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File (hide): 77df6c1d1d64593⋯.png (556.83 KB,1008x403,1008:403,Might gaine.png) (h) (u)


 No.16372 [Open thread]>>19536 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Hello /m/, I'm a newfag so if there is already a thread about this, don't get mad at me I'll just delete my shit.

My question is why there is no good translation for Might Gaine yet? Is it because automated one from bakabt is sorta understandable and no one bothers? There is a much better quality not subbed DVD rip lying on nyaa for years now.

I think it's one of the best non-grimdark mecha series out there, that still for some reason gets grimdark at the end.

It also has my favourite robot design, the titular Might Gaine! Though I think that his upgraded form looks stupid.

And the question regarding the big dark reveal: Is the world where characters live actually some sort of virtual simulation, or it is real but artificially created by aliens to be broadcasted galaxy-wide?

Another question: will it, or other series from this franchise like GGG ever get Bluray re-release?

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you are not my nigga

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I'm really enjoying this so far, while being on episode 11, but at the same time I cannot help but feel that the main character is a bit mary sue-ish. Anyone else got such vibes from the anime?

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Yeah, shit taste

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>>16372 (OP)

I was also curious about this series after SRWX but couldn't find subs. Honestly I forgot about bakabt. Don't you need an account now? I only ever use nyaa. Same with Wataru. I found the first OVA but not the entire series. I guess there are three animes, but I was just curious about the first one. The OP is so chill and light hearted. I was hoping the whole series was like that too.

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>my thread from 1.5 years ago is still alive and on page 3

Is this the deadest board?


I downloaded it from bakabt before it needed a registration. I deleted it after watching because I decided to keep unsubbed variant, otherwise I'd give you a magnet. Nya has translated episodes 1-28 in shit quality as well as untranslated full thing in good quality.

Overall I'd say it's still a kids' show, don't expect any gundam-tier characters, interactions or narrative. It follows monster of the week formula, has some cheesy grade school comedy and budget animation.

You don't even need to know jap to understand the general gist of what's going on.

Gaine's AI is never explained beyond that Maito's father designed it for the purpose of fight evil, and I'm pretty sure he isn't even dead, just is busy somewhere abroad.

It's not dark show at ll.

It's carried by titular mech's design, charismatic characters and good voice acting. It has some big names behind key characters. Music is something you start liking after watching 50 episodes of it, but none of it clicked with me from get go.

It's really nothing special and I only watched it because I like Might Gaine itself and so happened to fall in love with the rest of the show.

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[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

 No.19319 [Open thread][Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Does anyone remember Megaton Musashi? Does anybody here know what happened to this series?

For anyone who needs a refresher; Megaton Musashi isn't just an anime, like Gundam Age and Inazuma Eleven, it was supposed to be Level-5's next cross-media production which meant anime, manga, toys(and amiibos?) and of course video games as well, namely on the PS4 and 3DS with the 3DS being the primary platform. It was supposed to be a…Danball Senki meets Gundam except they are Super Robots on the moon and with the storyline of Getter Robo Armaggedon except the Moon Wars and the extinction of mankind from the Invaders happen at the same time. The gameplay for the 3DS at least was to be like Danball Senki's except refined and it seems like you collected robots a la Gotcha Force. Sources below :

NintendoEverything :


Siliconera :


Gematsu :



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Holy fucking shit, FINALLY

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 No.19818 [Open thread]>>19826 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

DOC (Device Operation Control) Base. This as a set with the Turn A Gundam is known as "System ∀".

A massive mobile armour that docks with Turn A Gundam that is "a tactical system that revolutionises traditional MS operations".

Only rough designs existed, never fully seen in the show. The weapon silo under Vicinity is all that remains of it.

The rough was drawn by Sunrise's Horiguchi and is considered "semi-official".

The model seen in the picture is based on the rough sketch, which is not of the entire unit (it supposedly continues on further to the left).


