VIDEO: "Black Lives Matter Riots In London's Hyde Park"
Two people were stabbed including a police officer after riots broke out across 3 sections of London.
Major black violence erupted last Tuesday night in Hyde Park when a music festival turned into a riot. What started off as a water fight between two rival schools swelled to over 4000 people leading to Police setting up near Buckingham Palace to keep an eye on the event. By 9pm the Police attempted to move the crowd along but the mob refused and turned hostile. A small unit of vans were forced to flee a hail of glass bottles and rocks leading to police reinforcements with riot gear joining the scene. One police officer was stabbed and another was smashed over the head with a bottle. Two other members of the public were also stabbed with one being hunted down on the road in front of traffic. The attackers ran off soon after. During the ruckus, the crowd was heard chanting "Black Lives Matter!"
In another part of London, at Burgess Park, Southwark, two teenage boys were stabbed at a separate water fight and a nearby supermarket was raided by over 200 black youths. Police were also attacked when they shut down an illegal block party in Stamford Hill, Hackney.
As police attempted to maintain order and move the mob out from Hyde Park, a nearby McDonalds at Marble Arch was stormed. Staff suspected something was wrong when the lobby filled.
A McDonald’s worker said:
>“We were serving as normal and had a lot of people in the lobby. We didn’t want to close because we knew if we closed the door it would kick off and they’d force their way in.
>“The best thing for us to do was keep on serving one by one and keep them as calm as we could. But one of the guys jumped over the counter followed by three girls.
>“AllPost too long. Click here to view the full text.