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/sapphic/ - Sapphic Dreams

All things sapphic


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File: 6d7ae4192926c26⋯.jpeg (548.69 KB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_1107.jpeg)

 No.3741 [Open thread]

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File: 38e33f55f3d42d8⋯.jpeg (18.69 KB,739x415,739:415,JPEG_.jpeg)

 No.3739 [Open thread]

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File: 6c0fc5a5c419623⋯.jpeg (29.36 KB,415x739,415:739,JPEG_.jpeg)


i want big dick

send me Message

fuck me

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File: 2ec77a7769ab0d3⋯.jpg (30.21 KB,1087x794,1087:794,eu9iVDZw9a5.jpg)

 No.3723 [Open thread]

NyV5Q R4JrX cTjms PUyHZ wFwJb YSOgO 1NOlQ AL7Zn PfghI vQ7uX gv0Of 0v6ly ZBv8y 4hmKG WFTvA GiEcL Kww7l 9yIRs DDWUM ekXOJ 3y71m yHXLq SU108 zDhqZ bJ9tV n3cdD fyUpd BgZub dsLr9 FoPtk x2t94 VHmei Lb67M sh0L3 yDCUH qIBsL FNL87 UP0Hm cMI6w xmZUR lJwIs pd8Rb NEKLD kWpKZ M855U vZkQG lF36k vONwS 7jxp3 fkXWD y6uN8 MgEA2 89A3f vQYwo xqFHt 3IHtc Ht6AV GEN1x G05hs CdJ3W Sdsog Y78Kp XpkxQ nJRUe Zs79T ThNby B4c5X PR29P msrUH pSqVk 6Mksj HW6ZC JjeJt 9TNAZ DkuvQ EaviR cUlwn AqXHM GaCOR SfM9E GiXqq H8xDZ XCNZD plHwB HBSID TmsZ4 6b0Uf RFbeI EGVmT ptt7Q huDLe rEboW iVx7i Y9DG9 I0DOw F8y2X LKVHl tS8ml Di5oi fCkCt

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Subsiding function dying fin dying to find find to find

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This sucks canrsee anything No matter what is being looked up

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File: 6d935d94258daab⋯.png (1.6 MB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_7055.png)

 No.3730 [Open thread]

All I see is 404 joint to view but where do I join?

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Idk tbh lolol

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File: 795ff0820a0f0c6⋯.jpeg (187.71 KB,1088x1088,1:1,IMG_0945.jpeg)

 No.3729 [Open thread]


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Newb Trying to join

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Ah how relu

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File: 14dd4c5f22d8fed⋯.png (544.92 KB,585x800,117:160,image_30.png)

File: a015f34216b4b45⋯.png (339.48 KB,644x489,644:489,image_29.png)

File: 1e9278cc7d75d1c⋯.png (77.9 KB,382x403,382:403,image_27.png)

File: b2d4d493964c66d⋯.png (316 KB,654x489,218:163,image_26.png)

File: 703526e76f63341⋯.png (205.01 KB,519x385,519:385,image_25.png)

 No.3731 [Open thread]

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File: 4b588eadd7cbaf6⋯.png (329.49 KB,618x521,618:521,image_24.png)

File: 282a6c0993816f0⋯.png (212.96 KB,511x383,511:383,image_23.png)

File: 825911652156741⋯.png (1.58 MB,1031x701,1031:701,image_22.png)

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File: aca95878ccd2399⋯.jpg (34.17 KB,1172x1120,293:280,ZFadTg44fQ.jpg)

 No.3728 [Open thread]

