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The modern hermit

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A WARNING TO ALL NEW USERS IF YOU ARE NOT A HIKIKOMORI I WILL BAN YOU!! People who are going to work or school are not Hikikomori There are many people on here who can not leave their home Please choose your topic with consideration IF YOU HAVEN'T BEEN AT HOME INSIDE YOUR ROOM FOR AT LEAST 6 MONTHS OR MORE THEN DON'T POST HERE!

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e2387b No.5698

>got kicked out

>knew it was coming for months but didn't do anything except put in a few online job applications that never amounted to anything

>thought they were bluffing, tbh

>didn't make a fuss about it because I'm too jaded and prideful, I guess

>tried to reapply for NEETbux but they refused to lift my suspension

>packed some basic provisions like clothes, this laptop etc.

>dad drove me into the city, dropped me off at a shelter, slapped $1k in my hand and basically told me to fuck off and never come back

>signed into the shelter but didn't stay long, went for a walkabout

>wasn't going anywhere, just feeling kinda shitty and wat to get away from people

>never went back, that place looked toxic

>spent the night in a small cropping of trees behind a retirement home but didn't sleep

>getting hungry now, the gravity of my situation finally began to sink in and panic along with it

>realize I have absolutely nowhere to go, so where else but back

>manage to get a taxi and convinced him to take me back to my old town, which was pretty far out

>heading to my sister's place. She fucking hates me, but I'm pretty desperate

>she's also the one who was always trying to get my parents to boot my ass out for years

>don't know the exact directions, so I just wander around town for like three hours until I find her street

>ring her bell, she isn't home

>wait for her on a park bench for another four hours

>when she finally does get back, I wait another hour just to make it seem like I wasn't waiting

>before I even have a chance to say anything, she immediately starts screaming in my face and tells me to leave

>basically going off on me about how I'm such a parasitic piece of trash etc.

>don't give a fuck at this point – start begging like a little bitch until she yields, even manage to shed a few tears

>ask her not to tell our parents and save me the humiliation, but of course, she immediately does just that

Been sleeping on her couch ever since, actually looking for work for real this time. The street-feeder life is not for me.

Do any of you have experience with homelessness? Do you suspect you will anytime soon, and what sort of plans do you have if such a situation were to occur?

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043c91 No.5708

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That is terrible, exactly what a lot of people here fear. Your family sounds horrendous. Never been in a situation like that, but I try not to even think about it or it will destroy me before the possibility even becomes realistic, but I don't think it can happen to me as easily since I have savings and I don't think my family is nearly as bad as yours. Strangely enough, they threatened to kick me out for the most trivial things when I was a kid/teenager (and I was terrified by that and I think it fucked me up pretty bad, and made me see humans overall as beings that are lower than shit in the first place), but it doesn't happen as an adult anymore. If I did become homeless, I would probably live in the homeless shelter and follow whatever instructions I could that would get out of that situation. I assume things would be shitty enough that I would hopefully do something about it.

I think you will be fine once you get a job, though. After being homeless and living with your family, anything that doesn't involve being homeless or living with them should be good. Just be efficient with your money and try to get away from the past and from the humiliation. Hit the reset button when you can and try to go back to having fun. Surviving doesn't cost very much at all. If it did, a lot of people would be starving to death despite being employed. I assume that after being familiar with the bottom of the barrel, any other region of the barrel should be an improvement in comparison and you can be happy with very little. I could tell you to not die, but since you're still alive after all this, you clearly have some solid mental fortitude and can handle just about anything. Just don't let anything ruin your enjoyment of life.

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f5d790 No.5713


>what sort of plans do you have if such a situation were to occur

I tell myself I'd eat a bullet if I knew for sure it was going to happen, but my gut says I wouldn't be able to carry it out

honestly it wouldn't be pretty, I live in the northern US so I'd probably die in the mid to late fall due to exposure

that said, I think my threat for it isn't that high in the immediate future, but in a few years my parents will probably sell the house so they can go retire so I have to plan to get out before then

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2deb9f No.5714


>Do any of you have experience with homelessness

Luckily not, though I am somewhat prepared for the eventuality.

Got myself a decent hammock ages ago, a water filter, a canteen, a wood/fueled camping stove, flint and steel, tinder, a collapsible fishing pole, some camping knives, sharpening stones, a handaxe, etc.

My plan being to fuck off in the giant woods that start off in the back of my village and hope I can study my books on bushcraft faster than winter approaches. I'd either come out a grizzled outdoorsman or fox food. Probably the latter, but still better chances than sticking around the hobos in my country. Plus, there's no people in the forest.

I hope you can manage to work and find your own apartment soon. It may be taxing, but it's probably going to beat constant humiliation.

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36db82 No.5715

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>what sort of plans do you have if such a situation were to occur?

