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/newbrit/ - /brit//politics/

An Exercise in Satire

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All Hail The Bum Bum King!

File: 6f2ac0ee8343ef7⋯.jpg (144.67 KB,640x788,160:197,Tyrannical genocidal BO ge….jpg)

2bdb73 No.28940 [Last50 Posts]

This is the official /newbrit/ meta thread. Post any complaints with moderation, board assets, or filters, etc. here.

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2bdb73 No.29367

How do we make sure every poster knows about the bunker when hell breaks loose again? Just telling those who don't know only when they ask?

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2bdb73 No.29450


We'll have to do it in the thread or discord. We may get a couple of /brit/ spies (Alberto Barbosa, /nbp/, Monarch, /brit/) but that's the risk we take.

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2bdb73 No.29452



Actually the cytube could be a good idea

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2bdb73 No.29995



should have both tbh

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2bdb73 No.31293

File: e0e7fbcfe70f40e⋯.jpg (491 KB,900x900,1:1,0064 - iRUd8rI.jpg)


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2bdb73 No.31297


Dear god no

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2bdb73 No.31307

ok much better now thanks

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2bdb73 No.45900

testing deleted file image

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2bdb73 No.51325


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2bdb73 No.55554


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2bdb73 No.55595



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2bdb73 No.55617



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2bdb73 No.55652

File: 7963f7bf551eb29⋯.jpg (35.08 KB,720x544,45:34,The.Prisoner.S01E05.The.Ge….jpg)


*scorns you*

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2bdb73 No.55757

File: c4e2fa4d356a856⋯.jpg (96.05 KB,670x748,335:374,whatever.jpg)






>non-meta issues in the meta thread

>while meta issues are in the general

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39ac1f No.61796

File: 92a1640aef8f6ad⋯.jpg (829 B,20x16,5:4,binflag4.jpg)

Pembs has told me I need to post this here if I want to use it as a flag.

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97c5d9 No.69795

File: f0995e60b671f75⋯.png (1001 B,20x16,5:4,Armin.png)


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97c5d9 No.69797

File: 42eacdbee975be1⋯.png (1019 B,20x16,5:4,ArminEren.png)

File: e5857d452f67338⋯.png (187 B,24x18,4:3,IronGuard.png)

File: 2c6d0852d2f144a⋯.png (954 B,20x16,5:4,SangwooBum.png)

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f00876 No.70057



Not a chance I'm adding that shit tbh

Apart from Iron Guard but you need to resize that one, max is 20x16

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7b69b6 No.72160

File: 79eee46f61a8d34⋯.png (48.99 KB,800x800,1:1,GeneralBumBumAtWar.png)

Please remove my flag. You are my enemies now. Your new ally, Barbosa, will prove to be your greatest undoing.

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f00876 No.72396


Barbosa is not my ally

What's going on lad you're welcome here

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9e9b9a No.74809

File: d32531ba601ebb9⋯.png (1.07 KB,20x14,10:7,flag4.png)

add fleg

call it Eugene of York


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fb9afb No.75966

File: 8504e853603ec01⋯.png (3.56 KB,20x12,5:3,Manchester.png)

File: 5fc06c63a81bb9e⋯.png (119 B,20x12,5:3,Lincolnshire.png)

We'll need these.

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f00876 No.76165

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969e78 No.76838

pls remove h.ello filter tbh

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066d3b No.80897

Remove all the word filters it isn't funny at all.

Especially "memi"

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8949e1 No.86746

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5c25bc No.89417

g'day ow many youse crosspost in 4/pol/ brit generals?

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2379df No.94676

File: 99f30d53dd32d6b⋯.png (10.87 KB,300x100,3:1,monarch banner.png)

File: 4d8867250ab57fa⋯.png (7.56 KB,300x100,3:1,banner newbrit.png)

File: b81d8ba41f500c6⋯.png (61.75 KB,300x100,3:1,pillow banner.png)

File: 40c513a0adcf1a1⋯.png (23.72 KB,300x100,3:1,luon banner 2.png)

File: 16f2067af4c289b⋯.png (23.71 KB,300x100,3:1,there's no movie night ton….png)

so uh, idk they're all shit don't actually use them

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2379df No.94678

File: 55412a12eecb616⋯.jpg (12.98 KB,300x100,3:1,banna.jpg)

File: cb108c29b39e068⋯.png (48.16 KB,300x100,3:1,banna4.png)

File: dc8e8f538d74d62⋯.gif (668.26 KB,300x100,3:1,thonking (3).gif)

File: 7bf6f296692b190⋯.gif (1.19 MB,300x100,3:1,thonking (2).gif)


dunno which one you want just take whichever's best

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2379df No.94679

File: 07a66bbc2bfcae4⋯.gif (723.47 KB,300x100,3:1,ayy file (1).gif)

File: 726d5f94e1bb592⋯.png (52.34 KB,300x100,3:1,banner ufo.png)

File: c7a554425e85719⋯.gif (3.75 MB,300x100,3:1,banner-gif9.gif)


and this is for my board so unrelated to /newbrit/ buuuuuuuuuut judge for yourzelf

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2379df No.94680

File: bd32f0ce2cdac7a⋯.png (47.66 KB,300x100,3:1,moomin banner 2.png)


shit hold on forgot this

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16d3e0 No.94771


there's no movie night tonight

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f00876 No.94780


adding all of these because screw you I like them


shame I really wanted to use the first one

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f00876 No.94787


ahhhhh the thonking one is too big in terms of filesize ree

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277332 No.106664

*skews quads*

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48d098 No.108884






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48d098 No.108885





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433bf9 No.109995

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433bf9 No.109996


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433bf9 No.109997


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2bd835 No.110176

File: 2fa8a44b31b7c31⋯.jpg (13.68 KB,174x261,2:3,stop.jpg)

