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An Exercise in Satire

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All Hail The Bum Bum King!

File: 4f892db223577e2⋯.png (110.24 KB,242x265,242:265,1531673829837.png)

bc6ace No.303064 [View All]

Merkel Vows to Restore Germans’ Confidence in Government


Paul Greengrass’s Anders Breivik Movie Is Dire, Leftist Agitprop


Man Admits ‘Punish a Muslim Day’ Letters, Also Posted White Powder to the Queen, Claimed ‘Allah is Great’


Australian Senate Votes Against Motion That ‘It Is Okay To Be White’


Australia Mulls Following U.S. on Jerusalem Embassy Move, Recognizing Israel’s Capital


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3450ce No.303728


It's quite possible it was a fox, tbf. The murmering was the really strange thing.

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f8ce5a No.303729

File: 2188565fbd02255⋯.jpg (123.23 KB,1080x1080,1:1,eb5b50c57a56591fa27ab74da0….jpg)

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f8ce5a No.303730


yeah foxes can make an awful noise at night

the murmering could be explained

sometimes when i walk past drainpipes i can hear the water running and it sounds rather spooky

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5d97f4 No.303731

stand corrected about the mussels, they don't have nearly as much as oysters. oysters are the kings of zinc


>The idea of God is not some jewish trick buddy

the idea that the old testament is true and rabbi yeshua bar yosef is the son of god and rose from the dead and all that is though. I don't like monotheism anyway, a polytheist culture would be cool though. like imagine if you want to have a particularly zesty fugg with the waifu one night, you could go to the temple of Aprodite and leave a steak as an offering or something and in return she would bless your waifu's vag and make it a lil wetter tighter that night. or it could just be the placebo effect; either way, it's cool, it's fun, and it's trad

I definitely dislike the whole "we are born sinners that deserve punishment" and "oh no I thought a bad thought, please forgive me" aspect.. I've been through that 'cause I was catholic up until I was 14. catholic + ocd = awful, never again

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5d97f4 No.303732

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>yeah foxes can make an awful noise at night

fishercats breh

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3450ce No.303733


It was a wall of conversation like when you walk into a busy room, but just for a second.

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f8ce5a No.303734


*prays for you*

im sorry lad… i hope one day you see the light of the Lord

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f8ce5a No.303735



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5d97f4 No.303736

File: 4d2241f1abd487f⋯.webm (1.24 MB,574x382,287:191,evangelicals.webm)


ik it's the worst. well other than evangelical

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f8ce5a No.303737

File: fa655d8bb62065d⋯.jpg (128.74 KB,1170x1170,1:1,sponge.jpg)


unironically spooky

only once?


so your entire religious views are shaped by "muh dik"?

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3450ce No.303738


Yeah. Turned a corner, expecting to see a gathering of people, but nothing there.

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3450ce No.303739

tbh, late at night a while ago I saw a woman in a flowing red garment walking with a menacing gait. Couldn't tell if ghost or lost Muslim.

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f8ce5a No.303740


tell me more lad

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3450ce No.303741


She just kind of walked forward. It was unsettling for some reason.

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f8ce5a No.303742


what was her clothes like

what did she look like

did she even look at you?

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3450ce No.303743


Only looked at it for a split second because I didn't want to be rude and stare.

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f8ce5a No.303744



should have smiled to her

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5d97f4 No.303745

File: 9a2ecbc43faebe2⋯.jpg (56.44 KB,720x718,360:359,9a2ecbc43faebe297c0826d3d3….jpg)


>so your entire religious views are shaped by "muh dik"?

no, I think people should follow the traditional religion of their ethnic group. for the British, this is either Druidism (Brythonic) or Wodenism (Anglo-Saxons). religion is an aspect of culture, not something that's actually true

I don't believe in christianity, it completely relies on the allegedly testimony of those that saw jesus alive after the crucifixion. how can you consider alleged eyewitness testimony 2000 years ago as legitimate evidence? it's ridiculous, that's why they call it faith. and moreover I fundamentally disagree with its moral teachings; it doesn't make logical sense why an all-knowing and loving god would behave in such a way. that's one of the main reasons why I don't believe it, besides the fact that I don't see any reason to in the first place. and because I fundamentally disagree with the christian god, even if it were true, I would reject him

it just seems to me that jesus was some mentally ill jew that created a heretical jewish sect that gained a significant amount of followers, but was rejected by the majority of jews. it spread out of judea and eventually became followed predominately by Europeans. then European world conquest and colonialism happened, spreading christianity, and then Europeans began to abandon christianity (and decrease in population relative to the turd world), so now it's a majority non-white religion

