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File: 1427485651686.png (15.9 KB,318x323,318:323,ungern.png)

 No.13 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Can we get a Monarchist reading list?

I'll start with some:
Dante's De Monarchia
De Maistre's The Generative Principle of Political Constitutions
Filmer's Patriarcha
Kuehnelt-Leddihn's Liberty or Equality
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File: 5050c7e54dcd0df⋯.png (1.91 MB,2500x4100,25:41,reduced_Monarchist_Read_Li….png)


Most recent edition now

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File: 1425421801505.jpg (39.4 KB,512x338,256:169,bloodywhitebaron2.jpg)

 No.1 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Welcome to /monarchy/. I'm editing this top post in order to condense things. This is now the only sticky and a general meta thread. There has been no change in BO, I'm just trying to clean things up a bit more. I may delete out posts in this thread just because I would like keeping the >>1 post for tradition's sake.

Rules: https://8ch.net/monarchy/charter.html

About/Links: https://8ch.net/monarchy/about.html

More specifically, if there is a new BO or volunteer of /monarchy/, it's announced here. If there is a change to the rules, it is promulgated here. This is also a thread I'll use to be a little less aloof and talk about minor and meta stuff: general feedback, complaining about troll threads, accepting submissions for flags, banners, moderation, and rules, etc.. A court, if you will.

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Cloudflare said it would reduce its service by 12:00 AM Sunday, Pacific Time (PT). Dropbox can hold up to 2gb free.


I will start packing up the bags, too. I already have folders of content.

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 No.8956 [Open thread]

As in are they primitive monarchs? Proto-monarchs?

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File: 3fe78cf10c2011e⋯.jpg (88.35 KB,1280x720,16:9,WIN_20220511_21_02_31_Pro.jpg)

 No.8954 [Open thread]


We could get Obama re-elected, with niggernometry.

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Did I tell you I got a CIA graduate's film?


I replaced Bob Becker, Saw.

You get a horror movie villain, for your gold star.

Whole series, if it plays in the theaters.

I discuss theories on "Batman", with the Foreign Office's police, out of Hollywood.

I can't officially serve in Langley, I got put in Alcoholics Anonymous by Margaret Martin, assassinated.

It's a booze and pot culture.

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File: fe3a9ccb5ddb0b4⋯.jpg (12.84 KB,220x328,55:82,220px-Corneliu_Zelea_Codre….jpg)

 No.6331 [Open thread]

Are there any legit and active monarchist movements who want to establish absolute/feudal monarchies?

Preferably intending to replace the current cuck royal families, as they have bent their knees to the Jew, which is the absolute opposite of a strong monarch appointed by God.

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Did not know Brazil had a monarchy.

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Remove the roach and we'll talk.

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File: 3bbbebab2d9dc00⋯.jpg (127.76 KB,800x1098,400:549,VIR_362557_27115_cuanto_sa….jpg)

Carlism in Spain

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File: 54f81441d2be677⋯.png (304.51 KB,668x525,668:525,kingassadlikejordan.png)

Oh hello.. don't mind my gas


but haha really guys he gunning for it… as if these bathist was a nything else…

well syria is father to son… saddam was just.. and ghanondorf…….

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File: 54f81441d2be677⋯.png (304.51 KB,668x525,668:525,kingassadlikejordan.png)

 No.8949 [Open thread]


(not iranian tried to find this catchy hezbollah song don't know language)

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king assad.. well tbqh you arab "socialists" were always down that road anyways…

>I'm a king now

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what the hell has happened to this shit…

I wait for king ASS(ad) to come fix it


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File: f972d7446b6fd9f⋯.png (100.26 KB,292x440,73:110,Manager_Blanc.png)

 No.8947 [Open thread]

Come over to https://redchannit.org/monarchy/ to discuss all things Monarchism!

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File: 54f81441d2be677⋯.png (304.51 KB,668x525,668:525,kingassadlikejordan.png)


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 No.8948 [Open thread]

Big fighting is going on between monarchists and republicans rn


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 No.8945 [Open thread]

hello gays

toda i found my wife was filthy serbian, but i is based bosnian. i cannot return her. what method shoud i utilise to dispatch her corpse?


mojenjo daro

chief scamming officer at nigerian prince llc


i may have contracted autism from me wife

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haha im losing my fucking mind

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File: e9f605932c76152⋯.png (740.23 KB,4000x4000,1:1,d6rv2qa_072dac63_0ffa_4578….png)

 No.8933 [Open thread]

please kill me im bored "the real kill"

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global worldwide euthenasia is a drug to myself just like syvester the cat whats next

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File: 990ebcc032754fc⋯.jpg (43.43 KB,656x468,164:117,images.jpg)

 No.6907 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

American imperialists took away the power of my blessed monarch, the emperor of Japan.

We Japanese will rise again. Our rightful clay will be returned to us plus more.

Japanese Empire thread

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FDR was the proto-neocon.

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In a sense yes, but he was more like Sanders in the economic sense

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We wouldn't be in that situation if boomers just died

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the king of japan is not divine

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As an American, I hope you do. Fight strong and die honorably.

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File: ac2320623d0febc⋯.png (568.59 KB,650x650,1:1,insomnia_is_a_suicide_cue.png)

 No.7968 [Open thread]

Do so many monarchs end up endorsing liberalism (European meaning of the word, not American) and liberty to the point of cucking themselves because they get exhausted? I mean exhausted in the sense of, "I HATE this job, is there any way I can reduce my workload in any way possible?"

Pedro II is the ideal example that I'm sure a lot of you might be thinking of by this point in the post, but I also mean something much more subtle than that. It seems to be what happened to the British monarchy. They kept delegating more and more of their job not because of some ideological political stance, but because they already had so many other things to do and would just rather not be bothered with them–especially if they're just going to get criticized for any little thing. Until now it got to the point where they just do the ceremonial, and even that's fucking exhausting because even that is under a goddam microscope of analysis and you end up getting someone like Prince William. The Spanish monarchy seems to have undergone this process incredibly quickly.

