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The Vidya
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File: 324d974cd307762⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1100x995, 220:199, 05532152a08ba5936c7d2c1b0b….png)

File: 77a092eff80d0d0⋯.jpg (94.36 KB, 774x880, 387:440, 1467029827335.jpg)

File: 5936adb60e03e22⋯.jpg (149.91 KB, 500x720, 25:36, 1471531161722.jpg)

cd5145 No.14185916

> Current Happenings:




1. 8chan is being trolled by shills to create chaos on the site: >>>/n/586729

>Evidence of this happening has already taken place over on /co/: https://archive.is/6dPTA#selection-9011.0-9011.6 A couple times: https://archive.is/8vwcE

>Remember, report potential shills and see about reviewing COINTELPRO tactics: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

2. DIG: W.H.O. Proposing to Classify "Gaming Addiction" As a Disorder


3. OP Timber: Nintendo Localizers working with Japanese Devs to Censor Games




4. OP Chickasaw: Big Tech Companies are already violating the Constitution


>SPREAD: Twitter caught red-handed admitting to shadowbans & censoring "problematic" viewpoints, spying on user's sexual activity: >>>/gamergatehq/331496

5. OP GOOLAG: Hit Google Where It Hurts



A. Archive.is isn't sure you'll donate money to them. Prove them wrong: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate

B. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations an unethical practices


>Polygon and The Verge violate FTC regulations: https://archive.fo/ii01W

C. Anti-Internet Censorship Database Operation: Defend Free Speech!


D. OP DICKTIONAIRY: ''The Destruction of Words and Language




>inXile has some skeletons in their closet being revealed (Possible happening): https://archive.fo/V4tr7

>A series of unverified images were released on 4chan that detailed AI controlled marketing and monetization practices achieved through "legal" surveillance methods: >>>/gamergatehq/331502

>NISA porting Ys 8 to Nintendo Switch: https://hooktube.com/watch?v=a_u7g5BlfiY&feature=youtu.be&t=328

>MTG pedo controversy has started blowing the lid off of the sex offenders in similar fandoms: https://archive.is/QMEAF

>EA shit the bed with lootboxes in Star Wars Battlefront II and are taking major heat: https://archive.fo/wBFd8

>Tencent promoting socialism: http://archive.is/0Zpbu

> Thread Repository:



> Summaries of #GamerGate:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;

https://archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

> Reminders (important, READ THESE!):

• Use https://archive.is to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve websites in case they are deleted later;

• Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

• Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags;

• Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

> Background and Evidence for #GamerGate (read and spread these):

• The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.is/nv1Fb

• #GamerGate Wiki: http://thisisvideogames.com/gamergatewiki/index.php

• History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/

• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

> How Can I Help?

• All Operations: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations


• Operation Disrespectful Nod: https://v.gd/jtftaG (email advertisers);


• Operation Baby Seal: https://v.gd/iwvyPm (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines);


• Operation Vulcan: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L (educate yourself on logical debating);


• Operation UV: https://archive.is/N9ieT (contact the FTC about Gawker);

• An Anon's Guide to Twitter: https://v.gd/nwrbYF (the basics).

> Lists:

• GamerGate Wiki Support List: https://v.gd/0fOHO3

• GamerGate Wiki Boycott List: https://v.gd/n6GPPt

• GamerGate Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb

> Key GamerGate Hubs:


> Full OP Text:

• Current:


• Old:


> Want to Help Contribute to GitGud?


b2976d No.14185924


261141 No.14185926

File: 3f7064ae025c8be⋯.jpg (89.05 KB, 1198x291, 1198:291, virtual youtubers.jpg)

First for bacharuu yuuchubas

934b9f No.14185928

File: 25a779f862ff3fc⋯.mp4 (5.35 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Team Rainbow.mp4)

Rainbow Six Siege shouldn't make you unlock shit. How long until they blame video games for violence again?

cd5145 No.14185932

File: ac94c0283b1a760⋯.jpg (400.35 KB, 1986x2843, 1986:2843, 51843dbefa3e239c42320618d1….jpg)

I was going to do naked shirt edition but I realized I have a lack of sfw pictures

Also have you guys heard of >>>/pol/11165401

3a2775 No.14185938

714aa2 No.14185946

File: 7f5540c65a181f3⋯.png (163.68 KB, 375x385, 75:77, HelloCharlotte_Smug.png)

>Come here to make my comment about how the general is trash again, like I promised

>Someone is spamming pickle rick copypasta

93272e No.14185947

File: 57cff54f4f22854⋯.gif (567.31 KB, 360x263, 360:263, 57cff54f4f228544e83e867da4….gif)


>TOR bot


cde186 No.14185951

cd5145 No.14185952

File: 0071bee9ccf9617⋯.png (557.08 KB, 1280x1568, 40:49, otonaru-548331-hawt.png)


some higher ups in congress got shown a memo on some surveillance the government did and it what they found freaked out congress so much that even they are saying some people are going to jail. It is speculated that it has something to do with Obama and/or his administration spying on trump. some members in the GOP are trying to declassify it and release it to the public.

01cfb1 No.14185954

Why is the spam so bad lately?

37a82c No.14185957

File: 34379151f9196af⋯.png (179.69 KB, 1609x429, 1609:429, rope.png)


Did something happened in /pol/ that prompted another spergout from that specific faggot?

93272e No.14185958


Interesting. I'm so fucking tired of politics, pretty much blackpilled at this point, but if Oboingo gets fucked in some way I'd be happy.

826afb No.14185959


Mark must have really ticked off that cuckchan faggot for him to go on a spamming spree.

5c8708 No.14185960

File: 68d0e57b2c14e50⋯.webm (7.29 MB, 574x480, 287:240, ggrevolt raid.webm)

Keep calm and shitpost.

5c6c27 No.14185968

File: ec5727f1a5a1c30⋯.webm (2.64 MB, 852x480, 71:40, Thor shits on Kinsey.webm)


>some people are going to jail


767c42 No.14185977

Vee is back for round 2 on /cow/


cd5145 No.14185983

File: d5b2eca456376ae⋯.png (416.57 KB, 500x1050, 10:21, a0676c1ca79474852a441b35b8….png)


I said that they are saying that not that it will actually happen

fea480 No.14185996

File: 4538ff78286bb25⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 319.56 KB, 1000x680, 25:17, 1396493820464.jpg)

>implying women can actually be dominant beyond superficial posturing

5c8708 No.14185998

File: 031adcfe0c20610⋯.png (227.32 KB, 620x387, 620:387, CEOs watch your toes.png)


Everyone said the same thing when we shouted to dethrone the queen.

Now we jailed 18 people from the former government, including former president, and the Samsumg's CEO, the richest man in Korea. And the numbers are rising.

You never know the future, anon. Careful what you wish for.

4bd359 No.14186004


>Romanian autist is autistic

What did that dumb faggot do and what is the deal with that Kraut faggot? I've missed this particular drama train.

18617b No.14186009

File: 2b6b9da470c80c4⋯.jpg (841.07 KB, 2382x2006, 1191:1003, rape imminent.jpg)

File: 68fa081594ea271⋯.jpg (791.73 KB, 2342x2006, 1171:1003, rape imminent2.jpg)


dominant over other women?

01cfb1 No.14186011

So, are we gonna see a civil war over this memo?

fa38e2 No.14186018


literally nothing will happen

826afb No.14186019


Depends on what happens next, the 24/7 liberal news cycle is just talking about the Government shutdown for a bunch of illegal welfare-leeching dreamer spics.

37a82c No.14186028


Long story short about Kraut and the "skeptics" from Jim videos. Commies, but I haven't looked at the rest of this drama and what has vee involved with this. Probably him defending sargon.

01cfb1 No.14186030


>tfw im poor as fuck and living in cali

>tfw on medical and getting grant money for college

>tfw i could be fucked over this


fa38e2 No.14186034

cde186 No.14186039


You're illegal?

01cfb1 No.14186046


No. If i was illegal i wouldnt be having these problems.

74eabd No.14186051


More than likely they will try to start a race war here if it starts getting really bad.

37a82c No.14186056


>living in cali

There's your fucking problem.

01cfb1 No.14186060


I never asked to come here

cde186 No.14186062


Ah, I had to reread >>14186019 several times before "government shutdown" stood out.

826afb No.14186065


Better help with the New California State split, because seems like a lot of counties that aren't from the coast is sick and tired of the hipster SJW Libtard bullshit of people like Moonbeam fucking over the state into bankruptcy like the one from 2009, in order to give more gibs and create more debt just to spite Trump.

01cfb1 No.14186070


im not in a big city but im close enough to one of them to still be in old cali

20b8c4 No.14186075


Go piss in the water reservoir

f8c8f0 No.14186103

File: d33ec11b610fdd4⋯.jpg (880.06 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, Raping the willing.jpg)


Were they to be that stupid it would end catastrophically for team not-white.


It's possible if she's one of the rare strong ones, or the man is particularly pathetic or more likely, posing as such to get free lewd action.

4893f2 No.14186104

I like Sargon.

5c8708 No.14186118

File: cd2a14f661cf6ab⋯.jpg (14.74 KB, 320x240, 4:3, The Rock Hand.jpg)



5c8708 No.14186122


fug i forget to remove flag everytime

don't bulli

3a2775 No.14186129


Put on the dress.

5c8708 No.14186134

File: 01d8f4c18077679⋯.png (604.31 KB, 960x738, 160:123, no bully(2).png)



fa38e2 No.14186136


stop posting wrestling shit you fucking retard

37a82c No.14186137

File: 310d379829c78fe⋯.jpg (43.64 KB, 620x373, 620:373, best story ever told.jpg)

b2976d No.14186138


hi marche

ee15ae No.14186142


Is this marche again? I bet it is you faggot.

fa38e2 No.14186148




fuck off val

5c8708 No.14186157

File: 9dad7ab7a9c23ae⋯.jpg (52.38 KB, 604x517, 604:517, HAHA I'VE HAD ENOUGH.jpg)



>being called Marche

cd5145 No.14186163

File: bdd0a6cb94e0e46⋯.jpg (88.67 KB, 640x800, 4:5, bdd0a6cb94e0e46a671dcff263….jpg)



>If you have urge to shitposting

it should be

<If you have the urge to shitpost

30abdc No.14186175


I'm surprised nobody's ever made some type of interactive incest RPG/simulation game starring known incest porn actresses (like Jodi West)

4893f2 No.14186176


The only good dominant women are the motherly dominant women who treat you with care.

5c8708 No.14186184

File: b803640690a93b1⋯.jpg (14.9 KB, 341x315, 341:315, even stalin lost his mind.jpg)


>If you have urge to shitposting

<If you have the urge to shitpost

I literally and absolutely see no difference

Everytime I face English grammar I feel like I'm in Eye of Terror

ee15ae No.14186188


If you can make a simulation where you can literally have any character you want, why the fuck would you base your models off porn actresses?

934b9f No.14186195

File: 103ceaafc10219f⋯.jpg (370.42 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, zrrGY.jpg)

File: e62d743de461eb8⋯.jpg (119.4 KB, 644x858, 322:429, Z2dCizQ.jpg)

File: 39073aecea8f9ec⋯.jpg (55.16 KB, 564x847, 564:847, LKooAXd.jpg)

File: a4b961bac265d2c⋯.jpg (105.79 KB, 572x844, 143:211, 104.JPG)

File: c0be1292a426b32⋯.jpg (109.32 KB, 578x1024, 289:512, 607.JPG)

501750 No.14186199


Make sure you study when to use "the" "an" and "a".

Protip: it goes before a noun.

ee15ae No.14186210


English is one of the most fucked up language's in the world in terms of rules and such so don't be too hard on yourself.

30abdc No.14186211

File: 1644958c286058c⋯.jpg (233.16 KB, 1000x1487, 1000:1487, Blank _4ee2987f92659bba5c0….jpg)


not really likenesses ( although that could be a selling point for some) but the voices. as it's difficult to find people willing to do that kind of work. even for porn actresses it's a fairly niche genre that most don't want to be associated with.

also, I don't think anybody's ever done mode Motion capture sex before. that might be something to think about. (most sex game animations are really bad).

fea480 No.14186218


Sounds like a sausage competition to me.


As always spoilers hold the truth.


>being a male damsel

37a82c No.14186221


One of the language teacher told that starting to learn English as the first of secondary language is incorrect. And the right way to understand and learn it in linguistic norms is to start with Latin, then to French and then to English.

501750 No.14186240


There was an old english show called Mind Your Language. I remember it actually having some good lessons within it even if it's a comedy.

4893f2 No.14186242


Like if recieving motherly love is bad.

The second best doms are weak insecure doms that you just accept out of cuteness and spoileness.

b2976d No.14186243


>(1)ing this early in the thread, holy fuck marche you should kill yourself

37a82c No.14186247

I'm really getting confused now because I sometimes try to convince myself that it's not true. But is /v/ full of people with Oedipus complex?

460ebc No.14186248

Watch out for GamerGate

The public enemy of the world #1

It is the main hashtag responsible for…


☑ Making an ugly ass sweater

☑ Made Logan Paul level up

☑ Gave the Alt-Right an Asian fetish

☑ A precursor to the Alt-Right movement

☑ Trained a sealion to attack hipsters in San Francisco

☑ Defeated magical pedos in card games

☑ Helped a Korean improve his English Grammar.

4893f2 No.14186251


Well, isn't that obvious?

cd5145 No.14186252

File: 02daf170e4c2ec9⋯.jpg (1.13 MB, 848x1200, 53:75, succubus_by_karousel_k-da8….jpg)


we are using "the" to mark a specific urge

>I have the urge to masturbate


<I have an urge

We put an article in front of non proper nouns.


I feel this is exaggerated. Every language is pretty fucked up if you study it.

cd5145 No.14186257

3a2775 No.14186275


8chan in general really is a hive of sexual deviancy. How is the fact /v/ is predominantly into incest and milfs odd?

ee15ae No.14186288


Languages all have their own quirks and exceptions, but english in particular has a lot of confusing exceptions and very few rules that are 100% concrete. I'm sure there are harder languages to learn, but I'm glad I was born in an english speaking country.

01cfb1 No.14186291


Im just attracted to older women. No idea why.

261141 No.14186296

File: c8a80e5a96124d6⋯.gif (680.35 KB, 500x281, 500:281, c8a80e5a96124d61d55ed0eac9….gif)


There is literally nothing wrong with appreciating the love of an older woman.

934b9f No.14186297

File: 292b01c10fd74d5⋯.jpg (490.68 KB, 2048x3072, 2:3, 8c9Z2jK.jpg)

File: 3f9af7930723547⋯.jpg (205.24 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 16-04-12(114).jpg)

File: b5679890f56b109⋯.jpg (53.82 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 9DPZ8dTMRftfAaDg46kske3za8….jpg)


It's because you have become accustomed to seeking the greatest challenges after playing video games.

4893f2 No.14186300


I'm just attracted to loveness and tenderness while I prefer smaller asian-like bodies.

20b8c4 No.14186304


>Language spoken by australians and black americans

>most fucked up

Cause and effect

ee15ae No.14186335

File: 484f1ae198ea4e7⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 5.34 KB, 188x267, 188:267, SF.jpg)


You want to fuck your mom.

2ef058 No.14186340


Maybe I want to fuck your mom, ever think about that nigger?

fea480 No.14186345

File: 1d23a8f84ddd418⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 28.21 KB, 563x980, 563:980, 44b9050500036587e21703ffb6….png)


What if you never had a mom?


2c354a No.14186347

File: de62268aeb39e7f⋯.jpg (1.31 MB, 7680x4320, 16:9, 482ce400f1482205da3e003d62….jpg)

ac0c38 No.14186351

File: 1b8cc30eac4d8f6⋯.jpg (102.43 KB, 698x658, 349:329, t3_7qidzl.jpg)

"Older" women are just women my age now

353eaf No.14186352

File: b5c1b7867703cdf⋯.gif (382.14 KB, 200x150, 4:3, what.gif)

120171 No.14186355

Planning to restore my computer after backing up the files, hope nothing goes wrong. I'll see whatever's been organized can be put to use in the GG wiki. Anyone else have anything they'd like to do to contribute?

b043f2 No.14186361

30abdc No.14186369

File: 50a66858394823e⋯.jpg (3.56 MB, 3648x2736, 4:3, Brad-Pitt-Cool-World-Photo.jpg)


same here, what a painful feel.

8d4ba5 No.14186405

File: f397bb943ffd2bb⋯.jpg (127.58 KB, 1280x842, 640:421, pepethebartender.jpg)

>"I am just attracted to older women!"

Don't worry anon, you'll get old like me and then you'll realize that women in your age group already are halfway to becoming wrinkled up bitter old hags.

I hate women.

ac0c38 No.14186417

File: c235e49fab0ae97⋯.jpg (28.92 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 7ef.jpg)


Date a younger girl and wait for her to grow up

20b8c4 No.14186429

File: a7608eab15ee56a⋯.jpg (186.73 KB, 901x1200, 901:1200, wood.jpg)


>Date Adopt a younger girl and wait for her to grow up

064454 No.14186430

File: e506be78b109c9f⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 44.97 KB, 620x298, 310:149, x.jpg)

439ad7 No.14186432

File: cf03fb79da55483⋯.jpg (48.91 KB, 585x481, 45:37, Bob Chipman 12.jpg)

Good evening.

df51f8 No.14186443


I know that you feel embarrassed about the self improvement I am guiding you through but there is no reason to be embarrassed about self improvement. Consider it getting /fit/ for your self esteem. :^)


Hi Nyberg,

df51f8 No.14186446


Archive faggot?

439ad7 No.14186447

File: 5f80ee61d6d89d4⋯.jpg (150.27 KB, 1200x969, 400:323, White Supremacy.jpg)

>How to end "white supremacy" according to feminist academics

8d4ba5 No.14186452

File: d6620a1f93a5f54⋯.jpg (74.1 KB, 471x600, 157:200, Relm and Edgar.jpg)



Adopt a QT 3.14? Like…Relm and Edgar?

064454 No.14186453



It almost looks that he's breathing very heavily, trying to get oxygen after every word.

30abdc No.14186454

File: 6c6940e700b18f4⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, 2115108-1966579_vinnyjoust….png)


I'm pretty sure I've read tweets from people saying stuff like that about gamers in general or people that play games (((they))) don't like. like if you play (and enjoy) Dead or Alive you deserve to be imprisoned/castrated. I remember a really creepy conversation on the last episode of the giant beast cast that I listened to ( at least three years ago). I couldn't stand listening to how " disgusted" they were by fighting games in general and how " I don't want a game like that on any system my daughter owns!" and other pearl clutching nonsense.

4893f2 No.14186456


Usagi Drop is the best healing story turning into an enraging Electra Syndrome story ever made.

20b8c4 No.14186457


Fuck you, fuck Rin and fuck that skank that drew it.

2c354a No.14186459

File: 55c2c962ebba651⋯.jpg (43.02 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Thinging.jpg)


So now there's multiple layers of being a white supremacist, even if you are neutral?

30abdc No.14186465

File: 27b725251d2ec23⋯.png (130.03 KB, 500x614, 250:307, white-men-cant-understand-….png)


all that useless nu-speak, when the could have just said "Kill/enslave whitey!" (but mostly just the men, because wymin are also an oppressed minority)

ac0c38 No.14186473

File: c4dff7bbb32729a⋯.png (95.35 KB, 329x377, 329:377, yuel.png)




Not that young you fucking pedos I mean like a few years younger than you

ac0c38 No.14186479


That makes no sense because we started we genociding & enslaving people, we didn't have the build up of everything in the pyramid. If anything the pyramid is in reverse and shows how society has changed over the years…

439ad7 No.14186486

File: b9fec132507c3c4⋯.jpg (157.38 KB, 1170x1200, 39:40, Bob Chipman 13.jpg)

df51f8 No.14186489


>So very, very tiresome.

