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File: e2de88d4e635829⋯.jpg (39.23 KB, 275x313, 275:313, 3cf9c22cb1e2bb00faada654bf….jpg)

cfa3d2 No.312451

Here's a new thread, frens. Previous thread won't bump.

Post last edited at

23a4f3 No.312485

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I like how the mantle of the biggest lol/cow/ in the bunch is constantly changing, as new people embarrass themselves.

It started with Kraut, then we had the Soyfather, and now Vee. If he hadn't quit the internet, the Fox guy would probably be the central focus now. And I'm probably forgetting more people.

How can that community be such a mess.

Oh, and Sargon isn't at all buthurt. He's also not trying to subvert or cause infighting. Why would he need do that – the arguments are on his side!

19acc2 No.312494


>so desperate that he has to repeat unsubstantiated slander

>jews don't control anything except the alt-right

Really makes you think

cbce33 No.312500

File: 239bfbccf73e6a7⋯.jpg (481.92 KB, 600x846, 100:141, bangbusromania.jpg)


If you're gonna make a new bread prematurely at least link it in the old thread, anons are still posting in there

de1441 No.312502

>Vee: Liberalist is just a rename of Classical Liberalism and its just speeches and not a political party

>Some Furry Representative: This is a great political movement and I hope we get some good candidates at the federal level in less than 10 years

just liberalist problems

885699 No.312504



the last thread was 9, this is 10.

23a4f3 No.312505



After Vee's sperging about Alt-Hype saying Sargon is white, I'm sure he'll make a video attacking Sagon for saying Spencer is a jew.

1c008a No.312515

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


did you see his latest shit? dude literally trawls through Faulk's entire channel going back 6 fucking YEARS just trying to find something he can use to criticize Faulk. And it's literally just a video about how there's a manchild problem of grown men playing a game for hours a day meant for autistic 12 year olds.

All of this instead of, you know, just addressing the actual video Faulk made about the liberalists.

673583 No.312522

File: 40a084ea9a10c9c⋯.png (23.87 KB, 197x244, 197:244, pedo_bill_murray.png)



The JewTube™ Rational™ Skeptics™ Community™ Thread #10: OP is a massive faggot edition

07dd65 No.312527


The Gypsy was saying it was just going to be an aegis under which to organize live events.

059374 No.312530


Is the britbong a tranny? What's with the falsetto? I can't tell if he's trannying or just really good at doing the same kind of voice the one guy from Monty Python did for characters.


>the absolute state of Lizz's face

Is this another Iron Liz situation where "she" is a he?


>no happy merchant in the background



We appreciate the smokescreen, but [please purchase 8chan Premium™ to see this cocks]

27ad1f No.312534

File: f9d06ccb7e0ac06⋯.png (603.55 KB, 476x458, 238:229, vee.PNG)

>what are you lookin' at, collectivist?

885699 No.312535

File: a8f2263e86db11d⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 4729x868, 4729:868, LIBERALISM .jpg)


Posting completed version for posterity.

0a45df No.312537

File: 186f032062ca3b3⋯.png (243.61 KB, 600x657, 200:219, interesting stuff.png)

File: 186f032062ca3b3⋯.png (243.61 KB, 600x657, 200:219, what is he holding in his ….png)

File: 186f032062ca3b3⋯.png (243.61 KB, 600x657, 200:219, creative use of toilet pap….png)


I know that we can operate somewhat in the open, especially due to the fact that _____

Also, the camera that I've planted has found some interesting footage, pics related.

27ad1f No.312538

File: a649c0d25c314cb⋯.jpg (36.84 KB, 640x360, 16:9, kraut.jpg)


Kraut looks too normal in that. Maybe try this?

25e55e No.312539


Haha, sargoy trying to slander his opponents and sow discord before the debate.

25e55e No.312540

Fucking hell, I actually have to sleep now and I know some cunt is just going to sperg the fuck out the moment I close the browser.

07dd65 No.312541


It's true, I happened to catch almost certainly Vee in the last thread.

e5cf83 No.312542


He looks like an European version of mystery meat in all of his pics.

885699 No.312543


post more kraut pics. the one i used is where he looks worst imo.

27ad1f No.312544

File: 5d673a69ba86688⋯.jpg (163.6 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, kraut2.jpg)


This one is perfect

e88696 No.312545

File: e474db97de86dbc⋯.jpg (46.71 KB, 207x263, 207:263, ser.jpg)


Why is this called "#9"… TWO NUMBER NINES? It does havoc to muh tism.

885699 No.312546

File: 0489adb7caacef3⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 4729x868, 4729:868, LIBERALISM altKraut.jpg)


here you go


OP is retarded, as always.

673583 No.312547


It's bretty good. Pity zeph, louis and the furry didn't have irl pics out there.

The liberalist mods were talking about irl activism, maybe they can convince these avatar fags to show their deformed faces.

1c008a No.312550


That's because he's 1/4th kike, 1/4th german, and 1/2 eternal anglo.

23a4f3 No.312551


Perhaps change




It's the "DOCTOR" that is questionable, not the "GYPSY"

19acc2 No.312553

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It honestly still astonishes me the extent to which the liberalists have been disingenuous so far in their response to criticism, given their posturing as enlightened and open-minded.

Vid related is a six year old video Ryan Faulk made called 'Minecraft is a sign of a collapsing civilisation'. He argues for this by saying that men have an impulse to build, and they turn to minecraft to satisfy this because it's not satisfied in their everyday lives.

In Vee's repsonse, this becomes 'the Alt-right want to ban video games' (which the original video never argued for) and 'the Alt-right thinks that video games are causing the collapse of western civilisation (which he also never claimed, sign =/= cause). In Vee's mind, this makes the Alt-right just like feminists or christians because they also want to ban video games. Probably the most blatantly lying video I've ever seen on youtube.

Neither Vee nor Sargon have actually responded to the video Ryan made about their movement last week.

19acc2 No.312554


Vee's response.

Vee, if you read this thread again, do you genuinely believe this shit (and are dumb) or do you just know you're lying?

19acc2 No.312555

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Ooops, forgot to embed

673583 No.312557

File: 52c3862ffbd9079⋯.jpg (1.52 MB, 1400x790, 140:79, 1469486873853.jpg)


Thought that got debunked by halfchan, it's in the last thread #9, I didn't read it but it has the gypsy's name and that he's on leave for personal reasons.

673583 No.312560



>page 45. Stavri, Codrin Mahai, internal medicine, special clinic of infectious disease, leave of absence for personal reasons, may 1 2017

>thanks to Romanian anon on cuckchan

1c008a No.312561


On yesterday's kumite, Vee even admitted that he knew Ryan's video isn't saying what he's arguing, that he knows he's just setting up a strawman for his MUH HORSESHOE THEORY shit, and that he was doing it anyway.

That rapebaby fuck is one of the slimiest people in all of this, second only to kraut.

885699 No.312562


somebody found his name on a list somewhere, I don't think it stated what exactly his job was, but in either case he is currently a NEET and has been since May.

Any other changes I need to make because I don't want to be spamming the same slightly altered pic too much.

19acc2 No.312564


Do you remember the time, even approximately?

