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/m/ - Mecha & Tokusatsu

The blessed machine

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File: 666350a365afb62⋯.jpg (139.99 KB,1280x720,16:9,Tetsujin_28_go.jpg)

 No.20795 [Open thread]

This is a board for Mecha, Androids and Tokusatsu.

This means you can discuss about video games, anime and manga relating to mechs and androids such as Gundam and Ghost in the Shell or live action stuff like Tokusatsu Superheroes and Kaiju flicks such as Kamen Rider and Godzilla.

Before you start posting, read these rules.

• 1. Follow the Global Rules, Use the report function for illegal content.

• 2. Follow the Thread Theme, basically don't derail threads.

• 3. Attention whoring posts may be deleted; this includes overuse of blogposting and avatarfagging.

• 4. Check the catalog before making a thread, so the board won't get clogged up with duplicates.

• 5. Spoiler NSFW content.

Follow the rules, be at ease and nobody will have any problems.

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New BO Edit

I have taken over ownership of the board seeing as the last BO has not logged in about a years time. I realize that maybe a hand full people at most (if any) use or necro lurk this board.

My intent for taking over ownership is to preserve this board as many of its posts go back to the very early days of 8chan. I would hate to see this part of old /m/ days fade away to the net and time.

With that being said I do not intend on changing anything drastic to the board. For those who use this board, please continue to enjoy it. (if there are still any users on this hollow shell of a site)

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File: e097e1aa60764c3⋯.jpg (88.17 KB,921x684,307:228,doraemon and nobita watch.jpg)

 No.19403 [Open thread]

live streams, youtubes, synchtubes, whatever

weekly-ish /m/edia update


stuff that's airing or wrapped up recently and I'm catching up on

Show descriptions in the next post.

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yeah, sorry, been sorta busy. I'll at least try to get Shinkalion up to date in a day or two as that's supposedly wrapping up soon

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File: 3c5182eb571f6cc⋯.jpg (63.39 KB,881x496,881:496,1616335253436.jpg)

 No.20915 [Open thread]


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File: 2e9ac303ff43682⋯.jpg (267.14 KB,1268x2048,317:512,GLMEPPkakAE8iWM.jpg)

File: 43f9986a7df67cb⋯.jpg (270.27 KB,2048x1536,4:3,GNgmBFva0AA1c3P.jpg)

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File: 294dc1732dc48fc⋯.webp (72.77 KB,1080x720,3:2,WSZJ_1_armour_ms_jpg_.webp)

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File: d65d96acc399fc8⋯.png (747.3 KB,871x1159,871:1159,1728586135663.png)

File: 9c47ced6eacaff1⋯.jpg (2.04 MB,1404x2000,351:500,1728618510228.jpg)

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Arlasaslae bu konu hk ne niliyorud

Geldim gördüm gidiyorum

Daha ne diyim

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File: 21e1d30b0fb4b30⋯.png (241.19 KB,417x519,139:173,1730266491821.png)

File: b4dd0fd9ecbc5ee⋯.jpg (48.78 KB,451x384,451:384,1730274501574.jpg)

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File: 963af8632f5d8cd⋯.jpg (343.66 KB,1684x1304,421:326,1736044778676.jpg)

File: 743c7098b4a6e0f⋯.jpg (245.49 KB,602x817,14:19,1736046853225.jpg)

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File: c863561b3f01bcd⋯.jpg (92.71 KB,540x650,54:65,1736037287474.jpg)

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File: 5091c468cb02cdf⋯.png (421.66 KB,403x403,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

 No.20784 [Open thread]

This board seems pretty dead, so it's a perfect place to brag about something very trivial.

One day I decided out of complete boredom to meditate for an entire hour. This unlocked the hidden potential of my imagination, allowing me to visualize things to great effect. And it's not just limited to sight either, I can touch things, taste then and hear them with great detail.

Instead of using this power to fulfill some sort of sick fantasy, I decided to use it to fulfill my childhood dream of piloting a giant robot. At first I was in a black void, which was supposed to be the mecha's cockpit and slowly built things from there. A chair to sit on, walls to surround me and lots and lots of levers came into existence. Then I focused on making the outward appearance of the robot and the bland world it inhabits. Every time I needed my mecha to do something it couldn't yet do, such as moving its head, I'd simply add another button, lever or other component into the cockpit to serve that purpose.