Stop using this thread to skew gets

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55ad0f No.111062


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5a7f12 No.111102

huge get

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5a7f12 No.111105

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5a7f12 No.111108

nearly there

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5a7f12 No.111109


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5a7f12 No.111112


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88f3df No.111260

File: b84cd0069d6cbac⋯.jpg (42.62 KB,328x328,1:1,kangabanhammer.jpg)

File: 5cf256b10bbc76b⋯.png (196.53 KB,476x433,476:433,DokuroBan.png)

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2bd835 No.111488

File: 0798641110411a9⋯.jpg (11.89 KB,236x304,59:76,ed11.jpg)

ok I'm actually going to ban skewing gets now tbh this is getting ridiculous

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2e21bc No.113922

File: 9e6ae38fb00af66⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,54.31 KB,300x100,3:1,Banner Duncan Newbrit.jpg)

Add this as a banner please deer leader

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b96b24 No.115945

File: e678eabe549fb85⋯.jpg (58.2 KB,983x752,983:752,2c8a7bbbb83137097216eeadd7….jpg)

Pedos and fags keep using my VPN.

Halp me

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e9774b No.118557



*whistles nonchalantly*

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390a77 No.119468

File: 6a257ce67b0c755⋯.png (935 B,20x12,5:3,Cornwall.png)


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ae5996 No.120232

I want flag. New. How?

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ae5996 No.120234

No shit Sherlock.

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ae5996 No.120237

File: cb108c29b39e068⋯.png (48.16 KB,300x100,3:1,newbrit.png)


Liking this lad.

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ae5996 No.120239



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56723e No.137889

Herts i know this is a long shot but can i be a mod, the only mods here are gay posters and there is literally nothing any poster can do about gayposting. i would keep my mod powers for strictly keeping gay posting in check and wouldnt use them other wise. Other good posters i think would be good mods are anprim, shrop or vanlad but i dont know if they would want to be mods

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d453e6 No.137959

File: 751044b19e08780⋯.png (1.21 MB,1080x1059,360:353,27d454d4-9f5a-4f75-9fe8-75….png)

i volunteer as mod


i also support britlad as mod, not only is he antigay, he's actually ex-/politics/ and we have little /politics/ representation on this board lately

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94ede2 No.137994


I don't like race-mixing posting but I don't ban it outright apart from when imperium is unspoilered

this is going to turn into a power trip fast

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56723e No.137997


i support dafty as a mod, even though she is a lass

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2bd835 No.138086

File: 47472d91650d407⋯.jpg (8.41 KB,400x264,50:33,bongo bongo.jpg)


You seem like a good choice imo so text me in Bongo Bongo Land for details so I can mod you

Don't be afraid to do other mod stuff, but as I said it'll be nice to have a mod who is anti-gay bc I cba to stick around here all the time and I kinda have to be balanced sometimes in a attempt to keep all posters here


I'm gonna say no because I'm an evil bastard I have plenty of good and logical reasons no I really do

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ced58b No.174617

File: 0e72e239831ed9c⋯.png (60.77 KB,300x100,3:1,kino banner.png)

File: 72f9c62cf34282c⋯.png (42.69 KB,300x100,3:1,Imperium banner.png)

File: b436d6c1040f2f8⋯.png (13.51 KB,300x100,3:1,plageuis banner.png)

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12c455 No.174826

File: f504efd977f6665⋯.jpg (15.59 KB,300x223,300:223,Cute Couple.jpg)


adding the two prequelkino banners

THANK YOU lad tbh

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a22104 No.205094

File: 791847650daad53⋯.png (212 B,20x12,5:3,Young Saxonite Revolutiona….png)

Add this flag please.

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a22104 No.214730

File: 34ac6f324ff75eb⋯.png (423 B,20x12,5:3,West Riding Flag.png)

And this one pls.

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2d2db0 No.218712

File: b651f2b4934401d⋯.jpg (19.67 KB,387x309,129:103,luigino.jpg)

northumbria flag pls

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973166 No.219135


Post flag for me to add lad.

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973166 No.219143

File: 3f5dab7cab2651b⋯.png (945 B,20x12,5:3,discord_flagge.png)

New flag

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973166 No.219177

File: b2c7dc185e5c305⋯.png (217 B,20x12,5:3,Northumbria_flagge.png)

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d855b9 No.221406

File: ebc890c6ad83672⋯.png (831 B,20x16,5:4,shrop.png)


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973166 No.221429


I'll probably add it tonight lad got guests over smh tbh

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973166 No.221826

File: 176ef0d383de9d7⋯.png (759 B,20x16,5:4,suffolk swazi.png)

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35d58e No.223549

File: fd8bb92fb4cc9a7⋯.png (2.81 KB,20x12,5:3,newbritflag.png)

Add this please, thank you.

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35d58e No.223558

File: ec5d9b251cf081e⋯.png (2.84 KB,20x12,5:3,SomethingElseTheFlag.png)


Add this actually instead please, thank you.

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973166 No.223575

File: bddb949d99ac8cf⋯.png (207 B,20x12,5:3,Somethingelse_flagge.png)

Added something else

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35d58e No.223635


Thank you but I changed my mind and I would like the other one instead please: >>223558

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973166 No.223643

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973166 No.223645


it is done young nigga

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35d58e No.223649


Naughty fam.