I've been kicked out of my parents house but i was just moved to a different place instead of ending up homeless honestly i really don't want to think about being homeless because the thought of it scares me and if it did happen to me i don't know what i would do.

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6d2bf3 No.5725


You do realize that it's inherently delusional to resolve that a family giving their non-contributing and apathetic beyond all reasoning child the boot once they're well into adulthood is composed of completely retched and horrible people. I've been hikki for a bit over a year at this point and I'm self aware enough to realize that this lifestyle is of a completely selfish and parasitic nature in the grand scheme of things. You can reason that you didn't ask to be born only to fall through the cracks and toil in the relatively unfeeling riptide that is society, but, you have to consider that the parents have virtually no other options available to force you out into the world and improve yourself once you've clearly decided not to take it upon yourself. The guilt in these situations often eats parents alive whether you think you can see it or not. In a 1st world country it's remarkably difficult to truly starve or succumb to the elements with all of the resources municipalities afford the homeless these days. If they do nothing they're enabling you, if they play the only hand they have they're monsters. What would you do?

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310e33 No.5726


I don't entirely disagree with what you said, but I don't entirely agree either.

OP thought they were bluffing. Most likely the usual "If you don't get a job we're kicking you out" type thing. If my father said something along the lines of that I'd assume he's bluffing too. His parents most likely didn't try very hard to help either. They threatened him with homelessness in the hopes he'd get his ass in gear, but in reality it didn't do fuck all. The point is we need help and assistance in order to reintegrate into society, be it forcefully getting dragged out or coming to some sort of agreement that involves going out and then take it one step at a time.

I get what you're saying about our parasitic nature and I do agree that parents have the right to kick their hikki kids out, but doing so without even attempting to truly help is a dick move.

Ideally a good parent would do their best to help getting their kid out there, and if after that it still hasn't improved the situation they should sit down and have a serious conversation about kicking them out and make sure they know they are serious. After all, we didn't choose to be put in this world, it's a parents' responsibility to look after their offspring and teach them how to be independent.

I noticed that the parents of hikkis are almost never involved enough with their hikki kid, which is most certainly the case with me.

In conclusion: In another 4 years let me know how much help and assistance you have received to reintegrate back into society, and then ask yourself if it would be a dick move or not to kick you out at that point. Keep in mind that the longer you are isolated, the less socially adjusted you will be.

Also I want to make it clear that calling OP's parents horrendous people is a bit of an exaggeration as well. I just think they are dicks and should have approached the situation differently assuming my assumptions are correct.

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043c91 No.5729


Maybe it wasn't the best post (and it didn't have to be, since making OP feel better and move on was my only goal, I didn't want anything else, not even avoiding being wrong, and I'm willing to look like a complete fool, to invalidate everything that I ever say from that point onward by ruining my credibility entirely, and to be hanged for being a drooling retard and burned alive for heresy, as long I can help people out), but I can try to defend it a little bit, as a mental exercise. If it's dumb, it's dumb, but just accepting that isn't interesting. Well, first of all, my view of humanity in general is not all that positive, neither is my view of the average family, so of course my view of a family that sounds meaner and more cruel than average won't be very positive either. Maybe it was more negative than it should have been because of how I tend to have very vivid visions of the stories that I read. So tell me your perspective, can you read his post and have a positive view of his family? Also, I don't think you can reasonably expect someone to be born in a diseased, destructive society, not be able to cope with it, and then recover on their own without any instruction or guidance while being told that it's all their fault and they should be homeless, and I assume that's what happened to him until they just kicked him out because helping people takes effort, so it's easier to let the homeless shelter do it. Honestly, I had no idea how to even get a job until I was 24. I just became an adult, and then I was suddenly expected to know how the world works even though I was wasting time in school until that point and wasn't taught anything, and even though it was blatantly obvious that I wasn't normal to begin with, and no one even thought about maybe investigating it and doing something to make sure that I would be fine (I definitely shouldn't have been in a normal school to begin with).

If I had a kid (I never would, for a bunch of moral reasons that you can easily guess), I would definitely take more responsibility than that and at least go through the necessary steps to get out of this situation along with them if they weren't prepared to do everything on their own. I can't just blame OP for everything not just because kicking him while he's as down as it gets is an unproductive dick move, but also because I don't think it's realistic to say that this issue causes itself and that hikikomoris are becoming more common over time because of their own fault exclusively. I don't think people are just suddenly being born worse for no reason, so there must be external causes that aren't being addressed. Modern society is a primary cause, and the parents are to blame for not attempting to understand and identify the issue, and for not finding an appropriate course of action, and of course, for having children just because they were irresponsible and wanted a fuck, like a bunch of animals. Parents are clearly not doing their jobs appropriately (and they could get away with it in a smaller society, but they can't now), they are supposed to be the ones that actually understand the world and to lead the way, but they are as fucked up as every other human category if not more. It's especially bad if they have a kid that isn't neurotypical and requires special instruction. On the other hand, no one is actually entirely blameless. The extent of the blame can vary, but in the end everyone is to blame and everyone will pay for it in one way or another. No one is immune to causality, so everyone is responsible for their own decisions, and to some extent for the decisions of people that they influence, and therefore also responsible for the consequences.


