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/hikki/ - Hikikomori

The modern hermit

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A WARNING TO ALL NEW USERS IF YOU ARE NOT A HIKIKOMORI I WILL BAN YOU!! People who are going to work or school are not Hikikomori There are many people on here who can not leave their home Please choose your topic with consideration IF YOU HAVEN'T BEEN AT HOME INSIDE YOUR ROOM FOR AT LEAST 6 MONTHS OR MORE THEN DON'T POST HERE!

File: e5f14d0abad3aa4⋯.jpg (271.85 KB,704x400,44:25,satou at computer.jpg)

daf4c2 No.3913 [Last50 Posts]

Since the majority of us on here are currently living as hikikomoris and most hikkis spend most of their time online i thought we could have a thread where we share any interesting links we have come across recently.

ITT Share any interesting links you have came across recently books movies music whatever Rules 3. and 8. still apply as well as all 8chan global rules.

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0bac61 No.3922

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388a5b No.3925

File: 8904e3ca2bd3931⋯.jpg (728.56 KB,2744x2712,343:339,polgbt.jpg)

interesting hypothesis on homosexuality


Blog cataloging degenerate insanity.


The Creep Thread saga. Probably the last good series of green text to come out of /r9k/. Link is to final thread, first two are linked in OP.


huge archive of /x/ stuff


my personal archive of /x/ stuff (includes all the above folders)


shitty Russian torrent site for music


archive of Pizzagate articles/threads/evidence. I haven't looked through this much because it upsets me too much to think about


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daf4c2 No.3934


Thanks for the giant archive anon.

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f10750 No.3945

Flight From Death Documentary


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daf4c2 No.3979

Chinese and Korean fantasy novels and light novels translated in English.


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613c97 No.3980

What do you guys think of Jordan B. Peterson?


He's been blowing up on the media recently.

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388a5b No.3985


I haven't listened to much but I think I get what he values and it's a positive thing. I don't think it has much relevance to hikkis but for normalfags what he says is really important. When you join a military the basic training has a lot to do your personal behavior. You make your bed, you keep your locker squared, you keep your uniform looking nice. A lot of people don't understand the point of these things when you're training to get dirty and kill people but it's actually rather simple and obvious. A shitty person who isn't responsible for their own well being and presentation is not the best person to be looking out for other people's well being. And that's in regard to the enemy and your allies. Having a clean organized life leads to a clean and organized mind which you can use to accomplish things. I find the way Peterson presents this to be a little convoluted at least from what i've seen. The dynamic shouldn't be presented as personal versus political, it should be that your personal behavior has a lot to do with your political behavior. Like you get all these trashy gutter punk kids who do the ANTIFA thing and who live in squalor. They treat their personal lives poorly and then they go out and they trash public parks while screaming at people about how bad Nazis are. Then they're willing to throw acid and piss at their opposition, pointing firearms at them, and i think this is because they just don't have respect for other humans in general. One because they don't respect themselves, and two because the personal relationships they do have are based on nothing but carnal impulse or obligation.

I think the best analogy for it is the difference between going to the gym to get /fit/ and going to the gym to cultivate excuses to signal. One is doing something for your own well being, in turn you become a healthier person and a better community/family member if just by lessening the potential burden of health issues later in life. But exercise also helps your mood and general outlook. Though if you're just at the gym to wear tight gym clothes and tweet about how well your diet is going, you're not accomplishing anything. It's just a selfish outlet for signaling and is ultimately a waste of time and money while you cultivate a further unhealthy sense of self importance. It all comes down to motivation and outcome. It's why horseshoe theory is so retarded because it only takes action into account and denies all context.

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daf4c2 No.4018


>Having a clean organized life leads to a clean and organized mind

This is a lie.

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0192e5 No.4024



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613c97 No.4026



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388a5b No.4028


No, it's not a lie at all. I don't know what you're referring to specifically but the meme of the messy genius is total bullshit for two reasons. One, it's just not true. It's a Pintrest tier meme perpetuated by roasties who are either pieces of shit or like congratulating themselves regardless. Two, being clean and organized doesn't mean you don't live in a mess in some people's eyes. Like you might have several piles of clothes but you know which ones are clean and which are not. You know where your things are and you don't stress about your living conditions. I'm not referring to having all of your books in alphabetical order or having all of your clothes ranger rolled like an autist. No successful person goes home to a mess that they stress over.

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daf4c2 No.4041

File: 199dc81ae43b3ee⋯.jpg (26.18 KB,560x351,560:351,hikikomori Italy 2.jpg)

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450c9a No.4043



clean imply pure which is not the case, more so to normalfag. Society is a shitty place full of judgemental and selfish peoples that willing to stab you in the back to forward themselves. Just like nature, the strong preyed on the weak. If you want to be successful, rather than being clean and organized, go grab a knife to stab someone and use them as your stepping stone.

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388a5b No.4047


>clean imply pure

are you joking on me? you say this literally responding to my post clarifying what clean means in this context

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450c9a No.4050


if by clean you mean free of stress then hikkis have the cleanest mind of them all, no job, no responsibility, no worries

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daf4c2 No.4051


> no job, no responsibility, no worries

Not exactly true for all hikkis but that is true for the majority.

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388a5b No.4055


again i have already explained what "clean" means in this context please refer to my post here >>4028

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379fa7 No.4088


The exercise “Microcosmic Orbit” or sometimes they call it “Small Cosmic Orbit” or “Small Celestial Orbit” is one of the most important exercises in Taoist system.