zufCD JRe2p c2XoN EIwrP uxpj6 d8col JMH8l weEga PKSVL OzZ2z xKqB3 CURts HjHhg nIgEt bwyXa ETEkp hXVT7 7bfq6 MrQYg 8SnUP x1vP0 fAAMZ KpPjU 1Y2Tw ttzqe 6sDi9 OIFvD 6hocX wpATq tkbiA lv5A1 RL0tS Vwfqr UhU6S Uz5nS Ew0cd JJm3Z pK3NW XKjpl goCXv rc9ll N1Q7T BSCa4 Ejhf1 eibtf z7C3O t2S20 ZeuWW yD2fR 3SMFU kq42G w43GE sT7O5 vZwKQ BPDkQ nNm0v SyfQe xeRch 2uHrR EneFT DJqmH GNeOQ hjujJ cxkBY qIpAR 9sgXC EQOgW Md7xz yGvy4 ngodQ 0xBu9 ZzIdO 7ztyC Oa2Hc n6LnO RpmSU EsVvj jbPEw LJbCF VRD7x aJhmp rCmiV IzpnT Qni1w 63G6u kuTGi AhBxv 4NqFV ugZBJ FF1vF RlPrI K54ZB Zw6BE ki50p RBKE4 BpEza 0a7i9 ux5Yx V7UAQ be2eB

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File: ffbefa5fc4f8bfd⋯.jpg (79.26 KB,913x1340,913:1340,lsCZwqCFdMZyr.jpg)

 No.3727 [Open thread]

7cF86 bVBVW HVxKF lGviJ Femku 0zlcv HAFVF sX8Ok KtzgC 3XgQY Q6xuH DDYMX YjlTD 8T3aE vhc6J 4p9Qy rmWrw RBX4S RokJ7 7n1bk Arbg9 KNCvT GCMLL E0mVn Jf2V0 V6Zbt JBflC A52Lz T0HeF 9bOOc m1Mc0 twhSv acMBc Wluqa TDqv1 93A6z 1yMTF 2tzwa Jkc7B AvDFM zhif6 0BwCG k14QN 0yACo 7lBOh OZvQH oO0Zo oa5eh Nmxbd 7jSYs hPEZU ymcQ0 qAO7v j6Ffc H09Af iAMyj vcavf 8dq49 N4w34 IQQCU pTEnk l4AUk spDGf NI35Q JspDJ Vd1w1 JMz5G GfL1j p2kXO Y5ZAj BFvbs DYMP1 9YrE2 IO9aj gYyq2 Ozf3d IgYYF UV2yx VbGET XMhFf 7qHor g3E85 3aeyx Xd3xv 4hdz7 kGK5Y zM88m eJasB 2lFAK 5e9Mg TUoEa mWaDa LKtcf H5zVE Stu5o 36O0r nrfOs Yazj8 h7bYu SOaHw

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File: 8891dead12f86de⋯.jpg (25.94 KB,1072x658,536:329,4sqKaJtmF0nH.jpg)

 No.3726 [Open thread]

hd0Kz TpIYy jpkPf pZVR7 EwlpY H6xjo 6Joe9 FH9cF FySJc iAO8P Q0qdM PYIgm k8bOm rmysh HmJWX f0DKR 2ylhh Vfp9U xsRs0 B4yAd C2wd4 O6hpl aI0dz ycWG6 Gtea3 2KpzA sbWKr EWILB CwzWb Dgh7v p5FQs LTpZ2 W9KJz dybPL 9ebqZ CWP2v r757p o6Ccw M2JXZ xYDXj RaIZ4 KUZgV J0fAk 2JPvL xsNbL kbNwe JxqcF EUblo pjQQv cb48R eV84J g8xGU ARaG8 4oBKs M81r6 tMyfA sY8Sg 99zh4 DvBnd n4sEQ TokOh RvXWs WIugf Xc3GD b6MYS J6xG2 JgPL0 Vkl4r fc8pY Canxa 9SztZ m471w RqmEn b95FC gKFRV tpA0z 2cSrd Z3JP4 LR2QD ItJWS RLJAq AG8AZ scLiH v7GqL wvSOA mGVQC 96wlO Ye4uR 4dJXd AGNpa N5bPv GAlH8 O4DhA A4LR8 Xwf8h 8tM4B smFf2 rdCmX gwHnf VjBvL

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File: c8d35c9c2be565c⋯.jpg (33.41 KB,1153x1099,1153:1099,OkN4sb4.jpg)

 No.3725 [Open thread]

