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File: 1468383571422.jpg (83.43 KB,500x500,1:1,game.jpg)

 No.14632 [View All]

So recently I've been thinking about making a metroidvania style game based around power rangers type heroes so I'm wondering what kinds of features you guys would like to see in a game like that.

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Game design requires an understanding of how games work on a mechanical level. Can you articulate how you want your game to play? Do terms like frame data mean anything to you?

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Has anyone here actually made a game?

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It's /m/, not /agdg/, so probably not.

But in fairness, OP is just asking for ideas and that's something nobody is giving him.

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File: 1468543530446-0.jpg (130.25 KB,566x800,283:400,Megaman.Zero.full.1549156.jpg)

File: 1468543530446-1.png (481.97 KB,528x336,11:7,abaremax2.png)


>Has anyone here actually made a game?

Only MUGEN :^)


>I'm wondering what kinds of features you guys would like to see in a game like that.

Well obviously since we're talking about a team of super heroes I think it'd be cool if each one of them had a unique ability or quirk, kind of like Megaman and Zero in the later Megaman X games. Since you're talking about a Metroid-style game, you could make some very interesting level design that requires the player to switch between characters and make use of the entire team. Imagine say, using a flying hero to get to remote locations, and then switching to a bulky hero to break through walls and find a secret.

I'd also like to add that there's so many of these metroidvania type games already and I'm surprised that not a single one of them has combat mechanics directly from fighting games. I'd love to see a game like Metroid with KoF-style combos and supers, and toku would be the perfect aesthetic for this since you're constantly fighting hand-to-hand with enemies of your own size.

What do you have in mind, OP? What's your favorite toku game?

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File: 1468548172370.png (24.51 KB,720x160,9:2,Kamen Rider.PNG)


>I'm surprised that not a single one of them has combat mechanics directly from fighting games

Symphony of the Night has a mish-mash of specials like that AoF multipunch, the quarter circle-ish projectiles, that stuff

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Well pretty much I was watching goranger a while ago and I saw that a part where I think midoranger or akaranger wa only attacking after he had deflected an attack so I want to have something like that where if you press the deflect button right before an enemy attacks they will be open to counterattack, webm only sort of related because I deleted all my goranger.

Anyway I know stuff like that has been in action games before but I'm not trying to reinvent the wheel here, just make a fun metroidvania with a bit of toku fanservice.

As for KoF style combos and stuff I think that would make it a bit to tedious to fight regular enemies with such elaborate ways considering theres lots of backtracking and fighting the same enemies over again in metroidvanias and I think being able to quickly dispatch your enemies while moving quickly is important. Although maybe I'll do something like that for a sequel or something down the road I don't know.

And last I don't really play any toku games, theyre usually all subpar beat em ups.

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File: 1468965902952.webm (5.49 MB,960x720,4:3,Battle Cossack.webm)

forgot webm

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the SPD game for the GBA is a nice enough subpar platformer/beat-em-up, and there's little to indicate that it isn't Dekaranger

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I guess I'll just bump this since I took the game off of the backburner recently.

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Are you the OP?

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Yeah im still here.

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Are you a game dev or a programming hobbyist? Either way I'd be interested to see what you'll come up with, assuming you ever finish this.

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I guess I can only say programming hobbyist because I don't have a job in that field yet but I did go to college for three years.

But anyway I started the game the summer before my third year and then stopped when school started and only a couple of months ago have I started over again.

I posted my progress in the agdg demo thread on /v/ a while ago but I guess no one cared much cause I didn't get any replies. Doesn't really bother me though because I didn't really have much to show, I was just looking for feedback on a few things.

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Can you show us any progress of how it's going?

Do you have any art done or is it all programming so far?

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Right here


And yeah most work has been programming so far because i suck at art.

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There we go


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Jeez its too early in the morning



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File: a45b1d4778101ce⋯.png (1.1 KB,302x158,151:79,fire.png)


>linking off-board

If anybody reads this thread a month or two down the line those will all be green.

Anyway, I tried fixing up your fire sprite. I'm not good at spriting but I tried.

You've got it the wrong way around, fire is bright in the middle and gets darker as it spreads out.

You should try to limit your color palette to around 64-256 colors, otherwise it can get up looking really messy if you don't know what you're doing.

You should also avoid solely using bright colors. Trust me on that.

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Thanks man, do you mind if I use that?

And yeah for my palette I usually just go 4bit in graphics gale and it gives me 16 basic colors. As for the bright colors, are they too grating on the eyes?

>linking off-board

Alright if anyone wants to take a look at what I got its here:


That's basically just my test area made into a short demo. Pretty much everything Ive coded so far is used in it. If you have a controller it should work with it as well. I recommend any sort of snes imitation controller or anything like that.

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>Thanks man, do you mind if I use that?

Go ahead

>As for the bright colors, are they too grating on the eyes?

There's nothing wrong with using bright colors, in honestly I probably made that fire a bit too muted, the problem is that you're only using bright colors. There's no shading or contrast to counteract it.

As for that demo? Feels off, the jumping needs major tweaking. Very floaty, when you hit a ceiling you hover there instead of bouncing back down. Sometimes you'll want to make a small jump, but you seem to only have two jump heights. Most good platformers have a simple mechanic where how long you hold the button affects how high you jump. I also don't like how holding down space makes you bunny hop.

