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/hikki/ - Hikikomori

The modern hermit


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A WARNING TO ALL NEW USERS IF YOU ARE NOT A HIKIKOMORI I WILL BAN YOU!! People who are going to work or school are not Hikikomori There are many people on here who can not leave their home Please choose your topic with consideration IF YOU HAVEN'T BEEN AT HOME INSIDE YOUR ROOM FOR AT LEAST 6 MONTHS OR MORE THEN DON'T POST HERE!

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87de7b No.7593 [Open thread]

Board owner here i decided to make a brand new meta thread because the other one was old and almost a year old although i am getting sick of making these so i may just make this thread permanent. Feel free to leave any suggestions comments complaints criticisms or concerns you may have about the board.. I will try to respond to every post as possible thank you all once again for your feedback.

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903720 No.7884


I guess not. We can revive it though. I think most moved to Discord after 8ch was kill

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File: 42831b3a7b864c2⋯.jpg (18.8 KB,704x400,44:25,satou.jpg)

0c93c0 No.1 [Open thread]

Welcome to /hikki/ a place for reclusive adolescents or adults who withdraw from society.

What is allowed on this board? What is its purpose?

On this board you can discuss and request or give advice regarding the Hikikomori lifestyle anxieties and social or mental issues arising from these conditions of living and also post general hikikomori discussion If you're content with being a hikikomori that's ok, and you won't get in trouble for saying so.

What is not allowed on this board?.

Rule 1. Please do not encourage anyone to become a hikikomori

Rule 2. Do not bully or harass someone simply for being a hikikomori

Rule 3. Keep trolling to a minimum (No flames)

Rule 4. Do not help others to plan or commit suicide suicide threads are fine but it is better to give advice rather than to lead the person on.

Rule 5. No topics not related to this board please take your religion and politics elsewhere this board is a support community for English speaking hikikomori to help each other out of their bedrooms

Rule 6. Encouraging any kind of drug use

Rule 7. Giving or requesting advice on how to become a hikikomori

Rule 8. No Shitposting please be respectful and be genuine with your post /hikki/ is a slow traffic board for true hikikomoris to have a place to talk and nothing more.

Rule 9. Always check the catalog before creating a new thread, do not create a new thread asking for things that simply don't deserve a whole new thread dedicated to them and please remember to keep certain discussions in their containment threads

Rule 10. You must be a hikikomori or have been a hikikomori to post here

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0c93c0 No.10



The term Hikikomori ひきこもり or 引きこもり is a Japanese word that when translated into English it means “pulling inward, being confined”,acute social withdrawal “) in context of a person the term refers to a shut-in who stays home and does not leave their room for very long periods usually for about 6 months or more.


Hikikomori is a social condition in which the affected individual isolates themselves away from society at home in their parents house in their room for a period exceeding six months . The Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare of Japan defines hikikomori as a condition in which the affected individuals refuse to leave their parents' house, and isolate themselves away from society and their family in their bedrooms for a period exceeding six months but is not directly caused by a physical condition or other psychological problem.


Most hikikomori are neets and are supported by their parents or get money from the government however if you work or take classes online at home while still not going outside you are still a hikikomori but not a neet and a neet isn’t necessarily a hikikomori nor vice versa. You could be a hikikomori neet. But if you are a neet that does spend a moderate amount of time outside your house you are still a neet but you are not a hikikomori


Yes and no contrary to popular belief most hikikomori actually do go outside for example to buy food but are still completely isolated socially and spend nearly everyday or almost everyday at home in their rooms however some hikikomori live in extreme conditions and never leave the house at all.


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931435 No.7885 [Open thread]

Hi all, I'm your average person, I work a normal job and earn a normal income, I own a normal house, have normal friends, trying to get a normal car and GF, but no luck so far. I've come to ask what compels someone to put themselves in situation of complete and utter isolation/become a real life hermit. I understand not all Hikikomoris are complete losers, as some have a way of making money at home through programming, art commissions, etc some even have degrees from good universities. I would just like to know why you have all chosen to separate yourself from society. Please don't ban me just yet, I'm just curious.

P.S. I failed the Capcha to post this 2 times, does this mean I'm a robot?

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cb8c4e No.7943


life is just too difficult

normal jobs means leaving the comfy room every day on time or you loose the job

society is horrible

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4785d8 No.7946

I am an ex-hikki/NEET. I was hikki for over a year. I didn't choose the lifestyle. I was just severely depressed after graduating high school. I simply wasted and rotted in my room.

