>got kicked out
>knew it was coming for months but didn't do anything except put in a few online job applications that never amounted to anything
>thought they were bluffing, tbh
>didn't make a fuss about it because I'm too jaded and prideful, I guess
>tried to reapply for NEETbux but they refused to lift my suspension
>packed some basic provisions like clothes, this laptop etc.
>dad drove me into the city, dropped me off at a shelter, slapped $1k in my hand and basically told me to fuck off and never come back
>signed into the shelter but didn't stay long, went for a walkabout
>wasn't going anywhere, just feeling kinda shitty and wat to get away from people
>never went back, that place looked toxic
>spent the night in a small cropping of trees behind a retirement home but didn't sleep
>getting hungry now, the gravity of my situation finally began to sink in and panic along with it
>realize I have absolutely nowhere to go, so where else but back
>manage to get a taxi and convinced him to take me back to my old town, which was pretty far out
>heading to my sister's place. She fucking hates me, but I'm pretty desperate
>she's also the one who was always trying to get my parents to boot my ass out for years
>don't know the exact directions, so I just wander around town for like three hours until I find her street
>ring her bell, she isn't home
>wait for her on a park bench for another four hours
>when she finally does get back, I wait another hour just to make it seem like I wasn't waiting
>before I even have a chance to say anything, she immediately starts screaming in my face and tells me to leave
>basically going off on me about how I'm such a parasitic piece oPost too long. Click here to view the full text.