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I meant to say one other thing about that fire, there isn't any detail so it looks messy. You can get away with bright colors if you've got detail.

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Changed the jumping. Hows it feel now?

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You posted just as I checked the board, what a coincidence.

It's certainly better, still floaty but better. Fine-tuning a game's controls can take a long time, so you should try messing around with it for awhile until it feels right. It should be the first thing you get right before doing anything else in the game.

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Alright I'm back. I changed the jumping to something you might like now, added a new enemy, updated the code for blocking, and made dashing not affected by gravity I cant remember if I had it like that before but if was, it isn't now

Give her a go.


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Certainly feels a lot better, I'd be more comfortable playing something like that for awhile than the previous versions.

Do you ever ask for advice on ADGQ over at /v/? They could help you with a lot of stuff. Specifically level design, that's the part that makes a lot of games like this fall flat.

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>ask for advice on ADGQ over at /v/?

No not really. Considering no one there has completed a metroidvania, as far as I know, I figure they're in the dark as much as me. I guess it wouldn't hurt to ask though. But sometimes I write down some of the things I find in "things you love finding in games" threads, so you can rest assured there will be a secret cave behind some waterfall at some point in the game.

But even so, I haven't put in all the functionality I wanted yet anyway so I haven't taken a serious crack at putting in some good level design yet.

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Small update. Enemies at half health or less and while stunned can now be grabbed, held, and thrown with S key or Y on controller.

Also I'm still open to feature suggestions.

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Deep outfit/character/super powers/weapon customization would be really great.

At least just make the game fun and challenging.

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>At least just make the game fun

You say that like it's easy.

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File: 859c57c8ba79006⋯.mp4 (624.18 KB,640x360,16:9,2018-03-30 16-05-56.mp4)

Working on a chaining lightning attack.

Wont look exactly like that when its done though.


>At least just make the game fun and challenging

Yeah no problem.

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What are you gonna do for sound effects in this game?

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Famitracker. So It will sound like an NES game.

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File: 67c1363b82fe492⋯.gif (19.46 KB,495x352,45:32,pixel2.gif)

File: 6f17c40ce5444e4⋯.gif (187.69 KB,495x351,55:39,pixel3.gif)

Would you be able to "lock" the pixels onto a grid?

It's hard to explain but the #1 reason a lot of newer pixel-based games look awful is because the pixels are freely moving around instead of how they moved in old games.

See gif 1 compared to gif 2 to see what I'm talking about.

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File: 3886e8ef6786c46⋯.png (33.9 KB,1263x686,1263:686,a whole epoch in mspaint.png)


Apply a filter over everything that's being drawn on the screen that puts the pixels in a fixed grid depending on how much of a freely moving pixel is under a cell of the grid?

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File: eac138c712e3c7c⋯.png (3.39 KB,184x156,46:39,unpixelated.png)

File: cfc22ff96d77145⋯.png (3.31 KB,184x156,46:39,pixelated.png)


That could work, but wouldn't it cause some artifacting?

Let's use this Terraria screenshot for example. If I do that, it does all fit onto the same grid, but it also heavily distorts the image.

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But why did it change the color of the outline?

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The image was indexed for some reason, it picked the closest color it had available.

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I'd have expected the process to just translate the whole sprite for its pixels to fit the grid.

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File: 3272f5c82b8e86d⋯.png (10.49 KB,878x651,878:651,grid.png)


I'll show you what's actually going on.

The sprite is caught halfway between the grid, so it averages out the colors in order to fit them in. It's just looking at the projected image, nothing else. It can't force the entire sprite into the grid because it doesn't know where the sprite begins and ends, it's only averaging out everything into that grid.

It's averaging out the other colors as well but those don't get affected because they're within the grid.

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Damn, I thought it'd be possible to apply the process to the sole sprite and not the sprite+background. Maybe you'd need to transform the sprite pixel by pixel using the rule I've explicated in the diagram.

If not maybe you could increase the sprite's velocity (i.e. the minimal number of pixels the sprite moves by – in >>19340 it would be 16 for the left's movement and 1 for the right one) to match your pixel grid cells' size.

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Well what I'm doing is taking a screenshot and applying basic pixelization to it, I'm sure you could make it work differently should you be able to adjust things in the back end.

Try what you were planning and see if it works.

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File: ad51a0e64c17962⋯.png (3.25 KB,184x156,46:39,a gazillion microseconds i….png)


Your pixelization algorithm shouldn't output the average, but keep the colors that were already in place. You can do it algorithmically by checking, for a given cell in your pixel grid on top, what colors are under it and pick the one that fills up the largest area of the cell.

This is basically what you do when you scale down and back up your image using what I think is called nearest-neighbour interpolation: it "forces" the pixels onto the grid.

I'll admit this is a convoluted way of doing it but I'm not familiar with the engine you use.

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The game is rendered internally at 240 by 420.

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How's progressing going, devanon?

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Slowed down for a few weeks because I was busy with D&D stuff. But Ive started up again today.

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Incase anyone cares I'm not dead. Just added a sort of rider kick today. Also I realized that if I don't have any music playing I can't get any work done for some reason.

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What type of music?

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Pretty much whatever. A while ago I was working to synthwave, nowadays its whatever video game soundtracks.

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A good soundtrack to listen to is the first Payday, that game's got great music.

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Yeah I'll check it out.

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