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File: 18a0d30d1aa5cde⋯.jpg (226.47 KB, 566x527, 566:527, VEE MOTHER KEBABED COM.jpg)

bf6f82 No.311722

Old thread got filled up.


343773 No.311723

Is Vee into BDSM? Because he's taken stupid amounts of beatings today, AND HE STILL WON'T STOP.

bd059a No.311724

File: e19d133755fafc8⋯.jpg (93.29 KB, 400x552, 50:69, untermensch vee.jpg)


>has what does appear to be a diploma from UMF

>has a recording of what looks to be a standard final seminar, although I'm not going to bother translating the entire thing

>"I took a different career path, I managed to become a biologist"

>"I am a microbiologist. I spread shit on petri dishes looking for yersinia and salmonella"

>pictures of him in a strange looking white coat (looks more like a 1930s nurse gown, we don't have shit like that over in America)

>goes on to talk about how he does youtube because he needs extra money because residency(?) doesn't pay much

Okay, so let's unpack this. The stuff seems legit. I can't read read the diploma because he's just waving it around and it's too low-res for me to make out the entire thing, but it's from UMF. First point of cocks is that UMF does not just have a medical school:


>The Faculty of Medicine offers study programs at bachelor, master, doctoral and residency degree, as well as continuing medical training. The four programs of study at undergraduate level are:

>Medicine – university studies lasting six years

>Nursing – university studies lasting four years

>Radiology and Medical Imaging – university studies lasting three years

>Balneophysiokinetotherapy and Recovery – university studies lasting three years

>Within the Faculty of Medicine are 13 master's programs, studies lasting one or two years.

>The Faculty of Medicine is divided into 12 departments and 69 disciplines:[6]

>Morphological sciences

>Functional sciences

>Molecular sciences

>Community medicine

>Internal medicine

>Medical specialties


>Surgical specialties

>Mother and child



>Medical education

Again, I can't make out the finer details on the paper, so for all I know it could be from any one of these fields, rather than specifically the school of medicine.

Second point, he's working as a microbiologist? That's not unheard of, I actually knew an MD from Romania who doesn't practice medicine and just works in the lab. But do you need to work for less than minimum wage in a residency program if you're doing microbiology rather than medicine? I'm ignorant of how this might work in Romania. But he also said he works as a microbiologist AT THE HOSPITAL, not academia. I don't know much about what happens back there, but AFAIK those jobs are done by techs and lab scientists, not a physician. A physician would just be the overseer. As with everything, could differ by country.

And if residency is anything like in the US, you literally do not have time to spend hours a day shitposting on twitter, on streams, and making videos.

We also haven't seen any info on his medical license, which I presume you'd be able to look up since we know his full name, but no one has seen anything of the sort.

He has also made dumbass comments like (paraphrasing): "AIDS is a virus, you wouldn't use antibiotics." on the last warski stream with him. Which is doubly wrong. Other shit like that which makes me confused as to how this guy is a doctor, especially a doctor working in micro.

Conclusion: man... I don't fucking know. He does seem to at least have some sort of degree from a college that does have a medschool as part of it. He's in some sort of medical profession, but I can't say for sure he's an actual physician based on the data so far. Perhaps I'm requiring too high a threshold of proof here, but it's not adding up for me.

e60147 No.311725

File: 4b1dd3b22c53690⋯.jpg (38.43 KB, 366x464, 183:232, why god why.jpg)



funny shit

bd059a No.311726


Talk radio is shit and FM radio is gay. Now I use e-celeb drama as my background noise tbh

bf6f82 No.311727


Ask yourself this: if he was really a doctor, why would he have enough time to go on a 6-hour stream to argue against a bunch of mindless retards about how daddy Sargon didn't doxxxxxxx coach red pill?

the guy is NEET-tier at this point.

Also, we need to find a romanian anon somewhere who can look at the official romanian registry of doctors and see if Codrin Stavri is actually on it.

bf6f82 No.311728


>if he was really a doctor, why would he have enough time to go on a 6-hour stream

on a weekday, no less.

e60147 No.311729


imho he probably has some kind of credentials but doesn't use them in any way, he's a NEET with a degree

bd059a No.311730


I suppose it's possible, but highly unlikely. We're not talking about some dude with an english degree that's worthless. If you actually do have a true-blue MD, why are you a NEET?


To be fair, there are timezone issues and hospitals are 24/7 and all that, but we're talking 4+ hours every day, and then jumping on warski's channel, and shitposting on twitter, and making videos, and being the consigliere to Don Sargone and second fiddle for the entire liberalist project. This also includes all the time he spends listening to OTHER PEOPLE's streams too, mind you, because he's on top of everyone's business.

It just doesn't add up. And his excuse is "lol even though I'm a resident and busting my ass off working all day every day, I have time for all this shit because I just don't sleep :^)"

He's also apparently fine showing off his diploma but NOT his alleged medical license. Makes you think.

46f058 No.311732


Maybe he's just a nurse or something instead of a doctor.

c33233 No.311735


Meanwhile on the Kumite, Vee just re-open the discussion on doxing, just when you think they've moved on.

That dumb dumb gypsy man.

bd059a No.311736


The dude is the platonic form of sycophantic stooge.

Honestly at this point the #1 reason I want to see Sargoy collapse is just to see what will happen with Vee afterwards. Will he grow a pair of balls and do his own thing? Will he be like a lost puppy without an owner? Will he commit sudoku?

a82c91 No.311739


Should we make a dedicated Vee-centric thread or is he closely related enough to all of the current drama to keep it in here?

5e8fd8 No.311740


Sounds like JF is going to make a video about Sargon and CRP. Sargon will likely respond and go the way of Kraut

343773 No.311742


>Will he commit sudoku?

I don't think Vee is that attached to the soy father, seeing as he's disobeyed him at least once that i know of.

de99bd No.311743


I think an even bigger problem is that if he actually was a medical practitioner, unless he lived in a castle and ate caviar every day he would not have fucking financial problems, no way. Here in shit tier Europe the biggest reason why doctors may be leaving to other countries is that the pay is better relative to the amount of work you have to do. In other words, your pay is still very good here and you'll be able to afford much more than your average shit tier Europe resident, but on the flipside you're overworked to shit.

172a3d No.311744


I turned off like an hour or two ago when they basically agreed to disagree, Vee asked if they're cool and Tonka said no. What happened now?

c33233 No.311745

File: aa7e23d15fd5d05⋯.gif (1.99 MB, 277x342, 277:342, Too-Far-into-the-deep-end.gif)


> just to see what will happen with Vee afterwards. Will he grow a pair of balls and do his own thing? Will he be like a lost puppy without an owner? Will he commit sudoku?

He will retreat to his vore fetish, and he'll let it consume him.

e60147 No.311746

File: 1b3a6f0c6c1d740⋯.jpg (84.44 KB, 772x866, 386:433, 1487394783851.jpg)


so Vee is basically the Romanian Jahans at this point…


172a3d No.311747


Vee seems genuinely stupid to me, could he even finish med school?

a82c91 No.311748

File: 69f274eaa5dc21d⋯.png (66.69 KB, 644x647, 644:647, degen.PNG)

d24e42 No.311749


I just came back and JF was on and said CRP's dox was filled with misinformation and he has emails vindicating him from the allegations of fraud. Now everyone thinks what Vee/Sargon did was worse than they initially thought

de99bd No.311750

File: d20edebb4134edd⋯.jpg (109.65 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, mugi_masennus.jpg)


>he plays SFV

d5e62a No.311752


The real problem here is, that he has actually bought SFV and plays it. Shit taste is good sign that you are dealing with a true handicapat.

172a3d No.311753


So it turned from dox into slander?

178b66 No.311754


>playing 3s on fightcade forever

no anon you are the autism

c33233 No.311755


I can't remember. I wasn't paying attention until Vee brought up the topic again, and then they begun grilling him that his reasons for doxing cpr doesn't match the reasons he gave a while ago. It's funny because they've agreed to let sleeping dogs lie, but then he brought the subject of cpr again.

de99bd No.311756

File: 0242884692478d4⋯.png (155.84 KB, 365x316, 365:316, Tsumugi_smugi.PNG)


Jokes on you anon I only play VF

9e5034 No.311758

File: 27f33cfbeec216f⋯.png (658.08 KB, 879x765, 293:255, 1480188772888.png)

>I'm a real doctor

>I'm just on unpaid leave for a year

>I have a contract with a hospital I work in

>but I'm just on unpaid leave for a year

This fucking handicapat just keeps drilling a hole deeper and deeper into a hole.

172a3d No.311759


He unironically said YouTube career.

9e5034 No.311760


So ever since JF joined the Kumite stream, Vee has become a goldmine of hilarity. Calling JF disingenuous, arguing in ill faith, being called out on not being a real doctor, and a few other things. Then he claimed to be on unpaid leave for a year.

Then JF asked him why he's on unpaid leave.

Vee said it's because he wanted to focus on having a youtube career.

A youtube career!

Vee might just need a thread of his own, holy fuck.

a82c91 No.311762

File: f9d06ccb7e0ac06⋯.png (603.55 KB, 476x458, 238:229, vee.PNG)

File: 478ea7afab572d7⋯.png (575.85 KB, 636x640, 159:160, vee3.PNG)

File: 0230ce2facea9b1⋯.png (428.68 KB, 500x497, 500:497, vee2.PNG)


d24e42 No.311763


>grey skies

>shitty carnival

>fat gypsy

Romania confirmed.

343773 No.311764


>but then he brought the subject of cpr again.

He REALLY wants to talk to Coach Redpill, he won't let the stupid stream die until the guy comes on.

a82c91 No.311765

File: 636939ad665440b⋯.png (426.2 KB, 413x515, 413:515, VEE'S DAD.PNG)

File: 4429237b6e72874⋯.png (616.61 KB, 1210x634, 605:317, HUSBAND AND WIFE.PNG)

File: e365703d6da11a2⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1211x633, 1211:633, SANDNIGGER3.PNG)


Found some pics of presumably Vee's dad or at least Lili Stavri's husband. The image where they are standing together outside reads something like "After 31 years of marriage, my husband gave me a honeymoon"

Last pic is yet another image of Lili Stavri surrounded by young, virile sandniggers

172a3d No.311766


Maybe he is looking for a new friend once Sargoy goes down. They're both older dudes.

d24e42 No.311767

The Guardian hamster is on. Reminder he's a 17 year old. Saw him confirm it on twitter through a screencap on cuckchan

172a3d No.311768


Doesn't he LARP as a government agent?


His mom has a sugar daddy and fucks sandnogs on the side?

d24e42 No.311769


Yes "twitter batman" or some shit. I lost the pic. I know for a fact he's 17. I'm sure someone on /kg/ on 4pol has the pic because that's where I saw it

172a3d No.311770


How did he get those emails of CRP and why?

c7c5b1 No.311771

8 hours and counting, how the fuck is it still going?

d24e42 No.311772


According to Jim it was Kraut who gave the info to guardian. Imagine trusting a minor as if he was a credentialed investigator. So dumb.

343773 No.311774


Veestian Eastan Chandler is not going to let the stream end until Coach Redpill Joins, he has tonka saw held intellectually hostage until it happens.

c7c5b1 No.311775


Can't they just kick the gypsy out? I just pop in and out from time to time, and I get the impression that they are talking about the same shit over and over again.

172a3d No.311777


So Kraut wrote the economist and got the mails, presumably because CRP called Kraut retarded in a few videos?

5e8fd8 No.311778


If I remember correctly you can't kick or mute in google hangouts.

d24e42 No.311779


I have no clue

a82c91 No.311780


You can do both, I've used if before. Unless they changed something

343773 No.311781


>Can't they just kick the gypsy out? I just pop in and out from time to time,

They think it's a bitch move to do, the whole show is about who's the first to rage quit or some shit like that.

343773 No.311782

Seriously, they did an 11 HOUR STREAM around new years because the pedo Destiny wouldn't take the hint to get the fuck out. If they can handle that little shit, and his massive amounts of condescension then the veetard isn't a problem.

9a622f No.311784

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Reposting the kumite with vee and jf and theguardian.

jf is a savage. vee is a retard. theguardian doesn't sound like a 17 year old.

d24e42 No.311785


>theguardian doesn't sound like a 17 year old.

Your voice doesn't really change after puberty

9a622f No.311786

File: 52c94b8b7c8d64d⋯.jpg (186.37 KB, 2000x1081, 2000:1081, 52c94b8b7c8d64d1fdfba94f72….jpg)


I mean he sounds older. Maybe it's me projecting, I wouldn't have the balls to be shitstirring and lying like this as a 17yr old. It's impressive.

bf6f82 No.311787


9 hours.


9a622f No.311788


*I mean in the open like this, on this level.

41f0bf No.311789


It's been close to 11, mate.

d24e42 No.311790


Yeah I mean on the other hand I would have been more likely to do that shit at 17 than i would after college

9a622f No.311791



Mine says 9 hours also.

e60147 No.311792


2097ba No.311793

File: 25633546ad16bb4⋯.webm (14.5 MB, 640x360, 16:9, sargon turns the ovens up….webm)


Race Warski will never betray us, he knows Sargoy and his trope of goons think he's dirt, and he's going to destroy them simply by displaying their autism on his streams while he sits back and julays them like they julayed him.

bf6f82 No.311795

god these people are retarded.

6f8992 No.311797

File: f3270e9c6995131⋯.png (1.86 MB, 900x1200, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

Check out my shit OC.

e60147 No.311798


The guy responds to social pressure like a puppet. On the daily shoah he wants to show the white nationalists he's a goodboy.jpg and when the SJWs cry "Racist" on Twitter he wants to show he's not racist, just a goodgoy.jpg

I don't trust him.

a82c91 No.311799


He clearly just wants the money from superchats and the viewers these E-spergs bring him. They duke it out on his streams, he gets passive income from illiterately reading the superchats that come in and makes a ton of money. I wouldn't fall for this shit if I was asked to come on

bf6f82 No.311800


warski follows whatever is popular at the moment. he's a weak character. he got involved with alt-right people purely because it grew his channel.

this is all about sub counts and e-celeb career drama. it's utter cancer.

3f32f6 No.311801


>I don't trust him.

Trusting anyone on the internet is a fools perspective. Seems you can't go on in life without someone pulling on your baby reigns.

978f77 No.311802


Of course not! He's an idiot and just goes with whatever will make him more money. He was with Holiday with the whole Candid shindig and now he is offended by Kraut and Holiday with the doxing server should be proof enough.

0bf27d No.311803


He's a typical Canadian. No matter how hard he tries to fight it, he conquer his inner leaf.