「電撃Hobby マガジン」2000年5月号 「Before ∀ 黒歴史に埋没したモビルスーツたち」

「電撃Hobby マガジン」2000年7月号

「ミード・ガンダム 」講談社 ISBN4-06-330091-9 co979

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Comms and electronic devices immune to minovsky particles showed up, people eventually stopped using minovsky particles entirely, this completely changed MS tactics. Turn A was a "system weapon" which consisted of a standalone type tactical weapon (the Turn A) and large scale support systems. Testbed Turn A was made to test and collect data on the Turn A's greatest characteristic, the teleportation function. As you can tell from how the head looks like the Turn X's, that's where the cockpit is. The upper torso mostly consists of a platform to teleport in weapons and ammo. The Turn A was supposed to have been able to summon weapons via "the Gossen effect" in an instant and unleash them on enemies from inside their lines.

*This setting is made solely for readers to enjoy the model more and does not reflect actual Black History

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Morita: "The first concept Sunrise gave us for the Turn A said that it was supposed to be its lower body that was special, and that the upper body would just be a weapon rack. It was supposed to be able to stuff loads of weapons into its chest."

Kawaguchi: "You can tell that in the past it probably went to war fully loaded with weapons in there."

Morita: "Yeah, but the show ended up having more human drama and less mecha gimmicks. Tomino said that while the weapon rack setting would be left intact, it probably wouldn't be in the show. Would Bandai preferred having it in?"

Kawaguchi: "Actually, that sort of small gimmick is hard to replicate. It's stuff easily seen like the vanes* popping out that are easier to put into products. There's no way the module weapon setting could've made it into a 500 yen toy. Actually, this is why the Sumos have I-field drives."

Kawaguchi: "Bandai didn't really have any requests for the design aside from stuff like putting missiles in the hatch and adding a shield mount rack to the back."

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Stuff translated from Turn A Gundam Complete Record Collection 2: The Memory of Second Wind

About the Sackträger

At the end of the Universal Century, it seemed that the countless space wars would finally come to an end, but the unending consumption had reduced Earth's resources close to zero. During this age, Earth was still the center of human civilization, and mankind sought to restore civilization on Earth. To do this they needed massive amounts of materials, which had to be mined from asteroids which were moved near to Earth. The Sackträger's predecessor, the fixed orbital elevator, was built in order to make moving the mined resources down to Earth easier. This megastructure was also supposed to be a symbol of peace, and Earth did in fact have peace for a few hundred years after the construction of the orbital elevator. It seems that there might have been several orbital elevators during this period, and that Manhu Picchi was the Earthside base station for them, and there is (in Turn A's age) a fuctioning mass driver in Manhu Picchi. After several hundred years, however, another space war erupted and the orbital elevators were destroyed. The remains of the orbital elevators falling from space caused massive damage to Earth, and it is said that some of these parts were later used to built the Sackträger in Manhu Picchi's legends of the Branch of Ades. That the parts of the orbital elevators were used to build the Sackträger is not true, however, as they were products of entirely different ages; The elevator collapse was such a huge disaster that as ages passed it continued to be passed down and memories and records of history ended up getting compressed and combining the records of the two completely different megastructures. Also, the helmet worn by the king of Manhu Picchi is based on astronaut helmets from long ago. Either way,the fixed orbital elevator was never rebuilt, and instead the rotation-type Sackträger was built instead. Sackträger is a name in a language of ancient Europe (currently Galia in Turn A), German, which means "bagworm", and was presumably named as such because the elevator climbing up and down looked like a massive bagworm from the ground. There are no records of why the name is in German.

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About cold sleep

While cold sleep usually doesn't result in dreaming, they have the technology to force someone in cold sleep to dream, and use it on criminals as punishment. Because of the massive amounts of time the people spend in dreams, aware that they're dreaming, they end up being driven insane.

So yeah, that's the difference between regular cold sleep and the "reitou-kei" (punishment by being frozen) that Coren was subjected to, and why he's bonkers.


