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File: 931cab4b86d92d5⋯.jpg (183.44 KB, 842x927, 842:927, DaBUefEU0AAqZCD.jpg)

b3df28  No.15739170

Granbreast Fantasy


November Event Schedule

10/31 - 11/9: Welcome to Bistro Feendrache

11/9 - 11/15: Eye of the Storm (Rerun)

11/12 - 11/16: Proving Grounds

11/16 - 11/23: Unite and Fight (Fire Advantage / Wind Enemies)

11/24 - 11/29: Rise of the Beasts

11/30 - 12/8: New story event


1.Infinity - 692908

2.Kihou - 740471

3.Sky Lords - 733000

4.Raven Nest (Dead) - 1024216

Guides and info


>How do I even play this shit?

You can play it from your browser by going to http://game.granbluefantasy.jp/

>I'm not going to use google botnet to play this.

You can use chrome alternatives, such as Slimjet or Iridium. If you don't like doing that, use an agent spoofer for the browser you do use to spoof chrome.

b3df28  No.15739210

File: a206907e0f4b066⋯.png (242.42 KB, 600x500, 6:5, DsIaBKrV4AAOD32.png)

File: 82ba31fd634deef⋯.png (167.61 KB, 600x500, 6:5, DsIaBlIW0AEVXgn.png)

Princess Connect Re:Dive Collaboration on December 9th through December 21st

63fc2f  No.15739224


c6e111  No.15739230

>Only characters I can manage to roll are water

Guess I'm going for a water party.

b3df28  No.15739266

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

One turn Freyr

df15a3  No.15739275


>2x 10 draw

>5 new characters

>1 SSR 1 SR 3 R

>all dudes


bdc732  No.15739333

File: 6b265b4666a04c9⋯.webm (7.9 MB, 504x646, 252:323, nm90 3 turn.webm)


Best I can do is 3 turn.

304cd1  No.15739357


She couldn't take it without her Onee-sama.

304cd1  No.15739461


Who do you have?

1efd2a  No.15739695



2 turns here with kengo + sun turn 1 and shiva turn 2

00dc22  No.15740298

Did Lonesome Dragoness getting added to Side Stories also reset progress with the event?

I already have all the characters from the event but the game wants me to do the event again for a fate episode.

1eb00f  No.15740356

File: c30a1c30dc5d8b2⋯.jpeg (143.15 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, Dkow7YLUwAArJMB.jpeg)

b3ea91  No.15740371

File: 6123d37b5fdbf2f⋯.png (2.44 MB, 1053x1342, 1053:1342, fire8.PNG)

011e57  No.15742126

File: f95b16d6151fc43⋯.jpeg (92.79 KB, 905x468, 905:468, DsC7SQaU0AA9hgm.jpeg)

File: 0e4c47f91bcf50c⋯.jpg (233.91 KB, 500x501, 500:501, 1542365582192.jpg)

File: a2d1e56c673ee1e⋯.jpg (155.45 KB, 960x745, 192:149, 1542273135879.jpg)

File: a8f0d8131cfc320⋯.jpg (66.06 KB, 600x847, 600:847, 1542245334057.jpg)

File: 6d6eb6aff605654⋯.jpg (83.22 KB, 600x589, 600:589, 1542238436218.jpg)


Yes, you need to redo all the chapters in side stories to get to the end, but, look at it this way, it's free crystals. Also Gripping Freedom in side stories when.

bdc732  No.15745807

File: c69e48aa1ccb0c2⋯.png (1.05 MB, 850x600, 17:12, ClipboardImage.png)

304cd1  No.15745821


There are 42/43 days left in 2018 Kimura you hack.

bdc732  No.15745826

File: 6e298331643a1f2⋯.png (623.22 KB, 850x657, 850:657, ClipboardImage.png)


Either they get shown and released with the christmas stream, or we're waiting for the anniversary

304cd1  No.15745837


I don't remember when, but I vividly recall them mentioning a 2018 release date for Oracles. Then again, the same was said about the upgraded CCWs and Arcarum itself if I'm not mistaken.

7548dd  No.15745907

File: 06030d1455bd88c⋯.png (238.95 KB, 567x872, 567:872, 466.png)


4d8522  No.15745925


>Also Gripping Freedom in side stories when

When we get A Peace of the Pie in side stories too.

319297  No.15745926


Maybe after this current story arc, you'll get your blue doggo.

4d8522  No.15745949

Fucking now what the hell is going on, did Hiroshima fuck up so hard that there's constant bleedout from halfchan?

304cd1  No.15745955


Apparently he straight up divided it to be ad friendly. Horrifying, I know.

b23b10  No.15746107

File: bdb3368e855e4d0⋯.png (75.63 KB, 495x495, 1:1, 20181109_150141.png)


> now

But 8chan has been infested with cuckchan mobage generals for over a year

8d5460  No.15747891


3251ac  No.15748344

File: 2c2a4bbcf5e28e9⋯.png (132.9 KB, 442x136, 13:4, haha fuck fire GW tho.png)

Whos ready to blaze it

bdc732  No.15750815

File: d896ca0b7fe4076⋯.png (631.33 KB, 1556x820, 389:205, ClipboardImage.png)

bdc732  No.15750881

File: 108a6d0d28519d3⋯.webm (3.23 MB, 512x710, 256:355, Runeslayer turn 10 esser ….webm)

I didn't expect this GW to give runeslayer a purpose. 50% of the nm95's hp in ~30 seconds

1efd2a  No.15751069


Well the first place guys are using it mostly because of the echoes, but if you can't do sub 3 minutes runs you can at least use the turn 10 80 million dmg meme. It's so retarded it turns my 0* egg sack grid into something good

67f415  No.15751894

File: b016963351c8641⋯.jpg (25.73 KB, 500x361, 500:361, 5264d32fbd11603e2e53539c67….jpg)


What if I don't have Sheep, Grea, Tien, Aliza nor any SSR outside Percival. And no Mage Knight.

My current gear:

3 1* egg sacks

2 3* Colo chan canes

Zhuque Katana Malus

Xeno Axe 2*

Xeno Katana 2*

Bahamut Dagger

SR Michael Sword

My team is Lucius, Percival, Rika Jougasaki, Zeta(dogshit tbh famalam), and Miria.

bddb72  No.15751912


Then you're fucked anon. I'm running Zerk, S.Bea, Percival and Anila and it still takes me at least 6 minutes to clear it.

63fc2f  No.15752681

So apparently 300 people were banned, viramate is still not disabled and Im not banned, in fact seems like a pretty small number, how about you guys?

3251ac  No.15752761

File: b26517f8056647d⋯.jpg (1.73 MB, 2179x3171, 2179:3171, 71685422_p0.jpg)


Those 300 people almost certainly got banned for botting and not viramate.

6dc0c8  No.15752934

File: 47db91db7f7ccc0⋯.gif (655.88 KB, 300x300, 1:1, zfIW6cc.gif)



The 353 people banned were kicked permanently because they abused Dev tools and used excessive botting to pad their numbers in a way that was waaaay too noticed by their system. We're talking 1300 boxes full of botting in one case. I'm gaijin crawling around to check, but several top crews got hit. And someone reported the dev of Virusmate's account to Kimura.

63fc2f  No.15752961


>And someone reported the dev of Virusmate's account to Kimura.

Was he/she/it banned despite not botting?

3251ac  No.15752967


>someone reported the dev of Virusmate's account to Kimura.

That's kind of hilarious, because I'd like to see them actually prove it.

6dc0c8  No.15752977

File: 53f0b540e4a066b⋯.jpeg (160.8 KB, 772x1200, 193:300, DpOXgYPU4AANogC.jpeg)

File: d615780ea1f7b5c⋯.jpeg (141.2 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, DpOXgYSU4AARkBO.jpeg)

File: 174ee9da191f43e⋯.jpeg (111.96 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, DpOXgYPVsAACuDb.jpeg)

File: dae0972c1e470a8⋯.jpeg (134.19 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, DsGGgIlU0AA-Rvx.jpeg)

File: 72021169bee8b32⋯.jpeg (189.75 KB, 1200x799, 1200:799, DpOXgYQV4AA7zvR.jpeg)


That's something I don't know, but some shitstorm's a brewing because Virusmate guy just reupdated it to no longer communicate with the game server, and some guy is making a shitfit on getting banned. Mostly follow the mess from @granbearfantasy in twitter.

1efd2a  No.15752981

>realize just now that you don't need to TH9 for Esser's 4th skill to have every buffs

at least it wasn't on the last round I guess

63fc2f  No.15752999



literally who

6dc0c8  No.15753014

File: 4350b8934f521cd⋯.jpeg (252.97 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, DsMstkDUwAAoDRF.jpeg)

File: 68b643539ed682f⋯.jpg (50.83 KB, 640x686, 320:343, VO8EnTy_d.jpg)

File: fa8538241968a37⋯.jpeg (42.56 KB, 607x604, 607:604, DsBSH-1UUAAkfPv.jpeg)

File: 4c11944f24a04fe⋯.jpeg (143.28 KB, 720x721, 720:721, DsAXNCRU0AA16_-.jpeg)

File: 99f047f59743b56⋯.jpeg (158.48 KB, 1112x1024, 139:128, Dr_0s4WV4AAmt1i.jpeg)


Some guy throwing a storm in a bottlecap, but it's the only English thread I've found of people getting banned. Trying to find more banned people just to see what the hell they did.

4918ca  No.15753173

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>And someone reported the dev of Virusmate's account to Kimura.

He's busy playing card games with horses. Still, Viramate's dev might be a humongous faggot but I'm sure the fags whining were botting.

6dc0c8  No.15753234

File: 663b9c85001638f⋯.jpg (132.22 KB, 678x900, 113:150, 1542544174352.jpg)

File: 9aab616526aebca⋯.jpeg (146.19 KB, 1044x1027, 1044:1027, DrtSMFJUcAE5JiY.jpeg)

File: 6c2b634c2e08f93⋯.jpeg (174.19 KB, 1200x701, 1200:701, DsL_MjTUwAAx2sI.jpeg)

File: e361ff09671ec38⋯.jpeg (26.46 KB, 680x588, 170:147, DsNAUrcUcAA-Emg.jpeg)

File: 4ca865435fd6d6d⋯.jpg (205.46 KB, 944x750, 472:375, 1542255249599.jpg)


I'm pretty much sure they were botting and not pressing verification buttons at all like retards. But still I'm having a blast watching plebbit going full "BUT VIRAMATE ISN'T ILLEGAL, IT JUST USES SHORTCUTS AROUND DIRECTORIES".

490e30  No.15753472


So he hasn't forgotten about the horses.

00dc22  No.15754857

Are the summons that drop from the Unite and Fight bosses useful for anything other than quartz?

a62cf8  No.15754881


They're good for Rainbow Prisms too.

bdc732  No.15755414

File: 20a79512f830a0a⋯.png (245.22 KB, 774x409, 774:409, ClipboardImage.png)

bdc732  No.15755507

File: 2eb28cb58a1fd09⋯.png (258.02 KB, 770x407, 70:37, ClipboardImage.png)


These numbers are having a joke

324486  No.15755514

File: f39d626e8f90a1e⋯.png (29.04 KB, 533x95, 533:95, chrome_2018-11-20_01-52-30.png)

ah whoops that was yesterday's graph, deleted it so it wouldn't mislead anyone, also these rewards are shit so gotta take a risk with the upset

a88572  No.15759067

>We're to the point of there being verify within verify

Seriously, what the fuck?

bdc732  No.15759088

File: 09d99db3330bf0e⋯.png (1.64 MB, 850x931, 850:931, ClipboardImage.png)

059edd  No.15759113

File: daa015a3997b824⋯.webm (1.37 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Nut_Quake.webm)


Problem is


c24a21  No.15759289


c24a21  No.15759300


you cucks beeing saying that since 8chan was made, everyone that disagree with another person says thasts as he wraps his anus around any chance to circlejerk their hottakes

granblue is for weeabo faggots. FACT

7548dd  No.15759363

File: 6835580d051b86b⋯.jpg (320.67 KB, 2046x1446, 341:241, __fenrir_shingeki_no_baham….jpg)

bdc732  No.15760110

File: 9dcdf2df419921e⋯.png (244.63 KB, 754x409, 754:409, ClipboardImage.png)

bdc732  No.15760162

File: 230acdcf7eb9478⋯.png (258.38 KB, 747x413, 747:413, ClipboardImage.png)

b3ea91  No.15761370

File: de788bc42fb4864⋯.png (562.79 KB, 1045x429, 95:39, bet.PNG)

File: 69c5de40576c1cf⋯.png (156.5 KB, 1502x828, 751:414, bet2.png)

File: 52dac4d02e80f63⋯.jpg (496.36 KB, 1180x842, 590:421, mud.jpg)

074659  No.15761420

File: 8299960e1105582⋯.jpg (40.03 KB, 480x385, 96:77, Yakuzabetting.JPG)

File: aeb5a1b227a8fa6⋯.jpg (40.32 KB, 482x490, 241:245, 1542684757512.jpg)

File: 199301f10df1a9b⋯.png (376.49 KB, 744x389, 744:389, 1542638639715.png)

File: 9bdb91680a65284⋯.gif (2.76 MB, 400x353, 400:353, 1542628130159.gif)

File: 2e9dcc3039a5a5e⋯.png (328.67 KB, 676x424, 169:106, 5576809d827e73b07ad8152639….png)


Smalltime earnings, but it's something.