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e190eb No.224571

File: 585058f0082a4b3⋯.jpg (110.54 KB,569x715,569:715,the chosen waifu.jpg)

remove the j.ewess filter immédiatement

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973166 No.225011

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973166 No.225832

File: b5797973c85d95a⋯.png (63.59 KB,300x100,3:1,7f6dcd37445a1c8fe557f870f6….png)

File: c112951168b090f⋯.png (18.7 KB,300x100,3:1,178d2e6553d58652eb9552af30….png)

File: 536d32434f30c87⋯.png (14.02 KB,300x100,3:1,536d32434f30c875232e238270….png)

File: 8ff2b1a75e5e2fc⋯.png (28.02 KB,300x100,3:1,9413fd8aac1061f97d93e82025….png)

File: 7d31f5ee90dd579⋯.png (40.47 KB,300x100,3:1,e7c53643b83b89f99d84799888….png)


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6d5771 No.225854

File: 9463de1210a5a55⋯.png (49.82 KB,300x100,3:1,newbritbanner6.png)

File: c02e2b2b36f809c⋯.png (33 KB,300x100,3:1,newbritbanner7.png)

File: 84220c3794ed7f8⋯.png (56.2 KB,300x100,3:1,newbritbanner8.png)

File: 0131c01071ead4f⋯.png (54.68 KB,300x100,3:1,newbritbanner9.png)


banners that should be shoahed imho

>Krampuss and othisfugly thots


>israel flag

>merkel and the rapefugees (why?)


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88eab7 No.225874

File: fbcfa7ab85d7f35⋯.jpg (29.82 KB,480x411,160:137,doggo problems.jpg)

Supreme Leader did you go crazy with the filters


>shoahing banners

smh lad people like those banners, this isn't just a druid board, you have druid/pol/ for that

idk if the festive ones are needed but they seem fun

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fff91c No.225931


Tbf j agree with

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fff91c No.225933



Reee I agree with sharts

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973166 No.226045

Some filters have been removed, some banners have been removed, find out next time

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88eab7 No.226350


>some banners have been removed

Why lad smh

Everyone wants to keep them except wess

I will be unironically mad if you got rid of any of my waifus

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8ab18d No.226708


Well now I want them all deleted to wind up sharts

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973166 No.227673

File: e886646e1bbe70c⋯.png (3.94 KB,300x100,3:1,legalese banners.png)

File: 35ab9d81c9573c7⋯.png (6.94 KB,300x100,3:1,legalse banner 2.png)

new legalese banners

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6fea15 No.250537

File: a04b849adcc1cfb⋯.png (20.18 KB,300x100,3:1,newbritbanner10.png)

new banner

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89bfdc No.252645


Will add soon

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89bfdc No.252845

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06fb21 No.267927

File: 5f36c2739cbd7a9⋯.png (29.71 KB,300x100,3:1,stenc1l.png)

new banner

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06fb21 No.267928


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6090c8 No.277617

File: 0b809dc710d4587⋯.png (3.55 KB,20x12,5:3,gay nazi.png)

File: 341033c0bd5cbdf⋯.png (3.55 KB,20x12,5:3,gay fascism 2.png)

add my fags pls

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373a51 No.278035


done u slag

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6090c8 No.287263

File: 3de41f42a07caf4⋯.png (3.58 KB,20x12,5:3,Angus.png)

add pls

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664343 No.300165

the board is closed hereby until further notice

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70c78c No.300170

File: 1a8ecafac9917a5⋯.gif (51.78 KB,120x120,1:1,1a8ecafac9917a58fc3819230d….gif)


this board is hereby OPEN

FYI you cannot lock a board like that

>4. The Board Owner must not make it impossible to post on his or her board, either by locking all or most threads and / or deleting all or most threads or posts

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2e4b66 No.300692


spicposter is a goodlad

burn it down, burn it all down

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fe381a No.302019

File: 1dc3037247aa196⋯.png (232 B,20x12,5:3,panzieflag2.png)


call it Militant Panzyism or something

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fe381a No.302022

File: 88879a5ad669aff⋯.png (141 B,20x12,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

i like making flags tbh, if anyone wants me to make them one hmu in the Bongo

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e16ebc No.310634

File: edbec624d824e33⋯.jpg (163.74 KB,1080x1080,1:1,pale blonde and black hair….jpg)


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fe381a No.313615

File: edae8e0b3a5292d⋯.png (225 B,20x12,5:3,panzieflagnew.png)

after numerous attempts at making a new flag i basically end up with what i started with smh

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fe381a No.313649

File: 4113781e581b7a2⋯.png (172 B,20x13,20:13,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3aae7d43581774c⋯.png (713 B,136x42,68:21,ClipboardImage.png)

comparison with just a compressed version of the pic on the right

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fe381a No.313667

File: 263eba879589003⋯.png (286 B,20x13,20:13,ClipboardImage.png)

you haven't even updated my flag yet

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fe381a No.313669

and if you're saving the thumbnail versions of these with jpg artifacts i'll hit you with a brick

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fe381a No.321140

File: 05cd5fd314cdbe6⋯.png (212 B,20x12,5:3,binperium1.png)

File: 7c6e43b9eaf2245⋯.png (250 B,20x12,5:3,binperium2.png)


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6090c8 No.321215

File: 5e782e5cfa09fc9⋯.png (5.37 KB,300x100,3:1,lewbrit.png)

new banner lad

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53ac7f No.321866

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fe381a No.330651

File: 8abedeff0fd2b47⋯.png (291 B,20x13,20:13,lancs.png)

@spigboster and lancslad

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e79c99 No.334459

File: 81f39d512a3cff4⋯.png (306.03 KB,968x1718,484:859,Neo mod abuse 1.png)

File: 11bc4d27d835d20⋯.png (226.75 KB,1193x1029,1193:1029,neo mod abuse 2.png)

The Crimes of the Neomod, the story so far.