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daf4c2 No.4103

File: 259aeaf4cf89d65⋯.gif (1.88 MB,500x352,125:88,giphy.gif)

Serial Experiments Lain -The Wired website.


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1bd6d3 No.4110

Wu Wei: the Taoist Principle of Action in Non-Action


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daf4c2 No.4185

File: 1c1e0cf37a0fbe2⋯.jpg (62.94 KB,519x660,173:220,AS20171212003131_comm.jpg)

Kimura launched Hikikomori News in November, after 10 years of being a hikikomori on and off. The 32-year-old holds editorial meetings twice a month in a neat, cozy apartment in Tokyo’s Sangenjaya neighborhood.

Hikikomori The Japanese Times.


Hikikomori News. http://www.hikikomori-news.com/

Article about Hikikomori News.


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7898e2 No.4187


He has some good points, but he also talks about how a man or woman that doesn't have a partner and eventually a family in their later years have failed and how you must be productive for society. His values are very much from a traditional and christian point of view.

I don't think a lot of hikkis see any point in trying to give back to the society that left them behind.

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dc0020 No.4306

File: 43c602d6162910e⋯.jpg (162.35 KB,1252x1252,1:1,mr-bean-2.jpg)

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daf4c2 No.4307


Jesus christ the actual physical book is expensive as fuck.

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dc0020 No.4308


It's really good I've had it for years, lots of old fashioned recipes.

happy birthday to the board

take care elder.hikki

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dc0020 No.4309

Tai Chi for Depression - A 10-Week Program to Empower Yourself and Beat Depression


take care

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daf4c2 No.4310


Glad to see that you're still here.

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7341fc No.4312


Than you. I think I can already smell the scent of sesame bread and steamed buns coming to me from the near future.

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7341fc No.4313


Thank you,even.

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dc0020 No.4314

File: 2b6745d108f4796⋯.jpg (97.76 KB,736x621,32:27,1503766533695-1.jpg)




>smell the scent of sesame bread and steamed buns.

Everything is in there to eat very well but cheap, it will make you into a chef.

Look for Yi Fu noodles my favorite, very delicious, with oyster sauce and sesame oil,

whatever veggies you like.

If you want some shares on my life, like grounding my bed, an interior vegetable garden,

in the winter for salad and herbs, aeroponics. And I have a huge book collection, mostly

Asian internal arts if you're interested, hard to find stuff. But you have to stop deleting

my shares man, it makes more work for me and I'm tired, you know?

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daf4c2 No.4331



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daf4c2 No.4335

More earthing techniques:


And then there is Zhan Zhuang Qi Gong; the modern scientific explanation is 'electromagnetic bioenergy'.

For further research see: biofeedback. I saw that no one commented so this will take it further, I can go

more deeply into the subject, but since it's a subtle feeling and subject not many people are very familiar.


For maximum benefit this should be done barefoot outside in nature next to trees and in the forest if possible.

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daf4c2 No.4336

The Science Of Grounding


How To Make Your Own Earthing Sheet


This is a very interesting subject; I've been grounded all my life because I could always feel it if I wasn't .

My bed has a piece of metal window screen with a thin blanket over it, connected to a speaker wire that

goes to a grounded metal electrical box (outlet) in the wall. I took the face plate off and attached it to the

box, then replace the plate. The place where I use my computer, meditate or sit to eat and so on is rigged

the same way, I try to be grounded as much as possible. If you go directly to the earth don't forget the in-line


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daf4c2 No.4337

File: a900516899bbb5d⋯.jpg (463.81 KB,1920x1080,16:9,a900516899bbb5deb9fc9a0892….jpg)

Zhan Zhuang - Standing Like a Tree


Bare feet for this, simple but very powerful.

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daf4c2 No.4339

File: 9c497c1870b7c05⋯.png (614.92 KB,696x460,174:115,9c497c1870b7c0506957a9d2e9….png)

A interesting article by Mark Robbins on Owning Clones.


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98aa93 No.4342

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cc1d81 No.4419


Thanks for this. I'm very interested in aquaponics. It doesn't come up much, but the availability of food is one of the main ways that people are controlled. As far as I'm concerned, the more self-sufficient people are, the better.

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d12f81 No.4421


I stumbled on the self cloning crayfish in my research of gardening with aeroponics, aquaponics, hydroponics. The chemical fertilizer is expensive so the waste from raising seafood can grow plants, and once you set up the system it does it very cheaply. A small pump takes the water from the fish tank and delivers it to the plants, and then returns it to the tank to complete the circuit. With the marbled crayfish you will never run out. I found everything I need on Amazon, and you can do it even cheaper if you think about what can replace the items you would need to buy, like 12 volt pumps can be had from junk cars. I'll have my system setup before next winter and then I can share and answer questions then, but you have the idea now it's pretty simple. It works very well in a small space. I've grown a garden since I was 10 years old, my grandmother made that my job. I never had to buy vegetables, until things changed. I used to have a large outdoor garden space 11 years ago but things change, and I wouldn't be able to do all that work anymore. But if you do it inside you don't have to worry about weather, bugs and animals.



