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File: 8a22a104b20286c⋯.jpg (74.65 KB,700x870,70:87,aa4c47d872a7585d7df62674b8….jpg)

 No.951440 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

if you have source requests or other general questions put them here

tips on finding source before posting:

>Finding the source of an image

https://saucenao.com/ [good for manga]

https://iqdb.org/ [good for works found on booru/pixiv]

https://ascii2d.net [good for works found on twitter/pixiv]

https://trace.moe/ [good for screenshots from anime]

>if it's cropped these are the only ones that will work


https://yandex.com/images/ [I recommend trying this one first]

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File: c67ee5c8c5e51a8⋯.jpg (94.6 KB,716x755,716:755,0c6.jpg)


Come over to https://8ch.moe/a/ if you want to discuss about anime and manga!

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File: 29cbba66aec1e6c⋯.png (250.18 KB,587x529,587:529,zenon.png)

 No.956659 [Open thread]

The only good things to come out of Trigger within the last 5 years were Dynazenon and Universe

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File: 09aa8cd8fe65751⋯.jpg (144.82 KB,1080x600,9:5,IMG_20240327_093114.jpg)

 No.956654 [Open thread]

Someone pls drop the scenes from Metamorphosis/emergence manga?? I'm desperate to find the baby one

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File: b3615e2ad5117d4⋯.png (437.18 KB,512x512,1:1,estilovintedois_money_2589….png)

 No.956626 [Open thread]

I’m not exactly aware of what cs go skins are and why they are needed at all, but I think it’s worth finding out a little more about it.

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I've never bought cs go skins. I have nothing against cs go skins, I just don’t have the extra money for it.

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Now there are many different resources that are more than useful for cs go fans to find more useful information about cs go skin trading. At the link https://businessupside.com/how-to-sell-csgo-skins-both-fast-and-secure you will definitely find more not only about cs go skins, but also platforms for buying and selling, so that it is reliable and safe.

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File: daaf934d53152ca⋯.jpg (756.68 KB,2220x1080,37:18,Screenshot_20220927_173428….jpg)

 No.956495 [Open thread]

With animix play gone,what are my streaming options? Im way to lazy to torrent or download anime

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>Im way to pozzed by streamjews

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try gogoanime and 9anime and zoro

https://discord gg/Z8Nz59sUyK

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File: 48f489a17a49b0e⋯.png (24.92 KB,150x150,1:1,404_not_found.png)

 No.956601 [Open thread]

what s join 404

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File: 2dfa8a70c6cfe36⋯.jpg (23.38 KB,640x480,4:3,1322171_ster352x.jpg)

 No.956537 [Open thread]

Your waifu(s)?

Any sex can be a waifu.

Mine is Johan Liebert.

Feel free to post harems, too.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Song I made about my waifu:


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Damn, this site is really dead.

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File: 9f34bda20b4cc16⋯.jpg (1.66 MB,4984x4989,4984:4989,aaaa.jpg)

 No.956494 [Open thread]

i see a girl and i see a breach

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File: 8216536b8ed4eaf⋯.png (182.76 KB,940x683,940:683,ban.png)

File: 38f3c060be4c2bb⋯.png (692.31 KB,1154x948,577:474,Screenshot_2022_12_13_at_0….png)

 No.956488 [Open thread]

I found which anime jews own.

I got banned for posting this on /a/ because I'm somehow trolling. Then when I asked how is this trolling on /pol/ I got banned again for "complaining about being banned."


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I never knew this

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nbc universal (aka jews) owns the anime in the link.

I thought it was pretty self explanitory if you actually clicked on it.