4b961b  No.15763107

File: 1c3c6d3c92d8ede⋯.png (106.42 KB, 640x688, 40:43, Golden Knight.png)


00dc22  No.15763124

File: 89e7db6d73de733⋯.png (884.17 KB, 629x804, 629:804, ed5h0rghg9h.png)

My crew barely got into C Tier and they appear to be putting in almost no effort. We've been matched against crews with one active member three times and we actually lost the first match, by a wide margin, 11.5m vs 28.9m, with the other two actually being fairly close. Fuck this whole event.

Is an SL10 0* Ancient egg sack better than an SL10 3* cane or do I need to uncap it a couple of times to make it worthwhile to replace in my grid? My current grid has sort of hit the "limit" short of investing into the canes I have, which I understand is generally considered a bad idea.

I don't know if I should attempt to grind out ancient sacks or put effort and fodder into a halfassed Agni setup missing almost everything useful and not leveled at all and just drop the canes.

00dc22  No.15763142

File: 4ec1fd678594dd9⋯.png (898.61 KB, 629x796, 629:796, 590hdgh0y50.png)


forgot to include my current cane setup

c37882  No.15763169


Sachs > SL10 3* Stick.

a88572  No.15763259

I got through 12 boxes. Another 4 boxes tomorrow when the final rally comes around. I also may have gotten our crew to tier B by being autistic.

bdc732  No.15764836

File: 4f54ace4dcbf38d⋯.png (541.43 KB, 1498x816, 749:408, ClipboardImage.png)

bdc732  No.15764981

File: 270c5d536ba4a7c⋯.png (1.15 MB, 720x1083, 240:361, ClipboardImage.png)

7548dd  No.15766281

Thanks to the scam gacha I am now a proud owner of the most broken summon in the game, Shiva. What are some great Shiva meme tactics for various elements?

b36d7b  No.15766737

File: 80d2cea1f8f300f⋯.png (151.26 KB, 700x513, 700:513, bound cato.png)


reach turn 12 fast and buff yourself to do damage, unless your wind then you gotta combine lecia turn with that…

6dc51d  No.15767083

Assholes, Get on since the final boss is up. Dont make your crews wait on your ass.

bdc732  No.15767181

File: 8e0b192a646ac46⋯.png (597.78 KB, 517x755, 517:755, Bow Relic.png)

File: 95b462c9d4be1d9⋯.png (911.1 KB, 511x735, 73:105, 5star Tweyen.png)

File: 31389348ee06be3⋯.png (220.97 KB, 481x361, 481:361, Jutenshus.png)

6th 5* down. 4 to go

507087  No.15767219

File: 7e590ba56d75d35⋯.png (272.66 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1542793492393.png)

File: d80b0e6ac0840e8⋯.jpg (177.46 KB, 808x805, 808:805, 1499134426736.jpg)

File: 97a63bd7382f187⋯.png (26.58 KB, 485x443, 485:443, ru4nv13558u01.png)

File: 94c53ca8c42387b⋯.png (35.96 KB, 693x443, 693:443, images.png)


Jewtenshus are a mistake. I still haven't even 5'd one and I can only scream in frustration.

40b769  No.15767234


Take your wojaks and mobile games back to 4channel.

507087  No.15770596

File: 2531f8c7cd65a9d⋯.jpg (153.33 KB, 800x1136, 50:71, This actually improves her.jpg)

File: 1bea842682523b0⋯.png (46.16 KB, 614x532, 307:266, 1542985265524.png)

Get ready to spam Celeste and Avatar fights.

a88572  No.15772874

I think something might be broken with the animation of OD. Everytime I hit Titan in OD, it kept saying break.

d1c34d  No.15772907

File: d07757b88f802a7⋯.png (18.87 KB, 301x55, 301:55, kirin.png)

That was a nice leech.

403948  No.15772986


I'm getting it too.

8caba7  No.15773088

File: a0780627a9298bb⋯.png (312.62 KB, 472x564, 118:141, uncap mats.PNG)

Uncap mats for UFLB Giraffe/Kirin weapons.

Omega anima dropped from the host chest.

96c12a  No.15774214

File: e11011e883e5c55⋯.png (811.33 KB, 937x1127, 937:1127, 572.png)


I really hope the bow gets a higher dmg cap, but I'm expecting to be disappointed.

236c02  No.15774741

File: 1b47eb10e4ac1ec⋯.jpg (33.39 KB, 448x468, 112:117, 5 star.jpg)

Still think it's worth it?

a88572  No.15775753

File: eb87d41e9132654⋯.png (271.44 KB, 318x660, 53:110, ClipboardImage.png)

Last ring in the shop given away. No regrets.

33da66  No.15775781


Do unworldly ougis have a higher cap?

b3ea91  No.15775838

b36d7b  No.15775882

File: 51aec784137fc51⋯.png (275.07 KB, 339x550, 339:550, beato memes.png)


that's probably a fake screenshot

c6e111  No.15775899

Why hasn't there been a Golgo 13 crossover in any gacha games?

8caba7  No.15779142

File: ef4be2cd1063e5f⋯.png (49.96 KB, 446x125, 446:125, ClipboardImage.png)

Finally got a Damascus grain drop from uBaha HL.

8caba7  No.15779277

File: 843dc6d6f300323⋯.png (373.39 KB, 476x497, 68:71, Siete5StarUncap.PNG)

File: 862abaff2420d4d⋯.png (922.25 KB, 477x677, 477:677, Siete5starUncap2.PNG)

File: a521ddcdf09783a⋯.png (108.38 KB, 451x227, 451:227, Eternals.png)

6th 5* Eternal done, will be my last 5* one until I recruit the 4 remaining Eternals.

c6e111  No.15783433

>Boot up FGO, feel like I have hands on my throat while I'm playing

>Boot up Granblue

>Get a calm feeling, go into serenity as I listen to music and grind

Anyone else go into a zen-like state and think about impregnating Yuel while playing?

774fd8  No.15783640


I play gbf very casually so i rarely get frustrated about it, but I dont want to impregnate Yuel

I want to pound Zoi until my dick falls off

1efd2a  No.15783991


gbf was made so you can do your mindless grind after a long day of work and feel good about it

bdc732  No.15784041

File: 0bfaab39d7e403a⋯.png (630.79 KB, 511x734, 511:734, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 825c5fbe573fd14⋯.png (360.55 KB, 513x332, 513:332, ClipboardImage.png)

It's time to go back where it all began

bdc732  No.15784084

File: f6be569f8400b15⋯.png (736.97 KB, 513x727, 513:727, ClipboardImage.png)

File: aa719f94cfe247e⋯.png (721.86 KB, 515x737, 515:737, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c05840e1982adf2⋯.png (697.6 KB, 513x731, 513:731, ClipboardImage.png)

Storebrand GBF

774fd8  No.15784086


>We want WanPiss audience

507087  No.15785038

File: 32fb0f1c4c8e96f⋯.png (512.05 KB, 421x572, 421:572, GET FUCKED FENRIRFAG.png)

There you go, welcome to die, Fenrirfag.

4bc555  No.15785058


>missed the next half of that exchange where loki fucking ignores her when talking about wanting friends/comrades and how unhappy it obviously made her

507087  No.15785090

File: 6a363380f00a996⋯.jpg (48.89 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 1543072956153.jpg)

File: a23a4391896169e⋯.png (225.52 KB, 597x454, 597:454, 1542921583151.png)

File: 014c3f3eaf5089c⋯.png (563.99 KB, 844x750, 422:375, 1542698773320.png)

File: b52c69ba29257e8⋯.jpg (348.73 KB, 600x477, 200:159, 1542694342256.jpg)

File: 47ca6b7aff108c7⋯.png (249.92 KB, 555x506, 555:506, lmao.png)


This doesn't mean She'll love your ass, fenrirfag.

4bc555  No.15785116

File: 9da532b9eb78176⋯.jpg (183.82 KB, 487x518, 487:518, 45t456756876.JPG)


I'm not fenrirfag dumbass, I want to cross pollinate with Yggy. They'll release Fenrir the second they think the fags waiting for her have wasted their saved spark.

507087  No.15785191


Not a bad waifu, but Fenrirfag needs to learn that his husbando only has eyes for Loki.

304cd1  No.15785244

"I…" - Danchou, November 26th of 2018, moments before being put into cold storage for two months.

ac98e4  No.15785992

Is the game shitting itself or is it just me?

1efd2a  No.15786125


it begun, Loki will take over and it will become Lokiblue Fantasy before we know it until it's april fools and chat noir steals the game back and doesn't give it back

319297  No.15786697


>two month wait for the next couple of chapters

Talk about a cliffhanger, but nice to see Orchis and Pommern again.

403948  No.15787584

Does anyone have any info to share on how to Kengo? I just unlocked it today and I'm trying to figure it out.

bdc732  No.15787679

File: 17b82c6ebf94843⋯.png (1009.38 KB, 600x850, 12:17, ClipboardImage.png)


Here's some tips I've picked up. They might not be the best.

Firstly run bonito with it. Bonito's call will give you 200% charge bar on turn 1, which will give you 2 stacks of the kengo perma buff straight away. If you have another samurai character to pair with it, then they will get 200% charge bar too and you'll start getting 6 chains or higher.

The triple turn extended mastery skill is probably the best to use. Combo it with pandemonium to get a ridiculous amount of charge bar in one turn. Pandemonium in general is a good skill to use for that extra charge bar gain. You can also use splitting spirit (mystic sub-skill) that can give you 100% charge bar on turn 1. This will allow you to use the 3 turn skill on turn 1. If you then follow that up with bonito, you'll ougi twice and then attack for 2 more turns.

bdc732  No.15787775

File: 7aef117b87084f9⋯.webm (3.24 MB, 512x710, 256:355, Water Kengo.webm)



Here's a visual example

403948  No.15787810


Ah, I see. Thanks for the advice. It's something different to get used to after just relying on Chaos Ruler with the GW knife for so long in water.

304cd1  No.15788357


Kengo's true form is as an ougi battery if you use a Kaneshige as your mainhand.

It sinergizes well with elements that have characters that want to ougi all the time (Water, Earth, Wind, maybe Fire) while elements that don't really want to ougi (Dark) or need to set up time locked buffs to do any decent ougi damage (Light) don't really benefit as much.

Here's a few characters that go well with Kengo:

>Water: Vajra, Summer Grea, Altair, Aglovale, Pholia, Romeo, Europa, Drang, Katalina and both eternals (5*). Silva isn't really that good with it since her buffs only last a single turn and she has CA on Standby anyway.

>Earth: Siegfried, Cain, Alexiel, Arulumaya, Hallessena, Mahira, Sara, Halloween Eustace, Xmas Clarisse, Ilsa, Razia, Soriz, Melleau and both eternals since you can cycle Threo's forms pretty quick.

>Wind: Siete big time, Mirin, Sevilbarra, Yuisis, Monika, Feena, Lennah, Metera, Scathacha. Yurius and Rosetta could also get charge bar they sorely need, just be careful they don't ougi.

>Fire: Anila, Metera, Tsubasa, Summer Io, Grea, Aoidos

>Light: Levin Sisters, Seruel, Summer Heles, Juliet, Zooey, Silva, Robomi if you can give her enough buffs, Sarunan, Vira, Rosamia if you don't like healing, Io.

>Dark: Orchid, Jeanne d'Arc, Narmaya, Wulf and Renie, Beatrix and Seox

403948  No.15788774


>It sinergizes well with elements that have characters that want to ougi all the time

Well, that might explain why it can feel somewhat lackluster compared to my usual GW knife + sword atma. My overall roster lacks enough characters in a single element that seriously benefit from constant ougi except for maybe dark and earth.

7548dd  No.15789718

File: 64d463e8d6d85ea⋯.jpg (81.98 KB, 500x600, 5:6, 2fbc2a683aa8352007599bc6b2….jpg)


The rest of the scene sounds as if she's starting to question her loyalty. Could be the beginning of her separation from Loki. It'll be interesting to see where this story arc goes.

f853cf  No.15793334


So, if I were to unlock kengo then it wouldnt be a terrible idea to stone my bonito and FLB it?

304cd1  No.15793731


Tasty fish might be the premier water summon now.

You only really need a single Varuna anyway.

a88572  No.15794555

>Need 50 of each primarch animas

>Barely any primarch raid with ones rarely giving animas

>No Ubaha trains

I take back saying centrums being annoying. Which is fucking retarded since we need primarch animas for everything now.

5ea553  No.15796018

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fuck Primarch Animas, I need 40 for assorted shit, plus whatever Luci and Bahamut need.

Tried making a webm out of this, but it's too heavy for posting.

b3df28  No.15796366

File: beda054047e110c⋯.png (257.8 KB, 600x500, 6:5, 4_ryfdctgyhvcfvghjk.png)

bdc732  No.15796376

I'll be hosting a Haung/Kirin HL tomorrow at 7am JST

c6c6ef  No.15796389


Yet another loli paired with a dad figure, fucking dropped.


>10min right before I start work

You best be on time.

304cd1  No.15796721


Lone Bull and Calf

ff50ee  No.15797164

File: c5592a7e432981f⋯.jpg (473.13 KB, 1500x1061, 1500:1061, Dr9irsdUUAAmINj.jpg)


Oh god, new Harvin! For the love of god don't be a trap.