How to Make a Simple 5 Gallon Bucket Aeroponics System



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3fb623 No.4426


i'm quite proud of my collection of insane internet people

gTime Johnny - old crazy mountain hermit, seems like he took one too many tabs of LSD. he's made a lot of videos talking about his theory on "gTime". Seems like a nice guy though, really loves his pets.


Tim - schizophrenic. last year he developed a strange paranoid delusion where he thought his dentist and DPD (a delivery company in the UK) were trying to "mess him about". he has since moved away so that saga has ended. he also seems to be stuck in some kind of loop - he does literally the exact same thing every day, including remaking the same videos and taking the exact same pictures. they're different pictures/videos on different days, but the clothes, location and pose are the exact same. he also does a Mr. Bean thing where he talks to his stuffed animals. Reviewbrah comments on his videos sometimes.



Ricardo Lopez - aka the Bjork stalker. you've probably heard of him, however what you might not know is all of his tapes have been uploaded to liveleak. including his suicide tape. it's quite interesting watching this guys downward spiral.



Terry A. Davis - My personal favorite. Genius programmer with schizophrenia. has developed the worlds first divinely operated system. the lore on this guy is too wild, just watch Mister Metokurs video.


Unkle Adams - Not necessarily insane like the others, but is incredibly delusional. Got himself into $200k debt trying to launch his rap career and it's morbidly fascinating watching his entire life collapse.



Randy Stair - aspiring YouTuber turned shooter. Guy had an obsession with Danny Phantom and believed that he would become a ghost when he died. Before he went on his shooting spree he uploaded this.


that's all i can remember for now.

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daf4c2 No.4427


>Randy Stair -

I knew him online i use to watch his videos a long time ago back in 2011/2012.

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daf4c2 No.4429

Adolescent Masculinity, Homophobia, and Violence

Random School Shootings, 1982-2001

Michael S. Kimmel, Matthew Mahler


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daf4c2 No.4430

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daf4c2 No.4438

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Weakerthans live

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daf4c2 No.4445

Friedrich Nietzsche - Twilight of the Idols

Twilight of the Idols or How to Philosophize with a Hammer.


Interesting reading…^

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daf4c2 No.4489

Dexter Time ~~ Eagles - Hell Freezes Over




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daf4c2 No.4508


>i'm quite proud of my collection of insane internet people

You can now add Druid Focket to that list LOL.


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daf4c2 No.4577

File: e28d24230a0f41e⋯.pdf (570.26 KB,Hikikomori, a Phenomenon o….pdf)

Hikikomori, a Phenomenon of Social

Withdrawal and Isolation in Young Adults

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daf4c2 No.4578

File: 3edab39867d4774⋯.pdf (301.76 KB,Youth social withdrawal be….pdf)

Youth social withdrawal behavior (hikikomori): A systematic review of qualitative and quantitative studies.

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581949 No.4584

File: 4e9a127a05ab668⋯.pdf (4.74 MB,Lam Kam Chuen-Chi Kung_ Wa….pdf)

Advanced Zhan Zhuang Qigong

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66744f No.4585

>Words Can be Harmful


>Rothbard's "Left and Right": Forty Years Later


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f91dd0 No.4594

File: 79066621b190fd4⋯.pdf (3.08 MB,9b7ra_Hikikomori_Adolescen….pdf)

Hikikomori Adolescence without end by Tamaki Saitō.

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581949 No.4649

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Boy Crisis: A Sobering look at the State of our Boys - Warren Farrell Ph.D.

What is causing a worldwide Boy Crisis and how do we resolve it. A sobering look at the current state of Boys in our society and what we must understand before we can help them.

Dr. Warren Farrell is an American educator, activist and author of seven books on men's and women's issues., including the international bestsellers, Why Men Are the Way they Are, plus The Myth of Male Power.

He is the only man in the U.S. to be elected three times to the Board of the National Organization for Women in NYC. and he is Chair of the Commission to Create a White House Council on Boys and Men. Warren has appeared on more than 1000 TV and radio shows, including numerous “ratings periods” for Oprah. GQ calls him (2015) the Martin Luther King of the men’s movement. Warren is currently co-authoring with John Gray the forthcoming The Boy Crisis.


Will this help change anything?


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daf4c2 No.4670


Very interesting.

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daf4c2 No.4687

File: 6e8113a4480c866⋯.pdf (3.43 MB,Welcome To The NHK..pdf)

Welcome To The N.H.K. book.

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daf4c2 No.4688

File: ec232467f64585b⋯.jpg (267.73 KB,800x450,16:9,9e9f489611e116817b11c764b2….jpg)

The online diary of Maeda Hitoshi.a Japanese hikikomori who cataloged his entire life before commiting suicide in 2016.


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fe02c7 No.4739



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cb1ec1 No.4740

File: 62932d560c4488e⋯.jpg (92.62 KB,828x994,414:497,de6d3457c8df3a183463f6c651….jpg)


I wish I didn't read that now

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fe02c7 No.4741


I'm glad I did, cried like a bitch.

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cb1ec1 No.4742

File: db0e40e354e248b⋯.png (479.98 KB,756x3712,189:928,family.png)


Really looks like his brothers suicide ruined the family, I wouldn't wish burying your own child on anyone and they had to do it twice.

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72c99f No.4743

File: b7be2a53d7b5d24⋯.jpeg (32.03 KB,512x512,1:1,b7be2a53d7b5d249fcb7e2026….jpeg)



It made me cry too to be honest i feel very bad for him and his family.

