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/newbrit/ - /brit//politics/

An Exercise in Satire

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All Hail The Bum Bum King!

File: ac6a553ff0ac40b⋯.png (957.04 KB,771x960,257:320,civic.png)

14dcb7 No.296723 [Last50 Posts]

the news sucks again

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14dcb7 No.296724

white women will always be superior btw

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14dcb7 No.296726

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

exciting gameplay trailer for paradox's new grand strategy that will definitely not be buggy or stripped of content for future DLC

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213914 No.296727


>the news sucks again

So does your low-effort thread lad. The quality of these threads keeps getting worse and worse.


>white women will always be superior btw

That goes without saying lad.

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213914 No.296728


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213914 No.296729


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b7bc1f No.296730


been playing stellaris and ngl it's pretty fucking neat

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94e158 No.296731

>bullying creates mentally stable people

Like 95% of trannies were bullied, also lots of soy boys.

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213914 No.296732


*bullies you*

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14dcb7 No.296733

File: 6090564c34ea465⋯.png (514.61 KB,1007x698,1007:698,416080bda20887f8a0a7f1f366….png)


wessex and somethingelse have probably spread more trannyism than anything I have done tbh

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213914 No.296734


>somethingelse has probably spread more trannyism

I have never posted a tranner, condoned it, or said anything positive about it. You're not me lad.

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14dcb7 No.296735

File: bed76ff797a01a9⋯.jpg (2.41 MB,4723x3507,4723:3507,__m1903_springfield_girls_….jpg)


You bully innocent lads which pushes them towards trannyism rather than building their confidence and manhood.

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213914 No.296736


>bully innocent lads

I'm not a bully, I'm a good boy. I hate sin.

>pushes them towards trannyism

They should man up then.

>build their confidence and manhood

You say that as if you are the bastion of encouraging masculinity, despite you doing the exact opposite lad.

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c74c18 No.296737

File: 89ab5884c86c5f3⋯.png (166.21 KB,255x255,1:1,burn.png)

>implying they're not bullied for being trannies and soys, rather than the other way around


also you're a soy if you play parajew games

real men suffer through sven co-op maps built for 32 people with only 2

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c74c18 No.296738

File: fe383f93abe0641⋯.png (27.87 KB,300x250,6:5,DON'T drink up thee zider.png)

that rhubarb and custard cider wasn't too bad, it was basically the same as the toffee apple one, way too sugary to the point that you can't really taste a difference

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1da1c7 No.296739

pls no shitstirring while i'm busy living life

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ad4cfc No.296740


omg same

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562fc2 No.296741

File: 0fb19fef4525c6e⋯.jpg (283.22 KB,993x1200,331:400,DjrAP28VsAA_Hnu.jpg)

another week over, TGI Friday

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c74c18 No.296742

File: 96cb1b6eac7db1d⋯.png (119.46 KB,499x499,1:1,somerpepe1.png)

cider number 2 is thatcher's katy, new to me, but much more traditional than the meme Brothers combinations. A nice tang and a high content, at 7.4%


who are you anyway lad, you've posted nothing but lewd an inappropriate anime a few times in the past couple of threads

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c74c18 No.296743

File: c8cfcdbb21c76bf⋯.png (116.03 KB,973x509,973:509,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c5f49214101f8f5⋯.png (537.16 KB,1278x1181,1278:1181,speechless.png)

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c74c18 No.296744

File: fa8055b166c76b0⋯.png (20.04 KB,405x187,405:187,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 42f60f14bb6b1e9⋯.png (86.34 KB,248x189,248:189,laughing small classic pep….png)

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213914 No.296745

>/sh*t/ is twitter posting

>/newbrit/ is Youtube comment posting

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c74c18 No.296746

File: 69aa80f1f71125c⋯.png (899.84 KB,898x790,449:395,2smartgalaxy.png)


proving once again which is superior

yidtube has only put a 200 character limit on comments made during livestreams, the rest can be intellectual essays like the first one I posted

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3230a6 No.296747



especially given that you yourself should be pursuing civic lasses

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213914 No.296748


Who can be bothered to read though?




>you yourself should be pursuing civic lasses


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ad4cfc No.296749

oooooh shrop you looking good enough to eat

now I just gotta line my stomach

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b7bc1f No.296750


fucking hell that's like the worst thing I've ever read. I'd rather read about dilating than that shit

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3230a6 No.296751

File: 2e51d3d4f43baa4⋯.jpg (92.06 KB,951x888,317:296,2e51d3d4f43baa469a2fcc4073….jpg)

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419261 No.296752


>world wide

Let's expend time, lives, and resources policing what people do on the other side of the world.

Or we could just close the gates.

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bc28bf No.296753

File: fd7950354acff9b⋯.jpg (133.69 KB,666x1024,333:512,civic English lass.jpg)

File: 39c006efda45785⋯.jpg (228.58 KB,1200x900,4:3,civic English lasses.jpg)


Good OP tbh

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c74c18 No.296754

File: 103dca6623c6a96⋯.png (139.19 KB,249x237,83:79,frogvom.png)

absolutely vile

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bc28bf No.296755

File: 126548546edab59⋯.jpg (265.01 KB,1350x801,150:89,1405542597589.jpg)


I'd say he were on to something if it weren't for the fact that women support those policies.

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c74c18 No.296756

File: 925260c8fd33ca1⋯.png (1.39 MB,958x1052,479:526,Gowilla Thernofish.png)

File: 359679b92b3ca4d⋯.png (22.23 KB,646x720,323:360,2rameem.png)


that picture is still stuck in the assumption that women are responsible for themselves and their own thoughts though

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14dcb7 No.296757

File: 94ed11ff9ba6296⋯.png (3.86 MB,1536x2048,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)


based pinkpilled imperium

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bc28bf No.296758


wew how many photos do they have together?


Therein lies the problem. I think I've mentioned this before but I believe we are living through the solution to the Fermi paradox.

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c74c18 No.296759


the great civilisational shit test lmao

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c74c18 No.296760

File: ae18e3313d84430⋯.png (521.13 KB,1024x683,1024:683,mgtowpepes.png)

the thinking manchild's option

*tips fedora*

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3230a6 No.296761


>when the lass looks more masculine than the lad

oh no

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14dcb7 No.296762

File: ddd4473ae0c9e97⋯.png (509.65 KB,600x800,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)


so many and even more on patreon


she holds all the power, it is nature's way

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3230a6 No.296763


>she holds all the power, it is nature's way

complete lie tbh

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419261 No.296764


That's why we need to be allowed to punch women. Only way to make gender relations fair.

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213914 No.296765


>complete lie

In a sense you are correct lad, as it isn't in nature's way. In nature the weak male is killed off as it is best for the species that he does not pass on his defective genes, lest more of his kind emerge.

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419261 No.296766



I could beat like 97% of women in a fist fight.

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213914 No.296767


>I could beat like 97% of women in a fist fight

I would certainly hope so lad. Their bodies are not designed for it.

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419261 No.296768


It's how nature levels the playing field. A woman can be emotionally manipulative, but I can knock her teeth out if I catch her doing it. This is justice, pure and simple.

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213914 No.296769


Justice is an eye for an eye lad, not punching the ever-living stars into a lass because she upset you.

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419261 No.296770


>talk shit

>have your ability to talk shit taken away

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14dcb7 No.296771

File: 81bd33424ecebc7⋯.png (1.02 MB,1127x1300,1127:1300,ClipboardImage.png)

I for one favor matriarchal national socialism.

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419261 No.296772


*slaps your bum

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bc28bf No.296773

File: 266db358d0a9ebe⋯.jpg (236.46 KB,580x563,580:563,pepe lick.jpg)


post them

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3230a6 No.296774

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3230a6 No.296775

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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bc28bf No.296776

File: 25c79e318976577⋯.png (361.06 KB,1895x1181,1895:1181,thinking civilisation.png)


Indeed. Matriarchy is the future of society. Don't be on the wrong side of history lads.

*tries to think of one time a matriarchy didn't get btfo and replaced by a patriarchy*


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213914 No.296777


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213914 No.296778

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Have you found yourself a beautiful wife lad?

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3230a6 No.296779


she's a beautiful wife but not in that sense

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213914 No.296780


>beautiful wife but not in that sense

She has a nice personality?

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3230a6 No.296781


she is the most lovely woman I've ever met and she's incredibly beautiful, but she's not a jevvess

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213914 No.296782


>most lovely woman I've ever met and she's incredibly beautiful

Marry her then lad.

>she's not a Goblin

Is she huwhite?

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bc28bf No.296783


Hey I just saw that picture on /v/, stop browsing over my shoulder smh

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f74de5 No.296784

File: c9df82c156b55a8⋯.png (515.1 KB,615x937,615:937,ClipboardImage.png)

*opens the thread*

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3230a6 No.296785


that's the plan

taigs aren't huwhite

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213914 No.296786


Hello lad. How are you? If you filter him it hides the nasty pictures.


>that's the plan

Good lad.


Good thing she isn't a Taig then.

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3230a6 No.296787


but she is a taig

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f74de5 No.296788

File: e7692da3f5e8ddd⋯.png (1.35 MB,1200x802,600:401,ClipboardImage.png)


I'm alright, dad made me finally make a linkedin account now I need a job :(

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213914 No.296789

File: bd3b7a7b51a4fb6⋯.mp4 (Spoiler Image,3.15 MB,480x270,16:9,England.mp4)

Goodnight lads. Here is a nice video to help you have sweet dreams.


>she is a Taig



>dad made me finally make a linkedin

Before an interview, find out the interviewers name and view their profile on there so they get a notification you've viewed them.

>now I need a job

Be a perpetual student like me lad.

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f74de5 No.296790


>perpetual student

but how do you earn money?

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6d40ba No.296791

File: ebd6bf02b12d929⋯.jpg (177.3 KB,468x431,468:431,chromed.jpg)

sit rep: failed in my quest to get completely smashed but i did almost get there and i'm still irrestible as fuck

good thing daftoid isn't here anymore weil russische madl mi zua vui liabt und du woasst des oda

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16db06 No.296792

File: 23f0220025258c7⋯.webm (3.86 MB,824x720,103:90,noones around to help.webm)

how are lads innit

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b7bc1f No.296793

File: bc81cc5f4002c68⋯.jpg (331.06 KB,770x1000,77:100,1457999589283.jpg)


nah. white women should be chained to the rape racks in the breeding pits and be forced to birth as many white babies as they possibly can while being milked regularly like dairy cows until they die of exhaustion. meanwhile, the sum of all scientific resources should be poured into artificial wombs, genetic engineering, and synthetic breast milk so that 150 IQ 6'5 extremely high test white male philosopher-warrior babies can be pumped out of machines by the tens of millions; they will be educated in all fields, trained for merciless total warfare and indoctrinated into Aryan Jingoism. And then there should be sex robots and robot maids to take care of women's other societal functions. The end result is that white women will be completely obsolete, having been replaced by White Man's ingenuity (thus liberating him from their burden), and may freely be exterminated.

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168292 No.296794

File: 14586164b79651e⋯.webm (1.61 MB,360x640,9:16,1533348506971.webm)

sorry i was bit of a dickhead to you wess

even tho what you said was retarded keeq

been not using computer and feel decent, tho time just suddenly halts, its an overwhelming feel when a day feels like a month, but in the end a good feel

only on here now cos i cant really do anything else i want

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168292 No.296795

>dont eat 2 days

>watch gordon ramsay vid


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419261 No.296796


Now we're talking sense.

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419261 No.296797

File: 748e661e2dafd04⋯.jpg (29.33 KB,460x276,5:3,20130521-091333.jpg)

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419261 No.296798

File: d227055a81e520d⋯.jpg (25.92 KB,320x240,4:3,post-214-1266917578.jpg)


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419261 No.296799

File: 907b6409fe02753⋯.jpg (38.04 KB,754x501,754:501,4-maned-wolf.jpg)

kill them all, tim

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419261 No.296800

File: 7d035d535c22d7d⋯.jpg (291.08 KB,1200x960,5:4,1200px-Maned_Wolf_11,_Bear….jpg)

eat their bones

only way to win

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c74c18 No.296801

File: 92daefbebb834d2⋯.png (131.23 KB,220x340,11:17,absolutely.png)

tbh every post from herts in the past six threads or whatever has been abysmal

daftie was a much better poster and I dislike reading about a richfag turk's attempts at benising things


esoteric cannibalism is the future of british nationalism

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1c8b3b No.296802


but I want a gf

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1c8b3b No.296803


>that cartoon where they eat Thor's rams and one of the boys is naughty and eats the bone so that when they regenerate its leg is broken


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b7bc1f No.296804



he's a communist infiltrator


a custom sex robot with waifu AI would be vastly superior to any biological gf

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1c8b3b No.296805


God no

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213914 No.296806


>how do you earn money?

The same way everybody does lad.

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3067cd No.296807


You're a male escort?

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213914 No.296808


>you're a male escort?