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5fc5b3 No.7947

I also ended up being hikki after highschool. I had no skills and didn't even know how to write a resume or how to apply to internet jobs listings (I could do it but everything looked retarded). My parents also discouraged me from going to the colleges I got accepted to and they also wouldn't drive me to job interviews, so they literally fucked me into being a hikki. After a year or two of that I gave up and joined the military because being sort of in shape was the only thing I had going for me. Which even then I still felt like a neet/hikki most of the time because I was in a room by myself or just wasting my time.

Then I've been a neet for the last almost year or whatever because I've been too depressed ( of course those gay ass glowie faggots say it's not service connected so I can't get more gibs, and I'm sick of dealing with brain dead government workers so I probably won't dispute it ) to do a business/agency I tried to start. Soon I should be able to apply to a college or something though and if it doesn't work out I'll probably just become an hero because that's pretty much my only ticket out of this dumbfuck country.

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5fc5b3 No.7948

i guess the formatting doesnt like dashes, the purple stuff isnt actually important.

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137092 No.7945 [Open thread]

A server where NEETs, Providers, and those looking for either assistance or give assistance can meet free and protected from scammers or malicious actors.


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e448b4 No.7162 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

BO here decided to make an official hikikomori general discussion thread ITT you can discuss topics related to the hikikomori lifestyle that don't already have their own thread.

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aee7e3 No.7673


nice webm, do you have the source of the music?

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251be8 No.7674


Give mom SSRIs

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6bdc1d No.7675


With that kind of cash surely you could put something together. Even renting a room out of someone's house sounds a lot better than your situation and that's pretty common where I'm from

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39931c No.7787

File: a67d19441b2cd79⋯.png (837.34 KB,1079x762,1079:762,opipoipiopoio.PNG)

Spontaneously collapsed in a heap on the floor in my room tonight for what felt like hours, due to an overwhelming crescendo of the usual tension, boredom, misery, and all around general fatigue I feel every single day. Even after getting up, I still felt absolutely terrible. No reason as to why I wouldn't be, of course. No matter how awful I feel and no matter how long I choose to lay around with my face against the floor begging for a swift, unseen end to somehow finally come to me, inevitably, when I finally get up, I'll still be here. Trapped with my miserable little self, in my miserable little hole. I'm lost in a sea of my own restlessness and these waves of intensely painful sorrow I experience, intermingled with near bottomless sensations of emptiness, will never stop until I'm dead. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't always feel like shit, only to be broken up by moments like these where I really, REALLY feel like shit. The insufferable miasma of my own presence always hangs about me like a noxious, purple cloud and is totally inescapable. Truthfully, there never really is a moment where I don't feel at least slightly like crap. Hell, "slightly like crap", that'd be a good day, frankly.

In the end, my life is a tortuous grind towards nothing & nowhere that's worn my sanity & emotions down to flakes of dust, but I limp on enduring it becuase I'm still too timid to stick a gun in my mouth and pull the trigger. Why did this have to happen? Why did I need to come into this terrible world? How much longer must this go on for? How near or how far am I towards the ultimate end of all this awfulness? It all swirls around in my head like a centrifuge to the point of exploding, often taking the form of a throbbing headache, due to the palpable negative pressure it puts on my mind. I can quite literally feel the weight of my own thoughts, as if there's a tumor growing heavier & heavier within the confines of my skull. On that note, I hate myself & everything so much that I do seriously feel like I'm going to give myself brain cancer someday, assuming I haven't already. No matter what I say, it's never enough to properly convey how bad it all is. Perhaps nothing ever could. Even if I screamed at the top of my lungs & threw myself against the walls of my room 24/7, I'd still feel like I have duct tape over my mouth/soul. What else can be said, I guess. ItPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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36bc52 No.7944

actually interacting with people is too mentally exhausting its so much better to just stay inside the room and not go anywhere

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456c55 No.4889 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Do any recovering hikkis on here go to therapy?? if yes does it help in any way??.

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c29469 No.7352

Seems like this thread is pretty dead but I thought I'd contribute anyway

Ive been going to a therapist for a few months now. I've seen several therapist over the years but they all seemed to kinda not be sure what to do with me and our appointments would get less and less frequent until id just stop going entirely. This new one though still insists on seeing me every week and he isn't really entirely nice at me. The sessions actually make me pretty anxious and uncomfortable but I guess there's no point in getting help from someone who's just going to tell you whatever you want to hear. I'm not sure if anything about this has helped or will help at all though. I kinda feel as if I am beyond the point of that being possible. Although I do appreciate the effort and I think this therapist is probably better than any of the other ones I've had. I'm sure in some situations a therapist can help but maybe you just need the right one. I've also been on a bunch of different SSRIs but never really noticed any effects beyond pretty minor side effects so I still don't really know if those had ever been worthwhile.

