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File: c9eb6db57ef96b0⋯.png (876.43 KB, 1005x485, 201:97, jewgle.png)



So you want to kill google? And not just kill it, fucking demolish it? Three things need to happen. All of Google's money comes from advertising, analytics, and hosting. To kill google we need to drive up their operational costs while lowering their profits.

Fuck with their advertisements

If you have ever worked with adsense before you will know that the one thing they absolutely despise is telling people to click ads. They want people who are actually interested in products to click advertisements, because only they will be persuaded to purchase products. On top of that, companies pay google per click. If they are paying a ton of money and few people are buying their products, they will pull out.

STEP 1: Go on to youtube, google shopping, or anyplace else with adsense ads in private browsing mode on a vpn or proxy.

STEP 2: Click all the ads you possibly can

STEP 3: Hop on a new proxy/vpn/tor circuit, and clear out the browser

STEP 4: Repeat



Fuck with their file storage

Google stores everything you upload, and keeps it there even if it gets "deleted." Storing stuff costs lots of money, and high speed ssd drives to keep it all on aren't cheap. The more you upload, the more they pay.

STEP 1: Choose a platform that allows you to upload files(eg: youtube, drive, gsites, ect)

STEP 2: Get a file that is at or over the maximum file limit

STEP 3: Upload it again, and again, and again, and again

EXTRA STEP: If you are doing youtube make a huge file with a ton of random music, text on the screen, and game footage. Their matching algorithm will have to go through your whole 1hr + video and match everything there for monitization.



Fuck with analytics

Google is so popular in the analytics world because it can show advertisers what type of people are viewing their page (see http://theoutpost.observer/article.php?id=32 for a good explanation). If we can make this data unreliable then people will stop using google services.

STEP 1: Get a huge word dictionary

STEP 2: Make a small script that searches something entirely random every 20 minutes or so

STEP 3: Let it go as long as possible on as many accounts as possible

STEP 4: Go to random pages with tracking on them to give them fucked results



Fuck with the advertisers

If companies think their users won't buy their products because of google then they will pull out and stop funding them. Youtube's budget got slashed when a few guys pulled out, just imagine what would happen if we could get a ton of people to leave.

STEP 1: Get a huge list of "medium" sized advertisers. Companies that are small enough that it is easy to get a message through to them but big enough that they have a large advertising budget.

STEP 2: Get huge volumes of well written emails to them saying that you (a past customer) are highly against google and don't want to purchase from a company that supports them. Talk about the quality of their products and say you don't want to take your business elsewhere. Sweet talk them.

STEP 3: Get fucktons of people to do this. Gamergate style, but bigger.




Search engine:


- Yacy is a distributed peer to peer search engine that has had time to mature and harden


- Yandex is a Russian search engine that has been trying to break into googles market for years



- Palemoon is a firefox fork that has slowly been developing. Has the original firefox ux, and is very customizable.


- Everyone knows what fucking firefox is, although it has become bloated. If you use this, make sure to harden it


umatrix: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/umatrix/

- helps you filter out google cdn's and analytics. A bit of a learning curve but its worth it.

ublock origin: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/ublock-origin/

- A non-jewed adblocker that is extremely robust.

User Agent Switcher: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/user-agent-switcher/

- Changes what websites read your browser as, helps fuck with analytics.












You could also help develop and shill free alternatives to google services. IPFS has potential to replace youtube and google drive for instance.


File: f194df6a73bf64d⋯.jpg (86.71 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, head in washer crazy.jpg)



>So you want to kill google? And not just kill it, fucking demolish it?

Yeah sure, as soon as you step up and start writing better software. I don't have a hardware budget big enough to support Mozilla Diversity.



What do you rely on google for anyways? I can garantee there is a better alternative out there for whatever service they are providing.



>Storing stuff costs lots of money, and high speed ssd drives to keep it all on aren't cheap.

You don't keep everything in SSDs.

>STEP 2: Get a file that is at or over the maximum file limit

>STEP 3: Upload it again, and again, and again, and again

Don't upload the same file. They probably calculate the hash, notice it has a match and only store it once.



Is there a way we could just generate videos unfavorable semicircle style?


At the accounts high it was uploading 3-4 videos every minute.


I think you mean 'GNU/Terra'


We could upload terrabytes of data to google drive, we get a bunch of people to setup accounts and then the rest to just upload to their free storage mindlessly until it runs out.

Also set up a bunch of gmail accounts and sign them up to literally everything, make bots to email them if possible.


This is bullshit, the only thing that really gets done is a contribution to global warming.

Better attack in other ways. Like, develop something that will make people happily migrate to superior free software. Work on educating the masses. Etc.

This is too hard for average /tech visitor, though.



It's like pissing in the ocean or whatever the english expression is, it won't make a difference.


You can shill IPFS to the masses, it would be very easy to develop a youtube clone (without recommended videos/comments just simple video hosting) that respects free speech, then just shill it to then nationalist youtubers when they start censoring their content like they're planning.



Not if we find a way to automate this at an insane rate



>Upload it again, and again, and again, and again

what is deduplication, faggot


We should clog all their support lines with stupid requests so they can't reach real customers



Just randomly generate videos of noise



You still need IPs. Better idea, shill for the abolishment of google services. Contact websites, ask them to remove google analytics. YouTube will start censoring nationalist content soon, that's a golden opportunity to shill for a replacement.


Youtube detects them and removes them.



This makes more sense, but your account will probably get shoah'd together with all uploads if discovered.



>What do you rely on google for anyways?

They fixed about 1000 vulns in ffmpeg while the libav SJWs were trying to rape everyone

Their browser is fast enough to run on pre-ME pre-PSP hardware, Firefox runs like shit on anything that isn't a glorified game console

Google knows how to do logo redesigns without it looking like a fucking travesty



>Youtube detects them and removes them.

I don't think it should be hard to fool this.



This is why we have a team creating accounts so we have too many foe them to handle



>Youtube detects them and removes them.

Then we randomly crawl 8chan for images and text and generate videos of random length that way




You and whose personal army, faggot?



If we got halfchan and /pol/ involved we'd have plenty of IPs



>let's inform the enemy where we come from, goy! Trust me, I'm your greatest ally!




>You and whose personal army, faggot?

Kys borefag, I'm not even OP, this is something that would greatly help /tech/'s goals



>>let's inform the enemy where we come from, goy! Trust me, I'm your greatest ally!

It's more like making our mark, besides, any retaliation will only help us






>greatly help /tech/'s goals

/tech/ is not a roachpol caliphate, now kindly fuck off.


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>/tech/ is not a roachpol caliphate, now kindly fuck off.

Make me borefag


OP is a 12 year old faggot.

>Storing stuff costs lots of money

Storage costs google nothing (to 9 decimal places)

Literally the only thing you can do to hurt google is advocacy.

You have to spread anti-google decent though every normalfag channel you can. Spread ublock as wide as possible. Getting an adblocker on someone's android device is especially ruinous.

Shame people for being too stupid to block adverts. Promote alternatives to their core products (don't worry about loss making auxiliary products).

Accept that you'll have almost no effect, yet still be contributing to the inevitable rise of adblockers, which google absolutely view as an existential threat.



*make we



Also do NOT fucking install noscript, or Firefox's strict blocking list.

If you break a normalfag's facebook work-flow, they will reinstall their browser or just buy a new computer. Anything you do or suggest has to be as unintrusive as physically possible.


File: f1b8681a90b26d2⋯.jpg (39.61 KB, 540x767, 540:767, 1501140384898.jpg)

And lets say you kill Google

What other search engine is big enough to win over that market share?

The only one is baidu, which has even more blatant censorship

The best we can do is use meta search engines and spread dissent towards Jewgle



>12 year old faggot




Also, google will get hit VERY hard by the coming financial crisis. Some companies (procter and gamble) are already giving up on online advertising since even the people who don't block them just mentally register them as noise. When money is tight, that advertising budget might get shrunk down a bit. The previous financial crisis brought us bitcoin, the one before that brought us the pirate bay and bittorrent, who knows what this one will bring?


Google has an extremely dominant position. Say some people start using yandex, some people start using bing, some people start using yahoo, even if google keeps existing, they're not going to be in the position to rape the market like they are now.



Google is not just a search engine, it's an all-encompassing politically weaponised cancer.



>Say some people start using yandex, some people start using bing, some people start using yahoo, even if google keeps existing

Smartphones use Chrome and Google as defaults browser and search engine.

It's a lost battle



And? Apple doesn't like Google, if Bing would give as good search results they'd switch it over as default in a heartbeat, they already support Duckduckgo in Safari without adding it manually.



This unfortunately. Most people only see the tip of the iceberg. Their public facing web presence.

