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 No.949356 [Open thread]

Remember when isekais didn't had videogame mechanics? Remember when the MC didn't spawn with all kinds of OP powers?

Last thread >>>/animu/52091 http://archive.is/D2VWo

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Is Darwin's Game an Isekai? This is the first I've sat through in some time. I usually hate anything that resembles it, but for some reason, this has been tolerable. The premise is just as tacky as Isekai, but at least the "game" and it's rules remains in the real world.

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File: 6425058e602233d⋯.jpg (69.2 KB,900x350,18:7,now_and_then_here_and_ther….jpg)

File: bb6fc195e3f5158⋯.jpg (30.89 KB,378x550,189:275,now_and_then_here_and_ther….jpg)

Now and Then, Here And There

I rarely ever see this masterpiece mentioned, so I need to throw out the summary real quick.

In this Isekai, a kid named Shuzo "Shu" Matsutani comes across a water deity named Lala Ru from another world on top of an Industrial Chimney. They both immediately get attacked and pulled back to her planet (or possibly earth in a very far future), and he discovers that she tried running away because her world is one big Mad-Max desert completely deprived of water after some catastrophic event rendered it barely habitable (and everybody wants a piece of her because of it). He'll have to face months of learning to face greedy dictators, familiar faces, giant floating LED Lamps, and the tremendous horrors kids in Somalia face every day, while Lala Ru slowly learns to feel empathetic for humans again after they've been literally using her up dry for eons.

It's as every-bit as awesome sounding as it looks. I'm just looking for your opinions on this "one-of-a-kind" flare of sci-fi (with a slight pinch of "magic") goodness.

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I want a reverse isekai where a low level mage gets dragged into our world and levels up skills like [Conference Call] and [Financial Wizardry].

Level 8 Entrepreneur: Can now recruit Indian programmers with 30% less up-front investment.

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I don't get the point of isekais being their own genre

>lets have a story but at the beginning the MC comes from another world

like whats the point

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>The Devil is a Part Timer

It's pretty interesting to watch once you get past the ridiculous premise, and the poorly done romance.

Speaking of which, I'd be interested if they pulled of a lot more reverse-isekai's.

Like an Elf who gets pulled into Iceland, and immediately becomes a Citizen because they have a real law there that says so (look it up, I'm not kidding).

Or a friendly rebellious Leprechaun who decides to finally leave his underground borough to "the forbidden side", and receives the biggest culture shock when he finds Modern Ireland is nothing like what it was 300 years ago (before it was forbidden to go out, and hand away shoes every full moon). The entire reason they shut themselves out could be the fear that the "Stealers Talún Inbred ón taobh eile den Mhuir" would execute them in the name of god, and take their gold or something.

Or maybe one of those Strong Warrior Dwarves who somehow ends up sent to the future (From whence it was just different enough to be considered a different world. The kind that can be used for Planet of the Apes parodies.) to the Modern-day Balkans where he ends up finding out that the world ain't so different 500 years in the future (considering he's sent to about a decade after the war collapsed most of the economy). A story about learning to appreciate the simple in life, and what not...

But I'm just throwing out free ideas because I'm bored as all hell...

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File: be5915dd9e5406a⋯.png (250.17 KB,573x585,191:195,200411213505717515.png)

 No.955453 [Open thread]


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File: daca5fd5c51aa62⋯.png (3.23 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

 No.955438 [Open thread]

What are you downloading this time? You know the drill. 72 hours left! 75char

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File: e7296a8b8a09a04⋯.png (721.67 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

 No.955381 [Open thread]

Was thinking about rewatching this piece which at the time I had rated a 1/10 to see how it holds up. I remember almost nothing about it.

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I got about halfway through this back in 2008 or so. It was around the same time I discovered filterman, actually. It wasn't really bad, I just wasn't very impressed. It was kind of up its own ass.

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Ergo Proxy is still the same snorefest as before, OP. There are better 2deep4u shows to watch.

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File: d86a8f46cbb3799⋯.png (139.46 KB,500x724,125:181,dub_sub_learning_japanese_….png)

 No.955402 [Open thread]

Most of the time, it has to be all Japanese, or none at all.

Consider it this way:

Whenever a Sub is made, it's almost never acknowledged how everybody understands each other (even if they are from different countries) in some anime (or how they can all speak Japanese). They never explain if they're actually using another language (and we don't know about that), or if everybody is some kind of perfect w€@b00 (no offence).