Better this than Osada turning out a slut.

bdc732  No.15798251

File: eb33a9942439a96⋯.png (429.55 KB, 769x900, 769:900, ClipboardImage.png)

Haung/Kirin HL:


c1f325  No.15798329

File: a4b40dc78835b24⋯.jpg (189.57 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, GBFfes Dog.jpg)

Now that New Year and Granblue Fes are almost around the corner, what do you think which race/element/weapon the pig zodiac will be?

ff50ee  No.15798343

File: dd186af03d1763b⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 230.42 KB, 1260x1620, 7:9, DrUwhEnV4AAy0Ww.jpg)


Harvin; we already got two Erunes, Draph would be hard to make look like a pig if they don't do something with the horns, and they never use any of the other races.

304cd1  No.15798355

Tusks are just mouth horns.


Draph/I have a feeling it will be Light(could be Dark)/FistSumo Fighter inb4 the first SSR staff draph


Rat is up next and is 200% going to be a Harvin, so they probably won't do the same race twice in a row.

bdc732  No.15798401

File: dca829590887efb⋯.png (99.59 KB, 362x235, 362:235, 6 uflbs.png)

So how was everyone's rotb?


Pig will be light or dark since those are the next elements. The year after is mouse, that will definitely be harvin, so not too likely that she'll be a one. Draph would be hard to do with the horns, but the short thickness would work for thick piggu. Probably either erune or human.

The bigger question is will SR vajra have 200% charge bar and buffs on ougi? She'll be a good SR if so.

a88572  No.15798431

SR Razia conformed?

4d8522  No.15798467


>how was everyone's rotb

Got about 70 gold nuggets, four gold seals, the rupies, half pots, soul berries, all the weapons and a handful of white papers.

c1f325  No.15798485

File: 9bd486e7c2468c9⋯.jpg (37.38 KB, 750x556, 375:278, 71298884.jpg)



Meanwhile I just got 1 gold bar out of it.

304cd1  No.15798505

File: e2b579f01b3d779⋯.png (129.07 KB, 561x143, 51:13, Proving Grounds RotB tic….png)


Got Elmott, Ryan and Ludmilla from the SR tickets. It was pretty neato.

4d8522  No.15798514


I lost 200 halfpots to do it all. I spent the previous one getting a shitload of weapons.

Forgot I also got the ten SR tickets, only got one silver moon and 9 characterless SRs. Fucking game.

ff50ee  No.15798603

File: be6abd3481ded6d⋯.jpg (1.2 MB, 1131x800, 1131:800, dblqg5l-a7bf2502-12aa-4318….jpg)


Forgot about Boars but I still think it'll be Harvin and Rat will be Erune because mouse girls would be easy money.

304cd1  No.15798764


>that would mean 3 Erunes and 1 Draph

Jesus Christ how horrifying.

I think they'll try to mantain racial balance in memoriam of Zoi, destroyer of balance.

Humans can get bent.

bdc732  No.15798795


in that case we need more draph to balance out the cup sizes. We have 1 L cup and 3 flat chests

403948  No.15798856


I got 3 bars, a ray, and another wedding ring.

80f2a3  No.15798886

File: 5c1c9dff376338e⋯.png (883.8 KB, 842x1059, 842:1059, 62733478_p0.png)

File: 9436ab6f68e03a5⋯.png (444.7 KB, 864x1200, 18:25, 65088197_p0.png)

File: a78725d44654ffa⋯.png (209.23 KB, 640x512, 5:4, 1542648069083.png)

File: 7b4659d0329c3ae⋯.png (270.09 KB, 450x600, 3:4, C6euPCHVQAEhtXG.png)

File: 54daee70f8b53ed⋯.jpg (225.73 KB, 505x770, 101:154, 71546285_p0.jpg)


Ring, Shellfist + its uncap Xuanwu seal, plus two more Xuanwu seals to Malus the Mace, 50 halfpots, Florenbehk, and two SR tickets.

ff50ee  No.15798975



>Having racial balance in GBF

Damn, all this time I've been overlooking a ton of Harvin and almost as many Draphs!

80f2a3  No.15799000

File: afc6751a4c506e3⋯.png (279.74 KB, 440x463, 440:463, 1543483459666.png)

File: 20f6517d4809f3b⋯.jpeg (59.24 KB, 396x800, 99:200, Dlx0EPUV4AE8HgF.jpeg)

File: f114143ec9bf479⋯.png (313.37 KB, 784x537, 784:537, DpoZu7PVsAAd-IZ.png)

File: b1084863758ba53⋯.jpeg (48.6 KB, 646x693, 646:693, Dsm9_alU4AUR3pE.jpeg)

File: 99bf8e39082ad5b⋯.jpg (233.33 KB, 970x1400, 97:140, 1543397117263.jpg)


Aye. Look at all those wind Draphs and Fire potatoes.

fd0e64  No.15799073


It's only consistent in Dragalia as there are only humans and bunny people.

c1f325  No.15799082


I think they wanna go with some racial balance for the Zodiacs, we haven't had a single Human Zodiac which has the most amount of characters.

c1f325  No.15799085


Fuck, meant for >>15798975

bdc732  No.15799165


I'm not sure if they'll make human zodiacs. I thought they would after Mahira, but they doubled back. I guess erune are just human's with animal ears, draph are just humans with tits and horns. Harvin are just small humans. Why use a human for a divine character when you could use a special race. Also, the zodiacs are based off animals, so it's better to use a race that already has similar traits. (draph have horns for ram and ox, harvin are small for chicken and mouse, erune have fluffy ears/some have tails for monkey and dog)

bdc732  No.15799305

File: 790ba90e8ab1493⋯.png (1008.2 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

The nurse is in

a47297  No.15799324


so piggu will be american?

304cd1  No.15799342


Nice, now getting all the female draphs got even easier.

If I spark Strum all that will be left for me are Laguna and Razia, both SRs. Razia is even easier to get than Laguna now, since there's also the slimmer chance of drawing her SSR.

Unless Pig makes me wait until next year's Auld Lang Syne.

a88572  No.15799356


When was the last earth 5*? I want my 5* Razia, and I want her NOW!

3251ac  No.15799363

File: 96bb40c5719a11b⋯.png (646.51 KB, 470x866, 235:433, axe.png)


304cd1  No.15799368


Hallessena or Arulumaya, I don't recall which now.

Hallessena was about when Robomi Z came out while Arulumaya was next to the Morphe and Phoebe rerun.

bdc732  No.15799372


Arulu was the last earth one, and it was around the anniversary. Hallessena was last year

e9969c  No.15799404


as the flavor text implies, it's about the weight more than the edge. This is consistant with how an axe is used.

aa72a9  No.15799414

File: 4c5782c241e1306⋯.png (533.14 KB, 458x695, 458:695, 3tickets.PNG)

File: 30c5add8e9b334f⋯.png (936.14 KB, 734x1000, 367:500, Vajra.(Granblue.Fantasy).f….png)

>Last time Doggo is in the pool


>decide to use a few tickets and pray

>R, Neptune, Zahlamelina Moon

>Somehow got an Anila moon last gala

Is it just not ment to be?

fd0e64  No.15799418


Must be nice to have Anila.

304cd1  No.15799427


The only way to be sure is to get those 300 draws.

Source: I didn't get either Europa or Vajra until I traded the sparks even though they were on """"""Rate Up""""""" each time.

aa72a9  No.15799443

File: 6f6f916434fe833⋯.png (333.23 KB, 521x318, 521:318, last.PNG)


I've been there m8, I sparked twice already.

I was saving to spark for her around christmas, with some help from the roulette, free gibs and hell, I was ready to fork over some shekels too if I ended up 1 or 2 10 rolls short, but not like this, this is too soon.

It is too soon for her to go away!

bdc732  No.15799514

File: 3c6f3745e0317c3⋯.png (112.94 KB, 239x257, 239:257, ClipboardImage.png)

Thing of nightmares

304cd1  No.15799521


Well, I know who's going to star my nightmares tonight.

c1f325  No.15799667

Fuck just rolled 2 10 draws, wanted to see if I could luckshit light Charlotte since i'm saving for a spark. Should have stopped with the first one because it got me my first Titan while the second one gave me shit, can't complain really. Sad my Earth team is dogshit and only have Magna weapons.

63fc2f  No.15799704


It makes sense with CheVira being so sought after, two axe characters to get bonus from…I honestly dont know

5ea553  No.15799706

File: a9c6015169b7a05⋯.jpg (83.18 KB, 480x733, 480:733, Just look at its left eye.JPG)


Take a good look at it, mate, it somehow gets worse.

74d09b  No.15799716

File: b396e7173894870⋯.webm (4.41 MB, 586x424, 293:212, MG Gondola.webm)


Delet this.

319297  No.15799732

File: b499b44cc3d9d23⋯.mp4 (10.7 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Died in Winter.mp4)

Finished the White Clover's story. That ending really stings.

ff50ee  No.15799750


Can Harvin even hold their alcohol?

5ea553  No.15799918

File: 8bb5a3a0168222e⋯.jpg (243.58 KB, 580x775, 116:155, 71546285_p1.jpg)

File: c998f5af78c9f20⋯.jpg (453.7 KB, 1022x1022, 1:1, 68690266_p0.jpg)

File: 650effc5bc9c7c3⋯.jpg (108.6 KB, 693x1013, 693:1013, 1543370141046.jpg)

File: 447563b40f62762⋯.jpg (132.64 KB, 1000x725, 40:29, 1543369864140.jpg)

File: aeb3f930bcc89cd⋯.jpg (305.59 KB, 1053x849, 351:283, 1543369940328.jpg)


Mahira couldn't even handle a Monster Energy, I think alcohol is off limits, I think also Miraoru has somethin on her fates about it.

996515  No.15800382

File: 882ba255bcc80e0⋯.jpg (301.91 KB, 640x853, 640:853, 008.jpg)


Don't get me wrong–I love Razia–but her ATK as an SR is a stone's throw from hers as an SSR. I always thought she was underpowered–outside of Ausbruch, anyway.

996515  No.15800395


How did you get so many stars? Isn't the max 18 or 19?

Sage for double post.

bdc732  No.15800406


He gave her a Perpetuity ring. You can buy them for gold nuggets from the shop

996515  No.15800415


Ah, right. I forgot that those have that effect.

Out of the question for now, then; I'm currently trying to 5* Okto, with the roadblock Dimension Halo in my way. Bad enough that it has 19M HP, it doesn't have an element either.

bdc732  No.15800431


You need to fight it with okto in your party. You can put him backline if earth isn't your strongest element. Dimension Halo is kind of a gear check for unlocking 5* eternals. Have a look at the wiki on it's fight and work out what you need to bring. For katana it doesn't look too bad. Maybe just gravity and damage cut.


cc4ccd  No.15800651

Alchemist 2 might be coming soon. Better buy those distincts before reset.

304cd1  No.15800855

>Voting to decide who will get a new outfit (paid) on the 5th Birthday.

>Can't decide if I vote for Europa (though I won't buy the skin anyway, even if she wins by some miracle) or meme it up by voting some shit like Malinda and hope enough people decide to do the same.

5ea553  No.15800859


Can't vote in event characters, Skullfujo must be having an aneurysm.

304cd1  No.15800863


Really? Wonder why they put them as an option in the drop down list then.

5ea553  No.15800906


I couldn't see any event character in the list, and I had seen a twatter post complaining about no meme options like Malinda or Cheerios the 19th.

304cd1  No.15800922

File: 62c4ee938f4f8fc⋯.png (132.01 KB, 603x795, 201:265, Cheerios.png)

File: 96ba529274210d1⋯.png (158.33 KB, 616x826, 44:59, Malinda.png)


Weird, they show up just fine for me.

a88572  No.15800929

Doggos have been found. They go from Dec 15th to Dec 25th along side the collab event into Xeno Corow rerun.

304cd1  No.15800938


>Cerberus and Fenrir conveniently show up right after Vajra goes away until 2020.

Was this a territorial dispute all along?

Did they piss on the Grancypher to mark territory?

6edff4  No.15801276

File: f8a19cca2805ed8⋯.png (122.04 KB, 760x830, 76:83, 2ff814b7dfb05df0103c2701f5….png)

File: f73f71dad5527c7⋯.png (121.33 KB, 760x830, 76:83, e10caacb1b2e4c2d1c9c92a180….png)

Any bets on what the EX2 Alchemist class is gonna be? I'm thinking it'll be this one, even though they don't use staffs.

aa72a9  No.15801348

File: 332470c447c3937⋯.png (175.29 KB, 246x302, 123:151, extra arm.PNG)


I'm going to be ok as long as Alchemist 2 still has glasses

Also, SR Razia has 2 right arms. Clearly the artist drew her holding onto the gun but someone had to butt in so she would hover her arm on her BFDT, but it was kinda late already and the guy forgot to delete it.

7548dd  No.15801537

File: 30fecd069141d7d⋯.png (56.42 KB, 474x247, 474:247, playable when.PNG)

It's not fair

00dc22  No.15802395

File: ce8af4aa42d2ad8⋯.png (1.82 MB, 619x1598, 619:1598, f8hywshfgsh.png)

What is the "proper way" to kill Devil in Arcanum Extreme? Is there some way to negate his bullshit "dispel everything" form of "difficulty"?

I've tried avoiding important buffs until after he does it but it appears all that happens is he gets to dispel twice due to a trigger, I lose my buffs anyway most importantly Loengard and I end up burning a cure-all at around 10% remaining. While 150 points isn't a huge investment to kill him every other week at most I feel like I'm doing something wrong or missing an obvious mechanic.

Am I just going to have to deal with it due to how my water setup currently exists?