27ad1f No.312565

File: a4baf5c9a0413cc⋯.jpg (89.42 KB, 1200x601, 1200:601, degen1.jpg)

File: 12853e6add64aae⋯.jpg (131.66 KB, 1200x742, 600:371, degen2.jpg)

File: 0a125a090e7fb46⋯.jpg (72.8 KB, 1200x246, 200:41, degen3.jpg)

File: 0230ce2facea9b1⋯.png (428.68 KB, 500x497, 500:497, vee2.PNG)


>Neet since May

Bet he's glad he ditched that doctor's salary for patreonbux and all day vore fapping sessions

885699 No.312568


>he's a furry vore fetishist on top of everything else


885699 No.312569

File: a1cefcd5dd93b14⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 4729x868, 4729:868, LIBERALISM altKraut.jpg)

27ad1f No.312570


I spent about a half an hour last night searching through user-lists of various hentai sites and sadly couldn't find any accounts with the names "vee", "vee_monro" or "veemonro". He has to have more degenerate shit floating around out there. Sadly he deleted a ton of shit once foxdickfarms dug up his facebook

1c008a No.312571


The relevant info is in the previous thread too. A lot of his story doesn't add up. He says he works as a doctor in the micro lab of a hospital. But apparently he's been on a leave of absence since last May. I'm also not understanding his degree, which is apparently in psychology/psychiatry (don't know which because I don't speak romanian), even though he says he works/worked in microbiology? And unless things work differently over there, psychiatrists aren't a separate thing, it's a specialization for MDs you get during residency, just like pediatrician, neurosurgeon, pathologist, etc.

Yet the info we have says he went to school for psychiatry?

And it says he got his license from UMF, but you don't get a license from a school. You get a diploma, and then licensure is granted through the government.

And why would he be working in a micro lab if he did psychiatry, as his school's info on him and his final presentation indicate?

And why would he be on a leave of absence?

And why did he lie about being on a leave of absence, previously saying that he did his job (which his description seems to indicate as a residency) while also doing e-celeb shit, which we know is false?

None of this shit is adding up. Especially when combine with the shit that he's said on stream that either indicates he doesn't know jack fucking shit about medicine.

1c008a No.312573


Unfortunately no. Those streams are long as fuck and I just so happened to hear a part of it.

27ad1f No.312574


Doesn't he claim to be a lawyer too? I used to watch him back in the day two or three years ago and he always mentioned law school

1c008a No.312576


Correct, he does indeed. And law is also a licensed profession for which anyone should be able to find his info from the romanian gov't, just like with any other licenses.

27ad1f No.312577

File: c18b5ca2895711e⋯.png (972.26 KB, 818x616, 409:308, sargon cuckshed.PNG)

I never knew Sargon lived in such a cuckshed


673583 No.312578


>more degenerate shit floating around out there. Sadly he deleted a ton of shit once foxdickfarms dug up his facebook

Doing god's work anon, did you use archive.is/archive.org/google cache, etc when searching?

27ad1f No.312579


I used it to get a lot of the facebook photos which have been floating around in these threads lately. I'll try it on his deviantart and try to find a few more hentai or fetish sites he could possibly be on. Luckily he's one of the retards who using the same username wherever he goes

23a4f3 No.312580




No fun allowed, eh?


He doesn't even represent the title correctly. The title says

>"Minecraft is a Sign of a Collapsing Civilizaiton"


>"Minecraft is the Cause of Our Collapsing Civilizaiton"


It's pretty pathetic, yes.

885699 No.312582


Could he have just got a psychology degree and then worked as a janitor or something in the micro lab?

cfa3d2 No.312583


From his steam

This user has also played as:

Veeh #gamergate

Veeh #GameYoutubePro


The Butcher (not the profession)

Cucoana care

Duduia care te ocaraste



O viata de siderofaga

O viata de siderofag

0a45df No.312584


According to the link posted by >>312560 he works as an internist, which does call his claim of being a psychiatrist in question, and yes

>psychiatrists aren't a separate thing, it's a specialization for MDs you get during residency, just like pediatrician, neurosurgeon, pathologist, etc

this is how it works in Europe too, as soon as you get your medical degree, you first have to start internship (basically residency, but I have no idea if there's a difference between those two terms in some other country since both imply that you don't have your license yet and that you're still supervised by a senior MD), after which you get your specialization and license which is granted to you by the government.

673583 No.312585


He works in special clinic of infectious disease, so that fits with microbiology.

A friend of mine is a doc, and took a year off due to health issues caused by their depression.

When getting your MD, you have to a lot more than what your going for. Doesn't surprise me if he did study psychology as part of it. I'm not a doc so I'd have to ask my friend.

27ad1f No.312586


Thank you, anon. This will help me a lot

15c899 No.312587


Mind you, those Patreon bux make him pretty much live like a king in Romania, it's easy to see why he'd abandon working his ass off to get a degree that won't even guarantee employment

07dd65 No.312588


Hey there Vee. Did the Soyfather ban you from the Kumite?

27ad1f No.312589

Vee has a second deviant art, nothing on it though. His birthday is apparently March 25th though


23a4f3 No.312590

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here's some fresh #Kekistan Cancer that Skeptic DrRandomerCam put out. You might remember him from when he sperged out because Jim used "autist" as an insult. He stopped working on his animation channel but continued make these videos. Why!? That channel was actually funny! Perhaps his alcohlism worsened, and his animation channel required talent.

21821d No.312591

I've not paid attention to this stuff for a couple of days, did anything relevant happen?

I seem to understand Vee's mom has been doxed

673583 No.312592

File: 1c5afd5d1fe5e6d⋯.jpg (59.35 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1c5afd5d1fe5e6dad374f323b9….jpg)


Not vee, just want to get the facts and not jump to half assed conclusions like that faggot fox.

You're getting sloppy anon.

21821d No.312593



Isn't that from Sargon's TWIS from a month ago?

Also what's the matter with this guy and Jim?

Wasn't he the one he was mocking in his R&M video?

9a672a No.312594


This >>312500 would be her.

0a45df No.312595


Unless it works differently in Romania, he needs to complete his internship in a law firm because the state grants him a license to practice law. If he doesn't have a license to practice law it means that either he didn't complete his internship or he's just bullshitting.

27ad1f No.312596


I found a third, I repeat third deviantart


Names he uses seem to be:





Better start scouring the internet

23a4f3 No.312597

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>Isn't that from Sargon's TWIS from a month ago?

You're quite right. I didn't check the date, I just noticed that it was on the first row of videos on his channel.

>Also what's the matter with this guy and Jim?

Jim talked with some Pedo a while ago, and called him an autist. DrRandomerCam sperged out on twitter and made this vid (and later one more) because he got offended.

>Wasn't he the one he was mocking in his R&M video?


e88696 No.312598

File: 55150d1180f4274⋯.jpg (54.73 KB, 233x270, 233:270, erdgtg.jpg)


Yeah, the word around town is that she was apparently on Bang Bus in Romania. That's at least my understanding of things.

1c008a No.312599


Just to clarify here, his claim is that he works in microbiology at a hospital (even though the guys doing cultures and staining and such are not doctors, they're just lab techs and shit). He never claimed to be in psychiatry. However, the documents we have from his school say that he's in psychiatry and his final seminar was on a psych topic, which, as you pointed out, doesn't make sense since med schools don't have anything to do with post-graduate specialization.

1c008a No.312600


What exactly is Vee's claim here? Does he say he's a lawyer or does he say he just went to law school?

On a tangential note, I'm not sure how this works in Romania, but over here in burgerland, it's literally illegal to claim you're part of a profession when you don't have a license. If you claim to be a physician, or pharmacist, or dentist, or whatever else and you don't have a license, you can get pretty heavy fines for that. I assume it's the same for any claims of being a lawyer.

27ad1f No.312602



1c008a No.312603


For reference, you should know he lurks/posts here and you probably shouldn't have posted that and given the game away.