Did this process not happen as vigorously in the past or in poorer countries today because media, the economy, and society as a whole was/is so much simpler?

Why are so many modern monarchs cucks?

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It's not a question about absolutism, but monarchy. You anons keep getting assmad at monarchists that actually have some ideal of monarchy (rule of one) in their heart apart from aristocracy (rule of few).

Absolute comes from the notion of 'absolved' from Roman law and the ascribed 'absolute monarchy' meme is usually just a jab at monarchy conceptually, that one man should rule, not the royalist argument of the best man and general circumstances where he should be 'absolved'–absolute–where the law cannot measure.

Royal constitutionalists are always butthurt because they don't have a heart for monarchy. They like democracy, aristocracy, and monarchy. That is the heart of constitutionalism, but often confused for legal monarchy–the spirit of this institution is mixing all three rather than making monarchical arguments. Imo, the royal constitutionalists usually go towards democratic/aristocratic talking points, like muh check your balance (implying, again, mixed branches of all three, not specifically monarchy).

What matters to the 'absolutist' is that the monarchy is the sovereign power and central to the body-politic. A political body has a center, this 'decentralization' business is pretty daft talk.

It speaks for itself how upset these people are over the notion of monarchy, rule of one, like any other normalfag these days.

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File: 3118c84972df5dd⋯.png (97.43 KB,452x414,226:207,35fedec34888a9963e1f69675f….png)


>Why are so many modern monarchs cucks?

Royals are a product of their constitutional system and are just doing their job. People don't respect them because they don't see them as monarchs. Anons could blame on it "absolutism" all they'd like, but that bird was out the window long ago and can't be blamed for every mishap you see with the royal governments today.

Feudalism couldn't prevent what you see today. Putting the nobles or wealthy in these shoes today wouldn't "uncuck" the royals. It doesn't even involve the royals–all you anons are doing is focusing on the nobility and trying to sidestep royalty… that's what they do today. Seeing as how the whole soil is corrupt, it would probably be the same.

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To make the point clear: the problems we see today aren't only inside the government, and 'decentralization' wouldn't resolve it only–because the powers that be clearly aren't in the government only. Revamping that political structure as a throwback to Medieval times would only shift the cards a little, but it wouldn't swap a new deck.

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and that is the authroity the pope rightly helds

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File: 6b79c677b836eee⋯.png (88.08 KB,2560x1536,5:3,2560px_Flag_of_Liechtenste….png)

Not all modern monarchs are cucks. Liechtenstein is doing pretty good considering its relative size and place in the world. The Prince is super Catholic and stopped an abortion law from getting passed.

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File: 8bc2ce41b33b7d3⋯.jpg (135.78 KB,1920x1418,960:709,europe-simple-map-hd.jpg)

 No.8447 [Open thread]

How would the political map of the monarchist Europe look like? Would it remain the same? Would the borders be based the de jure claims of past kingdoms/principalities/empires or would they be drawn between the religious divisions? How would the ethnic makeup of the continent come into the picture? Post your concepts and maybe explain it if you want to.

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File: 55a9ee458adaf2f⋯.png (522.94 KB,2100x1525,84:61,1537997996543.png)


Just take a hammer and shatter it into a million pieces.

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Baste and hammerpilled.

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File: 416bdc7bea092d5⋯.jpeg (13.67 KB,258x258,1:1,1453610015313.jpeg)



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File: cbce555c6b8f300⋯.jpg (784.45 KB,1829x1242,1829:1242,Die_Gartenlaube_1865_b_341.jpg)

It does not matter how the kingdoms of Europe look, what matters is whether they bow to the rightful Caesar

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It's impossible. The est option is o send all of the so called refugees back where they come from and then create ethnostates. Ethnostates with common history/tradition/religion could cooperate with eachother but not interfere in the internal affairs of a state.

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File: 4ef1bfca1f56ceb⋯.png (178.73 KB,500x494,250:247,the_pope_.png)

 No.8333 [Open thread]

Monarchs are basically dictators who believe their power comes from God; I find most kings and queens quite hypocritical because they usually have the best security force protecting them 24/7. I don't think monarchs actually believe their own bullshit because if they did they would trust Gods to protect them.

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Well it's not like it would be wrong for them to be hypocrites, since right and morality is just the fictitious personal preferences of a bunch of cell clusters on a tiny rock in space.

Christians get killed in the Bible, no one who believes it would think that they're immuned from all earthly dangers and need not take any precautions, you genuine normalfag


>Considering that the Church is responsible for more human atrocities

>This meme again

Even if that were true, and even if there wasn't more nuance to it then you make out, it wouldn't matter since those "atrocities" are just things you dislike.

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You are a sad, empty, little loser.

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Luckily for the rest of us, you are in the minority and your freaky little fantasies will never come to fruition. L O S E R.

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The powers of any legitimate monarch has to be justified somehow

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I don't think you are right. Dictatorship is a republic with one authoritair leader, and monarchy is a very hierarchical system with an absolute leader or a "shallow state" which is limiting him/her. A king/queen can also not be a hypocrite, because then is the country going to collapse in max. few decades.

A good king doesn't also need any protection, because his always loyal and honest to his subjects, unless their is no other way out for the country's profit.

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File: 1dc03c8fcc56b03⋯.png (2.22 MB,3312x3000,138:125,grace_angry.png)

 No.8899 [Open thread]

hoppe-sama isn't working, so we had to move.

/monarchy/ is currently at 8moe.


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Is this just an archive bunker?

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That place became cancer real fast

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