SE not SA smh

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bc28bf No.296809


ngl lad the longer I have a gf the more I believe the MGTOW memes about women

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c74c18 No.296810

File: e8222ad2427742c⋯.png (195.17 KB,700x400,7:4,neetpepe3.png)

saturday sleep-in tbh


I'm rewatching tenner topless gunman lagoon like it's 2010



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3067cd No.296811

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1c8b3b No.296812

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


same tbh. Wholesome time

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1c8b3b No.296813


did you get the wrong type lad

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14dcb7 No.296814

File: 2c0b96e02e4ef6f⋯.jpg (43.41 KB,788x800,197:200,__nishizumi_maho_girls_und….jpg)


america has really ruined white people in general smh

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3067cd No.296815


white people like you

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14dcb7 No.296816

File: 00c56ecc042c55e⋯.png (777.23 KB,840x980,6:7,__itsumi_erika_and_nishizu….png)


white people like every yank poster tbh

I'm doing my best to fix it

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c74c18 No.296817

File: ef15d9261267d79⋯.png (1.08 MB,1280x720,16:9,disabled.png)

>fixing it is leading lads astray, making them homo and crossdressers and demeaning their masculinity

at last I truly see


miniature creatures are abominations lad

and so angry most of the time

poor thing

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c74c18 No.296818

File: 923078decd9c532⋯.png (205.82 KB,404x404,1:1,turnbacktime.png)

thanks for that hitler webm SE

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1c8b3b No.296819


>miniature creatures are abominations lad

>and so angry most of the time

>poor thing

Man no need to bring your dick into this

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3067cd No.296820


but you are a yank poster

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c74c18 No.296821

File: 36ee9f0373092e7⋯.png (70.89 KB,378x357,18:17,laughcry.png)

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14dcb7 No.296822

File: 73a2991f1f91406⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,4.38 MB,2590x3624,1295:1812,__itsumi_erika_and_nishizu….jpg)


I am 100% pure English/Scottish/Welsh/Viking native of the British Isles.

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3067cd No.296823


>cucking dykes


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6acb69 No.296824

>just had almost 3 hour wank

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14dcb7 No.296825

File: 1daeb09fb935c1f⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,773.72 KB,1000x1000,1:1,__itsumi_erika_and_nishizu….jpg)


the boy is just some artist OC so erika will win in the end

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3067cd No.296826


let's hope not

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14dcb7 No.296827

File: d2b5b05768bfe45⋯.png (Spoiler Image,4.42 MB,2953x2079,2953:2079,__itsumi_erika_and_nishizu….png)


too late

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3067cd No.296828


>2 wasted wombs


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14dcb7 No.296829

File: 8caff304a16db8b⋯.jpg (343.07 KB,800x1113,800:1113,__itsumi_erika_and_nishizu….jpg)


They'll just import danish semen like everyone else

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1c8b3b No.296830

File: db158430e08050b⋯.png (903.44 KB,780x518,390:259,ClipboardImage.png)

why could chinkies do this but modern hoomins can't build a wall across murrica?

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6acb69 No.296831


The great wall wasn't built as a single wall all at once but rather several walls built at different times over hundreds of years were merged together

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1c8b3b No.296832

File: 48356979d2df283⋯.jpg (10.53 MB,4288x2848,134:89,The_Great_Wall_of_China_at….jpg)



Shut up

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c74c18 No.296833


IIRC the bit everyone calls the Great Wall was one big project, but there are lots of other massive walls and remains of walls across China that feed into it, because since the dawn of time chinkies have been autistic and determined to play real life age of empires by walling off everything

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1c8b3b No.296834

File: 6dcca45e4ec3b88⋯.png (7.27 MB,2652x2133,884:711,ClipboardImage.png)

man this is so confusing. I guess the broken lines are natural borders or something. Then there is a weird enclosure of purple and pink, and then those light purple walls built further up north in the middle of nowhere. There is barely even anything up there today.

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1c8b3b No.296835

File: 1530f9dd05a553a⋯.png (1.13 MB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Yeah, from the ming dynasty. Look at the size of this

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1c8b3b No.296836


oh.. that's where Beijing is, i am gay

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14dcb7 No.296837

File: f778b1a2b7ff1f0⋯.png (1.81 MB,1100x908,275:227,ClipboardImage.png)

>medieval peasants built this in their spare time

>modern peasants can't even fill in pot holes

time to take the serfpill

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6acb69 No.296838


>Shut up


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c74c18 No.296839


the walls reflect various different state's projects at walling themselves off as well as attempts at walling the entire collective empire off, the ones in the desert to the east were to defend against Tibet who used to be pretty baller an fought china instead of just being ethnically genocided


under the leadership of skilled architects, the amount of math that lads have to do to build anything is insane, especially with structures like that

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c74c18 No.296840

File: a8735c436f731cb⋯.png (86.4 KB,817x443,817:443,tardjak31.png)

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6acb69 No.296841


>>medieval peasants built this in their spare time

Highly skilled craftsmen built that, lad

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1c8b3b No.296842

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Oh it was to protect themselves from terrible CGI monsters with their eyes on their shoulders

>they have a queen

of course

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c74c18 No.296843

File: eacdd9ce9964052⋯.png (719.23 KB,477x750,159:250,megakeek2.png)


movie night please lad

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14dcb7 No.296844

File: a898f6d6126f198⋯.jpg (767.64 KB,1502x1416,751:708,__itsumi_erika_and_nishizu….jpg)


we need supervisors with whips at every roadworks site tbh


they were still smelly commoners

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1c8b3b No.296845


I actually kind of want to, i am gay

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1c8b3b No.296846


when you get to sign the stones you lay in churches and cathedrals you can't be that smelly, right?

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c74c18 No.296847

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


it would increase productivity


do it lad it looks hilarious

like a more technically impressive, chinky version of that one retarded wakanda fight in that avengers film

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1c8b3b No.296848

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's kind of sad how every film of theirs needs weird creature armies fighting, just no suspense. Didn't like it back when they did the first one either.

Impressed by the wakandan tactics though, definitely would beat the romans.

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bc28bf No.296849

File: 04a5db83ec71cad⋯.jpg (108.01 KB,683x1024,683:1024,Imperium 701.jpg)


Is this chinky Lord of the Rings?

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c74c18 No.296850


you mean jewlywood superhero films or chinky ones? because chinkies have plenty of decent historical/semihistorical/fantasy

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1c8b3b No.296851

File: d5c5c21e5e5b393⋯.png (216.32 KB,640x320,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Hollywood, lad, avengers. In the first one the mindless soldiers were aliens, second they were robots and in the third one we had those weird machamps.

>have 4 arms

>not just grappling

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1c8b3b No.296852


what does being Lord of the Rings mean?

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14dcb7 No.296853

File: 47c882e72356da8⋯.png (1.3 MB,802x1200,401:600,__nishizumi_maho_girls_und….png)

Mummy made the mistake of buying two big bags of crisps from M&S yesterday. I normally have really good self control when it comes to food but these will end up being my lunch for the next few days smh.

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bc28bf No.296854

File: 9d4bd3a66f330b4⋯.gif (15.34 KB,400x300,4:3,Abe Simpson.gif)


It happened to me. It'll happen to you too.

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c74c18 No.296855

File: 6e94eca8801e9b0⋯.png (102.27 KB,422x408,211:204,devilaugh.png)


>when you deny the existence of anything prior to the mid-20th century and have no creativity so you just rehash "space alien" every time

based jews


get thicc lass

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c74c18 No.296856

File: 8f7c38e2594cc93⋯.png (347.77 KB,816x684,68:57,ropepepe2.png)

>marks & spencer

neo confirmed for richfag too

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1c8b3b No.296857


>sexualising Neo

I'd never do that

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c74c18 No.296858

File: c5f49214101f8f5⋯.png (537.16 KB,1278x1181,1278:1181,speechless.png)


*looks at your collected OC*

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bc28bf No.296859

File: dca3c111fd1e962⋯.jpg (1.09 MB,1050x1370,105:137,THICK THICK THICK.jpg)


Big fight scene with soldiers at a wall defending against an inhuman horde. Weren't there a bunch of scenes like that in LOTR?


You'd like that wouldn't you?

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c74c18 No.296860


helms deep and minas tirith I guess

don't post granny pants lad

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1c8b3b No.296861



>Big fight scene with soldiers at a wall defending against an inhuman horde. Weren't there a bunch of scenes like that in LOTR?

kek, I guess, but that is kind of what you do when you have a wall, lad.

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14dcb7 No.296862

File: fbcb6e349909b07⋯.jpg (209.22 KB,717x1000,717:1000,__itsumi_erika_nishizumi_m….jpg)


If I could ensure that all the thicc would go to my butt then I would but I still want to hit 9 stone first smh.


We also buy from Waitrose and Morrisons but they're further away. Mummy just likes nice food.


*reports you for harassment*

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213914 No.296863


>two big bags of crisps

>lunch for the next few days

Wew, I'll get through two of those whilst watching the F1 tomorrow.

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c74c18 No.296864

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


multipacks maybe

I get offbrand party bags occasionally but try not to what with the carbs


see science man

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c74c18 No.296865

File: af44a47c637af35⋯.png (644.19 KB,745x782,745:782,gordon.png)

kleiner being a bigger wigger than eli is amusing to me

almost as amusing as half life having a black science man character in the first place

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14dcb7 No.296866

File: 3b50f01c259647e⋯.png (1.51 MB,1457x2125,1457:2125,__darjeeling_and_kay_coco_….png)


I still haven't finished half-life 1 even though I keep wanting to smh. Is it just me or is there something off with aiming guns in that game?

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562fc2 No.296867

File: a168a4215b57bd0⋯.jpg (218.13 KB,1200x1086,200:181,107d29ae-6baa-4d57-9ce5-29….jpg)

hope you're enjoying the weekend lads

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562fc2 No.296868


HL1 ending was a bit peculiar. You're not missing much tbh

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c74c18 No.296869


auto-aim is enabled by default for some reason

we should play sven co-op sometime, it's good fun


I could do without the pictures lad


it's the journey that counts not the ending

at least when it comes to videogames

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1c8b3b No.296870


>it's the journey that counts not the ending

>at least when it comes to videogames

tbh, half-life 2 is probably my most replayed game, just a comfy journey

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14dcb7 No.296871

File: 39280e1e82e1dd5⋯.jpg (397.23 KB,728x900,182:225,__darjeeling_and_kay_girls….jpg)

I got to the end of Black Mesa but that doesn't really count and it didn't have the alien planet in it. At least it was free.

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bc28bf No.296872


>that is kind of what you do when you have a wall

Subhumans throw themselves at it until their bodies are deep enough to climb to the top?

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562fc2 No.296873


HL2 was good from start to finish though


use filter, simple as

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1c8b3b No.296874


>HL2 was good from start to finish though

what do you mean?


What? You were the one talking about LOTR, lad

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562fc2 No.296875


HL1 was the original topic, which was good in parts

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1c8b3b No.296876


where isn't it good, lad?

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c74c18 No.296877

your next words will be "xen"

which is wrong and a shit /v/ meme, xen was great

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562fc2 No.296878


end game was poor

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bc28bf No.296879


Yeah, I just thought it seemed like a similar thing to have in both films.


HL2 wasn't that great a game in hindsight tbh

t. cynic

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1c8b3b No.296880

>watching a Jew talk about design

>suddenly WASP hate out of nowhere

of course


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bc28bf No.296881

File: 0313eac998be208⋯.jpg (59.59 KB,576x768,3:4,billy.jpg)

*eats half a tub of ben and jerries*

I'm getting thicc for ya wessex

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c74c18 No.296882

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


it really wasn't, the story is good if watered down from the original vision, but the enemies are shit to fight, not at all like the hl1 AI

playing bm_sts (pronounced bum STDs) in sven co-op is great because it showcases hl's AI (arena fight where you pick an AI team), whereas the hl2 Obsidian Conflict equivalent shows how the hl2 AI is retarded and literally stands 2 feet away from eachother and just fires away into bullet sponges

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bc28bf No.296883

File: 6f01d2bb063d19d⋯.png (197.94 KB,657x718,657:718,sad frog cut with a glowin….png)

Ah shit just remembered Billy died from all the gayism

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c74c18 No.296884


why would you buy BJ lad, they're so pozzed it probably has AIDs in it

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1c8b3b No.296885



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1c8b3b No.296886




it checks out

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14dcb7 No.296887

File: 4adbfaf3af3691f⋯.jpg (1.16 MB,2052x2235,684:745,1533841723495.jpg)


thicc ass boys are always welcome

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bc28bf No.296888


Because the Iceland own brand ones are shit.