885699 No.312604


so the picture i get here is this lonely neet who has these endless pointless internet "debates", masturbates with vore hentai and spends hours upon hours playing mmo games.

what a mess.

6c3b13 No.312605


I used to be subscribed to Vee back in 2015. I don't think he claimed to be a lawyer but that he had a law degree. He couldn't get a job or didn't get enough shekels so he decided to go to med school.

21821d No.312606




How did you find her?


So he simply got triggered at an autism joke?

Does he understand that's standard internet slang by now?

Is he autistic himself?

0a45df No.312607

File: 7b5b39b9092845e⋯.png (373.52 KB, 450x720, 5:8, Renge_Thinkens.png)


Making your graduation paper focused on a field of specialization isn't strange, at least here, dunno how it is in the US. If you do something like this it means that you'll most likely choose that specialization in your postgrad internship. The weird thing here is that the university itself said that he's in psychiatry. I did some digging and the undergraduate and graduate programs are the exact same as in my country in all Romanian medical universities - those being medicine, dental medicine and pharmacy, and specialization is handled under the postgraduate degree where you choose an internship in any field of specialization that you choose. From there I'll go on a limb and say that you get your dentist's and pharmacist's license from a different government institution from which you get your license as an MD because that's how it works here, but speculating about that is irrelevant. Maybe it's just something that's lost in translation and it looks like they equated him doing a final paper on psychiatry as him studying in a psychiatry degree?

885699 No.312609


he's talking about WoW raids that would last 3 and a half hours. this was back oin a 2013 post.

Did he go "on leave" to play vidya?

27ad1f No.312610

File: d4446d3baa74404⋯.png (9.06 KB, 990x112, 495:56, ENLIGHTENMENT.PNG)

File: 1ed92056021b119⋯.png (19.26 KB, 1197x171, 7:1, SWIMMING.PNG)

File: 989b806f16c4e3b⋯.png (13.09 KB, 1197x167, 1197:167, MUHNAZI.PNG)

23a4f3 No.312611


>So he simply got triggered at an autism joke?


>Does he understand that's standard internet slang by now?


>Is he autistic himself?

Don't think so.

57a2bd No.312614

File: 5ecd47e29a37a84⋯.jpg (85.43 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 5ecd47e29a37a84294173e0ba3….jpg)


Youtube doesnt really pay big money doe…

Im surprised he can afford a cuck shed at all tbh.

92f377 No.312615


>Vid related is a six year old video Ryan Faulk made called 'Minecraft is a sign of a collapsing civilisation'. He argues for this by saying that men have an impulse to build, and they turn to minecraft to satisfy this because it's not satisfied in their everyday lives.

Top LEL, my man! That Vidya is the last bastion of male fantasy is one of the most basic bitch /v/ axioms ever. It was one of the reasons why gamergate broke out in the first place.


Don't forget that I baked an archive of his steam profile on Christmas, because it proves that he doesn't belong to the board that originally came up with gamergays.


Oh Jesus! Ramp up the Archiver before the Handicapat deletes everything!

9a672a No.312617

File: f0ae3c8d77aa4cd⋯.png (276.75 KB, 953x625, 953:625, Untitled.png)

92f377 No.312618

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1c008a No.312619

673583 No.312622


Screencapping in case he tries to shut it down before you finish

27ad1f No.312623

673583 No.312624

File: 4c00bca54786b81⋯.gif (342.41 KB, 666x386, 333:193, 1463465723793.gif)


Nice one

27ad1f No.312625

File: 313cbec5e9e29eb⋯.png (11.38 KB, 1165x73, 1165:73, SEXY VEE.PNG)

File: 325e20b675d3d61⋯.png (14.54 KB, 1183x133, 169:19, FASC.PNG)

File: 12a18879e3d0578⋯.png (19.39 KB, 1215x202, 1215:202, HORSE.PNG)


Shit, thanks anon, you're much faster than me

e5cf83 No.312626

File: 99d0be22a88959e⋯.png (32.84 KB, 1197x368, 1197:368, smartvee.png)


His political beliefs are basic bitch neoliberalism/neoconservatism. I bet there's more juicy stuff in there but I just wanted to settle this, they founded a movement to propogate mainstream politics.

07dd65 No.312627


>I know, let's do the same shit that has caused 'conservatives' to justify giving up their civilization to barbarians and degeneracy for decades'


cbe58a No.312628


They use the word enlightenment like it's some sort of "more woke than thou" badge

673583 No.312629

File: 3e7501321b9aab3⋯.png (43.89 KB, 1216x302, 608:151, vee-nazzis.png)

1c008a No.312630


Here in the US you do 2 years didactic learning and then 2 years of rotations. You can pick your rotations based on what sort of residency you want to go into

I don't really understand the med school saying he's in psychiatry if that's a residency thing, but whatever. Even if we go with it, it doesn't make sense how the other document says he's internal medicine, and then he says he works in in microbio lab, and then how his "license" is put on hold.

>Maybe it's just something that's lost in translation and it looks like they equated him doing a final paper on psychiatry as him studying in a psychiatry degree?


I think you're right. I can't read romanian, but this seems to be a class schedule of sort.

Also doesn anyone who speak gypsy know if "licenta" translates to license? It doesn't really make sense in this context here. Does it have a different connotation over there?

0a45df No.312631


>I bet there's more juicy stuff in there but I just wanted to settle this, they founded a movement to propogate mainstream politics.

Hit the nail right on the head, I remember some of the people in the movement saying that they'd gladly bomb the shit out of places to spread "democracy" in them, namely they talked about Brazil, I concede that I don't know if they actually speak for the movement, but seeing the kind of other stuff liberalists talk about I wouldn't be surprised. Their policies offer literally nothing that the mainstream political options in western Europe and the USA don't already offer. It'd be as if all the neocohens and neolibs dropped all pretenses of being on different sides and just merged the Republican and Democrat parties into one, leaving anyone whose views are actually different to form their own political parties.

1c008a No.312632



During some stream a little while ago, he was unironically shilling for wars for israel because "they're our greatest ally in the middle east and only democracy in the area!"

This guy is the platonic form of good goy

673583 No.312633

File: 8457fc733321d99⋯.png (38.63 KB, 1215x289, 1215:289, vee-med.png)


vee talking about his medical exp

673583 No.312634


6 years as med student?

0a45df No.312636


That's how long it takes in most places in central/east Europe to get your graduate's degree in medicine.

21821d No.312637


I remember Kraut was a full blown neocon in regards to foreign policy, and possibly Naked Ape too

Do you have anybody else in mind?


He briefly mentioned it a month ago in his stream with MW

I think it was just to trigger Woes and shove that goddamn horseshoe thing in the discussion, if not it would be massively hypocritical of him after criticizing Trump's intervention in Syria last year

1c008a No.312638

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Here's the stream. At 2:16:30 he starts shilling for ISRAEL MUH GREATEST ALLY shit.

27ad1f No.312640

Does anyone know any degenerate sites I can look around on that Vee might use?

e870bd No.312641


VEEEEEEE & Fox posting is not allowed on this board!

27ad1f No.312642


Or forums in general

92f377 No.312643

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It isn't that unusual. The degree itself takes 6 years. Then you have to do some interns before you may practice as a doctor. Since Vee started to specialize, he had hauled some more work onto himself. The "personal" reasons were actually Patreon pays better and I rather fap to Hentai on Christmas Eve than working as labrat for 12 hours a day.


Among the gamergays?