Indeed you are Bob. Indeed you are.

bb2dc8 No.14186491


When will commies like this faggot die?

4893f2 No.14186499


Looking at him and his health habits, not too long.

30abdc No.14186503

File: f58f796481734ab⋯.png (304.51 KB, 600x338, 300:169, CMDORZ0WsAAJXSS.png)


>When will "fat, depraved and STD riddled" commies like this faggot die?

probably never, thinks to socialized medicine.

4893f2 No.14186505


>STD riddled

He fucked? Did he had enouth money for it?

2ef058 No.14186510

File: 297e59f779e51cf⋯.png (43.53 KB, 383x239, 383:239, stop saying things like th….png)


I think it's time for me to leave this site before this happens to me too.

4893f2 No.14186518


How old is older?

33 is too old already?

ac0c38 No.14186530


Well my point of reference is that in Japanese games and anime, "older women" are usually around 25 and I just turned 27

There's also the weird realization that I'm not any more mature than I was at 20, I just have more responsabilities.

8d4ba5 No.14186543




At 30 years old…all the women my age are starting to go insane because their biological clocks are telling them "YOU MUST GET PREGNANT NOW!" However, they are even more picky and irrational than any 18 year old I have ever had sex with. Women over 22 = DO NOT WANT in my experience.

4893f2 No.14186547


>I'm not any mor emature than I was at 20, I just have more responsabilities

That's the same for everyone.


I wish I had a chance to have offspring, but I guess I should be happy enouth to take care of my nephews and nieces.

4bd359 No.14186548


>Bob Chipman

>calling people random nobodies

I highly doubt people look up or recognize Blob Shitman in the street.

8d4ba5 No.14186554


What is stopping you from having offspring? Men can have healthy children at any age, even 80 years old.

5d7c6b No.14186557


Replace Trumpers with Blacks or any minority and you'd swear that's what he originally thought when he wrote that.

c08fab No.14186605



Same. Imagine 35.



Yes, they can. But having a healthy body with the additional authority that comes with it to tell your 15 year old son or daughter to stop being a brat is harder if you are too old.

I think hitting 60 before your children hit 18 is risky gamble for men.

ac0c38 No.14186617

File: 35e3e13aa82a5eb⋯.png (59.79 KB, 295x217, 295:217, 1513151792306.png)

My mom had me at 30 while my dad was 20 so I don't think 30 is that old yet.

8d4ba5 No.14186628


My Grandmother is 92 and still gets into screaming matches and fist-fights with her son. She will even hit me if she thinks I am doing wrong. So don't tell me that a 90 year old man couldn't have the same level of energy.

7bbf52 No.14186629



My dad had me at 40, my mom at 20.

I'm like 27 and I feel old. Though "hot older women" to me can mean all the way up to 60 or older, depending on how they look.

8d6d7f No.14186632


>all the way up to 60 or older

Gilf fuckers should burn.

7bbf52 No.14186642


If they're hot, I don't mind. I still fap to Nina Hartley.

ac0c38 No.14186646


At least they cook better

c08fab No.14186647


It is the beginning of risk to women, not men.


I have a grandfather that is high energy at 92, his wife passed away before hitting 80. My other grandmother needs a caretaker and her husband (my other grandfather) died when I was pretty young and before 80.

I commend the the older people who manage it, but it is not responsible to postpone forever smugly believing that you will avoid risk.

Not every drunk driver crashes. And that is why people gamble theirs and other people lives, thinking that they will avoid the danger.

460ebc No.14186669

File: 07f544e52a9ec44⋯.mp4 (11.81 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Anime Thigh Highs.mp4)


ddd084 No.14186747

I can fap multiple times to completion in a span of 15 minutes. My highest record was 8 times in 30.

2cfc02 No.14186784


no first for benis, therefore sage

460ebc No.14186785

File: e918b8efc7eb650⋯.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 5.75 MB, 320x240, 4:3, ▶ ICBM Flight Minuteman II….mp4)



d85531 No.14186817

Is it me or do Japanese moms tend to be cutesy?

439ad7 No.14186828

File: 8fbfc899587af37⋯.jpg (81.73 KB, 620x480, 31:24, Al Bundy Tits.jpg)


You cannot stop me!

ca4c0e No.14186829

File: 446731970b9fec6⋯.png (58.95 KB, 298x384, 149:192, 446731970b9fec6e194380e685….png)


>not being a weeb faggot with yellow fever

d85531 No.14186833


I prefer Slavic women and Slavic Vidya. It's that I'm comparing Anglo women to Japanese women.

a0b939 No.14186848

File: 03ab18aca5d7f69⋯.png (78.65 KB, 924x575, 924:575, muh.png)

Traps are problematic, don't you know?


d85531 No.14186849

File: e9c2b2543b9fb7e⋯.jpg (98.8 KB, 966x800, 483:400, e9c.jpg)


Holy shit. I guess the grass is always greener on the other side. Japanese women may not even be better. I guess Western women are the way to go.

0341e5 No.14186852


for a moment I thought NWR directed that instead of Denis Villeneuve


he's probably joking

a0b939 No.14186855

File: d9de080a899212c⋯.png (159.1 KB, 948x720, 79:60, MUUUUHH.png)


You sure about that?

4e0272 No.14186856


As someone who worked in a grocery store, I can entirely vouch for this, all of my russian women regulars were supreme shitters.

8d8caf No.14186858



There's a reason why there's a part of the bible calling women "vain".

Remember who it was that tainted the Garden of Eden in the bible.

58a09e No.14186861

File: 9a3f3e0ed3349cc⋯.png (32.68 KB, 245x300, 49:60, 2923ad0c4b6bae82e73183b180….png)

ac0c38 No.14186862


>Japanese women may not even be better.


If Japanese women were good, Japanese men wouldn't be obsessed with 2D women.

If Japanese men were good, Japanese women wouldn't be obsessed with 2D men

Women are shitty the world over. And so are men The way to go is to be in the top 10% of men so you can attract one of the top 10% of women.

97cf80 No.14186863

File: 541fbfc27aa487a⋯.jpg (171.15 KB, 430x640, 43:64, 1450624547254-1.jpg)

Lara Croft is going to be played by a teenage boy who can beat the shit out of trained men,so progressive.


0341e5 No.14186867


if you look at the srgmarathon ffz emotes you'll find a lot of questionable content given also that Dan is a friend of cronikeys iirc

d85531 No.14186869

File: 117f1a4cfcc9ddb⋯.jpg (593.37 KB, 938x1168, 469:584, 988c2960ba2f938394702d425a….jpg)

File: 57cf5050e4f958d⋯.png (618.13 KB, 1899x2199, 633:733, a902397f7923843b3af13c8caf….png)

File: c7b77f8b269edff⋯.jpg (223.87 KB, 850x809, 850:809, bf6e25590aabc47b92fb5f34be….jpg)

File: f4f7155d8ab878a⋯.jpg (195.66 KB, 804x1098, 134:183, b20d4b686b5d10f09ac03fc4f9….jpg)

File: 35cca9ce1374f2c⋯.jpg (269.71 KB, 616x856, 77:107, 915cf7068c7df9bf36c5395add….jpg)



I'll just be sticking to 2D then.

I want to fuck Popuko or Pipimi.

b4fa2d No.14186875

File: 0248aa2a3f98ce1⋯.jpg (148.88 KB, 720x474, 120:79, 1404905685668.jpg)

a25bb8 No.14186881

File: 43c40e947b4ca2e⋯.png (161.78 KB, 500x602, 250:301, exterminatus HARD.png)


>see pic


The ones you like were legally too young for you in the first place

ca4c0e No.14186884

File: ca7872b90690365⋯.jpg (527.43 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, tr2_wallpaper09.jpg)


I can't get over that they had a good thing going with underworld and left it on a cliffhanger, just to abandon it for weak emotional Nu-Lara.

T2 is still the best

439ad7 No.14186894

File: 4b50f46fbe0b4b5⋯.jpg (40.75 KB, 640x400, 8:5, Keanu Reeves Smug.jpg)

Fellas, heads are about to roll in Capitol Hill due to the incoming release of the FISA abuse documents that Democrats have been exploiting for decades and was ramp upped during the Obama administration.

594a7f No.14186897

File: b1a2d1f73dae394⋯.png (157.97 KB, 666x420, 111:70, dd.png)


Error detected, memetic repair deployed.

8d6d7f No.14186898


I cannot comprehend how autistic one must be to be attracted to these characters sexually.

b4ffa1 No.14186907

>Broadway World - "San Francisco Playhouse presents NON-PLAYER CHARACTER" (yay, another play inspired by GG)


>"Nintendo Switch's New Cardboard 'Labo' Could Completely Fail, And That's Awesome" Aka, David Thier trying hard to shill cardboard as the future.


>Straits Times: "Social media companies accelerate removal of online hate speech: EU"


>These are the people paying journalists to promote brands in articles


439ad7 No.14186914

File: 459556ba793e802⋯.jpg (99.53 KB, 626x628, 313:314, LOL 20.jpg)


>1st article

Wew. #GamerGate is really living in their heads for free, that they have to resort on doing stageplays to express their utter disdain against gamers and the video game industry just because they got exposed REALLY bad. I love this!

12f148 No.14186916

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




It's not that harsh of a sickness.Even though all women are kinda poopy. Japanese women are less poopy.

d85531 No.14186920

File: 07ccd0847a38c36⋯.jpg (82.97 KB, 804x1219, 804:1219, Labo-tan.jpg)


>Broadway World - "San Francisco Playhouse presents NON-PLAYER CHARACTER" (yay, another play inspired by GG)

You fucking serious? How much asshurt did GG caused to have this shit go on to this day?

>"Nintendo Switch's New Cardboard 'Labo' Could Completely Fail, And That's Awesome" Aka, David Thier trying hard to shill cardboard as the future.

I don't think Nintendo was ever trying to shill it as "the future", just another new way to play which would just be a temporary fad.

>Straits Times: "Social media companies accelerate removal of online hate speech: EU"

Not going to end well for them. Social Media companies might as well block Europe.

>These are the people paying journalists to promote brands in articles

I'm not surprised in the least.

b07330 No.14186924

File: 3ea81337043b78f⋯.png (82.02 KB, 418x418, 1:1, 1445949885520-v.png)


I bet nothing will happen.

I have become very used to disappointment and injustice, bad people do not get what they deserve in the real world, I learn this better than anything in the past 4 years. Maybe this is why people want to believe God will be judge and make things right in the afterlife.

12f148 No.14186928

File: fe54f46223b642d⋯.png (295.86 KB, 502x405, 502:405, Is_YouTube_Screwing_Over_S….png)


Is there a reason artists lately have been abusing chromatic aberration? Do they realize it makes their art look like shit?

d85531 No.14186931

File: d95560ab88692cf⋯.jpg (96.18 KB, 680x712, 85:89, Switch-tan (1).jpg)

File: e648042264e508e⋯.jpg (126.05 KB, 680x960, 17:24, Switch-tan (2).jpg)


I wish I knew.

8f3aac No.14186932

File: de1450956eb30a9⋯.mp4 (7.98 MB, 580x320, 29:16, Fate Sad Building Disonant.mp4)


>"Older" women are just women my age now

ee5924 No.14186935




Because its Shadman


>This is my future

I want out

d85531 No.14186936

File: 9a030dd055ab154⋯.jpg (48.97 KB, 746x590, 373:295, Sad Dogs.jpg)


Have fun with older women when you're younger, have fun with younger women when you're older.

9fcc07 No.14186942

File: 5fcaacead45511a⋯.png (138.15 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1423848581384-4.png)


>"Older" women are just women my age now

8f3aac No.14186946

File: 6f00dd69d1fcbe1⋯.png (1.01 MB, 896x976, 56:61, RUIN HER.png)


>I'm like 27 and I feel old.

We are old, anon. 30yrs is about half our life gone and for most of us it'll be most of our life gone

>Though "hot older women" to me can mean all the way up to 60 or older

>60 or older


>even considering anything older than 35

>not wanting a qt with a fertile womb you can fill to overflow

>not wanting a healthy woman you can conquer without having to peak around every pregnancy corner in dread of some kind of fetal retardation

>not realizing she's less likely to be a virgin if she's 60 since it's another few decades of life for her to have screwed up before she met you

Women and fertile wombs, anon. It's either both or neither.

2edc54 No.14186947

File: 6e5c8a844f3ea0f⋯.png (5.31 MB, 3414x1425, 1138:475, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bbd1d9bc7aab60e⋯.png (380.91 KB, 670x446, 335:223, ClipboardImage.png)

I just watched Blade Runner: 2049. God I wish Joi was a real thing you could buy. Joi is basically an AI companion that's holographic but is exactly like a real person in every other meaningful way. I hope something like it becomes a reality before I die.

fa38e2 No.14186949


What shitty sjweeb game is this?

ac0c38 No.14186952


Doki Doki Literature Meme

fa38e2 No.14186955


Oh well ye that explains dumbass sjweebs

Tumblr is moving onto devilman right now if people haven't noticed

524b72 No.14186960


The "holographing herself into a prostitute" was stupid to…

2ab44d No.14186962

File: 2098f32257e72df⋯.png (996.11 KB, 669x1321, 669:1321, The Scheme.png)


This scandal is too big to try and sweep under the rug. Article below gives a summary of what's likely in the memo and fuckery that was going on at the FBI/DOJ.

>The Evidence Inside The “House Intel Committee Four Page FISA Memo”


4893f2 No.14186969


Oh, I should have known the doki doki shit is pozzed shit.

Still, I can't help but cover my nose with the reek of hypocricy.

594a7f No.14186974

File: 298aeb49eff366c⋯.jpg (62.66 KB, 780x406, 390:203, Yandere intensifies sauce ….jpg)


le shocking meta VN that was basically just that one that already came out years ago, but now marketed to people who don't play VN.


It wont last. The actual Devilman fanbase has been around for decades, and Tumblr drops fads like crazy. It was funny seeing the dissonance they had between "well, it's gay, but also rape and gore. I literally cannot understand, I thought things were progressive or ugh gross and have no room for anything else" though. Now that the series is over it'll fade before you even know it.

2edc54 No.14186977


He's fucking insane, why does anyone pay attention to him? And how does he not understand that when he parrots the mentality of actual nazis, that HE'S THE NAZI?

4893f2 No.14186982


They don't understand that japanese people are incredibly gay, just not agreeing with their faggotry.

439ad7 No.14186992


It's because him together with Jim Sterling, John Bain and Boogie are the so-called "voices of reason" in the video game community. To be honest, they should all be mocked to death but people are letting their idiocies slide.

88cf6e No.14186996


is the new devilman good?

Also didn't tumblr get pissed because something with the Tokyo Ghoul?

2edc54 No.14187001

File: 099a2e8ee586866⋯.gif (249.85 KB, 512x384, 4:3, melancholy.gif)

File: 874d568a1a0c1f3⋯.png (218.85 KB, 382x439, 382:439, 1501185150.png)

File: 118dabac679db46⋯.png (118.47 KB, 332x450, 166:225, sadlainbear.png)

File: 27e1ff509dc67cf⋯.jpg (45.23 KB, 800x680, 20:17, 1501791293.jpg)



Great. Now this is a depression thread. Thanks.

ee5924 No.14187010

File: e987443a9b3c51e⋯.png (146.7 KB, 635x457, 635:457, e987443a9b3c51ebe80fc7867a….png)


>Tumblr is moving on Devilman

Crybaby is officially cancer

09e337 No.14187011



It's pretty decent. It's only 10 episodes long and ramps up like a mothefucker. The animation is straddling the line between stylized and horseshit though.

0c2634 No.14187012

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

58a09e No.14187016

File: 1d7018cccd7cced⋯.jpg (39.09 KB, 634x471, 634:471, 1d7018cccd7cceddb17aaa5a71….jpg)

File: ea44c8dbe57852d⋯.gif (26.36 KB, 500x376, 125:94, 1900a1970874e9cdd7425a5d75….gif)

File: 64a3335fd46d3d5⋯.jpg (193.54 KB, 1127x1050, 161:150, db1f4cb4c5d983ff6e1b416969….jpg)

fdcb2b No.14187018




Present progressive action, or an action in progress. Understood to be an action being done right in that moment, or an incomplete action.

<She's sucking

<He's typing

<You're shitposting


Definitive & complete action. Depending on context is either past action, or an action yet to be initiated.

<Did you shitpost?

<Are you going to shitpost?

<Did she smash?

<Is she going to smash?

The basics. One is present progressive, the other is past or future definite.

7bbf52 No.14187020


>tumblr is moving on to Devilman

Good luck with them doing anything with that. They'll just bitch, cry, whinge and scream into the void.

And then in a few weeks it'll fade.

88cf6e No.14187022


free2play vidya and it's a never ever coming over here game.

7bbf52 No.14187029


She's cute but seems like an air-head or at least somewhat simple.

Which annoys me a little. Give me more old hags like Helena

594a7f No.14187039


It's not awful or anything, it's just different. They went for a more modern style, hired the guy who did Mind Game of all things, and generally just changed some bits around. The artstyle is more likely to push people away than anything else. I'm enjoying it a lot so far, but it's certainly not going to replace the manga or OVAs for me.

Tokyo Ghoul pissed them off because the author had the gall to confirm the main character was straight. They had been gay-begging over it for ages and then he just hooks up with one of the chicks, so they threw a fit. You know, that whole thing where if two guys look at each other for longer than a second they claim they're "gay-coded" and it's highly offensive to not confirm their assumptions.

2dc364 No.14187040


>tfw your favourite pornstars are all 10 years younger than you

d85531 No.14187041

File: 5b8e8b158eb1389⋯.jpg (104.2 KB, 960x1200, 4:5, 5b8e8b158eb1389bebcbe94ed3….jpg)

be35e6 No.14187052

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


<Might as well embed it

>Spoiler: It looks like generic "Stronk independent wuman who don't need no man" trash

However, what I'd like to know is why the two films with Jolie were completely original, meanwhile this one is an adaptation of what's considered to be the "worst" Tomb Raider game in the series?


Speaking of the classic games, does anyone still have that link to the webpage running the first game?

12f148 No.14187059

File: 118bcb479a30b3f⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 306.5 KB, 1280x982, 640:491, _commission__joy_room_by_p….jpg)


She's like fetish fuel almost. Saw the clip where she's basically a giantess hologram. As a degenerate who partakes in macrophilia, I was blown away. It made my love for Blade Runner even greater.

389565 No.14187070

File: 1bfc096535befc9⋯.webm (981.03 KB, 853x480, 853:480, archiving is hard.webm)



c08fab No.14187072

File: 4f542b75e4050db⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 498.96 KB, 1394x2000, 697:1000, 1.png)

File: 68347b057af07fc⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 450.51 KB, 1394x2000, 697:1000, 2.png)

File: 82f8d118590c178⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 508.28 KB, 1394x2000, 697:1000, 3.png)

File: ed9d9d45cd901c9⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.66 MB, 1010x10000, 101:1000, 4.jpg)

389565 No.14187076


Disregard this, 064454 beat me to it.


Feel free to billy

a0b939 No.14187086

File: 8212d6c62213d74⋯.png (226.43 KB, 468x345, 156:115, 1444558899563.png)

88cf6e No.14187088


I wanted to see Devilman the OVA's from the cover it looked like The Urotsuki like setting with random monster/demons and really gory stuff.

ca4c0e No.14187092


>halfchan screencap

4893f2 No.14187108

File: 0df4103dcb73a4f⋯.png (53.83 KB, 459x307, 459:307, cant think of a name.png)


I finally got the chance to use this image sitting in my computer for years. Never expected it to be used like this.

I feel like something died inside me.

2dc364 No.14187129


I'm beginning to wonder if I should take a look at my life when I instantly recognize what h-manga a crop is from.