I know I need to replace one of the baha weapons, I have another dagger but it currently isn't a boost at level 36 and SL5

f604ff  No.15802512


uncap your daggers

304cd1  No.15802530

File: b0b0d88b2a482b2⋯.png (125.02 KB, 274x407, 274:407, Disturbance of the Peace.PNG)


Devil is a real pain in the ass, but I think you should just bite the bullet and do as much damage in one turn as fast as possible, nevermind him dispelling your buffs, at least you can get that out of the way and just wait for the cooldowns. Just be sure to get that 50% ATK down and DEF down on him since he can't do anything about debuffs.

Also, use the Arcarum Harp and Gun. You know your grid is shit, and if you keep dying, one of the two can easily replace one or two of your daggers. The HP weapon for Arcarum at the very least can replace that 0* dagger, more so considering you might have an MLB one from drops if point Aquila wasn't your first option. You can create multiple parties, so just make one for Arcarum with an Arcarum grid.

And Coda one of your Bahamut weapons and take the other one out, that shit is embarassing mate, they cap at 50% ATK and aren't buffed by summons anyway. You're running a Murgleis for even more normal modifier too.

And drop the Michael staff for now, go back to it when it's SSR. You're going to get more out of another omega modifier until then since I can tell you aren't anywhere near cap with that grid.

bdc732  No.15802974

File: 4cbbfb8f07ee9b5⋯.png (3.14 MB, 1479x1500, 493:500, 2018 Events.png)

File: cd03c2fb96e8ce6⋯.webm (12.12 MB, 640x360, 16:9, GBF 2018 events first hal….webm)

The year is coming to a close and now that we have the last event live the Society event is a next year thing, dammit. It's live for half a day of the previous year after Auld Lang Syne, the new years event. So Let's rank this year's events.

00dc22  No.15803023

File: 8299a43a7161999⋯.png (877 KB, 628x800, 157:200, w4t8sh0h0g0h.png)


That dagger in the middle is 3*, I just forgot to level it, I've fixed that.


The 0* dagger I was still skilling wasn't in the grid yet.

I thought the SR seraphic weapons still provided a 10% increase for on element matchups. Is that incorrect?

I was also under the impression the mainhand weapon wasn't required to match the modifiers of your grid. I run Murgleis+Katalina to avoid needing Phalanx in most battles.

I had a 2* gun no harps at the moment so I've added that and the other dagger to my grid. Is this acceptable or at least better for the moment?

bdc732  No.15803042

File: a7d738f071f22e5⋯.png (244.42 KB, 959x2363, 959:2363, Event rankings.png)


>God tier

A thousand reasons

>Great tier

Right behind you

Auld lanxiety

Paradise lost

The first half of handsome gorilla

Reflections for a White Clover

>Good tier

Make up and go

Together in song

Bzzt! amped up summer

>Bad tier

Robomi z

The second half of handsome gorilla

The other side of the Sky

>Shit tier

Bistro Feendrache

Put it as an image due to body length

2d54ae  No.15803045

File: 9a089e500fe0d93⋯.png (3.75 MB, 1479x1500, 493:500, 4cbbfb8f07ee9b5d7d56b75b5a….png)

4b961b  No.15803080

File: c47dc6634aef3ac⋯.jpg (158.14 KB, 767x1024, 767:1024, c47dc6634aef3acbdbb7243c03….jpg)

File: 4587e2c62b4f812⋯.png (882.8 KB, 1300x1200, 13:12, k58gd2un92t11.png)


>bad tier

<robomi z

What garbage taste.

skins for characters that actually get used are better than event characters

304cd1  No.15803109


>I thought the SR seraphic weapons still provided a 10% increase for on element matchups. Is that incorrect?

They do provide 10% for on element matchups, but consider a normal Dagger gives you 15% attack at level 10, which is doubled by Leviathan to 30%. You can easily see why you'd replace it then.

When it gets majesty the story changes, since it becomes a 20% ATK + 10% ATK and HP, even when unbuffed by summons (but can be increased by Varuna).

>I was also under the impression the mainhand weapon wasn't required to match the modifiers of your grid. I run Murgleis+Katalina to avoid needing Phalanx in most battles.

They really don't, but hey, if you want to increase your damage then you have to minmax even your mainhand modifiers.

>Is this acceptable or at least better for the moment?

Looks like a decent enough magna grid. When you Coda that Baha dagger and FLB those Snake Knives you'll only really be able to upgrade your damage by going Varuna. Otherwise, Ancient Auberons would depend on crits and Europa Harps only buff your ougis while giving you a medium ATK instead of big ATK of a dagger, and the ougi buff is capped in such a way that more than a single harp with Leviathan will end up with about half the modifier of the second harp being wasted.

867266  No.15803129

File: 6b50ebc6c96412c⋯.png (21.75 KB, 198x63, 22:7, 10 out of 10.png)

fd0e64  No.15803141


The filename should be Bistro Feendrache's story in a nutshell.png

ff50ee  No.15803146

File: 114cfd16bedc0de⋯.jpg (153.45 KB, 627x996, 209:332, DpTCL6rVsAAtWYH.jpg)


Right Behind You would easily be best with Paradise Lost coming in 2nd. Robomi Z would've easily been a challenger if it wasn't for the monster transformation shit ruining it. If I remember correctly, it had everything you do being useless until victory was simply given to you.



>shit skins at that

>better than free crystals

fd0e64  No.15803160


How would you rank the collab events, danchou?

ff50ee  No.15803291


Top tier descriptions but it made me remember something; does anyone have all the preg edits?

aa72a9  No.15803479


>Right Behind You

Absolutely loved it. The Society characters are great and Ilsa stole a good chunk of my sides and heart. The enemies were cool looking robot aliens from the moon and Zeta was a great addittion to my light SR setup. 9/10 definitely great.

>Auld Lanxiety

How do you comment an event with 4 little blondies "purifying" Zoey to make her a Miko and go fight a mecha bell? Vajira was a bit of a letdown, but the whole thing got carried majesticly by Mahira. Free SRs to use as skins were also great gifts. It gets a well deserved 8/10

>What Makes the Sky Blue, Part 2: Paradise Lost

Felt a lot like advancing the main story, revealing important plot details about the whole Lucio/Lucifer/Lucillius. Gotta detract some points for Cygames turning the crew into a bunch of retards and openly accepting Sandalphon into their ranks, but to be honest, he's a pretty decent free SSR and while it felt a bit forced, eventually had a good redemption arc.

The event also had a ton of good moments like Hal&Mel trying to groom Lyria and Michael headpatting Stan and making Aliza furious. The new pervert villain felt tryhard as fuck though and we could have lived without. 7/10.

>Robomi Z

Liked a lot the story and characters, looking at Preggo Marie was a bit hard knowing I had Clarisse on board, the story of the AI clones slowly learning what love is was heartwarming and all in all the whole event was nice. A bit of a missed opportunity on the skins though, the monsters designs were kinda bad and all 3 options sucked. We could have gotten a mecha armor skin for the MC instead. Still, 7/10.

>A Thousand Reasons


Hypest event of the year, tons of characters chiming in and the gauntlet was a ton of fun to run.

A bit weak story-wise but seeing all those different characters interact with each other was interesting in its own way. Aliza's BFDT also put a smile on my face every time she was on screen. 9/10, loved every moment of it.

>Handsome Gorilla

Drugged up harvins working on a doujin to sell at Sky Comiket and beating old people who they see as gorillas. It was kinda fun, but it was a bit too dumb and nonsensical. Still, 6/10 as Mahira is a blessing laid upon this game and her presence alone made this event more enjoyable than it should have been.

>Together in Song

A bit too much drama and whining for my tastes, but it was an ok event that pulled all the right emotional strings. Loved the Orchestra and the addiction of Nobiyo and Narita in the story. A quiet, yet enjoyable event despite its small scale. It gets a good 7/10 from me.

>Bzzt! Amped Up Summer

On one side: Swimsuits! On the Other the villains were dumb bandits who managed to outplay Seruel, Heles and the whole crew. Also didn't generate enough Electric Eel rule34 of Heles.

The free Summer Olivia Skin was the best thing to come out of it, 6/10.

>The Other Side of the Sky

Gand Biker Vyrn on a Tricycle had me dying of laugher and it's probably one of the funniest images in the game as of right now. The bikes looked great, even Elmott's. The event story was alright as well, despite ending with no real repercussions for the villain whom, I remind you, actually killed people. 6.5/10 Fun but not really memorable, also not a single female biker and no "Highschool rebel" skin for the MC.

>Make up and go!

Released right as I lost my job and I was at my lowest, Camieux single handedly picked me back up. Despite being a bit on the smaller scale, I enjoyed the story, the customization on the event screen was fun as well. 7/10 pulled a rope out of my hands.

>Bistro Feendrache

4 knights abandoning their duties to work as chefs and waiters in a small restaurant may be a bit of a stretch. I'm not saying it would never happen, but…

Still, the event was kinda nice, and put on display the huge boner the nips have for food porn.

Story wise, I can't even remember most if it, hell I can't even remember what the boss was, guess that's what the lack of an Impossible difficulty does to you. I'm feeling like I'd be generous to five it a 5/10, but I'd only do so because it was short enough and fast to get out of my memory.

>Reflection of a White Clover

When you see something so pure and beautiful be destroyed it just hurts. Corwell didn't suffer anywhere near enough to atone for his crime and I honestly hope we can get a sequel when they manage to extract the souls trapped in the blade and have Cagliostro bind them to new bodies. It might have been just a samurai revenge story, but I found it to be very engaging. I don't feel I'd be wring in giving it a good 8/10.

aa72a9  No.15803705

File: 360acaaf5937428⋯.png (778.75 KB, 473x673, 473:673, went in for the dog.PNG)

File: 647309e9c270048⋯.png (809.28 KB, 477x684, 53:76, stayed for the potato.PNG)

File: 0ae6ee6563823a1⋯.png (512.47 KB, 485x745, 97:149, hehe.PNG)

Burned 5 more tickets for Doggo, got her instead.

e4993e  No.15803731

File: 1dabc5ec74b3c0b⋯.jpg (137.19 KB, 967x453, 967:453, Two arms.jpg)


It's both images combined for some reason.

319297  No.15803741

File: c8b0a79c024d7d8⋯.png (647.47 KB, 605x708, 605:708, ClipboardImage.png)


>Right Behind You

Despite getting into GBF late, and this event is one of the later parts in the Society story arc, the event was a fun ride, and hoping there's another continuation about the moon people. 9/10

>Auld Lanxiety

Zoey fighting a Mecha bell that talks English, free SRs, and a skin for Zoey. That's a good deal for a New Year event, and nice that they gave other characters like Rosine some of the spotlight. Though I kinda regret picking monkey over sheep, but I was really strapped for wind characters at that time. 8.5/10

>Paradise Lost

Nice continuation, but hated the fact that Sandals got only a slap on the wrist, and all of the crew just forgive him despite that fact that he almost succeeded in causing an apocalypse. Aside from that, decent SSR, and loads of lewd angels. 7.5/10

>Robomi Z

Weaker part of the Robomi story, shitty monster skin for MC, and no mecha suits for MC nor Hallesena. Though, it's sweet that Nicholas has a family now, and that Robomi is back. 7/10

>A Thousand Reasons

You advance the plot with your fists, and almost every fist type character gets some of that spotlight. 9/10

>Handsome Gorilla

Potatoes on drugs, and got to help fujotato to finish her doujin. Decent event, but aside from the gorilla, nothing really that amazing. 6/10

>Together in Song

Didn't really care much about the two musicians, but the music for the event is nice, and the fact that you can get one of the SR characters from the soundtrack album was a plus. 6.5/10

>Bzzt! Amped Up Summer

Can't fully get into it event due to some of the translations for the event. The fishing minigame, characters having a good time, and free Olivia is great though. 7.5/10

>The Other Side of the Sky

Almost thought it was going to be a second part for the Platinum Sky event, but it's really about delinquents with bikes. Pretty good, but too bad MC doesn't get a Banchou/Sukeban skin. 8/10

>Make up and Go

Cute event, and liked the furniture minigame. 8.5/10

>Welcome to Bistro Feendrache

Comparing to the other homoknight events, this is straight up filler, and nothing really impressive aside from the cute Lyria outfit, and the food pics. 2/10

>Reflections for a White Clover

Didn't expect the story to be a punch in the gut, and hope that it gets a continuation. 9/10

ee0f5b  No.15804634

File: 6f6155e5694237b⋯.jpg (57.74 KB, 427x366, 7:6, 1543624665670.jpg)

File: ba3e74bb5e07b08⋯.jpg (74.25 KB, 678x643, 678:643, 1543590591181.jpg)

File: 458981538cbcaa0⋯.jpeg (90.35 KB, 640x581, 640:581, DtQsbMQV4AU7UDG.jpeg)

File: ae30b69262f4a2f⋯.jpeg (326.13 KB, 1200x1037, 1200:1037, DtPSQY4U8AA4OXm.jpeg)

File: 12e4e1c4b70aa3e⋯.jpeg (79.05 KB, 768x565, 768:565, DtL0MqZV4AIE1QM.jpeg)

Potato danchou is biased and will say that Potato events were the best. But for me Right Behind You was event of the year, losing Redshirts to Moon made Mecha Golems and The (nearly, where the fuck was Eustace) entire Society fight no hold barred to the best theme in this game was a fucking sight.

Reflections is without a doubt pure fucking feels, Kurabara deserves a shot to be rezzed via Cagliostro ex Machina or something, Krelkul did nothing wrong and should have killed his grandpa too, Sevilbarra is a cool guy.