0bf27d No.311804


*can't conquer

a82c91 No.311805


my bad,

>>311799 meant for >>311798

b70d53 No.311806

File: 34b208cac387796⋯.png (628.5 KB, 522x800, 261:400, 34b208cac387796ec89efd27d2….png)

>centrists are so incompetent at attacking their enemies, they've started a new interest in racial realism and white nationalism



I just searched "r mika uncensored butt slap mod" and every result is applicable. This faggot is retarded.

172a3d No.311807






Those guys are just tools. Warski has been useful so far.

a82c91 No.311808

File: cd5dc301710bcb8⋯.jpg (135.65 KB, 885x990, 59:66, 1489964897052.jpg)


I mean on one hand he's acting as Jewish as fuck reaping all this money from the streams. I'm glad that white nationalist ideas are being debated on such a large platform though.

3f32f6 No.311809


My autistic Illuminati sense is tingling. Can you take your larping shit back to /pol/.

>He is just a tool for us to use

You could not tool yourself out of a paper bag.

e60147 No.311810



it's not even that, he is just a people pleaser.

He wants to please both the altright people and the SJWs, so eventually he's going to bend.

be3b7d No.311811

File: faff6cebab43b12⋯.png (47.92 KB, 215x200, 43:40, faff6cebab43b12c8204adaaf7….png)


>being this butthurt

>unironically using foxdicksperg memes

b70d53 No.311812


How is Warski of all people confusing to you?

He's hanging out with racists because it rakes in shekels. People are sick of listening to feminists and shit. Now white nationalists are so hot right now, so Warski puts them on stream.

e60147 No.311814


I don't think you get it. Warski sees himself as part of a community. The community got shamed when Kraut's bad activity got exposed, he went on Twatter to do a video about how he was sorry to RageAfterStorm.

Now he feels like he won't be a fairandhonestguy.jpg(tm) if he doesn't open the platform up to free speech. He obviously likes the money, but Warski is just a naive guy who kind of feels like he has to be nice to the AltRight b/c he supported Kraut (and then Kraut got exposed).

e60147 No.311815


ps- Warski has always made buttloads of money. His streams always attract idiots dumb enough to send him lots of shekels.


b70d53 No.311816

File: af213d377cffb7e⋯.gif (1.22 MB, 250x200, 5:4, 0ea10d97292733dc3b37897b9a….gif)


>"I don't think you get it."

>proceed to say completely obvious shit

3f32f6 No.311817



I am just hear for the laughs. But if you are larping as some fucking political party "winning". Just smells of you taking this whole thing seriously. Just kill yourself it would be the best thing for you larpers to do. As we all know how "white" you all really are.

3f32f6 No.311818

e60147 No.311819


but my post is contradicting you. you're on the "Warski is just doing it for the money" bandwagon. In reality, Warski obviously has a lot more motivation than just money. The guy has been making shitloads of money for over a year now. (((Skeptics))) basically send Warski money like he's their personal camwhore.

01c04e No.311820


Haven't you made sure every post of yours in this thread is just you being butthurt at someone else?

b70d53 No.311821


Fuck off, Jim.


Sure, but the people saying "I don't trust Warski" are acting like he's James Bond infiltrating a Russian military base or something.

3f32f6 No.311822


>Pointing out larps is butthurt now

Just kill your self man you are not worth talking to.

b70d53 No.311823

File: 22aa4f3e4dffab0⋯.jpg (31.05 KB, 620x595, 124:119, 22aa4f3e4dffab0ec3d752d95e….jpg)


>haha dont take this so seriously guys



bf6f82 No.311824


I'm just hoping that JF knows what he's doing here because this whole shitstorm exploded before christmas mainly centered around JF, warski sees he's really popular, before you know it he's co-hosting warski's show, then they have the big stream with spencer with 12,500 viewers.

these people just seem like parasites jumping on a popular trend of the moment for personal profit. it's distasteful because there are genuine concerns here beyond e-beggars lining their pockets, especially the trash that we've all been listening to this evening, like the subject of the OP.

3f32f6 No.311825


Just giving you helpful advice. Nothing wrong with that. I will even tell you how to tie the rope.

e60147 No.311826


I said I don't trust him. My point though is that we can't trust him because he's a social puppet and doesn't understand fully what he's doing. He obviously youtubes for money and attention, but the idea that he's having AltRight people on for money is A FUCKING SJW NARRATIVE which is being pushed to socially pressure Andy into not platforming White nationalists.

So stop saying that, it's helping the kikes.

d6e931 No.311827

I intensely dislike Vee on a personal level now. He tried some slimy shit to get himself and by extension 'the liberalists' out of having released personal information by their own retarded standards.

01c04e No.311828


Okay, keep larping then.

e60147 No.311829


JF is a very likeable and confident person, and Andy is easily swayed and moved by social pressure. Andy had a speech impediment and is very insecure about seeming stupid.

So being friends with an intelligent confident person like JF + him feeling like he looks bad for siding with Kraut against RageAfterStorm = Andy feels like he has to be supernice.jpg to White nationalists.

3f32f6 No.311830

File: da6a7666f06dbcb⋯.jpg (123.46 KB, 1080x720, 3:2, DRhj9wsUQAEw__e.jpg)


>He takes his /pol/ larping this seriously.


b70d53 No.311831

File: 161b6a49aa78ab4⋯.jpg (76.94 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, bart simpson can't even.jpg)


>down the road not across the street

You're about as edgy as Gavin McInnes.


I don't think anyone was unironically calling Andy /ourguy/.

e60147 No.311832

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


e60147 No.311833


>I don't think anyone was unironically calling Andy /ourguy/.

what I mean is… we need to keep swaying him into supporting us. A lot of politics is persuasion. If the pro-white rightwing can keep on making antiwhites like Kraut look like dirt, we're going to manipulate more people into coming onto our side.

We need to play this right with Andy.

3f32f6 No.311834


>You're about as edgy as Gavin McInnes.

Well not everyone wants to larp as 1940s German leader. Got to have a least a bit of originality.

af4f20 No.311835

File: b119353eff8e721⋯.jpg (49.75 KB, 960x960, 1:1, a00447995445f4830855aef8e5….jpg)


The very end of this is pure cringe.

I'm betting theguardian doesn't come back on Sunday with evidence he swears that he has. I'm betting he abandons the name, changes his handle like he said he would.

If your getting triggered by larping, just filter them, it's really easy.

b70d53 No.311836

File: 26190e7c922e4c8⋯.jpg (15.99 KB, 444x639, 148:213, f37f0579dfdd10e72f50b7b6f1….jpg)


I see what you mean now. That's true. Even if he doesn't support us and feels the need to say "JUST SO YOU GUYS KNOW IM NOT RACIST" before every stream, he brings an audience that don't usually get into this stuff.


>not wanting to LARP as an esoteric hollow-earth hitlerist


b19328 No.311839

>Superchat: Why are they all so jealous that Vee is Sargon's friend

>Kumite: That's the stupidest fucking question I've heard all day

>Vee: No, that's a good point

Oh my fucking God

b19328 No.311840


Meant Tonka, no Kumite

3f32f6 No.311841


>Not wanting to larp as a real boy


be3b7d No.311842

File: e91eb640723b4fe⋯.png (67.12 KB, 614x377, 614:377, ClipboardImage.png)

e60147 No.311843


We need to make him feel like a dirtbag for betraying us. We need to keep pointing out Kraut and people like him, because he makes socially sway-able people afraid to look anti-white.

In a democracy, politics=shaming people into not opposing your policies.

d6e931 No.311844


It was fun seeing the Guardian fall to pieces when someone punctured his little internet investigator LARP.

b19328 No.311845

>Tonka going off on "Internet people"

>"This is why we can't be friends IRL Veeh, you haven't been punched enough"

Fucking gold

b70d53 No.311846

File: 25e378d5feb5948⋯.jpg (29.6 KB, 450x600, 3:4, come on nigger.jpg)


They're always <3ing comments on their videos sucking their balls and shit. Liek that video where Sargon scrolls through his youtube comments. He comes across one that calls him smart, and goes, "This guy brings up a great point".

They're so transparently up their own ass, and too autistic to know how they look.


>pretending to be a proud boy even ironically

bf6f82 No.311847


JF had him on a stream before. he's a spergy teenager, the persona he puts on online is just acting.

af4f20 No.311848


>daddy related ptsd

What did he mean by this?

3f32f6 No.311849


>Is so asshurt about me talking shit about his larping he shows a screenshot of a sperg on twitter

>Thinks that it has anything to do with me

lol So tell me guys Do you pass for white?

e60147 No.311850


social puppetmode reactivated

a82c91 No.311851


>furry in the stream


172a3d No.311852


Basic gestalt on the guy and ROTCMedia?

e60147 No.311853


can you imagine how pathetic you have to be to be a fucking missionary evangelist for Liberalistism? It's just so fucking… gay

b70d53 No.311854



3f32f6 No.311855


>I will say i don't care when i clearly do in my posts.

lol I guess i did get under your skin didn't i?Are you a little asshurt you know a little bootieblasted?

b70d53 No.311857

File: 02941927a3c8e71⋯.jpg (114.15 KB, 760x760, 1:1, LMAO.jpg)


When did I say "i don't care" you rambling Romanian retard? This is like the last thread when you didn't realize /cow/ has IDs.

af4f20 No.311858

File: 93f1a1e5cfd6e53⋯.gif (1.66 MB, 328x266, 164:133, shivers.gif)


Well, you've never tasted sargon cock.

d24e42 No.311859


Stop derailing the thread with your insistence on nihilism. What the fuck does it matter if some anons are rooting for a side?

be3b7d No.311860

File: 092c8374ca33a35⋯.jpg (21.2 KB, 540x438, 90:73, DT3Iua7U8AA0Lda.jpg)


The autist strikes me as very similar to 3f32f6.

aae280 No.311861


>Undergrad studies

>Medicine - 6 years

he probably has a bachelors and just calls himself a doctor. its a "medical degree" so maybe in romania that entitles him to a title? or maybe he is usually more cagey and just says he has a medical degree instead of he is a doctor, but sometimes he slips up? I don't really watch his stuff so I don't know. Also he claims to be a lawyer (or have a law degree) which in america are two separate things. for one a law degree is a juris doctorate which is essentially a PhD(or maybe more accurately PsyD) in law. Being a lawyer means you have passed the bar and are registered with the bar association (which you can do in virginia without having a juris doctorate interestingly enough). He is completely safe if he is just doing lab work, but if he is practicing law or medicine with/on people then either he is a legit doctor/lawyer or he is committing fraud. He probably isn't that stupid, so I am guessing him saying he is a doctor is just him exaggerating

af4f20 No.311862


he specifically in a stream, "as a doctor, I can say, weed is not bad for you', but he could play that off as a joke, because no doctor can say that right now

bf6f82 No.311864

>the furry whining about his commissioned art

jesus fucking christ

e60147 No.311865


furries gonna fur

be3b7d No.311866

File: c7fcd6ea6d587d7⋯.jpg (240.21 KB, 1110x982, 555:491, DS54CvrU0AYW9RZ.jpg)

>people are being mean to me and I have to explain myself abloo bloo bloo

At least there's a point with the nigger that says "nigger" a thousand times in a song being butthurt.


Is that the part where the other furfag declined a commission after agreeing to do it because muh political views everybody that isn't a marxist is a nadzeee TWOOOOO SCOOOOOOOOOOOOOPS REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE?

af4f20 No.311867

File: 68f6d0203cc2eaa⋯.jpg (62 KB, 640x480, 4:3, hell.jpg)


the *artist *, could've been a kid. Those sjws can be vile and scary as fuck if you don't have a thick skin. We can't all be full spectrum internet toughgays.

e60147 No.311868

(((furfag saying no one could possibly become more AltRight from listening to the AltRight)))

Liberalistism signalling much, puppyboy?

b70d53 No.311869

File: 3552b50736f3ecf⋯.png (67.89 KB, 1371x928, 1371:928, 3552b50736f3ecfbb04dc75bdd….png)

>hey guys, i'm against you and want you to lose. now i'm going to give you advice that you should take

Does this idiot furry realize his "advice" basically amounts to "think what I want you to think"?


a82c91 No.311870

Why do these tards think the alt-kike is some sort of unified party

b70d53 No.311871


Because ironically enough, the "individualists" see everything purely in terms of collectives.

e60147 No.311872

God fucking damn this furfag is such an annoying faggot. I would go full altright just to go against him if I was a commie.


Because it's easier for them to strawman

bf6f82 No.311873

the furry is just doing his version of

>wow just wow i can't even

e60147 No.311874


He's trying hard to socially pressure everyone into pearlclutching and not believing in the AltRight. "Oh muh god these AltRight guys are bad".

Furfag is just status quo supremacy.

a82c91 No.311875

File: 9de87738f05e816⋯.jpg (52.03 KB, 482x685, 482:685, Sieg oder Bolschewismus.jpg)


>Because ironically enough, the "individualists" see everything purely in terms of collectives.



Probably true. Sometimes I think that they purposely misrepresent the ideas / don't want to understand

b70d53 No.311876

>people in the chat going LOL THE SALT-RIGHT IS SO TRIGGERED LMAO

What's the deal with this? It's such a pathetic attempt to disarm any criticism.

>i think sargon is a stupid fat faggot


SJWs do it too.

e60147 No.311877


>Probably true. Sometimes I think that they purposely misrepresent the ideas / don't want to understand

their whole thing is just convincing other people to be shocked and appalled by the AltRight, they think the AltRight is shocking and evil on an irrational level.

People like them should shut up and get out of the way, because radical ideas are happening and their status quo 1990s liberal utopia world ain't shit.


honestly everyone calls their opponents in politics salty and butthurt, it's dishonest and bullshit, but the Warski crowd are probably some of the dumbest most status quo cunts of all time. They are terrified of their worldviews being challenged.