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fe02c7 No.4744



I hope his mum is ok and her other kids see her as much as they can.

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72c99f No.4745


>I hope his mum is ok and her other kids see her as much as they can.


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cb1ec1 No.4751

File: b5260e0e51b1597⋯.jpg (74.44 KB,636x856,159:214,a19957357cbad7936f1cfb9ac8….jpg)


That's if she's still with us I don't think I would be able to continue after what has happened.

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cb1ec1 No.4752


Looks like he streamed it apparently you can hear his mother find him and say "Yada Hitoshi" I can't find the video though.

"Around the time of 41:03, the voice saying "Yada Hitoshi …" comes in for the first time. The mother seems to find a dead body here.

       About 20 seconds after that it continues calling "Hitoi! Hito!" But her mother tears down.

Around 4:38, "A little bit of suicide … I asked, I'm hanging around," he calls mothers who they are. Perhaps the family first

reported to the ambulance by the mother around 42:42. The address is full of name The

mother can not endure around 43:30 and it ruffles with a telephone opening.

About 43 minutes from here about 15 seconds "Hito, I'm sorry, Hito, sorry sorry" Voice of

confession About 44:36 My mother's crying chirping lasts about 40 seconds

45:15 A mother responded to someone while crying. From the tone

you can hear the voice such as "heavy" or "please wait" probably seems to be an emergency call, but the context is unknown

46: 47 mother again calls out as "Hito-chan". A mother muttering in a loud voice saying "This is no longer good"

I tried trying to pull the corpse because he said "Heavy and impossible" Pattern 47: It explains the situation before the mother leaves by telephone. It seems to be for Emergency Corps "

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acb14d No.4753


Serial Experiments Lain suicide cult

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fe02c7 No.4754


Where did you find this?

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cb1ec1 No.4755

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72c99f No.4763


>Serial Experiments Lain suicide cult

>Suicide cult

Is this a real thing??.

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72c99f No.4764


That's so sad.

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fe02c7 No.4771

I've been clicking around on google maps trying to find the places in Hitoshi's diary.

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cb1ec1 No.4772


You find the town he was in? he doesn't seem to have mentioned it.

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fe02c7 No.4775

File: 856dd50d140b38c⋯.png (1.8 MB,1851x839,1851:839,Untitled.png)

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cb1ec1 No.4779


Thanks mate good work!

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daf4c2 No.4780

File: 514de0f56cc2feb⋯.png (9.8 KB,333x210,111:70,Screenshot_6.png)

You learn something new everyday.

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cb1ec1 No.4783


You've probably already found this but here is his youtube


Also his fc2 blog


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fe02c7 No.4784

File: 583ca2661e8bbbc⋯.png (1.84 MB,1851x839,1851:839,Untitled.png)


Thanks. I've found his house, but not the 7-11 or barbershop.

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fe02c7 No.4786


I hadn't, thank you.

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daf4c2 No.4787


Why is he filming himself destroying his video games 4 months before his death??.

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fe02c7 No.4788


Maybe he thought he would get better if he didn't have the distraction of video games.

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daf4c2 No.4790


>Maybe he thought he would get better if he didn't have the distraction of video games.

Makes sense.

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cb1ec1 No.4792

File: ff5a23e339b9290⋯.jpg (290.86 KB,800x450,16:9,813730b30126dcc89d241b92c6….jpg)

He blames his mother for him being hikikomori

but she clearly cared about him enough to support him by working and buying him game consoles etc the only person I feel bad for is the mother in this case

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daf4c2 No.4793


>the only person I feel bad for is the mother in this case

I feel bad for him and his family yeah you shouldn't treat your parents like shit but he was troubled just like the rest of us.

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1c8196 No.4836

Japanese hikikomori text board.


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0192e5 No.4837


Very interesting. Google translator isn't the most reliable, but I can get the gist of what they're saying. It's nice to be able to get a look into the Japanese hikikomoris' perspective.

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daf4c2 No.4838


> It's nice to be able to get a look into the Japanese hikikomoris' perspective.

I wish we had some japanese hikkis on here tbh.

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0192e5 No.4840


Me too. It would be nice to get a more detailed look at what their life is like. I would like to know what kinds of things drive the Japanese to become hikikomoris, and what kind of things they deal with in their daily lives. I'm sure a lot of it is similar to what we go through, but it would still be nice to hear it from a Japanese hikki. I would also like to know what the support programs in their country are like.

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daf4c2 No.4849

File: 54484e89b14c69e⋯.jpg (19.07 KB,500x344,125:86,YellowGivingHammerheadshar….jpg)


> I would like to know what kinds of things drive the Japanese to become hikikomoris, and what kind of things they deal with in their daily lives.

Same here.

>Im sure a lot of it is similar to what we go through, but it would still be nice to hear it from a Japanese hikki. I would also like to know what the support programs in their country are like.

I do get curious about those sometimes makes me sad that we have nothing like those in the west.

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581949 No.4865

A monk asked Tosu, “Is there a dragon howl in a dead tree?”

Tosu said, “I say there’s a lion roar in a skull. ”


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daf4c2 No.4867

File: 8386f6cdf289d55⋯.jpg (48.5 KB,800x532,200:133,18498475d7c58b598acc991afd….jpg)

Yahoo put out a brand new article 2 days ago about long time older hikikomori.


