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/out/ - Outdoors

Nature and stuff.


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File: 1411050756841.jpg (44.58 KB,453x300,151:100,outdoors.jpg)

 No.3 [Open thread]

Topics typically posted here include:
>Outdoor recreational activities (Hiking, trail running, bushwhacking, camping, spelunking, geocaching, orienteering, expeditions, urban exploration, backpacking, etc.)
>Gardening, farming and related activities
>Hunting and fishing, and other activities involving the stalking or taking of game (including bird-watching)
>Outdoor survival, bushcraft, foraging, self-sustenance in nature, train-hopping, hoboism, etc.
>Outdoor destinations and exploration (specific trails, parks, regions, etc.)
>Water-related activities (boats, diving, etc.)
>Outdoor philosophy (conservation, Leave No Trace, protectionism, etc.)
>Outdoor building and living (cabins, huts, treehouses, etc.)
>Outdoor social activities and organizations (meet-ups, Scouts, NOLS, etc.)
>Gear related to any of the above topics

Please post threads about weapons on >>>/k/ instead. Thanks!
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File: 1411161031216.jpg (1.47 MB,3041x4728,3041:4728,1363920941375.jpg)

 No.20 [Open thread]

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File: 52cfceebda10e1c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,992.16 KB,2272x1704,4:3,S5005687.JPG)

 No.1597 [Open thread]

Vannerie paysagère, sculpture métal, luminaires

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File: f4049545f88017c⋯.jpg (137.77 KB,640x416,20:13,nid_01.JPG)

Cabane "La bulle".

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De bien belles choses !

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C'est de l'osier?

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File: 89b9ed3b5e56859⋯.jpg (3.79 MB,3456x3456,1:1,20200415_164943.jpg)

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 No.1596 [Open thread]


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File: 1425207627255.jpg (171.65 KB,498x750,83:125,tumblr_mhjxepUsdG1qigj88o1….jpg)

 No.551 [Open thread]

So, where does a 40 year oldfag go wild camping in germany?

This is a strange country. Seems to me it's forbidden to do anything besides work, consume and sleep.

I'm sick of this aspect of germany.
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it really isnt. the technological always must bend human behavior in order to function. it goes against anything humans should consider normal or sane

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*technological system

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what forest?

you're under the impression that this shithole lets you get further than 800 meters away from some parking lot, road or town

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Just go into a forrest and camp out? It is possible. Be sneaky and dont start huge fires or generators and you should be fine. Especially in the east.

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If you actually want to get out, theres plenty of opportunity and the possibility to get caught only adds to the experience. Stay between the lines of drift and you should be fine. Learn some hunting terminology perhaps so you can talk to hunters appropriately. If you get caught by someone without a rifle, just run.

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File: 1466796357447.jpg (1.56 MB,1440x2560,9:16,KIMG0514.JPG)

 No.1230 [Open thread]

oc only. don't use images from online.

sorry for shit quality

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File: e1035840717d3f1⋯.jpg (3.94 MB,3968x2240,62:35,IMG_20180716_153442.jpg)

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somewhere in norway i was there a few weeks a ago

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>>1631 California.

>>1434 New York or Wisconsin?

>>1442 Mexico

>>1441 Virginia

>>1498 Canader

>>1499 Norway would be the safest bet, but I'll venture to say Sweden

>>1538 South Carolina

>>1567 Kentucky!1

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File: 6f71f5f1b68a47a⋯.png (149.85 KB,877x499,877:499,Babies.png)

 No.1589 [Open thread]

I killed some baby bunnies in our backyard yesterday.

Our dog had moved the fluff away after my mom moved the barrel that the burrow was dug under during some yardwork. The day we found them, their eyes were still closed, yet one was hopping into the grass nearby. It wanted out, but we moved it back into the burrow, and created a rudimentary brick structure to cover it up, at my suggestion. To prevent it from getting hot, I added a plastic bin on top, while still hoping to leave enough room for the doe to get in and out. They were hardly moving. A couple days later, the parents checked on them and said they were "still" moving around a lot. A couple days after that, there were ants, flies, and worms all over them, with a single baby rabbit strewn out in the grass a few inches away from an exit to the bricks.

This is the second time we've tried to help rabbitkind on our property, but it's the first time I acted without researching what to do. I'll always look up what to do first when I help animals supposedly in-need, to never lead them to certain death again.

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I forgot to mention what to do if you do find an exposed rabbit burrow with babies (kits?) in your yard:

Fence it off if necessary to prevent people, pets, and predators from getting to it, but leave a hole just big enough for the mother/doe to enter and leave through. Then FUCK OFF for no less than 24 hours, and if you check back, only check during the middle of the day to minimize the chance that the doe will notice that you've noticed it. If she feels that the burrow's safety is compromised, it's highly likely that she'll abandon it. To prevent yourself from disturbing one while mowing or moving through an open area, keep an eye out for patches of fluffy fur on the ground, with leaves and twigs sometimes mixed in.

