>I think I probably would have addiction problems and its worse with alcohol than with weed.
I have no experience at all with weed, never even seen it in person, but I doubt that it's very different. Actually, I think alcohol is a lot more dangerous, just because alcoholism has destroyed so many lives, while weed is relatively harmless. Every drug will become a problem if you don't use it correctly, though, so if you can't control yourself, it's definitely risky and maybe you should avoid it. I don't have that problem, because I just do everything efficiently. I know how much I can handle, from experience, and I drink a lot of water and wait a long time before going to sleep, so I never had any issues with alcohol. Well, except a couple of times that weren't because of the alcohol, it's just that the cheap beer/wine that I drank was so disgusting that it made me sick, even though it was a below average amount for me.
I tend to drink some really atrocious shit, just because it's what I have, and it's dirt cheap, but very occasionally my body just decided to reject it, because it's that awful. If you mixed my beer with piss, I can't imagine that it would get that much worse. I would rather drink a small amount of something stronger, like whiskey, or vodka, or rum, or brandy, but I don't have an infinite, free supply of that, because my family doesn't drink any of that, at least not more than once a year. I can't say that whiskey tastes good exactly. It's kinda like a really strong espresso with no sugar in a way, because you have to be kind of a masochist to like it, and I happen to like both. It's great if you like to drink distilled death, like me. I also like how it warms me up inside. It's strong, and it's not disgusting, so it's way better than the shit that I drink.
Don't drink, though. I do recommend drinking, but only if you learn how to drink properly. If there is a risk, I think you shouldn't take it. If you have a weed problem, you should deal with that first. Getting addicted to weed is possible, and it can really fuck you up. Very unpleasant, from what I know. You just have to think rationally about drugs. If you use something too often, you Post too long. Click here to view the full text.