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62f328 No.4913

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daf4c2 No.4966

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84f03e No.4979


>So psychologically damaged he becomes hikki and then ends his own life

>"I only feel bad for the mother"

Well okay then.

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daf4c2 No.5003

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0b3cf2 No.5091

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daf4c2 No.5288

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44f2dc No.5294




Did you guys read it with google translate or in Japanese? I really want to read it but the google translate is nonsensical.

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daf4c2 No.5301


>Did you guys read it with google translate or in Japanese?

I read it with google translate for the most part you can kinda make sense of what he's trying to say in his writings.

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4d59cd No.5331

For those of you who browse /x/ here is a spooky paranormal link.


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4d59cd No.5332

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4d59cd No.5333


I love gTime Johnny

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daf4c2 No.5336

File: 18832b27b186b0b⋯.jpg (69.28 KB,912x738,152:123,1509590612276.jpg)


Holy fuck that's so nostalgic.

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599a96 No.5502

Hikikomori The Japanese Times.


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b27279 No.5533

File: 5bc87ebbe4bda8a⋯.png (73.7 KB,656x448,41:28,AcroRd32_2018-05-12_23-55-….png)


>When your shut-in novel starts by white knighting Jews and denying they're a problem because it's "inconvenient" to them.

Guess I'm never reading this retards writing.

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b27279 No.5534



There's books on this. You should track one down.

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599a96 No.5545

File: 7822881b42eaa26⋯.jpg (30.12 KB,225x350,9:14,satou reaction image.jpg)


>Guess I'm never reading this retards writing.

Tatsuhiko takimoto was always a normalfag tbh.

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b1165b No.5553

File: 8bcc9bcd2955d5d⋯.png (Spoiler Image,1015.25 KB,1699x1638,1699:1638,90% of US media is control….png)


Yeah, I'll pass on it too. Accepting blame for your own shortcomings is one thing, but rejecting even the possibility of malevolent external forces is absurd naivete. That screed effectively denies (among other things) the idea that neglectful or abusive parents could have a negative impact on their children.

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9b5570 No.5554


>the jewish conspiracy does not exist

>when all the great conspiracies involve jews in some way

>when all the big political propaganda does too

>and all the crime leads to yidistan

sure thang, it is just coincidence after coincidence after coincidence, right?

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599a96 No.5559

File: 524b5755984eb14⋯.jpg (36.19 KB,848x480,53:30,1519908991571.jpg)


>Accepting blame for your own shortcomings is one thing, but rejecting even the possibility of malevolent external forces is absurd

I know right and that's the kind of mindset normalfags have i've always hated the kind of message that Welcome To The NHK gives to be perfectly honest because it gives the bullshit normalfag message of be yourself go get a job you stupid fuck you need to take your place in society and so on.

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8ace85 No.5574


He's many things, but a normalfag aint it. He's lived as a hikki for years and he was a cult member for a long time.

I think he just has this thing the Japanese often have, where they really don't like to go against established "truths", no matter how obviously they are lies. They just have a stronger group mentality than westerners.

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599a96 No.5576


>He's many things, but a normalfag aint it. He's lived as a hikki for years

In that sense you're actually right.

>I think he just has this thing the Japanese often have, where they really don't like to go against established "truths",

I don't know if many Japanese people in general are into all the conspiracy stuff and see the world in a different light i think that's mostly a western thing.

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6a2014 No.5588


I think the final message of the anime (I am only reading the book now, because I intended to buy it for a long time) is realistic. None of the nonsense actually worked. When you have no resources left, you will have to get out of the lifestyle or die, but you probably won't do anything until it gets to that point. Still, the author wrote the book in order to save himself, but it didn't work either, and he has continued to be a kikikomori since then, and now he's into a lot of weird beliefs and talking about becoming 4D, or something like that. It's kinda interesting contextually, considering his intention and what ended up actually happening. He may be able to live like this for the rest of his life, so it definitely saved his life. Just not quite how he thought it would.

I am definitely glad that he wrote it. I watched the anime four times over the years and it's amazing how it always makes me go from laughing my ass off to crying like a bitch to laughing and crying at the same time. It emotionally resonates with me so well that it probably will never get old. Solid entertainment for sure, and quite unique as well.


The Japanese simply have very little contact with other races, and it's not like 2chan has a /pol/ for entry level discussion of this sort of thing. They have lack of resources as an excuse, at least. In fact, I would say that whites, are to the Japanese what kikes are to whites. Then again, America is the most Jewish country on the planet and the actual culprit for most of the self-destructive tendencies that Europe and part of Asia adopted, but Europe still tries to mess Japan up, so I say it's everyone.

Japan should abandon its greed and go back to at least partial isolationism, which is a funny thing to say on /hikki/, but they did it for a long time and it worked. You can't have a horribly overpopulated society of people that are treated as money-making robots, from birth to death, and expect that to go well. So many people don't last in a society like this because it's a bad society. In a sane world, even an autist like me wouldn't have so many issues with society because it would be smaller and there wouldn't be so many unknown people around, and I'd be more prepared to survive on my own. Japanese society is the opposite of sane. The only way to live a good life in Japan is to be poor or to avoid work.

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599a96 No.5592

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


> I watched the anime four times over the years and it's amazing how it always makes me go from laughing my ass off to crying like a bitch to laughing and crying at the same time. It emotionally resonates with me so well that it probably will never get old. Solid entertainment for sure, and quite unique as well.