Anyone who doesn't follow Benis Spencer, anyone who doesn't use RooshV Forums, half of the people autistically screeching at the guy, anyone who isn't from /pol/.

e88696 No.312644

File: 2226375fa10eb15⋯.png (335.95 KB, 625x394, 625:394, muh shoe horse.png)


>NatSoc and Fascism are a response to the threat of (((Communism))) and it was fought viciously under these, while America and muh constitution was aiding and abetting the (((Communists)))… but shoe horse!!!

92f377 No.312645


Sad Panda, hongfire, sukebei,

cmon, step it up!

23a4f3 No.312646


>Blacks getting safe spaces is like white nationalism

This one I'm quite sick of. White nationalists want to live away from blacks. Leftists wanting "safe spaces" for blacks still want whites to not be allowed to avoid blacks, and they want wealth transfers from whites to blacks.


(((OY VEY)))

>Vee thinks Israel stabalizes the region

>Then he shittalks Christians

>Then he horseshoes Christians to be the same as SJWs

1c008a No.312647


He recognizes that people always go right-wing authoritarian in response to the threat of communism (see germany, italy, spain, croatia, etc) but then ALSO does his "muh horseshoe" shit and acts like fascism and communism are the same?

Think about this logically for a second. If they're the same, then why would everyone time and time again embrace fascism to fight communism when it's the same thing as communism?

cfa3d2 No.312648

Hentai Foundry maybe

cfa3d2 No.312649

21821d No.312650


>Massive unilateral support for Israel would stabilize the Middle East in the long run

Holy shit it was even more retarded than i remembered

1c008a No.312651


>This one I'm quite sick of. White nationalists want to live away from blacks. Leftists wanting "safe spaces" for blacks still want whites to not be allowed to avoid blacks, and they want wealth transfers from whites to blacks.

It's denial of context. The same shit they do to shoehorn the horseshoe onto everything.

Blacks and jews are leeches on white society.

Whites want to live away from them

Blacks want to always live around white people while also telling whitey to fuck off.

Not at all comparable.

0a45df No.312652



Vee is a master of muh horseshoe pilpul. I bet if you threw some shekels at him he'd find a way to horseshe away and make it seem that electric engineering is actually no different from Marxist studies

673583 No.312653

File: 2b48c90221d41fd⋯.png (39.42 KB, 1217x288, 1217:288, veeh-btfos-all-12-stalinis….png)

File: c3965671bccecc2⋯.png (19.65 KB, 1209x204, 403:68, vee-vote-HARDER.png)

More gems

885699 No.312654

File: 9dd6da7c7817caf⋯.webm (553.48 KB, 510x452, 255:226, tip.webm)


it truly is amazing that two ideologies that want to destroy eachother are actually exactly the same isn't it.

1c008a No.312655


Kinda reminds me of the freudian "heh, you only hate fags because you're secretly a fag yourself!" argument.

de1441 No.312656


8000 shekels worth of unwarranted self importance.

23a4f3 No.312657


>So, like, der joosing cables in electrical engineering, rajt? And ho makes cables, huh? Vurkers! Soo, joost like Marxists, rajt, electrical engineers are abaut sooporting vurkers, huh.


>…ellections are coming

21821d No.312658


The problem is, anybody can horseshoe any two things together by picking one arbitrary meter of judgement while ignoring all the rest

It's just a stupid thing to take as seriously as the sargonites do

de1441 No.312659


When I imagine Vee practicing medicine I imagine Dr. Nick.

65fb9c No.312660

File: a653abe08613bd0⋯.jpg (458.9 KB, 923x599, 923:599, 8153e5b9e09c2d9d265173faab….jpg)


>Hi Everybody! in gypsy's voice

e88696 No.312661


Elections are coming. Time to change things! You better get out and vote for parties that advocate for 99% of the same basic bitch shit that we Enlightened Liberaltists do. That'll show those fucks.

92f377 No.312662


They are pretty similar in Nature and structure except for the concepts. The problem I see that both are democratic enterprises that hunt after a spectre called Equality. One of the things I saw in a school history book on German bugpeople getting free housing from the Nazis. After a few months, the projects were all kinds of fucked up. It truly proves that you can't turn bydlos into aristocracy by giving out free shit.


Fell for the same shit when I was a hardcore lolbert. I still think that freedom is a good that trumps equality and can work in tandem with a Religious regime.


Horse Shoe theory sounds like another simplistic theory about almost everything. In reality, the best shit came out of a scene that cobbled together multiple heuristics to get to a conclusion. Moldburgers introductionary work on democracy and his suggested system alone is a at least 1000 page long tome. Guys who thought differently on such matters weren't lazy either. You have men with Varg tier burn it down mentality, men rediscovering religion and don't forget what's left of the Libertarian scene before Molynex had been thrown out.


Europe is actually plagued by a wave of election successes for populist parties.

1c008a No.312663

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


He totally does sound like Dr. Nick

673583 No.312665

File: d96aea10dd39220⋯.png (42.53 KB, 1212x482, 606:241, vee-believes-muslim-propag….png)

vee belives all newspapers are propaganda, but doesn't believe that ethic religions and political religions have their own propaganda


He also talks about niggers like he's ever talked to one outside of a youtube stream

e88696 No.312666


Keyword being "plagued" though, since none of them will shake things up in any way because they're allowed to exist only if they grovel before (((them))). AfD, Front Nationale, Sweden Democrats etc.

And what few actual differences there are between their policies and the current establishment are made entirely moot by this.

673583 No.312668

File: c628c2ae27be9e3⋯.gif (983.66 KB, 500x278, 250:139, unnamed-14.gif)


Satan is right. Europe can't just vote it's way out at this stage.Unfortunately.

19acc2 No.312669


<the far-right and Islamists are the same because they don't like Jews

Funny how horseshoe theory ends up with everyone who doesn't like Jews being in the bad category. Really makes you think

21821d No.312671

File: e91b1f9506c5dad⋯.jpg (97.17 KB, 720x720, 1:1, G4XBtxG.jpg)

We need to step up our game lads, these liberalist memes are getting rad

19acc2 No.312672

File: 41bcddeb9a48bb7⋯.jpg (147.44 KB, 600x600, 1:1, EuropeIQ.jpg)

I find it odd that Vee is always bitching about Hungarians, but never about gypsies, even though gypsies are even worse than blacks and they are an intensely nepotistic group. Is he actually part gypsy (many Romanians are) and is this why he never talks about them?

Just speculating, but it does seem weird.

>The hegemony of the creed of equality—first brought to bear under Communism and amplified by global capitalism—has freed no people to a greater degree than it has the Gypsies. For one thing, they can now plague the cities of Western Europe with well-organized gangs of welfare cheats, beggars and pickpockets. For Romania itself, though, the most harmful expression of Gypsy emancipation is the breakdown of traditional social barriers to intermarriage. I would estimate, with admitted impressionistic roughness, that in the larger towns up to 10 percent of Romanians under the age of 50 have recent Gypsy ancestry. In Bucharest, I would say the figure approaches 20 percent for those under the age of about 25. In the Romania of the global free market, outmarriage is no longer widely considered taboo; I’m reliably informed that it was more or less unknown under communism.


673583 No.312673


>sargonites: woah, dude, weed, lmao

>sargoy: This is what the normies want,okay, weed and guns my dudes, we won't actually give them to them, but they won't know that

21821d No.312674


I think he mentioned in one of his videos that he grew up in a gypsy neighborhood

27ad1f No.312675

File: 636939ad665440b⋯.png (426.2 KB, 413x515, 413:515, VEE'S DAD.PNG)

File: 4429237b6e72874⋯.png (616.61 KB, 1210x634, 605:317, HUSBAND AND WIFE.PNG)

Do we know the name of Vee's dad? I can't find any hentai stuff about him unfortunately (going to check one site still though). I must find more Vee pics

e5cf83 No.312676


That would make sense, seeing as he's a gypsy.