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If you do disturb one, just position the fur, dirt, and such back to where it was originally. The rabbits certainly weren't in the cold in my case, but if they are, I've heard that bringing them somewhere to heat up might help them. Not entirely sure.

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File: 1411327483110.jpg (122.65 KB,900x960,15:16,1323593796631.jpg)

 No.32 [Open thread]


Why do you have to bury your shit in butt fuck in the middle of no where?

Doesn't it get decomposed anyway?
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Because it attracts flies.

You don't want literal shit-eating flies near your figurative shit.

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It helps to keep your poo out of the river, thus making it more drinkable and stopping the life cycle of any intestinal parasites you might have.


Animals don't have modern medicine, as don't many people out in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. Plus, it's no fun getting dysentery even if you do have meds available. Would you take the brown pill just because Sir Reginald promised to give you antibiotics?

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If you're near a popular area, it could attract predators and fouls up the location for the next person. It might contaminate the water as well. Many places don't require burying though.

If you're truly out in the middle of nowhere, and you've been there for a long time, the only issue I can see is that it will attract predators to your campsite, which is a non-issue if you shit away from your camp. Same for water, just don't shit where you drink and it will be too little to matter.

Animals shit too, and there's a lot more of them. It's not such a big deal. Indians have health problems because they are pajeet scum, they also wipe with their hand after shitting and then eat with the same hand without washing it, and they drink from/wash in the same river where they dump corpses. Street shitting (even in the sheer volume they do it) is a small factor in their health problems, everyone focuses on it to deflect from their godawful filthy culture.

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You typically want to to protect others from any disease or anything that can be contacted by other passers by or spread by animals. It will decompose, but it's broken down better in the soil.

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File: 1421360070879.jpg (190.47 KB,1200x1200,1:1,8.5inch hunting knife.JPG)

 No.391 [Open thread]

Best knives to get for going innawoods? I was thinking about getting this one for about $15, should I? If not, what do you recommend?
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File: 45719db2aa5b763⋯.jpg (47.13 KB,500x375,4:3,tumblr_m3sk1tKQQH1r9khx4o1….jpg)

In addition to being historically significant, there is a reason why these things are military issue.

They do many of the jobs most knives do, can act as a hatchet, and everything a shovel can do. The old Ames e-tools can even be used as a comfy chair if you're a fucking faggot who can't squat right.

I would recommend any e-tool first, then a reliable knife.

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>not a Mora


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File: cfe3fe8dfe74c60⋯.png (15.97 KB,441x337,441:337,spetnaz shovel razor sharp….png)


Funny story about one of those when i was looking

to buy on online.

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The KBAR is a decent knife, just bring compass matches and fishing line separately.

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File: 5aca8aee411a36c⋯.gif (481.72 KB,1024x717,1024:717,missing-411-documentary-fi….gif)

 No.1446 [Open thread]

So what do you think about this conspiracy theory/modern american mystery?


In case you don't know the long and short of it is an ex cop tracking cold cases for a book he is writing about runaways or something starts to notice any missing people in certain areas are strange in a ironically uniform way. He checks for commonly occurring factors across these cases and the same thing always pops up: every one went missing in a national park.

He starts to shift focus onto these cases and notices an extraordinary amount of people go missing in US national parks every year. The more he digs the stranger it gets. Cases where the circumstances are mysterious bordering on the paranormal, downs syndrome children being found a day later dead 3 mountains away from their campsite in deep woods, a man found disemboweled 20ft up in a tree, a 90 year old man in the middle of a crowd vanished on a track with no brush around it and his lower torso was found next to his clothes with the socks in the shoes and socks over trousers like they melted off him and so on.

Then he starts to realise the shocking part: not only do the parks know they seem to be covering it up.

Some try to contact him and later lose their jobs, others show up at his hotels on visits to parks to tell him to stop digging and any calls to officials to use the freedom of information act for case files is met with a 'thats not going to happen' but only for case files about disappearances IN the parks.

Some say its bigfoot, some say its drug grow ops in these massive parks run by gangs the government doesnt want people to know are turning the parks into the worlds druglab breadbasket and crazier shit like aliens or cults of innawoods serial killers.

Regardless of the cause the objective fact is that the sheer number of cases in such a specific area are grossly unusual and suggest something unique is going on on a level that either the US government cannot control or wPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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drug growing spooks

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Did that video get shoahed?

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I will reveal the secret:

>Over confident city people go in the woods

>They get lost

>They die

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File: 64aba10be61603a⋯.jpg (174.6 KB,1832x311,1832:311,deleted.jpg)

The audio in the Missing 411 video at 1:14:45 always gets me. Imagine being that isolated in the middle of nowhere, on a mountain with no route of escape and then that starts up. https://www.bitchute.com/video/FYM8T333qLQV/

I find it interesting that pic related (on how to not go missing) got deleted from a 4chins 411 thread.

Also, how dead is this board?