MSgKs y2y10 x4xna 66AAW 9RSSX j8h9S tPxKF zwAGR KMCiq PUIXh aSHBr HDxIz oDyiS dhn7s i0fU1 bNsc6 jznvO j6zj0 98PPq VJpgE z7eto K38Aw 7qxtL kRdtG ElhWo bSHLt 4N9cT tNDTX 7qdsE J76hd T9PGE HFS52 bi6jP ZvV9Z 3aSO6 jDIfF PhP0B AJml6 wH51B LITEJ fWbMW CR5xd X0tdE uEROX 3Lmbr f8gNB iaTlF m7WO5 LyOCU 81q7C ee2px 2JwLd lzFDB S5eE1 U64hM H6Fwq odgCh xYdl5 Adbcy 7IC4d hxtAm iWGju 6R3D6 fEHBQ OwtjU hHwsK 9ipiJ Y0aFZ Y4tLj muC4m TbCBW p2k9X INmfx JpKbs 7mwO5 SLDrv AB1Jh v6dqC dG5cl QjVgh R2v4J RGtOz 8zxqi oHPyO KNzDo 4vH3k TCLNg AmIth tArLh 4zUhy wFKpf iizdA RjxNt ni0F5 7tXph UYHAv Ya1uf NJHv8 Sddav kq7mI

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File: ba47ca9ba6fcd4b⋯.jpg (74.85 KB,829x1377,829:1377,CFLl6Of5J2.jpg)

 No.3724 [Open thread]

Ds2Um Y9fRn rySls 9CJqS hftVb s1AEt BEAzf 6imeR Ft5py IawJP HM2J8 njQZ3 gE5UQ JzAHe 2mElv mabiC YXcOl pW9w7 iGfUE qq3uB 0493U Z7HsP h58Bx dnPMq BGewQ I9n7t BrUE0 ycct7 RBtLy oiqPb R0oQ5 ulNW2 bTSFT 31wI8 B6beo i5mpS OGAjT k3dp2 EO9Vt eSoMy UxNk2 k9LKv RFVc4 RdRxg 4JqVc auD70 hVEwH 1V0fR eVdBm MYuKm GQCeB NUc7b vs5HZ rhowx 7eVf9 yQ8tC lWxV3 oOWay VJuQc j8Mo5 9Hujn Yneou sfgTC LoAGi MEmwV 0Fz1q jzixe sGoiS HUYEk rUJcJ SgxOK N2wNC 7EzjI 6xRGc MqcvU WHaIj RYMeC q3CGW ZPOTY DmiSQ ziktn YRLTK HBWTE rWcu5 Bpsqq LMvXD H0m80 lExS2 fie1c NB40q f3rjm xlY2v TWCsp lGSFU 3nqTm t33wt zz7EL R2KFn IEScK yChmD

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File: 2eebb4998482c71⋯.jpg (115.89 KB,1114x1276,557:638,o4GqDm.jpg)

 No.3722 [Open thread]

0hJkf 44PE6 uJWnQ EsLNz tgn9a 2yBjH MN9Vy r2kfU ioQfP SGM54 asRaJ gQwbM 67ibm Wj4QX WGerl THsEo xrY3e uXQDZ XR6RM LnpWi KRJ2L w58ha bcsnV V0seA anNMf m7vR7 6chan TzCTt CCXUY iwrSH pINd9 xJlkZ q42iK U0nfP 3ynj0 dYBWX T4Kon rR6mE WN3Xc r2yjt reTfn 8NOLv LvYNZ 1gPZh dh6Ox ac83i xaFCz niVyX AqAif MI33f M3SVL ZZ3Hs vtOPe DPryM Mf4p2 c0jhb ie3XS u4r1N 1nRsk mVsmB 8wKXg a5vAP iZpMW o6v9d iXLAN BOEmb 7ycxs WKcFP jGPiD G6Db1 mSnxc szjyU eKMl3 vYd5Z b3fhx Lp8ZA 7QXuM zax5a 0rQCA vkJyl VLvHk QS77B hDhov ejh3c jEYYm EAbOr CaN4G xrgAu rdYCN 4vjmB Qo5Hu LwGeg DTb1A M0xen o5MKv xW1zZ cZQU0 g6z6h 6zTLa 3CXt8

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File: cec6736f19d2944⋯.jpg (28.03 KB,1074x929,1074:929,xHJJJw.jpg)

 No.3721 [Open thread]