I will chronicle these events so that in the fullness of time I may say, with great satisfaction, "I told you so".

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d4a173 No.334590


women and trannies shouldn't be mods tbh

this should be obvious

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e79c99 No.334611

File: 328cbc8b43a6dbe⋯.png (254.62 KB,1792x1640,224:205,SPIC BO bans people for no….png)


Part 2, Crimes of the Spics

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d19121 No.334749


Aye that's me archiving

What's happening lad? Haven't caught up with what's going on tbqh

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e79c99 No.334845

File: 0b2f0b365cece08⋯.png (25.42 KB,901x165,901:165,ClipboardImage.png)


part 3

the Spic Reich


spic is a tard and doesn't know any of the board history, lets neo get away with anything

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c01c73 No.334858


>1-week ban

I don't mind bans for naughty boys but that's way too long. If somebody's getting too hotheaded then you should stick to short bans to cool off. I think /brit/ goes about this the right way tbh.

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ef37dd No.336212

I'm unbanning Panzie, Herts don't permaban people without a good reason.

>asking someone for a picture

Just say no lol

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e79c99 No.336504

File: 10b3f369f922146⋯.png (54.11 KB,1849x205,1849:205,ClipboardImage.png)

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d19121 No.336584


I'm with Neo tbh bins just stirs shit, this is the alberto thing all over again

How about you learn your lesson like she did



Attempting to doxx is not "good reason"? lmfao

>Just say no lol

There are some people on here who are naive enough to do it and I think he's being suspicious. He better explain himself, as you can see I just said "ban until you explain yourself"

Stop undermining my attempts to keep this board safe, time and time again I am proven right about these people

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696a2a No.336595



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d19121 No.336597


Why are you acting like this is some gay argument? I'm doing what I believe is best for the people here and you're just trying to win the "best comment" competition

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696a2a No.336598

File: 4ce9b47f9f761e8⋯.gif (4.7 MB,430x215,2:1,4ce.gif)

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696a2a No.336600

File: 5d8b61cd0c747dd⋯.png (345.05 KB,696x533,696:533,qeek.png)

>when someone asks you for a picture and you say no

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d19121 No.336602



>missing the point

Stop acting like you're on reddit lad. People here are naive, I'm only trying to protect them

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d19121 No.336603

Real immature aren't you

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696a2a No.336609



i'm sure m'ladies shall be glad of your unwavering online vigilance

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d19121 No.336611


Nice try but that doesn't work with me. All I wanna know is why you're being a cunt again after I thought we agreed not to have a go at each other anymore?

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9cfa38 No.336617


It's just really not worth a permaban and everybody I've spoken to so far agrees, if new information comes to light we can look into banning but so far it seems like nothing close to 'doxxing' has occured. You are the one getting very worked up and defensive over a minor modding incident, maybe your temperament isn't the best for this kind of responsibility. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings it was just a joke, nothing personal.

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d19121 No.336618


If you look at the board log you'll see it's not a permaban, just until he explains himself, which he hasn't done

>You are the one getting very worked up and defensive over a minor modding incident, maybe your temperament isn't the best for this kind of responsibility

I'm not? I'm just looking out for people here lad. Why are you always trying to make out like constantly worked up? Genuinely serious question, is it something about the way I type? I'm just naturally direct and honest on the internet tbh, feelings be damned

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9cfa38 No.336620


Telling people they're naive and thinking they don't have basic computer literacy and need you to defend them, then getting triggered over a one word reply is coming across as you taking being an internet janny way too seriously.

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4b0846 No.336621


Nah dude we're on the internet, everyone learns since they are children that you don't post personal shit online.

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e79c99 No.336631

File: 3e032bd3f7a425f⋯.png (53.27 KB,1843x221,1843:221,ClipboardImage.png)

and again

spic just demod herts if he's going to be a nigger

the deal was that he had vol just to archive, right?

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fe381a No.336641

File: 966757dbdd74aa8⋯.png (47.72 KB,800x426,400:213,ClipboardImage.png)

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600d67 No.336642

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d19121 No.336653


I barely if ever mod. Look mate, I'm not part of your gay little circle of discord friends. To me it looks suspicious as fuck, but maybe that's just because I'm pleb who's not in your secret club


Uhuh and that's why it's happened numerous times on this board?


No mate fuck off, you don't know our deal

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d19121 No.336654


Explain your actions ffs

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600d67 No.336656


>I barely if ever mod. Look mate, I'm not part of your gay little circle of discord friends. To me it looks suspicious as fuck, but maybe that's just because I'm pleb who's not in your secret club

There is no secret club. I just didn't think it was worth a permaban and unbanned them. Relax mate. 😌

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d19121 No.336657


Then what's this "panzie's server" I've heard of?

I told you it wasn't a permaban, just until he explained himself? Can't you read?

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600d67 No.336658

File: 9b2b6347ecb222e⋯.jpg (20.28 KB,483x500,483:500,W 55.jpg)


>Then what's this "panzie's server" I've heard of?

A server panzie made. He would probably invite you to it if you weren't so mean to him.

>I told you it wasn't a permaban, just until he explained himself? Can't you read?

He's already explained himself to numerous people, do you mean that he has to explain himself to you privately and can only be unbanned at your discretion? That sounds very fishy, lad.