They don't see the political body. The lobbyists, the revolving door between politics and executive positions, astroturf groups, think-tanks, government subsidises, data exchange deals.

If you could globally DDOS their search engine off the internet forever, they still wouldn't die.



>if Bing would give as good search results

Implying that would be an improvement.

Bing/Microsoft is just as bad as Google.



Yes, but now google can't rape you as hard because they know microsoft will rape their market share in turn if they do that. A duopoly is a step up from a monopoly



So you are here just to shill for yandex?

Tnx but not tnx

I use meta search engines that allow me to search all searchengines at once and include results that are crosssecrion of them


File: 5c1cdd73d1cac31⋯.jpg (10.08 KB, 349x167, 349:167, yacy.jpg)

For an alternative search engine YACY is pretty sweet although they need to crawl more.



>global warming

Didn't you get the government memo? Don't call it that anymore, its new name is "weather extremes".


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But anon, by doing what you say I would be making me more moderate. My intention is to go and put a bomb in their HQ in my country.

Uploading stuff to them does cost, but it's marginal; they buy in bulk and shit's cheap nowadays.



>I use meta search engines that allow me to search all searchengines at once and include results that are crosssecrion of them

So many words to just describe Searx?



That get actually looks cooler than the one everybody is waiting for.



>What do you rely on google for anyways?

<Google knows how to do logo redesigns without it looking like a fucking travesty

Are you fucking serious right now? So you'd risk using Google because they can fix some bugs, run a browser faster than others on outdated hardware, and they have a pretty logo? Come on, even you have to admit that those are some shallow reasons.



Checked, lucky satan.



I don't think you.... uh...... know..... quite what you are doing here.

All US companies have policies where they hire dumb colored people, because they have to.

It's a law, based on a Supreme Court decision--


basically what the court's decision said was that:

If a company has a hiring policy in place that results in racial discrimination, then they are liable for having racially discriminating hiring practices--even if that was not their intent.

What this does in practice is it prevents employers from doing their own skills testing of employees, so instead, they just set a higher educational requirement.

(one example article about this effect, tho there are many others)


So basically... you are trying to "fight" a policy that all big companies are practically required to have, by law.


File: cb633642cb1a6f8⋯.png (114.99 KB, 890x763, 890:763, 2017-08-08-141017_890x763_….png)



If you have not read it, this is an excerpt from a book Julian Assange wrote about Google. I highly reccommend people read it, because it gives a good idea of what Google is, what it's doing, and where it's heading. Here's a list of names/orgs that pop up:

>Jared Cohen (former state department)

>Jonathan Soros (Son of George Soros)

>Bildeburg Group

>Clinton and the rest of her ilk

>New America Foundation (an NGO with board members like John Soros and supported by the Rockafeller foundation


If we want to take down Google, this is what we're up against.



I don't think the OP's intent was to take down google for their shitty hiring practices. If google wants to hire a bunch of pajeets, nogs, and women, the company will fail on it's own given enough time.



>I use meta search engines that allow me to search all searchengines at once and include results that are crosssecrion of them

yea but Google has the biggest index...

and so most of the others just use Google's results and then insert their own paid placements into that...

so all you are really doing is getting Google results but with paid placements inserted

I dunno if they are the only ones now, but for a long time, Google was the only one that didn't insert 'hidden' paid placements into their search results. They show advertisement links along the top of the results page, but they don't stick them in with the normal results.

Bing (Microsoft's engine) is the second-biggest search engine index. It was heavily corrupted/edited for a long time, you couldn't even search for OpenOffice on it (it would just give pages for Microsoft Office, and then unrelated links). It seems to do that now tho so maybe they loosened up somewhat...

everything else is much smaller.


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They can hire anyone they please, but that’s not the point. On the other hand, Jewgle is forcing unfit people into job they are dangerously unqualified for, thanks to lower hiring standards and "positive" discrimination. The "anti-diversity" manifesto points out that different people have different skills, and it’s fine to hire them for those skills. What Jewgle is doing is hammering a colored piece that doesn’t fit the hole, and blame/fire the fitting piece when they want the job to be done properly.


File: 302ac8a1cfcedd2⋯.png (805.35 KB, 772x862, 386:431, Jewgle.png)


>If google wants to hire a bunch of pajeets, nogs, and women, the company will fail on it's own given enough time.

Not if they implement Iceland's and (((Leonid Bershidsky))) policy of mandatory paternal leave. Surely that will catapult them straight into the next golden age.




This is the perfect search engine

>Acts as a proxy to connect to google

>queries your search, brings it back to you without giving away your ip adress

LITERALLY cuckolding google.



Too bad i can't find anything with it lately. Either google is sabotaging them, or they're incompetent. Either way it's not looking good for startpage.


File: dd8d83284d0eac0⋯.jpg (711.34 KB, 1920x1920, 1:1, 685aad221b911edd5c3971ebfd….jpg)

You can't hurt Google. YouTube is operating at a loss, you know why Google keeps it? Because information is the most valuable resource on Earth, Google would be stupid to let go of that, the same reason Google doesn't directly profit from Android either. The sheer amount of data Google has is worth more than Fort Knox



Isn't that a good thing for us? If their diversity hires are as incompetent as you say they are, then they won't get the job done properly!



The reason why Google is so good at returning results is because it has a profile about you. If you use an intermediary such as Startpage, that profile that Google has is the collective result of all the people who use Startpage. This means the search results are tuned to the Startpage aggregate userbase rather than to you personally.




Search was superior before personalization.



It's good but insufficient because competent people are still working there, and they are in constant crunch time to compensate for those who are unfit. They need to put food on the table so they won’t leave. Plus, like everyone (including me) still using Google, YouTube, GMail, etc, they are able to brush any new policy with a small grin and a resigned "well, it's not THAT bad, I'm sure I'll just have to get USED TO IT". There are plenty of other services out there I don’t use because I dislike their policies... but looking back, the policies of the Google account I signed for a decade ago have nothing to do with the policies I have to endure today.



That never existed. Google was all about personalization since day 1. You can even read about it in Brin's published papers.



So what's bad with Google practising what they preach by doing diversity hires? I'm not sure how it affects you if you are not a Google employee.



I understand that, but the results should at least be relevant to the search terms i used. The more obscure my search terms are the more likely it is to get complete nonsense results that have nothing to do with the things i'm looking for. I haven't received such poor search results for at least a decade and even my startpage results were a lot better years ago. Something is going on with startpage.



Google policies affect me, they affect those who follow my YouTube channel, they affect those I follow on YouTube. Their search engine has become barely usable anymore for my needs, their constant push for politics everywhere in their products is getting me sick of it, the fact that they have banned someone from their platform without a issuing a single warning gets me worried they could suddenly remove my access to their services (I'm sure you can imagine the mess of having to tell all your contacts your mail is no longer available, all the other services using that address, the forums, chat clients, etc), and their new statement regarding removal without breaking any rule or guideline is worrying enough for me to say I don't want to deal with these people anymore.



A well constructed altavista search in 1999 was better than google 2017.

Personalization is fundamentally bullshit. Ads are always 100% irrelevant, and all personalization does is make the search results progressively more advert like. Don't try to feed me profitable results, and don't try to algorithmically second guess my intention, they will always be wrong.



So it's not the quality of Google's engineering that bothers you, it's the fact that they control their own technology and you rely on that technology. It's reasonable to be worried about that. What's not reasonable is that you're worried about the fact that Google hires unqualified people for qualified jobs. I personally don't care if they do that. I want them to do more so that their engineering doesn't work as efficiently as it could be.



>Something is going on with startpage.

More users are using Startpage and more spammers are spamming it.


File: 072e85e0adcd3b0⋯.png (81.22 KB, 348x359, 348:359, 2016-07-08-235442_348x359_….png)

>tfw signed up for protonmail

>just migrated all my accounts over

>all that's left is to deactivate my gmail and free myself from the shackles of jewgle

I should have done this a long time ago. Are there other ways google might be able to track you even if you don't explicitly use there services?



>it's not the quality of Google's engineering that bothers you

It's a whole; I'm amazed at what some people in the company can achieve, but the whole PR stunt and feel-good politics are wearing me out. Their products are going to shit because they have shit people working on it. They have shit people working on it because the HR is unfit for her job. They are kicking users out of their platform without a warning because they hire people who are more inclined to be activists than lovers of code and engineering.

I think I got it but maybe I'm wrong: you just want to see Google destroyed under the weight of their incompetence and possibly serve as a cautionary tale, I want to see it salvaged because it's a waste for those who are qualified and won't have the same amount of resources to do their job elsewhere.



Any page that has (((analytics))) or is using (((Google CDN))) gives you a beacon. uBlock+uMatrix+Decentraleyes+Self-Destructing Cookies should be enough to show Google a big fat middle finger without losing much functionality.