594a7f No.14187137

File: 6d2dd6748718ed2⋯.gif (1.09 MB, 266x200, 133:100, I _6a507b60633c0b55dc275b8….gif)


On that front, there's no way you'd be disappointed. It's one of the classics of OVA gore, top five material. It's one of the main weak aspects of the Netflix version for me, plenty of blood but it just stops at that. Blood without giblets just doesn't have the same feeling.

dd5133 No.14187146


The yellow blood also makes the gore less graphic.

1d4c77 No.14187149

File: ba23993d5f680d3⋯.gif (101.86 KB, 758x696, 379:348, SUPERIOR.gif)

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

248f57 No.14187151


That's sad.

4893f2 No.14187160


I never saw the anime nor read the manga, but how were people possessed again?

dc379b No.14187187

File: 2f4bd1e1064cbb1⋯.png (32.43 KB, 1235x293, 1235:293, paladin of Shelyn.png)



594a7f No.14187193


The general notion was people who lived in excess, lack of concern for their lives, that sort of thing left them open for it. Ryo explains it just before the club/sabbath scene. It's been way too long since I read the manga though, which is the only one I'd really stick to for the story.

2dc364 No.14187217


>hurf durf the reason people hate this politician (84% of the province) is because they're all sexist

>it couldn't be because of her assfuck retarded policies that are costing people their jobs and driving electricity bills through the roof

>no, they must just be sexist.

539805 No.14187235

File: 022fff86f0feffe⋯.png (23.11 KB, 650x366, 325:183, ClipboardImage.png)


>you can hit on /ara/s without it being an awkward teenager lusting for Stacy's Mom

>you get to be Stacy's Pa


20b8c4 No.14187265


I'm starting to think murricans actually made that gay bomb and field tested it in Ontario.

0b4236 No.14187275

Man, cuckchan has been going app shit in the labo threads

0c2634 No.14187281


I seem to remember a greentext story about an anon meeting with a guy that gaybombed SF.

Alex Jones is right when it comes to chemicals turning us gay.

2edc54 No.14187284

File: 274229acf594e5b⋯.png (602.03 KB, 963x720, 107:80, anime_question_mark_karen.png)

Is there a fetish where a guy is being used as a sex slave by a woman or a bunch of women, against his will? If so, what is it called?

2f000b No.14187293


being normal

affdf5 No.14187294

File: 171a41843eab1e5⋯.png (343.68 KB, 800x680, 20:17, HavingFun.png)

File: 01fadffa2675faf⋯.jpg (76.75 KB, 845x816, 845:816, 01fadffa2675faf24078240fba….jpg)

File: 358f8efbe5fa987⋯.png (126.97 KB, 482x382, 241:191, yuka2.png)


>>My mom had me at 30 while my dad was 20

>You could've been married and started a family by now

>You could've saved a christmas cake before she spoiled

<I could've graduated by now weren't it for depression and intense laziness

<I could've met a woman weren't it for social anxiety, awkwardness and SJWs ruining my view of women

<Already know I'm going to be a wizard in 9 years


It's called being a male feminist.

d85531 No.14187296


Sounds like a combination of Femdom, Harem and Slave.

affdf5 No.14187298



Oh wait, you said SEX slave. Never mind.

2edc54 No.14187299


So maybe, male slave, or reverse harem?

4893f2 No.14187302


So, the usual japanese phylosophy about you becoming a demon if you become too rotten/wicked?

Sounds fair.

be35e6 No.14187304

File: 340d19b958248ef⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 3.96 MB, 5514x2400, 919:400, 000b.jpg)


Look up the tags on Here is a Bitch Street. that may answer your question.

d85531 No.14187312


[Tokimachi Eisei] Waruiko dare da?

[Ouya Onoaki] Kasa Jizou (Youchuu)

[Kishibe] Kyou kara Hajimeru Kuro Majutsu

[Goban] Ikkyuu Nyuukon - Only My Oppai Soul

and here is a monster girl one

[Kishibe] Kyou kara Hajimeru Kuro Majutsu

290a07 No.14187316

File: 1a763188ea1caf6⋯.jpg (25.76 KB, 300x249, 100:83, 1397147178381.JPG)


>be the nicest character in the whole cluster fuck of a series

>get crushed the hardest

2edc54 No.14187319

File: c5f47ef5980011f⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 2.21 MB, 1280x1867, 1280:1867, ClipboardImage.png)


Nothing on that one but I found a male rape tag that is close. And this seems pretty close https://exhentai.org/g/1119813/4def50e48d/

836fcb No.14187335

File: a4572a823581162⋯.png (87.24 KB, 714x810, 119:135, the_elder_feels.png)


>tfw girls my age are now women 20 years younger all of a sudden

2edc54 No.14187339


>20 years younger all of a sudden

Share your time travel knowledge anon. I want to be 21 again.

2dc364 No.14187342


It's mostly just Toronto and other cities. Canada's San Francisco.

1bc78b No.14187363

File: c5521e64adfb7ad⋯.gif (385.05 KB, 500x364, 125:91, c55.gif)


>tfw girls at my age now look 20 years older

d85531 No.14187370


>>tfw girls my age are now women 20 years younger all of a sudden

I get women my age look at me as if I was a kid because I was short with a babyface.

I got some hugs and cuddles. Didn't want to reveal my age after that.

01cfb1 No.14187374


Im 19 and i look 15 or 16. Its way too hard to find a girl and not have her be underage.

2dc364 No.14187379

File: 36f9c14e9351004⋯.jpg (360.07 KB, 710x508, 355:254, resting easy.jpg)


Girls my age have kids and careers now. I'm in college, never had a relationship I would consider meaningful, and I'm spending my day shitposting on a tibetan amphibian analysis BBS while I jerk off to hentai.

>tfw getting old enough that my age is starting to keep me up at night

>tfw I remember the young girl I babysat in high school is an adult now

7bbf52 No.14187388



It's really weird. Girls I had a crush on in high school went on to get married and have kids.

There was this one girl with huge tits who was a year younger than me. She was actually really fair and pretty on top of that. I just saw her the other day and she has 5 fucking kids with about a year or so apart between each one and she looks like she's in her 40s.

c08fab No.14187395

File: 85f45d607f4a723⋯.png (341.52 KB, 1114x1600, 557:800, 005.png)

File: 032ec3a37261208⋯.jpg (366.09 KB, 870x1236, 145:206, 004.jpg)








Ah, it's been sometime that I felt sad like this. It is weirdly nostalgic.

2dc364 No.14187408


Most of my old friends have families now. I have a kid but I can't handle relationships. Being around someone all the time is too much for me. I've had a cute girl from school's number in one place or another, in my room, for almost 20 years now. She gave it to me in 8th grade and I never called because I thought she was fucking with me. That's the kind of thing that keeps me up at night. That and thoughts like

>your parents were already married at your age

>aren't you kind of old to be playing video games?

>looking at this kind of hentai at your age is really creepy

>wow you're struggling just to catch up to people ten years younger than you

>maybe you're a sociopath and that's why you couldn't actually love any of those girls

>how are you still so bad at games after playing them so long?

ddcfde No.14187410

File: 3f568eb39381b83⋯.png (13.49 KB, 481x255, 481:255, help.PNG)


Approaching the 30s and in that same boat.

I hope becoming a wizard will give me the power to disappear

Good thing 8chan knows and wants to help

ee5924 No.14187413

File: ce5274460c1fcf2⋯.mp4 (712.88 KB, 180x320, 9:16, Rockstar by Brian Fagioli.mp4)




Kill yourself

58a09e No.14187414


Wizard here.

Invisibility spells are nonsensical bullshit, but there's ways to just blend in and not even be noticed.

ab8ebe No.14187415

File: 8e2d8cb42ba00d7⋯.jpg (436.72 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 損うまる.jpg)


>relatives I minded as babies are now driving

>I've still not learned how to drive yet

2f000b No.14187420


>Invisibility spells are nonsensical bullshit

No they're not, the easiest one is called being ugly.

0c2634 No.14187424



I thought these were supposed to be funny, not hitting close to home.

2dc364 No.14187425


8chan is a good friend. I was pretty sure I would kill myself before I hit 30 if I was still unhappy. And before 25. And before 20. And before 18. I've been clinically depressed for more than half my life and it feels like shit.


I'm glad I know how. I hate it, though. I get too angry while driving because I'm becoming more and more aware of just how much time I'm losing.

1bc78b No.14187427



I've seen pretty much of lots of my classmates going on dates or having boyfriend/girlfriend. But those relations never lasts. One becomes a total cuck, other becomes a mindless puppet, other starts abusing, another cheats with his/her best friend. Then there comes of them asking to take sides, a whole lot of bitch fest, then comes the depression and then they repeat the whole process again as if they're some masochists. Good riddance.

1d4c77 No.14187429

File: 08e386706d73733⋯.png (945.74 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, comfy apocalypse loli gets….png)

wizardchan pls go

2dc364 No.14187431


I guess I should be glad my old friends never talk to me anymore. I wouldn't want to pick sides in that sort of thing.

0c2634 No.14187432


You do realize that one of the early anti-gg targets was wizardchan right?

58a09e No.14187436


Never went to wizardchan. I had a contact that went there and after they left here, they split up about three different times and some fraction of them came back here. The rest, like tears in the rain, I guess.

a0b939 No.14187437

File: aa7e868a585f35c⋯.jpg (45.03 KB, 1024x999, 1024:999, aa7e868a585f35cdadd50e37c8….jpg)


>Not comforting yourself with the fact that you're unlovable and so don't have to worry about being up to snuff for someone to notice much less care about you

f9ef51 No.14187440


Oh, you had friends? That must have been cool!

5c11e6 No.14187441


Who the fuck do you think populates these threads? What kind of person has the time to consistently give a shit about GG-related matters for years on end?

be35e6 No.14187446

File: 6a71a3041c5a09a⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 97.08 KB, 1200x860, 60:43, Exorcism.jpg)


Hi goon, please go…

ca4c0e No.14187451

File: b5d9c9277282389⋯.gif (524.67 KB, 498x268, 249:134, b5d9c92772823892a5825dc67a….gif)


>tfw hotwheels mentioned that some suicidal wizards stopped posting during the socjus raids and never came back

2dc364 No.14187452

File: c6085bff91c1e59⋯.jpg (38.39 KB, 480x640, 3:4, c6085bff91c1e5989c421e571b….jpg)


There's still my dad and my son. I know my mom will love me no matter what but I feel like I'm probably a huge disappointment to them. I was planning to spend my day trying to track down an h-manga I want but this shit's getting too real for me. Need to get a dog so whenever I start thinking I can stop and play with the dog instead.


Sort of. I think they hung around me out of pity. The only ones I think were real friends were two goth girls a year older than me.

c08fab No.14187456




I couldn't become a wizard sinc I cheated and had sex with whores. Today I don't even seek them, since what I really want is a relationship (always spent some time pillow talking with them) and also because I just also feel sad for them.


Sometimes we need to talk about the struggle without the laughter distarcting us.


I have seen my sister throw away her wedding with a guy who pulled himself up by the bootstraps. The guy and his family were from a super poor part of the town and managed to get out because of him. He is a legitimely nice guy.

2dc364 No.14187461


I'm in that weird spot where I don't like being around people and I've convinced myself I should be alone but I still ache for someone to love. It's just that I've never actually loved any of the women I dated.

03f2a1 No.14187463

File: 4feac668473d214⋯.jpg (50.35 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 6036f4468fb2cc11ae60231b85….jpg)


I don't have any contact with anyone I talked to in school because I was one of those people you were "friends" with because you saw them 5 days a week. It just means nobody will miss me when I'm dead.

5c11e6 No.14187465


Eat a dick you witch-hunting retard, I'm a wizard too and I'm trying to make a point. This is not a place for normalfags who just go out and fuck roasties whenever they feel like it.

2edc54 No.14187466


Through it all, and all the accusations of being a hate group, only social justice has actual blood on its hands.

1bc78b No.14187475

File: 5bc5e30b57393bb⋯.png (1.05 MB, 2880x1620, 16:9, 57825892057.png)

>bitching about being a virgin or non-virgin

>on a Chinese cartoon imageboard

Well, that took a turn of event.

5c11e6 No.14187483


Back in my day everyone on /v/ had a waifu and we chased gf-having normalfags off the board with torches and pitchforks.

2edc54 No.14187485

File: b6e4f26cdb32aa1⋯.jpg (99.75 KB, 500x740, 25:37, LaughterToDespair.jpg)

Man, I wasn't wrong with this being a depression thread. This wizardchan shit is getting too real for me too. I just wanna die most of the time. Well, not die, but I don't want to live anymore. And the thing is, I've turned down so many women over the years. I have a chronic trust issue, and I have such low self esteem that anytime someone show interest in me I suspect it's a trick somehow. So I always turn them down. If not for that I would have a cute 10/10 asian gf right now. But nope. I've turned down 6 different women in the last 10 years, all of which mad advances towards me. Now I'm 32 and alone, and filled with regret.

2dc364 No.14187491

File: fcc693def3aa762⋯.png (305.48 KB, 720x619, 720:619, fcc693def3aa762f1142e8d2ea….png)


>I just wanna die most of the time. Well, not die, but I don't want to live anymore.

Sums it up perfectly. I don't want to die but living is a hassle.

c08fab No.14187507

File: 016c09c310f0f6d⋯.png (180.9 KB, 870x1236, 145:206, 010.png)

File: afb2f7656cf784c⋯.png (166.16 KB, 870x1236, 145:206, 011.png)

File: 6ca300bc2881755⋯.png (208.14 KB, 870x1236, 145:206, 012.png)

File: 990c5a7160ff0a1⋯.png (189.19 KB, 870x1236, 145:206, 013.png)


But you do like being around us, anon. I guess when you mention "people" you are talking about the frequent acceptable set of people.


Neither me. I was a bully target and got paranoid of them. Never went to my graduation ceremony.

Thankfully things started to look up in recent years (only after 30 years old).

>GG and red pills happened

>I found you people with whom, I shared interests

>Moved out

>Getting along better with my family.

>Taking care of myself better.


>Got some normalfag friends whom I never would befriend when I was young at the gym aaand guess what? All have problems of a certain kind. One is alcoholic and the former husband of a whore, the other is a right winger who is super worried about the future of our shitwhole country, other uses steroids, etc.

I and some others got better anon. Instead of overdosing on envy now we can relate and be happy for people who deserve and achieve happiness. Seeing the ugly mirror of comunism made many anons reject that.

Watamote helped me a lot too.

2dc364 No.14187520


It's different online. I don\t like having to be in the same physical space as other people.

c08fab No.14187537


In that case you will have to choose. You can either confront that to get into places with at least some people get used to it, which is going to be hard, or you can adjust try to be industrious in spite of that, which is going to be hard.

You have a challenge either way.

2dc364 No.14187541


I can deal with it. It just leaves me drained mentally. It's not an issue with family.

5c11e6 No.14187543


I get you, talking to people is much easier when it's via text and you have time to formulate the ideal response. That's why we're all here. No judgement based on your weird face or nasally voice or bizarre body language mannerisms, just a pure stream of information that's judged solely on its content. If your text post has no value then you'll still get shit on, but at least it was because of what you said and not who you are. I never voice chat with anyone I don't already know IRL for this reason.

2dc364 No.14187553


Mostly I like that I can close the window at any time without feeling like an asshole.

c08fab No.14187557


You think it is exhaustive? If so, I get it. After talking for some time there is a point that the brain locks and is just like: "enough, I am tired, I want out."

It is kind of an exercise, the more you do the more stamina you do. You just can't force beyond the point of exhaustion because both your verbal and body language will betray the lack of interest, kindly go out on a high note and recover.

26e462 No.14187560

File: 5bab9b3659d789d⋯.webm (2.1 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Movieblob looks deep insi….webm)


>act like a retard

>everyone calls you retarded


>$4000 a month on Patreon

2dc364 No.14187561


It's just too much for me. It's ended more than one relationship because I just found her exhausting to be around.

baa701 No.14187563

File: 9334ab4002c858f⋯.png (570.64 KB, 1498x2428, 749:1214, __Shill Tactics Master Lis….png)

File: 66967bdb9443a0a⋯.png (757.05 KB, 1169x6371, 1169:6371, __Shill Tactics Mega List.png)

File: ee2c2a55038ed93⋯.jpg (232.92 KB, 1873x834, 1873:834, Goon Tactics.jpg)

File: 0c425887b44e8f7⋯.png (251.06 KB, 599x374, 599:374, Shill tactic_Concern Troll….png)

File: 1d57ee709a87a16⋯.png (339.97 KB, 800x1031, 800:1031, Divide And Conquor Shill.png)


While we're being shilled I agree.

The fact we are being shilled shows how important 8ch is.

Here's some more anti-shill stuff to help. The simplest as always is

> If you don't like it, why are you here?

Though this doesn't work for concern trolling, but that is beaten by

> What's your solution?

If the anon keeps raising hell in panic more than trying to help find a solution (or shooting down all solutions without trying to improve upon them) then it's a shill (or an idiot; same outcome).

And off topic shit is shilling. If you're upset about being 27 talk to /fit/.


Looking forward to the winter olympics?

93272e No.14187564


>Playing Mario Kart on the WiiU

>Mom moves in front of screen

>Not just using the screen on the controller instead

93272e No.14187566


You know what the most frightening thing is? He recently got the motivation to go to school to try and find a real job As a teacher

26e462 No.14187572

File: d11e73bc63f1b49⋯.webm (973.33 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Niceeeeeee.webm)


>one of the replies is "but Bob, you are the Nazi," with archived tweets of his as proof


Yeah, good fucking luck with that, Bob. As if anyone would hire someone who publicly stated "you know, actually the Nazis had the right idea, just the wrong demographic."

2dc364 No.14187573

File: d2d2ffce68b016b⋯.gif (956.8 KB, 500x418, 250:209, 1360775941512.gif)


>Kino Kenji as a teacher

I'd drop everything and teach my kid myself before I'd let that nutbar near him.

93272e No.14187579


It's pretty strange watching people who I watch content of years ago turn out fucking insane. Moviebob, Colbert, Maddox, Spoony, the list goes on.

5c6c27 No.14187584


>Bob Cuckman is going to be a teacher

>I dropped out of getting a teaching degree

Everything is wrong with the world.

c08fab No.14187591


Either you >>14187541

>can deal with it

or >>14187561

>is just too much.

As I said: your challenges are clear anon. Choose wisely and Godspeed.

2dc364 No.14187594


I can deal with the everyday having to be around people. Having to live with one too is too much. Especially when they're as energetic as she was.

b4ffa1 No.14187599

File: faa6c3e94085ad5⋯.jpg (34.13 KB, 500x281, 500:281, onore decade.jpg)

>GamesIndustry.biz: "The heavy cost of toxic work culture." Uses the Quantic Dream allegations as an excuse to astroturf a #MeToo narrative upon the gaming industry.


>MIT News: "3Q: D. Fox Harrell on his video game for the #MeToo era."


>"Countering illegal hate speech online – Commission initiative shows continued improvement, further platforms join." This is an ACTUAL press release from the European Commission.


Twitch partners with Disney Digital Network on content, adds software for broadcasting pre-recorded videos


c08fab No.14187626


Ah, opposites. It doesn't work well in 3D as in 2D.

You'll have to aim for a Nadeshiko kind of woman.

2dc364 No.14187638


I'm not even looking right now. Got other stuff on my plate.

30e8e6 No.14187639

File: 26c95963dba6177⋯.jpg (46.38 KB, 639x552, 213:184, dawe1.jpg)

I ran into this on some random picture site, and went to check on Seedscape since I forgot about it. Looks like the last update was almost two years ago, dead project? Was it a scam all along or what happened?

82f5bf No.14187653



Last anything had been brought up about it appears to be back in October. Take of that as you will.

7edf1e No.14187655

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

#TorrentialDownpour and Nip news

Make sure to inform normalfags about websites free of Socjus Influence.

Useful Links:




> Make backups of your favorite doujins in case of Fakku DMCA purge

> ShindoL has a message to the English community.