Mahira was a national treasure in all events she touched and Archer Potatoes got more character growth than 80% this game's roster in a little time. Also Aralumaya was nice to see as team mum watching over six hungover retards.


the rest of the events are truly fucking forgettable, Sky Rumble was okay but I don't like Aliza, nor Stan, nor Claudia, it just was a mess that could have focused anyone but Stan and Aliza, you could have made it about Ghandagoza trying to find a heir for his Red Lotus style and offering the winner to be his son/daughter and inherit all the secrets of the art, or political maneuvering/coup d'etat from Al Khalid instead of "nanomachines borked pls halp" and watching Six job to a cripple potato. It had potential and it got wasted.

6dc51d  No.15804678

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How many of your autistics are on the GAPS diet?

2d54ae  No.15804682


I actually expected the twist was that either Kre or Sevil actually killed the sister with the demon blade driving them insane and robbing their memory of doing it.

ee0f5b  No.15804793

File: ff19a1e103dc852⋯.png (233.83 KB, 570x480, 19:16, 1543362986150.png)

File: 071e3a07e1c4906⋯.png (703.51 KB, 900x625, 36:25, 1543181430466.png)

File: e8e624446efecbf⋯.png (409.07 KB, 490x665, 14:19, 1543181511358.png)

File: c860dc18041c895⋯.png (2.88 MB, 2456x2563, 2456:2563, 1543180551901.png)


If this goes the way I think it could tie Krel going to the Helmuth Guild and ask them to bring Kurabara back, while they order him to kill Cagnolio. Or Krel finds a way on his own that requires him to commit sudoku to bring her back and holds out alive until he can say goodbye.

aa72a9  No.15805190

File: ebcfc78139193de⋯.jpg (1.25 MB, 2152x1440, 269:180, Accounts for anons.jpg)

Also, I'm still alive and I still have these accounts to give away.

Priconne collab soon, christmas gibs also soon and I think I want to host another altsrace but with fresh accounts this time, instead of keeping on filling these.

304cd1  No.15805215


While a fresh start for a new race would be amusing, you probably should still roll for these 5 accounts just to see how insane they can get when it's done.

a88572  No.15805477


I'm not expecting good draws from the free draws. The pools so diluted, you'll be lucky to get moons anymore. Or maybe I'm just been having a string of shit luck.

aa72a9  No.15805589


Considering how stacked the accounts are starting to get, I expect a hell of a lot of moons all around, and pretty much only moons on my main.

I'd have to spark as well, but with no Vajira, I kinda lost my main focus. Even if the pig turns out to be good, my Light element is already so fucking stacked I'm having a lot of trouble slotting in characters that are not Amira, 5* Song and Grand Io. I'm beginning to consider saving my spark for febraury for the valentine characters. I'll turn 30 on the 20th and it might be a good way to test my newly acquired wizard powers.

996515  No.15805688

File: 4f200f3bd3a5782⋯.png (376.4 KB, 318x545, 318:545, Post0.png)

File: 99fa2804a74d8c8⋯.png (295.38 KB, 314x437, 314:437, Post1.png)


>gear check for unlocking 5* eternals

That's an interestingly fitting way to look at it.

Dark is my strongest team, which is good–no elemental weakness, but no elemental resistance either. I have been working on my grid, but I still don't think it'd be enough to get past that damage sponge.

996515  No.15805697

File: aa27916194c6b72⋯.jpg (57.62 KB, 690x1025, 138:205, 070.jpg)

File: b275c4f2627bdc2⋯.jpg (340.37 KB, 800x2639, 800:2639, 049.jpg)


Naru-nee's HP/ATK is 5384/36007.

aa72a9  No.15805847

File: 21e47c3da7034b5⋯.png (114.33 KB, 427x482, 427:482, early dark.PNG)

File: 56beb1932e7ab6e⋯.png (115.27 KB, 425x545, 85:109, magna 1 dark.PNG)


>Full Atk Team

>Axe grid

>26k estimate

M8, that's a bit too many axes, you also don't have any Normal modifier other than the Baha weapon, which is only Skill level 1.

Go get the dark katana from a tale of intersecting fates, get a decent normal weapon like a GW Dagger or a Hermanubis (pendants shop) and start ditching that spear and those axes

996515  No.15806850


I'll keep your words in mind.

99d995  No.15806883

Granblue re link news coming soon?

c6e111  No.15806929

>required to show your rates

>rates are false, even during gala events you won’t pull an ssr

>this is somehow allowed

Thanks Cygames

490e30  No.15806942

File: 5d85a2ef2942168⋯.jpg (415.44 KB, 1240x1754, 620:877, scatcat.jpg)

Login in after weeks, just to vote for Scathacha.

a88572  No.15806986


My only SSR will be from my spark won't it?

c6e111  No.15807051


I'm not sure if the rates are false or if it's just because there's so much other dogshit in the pool. It doesn't matter if the rates for SSR characters is 3% or whatever, if there are also weapons and stuff also in the pool.

t. anon who hasn't pulled any SSR's since beginning the game despite pulling a bunch

867266  No.15807058


I'd screw the katana and pick up the Qilin sword, it's the same skill with added light defense. Qilin harp also works for a normal mod and gives him a mainhand for when he unlocks elysian.


I'm at 1 SSR for 40 rolls this banner, the 6% is a lie.

40aa71  No.15807063

fenrir soon

319297  No.15807084


Most likely, but if luck's on your side, you might get a few SSRs from your pulls.

359969  No.15807360


I don't know man, I blew 20 tickets and got 3 ssrs from it, also both my sparks ended one with 22 SSRs, the other with 18, so the rates aren't that much of a lie, try keeping track of your rolls and see if you're falling behind on luck.


Good taste.


I'm not sure Anon farmed enough to get a seal and can afford to join a quiln train for its weapon, I just suggested the highest atk ex weapon that was readily available. If anon can go for the quiln sword, he definitely should though.

867266  No.15807517


Trains aren't really required, I had all three Qilin weapons before my first RotB from leeching what I could catch in raidfinder.

7548dd  No.15807743


but when will she be playable

a88572  No.15807744

File: e0d7cb543e695a0⋯.png (86.68 KB, 304x295, 304:295, ClipboardImage.png)

I have a ring ready for Oracles release 10 years from now.

319297  No.15808106


When this current story arc is over. Possibly the biggest asspull would be a duo SSR of Loki and Fenrir. Speaking of Fenrir, does she solely eat humans or she eats any other kind of meat?

a62cf8  No.15808312


I think she only eats skydwellers when Loki or the other astrals back during the war told her to, since she doesn't get much of say on what she gets to do what with the chains binding her and all, though she does seem to enjoy it quite a lot.

Otherwise, she might not even need any special sustenance, since Olivia and Rosetta ate beach food just fine.

3bf447  No.15808341


We get plenty of dialogue indicating she intends to eat people, but everytime she gets interrupted before we get any confirmation that she's done the deed. Especially with events like this one, and the delinquent event before, the writing gives the impression that no one died or even got seriously injured unless they point it specifically out.

ff50ee  No.15808833

File: bd6d6b97f21a054⋯.jpg (313.64 KB, 1256x1878, 628:939, DsgVuxbVAAAb7oX.jpg)

File: 761fd00cbeedf78⋯.jpg (342.2 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, DsgVuxcUUAU_Tgy.jpg)


She can eat anything but she's always hungry; gotta have space for all that Sun and the moon and all of Foe if they don't give Fenrir her children.

b3df28  No.15814882

File: 796a9c67964b0e0⋯.jpg (441.97 KB, 1000x1486, 500:743, __pecorine_princess_connec….jpg)

December Event Schedule

11/30 - 12/8: Reflections for a White Clover

12/9 - 12/21: Princess Connect! Re:Dive - Dinner at the Turned Table

12/15 - 12/25: Cerberus and Fenrir

12/22 - 12/28: Xeno Corow

12/26 - 12/30: Auld Lang Syne

12/31 - 1/9: New story event

38c4c0  No.15814889


Only closet pedophiles jack off to anime

38c4c0  No.15814891


I like how the two faggots are ignoring the pedo bait anime girl. What an image

bdc732  No.15814901

File: 6b845f8cdf96924⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1268x1188, 317:297, 6b845f8cdf96924228bc222283….png)


The side story that will also be added this month is Gripping Freedom, the second Society event and the first to introduce Beato. Plus, first harvin SR added to the side stories

bdc732  No.15814921

File: 1689e2f8622f69e⋯.png (1.43 MB, 850x1202, 425:601, ClipboardImage.png)

Goodbye Doggo. See you in 2020. At least we still have her SR and event to look forward to

96c12a  No.15814964

File: 73cd1f485aa88ca⋯.jpg (191.1 KB, 1489x838, 1489:838, ep3.jpg)

This is your free SSR for the next event. Say something nice about her.

3251ac  No.15814969

File: 41e6f3c98870317⋯.png (21.27 KB, 411x75, 137:25, Flavorville.png)

File: 1abe45f34c0d742⋯.jpg (44.93 KB, 632x475, 632:475, mysterious collab ssr.jpg)


Will be overshadowed by the REAL collab SSR

96c12a  No.15814979

File: fb46dc3c660be03⋯.gif (480.17 KB, 221x292, 221:292, 1231231242151256.gif)


Looks more like the event boss to me.

3251ac  No.15814988

File: bcf079b1ed0a633⋯.jpg (124.73 KB, 750x904, 375:452, Dte59CeV4AAO5Z4.jpg)

Cygames, I need

bdc732  No.15815000

File: 1c5b60e32f9ffe4⋯.png (104.79 KB, 487x305, 487:305, ClipboardImage.png)

>farming anubis animas for a hermanubis before GW

>This drops

490e30  No.15815183

File: 4784344aa0ad870⋯.jpg (84.59 KB, 620x877, 620:877, smallelf.jpg)

File: 4d69530d0ef0c47⋯.png (794.72 KB, 827x1099, 827:1099, littleelf.png)

File: 75e4b9a0d71f9f6⋯.png (1.48 MB, 972x2016, 27:56, tinyelf.png)

File: dbb8ce440854a13⋯.jpg (582.16 KB, 900x900, 1:1, youngelf.jpg)

File: de6a7e96042a42a⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1002x1297, 1002:1297, slimelf.png)

1efd2a  No.15815927


pig looks weird

c1f325  No.15816386



No thanks, give me pig.

c6e111  No.15816654


Why isn't her vulva puffy?

741a84  No.15817585

File: 3244d5c65ca0915⋯.jpg (286.54 KB, 1280x1920, 2:3, djeeta2.jpg)


She's Light. I have nothing more to say about free Light SSRs.

I might use her in an ultima sword team if she can be better of: Charlotta, Sandalphon, Rosamia, Seruel, Albert, else, she gets the bench.


But anon, Djeeta ia already a pig

3251ac  No.15817689

File: d817a7c23bc0949⋯.jpg (523.68 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, 68767100_p0.jpg)

File: 81f4ef1b32e69de⋯.jpg (125.06 KB, 600x766, 300:383, DiUNKrxU8AAOqJ0.jpg large.jpg)


Djeets is a sweetheart and the e-sports main character of choice

bdc732  No.15817729

File: 2e9427dd7f7a3a3⋯.png (1.02 MB, 850x1200, 17:24, ClipboardImage.png)


doesn't mean she can't be piggu

96c12a  No.15818024

File: fd708a801ca7749⋯.jpg (249.39 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, IMG_20180926_212306_0.jpg)


>mfw realizing I probably have to use light team again next event

At least we're also getting an 11 year old elf guide wife >>15815183

63fc2f  No.15818598


>Cerb and Fenrir fights during the "release new character" window

6b291a  No.15818656


You know what that means, Christmas Cerb!

1efd2a  No.15818670


give up, Fenrir only when she(?) gets sick of Lokiblue Fantasy

bdc732  No.15823483

File: 7fc70783c200367⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.13 MB, 850x1074, 425:537, ClipboardImage.png)

236c02  No.15823676

File: 6a16e2703a3a11f⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, tomakeLFjealous.png)

0f15f4  No.15824505

File: 5405ca01c1e2095⋯.png (441.83 KB, 590x807, 590:807, 64001376_p14.png)

File: 8736aa52fc8de45⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1200x677, 1200:677, 64001376_p23.png)

File: 2e811cd8dfad074⋯.png (1.87 MB, 1200x795, 80:53, 64001376_p22.png)

File: 1e611a3ae665484⋯.png (834.45 KB, 800x743, 800:743, 64001376_p27.png)

File: 9124d7379cad658⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1024x960, 16:15, 64001376_p25.png)


Grats on the Chevy sword, akso get ready for a White Clover/Sevilbarra+Krel+Kurabara art dump

0f15f4  No.15824513

File: 03d4df77b3ec6ad⋯.png (94.7 KB, 500x1062, 250:531, DtVp8QoUUAAjShC.png)

File: 8f343e84e2559b4⋯.png (116.03 KB, 500x1062, 250:531, DtVp9CsUcAAq0Ij.png)

File: 2bcf60a143940f5⋯.png (68.22 KB, 500x1062, 250:531, DtVp9g4UUAAeccE.png)

File: 6c07b890696cce4⋯.png (85.19 KB, 500x1059, 500:1059, DtVp8pBUcAEdbyg.png)

File: 01de1d6c0bf8a92⋯.jpeg (59.99 KB, 500x375, 4:3, DtVWgGEVAAAFQN-.jpeg)

Corwell's expulsion and Young Sevastien.