Mozilla is just as pozed as Google. There's no escaping the gay train.


If 777777 GET, Terry Davis will save us from Google niggers.







I'm fine to see Google destroyed by their own incompetence. As far as I can tell, they're doing just fine. I'm not a Google insider so I can only tell by how well Google operates for me at this moment: Google search still returns my results and Youtube still plays my videos.

I'm not concerned about qualified engineers working at Google because they ought to be competent enough to find work everywhere: they're competent and qualified by definition.



The problem being that those people unqualified for jobs are the first to abuse bad goy users. The more entitled snowflakes they hire, the more risky it becomes to keep using their services.

Not that I would do that in the first place, but some people (like the guy you replied to) find themselves already heavily invested in the ecosystem. And that's not a comfortable place to be in.



>they're competent and qualified by definition.

They're not transsexual lesbian niggresses though.


>What's not reasonable is that you're worried about the fact that Google hires unqualified people for qualified jobs

What's not reasonable about that?



That's your own fault for relying on other people's services! The reason why you don't run your own Internet service is because you want someone else to run it for you. If they're running the service, they control how it works! If you want to run your own service, then you should also take responsibility to pay the price for that.



>buying a new computer because of an easily removed add-on in their default browser

It troubles me to think that normies really are this stupid.



>Fuck with their advertisements

>retarded steps

STEP 1: install ublock origin or umatrix

STEP 2: Use Tor permanently

STEP 3: Don't use any google service

>Fuck with their file storage

>retarded steps

STEP 1: Don't use any of the service

STEP 2: rent a vps or storage https://vikings.net

STEP 3: Don't use any google service

>Fuck with analytics

>retarded steps

STEP 1:install ublock origin or umatrix

STEP 2:Use Tor permanently

STEP 3:Use a searx server https://github.com/asciimoo/searx/wiki/Searx-instances

STEP 4: Don't use any google service

>Fuck with the advertisers

STEP 1:install ublock origin or umatrix

STEP 2:Use Tor permanently

>Search engine:


Is in searx need to be activated by the maintainer tho.


Icecat and Tor


Good choice but you need tot use a white filter method.

> - A non-jewed adblocker that is extremely robust.

It's more than a adblocker it's an tracker blocker too and it also removes facebook botnet features from webpages for example.

>User Agent Switcher:


To make aware normies use lightbeam:


>IPFS has potential to replace youtube and google drive for instance.

Gnunet has the capacity to be the internet with:

Publisher Anonymity

Reader Anonymity

Server Anonymity

Document Anonymity


This is the most retarded idea ever.

It's better to not feed the beast.


This, except for the shame part.


Shit, I guess I'll join.

==GNU+TERRORISM== for the win.


distroy Google's server farms

How to do this without getting caught?



Whoa guys, this is some very concerning stuff you are up to, perhaps it would be best to stop and stay away from these dangerous ideas.


File: f18b8be7bba5976⋯.jpg (19.61 KB, 600x338, 300:169, solarflare_.jpg)


giant solarflare



So it is a copy paste of >>>/b/ incarnate?


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>big enough

why the fuck do you need only one?

Jesus Christ these fucking kids come on here expecting one fucking ring to rule them all.

There used to be many competing search engines and we should return to this as its better in the long run.


Use Brave


>manually click ads repeatedly

make a script that does that, nigger



>you just want to see Google destroyed under the weight of their incompetence and possibly serve as a cautionary tale

what is yahoo? But these fuckers were even able to let muhrissa mayer stand in a good light where in reality you can basically just trash the rest of this formerly valuable company.


>being this new


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Yeah, besides the only reason Google can get some shit done is because they have more money than anyone else.

If people get tired of Google, move to other solutions then those will get better inevitably.

It would take a very special kind of retard to be as bad as Google is, if in possession of the same kind of money they have.


File: 711d419bd6d2ac3⋯.pdf (1.77 MB, assange-whengooglemetwikil….pdf)


> not posting the actual book




Wouldn't hurt a bit to throw Random Spoofer Agent into that mix



>Dangerous ideas

Sounds good to me



Silly man. Google is basically an intelligence agency at this point, and a corporation more powerful than any country.

The only reason they don't slave your ass explicitly is because most people are willing to become debt slaves willingly.



it's not about them being retarded with it, it's because it's against the law to not be retarded


clean up at home. convince Jim to remove youtube embed support from 8ch. BO disable all embeds until Jim disables youtube embeds


Google is another Microsoft now.

My attitude toward it is the same:

"ehh I prefer not to use it"


File: 8808c757793a583⋯.png (82.35 KB, 1226x552, 613:276, brave.png)


Reiterating this.



>There used to be many competing search engines and we should return to this as its better in the long run.

>he doesn't understand how capitalism works

Competition on market, ever heard of it?

Why do you think there's only one now that has basically monopoly on internet search?

You are an idiot if you think all capitalistic competition doesn't drive monopoly creation and startups that create something new but get bought off by the big monopolies.

Baidu only survives because China hates the west way of capitalism.



China loves capitalism, they just hate the west.

It's protectionism of their local market, and pretty smart. Why would they let jewgle in.


Palemoon is owned by Facebook


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>Fuck with their advertisements

>If you have ever worked with adsense before you will know that the one thing they absolutely despise is telling people to click ads. They want people who are actually interested in products to click advertisements, because only they will be persuaded to purchase products. On top of that, companies pay google per click. If they are paying a ton of money and few people are buying their products, they will pull out.

>STEP 1: Go on to youtube, google shopping, or anyplace else with adsense ads in private browsing mode on a vpn or proxy.

>STEP 2: Click all the ads you possibly can

>STEP 3: Hop on a new proxy/vpn/tor circuit, and clear out the browser

>STEP 4: Repeat



I'm thinking of writing a script or creating a portable VM that can automate this. Just fire this VM up on any machine or in the cloud and let it run 24/7. Anybody interested in joining in?



>Baidu only survives because China hates the west way of capitalism.

No, Baidu survives because it works with moonrunes. Google is (or was) bad with it. Yandex is the same deal but with slavrunes.

>>778171 >China hates the West [unintelligible commie screeching]

>>778178 >China hates the West

No, they just don't give a shit, which is the Chinese attitude to pretty much everything. China cares about China. The only people who care about anyone else are Westerners, and look where that got us. Never again. If China really hated us they wouldn't copy our cities.


sup /tech/, getting off the google plantation, any recommended email services?



cock.li is great, but not sure how reliable it would be



>China loves capitalism

China permitted capitalism only in designated areas like Hong Kong and Shenzen where things flourished. You ignore the rest of China and even what Chinese government is saying/telling to its citizens.

>It's protectionism of their local market

They have driven down the cost of labor and materials because everyone congregates around those little areas where capitalism is enabled.

basically "demand drives the prices down" where demand is labor and materials in this place.

>Why would they let jewgle in?

They already took in a lot of western companies. Why? One back scratches the other. Western companies have no moral quandaries on censorship as long as they enter new markets and grow. And China wants new innovative ways to control their citizens.

The simple fact that you autists harped on that one little line in the sea of what I said gives me enough of validation that you fags are commies in disguise.


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>any recommended email services?

I would create your own e-mail service. Buy a domain, set up the MX records, store the email perhaps on some EC2 instance or equivalent. Manually back-up your own emails. This is /tech/ after all...


back to >>>/pol/



>commies in disguise


Liberals go in the gulag



Just use Ad Naesium


File: ab3a39ba3cae321⋯.jpg (149.57 KB, 640x480, 4:3, main170607.JPG)


Yes, but think of it as "Automated AdNauseum." Basically a VM that's a clickbot, I was thinking it would follow MSM sites such as the NYTimes, WaPo, etc. on twitter and auto-click any new tweets that comes up and AdNauseum would click on all of the ads. We can distribute this VM so anybody can spin it up and have it running in the background or on another machine 24/7.



>this thread was posted earlier

you are the type of retard that has rash decisions and doesn't think, arentcha?



>perhaps on some EC2 instance

Should avoid Amazon too.



>Just use Ad Naesium

Not sending data is better than sending data.

The idea of Ad Naesium is completely retarded.

Block everything with umatrix and µblock origin.







Just use Brave? Or write addons for it?

It's the least chucked browser with widespread technical support.



Firefox runs pretty fast last time I tried it, Chrome isn't so hot lately.



Nobody actually benchmarks their browser.

They had a memory leak that was fixed 10 years ago (Chrome or Firefox), and just keep ranting out it forever. Or worse, they just parrot a meme they read 10 years ago.

Same for multi-threading, same for everything.



Latest benchmarks do show Firefox uses less memory. I was talking about speed. I was surprised to see Chrome wasn't too far ahead.