- https://tweetsave.com/shindo_l/status/936655595767078912

> #NeverTrump anime communities are attempting to drag the creator of My Hero Academia into shutting down a Trump parody western doujin.

- https://archive.is/PtsEj

- https://tweetsave.com/magicalfuntime/status/946901533584646145

> With Bato.to closing, alternative should be found or created before the cartel gets a hold on manga translation circles halfchan /g/ and our /tech/ are on it, looking for a name so everyone should vote

- http://poal.me/e9bqfc

> Falcom is going full NISA

- https://archive.is/fi9q4

Localization watch: Not solely from shit companies (need to add incoming Japanese games)

> Sekai Project: Teaching Feeling ( >>>/hgg/154755 )

> Fakku is localizing games/VNs now to the Localization Watch.

- http://operationrainfall.com/2017/12/23/fakku-now-selling-hentai-games/


> Bandai-Namco: Girls und Panzer Dream Tank Match (Winter.17, JP release w. eng sub), Ni no Kuni 2 (Jan.19.18, Dev'd with western market in mind), Little Witch Academia (JP:Nov.30.17,West:2018), SAO: Fatal Bullet (March, 2018)

> SquareEnix: Secret of Mana Remake (Feb.15.18)

> Nintendo: Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Out)

> Bullet Girls Phantasia (2018)

> Granblue Fantasy Project Re:link (2018)


pantsu.cat is a nyaa replacement after it was taken down. It's better than the competition. Use this instead of the cartel run cancer.



They've put up downloads to paywalled fakku doujins.

Fakku 0001-1000: https://files.catbox.moe/129di9.torrent

Fakku 1001-1100: https://files.catbox.moe/h3l457.torrent

Fakku 1101-1200: https://files.catbox.moe/47batv.torrent

Fakku 1201-1300: https://files.catbox.moe/c9ntlr.torrent

Fakku 1301-1400: https://files.catbox.moe/rkuheo.tx

Fakku 1401-1500: https://files.catbox.moe/ce8oor.txt

Fakku 1501-1600: https://files.catbox.moe/nmqh3d.txt

Fakku 1601-1700: https://files.catbox.moe/60v3p6.txt

Fakku 1701-1800: https://files.catbox.moe/3ii6j8.txt

Fakku 1801-1900: https://files.catbox.moe/m37bm7.txt

Fakku 1901-2000: https://files.catbox.moe/z9nmm6.txt

Fakku 2001-2100: https://files.catbox.moe/arpo7h.txt

Fakku 2101-2200: https://sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2369399

Fakku 2201-2300: https://sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2377551

Info & feedback welcome

74eabd No.14187659


Figure out your type. I had a crush on one woman until I had to work with her one on one for the entire day. After that experience, I tried to put distance between us because I found myself outright infuriated by her.


>that first article

>"I don't know if its true or not, but…"

No fuck you. Game journos have been ignoring the issue of the people in the background getting fucked around for years, and now you are going to try to use this bullshit to force your crap on the game industry to make conditions even worse for workers.

c08fab No.14187665

File: 5b0a45463e6d44f⋯.jpg (56.3 KB, 598x447, 598:447, Amarelo.jpg)


Well, that is the other thing. Women are important but not everything. Enjoy your current projects to the fullest, anon.

2dc364 No.14187671


This is my type


My current projects are just work, school, and seeing my kid on weekends. And reading books about hacking.

26e462 No.14187688


>Game journos have been ignoring the issue of the people in the background getting fucked around for years, and now you are going to try to use this bullshit to force your crap on the game industry to make conditions even worse for workers.

Don't forget, around the beginnings of this whole shitstorm, they basically confirmed that they knew about the shitty working conditions and bullshit business tactics behind the scenes since day one, but only ever brought it out in desperate attempts to throw other people under the bus when they got called out on their own bullshit.

They're not trying to push a gaming edition of #MeToo because it's an actual issue, they're trying to distract from the fact that basically everyone in their personal clique is being outed as sex pests.

2edc54 No.14187701

File: 1e332b75382e5a9⋯.jpg (32.53 KB, 603x340, 603:340, C8LXUUHUMAAAUiw.jpg)


>$4000 a month on Patreon

b07330 No.14187705

File: 4a3a8436aa4a29c⋯.jpg (78.28 KB, 1152x720, 8:5, 1446828915071-v.jpg)


This remind me, what happened to that Vivian sidescroller? They used to post updates here, another abandoned project?

We are abandoned by everybody, time to #CloseTheGate

2edc54 No.14187709

Is loli porn like what Shad draws illegal in the US?

ca4c0e No.14187713

63cbce No.14187723

File: 91eeef1864a348a⋯.jpg (46.93 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 91eeef1864a348a74a49a8c513….jpg)

>strike out hard with a woman

>come back to this thread

Goddamnit guys.

I guess while I'm here I'll ask for advice.

What do you do when a woman is only giving you one word answers to questions. I had this woman approach me, and after saying Hi put zero effort into the conversation. I tried to ask about her try to find common interests but she never said shit and never asked about me. It was like being confronted with a stonewall. What was she doing, what was the point of approaching me, did I ask the wrong questions? I've had this experience 3 times now and each time it makes me lose my goddamn mind.


Freedom of speech protects anything drawn.

6722e9 No.14187730


I know for a fact sjweebs will be rushing to find localization rights for the Grandblue fantasy game.

539805 No.14187733




facd1c No.14187741

File: 9a6623eb0724540⋯.jpeg (147.37 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, 51359A03-2F04-4D41-BEBF-5….jpeg)


Either she had no interest in talking to you, wanted you to break the ice in a non-faggot way, or she’s actually just really shy and finds it difficult to give answers that stirs conversation

82f5bf No.14187743


Honestly, it's probably not your fault. Some people just pull that shit. They may simply be looking for something else. As to what that may be, I couldn't tell ya. It varies. If someone isn't putting effort into conversation, they're not worth your time. There are people out there who are willing to put more time and effort into conversation. Those ones are the ones you should try to keep. I've had plenty of women half-ass conversations or bow out completely mid-way, but there have been those who have been able to hold good conversation months, even years after first talking.

fc8996 No.14187745


It depends on the state, but on a federal level it is legal.


>Freedom of speech protects anything drawn.

Not necessarily, some very conservative states have "obscenity" laws that can make it illegal.

ddcfde No.14187746



I've managed to convince myself that all I wanted was to be alone and I was better off that way, but the loneliness is getting too soul crushing and I just want a smiling face to greet me when I get back home.

c54b9a No.14187759

File: 5963b727e077b3c⋯.jpg (169.8 KB, 1280x1261, 1280:1261, 1447961848265.jpg)


>Late 20s

>Have sudo-cousin (Mom's Ex-Husband's son's daughter) who comes over often

>Slightly taller than me, not particularly pretty but seemingly the same age as me

>Talk with her quite a bit and seems nice

>Find out later she is 14

>See some dumpy fat woman at the grocery store the other day who looked like she was 40 with pink highlights and emo clothing.

>That woman is probably my age.

93272e No.14187763


Don't concern yourself too much with that. Money isn't everything. He's a diabetic fat fuck sperging out on twitter all day, making cash isn't enough to make up for that.

I may be biased since I make more than that, but work really long hours

63cbce No.14187766


That makes me feel a bit better. But still why approach me then?

58a09e No.14187771

File: 24570ff714d3b57⋯.jpg (176.83 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 24570ff714d3b574c231e61981….jpg)



b392d8 No.14187775


Id say contact daww about it. I know she has been busy with american mcgees card game. Also she is bantz queen


Inb4 he sexually coerces the female students and is rewarded for it like the libshit he is

ddcfde No.14187777

I may never strike it with a girl, but at least I'll strike it with these quads.

c3dcbf No.14187778

File: 37c5b1f5c246f09⋯.swf (4.51 MB, vivtest-xmas-2017.swf)

File: ca7a26403f4a136⋯.png (902.44 KB, 1200x720, 5:3, vivtest-xmas-2017.png)


I don't remember the thread or context, but the dev popped in when the game was mentioned. I think he said he'd mostly stopped working on it because he thought people had lost interest, but seeing it discussed did give him motivation to work on another update.

5c8708 No.14187781

File: 62cf35e9a66f141⋯.png (684.46 KB, 782x540, 391:270, index2.png)


>>$4000 a month

That's.. more than twice of my income…

fc8996 No.14187782

File: 3f99144e367fddd⋯.png (14.78 KB, 439x368, 439:368, le double nitro guy.png)

93272e No.14187785

File: fcc5a911c0ed56d⋯.jpg (138.57 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, snowemil.jpg)


Very nice.

d978ca No.14187788

File: 277b555046a6bc8⋯.jpg (1.97 MB, 1884x2039, 1884:2039, v check em.jpg)

>>14187777 (fukken checked)

606672 No.14187797


Women love to bait men. They do it constantly, for varieties of reasons, the biggest is because they hate being bored.

0e50e3 No.14187800


Depends on the context. In some contexts it could be to pass the time, others it could be completely different. Were you at a party? A bar? A coffee shop? Out in public? At work?

63cbce No.14187809


I was eating a burrito at a nearly empty chipotle.

2edc54 No.14187815


Would you wanna google the law in Illinois for me? I don't wanna be put on a watch list and Illinois has some fucked up laws.


It bothers the hell outta me because that's ore than double what I make and I work my ass off. All he does is bitch about movies on youtube and rant and rave on twitter about how everyone that disagrees with him politically is literally inhuman and should be genocided.

b392d8 No.14187816


Anon, thats not a trait exclusive to either sex, but one to the current generation of people thanks to the hyperstimulation brought upon us by the internet and entertainment on demand and a lack of a need for patience in this day and age as a species.

be35e6 No.14187820

File: 28fdbc517b18442⋯.pdf (1.99 MB, The Time Machine (H.G. Wel….pdf)


>Fox Harrell on his video game for the #MeToo era.

What is it with these people and "eras"? Last I remember, the "best" stories are the ones that have a timeless plot that can be applied to or be discussed about regardless of the current era.


>Not necessarily, some very conservative states have "obscenity" laws that can make it illegal.

Isn't the Miller Test actually "illegal", but no one wants to challenge it for similar reasons as to why no Japanese politician will advocate for the removal of their censorship laws?

606672 No.14187821


Women do it much more often, they are constantly testing men. Have you ever talked to a fucking woman?

82f5bf No.14187826



Given context, I'm guessing she either wanted something from you, was just terribly socially awkward, or expected you to completely carry the conversation. Most of my conversation with women has happened online, so take my advice with a grain of salt. I think only one woman has approached me like that in the past decade in person.


Also this. It seems to stretch into the mid-30s agewise. Beyond that, people seem to take things much slower as far as conversing goes, which is why I tend to talk to older nowadays.

97cf80 No.14187830

File: c2090c82697f5cf⋯.jpg (1.68 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, wew lad.jpg)


> Have you ever talked to a fucking woman?

Didn't you're mom ever tell you its rude to interrupt?

b392d8 No.14187831


I live with my libshit sister, I was talking about the "to relieve boredom" bit.

0e50e3 No.14187836


Maybe you could have told a funny story or something, that's what I do in most social situations and it works pretty well as long as it's real. She was probably interested and you could have done better by opening the conversation, which is fine as long as you treat it as a learning experience.

I really only get approached by women at parties and concerts which is easy mode, so sorry if my advice isn't the best

606672 No.14187838


Yeah but the thing is women won't go and find things to do, they want to be entertained whereas men will entertain themselves. Both sexes are social but women much more so.

baa701 No.14187855


Only if people find out what school he works at and raises PR hell about it.

Most academia places like hiring people that openly say White Genocide is OK (especially universities). So only public pressure will get rid of him.

Personally I'm surprised with his videos dressed up as Mario doing DBZ shit, his Tweets AND his appearance that the kids aren't gonna treat him like shit. I can literally see him losing his shit and striking a chad student who talks back to him.

20b8c4 No.14187863

File: ba1e6adac08bbfe⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 891.15 KB, 1121x724, 1121:724, like so.png)

26e462 No.14187867


>I can literally see him losing his shit and striking a chad student who talks back to him.

He'd probably also outright call them "subhuman shits," as well. Actually, not probably, definitely, if any of his high school classmates can be taken at their word that he was actually a pretty massive fucking bully.

b392d8 No.14187870


I still insist his downfall will be a #metoo sexual coersion lawsuit.

63cbce No.14187875

File: b441ed2723917de⋯.jpg (50.17 KB, 570x533, 570:533, 1465792683213.jpg)


Kinda hard to transition into an amusing story or conversation naturally when all I know is her name.

I mean, should I literally just open with "hey did you ever see that Werner Herzog documentary about Antarctica where a penguin tries to kill itself?"

b392d8 No.14187876


He was definitely massive.

5c6c27 No.14187879


Probably very shy. Just straight up ask her out to dinner or for her number. If she says no, then there's no reason to keep talking to her.

be35e6 No.14187885

File: 8f9a4b68236e8d4⋯.pdf (830.07 KB, How to Win Friends and Inf….pdf)

baa701 No.14187892

File: 5f32fb082fc7ed6⋯.jpg (93.04 KB, 700x1059, 700:1059, XzC5BFQ.jpg)

File: b057cce83039d97⋯.jpg (190.48 KB, 700x1119, 700:1119, fygyEaF.jpg)

File: 432c6157b7f4988⋯.jpg (92.29 KB, 700x440, 35:22, fDRTb4R.jpg)

File: b4493011f8daa29⋯.jpg (55.84 KB, 700x438, 350:219, vO1jxUU.jpg)

File: 27571b4930ad328⋯.jpg (159.95 KB, 700x1114, 350:557, B6G7EAW.jpg)

Found these via a guilty pleasure.

Might do well to re-purpose them into anti Feminist stuff. Literally Photoshop out the word suffragette and put in Feminist.

This isn't to say modern feminists are suffragettes (far from it), or to directly annoy the feminists.

It's to send them into a fury and expose observers to their behavior when mocked or questioned. I.e. the bigger the tantrum they have to something that has the less effort makes them look worse. Someone being mad over someone making an hour long program called "this is why you suck" make sense. Someone going into a blind fury over MS Paint comics loses a lot of respect.

> 2nd image

Change the last two lines to "at 40 marriage missed!" "At 50 a feminist."

3rd image works especially well when combined with actual SJW women or feminists attacking a cop.

2ab44d No.14187897

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



If she didn't dig you, you'd be invisible to her. When randoms approach you like that in public work to get their phone number as quickly as you then go back to whatever you were both doing. That's when you play 21 questions and try to escalate with her. If you read the situation wrong you just saved each others and you can go back to your burrito.

93272e No.14187900

File: fb031e73699b3e7⋯.jpg (8.96 KB, 208x374, 104:187, feels.jpg)


Damnit, I paid cash for this yesterday.

baa701 No.14187901

File: 5ca00c5923d5f9b⋯.jpg (135.65 KB, 700x894, 350:447, JpAG6Zx.jpg)

File: ce6bbbba10c1279⋯.jpg (163.02 KB, 700x1137, 700:1137, jzGhve6.jpg)


The first of these two actually hits hard. A woman rejecting her own children and showing them disgust. Works on the "feminists hate children" angle, but fails since the woman is attractive (and feminists rejected children due to sour grapes because they can't have them).

63cbce No.14187906


I've never struggled in these things since most people don't give one word replies to everything.

97cf80 No.14187916

File: b5d4153016b52ff⋯.pdf (843.09 KB, antisuffrageassoc.pdf)

93272e No.14187938

File: 8e37bd304a004c5⋯.png (181.09 KB, 586x2790, 293:1395, tiny man's temper tantrum.png)

File: 3b3e0a939606f6d⋯.gif (685.14 KB, 500x281, 500:281, pug.gif)

baa701 No.14187948


From part one alone (don't criticize since people don't even criticize themselves- act like you care about them) resonates with us a bit.

Don't berate people for not noticing. Warn them.

Don't explain to SJW why what they propose doesn't work- they won't listen to critique- hell their mind is so warped they won't listen to anything outside "Yes" or "I agree".

Where it differs is that in some instances, we want to kick over the beehive. Not for honey, but to show how SJW, marxist, et al react.

As it's been said before- don't debate the enemy to prove them wrong, they will pretend they won. Debate them to get them mad. Don't just insult and harass them, you can make them just as mad by saying "you're wrong" and showing then why and come up smelling of roses. Debate the enemy, get them mad, and let neutrals see their true face. Make SJW put their foot in their mouth and lose the PR war and public image they want. Sure it's slipping already, but why not tear it down faster?

We should be doing this a lot more, especially to crack safe spaces like Twitter.

0e50e3 No.14187958


That's not at all what I meant. I meant stories about things that happened to you. Maybe something from high school, or work, or basically anything from real life. Figure out something you can segue it into, that's why stories from school or work are so easy. It helps that I've seen some pretty whacky shit at the places I've worked but you've got to have something. Example:

>"So where do you work"

<"At [job]"

>"Oh cool I work at [job], this one time [amusing event] happened, [insert story]"

This is assuming that they're giving only one-work answers.

b392d8 No.14187967


Remember to use rhymes, its why they work.

e42683 No.14187972

File: 110b6203ef63968⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1600x1498, 800:749, minion.png)


I just did the math on my income, at best I wouldn't even make half that a month. Even if I worked full time at $15/hr, 5 days a week, I would still only earn $2400 a month, which isn't much more than I make now, and I have to bust my ass for my job because my boss is hyper critical about fucking everything.

What the fuck does moviebob even do? How the fuck does he have enough of a following to earn that much?

b4ffa1 No.14187993

>Chanel 4 calls in security experts after presenter suffers online abuse (Cathy Newman vs Jordan Peterson)


791649 No.14187994

Hey does anyone have that link that converts youtube videos to webm?

5c8708 No.14187997

File: 0869f37eadfd7f7⋯.jpg (249.55 KB, 956x1280, 239:320, WOW! It's nothing!.jpg)


>What the fuck does moviebob even do?

>How the fuck does he have enough of a following to earn that much?

Absolutely nothing. The fact is we're not the fortunate sons.

Muffled It Ain't Me in the distance

ca4c0e No.14188004

File: 7d0c0184dfa65af⋯.jpg (391.41 KB, 921x615, 307:205, prophesies2.jpg)

File: d229ebbc8864be8⋯.jpg (131.66 KB, 800x530, 80:53, sufferagettes 1.jpg)

0cb9f7 No.14188008

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

6aff4f No.14188022


You could use youtube-dl, but you'd probably have to choose the format if you want webm specifically

791649 No.14188025


I know but im having trouble compressing the video from a 31mb to something under 16mb.

1bb874 No.14188028


One thing is not asking too many questions since it sounds like an interrogatory. Take an opening to start a subject to talk about (a place that you went, food, traveling, etc.) and go from there. Take her cues to let her talk, the conversation shouldn't be one-sided.

4893f2 No.14188042


>Movie Bob comes from a wealthy family

That would explain a lot of things.

2ab44d No.14188045






You can play around with the video settings to lower the filesize here.

be35e6 No.14188051

File: 4a488159ab7ebe1⋯.webm (5.16 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, How to make a WEBM.webm)

93272e No.14188069

File: 2f127719ce0fa32⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1280x1077, 1280:1077, tiny man.png)


I should also point out that he's getting sued for calling people pedos and now he's doing it even more, to people with an axe to grind against him.

Don't do adderall, especially when you're 5'3"

baa701 No.14188075


> Because the great advance of women in the last century- moral, intellectual, and economic- has been made without the vote; which goes to prove that it is not needed for their further advancement along the same lines.

God damn this sentence alone cripples every other "think of the women" argument for various industries.

Take out the word "vote" and replace it with any program to get women into X field and it works. Combine that with a list of names of women that have already done well in those field, and they have no logical argument.

> Men treat women poorly at work! No they don't, look at these women that are happy.

> We need more women at work! Why?

> Women are paid less, we need more female voice! The wage gap is a myth.