That's rich, lad

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f74de5 No.296889

Terry A Davis died :(

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c74c18 No.296890

File: a664ed3977e75a4⋯.png (1.57 MB,802x854,401:427,terryCIA.png)


/k/ is much less homo these days and more pencil dicked from fucking the bolt cavity of mosins


what, how? wasn't he in prison or a mental ward?

goodnight sweet prince

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bc28bf No.296891

File: 18482c36c347d6a⋯.jpg (97.45 KB,1366x768,683:384,don't let them stop you.jpg)


DONT make me sad

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c74c18 No.296892

File: 3e9a3534b954608⋯.png (663.66 KB,939x774,313:258,ClipboardImage.png)

BIG british lass

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c74c18 No.296893

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

rather nice but that effect overlay just reminds me of korean soap dramas lmao

I guess a lass did make it so that can be excused

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14dcb7 No.296894

File: b4b7bc1c2f1c612⋯.png (277.38 KB,660x600,11:10,1396207954546.png)

>22st finally stopped posting the ben shapiro fortnite video

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c74c18 No.296895


and now he'll post it again

thanks lad

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14dcb7 No.296896

File: f3c03551f78dcf8⋯.jpg (199.87 KB,1000x1453,1000:1453,1469647546568.jpg)


but he won't have any feeling behind the post

he will have realised that he is no longer as amused by it as he was before

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f74de5 No.296897

File: c7ee1a265757c37⋯.png (918.57 KB,997x1200,997:1200,ClipboardImage.png)

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c74c18 No.296898


don't care if he's a spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gables, Searchlight Magazine), such good keks

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1c8b3b No.296899

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

daily reminder tbh

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f74de5 No.296900


he's too stupid to be a spy lmao

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1c8b3b No.296901

Ben, where we at?

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1c8b3b No.296902

File: 3fe8f2cccb14255⋯.png (1.61 MB,1000x1453,1000:1453,ClipboardImage.png)

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c74c18 No.296903


fart nide?


I dunno, it's pretty Hey Rabbi imo

best of luck though, would laugh if he gets more votes than Joe did

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c74c18 No.296904

File: ddb0f30513eced7⋯.png (1.05 MB,1425x765,95:51,ClipboardImage.png)

dynamic jewuo

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475109 No.296905

File: 7351afce28951e9⋯.jpg (46.13 KB,714x476,3:2,Cthulhu20234-1035790927124….jpg)


I really do hope this is all just some big elaborate scheme to get the internet retards harassing Terry off of his and his family's back so he and his family can work together to get his life back in order and himself back into some sort of accommodation. But, sadly I fear this isn't the case and I'm just coming to terms with King Terry's death.

I hope all of those spastics that targeted him last year after the Metokur video are feeling awful about themselves right now, especially the fuckwit(s) pretending to be "Diana" Terry really lost it last summer because of all of the harassment he was getting smh.

F, Terry lad. I know you're bantering with God now and working with him to take down the CIA niggers

Rest in peace.

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c74c18 No.296906

File: 0830b180d4724cb⋯.png (939.31 KB,989x733,989:733,ClipboardImage.png)

the final pozcherry on top of the glittering shit

a shame since the film's a e s t h e t i c is strong

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475109 No.296907

File: 443c86ce47a5c67⋯.jpg (90.78 KB,643x425,643:425,thats a fucking hijab.jpg)

smdh I used to love this show when I was a kid. Now look at it, it's become Thomas the Poz Engine


>The programme’s redevelopment included a collaboration with the UN Department of Public Information’s Creative Community Outreach Initiative to develop content inspired by the Sustainable Development Goals appropriate for a pre-school audience while in keeping with the Thomas And Friends brand.


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14dcb7 No.296908

File: 95bdea489b56640⋯.png (2.35 MB,1400x1400,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


smh lad gross


>UN Department of Public Information’s Creative Community Outreach Initiative

all these words are english but I still feel like I'm reading an indecipherable foreign language

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14dcb7 No.296909

File: 79a454b9087ae4d⋯.png (504.4 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

>that flag

>that diversity

Sadiq eternally BTFO and another resounding victory for the boomer right.

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f74de5 No.296910



>american hybrid flag

>weird balloon

why even bother with anything at this point?

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ad4cfc No.296911

got a good story for you boys later

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475109 No.296912

File: 262760e0c12921a⋯.png (535.93 KB,492x600,41:50,1534130437994.png)


That nose is very anti-Semitic

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c74c18 No.296913


>it's also a tiny shit balloon hired for thousands of dollarpounds

lmao fucksake

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213914 No.296914


>why even bother with anything at this point?

To own the libtards with based black men and dangerous faggots.

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475109 No.296915

File: e80b1a8556b4fcf⋯.jpg (62.86 KB,640x482,320:241,look at it.jpg)

Fresh Ginnie btw


>Police will soon adopt a raft of “enhanced inclusivity” measures including celebrating “culturally-focused events like Black History Month” as forces across Britain are ordered to treat minority representation like a “critical incident”.

I wonder how much this will all cost the taxpayer

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14dcb7 No.296916

File: b4e785ea032dafd⋯.png (554.15 KB,634x443,634:443,ClipboardImage.png)


the perspective makes it look a lot smaller tbf but it's still not big enough to impress from a small distance

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14dcb7 No.296917

File: 4b821c88ae8bfbc⋯.png (544 KB,655x952,655:952,ClipboardImage.png)

Did any of you grow up "in the shadow of the Holocaust?" I've never heard anyone say this before.

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c74c18 No.296918

File: 3bf773863256883⋯.png (283.11 KB,570x806,285:403,jewfast.png)


Yea, though I walk through the shadow of the holocaust, I shall fear no loss of shekels, for jews art with me, thy control of the press and government, they comfort me

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475109 No.296919

File: 37a8f4d1f696417⋯.jpg (241.1 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,mywife2.jpg)


>shadow of the Holocaust

I've never heard anyone say that until today

It sounds good though. I might start using it myself, but not in the same way as that author, more of a "Zionists still have us by the balls thanks to the holohoax" kind of way.

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e7c65d No.296920

>Tea and scones

How's your afternoon going lad?

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e7c65d No.296921

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14dcb7 No.296922

File: 41b17a55f884591⋯.png (380.77 KB,627x853,627:853,ClipboardImage.png)


Just had beans and bacon on toast and now I'm relaxing with a cup of yorkshire tea.

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475109 No.296923

File: 34d51d55e888179⋯.jpg (274.68 KB,1366x2048,683:1024,mywife.jpg)


Bad. I've been waiting 5 hours now for a parcel to be delivered, but it hasn't arrived yet. I cannot do anything like listen to music while I wait because I will not hear the buzzer go off.

It sounds like your afternoon is fairing better than mine is tbh, lad

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c74c18 No.296924


might have some scones too tbh, got some since they were 80p on offer

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14dcb7 No.296925

File: 5ec9d6e6fc6b54c⋯.png (553.68 KB,640x779,640:779,ClipboardImage.png)

prime minister roald dahl villain

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1c8b3b No.296926

File: 9bad1bc085882d9⋯.png (Spoiler Image,1.23 MB,1000x914,500:457,ClipboardImage.png)

You're Wessex. You've just been to the kitchen and grabbed yourself some incredibly disgusting food that you think one would only make up to gross other people out cringe, and then you see this absolute beast lying in your bed.

What do?

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14dcb7 No.296927

File: 3d3f90614137cc2⋯.png (1.49 MB,1140x640,57:32,ClipboardImage.png)

she looks like a giant iguana in a skin suit

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c74c18 No.296928


seems like all of them rolled into one tbh

wasn't dahl a BASED antisemite



>arms bigger than her head

lmao lad why do you look at this stuff

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1c8b3b No.296929


smh what I go through to please you, lad

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213914 No.296930

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14dcb7 No.296931

File: 0cb80cadafd122c⋯.jpg (423.17 KB,868x1228,217:307,__ranma_chan_and_saotome_r….jpg)


That will be wessex after the loneliness drives him to transition. He'll become his own dream girl in the next few years mark my words.


I don't know much about his personal opinions, I just know he liked beating children and hated Tolkien.

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c74c18 No.296932

DON'T project on me ok thankyou


source on tolkien?

from the stuff he wrote he seems alright, I have his 2 biographical books

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14dcb7 No.296933

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Roald Dahl wrote one of his characters as reading a Tolkien book and saying it was boring in one of the stories but I can't remember which one, it's something brought up in this review.

I've never really liked Dahl stories because the concepts are so wacky and mean spirited.

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c74c18 No.296934


I don't remember reading that and I've read them all, I think. Had the complete works growing up.

They're good old fashioned children's stories where horrible things happen but it's all ok in the end because horrible things happen to the baddies as well

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1c8b3b No.296935


yeah I agree. The films creep me out too

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c74c18 No.296936

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Peach and the original Chocolate Factory were great smh

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1c8b3b No.296937


yeah I imagine both you and Neo love the blueberry scene

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c74c18 No.296938

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


why neo? give me the dirt lad

I don't, I'm not dobson

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c74c18 No.296939

File: b875e3f04bc0641⋯.png (648.29 KB,1377x577,1377:577,ClipboardImage.png)

>matrix 2


>the temple

>having a big rock concert/orgy in the temple

>"show the machines we're not afraid by having a big jewish debauchery, as if they care"

bloody eck there's so much poz

the less said about the jew on jew scenes the better

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562fc2 No.296940

File: 306e49923017011⋯.jpg (124.24 KB,858x1200,143:200,f5047beb-cfca-47f9-88e1-bb….jpg)


have u ever seen a film called The Little Prince

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1c8b3b No.296941


She is into transformation in general, not just male to female or female to male

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1c8b3b No.296942


No. Why, lass?

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562fc2 No.296943

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1c8b3b No.296944


Not for me, lad. Why?

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562fc2 No.296945


Creepy stuff from that era. In the end the snake bites him and he dies.

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475109 No.296946

File: 9233d92639f7a9d⋯.jpg (319.09 KB,2048x1232,128:77,572747425.jpg)


expect a few of these on your door tomorrow morning, buddy

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1c8b3b No.296947


Serves him right for hanging with a literal snake smh

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475109 No.296948

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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6d40ba No.296949

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


oh no mr cartoon nazi has btfo me

>richfag turk

Do you actually believe this lmao


>communist infiltrator

Shit you saw through me, I'll tell the lads down at CPBML that newbrit is no longer the future of communism


F my nigga


Please stop posting this shit

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c74c18 No.296950

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


absolutely degenerate smdh


oh no mr worldwide communism has btfo me

I choose to believe it because it's funny, as is your resentment toward a poor skeleton lass who dindu nuffin

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6d40ba No.296951


You know nothing lmao, and it's kind of pathetic if making this shit up is your only source of joy tbh

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c74c18 No.296952

File: d7d916ed0b0aded⋯.png (661.73 KB,500x667,500:667,turkroachanimorphs.png)


sorry lad I can't understand your roach sounds lmao


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1c8b3b No.296953

File: a0b31abe99d7666⋯.png (19.77 KB,722x529,722:529,ClipboardImage.png)



Break it up, lads

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6d40ba No.296954

File: 35b64538c7ebe64⋯.png (444.82 KB,760x736,95:92,abi you what.png)

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c74c18 No.296955

File: 7d50a65f107fe6c⋯.png (11.49 KB,553x613,553:613,really big druid.png)



all in good fun lad

I hope

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14dcb7 No.296956

File: 898cc3753698e7b⋯.png (1.08 MB,1600x1157,1600:1157,ClipboardImage.png)

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1c8b3b No.296957


this can't be legal

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6d40ba No.296958


you horny on main

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c74c18 No.296959

put a bangin burqa on it

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6d40ba No.296960

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

wess arguing on the internet is autistic, let's be friends and appreciate this belter, what do you say

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c74c18 No.296961

File: 33276cc8117a4b4⋯.png (566.88 KB,620x509,620:509,civic gamer hitler.png)


sorry lad but arguing and getting angry at things I can't change is the only reason I exist

>jewish song


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475109 No.296962

File: e17b15112b1644f⋯.png (2.16 MB,2480x1748,620:437,__ump45_and_ump9_girls_fro….png)

We should all be friends here tbh. And Herts isn't harming any of us here in the UK, he's in Germany where he belongs.

Also, I have some very good news for all of you…

I haven't spoken to my German bf in over a week. That's a whole week without gayism! Impressive, I know.

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c74c18 No.296963

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



You a real filtered

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6d40ba No.296964


alri fam

>>jewish song

yeah I know lel they're good at this stuff


ah, jeez

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14dcb7 No.296965

File: 646119596351b37⋯.png (301.84 KB,600x600,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


they're both adults, what's so wrong about some post-marital affection?


aaawwww hope you aren't lonely lad

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475109 No.296966

File: 26fe8c96dbba93e⋯.png (361.19 KB,600x600,1:1,1535706576845.png)

I just wanted to let you all know I was doing well

gonna go lift tbh as part of my repentance

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1c8b3b No.296967

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


When do you want to watch it, lad?

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c74c18 No.296968


when's good for you?