Dubs are only good if they portray a country and characters outside of Japan, but they never make the Japanese characters in them sound like they're supposed to (am I suppose to assume that they get those perfect American accents from studying in New York or something?).

Anyway, my point is that it would be much smarter to combine Subs and Dubs in some cases to acknowledge the logically realistic language barriers between some characters (nowhere is this more apparent than Jojo Stardust Crusaders, as one of many examples, or Black Lagoon, where a dub makes sense, except for the part where the one Japanese member talks like an American apparently), and I rarely ever see it properly played out.

I think a fantastic example is what they did in Kite (you know, Quentin Tarantino's favourite Hentai) where the twins she has to kill later (and their bodyguards) are voiced by actual Americans (with Japanese Subs, in a twist of Irony), or Christine Robbins from Itazura na Kiss (along with all of the tourist scenes).

Does anyone else share my dumb sentiments?

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Everything in Japanese, even when the discussion is in foreign country --- don't see that as really an issue.

I have the belief that the language used in I.G's 'Real Drive' was 'actually' in English, considering the artificial island's community being high-tech internationals (..some of the characters came from/hung out in Australia, too..) and there wasn't that much Nippon culture around ...but the show used Jap... well, it's a story for a Japanese audience. Whinging over that is no different than American-made movies about ancient Greece.

Shitty "Pokemon voice actors" on Dubs. Yes. No-one but weak-minded normies want that shit. Note however that Asian English-language classes and schools push American English. I have an Australian mate who taught English in South Korea for 3 years, and it was a strict condition to do Seppo Accents and spelling.

And certainly dubs and reverse-subs are already in use-- recall the trope about a high-school student encountering a Gaijin asking for directions.

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File: 5858344002fc8e4⋯.jpg (121.9 KB,1440x800,9:5,ShachouBattlenoJikanDesu_E….jpg)

 No.954235 [Open thread]

Oh look, Hatsune Miku is in an adventure anime.

Miku sure knows how to kill monsters and all that jazz.

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The character was also in the 7th Dragon 2020 games that came out on the PSP. Rescuing her unlocks a vocaloid music mode for the game.

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That's interesting to know.

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why are the men in this show so girly? if not for the voice actors it'd be safe to assume that anyone with a flat chest is a girl.

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Character designer must have spent all his time on girls and didn't learn how to draw broad shoulders, Adam's apples and manhands.

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File: 468fcc9b0cab395⋯.jpg (565.47 KB,1280x720,16:9,_HorribleSubs_Shachou_Batt….jpg)

Never thought the series would get a thread here.

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 No.955103 [Open thread]

Anyone anons miss this show?

Anyone wish for a season 2?


>tfw no doll waifu that will come to life and love you forever

I-It hurts.

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Manga is pretty short, and the anime covered all of it. Season 2 never ever.

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Wasn't manga axed?

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I think it was meant to be a short story seeing as how the anime went into production some time after the manga ended.

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I think the author was struggling with 3~ series when he finished it, but the first volume of the sequel came out around the same time as the anime ended.

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It turns into haremshit though that was expected I guess seeing the many girls got introduced. Shame.

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File: b3e7d7e0ec3553c⋯.png (477.69 KB,1022x1535,1022:1535,We /a/ now.png)

 No.949872 [Open thread]

Starting this off with my personal work and shamelessly copy-pasting the OP from /animu/'s drawthread


>Constructive criticism is encouraged. Flames are not!

>Drawfags have the right to turn down requests. They will draw whatever they want and interpret the request however they like.

>Most importantly, for all artists, requesters, and lurkers alike; HAVE FUN!

Feel free to upload your work here:

http://8-booru.booru.org (Old)

https://ourobooru.booru.org (New)

Also if you wanna change the font on this pic, then by all means do it please. I suck at that shit.

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File: a11ce9948653875⋯.png (257.71 KB,757x425,757:425,6_foreplay_tips_to_blow_hi….png)


>Well I'm probably pretty rusty period so I'm likely not good now. I used to pretty good at still lifes and portraits, and alright at landscapes. Perspective and shading came along pretty well. But I didn't spend a lot of time seriously trying to draw stuff that I wasn't looking at beyond doodles and cartoons.

Life drawing and portraits are good drawing fundamentals, so i believe that you're pretty much mastered it. The rusty period can be shaken off with some practice, and it shouldn't take a long time to re-gain your skills back, provided that you've kept the knowledge intact. I mean a decade of vacuum is along fucking time, but i wouldn't worry about it though.