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File: 1ba634d43271166⋯.png (319.4 KB,384x576,2:3,untitled.png)

 No.956481 [Open thread]


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File: 13598936fe7f824⋯.png (530.79 KB,1200x800,3:2,japan_boobies.png)


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File: 493ccd1d31614be⋯.png (269.49 KB,411x364,411:364,appreciates_the_candy.PNG)

 No.956060 [Open thread]

Keks, Kawaii, Komari

post your best non non

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File: bdd568dfd13569c⋯.png (1015.13 KB,1036x630,74:45,Anon_I_.png)

File: 6130c3b17926c1a⋯.png (611.63 KB,995x620,199:124,Hotaru_is_fired_up.png)

File: fa08a0b3dde3cfe⋯.gif (90.38 KB,291x320,291:320,Renge_approves_of_sauce.gif)

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File: 5890582af056377⋯.png (463.02 KB,429x435,143:145,Komari_smol.PNG)

File: d57f0dbe5299b33⋯.gif (1.12 MB,500x282,250:141,komari_wowed.gif)

File: 017699db27023e6⋯.gif (1.52 MB,500x281,500:281,Renge_I_am.gif)

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File: 0316fa94bd10e05⋯.png (722.82 KB,826x422,413:211,Wholesome_town.png)

File: 445ddeb67e6de87⋯.gif (493.49 KB,240x135,16:9,totally_btfo_d.gif)

File: df25cde3e354f6d⋯.png (332.69 KB,355x593,355:593,Natsumi_Renge_shush.png)

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File: 9b7c49ac7ca4a63⋯.jpg (4.92 MB,3019x5864,3019:5864,yande_re_1048438_bocchi_th….jpg)

 No.956476 [Open thread]

My God, what happened to internet recently?I often see people sending anime screenshots,Use bocchi as avatars. Is this thing that good-watching? I feel like I'm behind the times.

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File: 18a794f4c9b308b⋯.webm (1.19 MB,640x360,16:9,sadowczyk.webm)

 No.956471 [Open thread]


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File: 0bc99f9542acf57⋯.jpg (112.29 KB,1024x576,16:9,Dragon-Ball-Super-1024x576.jpg)

 No.951364 [Open thread]

In this month's chapter:

Krillin gets his ass kicked by a giant fat chick, Moro gives his henchmen a massive power up to the point where he's able to kick Gohan's ass, who previously kicked Kefla's ass. Tien can't punch through metalmen, Goku arrives late as usual

Also Moro is really cool

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The further Dragon Ball as franchise goes the further we witness how disconnected to their own world are most warriors, so many years and Vegeta did not ask saiyans to be back, no one asked for their tails to be back either, so many nameks fused and all the power wasted while fusing with piccolo could have been a major advantage.


Moro is really a great villain, its a shame he did not get development slowly and steadily at a time like cell did, their was a sense of fear as kids when whenever cell appeared on screen, moro is a great villain tho, just lacks the scare factor, atleast that is how i feel about Moro.

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File: a749491b50caa1c⋯.jpg (29.72 KB,330x264,5:4,unnamed_1_.jpg)

File: ddf233b442cf2bb⋯.png (267.47 KB,640x545,128:109,_236.png)

Are there any native Japanese speakers in this group? I have a question regarding 魔封波. What is the difference between these declarations? I know that Piccolo's is "reflection" or "reversal" because Kami did it first, but what is the difference between yelling 魔封波だつ or 魔封波じやつ or just 魔封波つ ?

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File: 8d6ac98230202a5⋯.jpg (31.31 KB,295x320,59:64,ans_398569078.jpg)

File: 2ea0bb8e047992c⋯.png (32.49 KB,300x163,300:163,grere.png)

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File: 7c4bafe1d088338⋯.jpg (133.04 KB,1204x1080,301:270,1575505222196.jpg)

File: 1515703ceb6aceb⋯.png (863.05 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Screenshot_20201104_190934.png)

As a halfchan retard, it's quite shocking to see DBS being discussed with no shitflinging about mexicans, zombies, jiren, CHADS etc.

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Belgium lost.

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File: 3e75c0254cdd4a6⋯.gif (2.14 MB,176x144,11:9,idtwWYvx_o.gif)

 No.956467 [Open thread]

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