Efficiency wise, I don't know. Maybe Firefox got faster but uses more CPU time.


File: 1bb3c1713918f4e⋯.gif (505.8 KB, 500x246, 250:123, f.gif)


The point is to automate as many ad-click as possible. So hypothetical script just load a bunch of dummy pages from the MSM news sites, click around, and uses AdNauseum to let it auto-click every single ad. Rinse, repeat. Run this machine for 24/7. Clone it, run multiple machines all running 24/7. Distribute it far and wide. Everybody runs it 24/7, around the clock. Crash the entire ad network. Get my point?



Interesting ploy, but I suspect Google tracks the IP. Any IP with too many clicks is probably disregarded.

Tor IP addresses are probably disregarded. Commercial VPN IP addresses are probably disregarded.

Most people only have a single Home IP.

You'd basically need a botnet with a scattered IP range to achieve this.



>LITERALLY cuckolding google.

Google's wife is pregnant with Microsoft's baby?



I understand, but I still think de-googling is the most effective and sustainable way to mess with them. Google has a lot of resources, and they'll likely catch wind if people mess with their ad analytics. I don't think it's going to be pretty if this blows up either.



>Nobody actually benchmarks their browser.

5 seconds to start up and become responsive to input vs. half a minute isn't something that really needs scientific fucking rigor


File: 9334ab4002c858f⋯.png (570.64 KB, 1498x2428, 749:1214, __Shill Tactics Master Lis….png)

File: 66967bdb9443a0a⋯.png (757.05 KB, 1169x6371, 1169:6371, __Shill Tactics Mega List.png)

File: ee2c2a55038ed93⋯.jpg (232.92 KB, 1873x834, 1873:834, Goon Tactics.jpg)





Just remember you need to fight against that, and not just not do it.

GG was against all of the above, but shills used consensus cracking (keep posting the same opinion over and over. Not to convert others, but to give the illusion others already converted) to make it seem like GG was for it.

The GG threads were full of that shit, but none of the true GG people were for it.

Now the shills have left it alone, it's still chugging along- albeit they need to get their old crew back.

Have some other advice pic related.


File: 0c425887b44e8f7⋯.png (251.06 KB, 599x374, 599:374, Shill tactic_Concern Troll….png)

File: 6f533772ee9050f⋯.png (639.51 KB, 2172x954, 362:159, Shill Paranoia_ Frantic Sh….png)

File: a044d09064891ad⋯.png (367.28 KB, 1050x1050, 1:1, How To Deal With Shills.png)


GG might be smaller- but they're still your ally.

They've got a surprisingly large network on Twitter. Albeit- the reach to normalfags isn't perfect, the sheer noise it can generate can get a lot of eyes on it.

It's not ideal to inform (people who follows those accounts already believe. But they might not know how fucked shit it), but it's great to quickly spread a tactic. They could also tagjack to spread awareness to normalfags- but that can also repel as they "interrupt" the normalfag from reading what the tag was really about.




SearX is the tech-approved search engine.


File: 260481b2ce4748f⋯.png (280.63 KB, 1246x1212, 623:606, _Its Working.png)

File: 024da2ed94d62b4⋯.png (118.69 KB, 1000x245, 200:49, Emails Work.png)

File: 04942f70b75bf8d⋯.png (38.47 KB, 614x550, 307:275, Emails And letters Work.png)


Assuming you could modify/mask your IP- wouldn't a macro to have the mouse click on specific areas of the screen (since the banners and side bar ads would always be in the same place) be easiest?

Also- while the ad pulls out eventually, you still have:

> On top of that, companies pay google per click. If they are paying a ton of money

You're giving Google a lot more money in the short term in exchange for their long term money.

Depending on how much they get- you might just be giving Google exactly what they'd have earned (if not more) in the weeks/months from those companies in one large glut to tide them over while they look for more ads.

If you've crunched the numbers and Google would lose money- then by all means go for it. I just think it's a massive risk of actually funding them.

The OP ideas and Google Black-Out ideas seem to have less chance of blow-back (and the data storage needs more research to see how much it costs Google. I half suspect the idea it costs them nothing is fairly on point):




The ideas boil down to presenting alternatives (while not using them yourself and spreading information on why Google is shit), and sabotage (both of profits and reputation-- again by spreading information on why Google is shit).

I'd be half tempted to write or email to those companies and say you won't support them if they support Google (the iron is hot and they know Google is in deep shit. Not to mention some companies go by the 1 letter = X people who already dropped them without telling them).

GG's bread and butter at it's peak was "Disrespectful Nod" (DisNod) where they'd email brands advertising on Game Journo websites and tell them either that they wouldn't support the brand, or that they were just disappointed with a brand they liked so much (usually while presenting evidence of collusion, nepotism, or fucked up shit the journo did). It was surprisingly effective (pics related).

If it wasn't for Google's recent fuck-up, telling people to stop advertising through Google would be insane. But now, there is a decent reason. And if enough people say they won't support a company over something, the more likely the company will buckle.



August 19th- a bunch of people are gonna march in protest on Google.

How big this crowd is- who knows. It's pushed by people with a large amount of Twitter followers (Cernovich and Jack Posobiec), but

> Twitter followers

Only real sign of how many are turning up is Jack saying "Hundreds" have signed up for it.

Twitter and other social media will stop #MarchOnGoogle from trending, or any anti-Google hashtag on the 19th.

However, you could put Google and tech redpills in the tag on that day for those who are looking into it, or tagjack (include the # of something that's trending just to get it seen more) to get some normalfags.

If you want to get people off Google- you need to inform them via social media. The 19th is a good chance for that.


Google's getting sued:


> 8(a)(1) Coercive Statements (Threats, Promises of Benefits, etc.)

Will probably be settled quietly.

So I say make it loud.


File: 7304e8b8c7f10ea⋯.gif (1.64 MB, 400x300, 4:3, 7304e8b8c7f10ea867cbcd58d7….gif)


opera is better than chrome, and can use the same plugins

<muh logos

Are you pretending to be retarded or is there google employees on this site right now?



File: 035152b50162170⋯.png (837.62 KB, 799x490, 799:490, bgp.png)


If you're only seeing through the entry-level /pol/ point of view, and think them being retarded means pandering to niggers and fags, then yeah.

If you were posting on /tech/, were the direction that Google and other similar companies are taking technology as a whole is constantly shown to be pointless, useless and ultimately stupid, then no, it wasn't illegal for Google to have done better choices at some, or most, of the steps it took.






#GoogleDoodle is trending on Twitter

It's "celebrating" Hip-hop or some shit and has an interactive turn-table that plays music.

Plenty of chance to meme on them with fake DJ names & tracks relating to their censorship, lefty bias, and manipulation.

Now is a good time to redpill and meme.






New goo gun bot (needs AdNauseum and possibly popups):





That and its not as easy to bot on google as it used to be. You may not be able to get away with spamming videos while afk, but you might be able to fuck with their advertisors with view botting and adnauseum.



Even if you found 1000 or 10000 volunteers to do that for days, weeks and months, it wouldn't make a dent on Google due to Economics of Scale - they are prepared to deal with the Billions.

The way to destroy Google is mass popularizing AdBlocking, as it's already happening and their and everyone else's Ad Business are suffering from it already.

Competition is quite useless now, as Google has unshakable dominion is search, do not be delusional on thinking it will change by itself anytime soon.

But more than everything else: Tech companies as a whole (with the SOLE exception of Apple) only make real money on the Stock Market,and by overpricing of their stocks.

Amazon's Jeff Bezos became the richest man in the world and then back at third position without moving a finger, and only due to fluctuations in the Stock Market.

In the upcoming pop of the Tech Bubble (Called DotCom 2.0 or 3.0 by others), they'll vanish without trace because they don't make real money, don't have real products and work only on the illusionary immaterial "free".



>All of Google's money comes from advertising, analytics, and hosting.

>click on every ad

It's literally pennies, like 1 cent per 100 clicks. Ads themselves are worthless, it's just an euphemism for datamining. (((Analytics))) and CIAmoney made them rich, not pay-per-click ads. They are nothing more than an surveillance agency at this point.

>upload large files

>high speed ssd

Lol, that's just so wrong. Nobody uses SSD for mass storage. Huge HDDs are ridiculously cheap nowadays, especially for big corps. They even have a flood detection against this kind of shit, you wouldn't even be able to upload anything of worthwhile size before getting banned.

>mess with analytics

There are addons for that, but they are usually too predictable, thus easily circumvented. You won't fool anybody with completely random and nonsensical searches exactly every 30 seconds.

>force advertisers to leave

<if we could get them to leave

<if you would write emails

<if you would get many people

I don't think that's feasible, sadly. Unlike shitty magazines and fake news, Google has too many fans who can't live without Youtube and Gmail. Also Youtube has been a huge money sink for years, they only keep it alive because they have too.