Could do tomorrow evening, gives time to announce it

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1c8b3b No.296969


prefer tonight, tomorrow is the day before work smh.

anything between 19:00 and 20:00

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23a85e No.296970


it's 'cause they're right next to Mongolia. the golden horde conquered a huge chunk of eastern Europe and that's like thousands of miles away, imagine being right next to it. mongols literally conquered the whole chinkistan, Yuan Dynasty




nice. love tall grills T B H


>baste nigger in a MAGA hat

every fucking time, I hate blumpftards

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c74c18 No.296971

>using nunchucks to beat the drums faster



eight as standard then?

will announce every hour


they were building walls before the mongols lad, it's an animal instinct for them

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c74c18 No.296972

that is 8gmt

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1c8b3b No.296973

File: b260d755a052c16⋯.png (954.22 KB,536x879,536:879,ClipboardImage.png)

*chokes you out*

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1c8b3b No.296974


it's 8 British time, we're British

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c74c18 No.296975

ah dammit whose got the animal instinct remove kebab memi, I could edit that


is it still BST? I don't even know tbh

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1c8b3b No.296976

File: 8a4271b8f0b4ce1⋯.png (13.99 KB,504x379,504:379,punch.png)


Jesus Christ how can you complicate something so easy

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23a85e No.296977

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

man I fell asleep at like 4:30am last 'night' and woke up at like 12:20pm today, still felt good to lie there but I forced myself outta bed so when mummy gets home from toil she won't know that I slept all day


they eat literally everything. gutter oil, plastic rice, critically endangered tiger nuts and shark fins, their own daughters' aborted fetuses, etc.

china used to be incredibly biodiverse but the han chinese ATE all of the cool species to extinction and slaughtered/assimilated all the other ethnic groups in the region so all that's left is the extremely homogeneous chinks with 100 different chineseface.jpg to choose from when a baby is born and a couple hundred or thousand panda bears

I fucking hate the chinese, koreans, and vietnamese. they should all be butchered down to the last infant

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c74c18 No.296978

File: 1cb414e7a094c50⋯.png (538.61 KB,1125x649,1125:649,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7130502c50f7179⋯.png (116.49 KB,450x362,225:181,ClipboardImage.png)

really hate the niggers with katanas meme, jews should stop pushing it

niggers should use authentic nigger weapons like the "what the fuck is this why did you weld 8 swords together at different angles" sword


2 hours lad

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1c8b3b No.296979


You're so violent, lad

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1c8b3b No.296980


>they even put MUH DICK on their weapons

I guess since it is a throwing weapon they probably think more edges and shit will be more sure to hit with a pointy bit… or it's really just a symbolic thing

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23a85e No.296981


they eat cats and dogs

all of the non-whites races should be exterminated tbf. thicc-spiccs can have their tubes tied and be conscripted into sex slavery for aryan NEETs with good taste. maybe japs can be spared but they must be quarantined to their islands (no space exploration) and must produce anime and vidya perpetually for free and also like 100,000 sterilized top quality sex slave tribute annually

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1c8b3b No.296982


>2 hours lad

Yeah. Announce it already

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1c8b3b No.296983


I'm not even sure if you're joking, lad.

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23a85e No.296984

File: 39152746789a3f8⋯.png (13.93 KB,209x282,209:282,23513310bbb45b64850ae86ee6….png)


why would I be joking?

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23a85e No.296985

File: 0977baaa3d5d169⋯.png (59.72 KB,1083x935,1083:935,attempt.png)

should have posted this, kek

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23a85e No.296986

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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c74c18 No.296987

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.








Feat. two confused vikings or something









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23a85e No.296988


>that link


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c74c18 No.296989

File: 18fcf97b8edc24a⋯.png (131.56 KB,1041x519,347:173,ClipboardImage.png)

me chinese

me velly smalt

me pay white man all my yuan

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c74c18 No.296990

File: 1ee4c518b18d5b9⋯.png (888.12 KB,644x794,322:397,zhugecart.png)


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23a85e No.296991


>burger king

that's weird, burger king was involved in one of my dreams last night in some way, that's all I remember

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6d40ba No.296992

File: 76db4b9806ba3f5⋯.png (645.13 KB,708x955,708:955,ClipboardImage.png)

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14dcb7 No.296993

File: 82fa63bc6309ece⋯.png (509.92 KB,551x793,551:793,__ranma_chan_and_saotome_r….png)

sleepy already smh

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c74c18 No.296994


watch chinkies with us lad, it'll keep you awake to hear their Bongo Bongo Landant foreign nattering

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1c8b3b No.296995


Wessex wants you, lass, now you have to watch with us

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419261 No.296996


The kvetching over this film was ridiculous.

>we have to stop Chinese film makers from freely choosing to work with American actors

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14dcb7 No.296997

File: bc708115a1e6036⋯.png (1.76 MB,1447x2047,1447:2047,ClipboardImage.png)



Already watching a film with someone else, sorry lads.

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419261 No.296998


I've considered sneaking out at night and filling the holes with concrete before. People would do that a lot more if they were allowed to. Not sure if that would be a good thing or not, because plebs would be filling up the roads with god knows what.

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1c8b3b No.296999

File: 7be9af1b53abff1⋯.png (160.79 KB,480x360,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


thanks for not inviting us, lass.

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6d40ba No.297000

File: 16f138ea9fa330a⋯.png (160.89 KB,540x291,180:97,ClipboardImage.png)

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c74c18 No.297001

File: f5a602c1eda3615⋯.png (79.2 KB,255x255,1:1,comfy1.png)

this is gonna be comfy

I've prepared hot choccy, cold milkshake, cold water, a jug of water cold which will go lukewarm, dindins and scones for after

it's been so long since the last film night

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c74c18 No.297002

File: c0e3a24289f38a1⋯.png (485.64 KB,3516x2264,879:566,chinkpepe3.png)


lmao poor chinkies

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419261 No.297003


That's some banta.

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1c8b3b No.297004


why so many fluids, lad?

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c74c18 No.297005

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


because hail hydrate

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c74c18 No.297006

the hot choc is kind of vile tbh

didn't realise I got some shite cadbury instant just add hot water stuff instead of real powder smh

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475109 No.297007

File: 010003ebf1f7d1e⋯.jpg (64.08 KB,900x599,900:599,1535804632525.jpg)

for fuck's sake lads I just hope it was quick, I really do

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1c8b3b No.297008

File: df78b72c60e2db4⋯.png (500.58 KB,620x620,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


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475109 No.297009

File: 63b3da4e7b887c0⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,125.92 KB,1800x1200,3:2,25772.jpg)

File: 995dd138a90bcf5⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,126.43 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,257277.jpg)

File: 3c281b91ad27619⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,89.45 KB,960x1440,2:3,25612562.jpg)

File: f03a02d32f55c69⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,243.32 KB,1920x1280,3:2,5762752727.jpg)


here ya perv

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c74c18 No.297010

File: 478279e564de39f⋯.png (3.9 MB,1256x1484,314:371,JOSU.png)

I added TWO SCOOPS and now it tastes like chocolate poo

mr cadburystein, why


that looks incredibly unnatural and painful

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1c8b3b No.297011


why isn't there a bubble forming in the water on the fourth one?

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c74c18 No.297012

File: eb5c742226b2c2d⋯.png (34.26 KB,284x291,284:291,chinkjakopium.png)

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1c8b3b No.297013

File: 06efd7ff24a30de⋯.png (564.34 KB,780x439,780:439,ClipboardImage.png)


I love that despite them all being so colourful the Europeans still look grey, brown and dirty like your typical hollywood medieval film

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c74c18 No.297014


whitu piggu not know seclet of creaning crothes

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419261 No.297015


I kind of like this. It's almost a return to the kinds of adventure stories we used to have that portrayed the outside world of a place of wonder and mystery. The stories we aren't allowed to write now because that's racist too, apparently.

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c74c18 No.297016

>ice cream man playing his song at 8pm in the dark

must be a drug dealer


come watch then lad

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419261 No.297017


Nah, I'm doing other things. Seen bits of it already anyway.

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c74c18 No.297018


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c74c18 No.297019

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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1c8b3b No.297020

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475109 No.297021

File: fa58f0d87ca9e52⋯.jpg (751.79 KB,4096x4096,1:1,4616416.jpg)

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16db06 No.297022

File: fe93a8784b0dbe7⋯.webm (6.25 MB,960x432,20:9,nanking.webm)

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1c8b3b No.297023


i am gay did you know I love it?


I also love this

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475109 No.297024

File: 5336e148993c61e⋯.jpg (36.4 KB,585x585,1:1,1535827760413.jpg)


My god the Japs were so much cooler back then. Now they're just fucking gay ass twinks that produce anime. I guess getting two nukes dropped on your ass kinda does that to you though

Good webm though


I hope we get lots more Shapiro x Fortnite maymays tbh

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16db06 No.297025

File: cc0ee4690ea6b73⋯.webm (2.85 MB,1280x544,40:17,burning flag jump.webm)


>japan before anime

webm much related

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c74c18 No.297026



that webm is part of a propaganda film for somewhere and didn't actually happen smh

you can tell by the wierd retarded crab walking and also some actual citations somewhere

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1c8b3b No.297027


It's cool, lad

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475109 No.297028

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


tbh thinking about those two nukes, they did bring us song related

But I want the old Japan back smh


who cares it's cool

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419261 No.297029


>tfw no harem of wacky virile characters to molest

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475109 No.297030

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I've seen enough of the anime to warrant myself avoiding it tbh

But the songs that came from it are nice

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419261 No.297031


I want Monkey to bully me, and then bully her back.

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475109 No.297032

File: 444dcf3d1b4a9e0⋯.png (464.48 KB,752x768,47:48,1535831684546.png)


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475109 No.297033

File: a5cdd9f5b7e1bb7⋯.jpg (33.96 KB,640x360,16:9,414234.jpg)


Would she really like that though?

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c74c18 No.297034

File: e1a28d233c4d046⋯.png (565.83 KB,604x994,302:497,alatristecuck.png)

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419261 No.297035


She's teasing. She wants it.

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475109 No.297036

File: 60856d471c4f1a7⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,343.96 KB,2048x1350,1024:675,1535832924840.jpg)

Don't open unless you really hate John McCain

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c74c18 No.297037

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ahh that was a hilariously bad and yet technically impressive film

you lads should have watched it

it looks like we might be watching Dragon Blade next friday which is similar b ut even more CIVIC and has jackie chan in it

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562fc2 No.297038

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23a85e No.297039

File: 622d6ed05a15044⋯.png (186.28 KB,273x402,91:134,insane mccain milkers.png)

File: d5952bf73e3d5dd⋯.jpg (57.82 KB,1100x733,1100:733,breasticles.jpg)


his daughter is thicc

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ec7d28 No.297040

File: 3eaaf72de4f8e15⋯.gif (1.96 MB,245x245,1:1,8d4c3f03abee3777af1b5044fc….gif)

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419261 No.297041


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419261 No.297042

File: 18b1b759e5e922e⋯.gif (31.15 KB,200x200,1:1,lilith.gif)

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2ab788 No.297043

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Why haven't I watched this before? I've had this thing in my suggestions for a few months and it is only now I've watched this.

Wops are the masterrace now.

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2ab788 No.297044

File: 062115260a904dc⋯.jpg (92.98 KB,1000x1000,1:1,762f339a688975bc7ecf69e623….jpg)

>she has tattoos now


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2ab788 No.297045


also wops are the worst race now, along with the french

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eb91ac No.297046


still a qt tbh

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e27a66 No.297047


Imagine those nasty French farts

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eb91ac No.297048

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2ab788 No.297049


wet woppers, as they say ;^)

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419261 No.297050

File: 6207b742f1a65bd⋯.jpg (31.61 KB,640x446,320:223,4.jpg)

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e27a66 No.297051


Have to be careful when farting so that creamy fatty goose liver doesn't escape

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2ab788 No.297052

File: 39093eb8e347520⋯.png (502.54 KB,1280x720,16:9,16.png)

>tfw reading old threads and posts having a genuinely fun time

haha, why'd i stop posting for so long.

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e27a66 No.297053


We watched a film yesterday tbh, god it was shit, but we expected shit… and it was a bigger shit than we imagined

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419261 No.297054

File: 2f4fd0855ee7748⋯.jpg (105 KB,1280x718,640:359,laughing hoighty toight.jpg)

is there anything better than a good stock image?

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419261 No.297055

File: 7301171f4fb6ac8⋯.jpg (90.17 KB,752x670,376:335,ill fuckin deck you.jpg)

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2ab788 No.297056

File: 43082a7e199a968⋯.png (163.33 KB,379x373,379:373,43082a7e199a9688c42a02df7b….png)


Speaking of shows; the reason why I came back, looking through old threads, in the first place was to find the name of the show that this guy belongs to:

Do you know it?

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419261 No.297057


Limmy's Show, m8

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e27a66 No.297058


Limmy I think

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e27a66 No.297059

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2ab788 No.297060



Thanks, guys :)

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419261 No.297061

File: a76014b04baa7e1⋯.jpg (37.26 KB,300x448,75:112,a76014b04baa7e145d698415aa….jpg)


>This video contains content from LDS, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.