0f15f4  No.15824525

File: 1868e7da5783812⋯.png (330.99 KB, 441x625, 441:625, DtV9HwHVsAARvbj.png)

File: 3b3815e56477ab6⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1158x816, 193:136, Dtfkg4cVAAI8XHa.png)

File: 506fa0d7b6373a3⋯.jpg (113.43 KB, 945x560, 27:16, 1543681868426.jpg)

File: ba3e74bb5e07b08⋯.jpg (74.25 KB, 678x643, 678:643, 1543590591181.jpg)

File: 78b1a29f7a349b1⋯.jpeg (306.08 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, DtZ4FrwVAAA6yb_.jpeg)

0f15f4  No.15824579

File: c3a2286e305f018⋯.jpeg (91.22 KB, 700x650, 14:13, DtZ9z27U4AU0OA8.jpeg)

File: c7a68d020c50c61⋯.jpeg (98.08 KB, 500x706, 250:353, DtZrHYbUcAE4NyX.jpeg)

File: 27599f70e86bea3⋯.jpeg (123.27 KB, 1000x1300, 10:13, DtWhdUvU0AARSZD.jpeg)

File: e42425c64d9b748⋯.jpeg (102.71 KB, 558x900, 31:50, DtWPf3EU8AE07pB.jpeg)

File: c6c48ec6d5073c5⋯.jpeg (49.94 KB, 800x527, 800:527, DtX_p2bU8AEt9lx.jpeg)

Just want this story to end with Kurabara happy in Krel's arms. They deserved happiness.

0f15f4  No.15824584

File: e588a1d484e66db⋯.jpeg (38.97 KB, 316x622, 158:311, DtlLFVcXcAQXPud.jpeg)

File: 35d74bdb8ca94fc⋯.jpeg (46.85 KB, 344x637, 344:637, DtlLHYwWkAELo8g.jpeg)

File: 12e4e1c4b70aa3e⋯.jpeg (79.05 KB, 768x565, 768:565, DtL0MqZV4AIE1QM.jpeg)

File: 6e7e80c6a5f70a6⋯.jpeg (86.27 KB, 769x563, 769:563, DtaeLT5UwAAkycm.jpeg)

File: cfabddf952eb7e4⋯.jpeg (71.69 KB, 483x582, 161:194, DtbEsWgVYAADBX5.jpeg)

0f15f4  No.15824590

File: ae30b69262f4a2f⋯.jpeg (326.13 KB, 1200x1037, 1200:1037, DtPSQY4U8AA4OXm.jpeg)

File: d625f9222181d4b⋯.jpeg (424.46 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, DtkRjQmUcAAQjq5.jpeg)

File: 1183d59dc81cc6e⋯.jpeg (865.01 KB, 1964x1965, 1964:1965, DtkIHf7UwAELDSx.jpeg)

File: d3a66d66223a13a⋯.jpeg (683.59 KB, 2048x1464, 256:183, DtkIHf8VYAAALL0.jpeg)

File: 183b39ef0e03964⋯.jpeg (173.99 KB, 1200x845, 240:169, Dtjf9SBU8AAtrZc.jpeg)

Also, Leonora MIA from the event was horrible, she's family.

0f15f4  No.15824601

File: c2907ec0f5d8191⋯.jpeg (393.84 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, DtVxFmDVYAESf3T.jpeg)

File: 957c3d5797f86c2⋯.jpeg (118.08 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, DtVne4DU0AUGxxu.jpeg)

File: 99ac9109dfbc669⋯.jpeg (216.28 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, DtVHsO_U4AAF-0Y.jpeg)

File: 7f85af82bf4af46⋯.jpeg (68.73 KB, 689x497, 689:497, DtlX1r-U8AAzoDN.jpeg)

File: 6e341dc73376c18⋯.jpeg (103.66 KB, 600x825, 8:11, Dtn0Ge9UcAE92Oq.jpeg)

And for now that's it, enjoy the event, it was pretty awesome, shame they left it in a cliffhanger. Still that means a possible part 2. Also, any farmable Light katana or am I gonna have to wait until GW to get one?

1efd2a  No.15824777


>have 10 sword MLB/FLB

>need selfies to get them FFLB

>only get swords

desire sensor is real and you know it

66debb  No.15827119

File: 37213374bd74bbc⋯.png (3.1 KB, 245x42, 35:6, 21.png)

File: d98b168466825e6⋯.png (11.43 KB, 173x67, 173:67, off by one.png)

Finally finished grinding the event.

96c12a  No.15827287

File: 5ab4691734c71b4⋯.jpg (402.55 KB, 596x682, 298:341, description_event_2.jpg)

File: cb281ce3ec18fcc⋯.jpg (115.23 KB, 1142x746, 571:373, kuso.jpg)

File: 0ed7862288a32e9⋯.png (388.18 KB, 796x640, 199:160, 78BE8AFD-A774-4DE6-A950-45….png)

File: 372c95bcba9ace9⋯.jpg (293.41 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, 2018キャルちゃんバースデー.jpg)

File: 11b01edb799d698⋯.jpg (39.61 KB, 432x248, 54:31, ジュエル.jpg)


You had one job translators.

96c12a  No.15827349


Was it worth it?

47256b  No.15827439

File: 0bc14fb60f243be⋯.jpg (11.83 KB, 300x300, 1:1, caryl-chessman-17169566-1-….jpg)


I knew I had heard the name before.

66debb  No.15827536



bdc732  No.15827559

File: 485a5330e9ea7e8⋯.png (200.66 KB, 850x649, 850:649, ClipboardImage.png)



Big titty nee-san intensifies

490e30  No.15827716

File: 61e2b8be043b7fb⋯.jpg (589.73 KB, 1998x2800, 999:1400, tra.jpg)

File: bd0c0e0e997cdf5⋯.jpg (567.81 KB, 913x1200, 913:1200, it.jpg)

File: 3913457c91b15a8⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1000x1350, 20:27, or.png)


That cat makes a cute villain,

96c12a  No.15829453

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

M.A.O vtuber

bdc732  No.15830938

File: 7beb37ec2f0ff7e⋯.png (197.7 KB, 452x399, 452:399, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 72baa35d1f42023⋯.png (178.5 KB, 439x396, 439:396, ClipboardImage.png)

Some of the food from granblue fest.

Buy the first food and get a blowjob from tiamat.

and Fujo soup.

a47297  No.15831197

File: b02bd24ae46808b⋯.png (692.92 KB, 644x724, 161:181, devil.png)

File: 16203f687657967⋯.png (500.25 KB, 637x722, 637:722, never ever.png)

Fun fact: arcanum sucks handsome gorilla dick.

96c12a  No.15836066

File: 14babe4872bfaaf⋯.jpg (99.23 KB, 800x776, 100:97, karyl?.jpg)


But why does she wear the mask?

1efd2a  No.15836299

File: b8c553efe1209c1⋯.png (67.87 KB, 446x228, 223:114, ClipboardImage.png)

bdc732  No.15841320

File: 330375213c7da70⋯.png (715.36 KB, 850x600, 17:12, ClipboardImage.png)


490e30  No.15841852

File: 59173143125b30d⋯.png (724.24 KB, 682x965, 682:965, peco.png)

File: 95ce3a10af4eca6⋯.jpg (3.2 MB, 2893x4092, 263:372, peco2.jpg)

File: 2581fde1ded32e2⋯.png (684.1 KB, 724x961, 724:961, pecos.png)

File: 9b746b484fbd572⋯.jpg (884.54 KB, 1086x1101, 362:367, pecobit.jpg)

96c12a  No.15843624

File: 16509acf268ce3f⋯.png (632.86 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 200800201.png)

File: 799d72b2d3e3d02⋯.png (739.05 KB, 1297x721, 1297:721, 164133980.png)

File: 77a35572a8bdd7d⋯.png (819.88 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 300600202.png)

File: dca44543c49a90f⋯.jpg (32.87 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 200831859.jpg)

>gran doesn't even share a bed with lyria


7d0c4c  No.15843635

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1efd2a  No.15844128

File: 5018c3ca68822a0⋯.png (469.13 KB, 443x575, 443:575, ClipboardImage.png)

236c02  No.15846141

File: b85af48df398df0⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, itkeepshappening.png)

*notices ur loot* owo

f7cfef  No.15846176


I have like 90 Sephira stones but can't use them because Cygames won't fucking reveal when Oracles will come out and what you'll need to make them.

63fc2f  No.15846187

Take this with several thousand tons of salt guys, but apparently some super l33t reddit leaker hinted that ArcSys will be involved in a "game live event next weekend"

f7cfef  No.15846198


>Can't even finish Re: Link

>Now they want a fighting game

Just give us Persona 5 Arena instead of working on this game for 4 years Arcsys.

319297  No.15847220

File: 01b58334d1037dc⋯.png (582.21 KB, 524x600, 131:150, ClipboardImage.png)

Aside from the 10-draw ticket, Kokkoro, rings, and damascus crystals, is any of the SSR weapons worth getting?

fd0e64  No.15847266


The sword seems to be quite decent.

a5426b  No.15850589

File: 054e80401032768⋯.png (349.86 KB, 635x770, 127:154, Untitled.png)

File: dede65508b0eddd⋯.jpg (209.53 KB, 1250x1500, 5:6, 62690491_p0.jpg)

1efd2a  No.15851952


it's like Korwa all over again

867794  No.15853485

File: d6dbd87bf218c36⋯.jpeg (9.85 KB, 300x168, 25:14, image.jpeg)

If there's anyone playing Priconne or interested, Infinity has a clan with a that a few of us are in. Post ID for an invite.

403948  No.15854638

I need to be sleeping here soon, but can anyone confirm if Kokkoro's ougi buff is on its own unique modifier? I've been playing with it in combination with Atma trium and GW knife buffs and haven't seen a single hit attack yet from any of my characters with buffs active.

bdc732  No.15854643

File: 61ab8a4bdadc012⋯.png (88.31 KB, 497x416, 497:416, ClipboardImage.png)


Yes. Most unique icon buffs are on a unique multiplier

aa72a9  No.15857326

File: 6debec6d6a1e121⋯.png (660.25 KB, 594x684, 33:38, IMG_20180818_103552.png)


This was not a happy end!

96c12a  No.15857589

File: bc3250918fcbdfd⋯.png (1.2 MB, 931x1560, 931:1560, o5.png)


many such cases

bdc732  No.15857675

File: 88cf7f36827a5be⋯.png (630.69 KB, 850x445, 170:89, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ff69042846e09e2⋯.png (1.05 MB, 850x842, 425:421, ClipboardImage.png)

bdc732  No.15859064

File: a3c67aa325fde29⋯.png (409.12 KB, 971x774, 971:774, Avatar flips.png)

Stealing everyone's flip luck while they wait for magnafest

96c12a  No.15862375

File: 32852b168377271⋯.png (209.08 KB, 893x198, 893:198, nonsense.png)


5833dd  No.15862973

File: ee9e92c3ab919f2⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 3.76 MB, 1123x4286, 1123:4286, IMG_4294.PNG)

Do you think Fenrir is into vore

ff50ee  No.15863299

File: 6c23879cb141724⋯.jpg (406.82 KB, 2048x1825, 2048:1825, DtVLzhYU0AAJq5S.jpg)


Can't say I didn't see that coming at some point.

Anyone got the Djetta/Lyria in Precure outfits pic?

7548dd  No.15863444


get out

bdc732  No.15863906

File: 6d7a4a61cf422d6⋯.png (1.01 MB, 850x607, 850:607, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 181461197018c6b⋯.png (1.22 MB, 586x852, 293:426, ClipboardImage.png)


Here you go.


No Biggest yet, only smallest for now. Single daily draws and some other magnafest stuff starting tomorrow. There's some special angel halo quest that will only be active this magnafest too. Maybe it has better rusted weapon drops or NM procs.

And we're getting christmas loli draph

962958  No.15864113


Wonder if that artist still hangs around about 8chan

fd0e64  No.15864188


Finally, more Yaia porn.

7a5917  No.15864502


Yaia is for headpats, not lewds!

fd0e64  No.15864532


Then maybe she shouldn't have


7a5917  No.15864613


She's 6 years old you sick fuck.

That's at least 2 years too young to lewd.

fd0e64  No.15864661


That was back when she joined in 2015. She should be 9 or 10 by now!

7a5917  No.15864670


I wonder if they'll actually release young characters that have aged, the only one now is Sara.

648212  No.15865137


>not posting the version with the GBF interface

498519  No.15865363

File: feb1ed1b5d5688b⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 8.97 MB, 1500x10815, 100:721, IMG_4296.PNG)

ff50ee  No.15865449

File: c7edb24ca93a985⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 876.98 KB, 815x1020, 163:204, DresvGuV4AAS-FI.png)


Thank you and also; holy fuck, I hope that's Yaia not getting a costume.


How big a bust do you think is huge in Draph culture?


Hope not, they barely ever add any new lolis.

73a0b6  No.15865792

File: 6863a9e8b9e92f9⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 285.61 KB, 1800x2400, 3:4, Ds2XuGaU8AE6Xgt.jpg orig.jpg)


They don't really give out skins to SRs, at least not anymore. Chances are it's a seasonal character, especially given how popular Yaia is. Also they like to upgrade R/SR characters at least once so there is a good chance she is this years SSR.

a5c797  No.15865850

File: 782173722d8b78c⋯.jpg (14.23 KB, 360x240, 3:2, serveimage.jpg)



>No, Squidward! It'll go right to your thighs!