92f377 No.312677


Which won't last, I think. I can tell you about the differences between the Mainstream parties and the AFD. In contrary to the establishment, the AFD is pure Law and Order party and actually brings up all the Laws Merkel is violating. Furthermore, they reject a lot of bullshit. Going full pessimism here, because the (((Nationalist Jews))) have the thumb on the geopolitics is getting let me tell you about your country tier autism and detracts from the actual problem with Vee's politics has: Namely that virtually all Libertarian Parties in Europe have failed.


Satan is incomplete; Democracy as little billy imagines is bullshit and doesn't work. This is why Plato was a shill for Sparta, although it was just reverse stupidity. Alexendar the Great wasn't Spartan.


Translation: I am a fucking Gypsie!

e88696 No.312679




e5cf83 No.312680


Demography in Europe was fucked even before Merkel opened the floodgates though. FN, AFD, SD, none of them will send any significant amount of shitskins back or would be able to even if they wanted. Also, FN and SD got made into kosher parties a while ago and the AFD is on its best way there.

673583 No.312681

File: ff9c1d6ed14843d⋯.png (89.29 KB, 1211x750, 1211:750, veeh-breaks-down-us-israel….png)

veeh's understanding of US-Israeli relations.

>They sell the guns, they buy the guns, simples, YOU RETARD

27ad1f No.312682

I want to send his mom all the porn he watches and some messages in google-translated romanian. Gotta figure out how to use kikebook first

27ad1f No.312683

File: 18454d2d598d74a⋯.png (775.16 KB, 1218x626, 609:313, tempted.PNG)


forgot pic

19acc2 No.312684



I think it would trigger a meltdown

6c3b13 No.312685


Men and women are exactly the same since both are human, have arms and legs, and are attracted to the opposite sex. Rocks on the other hand…

So I'm going to be a Rockelist.

27ad1f No.312686

File: dbd324fd80b9e31⋯.png (80.87 KB, 458x402, 229:201, lmao.PNG)

21821d No.312687

File: f3e210b8f4cfa88⋯.gif (2.95 MB, 640x483, 640:483, source.gif)

e88696 No.312688


Make sure that it's under the guise of wanting to help him though. You're one of his close D&D friends from the internet, and you've been worried about him for a while. He's grown more and more distant and he doesn't seem himself at all. Examples of this include: literally all of his degeneracy

ddf876 No.312690


What did you write her?

673583 No.312691

File: b4733455791c5db⋯.jpg (78.16 KB, 640x480, 4:3, habab.jpg)


There might be something in there

e88696 No.312692


Hahaha, nevermind.

cbce33 No.312693

File: 1b2e11b242fed78⋯.gif (498.82 KB, 500x359, 500:359, clappingkike.gif)

0a45df No.312694


Jesus Christ

27ad1f No.312695

File: 457bb56e90aea68⋯.png (16.68 KB, 251x234, 251:234, next.PNG)




Your son is a dirty man. These images are of things he posted. He lives a double life


Shieet how long before he makes a video about us contacting her on kikebook

27ad1f No.312696


This supposedly reads

>I am not romanian, but a friend of your son. I am just worried for his health. Sorry for bothering you, mrs stavri

cbce33 No.312697

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Send the video where he admits his fetishes are real

e5cf83 No.312698


>Shieet how long before he makes a video about us contacting her on kikebook

Be sure to link if he does.

27ad1f No.312699

File: 6852baf8f3bf342⋯.png (14.01 KB, 473x283, 473:283, fagg.PNG)

File: d19794c8065b95c⋯.png (48.14 KB, 609x543, 203:181, cuckchan.PNG)

>the absolute state of cuckchan

673583 No.312701

File: 1073f4419f2adc7⋯.gif (59.19 KB, 299x224, 299:224, Bravo.gif)

cbce33 No.312703


/kg/ was a great thread in december until it became "fight the Destiny shills and defend JF" general. RIP.

673583 No.312704

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

vegan gains vs jf if anyone interested

0a45df No.312705


Is mulatto gains even a part of the liberalautists?

21821d No.312706


No, they're arguing the ethics of domesticating animals

e5cf83 No.312707


As soon as you get into defense it stops being funny. It's also less effective, if you care about winning.

cbce33 No.312709


Most intelligent anons already migrated here tbqh

The one's left are left wondering why the shills appear to be outnumbering them when destiny has been irrelevant to the issue for weeks now

27ad1f No.312710


Almost everything new seems to pop up here with a few exceptions. /kg/ is mostly shitposting. I don't see them digging up much info over there

1c008a No.312711


doesn't matter, they're all archived

d79d2a No.312712




65fb9c No.312713



I don't know about him. I personally can't stand the midget pedo, but he still filled a hurt feelings lawsuit because the mental midget was talking shit about his sperg waifu or whatever. I just can't disassociate that from, say, Maddox suing anyone who's related to the guys calling him a cuck.

1c008a No.312714


Vegan arguments are all so tiresome. They rely on apply 100% "consistent" (ie, universalist) arguments to everything, along with arbitrary distinctions like sentience.

I'm okay with killing animals because it's useful to us as humans. It's really not that fucking complicated.

1c008a No.312715


There used to be all the digging happening there when it was actually about kraut and we were digging into his past and such. But now nothing is happening except laughing at sargoy and waiting for him to do another debate so we can laugh at him again.

e5cf83 No.312716


He upped the suit to 500k though which makes it funny.



True on all counts. One thing to keep in mind as more and more of Vee's info gets out, he doesn't strike me as the sociable type. As people keep homing in on his internet life and he has to keep deleting shit he'll end up pretty bored and starved of contacts which will lead to more spergery on streams. He went on Kumite for a week straight just go get B.T.F.O because he had nothing else to do.

cbce33 No.312717


Bringing this up here opens this thread up to those tiny shills so lets avoid it and focus on the Gypsy and his handler

673583 No.312719


>I don't like tiny buuut…

Hi desTINY fan, every single time.

maddox lawsuit isn't like this one, maddox has zero chance of winning.

I guess you could apply horseshoe theory,

they are exactly the same because both lawsuits are going to be funny when the fallout comes.


500k ouch!

0a45df No.312720

File: cd13810cb7c49f0⋯.jpg (35.17 KB, 532x470, 266:235, cd13810cb7c49f0c8662641f1d….jpg)


>He upped the suit to 500k though which makes it funny.

A 500k lolsuit??? I'd feel sorry for DesTiny if he wasn't such an irredeemable piece of shit.

6c3b13 No.312721


The Warski chat is full of JF fanboys. I'm getting tired of people wanting to suck his cock. Sure, JF is smarter and more competent than the average e-celebs, but he's still an e-celeb.

But I hope he assrapes that Tiny pedo-Jew.


I'm not convinced by JF's arguments about the meat industry preventing animal genocide, nor do I think veganism is good for our health. Your argument for eating meat is the most sensible one I've heard so far.