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419261 No.297062

File: 6916a19b1911220⋯.jpg (82.28 KB,1300x956,325:239,stock-photograph-of-a-asia….jpg)

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e27a66 No.297063


pay the licence, lad

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419261 No.297064

File: 8686a25b1ed4e90⋯.jpg (87.83 KB,1300x957,1300:957,online-robber-17098197.jpg)

File: f81c7bb26f16523⋯.jpeg (333.25 KB,1500x983,1500:983,f81.jpeg)

File: 3373c0355a9b64a⋯.jpg (7.12 KB,225x225,1:1,download.jpg)

File: 1082770c9124fa3⋯.jpg (30.25 KB,450x378,25:21,stock-photo-still-being-a-….jpg)

I keep finding good ones

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2ab788 No.297065

File: 77bdf8c1f729399⋯.png (10.22 KB,246x255,82:85,7bbe7a872b0a63a3faec22aad7….png)


am i on facebook?

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419261 No.297066

File: 7745d6f3fde63aa⋯.jpg (127.61 KB,608x420,152:105,stock-image-our-pick-of-th….jpg)


literally never used facebook, tbh

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419261 No.297067

File: a0b54eaf6faee00⋯.jpg (61.84 KB,600x478,300:239,207918_stock-photo-angry-s….jpg)


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419261 No.297068

File: ea98dc7a7c309a2⋯.jpg (352.65 KB,1024x1018,512:509,870715014-1024x1024.jpg)

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419261 No.297069

File: e2bb823ef8a1052⋯.jpg (206.23 KB,1024x683,1024:683,157696529-1024x1024.jpg)

Angry old woman with rolling pin is fast becoming my favourite catagory

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419261 No.297070

File: fd6278e7d23e1dd⋯.jpg (316.31 KB,1024x682,512:341,875222634-1024x1024.jpg)

The Deanoist baby I've ever seen.

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eb91ac No.297071

File: d55039aa1f60048⋯.jpg (103.17 KB,540x750,18:25,e962c58e03ae116df1a4c94241….jpg)

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e27a66 No.297072

File: 17da85a387f9a36⋯.png (13.45 MB,3456x2304,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

>tfw no thicc wall

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419261 No.297073

File: f139e7b5c122123⋯.jpg (208.2 KB,1024x682,512:341,830588220-1024x1024.jpg)

File: a7465b8471d5d4e⋯.jpg (199.65 KB,1024x682,512:341,830588270-1024x1024.jpg)

Look at this little dickhead lol. I love him.

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419261 No.297074

File: e688c4b0804c9e3⋯.jpg (269.27 KB,1024x1024,1:1,877227446-1024x1024.jpg)

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419261 No.297075

File: dd48dd40839b534⋯.jpg (282.95 KB,1024x683,1024:683,146735921-1024x1024.jpg)

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16db06 No.297076

File: 67003ea9e162eb2⋯.png (397.18 KB,800x320,5:2,Dont settle.png)

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419261 No.297077


no taste

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213914 No.297078

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

yeehaw pardner

I hope you enjoyed church this morning lads.

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16db06 No.297079


where do you live where church has been and gone already

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213914 No.297080


>where do you live where church has been and gone already

England. Church is at eight o'clock.

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2ab788 No.297081

File: dac8eceafbbf452⋯.jpg (55.72 KB,1080x969,360:323,Jewess 510.jpg)

I wish I could stay up and post with you guys again, but it's 2:40am and I'm tired as fuck.


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2ab788 No.297082

File: b34bb693c682415⋯.jpg (60.65 KB,768x1024,3:4,Jewess 565.jpg)

catch you on the flip-side, homies. gotta hustle them Zzz's

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16db06 No.297083


thats mental

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eb91ac No.297084

File: 19cf102485390a9⋯.jpg (54.55 KB,500x750,2:3,e864f5c558a7cc0a655723bfda….jpg)

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2ab788 No.297085

File: bc6abf5f34da934⋯.jpg (39.7 KB,480x480,1:1,Jewess 472.jpg)


good night, gentile friend.

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213914 No.297086


It's as if the Commonwealth means nothing to you lad. :-(


>that's mental

How so lad?

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2ab788 No.297087

File: cdf45cdc60f61aa⋯.jpg (15.64 KB,404x315,404:315,Jewess 533.jpg)


I'm sorry ;__;

I really wish I hadn't been absent for so long, and coming back feels really nice, but a boyim's gotta sleep.

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c74c18 No.297088

File: 48439c51d09bdf8⋯.png (346.32 KB,841x623,841:623,laugh2.png)


>literally a pile of sand faced with bricks

>not even made by actual niggers, probably designed and built by middle eastern a-rabs

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e27a66 No.297089


You suddenly got something against thicc now, lad?

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e27a66 No.297090

File: 31af8e1d4dca411⋯.png (2.27 KB,418x408,209:204,2f4ff18bb37ef8304e61d96eb9….png)

>cannons meant the end of even thicc walls


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14dcb7 No.297091

File: 3398cd930e8b3a0⋯.jpg (325.98 KB,1328x2000,83:125,1395544471154.jpg)


wessex would never turn against a thicc lass he'd sooner become one

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c74c18 No.297092

File: 5bc8f9109c860f4⋯.png (1.94 MB,1200x797,1200:797,ClipboardImage.png)


when it comes to pointing and laughing at things blacks do


akshually they just became even more thicc and slumped

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c74c18 No.297093

File: 98ffb26f7c2a075⋯.png (11.09 KB,604x608,151:152,pointer4.png)


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eb91ac No.297094


jewperium tbh

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e27a66 No.297095


and then rifled cannons and explosive shells ended even them smh

are they even thicc? Looks like they are made of dirt smh

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c74c18 No.297096

File: 8bd9aec6dba5e31⋯.png (1.04 MB,960x540,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


this pic is a fort from the american civil war

actually lad the star fort remains the best large scale defensive emplacement to this day, it's just that nobody needs to use them what with the fashion for skirmishing, rifling on cannons is irrelevant and explosive mortar shells were around in the 18th century

yeah they are, dirt faced with concrete because dirt is great vs cannons

big thick mathematically precise mounds of dirt calculated to rebound and deflect shot

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eb91ac No.297097


>wessex not wanting to see a fat lass

smh Neo's trannyism has worked on you already

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c74c18 No.297098

>modern forts are just big sandbag perimeters because durkadurkas can't into effective shelling range



they always post uggos and anyway it's more about neo >implying things

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1c8b3b No.297099


Then why were they replaced by polygonal forts, lad?

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14dcb7 No.297100

File: 55e86c4431c04a9⋯.jpg (94.89 KB,1000x750,4:3,1384137270234.jpg)

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eb91ac No.297101

spoiler your piggies tbh

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14dcb7 No.297102


don't bully wessie smh

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c74c18 No.297103



ya got me

they're basically the same thing but don't need the outcroppings because they probably wouldn't need to defend against infantry assault until it's completely destroyed


still immoral

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213914 No.297104


>why were they replaced by polygonal forts, lad?

More space to put big guns on.

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536038 No.297105

File: 51d127e876f7f0f⋯.jpg (78.66 KB,850x400,17:8,3a7525e813421ef41f22189659….jpg)

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c74c18 No.297106

File: d3544f8640edd95⋯.png (615.98 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

>this was built in 1860

lmao palmerstone you tard

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1c8b3b No.297107


Wikipedia says it became obsolete because of armoured ships, why is that? Because you needed bigger more powerful guns than it could fit to damage such ships?

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c74c18 No.297108


wikiped is retards

it was obsolete when built because it's in a literally medieval style with that tall profile and straight walls

the cannon it mounted were also smaller yeah, not like the huge late empire ones that needed cranes to load

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419261 No.297109


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213914 No.297110

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Is it flats or one big house nowadays?

>literally medieval style with that tall profile and straight walls

Resembles the broadside of a ship.

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1c8b3b No.297111


the side towards the sea looks like those sea forts and american forts tbh

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14dcb7 No.297112

File: 4d4e81ab84bee43⋯.png (1.21 MB,1036x1450,518:725,ClipboardImage.png)

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16db06 No.297113

File: a6f9c8b9ea01c77⋯.jpg (50.1 KB,1079x447,1079:447,Capture1.JPG)


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16db06 No.297114

File: 7a5492206d3e63a⋯.jpg (79.39 KB,1075x389,1075:389,Capture.JPG)


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c74c18 No.297115


he's strong

he's powerful

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1c8b3b No.297116

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16db06 No.297117

File: 1e51b2a69199a18⋯.webm (2.09 MB,960x540,16:9,Dorset Wave.webm)

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213914 No.297118

My laptop is making a very loud whirring noise, I think it may be dying. :-(

What laptop do you recommend I get to replace it?

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c74c18 No.297119


an actual computer

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213914 No.297120


>an actual computer

Don't want a computer.

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213914 No.297121

What's the difference between a 2.5 and a 2.3 GHz CPU?

What is an SDD, a HDD and a hybrid?

Are more processors good and is Intel Core I5 good? Mine is core I7 whatever that means.

What is DDR4 SDRAM?

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3067cd No.297122

File: 8252e6f564c6e8c⋯.jpg (57.03 KB,564x846,2:3,f81ad74475df571d934fb8ce12….jpg)

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14dcb7 No.297123

File: 48e956ea6692601⋯.png (260.89 KB,658x603,658:603,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 83d27be8cbb66f1⋯.png (239.84 KB,656x577,656:577,ClipboardImage.png)

McCain made all of us better.

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3067cd No.297124


>all the worst presidents love neocon patient zero

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14dcb7 No.297125

File: 2bc19275effb950⋯.png (704.01 KB,1333x750,1333:750,__boudica_fate_grand_order….png)

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562fc2 No.297126

File: 497b5f5cd946346⋯.jpg (509.21 KB,1600x2383,1600:2383,white_background_Fate_Gran….jpg)

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c74c18 No.297127

why though

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1c8b3b No.297128


>tfw no purple-eyed albino gf

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562fc2 No.297129


google kyrielight for more

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1c8b3b No.297130


don't really care for this particular character design, lad, but thanks

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14dcb7 No.297131

File: 96f295a41ee0187⋯.png (682.19 KB,655x937,655:937,ClipboardImage.png)

>having a pop concert in the ruins of synagogues

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6d40ba No.297132

File: 77a3f936e73b44e⋯.png (2.57 MB,1200x1797,400:599,ClipboardImage.png)

>There is no human power capable of stopping an independent Ukraine, torn from Russia, from becoming a playground for the criminal classes of the entire world, for whom there is very little room left in their own countries; capitalists in search of capital, industrialists, technicians, dealers, speculators, men of intrigue, and the initiators of every possible form of prostitution: Germans, French, Belgians, Italians, the English, the Americans—they would all find favor amongst the local Russians, Poles, Armenians, Greeks and, above all, amongst the most important of groups in Ukraine: the Jews. An independent Ukraine would pull in all of the powers of the world and rival the League of Nations for the amount of international interests that would swarm over the country. All of these dynamics, with help from the more clever and self-interested of the Ukrainians, would become the elite of the new nation-state. It would be a unique elite, because no other country on Earth except for an independent Ukraine could claim for itself such an international motley crew of knaves.

>Ukraine would become a cancer on all of Europe; those who would dream of creating a cultured, healthy and strong Ukrainian nation, able to mature within its own state, would soon find that instead of their own state, they actually live in an international corporation, and instead of healthy progress, they will be the victims of destruction and rotting.

>He who believes that given Ukraine’s geography and its scope, and the state in which the Ukrainian element finds itself, with its spiritual and material resources, and above all given the role that the Ukrainian question plays in the global politics of the world—he who believes that things in Ukraine would develop otherwise than what I predict—does not have one single ounce of imagination.

>The Ukrainian Question has many advocates, both in Ukraine itself and beyond its borders. Amongst the latter there are many who know very well what it is that an independent Ukraine will lead to. There are also those who regard the issue with excess casualness. These naïve people would do better if they kept their hands off Ukraine.

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c74c18 No.297133

File: e5fee77246a2ad5⋯.png (381.14 KB,550x366,275:183,timeandpepe.png)

>5 o clock already

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213914 No.297134


>>5 o clock already

Wew, time flies by when having fun.

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536038 No.297135

went for a walk with daddy in the local nature reserve. didn't see any water voles or pikes but the weather is so lovely

i didnt bring my phone so no pics

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536038 No.297136

i want a dog so bad

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213914 No.297137


>i want a dog so bad

Same, could then go on lovely walks with it.

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213914 No.297138

Thanks for the laptop recommendation lads.

smh you're supposed to be nerds

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1c8b3b No.297139


nerds don't use laptops, only dummies like my boss

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213914 No.297140


I don't want a computer, too much effort which is why I have an Xbox.