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File: eddc7b0b4954a48⋯.jpeg (131.97 KB,690x450,23:15,download.jpeg)

 No.1458 [Open thread]

why do so many americans on 4chans /out/ feel the need to carry a gun when hiking or going into the woods? I'm not one of those antigun fags but if you're scared in the woods without a gun you're a giant pussy

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t. noguns

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I'm going to make the assumption OP is some granola crunching hippie vegan with twig arms who thinks bears and wolves are fluffy cute pets, since he's such a faggot.

>"I'm not antigun but if you carry a gun you're a pussy"

Okay mr. rothsberg.

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Someday I will visit. Grandparents from there, almost met a distant relative once as a child.

I carry a 380, but have been advised that 9mm is the minimum. Better than nothing!

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The wood of the SKS is painted black to look like an AK with a metal receiver.

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that sounds like fun.

why yes, i like that.

thats sounds like alot of fun!

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File: 1412045809173.jpg (16.78 KB,640x360,16:9,red-head.jpg)

 No.137 [Open thread]

Outdoor gear porn.
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File: 1436125988770.jpg (71.52 KB,610x406,305:203,suck my dick im a duck.jpg)


Is there a name for the bags that fold up so small? I have had no success in my search.

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compression sack

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File: 1436299252069.jpg (37.72 KB,258x610,129:305,gost.JPG)


>go on website

>see this

will they ever learn?

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File: 2255ecdbc993abe⋯.jpg (15.88 KB,292x257,292:257,1450987807145.jpg)

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>in an enviroment where dirt can and WILL get on your gat

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File: 345928f1736fb2f⋯.jpg (46.97 KB,799x531,799:531,damascus-hunting-knife-eng….jpg)

 No.1493 [Open thread]

What knifes do you use?

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File: 5acbbf00792221b⋯.jpg (3.77 MB,4056x2704,3:2,IMG_20181120_1103523.jpg)


Cheap £15 Whitby rescue knife is my edc knife mainly used at work but accompanies me everywhere. I keep a mora companion HD in my backpack but it pretty much stays there as the Whitby is closer/easier to access.

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File: bcd420d0f475080⋯.jpg (2.96 MB,4320x3240,4:3,DSCN1230.JPG)

I pretty much only use a custom I got made about a year back. It's a 16 year old kid from NY who forges some really nice stuff. Knife is basically a copy of the woodlore knife, only not kike priced and wait listed. Linen micarta handle and hand forged laminated blade of O1 tool steel and 1060 carbon. Got it made custom for $120.

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File: 744b0e3ec271e88⋯.jpg (969.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,knives.jpg.JPG)

top is buck 120+. i love it

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Can semen be used to sharpen a blunt knife?

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File: 1415173554184.jpg (203.5 KB,640x456,80:57,6304330164_b730d468bc_z.jpg)

 No.236 [Open thread]

What's a great edible thing that is common outdoors that people almost never eat and are totally missing out on?
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File: 8117488be706849⋯.jpg (180.61 KB,1280x960,4:3,49913-wild-nature-mushroom….jpg)

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>you can eat the whole dandelion

holy shit guess I'll try doing that tomorrow night.

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Not a bad choice, it tastes like lemonade from experience. Just make sure not to eat whole salads of it since the oxalic acid will form crystals in your kydneys.

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File: 4ac8d81ffa417df⋯.jpg (1.18 MB,2508x3762,2:3,1411157613760-2.jpg)

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File: 10d7a89fd926ed0⋯.jpg (65.84 KB,400x424,50:53,fundamental_bushcraft_with….jpg)

Living in England you mostly get raised with the idea that everything is a deadly mushroom level thing, but i remember some episodes of Ray Mears Bushcraft where he camped by an english lakeside and pulled up these immobile shellfish from the shore, onions and carrots and mushrooms and brewed up a shellfish stew using shit found around a wooded inland lake. All he said was 'if you can't tell the mushrooms stick to veg, but not near roads as it will be soaked in petrol fumes'.

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File: d38b94dc71af5aa⋯.jpg (3.37 MB,3072x4096,3:4,IMG_20190619_174756711.jpg)

 No.1575 [Open thread]

Newly homeless. What do I do? Don't know what else to say really. I have a shit ton of food I stole from my former roommates and none of it is extremely perishable. Raining rn so at underpass.

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You need :



3)Warm place

4) Keep your body clean

Sleep in a hide/remote area. Sleep will be a big pblm. You are so vulnerable to other homeless/bad person at this time. Try to display "alarm" (i.e trash that make a noise if people come near you) around your place

During the day go to the city for help. Look at charity organisations for free food/clothes. Beg money if you can. Beware of the police.

Homeless is hell of life. You will have hard times. Don t drink alcool or take drugs NEVER. If you have money by one way or another (try to find basic job) put, if you can, on a bank account. Avoid to have valuable things on you bc your chance to be robbed are hight.

Good luck anon!

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