Welcome to /hikki/ a place for reclusive adolescents or adults who withdraw from society.
What is allowed on this board? What is its purpose?
On this board you can discuss and request or give advice regarding the Hikikomori lifestyle anxieties and social or mental issues arising from these conditions of living and also post general hikikomori discussion If you're content with being a hikikomori that's ok, and you won't get in trouble for saying so.
What is not allowed on this board?.
Rule 1. Please do not encourage anyone to become a hikikomori
Rule 2. Do not bully or harass someone simply for being a hikikomori
Rule 3. Keep trolling to a minimum (No flames)
Rule 4. Do not help others to plan or commit suicide suicide threads are fine but it is better to give advice rather than to lead the person on.
Rule 5. No topics not related to this board please take your religion and politics elsewhere this board is a support community for English speaking hikikomori to help each other out of their bedrooms
Rule 6. Encouraging any kind of drug use
Rule 7. Giving or requesting advice on how to become a hikikomori
Rule 8. No Shitposting please be respectful and be genuine with your post /hikki/ is a slow traffic board for true hikikomoris to have a place to talk and nothing more.
Rule 9. Always check the catalog before creating a new thread, do not create a new thread asking for things that simply don't deserve a whole new thread dedicated to them and please remember to keep certain discussions in their containment threads
Rule 10. You must be a hikikomori or have been a hikikomori to post here
Post too long. Click here to view the full text. Post last edited at 06/03/19 (Mon) 04:16:29