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An Exercise in Satire

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All Hail The Bum Bum King!

File: c30f240ae7fc4de⋯.jpg (30.17 KB,366x550,183:275,3dfa0504c9b01403533eef58cf….jpg)

fe3590 No.284773 [Last50 Posts]

Didn't wanna leave you lads in the cold but I cba with any variety of effort thread

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e5d8dd No.284778

File: 206430707ffeba6⋯.png (282.73 KB,800x497,800:497,206430707ffeba6e93ea2db553….png)

the trick is to be stoic enough that they can project whatever they want to think onto you

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db33d7 No.284779


yeah no glam rock is totally different than dressing up for attention when it comes to my particular fandom its different

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f1ed80 No.284780


At least you admit it. I had mountains of proof on hydro and he just wouldn’t admit he orbited the trap, just admit your wrongdoings and we can move on, don’t act all hubristic when I WILL find the skeletons in your closet and I will bring them to light. We out here doing bad shit nigga, if you ain’t honest I can’t trust you

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fe3590 No.284781




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fe3590 No.284782

ever so quick to turn the focus away

"no I refuse these mistakes! they aren't my own!"

but whatever, you'll figure it out one day or you won't

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db33d7 No.284783

File: 4414ab5938aca54⋯.png (587.18 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


Have you ever had your own skeletons lad

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4c9308 No.284784

high pressure poo jets

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e5d8dd No.284785


at some point he'll have sent something daft to moonman

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fe3590 No.284786


>dumb assumptions

>assuming I know everything

correct. but it's you so it's not like I'm gonna expect very much is it?


the trick is to not give them what they want until you at least shag them :^)

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fe3590 No.284787


You've shifted the meaning rather far away from it's original intended message

I can't tell if it's deliberate or not though

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f1ed80 No.284788

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db33d7 No.284789


what are you on about you preachy cunt lol,

of course my actions are my own, what's the point of wallowing in regret over things that are ultimately meaningless though

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e5d8dd No.284790


>the trick is to not give them what they want until you at least shag them :^)

I shouldn't have given the lass that love bite when she begged for it then ;^)

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db33d7 No.284791


glam rock is literally the exact same, they dress like complete faggots, weren't you on about jojo as well, it's just hypocritical

like people who bash gays then listen to david bowie

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db33d7 No.284792

it just doesn't count if it's something you enjoy

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fe3590 No.284793


good luck westie


Smh lad…

try this one out:

>shrop method:

No physical contact other than genital to genital until genital to genital contact

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4c9308 No.284794

low pressure poo jets?

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817ae6 No.284795

File: e6aa1f7a92e85b3⋯.jpg (60.82 KB,637x358,637:358,images.akamai.steamusercon….jpg)


>make a bit of a silly post to make light of something and maybe others can relate

>this guy comes in taking himself too seriously and starts preaching to everyone how to be a High Test Alpha Male™ like him


lighten up tuff guy

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fe3590 No.284796


would prefer high pressure if I get the choice

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fe3590 No.284797


I probably am being a bit too nasty tonight tbh, don't take it personal laddie I'm just grumpy these days.

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817ae6 No.284798

File: 30428a4286dd6fb⋯.gif (93.12 KB,250x250,1:1,1411614553768.gif)

Chio-Chan no Tsuugakuro is the best anime this season tbh

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817ae6 No.284799


well i was the toughest boy in my primary school

so be careful what you say to me

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db33d7 No.284800


have heard tales of women that you have a masculine jaw and voice like a headmaster

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fe3590 No.284801


The toughest girl in primary school is usually the scarier one tbh

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db33d7 No.284802


they mature so fast

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e5d8dd No.284803

File: f5e1d930854f59c⋯.png (143.08 KB,364x333,364:333,ClipboardImage.png)


>No physical contact other than genital to genital until genital to genital contact

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fe3590 No.284804


There was this fat lass who had a foot on me. probably the strongest out of all of us.

I remember picking a fight with a cousin of hers and her then sending me flying.



There you go lad

take a walk on the wild side

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fe3590 No.284805


you still going strong with that fenian lass btw?

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e5d8dd No.284806



meeting the inlaws on sunday

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fe3590 No.284807



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fe3590 No.284808

well good luck with that kek

here's hoping they all have thick accents and religious fervour

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e5d8dd No.284809


if i don't post after wednesday, assume i've been disappeared

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f1ed80 No.284810


I’ll see if I can put in a good word with the provos

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d8bcba No.284811

File: 99076f9441fecd2⋯.webm (11.34 MB,540x360,3:2,LCDC.webm)

why haven't you killed yourself along with your homosexual tendencies yet

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19f94b No.284812

File: 310a04f21e373a6⋯.png (611.03 KB,600x386,300:193,sanicpain.png)



you little shit lmao


it got worse AAAAH


play aoe2 with me as well lad

anpoo won't and it's totally not because I'm somewhat decent and able to SMASH my enemies


lmao fucking gays


feel one of these coming up and I'm scared I won't make it to the loo in time tbh

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994343 No.284813


That's a nice key she's got there. I wonder what it opens.

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19f94b No.284814

I can barely stand up

this is quite concerning

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825fcb No.284815


Get to the hospital lad

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b3c813 No.284816


Do somethign before you're forced to lop it off, lad

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994343 No.284817


Why are you posting here instead of going to A&E lad?

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9a122a No.284818


nothing because it's a necklace

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19f94b No.284819




it's only an achy foot, I'm sure it will get better

reckon it's pain from swelling because I haven't been wearing me tights, I've put them on now and it'll probably fix itself in a day or two

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b3c813 No.284820


> I'm sure it will get better

LAD NO that's how people lose their leg, like my childhood friend who kept having more and more of his leg chopped off until it reached his hip smh

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19f94b No.284821


wew lad wtf, did he have a rotten leg or smth

I've got weekly nurses appointments, it'll be ok 'till then smh

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b3c813 No.284822


his leg got destroyed in an accident and then had parts lopped off, but after lopping it off it got worse, but he was too lazy to have it checked out

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19f94b No.284823


nasty lad

not comparable though, there's no visible damage here

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19f94b No.284824

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fresh cryptomemes

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b3c813 No.284825



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db33d7 No.284826

File: a034c2abc169ff5⋯.png (459.35 KB,1070x601,1070:601,ClipboardImage.png)


why didnt i just buy in 2011

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db33d7 No.284827

*sends 6 archers in the feudal age to harass your workers*

game aint so fun now huh pal

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19f94b No.284828

File: fc42df686cb7050⋯.png (360.39 KB,480x480,1:1,Oerlinda.png)


>implying you can do that after a 3 militia drush

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db33d7 No.284829



I just enjoy building a comfy aesthetic base in that game not this smh

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19f94b No.284830

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


lmao go play settlers kid

*raids your wood line*

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817ae6 No.284831

File: 00f77b140387876⋯.png (156.12 KB,804x802,402:401,00f77b1403878769cd1b75658a….png)

*catches neighbour watching me through the window*

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19f94b No.284832

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

*petard rushes*

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19f94b No.284833

File: 1984107d3914a93⋯.png (15.26 KB,644x543,644:543,wizard4.png)


probably concerned that one day he'll look through the window and see you've hanged yourself tbh

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9a122a No.284834


is that shrop :^)

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19f94b No.284835

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

apparently this vile hapa quit his youtube career of extreme cancer while wearing a pink lycra bodysuit in order to focus on a serious career in rap

while wearing a pink lycra bodysuit


it's cool guy

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db33d7 No.284836


the effort into some of these vids

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db33d7 No.284837


>apparently this vile hapa quit his youtube career of extreme cancer while wearing a pink lycra bodysuit in order to focus on a serious career in rap

>while wearing a pink lycra bodysuit

im sick of seeing that guy everywhere tbh

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f1ed80 No.284838


Can proudly say I’ve never watched a filthy frank video

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994343 No.284839

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This is the only song of his I like tbh

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19f94b No.284840


o yeah want to play pokermens la?

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db33d7 No.284841


nah just eating atm and then have to do some tidying

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db33d7 No.284842

and he brought home the bacon so that no one knew

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f1ed80 No.284843

File: 0c727a4d78f383e⋯.png (878.08 KB,516x735,172:245,ClipboardImage.png)

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f1ed80 No.284844

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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db33d7 No.284845


wonderful video

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817ae6 No.284846

File: 30428a4286dd6fb⋯.gif (93.12 KB,250x250,1:1,1411614553768.gif)

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a0ce03 No.284847


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9f4572 No.284848

File: e856e8373de6350⋯.jpg (1.06 MB,1240x2112,155:264,__kujou_karen_kin_iro_mosa….jpg)

I'm gonna miss the latter half of the footboll again smh.

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a0ce03 No.284849


Not missing out on much lad.

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a0ce03 No.284850


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9f4572 No.284851

File: d669abc2e118fdb⋯.png (479.19 KB,1000x1000,1:1,__kujou_karen_kin_iro_mosa….png)

are they even trying

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a0ce03 No.284852


No, there's no need to. England are rubbish.

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9f4572 No.284853


England were dominant for weeks tho.

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a0ce03 No.284854


>dominant for weeks

Hardly, England were just playing rubbish opponents. They barely beat Tunisia.

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f1ed80 No.284855


We drew with the only team with an ELO close to us lmao, the teams we beat were all higher than 40 ELO lel.