After many sessions of spending time in my mecha and constantly tripping over because piloting mecha is hard, I suddenly noted two things. The first was a simple issue, I never installed a hatch to get out of this machine, and fixed that with a red button that reads "GET OUT" on it. On the other hand, the second issue was one I couldn't anticipate. The ruined city landscape I used for assistance in testing my mecha's movement was now overrun by giant monsters. A crazy-looking girl appeared on my screen and told me that she's going to kill me. The girl looked like she came right out of Umineko, and from the looks of it she was in her own mecha cockpit. Then one of the monsters attacked my fragile, unarmed mecha and died instantly. While dying does boot me out of my deep concentration, I can always jump back in at any time, with a shiny new incarnation of my same mecha. I've really gotten to know my mecha and can visualize its cockpit, outward appearance and important internal details with ease.

Because I still want to mess around in that same imaginary world, I now have to deal with the monsters and other mecha commanded by that weirdo who refuses to name herself. So basically I now have to create weapons for my mecha and to fight for my right to have fun in my giant robot.

That's all for now.

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File: 787e19f23eb7762⋯.jpg (117.28 KB,418x608,11:16,Kamen_Rider_Joker_2.jpg)


OP you're probably not reading this but please continue, this is very interesting and I'm honestly thinking of doing the same thing, only I'll be a Kamen Rider and a mecha pilot.

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>aggressive samefaggotry continues

This is concentrated autism sure to drive away actual posters.

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I'm not samefagging but I meditated like OP did and now I'm a Kamen Rider who pilots a mecha and fights bad guys alongside my waifus.

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File: 028faf843da7173⋯.jpg (113.33 KB,1201x800,1201:800,Kamen_Rider_Build.jpg)


Its been 3 years since I did this and my life has never been more fulfilling. Not only have I been doing badass shit as a superhero, but I've found love with my waifus.

We've been together for three years now and I can't wait to see what life holds in store for us.

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File: f03fe74ff5fc347⋯.jpg (599.07 KB,768x1024,3:4,Kamen_Rider_Black_RX.jpg)

Been doing this for five years now and life has been so much better since then. Thank you OP for helping me improve my life like you did.

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File: 39262f20ea1f259⋯.jpg (377.97 KB,1210x1582,605:791,MV5BMDM1MTRjNmYtMjg3OS00Y2….jpg)

 No.20948 [Open thread]

Why is the new Kamen Rider disgusting vore fetish candy commercial BULLSHIT, niggas?

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File: d3449d7248931e6⋯.jpg (129.68 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Gundam_Monarch_2.jpg)

 No.20940 [Open thread]

So, Dr. Venture, we meet again!

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File: aa1adc71431259e⋯.jpg (42.78 KB,353x454,353:454,5LYzTBVoS196gvYvw3zjwCSqAE….jpg)

 No.20927 [Open thread]

New to 8Kun don't really know what I'm doing. Just looking for friends idk. I'm female and enjoy drawing mecha girls and mechs in general.

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File: af0b0dfabafd9b0⋯.png (631.5 KB,900x900,1:1,Gundam_Iron_Blooded_Oprhan….png)

 No.19920 [Open thread]

>click on IBO thread

>404 lol

I want to talk about Tekketsu.

Do you think it's good?

Do you think it's bad?

What's wrong/right with it?

Is it just modernized Zeta remake without newtype magic bullshit or it is its own thing entirely?

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>What tomino we are talking about?

>Based Zeta/CCA tomino?

>Or pants on head retarded Turn A/G-reco tomino?

Thanks for exposing your ADHD, fag.

>All in all IBO is the best realization of "children of war" concept in gundam franchise so far.

Apart for cheap melodrama, no.

>It's far less idealistic and abstract than Zeta with its magic newhalf shenanigans and black and white characters.

Because gay joker and his pig pirate captain in Season 1 were so grey, right? '

I think you became so numb as the show didn't stop hammering Jellyhorn = bad muh orphan private military family = good, your adhd just got worse.

>Not only that but it also doesn't fuck around with teenagers' sexuality aspect, and delivers it honest and upfront.

Because Atra's thirst Mika's cum wasn't a joke already. And that fag whose lover was kept alive just to be offed for a cheap melodramtic death.

>Something that Zeta does not.

Actually watch Zeta instead of skimming thorough Wike pages.

>I think IBO is the best Gundam entry ever from both narrative and characterization stand points.

Reserve an appointment with emergency ward cuz you are numb and suffering from ADHD.

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Is this what hipster mentality looks like?

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File: e92d3e6c899cb09⋯.jpg (99.18 KB,1280x1267,1280:1267,Just threw it in didn't yo….jpg)


>I think IBO is the best Gundam entry ever from both narrative and characterization stand points.


The shows real biggest flaws were that they chose to lobotomize McGillis and resurrect Galeo

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That's a very sweet kitbash you got there.