-Moonrace moved to the moon AFTER the sacktrager was built

-Eco terrorists tried to wipe out mankind with DG cells

-Apparently at some point mankind in the Gundam universe went full fucking Macross, expanding to other star systems and creating a pan-galactic transport/communications network

-There was a project to turn the moon into a death star and the huge trench seen in Turn A was going to be a track for a massive particle cannon (the project itself never came to fruition)

Random bits from Tomino

-Japanese people were happier in World War II because they had a goal to live for ("kill the evil yanks") and didn't expect to be able to live long.

-It's like aids patients with children who don't have the disease. People need to be reminded of death to be able to really live.

-Japan's cheerfulness during WW2 was wrong though. It was a bright society, but a healthy society is one with a good dose of darkness and poison.

-I ever go brain-dead just kill me. I'd rather die than be a vegetable.

-Turn A has nothing to do with Israel because Israel is a RELIGIOUS problem, and religion was purposely left out of Turn A. Religion is the source of all of mankind's problems. Religion is crazy.

-All of mankind should just revert to animism>>19823

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>>19818 (OP)

And you guys thought Dendrobium was ridiculous

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 No.12414 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]>>19605 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Have you prayed to Mecha this morning?

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>>12414 (OP)

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Fuck, that's one of my favorites.

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For the longest time I thought this was porn.

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>it's not a weird dick

that makes more sense

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 No.19788 [Open thread]>>19789 >>19790 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]


It's bulletproof and has functional arms with hands.

Kalashnikov haven't said what it's for yet, but I've seen some speculation it's for hazardous materials/bomb disposal.

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>>19788 (OP)

cute statue

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>>19788 (OP)

Wait a minute, that design

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I believe it is literally a statue with absolutely no electronics inside. The company said it was a sign of things to come, but who knows what they mean by that.

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holy shit that looks bad

russians confirming that they're true hiers of khazars and turks

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 No.19715 [Open thread][Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Post some really awesome mecha lego builds pics/vids that are advanced that you love.

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 No.19737>>19743 >>19744 >>19774

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>castle mech

fucking rad

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God I wish that were me

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At the very least, the stock theme's flagship set was a Castle Tank.

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Wasn't this when Lego tried to do not!Warhammer?

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 No.12612 [Open thread][Last50 Posts][Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

edit- locked per request because old thread is old

Gunpla/Plamo General #5: Happy New Year! did anyone actually participate in the group build edition

What're you guys working on currently? I'm using my Dendrobium as a table, and working on SDs.

What kits are you guys looking forward to? Gonna grab a 1/100 Graze tomorrow.



For those of you just joining us, please read this guide. Please read it before asking questions as there is a chance it has already been answered there.

For those unfamiliar, "Plamo" is a shortened form of "plastic model." If it's made of plastic, someone can probably help you here.

>"If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!"


IRC Channel





The guide:


And a handy guide to other types of plamo:

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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>Hanged Man

I wish, its Magnolia R.I.P.3.M kit. That said AC5 kits are pretty small compared to previous AC kits.Its a head shorter than Alicia.

>Noblesse and Alicia

Very nice kits.

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I'm further confounded and excited.

Today my thunderbolt psycho Zaku II arrived and it looks fantastic. I've opened the box up and I'm astounded by all the sprues this thing comes with. If Gyan was the lower end of the HG spectrum this is definitely the high end of high grade.

The guide talked about there being a lot of variations of HG but it's caused me to be really blown away by this kit.

Also I got slammed by customs today, 3 more kits arrived for me but I gotta go pick them up and pay arbitrary extra, what a pisser.

Looking forward to putting it all today and taking photos. On the topic of photos do any of you use higher quality cameras and lights for your pictures? I've been having quality issues since I can only take photos during daylight due to shitty point and shoot with weak ass bulbs.

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Not related to gunpla but, would repainting this metal piece with clear coat red retain the metallic feel? I got an airbrush so figured why not but I don't know wether spraying some Tamiya Clear Red would get rid of it's metallic feel.

Also, what paint is good for spraying metal parts in general like aftermarket parts for plamo? I know Hotwheel hobbyist use a different type of paint to retain their metallic feel but what is it actually? It's not acryllic right since it would create a more plastic-y feel?

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Anon, you bumped the wrong thread.