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9f4572 No.284856

File: 71534dbf0d90cf8⋯.png (650 KB,946x533,946:533,ClipboardImage.png)


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9f4572 No.284857

File: 7edc0e7be433d33⋯.png (112.63 KB,323x208,323:208,ClipboardImage.png)

football sucks, why are our black people so much smaller than theirs

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db33d7 No.284858

bet 3-1 on belgium come on waffle eaters

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2037e7 No.284859


No, it's shit, they don't even want to be there


smh lad

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db33d7 No.284860

bet no belgium winning 3-1

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a0ce03 No.284861



You down the pub lad?

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db33d7 No.284862


Nah not feeling in a social mode today gonna stay in and tidy up my room and buy some stuff on amazon probably

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19f94b No.284863

video games anyone?

bored smh


they're english blacks and england is famous for being dysgenic

after all that's how ethnicity works

they were born here right

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f1ed80 No.284864

Wild dream from Wednesday night, I was out researching some small outcrop or some tiny island, and all of a sudden the water started rising, all my research equipment and materials got soaked but I was just glad that my notepad was waterproof. Wild.

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a0ce03 No.284865


>buy stuff

Prime Day soon lad.



Watch the football and laugh at "modern England".

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19f94b No.284866


record them in as much detail as possible, they get better that way

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19f94b No.284867

watching Gotham tbh, I was all caught up last year and now there's a good seven episodes to get through

shame that literally everyone is a cunt except maybe alfred smh, fucking modern drama

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f1ed80 No.284868


Wess for fun you should probably try writing for these cowboys, though I'm not really sure what they want, I guess kinda scummy, dregs of humanity type of stories.


No idea what I was researching tbh, but my notepad was beyond important for some reason.

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db33d7 No.284869

File: a1dbfd428fad8ee⋯.png (285.62 KB,673x432,673:432,ClipboardImage.png)


>matt forney

haha that site is well designed though damn

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19f94b No.284870



>$10 a month if you write the best piece of fiction for that month


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f1ed80 No.284871



Tbh I know someone who writes for them, he a good lad. https://terrorhousemag.com/author/zachary-mulcahy/

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19f94b No.284872


will read

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817ae6 No.284873

File: 180538bcdad0731⋯.jpg (4.73 KB,136x36,34:9,screenshot.199000211.jpg)

Made some bread frens

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db33d7 No.284874


i only eat shark and guthix brew n00b

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db33d7 No.284875

and tick eat the karambwans

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a0ce03 No.284876


Thank you fren.

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a0ce03 No.284877


>members only

Lad, it's free to play lel

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db33d7 No.284878


poorfag *dark bows you*

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b3c813 No.284879

>playing games where bullies abuse innocent little kids

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db33d7 No.284880


dont play anymore runescape is a bit too autistic rip

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db33d7 No.284881


I was bullied so hard in wow I cried when I was like 7

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a0ce03 No.284882

>they thought they had a chance of winning the world cup




Meet me in the wildy

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b3c813 No.284883


What happened, lad?

Also I had a tantrum where my brother wanted to play and I started crying when he said it was his turn because I was raiding Onyxia with my guild and they all heard it and there were Norwegians in the guild who understood smh

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db33d7 No.284884


i was like level 4 and a level 50 came to northshire and said i was a noob and duelled me then hit me for all my hp with one spell

why would he come to the starting area just to flex on me, cunt, made me cry, didnt know what i'd done wrong smh

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db33d7 No.284885


>they thought they had a chance of winning the world cup

lol, why is our team so shit

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817ae6 No.284886

File: 90e8e955f99df4a⋯.jpg (34.31 KB,400x300,4:3,Cable-guy.jpg)

I liked to hang around in Lumbridge and offer my help to the noobs. I'd be really nice to them and give them some money and stuff, then get them to follow me. I'd lead them towards Varrock, and then as we approached the southern gate I'd walk off the path into the area with the dark wizards. They're all low level and no harm to me, and wouldn't even attack me. But they'd all gang up on the level 3 and kill him almost instantly.

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a0ce03 No.284887


Your team is rubbish because the youth system is broken, and has been for some time, and grass roots football is dying.

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a0ce03 No.284888

File: 0159f89c711952b⋯.jpg (68.48 KB,538x801,538:801,IMG_2535.JPG)

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b3c813 No.284889



>tfw was really impressed by my friend being level 20 when I first started playing

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af7be0 No.284890

File: 95814dbb8caa515⋯.jpg (66.45 KB,636x733,636:733,おはBANG!.jpg)

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b3c813 No.284891

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b3c813 No.284892

File: 18e75c18c7953b3⋯.png (12.49 KB,530x118,265:59,ClipboardImage.png)


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19f94b No.284893

File: f3967d7d86fc1cb⋯.gif (18.14 KB,512x342,256:171,britspacejak.gif)


>this barely sentient unit of soy and deep fried mars bars is a UKIP public figure

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db33d7 No.284894


I want boomer nige back, the millenials are far worse.

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b3c813 No.284895


Oh God I forgot. that makes it so much worse

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994343 No.284896

File: 3aff9644e2dddfa⋯.jpg (73.75 KB,800x600,4:3,i don't even.jpg)


A-at least it's a step up from spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gables, Searchlight Magazine), right?

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b3c813 No.284897


I guess people who pretend to be our allies but are enemies are worse than people who are open enemies, yeah

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877e5f No.284898

File: 5686cb48d024bb4⋯.jpg (53.08 KB,450x510,15:17,5686cb48d024bb4e020b8d9343….jpg)


actually worse than Neo

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b3c813 No.284899


Bet he only likes futas with big black cocks too since he's not racist

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877e5f No.284900

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b3c813 No.284901


No, a Sargonite

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817ae6 No.284902

File: 1fb2ac283a2d35d⋯.png (273.32 KB,600x583,600:583,1fb.png)

>When your friend doesn't appreciate some good kino

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994343 No.284903


>tfw no big black futa gf(male)

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877e5f No.284904

File: 9778fcf6801fc69⋯.jpg (32.2 KB,267x317,267:317,9778fcf6801fc69bd1234b4bab….jpg)

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877e5f No.284905

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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db33d7 No.284906

deliberated all day over whether to wear shorts or jeans

decided on jeans

halfway through walking to the shop i hear some youths shout "he's wearing jeans!" and laugh

we live in a society

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994343 No.284907


>some youths shout "he's wearing jeans!" and laugh

Is this a thing now? smh bloody "youths"

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b3c813 No.284908

File: 7ae05454197b31a⋯.png (259.92 KB,599x537,599:537,ClipboardImage.png)


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19f94b No.284909


>meme tv man is a cuck

not a surprise

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db33d7 No.284910


wtf i love fascism now

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b3c813 No.284911

at first I didn't even realise he was against it. What a weird thing to write

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877e5f No.284912

the saga of the gosha shirt continues as I can't work out whether or not I've been charged for it

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994343 No.284913

File: cd20585b51b9d89⋯.webm (4.24 MB,640x360,16:9,noice fractal.webm)


Sounds good to me

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825fcb No.284914


Sounds good to me tbh

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2d021d No.284915

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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19f94b No.284918

File: 79d3a20d65f7a56⋯.png (347.43 KB,369x469,369:469,boomer nige.png)

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b3c813 No.284919



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60f877 No.284920


Bore da boyo

i might spend a weekend in the diff … what do you reckon?

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994343 No.284921


The Ahmadis are LOYAL and BASTE, and there is nothing wrong with them seeking sanctuary here because they are oppressed for being heretics in the country their religion emerged in.


>bore da

It's guten morgen for the snownigger.

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b3c813 No.284922

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994343 No.284923

>when I'm online the board is slow as fuck

>when I'm not the board gets through multiple threads and random dramas flare up and die down before I can even understand what they were about

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60f877 No.284924



thinking of going to cardiff

what are your thoughts about such a trek?

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b3c813 No.284925


I-it's nice around this time of year I guess

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994343 No.284926


Efallai mae fe'n meddwl bo ti'n dod o dir y Duw.


Paid a fynd yno, bachgen. Cer i rywle ym Mowys neu Wynedd.

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60f877 No.284927


pam Mowys neu Wynedd?

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b3c813 No.284928


De derre må vårra ei ainna dialekt einn min

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f1ed80 No.284929


welcome to newbrit

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60f877 No.284930


are you in south darkie land or what

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f1ed80 No.284931


Are you?


tronder btfo

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994343 No.284932


Achos mae Caerdydd yn rwtsh ond mae nhw'n neis.

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60f877 No.284933


what's with the silly flag

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f1ed80 No.284934


What's with the lack of flag?

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2037e7 No.284935

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b84f2f No.284937

File: c27b5130b8c5a5f⋯.png (991.86 KB,1280x727,1280:727,ClipboardImage.png)

>tfw babysitting and baby wakes up crying twice but they just want a hug and their hair stroking then they go straight back to deep sleep

maybe babies aren't so bad and annoying, this one has a little guinea pig stuffed toy too haha

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01d256 No.284938


>mass imprisonments, transportation, war and persecution

That happens under every political system though.

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2d021d No.284939


obviously good things are bad…

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01d256 No.284940


I don't even know what he means by transportation? Deportation of illegals, like any sane country does?

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f1ed80 No.284941

File: 464be10e5465187⋯.png (233.25 KB,321x432,107:144,ClipboardImage.png)

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877e5f No.284942

why do taig women crave anglos so much

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01d256 No.284943


>Pizza but

Like No More Heroes?

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f1ed80 No.284945


Yah I'm good at it.

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817ae6 No.284946

File: de56bc0abf4d2fa⋯.png (165.76 KB,984x722,492:361,0A2.png)


black and white socks?