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fe381a No.336659


literally what can i say that will please you.

i dont care about appeasing you because as it is i dont plan on posting or visiting here much longer if at all, and you have always been a contrarian asshole particularly towards me so i feel like i owe you nothing. despite that, i will explain all that i can and already have, here, publicly, for the sake of ending this and taking the heat off lew because he doesn't deserve this [and btw, he was unbanning me before i was home or even knew about this so don't accuse me of getting my friends to unban me]

i asked neo for face pics because she was clearly in need of reassurance about her appearance and i wanted to both see what she looked like and support a friend. maybe it sounds like a weak excuse, but that's the truth, take it or leave it.

i asked daftie for a face pic because, and maybe she conveniently didn't tell you this but she had sent me a body pic which hid her face only after i had already sent her a body pic of my own and she had seen my face also, both on here and on tumblr.

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d19121 No.336665


>A server panzie made. He would probably invite you to it if you weren't so mean to him.

I don't want that. I'm sick of these constant new private servers being made

>He's already explained himself to numerous people, do you mean that he has to explain himself to you privately and can only be unbanned at your discretion? That sounds very fishy, lad.

I had no idea. And no, I thought he'd do it in the newbrit server, but apparently nobody uses it anymore. You're all trying to paint me as some monster here smh when the reality is I've just not been bothered to get involved with your gay discord shit


Right lad don't be so fucking offended, you've clearly got it into your head that I only banned you cause I don't like you. Now I don't like you, but that has nothing to do with why I banned you. And there's no "heat" on westie, I'm genuinely not having a go at him.

>and btw, he was unbanning me before i was home or even knew about this so don't accuse me of getting my friends to unban me

Fair enough lad. But if you choose to conduct your business privately, don't be surprised when people who aren't part of it your "sphere" so to speak, don't know what's going on.

>because she was clearly in need of reassurance about her appearance and i wanted to both see what she looked like and support a friend

Mate… come on

>she had sent me a body pic which hid her face only after i had already sent her a body pic of my own and she had seen my face also, both on here and on tumblr.

That's just you being a mong though tbf

Not anybody else? I thought you were doing it to everyone tbh, saw a pattern developing

Look lad, in any context, asking for face pics on an anonymous forum is suspicious, no matter how you cut it. Especially when it looks like it's a pattern. I don't buy your excuses tbh. Maybe you're not a fed, but if you are then you're just being really fucking thirsty (bro tip: any girl on 8chan is not the sort of girl you want). Either way, cut it out, please. It's just not a good idea. I'll know if you try again, and indeed if you do try again it will only arouse further suspicion.

Thank you for finally explaining yourself though, that's all I wanted. I don't know why the other go in such a tizzy about le evil permban in the first place, I thought I was rather clear, but clearly I'm out of the loop as to which discord servers are used these days.

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d19121 No.336667

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

@panzie @westie (again)

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fe381a No.336669


>I don't want that. I'm sick of these constant new private servers being made

sorry lad, but you can't control what others do privately. in actuality the only reason i made that server of mine was in order to voice chat with my friends, since the Newbrit Refuge lacks a voice channel.

>don't be so fucking offended

really that's a silly thing to say. i've had accusation after accusation leveled at me and had friends turn on me or make demands of me and refuse to explain things. i'm no saint but the picture painted of me is unjust.

>Mate… come on

>Not anybody else? I thought you were doing it to everyone tbh, saw a pattern developing

>Look lad, in any context, asking for face pics on an anonymous forum is suspicious, no matter how you cut it.

i didn't ask for face pics on an anonymous forum though did I? I did it in private on two accounts, hardly asking 'everyone' is it

like i said, it's the truth, take it or leave it. i don't care if you don't buy them because really if you choose to ban or keep me banned i have little to lose from it. it can't be thirstier to ask friends i'm not even attracted to for face pics in completely reasonable circumstances when you have anons literally drooling and openly posting about how they fap to neo/daftie etc and can't stop masturbating to them. christ.

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d19121 No.336675


>i've had accusation after accusation leveled at me and had friends turn on me or make demands of me and refuse to explain things. i'm no saint but the picture painted of me is unjust.

Take a look at your actions then maybe?

>it can't be thirstier to ask friends i'm not even attracted to for face pics in completely reasonable circumstances when you have anons literally drooling and openly posting about how they fap to neo/daftie etc and can't stop masturbating to them. christ.

a) they're obviously joking (although still rather creepy don't get me wrong)

b) it's not reasonable

It's become apparent that the real issue here is that you see this place differently to what it actually is. Given that you came from outside, I'm not surprised. This is 8chan, and the discord channels are an extension of it. On 8chan we practice opsec because let's face we talk about daft stuff. So real identities, face pics, doxxing is a big no no, unless perhaps it's an irl meetup (which happens only in cases where there is established trust and crucially, NOTHING ONLINE) and these are rare, only happened twice or thrice iirc.

But you don't see it this way. You see this place as full of your personal friends is probably why you feel that you're owed face pics by people (only the girls though naturally…). This is not that, lad. It just isn't. I don't want to be a downer but it's bad opsec and daft. Meetup with a lad from here if you really wish but I think the real issue is you not having friends irl. I'd just advise some people here to get out more tbh, because having your best friends be people on a computer screen isn't good.

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600d67 No.336677



alri war and peace

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fe381a No.336685


my actions are exactly as i have stated them to be

>you came from outside

oh and you were born as a part of newbrit? literally what the fuck does "you came from outside" mean? literally everyone was a newcomer at some point and nobody 'comes' from anywhere on the internet

you don't seem to understand that I "did not ask for anything" on the board. i asked 2 friends of mine, in private messages, who i happened to have met on the board.