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1c8b3b No.297141


what effort is a computer? I'm a lazy NEET at heart but I have a computer

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1c8b3b No.297142


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475109 No.297143

File: 145142920ac6532⋯.gif (956.79 KB,480x480,1:1,1535823143645.gif)


>What's the difference between a 2.5 and a 2.3 GHz CPU?

next to bugger all

>What is an SDD, a HDD and a hybrid?

I assume you meant "SSD and not "SDD", right? Get a small SSD and install your operating system on it, you'll be amazed at how much faster your laptop will boot with an SSD. That's if you're currently not using one

And get a HDD to install everything like programs, movies and games etc etc since HDDs are so much cheaper

>Are more processors good

Depends on what you're doing. For example; Streamers usually buy a processor with more cores because of how much shit they have to run on their computers. So streamers usually go for an i7 or the AMD equivalent

You might be good with a modern i5, but you have an i7, so go with an i7, I guess. But, yes, more cores = more power

>What is DDR4 SDRAM?


Don't buy below DDR4

Also if you're looking at what processor to get then get one(intel) with a "k" at the end of the number(Example; i5 8600k). This means the processor is unlocked and you'll be able to overclock it. For example; 2.5GHz can become 3.0GHz. Just learn how to overclock before you fuck around

hope that helps

Get a desktop


>6 o'clock already

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c74c18 No.297144

File: 7fb1e4fc36ad20b⋯.png (492.24 KB,668x637,668:637,chinkywalls.png)

better late than never

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1c8b3b No.297145


top i am gay. It kind of makes them look like pussies

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a9d7c7 No.297146



go for AMD processor and graphics. not as good as Intel NVIDIA but not as yidd

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536038 No.297147

File: 64cbc4efd8a4234⋯.jpg (90.73 KB,1283x900,1283:900,11894986_10153535716734621….jpg)


everyone builds walls lad, defending your territory is an integral primal instinct.

also what is this "i am gay" business about

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475109 No.297148


cant argue with this tbh. I'm going with an AMD processor soon

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168292 No.297149

File: 88861f76273d6eb⋯.png (318.17 KB,368x579,368:579,ahhhhh.png)

decided to get a bus into town just to walk around

absolute filth, just drunkards everywhere, homeless, rubbish, etc

walked like 15 miles to get home too after bus driver said my ticket ran out even tho it was the same day because bus company thinks its a good idea to reset tickets at 4am, i shall not be getting a bus ever again, not that i really do

my feet are sore af

blessed be SPAR for being the only place open just in time for me to get a drink

coming back home the police were trying to stop people climbing rocks that thousands of people have done before so i told em to fuck off

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2ab788 No.297150

File: 643d050e07413b1⋯.jpg (118.72 KB,675x1200,9:16,Jewess 416.jpg)

morning everyone

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168292 No.297151


makes you realise how many human instincts are just gone

like instinctively knowing what food is good or poison

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168292 No.297152



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a9d7c7 No.297153


stop posting that slut Dorset, you're making me like her



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c74c18 No.297154

File: f71236a990c52e4⋯.png (402.49 KB,432x389,432:389,56jew.png)


mmmmmm repackaged industrial runoff

it says it 's good for you on the packet and they wouldn't lie

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475109 No.297155

File: 23de5043c03a927⋯.png (249.31 KB,357x343,51:49,23de5043c03a927a7ad12837dd….png)


Women don't understand how male lust actually operates. Women think that men experience women as "the Beautiful," as something pleasant and trifling that can be enjoyed at a distance and then allowed to pass on. They think that a picture of themselves wearing clothing that shows off all their fat and all their soft skin and warm nice holes is like a postcard with a picture of a beach on it. But to men, female beauty is not the Beautiful, it's the Sublime, it's not trifling but great and terrible, and it stirs something great and terrible and daemonic in man's subterranean depths that impels him forward to fuck things from roughly below and behind the prostate area.

When a man sees a picture of a beautiful sexy woman he feels half a million years of race knowledge thrumming in his veins, an infinity of sexy women reaching around behind themselves to spread their asscheeks and pussy apart with one hand and say "fuck me." He hears the drums from the movie Jumanji, his soul tangibly but invisibly leans forward outside of him grasping desperately for the pussy and gnashing its teeth. He wants to taste her holes and squeeze her fat and smell that combination of smells girls have that when you ask them what it is they say it's just normal shampoo and fabric softener but you know it's something more.

It's not fair to post these hot sluts constantly. I'm going to kill myself if I can't escape from this feeling soon. Women don't understand what they're doing. I saw a girl on a bicycle yesterday and I started thinking about what it would be like to be a bicycle seat for 10 minutes.

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c74c18 No.297156

pretty sure you posted that before lad

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475109 No.297157


I'm not denying it

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a9d7c7 No.297158


>from roughly below and behind the prostate area.

girls don't have prostates ya poof

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1c8b3b No.297159


ke.ek is filtered to i am gay

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536038 No.297160


cant tell if this is a copypasta or not but i agree in a certain sense, i have a friend who just sends me pics of beautiful girls all the time and i hate it



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2ab788 No.297161

File: 5716be175a98eff⋯.mp4 (733.04 KB,720x1280,9:16,Jewess 450.mp4)


wew lad, 10 minutes?

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c74c18 No.297162

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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168292 No.297163

File: 6699712b1b7d2b9⋯.png (335.62 KB,358x465,358:465,wink.png)


i'm sorry lad


mmm me like soy it good

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168292 No.297164

i love her lads

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a9d7c7 No.297165

File: a3df7977428583e⋯.jpg (125.35 KB,663x1349,663:1349,118.jpg)

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168292 No.297166

i want to put my entire life towards love for a lass

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213914 No.297167


Thank you Jock.o.


I need something portable though.

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168292 No.297168

pulled my thumbnail right back yesterday


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14dcb7 No.297169

File: d80fa1fd9bdf73a⋯.jpg (147.79 KB,940x1246,470:623,__boudica_fate_grand_order….jpg)


I always thought DDR meant Dance Dance Revolution smh.

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536038 No.297170


it does, lass

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168292 No.297171


i always see it as east germany tbh

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419261 No.297172

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2ab788 No.297173

File: 21122fb5d3ac69d⋯.jpg (1.29 MB,3000x2000,3:2,Jewess 486.jpg)

<If I were a rich lass

<yubby dibby dibby dibby dibby dibby dibby dum

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168292 No.297174

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d3508a No.297175

File: 306dceddfb5b3f6⋯.png (22.94 KB,190x228,5:6,306dceddfb5b3f6fbe038fb989….png)

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419261 No.297176

File: 4553e5c2b81de3a⋯.jpg (186.76 KB,1597x1065,1597:1065,maxresdefault (1).jpg)

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168292 No.297177

File: ac6c551011ed1f7⋯.jpg (305.95 KB,857x1200,857:1200,yummyy.jpg)

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168292 No.297178

i miss them, lads

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419261 No.297179

File: 2f3d73c126a1ce1⋯.jpg (44 KB,413x620,413:620,maxresdefault (2).jpg)

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d3508a No.297180

File: bf0b9620bb991e7⋯.jpg (119.9 KB,640x640,1:1,11324450_699249123554393_5….jpg)

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419261 No.297181


isn't goku a spacker?

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f74de5 No.297182

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168292 No.297183


No tbh

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c74c18 No.297184


>essay via twitter

but why

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f74de5 No.297185


why not tbh

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168292 No.297186


not a racist

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f74de5 No.297187


'snot racist tbh

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168292 No.297188


i need to shag help me

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d3508a No.297189

File: 421e1ae64bff474⋯.jpg (140.16 KB,640x640,1:1,11256932_948724738527070_8….jpg)

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14dcb7 No.297190

File: d8a5407c1a8eed1⋯.png (507.04 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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168292 No.297191

>tfw no chubby lass covered in tats to fuck me till i die

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419261 No.297192


Do they realise that just makes her look unhealthily obsessed, and a bit of a cunt?

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5c9ea5 No.297193

File: 4324b45f8c2fc66⋯.png (246.33 KB,600x600,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b4d21076e368563⋯.png (349.26 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5ba6654e0cfb5f0⋯.png (54.14 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8846809cfe3cf15⋯.png (849.14 KB,851x1100,851:1100,ClipboardImage.png)


You've gone to think lateral about this lad, desktops are portable you just need these items.

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f74de5 No.297194

File: 70a18cbd50aa6a7⋯.png (485.18 KB,634x1018,317:509,ClipboardImage.png)

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536038 No.297195

File: 08a51afc227b4d8⋯.png (151.36 KB,501x445,501:445,08a51afc227b4d816406099077….png)

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5c9ea5 No.297196


The way she heaved when she approached the coffin seemed rather fake.

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bc28bf No.297197

>Some fish have as many as 400 chromosomes.[13]

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419261 No.297198


pfft. I got more than that.

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bc28bf No.297199

File: 1b3344d1482a379⋯.jpg (132.5 KB,600x800,3:4,wife's son.jpg)

>mammalian liver cells are polyploid

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bc28bf No.297200

File: f90a68271b40185⋯.jpg (9.97 KB,480x360,4:3,bowden people.jpg)

>polyploidy is pretty much non-viable in mammals yet occurs abundantly in plants

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6d40ba No.297201

File: 5d9baee03804d2c⋯.gif (1.46 MB,480x270,16:9,falange.gif)


Your account? It's good stuff tbh

If neofascists actually listened to this advice I would respect them a hell of a lot more, instead they just want to wave flags and larp smh

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168292 No.297202

File: 7a9f94e17ef4999⋯.jpg (15.47 KB,500x434,250:217,7a9f94e17ef4999e19a32f128e….jpg)

had a wank tbh


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bc28bf No.297203

File: e6362da03419db4⋯.jpg (71.31 KB,854x253,854:253,thick lorry.jpg)

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2ab788 No.297204

File: e5e62d954ee171c⋯.jpg (42.99 KB,500x746,250:373,Jewess 68.jpg)


*beep* *beep*

milk truck's arrived

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168292 No.297205

File: 71427a191e3e03b⋯.png (244.17 KB,1024x768,4:3,sneezing woman.png)


yeah thats what i wanked to

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536038 No.297206


nice pic of 22st

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c74c18 No.297207

File: 3ce97356acb189d⋯.webm (1.81 MB,960x540,16:9,thicctransport.webm)

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6d40ba No.297208

fuck sake

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14dcb7 No.297209

File: 99d86117782997b⋯.jpg (52.33 KB,528x800,33:50,1404268946651.jpg)

are you boys sowposting

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f74de5 No.297210


The nightcall edit is the best tbh


Yeah it's mine, I finished reading it on holiday and felt it was pretty much 100%, it's like Siege but written by someone with experience and intelligence.

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a9d7c7 No.297211


is that a female? you need to spoiler when you post a male and not spoiler when you post a female so we can tell

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6d40ba No.297212

File: a7fc46f27476a53⋯.jpg (41.71 KB,640x480,4:3,SEXUAL POWERS.jpg)


>it's like Siege

pls don't ruin it for me

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a9d7c7 No.297213

eating pork chops and potatoes

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c74c18 No.297214

File: ef6ddab9c6ab763⋯.webm (1.86 MB,960x540,16:9,thicctransport2.webm)

File: e16962dcc66e6ac⋯.webm (7.04 MB,960x540,16:9,thicctransport3electric.webm)

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536038 No.297215


that's a bit gross lass, i don't like it

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6d40ba No.297216

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Can we post aesthetic stuff instead of fat women please

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c74c18 No.297217

File: a8ca8519ce0f50d⋯.png (1.45 MB,1280x960,4:3,constructionlads.png)


first decent one you've posted assuming >>297211

shoulda putta spoiler on it either way though

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f74de5 No.297218


Well Siege set out to accomplish a formula for right-wingers and consolidate methods and techniques, but it was written by a manson-obsessed paedophile and someone with no real experience beyond wearing a uniform. For A Positive Critique aims to be a right-wing "What is to be Done", a coherent political doctrine that would synthesize a vast swath of right-wing thought and action.

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f74de5 No.297219


>tfw britposter and vanlad are just gone

where's suffolk anyway?