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f1ed80 No.284947

File: e02daf0976b4757⋯.jpg (97.62 KB,1280x554,640:277,Infernal.Affairs.2002.720p….jpg)



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a0ce03 No.284949

There is a mosquito in my room, send help.

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f1ed80 No.284950


Can't you clap it like a ninja?

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a0ce03 No.284951


No, I don't like killing.

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2d021d No.284952

File: 23832bf1e92cc37⋯.jpg (123.83 KB,633x758,633:758,23832bf1e92cc37f072c068c79….jpg)


it's over, there's no defense against it.

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f1ed80 No.284953

File: 417066054db89c0⋯.png (139.89 KB,346x750,173:375,ClipboardImage.png)

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a0ce03 No.284954


I'm going to have to sleep in the guest bedroom 😩


>liked tweet

Going to hunt through those to find you lad.

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f1ed80 No.284955


it's a screen cap from someone else lad. I don't follow black people

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877e5f No.284957

File: 5248dffef91141f⋯.png (560.56 KB,400x751,400:751,ClipboardImage.png)

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a0ce03 No.284958

What a nice W



Who's that?


Bit racist lad.

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a0ce03 No.284959


smh lad, give me my W

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a0ce03 No.284960

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f1ed80 No.284961

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a0ce03 No.284962

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b84f2f No.284963

ima keep it real wit you chief

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b84f2f No.284964

File: 2145a0f0b9824bf⋯.png (1.31 MB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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2d021d No.284965


the one on the right is a boy

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2037e7 No.284966

File: 769b019cf87ffec⋯.png (1.23 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


he should post REAL women tbh

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b84f2f No.284967


post proof or sit down boy

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b84f2f No.284968


real in your mind

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a0ce03 No.284969


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a0ce03 No.284970

Why do I let the spiders live if they don't help me? smh

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f1ed80 No.284971


clap it like a ninja lad

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a0ce03 No.284972




>one on the right is a boy

More concerned you know that lad tbh

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2037e7 No.284973

Hammond, I was born down in a dead man's town

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2d021d No.284974


When I was sucking his dick he told me his first date dumped him because he thought their relationship would be gay. Why I nearly spit his cock out the moment he said it–I had no idea.

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877e5f No.284975

File: 1e2772828e7e17a⋯.jpg (296.65 KB,1084x1500,271:375,1e2772828e7e17a44edf3b929e….jpg)

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2d021d No.284976

File: 3584f515fe95e14⋯.jpg (98.44 KB,685x1024,685:1024,Jewess 517.JPG)


She's so beautiful ~ahh!

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2037e7 No.284977

Why are lasses so lovely lads?

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b3c813 No.284978

File: c877e44eca0286d⋯.png (1.55 MB,1816x2356,454:589,ClipboardImage.png)


That makes no sense that character is supposed to have BIG TITS

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b3c813 No.284979


evolution I guess

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db33d7 No.284980


they're not they're fat

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db33d7 No.284981

most women i interact with are obese

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db33d7 No.284982

what political ideology can stop women being fat?

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b3c813 No.284983


I guess anti-fatism is the most radical one

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db33d7 No.284984


i don't get how people are fat when i struggle to gain weight, how do you cook all that food to maintain the large mass?

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b3c813 No.284985


a frozen pizza is 1000-1500 calories, same with a bag of crisps. Get both for less than 70 NOK. and you'll have eaten enough to keep your weight, and then on top of that you add regular meals and drinks with calories in them.

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db33d7 No.284986


i hate pizza and dont eat crisps cause they give me spots lol

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db33d7 No.284987


i think i am too fussy an eater

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19f94b No.284988

File: b8a4eaeb2ac8c51⋯.png (99.4 KB,360x299,360:299,jabbathepepe.png)

I'm speaking from experience and I blame being poor and depressed


you don't

you eat shit fast food, crisps and snacks, sweeties and etc

the most cooking done by a fattie is putting something in the oven



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db33d7 No.284989


true when you have a shitty life sometimes your only solace is cheap tasty food

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db33d7 No.284990

i speak from experience also

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825fcb No.284991


That's because you live oop norf lad


And eating like shit makes you more depressed, vicious cycle

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b3c813 No.284992


I'm just explaining how easy it is. Unlike you fatties have expanded their stomach so it's more room for stuff, so they don't get satiated as quickly as you will.


I am a fussy eater, but it's easy to find something you like with a lot of calories.

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19f94b No.284993

File: 1f4bfec8c177dda⋯.png (172.44 KB,396x384,33:32,hidingit.png)



but This Week is the Week I Turn It All Around, finally, for sure, definitely

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db33d7 No.284994


>That's because you live oop norf lad

I live in the fattest city in the UK

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db33d7 No.284995

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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19f94b No.284996

File: de882f1e6480653⋯.png (499.88 KB,1332x1949,1332:1949,ClipboardImage.png)

think this is correct and worth doing?

seems a bit counterproductive tbh but I can't deny just trying to get straight stuck in to doing things right hasn't gone well before now

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825fcb No.284997


Fat cunt


Well that'd explain things

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db33d7 No.284998


>This Week is the Week I Turn It All Around, finally, for sure, definitely

I know this feeling but for being productive lol

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b3c813 No.284999




that is so much reading smh

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19f94b No.285000

File: 5c5a2317d216af7⋯.png (441.1 KB,666x666,1:1,feelsgroyp.png)


this is part of it too

lethargy is a hell of a drug

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19f94b No.285001

File: 97bc7d2826b7196⋯.png (187.59 KB,1561x1162,223:166,boomerjakwakes.png)


as far as I can tell it can be summed up as "do absolutely nothing for a week (except presumably continue eating like shit or whatever just to survive) then sum up what you want out of life and begin doing it and living correctly and magically you will be rewired to be a happy and successful person"

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994343 No.285002


Hey me too

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b3c813 No.285003


Do nothing at all? How is that possible?

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19f94b No.285004


he specifically writes "just sit in bed all day and read esoteric philosopher or smth lol"

which sounds like a good way to get sores tbh

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825fcb No.285005


He also says work out smh

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b3c813 No.285006



smh that's so hard. 10 minutes of reading must be rewarded with a day of browsing the internet

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a0ce03 No.285007

Good morning! How was church?

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994343 No.285008


sounds like a good way to become depressed

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a0ce03 No.285009


>good way to become depressed

Sounds like living

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f1ed80 No.285010


>Tfw skimping on my reading

Video editing and photography is being productive r-right?

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b3c813 No.285011


sounds like work, yeah

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b3c813 No.285012

File: c9b9ce3c62bc5c8⋯.png (31.64 KB,600x400,3:2,c9b9ce3c62bc5c8b9379cc8cfe….png)

Wessex sure loves his French heritage smh. Bet he's eating a snail right now. Or a snail wrapped around a frog leg boiled in a juicy duck liver smh

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877e5f No.285013

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a0ce03 No.285014


>snail wrapped around a frog leg boiled in a juicy duck liver

Sounds delicious tbh

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994343 No.285015

File: 07f1d22addfc2a2⋯.png (180.73 KB,677x565,677:565,angry dragon frog.png)


Franco-Saxons out

Gallo-Brythons in

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19f94b No.285016

File: 941b707fd0165f8⋯.png (129.75 KB,276x263,276:263,nervousderuyter.png)


I'm not french I just lived there REEEEEE

I'm mostly dutch

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19f94b No.285017

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fresh glomphf

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994343 No.285018

File: 71427a191e3e03b⋯.png (244.17 KB,1024x768,4:3,sweating man.png)

tbf I was very nearly born and raised in France and I would probably have had a much life if I had

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a0ce03 No.285019


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cda1d3 No.285020

File: b02fbf67b596eae⋯.jpg (323.39 KB,2048x1600,32:25,DiEA5buV4AAizIW.jpg)

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994343 No.285021

File: f3af79eef2a68ff⋯.jpg (30.99 KB,512x288,16:9,nick robinson 2.jpg)


u h'wot m8

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b3c813 No.285022

>tfw could have been born in France as a female and been courted by a viking for my Norman genes

>was going to post an hour ago but then captcha blocked it


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877e5f No.285023

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994343 No.285024

File: a978d033cfa085c⋯.jpg (122.28 KB,647x854,647:854,gay muslims 3.jpg)


þu hvað m8?

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a0ce03 No.285025

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a0ce03 No.285026


>blue eyes


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f1ed80 No.285027


>he doesn’t like blue eyes

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b3c813 No.285028





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994343 No.285029


herts pls

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ce3e0b No.285030


seems like it would work yeah but hard to do

i think it's something that needs to be forced upon you so you have accountability. i try to fast the whole day every sunday but it hardly ever works because it's just weak old me that's trying to do it, rather than the environment [family or whatever] forcing me to do it.

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2d021d No.285031


This seems pretty legit, I heard of the science stuff he's talking about and the habit breaking. Breaking a habit is essentially destroying the path you go down which compels you to do the thing you do. Like if it is drugs you are/were addicted to just meeting a friend may trigger an initial reaction that will lead you down a path to doing heroine again, or whatever, even if you had been clear from it for months or years. That is because they haven't destroyed the ingrained progression to the drug.

This also very much reminds me of Stoicism: "Avoid Idleness, walking around doing nothing, daydreaming, avoid having imaginary conversations" It was exactly that which Marcus Aurelius in "Meditations" told himself not to do (It was a reflective journal). He insisted to stay in the here and now, only to focus on what you're doing and not to get lost in your head. Perhaps this is an ideal book to have printed, as well as the other Stoics. Try Epictetus and Seneca.