They hate SJWs, not because SJWs are antiwhite commie pieces of shit, but because SJWs are mean and extreme and not "normal". They hate the AltRight for the same reason. Horseshoe theory is their fetish.

e60147 No.311879

They love the ethnostate concept because they can endlessly pick at it like a piece of meat. It's their perfect strawman. Get rid of the ethnostate concept. God these normies are such faggots it makes me sick.

e60147 No.311880


He's holding back the antiwhite scum and forcing the stream to have a White nationalist bent

a82c91 No.311881

File: c76c847b5a61f74⋯.jpg (76.18 KB, 472x655, 472:655, Don't give, sacrifice.jpg)

File: 7380878fc744ab3⋯.jpg (37.33 KB, 452x670, 226:335, NS Volkswohlfahrt.jpg)

File: b0c9cf17025b0f6⋯.jpg (61.58 KB, 651x906, 217:302, Mutter und Kind.jpg)

What do these fence-sitters even see an ethnostate as? Why do they act like it's some unattainable utopia? Do they see it as some sort of pan-white superstate or something? I've always seen it as individual ethnic groups reclaiming their nations from international finance and securing the existence and flourishing of their people. A new national community, like the concept of the Volksgemeinschaft. Multiple ethnostates. France for the French. Germany for the Germans, etc. Not this one nebulous "white ethnostate"

e60147 No.311883


the ethnostate is just something they can strawman and pretend is Nazi Germany or the USSR to scare other people into not going to the extremes

As polarization increases, the salty centrists are more and more scared of increasing radicalism. We have to break them. We can win a lot of the center if we push.

b70d53 No.311884

File: 0a29183e15d6e46⋯.jpg (23.55 KB, 435x167, 435:167, gareth the dumbest nigger ….JPG)

File: 549684125d52b7b⋯.jpg (12.93 KB, 168x169, 168:169, gareth.JPG)


I doubt they've ever actually thought about it very hard. All they can think of when they see whites defending themselves is a klan hood.

e60147 No.311885


they also like the "white ethnostate" concept applied to America because they can throw out "le irish aint white originally" and strawman how we're going to send blacks and browns to concentration camps. Fucking scum.

e60147 No.311886


> All they can think of when they see whites defending themselves is a klan hood.

yea this, their level of brainwashing is cringy and pathetic AF

af4f20 No.311887


Gareth isn't allowed in my white ethnostate

af4f20 No.311888


Enoch had a good comeback on a recent stream, an irishman signed the declaration of independence.

a82c91 No.311889

Holy shit, this fucking furry. It doesn't even biologically matter. I could sperg about the Aryan all day, why do whites have to explain and justify their right to their own land? No one questions that China is for the Chinese or Mongolia for the Mongols. Even in the U.S., we don't even need to drive out every non-white. We just need to end jus sanguinis, protect our sovereignty, radically reform immigration, deport all illegals. And this is at the VERY least

e60147 No.311890


Yea. Enoch will kill it when he goes on Warski again. This is a renaissance of White identitarianism. Our people really are waking up now.


this. good post

the centristliberalistist scum can feel that we are steamrolling them, keep on pressuring and killing it on Youtube!

bf6f82 No.311891

JF is great. The only reason I listen to this crap.

a82c91 No.311892

>mentions 14th amendment

>doesn't talk about ending birthright citizenship or outlawing dual citizenship


e60147 No.311894

"MUH NORITIES" t furfaggot

Can we please just slaughter this dirtbag?

a82c91 No.311896

>muh 1930s political party

bf6f82 No.311897


didn't you know we're all germans from the 1930s and 40s? they're stuck in the past.

we're the real progressives :^)

41b162 No.311898

File: 201d5b46460472d⋯.png (17.18 KB, 409x195, 409:195, Untitled.png)

I'm sure this faggot actually believes this too

bf6f82 No.311899

File: 2f790cd67606d8b⋯.jpg (67.01 KB, 651x366, 217:122, liberalist furfag.jpg)

d24e42 No.311900



I'm sure Andy will take that criticism very seriously

3f32f6 No.311901


>Stop derailing the thread

Oh i am sorry I thought we laughed at faggot larpers round here. Or is it a case of you can give it but you cannot take it? Faggots get defensive about that shit

a82c91 No.311902

File: 71b1ef975d19ce6⋯.jpg (22.35 KB, 341x486, 341:486, ewige jude.jpg)


>protecting your family and your people against destruction will lead to a third world war

How can people unironically think this? It has to be some sort of conditioned response since it's always so vehement and extreme. Like once I was talking with somebody and he randomly said to me:

>you seem like one of those white pride guys

He said it like it was a bad thing to love your race. He was white too

b70d53 No.311903

File: 23cb581cce6b3e7⋯.png (493.65 KB, 600x805, 120:161, 23cb581cce6b3e70533f49b497….png)


If white nationalism doesn't take root and whites die out, the future will be a bunch of niggers slaving away in Chinese coal mines.

Liberalist faggots like to bitch about how whites went to America and built shit there. Look at how non-whites treat each other. A smart non-white would be pro-white people. We have been the kindest and most generous to outgroups out of all the races. It is a nice trait, but it is also a weakness that we have let be exploited for too long.

Think about it non-whites. Do you want to live in a global Detroit run by unfeeling dog-boiling Chinese slumlords?

d6e931 No.311904


Well what else needs to be said

b70d53 No.311906


>it's always so vehement and extreme

Group polarity. Every individual in a group tends to think of himself as slightly above the group.

>i believe x like the group does, but i believe it just a little bit more than everyone else

It leads to things like /pol/ doxing white nationalists for not being hardcore enough, and white men shaking the hands of the men who gang-raped and murdered his daughter.

be3b7d No.311907



>run by jews and full of gays

>white nationalists


e60147 No.311908


this post kills the librulist

d24e42 No.311909


I suspect that's also a result of the depersonalization effect provided by anonymous culture. I would imagine that in a non-anonymous and personal environment this group polarity effect would be less of a problem.

e60147 No.311910


in a society that fully mixed, in America, we would already have had a bloody brutal civil war from hell

It's good that we don't get too exposed to other people too much in America. This country is a powderkeg. The idea that Americans are fellow citizens is a joke.

4a90d0 No.311912


This tbh. There are a lot of times where I watch sargoys videos and I say "damn this guy is really close" but idk how he can be so close one second and then just the next sentence hes miles away.

978f77 No.311913

Where is Soygoy in all of this? Why doesn't he defend 'Liberalist' on Warski's stream instead of having his lackeys such as Rags argue against JF?

d24e42 No.311915


>Why doesn't he defend 'Liberalist'

Because he's starting to realize every time he addresses Liberalistism he gets trolled to oblivion and he can't handle the heat. His ego is extremely fragile.

bf6f82 No.311916


he sends out expendable minions. classic soycuck.

b70d53 No.311917


If Sargon's lackeys get slaughtered it doesn't matter, but since he's the head of their gay little group he can't afford to take any hits.

To Sargon, he is this group, and this group is him.

978f77 No.311919



Did Jim BFTO him so hard he's run away? It seems these people have no idea what this idea stands for?

It seems extremely disingenuous. I get the idea that one wrong move could destroy his Patreon, but wouldn't it be better to die defending an idea than cower away? But I could be giving him too much credit and he has always been a massive coward all along.

a82c91 No.311921

File: 916e8b29427d321⋯.jpeg (106.47 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, image.jpeg)


Don Sargone operates from the shadows. Dirty work is handled by his goons.

b70d53 No.311922


I think it's very telling that Sargon doesn't want to argue his principles on a loose conversational stream because he might get made to look wrong. For a guy who says, "I didn't want to do it, but someone had to do something!" he sure seems adverse to doing anything.

e60147 No.311923


Soygon wants to attack the SJW left because it's radicalizing the right. That's the secret reason he almost never states. But it's there.

978f77 No.311924


It seems extremely hypocritical. It just boggles the mind; he wants to start this so-called movement yet he sends goons that hardly understand what it represents, the movement is a complete fail.

c33233 No.311925

File: 1c29942df079c7e⋯.png (145.74 KB, 199x200, 199:200, 1462284421469.png)



So how long until Sargon cancels the debate with Spencer because "lol I just don't care anymore, Alt-right is irrelevant".

He's in too much of a vulnerable position to afford loss face again, especially now that he's invested in this liberalist horse.

978f77 No.311927


Isn't he hiding? I doubt he'd debate Spencer again. If he lost his mind again, how would he even recover, start another movement?

b70d53 No.311928


The way I see it there are two possibilities.

Either A

He's sweating like a motherfucker, pounding down wine like it's going out of fashion, holding voicechat after voicechat with his cronies obsessively going over arguments and biting his nails to the bone.

or B

He doesn't know what people are talking about when they say "Spencer destroyed Sargon". He thinks he did fine because his cronies told him so. He is excited and can't wait for the opportunity to show the world just how liberalist he is by blowing the fuck out of this homosexual zionist nazi.

e60147 No.311931

File: 9061a14998f8fdf⋯.jpg (60.74 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, l0000l.jpg)

(((JOHNNY FOX))) = the loudmouth redneck who isn't racist.

Rednecks without racism are just pieces of shit. At least be racist if you're a dumb loudmouth redneck! Fucking hell

847745 No.311934

this fox guy sounds out of breath just from talking.

a82c91 No.311935

File: 607ad797099dd0c⋯.jpeg (36.17 KB, 349x349, 1:1, image.jpeg)


Apparently there will be a debate between Spencer and Enoch versus the Stepfather and someone who remains unknowm for now. not sure when though. Sargon thinks he's big-brained enough to win so I don't think he'll back down personally

bf6f82 No.311936

>hey guys let me on i got some dirt on a guy

anyone get the feeling warski got scared and this stream is him cutting ties with the scary altright?

e60147 No.311937


he's some kind of retarded drunk redneck who for some reason really hates White nationalism.

just think for a second how pathetic you have to be to be him

e60147 No.311938



I'll keep my fingers crossed. maybe

b70d53 No.311939


It's like being a wigger but not having a mixtape on soundcloud. Why bother, you just like the goofy hats and shit tattoos?


The whole time he's been doing this he keeps saying "I'M NOT RACIST I HATE WHITE NATIONALISTS", and angry drama streams, which you're almost guaranteed to have if you bring on a "racist", rake in the money. He seems a little annoyed at so many leftists saying he's sucking nazi dick, so I'm guessing he's doing this just to have something to point to when they challenge him.

He also has an edgy sense of humor and is an O&A fan. I don't see him putting a stop to the alt-right shenanigans any time soon.

bf6f82 No.311940

this was gay as fuck for a dirt digging effort

e60147 No.311941



>It's like being a wigger but not having a mixtape on soundcloud. Why bother, you just like the goofy hats and shit tattoos?


Goddamn the world in 2017 is gay as fuck. Fuck this gay fucking planet earth.

c33233 No.311942

What would motivate this extra retard to want to dox JF? Who did JF upset recently?

847745 No.311944


he disrespected don sargone and the furry isn't doing a good enough job, so he was sent in

e60147 No.311945


he's a fanatically antiracist redneck and thinks it makes him a badass or something

He's one of these fucking pieces of shit who thinks "fighting racism" is alpha shit. It's as pathetic as it sounds.

c33233 No.311946


How about Vee and Theguardian from the last kumite?

bf6f82 No.311947


it's fucking pathetic.

978f77 No.311948


I don't think Johnny-autist guy is pro-Sargon. He's probably just very very retarded

a82c91 No.311949


Is the furry Sargon-affiliated? He's definitely ideologically

e60147 No.311950


he's literally just a retarded redneck who believes what the media says so he wants to fight racism, lol, idiots like him have always existed.

Johnny Fox has the brain of a slave.

aae280 No.311951



Yea, but everything is going to cause ww3 to these idiots. Why would american mainstream ethnostate advocates cause ww3? why would any other country give a fuck. ww3 is the only option this person envisions, the worst option I can see is that it could cause balkanization of the US and a loss of global hegemony. now maybe that creates a power vacuum, causes russia to be too aggressive, causes china to try to expand to far, puts countries into an even more defensive posture with their nukes, causes the EU to go power blind and try to grab more than possible, but all of those things are at least several degrees of separation from american politics and if you want to do that kind of butterfly effect bullshit than any geopolitical move can cause ww3 and the term has essentially no predictive meaning.It also shows they aren't willing to extrapolate backwards. Because if you think that then you would have to say obama caused ww3 because of his ineptitude (if not maliciousness) and petty politicing lead directly to the Trump election. you would also have to blame the democrats for anointing a shrewish menopausal half zombie cunt as their candidate.

e60147 No.311952


furfaggot is right on the official Liberalists(tm) streams

847745 No.311953


Before he mentioned he was in a skype group with sargon and later when JF brought up a point he said he'd bring it up in the skype group. He's in private communication with sargon

978f77 No.311954


I know, I just don't think he's related to the Sargoy crew, just very exceptional

5e8fd8 No.311955


The fox just accidentally let it slip that it was about JF defending CRP, the Don ordered a hit

bf6f82 No.311956

File: 8af6148c7baec26⋯.jpg (303.86 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, retarded jews.jpg)


e60147 No.311957



dbcdc7 No.311958

Johnny Fox doesn't understand how resume's work. Anyone who isn't a NEET knows you tailor your fucking resume for specific jobs. Literal retard cuckservative.

b70d53 No.311959

File: ea24a8618c16b5e⋯.jpg (74.8 KB, 648x823, 648:823, 7c92182dc08b862066a05f877b….jpg)


>He's one of these fucking pieces of shit who thinks "fighting racism" is alpha shit.

That shit always makes me laugh.

<let me get these bitches wet by saying the same shit john oliver and msnbc blab about

5e8fd8 No.311961


He said something along the lines of "are you going to defend JF like JF defended CRP." He was talking fast, and others were talking and arguing with him, but he did say Coach Red Pill.

e60147 No.311962

File: 996dbf9d8d632c3⋯.png (362 KB, 536x622, 268:311, 1492643691253.png)


Hit control F and finance came right up…


bf6f82 No.311963

File: 4c8071088a7c29d⋯.jpg (101.9 KB, 618x372, 103:62, johnny fox internet warrio….jpg)

c33233 No.311964

File: 5fc90c70ab99548⋯.png (112.52 KB, 383x328, 383:328, 1451908583481.png)


He was a spectacular extra retard.

e60147 No.311965


#smoothbrainFox strikes again

we need fox memes of foxes being destroyed

e60147 No.311966

File: 03a8b57e03533c1⋯.jpg (273.09 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, btfo the antiracist fox.jpg)

78429c No.311967

File: a7a88127dd5162a⋯.jpg (58.64 KB, 736x538, 368:269, 7e14fb55fb4373084b4bbe79f0….jpg)

bf6f82 No.311970

how does anyone self-b.tfo this hard

a82c91 No.311972

This Fox dude is a real piece of shit

0ca5d8 No.311974

Now the fox faggot's backpedaling

dbcdc7 No.311975


He gets 30 views on his vids too. Pathetic attention whore all around. Illiterate cuckservative redneck.

bf6f82 No.311976

if sargon had anything to do with this guy my opinion of him went even lower.

a82c91 No.311977


e60147 No.311979


do we know he's a cuckservative? I thought he was a bigbrain sargon centrist

b70d53 No.311980

I missed most of Fox because I was doing shit, but I see the chat blowing up and shitting on him. What's the summary of his points?