Children are inherently kinda parasitic, so it's part of the deal. If you create life and it can't take care of itself, then you have to do it yourself. It can even continue to be like that permanently if they end up physically disabled, and that's always a possibility when you have children (and I heard way too many stories of children that can't walk being abandoned and just left there to rot, by their lower than human shit parents that deserve tortures that no one should deserve, in a good world, unlike our own). A hikikomori isn't as hopeless, but I think it definitely counts as a mental disability. It can be fixed, but not without some work, and parents tend to not do anything at all. Average parents tend to be just enablers. Still, it's important to consider that none of us are all that happy about not being able to take care of ourselves and have more resources and freedom. It's not like we're being parasitic because we're assholes and we just want to leech. It's not malicious, it's just depressing, and potentially self-destructive. Labeling people that are miserable to the point of suicide as just parasites kinda misses the point that this is likely just another source of misery in the first place. Doesn't exactly solve the issue.

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310e33 No.5731


>and I'm willing to look like a complete fool, to invalidate everything that I ever say from that point onward by ruining my credibility entirely, and to be hanged for being a drooling retard…

You sure do like to exaggerate. You're fine anon, and I doubt the anon that replied to you had any ill intention. especially if it is who I think it is

>I tend to have very vivid visions

Perhaps this is why I think you are exaggerating.

Do you have autism?

>If you create life and it can't take care of itself, then you have to do it yourself.

Realistically though most of us are adults in their 20s and should be able to take care of themselves at this point. Parents shouldn't be expected to look after their kids forever, that's unreasonable and part of the reason why I believe they have the right to kick their kids out if necessary.

>It can be fixed, but not without some work, and parents tend to not do anything at all.

This is where I think the issue lies. It's a dick move to kick someone out without even having attempted to help and instead just threaten and/or ridicule their shut in kid.

>It's not malicious

Maybe not in intent, but it is in practice (to varying degrees obviously).

Everything else you said I more or less agree with.

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043c91 No.5735


>Do you have autism?

Yes. It's not exactly a secret, but I assume it's pretty obvious. My seemingly exaggerated statements are a consequence of that, the way that I developed my own mind, being a freak in general, and of my decision that I should express myself honestly. Overall, my mind is so far from the normal people that this society was made for that it's almost the only reason why I ended up in this position. There's more, but this is the most major cause.

>Maybe not in intent, but it is in practice

Malice requires intent to harm, by definition. And being a hikikomori is easily more harmful to the self than to anyone else, unless the person is actually bad and behaves in a way that would otherwise be self-harm, but because of their condition, the consequences only affect the parents for now. But that situation is just a result of being a bad person, and maybe also the parents' punishment for allowing a bad person to be created (in a world that's already bad to begin with, and that they will inevitably make worse) in the first place. If you don't deserve to have the kids that you have, then why do you have them and why should you be exempt from the consequences?

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310e33 No.5736


>Malice requires intent to harm, by definition

English is not my first language and I can't even express my thoughts well enough in my mother tongue You're right, I should have worded that better. What I meant was that our condition causes harm to those around us whether it's malicious or not. Stress, financially and/or otherwise. So it's kind of a moot point because harm is done either way.

>If you don't deserve to have the kids that you have, then why do you have them and why should you be exempt from the consequences?

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by 'deserve', but you can't blame parents entirely. There are hikkis here that have good relationships with their parents but shut themselves in because of outside influences. Other times parents don't know how to help even though they tried. Most of the time they don't do enough though. To get back on topic, what I mean is that it's not always the fault of the parent. Since most of the "real" parenting is done between the ages of 0-4, even if done right and successfully their kids can end up shutting themselves in. It's not right to expect parents to take care of their 25-30 year old hikki kid. If a hikki hasn't learned to take care of himself well into adult hood he is also to blame (with exceptions). So if they gave an honest attempt at help and it didn't work out, they have the right to kick them out of their house.

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f7bbba No.5748

Being homeless sucks. Had to do it a few times, but it didn't bother me much since I was homeless a lot as a kid. It's not much different from being a NEET tbh, only that you constantly have to keep moving.

That and inconsistent internet.

Food isn't hard to secure if you know where to look or you can donate plasma to get quick cash. Sleeping outside is scary, but just keep a small blade on you , just in case, you know? That always helped me sleep.

I hope your life gets better, OP, so you don't have to learn these things first hand. It really messes with your head, being homeless.

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03c117 No.7678


How are you doing, OP? Are you still around? Polite sage.

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