I would recommend startpage or ixquick as a seach engine. Yandex is a Russian spyware. Do not use vanilla Firefox, use forks like Palemoon instead. UMatrix and UBlock Origin are spot-on, both are essential, but UMatrix especially so. User Agent Switcher may not really necessary, since it has the tendency to choose exotic agents and ironically makes you easier to be tracked and UMatrix has similar feature built in anyways. The less addons, the better.

Though your best bet is Tor Browser and zero Google in your life. Not using them hurts them more than unsuccessfully trying to screw with them. They have billions at disposal and none of these methods would give them a scratch. Losing users is their nightmare. Try to get people to use UBlock Origin. I always cringe when some retard rages over an unskippable ad. Nobody likes ads and getting your normalfag friends to install an adblocker really helps our cause. Zero sperging, since most people don't know or don't care that they are being spied on, but hate watching ads before their "funny videos".




When you use startpage you are still using google. Ixquick has been shit ever since they started shilling startpage. Ixquick.eu is still ok to use but ixquick.com is shit too. The thing is that both startpage and ixquick.com only use google search results so you're still giving google the opportunity to filter your content which they do. Searx.me has been a better alternative for over a year now, they give you results from multiple search engines and also no data storage so try them instead.



Good points. Although you may not be tracked directly, they can still filter the content as they wish. Ixquick and Startpage are the same thing, but Searx looks like a promising alternative.


What kind of contingency plans does AdNauseam have? I imagine it would be rather easy for the Google algorithm to weed out users that click on every ad as not real clicks. I suppose if everyone replaced AdBlock with AdNauseam this would actually affect the value of their ads.

I don't know though. AdNauseam is neat but it seems like a meme.


File: 66fd972fc41d781⋯.png (182.51 KB, 794x1123, 794:1123, 2zsz9so.png)



It didn't fail, and if it did, why are you taking images form them?

>Shill Tactics Master List.png

Thanks Friend Computer. Truly I am blessed to see this image again.


Guys, we are discussing here how to directly attack a literal infrastructural giant, a server farm behemoth. How about creating competing websites that are leeching off their infrastructure without giving anything in return? For example a video hosting website in which the user uploads videos to youtube and automatically sets them as private videos and the videos could be viewed through an embedded html5 video player that would use a client-side js version of youtube-dl to access the video, without even needing any adblock software. I heard that some porn sites already use youtube as their "cloud service", utilizing private videos.

To all anons that are saying "just don't use google lel": I wish you all the best luck in convincing normalfags to not use google, so far they simply don't give a fuck and use anything that's more convenient. IMO trying to convince the nigger cattle is as hard as making a dent in googles infrastructure as OP proposed. A better way might be to make websites that act as middle men that leech off the """"content"""" from google websites and deliver it to normalshits with all the botnet and ads stripped away. What do you think about that idea /tech/?



>youtube leach site that doesn't give anything back to Google


Here's something else too:

I see a lot of userscripts and client-side tools that can help mitigate ads and push Google out of your life. But why don't web servers do this? What I mean to say is, what if webcrawling through html intentionally difficult? What if semantics are abandoned, and html documents are written to be difficult to understand by robots? Or better yet, misunderstood: making it difficult for google to censor results. Does this sound like something worth doing?



No, it would hit legitimate users harder.


Shill for free services. Make an IPFS YouTube clone, then convince some influential nationalist youtubers to move there when they get censored for wrongthink.




Redpill your friends on the google question.


A non-jewed



yor a fucking dust mote attacking a mountain




File: b23c32b1d38b7e8⋯.jpg (158.73 KB, 600x437, 600:437, pepe .jpg)


>implying your user/ip won't just get blacklisted

>implying you're going to make a difference

You won't hurt Google statistically stuff like gaming search input is meaningless.

As for storage and bandwidth costs, you can cost them few dollars a day if you constantly upload, depending on your own upload bandwidth.

I'm intrigued if they block abusive users, since you can't shadowban them like with search input.

A more intersting method is creating file copies server side, like copying videos on youtube(possible?) or on google drive.

It also depends if google creates an actual new copy, or requires modification to the file, and if the modification is saved as delta change or as a whole new copy.

If it works it can chew a lot of storage without requiring heavy lifting on the client's side.




literally who?



I guarantee you their storage has block level dedup.




fuck you and fuck your garbage chanology trolling plans


They violated the sherman act.

Rev up the lawyerfags



Seconding this. I tried it out for a little while and was impressed with the results


I've moved to Iridium and installed TrackMeNot and AdNauseam. I can't believe how slow Firefox was.




It failed, at least as far as games are concerned, because it turned out the industry itself was full SJW so therefore there was no point in trying to defend it from SJWs. The whole endeavor was pointless.



I use Openmailbox. Tutanota also werks.



Openmailbox went to shit. Cease usage of it inmediately.



> https://yandex.com/

Yandex is more evil than google. Their software distribution program allowed a lot of adware executables to be signed with their keys thus removing security warning when running them on Windows. They also made their own adware - Yandex.Bar that was nearly impossible to uninstall by average user.

Also, they killed their blog search, and a lot of old personal sites of russian early web are not indexed at all now.


> Openmailbox

They turned off free IMAP recently, now the service is unusable.




>The search service is not available right now. Please try again.

Is there some blood ritual you need to perform before using it?


File: 5f37537ddeeefb4⋯.png (628.96 KB, 968x2000, 121:250, ClipboardImage.png)

bump, looks like shills are shilling hard to hide/discredit/shut it down




what was the goal?



are you fucking retarded? the entire west isn't going to suddenly use some chinese search engine. are you so far on the moronic "hurr durr search engines are hard" train that you can't conceive that another american company would quickly take google's place?

btw bing exists



>Hello sir or ma'am.

>Recently your Google censored my favorite race realist youtube video. I am outraged by this. As patron of your website I insist you remove Google Ad Services as your advertising curator.




File: ab3d39ba86ad71c⋯.png (141.56 KB, 2688x2688, 1:1, 9d5532fa13e6233439d6efee9c….png)


>Leaving google alone is better than dirtying their data with false clicks making their analytics worthless and causing them to lose money



ethics in video games journalism.





It's only going to give them garbage data about you, and even then it won't be completely garbage. The sites you visit will all be accurate. It's better not to give them any data about you.



>what was the goal?

It shifted when we realized we'd tripped over a tiny corner of a propaganda effort for a western genocide and that this went all the way up to world leaders and the UN. Now we've got to gas the Jews before they gas us.


File: 4fb86d3b312c26e⋯.png (26.86 KB, 513x513, 1:1, google feedback sent.png)

I just foiled your plans. What now, bitches?


File: 9b76e060d8602d5⋯.jpg (24 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 9b76e060d8602d52a45f275322….jpg)


kek, I wonder if moot will read this. Does moot still even work at Jewgle?



You're a fucking cuckold moralfag.

Also not scared of google, that's like threatening us with zuckerberg.



Listen m8 I'll make it simple.

Blocking google has a whole=

-Not giving them any information.

-Reduced quantity of bandwidth used

-No analytics at all.

Using Ad Naesium=

-Giving them information

-Use more bandwidth

-Analytics knows that you were there.



I'm glad I sent that report while logged in, because when Google AI turns into a Roko's basilisk, you'll be the one getting tortured 😂


> hiding nearly inescapable surveillance systems all over the Internet whole disguising them as advertisement != terrorism

> using a script to automate clicking if said ads == terrorism




It's like those people who think they can bring down Walmart by refusing to shop there and vandalizing their bathrooms.


sounds dumb, the best i can think of is just ignoring them and not using their services



Well let's think of more productive ways to bring them down then?

I imagine the best way to start with is to hurt their PR and get highly influential people (for example e-celebs/real celebs) to keep calling them out on their bullshit.

All we'd need to do is have Trump say a few words every so often and that chunks out a few billion from the bastards every time



Obviously the best way to bring Walmart down is to shop there constantly.



>>>/bane/ return once enlightened


Reminder that Bing has better porn search results.

sage for degeneracy


File: 1099aca176d38ec⋯.png (10.99 MB, 2756x3204, 689:801, 1099aca176d38ecfba9d5c79a6….png)

File: d077f21923bf68e⋯.jpg (47 KB, 750x413, 750:413, Clinton Youtube Google Ben….jpg)

Cross post from >>>/gamergatehq/331140

More evidence of Google not applying their rules equally. The Young Turks get a pass for swear-filled video, while a "problematic" channel saying fuck once gets demonetized. Or videos exposing muslim raping children at swimming pools- with sources. Or Youtube showing a music video having a white child hung hasn't had ads removed from it.