>you feel that you're owed face pics by people


>(only the girls though naturally…)

so fucking what? yes i'm more interested in seeing a female face than a male one, shock horror. i know what my male friends on here look like already anyway. who the fuck cares.

>Meetup with a lad from here if you really wish

I already have met up with a lad from here

>but I think the real issue is you not having friends irl.

oh and you're just drowning in popularity irl are you? that's why you and everyone else still chooses to spend most of their time posting on an online imageboard is it? who are you trying to kid?

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600d67 No.336697


>oh and you're just drowning in popularity irl are you? that's why you and everyone else still chooses to spend most of their time posting on an online imageboard is it? who are you trying to kid?

Keeeeek *spends hours arguing in defense of grooming gangs*

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d19121 No.336698


>oh and you were born as a part of newbrit?

I created it, newfag

>>you don't seem to understand that I "did not ask for anything" on the board

>This is 8chan, and the discord channels are an extension of it. On 8chan we practice opsec because let's face we talk about daft stuff. So real identities, face pics, doxxing is a big no no

Please don't make me repeat myself. It's ever so tiresome.


Your spergout when denied says otherwise

>>yes i'm more interested in seeing a female face than a male one

>to ask friends i'm not even attracted to for face pics

>not even attracted to


>oh and you're just drowning in popularity irl are you? that's why you and everyone else still chooses to spend most of their time posting on an online imageboard is it? who are you trying to kid?

Well lad as a matter of fact I don't often come here, if you have't noticed. But more to the point, this wasn't intended as an insult. That you choose to take it as such says a lot about you.


You know lad, I keep trying to be mature and stop the beef between us, but you really can't stop yourself from making pathetic comments like this can you? Really shows which one of us is more bothered by the other, I think.

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600d67 No.336699


>You know lad, I keep trying to be mature and stop the beef between us, but you really can't stop yourself from making pathetic comments like this can you? Really shows which one of us is more bothered by the other, I think.

I didn't know it was beef just to mention something you actually did. I don't have a problem with you lad.

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d19121 No.336703


You know what you're doing lad

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fe381a No.336706


You don't seem to understand, again. I did not contact Neo or Daftie in any discord servers, I did it entirely privately, within private means, person to person. What I and anyone else does privately has nothing to do with the board even if you do consider the servers to be a part of it, which were not where these interactions took place.

>spergout when denied

you are not either of the parties who were on the receiving end of my requests so maybe shut the fuck up?


>Well lad as a matter of fact I don't often come here

And neither do I since I got a job, but you seem to expect me to respond immediately to your bans when i don't have the opportunity to interact online more often than for a few hours at the end of each day.

>That you choose to take it as such says a lot about you.

no it doesnt lol

you're the one saying i took it as an insult, idc, infer what you want but don't strawman on top of a strawman, that looks doubly retarded.

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fe381a No.336709


also who told you i asked daftie for a face pic because she's denying that it was her

this was private as i have said countless times and i intended to keep it that way

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d19121 No.336721


>I did it entirely privately, within private means, person to person

I know this is the point you're trying to make, but it doesn't work because it's still tied to the board. This is still an extension of 8chan. Please, I don't want to repeat myself

>you are not either of the parties who were on the receiving end of my requests so maybe shut the fuck up?

Woah, boy. It was in public for all to see

>but you seem to expect me to respond immediately to your bans when i don't have the opportunity to interact online more often than for a few hours at the end of each day

I don't though? I rebanned you because others unbanned you which (as we have already discussed) was without your knowledge, but I didn't know this and thought you were going behind my back and not explaining yourself. Again, we are just recounting shit we've gone over. It's boring.

>you're the one saying i took it as an insult, idc, infer what you want but don't strawman on top of a strawman, that looks doubly retarded.

Mate you were clearly butthurt by what I said. Just admit you took it as an insult, because it's clear a day. Even if not, it just makes you all the more childish for insulting me out of nowhere


Oh I know fully well what you intended, Mr Creep.

Why should I tell you how I know? After all it's pRiVaTe

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fe381a No.336737


>it's still tied to the board. This is still an extension of 8chan.

what is? discord is tied to the board? no, lad, that's not how it works. it was private. tumblr messaging is private.

>Mate you were clearly butthurt by what I said.

wow what a shock! false accusations and friends turning on you pisses you off!

>Oh I know fully well what you intended, Mr Creep.

>Why should I tell you how I know? After all it's pRiVaTe

because daftie denied telling you and in fact it's she who said i should ask you. i don't know what i should have expected from you though, or why i even fucking bothered to post here and explain myself in the first place because you will not accept the facts or common sense and this is going nowhere. fucking ban me so i don't have to interact with you again

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d19121 No.336753


>what is? discord is tied to the board? no, lad, that's not how it works. it was private. tumblr messaging is private.

No mate. Tumblr is different because it is (or was) not related to the board and was until you arrived a private thing between me daftie and anprim. The discord was literally set up as a bunker for the board and thus is tied to the board. This includes PMs among posters.

>wow what a shock! false accusations and friends turning on you pisses you off!

So you were insulted

>because daftie denied telling you and in fact it's she who said i should ask you

Why are you sperging out and frantically asking her if she told me? Got something to hide?