4b27c2  No.15865905


Thighrir sounds kind of hot

ff50ee  No.15866055

File: ccbf27d1b0235b2⋯.jpg (42.15 KB, 365x1009, 365:1009, DtpBKPcUwAAMUv9.jpg)


Oh yeah, gotta milk out those SSR draw bucks.

73a0b6  No.15866148

File: 6743b86d1738a21⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.57 MB, 1240x1754, 620:877, 2289038 - Granblue_Fantasy….png)


If you are going to milk something, do it right.

bdc732  No.15867844


What an oddly relevant post to this event update

bdc732  No.15867880

File: dc9d9067c11d470⋯.png (481.61 KB, 480x516, 40:43, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 38457abc9d02d91⋯.png (487 KB, 480x516, 40:43, ClipboardImage.png)

73a0b6  No.15867942


>such a shitty beta self insert that even writers in the same company did everything in their power to erase his presence and make him a known worthless loser

I bet you if they weren't forced to try and sell pricon they'd had killed him off in this event.

490e30  No.15868356

File: afb692923021c71⋯.jpg (1 MB, 1240x827, 1240:827, soon.jpg)

One more day til horses.

3251ac  No.15868602

File: cafd65bfc267a8a⋯.jpg (15.19 KB, 200x200, 1:1, NANI.jpg)


63fc2f  No.15868649


Instead of getting buffs to the SSR or a (Grand) version, we get christmas Ferry

bddb72  No.15868670

File: 29c676dac7c8acd⋯.jpg (178.98 KB, 1000x1307, 1000:1307, ebd0ec8786c62a6cedcf04e251….jpg)

File: 8c3ca03ae0986a1⋯.jpg (21.69 KB, 236x398, 118:199, 5781f574d042826ac3e13efd62….jpg)


More Ferry is always a good thing.

Too bad were getting a Christmas Uno skin, and Christmas Metera slutting things up.

1efd2a  No.15868671


wait, where is this from?

99d995  No.15868677

GBF FES 2018 is in 8 hours.

63fc2f  No.15868687


its not the "good shit", we dont get the granblue channel until like 13 more hours, and who knows if that even has updates/freebies

99d995  No.15868706


I just want to hear more about Relink.

63fc2f  No.15868708


Unless its during the Q&A, its not happening today

99d995  No.15868711

File: 2946abc8e76273e⋯.png (1015.44 KB, 666x861, 222:287, __kumuyu_granblue_fantasy_….png)

bddb72  No.15868720

File: bfe96890d8257be⋯.png (485.69 KB, 629x621, 629:621, 48372848_2367951896579368_….png)

File: e4012a9692c8412⋯.jpg (75.32 KB, 635x683, 635:683, 1544796491925.jpg)


1efd2a  No.15868737


RIP my spark fund I guess I hope it's a xmas skin for Ferry was already planning to get her new year skin, so all within the budget

ff50ee  No.15869229

File: 0b23a45322c7b3b⋯.jpg (232.5 KB, 1025x1450, 41:58, DrYkQgBUUAAZWOs.jpg)


Why are they pushing Erunes top slut so hard all of a sudden?

ea19f2  No.15869397


If I'd played since summer would have 4th spark for her. But stuck a 60k for being lazy.

fd0e64  No.15869441


No wonder why I feel the need to reduce him if I ever get his summon.

bddb72  No.15869452


She just got her 5* and since they had her VA in studio, they probably wanted to make the best of it.

8caba7  No.15869761

File: 6d5cfafc9be3b26⋯.png (115.88 KB, 476x302, 238:151, ClipboardImage.png)

490e30  No.15869922

File: f3672982f39d1cf⋯.jpg (369.03 KB, 2048x1153, 2048:1153, 1 day.jpg)

bdc732  No.15870302

File: 2e241533b862d82⋯.png (965.73 KB, 850x575, 34:23, ClipboardImage.png)

Here's a link for the livestream


8caba7  No.15870345

File: f7e4a74e4efb73b⋯.png (37.45 KB, 1102x401, 1102:401, schedule.png)

Schedule from Nicovideo's description, along with google translation.

Biggest segment seems to be in 31 hours from now (16:00 JST)

99d995  No.15870363


Let's hope it's worth it.

1bf84b  No.15870402

bdc732  No.15870470

File: e26d29320d86ddc⋯.png (1002.61 KB, 1262x713, 1262:713, ClipboardImage.png)

That Yngwie

f3b27a  No.15870484

File: cf9b2e93f4807b3⋯.png (124.52 KB, 258x254, 129:127, kisspng-granblue-fantasy-l….png)

8caba7  No.15870510

File: 077ec2d1396e1f2⋯.png (598.76 KB, 1140x675, 76:45, ClipboardImage.png)

Obvious best primal on stage.

bdc732  No.15870515

File: 4c9d152570a8f5e⋯.png (571.13 KB, 513x563, 513:563, KMR.png)

File: f93bbb6a32ba752⋯.png (627.95 KB, 514x629, 514:629, KMR2.png)

bdc732  No.15870527

File: 500c0f6639c13b0⋯.png (840.71 KB, 1221x711, 407:237, ClipboardImage.png)

Poor Lowain

bdc732  No.15870541

File: c4ad9d6aaea31e1⋯.png (638.26 KB, 920x569, 920:569, ClipboardImage.png)

4b961b  No.15870575

File: f64a800dfa6556d⋯.jpg (58.23 KB, 357x437, 357:437, 1468148559476.jpg)

KMR needs to put Asami on a diet before it's too late.

3251ac  No.15870599

File: 23566d5f7a76ba6⋯.png (463.93 KB, 472x491, 472:491, help i need water quartz.png)

It's all coming together.

Just need a good main hand for kengo

1efd2a  No.15870609

File: b38ebe65c50bab6⋯.png (323.27 KB, 491x603, 491:603, ClipboardImage.png)

new KMR reaction images soon

c1205c  No.15870627


Why not post KMS pictures instead

bddb72  No.15870648

File: 74fd76f9233040f⋯.jpg (240.83 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, Duav2ZeV4AA2b7C.jpg)

File: 9baf3d4ff7f89a4⋯.jpg (213.43 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, Duav3A4VsAAoi_T.jpg)

File: 13fc196f5ac5f7b⋯.jpg (225.53 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, Duav3i-UUAE5ECt.jpg)

File: ac3321dffc03db8⋯.jpg (218.3 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, Duav13PUYAAJMAz.jpg)

Who asked for Scatacha?

bddb72  No.15870652

File: d43e8846f324557⋯.jpg (11.24 KB, 150x300, 1:2, FB_IMG_1544836526068.jpg)


bdc732  No.15870656


>naoise looks more feminine than her

1efd2a  No.15870669


magna 3

490e30  No.15870673

Only thing worst that 3d cosplay is cosplay skits.

bdfb52  No.15870764

bddb72  No.15870798

File: 9ee015317660eec⋯.jpg (50 KB, 312x529, 312:529, Dua9P6JUcAET1ml.jpg)


Tiamat Malice confirmed

ff50ee  No.15870931

File: 7b4ecca96154b70⋯.jpg (273.73 KB, 1500x699, 500:233, DuXm6c4V4AEI3dX.jpg)


What are you talking about?

8caba7  No.15870973

File: 0f459dde1c43fc0⋯.png (157.87 KB, 468x555, 156:185, ClipboardImage.png)

Answer: Forte

bddb72  No.15871061

File: ae82202d619fafe⋯.png (140.52 KB, 465x563, 465:563, genius.PNG)

There are a ton of weird questions, the ones about the cross summons are a pain in the ass and mostly trap choices.

bddb72  No.15871502

File: 1a64626ccccbd86⋯.jpg (66.24 KB, 472x266, 236:133, obligatory.jpg)

99d995  No.15871692

A fighting game?

7548dd  No.15871702

Granblue Fantasy Versus, being created by ArcSys

I did not know I needed this

b3df28  No.15871712

File: b4b9a9c6c9d0882⋯.png (1014.04 KB, 1200x718, 600:359, 0abb5a8294840f21ff4b3faf73….png)

>Granblue Fantasy Relink by Platinum Games

>Granblue Fantasy VERSUS by Ark System Works

3850dd  No.15871797

>playable char

Now all we need is Drusilla as the random item character

73a0b6  No.15871847


What's next, jrpg by Atlus?

13485c  No.15871887

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here's the trailer for those who missed it.


>That unnamed fantasy project ATLUS is working on is actually SMT: Grabble

If only.

e588a4  No.15871917


Hot damn, that looks amazing.

b3df28  No.15872023

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Relink gameplay

63fc2f  No.15872076


>no release date

>everyone has only ONE combo+4skills(reeks of musou)

>graphics look good

>stage looks good

I guess it will be a fun game but nothing deep that you would expect from Platinum

b3df28  No.15872111

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Official version

490e30  No.15872162

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The future is here. It's short, with big titties.

13485c  No.15872403


There seem to be some intricacies in the combat system that aren't immediately apparent. The first one that's noticeable is that prompt attack with a blue flash (2:55,3:55,etc.). It seems that you can follow-up on your parties skills with your own separate attack.

More interestingly, if you look at the example at 3:55 you'll see Gran do a different follow-up (the green circular slash) on his standard 2-hit string after which he does the co-op attack and then his normal strings finisher. This could mean that you can use the co-op attack to off-set like Dodge and Taunt off-setting in Bayo. I thought it was a standard follow-up to the co-op attack but he starts a normal string at 11:45. That input could've been too delayed however.

At 3:10, there's also that green upwards slash that isn't a skill and comes out in neutral. Comparing it too Katalinas gameplay from a year ago, there might be a universal launcher or a pause combo of sorts.

You might also notice that the skills recharge when he hits something. The rate of the recharge is also dependant on the CD of the skill itself. His square and triangle skill seem to recharge in 4 hits or so which isn't too bad. That slightly alleviates my concerns with that system. I was worried that they went with "What if Dante had a 10 sec CD on Stinger".

Personally, i'm a bit more worried about the dodge now that I've seen it more. It seems a bit too lenient. That shield+Baha summon Lyria does also probably means you can't play this game completely solo, which kinda sucks.

So yeah, like you said, this seems to be closer to Nier:Automata and Transformers than Bayo in terms of depth. I wonder if Albert is going to be in it, considering his design and all.

99d995  No.15872456


I'm kinda looking forward to all this.

63fc2f  No.15872580


I think a more fair comparinson would be, for example, the 4GO Neptunia game, where you only had basic combo and some skills

a88572  No.15872880

Oh boy, can't wait for M2 to become irrelevant due to whatever the fuck Malice Raids give. And you'll probably need Omega M2 animas to start them. Good thing I only need to do M2 grids for Wind and Light.

3251ac  No.15873101

File: cb7ce2b1cf25ada⋯.jpg (148.6 KB, 900x587, 900:587, DudigKRUYAAziOn.jpg)

Why does Cag use a Globe of the Starways like object as a potion holder suspended above like a chandelier in her room

63fc2f  No.15873317

Any of our crews have a free slot? I think life has placed me in comfortable enough position to where I can resume actively playing and(at least trying) to contribute to GWs

1efd2a  No.15873324


Kihou has a free spot, post ID

63fc2f  No.15873346



I was in Kihou before leaving for the life related reasons actually. I just left the smaller crew I was in since then so I guess we have to wait 24 hours now?

8caba7  No.15873350


Crew 1 has a free slot, we are looking for members who play enough to get the daily badges from GWs.

d66c25  No.15873439

>gbf versus

>playable ferry

Day 1 buy.

236c02  No.15873866


So how many toilet breaks do we get per GW if we join?

3251ac  No.15873993


0. Keep poop socks and empty bottles close at hand.

bddb72  No.15874448

7ce400  No.15874463


Beato makes my dingle tingle. 5* When?

4b961b  No.15874540


Vira's VA (also Chihaya from Idolster/Kurisu from Stein's Gate). I didn't grab a picture yesterday, but she's starting to get real chunky.

490e30  No.15874651


Likely the same reason as Katalina.

623d6f  No.15874877


This information is useless without current pictures for before/after comparisons.

7ce400  No.15874928



Wow I wonder what you need to 'use' it for.

4b961b  No.15875007

File: 4579707fc578ca4⋯.jpg (28.08 KB, 225x346, 225:346, 6003.jpg)

File: 2b84a2e2bb9f8e8⋯.png (673.01 KB, 606x751, 606:751, imai.png)


she's Like 40 now so i guess it shouLdn't reaLLy be surprising. the nip chat was fiLLed with



bdc732  No.15875239

File: b7181c5c871c9ad⋯.png (549.96 KB, 433x650, 433:650, ClipboardImage.png)

ff50ee  No.15875248

File: b632bced9d46719⋯.jpg (161.16 KB, 900x1275, 12:17, DuSOri-VsAIzJ24.jpg)


>Cheeks puffed up

Japanese really are a good example of "you are what you eat".

319297  No.15875535

File: 6afdaa62195cb63⋯.jpg (79.02 KB, 660x810, 22:27, toomanypots.jpg)


>Watched the performances during the live stream

>Homo Knights was performing

>Forgot to turn off the live chat and saw a bunch of faggots crying about the silly nickname of the gang

Wish there was a way to filter out all the burgerland comments, but my fault for not closing the live chat.