847745 No.311981

>Johnny sends in an apologist

a82c91 No.311982


Just attacking JF on his personal life

78429c No.311983


he sounds like he's fat. fat voice, you know what I mean. skinny people don't sound like that. chubby people don't sound like that. bloated fatty fatty boombahs with a tuba soundtrack sound like johnny fox.

bf6f82 No.311984


something about JF's cv and the autistic ex. he humiliated himself in ze pooblic spayze.

0ca5d8 No.311985

File: 94ccacf0b58d1e5⋯.jpg (425.02 KB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 94ccacf0b58d1e5afdc560bc56….jpg)

teh fox cucked by his friend

dbcdc7 No.311986


Yeah he's a cuckservative, I've hear him say it

c33233 No.311987

File: 2f23695f8a1e2d9⋯.jpg (68.41 KB, 620x560, 31:28, 2f23695f8a1e2d96c5232b9a1c….jpg)


And even his apologist is beating him down.

a82c91 No.311989

Did they just show the stream-link?

847745 No.311990

the liberalist skype group

a82c91 No.311991

File: fdd5c9a475ad653⋯.jpeg (339.09 KB, 1214x1946, 607:973, image.jpeg)

Chink-lover tweet of the day

5e8fd8 No.311992


They moved from a private Discord to a private Skype group, this is going to be interesting

b70d53 No.311993


Louis is thirsting over an A Wyatt Mann cartoon.

aae280 No.311994


so is the joke that he doesn't know what the word abolish means, or that he thinks it sounds like a sex act? or that he posted a picture of a bloated dead white man as a reaction to her words? He must be too smart for me to get his humor.

a82c91 No.311995


He wants his genes to be diluted and destroyed and have hapa children, thereby working towards the abolition of the white race

e60147 No.311996


glad these liberalists are such repulsive creeps, anyone sane is going to automatically sympathize with White nationalists

e60147 No.311997

File: 590cd3b423b73ca⋯.jpg (55.59 KB, 831x650, 831:650, what is white.jpg)


he thinks endless fucking jokes about asian/white racemixing will trigger the altright. and he thinks it's edgy

it's as pathetic as it sounds.

a82c91 No.311999

>is Andy Warski a neo-Nazi

<not yet


e60147 No.312000


"send meh ur sheggels i might B altride suun"

a82c91 No.312001


You're probably right. This guy will follow the money like a kike.

b70d53 No.312002

File: 4933d3839ea7ce1⋯.gif (1.44 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 4933d3839ea7ce1a89c27ea7d7….gif)


He's against the freedom of whites deciding to live amongst themselves and make a better life purely because asian girls makes his dingle tingle.

I think some of them are cute, too, but I don't let photoshopped models color my political views.

>>312000 (nice)

Well, he is Puerto-Rican.

dbcdc7 No.312003


>Well, he is Puerto-Rican.

Your public school education is showing. He's Portuguese.

e60147 No.312004


The idea that Asian girls are hotter than white girls is crazy. I'm a white guy and never understood the weirdos who would prefer an Asian to a nice brunette, redhead or blond white girl.

343773 No.312005


>Think about it non-whites. Do you want to live in a global Detroit run by unfeeling dog-boiling Chinese slumlords?

Wouldn't the non-whites live end up living in a place like that anyways, should the white ethnostate become a thing.

b70d53 No.312006


Butthurt Puerto-Rican detected.


White girls are way hotter. I think it's just a thing men have that they must conquer alien pussy.


>if whites are allowed to live together, the entire world will devolve into Chink-enslaved niggers running Bart Simpson t-shirt sweatshops


Are you admitting the only thing keeping this world from eating itself is white people giving all the shit they make to niggers for free?

dbcdc7 No.312007


>doubling down of geographic illiteracy

Now you just sound like a nigger

e60147 No.312008


but some white guys ACTUALLY think Asian girls are le hottest thang eva


d6e931 No.312009


They've only ever looked at E-Gooks who have westernized and otherwise improved themselves through cosmetic surgeries.

b70d53 No.312011

File: 8d9a310b53cd2eb⋯.jpg (16.05 KB, 290x247, 290:247, MUH TRADITIONALIST ASIAN W….JPG)


Nah I just could have sworn he said in a chat he's part Puerto-Rican, but I get Mexican countries mixed up all the time.


Neoteny? I dunno. I think it's because they're the non-white race that is closest to white, and also the yellow-fever faggots only ever see the cute girl pics that get shared around. They never see average asians.

847745 No.312012


I've never understood the obsession so guys have with asian girls, but I can only assume it's an attraction to smooth facial features

a82c91 No.312013

File: 5ecdcd0f2c3cd56⋯.jpg (164.03 KB, 740x1110, 2:3, 740full-ai-shinozaki.jpg)

File: 7b2cd4015816a51⋯.jpg (126.7 KB, 615x414, 205:138, panface.jpg)


They see the best of the best Asians plastered in more makeup than a clown wears while in reality most Asians are pan-faced mongoloids. Some Asians can be hot, but I'd settle for a white girl any day of the week

78429c No.312014

File: ed06f06d71aedaf⋯.png (173.38 KB, 672x301, 96:43, 1d31abb8964c2f294ccafc4fbc….png)


Some Asian girls are beautiful, by western standards. There might even be one or two Africans that are beautiful. I think we can all agree that there are no beautiful aboriginals. While there might be the occasional Asian I find cute, there is no way in hell I would want an Asian gf. That's just me though. I did know a quarter flip blond surfer girl once though, I didn't know her as intimately as I wanted to, but she was really fucking cute. So there might be an exception out there somewhere, but my preference is white girls that speak my language.

e60147 No.312015


I grew up around Koreans. Some of the girls are cute, but plenty of them are nothing special at all.

dbe65f No.312016

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Speaking of digging up someones past. Johnny used to known as nostalgic rage. He was very lolcow worthy before our time.

b70d53 No.312017

File: dd5bfd0217634b1⋯.jpg (45.16 KB, 632x402, 316:201, WORLD AUSTRALIA FINALIST.JPG)


>I think we can all agree that there are no beautiful aboriginals

This was the hottest Aboriginal the jews could find for Miss Australia 2016.

>there is no way in hell I would want an Asian gf

Every asian girl I've known has been ten times as insane as your average white girl. I've known some cool nonwhites, and even a few cool half-abbo chicks, but every single asian girl was batshit.

0ca5d8 No.312018

File: 7fa0bb244d4a7a6⋯.jpg (87.6 KB, 650x1000, 13:20, 4196a48c6b732e4bb5fe9e7a4c….jpg)

File: 2b96cffc17a2eb0⋯.jpg (87.4 KB, 650x1000, 13:20, ffae60a267b15008d32bece03f….jpg)

File: 4c68133210ea7ed⋯.jpg (25.39 KB, 316x421, 316:421, 19c4ae928254832f4645979ba7….jpg)


>I think we can all agree that there are no beautiful aboriginals

Don't be racist anon, aboriginal australians can be beautiful and are definitely the same species as whites just look at these pictures of the indigenous model that competed in miss australia

e60147 No.312020


> I think we can all agree that there are no beautiful aboriginals.

literally never seen an abbo girl that is even slightly fuckable, even mixed abbo women are kind of disgusting

imagine for a second being abbo, would be hell on earth

dbcdc7 No.312021


>Nah I just could have sworn he said in a chat he's part Puerto-Rican, but I get Mexican countries mixed up all the time.

Portugal is in Europe. Nigger confirmed.

b70d53 No.312022


Look at those fucking Silent Hill limbs. Jews are painting the faces of literal monkeys and walking them around going "don't you wanna fuck this, goy? they're just like you!"


It was a joke, Destiny.

0e2e9f No.312023

File: d85260e85aba500⋯.png (223.31 KB, 501x464, 501:464, toilet_fox.png)


you better not be making fun of muh let's plays!

a20bec No.312024


Lots of Vietnamese where I live, some are cute but I really have trouble understanding what they're saying.


>Every asian girl I've known has been ten times as insane as your average white girl

Opposite for me, most Asian girls I've met have been much more tolerable than the usually very bluepilled white girls around my area

78429c No.312025




I did see a slim Islander with gigantic julayers once. She looked pretty from a distance, but hard to say if it was make up. She wasn't pure Islander, could have been part Maori or part white. Just because I though she looked good, doesn't mean I thought she was wife material. I can understand thirsty sailors banging island women back in the day though. I still can't understand how we ended up with half-caste abos. Must have been alcohol.

e60147 No.312026


probably very unlucky white men would go to the abbo women when they were extremely desperate.

it might have actually made abbos shittier

a82c91 No.312027


When looking at these things triggers the uncanny valley, we should question if they're really humans

78429c No.312028


she looks like she has a mustache.

b70d53 No.312029


>I still can't understand how we ended up with half-caste abos

Fat white girls.

d6e931 No.312030


I don't mind Asians. Would rank them below Nords, Slavs, and every other kind of white woman but they're way better than any brown women.

0ca5d8 No.312031

File: 68f5e62ac850352⋯.webm (2.54 MB, 320x240, 4:3, 15 months of nofap Shanty.webm)


>Must have been alcohol.

I can't imagine the amount of alcohol it'd take for me to consider abbos attractive enough to fuck. It must've been a combination of months at sea with an inability to fap and booze.


>When looking at these things triggers the uncanny valley

They're the same 'woman' anon

dbe65f No.312032



Did you know johnny stole alot of gameplay footage in his past. He got caught when he was sleeping on stream and the game kept progessing. Heres a playlist.

CHUMP JOHNNY FOX STEALING: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQUOfFnarkaBJVp8My0kov4xGROoyX5tR

dbcdc7 No.312034

File: e1315cd65afa5d4⋯.png (638.83 KB, 1234x878, 617:439, Screen Shot 2018-01-19 at ….png)


So he's a former lolcow who tries to larp as a "I trigger SJWs" troll

d6e931 No.312036


Nobody fucks up meme shit like these autists. I thought they couldn't get gayer than that Kekistan garbage.

a82c91 No.312037


Oh fuck you're right. It is one "person". Wew

d6e931 No.312039


Wait, I don't get it.

a82c91 No.312041


I thought the person I originally replied to posted three different abbo women, but it is actually one abbo. Proves they're subhuman tbh. I've never made that mistake with other people

dbcdc7 No.312042

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The cringe in the last vid is unbearable

>anyone can say anything in my chat you can even go full /pol/

>any SJWs gotta leave

78429c No.312043

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sargon must retract.


All the photos are of the same aboriginal model.

01c04e No.312044


>but wouldn't it be better to die defending an idea than cower away?

Why would he do that? If he actually lost patreon shekels he would literally die.


We have IDs faggot.

e60147 No.312045


I would probably rather fuck a light latina or arab woman than a jap tbh

dbcdc7 No.312047

Johnny Fox just nuked his twitter hahaha



73beb7 No.312050


I missed it, who is johnyfox and what did he do?

d6e931 No.312051


Get in the oven.

e60147 No.312052


his faggy twatter is still there

dbcdc7 No.312053

File: e1315cd65afa5d4⋯.png (638.83 KB, 1234x878, 617:439, Screen Shot 2018-01-19 at ….png)

File: e1315cd65afa5d4⋯.png (638.83 KB, 1234x878, 617:439, Screen Shot 2018-01-19 at ….png)


He deleted all but 8 tweets and I can only see 1. It was a partial nuke.

dbcdc7 No.312054

File: e4c456e09f44726⋯.png (867.96 KB, 1882x1114, 941:557, Screen Shot 2018-01-19 at ….png)


Fuck wrong second pic

78429c No.312055


he's an audibly fat youtuber that tried to engage in internet bloodsports with JF and came away looking like an illiterate fool.

1a3fc9 No.312057


He tried to corner JF with some old job resume he found, and only managed to make JF look better at the end of the debate.

The thing got so out of hand for him, that a friend whom he sent a link to the stream had to move in afterwards and apologize for Johnny "sperging out"

dbcdc7 No.312058

File: fdc96b45fd215b8⋯.png (517.76 KB, 1282x1020, 641:510, Screen Shot 2018-01-19 at ….png)


Aaaand he's gone

7fe8b8 No.312059

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Vee has now done a response video to Ryan's 2012 video "Minecraft is a Sign of a Collapsing Civilization":

>Well, maybe he's right. Maybe the Romans had Minecraft. Maybe that's why Hitler lost WW2.

He doesn't even play the video. He just shows it paused at the same timestamp as his tweet, because he thinks Ryan looks wonky, but even then he actually looks quite okay. He looks better both than Vee at any given time and than the Thumbnail of the same video. He then goes through the tweet conversation.

e60147 No.312062


Vee pretends to be a nice guy who treats others with respect. In reality he's a huge asshole and treats people like trash.

78429c No.312064


I missed out on this and I'm not watching the whole thing. 5:01:00 seems to be a point where Vee starts sperging out against Warski and the other guys. 5:05:30 or so is where Tonka starts telling Vee to shut up repeatedly.

Any other highlights?

be3b7d No.312065


It really says something when the asians yellow fever faggots lust after are the ones that do as much as possible to make themselves look like they're slant-eyed whites.


>retsupurae when they were actually semi-tolerable but had worse microphone quality than the people they made fun of/shit on for not making VIDEOGAME VIDEOS for the internet the "right" way as defined by a fat loser that paid $10 to join a forum and got mangosteen man to bump him up to moderator

7f4400 No.312066


>local frenchman claims another victim

he can't keep getting away with it

7fe8b8 No.312068


>retsupurae when they were actually semi-tolerable

What happened to them. I'm a bit out of the loop. Did they become feminists or something. I tried watching one of their newer videos a while back, but they immediately started whining about MRAs.

3f32f6 No.312069

File: 9cbbc7cad8ca857⋯.jpg (82.64 KB, 858x536, 429:268, JF goes fox hunting.jpg)

be3b7d No.312070

File: 161201199fea918⋯.jpg (27.73 KB, 600x315, 40:21, 161201199fea9184b3d6367e05….jpg)


They're goons, you can imagine what happened. But the big downfall started with fatbeef's retarded response to the shitty number 9 community manager issue, then they stopped doing the RPs claiming their goon faggot followers would attack the videomaker and instead went to MST3King other peoples' longplays (mostly not too bad, but clocktower and the beta soycuck white knight/tranny whore shitting up the comments were a low point), making horrible and un-funny videos mocking failed crowdfunding projects. The final straw was when they did videos on those trauma based conditioning mickie mouse gore cartoons.

There's also the fact that for all they shit on LPers and DSP, fatbeef managed to suck shit and spew incompetence worse at sanic 06 than phil did.

d6e931 No.312071


He kept talking about that on the 'morning' kumite. I noticed he trolled through Alt Hype's backlog for a video about which he could make a narrative. Disingenuous piece of shit.

b70d53 No.312072

File: f71e51d8a3a9c0c⋯.jpg (88.28 KB, 483x640, 483:640, aramek.jpg)


Imagine caring so much about youtube that you quit the internet over some goofballs calling you a fag online.