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f1ed80 No.285032

>tfw had a dream where I had to fistfight an entire street of 13-18 year olds.

Woke up and my arms felt so tired.

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2d021d No.285033


Were they minority yoofs? You may have been swinging in your sleep, lol.

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817ae6 No.285034

File: d12fdec4577370b⋯.png (7.37 KB,419x395,419:395,d12fdec4577370b977ee05f839….png)

runescape is boring

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9f4572 No.285035

File: fd1c301b13de38e⋯.png (1.46 MB,933x953,933:953,ClipboardImage.png)

>Sue changed her twitter handle

Smh I panicked for a moment.



Are there websites for this kind of cosplay?


It was boring when I first played it in 2001 but I kept going for a few years because my friends played it tbh.

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2d021d No.285036

File: fa1fa2e3375a44f⋯.png (341.26 KB,444x790,222:395,Jewess 563.png)


if there are I don't know about them

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f1ed80 No.285037

File: 1f62fe79a8d2dfa⋯.png (448.96 KB,480x586,240:293,ClipboardImage.png)

>tfw herts is at it again


From all backgrounds lad, my fists are not bigoted

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b3c813 No.285038


He lopped it off?

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9f4572 No.285039

File: d336230544e9b31⋯.jpg (528.9 KB,1536x2048,3:4,estherlynnhhj-101605187236….jpg)

>I-I don't have gender issues, I'm completely comfortable being a dude

t. sneaky


Just tucked it back tbh.

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cda1d3 No.285040

File: badef16d71958b3⋯.mp4 (6.47 MB,850x720,85:72,What did I just watch .mp4)

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f1ed80 No.285041


>those creases

oof someone needs to tell sneagy how to relax his cheek muscles.

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9f4572 No.285042

File: 3341d8889b16b13⋯.png (418.04 KB,600x802,300:401,3341d8889b16b1351d4f7c61d8….png)


That's some good advice lad, when did you become a passing expert?

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817ae6 No.285043

im bored

i hate video games

cba to do anything

want to lay down and never get up

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914a8b No.285044


I want to punch him in the face

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f1ed80 No.285045


Focus on relaxing the muscles inside your eyelids

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cda1d3 No.285046


could be that it's dead bright sunlight there

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cda1d3 No.285047

File: 35fac49883b9dea⋯.jpg (175.03 KB,900x1259,900:1259,Dgc8471UEAAAKa9.jpg)

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914a8b No.285048


Wew lad, maybe you can sort yourself out then

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cda1d3 No.285049


what makes you hate video games?

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19f94b No.285050

File: 8363c15258cd881⋯.png (236.54 KB,369x469,369:469,NigeBoomer.png)

>sorting yourself out

>not just sipping your life away and enjoying the decline

who /tooboomertolive/ here

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877e5f No.285051

File: 9778fcf6801fc69⋯.jpg (32.2 KB,267x317,267:317,9778fcf6801fc69bd1234b4bab….jpg)



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f1ed80 No.285052


also it's just called skincare lass lmao

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817ae6 No.285053



and got teamkilled in world of tanks right at the start of the match for no reason what a cunt


already doing thta for ages but today i dont wanna

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877e5f No.285054


>mayor jabba

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a0ce03 No.285055



Are you gay lad? Just have good genes, eat a healthy diet and drink plenty of water.

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cda1d3 No.285056

have you noticed how modern brit women are now polarised between sexed up THOTS and disgusting fat feminazi lezzas? There is very little middle ground.

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ce3e0b No.285057


the WoT playerbase is one of the worst things about the game tbh


it's very sad. even if they're not fat lezzies they're still brainwashed feminists like my sister

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a0ce03 No.285058

>Republika Hrvatska

>République française

I hope nobody wins tbh







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914a8b No.285059


Not really, there's a lot more of those types running around these days sure, but the reality isn't as bad as you think. Get outside more

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9f4572 No.285060

File: d6307a4eb82d98f⋯.png (206.13 KB,528x554,264:277,ClipboardImage.png)

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877e5f No.285061

File: 6218d0fada47fcb⋯.jpg (95.66 KB,409x683,409:683,6218d0fada47fcbf4b115246e4….jpg)

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914a8b No.285062


Lesbians are usually just bisexuals tbf

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e3532e No.285063

File: ed17076fabcd752⋯.gif (1.51 MB,425x481,425:481,Devilish pepe.gif)

just started a fight on /brit/ and got a poster banned after winding Midshanks and the rest up

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a0ce03 No.285064


Lesbians are usually women who have been spurned by a male lover or been on the recieving end of a divorce.

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877e5f No.285065



Fuck off and don't falseflag us

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e3532e No.285066

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e3532e No.285067

I am objectively the best poster on this board

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a0ce03 No.285068


>best poster is someone other than somethingelse

How naïve you are lad…

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e3532e No.285069

File: 2f68fbb88eb2652⋯.jpg (58.13 KB,962x640,481:320,mao_in_the_water.jpg)

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994343 No.285070


chad cynics > virgin stoics tbh

t. brainlet who's never actually read any of their work

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2165c4 No.285071

was recording my cover of cotton eye joe hitting those high notes then noticed the window was open lads

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914a8b No.285072


You're also objectively the worst

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a0ce03 No.285073


If you start singing La Marseillaise you might be able to pretend that you are already on it for the final, thus just about getting away with it lad. Otherwise you could just kill your neighbours.

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2165c4 No.285074

Upon his ample shoulders

Clangs loud the four-fold shield,

And in his hand he shakes the brand

Which none but he can wield.

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01d256 No.285075

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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9f4572 No.285076

File: 9f1a8a72e384db7⋯.png (743.5 KB,800x1200,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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877e5f No.285077

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01d256 No.285078


>just liking hugs

I don't think that counts as being a lesbian.

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a0ce03 No.285079


Seek help lad.

God made you as you are lad, and He does not make mistakes.

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2d021d No.285080

I sometimes impress myself, like just now when I went to click this tab to check it, I did a pixel-perfect click dead centre on the close tab 'x'


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01d256 No.285081


This is a good idea. We also need it for race tho. How can I vote for this?

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2d021d No.285082

Vote with your heart, soul, and bullets

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2165c4 No.285083

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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817ae6 No.285084


its a girl tbh

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9f4572 No.285085

File: 750a3e77bdda976⋯.jpg (248.79 KB,800x800,1:1,__eila_ilmatar_juutilainen….jpg)

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a0ce03 No.285086


There aren't girls on the internet.

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2165c4 No.285087

File: 25ebab23ae30f03⋯.gif (877.79 KB,352x200,44:25,original.gif)


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a0ce03 No.285088

File: c751114a908e363⋯.jpg (120.4 KB,667x1000,667:1000,IMG_2589.JPG)


Cartoon "women" can't bare your children lad.

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a0ce03 No.285089


Which one is you lad?

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2165c4 No.285090


just two tradwives having a heated debate

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01d256 No.285091

File: 08bbc2649194eda⋯.jpg (191.04 KB,470x595,94:119,devlish.jpg)

Who here /bullythedoctorwhoboardsomtimes/?

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19f94b No.285092


play pokedeathbattle with me lad

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9f4572 No.285093

File: b6d395b138da189⋯.jpg (1 MB,1075x1518,1075:1518,__alice_and_eila_ilmatar_j….jpg)


I don't want to sexualise cartoons, mebbe just wanna be one sometimes

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2165c4 No.285094

File: b8dc85fd0dd8cf0⋯.png (495.58 KB,791x560,113:80,ClipboardImage.png)

>just remember people is "pobol" in welsh

its like cute adorable language haha


I have so much chores to do 😩 should really do them

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a0ce03 No.285095



That isn't tradwive attire though lad.


>I don't want to sexualise cartoons

Good, it's impossible to anyway.

>mebbe just wanna be one sometimes

It's fun to pretend to be something else, but some people let their imagination take over and mutilate themselves.

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9f4572 No.285096

File: 8f3497def93a480⋯.png (336.84 KB,570x800,57:80,__eila_ilmatar_juutilainen….png)


I miss you and pembs a lot smh


I don't want to mutilate myself rooooo

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2165c4 No.285097

File: c875ddd47776dfb⋯.png (2.14 MB,1009x1401,1009:1401,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 63b9780bf8358d4⋯.png (981.92 KB,1017x1024,1017:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

God I wish that were me

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01d256 No.285098


Is it me or are tradwives really fucking spergy and LARPy? I mean, I appreciate the sentiment, but you don't have to dress like you just came out of a 50's sitcom.

Come to think of it, women turn everything into a costume, don't they? Is their attraction to any particular culture just a desire to try on the clothes?

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19f94b No.285099

File: 5c0754fe00f5548⋯.png (32.35 KB,399x322,57:46,eeshsmoke.png)

bit extremely gay tbh

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817ae6 No.285100


i think women are actually "traditional" just quietly are and dont make a fuss, why would they? its not an identity to them its just the way they are

women who make a big show of it are just overcompensating for something

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2165c4 No.285101


Lasses love those two characters lad

They are also chad neet vampires who don't need to wagecuck smh

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19f94b No.285102


this is the same argument you made for dressing up in a women's maid fetish costume and it's not a good one

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2165c4 No.285103


Well at least this fantasy isn't as bad kek I just want to be a well dressed handsome man with a big mansion now

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01d256 No.285104


Everyone's traditional on some level, because much of what we think of as tradition is just biology.

Women in particular seem susceptible to being swept up by trends though. Probably psychology that evolved when they had to quickly adjust to new men running the place whenever they were invaded and their husbands were all killed.