>i don't know what i should have expected from you though, or why i even fucking bothered to post here and explain myself in the first place because you will not accept the facts or common sense and this is going nowhere. fucking ban me so i don't have to interact with you again

I'm not going to ban you, lol. I just wanted a fucking explanation from you. Why do you always throw a huge tantrum lmfao hint hint

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600d67 No.337446


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e79c99 No.340601

File: 6684aaca57ffc11⋯.png (742 B,20x16,5:4,ClipboardImage.png)

dorset swazi

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e79c99 No.348956

File: 620c6747a6d624e⋯.png (18.88 KB,1161x95,1161:95,ClipboardImage.png)

westie done wrong

should have just spoilered the images or moved on, not given a WEEK's banning for a shitpost (the mutant feet I think)

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6090c8 No.355898

File: c984489e3ef25d1⋯.png (116 B,20x12,5:3,Warwickshire.png)


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f58d26 No.355945

put the spies filter back in

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88d746 No.358414

put the spies filter back in

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e79c99 No.363751

File: f9d716545a90d7b⋯.png (13.26 KB,555x91,555:91,ClipboardImage.png)

the stupid nigger could have saved his OP and used it for the next thread instead of deleting someone else's work

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e79c99 No.363760

File: 7d4e20b486f93df⋯.png (63.16 KB,552x445,552:445,ClipboardImage.png)

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d4ef31 No.363770

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b55a6d No.363784




yeah in the future, OP's are first come first serve unless one really sucks (like a one liner with no links). Caw's OP was fine, even if a tad apolitical

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d19121 No.363860


apolitical OPs are fine and always have been

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7ad0e0 No.383707

File: c9e879b0b0ff402⋯.jpg (94.47 KB,564x847,564:847,1552822380055.jpg)

our board is fucking dead lads

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7ad0e0 No.383709

oh that post defibrilated the board lol

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73a40b No.383806

>it's a drama episode

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19291f No.384296


no i mean it literally died and nobody could post or do anything for hours lol

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b53f77 No.387449


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966fb1 No.388343

File: 6b4a285dbee9fe4⋯.png (190 B,20x12,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

made a cambridgeshire flag for anyone interested

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b9a3cf No.389051



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d5a568 No.390882

File: 6a00155306dafe6⋯.jpg (515.92 KB,1755x1315,351:263,Podestabrothers.jpg)

File: c2923e79131bd85⋯.jpg (365.55 KB,1305x1950,87:130,Sacrifice.jpg)

File: feea3522c81bc65⋯.jpg (447.96 KB,1560x1047,520:349,SarahRuth.jpg)

File: f87fff5592d8d44⋯.jpg (272.47 KB,1422x954,79:53,TOOREAL.jpg)

File: 47d09e8c0d0dbae⋯.jpg (1.02 MB,2016x1514,1008:757,TRAFFIK.jpg)

No complaints here

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401568 No.391141

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d5a568 No.391198

File: 91ccd6300d9288b⋯.jpg (459.67 KB,1623x856,1623:856,civilisation.jpg)

File: a954145b10965b3⋯.jpg (326.63 KB,1993x877,1993:877,Delivery forjohn.jpg)

File: 221b2c70b0c9a2b⋯.jpg (513.24 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Earthling.jpg)

File: 7ad060893bbadbd⋯.jpg (792.79 KB,1980x1307,1980:1307,innerEARTH.jpg)

File: 25e61046952d727⋯.jpg (445.88 KB,1499x1048,1499:1048,Ode to Barium.jpg)

Official memes for an unofficial world

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d5a568 No.391928

File: 22b4ed2ba08d5a2⋯.jpg (432.79 KB,1200x900,4:3,Bye-john.jpg)

File: 7fd99a97e928673⋯.jpg (195.58 KB,1280x960,4:3,Mantalk.jpg)

File: 35f1f38f5a19856⋯.jpg (279.73 KB,1160x660,58:33,PYSCHO.jpg)

File: 2c0fc302e23499c⋯.jpg (394.09 KB,1360x980,68:49,The-establishment.jpg)

File: 9f76491a0d2e63d⋯.jpg (370.09 KB,1278x855,142:95,Thoughtful-granny-knitter.jpg)

Why did Rambo where a head band? I've watched all of them and it never gets explained

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d5a568 No.391930

File: 308d05e13941b8c⋯.jpg (380.96 KB,1328x1002,664:501,BarrySoetoro.jpg)

File: f965ff8271a6b55⋯.jpg (196.01 KB,1211x1032,1211:1032,Codename-beacon-visual (1).jpg)

File: 503aadc2c707a23⋯.jpg (329.05 KB,1528x1152,191:144,Codename-beacon-visual (2).jpg)

File: 62cbbd03925f889⋯.jpg (95.94 KB,824x655,824:655,Codename-beacon-visual (3).jpg)

File: 17812f7a3b18258⋯.jpg (759.25 KB,1679x992,1679:992,Codename-beacon-visual (4).jpg)

Twitawoooo said the wise little owl

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06c95b No.392000

get rid of the Big British Cock filter and stop projecting your gay fetishes on everyone else Spic

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d5a568 No.392316

File: 0b1f642e05ddcf4⋯.jpg (241.68 KB,1600x860,80:43,Bad-dog.jpg)

File: f62e63e058dce20⋯.jpg (419.96 KB,1319x925,1319:925,Hammertime.jpg)

File: 011885164fd44c7⋯.jpg (328.78 KB,1500x1125,4:3,Pizzaboy.jpg)

File: 198c076d4608e75⋯.jpg (386.91 KB,1271x881,1271:881,SHHHH.jpg)

File: 4f06aaf2547bc8a⋯.jpg (692.31 KB,1600x901,1600:901,The hunt.jpg)

I have a real craving for guacamole right now

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06c95b No.392547


why have you shopped Tommeh's head onto a woman's body?