I'd also like to know. I tried to watch but I had to do shit and I need timestamps.


>the asians yellow fever faggots lust after are the ones that do as much as possible to make themselves look like they're slant-eyed whites.

That's pretty much it. They're not into heart-of-Africa niggers or squat Mexican goblins.


Pretty much. Good post.

78429c No.312073


I've listened to the half hour from 5 hours in. It's like a gypsy intervention and Warski is the voice of reason. If something else comes up I'll start a list.

7fe8b8 No.312074



Not even a good video to pick, either. At first I wondered why he chose that one. Now I realize that it is because he wanted to show that the Alt-Right is exactly like Anita Sarkeesian, because they both want to take away his Memecraft and Succubus Prison.

7fe8b8 No.312075

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is painful to watch.

3f32f6 No.312076


>because they both want to take away his Memecraft and Succubus Prison.

Well you have to admit you are all anti-fun as fuck. I can't blame the guy for hating you if you want to take his fun away.

And before you all jump in, i don't care if your side wins or loses. I know enough of your lingo and arguments to blend in. I just want to laugh.

78429c No.312077


eat your peas, son

7fe8b8 No.312078


Meant for >>312070 .


Hi, Vee. You've got to admit: not even a succubus would fuck you gypsies.

3f32f6 No.312079


As long as you drink your baby formula.

3f32f6 No.312080


Hi Kraut. You know you are not going to get back in the good books by using /cow/

b70d53 No.312081


>Warski is the voice of reason

The west is lost.

I hope a tubby youtuber comes to save us.


This is comedy gold according to goons. When I was 14 I read every front page article and thought they were hilarious. WHEN I WAS 14.

Even Lowtax trying to blow Jim on twitter is cringy.

78429c No.312082



Now I understand. You weren't breastfed.

3f32f6 No.312083


>Getting this asshurt when you are told you are the fun police.


78429c No.312084


>this triggered over internet daddy telling you to eat your peas

go to bed, son

be3b7d No.312085

File: 9fd8895fad87052⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1266x934, 633:467, ClipboardImage.png)

3f32f6 No.312086


>LA LAL LALALA i can't hear you telling me the truth

lol faggot.

dbcdc7 No.312087



Fucking based!

be3b7d No.312088

File: 21dcf8280379369⋯.png (110.18 KB, 586x433, 586:433, ClipboardImage.png)


It's weird, for an "anti-racist" he sure uses a lot of happy merchants.

78429c No.312089

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>If you keep doing that, you'll end up like Vee

I don't mean euphoric, either.

3f32f6 No.312090


What? i am only telling you the truth, your lot are the fun police on a lot of issues. Just take the advice and lighten the fuck up.

be3b7d No.312091

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1:52:35: "Foxfag gets destroyed by JF" segment begins.

a8d587 No.312092

File: 8425edf1c2d12e8⋯.jpg (59.19 KB, 275x313, 275:313, vee23.jpg)

3f32f6 No.312093

File: 866bfb7636ae39b⋯.gif (2.35 MB, 200x200, 1:1, 1514147429609.gif)

be3b7d No.312094

File: 9c0a2cac79fc615⋯.jpg (25.93 KB, 450x423, 50:47, 9c0a2cac79fc615545658a91ba….jpg)



78429c No.312095


eat your peas, they're good for you

f08a65 No.312096


How can this man be of the same race as Codreanu?

78429c No.312097

File: 2a9e799b782e78a⋯.jpg (5.53 KB, 194x259, 194:259, wew.jpg)

3f32f6 No.312098




Btw i know how "white" some of you are.

847745 No.312099


god you're butthurt, vee. We're not even talking about ethnostates

78429c No.312100

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I told you, you'll grow hair between your brows if you keep doing that.

b70d53 No.312101

File: d888e48ea6160f2⋯.jpg (46.64 KB, 587x387, 587:387, 84.JPG)


>he's still going

Didn't you start calling people butthurt like seven hours ago? Why do we trigger you, Vee? Do you need a safe space? Are you triggered? Are you just like the SJWs?

3f32f6 No.312102

File: 1a1b881b63e0cb6⋯.gif (3.29 MB, 478x422, 239:211, 1513875688342.gif)


>talking about ethnostates

Come on man at least be consistent in your beliefs. Who knew the alt-right would drop the enthnostate idea just to win a internet shitposing argument.

01c04e No.312104


I don't even think anyone wants to take away memecraft since only faggots play it.

Succubus prison though yes, you have zero justification for shit like that beyond muh cummies.

3f32f6 No.312105


>He is still triggered about what i said a few hours ago

wew lad. Are all alt-right as salty as you? i was only being honest. i am here to laugh. Not my fault you spergs say some lulz worthy shit. perhaps you better keep in your pants guys.

3f32f6 No.312106


>I am offended ban it

And you wonder why sargon keeps pulling that retarded horseshoe shit on you?

847745 No.312107


this isn't fucking /pol/ vee. How many times do we have to tell your retarded gypsy ass? This isn't the board for alt-righters and sargon won't give you a doggy treat and pat your belly if you keep arguing with them.

3f32f6 No.312108


>I-i not /pppolll/// herrrreeee

So why are you being so defensive about me taking the piss out of you? Your not /pol/ here right?

78429c No.312109

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Just wash your hands and don't make your mother clean the sheets, please.

01c04e No.312110


I'm not offended though, I just see zero justification to the existence of a porn game where you are imprisoned by succubi (Or is it theother way around?).

Why allow it or endorse it unless you're a faggot whose only want in life is more cummies?

3f32f6 No.312111


>He is still this triggered about me telling him the truth

5c1eef No.312112

Hey samefag here

Johnnys not going away, hes going to pull a jim and start all over. Do you know how many times he started over?

He was nolstagic rage hq, then ravenrage07 then subzero and then johny fox reviews, johnny fox show, then fox die, now back to johnny fox show

3f32f6 No.312113


>I'm not offended though,

Sure seems like it.

78429c No.312114


what truth? you don't want to act like a grown up? why do think I'm larping as internet daddy?

01c04e No.312115


How so? Again, justify the existence of the game to me. Explain why it is necessary when it has shown to be harmful.

847745 No.312116


you really are stupid and new here. There are different boards for a reason. If you want to debate the alt-right, go to /pol/ and do that. If you want to laugh at how pathetic vee and sargon are, then post here

3f32f6 No.312117


Let me guess you offer $10 personality tests.

c7f179 No.312118

Vee, why won't you address any of Alt-Hyp's videos about liberalistism? Why won't daddy Sargon do so either? Are you scared?

5c1eef No.312119

Did. you know that johnny blackmailed nakedape into giving him a shoutout else he would release nakedapes dox. Bet you didnt know that

3f32f6 No.312120


I am not debating. I am pissing you off. Continue to sperg for my amusement. Or is /pol/ a banned topic to take the piss out here?

3f32f6 No.312121


>I am offended that people use their spare time different from me.

Sperg some more.

01c04e No.312123


>I am offended

Why are you offended anon?

b70d53 No.312124

File: 8e5935c3adfb4e2⋯.jpg (132.17 KB, 500x412, 125:103, 8e5935c3adfb4e223afc144716….jpg)

<haha i see you called me a faggot, perhaps you are triggered

Vee, calm the fuck down.

847745 No.312125


>Or is /pol/ a banned topic to take the piss out here?

Learn how imageboards work you gypsy newfag. If you go to /tv/ and start bitching about how they aren't talking about videogames, people will tell you to fuck off

3f32f6 No.312126


Why are you offended that i am offended about anons offend?

I can do this shit all day. You still have not got it. I am not here to debate you, i am here to tell you all the truth. YOU ARE ALL THE FUN POLICE.

3f32f6 No.312128


>I am going to talk about alt-right shit and you can't say anthing about it because muh protected topics

Sure is hugbox here.

01c04e No.312129


>but muh cummies

Nobody is taking your fun away anon, relax and go drink your soy.

a8d587 No.312130

Apparently, Vee's toilet scrubber mom didn't fuck the Muslim men in those pics. Vee made her stand next to them and payed them to put their arms around her.

He then sits at home and masturbates to the thought of them putting their hands on her, and imagines that he's being held back by one of them, unable to help her because he's such a weakling.

That's why she doesn't look too happy. She's well-aware of how his disturbed mind operates.

You're disgusting, Vee. No fucking words…

dbcdc7 No.312131


>Hey samefag here

Johnny, there's IDs here you illiterate hick. You didn't even double post, so why the fuck are you saying samefag

3f32f6 No.312132


>Nobody is taking your fun away anon

Funny i hear you want to do just that. After all everything is "degenerate"

At least provide a list of what a man can do in his spare time. I can only fix a car and talk about fucking a 10/10 only so much.

b70d53 No.312133

File: 6c362ba943b64f8⋯.jpg (58.03 KB, 500x412, 125:103, vee.jpg)

File: 8e9b245b232bde7⋯.jpg (29.05 KB, 450x397, 450:397, vee2.jpg)


dbcdc7 No.312134


This is definitely Vee.

d6e931 No.312135


>tfw can't beat your political opponents in open debate or on their board, so you come to a place for laughing at retards and pretend it's halls of debate

Is that the harder truth to swallow, or is it knowing that you aren't really a doctor?

c7f179 No.312138


15464a No.312139

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Johnny Fox ex co-host tell all about Johnny Fox!

Timestamp: 21.57

01c04e No.312140


Yeah, nah, nobody is saying that. But tell me more about how the state should be providing you vore and cuck porn.


Did Commies even want to stop that?

dbcdc7 No.312141


There's a right wing lolcow general you can post on. I think there's like 9 unique UIDs, so you can be 10

d6e931 No.312142


Because who wants to live a functioning, holistic society in which biological imperatives are fulfilled in the healthiest way possible?

3f32f6 No.312143


What? i said i am here to laugh. Just at the retards in the thread as well. You do all say some lulz worthy shit. If you don't want me to take the piss don't sperg out with your 1488 shit. Can't you just admit you are the fun police?

d6e931 No.312144


>lulz worthy

God when these skeptic faggots get hold of memes they just choke the life out of them

b70d53 No.312145

File: 1da24c3868dc0a6⋯.jpg (54.61 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 800px-ADF-OralTat.jpg)

File: 40917c6aac77bc1⋯.jpg (59.68 KB, 770x768, 385:384, 195830.jpg)


>Did Commies even want to stop that?



Am I the only one reading this guy's posts in Vee's accent?

3f32f6 No.312146


>He thinks vore porn is stopping the white man from making an ethnostate

You know if this defeats the white man. Perhaps dawinsim should take effect and kill them off.

d6e931 No.312147


Of course not.

847745 No.312149


If there was any doubt that this was vee, that argument style is too exact. You always do that shocked -> could you list what -> extreme examples shit, vee. It's fucking annoying to listen to and always slows down every stream you're in

78429c No.312150


there seems to be a market for internet daddies. now wash your ass, son.

3f32f6 No.312151


>He thinks i am skeptic

Na i am just a true anon who shits on all of you. Don't like it? tough shit i am here to stay.

3f32f6 No.312152


What all asked for was list? You telling me you can't list all the things you hate? Come on "white man"

01c04e No.312153


Yeah but you said you wanted to take away his cummies, you must be trying to take away his oxygen and ban him from having any fun ever

dbcdc7 No.312154

File: 572cb9f84c12a17⋯.jpg (41.97 KB, 779x585, 779:585, 1515715974071.jpg)


>Am I the only one reading this guy's posts in Vee's accent?

No, it's exactly how he speaks and writes too.

Could you imagine trying to shitpost in good faith in a thread that mocks your mom being gangbanged by sandniggers as the pic?

e60147 No.312155


Codreanu was actually half German. Not kidding.

f08a65 No.312156


>How many times do we have to tell your retarded gypsy ass?

His mind refuses to process anything he doesn't like. The second he reads it he reinterprets it in a way that makes him feel like he's in the right. Even though he's just trolling. But he is serious when he calls you the fun police. But he's not here to debate. But he'll argue all day about why he's right. But he's totally not upset or mad or anything. In fact he's the one triggering you XD S-Seriously guys…

d6e931 No.312157


It's just that most political movements have priorities other than being able to stick dragon dildos up their asses without being called names and shunned.

3f32f6 No.312159


What all i am doing is saying what i have seen on /pol/.

You want to take away

>Video games





You even turned on getting /fit/

Just tell me a list of subjects i could do in your ethnostate that will be fun. All i ask for in good faith. Say them and i will stop.

b70d53 No.312160


He also has a slippery grasp of the English language and is strangely smug about being dumb.


>Come on "white man"

What do you mean by the quotation marks? Do you really think /cow/ is the alt-right? Do you not realize everyone from /leftypol/ to /pol/ is enjoying this Hindenburg 2.0?

78429c No.312161


You think you'll have spare time with a wife and children? Wow. Is this like Vee having spare time to play video games while working as a doctor?

Put the games down, son. Find a nice girl and become a man.

d6e931 No.312162


I guess your ass still hurts from that pathetic 'morning' Kumite.

847745 No.312163


>What all i am doing is saying what i have seen on /pol/.

I don't fucking care what you saw on /pol/. This isn't /pol/

3f32f6 No.312164


Well it is you all getting triggered for been told the truth. You are the fun police. You will lose the common man btw if you go full retard on this shit like the SJWs did.

01c04e No.312165


But I don't wanna take away any of that, except maybe porn in the likes of CP and freaky fetish shit. Which is what triggers the gypos so bad I guess, how will you live without state-mandated cummies?

dbcdc7 No.312166


This isn't /pol/ you spergy gyp.

Go to right win lolcow general if you want to shit on them instead of trying to take over the thread about you

d6e931 No.312167


>if you defend the family unit and make it the center of a society safe from degenerates, people will abandon you


3f32f6 No.312168


>You think you'll have spare time with a wife and children?

>He thinks his genes are going to pass on in the ethnostate

Laughing whores.jpg

You know most of the upper ones in your movement will deny you the chance to breed right? once they start look in to how "white" you are.

b70d53 No.312169

File: 661c6b13972eb1b⋯.jpg (383.53 KB, 1269x1920, 423:640, 661c6b13972eb1b3c5ee23fa11….jpg)


>if you guys keep winning, you will lose. trust me, i'm your enemy

3f32f6 No.312170


>He thinks he is defending the family unit by being a bitch about video games.

The fucking utter stupidity of the alt-right ladies and gentleman.

