce5a No.303753


If only the inner beauty of women was manifest as physical beauty.

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f8ce5a No.303754


y-yeah heh…………….

*plays one chord and gets all the pucci*

she looks cute

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82772c No.303755

File: 0b442b8848297f0⋯.jpg (111.48 KB,750x1334,375:667,Jewess 462.jpg)


The shiksas would all turn ogre, lmao.

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f8ce5a No.303756


>imply they arent already

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82772c No.303757

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2ef311 No.303758


carry a knife

i want to join a choir tbh

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f8ce5a No.303759


want a bowie knife tbh

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2ef311 No.303760

File: baf296df0427ce2⋯.jpg (131.06 KB,724x541,724:541,14523194_559602807567850_3….jpg)


me too tbh although i have a fetish for daggers

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2ef311 No.303761

File: 580c332d5f58c1d⋯.webm (1.36 MB,1920x1080,16:9,MOV_0119.webm)

i wonder if Neo can do this

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3450ce No.303762

Raindrops keep falling on my head

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2ef311 No.303763

File: d7dbf5044ab371c⋯.jpg (969.13 KB,2592x1458,16:9,DSC_0115.JPG)

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808c5a No.303764

File: 39994ab7d5ebeff⋯.jpeg (218.47 KB,750x367,750:367,FC5BA518-E2F6-4E3F-9336-3….jpeg)

*cuts his brakes as he is driving through the mountains*

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2ef311 No.303765


how would you accomplish such a thing, lad?

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882dc1 No.303766


>scared of are local bees

You poof.

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dbb89c No.303767

File: 98f89e06b5f7b5d⋯.jpg (220.62 KB,1125x1500,3:4,f9bf96bf-c235-4fe7-83cf-39….jpg)

morning lads… only one more day of wagecucking till the weekend

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2ef311 No.303768

File: 2eb04980eeed23e⋯.mp4 (8.9 MB,612x344,153:86,tumblr_pgoa0nBlYG1w65rbb.mp4)

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5d97f4 No.303769

File: 43b2cb738391ee4⋯.webm (15.31 MB,1280x720,16:9,vodqt hell march.webm)

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5d97f4 No.303770

File: 11f9bd754027819⋯.mp4 (665.24 KB,854x480,427:240,A_spade_is_a_spade.mp4)

yeah I should prolly go to bed huh, if I go brush my teeth now maybe I can escape wakefulness by 4am

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67eba6 No.303771

Had a really good nights sleep but I had a dream Pembs fell off a cliff so I jumped off after him.

DONT go near any cliffs lad

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67eba6 No.303772


relax time soon lad xx

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67eba6 No.303773

File: 45c8a217fdca01e⋯.jpg (350.47 KB,1280x1800,32:45,1280px-Emperor_Maximiliano….jpg)

Sad this lad died

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67eba6 No.303774

File: df8c04075593fb0⋯.jpg (49.36 KB,540x675,4:5,03Zw3Fz.jpg)

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47305f No.303775


Hope you killed someone before sheathing it lad

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1f1342 No.303777

File: c4054496db83812⋯.jpg (28.97 KB,564x564,1:1,5723ea5f2a881a00e1a903d13b….jpg)


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bc6ace No.303778

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