>Yeah it's significantly cheaper than Wacom, this is like $400 whereas the previous-gen Wacom at a similar size is like over 1500. At that price even if it just sits on my desk as an extra monitor and I touch up low-effort memes with it instead of a mouse I wouldn't be upset, so I'm not really worried about not sticking with and regretting it.

Damn, that's sounds fucking great.

>Mainly asking about specific hardware recs.

Well i'm going to drop the ball here and just say that i don't know jackshit about hardware. Sorry anon, i'm a poorfaggot who still uses his drawing tablet from high school.

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Appreciate the response, I think I'm going in.

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OR here

omg, thank you very much, i love it!

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Requesting a butt view of Serena in the Pokemon anime wearing Ash's clothes from XY in a pose like the one below of her ref.

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File: 91541ab9770430f⋯.png (33.25 KB,772x172,193:43,4cuck.png)

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File: ebf799969b6033c⋯.jpg (28.1 KB,255x391,15:23,WoT01_TheEyeOfTheWorld.jpg)

 No.955099 [Open thread]

Is there any anime/manga series that created a world as length and in depth lore as Discworld, Dune or Wheel of Time?

I'm not looking for a series that just keeps pumping out content but high amounts of world building as well.

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File: aa89f3f09c75a3f⋯.jpg (131.83 KB,1500x900,5:3,iGqvGch.jpg)


Not well.

If you liked Mort and Equal Rites then the rest of the series is closer to them than the first two. That being said, Mort remains my favorite and some of the later ones never quite hit that peak... but the tone is the same and the humor is generally worthwhile.

Best Rincewind book to start is probably Eric.

Death series is solid, although I didn't much care for Reaper Man. Still my favorite of the bunch.

Guards! Guards! was also pretty meh, but it establishes the characters of The Watch and everything afterwards is great, especially Feet of Clay and Jingo.

Pyramids and Small Gods are both standalone and are excellent.

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File: 15c2c338ea71e5f⋯.png (1.52 MB,850x1133,850:1133,ClipboardImage.png)

Watch A Certain Scientific Railgun seasons 1 & 2. Then watch Index and prepare to have your mind blown by the deep lore. It's best to start with Railgun because it deals more with the side of things the in-universe average joe is going is to see.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Don''t forget A Certain Scientific Accelerator

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File: 55b29c29bb92309⋯.gif (1.4 MB,540x406,270:203,6907873.gif)


>Grancrest Senki had some cool world-building.

Try Lodoss War

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I've been meaning to watch this for a while now.

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File: bb73ffb9cc8af56⋯.png (708.13 KB,1007x569,1007:569,Sydney_Colony_Drop_Unicorn.png)

 No.949186 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Reminder that Australia is dead and Zabi did nothing wrong.






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When Full Frontal dies there's some weird Newtype bullshit where Lalah and Amuro speak to the fragment of Char's... soul? psyche? that's been clinging to Frontal, telling him he needs to let go and move on, at least from what i remember, so it's ambiguous, they might have just become one with the Newtype life stream or some shit, but they are pretty much dead.


Reminder that most aussies think Ghiren did nothing wrong, since most would welcome a colony drop on Sydney as it would kill all the politicians

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Sydney isn't the capital you dolt, it would kill about half of the immigrants but take 3/4s of the nation's wealth and education with it and leave the federal pollies untouched.

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>Sydney isn't the capital you dolt

It's the capitol of New South Wales, but I wasn't aware that Canberra was the capitol of the whole country. I've heard of Melbourne, Perth and Brisbane before, but never Canberra.


>they might have just become one with the Newtype life stream or some shit

I actually liked how it was handled with Banagher and his father. Banagher died and was reunited with his father, but was able to return to life after that reunion. It also helped that his body wasn't vaporized. Had he stayed dead, that would have been an acceptable ending to me, because his story had closure. Had Char's Counterattack ended with at least a tombstone for Amuro, that would have been great. Even Amuro closing his eyes one last time would have sufficed.

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Is watching the original gundam from 79 required to enjoy or get zeta and zz? I've seen opinions on the chans before that those are the most interesting and best of the old 80s shows? I've seen other gundam shows before so I won't really be super lost. I'm just looking for interesting stuff to watch to past the time.