01c04e No.312171


Yeah that's why I'm a liberalist who supports a work-free ethnostate with government subsidized cummies, what's the issue here?

d6e931 No.312172


>this ridiculous 'you will be gassed for being white the wrong way' narrative

Jog on with the Soyfather's talking points, faggot

3f32f6 No.312173


>He thinks dunking on some low hanging fruit is winning.

Call me back when you get an alt-righter in the white house.

b70d53 No.312174

File: e36a14b5e920485⋯.png (812.66 KB, 776x600, 97:75, ef5f15ff177ac445e499b15efc….png)



Why did you duck my question about the quotation marks? Why didn't you respond to the multiple posts reminding you this isn't /pol/? Is it easier to lump in anyone who criticizes you into the same group? Is horseshoe theory maybe a nice warm comfortable blanket?

a8d587 No.312175

This is fucking hilarious.

He can't even mask the way he structures sentences and formulates himself when shitposting.

It's like having text-to-speech in Vee's squeaky feminine voice.

3f32f6 No.312176


One drop rule bitch. Bet you wish you have not bragged that you are 1/16 Cherokee now eh?

78429c No.312177

File: 85d3b27137d0193⋯.jpg (7.08 KB, 216x233, 216:233, this_is_fun.jpg)


oh no, the numale demographic. I can imagine their grimaces of terror.


do they have a time machine?


video games are for children. how else are we going to train the youth to hate darkies?

3f32f6 No.312178


>He thinks i care if you are the same group or not

Just stop being the fun police, it is all i ask.

d6e931 No.312179


>all ethnostates will be like Nazi Germany

Jesus Christ you faggots are retarded.

78429c No.312180


who are we policing?

dbcdc7 No.312181

File: 5e0053af1ad7bd7⋯.jpg (23.55 KB, 255x237, 85:79, veemom.jpg)


Just spam pictures of his mom shopped onto scat porn. He'll either get turned on to the point of leaving jack off or get so assmad that he'll cry on the kumite again. Either way it's a win/win

01c04e No.312182


So what you're saying is you want an ethnostate with state-funded cummies and a law against working?

847745 No.312183


Vee, you're the one tweeting out the cow thread telling your followers to stop us laughing at you and the liberalists.

3f32f6 No.312184


Don't need one, to see how this train end m8. I don't see how this triggers you all so much to be called the fun police. It is true so own it.

d6e931 No.312185


He's floating the Soyfather's new talking points based on that debate with the effeminate faggots who wanted to ban porn and alcohol.

It's beyond all human comprehension why he would do it here, but that's what's happening.

b70d53 No.312187


What are you talking about? We laugh at you for devouring vore porn. Is a grown man jerking off to cartoons eating each other not ridiculous? Is a fat guy starting a political party, then spending everyday playing pretend fairytales and livestreaming it not hilarious?

847745 No.312188


please no more vee on the kumite. His voice is too grating

3f32f6 No.312189


I told you, i am not interested in eather side. You are all being the fun police. I am just taking the piss out of you. and rightly so. Look how you are all sperging at me. Is this an asylum?

f08a65 No.312190


>Well it is you all getting triggered for been told the truth.

Who is "you all"? I'm just an individual commenting on your behavior from my individual point of view :^)

>You are the fun police.

Where have I said anything about policing anyone's fun?

>You will lose the common man btw if you go full retard on this shit like the SJWs did

I couldn't care less about "losing the common man." I'm not affiliated with any political group. I'm just here to watch Sargon and pals crash and burn.

aae280 No.312191


devouring vore porn. I see what you did there.

be3b7d No.312192

File: 2ac4060ed1376bd⋯.jpg (39.51 KB, 980x653, 980:653, smug chocolate man.jpg)

>vee's STILL going

1a3fc9 No.312193


>Look how you are all sperging at me

Nobody is doing that, we're just laughing at your retarded ass

dbcdc7 No.312194


Vee your mom is whore. How does that make you feel? Is that why you have so many fetishes?

3f32f6 No.312195


> I'm just an individual

So one of Sargons crew?

c7f179 No.312196

The Alt-Hype's argument was that minecraft is popular because it gives men a sense of accomplishment that they lack in their ordinary lives, and that's why it's a sign of a declining civilisation. Which part of that do you disagree with?

3f32f6 No.312197


>Iiii jjjuuussstt laaauughhing aaat YYYYYOOIOUUUUU

Cry me a fucking river.

b70d53 No.312198


>i am not interested in eather side

Honestly can't tell if this is Vee, or just a retarded guy who Jim pissed off on twitter LARPing as a degenerate gypsy spaz.


I thought it was a little too obvious to swallow, but thank you.

a87feb No.312199

Remember to archive this thread for posterity, the autism is strong with the Skeptics.

3f32f6 No.312200


> I'm not affiliated with any political group.

Well then you better get out then. This is the alt-rights channel now.

d6e931 No.312201


This is going to be the new narrative. The Alt Right are subversive and have great memes, so Sargon will try and frame them as 'the fun police'. Curious to see how it works.

5b3836 No.312202



>you're all sperging at me

>"I make a post and people reply, what a bunch of spergs amirite, I should only have my posts in there because I sure love my echo chambers where it's only me because only me agrees with me"

Gee I sure knew Romanians were subhumans but didn't know they're dumber than abos too. :^)

78429c No.312203


who are we policing though?


I'd ban porn and alcohol for the luls. Can you imagine the chimp out? The smug abolitionists? It would be fucking glorious. How is that no fun?

dbcdc7 No.312204

How can anyone doubt it's Vee when he

>tweeted the thread

>bitched about his Mommy pics on the kumite

>name dropped /cow/ and 8ch on the kumite

>types like Vee

>you automatically read it in Vees accesnt without checking the ID

It's fucking Vee

b70d53 No.312205


Someone specifically pointed you to the right-wing lolcow thread. I'm not going to deny I'm a /pol/tard, but this isn't an alt-right board. Just because people don't like you doesn't make them racists.

f08a65 No.312206


Yes, I'm am a proud card carrying member of the Liberalist party. What are you going to do about it, you collectivist?

5b3836 No.312207


>banning alcohol and porn

Man I don't want to be shot in a drive by which will happen everywhere in america ever if you do that

78429c No.312209


not if we tell the niggers that pure ethanol is alcohol



3f32f6 No.312210

lol at all the salt-right faggots sperging at me. You know next thread i will be one of you and you will not even know. I will just say your usual talking points and dunk on sargon and vee a bit.

But at least i have told you the truth this thread. You are the fun police. Don't forget it boys, because the common man will turn it's back on your party faster than anything when you get a little to crazy.

be3b7d No.312211

File: b6665a265bf4bec⋯.png (270.57 KB, 830x546, 415:273, smug chocolate man.png)

<vee for vore is STILL going

<when he outs himself in his first post in any given thread

dbcdc7 No.312212


Your mom's used up vag is the reason for your vore fetish. Don't forget that as you try to sleep tonight.

5b3836 No.312213



>no anon YOU are the spergs

Keep on keeping on Vee :^)

d6e931 No.312214


I can practically hear that Romanian puppet voice and smell the yeasty aroma of unwashed Slavic hair grease

78429c No.312215


>I speak for the common man

how enlightened. tell us more.

01c04e No.312216


>too obvious to swallow

You're going too far.

847745 No.312217


>because the common man will turn it's back on your party

/cow/ has a party now?

198409 No.312218


Romania's only exports are gypsies, prostitutes and soviet era weaponry

a02e4e No.312219

File: 8da01d74d99d6e3⋯.mp4 (796.83 KB, 512x384, 4:3, papan_huutis.mp4)

File: 5a9e322952386bb⋯.mp4 (1.21 MB, 640x360, 16:9, crazy.mp4)


>you know next thread i will be one of you and you will not even know

>you are the fun police

Lurk more faggot.

5c1eef No.312220

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Samefag here

Since vee johnny and friends are checking this thread i have advice for you in this video

d6e931 No.312221


For real though Vee for vore, your nation does produce some fine-ass cheapo whores.

You may suck at keeping your daughters on the straight and narrow, but at least I'm not having trouble keeping straight and narrow, you know what I mean?

dbcdc7 No.312222

Vee defends Vore porn here >>312170

Nobody would unironically defend vore on /cow/. It's Vee.

b70d53 No.312223


You keep ducking questions that make you feel uncomfortable. Is this what I can expet from the LIberalist political argumentation?

246ce8 No.312224

IA here, Holy shit

d6e931 No.312225

d6e931 No.312226


Give me a video you lazy nigger

ebaed2 No.312227


Fuck off IA, this is a strictly Anti-bully thread from our leader Billy

246ce8 No.312228


Part 3 on Friday

5b3836 No.312229


>gypsies and prostitutes

those ones are right, you forgot plain thieves and criminals too

>soviet era weaponry

I think literally every other ex-Soviet country beats them in that department.


>Varg singing literal nigger music

I thought Varg hated nigger music.

f08a65 No.312230


What would a nation ruled by the /cow/ party look like?

ebaed2 No.312232


Pure Chaos and fun

5b3836 No.312233


A nation based on the bigger economy after the war economy, the lolcow economy

>Bully Ranger police

>people deemed to be lolcows are to be under constant surveillance to harvest tard julay

>the tard julay is then broadcasted on national television

48c0c5 No.312234

File: 1a1a2eddea44f08⋯.gif (2.86 MB, 367x309, 367:309, mfw_no_argument.gif)

78429c No.312235

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


no succulent Chinese meals, that's for sure

246ce8 No.312236

debate me

78429c No.312238


lets debate the principles of liberalistism.

9bdf15 No.312240


It's amazing how easy you are to spot, Vee.


We would create a totalitarian regime and ban vidya and such, apparently. The only form of entertainment allowed would be lauging at other people.

246ce8 No.312241


only if sargon allows it

d6e931 No.312242


People can buy whatever they want and no one can call anyone a faggot even when they are.

Did I get all of them?

78429c No.312243


OK then. How do you feel about vore?

246ce8 No.312244


Ive yet to come out to my parents about my anal vore fetish

77c66a No.312245

Okay what the fuck happened here?

5b3836 No.312246


>anal vore coming out

Will you have an anal vore coming out party and commission art of them getting anal vored, Vee? :^)

78429c No.312248


liberty. freedom is not just a buzzword.


is it important you involve your parents in this fetish?

77c66a No.312250

Did Vee come here to sperg again? Holy shit. This guy never learns.

9bdf15 No.312251



>liberty. freedom is not just a buzzword.

This. I have an inalienable right to buy Succubus Prison, and it should be illegal for a private business owner to deny me it just because I'm a dirty gypsy.

dbcdc7 No.312252


What the liberalists don't understand is that nobody really wants to ban their weird fetish shit. We just want to bring back bullying and media shaming for consuming it

847745 No.312253

File: 8603e1fca79f4a8⋯.png (425.58 KB, 900x750, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)




are you saying


that your immigration policy made my youtube channel

>tweets interracial cuck porn

I can't believe your temerity

>checks on wife's daughter

You're right wing SJWs


I bet you haven't even read locke

>orders vee, louis and rags to disrupt criticism

What colour am I thinking of


You don't even understand your own ideas

78429c No.312254



The revolution stood up to the fun police on behalf of the common man.

77c66a No.312255


Just got done reading it all. Why do i always miss this shit live.

Oh and Vee. Can you fuck off /cow/ you are not built for a palce like this.

a8d587 No.312256

File: 239bfbccf73e6a7⋯.jpg (481.92 KB, 600x846, 100:141, bangbusromania.jpg)

Vee will ree.

77c66a No.312257



Fuck i need a drink of coffee.

c94b5a No.312258


Watch the so-called Doctor not understand what a symptom is and how it is different from the disease. How curious.

dbcdc7 No.312259

File: b355753948cb7fe⋯.gif (351.63 KB, 500x300, 5:3, veesmomisawhore.gif)

48c0c5 No.312260

File: e45c2759f5de1c5⋯.gif (2.85 MB, 445x247, 445:247, 14570e8a8a6168a40e95b8d75b….gif)

198409 No.312261


Bet she got paid in insulated copper wire

c94b5a No.312262

File: 8e9f89d638ce712⋯.jpg (21.04 KB, 275x313, 275:313, BUENO.jpg)

b70d53 No.312263

File: 57810de59159a32⋯.png (332.83 KB, 500x514, 250:257, 57810de59159a32fa49edb0d84….png)

5b3836 No.312264


>this is the face of autism


The face of vore fetishism too :^)

78429c No.312265


Does him mom know about his vore fetish? What about his 'uncles' that sleep over sometimes?

9bdf15 No.312266

File: 301df7c4607ec7e⋯.png (360.9 KB, 512x512, 1:1, Z7HeRxU.png)


This is true. /cow/ is ideologically anti-fun. We're the most anti-fun board on 8chan. Laughter is wordfiltered.

663404 No.312267


So from what I've found out there is a Faculty of Dentistry so it's probably that.

b70d53 No.312269


27480f No.312270


Make this the new world filter.

15464a No.312272

File: b45b6e1ff6841a0⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, DIE.png)

1fab67 No.312273


It's been a long time since I've seen that meme. I was even thinking about it a few days ago.

34d03d No.312274

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Exscuse me, but I side with Kane the Mercyful on the issue of simplistic sperg ideas, here. Whats your problem anyway, Vee? Have you fapped so hard on Christmas Eve, that you became a handicapat?


2D Gangrape is a hell of a drug!

5e8fd8 No.312277




All timestamps are estimates, and only going to when it starts

Vee comes on at 1:06:00

1:11:00 Vee mentions becoming a lolcow and his mother

1:31:00 Tonka calls vee out for the video

2:31:00 Tonka starts to get heated conversation about next vidcon

3:11:45 The real beginning of the fight

78429c No.312278

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Coach Red Pill goes on Johnny Fox's show and a few days later he self destructs. Is this this another case of CPR's Manchurian camerawork? Did he use his Russian spycraft to make Fox sperg out? The man has a Midas touch. Everything he comes into contact with turns into autism.

663404 No.312279


what is it about CRP calling someone out and they just self destruct?

>First Kraut n Tea

>Jeff Holiday


>Johnny Fox

what kind of magic is he using?

58368c No.312280


Mapuche sorcery

b70d53 No.312282


He is a Machiavellian genius that is playing a level of chess only gods could understand.

Fear the Coach.

15464a No.312283

File: 71a4837b8ab76e4⋯.png (12.71 KB, 413x121, 413:121, Screenshot_1.png)

File: fc0f0d2519d6590⋯.png (27.82 KB, 417x298, 417:298, Screenshot_7.png)

File: b17b0f65d701642⋯.png (15.01 KB, 411x122, 411:122, Screenshot_9.png)

File: b45b6e1ff6841a0⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, DIE.png)

If you want more screen caps reply to this post!