The first vid is heavy redpilling stuff. Share it around as widely as possible. (Share them the Vidme video rather than his youtube video. I don't imagine it'll last long).

The second video is in reference to the first- a guy talking about how the Young Turks get away with advertiser un-friendly content.

The second is an example of how Youtube protects left leaning channels. The first is an example of how Youtube protects Islamic Terror, Child Rapists, and Child Murderers.

Google is begging for a Disnod (or rather, the people that advertise via Youtube).

Google needs to die. A simple boycott isn't enough- if everyone against them stopped using their service, they'd want it. They want to fire up and orchestrate the left and make those in the middle think there is only one way to go- all for the next election.

Gab is suing them for anti-trust (something Google went apeshit last time they were accused of it by a think tank, and got them shut down), along with several women over not being paid equally (irony of ironies).

While Twitter and Facebook are also up there- Google is priority 1 IMO. They've been at this for far longer (blocking problematic videos way back when Benghazi happened)

Share every bad news story.

Get others to stop using Youtube or Google.

And for the love of god- if you do see adverts on Youtube or Google- find them on nauseating content they greenlight, and Disnod them into fucking ashes.



Crosspost from /v/ (not linked since it's a fast moving board)

> What about net neutrality being revoked? Would that fuck Google's monopoly?

Someone did propose that on Youtube (dubbing it DAD- Digitally Assured Destruction- after MAD- Mutual Assured Destruction). Problem is- you're handing control from corrupt tech giants to corrupt ISPs. Meaning you'll still get censorship. The first does it by blacklisting, banning, and demonetizing creators. While the second does it by throttling, banning, and reporting/exposing users who look at the wrong things.

As you all correctly pointed out- ICANN gives them a layer of protection (You can no longer mount a First Amendment challenge to core-level censorship of the 'net because the core is no longer under American jurisdiction). However, it does not make them immune.

A. Appeal to higher powers

Unlikely as half the higher powers are for what they're doing, or in their pocket. Basically "help us Trump!" or someone similar to get them to dig & prosecute.

B. The 3 D's. Denounce, Deride, and re-Direct.

Share bad news & complain about Google/Youtube openly. Expose what they do- and maybe focus on different things for different audiences (some will turn off when you mention how Google Images won't show a white couple or a white European scientist, but they might listen to how Google is getting sued for not paying it's female employees equal wages despite firing the Google Memo guy).

Likewise, there are PLENTY of youtubers who are complaining about demonetization (even a-political gaming youtube channels are getting hit and using Patreon more). One voice asking them to use another service won't convert. Many people saying they'd be happy to watch them on another platform if they did switch might. Finally, shill for alternatives to Youtube & Google- and any service that fucks them (especially AdNauseum). People were screaming youtube was over after Youtube Heroes. Where's that vitriol and fire? We kicked up shit about Journos (gatekeeping games), so why not Google (gatekeeping information)?

Oh, and when you complain on Twitter, add $GOOG. $ acts like a # but for stock-market codes. And GOOG is for Google. So if people looking for info on Google's stocks keep seeing people complain- it's gonna have an effect. Remember, Google has a mighty war-chest. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't try- as even they lose a small piece of their fortune, the bad press that generates for them costs them much more in potential business deals down the line.

C. Look Where Your Ad Showed Up!

This is a Disnod with a twist. Cernovich had a brilliant idea with Gawker a year ago which I'm pissed we never ran with. Gawker did a pro-pedo or pro-beastiality article, so Cernovich started screencapping the adverts that appeared next to them, and asked the companies (openly, on Twitter) if they supported that. Now obviously, Cernovich has a hell of a following, so he has the means to boost his message up the search results.

We can employ similar with a two pronged assault. One side sending emails (polite or angry, you're choice) to an advertiser who's side bar ad or pre-video ad appears on videos like the black guy lynching the white kid, or a proISIS video. The other side is Twitter- very angry tweets designed to make others angrier. The second prong however needs non-shadowbanned Twitter accounts (that look like normalfag accounts and haven't just come out of the ether for just that tweet) and efforts by us to RT it so it appears higher in search results. Then again, the DisNod (assuming enough emails were sent- Weekly Email Goals and the like) might be enough to scare the company into action.

"Lets stop this becoming more well known" Vs. "Oh god a lot of people know, shut it down!"

And if two false-flagging users calling each other Nigger in the comments of a NicheGamer article can get their advertisers to pull out- why not legitimate complaints about how Youtube isn't as ad friendly as it appears.

I would speak against reporting anything. It's clear where Youtube stands, and this isn't just the boss taking advantage of clueless workers. Everyone in Google (99.9%) are stepping in line and approve of Marxist/Globalist ideals being put on a pedestal while legitimate concerns are quashed.



Concerning the Mozilla release of Firefox- to anons in this thread willing to share what they know, what are the problems with the recent releases?

I've been using FF for awhile now but it's been getting worse and worse for months. I'm wondering technically what's actually happening to it.

(apologies for straying from the primary topic of this thread)



By sending that inane drivel you've cost them at least 3 digits through wasted manpower. Keep doing our bidding.



dude he aint even moralfag hes a shitty underage "troller" and probably a fag atheist redditor jusdging by his appeal to roko basilisk and emojiis.

in other words, he on tech but he don't code so hes cancer.



you need to download it. it runs on localhost not the web.




Yeah how else do you take down Wal-Mart exactly? Do you write them a strongly worded letter or something? Is there a demon you need to summon; what?


File: 97ff4e9c5e39d77⋯.png (14.59 KB, 510x295, 102:59, 510px-Von_Neumann_Architec….png)


>I'm thinking of writing a script

I did most of the work already for a project a few years ago. Just replace the part where I find and click the 4 random links with a sleep() or something I dunno because I haven't used AdNauseam. I've tested this with virtual framebuffer so yes you can run this on most VPS.

Minimum requirements:

-Perl, included in most base linux/unix installs. Use Strawberry Perl or Cygwin if using Windows.

-MozRepl plugin, found here: https://addons. mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/mozrepl/

-WWW::Mechanize::Firefox Perl CPAN module, found here: https://metacpan. org/pod/WWW::Mechanize::Firefox

-Adnauseam plugin, found here: https://adnauseam. io/

use Error qw(:try);
use Switch;
use WWW::Mechanize::Firefox;
use strict;

my (
) = ();

#remember to set it to the same port as the Firefox plugin
$m = WWW::Mechanize::Firefox->new( launch => ['firefox'],
repl => "localhost:4242",
bufsize => 4_000_000,
tab => 'current',
autoclose => 1

#fill your target array here
$url[0] = 'http://example1.com';
$url[1] = 'http://example2.com';
$url[2] = 'http://example3.com';
$url[3] = 'http://example4.com';

#set $proc to the size of $url[]
#you could remove this and do the subsequent main loop
#precedurally instead... however that might increase
#the likelihood of detection. whatever that means.
$proc = rand(4);

#this hits one random URL from the array and puts all
#its links into a new array. then clicks on 4 random
#links from that new array and ends. this is what
#you should replace with a sleep() maybe
&tryMech( 'URL', undef, $url[$proc] );
if($mech_status == 1) {
&tryMech( 'find_links' );
if($mech_status == 1) {
foreach (@links) {
if ($_->{href} =~ m/^http/) {
push (@url, $_->{href});
shift @url;
for ($x=0;$x<4;$x++) {
&tryMech( 'URL', undef, $url[rand @url]);

undef $m;

#main subroutine
sub tryMech {
$args_command = $_[0];
if ($_[1]) {
$args_id = $_[1];
if ($_[2]) {
$args_value = $_[2];
$mech_status = 666;
try {
switch ($args_command) {
case "click" {
$m->click( $args_id );
case "button" {
$m->click_button( $args_id => $args_value );
case "eval" {
($return, undef) = $m->eval( $args_value );
case "field" {
$m->field( $args_id, $args_value);
case "find_links" {
@links = $m->find_all_links_dom();
case "form" {
if ($args_id) {
elsif ($args_value) {
case "form_num" {
$m->form_num( $args_id );
case "link" {
$m->follow_link( $args_id => $args_value );
case "select" {
$m->select( $args_id, $args_value );
case "tick" {
$m->tick( $args_id );
case "URL" {
$m->get( $args_value );
case "value" {
$m->value( $args_id, $args_value );
$retries = 20;
while ($retries-- and ! $m->success()) {
if ($m->success()) {
$mech_status = 1;
catch Error with {
$ex = shift;
if ($ex =~ /500/) {
$mech_status = 500;
else {
$mech_status = 1000;
finally {
if ($mech_status >= 500) {
if ($mech_status == 500) {
print "\n * HTTP Error 500\n\n";
elsif ($mech_status > 500) {
print "\n * Timed out trying $args_command\n\n";
undef $m;
if ($return) {
return $return;



Adnauseam is Jewish-made botnet shilled by the same group of Discord kikes who cite an article about pajeet clickfarms that they falsely attribute to their meme virus. The assertion that they work in packs is evidenced by the appearance of these threads on over many different chans almost at the same time. Similarly, they self-bump with their own pasta and fake "Tell me more" posts to give the illusion that the real anons support their botnet. What's critically important to know is that these nu/g/ faggots will try to undermine your concerns about the unavoidable tcp/ip pings you send Google while running Adnauseam by insinuating that you are a Google employee who is incidentally browsing a Vietnamese mudpainting image board at the same time they are OR call you a NEET jew who runs ads on their Wordpress. Watch them REEE and call you a shill for unmasking them.