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817ae6 No.285105

File: 443634846e3eac7⋯.jpg (29.73 KB,320x320,1:1,1739515_436381183217213_40….jpg)

Well at least this fantasy isn't as bad kek I just want to be a FVCKING JOOCY demigod with big lats now

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2165c4 No.285106

File: ecbd3458aa0b832⋯.png (237.69 KB,378x388,189:194,ClipboardImage.png)


I also have this fantasy in conjunction with my previous one

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a0ce03 No.285107


What gear will you be running lad?

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817ae6 No.285108



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817ae6 No.285109


most of all id like to become a dragon tbh if i could be anything

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a0ce03 No.285110


What kind of steroid is that?

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2165c4 No.285111


i was obsessed with dragons as a kid and wanted to be one as well lad

*burns down bradford*

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19f94b No.285112

File: 42a2de5d7565dfc⋯.png (452.97 KB,600x600,1:1,3 am feels.png)

>escapist fantasism

Well at least this fantasy isn't as bad kek I just want to not be alone now

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a0ce03 No.285113

It is Prime Day on Amazon tomorrow and I would very much like a proper camera to take nice photos of my travels. What camera do you suggest I should purchase?

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a0ce03 No.285114



I remember when I had a dream once.

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ce3e0b No.285115

File: 106eb24f6774309⋯.jpg (804.54 KB,1975x1364,1975:1364,Colonoscopy_camera.jpg)

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817ae6 No.285116

File: 6315e0659d310a5⋯.jpg (101.96 KB,500x458,250:229,tumblr_static_e66w9maele04….jpg)


interesting fetish you have there

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cda1d3 No.285117


isn't it strange that the poop has to go up, across and down again

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a0ce03 No.285118


Not all of us partake in buggery lad.

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2165c4 No.285119

File: 9931ef943c9fdd6⋯.png (582.79 KB,756x1058,378:529,ClipboardImage.png)



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01d256 No.285120


Ah, yeh just wud wuntya?

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ce3e0b No.285121


me but with my foreskin

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2165c4 No.285122


what the fuck does this post mean

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19f94b No.285123

File: 4b3ee291e6ffdfc⋯.png (73.98 KB,255x211,255:211,apusherlock.png)

you should get that checked out mate, foreskin queefs mean you probably have internal tearing in there

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19f94b No.285124

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

radio 8 fresh

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2165c4 No.285125

File: cc50b2251e99420⋯.png (144 KB,400x400,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>nobody northern on

Dunno if I can handle two southern ponces chatting

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994343 No.285126

File: d8e27a7028ee8b6⋯.jpg (331.23 KB,2197x1463,2197:1463,sboncen.jpg)



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2165c4 No.285127


sgiliau gwych

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994343 No.285128

Should add that c in Welsh is always a hard c, pronounced like a k

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2165c4 No.285129


love wales tbh

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2165c4 No.285130

jelly of their population density tbh

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19f94b No.285131

having a nap tbh

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2165c4 No.285132



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01d256 No.285133


How are you typing?

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994343 No.285134


What, loads of people in the south and almost nobody elsewhere? I'd rather it were lower and more even tbh, the industrial revolution was a mistake.

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a0ce03 No.285135


>>nobody northern

Good. Learn how to pronounce words properly.

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2165c4 No.285136


>pronounce words properly

>coming from someone with their vocal cords two feet up their own arse

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994343 No.285137


RP speakercide when?

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a0ce03 No.285138


T'accent t'is t'best, nowt t'wrong t'with t'it. Baff.


Soon please, we lost our accents because everyone wanted to copy the fancy Londoners.

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a0ce03 No.285139

File: 6169bb9655c0c6d⋯.jpg (81.01 KB,1063x473,1063:473,IMG_2592.JPG)

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994343 No.285140

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994343 No.285141


That's a nice picture of the Bulgarian empire though.

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a0ce03 No.285142


>t. Bulgarian

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994343 No.285143

File: c23ee71b0312475⋯.jpg (99.65 KB,735x607,735:607,Tri Moreta.jpg)


Byzantium? More like Goodbyezantium pmsl

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cda1d3 No.285144

File: 14b15fa38993df5⋯.jpg (166.92 KB,960x1280,3:4,no gf.jpg)

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a0ce03 No.285145

File: fdf8dc77163ae58⋯.jpg (70.66 KB,608x356,152:89,IMG_2584.JPG)


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825fcb No.285146


Which god are they worshiping lad?

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994343 No.285147




still around?

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a0ce03 No.285148


The only one that is real.

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a0ce03 No.285149

Never a penalty.

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2037e7 No.285150

allez allez allez

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2037e7 No.285151

La France est une République indivisible, laïque, démocratique et sociale. Elle assure l'égalité devant la loi de tous les citoyens sans distinction d'origine, de race ou de religion.

La France est une République indivisible, laïque, démocratique et sociale. Elle assure l'égalité devant la loi de tous les citoyens sans distinction d'origine, de race ou de religion.

La France est une République indivisible, laïque, démocratique et sociale. Elle assure l'égalité devant la loi de tous les citoyens sans distinction d'origine, de race ou de religion.

La France est une République indivisible, laïque, démocratique et sociale. Elle assure l'égalité devant la loi de tous les citoyens sans distinction d'origine, de race ou de religion.

La France est une République indivisible, laïque, démocratique et sociale. Elle assure l'égalité devant la loi de tous les citoyens sans distinction d'origine, de race ou de religion.

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a0ce03 No.285152

Lijepa naša domovino,

Oj junačka zemljo mila,

Stare slave djedovino,

Da bi vazda sretna bila!

Mila, kano si nam slavna,

Mila si nam ti jedina.

Mila, kuda si nam ravna,

Mila, kuda si planina!

Teci Dravo, Savo teci,

Nit' ti Dunav silu gubi,

Sinje more svijetu reci,

Da svoj narod Hrvat ljubi.

Dok mu njive sunce grije,

Dok mu hrašće bura vije,

Dok mu mrtve grobak krije,

Dok mu živo srce bije!

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825fcb No.285153


But lad, lots of them are real, so which one?

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2d021d No.285154

File: 06aa474655e4e76⋯.jpg (108.17 KB,872x1024,109:128,Jewess 441.jpg)

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a0ce03 No.285155


>lots of them are real

Maybe in the minds of heretics and blasphemers, but there is only God and His Son is the Lord Jesus Christ.

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994343 No.285156


All religions worship the same one true God, lad.

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a0ce03 No.285157

All good boys who pray the Rosary support Croatia 🇭🇷

Only godless Jacobin wogs support 🇫🇷

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a0ce03 No.285158


Even if that were true, which it isn't, the "god" they worship is a misinterpretation of THE LORD.

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994343 No.285159


YHVH is just one aspect of the divine.

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19f94b No.285160

>herts being civic and frnehc

fuck off cunt

REAL french are insular, hairy, squat racists that beat wogs to death with stale baguettes

rather like real britons come to think of it, except for the choice of bread product

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2165c4 No.285161


love baguettes personally tbh

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01d256 No.285162

Someone explain Kaballa to me like I'm a small child.

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19f94b No.285163


evil jew blood magic where they kidnap and sacrifice children and non-jews to appease their dark god

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825fcb No.285164


Says who?


YHVH is a patron god of the ancient Israelites, christians merely adopt him as their patron god

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ce3e0b No.285165

i cant bear seeing wogba open that big monkey mouth smh

feeling very racist now

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ce3e0b No.285166

no way ahhhhhhhh

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a0ce03 No.285167

You lads ready to be told how great multiculturalism is?


>says who


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a0ce03 No.285168


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01d256 No.285169


I don't think that's what it is. They nicked it from the Egyptians.

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a0ce03 No.285170

Comeback is on lads.

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ce3e0b No.285171


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817ae6 No.285172

File: 66d271be92567ed⋯.jpg (79 KB,874x684,23:18,1497056959612.jpg)


doesnt the bible kind of imply that other gods are real in a few places in the old testament?


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a0ce03 No.285173


No, it acknowledges that people worshipped false gods though.

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825fcb No.285174


But God means YHVH, the same way the ancient greeks called Zeus God


It does, the whole 'worship no other god but me' was to prevent the Israelites mixing with the other people when they invaded Canaan, they originally had their own pantheon before declaring YHVH the god of everything


This is somewhat true, there is always one god that creates the universe and all the other gods/goddesses stem from him.

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a0ce03 No.285175


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ce3e0b No.285176


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2037e7 No.285177


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994343 No.285178

In the case of the antiviral drug ritonavir, not only was one polymorph virtually inactive compared to the alternative crystal form, but the inactive polymorph was subsequently found to convert the active polymorph into the inactive form on contact, due to its lower energy and greater stability making spontaneous interconversion energetically favourable. Even a speck of the lower energy polymorph could convert large stockpiles of ritonavir into the medically useless inactive polymorph.

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a0ce03 No.285179

Nous sommes tous une race, la race française.

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a0ce03 No.285180

File: dc4ea09e19ec272⋯.png (85.61 KB,750x527,750:527,IMG_2596.PNG)

🎶 Two world wars, three world cups 🎶

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19f94b No.285181

File: 58f9b4ac6f2b0de⋯.png (26.16 KB,340x424,85:106,wizard5byautiste.png)

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2165c4 No.285182

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19f94b No.285183

File: f084a3c2790a537⋯.png (82.09 KB,281x525,281:525,ClipboardImage.png)

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994343 No.285184


delitised tomoko?