I don't view christianity as a positive despite muh birthrate because it condones miscegenation and opposes the harsh treatment that the other races deserve. I believe in the relentless pursuit of global domination by the white race, I don't care about non-white babies being coathangered or any of that bullshit, these people that think niglets getting coathangered is bad because magic are absolutely delusional. the in-group of christianity is "christians" which includes countless millions of shitskins, and it necessarily has to be their first priority. people should put their ethnic group and their country above everything else, not some stupid kike god that says niggerabortions are evil because magic

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f8ce5a No.303746

File: a70ac2670094d44⋯.png (399.9 KB,438x577,438:577,yum.png)

edgy, dude

hopefully one day you'll wisen up and get out of that teenage phase of atheist/white supremacism

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3450ce No.303747

I think my problem with religion is having to pick one, more than anything. I kind of think it's all true.

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f8ce5a No.303748


This is my belief tbh, some form of perennialism

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82772c No.303749

File: c52c9db63a9cf7b⋯.jpg (351.04 KB,2048x1640,256:205,Jewess 568.jpg)


Why do you post that ethot, if you don't even like her?

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f8ce5a No.303750


Because I'm lonely.

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82772c No.303751

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Alright, makes sense.

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5d97f4 No.303752

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


maybe you can join some music club or something and meet some qt young grill that plays a musical instrument or sings and then you can show off your musical talent and woo her with confident charm?

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f8ce5a No.303753


If only the inner beauty of women was manifest as physical beauty.

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f8ce5a No.303754


y-yeah heh…………….

*plays one chord and gets all the pucci*

she looks cute

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82772c No.303755

File: 0b442b8848297f0⋯.jpg (111.48 KB,750x1334,375:667,Jewess 462.jpg)


The shiksas would all turn ogre, lmao.

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f8ce5a No.303756


>imply they arent already

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82772c No.303757

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2ef311 No.303758


carry a knife

i want to join a choir tbh

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f8ce5a No.303759


want a bowie knife tbh

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2ef311 No.303760

File: baf296df0427ce2⋯.jpg (131.06 KB,724x541,724:541,14523194_559602807567850_3….jpg)


me too tbh although i have a fetish for daggers

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2ef311 No.303761

File: 580c332d5f58c1d⋯.webm (1.36 MB,1920x1080,16:9,MOV_0119.webm)

i wonder if Neo can do this

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3450ce No.303762

Raindrops keep falling on my head

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2ef311 No.303763

File: d7dbf5044ab371c⋯.jpg (969.13 KB,2592x1458,16:9,DSC_0115.JPG)

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808c5a No.303764

File: 39994ab7d5ebeff⋯.jpeg (218.47 KB,750x367,750:367,FC5BA518-E2F6-4E3F-9336-3….jpeg)

*cuts his brakes as he is driving through the mountains*

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2ef311 No.303765


how would you accomplish such a thing, lad?

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882dc1 No.303766


>scared of are local bees

You poof.

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dbb89c No.303767

File: 98f89e06b5f7b5d⋯.jpg (220.62 KB,1125x1500,3:4,f9bf96bf-c235-4fe7-83cf-39….jpg)

morning lads… only one more day of wagecucking till the weekend

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2ef311 No.303768

File: 2eb04980eeed23e⋯.mp4 (8.9 MB,612x344,153:86,tumblr_pgoa0nBlYG1w65rbb.mp4)

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5d97f4 No.303769

File: 43b2cb738391ee4⋯.webm (15.31 MB,1280x720,16:9,vodqt hell march.webm)

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5d97f4 No.303770

File: 11f9bd754027819⋯.mp4 (665.24 KB,854x480,427:240,A_spade_is_a_spade.mp4)

yeah I should prolly go to bed huh, if I go brush my teeth now maybe I can escape wakefulness by 4am

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67eba6 No.303771

Had a really good nights sleep but I had a dream Pembs fell off a cliff so I jumped off after him.

DONT go near any cliffs lad

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67eba6 No.303772


relax time soon lad xx

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67eba6 No.303773

File: 45c8a217fdca01e⋯.jpg (350.47 KB,1280x1800,32:45,1280px-Emperor_Maximiliano….jpg)

Sad this lad died

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67eba6 No.303774

File: df8c04075593fb0⋯.jpg (49.36 KB,540x675,4:5,03Zw3Fz.jpg)

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47305f No.303775


Hope you killed someone before sheathing it lad

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1f1342 No.303777

File: c4054496db83812⋯.jpg (28.97 KB,564x564,1:1,5723ea5f2a881a00e1a903d13b….jpg)


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bc6ace No.303778

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