An idea sparked from a /v/ thread. OP name is pre-emptive as the plan isn't even formed, but the goal and idea is.
The thread OP:
This is a brilliant idea, 99% of the cancer infecting the medium has been bankrolled by racketeers pretending to be game developers, using armies of disinterested normalfags as a battering ram into every platform, funded off the slaughter of lobotomized whales. In addition, it could create a public furor against anything else that vaguely smacked of it, such as DLC, Greenlight vaporware, and $1 appstore shovelware.
If the flames of a good old fashioned moral panic could be fanned up, especially in today's political environment, games might be saved in one fell swoop.
>Let's all be honest here, microtransactions, lootboxes, and keys are all super scummy and also skirt the line of being actual gambling by hanging on the very edge.
>And judging by the slot machine style of how these cases usually are… I think there is something that can be said about them literally skirting these laws by inches. This isn't the only video like this, there are literally thousands like this and you can actually see these people get so hyped up during the rolling of the meter… it's literally the same look a person has going to a actual slot machine.
>Frankly, I think it is quite obvious that regulations against these type of things is going to happen really damn soon once any form of attention is thrown at them from any form of political body.
>So, how do we get the attention to finally end this blight upon gaming?
>Well. I actually do see many options in order to actually kill microtransactions once and for all. 2 I will name here as they seem to be the very best options.
>Force the ESRB to start rating any game with microtransaction/gambling mechanics as a automatic AO rating. As gambling Post too long. Click here to view the full text.