This gunpla thread is two years old, we have a much more active one.

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God damn it all

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 No.19077 [Open thread][Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

I know we have a stuff to watch thread, but what about stuff to read? I'm catching up on gundam and i see here and there continuations to various series, but the amout of stuff feels too much and unfocused (like the star wars books/comics garbage that they kept on releasing during the prequels).

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Just went back to this post to say that volume 5's translation got picked up by HappyScans. Now that's a thing I can deal with.

I still better start learning Nipponese because I just can't rely on translators too much.

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I looked at some panels on Google, is there an Iron Giant thing going on with it?

I like cute innocent mechs, I may give it a read if so.

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Mazinger Z never really had any innocent robots. If you want something more like Iron Giant (but it's not like Iron Giant at all; it's piloted and the whole theme is monster of the week) then try the original Mazinger Z manga instead.

Shin Mazinger Zero is a darkier, edgier reinstallment with big amounts of fanservice, and an indirect sequel to the "Shin Mazinger Shougeki! Z-Hen" show.

The further the Mazinger Z franchise goes, the darker it gets.

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I actually meant to reply to >>19084, Anon. Sorry. At first I was really confused why you were talking about Mazinger Z until I noticed I replied to the wrong post.

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I kek'd. That's okay my man.

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 No.13177 [Open thread][Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Why is this allowed?

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>still bumping

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>Still being a chupa-rola

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So the doujin's name is "Kill yourself", but who is the artist?

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You retard

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>reporting tits

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 No.19517 [Open thread][Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Saban Brands Company Shuts Down in July

Most likely due to Hasbro buying the Power Rangers from them.


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>The film's director Dean Israelite

Like pottery.

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 No.14632 [Open thread][Last50 Posts][Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

So recently I've been thinking about making a metroidvania style game based around power rangers type heroes so I'm wondering what kinds of features you guys would like to see in a game like that.

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Incase anyone cares I'm not dead. Just added a sort of rider kick today. Also I realized that if I don't have any music playing I can't get any work done for some reason.

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What type of music?

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Pretty much whatever. A while ago I was working to synthwave, nowadays its whatever video game soundtracks.

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A good soundtrack to listen to is the first Payday, that game's got great music.

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Yeah I'll check it out.

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 No.19102 [Open thread][Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

so per somebody's idea sorta there's some currently running shows over at


like most cytubes it needs the google drives userscript

I'll try to keep up with updating it since it's getting me to watch a lot more stuff.

Shinkalion: Kid pilots transforming train robot. Vaguely similar in flavor to Gyrozetter.

Lupinranger VS Patranger: Current Sentai. Rival taskforces of cops and Arsene Lupins are fighting evil crooks from another dimension.

Kamen Rider Build: Current Masked Rider. Japan is split into three rival nations. This makes Metal Heroes have drama with each other and fight. Uhh, I mean Kamen Riders. Yeah.

Darling in the FranXX. In the future Earth sucks. People live in roaming domes and monsters are running wild on the desolate surface, fought by robots that look like girls. Here's some teen pilot crap instead of that cool stuff.

Legend Of The Galactic Heroes TV: Space war series of novels that were made into a very well-regarded OVA series are now a TV anime.

Tiramisu: Comedy show about a robot space war in the way Cromartie was about high school.

Cutey Honey Universe: New tv of the franchise

Megalobox: Ashita no Joe-inspired show about boxers wearing power armor type frames

Gundam Build Divers: Gundam Build returns with MMO-style action.

And the rest!

042618 edit: unstickied this and the other one since I got the combined thread started

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>Today's double feature will be Godzilla Raids Again and Drunken Angel. I made sure both films are hard-subbed this time so hopefully there shouldn't be any issues this time around. The stream will be at 6:00 EST again so we can try out the new time a bit more. And the order will be the same as last week, lighter movie first and feature film second. As usual, there will be a ten-minute intermission between both movies and we'll start at around 5 minutes after the above time. The stream should wrap up at around 9:00. Hope to see you there.