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Everyone is at the bunker dude, you won't get an answer here.

Everyone left after the Lolicalypse of 8kun, so come and join the rest of the board on the webring.

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 No.954457 [Open thread]

I didn't expect this show to be good

>oddly compelling paranormal elements

>gratuitous fanservice

>surprisingly appealing character designs

>solid animation

Let's hope they didn't blow their load on the first episode?

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The last time I watched a death game anime was Mirai Nikki, back in the day. I feel like watching something like this rn so I'll give it a try

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File: 6f8cab1f61b5ea9⋯.webm (524.28 KB,1920x1080,16:9,slash.webm)


>Mirai Nikki

>back in the day

>back in the day

I refuse to accept this.

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It came out 9 years ago anon.

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The important thing is that her vagina is exposed.

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I read the manga and thought it was decent, so that's what I expected and I got what I expected. A decent well animated show. Glad it happened.

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 No.949499 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Streams every Sunday, Tuesday, Friday at 5pm CST

Mostly seasonal anime with some older animes and also sometimes live actions.



>>9468 [ https://archive.fo/bMfHL ]



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File: 75807662337a405⋯.jpg (95.15 KB,800x581,800:581,4dc85f8469ffeea472a355559a….jpg)

Stream starting at 17:00 CDT

(that's in about 1 hour 31 minutes) - countdown https://prolikewoah.com/t/20200424T22

17:00 Kakushigoto - 04

17:23 Hachi-nan tte, Sore wa Nai deshou! - 04

17:47 Zashiki Warashi no Tatami-chan - 03

17:51 Appare-Ranman! - 03

18:15 Bessatsu Olympia Kyklos - 01

18:20 Jashin-chan Dropkick S2 - 05

18:44 Uchuu Kyoudai - 45

18:56 Suisei no Gargantia - 02

19:19 Uchuu Kaizoku Captain Harlock - 02


20:08 Moribito Guardian Of The Spirit - 22

20:33 Teekyuu - 88

20:36 Desert Punk - 01

21:00 [fin]


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File: 8b8ee98cccd7a24⋯.jpg (141.55 KB,1000x1414,500:707,b72fb993844337eaf58130bd41….jpg)

Stream starting at 17:00 CDT

(that's in about 8 minutes) - countdown https://prolikewoah.com/t/20200426T22

17:00 Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai S2 - 03

17:24 Yesterday wo Utatte - 04

17:47 Honzuki no Gekokujou - 18

18:11 Hamefura - 04

18:34 Tsugumomo S2 - 04

18:58 Shachou, Battle no Jikan desu! - 04

19:22 Gleipnir - 04


20:10 Suisei no Gargantia - 03

20:34 Teekyuu - 89

20:36 Desert Punk - 02

21:00 [fin]


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File: 04e4ed7a41411dc⋯.jpg (29.04 KB,720x404,180:101,1546151108796.jpg)

Stream starting at 17:00 CDT

(that's in about 26 minutes) - countdown https://prolikewoah.com/t/20200428T22

17:00 Jashin-chan Dropkick S2 - 06

17:23 Bessatsu Olympia Kyklos - 02

17:28 Desert Punk - 03

17:52 Suisei no Gargantia - 04


18:40 Uchuu Kyoudai - 46

18:52 Moribito Guardian Of The Spirit - 23

19:17 Uchuu Kaizoku Captain Harlock - 03

19:42 Bodacious Space Pirates - 01

20:06 Detonator Orgun Ep01

21:02 [fin]


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File: d4788976c893ad1⋯.jpg (2.53 MB,4226x6003,4226:6003,09d3e9578125faf2bf2546ae50….jpg)

Stream starting at 17:00 CDT

(that's in about 3 hours 3 minutes) - countdown https://prolikewoah.com/t/20200501T22

17:00 Hachi-nan tte, Sore wa Nai deshou! - 05

17:23 Kakushigoto - 05

17:47 Zashiki Warashi no Tatami-chan - 04

17:51 Jashin-chan Dropkick S2 - 07

18:15 Desert Punk - 04

18:39 Moribito Guardian Of The Spirit - 24

19:04 Bodacious Space Pirates - 02

19:28 Teekyuu - 90


21:01 [fin]


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Stream starting at 17:00 CDT

(that's in about 2 hours 19 minutes) - countdown https://prolikewoah.com/t/20200503T22

17:00 Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai S2 - 04

17:24 Yesterday wo Utatte - 05

17:47 Honzuki no Gekokujou - 19

18:11 Hamefura - 05

18:34 Tsugumomo S2 - 05

18:58 Gleipnir - 05

19:22 Komatta Jii-san 01

19:23 Moribito Guardian Of The Spirit - 25

19:48 Uchuu Kaizoku Captain Harlock - 04

20:12 Suisei no Gargantia - 05


21:07 [fin]


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 No.954344 [Open thread]

Ararararagi had a child and now wants to protect her from his own lewdness. It's another father daughter anime but now with no shitty fantasy setting.