I know right i pretty much feel the same way i like other hikki anime like No Game No Life too but they don't make me laugh cry and laugh and cry at the same time tbh. For example i've been watching Ero Manga Sensei recently and all i could think to myself is when are the main character and his hikki sister going to start fucking?? LOL because that anime was just so bizarre.

>America is the most Jewish country on the planet and the actual culprit for most of the self-destructive tendencies that Europe and part of Asia adopted, but Europe still tries to mess Japan up, so I say it's everyone.

I'm from burgerland so i can confirm that this is true but what is also true is that certain US. states are basically used as dumping grounds for immigrants which pissess me off. The state i live in especially is a huge dumping ground for muslims they are everywhere where i live and once upon a time it wasn't like this.

>You can't have a horribly overpopulated society of people that are treated as money-making robots, from birth to death, and expect that to go well. So many people don't last in a society like this because it's a bad society.

I completely agree with you man also this can be said for not only Japan but western societies as well video related is a video i found the other day about how modern society makes us mentally ill.

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6a2014 No.5594


Yes, what I said wasn't intended to be just about Japan. They are just more extreme when it comes to work dominating your life.

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599a96 No.5597


> They are just more extreme when it comes to work dominating your life.


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599a96 No.5611

File: 45e7bc986c046c9⋯.jpg (47.32 KB,500x500,1:1,s-l500.jpg)

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496f86 No.5612


Generally yes, but not this one. It doesn't quite get across her character in my opinion, looks too generic.

Paintjob on the eyes also seems to only work from a single angle, just look at the lower pictures.

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599a96 No.5613


>Generally yes, but not this one. It doesn't quite get across her character in my opinion, looks too generic.

>Paintjob on the eyes also seems to only work from a single angle, just look at the lower pictures.

You make a good point looks pretty meh tbh.

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599a96 No.5653

File: 9cca7ff90b644ba⋯.jpg (55.38 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault.jpg)

This website has a huge collection of MMO games if you are looking for something new to play.


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496f86 No.5654


On a related note, this is a MUD (Multi-User Dungeon) listing:


They're essentially the ancestors of MMOs and tend to give you a lot more options when playing. Tends to be pretty comfy.

And here's a MUD client to connect to them:


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599a96 No.5657


Thanks anon i will check it out.

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599a96 No.5669

File: d0b8e4d3fb68c1a⋯.jpg (92.2 KB,700x443,700:443,WelcomeToTheNHK.jpg)

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599a96 No.5719

File: 08e413e7ec6d312⋯.jpg (40.83 KB,500x375,4:3,4512714161_0781787d30.jpg)

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cb5fab No.5727

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599a96 No.5728


That anime insex seems cool i will check it out thanks anon.

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2e8ee5 No.5732

File: c6549797ea3be52⋯.png (217.35 KB,493x444,493:444,1494131404682.png)

/lit/ philosophy guide


good site for pdfs


dead site with interesting articles. I recommend "Hello From the Wired:An Introduction to Cyber-Nihilism" its pretty interesting agree with it or not


stuff on occult


i hope any of this is at least a little interesting might come back and post more if i can think of any

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a8be40 No.5837

Next Generation Paper Airplanes Kit: [56 Paper Airplanes]


Engineered for extreme performance, these paper airplanes are fun to fold and guaranteed to impress.

Noted paper engineer Sam Ita has deconstructed and reengineered a collection of paper airplane projects to create a series of innovative, never-before-seen folding patterns. Sam kept the step-by-step folding instructions straightforward enough for even beginners to get in on the fun.

This paper airplanes kit contains:

Full-color 48 page booklet

Clear, step-by-step diagrams and instructions

12 airplane models

56 pre-printed, high-quality origami paper sheets



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c12ea0 No.5840

File: 03e5648d3359964⋯.png (31.93 KB,330x328,165:164,1423784521487.png)


>starts off as an okay article

>that ending

>Kyle was not abandoned. Quite the opposite: he wasn’t expected to fend for himself at seventeen or eighteen, when he probably should have been.

>Sadly, Generation iY suffers from both too little and too much. As a result, they’re in danger of being “not enough” for the demands of their future lives.

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599a96 No.5846


>>Kyle was not abandoned. Quite the opposite: he wasn’t expected to fend for himself at seventeen or eighteen, when he probably should have been.

>>Sadly, Generation iY suffers from both too little and too much. As a result, they’re in danger of being “not enough” for the demands of their future lives.

It sounds like the writer is saying that we are just lazy and depressed.

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599a96 No.6036

File: 577627c1558e36b⋯.jpg (12.95 KB,300x300,1:1,161494.jpg)

I am gonna post this in here as well since not everyone on here reads the meta thread.

Jordan "JP" Patrick , 28, of Louisville, Kentucky passed away on July 7, 2018. He lived as a hikikomori from 2010 until his death he was a user on this board.


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fc4eb8 No.6192


Good night sweet prince

du warst einer von uns, du warst ein guter Junge

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599a96 No.6193

File: 5dce1d7fe60aac2⋯.jpg (72.44 KB,361x335,361:335,3ddTJ.jpg)


>Good night sweet prince

Yeah when i talked to him he gave no indication that he wanted to take his own life he seemed pretty happy with his life even though he was a hiki for 8 years.