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d5a568 No.392716

File: 9f5de2ee06938e9⋯.jpg (803.1 KB,1866x1180,933:590,INFOJunkie.jpg)

File: 60575e7445d6e1b⋯.jpg (371.22 KB,1632x632,204:79,Not-in.jpg)

File: 7545f28b6d4bd05⋯.jpg (793.71 KB,1750x1802,875:901,Spies'R'Us.jpg)

File: 6060ed39e52ab4a⋯.jpg (384.2 KB,1322x1052,661:526,Treachery.jpg)

File: e6508a026bfcb2f⋯.jpg (299.3 KB,1150x868,575:434,Treachery .jpg)

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d5a568 No.392787

File: 65421008ae29ae4⋯.jpg (275.2 KB,1000x1000,1:1,7564-c69e9cf541796272f606c….jpg)

File: d8c2873bf1bb4de⋯.png (2.1 MB,1200x800,3:2,ihyu.png)

File: 671f8ba0bddfee3⋯.jpg (275.59 KB,1369x815,1369:815,iu.jpg)

File: b02d2af52ca0254⋯.jpg (531.4 KB,1456x1058,728:529,iu1H01PGA3.jpg)

File: 386cfa642889f82⋯.jpg (373.54 KB,1444x914,722:457,iuRZIFHFSE.jpg)

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d5a568 No.392936

File: 1331d2b627b85ef⋯.png (1.91 MB,1586x989,1586:989,bill-maher-Kick-face-produ….png)

File: 61160f2790e7439⋯.jpg (428.46 KB,1973x1284,1973:1284,Exposed.jpg)

File: 2942be882ae9fcb⋯.jpg (636.43 KB,1550x1033,1550:1033,FED.jpg)

File: 7d25919372f96ba⋯.jpg (393.77 KB,1366x764,683:382,FREE-Energy.jpg)

File: fb25abdfd1380b9⋯.jpg (150.03 KB,1000x815,200:163,Why.jpg)

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d5a568 No.392947

File: 663cdd81efe8eb4⋯.png (1.63 MB,1176x1256,147:157,asylum ungranted.png)

File: a1c1baf11e64af4⋯.jpg (656.54 KB,1329x942,443:314,Atleast90%.jpg)

File: fad2804ac830c8e⋯.jpg (264.59 KB,1263x928,1263:928,DANGER.jpg)

File: 81c4a368013617b⋯.jpg (193.07 KB,716x1016,179:254,OCCULT.jpg)

File: 6cf907e0d83ccb1⋯.jpg (345.04 KB,1278x802,639:401,Real-witches.jpg)

I wanna go on to Electric Avenue let me take you higher

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eb6ea2 No.394232

Had sex, kissing is pretty weird tbh, like eating someone's lips. Also inserting your penis is hard especially if you premature canned.

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857a7b No.395688

>all these schizo posts



Lad this is the Meta thread.

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857a7b No.395689

File: 751f143461de09b⋯.jpg (40.41 KB,425x516,425:516,751f143461de09b6a3c25baf34….jpg)

Boards has been very comfy recently tbh.

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e205c7 No.398795


How do you use 2xchan?

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f87b0f No.400831


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e5ae80 No.400906

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d40d54 No.401595

File: 782136e92a0a269⋯.gif (4.53 MB,720x404,180:101,giphy.gif)


hallo ther

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e5ae80 No.402070


excuse me this is meta please use the general for chit chat thank you

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d40d54 No.402072


yes sir

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c702ca No.403021



the cannonball run was liek death race 1980…it had jackie chan

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d53e22 No.407359


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cbeb76 No.413870

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cbeb76 No.413871


I'm looking for a bit of advice , how do I get people to visit my new board or am I doomed to failure?


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fe381a No.424252

File: 5d7f4cb3d19843f⋯.png (369 B,19x16,19:16,ClipboardImage.png)

for bleo, remember to open the image properly when saving to avoid artifacts

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fe381a No.424254

that's 19px wide btw

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ac56d7 No.426014

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2e0a31 No.426445

/anglo/ is an infinitely better board.

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03247e No.426765


>no general thread

apples and oranges lad

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91a670 No.431821

OP is a faggot

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eb5236 No.435948

*Nudges thread into existence*

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eb5236 No.437407


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eb5236 No.438164


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a87adc No.438210


When are you limeys going to do something interesting?

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eb5236 No.439674

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7093ec No.440150


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7093ec No.440152


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7ed2db No.441118


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7ed2db No.441875


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7d939d No.442005


Who the eff' calls the English 'Limeys ?' outside of 'Aww gee whizz son' 1950's americana lad ?

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7d939d No.442011



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7d939d No.442115

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06c95b No.442633

new thread pls

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7d939d No.442698


Your grammar is arsebatter.

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06c95b No.443394

bumping for the threads

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fe381a No.443656

testing trip

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fe381a No.443657


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fe381a No.443658


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fe381a No.443659


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fe381a No.443660


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fe381a No.443661


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b533aa No.444825


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73f62c No.451664

*fires up defibrillator*

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26ee2a No.454140


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bcf768 No.455455


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c7d252 No.456196


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f5434d No.456937


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ec06c8 No.457274


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7e9994 No.457277


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d29a77 No.457885

File: 789ebf56f3133fe⋯.png (2.07 MB,1080x1920,9:16,King_BumBum_IV.png)

Good Morning. It is I, the BumBum King. I am now the master of /newbrit/. It declare it to be a sanctuary from the bullies!


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f15170 No.457934



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aa5742 No.458704

File: b5d2e74ba1ee3eb⋯.mp4 (504.07 KB,320x240,4:3,T4FZYzNWj2.mp4)


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b946d5 No.458779


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0fd803 No.458842

Nord FC going mental

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0fd803 No.458843

Why aren't you lot burning mosques and synagogues yet

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c886b0 No.458846


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