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2165c4 No.285185

the croatian PM is so motherly, hugging all the players like she's their mummy

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2165c4 No.285186


its the my hero academia guy

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19f94b No.285187


th e character I empathize with most because he is always tired and grumpy

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817ae6 No.285188

File: e1f013ca3b1b6a9⋯.jpg (91.27 KB,633x710,633:710,2354342653256245.jpg)

>tfw you really stink because youre sweaty and slimy in this heat

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19f94b No.285189

File: 1984107d3914a93⋯.png (15.26 KB,644x543,644:543,wizard4.png)

take a shower slugman

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2165c4 No.285190

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

good lass


i dont empathise with any of the perky young characters with their life ahead of them that's for sure

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2165c4 No.285191

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ce3e0b No.285192


bit gay lad

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2165c4 No.285193


didnt you say you were gay the other day

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ce3e0b No.285194

i still listened and enjoyed it though tbf

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2165c4 No.285195

self hater

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2165c4 No.285196


goodlad its a tune

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2165c4 No.285197

File: d28b522c47394ed⋯.png (2.66 MB,1575x1021,1575:1021,cheeky grin.png)

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ce3e0b No.285198

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ce3e0b No.285199

oh right i said "back when i was gay" meaning back when i was a clueless fool

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2165c4 No.285200

File: 0b47d9ac3f7df91⋯.jpg (36.66 KB,418x408,209:204,Nagatoro_03.jpg)

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2d021d No.285201

File: b96ae9179df6bc5⋯.jpg (277.73 KB,960x1280,3:4,Jewess 566.jpg)

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e3f026 No.285202


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a0ce03 No.285203


Adds up tbh, same for when I was a boy

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e3f026 No.285204

I got that feeling again

High energy

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4c9308 No.285205


fight me

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e3f026 No.285206


I'd destroy you

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a0ce03 No.285207


>high energy

Did you drink the red Monster lad?

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ce3e0b No.285208


>fight me


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4c9308 No.285209


Lad I'd bend your fingers back until you cried

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e3f026 No.285210


Tea, sugar and semen retention

>spent £91 on a meal


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e3f026 No.285211


I'd bend you but you're already bent

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e3f026 No.285212

Hahaha I'm going mad

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d8bcba No.285213


What's your budget? Are you looking for practicality or performance?

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a0ce03 No.285214


>>spent £91 on a meal

Was that just on yourself lad?

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4c9308 No.285215


I'm straight as an arrow lad, I've sexed over 12 women. Fully satisfied them too. You don't stand a chance I've got arms like naval guns

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a0ce03 No.285216


Budget is up to £300, can spend more if necessary though. Looking for something that isn't too bulky.

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e3f026 No.285217


Keeq try me fuccboi


Course not

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e3f026 No.285218

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I'd destroy her more tbh

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d8bcba No.285219


I'd go Nikon D3XXX. Excellent starter DSLR with fantastic specs for their prices. Keeping with the kit lens they aren't too bulky but should be rugged.

The latest iteration is the D3400, but that's a little over £300. You should find good deals on the D3300 and the D3200 should be below £200 now, I would leave the D3100 as it's getting pretty old now.

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d8bcba No.285220

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e3f026 No.285221

Other men look away when I look at them

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2165c4 No.285222


once paid that much for argie steak

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a0ce03 No.285223


>course not

Thought you were a baller for a moment lad. I once spent £400 in a restaurant 🤑


Thanks lad, will see if the price goes down tomorrow.



Better not be your ebay lad, that'd be rather sneaky mercantilism.

>glass on screen has slight crack


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a0ce03 No.285224


Did it at least come with chips?

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19f94b No.285225

File: 68c60cfb240984a⋯.png (335.5 KB,445x472,445:472,givi.png)


probably uncomfortable with a 5 foot hairy hobbit manchild staring at them tbh

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4c9308 No.285226


That's because you stare at their groin and flap your arms about going OOOOOHHHH HELLO SAILOR

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2165c4 No.285227

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e3f026 No.285228


When we meet up you will be overwhelmed by my masculinity

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2165c4 No.285229


didn't you bail out of meeting up

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19f94b No.285230


when is that happening lad?


for the fourth time

or maybe fifth, I forget

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a0ce03 No.285231



Fancy places don't give you sides.


>you will be overwhelmed by my masculinity

Sounds a bit gay lad.

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994343 No.285232


Are you JOOCY lad?

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2165c4 No.285233


>Fancy places don't give you sides.

they give me whatever i want im mr big bollocks

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e3f026 No.285234


Second actually Mr pea brain


A bit but I been on holiday 2 weeks so no lift

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e3f026 No.285235

Old tourist yank couples are quite nice

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a0ce03 No.285236


Try that down sarf lad.

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a0ce03 No.285237


Do you put your accent on extra thick and offer to take their photo with their camera so you can nick it?

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2165c4 No.285238


the only thing ill ever try down south is testing neutron bombs

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19f94b No.285239


*does a really smelly fart at you*

three times I'm pretty sure

and on the last one you actually got quite far before welshing at the last moment with a poor excuse that I easily found to be false

just say you don't want to next time lad

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e3f026 No.285240


No that's rude


Its 2 you fuckin dolt

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e3f026 No.285241

Fuck you bumlickers

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19f94b No.285242

File: 069fd34d87d78ef⋯.png (13.58 KB,340x657,340:657,ClipboardImage.png)


I'm counting the times I asked and you said "yeah ok" then "wait nah" a day later tbh



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2165c4 No.285243

File: 995b139a1dc26d2⋯.png (13.46 KB,340x657,340:657,LOLS.png)

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2165c4 No.285244

File: 5e0074a502191f5⋯.jpg (77.56 KB,466x433,466:433,81aM0V7iQPL._SX466_.jpg)

>when all of steiners simba pics appear

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a0ce03 No.285245

File: ed912e7973da61b⋯.png (65.65 KB,577x537,577:537,IMG_2597.PNG)

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2165c4 No.285246

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d8bcba No.285247

File: 1e60e43ab92ebc8⋯.jpg (8.38 KB,186x270,31:45,62e.jpg)

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cda1d3 No.285248

File: c564828030519a3⋯.jpg (108.6 KB,768x960,4:5,FB_IMG_1531350383607.jpg)

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2165c4 No.285249


i dub this one weird face wench

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19f94b No.285250

File: 7847e4447cc80b3⋯.png (668.48 KB,1171x671,1171:671,ClipboardImage.png)

is nubatkid a jew? he looks like a jew

pathetic tbh, that expression is hogg tier

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2165c4 No.285251

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a0ce03 No.285252


I watched it lad. le dab on le présidente

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01d256 No.285253

File: d39f9c8845c9897⋯.jpg (807.87 KB,1339x1753,1339:1753,6fd4e4178fdb933e8942a1a2b6….jpg)

Wish I was a big yeller lad.

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01d256 No.285254

File: bd0b8612e9b72d8⋯.jpg (827.82 KB,1339x1783,1339:1783,6fd4e4178fdb933e8942a1a2b6….jpg)

Olympus looks like a fucking lark

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2165c4 No.285255

File: f7f46b9c0d8cd0f⋯.png (24.32 KB,485x443,485:443,1517002761849.png)


the font and art style is so confusing

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01d256 No.285256


I think it's French.

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825fcb No.285257



Kek what the fuck are they wearing?

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2165c4 No.285258




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01d256 No.285259


That's what Greek gods wore in the 70's.

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01d256 No.285260

File: 555a475fb506ca6⋯.jpg (78.77 KB,723x760,723:760,smart person.jpg)

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01d256 No.285261

File: 977bc52f3e0c293⋯.jpg (357.22 KB,578x1159,578:1159,6fd4e4178fdb933e8942a1a2b6….jpg)

Going out to pick up women, lads.

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2165c4 No.285262


i am gay I get the joke

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4f7110 No.285263


>i am gay

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825fcb No.285264


Should have stuck to the togas smh

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19f94b No.285265

File: 2ea88ec080374c0⋯.png (265.22 KB,576x324,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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825fcb No.285266


>i am gay I get the joke

Someone screencap this please

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2165c4 No.285267



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2165c4 No.285268

File: 0e0840028827366⋯.jpg (186.34 KB,800x800,1:1,Froppy_01.jpg)

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19f94b No.285269

File: 608c327809e0dbc⋯.png (138.42 KB,384x216,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

best part of the anime adaptation is keeping the hilarious expressions tbh

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2165c4 No.285270


is this a cooking animu ?

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01d256 No.285271

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19f94b No.285272

File: 62c84019b04eae4⋯.png (313.64 KB,665x511,95:73,asirpa12.png)


no it's a treasure hunt where they have to capture criminals and flay them alive for maps tattooed on their skin

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d8bcba No.285273


What's this?

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2165c4 No.285274


that's cool

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01d256 No.285275



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19f94b No.285276

File: 99a0f880c934c82⋯.png (141.43 KB,384x216,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: acadd85e5526c5a⋯.png (81.34 KB,343x340,343:340,asirpa4.png)


Golden Kamui



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01d256 No.285277

File: a4a4e74e9a42469⋯.jpg (239.32 KB,1262x554,631:277,6fd4e4178fdb933e8942a1a2b6….jpg)



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2165c4 No.285278

ive tried intermittent fasting and you know what? it does nothing

just eat food normally and exercise

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01d256 No.285279

File: d5ff5e54f2b16b4⋯.jpg (561.15 KB,1339x1736,1339:1736,6fd4e4178fdb933e8942a1a2b6….jpg)


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817ae6 No.285280

File: d12fdec4577370b⋯.png (7.37 KB,419x395,419:395,d12fdec4577370b977ee05f839….png)


are you sure

can i go eat now then?