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c74c18 No.297220


now that you mention it I haven't seen him in a while

might be posting incognito in druidpol but it's a new thread there and I haven't recognized him yet

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f74de5 No.297221

>insurance has gone down from 2000 to 800 in a year


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168292 No.297222


p sure hes posted in the last week

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a9d7c7 No.297223

File: 11cf15370e03343⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,46.9 KB,401x604,401:604,235.jpg)


yeah assuming it's an actual girl I rather like the chubby belly, she'd be a proper slampig

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536038 No.297224

File: bc4ae89607e4940⋯.jpg (192.42 KB,1200x829,1200:829,1200px-King_George_V_class….jpg)

ships are very aesthetic tbh

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c74c18 No.297225

File: 5c0754fe00f5548⋯.png (32.35 KB,399x322,57:46,eeshsmoke.png)

File: 877fad5b8bd90d1⋯.png (154.02 KB,675x527,675:527,murrca44venti.png)



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bc28bf No.297226


I'd rub that tummy ngl

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562fc2 No.297227

File: 7e564c488bd6426⋯.jpg (55.95 KB,614x768,307:384,1HtWamo.jpg)

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f74de5 No.297228

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>reading my insurance bill tbh

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f74de5 No.297229


Americans have such a way with English

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6d40ba No.297230

File: f9ff37dfa2e3b0a⋯.jpg (270.39 KB,1200x802,600:401,glrprotest.jpg)


Yeah the problems with Siege are not it's purpose and goals, but rather it's content because the person who wrote it was insane. Just stay away from yank stuff I would say. That George Lincoln Rockwell is the best they have to offer says a lot

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bc28bf No.297231

File: c139dd05467659c⋯.gif (3.3 MB,320x240,4:3,sweatspin.gif)


You think you can post a lass with arms and legs like that and get away with it?

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c74c18 No.297232

Angels sang out in immaculate chorus

Down from the heavens descended Thot Doris

Who delivered a kick which could shatter bones

Into the crotch of 369481 Jones

Who fell over on the ground, writhing in pain

As Anprim changed back into Somethingelse

But Thot saw through his clever disguise

And she crushed 369481's head in between her thighs

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6d40ba No.297233

File: caa99f545baf2e6⋯.jpg (73.28 KB,425x590,85:118,portman as frank2.jpg)

There should be a j.ewess/slavess only rule on this board

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562fc2 No.297234


tbh in a SHTF scenario so much muscle would be a hindrance

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f74de5 No.297235

File: c3439f1db378de1⋯.gif (596.92 KB,593x616,593:616,1472748990820.gif)

from £2000 to £815 gang gang gang gang gang gang

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2ab788 No.297236

File: ba9f27c04b0af66⋯.jpg (354.69 KB,681x1024,681:1024,Jewess 502.jpg)


saddle up, lets make it happen.

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2ab788 No.297237

File: ce5d6206fd4c6d3⋯.jpg (75.4 KB,800x532,200:133,Jewess 46.jpg)


Cut the shit, BO. This is a j.ewess board now.

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c74c18 No.297238

File: ea0dc1e25f61c5e⋯.png (70.84 KB,236x255,236:255,suicide6.png)

having a modest amount of savings but being too scared to spend it because your bills outstrip your bennies and there's no local work gang

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562fc2 No.297239

File: 1a9a5d7e6f98ca1⋯.jpg (602.48 KB,2448x3264,3:4,1534557976757.jpg)

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a9d7c7 No.297240

File: f6720e794075e38⋯.webm (Spoiler Image,2.03 MB,854x480,427:240,donkeykong.webm)


you know what'd be cool? a vidya called "Aryan Safari" or something like that where you play as that thot and you massacre tribal villages in Apefrica and they attack you with throwing spears and stuff. be kinda like Tomb Raider in a way


slavthots are overrated tbqh


I just bought $1.5k of silver coins on a whim

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f74de5 No.297241

File: 02fa0e40ef1f45a⋯.gif (815.5 KB,528x555,176:185,wahey.gif)


I don't care I just saved an arse load of money


would shag perhaps

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a9d7c7 No.297242

ahh didn't need to spoiler that. watch it, it's gud

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c74c18 No.297243


most amusing


gibs me dat

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f74de5 No.297244


>you know what'd be cool? a vidya called "Aryan Safari" or something like that where you play as that thot and you massacre tribal villages in Apefrica and they attack you with throwing spears and stuff. be kinda like Tomb Raider in a way

do you have autism?

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536038 No.297245


that's neo

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c74c18 No.297246

File: a0dafa83be4ed3f⋯.png (108.5 KB,600x564,50:47,murrca100.png)




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c74c18 No.297247

File: f76f0e230180f18⋯.png (250.96 KB,500x501,500:501,tasty.png)

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562fc2 No.297248

File: c2910faa40455d9⋯.jpg (47.77 KB,581x727,581:727,FB_IMG_1534995956287.jpg)


sounds good

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6d40ba No.297249


>slavthots are overrated tbqh

This is actually true and I'm surprised you'd say that

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c74c18 No.297250

File: faf0192b4f2503a⋯.png (121.97 KB,596x650,298:325,shitpostkingondrugs.png)


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168292 No.297251


why couldnt we have steiner instead of him

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168292 No.297252


>tfw get her in a 1v1 noguns id demolish her

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a9d7c7 No.297253


nah, ocd perhaps


regardless of their temperament, I don't rly like their phenotype. slavs are a pleb-tier race. I think I'd be more confident about the quality of my offspring if I preggo'd a 15/16ths h'white pale-skinned beaness than a pure slav tbf, at least the offspring would be 31/32nds western European versus half cheeki breeki le fetal alcohol face


I like steiner but he just spams dogs constantly

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562fc2 No.297254


we UK sad sacks don't get to practice with guns though

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bc28bf No.297255


Do you really need to ask?


I'm not smart enough to understand this Algeria business but what he says about nationalists rings true.

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6d40ba No.297256

File: 5e371193e29485d⋯.jpg (153.75 KB,964x632,241:158,ussr.jpg)


Now you're back to spouting nonsense again

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6d40ba No.297257


I believe the Algeria thing is referring to the failed coup against De Gaulle

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1c8b3b No.297258

IS Vanlad alive?

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c74c18 No.297259

File: 0c2ca841d82cfc3⋯.png (36.49 KB,363x360,121:120,smoking2.png)


he probably just made it lad

got his paki back

held down the job

making money, making horrific golliwog children

living the dream

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bc28bf No.297260

File: f4f317cc4601de6⋯.jpg (56.76 KB,720x960,3:4,vanlad and his girlfriend.jpg)


He doesn't use imageboards any more after his conversion.

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f74de5 No.297261


Basically In the 60s the French government was slowly pulling out of Algeria, and a major point of discontent between the French nationalists and the government was that the Government was abandoning the Francofied areas of Algeria to being systematically murdered by the Algerian insurgents. So it was essentially a three way war between the OAS, the FLN, and the French government. Now a significant portion of the French cold-war military was made up of french resistance fighters and people who were for all intents and purposes, considered to be hardcore French nationalists, thus the French nationalist forces treated the French military as some sort of holy institution that would immediately join their side in any given conflict. Thus the French nationalists were against the government's policy in Algeria, but were not against the socioeconomic alignment and ideologies that spawned the policy.

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a9d7c7 No.297262

wow I just discovered that the guy that runs the fat duck is a yid

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1c8b3b No.297263

File: e93c729fa33617d⋯.png (12.99 KB,571x527,571:527,ClipboardImage.png)


Please no…

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bc28bf No.297264


What's the matter?

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562fc2 No.297265

File: a539f021bb308a4⋯.jpeg (151.65 KB,1838x1262,919:631,DaCf9aEUwAAI6Mb.jpeg)


why did you provoke him in the other sub

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1c8b3b No.297266


nothing, lad. Just being a cool lad that smokes.

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1c8b3b No.297267


Provoke him? Other sub?

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f74de5 No.297268




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562fc2 No.297269


did it on purpose

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1c8b3b No.297270


Probably a joke, lad

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168292 No.297271

File: 2225bb5fbe48d4b⋯.jpg (105.98 KB,601x601,1:1,JUST.jpg)

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1c8b3b No.297272

File: f53d2dfa24cfc35⋯.png (31.06 KB,178x200,89:100,1415989287585.png)

Hm, 369481 posts a lot of girls… that can only mean one thing, she's a girl

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f74de5 No.297273



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c74c18 No.297274

File: 0de56faa02d5c35⋯.png (770.56 KB,1897x504,271:72,poopoopepe2.png)

mild kek

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1c8b3b No.297275


I don't get it

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14dcb7 No.297276

File: d0f793bc5cb9235⋯.jpg (112.23 KB,386x580,193:290,1377774392837.jpg)


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c74c18 No.297277

File: fa99a53a680c579⋯.png (76.96 KB,258x195,86:65,frogvom2.png)




lad no

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1c8b3b No.297278


why is it a brown arse?

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a9d7c7 No.297279

File: fc4da7015cd366f⋯.jpg (105.29 KB,574x576,287:288,judging you.jpg)

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a9d7c7 No.297280

File: d9f33c534d3794e⋯.jpg (8.61 KB,236x235,236:235,5595eb065f2a1b1a25664cad97….jpg)


jews like nigger prostitutes/strippers, I know 'cause I talked to a jew on omegle once and he said he was about to go shag a sheboon prostitute. I was like, 'tf'?', and he said that they have (and I quote) "slightly warmer pussies". I think they just like nasty shit and ugliness

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c74c18 No.297281


because jews love diversity

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f74de5 No.297282

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6d40ba No.297283

File: b95293ecae99612⋯.png (822.5 KB,930x900,31:30,ClipboardImage.png)


>jews like nigger prostitutes/strippers, I know 'cause I talked to a jew on omegle once and he said he was about to go shag a sheboon prostitute. I was like, 'tf'?', and he said that they have (and I quote) "slightly warmer pussies". I think they just like nasty shit and ugliness

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168292 No.297284


id smash her

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c74c18 No.297285

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fresh CIVIC retard who just gave money to antifa lmao

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1c8b3b No.297286


Warmer, like an oven. I get it

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16db06 No.297287

File: 8e62e5e1eb8ce2d⋯.jpg (22.19 KB,400x305,80:61,Thumbs up 7.jpg)


a big heavy laptop with a separate screen

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14dcb7 No.297288

File: 1126f990aeec569⋯.jpg (264.15 KB,1388x3019,1388:3019,1402387682586.jpg)

more goals

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562fc2 No.297289

File: 8724bff13efba4d⋯.png (191.24 KB,500x522,250:261,l-spot-a-thot-10268804.png)

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168292 No.297290

File: 3af65042761dcd4⋯.jpg (63.6 KB,688x410,344:205,every woman a THOT.jpg)

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c74c18 No.297291

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


disclaimer this post is an amusing tangential addition to the inclusion of Syzlak-related media and not in any way an endorsement of thots or muscle-bound orc women

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562fc2 No.297292

File: 63155fa9dc47ad5⋯.jpeg (75.94 KB,720x960,3:4,DaCWkjaUMAADjPP.jpeg)

it's getting out of hand and time someone did something about it

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14dcb7 No.297293

File: eb08e56d13c217a⋯.jpg (110.25 KB,532x800,133:200,1401900317659.jpg)

wessie goals: big thicc druidess

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c74c18 No.297294

File: 079ff1906a03f83⋯.png (83.08 KB,165x419,165:419,ClipboardImage.png)



and lmao why the fuck, surely that's painful

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168292 No.297295


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536038 No.297296

just watched "bodyguard" the new bbc drama and got reminded why i dont watch telly, especially bbc telly

there was a really awkward "joke" where some guy said "throw your monkey some nuts" referring to the bodyguard, played by richard madden, and he said "i'm mixed race" then lady asks if he's really biracial and he says no like it isn't obvious already

also police chief was a wog woman, bomb disposal was a woman, bodyguard's boss is a woman

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536038 No.297297


with a lass that size it's all fat tbh

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c74c18 No.297298

File: a342b79918ec176⋯.png (722.44 KB,675x675,1:1,bbc.png)

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168292 No.297299


love some fat, myself

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14dcb7 No.297300

File: ca2742f671f4693⋯.jpg (73.9 KB,536x720,67:90,1368570279804.jpg)


you'll know one day lass

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c74c18 No.297301

File: c6c84b9e0af058c⋯.png (56.56 KB,1208x1216,151:152,pointer6.png)


jubblies are all fat anyway lad

I remember autiste gf complaining about that sort of thing and she only had Cs



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536038 No.297302



i think neo is just a fat lass trying to brainwash us into being chubby chasers tbh

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c74c18 No.297303


no it's because xe tries to corrupt everyone by targetting their weak point

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536038 No.297304


they're not, lad, that's a myth pushed by feminists to try to de-sexualise breasticles

they're glands, organs, scientifically confirmed as erogenous zones etc

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14dcb7 No.297305

File: d5830f533f3d8d2⋯.jpg (142.18 KB,582x800,291:400,1384374070761.jpg)


it is inevitable lass smh

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168292 No.297306

tfw no lass of any size to love me

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6d40ba No.297307


No love is better than tragic love tbh

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536038 No.297308

File: 1715c1fbd9e8168⋯.jpg (78.68 KB,532x800,133:200,2af239568e7ddf0b6870904e24….jpg)

File: 9327995bb618da7⋯.jpg (104.05 KB,1080x1080,1:1,12446245_903808983030334_1….jpg)

File: a260d0196e9441d⋯.jpg (117.52 KB,874x1022,437:511,tumblr_ou18j2Tmhn1th3p6yo1….jpg)