Stream starts in a few mins at 6 PM EST - you guys always liked Godzilla so I figure you'd enjoy the stream even if it isn't Mecha Godzilla (Mecha Godzilla next sunday actually)





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I noticed you had some Godzilla threads in the catalog - should I make a new thread for the Godzilla streams or post it here or in the stuff to watch thread? Stream starting in 5 mins.

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>It's time again for Sunday Cinema. Today's double feature will be the excellent Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla, the crowning achievement of the Showa Godzilla era. Following that will be Seijun Suzuki's Fighting Elegy about seishun in Japan before the war. I watched a bit to make sure the subtitles work, and it seems like a kind of action comedy so today will be a bit more laidback than previous weeks. The stream will be at 6:00PM EST again since nobody had any complaints about it last time. As usual, there will be a ten-minute intermission between the movies. Total runtime for today will be 3 hours so we will wrap up at 9:00 as usual. I hope to see you there.

Same links as before. In 10 mins the stream starts.

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>FMP Invisible Victory

>No one dicussing this

Shit niggers

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I'm new to FMP with this series.

Was the car thing intentional? Like, in the early shows do they have cheap 00s CG cars and they're just running with that being how cars look in FMP-verse or something?

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 No.19419 [Open thread][Watch Thread][Show All Posts]


What is it?

/v/ Nominates 32 fighters to fight for the Champion's Belt and a chance to fight in the 33rd Mania where their deepest wish will be granted.

This week we're having a site wide event and we want YOU to nominate a fighter, so please pick who you think represents the board the most, and then come join us at https://cytu.be/r/8chanmania on Saturday May 6th at 2pm EST to watch your fighters win!

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not really, this is just an event for fun, we just need to agree on a character to get nominated

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okay, cool

I thought that was the basic idea, but I wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something

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This is going be a rather large undertaking for everyone involved so wednesday is the cut off

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I think we should just go with one of the Toku's. I think it'd fit better than a giant robot. Since we're almost out of time, I'll put a vote to Kamen Rider.

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[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

 No.8583 [Open thread][Last50 Posts][Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Some guys in the US built a killbot and now they want to challenge the Kuratas to a duel.

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Why did they ever think all the overly edited videos shot on expensive cameras was ever a good idea? How did they not realize they were wasting too much time and money on something that wasn't a giant fighting robot? Why did they build shit they knew wouldn't work when they would just have to build a new one that does work? Why did they not have someone in charge of the money to tell them to stop being retarded?

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 No.19392>>19393 >>19406


None of it was ever going to work, the only way to get any funding and to have any part of this work in real life was to make it look good and get people excited- and then when the actual fighting happens, fake the shit out of it like wrestling, it doesn't matter as long as people can suspend their disbelief, but it's so unworkable that they couldn't even accomplish that

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iirc the one Chris Jericho hosted seemed to be worked and it was pretty dismal too

maybe there's some chicanery to get smaller robots over, like maybe aim for 5' or so with really light metal frames, shoot it in a set designed to make it look big, and get Rey Mysterio jr to host it and let him stand next to them so they look gigantic.

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You're probably right, but it's still annoying since it feels like they went out of their way to use their money in the dumbest way possible.

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These idiots got several times their desired funding, it's their own fault they spent it all.

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 No.19316 [Open thread][Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Hey /m/ , anybody reading or watching Sword Gai, also known as the second bastard child of Toshiki Inoue and Keita Amemiya after Inoue droped acid and forgot that this isn't 2006 before Lost Child / Project Cerberus came out. Saw the anime but it was a pile of shit given it was a.)an anime original plot after some point and b.)a Netflix anime. The plot being the biggest offender since it seemed as if a drunk Toshiki Inoue cut a plot a somber Toshiki Inoue wrote, worte his own plot, cut that one up as well and then combined both of them in the most nonsensical and non-sequential way possible.

I should hate it but I unironically love it since the anime is like an anime from the early 00s trying to imitate Soul Taker and failing. It even has 00's level CG in it. But that's probably because I was nostalgic for that kind of thing and a second viewing(KEK) will make me change my mind.

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