>Do you think it's good?

A couple of times they did some good episodes, but overall it wasn't good.

>Do you think it's bad?

Yes, in many aspects. Pacing, animation quality, storyline going to shit during S2.

>What's wrong/right with it?

MS design is on point, despite the heels. Ippei Gyobu is a fucking god. Gaelio reviving, McGillis suddenly becoming retarded, and that shitty unnecesary MS armor arc were some of the lowest points in the series. Not that I dislike Gaelio, but in general all of Edmonton had no consequences, beyond some political shenanigans that we don't really feel the impact of.

>Is it just modernized Zeta remake without newtype magic bullshit or it is its own thing entirely?

Not in any fucking way, they're different stories, with different themes, different character arcs, and different relationships between them. Many times people compare IBO to 0080 (I'm convinced it's because of some fucking 4chan viewing guide), which is an outright stupid opinion. 0080 is about a child realizing how unreal his romanticized view of war really is, IBO is about child soldiers trying to go above and beyond and ultimately getting beat down. You can't say they ever had a skewed view of war itself as they participated in many battles and won a shitload of them.

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File: 6299c076e7e94de⋯.jpg (335.66 KB,1171x1500,1171:1500,1488149262108.jpg)

A great show. If only because its ending made people seethe.

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 No.11288 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Ryusei thread go?

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File: d4c91b4ebfee59f⋯.png (842.05 KB,947x931,947:931,1624053151087.png)

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File: 656e0379aa2745f⋯.jpg (17.05 KB,200x200,1:1,LoliZakuII.jpg)

 No.15870 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Is it time for a cute mecha thread?

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File: 5b79884c8d4c3a3⋯.jpg (87.98 KB,580x601,580:601,1624072410962.jpg)

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File: 1420275140263.jpg (157.76 KB,1083x737,1083:737,mecha___jsx_shinden_by_meg….jpg)

 No.5176 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

I find robots sexually attractive.

Can we have a thread about dumping our "favorite" designs?
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 No.19971 [Open thread]

Simple thread for dead board.

Post your favorite mech designs.

Doesn't matter if it's from video games, anime or some obscure table top.

Don't just post whatever, only something you legit find awesome.

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File: b90e661921636ae⋯.gif (150.29 KB,575x800,23:32,MBR-04.gif)

Best Destroid coming through

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File: 09f4b7d2c95c298⋯.jpg (213.08 KB,1024x768,4:3,Vision-Of-Escaflowne-5-102….jpg)

File: feea3cdda354444⋯.jpg (173.96 KB,472x769,472:769,bangdoll.jpg)

Not my exact favourites, but you get the gist.

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File: 079779da6116b94⋯.jpg (760.95 KB,1000x1075,40:43,1436922080912-1.jpg)

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File: 43703b573c962d6⋯.jpg (152.63 KB,1477x1125,1477:1125,1590000133200.jpg)

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File: 4a7421b6aed1f8f⋯.png (1.87 MB,821x2048,821:2048,2021.png)

 No.20896 [Open thread]

Robot anime 2021 thread

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File: 8bf8d8175cb323f⋯.jpg (37.02 KB,500x282,250:141,1YTo2OpO7GP6k5cq9A0pR6hAWZ….jpg)

 No.20666 [Open thread]

Yo dudes, I made a Votoms rpg.


Updated it recently, expanded pilot creation, added Civvie, Quent, and Bandit ATs. If anybody is interested in please say so.

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File: 8f00f63625a7841⋯.jpg (229.27 KB,1280x1000,32:25,c46440_7468133.jpg)


Started sometime around two years ago with a physical notebook. Now I have a whole lil team that I bullshit with.


Don't worry, major update incoming as we're gonna shift from a D6 base to a D10 base.

Also we've got a discord


Come along and join, I'll even walk ya through making an AT and pilot!

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File: 07fc93ec7a68574⋯.jpg (538.75 KB,636x900,53:75,da1gyn5_354c1be9_82c8_45e0….jpg)

Anybody else wanna join? We're always happy to have new dudes!

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Discord is heavily opposed here, so you're not gonna find much luck.

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File: f4ea53d8cb0c4fb⋯.jpg (8.95 KB,560x280,2:1,IMG_20200101_191746.jpg)


Well, fuck me then.

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Wasn't there already a VOTOMs RPG? Let me take a gander at this one.

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File: 0dd8c4b7a94e0ce⋯.jpg (98.37 KB,1280x720,16:9,Kamen_Rider_Grease.jpg)

 No.20881 [Open thread]

Post /m/ characters who have definitely said the n word before

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