539805 No.14188100




>they tried to warn us

>that agdq 2018 pic

2edc54 No.14188106

File: f353bd9f20e3339⋯.png (122.13 KB, 256x223, 256:223, mirror troi is fucking rep….PNG)




Of course he's from wealth. Of fucking course. Does he have a day job? I'm pretty sure he has no job and all he does is shit out youtube videos once in awhile, shitty ones at that. And doesn't he live in a literal basement?

5c8708 No.14188121

File: 54ffc81926f3972⋯.jpg (86.4 KB, 437x596, 437:596, (nervous hissing).jpg)



Anons, it's just assumption. Maybe he's dwell in the flooded basement and putting all his effort to make fortune from Patreon.

2edc54 No.14188122

Knowing that moviebob is financially well off while contributing absolutely nothing to society, living as a fucking cancer on societies ass cheek, while at that same time spewing garbage on twitter that would make HITLER blush really fucking bums me out. I swear to god I need to make a parody SJW youtube channel and rack in the cash off those retards. I need $4000 a month for doing NOTHING.

be35e6 No.14188126

File: 583994ad196f086⋯.jpeg (67.34 KB, 629x472, 629:472, madam-c-j-walker1.jpeg)


>Combine that with a list of names of women that have already done well in those field, and they have no logical argument.

<Born into a slave family

<Parents died when she was a baby

<Grew up in the South an orphan

They've never had any excuse!

5c8708 No.14188128

File: 7628bc8f1fcab3d⋯.png (267.25 KB, 386x393, 386:393, anons_hopes_and_dreams.png)


I wish I could have free $4000 per month too. I want to be free from debts, rents, and bills.

1f9d98 No.14188130


did it work against the suffragettes?

4893f2 No.14188133


Well, that also could explain his obesity, because only in the first world the poor dies of obesity.

4893f2 No.14188142



I wish I had $4000 per month to buy a plot of land to grow potatoes, tomatoes and every delicious thing.

I could even do a videoblog about me petting my plants.

2edc54 No.14188143

File: f2b163d887284da⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1025x751, 1025:751, no no no no no!.PNG)


I just realised that isn't cropped nearly enough. Please forgive.

460ebc No.14188148

File: 7fa906811a94b99⋯.gif (269.02 KB, 237x339, 79:113, BobBobBob.gif)





>male feminist ally "X" receives $Y on Patron

imma teach you all a magic spell, so repeat after me:

"X"'s a cuck who may not see a dime of "$Y"

On Patron there's this thing called "gift culture" as part of the male-feminist-ally cuckosphere, where your social-worth is based on what you give away (which can only be seen by the recipient) rather than what you receive (which everyone can see), so Bob being a thirsty motherfucker, giving all $4000 away is a small price to pay to be seen respecting the women, like Anita and Zoe (who are grifters but CAN keep all the money they get, because vagina).

4893f2 No.14188156


You offended Jesus with your porn. Now pray two Ave Marias and a Holy Father.

0e50e3 No.14188160


If you cropped it yourself you're gonna need to provide sauce

2edc54 No.14188165


I would need to see hard proof of him giving it all away for me to believe it.

4893f2 No.14188174


>Giving money away



I must have little jews inside me, because I can't understand giving away your hardly scammed money.

2edc54 No.14188176

0e50e3 No.14188183


Thanks fam

ca4c0e No.14188184


Patreon is a money laundering scheme for them in all but name. All those on hipster welfare donate to one another, so the money is essentially going in circles.

5c6c27 No.14188193


>so the money is essentially going in circles.

If the money goes in circles, it's not money laundering, it's wasting money because patreon will chip away at it with service charges. Learn how economics works.

93272e No.14188194

File: 1a354b907caa853⋯.jpg (341.88 KB, 800x1141, 800:1141, Sakurako.jpg)



First off, he's going to get taxed up the whazoo for his patreon income. Knowing Bob, he probably spent extra cash on marvel figurines and other autistic shit, so when Uncle Sam comes in to collect his dues, Bob will have to pay up. Patreon isn't exactly free money. He'll probably be fine but the salt will be amusing.

Secondly, like I said before, money isn't everything. He's fucking diabetic. He's unattractive, fat, and probably smells bad. On the outside, he is ugly. On the inside, he's even worse. He's an angry person, and lets his anger get the best of him all the time. He spends god knows how long on twitter bitching about Pmurt and white people, wants the opioid crisis to wipe out the middle class americans. He can never simply enjoy stuff, beyond tweeting stupid shit and drinking himself to incoherence.

Third, and this is something I learned from the likes of Maddox, DSP, and Spoony, fame tends to not last unless you can adapt to a changing internet landscape and have a personality where fans can feel glad to continue to support you. He might have some support now because Bashing Pmurt is popular and trendy to San Fransisco hipsters, but what happens when he's out of office and someone else takes over? Will those same people continue to support him? Can he keep making movie reviews forever when there's countless other youtubers doing the same shit, people like Red Letter Media, YMS, Chris Stuckman, etc, competing against him? Is Moviebob's style and humor enough to distinguish himself from them, or is he just another youtuber in the same sea? I don't think Bob's smart enough to adapt. Besides, Patreon isn't always going to be the same either, remember when they tried to tax other patreons and that resulted in people leaving content creators? What's stopping something like that from happening again?

tl;dr, I am really happy I am not Moviebob.

8d6d7f No.14188210


At least that was only the demons. Humans still had red blood, though quite often it seemed they lacked any bones.

affdf5 No.14188211


Some days ago I became a bit conscious of awkward writing habits and phrasing. Posts take me longer because I keep rewriting it.

Peterson said in one of his lectures that people with lower self-esteem (or something like that) tend to use "I" more. I recalled this recently and noticed it while starting sentences.

>bizarre body language mannerisms

My leg is always moving and unstill. Always. Even when I don't think I'm nervous and I didn't realize how strange it looked until seeing someone else doing it.

Yesterday someone linked Peterson being "interviewed" and the host was incredibly pushy, shoving words in his mouth and kept asking "So you don't think men and women are equal?" several times. He handled it and spoke very well. I can argue online, but likely fuck up in a live debate since I'm easy to talk over if in a low mood.


People can have bad social skills and not know how to carry a conversation. It might be that since she was the one that came up to you, there might be some interest. Looking off to the sides may be mistaken as disinterest but might mean she can't make eye contact.

This thread picked up pretty fast while writing this up.

460ebc No.14188215


You would have to be a Patron user and logged in to see "Bob supports X" list, if he has it set to public (tho probably not the amounts,) to confirm.




Also, it's turbo-jewery, as Patron takes a cut with each re-gifting in the circlejerk. Insidious.

be35e6 No.14188219

File: edf3b9ed3201cf1⋯.webm (900.01 KB, 512x288, 16:9, Struggling for relevance.webm)


>Is Moviebob's style and humor enough to distinguish himself from them, or is he just another youtuber in the same sea?

Wasn't he just stealing Yahtzee's shtick once the Escapist dropped him?

1d4c77 No.14188226

File: dd38b726a4f7c80⋯.png (180.42 KB, 737x663, 737:663, 124-01.png)

File: 86937487e7617b3⋯.png (150.12 KB, 997x664, 997:664, 10-01.png)

File: e3c66f7a5b0b7d5⋯.png (197.64 KB, 650x479, 650:479, 5_edited.png)

File: b1b21a24440a0f7⋯.png (1005.35 KB, 1252x1200, 313:300, 15-01.png)

File: 537d5abbee81482⋯.png (314.89 KB, 741x931, 39:49, 26_edited.png)


>sourcing your lewd crops

That ain't how it works 'round here, fam. Didn't you get the memo?

d85531 No.14188237

File: 90530acbb330d57⋯.png (64.48 KB, 243x448, 243:448, Futa Orgy.png)

ca4c0e No.14188253

File: 80ee7ef24dcf15d⋯.png (90.17 KB, 621x195, 207:65, asanagi is an honest artis….PNG)

File: 94c9eebdc4c4d24⋯.png (26.2 KB, 731x416, 731:416, 2dmarket.PNG)

File: c5a216d1312e0e5⋯.png (10.95 KB, 646x322, 323:161, fakku.PNG)

Speaking of patreon and shit, I've been supporting asanagi on fantia nip patreon for a while. Back when he was partnered with 2DMarket he'd upload an english uncensored version of his victimgirls books every other month.

Now he seems to be partnered with Jewcob and based on the last two, they don't want his uncensored versions. So instead of a regular release rate of uncensored English stuff it's instead irregular releases of english censored stuff.

Fuck Jewcob I'll just import the physical copies instead. It's not like there's a price difference with how the releases have been spaced now.

d85531 No.14188258


He should be told how bad Jewcob is and not to work with him.

97cf80 No.14188273

File: f2ec259df3324a2⋯.jpg (240.39 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 1450017702930.jpg)

b2bda4 No.14188276

File: 2f76ca0adce380e⋯.png (330.84 KB, 451x367, 451:367, 1469333509562.png)


At least you get approached when you're not in an environment where you can't hear anything.

>mfw always approached by women at concerts

>their heads barely reach my shoulder

I'm older now so it doesn't happen nearly as often. But that shit always pissed me off.

ca4c0e No.14188291


I got shouted down by shills when I said so when he was still on enty another nip patreon. I think Daiz and the meme cartel got their claws in him on twitter.

d85531 No.14188321

File: 3ff19a0c054e28a⋯.png (746.04 KB, 1137x1080, 379:360, Futa Hana no mi.png)

File: b31f857e9ac3dc6⋯.png (47.38 KB, 243x298, 243:298, Nami became Robin's penis.png)

File: 34c332a833469d3⋯.png (438.35 KB, 401x1178, 401:1178, Nami is Robin's penis.png)


These crops are more crazy. Read the file names.


There needs to be more people to convince the Nips and go against these shills. Fuck the power hungry cartel, I'm angry that they could get away with so much.

326b52 No.14188346


Itou eight did the same thing.

d55976 No.14188350

File: ad56bc33b7ce1f3⋯.png (151.62 KB, 639x1396, 639:1396, Little_greedy_on_Twitter_@….png)


>I think daiz and the meme cartel got thier claws in him on twitter


326b52 No.14188360


The cartel and Fakko need to be called out more. Same thing with Crunchyroll. You see so many SJWeebs try to defend these shithole companies. What pisses me off the most is that Crunchyroll and Fakku barely give shit to the actual artist in terms of profits, and most of it just goes to wards the publisher.

Another thing that makes me angry is that you have employees of Crunchyroll and Fakku of all places that are huge SJWeebs. I saw a ton of Fakku employees talking about how gros the new Xenoblade is and how it needs to be censored. Then you even see them defend why Fates got censored since it was homophobic and gross. It is so hypocritical especially when you see them posting about rape doujins, NTR shit, and other degenerate fetishes like that. They all like porn, but then sperg out about lewd things in games.

97cf80 No.14188375

File: e94d8ce1e4ecbae⋯.jpg (112.29 KB, 947x734, 947:734, e94.jpg)

d85531 No.14188381

File: ad6f0f44476c10e⋯.jpg (118.13 KB, 840x840, 1:1, DR9u-E7VoAA0Qqa.jpg)


>when you see them posting about rape doujins, NTR shit, and other degenerate fetishes like that. They all like porn, but then sperg out about lewd things in games.

Everyone needs to call them out for it. The only reason they got away with it so much is because there's nobody to stand up and call them for what they are. GG did for videogames, but there is no group or whatever to take on SJWeebs in the anime industry. /a/ would rather be in their own elitist bubble and just laugh at anyone that doesn't know Japanese and doesn't import from Japan directly. There should be things done to the cartel and the SJWeebs what TheQuartering did to Magic the Gathering and that's the digging and exposure of SJWeeb hypocrisies and to expose their practices to forewarn Nips that they are getting the shit end of the deal.

OP: The Weebening

87a9ae No.14188399

Is nintendo really selling cardboard boxes to people now?

4893f2 No.14188406

336f9c No.14188410


This! There needs to be a strong opposition to their bullshit in the anime industry. Digging and exposing the SJWeebs and the cartel. They need to be humiliated. I'm for this OP.


d85531 No.14188413

File: 88befbd1ecba300⋯.jpg (85.83 KB, 900x1042, 450:521, 88befbd1ecba3006bddadabc6b….jpg)


An arts and crafts project.

326b52 No.14188414


I can't find the archive of it, but Herkz did sperg out about animenewsnetwork somehow aligning with Trump to make a cryptocurrency for nazis.

26e462 No.14188416


Well, they're selling a gimmick, you can just go to a craft store and get templates from Nintendo's web site, but yes, according to their sales pitch, they're selling cardboard boxes.

5c6c27 No.14188418


People are being 100% truthful about that, but it does look potentially fun as long as it's cheap as fuck.

389565 No.14188421

File: 6879c5f6453bff7⋯.png (137.64 KB, 350x350, 1:1, carlos.png)


Methinks Nintendo took OP Timber the wrong way.

4fd8c3 No.14188433


>OP: The Weebening

I'm for it. Baker needs to add this to the OP. But should GG care about anime and hentai?

ee5924 No.14188435

File: 81b67d010fd2ee0⋯.mp4 (898.97 KB, 320x320, 1:1, Pacman.mp4)


>That second one

Top tier taste

a2ce3d No.14188442


It would've been received better if they focused more on what it has to do with the video game

97cf80 No.14188450

File: 3e192084213cc12⋯.png (435.36 KB, 600x718, 300:359, 1487708177912.png)


You couldn't pun your way out of a cardboard box. You have to go back.

be35e6 No.14188461

File: 48f9e26ef906168⋯.webm (14 MB, 480x360, 4:3, The_Pokemon_Theatrical_Re….webm)

File: 6f52cd256a581c9⋯.png (182.69 KB, 1779x507, 593:169, localization horror story.PNG)


>OP: The Weebening

All the OP would really be is just people telling the Japanese "HEY! We loved your shit when you were doing your own thing while paying no nevermind to us. Go back to doing that." Also, I'm not sure if this has been stated, but there needs to be a universal way to telling every "WE DON'T NEED LOCALIZATION ANYMORE!" While it is despicable to look back at the efforts of companies like Harmony Gold, 4Kids, and NoA and how they butchered anything relatively Japanese to whatever production they were making, they were also, ironically, making people interested in Japanese media, and making people want to get the full experience once they realize just how much they were missing out on. In a way, it's comparable to seeing all of the Chinese films receiving infamously bad dubs back from the 50's-70's, but it ended up resulting in the creation of "serious" works like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Jackie Chan's worldwide name.

84257f No.14188472


GG probably cares more about the ethics of cardboard than they do anime and hentai.

3a2775 No.14188477

If the dark souls remaster is just a shitty graphical update then I'm gonna lose all faith in From. In other news, how do people feel about the fact CD Project Red is sitting on their asses instead of fixing all the bugs still in Witcher 3? How do people feel about the fact Nintendo is charging 70 bucks for cardboard boxes?

d85531 No.14188478


It's also about digging to the SJWeebs and exposing their hypocrisy as >>14188360 pointed out. Humiliate them, see how much they can pull off mental gymnastics as everyone else looks down on them.

be35e6 No.14188488


Okay, and what about this: >>14185916

>3. OP Timber: Nintendo Localizers working with Japanese Devs to Censor Games




336f9c No.14188501


Isn't that just for games? And haven't those translations been posted to the Japanese already?

a2ce3d No.14188517


It would've been received better if they focused more on what it has to do with the video game

4f95b7 No.14188569


This needs to be an OP. The cartel has too much power.


They really need to be exposed. The prominent assholes in the cartel should be exposed for the same shit they claim to condemn. I had enough of virtue signaling bullshit in the anime industry.

be35e6 No.14188591

File: 37a6e46a0a7bbd3⋯.png (7.73 MB, 3300x5100, 11:17, Coin poster.png)

File: 5e581e5e2f44562⋯.png (3.28 MB, 1712x2000, 107:125, ESA checklist2.png)


>Isn't that just for games? And haven't those translations been posted to the Japanese already?

That was the easy part. this is the hard part: >>>/gamergatehq/331188

>1. Find Japanese people on social media who speak english. Mainly those linked with games. Especially those who worked/are working/will work with Nintendo.

>2. Reference games ruined in Japan by US style changes- Star Ocean 5, Street Fighter 5, etc.

>3. Research who you're talking to. Kamiya will block you and already stands his ground. Odds are, he'll be OK. Likewise, the guys working at Game Freak & Pokemon won't jump ship because of this.

>4. Don't talk to them about GamerGate unless asked. You can explain (briefly) why there is a disconnect between what Western Journos and Western Gamers want. Or that the hobby is being politicized by outside forces. Give them small, manageable bits of info that are relevant to their interests. GG is a behemoth that is hard to understand the scope of. Maybe drop them a line to this: http://roninworksjapan.tumblr.com/ but it is not necessary, nor encouraged.

>Other than that, follow the first pic related- and treat it like a DisNod. Do it every day

Also, as I remember another saying numerous months back we actually need to centralize whatever the fuck it is we're doing. that last time that happened was for the E3 OP that anons had been making all for all of the first half of last year. Since then, there really hasn't been a serious pull of resources or beyond surface level digging on anything to spread. We've just been shitposting. Yes, there was a small victory such as getting NISA to apologize, but it was even acknowledged that it wasn't probably going to be the "Ona all, end all" to a lot of companies activities. This fight is already an uphill battle as it is, but the only thing making it harder is that we don't know what we're suppose to be focusing on. In additon to Timber, there's the digging on W.H.O.'s classification on gaming addiction, the spreading and digging on Twitter (And all of social media) for their illegal acts, finding some way to fuck with Google's servers so they end up spending more much more money, DisNod, and the possible leak of information happening over at inXile.

I have to very much admit that i haven't really been responsible with any of this either, but before we do anything, there is one thing we need to do.

And, that is figure out what our actually battle plan is both in the short and LONG term.

And, not just given a small list of "objectives". Actually figure out what needs to be done, and figure out when would be an ideal time to get it done by. And, if anything happens during that time, push it towards the backburner unless it directly relates to whatever it is that we're working on at the moment. If we actually want to have an impact, more than just as a boogieman, we have to figure out EXACTLY what we are doing.

425e60 No.14188596

Enough of this, GG is about vidya and anime isn't vidya. SJWeebs in anime and lewds is /a/'s problem.

baa701 No.14188617


No one has been sending them

As far as I can tell at least

336f9c No.14188632


>No one has been sending them


baa701 No.14188635



Posted to early.

I think the best way to solve it is to have weekly goals a'la a DisNod.

Though I've also heard swamping one person with tonnes of messages makes it look artificial or puts their back up.

5baf9e No.14188640


I didn't know re link was getting localized.


Either its gunna be platinum or cygames inhouse gajins, I wouldn't be surprised if it was tossed to 8-4. Hoping it's platinum as cygames inhouse is 8-4 tier.

5baf9e No.14188660


It sucks that the majority of the anime sites are cucked to obivion or takes the "ignore it and it will go away approach like our /a/".

d85531 No.14188671

File: 4d31a35cc266acc⋯.png (658.45 KB, 535x692, 535:692, The Autistic Community.png)


>"ignore it and it will go away approach like our /a/".

/co/ tried that at some point. I heard cuckchan /a/ is full on cartel controlled and bans lolicon for "pedoshit". 8chan /a/ thinks they're invincible. There should be a strong resistance for the Anime fandom like GG is to vidya.

be35e6 No.14188675



I feel like this article needs a fresh rereading: https://archive.fo/YCDlL

>The Media’s First Moral Panic

>The popularity of Goethe’s novel, The Sorrows of Young Werther, was blamed for a spate of suicides. Frank Furedi argues that it set a trend for manufactured outrage that is with us still.

baa701 No.14188734


Lack of target + apathy.

People love to send emails to "fuck that guy", but when it's feedback or warning anons tend to fall flacid. Rage is a motivator.

Meaning, the OP must be enjoyable. I.e. the task is fun, or spites someone the anon does not like.

d85531 No.14188759

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


That makes it all feel pointless. There should be a motivator to send them and finish Timber. As for OP The Weebening, SJWeebs are practically targets, so maybe there's more motivation there.