490e30  No.15875673

Jade'll fuck you up man.

bdc732  No.15875789

File: f84e2343c3c1acb⋯.png (1 MB, 1381x777, 1381:777, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9e15083338b97dc⋯.png (914.72 KB, 1147x735, 1147:735, ClipboardImage.png)

Poor Lowain's spark fund

1efd2a  No.15875804

File: 4ac220dfb1fca54⋯.png (484.09 KB, 954x542, 477:271, ClipboardImage.png)

7548dd  No.15875917

I want to put a baby inside that yuel cosplayer

bdc732  No.15875924

File: 151e9bcc9a4977b⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1262x713, 1262:713, ClipboardImage.png)


Socie a cute

7548dd  No.15875959

>you can see the narmaya cosplayer's real ears behind her draph ears


490e30  No.15876100

Beato bullying on stage. There is no escape.

bdc732  No.15876208

File: c1aa7c7419a3dd0⋯.png (522.77 KB, 673x709, 673:709, ClipboardImage.png)

7548dd  No.15876297


I think they're just showcasing stuff that happened throughout this last year. We'll probably get a rerun but it might not be in february.

fd0e64  No.15876337


I hope so but I doubt they'd give another Baha weapon.

403948  No.15876353


I'm hoping they'll transition it into a sidestory soon..

bdc732  No.15876396

File: c550378a6b5cc1a⋯.png (166.46 KB, 581x413, 83:59, ClipboardImage.png)

What KMR said about freesia becoming playable. Here you go fenrirfag. Hope for an alternate reality fenrir

bdc732  No.15876433

File: d17932efeeefd79⋯.png (572.32 KB, 720x600, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)


Also, just an unrelated picture that doesn't break that rule because fujos are loud in their demands

bdc732  No.15876472

File: 77967ffbcdedfbe⋯.png (159.74 KB, 576x353, 576:353, ClipboardImage.png)

I hope you have your Fausts ready

fd0e64  No.15876475

I like how they didn't talk about Love Live or Precure.

7548dd  No.15876479

>Kyaru was going to be a playable character for the Princess Connect event but they ran out of time

>KMR nixed the idea of making her a summon so they could potentially add her as a character for a later collab event

a88572  No.15876567


We're not getting those 5* collab characters or Oracles huh?

7548dd  No.15876580


We'll hear more about new stuff in a few hours during the big Christmas stream.

7548dd  No.15876641

File: 2dc66443c21a153⋯.jpg (255.53 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, Dugo7xwU0AAyS7O.jpg)

Rare Fenrir cosplay sighting

319297  No.15876699

File: 9459ba4eb34256b⋯.jpg (275.11 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, everything_will_be_fire.jpg)


Talk about a bad case of butter face. Worse ones are Djeeta, Grea, Sutera, Socie, and whoever the hell is playing Razia

b1f8da  No.15876703

File: 9208f98236fdc8c⋯.png (283.23 KB, 794x551, 794:551, DqN4CWl.png)


Never post this again.

bdc732  No.15876714

File: 7fc0150d913f199⋯.png (4 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 03fbec208270db4⋯.png (933.75 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)


lunalu after the fujos again

7ce400  No.15876730

So I had a chart for where to farm co-op distinctions but I can't find it. Where do I farm Alchemist distinctions?

8b1021  No.15876744


Neptune at Ex4-2.

ff50ee  No.15876749


Djeeta and Zeta looks like a horror movie. Anime shouldn't be attempted in reality.

bdc732  No.15876750

File: 1dc7901b7f6f4c8⋯.jpg (119.44 KB, 462x1200, 77:200, 1dc7901b7f6f4c8ebe25966b50….jpg)

7ce400  No.15876765

bdc732  No.15876809

File: b3795f16b7aad12⋯.png (1.36 MB, 900x1200, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

bdc732  No.15877004

File: 23517e3ed254aa9⋯.png (90.44 KB, 304x454, 152:227, ClipboardImage.png)

>When they start playing Ubaha's theme

f53017  No.15877097

File: 045bbbec6719336⋯.png (163.45 KB, 539x475, 539:475, 045bbbec67193360ed0da23cf8….png)

Looking for crew so I can get extra pots, I won't play during gw. Some retarded nips always ask me to join but then kick me out because of multiple days of inactivity.

ID 13886622

6dc51d  No.15877303

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Its on again nignogs

bdc732  No.15877427

File: e2d144d38dea6ea⋯.png (904.24 KB, 1262x707, 1262:707, ClipboardImage.png)

The winners of the anniversary skins. Remove fujos

e68f0f  No.15877433

File: f4591d61dedd3fc⋯.jpg (94.67 KB, 587x459, 587:459, DuhU12oVsAAGFLu.jpg)

319297  No.15877440

File: 99b90fa9c303aa8⋯.png (327.23 KB, 557x385, 557:385, Hamadaape.png)


Kinda disappointed on those choices. Then again, no reason to spend money on skins for a mobage.

bdc732  No.15877450


the only benefit of them is it inspires more fanart

319297  No.15877455


Pretty much.

bdc732  No.15877496

100 berries. 100 half pots and 3k crystals so far

236c02  No.15877504


Scouted, welcome to crew 3

bdc732  No.15877505

File: df9cdc86e0fc538⋯.png (781.52 KB, 1266x719, 1266:719, ClipboardImage.png)


300 berries*

Now we get an SSR ticket

63fc2f  No.15877531


>just straight up black bra


bdc732  No.15877539

File: bd319c162d19de0⋯.png (700.19 KB, 1262x711, 1262:711, ClipboardImage.png)

6dc51d  No.15877550


>Say that shit one more time and ill knock the slant out of your eyes

319297  No.15877563

File: ad06843d0912cb3⋯.png (259.33 KB, 293x1163, 293:1163, doubt.png)


More half pots and rupies. Maybe the next pull will be better.

b3df28  No.15877573

File: 50546673eb17d48⋯.jpg (66.48 KB, 828x589, 828:589, Duho-BzUwAAoO8x.jpg)

File: 104b8077c9375da⋯.jpg (29.48 KB, 776x410, 388:205, Duhj1ADU0AA_rHI.jpg)

bdc732  No.15877575

File: 2ab7d887a203da3⋯.png (4.48 MB, 1920x1440, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


current board

96c12a  No.15877584

File: a4958134aeae1d2⋯.jpg (26.49 KB, 734x387, 734:387, his smile and enthusiasm g….jpg)

b3df28  No.15877591

File: 39c61bc43134bb8⋯.jpg (79.81 KB, 896x651, 128:93, DuhstEFUcAEZt3y.jpg)

File: 60ae746bb950cf9⋯.jpg (50.61 KB, 952x498, 476:249, DuhkB43UwAADSTh.jpg)

319297  No.15877595


Nigger cat pulled the gold bar.

bdc732  No.15877607

File: 67710930b13f05c⋯.png (674.43 KB, 1260x675, 28:15, ClipboardImage.png)

Gold bar complete

8caba7  No.15877610

File: 9d5be2622f105ee⋯.png (12.26 KB, 394x64, 197:32, StateOfGranbluePlayers.png)

bdc732  No.15877611

File: 1993091f958a1cd⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1262x677, 1262:677, ClipboardImage.png)

The completed board

bdc732  No.15877613

File: de0c34278178331⋯.png (973.26 KB, 1265x711, 1265:711, ClipboardImage.png)

Akasha HL raid

bdc732  No.15877617

File: 187af0bbeac1ef2⋯.png (498.8 KB, 1266x707, 1266:707, ClipboardImage.png)


The weapons

bdc732  No.15877622

File: 95276348f761abd⋯.png (927.53 KB, 1262x707, 1262:707, ClipboardImage.png)

Tia malice raid. Harder than Morrigna

bdc732  No.15877624

File: 7814189d7e17af5⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1262x711, 1262:711, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c71e0782e899469⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1260x707, 180:101, ClipboardImage.png)

Tier 1 HL raids are now 18 player, cost less to join/host and have strike time benefits

bdc732  No.15877625

File: 47d9cb380d58e6e⋯.png (719.42 KB, 1266x711, 422:237, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b8bf4a1cf091ec0⋯.png (658.91 KB, 1268x717, 1268:717, ClipboardImage.png)

Auld lang syne will give a vajra skin rather than an SR. Get fucked KMR with your stupid skin regime. Also a lyria skin

bdc732  No.15877626

File: 5b8edd630affb54⋯.png (561.88 KB, 1266x711, 422:237, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d36123d89149687⋯.png (876.76 KB, 1266x711, 422:237, ClipboardImage.png)

Monkey uncap

And Kuvira, the draph piggu

bdc732  No.15877629

File: d2a0f913bbd82c3⋯.png (929.43 KB, 1262x719, 1262:719, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0d4fb00dd26f75e⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1264x717, 1264:717, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 18bfd445c46e9de⋯.png (878.73 KB, 1268x713, 1268:713, ClipboardImage.png)

Vane new years skin

Okto skin

Bea skin

7ce400  No.15877631


I like it.

bdc732  No.15877632

File: 4ca4e55ef3df317⋯.png (979.4 KB, 1262x717, 1262:717, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 835d8f6360365af⋯.png (622.23 KB, 1264x715, 1264:715, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e4f03758aeae60a⋯.png (619.95 KB, 1264x717, 1264:717, ClipboardImage.png)

File: afd07e257e3783b⋯.png (936.01 KB, 1262x713, 1262:713, ClipboardImage.png)

Playable shiva

Next society event

bdc732  No.15877641

File: 8f30dc7fa741439⋯.png (490.63 KB, 1264x715, 1264:715, ClipboardImage.png)

rotb dailies will now give 4 nuggets

level cap raised to 250

ff50ee  No.15877645


As much as I hate the fujos, I find Silva worse since she just got a new SSR.




Zeta looks so much better when the pictures all blurry.


>Skin instead of SR

Cygames needs another monkigate and I'm saying this with the fact Vajra has constantly been thrown at me.


Monkey Shiva!


>Beatrix has the worst skin

That's exactly what Bea would do.

bdc732  No.15877646

File: 3ba83dea304b348⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1266x707, 1266:707, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d78ca0471321dca⋯.png (1022.92 KB, 1262x715, 1262:715, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 82bf488d2cdd5c5⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1262x705, 1262:705, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eb09caa9cfcde06⋯.png (1 MB, 1262x716, 631:358, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7addec15681c90b⋯.png (994.06 KB, 1261x711, 1261:711, ClipboardImage.png)

bdc732  No.15877648

File: 3150134eb965973⋯.png (594.1 KB, 1266x715, 1266:715, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cf65ed2aa302324⋯.png (566.58 KB, 1266x709, 1266:709, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4e1a2ce0d0963da⋯.png (422.62 KB, 1264x715, 1264:715, ClipboardImage.png)

Jutenshu skin for danchou. Unlock all jutenshus to get it

free atma weapon with the anniversary

light and dark seraph weapons coming

7ce400  No.15877663

>hand holding

What the fuck is this smut.

bdc732  No.15877667

File: 29067bfbf6788cb⋯.png (986.89 KB, 1264x713, 1264:713, ClipboardImage.png)


a0aad3  No.15877690

File: af84af5532c0e96⋯.mp4 (948.27 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 3b6f18009535558785e1c767e5….mp4)

Anyone else like that relink news?

13485c  No.15877779

File: 5e769d5fd3a9912⋯.png (130.23 KB, 595x216, 595:216, Wow Thanks.png)

>a Character-less weapon

>a shit one at that

>not even an uncommon weapon type so i can get more stones

Also weren't we supposed to get 6000 crystals? I only got 3000.

236c02  No.15877811

File: e9a28f11b4e7c05⋯.png (1.94 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, killme.png)

63fc2f  No.15877858


the other 3000 was yesterday

490e30  No.15877872


These are both poor choice, not that'd I was gonna buy one either way. But wish it was Silva getting a song and not sandy. The distaste for fujos forever grows.


Hope they fight robots on the moon this time.

490e30  No.15877895

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

MV up for Cag's song. Shit's cute yo.

bdc732  No.15877990

File: 581cbf746dfe7de⋯.png (2.31 MB, 1238x854, 619:427, ClipboardImage.png)

a88572  No.15878335

>Oracles dalyed to 5th Anniversary

>Need to do Malice raids for items Oracles delayed again to summer

>Some shit happens Oracles delayed until Christmas


Since I'm close to a spark, I'm getting boar. Was planning Anila but then Boar was revealed.

fd0e64  No.15878357


I got Apollo. I don't even know where to put him.

e68f0f  No.15878636

File: 0cbf7a56e273a67⋯.jpg (44.47 KB, 1199x735, 1199:735, Duhvp1nVAAASCpv.jpg)

File: a198771dc160bcd⋯.jpg (39.91 KB, 920x866, 460:433, Duhvp1iUwAI20vr.jpg)

File: e4b84fc0d444169⋯.jpg (43.09 KB, 1199x659, 1199:659, Duhvp1oUcAAUfvs.jpg)


>Entire year without Vajira

>Have higher priorities, but maybe I can still manage to get her before the year ends, then spark Piggu next

>Pull her out prematurely

>Fuck, but at least we're getting her SR Version plus another SR Zodiac to pick so I'll have a full collection

>It's just a skin

>A Skin for a character you won't be able to roll for an entire year

I am mad, platinum mad.

63fc2f  No.15878691


So…any crew has free spots?

236c02  No.15878779


Crew 3 does, post ID and we'll scout you

4b961b  No.15878792


Just scouted you for crew 3.

0d9179  No.15879301


Sandalphon got rewritten into being a good guy just because fujos are cancer. Just look at the poll winners.

490e30  No.15879371


Never forgot that Fenrirfags are on the same level as fujos.

b3df28  No.15879770

New thread


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