*fights back*

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14dcb7 No.297309


you'll have wessex soon tbh

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c74c18 No.297310

File: 7df31593cbebf24⋯.png (63.34 KB,645x729,215:243,tardjak13.png)

half past ten scientific erotica


being fat doesn't mean they're not full of nerves

iirc the larger they are the more sensitive


nope sorry lad, don't see it happening

just because I want to wear a white robe smh

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536038 No.297311

File: 21cc60819538a03⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,435.78 KB,960x1280,3:4,0ab9d784-cd70-48e0-8cec-9a….jpg)

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168292 No.297312

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14dcb7 No.297313

File: 547f774504e0669⋯.jpg (73.97 KB,640x480,4:3,1402388575294.jpg)


uh oh, latent dysphoria detected


the boyim doth protest way too much

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6d40ba No.297314

File: a9222ce6c7796e0⋯.png (149.66 KB,540x326,270:163,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d6aafa0e0611998⋯.png (163.65 KB,540x326,270:163,ClipboardImage.png)

Listen to the man

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536038 No.297315

File: 115355dc4c2ea44⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,52.22 KB,600x721,600:721,a12ee2defb8266f111b63b17bd….jpg)


literally wot

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c74c18 No.297316

File: b5ebddca29ece75⋯.png (47.21 KB,498x499,498:499,gunpepe.png)


you'll never take me alive

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168292 No.297317


no pubes = nonce

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562fc2 No.297318

File: d0014e6b88cd2b3⋯.jpg (85.97 KB,1455x960,97:64,DcWjRjkVQAA-wi9.jpg)

File: 0bd152f92e83a36⋯.jpg (129.42 KB,1125x829,1125:829,thot.jpg)

File: e94fb329fded5d9⋯.mp4 (162.48 KB,248x480,31:60,nasa.mp4)

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536038 No.297319


t. male feminist

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c74c18 No.297320

dorshit confirmed for wanting to grab onto a lasses copious lawn and ferociously mow her but be unable to disengage because he's stuck in a thicket

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14dcb7 No.297321

File: 75098f4d33ce1ee⋯.jpg (22.6 KB,331x576,331:576,1409123241274.jpg)


I won't have to do anything, you'll end up embracing it yourself when the dysphoria bug bites suddenly

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536038 No.297322

File: d277d90c29128f5⋯.jpg (222.06 KB,808x1350,404:675,tumblr_p8ew04br1B1x26pudo1….jpg)

File: fbd23b2e6348e8e⋯.jpg (172.08 KB,1080x1350,4:5,tumblr_p6x27iXWt21wu9yc2o1….jpg)

File: 9b00d93ae1c3f5d⋯.jpg (89.56 KB,800x800,1:1,tumblr_o0bhg3eKEC1rxieszo1….jpg)

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168292 No.297323


as it should be

only reason women shave pubes nowadays is cos its pseudo-noncery

society is fucked

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562fc2 No.297324


dark crinkly hair is quite gross though

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c74c18 No.297325

File: 142993d44c0b301⋯.png (88.28 KB,864x856,108:107,centilitres.png)


I have some self awareness lad

I'd look like chris-chan

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536038 No.297326

File: 9f72d7c0ac608c5⋯.jpg (291.89 KB,1050x1312,525:656,7b4305b6-b578-4266-bf04-77….jpg)

File: fa9cd6b0782088e⋯.jpg (101.29 KB,719x1280,719:1280,tumblr_oyy8vnof451t79imbo1….jpg)

goodnight lasses

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c74c18 No.297327

night stranger (not the heavy norge one)

toil tomorrow

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168292 No.297328

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14dcb7 No.297329

File: 927ec8114a1c142⋯.jpg (176.45 KB,1280x960,4:3,1375281529079.jpg)


WEW so you have considered it before

with some effort and minor cosmetic surgery even chris-chan would look passable tbf


sleep tight future-lass

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c74c18 No.297330

File: 32d3b0bd7c3815c⋯.png (94.37 KB,536x657,536:657,gourdo2.png)


no I haven't lad stop >implying smdh

no he wouldn't


corrupt the lads

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14dcb7 No.297331

File: a81f0271879e609⋯.jpg (88.25 KB,466x700,233:350,1373736624003.jpg)


it's too late, we all know what you meant in your post lass

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f74de5 No.297332


>Chris-chan would look passable

o i am laffin

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a9d7c7 No.297333

File: 7a05b9a6943aff0⋯.jpg (182.39 KB,1280x960,4:3,7a05b9a6943aff05d8e0243aa5….jpg)


>iirc the larger they are the more sensitive

nah. the larger the bosoms, the more spread out the nerve endings are, so they're less sensitive and you need to be more aggressive with your groping


>le if she's under 30 then nonce dorsey maymay



more like pubes = no hygiene


now that's quality. one in the middle's a butterface though




you need to cut out the globohomo (((trap))) bullshit though, you mental case. just post moar biofem thiccy chickies

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c74c18 No.297334

File: 4a2af5a1e078bfa⋯.png (188.94 KB,480x480,1:1,bumpepe.png)

the only winning move is not to neo

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168292 No.297335


>more like pubes = no hygiene

just like having foreskin means bad hygiene, right yankee?

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14dcb7 No.297336

File: 378643cbb2bf2de⋯.jpg (29.06 KB,432x576,3:4,1394703238336.jpg)


with hair transplants and some facial surgery

he'd still look hideous but he could pass as an ugly amerimutt womyn


you were enjoying it way too much lass

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a9d7c7 No.297337

File: b196cab77d18c77⋯.jpg (18.51 KB,320x320,1:1,095.jpg)


nice strawman, bushcuck


that one sucks, cottage cheese thighs

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c74c18 No.297338

File: 31565c7ba9add29⋯.png (254.38 KB,657x527,657:527,apunerves.png)


for those pictures that I could reliably ascertain were not trannies, maybe

it's a good deterrent that I can never be sure with your posts

keeps a lad on the right track

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168292 No.297339

body hair is entirely natural and serves a purpose

cant stand faggots that want it shaved off

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168292 No.297340

genuinely think that men who liked shaved cunts are real nonces and i wouldnt want to shake their hands or have anything to do with them

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c74c18 No.297341


cavelasses shaved themselves lad

wanting a hairy gorilla woman is the outlying opinion

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168292 No.297342

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168292 No.297343

dont know why i bother replying to you 2

you are the most autistic and dumb posters by far

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14dcb7 No.297344

File: 0baeee475314c87⋯.jpg (37.42 KB,640x480,4:3,1398481249584.jpg)


smh sounds like I've accidentally corrupted your ability to tell the difference between cis and tranners

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a9d7c7 No.297345


>toil tomorrow

tomorrow's labor day, you don't get labor day in Britain? guess not


waxed > shaved

neatly groomed landing strip or triangle etc. can be very nice and if the hair is blonde/ginge then she can get away with a lil more. but a whole bush is awful, body hair is masculine

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c74c18 No.297346

File: 3db4712a2edb4dd⋯.png (47.07 KB,461x517,461:517,genderjew.png)



but no I'm just paranoid because your intentions are usually malign

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c74c18 No.297347

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

reminder to spoil lewd images either way tbh

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14dcb7 No.297348

File: 3462dcb65f7ee45⋯.jpg (476.7 KB,1600x1067,1600:1067,1409078226868.jpg)


I'm always here to help when the process begins lass

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c74c18 No.297349

File: 73c4d201ed65e7b⋯.png (6.44 KB,418x408,209:204,welshlad's pepe back turne….png)

oh good, back to uggos again

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a9d7c7 No.297350

File: 3f40be1c4b519c1⋯.jpg (29.1 KB,375x500,3:4,208.jpg)



>high obesity-to-tits ratio


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14dcb7 No.297351

File: 147aa8204fa5f9e⋯.jpg (465.15 KB,1624x1963,1624:1963,1404268774383.jpg)


you want something more inspiring huh

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f74de5 No.297352


looks like ginnie

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c74c18 No.297353


maybe that's why she's gone dark and only posts the occasional shekels article for yidbart

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bc28bf No.297354

File: de6d4261ec27c9b⋯.png (20.48 KB,642x715,642:715,1411034380990.png)


>tfw no toned neo gf to ram your willy into

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c74c18 No.297355


bit gay lad

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bc28bf No.297356


MILFposting is kosher, keep up the good work.


Roman rules tbh

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14dcb7 No.297357

File: 440ac2e08198263⋯.jpg (325.14 KB,867x1024,867:1024,1438440784504-0.jpg)


you could have a chubby wessie gf instead I guess

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c74c18 No.297358

File: c59fd012f19da5f⋯.png (30.73 KB,865x466,865:466,deadpepe1.png)

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14dcb7 No.297359

File: 963750b38655f87⋯.jpg (253.45 KB,1920x1080,16:9,1463121633407.jpg)


sleepy wessie

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a9d7c7 No.297360

File: a3adabd2fd63ce3⋯.webm (Spoiler Image,3.77 MB,360x640,9:16,perfection.webm)

File: c309f12da5cc474⋯.webm (Spoiler Image,2.18 MB,360x640,9:16,perfection1.webm)

this is a 10

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2ab788 No.297361

File: 19435b91b1d9efe⋯.jpg (19.21 KB,441x419,441:419,Jewess 534.jpg)


wew, you got me lad. that was nice.

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a9d7c7 No.297362

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


btw are you Newfootleaf? or a different Canuck?

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16db06 No.297363

File: 314d2b30c30e97d⋯.webm (15.74 MB,640x360,16:9,peanut butter autism girl.webm)

fatties out, autism in

perfection heading this way

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2ab788 No.297364

File: 4f5c21158ecde5f⋯.jpg (123.28 KB,800x878,400:439,Jewess 391.jpg)


I'm a western-canadian, if that helps. I don't know who you're referring to.

I've also been posting j.ewesses for over half a year now.

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a9d7c7 No.297365


ah okay. there's another leaf on /shit/ from Newfoundland that likes feet, I call him Newfootleaf. he's a good lad

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2ab788 No.297366


ahh, okay. I only post on /superiorbrit/

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bc28bf No.297367

File: ce8e722a4fd61f5⋯.png (398.16 KB,500x481,500:481,meaty whack.png)


Looks more preggo than thicc tbh



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a9d7c7 No.297368


>I feel like this is the equivalent of like blackface for like mexicans

kek, never saw the whole video before

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a9d7c7 No.297369


>andelay andelay


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da7c4d No.297370

File: 2c47890b817eda3⋯.png (110.73 KB,597x577,597:577,wtf_1b.png)


Be careful, anon…Not all, but many many white women fuck dogs.

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e7460c No.297371


that's why I don't really like dogs tbh. someday I'll get a female dog to fall for the dog meme and try to understand the appeal, you know to have a loyal pal to go on jogs in the woods with. but I'd never trust my future wife or daughters to be alone with a male dog

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6d40ba No.297372


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6d40ba No.297373


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f74de5 No.297375


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6d40ba No.297376


oofbol gang says FUCK THIS SHIT

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f74de5 No.297377


spagbol gang says calm down and eat something

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6d40ba No.297378


lad I need to join a fight club I've been punching too many walls lately for real

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f74de5 No.297379


smh lad what seems to be the problem

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6d40ba No.297381

imma delet that post

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f74de5 No.297382


aight g

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6d40ba No.297384

File: 0c446546476c535⋯.png (2.45 MB,1920x806,960:403,gangbol2.png)


fuck women and goodnight g

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f74de5 No.297385


rood tbh


Night lad

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168292 No.297386

being an asshole is so fun

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2ab788 No.297387

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I love these videos

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07d9f4 No.297388

File: 2e51d3d4f43baa4⋯.jpg (92.06 KB,951x888,317:296,2e51d3d4f43baa469a2fcc4073….jpg)

the absolute state of this board

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2ab788 No.297389

File: dac8eceafbbf452⋯.jpg (55.72 KB,1080x969,360:323,Jewess 510.jpg)


What's wrong?

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07d9f4 No.297390

File: 525c5ffd89bcd41⋯.jpg (92.86 KB,940x521,940:521,525c5ffd89bcd419663d5d35f4….jpg)


Neo posting piggies and encouraging trannyism

par for the course

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c74c18 No.297391

File: 877dd004e7cb494⋯.png (12.88 KB,604x608,151:152,pointer2.png)

then call a truce and have no posting of any kind of lewd and immoral pictures, especially gayist and jew ones which are the prevalent problem

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14dcb7 No.297392

File: 560708e4b5e2f46⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,418.74 KB,800x1200,2:3,1472012084928.jpg)


you're such a moral lass suddenly

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213914 No.297393

Stop posting piggies, tranners, and piggy tranners.

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14dcb7 No.297394

File: f905fcf4717e2cc⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,221.6 KB,874x1310,437:655,1462835895825.jpg)


>ban wessie


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213914 No.297396


>>ban Wessex

Ban you instead tbh

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14dcb7 No.297398

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d6c3ed No.297401


>A new thread 100 posts early

Seems a bit premature.

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c74c18 No.297402

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