Johnny crying in discord!!!

78429c No.312284


>fucking e-celebs

He really has no self awareness. He's doing the right thing by getting offline and getting a real job though. I unironically wish him the best in that.

58368c No.312285


>I apologize for failing to entertain

The one thing he didn't fail at

b70d53 No.312286

File: 3cdcba391d6626c⋯.jpg (53.92 KB, 682x878, 341:439, 3cdcba391d6626c1621d007908….jpg)


>i apologize to my viewers for failing to entertain

There's your problem, faggot. Do funny shit for yourself. Stop being a sub-whore.


You weren't cut out for the e-thug lyf.

15464a No.312288

File: fc0f0d2519d6590⋯.png (27.82 KB, 417x298, 417:298, Screenshot_7.png)

File: ee2cc5eb0fb82f2⋯.png (92.5 KB, 409x714, 409:714, Screenshot_10.png)

File: 5fff529510cc170⋯.png (56.51 KB, 395x607, 395:607, Screenshot_11.png)

Here is somemore, unvaished the retard she is, is his investigator. Second ones Maxx Sand telling Johnny hes beaten!

15464a No.312289

File: cf39dddab1cb795⋯.png (14.16 KB, 411x116, 411:116, Screenshot_5.png)

58368c No.312290


>I'm tired of the Grind

That's what happens when you take audiovisual production seriously.

I suspect that Jim is eventually going to burn out thanks to the pressure from Patreon.

e60147 No.312291


poor guy

he finally got… outfoxed

e60147 No.312292



foxed THE FUCK out

15464a No.312293

I saved the best for last!!!


d1662e No.312294

File: 97f35eefa7636a0⋯.jpg (10.54 KB, 420x420, 1:1, 40d20f007c43acbc2be4e8422c….jpg)

15464a No.312295


Fox raging!

a8d587 No.312296


Hahaha, what the…

78429c No.312297


wew. you're a cunt, Leo. a glorious cunt.

58368c No.312299

File: 7c11061e442faf0⋯.mp4 (3.25 MB, 480x360, 4:3, foxed.com.mp4)


I adjusted the audio gain

9bdf15 No.312300


Who are these faggots?

15464a No.312301

Why thank you =)

b70d53 No.312303

File: 07e78d9856b3a4b⋯.jpg (70.63 KB, 755x546, 755:546, cow right now.JPG)



Some people were saying "this is going to be an amazing year!" and I did too, but I was just being hopeful.

I finally believe. How many youtube autist meltdowns are we going to get?

58368c No.312304


I don't know but I'm enjoying the spergout


np, m8, it was a quick and dirty splicing job.

46f058 No.312305



It's because of people like that we never manage to rid ourselves of pesky Jews.


I think last night's Kumite stream (it was night where I am) taught me one lesson once and for all: all e-celebs are cancer (although maybe Jim is a benign form of cancer that attacks other types of cancer). I thought because of the Kraut stuff that JF is pretty cool, but I think he was quite retarded in his veganism debate with the soyboy (and I'm not saying the soyboy was unretarded). And yesterday JF seemed just butthurt and hostile on the Kumite. He usually acts really polite when others are shouting and calling names, but then he was doing that against Vee and The Guardian. He even started the whole thing by calling Guardian a rat. I thought that was just childish.

Vee, of course, was a complete Jew during the stream and kept shifting his sense of morality so he I could say he dindu nuffin. And I'm not saying The Guardian was the voice of reason either. Either show the e-mails or shut up. No point telling others 'I have the e-mails guise, seriously. They totally implicate CPR.'

JF isn't the final arbiter of truth, and I'm not convinced by his claims he's verified the evidence and knows CPR is innocent. I still don't get it why he's so adamant about defending Coach, who is a pussy who didn't even come on Kumite.

a8d587 No.312306


"You're the one who's over there laughing and memeing! You're killing independent Fox! FOX IS GETTING UPSET, HO HOOOUU!"

663404 No.312307



Veeh is really deceptive and all of them are used to the halls of debate kinda thing.

The new thing is screaming and showing how cringe ones character is, so it's rather interesting.

acfc28 No.312308


I think JF is defending CRP against what he thinks are unfounded allegations because of Destiny's bullshit.

a8d587 No.312310


Yeah, I really don't get why he's going so out of his way to defend CRP. There's something weird going on there. Anything from "I'll scratch your back you'll scratch mine" to something more devious, without sounding too dramatic…….

CRP is a fucking snake. I haven't even watched any of his cocks, but it was apparent the minute I saw him and listened to him on a few streams.

When he's presenting his side to someone impartial he talks to them like they're some chick in a bar that he's trying to sweet-talk into going home with him and bang. You can hear that he's an absolute bullshit artist.

78429c No.312311


It's mind control, man. You think I'm memeing, but I think we need /fringe/ to look into this guy.

92885b No.312312



46f058 No.312314


Anybody have the TL;DR on that video?

a02e4e No.312315

File: 62f0face7d86fe4⋯.png (576.76 KB, 700x700, 1:1, I hurt myself today.png)


Not there yet, but have a foxfag.

5c1eef No.312317



Both you guys look at this too


78429c No.312318

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9bdf15 No.312319

34d03d No.312321


I bet its experience combined with learned Charisma. All those people are not that high on the male dominance Hierarchy. In fact, most of them are gamma as fuck.Look; Trout's sexuality doesn't sound like he is getting any, Holiday is a smeary pervert who is exposing his kids to his dildo collection, Sargon is a cuck and sneaky male and Vee is a lonely NEET who resorts to extremely "exotic" hentai.

They all have the need to be right all the time although what they are saying is retarded. CRP simply knows how to exploit that. Maybe he thinks that such pathetic behavior needs to be caked.

b70d53 No.312324


He's a cringy boomer, you fucktard. I have no idea why skeptics fear CRP so much.

acfc28 No.312327

So, did Andy end up cucking on the stream yesterday?

bf6f82 No.312328


no, he was just complaining about audio of him being taken out of context.

7fac4a No.312336

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


58368c No.312337


Maybe the nicknames have given him a character to stick to.

88c5b1 No.312340

I haven't kept up with the Septic shit so now I have no idea who a lot of the people like >>312299 are.

Why are there so many of these people?

b705c6 No.312341

78429c No.312342


>Sargon is like Moses leading his people out into the desert.

>Metokur is like the naysayer that is smote by god

Sargon is like a jew, sure. He's wandering around in intellectual wasteland. Grubbing for shekels. He came down from the mountain with a list of principles for his people. Now he has to lead them to the promised land. He can probably julay that until he retires.


There is a lot of superchat money to be made out of slacktivism and playing internet daddy. Herds of individuals waiting to be led by the chosen one.

bf6f82 No.312343


that's the thing, they're all nobodies who are all profoundly uninteresting people. the only thing that's worth talking about is the retarded drama they're currently involved in, which may even be manufactured to increase the sub counts of these worthless parasites.

bf6f82 No.312344

File: 7ba4d5ba5e36cbd⋯.jpg (183 KB, 566x527, 566:527, vee mother overlay.jpg)

6d12a1 No.312345

Wew, we're flying through threads almost by the day now

46f058 No.312346


Sargoy is Akhenaten. Sure, why not.

5895c3 No.312347


It just doesn't fucking stop. I haven't shit flying so fast since Peter Coffin or Jerry Peet.

6d12a1 No.312348

File: 92e7a8d9b1f12e2⋯.jpeg (67.7 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, image.jpeg)


I keep feeling that shit really hasn't hit the fan yet. I really want to know when Don Sargone will face Enoch and Spencer. After that is when I bet we'll see the shitstorm depending on the results

5895c3 No.312349

File: f69249d1ed9633a⋯.png (44.99 KB, 480x428, 120:107, styx red eyes meme war.png)


>I really want to know when Don Sargone will face Enoch and Spencer

Fucking this! I feel like a /v/ poster who participated no 'No Fap November' and can't wait to finally get some sweet release.

If Sargon does even remotely bad, he's gonna probably flip his lid and bless us with multiple threads in one sitting.

bf6f82 No.312350

File: 0acd5c5c8cfd85c⋯.jpg (210.4 KB, 1544x434, 772:217, The Liberalists WIP.jpg)


I'm developing a mugshot lineup. Anyone else we know is involved in this?

Anybody got a good pic of louis le vau?

46f058 No.312351


Is the one in the middle really Sargon? He looks so different. Has it been edited or is it just because he doesn't have much beard?

bd059a No.312352

File: e0184cba4d1ad2c⋯.jpg (41.45 KB, 500x500, 1:1, louis le vau.jpg)


here's a pic. For some reason, all these sargoons have cringey deal-with-it glasses like it's fucking 2009 or something. I'd add kr*ut too; he's definitely still there behind the scenes or in a secret discord server or something.



88c5b1 No.312353


It's edited.

bf6f82 No.312354


somebody posted in an earlier thread. don't know source.




you have original?

6d12a1 No.312355

File: 6612f3ceee6b711⋯.jpeg (172.69 KB, 700x320, 35:16, image.jpeg)

File: 65d2c206dc9052f⋯.jpeg (44.79 KB, 435x438, 145:146, image.jpeg)


No one knows Louis Le Vau's real face. All we know is that he is in his late twenties, borderline 5'9 manlet and looks "Irish". I'm curious about him tbh


Pretty sure that one has his heard removed with an app. These old Sargon pics will give you a hint though

f03fb4 No.312357

Ah fuck me I miss checking /cow/ for 1 day and someone fucking implodes, catching up and this is pretty good shit.

bf6f82 No.312358

File: 24bab6483774b36⋯.jpg (479.29 KB, 2094x434, 1047:217, The Liberalists WIP 1.jpg)

File: af05aeaee41ab88⋯.jpg (472.11 KB, 2094x434, 1047:217, The Liberalists WIP 2.jpg)

with or without?


Also there has to be more than 5 of them, who else?

ff8b64 No.312359


Without. Their eyes are so fucking dead it would be criminal not to show them.

6d12a1 No.312360


Without. Sunglasses only obscure their untermensch-ness

663404 No.312361


I love how Veeh looks like a real sex offender

6d12a1 No.312362

File: 1593875c238df99⋯.jpeg (13.69 KB, 110x90, 11:9, image.jpeg)

File: bdeb3882d7b357d⋯.png (390.96 KB, 476x458, 238:229, image.png)


Vee's seen better days. What went wrong?

c87ec1 No.312363


That's pretty much the face I make when I'm taking the piss and acting as a rapist but he just wears it naturally. Wew.

bd059a No.312364


young vee looks like Chekov

bf6f82 No.312365

File: 2ff7477c768e473⋯.jpg (705.37 KB, 3583x434, 3583:434, The Liberalists WIP.jpg)




added jeff holiday, zeph and lizz. put zeph and lizz on opposite ends to emphasize their emotional connection.

34d03d No.312366


Doesn't compute! Moses and Elias never met.


NEET life. Ever seen images of Warosu users?

3a0bfe No.312368


I think Vee said he used to fap to furry porn at one time while talking to Sargon in a pod cast. That was before Sargon started to sperg hard in his week in stupid series.

6d12a1 No.312369


>warosu users

No, but I can imagine it

663404 No.312370


the first pic he looks somewhat normal the second pic he looks like a creepy pervert.

What the fuck happen? It's not normal to look somewhat normal and then go full on creepy looking.

7fac4a No.312371



Even uglier than her voice. Poor JF, I would never want to go onto a livestream again if that thing propositioned me

6d12a1 No.312372

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Have you guys seen Vee's cringy review of Succubus prison?


bd059a No.312373

File: 868e7e9b47c34c5⋯.jpg (398.53 KB, 800x1563, 800:1563, zephs emotional relationsh….jpg)




78429c No.312374



>not even once

9bdf15 No.312375



>Vee's seen better days. What went wrong?

See >>312366, >>312374, and especially >>312372.

bf6f82 No.312376

File: 4a71c2b7132d72f⋯.jpg (869.68 KB, 3669x868, 3669:868, The Liberalists WIP.jpg)

done, unless there's other people to add.

34d03d No.312379


Yes. I have even made the webm. This is how we learned, that Vee spent his Christmas playing lewd vidya.

530b7e No.312385


>Warosu users

I thought that site was just an archive? How does it have users?

f03fb4 No.312386


The reddit logo?

bd059a No.312387


Change liberalists to "liberalism+"

d24e42 No.312388


Imagine having a tiny channel that people mostly hate watch and becoming friends with Warski to the point of being able to hop on his large stream at request. Now imagine using that opportunity to smear his cohost with empty claims and cringey troll detective work instead of attracting people to your cocks. Sad tale of Johnny Fox.

530b7e No.312390


Somebody should look into Louis' older videos and streams.

He's talked about his life before. He flunked the police exam and worked as a mall cop (Or, as he prefers, a private security contractor). I seem to remember him saying something about his parents being local democratic organizers in Buffalo, NY (His hometown) too. But it's been a long while since I watched him.

bf6f82 No.312392

File: 5772b0e61e997a6⋯.jpg (1003.5 KB, 4562x868, 2281:434, The Liberalists WIP.jpg)

d24e42 No.312393

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Warski shitting on Fox…. On Yet Another Livestream… jesus fuck this shit is too much

78429c No.312394


page 45. Stavri, Codrin Mahai, internal medicine, special clinic of infectious disease, leave of absence for personal reasons, may 1 2017

thanks to Romanian anon on cuckchan

c87ec1 No.312395


Kek. The salt we got from reddit made me just think that it was a must have.



6d12a1 No.312396


I keep up to date on his stuff, since he happens to be the least insufferable of the Sargon crowd. He's still in the Buffalo area and now works as some sort of investigator for insurance fraud. Carries a gun. He went to college at Buffalo State and seems to have done something with political science. He got one or two papers published in a NY journaʻ. Sadly it's not much to go on. Not even sure where I'd begin to dig

5895c3 No.312397


What exactly happened between Fox to get him so pissed off? What was he debating?

5895c3 No.312398


Maybe tone down the whiteness of the reddit mascot so it doesn't distract from the focal point?

acfc28 No.312399


Try submitting it to their subreddit as an official logo.

c87ec1 No.312400


Fox tried to shit on JF and just shat the bed hard.

6d12a1 No.312401

File: 9fd85ff3081c4b5⋯.jpeg (19.53 KB, 227x243, 227:243, image.jpeg)


>personal reasons

So he can NEET it up and sperg on twitter and streams for 12 hours a day while reviewing Succubus Prison?