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2165c4 No.285281


it helps lose weight cause its a fast i think thats about it

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817ae6 No.285282


thats all i want it to do so i guess i cant eat aaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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a0ce03 No.285283

File: 96def96ac6349eb⋯.jpg (106.35 KB,800x259,800:259,IMG_2598.JPG)

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01d256 No.285284


He didn't even do anything.

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95816b No.285285

death to fags

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688f94 No.285286

File: 3c1133fff5f2e18⋯.png (223.94 KB,720x285,48:19,ClipboardImage.png)


< Disgusting stain.

0/10 would not bang

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688f94 No.285288



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994343 No.285290

File: 3e6ee0bae26b208⋯.png (284.5 KB,584x344,73:43,Blimpf's Bizarre adventure.png)


What kind of bigot wouldn't want this in their country?

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2165c4 No.285292

File: 017b39137c11632⋯.png (259.12 KB,571x319,571:319,ClipboardImage.png)

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9b0dce No.285293



Wrong board lad.

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817ae6 No.285294

File: 78e450c31033c6c⋯.png (6 KB,371x317,371:317,Untitled.png)

i feel lost, like im adrift in the middle of an ocean

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19f94b No.285295

fucking crunchyroll niggers

>manga line said by a hunter "I've never hunted a wolf before, (my penis) is erect!"

>anime line "I've never hunted a wolf before, >my hunter's soul is erect"

smh nofun puritan-yet-ultradegenerate SJWs

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2165c4 No.285296


Crunchyroll had an LGBTQ panel at some anime convention recently

They also censor smoking in anime for no reason

They also apparently don't provide the best quality rips

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2d021d No.285297

>get woken up at 3am again to sister screaming top of her lungs through the phone

>screaming the same shit as yesterday

here we go again

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2165c4 No.285298

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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19f94b No.285299


def. the best quality I can find online tbh, least hassle to watch as well eg kissanime has anti adblock shite and 123movies is absolute arse quality

it doesn't even make sense censoring just that line since they kept in all the boner jokes that come straight afterward smh


throw her outside

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2d021d No.285300

File: 2d7792f1304c60e⋯.png (493.02 KB,1888x887,1888:887,2d7792f1304c60e66910fa497a….png)


nah, she's honestly fucking insane mate

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19f94b No.285302

File: fbc450ad329ec24⋯.png (872.43 KB,1105x1076,1105:1076,ClipboardImage.png)

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19f94b No.285303

File: a210665a8b1a236⋯.png (179.91 KB,757x499,757:499,ClipboardImage.png)

they strike again

>censor wolf shit

>but didn't censor deer shit earier

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2165c4 No.285304


king billy didnt give us rights for this

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e3f026 No.285305


Send her my way I'll look after her


Aye lad it's just another fad meme diet thing

I don't feel any different than eating supposedly testosterone high stuff than soiboi stuff tbh, just the taste

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d8bcba No.285306

how is everyone today

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19f94b No.285307



doing chores

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e3f026 No.285308


Feel utter shit tbh pls kill me

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6ea02a No.285309

Postman pat.

Postman pat.

Postman pat and his black and white brrapp.

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9b0dce No.285310


I am well. How are you lad?

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19f94b No.285311

File: 3605415c3295fd0⋯.png (128.28 KB,391x514,391:514,ClipboardImage.png)

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994343 No.285312


>my hunter's soul is erect

That doesn't even make sense

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2165c4 No.285313


top keeeeek

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b3c813 No.285314


>tfw I identify as a space-marine

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817ae6 No.285315

File: 149a0f61bdd6262⋯.jpg (46.56 KB,1280x720,16:9,spoony.jpg)

so brain foggy today

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19f94b No.285316

File: 88955683a70e478⋯.png (614.3 KB,805x1000,161:200,hmm2.png)

>supposed to have a sossie a day

>have 2 and now they've run out

do I go shopping or have stale bread and cheese toasties


stop masturbating

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2165c4 No.285317


could order online

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2d021d No.285318

File: 4e55c3d95adfecd⋯.jpg (26.02 KB,480x718,240:359,597.jpg)


gah, I had that before. It was for something like 3 weeks and I couldn't even speak without great effort. I also forgot what I was thinking just a few seconds after I started thinking it. It was fucking awful, one of the worst experiences, tbh. It came back on and off for about 4 months, with the initial 3 weeks being the longest it happened for.

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19f94b No.285319


I got some salad and poppadom crisp thingies

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2165c4 No.285320

early in the morning

postman pat is yawning

he lets out a cheeky sweaty hmmmp

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2165c4 No.285321

File: e44ba6199f43948⋯.png (257.54 KB,400x400,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

>joke ruined by filter

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2165c4 No.285322


gudlad whats in your salad?

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19f94b No.285323



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2165c4 No.285324


had some red cabbage today was yummy, mustve at like 3000 calories in one meal

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2d021d No.285325



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2d021d No.285326



hmmm… what was the joke then?

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2165c4 No.285327

are you a cunt if you put loads of food on your plate at the carvery? I almost all of it

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2165c4 No.285328

ate almost all of it*

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817ae6 No.285329


how did you get rid of it


i actually did stop jacking off altogether for a couple weeks at one point

i guess it helped a bit, but its greatly overrated

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2d021d No.285330


I just suffered through it, it never went away during those times.

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01d256 No.285331

File: dcc1e6abaa3d339⋯.jpg (45.51 KB,446x526,223:263,captin scarlut.jpg)

File: 6f934c9157c0040⋯.jpg (19.81 KB,267x283,267:283,captin scarlut2.jpg)


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19f94b No.285332

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


based and huwhite

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ce3e0b No.285333



youre supposed to do it for more than 1 day yknow

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2165c4 No.285334


I did it for 3 months

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ce3e0b No.285335


okay lad but there is significant scientific evidence in its favour. although as skinny as you are i dont think youre going to notice much of a difference

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2165c4 No.285336


it didnt reduce bodyfat at all it does nothing, your brain needs glucose to function, your body needs calories to function, its pointless

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ce3e0b No.285337


do you know what ketosis is?

clearly you didn't do your research

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2165c4 No.285338


yes that has nothing to do with intermittent fasting

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ce3e0b No.285339


do you know what HGH is?

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2165c4 No.285340


yes that has nothing to do with intermittent fasting

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ce3e0b No.285341


if you did your research you wouldnt think something as stupid as "your body needs calories to function"

your brain uses ketones in a fasted state, not glucose


it really does lad, i think you need to actually read something about something you try to do before dismissing it

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2165c4 No.285342


post body pic then let's see your low body fat

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ce3e0b No.285343



don't avoid the question sissy

i'm 6'1 and about 11 stone lol

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2165c4 No.285344


my malnourished granddad weighs far more than you and he's my height and just spent two weeks in the hospital with pneumonia

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f1ed80 No.285345

>run out of Salmon

>run out of bagels

>run out of posh garlic mayonnaise



Never had this and I never will.

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2165c4 No.285346


my BMI is actually higher than yours and im not muscular at all lol

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ce3e0b No.285347


>my height

aren't you like 5'4" lol

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2165c4 No.285348

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f1ed80 No.285349


In Japan they always censor underaged smoking, the character is probably 17 or something like Jotaro. Anyway just read the manga or wait for the Blurays, the blu-ray rips are never censored.

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2165c4 No.285350


watch everything illegally is my policy unless i really like the series then ill have bought it anyway probably

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f1ed80 No.285351


yeah the blu-ray rips lad, torrents of the DVDs innit.

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ce3e0b No.285352


sure it is

at least you admit to having less muscle than me

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2165c4 No.285353


wonder if they'll do a crackdown someday again


i just find it ridiculous in skinny as hell but have a higher BMI than you

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f1ed80 No.285354


private trackers are bullet proof lmao, when Nyaa went down the only thing that was affected was my selection of things to upload.

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f1ed80 No.285355

File: 4f686bae6a4678c⋯.png (1.08 MB,1024x681,1024:681,ClipboardImage.png)

>tfw no 100 year old super bike

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994343 No.285356


Lidl lentil crisps tbh

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2165c4 No.285357


what you gonna put in the lil pouch at the back

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f1ed80 No.285358

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ce3e0b No.285359


somethings clearly wrong but BMI was never a good metric anyway

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ce3e0b No.285360

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994343 No.285361


No, that's the point of all-you-can-eat

t. Yid of Britain

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2165c4 No.285362


>somethings clearly wrong

yeah stop fasting skeleton

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2165c4 No.285363


they only give you a limited amount of meat so i need to steal all the stuffing tbh

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f1ed80 No.285364

fasting is perfectly fine lmao

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994343 No.285365

File: 09277779cb8f797⋯.webm (2.64 MB,1280x720,16:9,undead resists frost dama….webm)

>fasting when you're already skellington-tier



Good lad. Stuffing costs them bugger all compared to the meat anyway.

