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The modern hermit

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A WARNING TO ALL NEW USERS IF YOU ARE NOT A HIKIKOMORI I WILL BAN YOU!! People who are going to work or school are not Hikikomori There are many people on here who can not leave their home Please choose your topic with consideration IF YOU HAVEN'T BEEN AT HOME INSIDE YOUR ROOM FOR AT LEAST 6 MONTHS OR MORE THEN DON'T POST HERE!

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d8e0d6 No.4138

My mom is starting to push the idea of being committed. So much so that she's going with me on my medication appointment. I'm kind of open to the idea as it'd allow me to get neetbux a bit easier but I doubt it's actual usefulness. I'll just get drugged out of my mind for 3-4 days.


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6c178d No.4139

File: 6130d9fc2573be5⋯.jpg (163.33 KB,916x1000,229:250,1469229497069.jpg)

Three times, twice when 17 and once when 19. It was absolute shite. They'd just forcefeed me meds and think that'd fix anything, when it made everything far fucking worse.

By the way, anon, for me, my first two commitments were 3 weeks to a month long, just saying. And you have to suffer the normie attention whore women there, too, who get hundreds of visitors throughout their stay.

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d8e0d6 No.4140


I couldn't do a month, fuck that.

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6c178d No.4141


I believe if you're over 18 (might be 21 where you live), you can leave at any point you want, but leaving before the doctors let you might get in the way of neetbux.

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d8e0d6 No.4142


I'm 20, so yeah, it'd be voluntary.

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2afbb1 No.4145

File: 41597160b093c2b⋯.jpg (98.3 KB,800x680,20:17,41597160b093c2bee324cdfccb….jpg)


>Ever been committed?


BO here yes OP i have i've told this story before but for those who don't know back in 2014 i got in a fight with another family member and so my parents kicked me out of the house because of that and they didn't like me sitting in my room 24/7 doing nothing i was put in a psych ward and had to live with a bunch of normies inside the hospital for 3 months. The other patients there were very disrespectful towards me they would beat on me make fun of me for still being a virgin and liking cartoons still as an adult. Hell this one time i was watching South Park and one of the other patients came in changed the channel and then ran off. I really didn't have a choice in the end it was move to a group home or stay in the hospital for the rest of your life those are the options they gave me. While i was there i was forced to take a medication called depakote which is a mood altering medication and i was taking that at the same time as being on topamax and taking those two medications at the same time i lost a lot of weight i dropped from 135 to 103 and was throwing up a lot more than usual. Within the last 3 years i have continued to live as a hikki in two different group homes the one i currently live in is better then the last one the last place i lived at from 2014-July 2017 was kinda rundown and was an old house that was over 100 years old that was falling apart and the staff who worked there were all literally niggers who didn't give a shit about any of us About a year after i moved into the old group home i use to live at i still somewhat had hope so i tried to reintegrate back into society a few times of course that didn't work out and at this point i have basically given up completely and have stopped caring.

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6f53af No.4181

I've never been committed and based on the stuff I've read on /hikki/ I'm glad my father didn't do anything the one (and only) time I asked for help. My younger brother has been committed twice I think for roughly a week each time for suicidal thoughts and anxiety, and from my understanding all they did was prescribe him a bunch of drugs too.


Do you still live in a group home? How are things for you nowadays?

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2afbb1 No.4182


>Do you still live in a group home?

Yes i do.

>How are things for you nowadays?

It's better than the last one i lived at but it still isn't perfect ether.

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9e17a5 No.4188

I got committed twice for trying to kill myself both times. First time I was 20 and it took me three weeks to get out and it felt like absolute hell, caretakers are only in it for the money and barely cared about anyone. Some thot nurse just went around with her makeup and hair all done up and basically never talked to anyone, staying in the kitchen and leaving all the work for the others.

Second time was a year later and I managed to convince them I wasn't really going to jump so they let me out after two days on a promise that I'd go see a therapist, which I did for one session. I stopped showing any suicidal signs and opening up at all to anyone after the first attempt though, especially when my mother threatened to commit me again if I refused to get better. Now I just vaguely make it seem like I'm trying to live while waiting for a guaranteed and quick way to end myself, so I can't pussy out and get caught.

