So you want to kill google? And not just kill it, fucking demolish it? Three things need to happen. All of Google's money comes from advertising, analytics, and hosting. To kill google we need to drive up their operational costs while lowering their profits.
Fuck with their advertisements
If you have ever worked with adsense before you will know that the one thing they absolutely despise is telling people to click ads. They want people who are actually interested in products to click advertisements, because only they will be persuaded to purchase products. On top of that, companies pay google per click. If they are paying a ton of money and few people are buying their products, they will pull out.
STEP 1: Go on to youtube, google shopping, or anyplace else with adsense ads in private browsing mode on a vpn or proxy.
STEP 2: Click all the ads you possibly can
STEP 3: Hop on a new proxy/vpn/tor circuit, and clear out the browser
STEP 4: Repeat
Fuck with their file storage (NOTE: This step has been discussed in the /tech/ thread, and consensus was it was highly unlikely to work unless we had HUGE numbers of people)
Google stores everything you upload, and keeps it there even if it gets "deleted." Storing stuff costs lots of money, and high speed ssd drives to keep it all on aren't cheap. The more you upload, the more they pay.
STEP 1: Choose a platform that allows you to upload files(eg: youtube, drive, gsites, ect)
STEP 2: Get a file that is at or over the maximum file limit
STEP 3: Upload it again, and again, and again, and again
EXTRA STEP: If you are doing youtube make a huge file with a ton of random music, text on the screen, and game footage. Their matching algorithm will have to go through your whole 1hr + video and match everything there for monitization.
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