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c7024e No.7363

I've found some success with therapy, though it takes fucking forever. I've worked with 4 different shrinks now and three of them weren't remotely close to useful. My current therapist has been helping me make some progress regarding dealing with my extreme self hatred/anxiety, but the progress is extremely slow and expensive.

tl;dr it helps me but it isn't exactly a solution i would globally recommend

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22a701 No.7895

I came to the therapist not with a request to cure me, but with a request to help me understand myself. And we have made good progress.

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776019 No.7896

Hey, that's the right message. I also try now to constantly attend online sessions with a psychologist, the pandemic has affected me worse, although for a hikki it should be heaven. I mostly have complaints about my appearance, but I found https://en.bookimed.com/clinics/country=republic-of-korea/procedure=liposuction/ and I think it will really help me become more open to people. My psychologist agrees with this.

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b68332 No.7941

I haven't been prescribed any kind of meds, but I've been going to therapy to deal with some trauma from my childhood and teenage years.

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d993af No.7930 [Open thread]

I have stagnated since I was 10. I stopped going to school as much. My time and days in class dwindled over the next few years. I completely dropped out in high school. I have not sudied anything, just continued stagnating. I am unanble to learn or do anything. What the fuck am I supposed to do

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3aea06 No.7937

me too

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999ce6 No.7938


How are you dealing with it now?

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87a9f0 No.7886 [Open thread]

tua madre è troia!

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414abe No.7887

eh già

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87a9f0 No.7888


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87a9f0 No.7889

cazzo dici coglione

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414abe No.7890


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000000 No.7936

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b92fce No.7904 [Open thread]

Hey there! I hope that if you're reading this you're a fellow neet that felt nostalgia for this place, it wasn't high-paced, or extremely active like other boards but… but it was ours.

We had interesting discussions, we shared our knowledge, and we could bent out.

But /hikki/ is gone, no one is here anymore, and if you see someone is probably just some rando that stumbled with /hikki/s corpse.

It was fun, and I hope we can chat once again.


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a22c4b No.7905

File: ef6a078b7190167⋯.png (3.69 KB,106x159,2:3,772017a3989b9da4ccb41d8378….png)

goodbye honestly just a rando that stumbled upon this

much love tho

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aae95e No.7931


god dammit man these hikki and neet places on the internet are always so good even at times of my life where i didnt even feel like a robot or neet i still came to them, but i always fall back again and again anyways.

i wish i could have experienced this, but i guess there will always be places like this on the internet goodbye /hikki/ i wish i could have experienced you :(

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84c032 No.7934



If anyone still passes by here. Come join us.

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b30fe6 No.4120 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

The worst thing for me as a hikki is that I am slowing but steadily un-learning my own native language.

English isn't my native language, it's German. I have no social contacts, no friends, no one, I don't even really talk to my family (rarely only). I don't have online friends either. 90% of all "conversations" I have are posting in English on 4chan (full of fucking normies though) or 8ch.

I can't say a full sentence in German without stuttering, and fucking up the tone and stress of the words. I also struggle remembering words, and sometimes I mess up the more complicated grammatical structures.

It goes without saying that the same applies to English, since I only ever write English and never speak it out loud.

I feel like a foreigner in my own country.

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a3c6f2 No.7907

Quite interesting I must admit

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2cdd57 No.7908

I have studied French since high school. Unfortunately, I started noticing that without practice my language gets worse and that makes me frustrated. I decided to use https://livexp.com/ because the reviews say it's a great platform for tutoring. Possibility of 1 on 1 lessons online at any convenient time.

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8b7306 No.7929

Nice topic!

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5abf87 No.7932

Thanks for all the comments and interesting discussion about education. I have been struggling with my English ever since I arrived to the States. So my neighbor gave me this https://promova.com/tutors/private-english-tutor link as he thought that private tuition is much better than any college or courses. And you know what? He was right!

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e089bb No.7933

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c64213 No.7906 [Open thread]

dam where'd everyone go this place is a ghost town

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a88e22 No.7834 [Open thread]

discord server for NEETs


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145c71 No.7837


new link


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145c71 No.7843

File: ed86ed202f44ae2⋯.jpg (116.07 KB,972x684,27:19,115.jpg)

another updated link


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328269 No.7898


Link is dead. Please update. >>7843

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3fae4c No.7892 [Open thread]

How have you been, /hikki/?

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eba585 No.7882 [Open thread]

Hello everyone. If anybody needs a place hang out, check out Kino.Beer. Just pop it in your browser. I've got a curated array of streams and a chat box on the right. Anybody is welcome, I'd love to get to know some of you guys.

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ac8443 No.7879 [Open thread]


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