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d8e0d6 No.4208


Please don't end your life.

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2afbb1 No.4278


>Please don't end your life.


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9e17a5 No.4288



Why would you care though? You don't know me, you can't help me, it doesn't really matter whether I die or not for you. You wouldn't even have known there was another person in the world that almost killed themselves if I hadn't posted.

Life is meaningless, we're all going to die anyway so what does it matter if I go out on my own terms eventually?

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2afbb1 No.4295


Us hikkis gotta stick together anon.

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a48042 No.5744


>Now I just vaguely make it seem like I'm trying to live while waiting for a guaranteed and quick way to end myself, so I can't pussy out and get caught.

Can't you just down a bunch of sleeping pills and go rest on the local train tracks? Worst case scenario you chicken out and get off them before a train comes, and you doze off in a nearby ditch or something. Seems pretty fool proof to me.

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438942 No.5757

Yes. I got drunk around my sister and said things that led her to think I was suicidal, ran off into the woods behind my house when she called the police. Being processed, forcibly catherized, and the first couple hours in the psych ward were extremely frightening. I kept to myself and didn't bother anybody but some people go out of their way to make trouble. Fortunately my roommate was a nice old guy who used to live at the bus station, played guitar. I got lucky. There were many people you do not want to room with. A lot of drug addicts. Don't know why they put them in there

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1455f1 No.5758


>Don't know why they put them in there

regular hospitals don't want to deal with them so they get lumped in and I agree, they're the worst. the other psych patients were all easy to get along with in comparison to the shit drug addicts would pull

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b208bf No.5759


Evil, laziness and incompetence can explain just about anything that people do. It definitely explains how someone supposedly suicidal would be put in a situation that could lead them to become more suicidal, in order to prevent their suicide. You seem to be fine, though, so that's good.

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438942 No.5760


When I was hospitalized I had therapists flat out tell me (this is a direct quote), "after a while, being in here just seems to do more harm than good for people's mental health."

I don't know what emergency mental health services are like in other countries, but in America it is one step above prison. All of the staff seemed either broken or disinterested. You don't get treatment in there, you get a place to sleep and three square meals a day. It's basically a place for the system to dump aberrant individuals it can't put in jail

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b208bf No.5762


The competent people know, but can never do anything about it because of the other millions of people causing the problems and making them worse. Good humans have always been the minority. Most people are either mediocre and enabling or actively evil and destructive. But it's not just that, everything is broken, and everything is to blame. It's the same thing in all professions, no matter how important they may be. I don't think this is different in other countries since that seems to be the case for other things everywhere. This is all proof that normal people are actually crazy as well, and actual sanity isn't very common. Society is driving people to insanity and they can't even see that it's happening. The only thing to do is to try to save yourself and a few other people are hope that the normalfags lead the species to extinction, for its own good.

I have never been in that kind of situation, so I wouldn't know anything from personal experience, but I always hear this kind of thing from people that I assume are Americans and from people that I know are Americans, but I heard your story multiple times, actually. It's pretty common, and depending on the situation, you may end up having to deal with enough sensory deprivation to actually push you over the edge into actual insanity. You are not even allowed to die. I understand keeping someone from committing suicide, but even that becomes a cruelty when you are practically torturing them by placing them in an environment that isn't suitable for humans, with nothing to do.

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1455f1 No.5763


>in America it is one step above prison

when I was in one, there were a few ex cons in as well and they all said they'd rather be in a prison rather than the mental hospital

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222957 No.5786

I actually liked being in crazy jail. You basically just watch TV and drink coffee waiting for the next meal.

but if privacy is a major concern for you then you're fucked because it will be hell for you

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749e9b No.5791

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It's never been necessary to commit me.

There have been some times when I seriously thought about it, but I've just been given some benzos to calm me down and I waited in the mental hospital waiting room until I was feeling a bit better, then I got back home.

I never liked the idea of staying there, here in Europe it's not that bad, but it still is a pain to sleep far from home, etc.

My medical case, although serious enough that I'm a hikki, is not that serious to require occasional hospitalizations.

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5e56bf No.6246


>drink coffee

We only had decaffeinated slurry water. You had to drink four or five cups to feel the effects

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