>shill it to then nationalist youtubers when they start censoring their content like they're planning

Great, because what we need to counter a highly centralized dystopian megacorp is /pol/-tier retards who unironically believe in implementing highly centralized dystopian nightmares everywhere on this planet.

At least it won't have diversity, I guess!


You will never be able to fuck with Google by generating more traffic through them. At best, you're giving them useless data, which they know how to filter, and at worst, you're giving them useful data about your knowledge, beliefs, bandwidth, etc.

The only way to destroy Google is by destroying their data, and given that they have an estimated one million servers for God knows how many Exabytes of data, it's going to take some serious work and much more than Perl scripts to do that.

A way to end with a tech company of the size of Google would be to infect all of their machines with a remotely activated worm that, once installed on most of their machines, runs a 'cat /dev/urandom > /dev/sda1' command or equivalent.

And even then, given how much the world has come to rely on Google, you can bet they'd get some kind of crowdfunding from major agents to rebuild their shit.

And there's also the very likely possibility that Google makes regular offline stored backup copies of their most important data regularly, and that those would be next to impossible to attack.

Same goes for companies such as Microsoft, Yahoo or Facebook.



I was able to just to make my own hosted copy for free with the Heroku button here ->


After that they have an option where you can index certain sites. Then if other peers connect to you those indexes will spread.

I indexed 8ch.net and voat.co on mine just now.




Filtered, kike.



>What if semantics are abandoned, and html documents are written to be difficult to understand by robots? Or better yet, misunderstood: making it difficult for google to censor results.

Yes, anon. Yes. Remember what a pushback there was against sites which were done in Flash? Lots of (((advocacy))) against that for a while and then Flash was killed off.

What if you fuzzed the bots? What if sites were made of images too difficult for computer vision to reliably recognize? What if you made a trap site which just generates / synthesizes content for a robot infinitely? I ran across just such a site when using wget once. The possibilities are endless.



>What if you made a trap site which just generates / synthesizes content for a robot infinitely?

Hmm. Are you saying to detect the user agent, and if it's a bot, to just pipe a markov chain to it?

Interdasting. You could simulate massive websites this way. I'm imagining a massive fake blog type website, only each page is merely a call to the same script, which just barfs up bot friendly output, and occasionally drops a link randomly to another garbage page. A human visitor would browse your website like normal, and see your normal content, but a bot would follow a link to your 'about me' page (or whatever) and get sent into fucking wonderland.



I archive entire web sites these days (have for years) and I was archiving some guy's personal site and it fed me about 60GB of completely random bullshit pages with dynamically generated images and everything.

Precisely as you say, a trip down the rabbit hole for all bots. I wasn't even mad, it was fiendishly clever.


File: b2ee798eb177fb1⋯.png (14.78 KB, 492x516, 41:43, 68747470733a2f2f7265646e6f….png)


AdNauseam is a lightweight browser extension that blends software tool and artware intervention to fight back against tracking by advertising networks. AdNauseam works like an ad-blocker (it is built atop uBlock-Origin) to silently simulate clicks on each blocked ad, confusing trackers as to one's real interests. At the same time, AdNauseam serves as a means of amplifying users' discontent with advertising networks that disregard privacy and facilitate bulk surveillance agendas.



This is already an adnauseam thread. What the fuck are you doing?


File: 6dc8743c692b3b7⋯.png (19.96 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Jaguar_.png)


I might hate /leftypol/ but I am not sure if I'm going to be feeling solidarity with my "allies" right now.



Grow up kid!


Does anyone know a good app to download videos from jew tube?





Program, actually a script.


Autism jim







Google absolutely tracks an ip, you have to clear your cookies and get a new ip before it no longer knows where you are based on your search history.



They are all synonyms when the languages involved are turing complete. program = script, app = program



>Storage costs google nothing (to 9 decimal places)

It actually does, most unlimited storage hosts (be it backup solutions or file lockers) have killed their unlimited storage products since they can't simply pay for it

The most famous case of this was when OneDrive killed it's unlimited storage since quite some guys where using it to backup and archive their surveillance DVR's, more recently Code42 killed all of it's consumer lineup and only kept the thrice as expensive business lineup


Youtube hasn't operated at a loss for years now, they keep cucking the content producers more every year to get even more profits

Their hosting costs rise according to them, but guess who hosts Youtube? Google Cloud, they inflate the hosting costs of Youtube as a way to avoid taxes and get a bit better image with the cucked userbase


Why don't you prove your assertions by citing the source code of AdNauseum? It's available on Github



>ban all fagioli threads

<let /pol/ run rampart

this is /pol/'s board now


Found this in another thread:


> Share YouTube videos without giving them views. Bypass country blocks and age restrictions. Download YouTube videos and music. View quarantined videos as they appeared before YouTube Heroes got to them. Keep your data private from the G.

> HOW: Just replace the domain in any YT link with hooktube.com and you get a light-weight page that loads YouTube's media files (mp4, webm, etc) directly into your browser's native media player. https://youtube.com/watch?v=S6bOkFLrsAc becomes https://hooktube.com/watch?v=S6bOkFLrsAc, etc. Supported parameters: start, end, loop (1 for on), speed (range: 0.01 to 4), autoplay (0 for off, default is 1).

< Won't Google shut this down?

> There are hundreds of sites and software programs that work with YouTube files and apis in funky ways – some quite similar – and Google has never bothered them. Additionally HookTube doesn't make a profit. If I were still forced to shut the site down I'd release the code somewhere public and then link the clones from my social media accounts.

Doesn't archive, but at least it gives you a way to see something without supporting it.

I say add it to this, and try to get more people to use it (copy the link from their notifications, and watch it on Hooktube with no ads, no regional blocking, and all privacy).


File: 771730945c9185b⋯.png (9.76 KB, 320x256, 5:4, big_game_fishing_01.png)


Hot damn! I can finally watch all those Hitler videos in jew-jew land.



>/r/technology the post

You completely skipped the part where hooktube forces you connect to Google CDNs. Just use youtube-dl over Tor with no middlemen that claim to (((respect your privacy))) and offer service at no cost.





What kind of spooky network stuff do they have? I work in networking but the closest we've deployed anything is the UAE.





>This is the most retarded idea ever. It's better to not feed the beast.

Anon why do you think (((google))) removed adnauseam from the chrome store but leaves up ublock. They didn't think to themselves "Man this adnaseam thing is a shit idea, it would never be able to harm us, we'll just ban this from the store so that people can use more effective methods of harming google." Adnaseam is the single best force against ads because it directly targets the source of income, people willing to pay for ads, by charging them for clicks on their ads without increasing their income (the reason to advertise.)


File: a35d9151a0f9f37⋯.jpg (112.04 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, IMG_1189.JPG)

>I have seen the day where literal Nazis are spreading Communist software to combat with worldwide Jewish conspiracy


File: 9e4c854cac45405⋯.jpg (66.59 KB, 540x767, 540:767, borrow.jpg)





mfw strasserism.


File: eea1a2444aa948e⋯.jpg (7.86 KB, 275x183, 275:183, index.jpg)



Whats a gamergate?




what about that youtube channel with the red and blue squares



>all that effort on bs

just use Temp-Mail


So how's it going goys? You kill Google yet?


Baby's first google hate thread.

>no mention of AdNauseam in OP whatsoever

>actually expecting people to click on random shit

>no mention of an automation script whatsoever

>same thread as always

>recommends palemoon

>recommends firefox




As much as I would like to see Google fall into the abyss, they're too big to fail. They've entered so many markets it would be borderline impossible.



I want 4chan to go back.


File: f0f4c7bbb47d356⋯.webm (628.95 KB, 632x718, 316:359, 1513826759994.webm)

>fuck google (but not their competitors doing the same thing)



upload random datastream from /dev/urandom as rar, zip, and random shit :)



they can not deduplicate it because every file is different, they cannot compress it, because quite random, they wll store it for you even if you delete it.



>by the coming financial crisis

What coming financial crisis?