27ad1f No.312723

Is there anyone here who already has access to exhentai who wants to look for the following usernames. This can apply to almost any forum / site you'd like to look through too:






673583 No.312724


Yeah, worth combing over. I looked at pages 11 to 32. The only interesting things I noticed I posted here. Except for that he said he read the bible cover to cover in 2014 and talked about battle of Jericho, where kikes singed and killed an entire city. And said that "people" said it was a wicked city, but the bible only says it was enemies of the kikes..not that interesting

27ad1f No.312725


meant veehro not veero

885699 No.312726

we evolved to be omnivores. animals are a nutrient resource.

any argument against eating them just boils down to muh feels; ie decalaring an undefined necessity of not harming animals.

why not though? why not harm animals? because you wouldn't harm humans? are humans and animals equatable? (they aren't)

vegans declare a moral universal of not harming "sentient beings", plants not counting. there is zero analysis or self-awareness as to why they do this. it's just virtue-signalling and fart huffing.

673583 No.312727




>you cant turn into a norm just because you paid money for sex because you thought you were going to kill yourself and did not want to die a virgin

>this is like when someone calls my bro veemonro a cryptojew because they believe he has a single drop of jewish blood which is also not true anyway

just doing random searches, notice the reddit spacing. I was starting to think about him as a jew, I don't think he's a gypsy, he might be a jew, or both.

673583 No.312728

885699 No.312729


nothing on uploaders or forum posts. 24 pages of usernames that start with "vee" though, so if he has other variants of his name he might be there.

27ad1f No.312730


Thanks for taking a look, anon. I've scoured through tons of hentai sites and can't find anything

1c008a No.312731


Exactly. It's literally just spooks like "muh morality" that completely ignore the fact that humans are NOT RATIONAL AND UNIVERSALLY CONSISTENT, and when we do these sort of debates, what we're actually doing is trying to post-hoc rationalize the basic thoughts/feelings we have already.

We already start from the subconscious position that killing cows for food is okay, but then people try to over-complicate it to justify it within a universal moral frame. And then the vegans will try to poke holes in this by saying things like "well if you're okay with killing pigs, does that mean you're okay with killing puppy dogs too??". But the answer is obviously no, but again, it's because we don't need to be universally consistent.

We care more about humans than pets, and pets above livestock, and livestock above random shit like snails and grasshoppers. Not that complicated.

e88696 No.312732


I tried "The gypsies are coming" to see if we might strike gold twice, but no such luck.

cbce33 No.312733

Vegan Gains just went full "individual rights for the chicken".

He's a chicken liberalist

27ad1f No.312734



Here's a few more names for us to try out

1c008a No.312735


This is what happens when you take universalist morality and take it reductio ad absurdum.

9325ce No.312736

File: 3b9caf0b153cb0c⋯.png (184.63 KB, 277x373, 277:373, vee the GM.PNG)

File: e0b42a65063b845⋯.png (139.89 KB, 990x1670, 99:167, vee.png)


So I dug through pages 30-35 and found the following:

- Vee played WoW almost since launch and run a guild, some bored anon could try to find their old forum,

- More confirmation of being a Hikki-Neet,

- As of today would be 33 or 34 years old,

- May or may not have a son.

673583 No.312737

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Vee posted this on YT

885699 No.312738


I think it has to do with in-group/out-group preferences, at base.

vegans have empathy and emotional connections with animals, normal people don't, or not to the same degree; normal people have selective emotional connections with for example pet dogs or cats, but don't care about eating cows or chickens - the former are companions, the latter are a resource.

A vegan is an absolutist thinker who can't make this distinction. So, to them it's "inconsistent" to kill a chicken but not a human because they equate the same value to a chicken and human life.

it's incredibly retarded.

cbce33 No.312739

JF to VG

>people like you would not exist without slavery


9a672a No.312740


Kind of makes me wonder what his position is on six foot long tapeworms in his gut is. I was sure there'd be some vegan hypocritical party line that allowed them to kill in the instance of parasites, but if they really go chicken liberalist, who knows.

1c008a No.312743


I thin vegans are autists who take the liberal paradigm of universal morality and try to take it to the extreme by applying it to animals.

I don't care about slaughtering pigs and cows for the same reason I give less of a fuck about niggers than I do about my own people. It's like an onion and there are tiers of what I find acceptable.

Killing a dog is bad.

Killing a sheep for no reason is bad (ie, not for utility)

Stomping and killing some random toad in the forest would warrant a "dude, why did you do that?" respond

Swatting a fly would be something nobody gives a fuck about

1c008a No.312744


It seems that he draws an arbitrary distinction between sentient and non sentient life. You know the argument: "pigs are just as smart as dogs, so if you're okay with slaughtering pigs, then you should be okay with slaughter dogs too".

It's all just autism

e5cf83 No.312745


HO laying down the law in the comments.


I don't buy that he had a son, he mentioned he only had his first gf very recently. He probably just said it to win an argument, like Sargon pretending to be black.

de1441 No.312746

File: a0fec7cc4175a06⋯.jpg (25.07 KB, 641x530, 641:530, 1503715355500.jpg)

>tfw slave traders selected the dumb strong violent niggers and now America is stuck with Chicago crime stats

de1441 No.312747


>the liberal paradigm of universal morality

They are slaves to their own perceptions. VG is fine with insect genocide as a necessary evil of agriculture. But if insects just happened to be the size of cows, he would project his perception of "sentience" onto the bug and be sitting on YouTube fighting for bug rights and arguing about how great cow julay was.

885699 No.312748


>It's like an onion and there are tiers of what I find acceptable.

exactly. vegans don't have these tiers. everything is equivalent.

673583 No.312749

File: 1d9a3856526e98a⋯.gif (1.93 MB, 268x268, 1:1, 1d9a3856526e98a62f198a8452….gif)


>Asking a person to apologise before returning something is blackmail

>The "correct" way to do business is to sue instead of working it outside of court veeh confirmed for kike

Vee, can you com in here and explain this, I've not watched rick and morty so I don't get it

27ad1f No.312750

File: 9d63ef2b9a69595⋯.png (65.31 KB, 349x370, 349:370, digg.PNG)

This Louis guy's pretty airtight. I don't even know where to start. Guess the best thing to do would be find his year of birth, estimate his graduating class, look at photos, idk

92f377 No.312751

File: 9926f7f0f0c0c11⋯.png (20.38 KB, 758x347, 758:347, gypsy panda.png)



65fb9c No.312752


>The Warski chat is full of JF fanboys. I'm getting tired of people wanting to suck his cock. Sure, JF is smarter and more competent than the average e-celebs, but he's still an e-celeb.

Exactly. It's fun to watch him thoroughly destroy destiny, and i hope the pedo shit comes out in court, but he doesn't strike me as the type of guy that'd be fun to really talk to beyond that.

>But I hope he assrapes that Tiny pedo-Jew.

I'm sure he is fucked, in fact, iirc people were saying napolean's twitch got shut down because he kept shit talking JF.

27ad1f No.312753


W-what's he have posted??

885699 No.312754


>Last Active 4th August 2008 - 03:21

>0 posts

it could be him, but i doubt it.

673583 No.312755

File: ad2cf932c94a1b3⋯.png (27.03 KB, 854x139, 854:139, Screenshot-2018-1-20 Coach….png)


he rush jobbed it, big gap in the middle

27ad1f No.312756

File: 8de8bdcf80e382b⋯.png (14.09 KB, 858x224, 429:112, 2015.PNG)


Louis was class of 2015 at Buffalo State. Studied Political Science

65fb9c No.312757


Does this mean you know his real name?

92f377 No.312758


Absolutely nothing. He just the account to touch his benis to loli. Didn't upload anything either.


It is. I have checked the time zone of the profile. If you don't know how Sad Panda works, lurk moar!