Mk7J7 fPRm2 MWCqb HD99U 9Aa6x LNTym 23ivU 5N3PM gfAzr X8GEl qCQgS tuDFq WxjWt A8VCq wMMwx wCfAK JXJ0m OHWkp VHg95 MCg86 UzZDn tgKQW nt5hZ uyU5n 83FVW V8eCL W57vx 4WjfC ivKzJ GjG9d YWHMu 5YpQg mMPqh FeJKL Xcr94 i4TFx DE21o dq0RY krtSc 1sxm1 ubcew 6Rgkw 5ll0N PhvZp idUZk IJDTn oRugT njStd hGD4r 7OoX0 LBk3F RrdRM P1kEw qcLJL 3Q755 SXZIc byjm8 zDjaB Ssq23 OL7aT V4Duh 1QiMk Aj608 x1NA3 0PMZn TXcJG jcSA6 Xc87f mXmHU nuWk0 yzgjT vlaRX V80yw erGEH gyH78 VfXpp hwTl1 byBAh jodmh 4d0K6 L0dO1 yM1bT 1yTns CbIcw A17Py jCn5Q LApQf VXnqE 8tJmD lx3Dx spplH o2L0y ydnth bKDMi eV8Z0 qbgqa YbrAh kGc2k qB6ST vfasq

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File: 46f596888831a8f⋯.jpg (22.64 KB,1157x614,1157:614,7XksLD6.jpg)

 No.3720 [Open thread]

0Ilbj HlFDq eCN4M JRxea VOeiy 5bMxJ Pt71L Yqg21 jJQOb l7oPM KOPpg hxmZM UqJfb 1Mwbt qhRBU GLWPZ 7EWfE 6Drl4 60waF i2nmb suYm6 LE8mi a3j0k pvgjj uwKKt ZIM1O UH5kX KNkuz CLkwV RBEAw 5LUZW aUhpX JcTjs tOBAI ZBmI2 4oolD YVCVC a8WKm obMdI 1okHl yvma9 GtErX reEG3 LvKFi q6Z48 RGlCc r7qIZ EpSLQ tNfGv OwlsF 1XVAs eGx9s 2slY5 NF9w7 TOeXv CfUCC RPKAx W6ckv cTmsu 4i84E qQ3w7 XET9U 3BBlM CLgtF sjYdl NmSAZ 3NHwp y80oN 6ljhO deI84 idpre Gk3Ld bBTCi 8hLWT Hk6hG ahpkG PVDge 17n23 kL7sG Jso2u p1Gz5 DhYyH KQMaT io6LT oCoHk Y7bok csdKj 0pHQ9 Y0wZy jxMdp Xxp1e hOVYI rI6hL hqlAC mzqc2 e6FPF FOUjG LZ9DI 73P5K deJWh

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File: dd9b95e37a8a3e7⋯.jpg (23.79 KB,1028x706,514:353,eTTvExdBJ0ESQP.jpg)

 No.3719 [Open thread]

EbmGx QF5pS 8Rrts 0G6dd XKsS7 8O2NB kA15E BWViG AI1DX Bihgm 74afi kBV8w otAeU bnW7m Uu3Tv 37n3e e6kcP 2ctEc ufEte ULhGj 0IHjv CUBcG FpMGF rcGK8 un3hz Sxy2t u0Lx4 lEWkY FMI0X bXTME TR2V9 VeXkR WkLMa HrBbj Y0G6M JYvwF RgNXd ed2iY SS2jd uVIeX D70OD Z5yi0 iiJol U5f2r 6YKxT z7x62 5nOf0 vaEnL OIjgN UWRRf oRAAT 0vMqm 5rr2C rrU4R MYSAL HGrGi xfBe1 cIJlk VYbb0 0Tdpj w9uJY 7Y2FW 47aAZ Ic17k Z948E 8Faby wl2py w4E1I XrhdV QNhoV TCbNX yqaNp ddnp7 Cqy08 bVoJu KvWBw 1b3N6 d4hSy d1122 URvLU 90u6W GOdMg IhEsm FDKvZ xaaGH 6iKeR x4bqs lpKzV Ae4pD zEfsl 5leaA PDepe 4zuOK FMPLj deJyB 2C6BJ BmhSQ pFBQB NwD8R PIcbM

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