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19f9c0 No.6197


brudi, we all are like him

the worst thing about our existences is that the show must go on.

the facade towards your family that everything with you is okay. One day you just give up on everything and stop running away from your fate.

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599a96 No.6198

File: 0ee23a6259b31f9⋯.jpg (32.06 KB,960x540,16:9,Dc2ClgFVwAEPmPM.jpg)


>brudi, we all are like him

>The worst thing about our existences is that the show must go on.

>The facade towards your family that everything with you is okay. One day you just give up on everything and stop running away from your fate.

That hits too close to home anon.

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0e048c No.6201


You think he would be happier if he was wageslaving and dealing with normans regularly? Plus he was on disability, his life was really easy no wonder he was happy. He probably killed himself because he was bored of life and there is no shame in that, if you have to go you have to go.

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0e048c No.6202

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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599a96 No.6203


>You think he would be happier if he was wageslaving and dealing with normans regularly?

Good point.

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599a96 No.6204

File: c83b6f2c6f67e18⋯.png (12.66 KB,682x144,341:72,Screenshot_1.png)


He was a grade a shitposter with a heart of gold i will miss him reading his last post in the suicide thread still makes me tear up.

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599a96 No.6224

File: 490d9adbc3034b6⋯.jpg (93.89 KB,720x1280,9:16,Nux.jpg)

The online trail of Jordan "JP" Patrick also known as Nux or Flint. The hikikomori of 8 years who posted here and ended up killing himself on July 7th.

Youtube channel


Other Youtube channel





Old Myspace account.














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f308c1 No.6252

File: b9d7c971e96f17e⋯.jpg (80.06 KB,800x582,400:291,9468528.0.jpg)


For me atleast I don't understand why he left all of his accounts open, even while I'm alive now there is no photographs of me at any age and all information on my accounts are aliases after I die the only thing that will be left of me is government information (d.o.b) etc.

I'm happy that there will be very little to remember me by.

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9e7073 No.6253


I actually share the same ideology. I never leave anything behind me on the internet whenever I create an account on any social media site I make sure never to tell anything about the actual me. And when they ask for pictures I send them pictures which I find on 4chan /soc/. there are only some information left but I'm working on erasing everything currently.

I wonder why he wanted to exist on the internet even after his death. It's strange tbh

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33f665 No.6254


I feel the same way. If I ever commit suicide I'd have gathered all my belongings and discarded everything until only evidence of the most bland, average personality was left.


> I wonder why he wanted to exist on the internet even after his death. It's strange tbh

Maybe it never occurred to him that traces of him were still on the internet.

Or maybe it's only people who have deep shame about their personality that they feel the need to hide it from the rest of the world that would do it. But then again I doubt you'd find a hikki that doesn't feel some deep shame about themselves that they'd need to hide evidence of their existence from the world, so I don't know.

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99cdbd No.6263


I dont feel any significant shame about my personality and I keep OPSEC tight as a drum. Its about personal security, robbing trolls of any real-life power, and the freedom of speech that it brings. It doesn't have to be shameful stuff.

Maybe he only used his personal accounts for stuff he was cool with being associated with.

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f308c1 No.6268


Atleast for me even if I'm cool with being associated with it I'll still use fake information, Leaving even the slightest information about myself in a public domain seems like a very bad idea.

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60a339 No.6276


Same. I can't wait for an anonymous image board to come out

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599a96 No.6288

File: 8f0575dee6ba13f⋯.png (40.76 KB,596x356,149:89,Screenshot_4.png)


>Maybe it never occurred to him that traces of him were still on the internet.

That is what i'm thinking to be honest because Nux was suffering and i think he cared more about ending his pain than deleting his internet footprints. Apparently he had been talking about wanting to kill himself since 2016 he was just looking for an excuse to do it. He originally wanted to kill himself at 40 but then he changed his mind and he was going to kill himself after his parents died and that was his plan for awhile but unfortunately he didn't make it that long pic related is one of our chats from personal PMs.

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599a96 No.6316

File: 58b9948074fa604⋯.jpg (61.92 KB,800x800,1:1,photo.jpg)


>He's essentially being doxxed by this board, and he's fucking dead

It was already out there even before he died anon.

>And you share private conversations?

I knew him personally anon and i don't see anything wrong with sharing information about people who died such as Maeda Hitoshi the Japanese hikikomori who killed himself and left behind an online biography in late 2016 >>4688 but i understand where you are coming from.

>I suppose this is a warning that if I kill myself, I'm fair game to all of you.

No it doesn't anon and we are just a comfy place we aren't /b/.

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0345e1 No.6336

File: 6e171b96c495743⋯.jpg (70.84 KB,299x296,299:296,003.JPG)

Not every board is as great as this one!

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599a96 No.6342


>Not every board is as great as this one!

Very true also Dysnomia is a piece of shit his normalfag ass needs to step down as admin of 8/b/.

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599a96 No.6373

File: 46557798183efad⋯.pdf (86.9 KB,i_am_house_cat__gao_gao_.pdf)

I am house cat gao gao a book written by Noriko/Hikkichan. .

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d5821c No.6374

I found this guide to being healthy as a neet on Sushi chan. This guy seems a little confused about what he's talking about at times but the list of resources he gives in the description offered me a lot that i didn't know. Did not know UV lights help with vitamin D.


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33077a No.6375


If I ever decided to go, I'm pretty sure only a couple of people would care that I'm finally gone. I haven't done enough to make a good impression out of the so-called online friends I have or at least I thought I haven't, that would make them miss me.