389565 No.14188775

File: 12fd7304e063cd8⋯.png (768.82 KB, 602x910, 43:65, elsa clone.png)

File: 58de5e78fff88ba⋯.png (3.28 MB, 1280x1527, 1280:1527, kobayashi.png)

File: 7c94b2ef136fbc4⋯.jpg (38.65 KB, 495x498, 165:166, poptepic.jpg)


Reminder that this is what a good chunk of SJWeeb artists are capable of.

b2976d No.14188789

File: b4662b6878f24f0⋯.png (865.95 KB, 1899x446, 1899:446, Capture4.PNG)

5baf9e No.14188795


In order for a GG to happen in the anime community we need a controversy like how the sjw shit is being shoved into funi dubs. Although a good chunk of the community isnt pozzed I think the biggest issue with getting something off the ground is the community like you said animefags think that anime/manga/visual novels are invincible due to being created in japan when we know damn well if funi and crunchyroll could get away with censoring anime tits like their friends in 8-4 and treehouse they would. Not only that we know that sjweebs from multiple publishers/localizers and journos are openly operating at anifem.

4893f2 No.14188799



Jews all of them!

753a03 No.14188804


tumblr is a deviant art for potatoes

403074 No.14188805

File: 0813545a9eca3de⋯.jpg (251.81 KB, 2048x1152, 16:9, 1454105750476.jpg)


Extremely late reply but Doki is a fansub group that was blacklisted by old Nyaa because someone impersonating Power2All (apparently someone who belongs to Doki) reported Nyaa's domain to ICANN. Nyaa didn't believe Doki when they said it really was an impersonator so Doki was banned from Nyaa.

They apparently have a good relationship with Nyaa.si which is pretty weird since both old and new Nyaa are (((cartel controlled))). Doki's official tracker is anidex.info and they also operate mangadex.com which is looking like bato.to's replacement.

The only reason I even wrote this is because my favorite fansub group Nii-sama likes Doki a lot and if Nii-sama's priority is accuracy > all else, then Doki must be good in some way. If there's anyone in here who actually knows their /a/ shit (unlike me), please correct me if I'm wrong about anything

ca4c0e No.14188806

File: e7ea2537a65ce06⋯.jpg (28.99 KB, 637x484, 637:484, e7ea2537a65ce06798879a9252….jpg)



How racist that they made Popuko, the overly agressive little bitch who always resorts to violence, black :^)

d85531 No.14188812

File: 0c351d7ded90535⋯.png (191.01 KB, 246x704, 123:352, Tekken.png)


And they send death threats for whenever their Tubmlr character like Rose Quarts is drawn skinny and attractive. That's what The Weebening is about, there are targets and that is to expose these cretins.


Controversies happen everyday, the anime community is just too passive or think are in a bubble. It only gets worse here on out.

7bbf52 No.14188816


I still love that the "Fix" is making the character look like Elsa and destroying her hands and feet, because "anatomy" is so important right?

26e462 No.14188817


I love how their design process is typically "make them either plain or flat out ugly," followed by "maybe make one of them black."

7c32fe No.14188825


Are you sure the Poptepipik one isn't a parody?

d85531 No.14188828

File: 2b65b5608bf21de⋯.gif (1.6 MB, 363x501, 121:167, de2.gif)


New Nyaa is the true successor to the old Nyaa. But you can consider them to be the Western Roman Empire and Pantsu to be the Byzantine Empire in terminology. The Nyaa Empire and the Pantsutine Empire.

26e462 No.14188835


Okay, correction, the templates won't be available, Nintendo's totally fucking selling cardboard boxes.

403074 No.14188855


When I say Nyaa, I'm referring to Nyaa.se and .si. Pantsu is the successor that isn't with the (((cartel))).

4893f2 No.14188873


I might understand King Arthur is an anime girl, but why is Nero an anime girl?

2dc364 No.14188876


Because titties

8d6d7f No.14188880


I assume the same reason as Arthur.

4f95b7 No.14188891

With The Weebening, is Daiz a prime target? Should there be digging into Daiz and the cartel?

8d6d7f No.14188895


4893f2 No.14188896



Do she burns christians?

2dc364 No.14188898


Would let her burn my dick any day

f2ae47 No.14188951

File: 9b2c9be1a541b2d⋯.png (148.52 KB, 327x396, 109:132, a bit closer to tumblr.png)


>They all like porn, but then sperg out about lewd things in games.

And bitch about people not liking DLC while justifying shady practices and being whales in gacha games like the Fire Emblem game.


>Harmony Gold

Isn't that company jointed with Funimation? Aside from that, what they fucking done with Macross is unacceptable and hopefully that changes in 2021/2022. The de-funct ADV is also another shit company.


>All that tumblr art

Never go into the JoJo tags especially Stone Ocean.

93272e No.14188961


I read that as "Bum my dick"

439ad7 No.14188971

File: 292ad3599a0d691⋯.jpg (212.4 KB, 924x1200, 77:100, Comic Retard 54.jpg)

Good morning!

fa3bd5 No.14189015



97cf80 No.14189081

File: bdc6d3a5860cac4⋯.jpg (173.5 KB, 850x1200, 17:24, __chomusuke_and_wiz_kono_s….jpg)


That hair looks like the "artist" accidentally double clicked with the paint bucket in Paint.net

d85531 No.14189094

File: 5ccd419c51fa771⋯.jpg (136.22 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, Sex Doll in Miku Cosplay.jpg)

7c32fe No.14189134

File: 22c960751758483⋯.jpeg (38.42 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 22c9607517584836f1d202466….jpeg)


>Red Sonja


93272e No.14189140


Where can I buy this outfit?

5c6c27 No.14189163

File: 705a6462c077907⋯.webm (551.12 KB, 852x480, 71:40, Uncomfortable Silence.webm)

Have we had anything happen the past few days other than the Labo announcement?

Labo seems kinda fun/interesting, I don't know why people are bitching about it

f2ae47 No.14189173


It looks like an angry midget or a who from dr. seuss

439ad7 No.14189187


They think that Nintendo's wanting people to pay $70 for the cardboard when it's about the very software have that price tag and the cardboard was free.

643c04 No.14189198


Sounds like human romnantic relationships summarized.

8d6d7f No.14189207


>when it's about the very software have that price tag and

>the cardboard was free.

People are laughing at Jewtendo fo charging 70 bux for the next gen of wagglan shovelware: cardboard edition.

d85531 No.14189209

File: 59ac13e063d8727⋯.jpg (32.07 KB, 1038x576, 173:96, nintendo-labo-camera-in-de….jpg)


You think there would be a new Pokemon Snap? Maybe?


Pretty sure they sell cosplay outfits online somewhere. Just search.

0341e5 No.14189233

I think I had the normalfaggiest of all nights, I drank, talked to girls and other people and most of all I hadfunwhile doing it, please help

also sorry for the blog post

439ad7 No.14189234

File: 42242e2c54f69be⋯.jpg (107.97 KB, 448x847, 64:121, AJ Gay Community 35.jpg)


>Wanna cosplay as a trap Hatsune Miku

643c04 No.14189238

File: 3f5710e6681971a⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 287.82 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, DEVIL.jpg)


Post more

bdc327 No.14189241


You've been infected.

ca4c0e No.14189244


ebay has a ton of cheap chink made costumes

8d6d7f No.14189250

File: 81e0ba8a64bd522⋯.png (361.16 KB, 702x1042, 351:521, Braixen freak.png)

0341e5 No.14189251


heeelp meeee

d85531 No.14189253


I thought he wanted to buy that for his sex doll.

>Not dressing your sex doll as your waifu

9c5d0e No.14189256

Someone who was playing VRChat apparently had a seizure while playing.





643c04 No.14189257


It's morbid curiousity

5c6c27 No.14189264

File: 4a30028ff66d0b6⋯.webm (1.97 MB, 852x480, 71:40, Whered you learn to drive.webm)


>You think there would be a new Pokemon Snap?

Don't be ridiculous, that's something people actually want. Nintendo only every does crazy shit.

8d6d7f No.14189267


>VRChat forgets to include seizure warning

>Gets sued into oblivion right after killing their meme consumer base

Let it happen.

18238f No.14189273


I guess OP Timber was a waste of time. Might as well remove it from the OP.

93272e No.14189275


Thanks anon.

f2ae47 No.14189276


With a camera gimmick like that. There might be another Fatal Frame with fanservice intact.

439ad7 No.14189281



It's supposed to be sent by native-Japanese speakers or people that have decent Japanese skills. Us gaijins are supposed to tell people that don't speak Japanese about the matter as well.

7bbf52 No.14189282

File: 2f1c3cca0fc0209⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 643.02 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, 321.jpg)

File: 61189f1cf69bd5d⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 599.7 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, 93.jpg)

File: 21ee49c289ee011⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 214.24 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, mg_5773.jpg)


tfw sex dolls

c81571 No.14189287


Wwhy was Kurt Eichenwald playing VR? Did he run out of hentai or people on twitter to sue?

5409db No.14189290


It seems like Tumblrinas are actively trying to out-manface each other.


d85531 No.14189313


The first two are cuter, but the last one has a really nice ass.

367ff1 No.14189324


<believing anything written in the Bible

<listening to and believing Jewish beliefs

Do you also believe Armageddon is imminent?

5c6c27 No.14189330


>3Ds attempt at copying the perfection of 2D

It ruins everything

8d6d7f No.14189331



290a07 No.14189340

7bbf52 No.14189360

File: 5a69e6254efe55d⋯.png (27.52 KB, 503x88, 503:88, FireShot Screen Capture #1….png)

File: d953f034f5a72d3⋯.png (106.55 KB, 635x929, 635:929, FireShot Screen Capture #1….png)

File: 62b6d537b97a53f⋯.jpg (114.4 KB, 673x680, 673:680, haha tittymonsters.jpg)

Really hate when I forget to uncheck spoiler images.


I dunno, I really like it. They're like almost perfect 3d models (though I don't much like the face of the thickest one)


Images for viewing pleasure.

d85531 No.14189361


Haven't you ever looked at an anime figma and thought "I want it lifesized so I could fuck it properly"? There should be anime ones.

26e462 No.14189366

File: 4079e52d00dbe3f⋯.jpg (36.32 KB, 300x444, 25:37, simmering with rage.jpg)



ca4c0e No.14189379

File: b487042415c90c0⋯.jpg (2.65 MB, 3327x2881, 3327:2881, 66792799_p0.jpg)

cd5145 No.14189382

File: 9f84168de899dea⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1833x745, 1833:745, WhatInThekike.png)


too bad they are at least like $2000

abe439 No.14189383

File: 26b10543774af43⋯.png (4.91 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 3de99ed28ff031658c6e6c654f….png)

f2ae47 No.14189408

File: d6b8cca1cf87dcf⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 52981910097914b⋯.png (618.89 KB, 549x806, 549:806, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a89ee67d0dfccf7⋯.jpg (68.47 KB, 541x800, 541:800, chieri shiina.jpg)


>Haven't you ever looked at an anime figma and thought "I want it lifesized so I could fuck it properly"?

They have life sized figures in fixed poses that sell around $25,000 or more. But if they can make one that you can fuck that would be nice.

439ad7 No.14189442

File: 6d5b70724f6efdd⋯.jpg (35.68 KB, 626x417, 626:417, Soyboy Face.jpg)

File: 0db276694bd19b6⋯.jpg (44.7 KB, 573x579, 191:193, Male Feminist 134.jpg)

File: 5173331aab8dfd5⋯.jpg (110.91 KB, 809x853, 809:853, Male Feminist 118.jpg)

File: 7f7d1e670146495⋯.jpg (107.63 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, Male Feminist 113.jpg)

I think I cracked the code of the soyboy face.

93272e No.14189457


I'm struggling to come up with a soyboy loss edit.

7bbf52 No.14189458

File: 4ee8615725930ec⋯.png (8.96 KB, 635x90, 127:18, FireShot Screen Capture #1….png)

File: aa944c94d61168c⋯.jpg (258.15 KB, 1366x2304, 683:1152, jabamimary-1.jpg)



Just noticed THIS juicy little piece of stupidity.

9c5d0e No.14189461

File: 5a5be4d48062110⋯.png (206.58 KB, 461x616, 461:616, 210.PNG)

d85531 No.14189470


Tell it.


Blob and his ilk are pathetic.

93272e No.14189494


Speaking of film Fatass, wasn't there one time where he attended a convention for the first time and he got mad at someone for not knowing who he was?

290a07 No.14189501

File: d310e7b0ad34fff⋯.jpg (25.11 KB, 600x404, 150:101, 48f09a449d1dfa53286d72100f….jpg)


>purposely trying to avoid core programing

>in a fucking PC port

Jesus christ

26e462 No.14189532

File: e1df643df8efb52⋯.webm (468.84 KB, 640x360, 16:9, uh oh.webm)


Fucking hell.


>Blob and his ilk are pathetic.

I'm actually surprised that his bootlickers are actually openly agreeing with his "eugenics and forced sterilization of the lower class is a moral imperative" bullshit.

01cfb1 No.14189541


But wouldnt that sterilize most of the minorities?

d85531 No.14189547




Blob "The Pork Reich" Chipman

93272e No.14189553


>I'm actually surprised that his bootlickers are actually openly agreeing with his "eugenics and forced sterilization of the lower class is a moral imperative" bullshit.

They are still following him even with all these spergouts. Why wouldn't they stick around for this comment?



I haven't played a Ys game, but I'm still pissed at them. I hope to god they stay away from Legend of Heroes.

5a0229 No.14189560


Clear me up. They are trying to optimize without touching the code?

7bbf52 No.14189568


They're porting from PS4 to PC and optimize for PC without touching code, yes.


Same, I really hope this tells Falcom to stay the fuck away from NISA

5c6c27 No.14189576

File: ab127dba9dfc62c⋯.webm (576.61 KB, 852x480, 71:40, This is Absurd.webm)


How the fuck could they manage that?

26e462 No.14189582

File: 9c474af144ebff6⋯.jpg (414.77 KB, 1321x1749, 1321:1749, NISA's fuckups.jpg)


Yeah, and keep in mind that they're also apparently porting Ys 8 to Switch. Be prepared for more reports of a NISA-localized-and-ported game bricking consoles.

2f2890 No.14189587


It should be half that, 35 cad max.

d55976 No.14189589

File: 1e2e1e19842e8e8⋯.jpg (414.79 KB, 1321x1749, 1321:1749, NISA rap sheet.jpg)


They were trying to, but now they've come to the conclusion that they have to. And it's well documented what happens to games when NISA touches them

97cf80 No.14189591

File: a62a4875a3b6ca2⋯.gif (1.73 MB, 295x211, 295:211, 1370383333651.gif)


Please stop posting the Soy Face its creeping me out, like it should be made an SCP or something.

bdc327 No.14189606


But anon…

SCP is run by soyboys now

436b6f No.14189650

File: 8e981d7df7e2ed2⋯.jpg (65.66 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 8e981d7df7e2ed2b913cab3832….jpg)

File: 437f8d588a5f06c⋯.png (516.52 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, viv-chain.png)


Fantastic! I assumed the music was added in by someone else… but DevFag's drawing style is instantly recognizeable.

A shame the music drowns out the the gameplay sounds during Vivian's idel animation.

436b6f No.14189690

File: 69d05ebe1503543⋯.jpg (162.29 KB, 1493x1600, 1493:1600, hMIyOr6.jpg)

File: 821124a0708b87c⋯.mp4 (10.82 MB, 854x480, 427:240, v013ssx.mp4)



>really fucking bums me out.

If you need a moral boost, kotakuinaction recently had a gamergate triumphs of 2017 thread.


cc763d No.14189711

File: c41ad4371bb7285⋯.webm (1.92 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 513245798132498712348.webm)

File: 9fd438af44e80eb⋯.png (848.57 KB, 1920x814, 960:407, 12347882791348579132414327….png)



the secret of the soyboy face is that they're not human

eceecf No.14189713

File: 72480bb2e7b474f⋯.png (362.83 KB, 756x570, 126:95, viv_nosebleed.png)


Very nice.

36a401 No.14189718

File: fde08d10ed33384⋯.jpg (48.15 KB, 1109x888, 1109:888, DT7gdwxXcAAIeN-.jpg)

93272e No.14189741


Looks like Maddox used to know Mike Pence. Wonder how he'll react if you bring this up?

eceecf No.14189761


OK why is it that I can play this in browser but I can't save the file and play it?

93272e No.14189774

File: 0671ff4066047ba⋯.jpg (165.14 KB, 814x564, 407:282, vasectomy.jpg)

File: cf411f5e49eee57⋯.jpeg (229.71 KB, 1125x1475, 45:59, rgaming.jpeg)

eceecf No.14189779


Never mind found the solution.

>There is a new security setting in Firefox 55 that supersedes everything else. Only SWF files retrieved on http:// or https:// addresses are played (not file://, ftp://, etc.). If you want to revert to the previous behavior:

>(1) In a new tab, type or paste about:config in the address bar and press Enter/Return. Click the button promising to be careful.

>(2) In the search box above the list, type or paste plug*ht and pause while the list is filtered

>(3) Double-click the plugins.http_https_only preference to switch the value from true to false

439ad7 No.14189785

File: e26af1a44857586⋯.jpg (83.92 KB, 1200x587, 1200:587, Male Feminist 135.jpg)

Looks like The Tick got some high quality bants.

ca18c2 No.14189797

753a03 No.14189805


Wow, how nice. Get your balls snipped for your wife and then get cancer.

8d8caf No.14189821



I'd rather stick with the live-action Tick of the 90s or even the Tick cartoon, thank you.

436b6f No.14189845

File: 6f9007cc618168e⋯.jpg (53.83 KB, 420x647, 420:647, 1-1.jpg)

File: 0a86084eb29a07c⋯.jpg (59.13 KB, 420x653, 420:653, 2-1.jpg)

File: 30f058f79875efb⋯.jpg (51.42 KB, 420x644, 15:23, 3-1.jpg)

File: ccfa8d8ba5a579f⋯.jpg (60.95 KB, 420x637, 60:91, 4-1.jpg)

File: 7eb7e853e0483c7⋯.jpg (51.95 KB, 420x650, 42:65, 8-1.jpg)


Remember when Red Sonja was drawn by a woman… and it was awesome?

5a0229 No.14189848

File: ede100d8a1cbdb3⋯.png (331.78 KB, 740x741, 740:741, 55093237_p0.png)

File: b5d4aaf1f202721⋯.png (72.59 KB, 813x603, 271:201, Capture.PNG)


>Channel 4 News has called in security specialists to analyse threats made to presenter Cathy Newman following her interview with a controversial Canadian psychologist who has attracted a following among the “alt-right”.

>This association

>Peterson rose to prominence in 2016 when he released a video lecture series in which he said that his right to free speech meant he would not use gender-neutral pronouns for transgender students at the University of Toronto.

<He argued that forced speech is bad; not that he won't just because

<Even stated he'd be fine with it if they asked politely

>De Pear said on Twitter on Friday: “Our Channel 4 News on-screen journalists expect to be held to account for their journalism but the level of vicious misogynistic abuse, nastiness, and threat to Cathy Newman is an unacceptable response to a robust and engaging debate with Jordan Peterson.



<Hounding "so you don't think women deserve equality?" every 5 minutes, making no arguments, and trying to smear is "engaging"

I'm not going to bother checking twitter to see if there's any actual abuse. It's doubtful.

436b6f No.14189852

File: 07cd0de07fdae81⋯.jpg (49.04 KB, 420x645, 28:43, 9-1.jpg)

File: bb2cd6bf8599997⋯.jpg (55.64 KB, 420x640, 21:32, 10-1.jpg)

File: 110de212f16564a⋯.jpg (51.94 KB, 420x645, 28:43, 11-1.jpg)

File: ea919ea857142d5⋯.jpg (53.3 KB, 420x637, 60:91, 12-1.jpg)

File: 5bc82d45ecc3351⋯.jpg (52 KB, 420x649, 420:649, 13-1.jpg)

eceecf No.14189855


Why does she have Life Fiber: Synchronize hair?