>literally anyone

>actually using yahoo

Yahoo is so fucking worthless at returning decent search results it's sad.




>contribute to global warming

>get a load of this guy cam



The inevitable financial crisis caused by the completely insane monetary policy pursued by Bernanke et. al. that's inflated the biggest bubble the global economy has ever seen.



Why bother if the Chinamen do all you said, but with extra steps and in 1000x more quantity?



You will never drive up the costs for Google enough to get them bankrupt. I mean come on, they're buying fucking meme TLDs just for fun.



more importantly, they're powerful enough money doesn't mean a thing to them.

if they can refrain from putting a female in charge of the corp when schmidt's gone, they'll rule the world on insider trading alone.



Shoo shoo shill!


File: 91f169ab4a51106⋯.png (612.2 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Schermafdruk van 2018-01-2….png)

File: c67dfce30f320ba⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, Schermafdruk van 2018-01-2….png)

DuckDuckGo vs Google results for searching "Drone"


Just download Brave and use DuckDuckGo.



obviously google will give you a bunch of affiliate links to shitty ebay/amazon quadcopters.




Get a single, large file, and use dd if=/dev/urandom to overwrite the beginning and ending of the file to create one that will always generate a unique hash, but will mostly be the same shit.



Startpage is fucking garbage. It is literally a shit-tier search engine. I've been using it for half a year and it's so bad I'm looking for a replacement right now.

I'm also looking for a good adblocker, because for whatever reason, uBlockOrigin doesn't like my PaleMoon. (I don't want to update my fucking PaleMoon)



Try installing uBlock0.firefox.xpi manually from https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/releases



Bing is the best search engine but DuckDuckGo is the only viable privacy one.

searx seems to be just a meme at this point.


File: 2b2d2da98cd4fff⋯.gif (17.64 KB, 294x286, 147:143, adn_animated.gif)

>yes goy, click on the ads yourself





>good goy, just switch to our totally free Russian botnet




All the options sound like "waste a lot of your own time to make a tiny dent that will never amount to anything". Google probably knows all these tricks and filters out random searches and such.

Click ads and upload videos for days, are you fucking serious? Might as well launch terrorist attacks at their offices if you're willing to waste time



you are correct

just do what i do, use google but block their spyware. by just not using them you are helping them, you wanna fuck with them???? use their servers and give them nothing in return /thread



Unless you live in Russia it's better to be spied by Yandex than Google.



>too obvious

you gotta have something better than that to say



Or we could just go directly to the sites we use like we did in '96

Who needs a search engine?



How cute


I'm running YaCy node, using Startpage and I've just removed my gmail accounts. You should do the same and donate to YaCy developers.



is yacy open source?



Why don't you take the three seconds it takes to enter a search query into Wikipedia to find out?



YaCy must not be very good if you have to supplement it with another search engine, though, right? Well, good on you for maintaining the node and contributing to the network, regardless. Or are you saying that you're using Startpage's eMail service?



my bad, someone told me yacy aint open source. guess they were wrong. no need to be an ass



Literally three seconds. If you're capable of posting on this site, then you're enough of a Big Boy to do a fucking web search if thinking for yourself is simply too much to handle.



YaCy is good, but it needs more nodes and developers. Now I'm crawling wikipedia, and searching improves fast. Also, when YaCy don't have what I'm searching for, I'm just using Startpage.



In your experience, how many resources does YaCy take up at a given moment. Is the overhead noticeable?



Now YaCy is using 3,6 GiB RAM out of 8, but I set it to do so, and I'm crawling english wikipedia. Network 160 KiB/s - 600 KiB/s. Processor - 20%. Hard drive - 89 GB (1 bilion indexes)



I meant milion indexes



>3,6 GiB RAM out of 8

wew, that's pretty bad. should i still let my 32 bit server run it?



To be clear, YaCy typically supplements your index with other people's indexes to let you search the web, so you're scraping Wikipedia so that you can have quicker access to those results, right?



I let YaCy use 4 GB of RAM it's my choice.

Here you have system requirements



It is faster, but searching indexes of other peers is fast too. Wikipedia isn't all crawled by YaCy network yet, so I thought I can do this (After crawling indexes are shared among peers).


stop hurting corporate profits



NO! Stop taking my data without asking first Google loving shit head!



They do ask first. Didn't you read the terms and conditions? Don't tell me that you're surprised that Google was collecting data according to what they wrote in their terms and conditions.



>YaCy is good

I would disagree. It's results are usually not that good. At least with the default settings, there would always be this one page which would always be the first result and it had a billion not literally keywords on it.

Not only are the results not that great, yacy is really slow to search. I remember when I used it for a test period the search times were annoyingly long and highly contributed to my desire to not use it.

Instead of yacy, I would reccomend using searx, a "decentralized" meta search engine under the AGPL. It supports several engines including things which are not exclusively search engines eg. wikipedia. It also fosters a proxied option for opening links. Not only does it proxy the site to you, it also strips malicious things out of the source it is serving you.



That's not asking retard, that's let us take your data or you can't use our software. Only a fucking ass hat would do that. Same reason I hate windows fuck lord



There's nothing wrong with saying "I don't like these Google terms" and then refusing to use Google. This is what I did when I read Window's terms and decided that I didn't want to accept them.



And there is nothing wrong with using Google but blocking their shitty spyware



That's a hypocritical approach to doing it. If you don't support Google, simply block yourself off from Google. You should have no direct association with Google.



He's a redditor who just installed ublock on his chrome because it costs no effort and he is unwilling to sacrifice convenience but still wants to LARP as a "rebel".



Actually I use Firefox and i just go to Reddit cause they got info that helps people there where here people gotta ask the same question a million times cause tech can't make a sticky like what browser is good and light weight or what's a good user friendly distro or what are good settings for about:config... Well they do have good info just sitting there...but I don't have an account...what's bad about learning without having to ask the question?



It's been a long time since I read a post filled with nothing but cancer


File: 0c85b999002328d⋯.jpg (209.81 KB, 523x1024, 523:1024, war.jpg)

All right, if anyone here is serious about not using google anymore, there is a solution: Ban every domain connected to google in your hosts file.

You just have to take the last hosts update from https://github.com/racaljk/hosts

and use what you need from it. Remove everything (or not) related to common western shit, like dropbox (and other useful things like archive.org etc..), remove everything related to youtube if you watch youtube; and regex the ip into

Then add it to your hosts file.

No more google. It's not complete, you have to complete with googleanalytics etc... But that's a good start.


#YoutubePurge is in full swing.

Google, Twitter and Facebook are all going to purge hard in the run up to the mid-term election so "bad-think" can't stop their propaganda.



- Spread their dirty laundry. The lawsuits, the propaganda, the bias, and the hypocrisy.

- Encourage people to use other brands like Vimeo and Bitchute, or work-arounds like Hooktube. This also includes Gmail and Google Chrome.

- Encourage people to use Ad Nauseum to screw with their ads, and eat away at their war-chest.

The current Youtube shilling hashtag is #YoutubeTaughtMe, so fill it with shit they don't want you to know. Also include $GOOG and $GOOGL- as it then lets investors in Google know the peasants are revolting.








People should not, from my point of view, use Ad Nauseam, but actually block everything.

Disable javascript, and build your own hosts file simple tools like https://github.com/StevenBlack/hosts, and like >>876757 said, ban everything domain related to google.

That's the best solution, that does not imply any 3rd party.



I know right. This post >>876739 is pure unadulterated cancer.




File: de60cae61565e29⋯.png (71.11 KB, 896x716, 224:179, sdfsdfds.png)

is this thread bait? or is it just the intelligence of the average American?

if the 10 people that browse this autistic board all made youtube channels and uploaded random videos, click random ads, run some weird scripts that have no effect, how do you think this will impact a company with infrastructure to support literally the entire world's internet demands?

seriously what the fuck, think before you speak



You can already hire chink clickbot swarms to click your own site's ads, what makes you think you're going to screw up google when it's managed to survive under pressure from those for years already? Remember the charts last year showing 80% of various Jew media ad impressions came from China?



It could be that the underlying Google search quality is declining. I've noticed over the last year or so that Google has changed the way search queries are interpreted. Now, not all search terms are required to be in the resulting pages. This was sort of OK when correcting spelling mistakes or verb tense, but now it seems that they have carte blanche to ignore 'rare' terms (ie. what you were really looking for).



Sadly enough, the #gamergate movement happened about five years too late to be effective. In addition to the SJW shit, we have (((AAA))) publishers milking people for all they're worth through gambling (microtransactions). They entitled games industry seems to actively despise their own customers.




Brave is Chrome with more botnet made by the javascript jew.


They only get paid by advertisers if the ads get clicked



That's what you get for using proprietary software.

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