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599a96 No.6380


Thanks for linking me this person's channel anon he seems pretty intelligent for his young age.

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599a96 No.6415

File: 5c79e8fdce3780d⋯.jpg (66.59 KB,640x360,16:9,web_tokushu_2018_0508_img_….jpg)

This Japanese article talks about how hikikomori in Japan can now work remotely at home.


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e779c9 No.6534

Anyone want to learn to swear in Chinese?


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fc4eb8 No.6613


yeah yeah, normalos always paranoid about beeing productive

bizeness as usual


here are some of my favorite words:


spoken like the english word for rubber. depending on intonation it can either mean shit or gold. I love this one


pronounced "gow". it can either mean dick or nine. I love chinese

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1e3c36 No.6614

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85cc8a No.6656

КЫШТЫМОВ (KYSHTYMOV) - Stay true hikkikomori!!! (song and music video) https://youtu.be/Ki6Zoc1MbuY

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a4cbe0 No.6703

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d86b9f No.6712


Doesn't laoer mean dick as well?

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f5042e No.6734



I don't really see the point in this kind of things. Just install Xubuntu and set it up to your best preferences.

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d7a30d No.6742

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d86b9f No.6749


Does this person ever go into detail about being hikki? They seemed to have a super active and productive lifestyle throughout much of what I read. A very interesting little time capsule from what doesn't feel like that long ago anyway :)

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f5042e No.6752


Old and terrible.

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0c3f11 No.6755

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A french Hikikomori talking about his experience. It's only in French but you can use auto translate on youtube

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446ec5 No.6761

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f88f3b No.6767

m8 that thing is so old, such nice byves

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f88f3b No.6910


- I thought I knew insane. I didn't know insane. - I had to have it!

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6907b2 No.6977


this. and from the timeline it shows his mother on-and-off in her job status (that's not a translation issue there right? there is actual marked changes in her job description?) after the divorce as well as the brother's suicide.

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fb2ed6 No.6978


Thanks for your message, anon. You should write her and apologize for her monstrous son.

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bf5897 No.6980


Further proof we are apes in disguise.

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d7a30d No.7140

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is a hermit not a hikki but I think he fits.

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e64550 No.7145

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d7a30d No.7249

Hikikomori could become a mental disorder in the DSM in western psychology in the future.


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11fa5e No.7253

File: 0589940b984dcb2⋯.png (33.64 KB,1016x101,1016:101,0589940b984dcb227571d6803c….png)


To be expected with the inmates running the asylum. Sanity is a mental illness as defined by the mentally ill.

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1b48c8 No.7257



psychology is so inefficient it's unethical.

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f80e94 No.7269

Exercises for hikikomori. Just something I've had bookmarked for a while.


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d7a30d No.7289

File: a48183b448a8dac⋯.jpg (8.63 KB,298x169,298:169,hikikomori old.jpg)

610,000 middle-aged people between 40 to 64 living as hikikomori in Japan.


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a759f1 No.7342


Is there a version of Hikikomori News in English? Chrome Translate is all over the place.

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d7a30d No.7365


>Is there a version of Hikikomori News in English? Chrome Translate is all over the place.



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d7a30d No.7371

File: 0923ceab0d96cdc⋯.jpg (137.17 KB,1080x1079,1080:1079,m22605519952_1.jpg)

Hikipos a magazine for hikikomori in Japan.


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d7a30d No.7590

File: 4bf78f77267ca64⋯.jpg (78.19 KB,800x532,200:133,cd3cbfac3f21683f307746d8ed….jpg)

A 51 year old man who was a hikikomori on and off multiple times for a few years went on a a stabbing rampage in the town of Kawasaki killing two people, including a child.


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d7a30d No.7591

File: 06b3df571fe9fee⋯.jpg (41.95 KB,780x520,3:2,yq-hideaki-03062019.jpg)

Hideaki Kumazawa, 76, was arrested last Saturday (June 1) for attempted murder for allegedly stabbing his son with a knife. On Monday, media said he was now a murder suspect after the man had died. https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/reclusive-japanese-man-killed-by-father-who-feared-he-might-run-amuck-media

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d7a30d No.7592

File: 17f9735e0348a7c⋯.jpg (136.91 KB,1600x1066,800:533,PAK93_heyadehitoribocchi20….jpg)

A woman was found collapsed on a street in Hakata Ward, Fukuoka City, after being stabbed, on Friday. A passerby called 119 just after 5 p.m. to report a woman was lying on the street, bleeding. When police and an ambulance arrived, the woman, who is in her 40s, told them her brother had stabbed her in the chest with a knife and attacked their mother, Fuji TV reported. She was able to tell police that her son was a hikikomori (recluse) and that they had quarreled over his refusal to change his way of life and find a job. Another resident in the apartment building told police she had only seen the man once in 10 years.


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bb1b40 No.7652

All the manga. In case you're interested.


I'm pretty sure /jp is allowed. Other wise this will just get deleted.

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f9df8a No.7658

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f9df8a No.7659


Some music I found recently that I really enjoyed

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ec000f No.7684

Not really an interesting link, but the Bromite browser for Android is fast as hell and has built-in Adblock. It's noticeably faster than Firefox + Adblock plugin. Free and open source.

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d7a30d No.7688

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New documentary.

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f5042e No.7722

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