436b6f No.14189863

File: 5a581fa8853fa40⋯.jpg (56.51 KB, 480x640, 3:4, Mvc-014s.jpg)

File: 3953dddd44b41d7⋯.jpg (381.54 KB, 646x800, 323:400, Red Sonja by Mary Wilshire….jpg)

File: 972b8146fe2a6dc⋯.jpg (274.58 KB, 432x651, 144:217, Red Sonja Vol.3 2 Page 17.jpg)

File: 998e8984414d9be⋯.jpg (908.93 KB, 811x1250, 811:1250, red-sonja-3_5.jpg)

File: 897e8e3f387a4a0⋯.jpg (146.6 KB, 563x800, 563:800, Wilshire Red Sonja movie p….jpg)

436b6f No.14189866

File: 8607254b2da6254⋯.jpg (238.05 KB, 537x800, 537:800, Power Girl.jpg)

439ad7 No.14189901

File: a81360cdaf55678⋯.jpg (104.98 KB, 514x294, 257:147, Retard 2159.jpg)

fa38e2 No.14189909

what if val was actually a girl?

594a7f No.14189925

File: 33ab9302c38c0eb⋯.png (25.1 KB, 131x216, 131:216, eater.png)


It's refreshing to see no one buying this crap anymore. They're getting slammed for this absolute bullshit with no remorse.

8d6d7f No.14189926


Do not waifu identity fags.

389565 No.14189943

Alright, to keep it slightly vidya, what games have you played recently?


5c6c27 No.14189946

File: 68bbd3369795002⋯.webm (3.81 MB, 852x480, 71:40, Alien Conspiracy.webm)


How the fuck does that comparison make sense at all?

d85531 No.14189948


His name is girly. What kind of man calls himself "Val"?

dbe429 No.14189949


Replayed Deus Ex, forgot just how perfect that game is.

0af53c No.14189961


Trying to 1CC Perfect Cherry Blossom. Fuck the Prismriver Sisters' fucking wavy bullshit and fuck the survival card at the end of the game.

753a03 No.14189962


Why does it always seem like game bloggers reach a point where they think they are philosophers?

8d6d7f No.14189973


Persona 5. Now I know only to stick with older SMT games. Cake was delicious though.

5370f2 No.14189974


I still want to know who the guy mombot slammed is that caused people supposedly "on our side" defend his sperging ass

I have Darkest Dungeon sorta on hold because I can't find a fucking Man-at-Arms to deal with the fucking Sonorus Prophet. Been playing Azure Lane and Kancolle, the later preparing for the Winter event.

Any TTK fags here?

93272e No.14189979


Playing Furi, but I suck dogshit at vidya and keep getting my ass kicked.

5c6c27 No.14189982


I just started MM4 after beating the first 3. It's basically the exact same as the others

5a0229 No.14189983


Free cities, chess, autistic rping

d55976 No.14189987

File: 4acc5fe35f15b72⋯.mp4 (1.68 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Channel 4 News style Gangn….mp4)


I'm sure that shrew is getting 100s of threatening messages totally not sent by herself and people she pays to be her friend. And none of it has to do whatsoever with anyone actually being displeased with her tactics on that interview. Hopefully in two years she'll get to cry infront of the UN and steal money for a shovelware point and click game to have her name on it.

389565 No.14189993


>Free Cities


290a07 No.14190017


Neo Atlas 1469 since the switch port announcement got me in the mood to replay it. God damn this game is relaxing

eceecf No.14190023

File: addf3ec5655d740⋯.png (1.83 MB, 1497x1060, 1497:1060, 228-229.png)


I've just started Bloodborne, when do I get insight so I can level up? Also I think threaded cane might have been a mistake.

8d6d7f No.14190029


>when do I get insight so I can level up?

Fight a boss

>I think threaded cane might have been a mistake.

All weapons are viable.

0af53c No.14190031


>I still want to know who the guy mombot slammed is that caused people supposedly "on our side" defend his sperging ass

You'd be surprised how many burnouts there are. A lot of em seem to be part of drybones' circlejerk.

5c6c27 No.14190044

File: bdca0f2dd896216⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 2.09 MB, 500x212, 125:53, c65f98d321c4f5670325ca2654….gif)


>When do I get insight so I can level up?

Fighting bosses, discovering new areas, and a couple of consumable items. Don't use insight to level up, having more of it buffs your character.

be35e6 No.14190048


I really like the art style of the second picture. When was the last time something actually used the 90's anime style instead of just "replicating" it?

eceecf No.14190055


>All weapons are viable.

That's good to know. I like its style.

I'm still at the point where muscle memory is screwing me so I haven't really found the rhythm of he game yet.

ac0c38 No.14190058


Some porn artists from the 90s never upgraded their artstyle, does that count

290a07 No.14190068


>When was the last time something actually used the 90's anime style instead of just "replicating" it?

There was some jap only PS4/Vita visual novel that used 90's anime style and hired 90's anime artists to do all the artwork/CGs for the game

fa3bd5 No.14190069


And yet Kondo is still MORE THAN HAPPY to work with these fuckers.

ca18c2 No.14190074




Comics have gone so far down hill I miss stuff like this.

cd5145 No.14190075

File: 0f754f971d4b330⋯.jpg (2.88 MB, 2714x5902, 1357:2951, 653c09755c9845d7dabc3decff….jpg)


I recently started playing warframe and I have already got quite a few hours into it. The game still does need a lot of work but it has been fun so far.

be35e6 No.14190092

File: 41009581c15f333⋯.png (2.14 MB, 1740x1370, 174:137, ClipboardImage.png)


The Yu-No remaster? I get what you're saying, but that game is from the 90's.

0af53c No.14190104


I think it's because he's IRL friends with NIS's bossman.

290a07 No.14190121


No not that one, it was a legit new VN. Fuck I completely forget what it was called but it wasn't Yu-No related at all.

791649 No.14190134


Its Amazon Prime Anon.

5370f2 No.14190166


Ah, thanks for replying. Anon Not really surprised, anymore.


Listen to >>14190029 and >>14190044 Insight makes enemies stronger and there is certain enemy that likes you having it. Any weapon works with improvements and how you build your stats, but if you wanna go easy get meme sword.

facd1c No.14190176

File: 74ad15b575c6382⋯.jpeg (896.76 KB, 950x870, 95:87, 329F8205-8BE5-49FC-B241-5….jpeg)


Hey there, fellow newfag to Bloodborne. You get insight from fighting bosses, mainly. And picking up Madman’s Knowledge. There are other ways, I’m sure, but as I said, I’m also new to it. Trying to get through the absolute gankfest that is Yhargul Unseen Village after the Blood Moon rises is kicking my ass though. I think it’s the whores ringing the bells making my life a nightmare, no pun intended

7bbf52 No.14190179

File: 8838a2175e5d6a2⋯.jpg (191.56 KB, 640x729, 640:729, 8838a2175e5d6a2f9e17d21845….jpg)


Monster Hunter World Beta. Despite the changes, it's fun. It feels more like a mixture of Dragon's Dogma and Monster Hunter. These are both games I love dearly so this kind of fusion is welcome. Though I still may not get the game due to toaster PC and PS+ requirement for online on PS4.

I'd gotten GTA V for Christmas and beaten it twice. It feels like one of the most empty, soulless video games I've ever played. It's just mediocre in almost every aspect. While I enjoyed some aspects of it, such as some music on the radio, and how the environments look, such as Los Santos during night/twilight/rain, everything else about the game is shallow and average. Controls are fucking clunky. There's no sense of progression; characters don't move up gradually. They bounce from one state to the next. One minute Franklin is living in the ghetto, the next he's living in Vinewood. Michael and Trevor go back and forth between Los Santos and Sandy Shores. No character develops personality-wise too, they all remain the same. Not to mention that the villains are anticlimactic and have virtually no kind of presence in the game. Who the fuck is Stretch and why is he a final target? Some nigger that only appeared for 2 missions and did some shit talking and shooting. The game barely rewards you for anything you do, but when it does reward you there's fucking nothing worth using it on. By the time you come into some really good money, the game has already given you ammo, weapons, etc. Each character already have vehicle(s) that automatically respawn when they need it because for some reason the devs forgot they were developing a Grand Theft Auto game. Properties aren't worth it because they either make you do tedious jobs for shit money or take ingame years to automatically make a profit. Heists are too few and far between so it doesn't make reusing the same crew members rewarding. The abilities that you have to GRIND (because someone thought grinding would be good in a TPS game about cars, mayhem & money) seem so pointless that it might as well just be UI only and any effect is placebo.

Those are the two I played recently. I think later this month I might re-play Tales of Berseria. Sort of neglected a second playthrough even though I enjoyed it.

8d6d7f No.14190188


Make sure you get the DLC Reanon. It's good shit and makes magic builds viable.

5c6c27 No.14190189

File: bfe7e47d473d305⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 5.17 MB, 852x480, 71:40, When Newbies have to carr….webm)


> Insight makes enemies stronger

You weren't supposed to tell him that

d85531 No.14190195

File: 9769e41fbd123a0⋯.jpeg (79.47 KB, 680x957, 680:957, 9da.jpeg)

08f9a1 No.14190231


Wait till you get even further. I beat the game and it was probably the most fun game aside from witcher 1 I played last year mario odyssey was a close 3rd



Axe is probably the best read scrublike weapon for offline with its stun damage. But I like the moonlight and chain blades too. the scythe is not worth it.

5370f2 No.14190239

File: 7adfeffb0c10ca9⋯.png (639.02 KB, 852x460, 213:115, osmt3.png)


I just wanted to throw a bone at him so he realizes of the actual good shit later on, particularly if he tackles the DLC post-game.

5c6c27 No.14190275


Who would choose not to use the Kirkhammer? That weapon is way too fucking cool.

5370f2 No.14190283


Those who choose memesword.

cd5145 No.14190295

File: 12efb305dd0966f⋯.png (99.76 KB, 1061x747, 1061:747, gamergateArticle.png)

File: fd28d0332b0298c⋯.png (112.47 KB, 1046x664, 523:332, gamergateArticle2.png)

I want to make something. Should I make, choclate cake, cookies, angel pie, or bars.

8d6d7f No.14190303

File: e311c0ef3d158e5⋯.png (240.37 KB, 640x326, 320:163, 40_cakes.png)

be35e6 No.14190332



<Won't have to use silverware

<Can have one in each hand

<Dip them in milk

<The right amount of firmness and softness (If you don't overcook them)

<Put anything in them

<Are never too rich (Unless you put in too many sweets)

aee084 No.14190334

File: 458fcb255ce887e⋯.png (101.72 KB, 377x357, 377:357, 458fcb255ce887ee70751c82a8….png)


>Almost quads

it's good shit tho

9c5d0e No.14190344

>It's men, not women, who should be scared of sexbots according to mathematician


6a893d No.14190345


>Summer 2017


I like those cookie sandwiches with cream between them.

I don't know what angel pie is.

Make tres-leche; three milks cake.

Dammit, my hotspot keeps reseting

5c6c27 No.14190346


<Dip them in milk

Dipping cookies in milk is the dumbest idea. Glasses weren't made for fucking dipping cookies in them. If you're gonna do the milk combo, you need brownies.

93272e No.14190351


Make some bars.

ac0c38 No.14190357

8d6d7f No.14190362


>Dr Cathy O’Neil believes that human men are at risk of being passed over when “dashing menbots” are available to spoil women.

With what money? Sexbots cost money, they don't make it.

e100ee No.14190370


good luck getting your menbots to buy you dinner, lady

6a893d No.14190377


Someone already posted the original Bloomberg article some threads ago.

She basically describes a male sex-bot as servants, money makers like >>14190362 put, and not fucking sex-dolls made for fucking loke the name implies.

Sex for women is money apparently.

Here's the original bloomberg article. The comments are good and it got thousands.


be35e6 No.14190380

File: 00442002d315dc5⋯.gif (309.25 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 00442002d315dc5984a59e8b73….gif)


>Dipping cookies in milk is the dumbest idea.


You willing to go to war over that statement, anon?

cd1340 No.14190384


that works, until people point out that that is pretty much slavery

cd1340 No.14190392


or those who like scrub axe.

389565 No.14190393

File: 6562962d9709ecc⋯.gif (961.42 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, laughingpopteamgirls.gif)


>Dipping cookies in milk is the dumbest idea

>he never enjoyed the sweet dampness of a cookie dunked in milk

5c6c27 No.14190398

File: 568c7ddef3269b7⋯.webm (1.87 MB, 852x480, 71:40, Amassing a few troops.webm)


Yes I am

26e462 No.14190400

File: 845ff6de1463ada⋯.mp4 (35.47 KB, 326x184, 163:92, Jack scream.mp4)


Been fucking around in Breath of the Wild, finally got around to doing The Champion's Ballad.

>mfw that finale in the last dungeon

ac0c38 No.14190404


I think the most important part is that most men don't give a fuck if women start fucking robots. Women are the ones scared of it.

8d6d7f No.14190405


What are wide, almost bowl like cups for?

be35e6 No.14190415

File: f75a2d0eb0be16f⋯.jpg (76.53 KB, 1000x720, 25:18, __katyusha_and_nonna_girls….jpg)


Soon the great war over dipping cookies or brownies in milk shall begin…

My combat lolis have train just for this very task…

6a893d No.14190416


Make tiramisu instead of gay chocolate.

cd5145 No.14190417

File: c5f779ce1af6c42⋯.jpg (88.7 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, 6a59bc88-7a57-47fb-b89e-66….jpg)

File: e79dd82ca27523b⋯.png (66.67 KB, 1048x429, 1048:429, permalife.png)


>I don't know what angel pie is

it is basically a lemon meringue pie

I'm not really a fan of sponge cakes though


yeah I will probably make cookies as I won't have to run to the store for something.

just some sugar cookies or something.

e100ee No.14190419


>all robots are already built to make money

>give a sex (and an inefficient human form) to robots built to make money

>explicitly make them males

Aren't women supposed to be intelligent and not sexist?

8d6d7f No.14190427


You literally cannot be sexist against men because sexism, like the various other isms, requires power + privilege. Men have both of those things and thus can only be oppressors, never the oppressed. :^)

5c6c27 No.14190429

File: b66eea90ad80dc3⋯.webm (8.27 MB, 852x480, 71:40, Tactical Galactic Missle.webm)


I have access to more than just some lolis in WW2 tanks

f16956 No.14190432


He has become what he hates.

eceecf No.14190446


That's stupid. People aren't going to "hire" some woman's mandroid servant to work at their business. They'll just they'll just buy a bunch of robots themselves and cut out the middle man.

178063 No.14190454

File: c76c8be99ead089⋯.png (289.58 KB, 496x468, 124:117, later ok.png)



>wobot will never spend your money or belittle you for not having enough

>manbot will never take you to dinner or fix things around the house

>manbot will never carry you into the bedroom for passionate sex

>Wobot won't care what hole you put it in

>manbot will never clean itself or be autonomous

>wobot will replace woman due to the shear power of autism and male fixation on perfection.

I can see the future being bright for men and devastating and isolating for the women.

5a50d1 No.14190471

File: 3a2b44dd70d9cb1⋯.jpg (77.89 KB, 692x530, 346:265, onelittleship_023.jpg)

Good evening. How are you fine misogyterrorists doing? Have you harassed your quota of women of the internet today?

be35e6 No.14190474

File: 5b04e83bf9fa33b⋯.mp4 (7.4 MB, 640x360, 16:9, before posting online.mp4)

8d6d7f No.14190476


>Have you harassed your quota of women of the internet today?

No. I'll start with (You).

6a893d No.14190478

File: 6d4f285cf77c7ba⋯.jpg (144.75 KB, 323x929, 323:929, ugguu.jpg)


Good tres-leche is wet, creamy, and drips of sweet delicious milk/cream.

Looking it up in english gives you airy and gay images.


Quiet nigger, we're talking about baking and sex-bots

5a50d1 No.14190484



Ex Machina taught me to be wary of the robo-waifu. A holo-waifu is fine enough.

be35e6 No.14190501


>Ex Machina taught me to be wary of the robo-waifu. A holo-waifu is fine enough.

<2D 3D is better than having 3D 2D


93272e No.14190504


I just want to be someone's waifu

be35e6 No.14190507


Is that you trap anon?

93272e No.14190514


You tell me.

8d6d7f No.14190517

File: c4c62c9efbbb154⋯.png (171.11 KB, 501x500, 501:500, Cease. Your Faggotry.png)

ac0c38 No.14190523



Won't be long until we have trap robots, make your move fast

be35e6 No.14190524

File: 108c1693c53ab63⋯.png (337.01 KB, 1240x1748, 310:437, 1.png)

File: ab5ae1725838349⋯.png (293.08 KB, 1240x1748, 310:437, 2.png)

File: 9dc26c3f5eb8dfe⋯.png (332.54 KB, 1240x1748, 310:437, 3.png)

File: 1da38bd7354eb00⋯.png (304.57 KB, 1240x1748, 310:437, 4.png)

File: b99ff99de712472⋯.png (337.65 KB, 1240x1748, 310:437, 5.png)


Go back to your dragons, knight.

5370f2 No.14190529


New Blade Runner warns you about holo waifus, though.

6a893d No.14190534


Surgery is too far behind to waifuify someone real. At most, we can only program and teach AI and rp over the internet.

How was your day, anon sweetie? ;_;

eceecf No.14190535

File: be9cc14bb865947⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 2.05 MB, 2938x3722, 1469:1861, Jean-Léon_Gérôme,_Pygmalio….jpg)


>wobot will replace woman due to the shear power of autism and male fixation on perfection.

A tale as old as time.

cd5145 No.14190541

File: 5f48fb310420f8d⋯.jpg (55.66 KB, 495x700, 99:140, 1005194_427040377409163_95….jpg)

8d6d7f No.14190544

File: dbbb717be90c42b⋯.png (120.52 KB, 500x322, 250:161, I SAID CEASE IT.png)



5c6c27 No.14190546

File: 87b360c6f3dc105⋯.webm (4.91 MB, 852x480, 71:40, Anubis being evil.webm)

Robowaifus are overrated. You fall in love with people because of their flaws. Robowaifus would have no flaws.

I'll never understand people who complain about "overly evil" villains. Saturday Morning Cartoon villains are fun as hell, and I hate how everyone thinks villains need to be complex and relatable nowadays.

93272e No.14190549


Was good, baked lemon cake and played games, and now sleepy.


Holo waifus were portrayed as good.

93272e No.14190554


But Game of Thrones exists, and that has Joffrey and Ramsay as the villians.

8d6d7f No.14190564

File: 0568f83490c0789⋯.png (278.92 KB, 450x343, 450:343, Untitled.png)

be35e6 No.14190570


>I'll never understand people who complain about "overly evil" villains. Saturday Morning Cartoon villains are fun as hell, and I hate how everyone thinks villains need to be complex and relatable nowadays.

It's because they refuse to believed that "good" and "evil" exist, and constantly use the shield of how there are "Grey areas" to justify morally questionable actions. Simply put, people use it as an excuse to commit haram.

be35e6 No.14190593

File: 66ac426ae3fdd93⋯.mp4 (11.56 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Legacy Part 2 - Full Darks….mp4)



Also, they think that all characters have to be "complex" in order to be "deep".

8d6d7f No.14190595



Bullshit. It's normalfags and liberals that want to force black and white morality, especially the left since can they put all their enemies in the irredeemable box. People here have loved to complain for ages about how X villain was right sometimes, but not always mirroring Hitler was right as a phrase, because the writers made an interesting villain, but loathe the way vidya writers forced a black and white good guy protag/bad guy villain story onto a grey issue or character.