5895c3 No.312403


Why did Fox try to shit on JF though? Did he want a piece of that drama pie and not stabbed for it?

78429c No.312405


the tl/dw

He tried to gotcha JF with an accusation he was fucking a student, JF admitted to fucking a co-worker. Then tried to say JF was guilty of fraud, because his resume was incomplete, also due to some translation work JF did, where JF posted on a forum about an employer ripping him off. JF was the one ripped off, by the way, which is why he made the forum post. Then went after JF about his retarded girlfriend and his previous girlfriend leaving him while she was pregnant. JF kept his cool for the most part, but did savage Fox, along with everyone else on the stream.

c87ec1 No.312406

File: 269c069b1f23ab6⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 3072x2304, 4:3, MON.jpg)


Because he's a fucking niggersperg.

5895c3 No.312407


Fox sounds like a massive jackass then. Nothing of value was lost by him leaving the battlefield.

Now we just wait for Sargon to sperg out after (((Enoch))) and Spencer beat his asshole raw.

fdaba8 No.312409

File: 1f6da70cb8ece08⋯.png (79.58 KB, 782x967, 782:967, lib2.png)

The principles were updated

Is it getting worse?

5895c3 No.312410


First time reading these. Looks like the most generic bullshit ever written by a human being.

78429c No.312413


There was some weird stuff about his former employer apparently, no specific employer, just a company name and no profits. Romanian anon needed to sign up to some directory to find out more, so stopped digging. Could be nothing.

c87ec1 No.312414


I saw that self-reliance update yesterday on a stream or some shit. Fucking everyone was laughing hard at it considering all of the liberalists are 600lbs.

7fac4a No.312415


>personal self-ownership

>but you have to bake the cake

6d12a1 No.312416

File: 916e8b29427d321⋯.jpeg (106.47 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, image.jpeg)


It's Sargon's big-brained status quo maintenance collective of individuals

fdaba8 No.312417


Yeah, also how do you deal with a religions whos aim is to interfere with peoples rights using these principles on secularism.

78429c No.312418


>these principles can never be fully realized, but promoting this worldview will produce a demonstrably better society


fdaba8 No.312419


eh I guess its covered, im dumb.

c87ec1 No.312420


The spencer debate answered that.

>Just let subversives speak, muh freeze peach

So it'd probably be

>Just let subversives beat children, muh secular society

c87ec1 No.312423

File: d93f1a08e6b7a25⋯.jpg (57.4 KB, 480x480, 1:1, jin roh irl.jpg)


Closest I've got on this PC.

5b3836 No.312424


Who's this shitty Ross from Game Dungeon rip-off?

bf6f82 No.312426

File: 938f064ed862135⋯.jpg (999.21 KB, 4898x868, 79:14, The Liberalists WIP.jpg)




I'm not joined to reddit, never really go there. You guys can submit if you like, once we have a final version.


>bake the cake

how could i forget this

bd059a No.312427


Isn't it funny how these are "principles" but they keep getting changed on the fly every time someone memes on them?

And also these are all boilerplate things that pretty much everyone believes at face-value. No one on earth, not even communists and antifa, says "I'm against individual rights". These are all just empty platitudes that mean fucking nothing because they're so vague.

And these guys think they're the founding fathers 2.0 or some shit.

Also the self-reliance bit is a total non-sequitur and just a jab at SJWs without any basis. Because they're wholesale lumping together all claims of victimhood as false, even though there are obviously times when people actually are victims. If someone is beaten and raped, should they not be treated as a victim? If there's a town that is burned to the ground and looted by a massive mob of nigger rioters, is there no valid claim of victimhood here? They're basically saying the entire justice system needs to be done away with, all because they wanted to make some snarky "take that" at SJWs, while completely missing the point that the problem with them is false victimhood.

bd059a No.312428

File: 446256160d8fcb2⋯.jpg (91.74 KB, 547x500, 547:500, muh constitution.jpg)



c87ec1 No.312430


Maybe a "Muh constitution" reference?

03fdfe No.312432

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


In order for it to get worse he'd have to actually take a fucking stand. Literally no-one is against any of these (except democracy), everyone argues what individual liberty etc is in practical application.

bd059a No.312434

File: 90b5e00b355e14c⋯.jpg (368.11 KB, 1080x1439, 1080:1439, pro freedom rights.jpg)


Exactly. Also, another reason I think they're doomed to fail is because these were people who relied solely on negative arguments who are now trying to put out positive arguments. By that I mean all they did was sit back and criticize others and be "skeptical" of everything, which allowed them to tactically sit back and not have to worry about putting yourself out there and get criticized. But now they actually ARE trying to put forward their own ideas rather than just criticize from the fence-post, and opening themselves up to criticism and attack. But they've been so cushioned for so long, that they can't handle critique at all.

46f058 No.312435


So Coach Cuck Pill was wrong.

Although Vee said he's a microbiologist or something. Isn't that different from internal medicine? Although I suppose you can be a microbiologist who works at internal medicine (I don't know much about medicine stuff).

7fac4a No.312436


>Sargon and his acolytes STILL haven't responded to this video

>Vee made a video strawmanning an unrelated six year old video instead

78429c No.312438

File: 4d16e3bad063bbb⋯.jpg (75.57 KB, 750x390, 25:13, Youneoneziscum_c7f4e209c42….jpg)


CRP paraphrased what people said here: How can he be a doctor if he's jacking off to hentai all day, in between making youtube videos? Turns out you can't, which is why Vee is not practicing medicine any more. Vee also claimed to be a lawyer.


But don't you like freedom, anon?

bf6f82 No.312440

File: 3af810ee5fa3fe8⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 5006x868, 2503:434, The Liberalists WIP.jpg)


I don't think I can squeeze anything else in.

78429c No.312441


heroic effort

ff8b64 No.312443



0bf27d No.312445


He reminds them of their dads and they all have daddy issues.

f03fb4 No.312450

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Sage for offtopic. Sandnigger chimping out over a hanson shirt.

bf6f82 No.312452

File: a8f2263e86db11d⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 4729x868, 4729:868, LIBERALISM .jpg)


Just some tidying up. Done.

bd059a No.312453


CRP wasn't necessarily wrong. UMF isn't solely a medical school, and they have a bunch of different departments for whatever else. And we we have this document that says he's on a leave of absence, but unlike everyone else on the list, it doesn't give a finite reason (just says "personal reasons") and also unlike most others on the list, doesn't give a stop date for his leave.

At any rate, Vee has been caught in layers of lies here, claiming he's working when he's been a NEET since last spring, for example.


Another thing, his school lists him under psychiatry, and his seminar was a psych topic, but he claims he works in microbiology. For one, I'm not sure why his school says he's in psych when that's a specialization you get in residency. But it also doesn't add up with the field he says he's in.

c87ec1 No.312454

File: 08a9760687f74fb⋯.gif (1.18 MB, 200x240, 5:6, DINGDINGDINGDINGDING.gif)




Well fuck me, what a shock.

bf6f82 No.312457


definitely need to look into this more. he's making big claims about his qualifications while masturbating to porn in his bedroom.

who spends christmas alone playing hentai games? it's pretty sad.

92e6ad No.312459


>who spends christmas alone playing hentai games?


92e6ad No.312460

New name: Liberaltism/Liberaltists.

Whaddya think?

0993ec No.312462

my god what the fuck is going on? I have seen most of the pictures in this thread are of the Skeptics. Most of them look like cringey 20-something permavirgins. It seems the Naked Anecdote was right all along.

The Skeptic community is filled with white leftist perma-virgins who feel threatened by SJWs

92e6ad No.312464


>The Skeptic community is filled with white leftist perma-virgins who feel threatened by SJWs

They feel threatened by any political movement because that involves change and might impact their lives. They want to wallow in their vices and be allowed to do so. Look at gamergate, "Let us play video games". Then they all got uppity over the tories trying to block porn sites. Pretty much every time they lash out is to protect their vices.

d661d0 No.312466


>Then they all got uppity over the tories trying to block porn sites

So how many tories did they 'harass' until they 'had to leave their homes'?

bd059a No.312468

File: 515b70ba67bbc3d⋯.jpg (103.97 KB, 640x624, 40:39, porn_and_minecraft.jpg)


They are bugmen who fear all change. They just want the status quo to permanently remain in the 90s/early 2000s so they can pretend it's their childhood forever.

Hell, none of them even gave a fuck about politics until some feminists started whining about >muh vidya gaems. Even seeing some of these "debates literally the only thing any of these people get passionate about is their porn and vidya"

f03fb4 No.312471


Links to that saga is on my old PC so I got no clue what happened back then, I just remember they sperged the fuck out over it.

795ca7 No.312472

File: b7e4436c3afafa0⋯.png (508.16 KB, 650x487, 650:487, IMG_11072016_204326.png)

>when you've been away for a short while and there's two new threads about this shitshow already

What in the fuck happened so fucking fast? From what I gather Vee made a fool out of himself on multiple occasions, showing how much of an unapologetic degenerate he is and then some furry got destroyed by smug Frenchman. Is there something else important that I've missed?

f03fb4 No.312474

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Were you here for this?

795ca7 No.312475


Yes, the last thing that happened before I went away is Vee sperging out about the threads here, invoking his beloved horseshoe theory and saying that we're basically all like Kraut's doxing server, then people here took the piss out of it and pretended they were sneaking around Sargon's house.

f03fb4 No.312476

File: 186f032062ca3b3⋯.png (243.61 KB, 600x657, 200:219, 8chan premium.png)



Basically Johnny Fox tried to PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD JF and suicided himself, said he's leaving the internet and vee is being shit on hard.

f03fb4 No.312477


Fuck me I forgot about the word filter.

bd059a No.312478



a02e4e No.312479


>Vee sperging out about the threads here

See >>312210 (50)

795ca7 No.312480


Wow, I've heard that smug Frenchman destroyed him, but not to the extent that furry faggot had to pull a Kraut and leave the internet. Was that on the latest Adam RaceWarski stream?


For fuck's sake operator Alpha Six Zero Niner, I said that so that we can throw the targets off of our trail and give them a sense of security. I'm contacting our superior officer for this, he's gonna have your balls in a vise



Looks like I'll have to go through this, Vee's turned into quite a lolcow I see.

cb93f8 No.312481

d661d0 No.312482


My guess is they sperged out a bit but had zero real world effect.

Thats because the power of gamergate depends on their opponents hysteria, blowing them up out of all proportion.

cb93f8 No.312483


Sounds about right.

5e8fd8 No.312484

File: 3f0ee35fe13fc5d⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1760x6176, 55:193, vee comes to cow.png)


Vee also sperged out in a previous thread as well

795ca7 No.312486



Thanks, that's enough spoonfeeding for now, I'll lurk through the threads I've missed before posting anything new, hope some shitstorm doesn't happen in the meantime.

cb93f8 No.312491

File: c3c9e21aacd3ebe⋯.webm (2.11 MB, 1256x736, 157:92, 65536 horns.webm)

bf6f82 No.312496


jesus christ, re-watching that makes me think that sargon panicked after the spencer debate, like heavy panic, then he sees Jim mocking him on twitter, and gets one of his minions to invite Jim in a bid to recruit him to the Liberalists as a form of damage control.

They then try to literally brainwash Jim into thinking he's on their side.

Sargon is extremely manipulative here. He's not clever, because he wouldn't have been as embarassed as he was by Spencer if he was, but the level of control he has over his little cult is pretty steep I'd say and shouldn't be underestimated.

6d12a1 No.312498

File: 916e8b29427d321⋯.jpeg (106.47 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, image.jpeg)


Correct. This image wasn't made for nothing

c87ec1 No.312499


That's exactly what happened.

92885b No.312501

File: 555f4c3988a4205⋯.jpg (74.12 KB, 616x520, 77:65, jim carrey cannot be stopp….jpg)


fox's ex co-host sounds like a



bd059a No.312503

File: 9d4e53bc10ae76a⋯.jpg (3.95 KB, 193x200, 193:200, cia in charge.jpg)


He's basically CIA

>"no, this can't be happening! I'm in charge here!"

He's been coddled in his little skeptic echo chamber as de facto Stepfather of his "community" surrounded by ego-stroking sycophants, and it was the first time he really exposed himself and made himself look like a complete fool, and since then he's shit his pants and done nothing but continue to freak out and double down.

No rational level-headed person makes fucking response videos to goddamn youtube comment shitposts as if they were valid rebuttals.

acfc28 No.312506


True. He can easily exert control over his little cultists because they're all degenerates washed in liberal dogma. Right now one of his supporters is on the Tonka stream, he got no problem admitting he is a furry but when people call him a racist he gets upset.

92885b No.312509


fox's ex co-host sounds like a



92885b No.312510


Sorry for double post, 8ch went fucky. I think it's when it's just about to post on a refresh… I'm guessing

1b8e09 No.312512


I want someone who looks at me like how vee looks at sargon.

He wants that sweet husky british man in his gypsy camp.

c33233 No.312525

File: f9abaed8a55cec9⋯.mp4 (4.71 MB, 720x480, 3:2, apotheosis_1.mp4)


> tfw this hits on you

122847 No.312528



be3b7d No.312531

New thread because lazy OP wanted to make one:


498703 No.312548


>How many youtube autist meltdowns are we going to get?

Don't know, but I'll put $5 on armored's and shoe's relationship going tits up within the year.

bd059a No.312552


Are those the only """big name""" people in the skepticTM community that haven't been B.T.F.O.'d or are in the process of getting B.T.F.O.'d? Looks like they're the only ones who have remained 100% out of this and silent.

498703 No.312556


I haven't been keeping tabs on them. They've very much faded into the background like Mykeru

5eb12e No.312664


theres people like thunderf00t and tl;dr who've mostly shied away from the shitstorm

b70d53 No.312667


>all they did was sit back and criticize others and be "skeptical" of everything, which allowed them to tactically sit back and not have to worry about putting yourself out there and get criticized

Exactly. It's like if Mr Enter was forced to make a cartoon. You can't spend all your life criticizing if this is the best you can do.

I used to make a lot of fun of the skeptics, but always thought, "maybe Sargon and people of his ilk do have a little processing power under the fedoras".

It turns out they were straight from reddit.

<fuck god lmao fuck dat lmao freedom dude weed man

>so what do you suggest a society should be built upon?

<bro i just told you lol freedom and weed

88c5b1 No.312868



What REALLY fucks me up is how all the major Septics seem to know these people and when they get big/relevant they act like they've always been there.

It's like when a TV show introduces a new character and everybody just kinda knows them for some reason.

5895c3 No.312879

File: 06aee087a77084e⋯.jpg (303.81 KB, 720x720, 1:1, bane kawaii.jpg)


Does that make Jim the Bane in this scene?

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