The mangaka is the same guy that wrote Sayonara, Zetsubou Sensei.

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Pretty good show, reminded me a bit of Barakamon. Best one this season so far.

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When I first watched this I recognized him as Araragi but it wasn't until the end of the episode that I realized he was also Law and the kami in Noragami.

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Reminder that Kafuka lives in a harem, one of them being a mexican trap.

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Second episode out.

It feels like it's ran out of inspiration and gone to using cliches already.

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This show lacks rumba.

It lacks a lot in the musical department-- every time I watch an episode I instinctively await an awesome soundtrack...

alas, I am always the disappointed Anon...

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 No.955149 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Ron just announced Lolis are banned following talking to a lawyer



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'romance leads to sex as much as lolicon leads to child rape' was a sarcastic line by the way. Romantics won't always do or feel sexual things, lolicons won't always bring real kids into their very specific form of pedophilia.

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If you masturbate to cartoon characters resembling kids frequently, it can affect your judgment. Also lust is one of the seven deadly sins for a reason: it has very strong control over your emotions. If you get used to masturbating to the naked anatomy or likeness of a child, you'll likely start craving that, and someday you may become tired of the inconsistencies in artwork and start wanting 'the naked anatomy or likeness of a child' in something more 'real'. Even if you can practice self-control and not consume illegal CP, it's not healthy to accept wanting something that you could never morally obtain. At least not obsessively wanting it in the way of sex. As for 'only liking cartoons': if you would like to cosplay as a cartoon character or get plushies of cartoon characters to make them more real, that's better than potentially projecting your interest of cartoon lolis onto real kids. Like how lolis might help cope with craving real kids, real kids might help cope with craving lolis, and that's never acceptable. As for lust: I've failed to remove overall sexuality from my life so many times. Testosterone, the influence of my horny peers, other hard emotions outside of porn, and normalization of masturbation/sexual behavior have consistently been able to take over my rationale that sex is unimportant, one of the most controversial issues that there is, and is far more risky than it is genuinely rewarding. If lust didn't control peoples' lives, places like /r/nofap and things like chemical castration medication wouldn't exist. Not everyone wants to be a shitty person, it's just that growing past what they're stuck with can sometimes be so difficult that sometimes all they seem to be left with are: suicide, attempting crotchety therapy like /r/nofap or going to a medical professional that likely hasn't studied how to deal with pedophilia, living in a constant state of never being able to be satisfied, becoming a hermit, learning how to appear as a normal person, becoming emotionally numb to lower one's sense of morality, attempting to replace pedophilic feelings with a greater obsession, unhealthily coping through means like lolicon, or just giving in to impulse and doing sexual tPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Myb quality of living has not changed and neither has my judgement, All you are doing is projections and strawmanning.

>seven deadly sins

My shinto goddess disagrees.

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You sure your quality of life hasn't changed? Or is your dick tricking you into thinking otherwise?

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Absolute gobbledygook. All this says is that drawings can be obscene, and that obscene depictions of children are illegal.. but that explicitly and clearly means photographs. The entire vs Eychaner thing states that plainly.

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 No.949098 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

hello from /animu/

by circumstance I have become the board owner of /a/

post suggestions to improve the board here

I've just finished a very long and arduous drive so responses will be delayed.

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Why is prolikewoah down?

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>The BO is moving to a new server


>Esther a.k.a. Jim deplatformed it.

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migration is done; if you aren't seeing new posts or are getting an ssl error, close your browser, clear your dns cache and reopen the browser

>clear dns cache

ipconfig /flushdns

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Remove that stupid loli porn from the bottom right hand corner of the screen. I had to disable custom CSS because it was distracting and gross to look at.

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File: ae113c268cbf63b⋯.png (142.94 KB,1000x889,1000:889,gwen_the_xweetok_by_skull1….png)

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