8d6d7f No.14190602


Also, normalfags like it that way because they like things to be simple, which works for your basic HollyJew action flick with special effects out the ass, but not for something with good writing.

93272e No.14190603

File: e8626b99c33dec0⋯.jpg (406.26 KB, 1008x1202, 504:601, 77412.jpg)

eceecf No.14190604

File: 31e6c916975472f⋯.jpg (180.58 KB, 400x590, 40:59, Marutake_Sangyo-Ishsida_Mi….jpg)


Having complex and relatable antagonists can make for really good drama. Someone who isn't evil but merely on the opposing side as you due to intersecting loyalties or due to differences on the subject of how to to do the right thing can make for great stories.

fa38e2 No.14190606


mfw wife makes me watch her fucking her bf but I get a hour on the wii after

93272e No.14190622

File: b6a14069127a1a4⋯.jpg (187.38 KB, 627x900, 209:300, Moviebob.jpg)

5c6c27 No.14190626


Yeah, but having a ridiculously evil and hatable villain is fun in it's own right. People act like the villain has to be relatable, or have a good reason for doing the things he does. I wouldn't choose just one or the other, but currently people bitch up a storm if they aren't getting Keyser Soze as their badguy.

01cfb1 No.14190629


That mainly works only in vidya and not serious drama stuff.

eceecf No.14190648

File: e02bccc72e08d06⋯.jpg (61.08 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ss_k_01.jpg)


>Yeah, but having a ridiculously evil and hatable villain is fun in it's own right.

Indeed. Of course those two things don't have to be mutually exclusive, even in the same piece of fiction. Sometimes it just means you have to make two separate characters.

6a893d No.14190668


It's not that it has to be relateable, but well written. It's boring to have a bad guy just do bad guy stuff for no reason. It's understandable if it's vidya because that's not suppose to be the focus.

be35e6 No.14190698

File: 04da23e605b06b0⋯.png (1.06 MB, 677x1000, 677:1000, ClipboardImage.png)


So, you're saying the "hero" shouldn't kill/imprison the "villian" for whatever crime he's done (Including, possibly, murder) simply because he's dropping redpills?


>Also, normalfags like it that way because they like things to be simple

That's because they are. Also, I think I've seen different films than you because, for example, stuff like [Pic related] did that thing where they put characters in the supposed "grey area", but, in reality, none of the events in the film should have happened (As you find out halfway through it). And, Pedowood has been turning out that shlock for years. To summarize the film, Pitt's character is capture by the Chinese while trying to get someone out of China, and the CIA is questioning Reddford's character (Who was his mentor) about the Pitt's past so that they can turn blindly to the Chinese to executing him without causing an international incident. As it turns out halfway through the film, Pitt's character became morally compromised, ignored orders, and ended up being used by one of his contacts. The result was that an operation went much worse than it should have, and ultimately caused the events leading up to the films opening (Due to the fact that the sex was so good instead of focusing the fact that HE WAS FUCKING USED)

7edf1e No.14190700




Right now Granblue Fantasy has one of thid villains, the typical trusted advisor of the king does things behind the king's back, put a kind face everywhere.

I accept that the faggot is against Pholia, I accept he is trying to unmask her, but the fucker crossed the line when he tried to kill the Mother of all MILFs.

8d6d7f No.14190712


>So, you're saying the "hero" shouldn't kill/imprison the "villian" for whatever crime he's done

No, you're putting words in my mouth nigger.

be35e6 No.14190720


How else am I suppose to interpret: >>14190595

> It's normalfags and liberals that want to force black and white morality, especially the left since can they put all their enemies in the irredeemable box.


>People here have loved to complain for ages about how X villain was right sometimes, but not always mirroring Hitler was right as a phrase, because the writers made an interesting villain, but loathe the way vidya writers forced a black and white good guy protag/bad guy villain story onto a grey issue or character.


594a7f No.14190725

File: 345d42d7abcf71d⋯.jpg (24.38 KB, 1200x537, 400:179, 9960489.jpg)

File: 207617f8b9ed0bf⋯.jpg (23.87 KB, 600x315, 40:21, pbnWZRk.jpg)

File: 3d5219db404a1d7⋯.jpg (65.32 KB, 467x599, 467:599, 467px-CobraCommander-150.jpg)



Well written doesn't always need to equal relatable, justifiable, or sane. There's little more fun than someone who just does comically bad things in their own way, whether they choose to justify it or not.

5a50d1 No.14190727


I liked Redford's acting in that movie.

facd1c No.14190744

File: fe7208d82db9ba6⋯.jpeg (83.99 KB, 600x600, 1:1, E751D6B1-D724-412A-B580-2….jpeg)

Thanks again for all the birthday wishes, everyone. We’ve been on this endless, tiresome tribulation called GamerGate for well over 3 years, our very hearts ablaze with a sense of justice, fortified by smug anime girls and pepe, or perhaps even driven by an insatiable thirst for action, a calling to do something to save the hobby that interests you. Never forget how far you’ve come, and how far you’ve yet to go, for there’s still much to do. Learn Nip, keep your own archives of ethically shady articles (not just for your sake, but for Bonegolem too. DF is in dire need of updates and it might help to have everything cataloged for him if/when he gets around to updating it), and don’t stop believing in meme magic.

Wizards, as much as the spirit of vengeance is the backbone of any reformist element such as GG, try not to let yourselves be angry all the time. Not at your fellow anons, not at the state of your hobby, but most importantly not at yourselves. Anger is never born alone, so I can only venture to guess what you’re truly feeling in your hearts when the nights are as silent as they are lonely. I think you know very well what it is, that emotion you thought was dead all this time. Let it out, anons. Let it sing and cry. Anger is only a short-term anodyne for it. This place wouldn’t be quite as magical without our fair share of wizards, autism be damned

Anyway, here’s a jam with Anons that I never got around to sharing. It’s but a meager return-gift to you. That solo was improvised but took four fucking takes until I was happy with it. Forgive me, I’m not a virtuoso at guitar


Alright now back to work, fags. Don’t forget to copy missing posts from the /pol/ Language thread archive to the /8diamonds/ thread. Expect a second /pol/ thread about the subject soon

cc763d No.14190782

File: 9af760212f45258⋯.webm (469.61 KB, 640x340, 32:17, irons1.webm)

File: b63f06b1490dc35⋯.webm (452.6 KB, 640x352, 20:11, irons2.webm)


>There's little more fun than someone who just does comically bad things in their own way

hammy acting also helps

fa38e2 No.14190789

File: df4774e2e3302cd⋯.jpg (91.19 KB, 1365x845, 21:13, DT2ZGrAX4AIGp9X.jpg_large.jpg)

be35e6 No.14190793

File: fe5a6a14020369c⋯.png (55.71 KB, 778x242, 389:121, ...lol.png)


Is that real? I have to ask, I want to know.

fa38e2 No.14190803

e64574 No.14190810

File: 3886df0d2ca34f5⋯.webm (11.59 MB, 1280x528, 80:33, Raul Julia Bison speech.webm)



>hammy acting also helps

that it does

e64574 No.14190813

File: ac7056882b00e9b⋯.webm (13.85 MB, 1280x526, 640:263, Van Damme Guile Speech.webm)

594a7f No.14190828

File: f41438225a162d6⋯.png (68.48 KB, 286x224, 143:112, sloth.png)


That's good stuff, it was worth the time on that solo.


This is basically just giving a word even more power. Now it's not just a funny anime meme, it also pisses them right off too. It's like they're desperate for insults without knowing I'm totally cool with having more words to bug them with.

Also amusing using a series that ripped loads of visuals from Utena, one of the most famous reverse-trap anime.

05dff7 No.14190832

File: 4ebd4233537d056⋯.jpg (47.69 KB, 300x350, 6:7, retarded.jpg)


>actually know a tranny from my old job

>i told him about the trap 'controversy' back when TB and Jesse Cox were sperging about it

>he said it was retarded and that no one he knew was offended by it

26e462 No.14190837

File: 77b129d5cf641fd⋯.jpg (71.14 KB, 1008x513, 112:57, transition any%.jpg)


Like it's the trap's fault that low-effort trannies can't pass.

93272e No.14190850


It's almost like every day people don't get offended by everything.


Steven Universe is a shit show, it's creators are shit, and it's fanbase is shit. The trifecta.

5a50d1 No.14190856

File: 50c498eb8dd0a8c⋯.webm (3.27 MB, 1280x692, 320:173, Jin.Roh.The.Wolf.Brigade.webm)


>crazy twitter tranny

>still sperg on trap

>shitty SU image macro

>"Literally billions of trans murders"

tick all the boxes

93272e No.14190863

File: 9a5081422d2fd50⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1027x1019, 1027:1019, Propane.png)


Holy fucking shit that webm made me shit myself.

6a893d No.14190885


Nigga das a .png

5a50d1 No.14190887


or is it?

6a893d No.14190895

>Batoto will be closing down permanently. Jan 18, 2018

>Jan 20, 2018 3:00 UTC-4

>It's still up.

6104a8 No.14190926

File: 3728bfe2e638773⋯.png (1.32 MB, 883x1864, 883:1864, Vidya Game Comic 26.png)


you gonna carry that weight…

26ace3 No.14190933


To start with these comics were funny in an unfunny sort of way but they are getting stale.

eceecf No.14190934

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6104a8 No.14190937

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6a893d No.14190944

File: 030b5b051a7b5e8⋯.png (90.58 KB, 327x300, 109:100, felixmakesyathink.png)


>also reflects a mindset that literally gets trans-women killed

I thought about this reeaaal hard… and I think I finally understood.

You see, when I use the word trap and a tranny gets offended,I get really annoyed and pissed off that they compare themselves to traps. It hittler-alley makes me want to kill the nuisances.

93272e No.14190955

File: 4a1fb562a184d02⋯.png (1.62 MB, 692x1048, 173:262, HireTrans.png)


Why not force them to get a real job? #HireTrans

6104a8 No.14190958


Trannies would kill themselves the moment they start a real job in Retail.

26ace3 No.14190966


The tranny-logic is that a man unknowingly sleeps with a trap, and they are so disgusted that they murder them. Which goes to show they don't have the slightest clue what people mean when they say 'trap'.

26e462 No.14190972


They're also under the impression that if a man who identifies as a man likes to put on pretty dresses and masquerade as a woman for strangers on the internet, then they must be trans.

8d6d7f No.14190994


If I want to be an anime girl, does that make me trans?

26e462 No.14191000


According to the Tumblr crazies, yes.

8d6d7f No.14191016

>>14191000 (checked)

What if I want to be an anime girl (male)?

0c2634 No.14191068

File: 621fbbe8834800a⋯.jpg (34.78 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1446695558105.jpg)


Happy birthday.

be35e6 No.14191075

File: 1d87378a9cf2cc5⋯.jpg (823.56 KB, 2550x3300, 17:22, 5fbfed2cd5ced857054831e297….jpg)


Still yes.

Why is it a bunch of faggots in denial basically ruined most of the "gender bender" concept by taking something, that was often used as a gag or a joke, and doing the entire thing unironically and demand they be taken seriously?

45ad1c No.14191076


It makes you transdimensional.

0c2634 No.14191078

File: e9399a50531f614⋯.png (665.96 KB, 1278x573, 426:191, e9399a50531f614471615466ab….png)


How else will he be able to get the most money?


8d6d7f No.14191109


It's only "ruined" in SJW circles, though they have spread their influence. It's been years since the "trap" tag was replaced with "tomgirl" on the panda and in various other places though trap still gives the same results on the panda. Even if I were to accept the retarded term tomgirl, it's not the same thing as a trap. The opposite of tomboy already has a tag, "otokonoko", nip for girly boy I think. A trap is otokonoko + crossdressing.

6a893d No.14191123


>1 bid

>auction ends in a week

It won't die fast enough.

fd03ad No.14191126


That thing will never get a job looking like that

05dff7 No.14191136

File: 84cb44ed9af18b0⋯.png (213.18 KB, 506x517, 46:47, img000031.png)

>US federal government will shut down because democrats refuse to pass a funding bill that doesn't include DACA

>they'd rather the federal government shut down than allow immigration law to be enforced

>this is somehow Trump's fault

6722e9 No.14191142

File: a28c635c3519789⋯.png (73.22 KB, 765x294, 255:98, Colony Drop isn't Ground Z….png)



To actually make this work you need to not act fucking spergy and actually dig hardcore on the full sjweeb timeline and the most high up in the cartel.

826afb No.14191151


Compare this to the treatment Obango has done to the Republicans

>King Nigger ever met or discussed with the Republicans for any major issues ever or treated them fairly

>This is all Trump's fault for furthering the partisan divide in America even though he continually followed Judicial and Legislative procedure unlike Obama, and even met Democrats who proceeded to make crap up with ShitholeGate and then blame him for them using this as an opportunity to attack him


6722e9 No.14191161

File: 2e010193830bc25⋯.png (83.6 KB, 215x395, 43:79, heavy bird.png)

Also don't bother /a/ they won't give a shit and also digging up /a/ post 2011 is key since that's when I started to see sjweeb shit on cuck/a/.


>Trump is causing a divde

<While the dems cause nothing but harm to not only the USA but the rest of North America

05dff7 No.14191166

File: 1902733aff91876⋯.jpg (16.12 KB, 240x200, 6:5, 1423911457502.jpg)



>b-but the democrats tried to negotiate

>y-you see, they'd give Trump some funding for the border wall in exchange for amnesty for up to 3.6 million illegals who will become democrat voters dreamers who dindu nuffin

>that's a fair compromise

fb241c No.14191174


How long before Bob declares himself Fuhrer?

6722e9 No.14191187


The worst fucking part is how no one left leaning even centre left save maybe a few are rational when it comes to anything and they are shocked that Gen Z is becoming hyper right wing.

dc379b No.14191191

File: 06834d6b29144c0⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 158.04 KB, 776x545, 776:545, Kq1z6EX.jpg)


thats super gay

fa38e2 No.14191193

why do japs sound like they are being murdered during sex? do they enjoy it>

39c307 No.14191292

I hope Trump doesn't cuck out now.

39c307 No.14191338

File: e74a5d661bd2469⋯.png (38.45 KB, 964x360, 241:90, morons.png)

Alt-right bigots status; BTFO!

fb241c No.14191352


Who is he talking about? Himself?

b1a78f No.14191361

File: 3c05b62dc57d729⋯.jpg (112.06 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 2589651281.jpg)

>Trannies being mad that traps are superior in every possible angle compared to them.


The hell am I looking at?

f69de2 No.14191371


Is this still about that NISA game? If they used their money to do the job right the first time they'd have all these sales and PC exposure. Nobody told them to machine translate the game, copy/past the wrong strings, or introduce game breaking bugs to the PC port.

d55976 No.14191413

File: 2e90b3122dacf5e⋯.png (35.74 KB, 1001x304, 1001:304, Amir0x sentencing.png)

Sorry if this is slowpoke, but Amir0x, that NeoFAG mod that got busted with CP got his final sentencing. 1-2 years in prison, "treatment programs", 15 years on the sex offender list, restricted internet, and can't be around any children.


0c2634 No.14191424


>"Have no fucking clue how business works"

>Proceeds to talk about NISA being trash at budgeting

>NISA has also proven time and time again how retarded they are

To quote the retard himself "oh the irony".

6722e9 No.14191426

File: 0d6b4e2378916b9⋯.png (882.34 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, smug antarctic explorer jk.png)

39c307 No.14191447


He's talking about his Based NISA.

7fda66 No.14191468

File: a6d8577e79a8782⋯.png (271.6 KB, 413x848, 413:848, destiny in coat.png)


>"treatment programs"

Medicinal CP? :^)

594a7f No.14191471

File: 043391a0528900f⋯.png (381.02 KB, 722x1107, 722:1107, 2.png)




There is nothing more sinful than people who defend companies that hate them, or at best, consider them useful idiots. Imagine people standing around talking about the "haters" for Coca-co.

436b6f No.14191478

File: b6c0e31e58630a0⋯.jpg (53.65 KB, 632x480, 79:60, 1399165733030.jpg)


>53 child porn pictures

>child porn image files



>no mention of the word "photo" anywhere

………………..it was loli doujins, wasn't it?

4bd359 No.14191489


off yourself clickbait fag

594a7f No.14191500


Unlikely. Very few people have been convicted in America on drawn images alone, and usually because they plead guilty rather than raise to higher circles of law. Pretty sure there's precedent for the supreme court to shut the cases down whenever they're presented because none wants to be the one to say drawings can be illegal. It's still very hazy territory in much of europe and other places.

826afb No.14191527


He can have a nice job as a Judge in MTG when his sentence is done.

d55976 No.14191555

File: bcd0b6469c5642f⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1280x1284, 320:321, hall of sluts.png)


Doubtful if you look look at it the phrasing, and his defense. At the very least, that isn't wholly what got him sent up. They do mention software to download CP, which is probably ToR, a bittorrent client, or both.

>On one of the phones was a downloads folder containing a video of a girl between ages 12 and 14 wearing only a skirt and dancing suggestively, Webbe said. The pictures show nude children between ages 4 and 12 involved in various activities on a beach.

<He told detectives he didn’t believe at the time that the images of the children are illegal since they depict no sexual acts.

7d2849 No.14191576

File: 4acba87e3cfc5b2⋯.png (537.74 KB, 825x526, 825:526, meme-i-have-no-idea-what-i….png)


>Gives advice >>14189273

on how to make webms

>Save and download to computer

>"Cannot play media due to unknown plugin."



I strongly disagree with removing from the OP entirely due to its importance. But I do think there should be a reassessment on the approach taken with it due to stagnation.

New bread soon?

75be87 No.14191587


I've read that doujin. The first story was the best to me.


Another one bites the dust. He's a moron though, if we look at his defense (>>14191555


439ad7 No.14191611

File: c7c2ffb6e153756⋯.jpg (151.67 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, Taka Michinoku Peace 7.jpg)

Good evening. I'll be your baker for today. Anything you want me to add for the new bread?

6722e9 No.14191614

File: ed3217cdff04022⋯.jpg (280.68 KB, 1008x1500, 84:125, Franxx.jpg)


Make it Darling in the Franxx themed.

439ad7 No.14191616

File: 2964ca643d7896f⋯.jpg (84.97 KB, 270x405, 2:3, Cat's Eye.jpg)


How about I make it a Cat's Eye edition instead?

439ad7 No.14191624

File: a1ee6b48e8c8468⋯.jpg (55.45 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Lewder.jpg)

Shitpost until 700, the bread is ready.

6722e9 No.14191625

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Or city hunter

439ad7 No.14191633

File: e1fdd27f7820a6c⋯.png (331.8 KB, 629x277, 629:277, Thumbs Up 5.png)


Oh, don't worry, next bread will be City Hunter-themed. I just want Cat's Eye to have its spotlight right now.

1bb874 No.14191638

File: a6701983c47d02f⋯.jpg (44.01 KB, 680x356, 170:89, Jóia.jpg)


Thanks for the encouragement, rockanon

439ad7 No.14191648

This bread is steaming hot! Eat it with caution!




d978ca No.14191913

File: fcb00edb2bc607a⋯.jpg (152.81 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1e74ca6f48aa0950f29f47dc16….jpg)


>mfw people unironically argue that

ca18c2 No.14193541


Why did anime high cut go out of style?

6ffb8b No.14195648

you know something

you may hate the idea but these shills and the commies who you hate so much actually respect an ideas guy as a role as their ideas guys or shall I say idea gals are who are dominating all of media today. If we wish to make video games great again we need to respect and listen to ideas guys. Even if we think it's retarded and gay.

The idea guy of course spends his life learning the truth. The leftists have their (((truth))). We actually have the truth. We need to recognize this key difference and divide the darkness from the light as our maker did before he made us and used us to make his video games for us to love and enjoy not suffer as we currently endure.

82ea10 No.14196224

File: af605df2ba277fd⋯.jpg (161.11 KB, 962x662, 481:331, The Chad.jpg)

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