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2165c4 No.285366


t. lord marrowgar

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2165c4 No.285367

oh dont mind me cheif just eating a delicious cooked breakfast you want any -oh wait

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2165c4 No.285368

*eats sausage while making loud MMMMMMMMM noises*

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2165c4 No.285369


remember the day she became eugenia coochie

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ce3e0b No.285370


i haven't lost any weight tbh smh

i still have belly fat

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2165c4 No.285371

File: f2401a9b964889d⋯.png (550.03 KB,3278x2148,1639:1074,ClipboardImage.png)


>belly fat

good lad

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2165c4 No.285372

File: aeee8b1777fa46c⋯.png (51.31 KB,474x663,158:221,ClipboardImage.png)

can't wait to morph into this once i hit 30

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2165c4 No.285373

File: 036b7019d59c309⋯.png (760.07 KB,1618x900,809:450,ClipboardImage.png)


*slaughters neighbour*

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19f94b No.285374

File: b868797596babea⋯.png (273.34 KB,569x314,569:314,ClipboardImage.png)

ahh it's such a good mango and the cartoon is living up to it as well

getting a bit teary tbh

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2165c4 No.285375


dont spoil meee

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2165c4 No.285376


it looks good

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ce3e0b No.285377

feel a bit sorry for elon musk tbh

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994343 No.285378


>googles that

oh kek I forgot about that

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ce3e0b No.285379

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19f94b No.285380

File: 8b7ad70903d2ab6⋯.png (213.28 KB,607x423,607:423,asirpa21.png)


well you see in they and when ** * *

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2165c4 No.285381


im liking these reaction images

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994343 No.285382

File: d9138bcf7365901⋯.jpg (180.68 KB,1200x900,4:3,skelly porn.jpg)


She showed off her meat

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3f03f1 No.285383


fuck you

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2165c4 No.285384


kek nice pic

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ce3e0b No.285385


looked her up

i would tbh, but i'd have to be careful not to snap her

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2165c4 No.285386

File: 70f801af5c114ce⋯.png (626.16 KB,736x552,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

wish i could time travel into this ass

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ce3e0b No.285387


didnt you know microwaved food contains carcinogens?

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ce3e0b No.285388

File: dfe10846fddbb77⋯.jpg (178.01 KB,1115x717,1115:717,dfe10846fddbb779e8280ee39c….jpg)

wish i could anschluss into this decolletage

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3f03f1 No.285389


malnourished pussy is like a tight scroll of parchment

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ce3e0b No.285390


i'll nourish it alright innit

i'll squirt some ink onto that parchment innit

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ce3e0b No.285391

her elbow is legit the thickest part of her arm

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ce3e0b No.285392

File: 7bd81eeac3ac3d4⋯.png (658.66 KB,520x599,520:599,ClipboardImage.png)

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994343 No.285393

File: 5b1bcd7a228a582⋯.png (366.05 KB,870x1147,870:1147,disgust and disgust.png)

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01d256 No.285394

File: 14253050af3c132⋯.jpg (16.47 KB,433x330,433:330,ritmotfr.JPG)

File: 277185d613cad13⋯.jpg (16.8 KB,436x343,436:343,ritmotfr1.JPG)




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2d021d No.285395

File: 5a54c76ce85eda1⋯.png (273.91 KB,500x500,1:1,628.png)


no you're not

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01d256 No.285396

File: 74641c98bd2189f⋯.jpg (68.42 KB,544x454,272:227,problematic moron.jpg)


no bulli

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01d256 No.285397

File: 8a238e489dbf351⋯.gif (1.13 MB,260x195,4:3,smug mannered reporter.gif)

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01d256 No.285398

File: 7cdd296c64403b7⋯.png (5.56 MB,1200x1785,80:119,jungle jimmy.png)

Superman's a lad, tbf.

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19f94b No.285399


bet she's bananas in the sack

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01d256 No.285400

File: 031213ebf6a61eb⋯.png (543.34 KB,399x589,21:31,superdickery.png)

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2d021d No.285401

File: 88f31a41ae1576d⋯.png (152.46 KB,500x500,1:1,751.png)


lol, yeah, but you'd be fucking a monkey like the prince

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01d256 No.285402

File: f67895ef5fab16b⋯.png (873.87 KB,495x740,99:148,superdickery1.png)

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01d256 No.285403

File: 6f5254c1a69fbdb⋯.jpg (36.35 KB,300x292,75:73,1412260569334-1.jpg)

>tfw no Superlad bf(best friend)

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2165c4 No.285404

File: d8c33ff1fa4012e⋯.jpg (137.64 KB,900x853,900:853,Cute_02.jpg)

>tfw lost charging cable for jumper cables

they're charged but now i gotta get another, car needs them every time it has to be started lol

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e3f026 No.285405


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19f94b No.285406

File: 1427bd23a9e11fe⋯.png (233.19 KB,413x367,413:367,asirpa22.png)

>flies everywhere


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e3f026 No.285407



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e3f026 No.285408

I want to go to sleep forever

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19f94b No.285409

File: 21e7274aa97d6d5⋯.png (52.28 KB,291x259,291:259,asirpa6.png)


do it

end it all

but meet up with me and give me all your shekels first

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2165c4 No.285410

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e3f026 No.285411


My shekels are for no man

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e3f026 No.285412

For fucksake I hate myself so much

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19f94b No.285413

File: 484d753f5b4b083⋯.png (27.28 KB,214x239,214:239,asirpa10.png)


accidentally wanked lad?

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e3f026 No.285414


Yesterday I did after ages

Feel incredibly ashamed with myself, betrayed.

When I get home I think I will somewhat plan a walking trip across many places

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a0ce03 No.285415


>did the dirty on a Sunday


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a0ce03 No.285416


please make the thread video, my laptop is running slowly and is overheating so if I try to run any more programs to make it my laptop will die

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19f94b No.285417

File: 4f2de27dfc67350⋯.png (42.88 KB,229x218,229:218,asirpa5.png)

time for another 4 hour session playtesting da's aoe2 scenario…

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e3f026 No.285418


>spend 10 minutes reloading and crying

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ce3e0b No.285419


there is literally nothing wrong with masturbating every once in a while smh you've been brainwashed

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ce3e0b No.285420


unless you did it to porn smh

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e3f026 No.285421

Shut up you gayboi don't u dare try and drag me down


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2d021d No.285422

File: 0c41b910cd8b5a0⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,37.63 KB,640x480,4:3,ad12b343fc95d5e52cff6cefee….jpg)


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86fc61 No.285423


>i gotta get another, car

Why not just get another battery? Or maybe your battery just needs more deionised water to top it up.

Smh, we really do have a disposable society.

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2165c4 No.285424

File: 6e79b368111dce5⋯.png (200.93 KB,320x460,16:23,ClipboardImage.png)


I meant another charger…

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994343 No.285425


Maybe you could plan for the meetup?

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2d021d No.285426

File: 720d2f196c612a0⋯.webm (5.6 MB,800x450,16:9,Mind in a Box - 8 bits.webm)

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d8bcba No.285427


nice lad

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f1ed80 No.285428

File: 957c4e5f61b8262⋯.png (938.04 KB,533x960,533:960,ClipboardImage.png)

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2165c4 No.285429

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f1ed80 No.285430


Wish I knew how to drift tbh

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2165c4 No.285431

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


watch this video and find somewhere open

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f1ed80 No.285432


hmm, same engine, same rear wheel drive, but different engine layout and balance…

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2165c4 No.285433


best part starts about 6:30 where he gives instructional basic stuff

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d8bcba No.285434


new thread video requires maths

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a0ce03 No.285435

Beer tastes a lot nicer after a hard day's work tbh

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f1ed80 No.285436


I see you too, are also ascended.

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a0ce03 No.285437


May have to start working everyday so I can savour such delights more often.

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a0ce03 No.285438

Goodnight lads. http://poal.me/an67mp

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2165c4 No.285439

File: 05d1e411877f1eb⋯.png (227.48 KB,400x400,1:1,Cute_03.png)



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2d021d No.285440

File: 9713b0baa050802⋯.gif (428.5 KB,500x266,250:133,say good night.gif)

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f1ed80 No.285441


night innit

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d8bcba No.285442


Goodnight, have a good sleep.

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01d256 No.285443

File: 3a4de0b4d8931d4⋯.jpg (478.32 KB,663x1681,663:1681,6fd4e4178fdb933e8942a1a2b6….jpg)


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119eee No.285444

File: 60df42189ccff0d⋯.png (76.99 KB,666x761,666:761,LeCuckFace.png)

File: d7f41054d36c9da⋯.png (472.22 KB,550x550,1:1,Family.png)

Lads, I introduce a new meme: Le Cuck Face.

The purpose of Le Cuck Face is to piss off oldbrit, mostly. Le Cuck Face is put on anyone who is a cuck. Recall how normies subverted Pepe memes? This is pretty easy to do. Their only possible next move is to slightly modify their old, now subverted (diluted) meme into a new meme (remember how cancer face came to mean really normie thing, a new cancer face was born?)

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119eee No.285445

File: fb6b7a68dfd29ba⋯.png (545.16 KB,819x954,91:106,ClipboardImage.png)


In practice.

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01d256 No.285446


Why would you subvert the wonderful 56% meme?

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119eee No.285448


< not dubs

That's not a meme. I know memes. I went to meme university. I identify memes as a part of the Consortium of Memes 2020-2080, and that is not a meme.

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119eee No.285449

File: f485e856512672e⋯.png (35.16 KB,1337x259,191:37,ClipboardImage.png)


Another example of this in practice.

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d8bcba No.285450

File: de3bc25a8b46e3b⋯.webm (3.33 MB,720x540,4:3,New Thread.webm)

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01d256 No.285451


Are you a mentalist?

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119eee No.285453

File: 734d611bd72a04a⋯.png (118.54 KB,392x366,196:183,soyboy.png)

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927035 No.285462

File: 4f8f43985da1e22⋯.png (2.52 MB,1536x2048,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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