27ad1f No.312759


Unfortunately no. That was a page under his youtube username friended ONLY to the Stepfather. I'm digging into the class of 2015 right now. Not sure how big the college is though

d32f0b No.312760


LOL what an absolutely jahanic level of education

92f377 No.312761


*He just has that account to touch benis to loli.

I can't be arsed to look for him in the comment section of all uploads involving vore. Fug that.

27ad1f No.312762



If this legit and provided he's in here, he could be in this facebook group with a normie account.


885699 No.312763


>time zone

ah, i see. well spotted.

de1441 No.312764

JF is kind of owning himself, which is a shame because VG is a pussy who believes in soy.

6ad790 No.312765

File: 2de4686c7ec4055⋯.png (869.31 KB, 986x797, 986:797, 2de4686c7ec405599709a593b1….png)



>Political Science


I don't think Jahans can't be fucked going to college, let alone afford it with NEETbux.

cbce33 No.312766


VG looks better because he has stayed calm while JF is sperging out with emotion.

1c008a No.312767


Exactly, hence autism. It's really just a trollish mental exercise.

It's the same way that if you accept the moral paradigm of "you shouldn't initiate violence against people" the logical conclusion to this becomes anarcho-capitalism. And people go toward such a ridiculous thing in terms of some strive to be 100% morally and logically consistent to an abstract idea.

6ad790 No.312768


I like JF, but good lord stop sperging out man.

885699 No.312769


i can understand him getting frustrated with a vegan tbh. fanatics are annoying as fuck.

1c008a No.312770


meant as a response to


6ad790 No.312771

File: 9221c31163dd1c2⋯.jpg (26.84 KB, 540x540, 1:1, 25591763_1590627254365194_….jpg)

>Elite Pig Semen

God damn it Jim.

de1441 No.312772

gas the yankies, slavery now

cbce33 No.312774

File: c5da09d504c850a⋯.jpg (52.6 KB, 1096x395, 1096:395, veeknows.jpg)

Vee saw the cuckchan post

27ad1f No.312775



I did it for the lulz

107b66 No.312776




Only when something polarizes the autism in the same direction

885699 No.312777





1c008a No.312778


Tell him it's okay because, as he's justified, it's okay to use PUBLIC INFORMATION against your political opponents.

He's also using group attribution to blame the entire """alt right""" even though they claim to be radical individualists who do not see groups, and the person who contacted his mother or found his forum posts never claimed to be ""alt right""

21821d No.312779


I like how he didn't mention what anon told her

6ad790 No.312780





What community?

e5cf83 No.312782


When will he realize that this just makes people fuck with him more?

27ad1f No.312783

File: a72ee2adc81d8c3⋯.gif (832.43 KB, 250x188, 125:94, wolfkek.gif)


he'll never take me alive

885699 No.312784


oh shit

someone should shop a vore fetish pic of Vee with Sargon in his belly (or vice versa)

cbce33 No.312785


>When will he realize that this just makes people fuck with him more?

He's cornered himself with his weird moral stance on doxing. He can't do anything about the pics or public info. He can only shame the communication attempts

07dd65 No.312786


>noticing that the muslims are correct about our society

They get so close sometimes. But never quite get there. At least not in Vee's case. There's no hope for him.

e88696 No.312788

File: 681a3b5b3e1490e⋯.jpg (220.88 KB, 631x492, 631:492, zoned.jpg)

OK, Vee… Yes, Vee…

27ad1f No.312789


>all of those pop-cans on the shelves


92f377 No.312791

Vee, your mom wasn't contacted out of a political motive, but because you are hilarious handicapat. I think that word needs an additional meaning. How about NEET that got retarded from excessive masturbation?


Whatever janny left to the halfcucks.

27ad1f No.312792

File: f01c1b838c31f09⋯.png (46.68 KB, 794x479, 794:479, veereply.PNG)



b533e2 No.312793

>another thread about jewtube skeptics

Has anything good happened since sargoy sperged out when Jim called his Liberal+ movement cringy?

27ad1f No.312794

File: 0ae8408c67e6932⋯.png (52.57 KB, 798x504, 19:12, EXPANDED.PNG)


Forgot to show all

cbce33 No.312795


This was the main achievement


cbce33 No.312796

File: 7e0149e948b45c1⋯.png (145.06 KB, 1282x718, 641:359, Screen Shot 2018-01-19 at ….png)

Johnny Fox unironically on suicide watch

885699 No.312797


what must it feel like to know that your mother knows about you dropping out of your medical gear so you could fap to hentai alone in your bedroom.

she must be so disappointed with him.

885699 No.312798


>medical gear

*medical career

673583 No.312799


Read the thread, lots.

>an anon sent the gypsy's vore pics and comments to his mom's fb.

>jf defending crp didn't end well, but not sure if anyone really cares except the liberalists. theguardian to provide the proofs that crp is creep on sunday

>johnny fox on warski was really funny, you should watch

That's all I can remember

1c008a No.312801


It's really just been a slow burn of lulzy shit as they continue doing damage control on their community. The crowning moment will be when Sargoy does his rematch vs Spencer and gets PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD'd a second time, although we haven't gotten a time slot and it was supposed to be this week, so maybe he bitched out. Either way, he's cracking and it won't be long now before he goes full kraut.

27ad1f No.312802

File: b7b22035e7cbcbd⋯.png (18.63 KB, 802x141, 802:141, spastic.PNG)

File: 478ea7afab572d7⋯.png (575.85 KB, 636x640, 159:160, vee3.PNG)

File: 478ea7afab572d7⋯.png (575.85 KB, 636x640, 159:160, vee3.PNG)

Are we just autistic spastics, goys?

b533e2 No.312803


I can't read gypsy but I'm going to assume that the sending the vore shit vee did to his mom that >>312799 mentioned. Too bad we're not going to see the fallout from that unless vee is stupid enough to vent that shit online.


>johnny fox on warski was really funny, you should watch

Sounds like I should mentally prepare myself for maximum autism


>Sargoy does his rematch vs Spencer

Oh fuck I forgot about that. That should be pretty fun to watch if it actually happens.

27ad1f No.312805

File: 457bb56e90aea68⋯.png (16.68 KB, 251x234, 251:234, next.PNG)


I said to Vee's mom

>Your son is a dirty man. These images are of things he posted. He lives a double life


>I am not romanian, but a friend of your son. I am just worried for his health. Sorry for bothering you, mrs stavri

885699 No.312806


>Sounds like I should mentally prepare myself for maximum autism

you might even feel sorry for him.

1c008a No.312807


I wonder if he's going to be retarded enough to go on a crusade against an anonymous collective.

Ironic that this guy originally made a name for himself from the gamergate shit, and yet he's basically now the equivalent of anita sperging out against the internet.

673583 No.312808


I'm sure some of us here are


On the morning kumite, they said he'd been setup, he was convinced it was gold and the idiot didn't check for himself before going on. Which I could believe because he seems to have a few trolls messing with him.

27ad1f No.312810

File: 59662855b74c413⋯.png (89.72 KB, 582x339, 194:113, sperg.PNG)

cbce33 No.312811


I don't. He's an attention whore. He was suicidal on twitter which I felt bad about but then was like


it's all for attention

27ad1f No.312814

File: b0b9538cf555da9⋯.png (41.21 KB, 619x430, 619:430, megaretard.PNG)


This dude literally needs his own thread

885699 No.312815


he should blame himself for being a lolcow. but they never do.

1c008a No.312816


Since when did anyone blame Vee for kraut?

