Saw a thread on AMD on /v/ and that just kinda reminded me about this sort of shit.
I feel that a thread should be made on this sort of thing, as what GG should be doing now that journo's influences have been vastly diminished, is convincing people to become ethical consumers. To be vocal with companies that they are middling in their feelings towards, to not buy anything from a company that has thrown away their goodwill, and most importantly to support companies that are willing to be ethical, and/or support gamers and GG. Other good attributes:
>Quality products
>Ethical behavior
>Supports communities and fanmade projects
>listens to actual consumers, doesn't give SJWS any quarter
and whatever else you can think of. If its a limited market, just say why you should support the alternatives, or at the very least why you shouldn't support the biggest (and oftentimes most unethical) taker of said market. I'd recommend providing archives for claims that not everyone might not be aware of.
I'll start with my own general set-up, let's try to keep this gaming, internet and gaming-tech related to keep the focus narrow for now; other mediums can wait till we've established something good here:
Storefronts and Retailers
Basically just an indie store that has no significant issues as far as I'm aware. No real problems. Good enough, worth keeping in your rotation of stores to check out.
>Humble Bundle
Now owned by IGN. Not the best, but it seems to be okay(?). No significant issues besides that but (like anything else on this list) if any anons wants to point out something wrong with it or why it might not be worth using be my guest
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