27ad1f No.312819

File: 32146a3ce14e89b⋯.jpg (72.04 KB, 420x420, 1:1, INTERNET.jpg)


What did he mean by "contact the mods". What would the mods do about some random burner facebook account (which I already scheduled for deletion), that sent a badly-translated message of public information about her son?


cbce33 No.312820


These people are so narcissistic and shallow that it wouldn't surprise me if one random YouTube comment convinced him the whole world was blaming him personally for kraut

673583 No.312822

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Liberalistism Propaganda

Video Description:

>This is an excerpt from Ted Kaczynski's (a.k.a. the Unabomber) manifesto on Leftist Psychology:

They're quoting the unabomber, wasn't he MKULTRA'ed?


Sargon was accused, maybe he has his hand so far up vees ass, that vee thinks he's sargon, would explain his accent

059374 No.312823


>talking shit

>literal defamation of character and slander

You sure know how to downplay shit. Wasn't JF accused of being a pedo? That's not "talking shit" numbnuts.

0b8c0a No.312824

File: 151c0d2aa042b51⋯.gif (973.35 KB, 500x250, 2:1, a6e794ceb147b93b99b2a38871….gif)

0b8c0a No.312825

File: 151c0d2aa042b51⋯.gif (973.35 KB, 500x250, 2:1, a6e794ceb147b93b99b2a38871….gif)

673583 No.312826

File: f0c02996b6fd081⋯.gif (2.73 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 6D0E08D1-CAF1-48AF-AD44-59….gif)



They're quoting a serial killer who was an MKULTRA test subject

Will this turn into another Silverstring, with a DARPA or other shady organisation pushing it along

65fb9c No.312827


>You sure know how to downplay shit. Wasn't JF accused of being a pedo? That's not "talking shit" numbnuts.

Didn't hear anything about a pedo, at least in JF's case, just that he took advantage of and raped a sperg, or some shit. It's possible though, I can't stand to hear destiny for any real length of time to verify that though, so ok.

de1441 No.312830


t. an attention whore who will absolutely be back in 2 weeks

9f522a No.312831


The Romanian is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a virgin, gypsy, fluffer, >doctor, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But threaten his videogames and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “b-but muh succubi”

I like videogames, but it seems like if you imply grown men playing with virtual toys isn't ideal, Vee will get furious and demand you debate him on feminism.

885699 No.312832


i think on millennial woes' christmas stream Vee said he got into politics because of video games.

he's a manchild throwing a tantrum because people are trying to take away his toys.

cbce33 No.312833

File: 6c76f4ec9020377⋯.png (528.59 KB, 636x614, 318:307, selfienumale.png)


Most of the liberalists came from GG. They never cared to learn about how society functioned until someone took away their toys.

21821d No.312835

File: 02f093f082573be⋯.png (627.16 KB, 618x603, 206:201, 4224543.png)


Can somebody please explain this meme please?

Why are all these nu male soyboys taking selfies with their mouth open all of a sudden?

65fb9c No.312836


Why do they all do that shit? God, i fucking love games, not quite as much as vee with his porn visual novel shit, but i've never felt the need to act like i just had a fucking stroke, or have an extra chromosome whenever i got a new games console.

9c3468 No.312837


This has been happening for a long time. Fake forced smiling.

9a672a No.312838


Yeah, it's a little embarrassing to say, but GG started my interests in politics as well. Maybe because I was >underage at the time, when GG stopped functioning in any meaningful manner I followed all the productive people back to /pol/, as opposed to the mid twenties to mid forties crowd who decided to worship e-celebs, and double down on "I just wanna be left alone" politics.

65fb9c No.312839

File: adff09f04e4fd7b⋯.jpg (23.56 KB, 400x400, 1:1, nick bates.jpg)


>This has been happening for a long time. Fake forced smiling.

Yeah, but what causes that shit, do they just all have autism, or is soy more than just a meme, and it sucks out the ability to have genuine emotions.

ce5329 No.312840

File: f8887166eb81c48⋯.gif (124.74 KB, 800x371, 800:371, 1516088317295.gif)



I actually was looking for this post below to save it before it ebbed off into nothingness:


>The way I see it, their entire ideology revolves around a desire to be comfortable. They're just bugmen who don't like the idea of anyone judging, criticizing, or holding them to any standard whatsoever. In short, they just want to go back to the 90's-00's, when they could smoke pot, fap to cuckold porn with nipple clamps on, make fun of Christians, play video games and not get yelled or laughed at. Because they're so addicted to comfort, they see anyone who threatens it as an existential threat, be it SJWs, the alt-right or begrudgingly, Muslims. So, it's not that they actually disagree with SJWs on principle, but they dislike the fact that they're so aggressive about everything.

885699 No.312841


i think i remember reading somewhere that it's a form of primordial fear response, a sort of grimace to indicate submissiveness. chimps do it or something.

9f522a No.312842


Someone mentioned it's a primate fear expression, but I think it's different. They see cartoon characters doing it, and that subconsciously sticks with them. When they take a selfie, they're not thinking "let me do a Pixar Toy Story character face", but the culture they consume is basically cartoons for children and knowyourmeme internet faux-irony. Their father figures were twitch streamers and Professor Oak, so they show a wacky yet unassuming face to show they are relatable and funny guys who understand icanhazcheezburger cat gifs. Look at the guys in that picture. Cookie Crisps and myopia. They have withdrawn from any cruel culture. Men used to listen to Opie and Anthony while working on their cars. Men used to be like Nick DiPaolo. Now there's an easy way out for the less-masculine men. They can withdraw from masculine culture and hide in google hangouts talking to people they agree with on feminism in videogames.

The numale mouth is a strong indicator that people need some form of fascism. Without a guiding hand, or at the very least a sense of cruelty and order, you will be left with people like Vee. Children in middle-aged bodies posting weird-twitter tweets about punching nazis and watching Marvel superhero movies. The kind of people who will mock weebs by calling them pedophiles as they sit down to their favorite episode of Steven Universe with a big bowl of heavily-sugared cornflakes in almond julay.

cbce33 No.312843

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Nah that's VERY different imo. You were an actual kid at the time, not a post-college manchild.


Video related is what Johnny Fox looks like if anyone cares

9f522a No.312844


>wrestling beanie

>numetal goatee

>strategically place guitar

>posters of skulls

He's exactly as I pictured him.

5103fa No.312849


In the US its not illegal to claim to be Dr, lawyer, pharmacist or dentist. It's rendering service as one without a license that gets you in trouble. It's not like claiming to be a cop, which is a whole different matter as some states its illegal to even let someone think youre a cop

t. A law fig

5103fa No.312850

File: 93e52b25ce9ea24⋯.jpg (52.84 KB, 1303x316, 1303:316, VeeDELETEEVERYTHING!.JPG)


Good thing it's been archived as its all gone now

27ad1f No.312851

File: 48fdff7f54d97db⋯.png (200.04 KB, 555x555, 1:1, image.png)

83a989 No.312852


it's the soyboy grimace. look at how happy they are. look at it. don't turn away. look at it. stare into infinity.

5103fa No.312853


Lincenta might be a Licentiate which is a degree before PHD that's given out in some countries.

cbe58a No.312854



Okay, explain please. Web search says guacamole cum

83a989 No.312855


word filter for the liquid produced by lactation

9a672a No.312856

File: f87cde373fcb962⋯.png (126.89 KB, 746x378, 373:189, serveimage.png)

07dd65 No.312857


They are 'I wish it was the 90s-00s, the political party.'

I mean, I sort of wish that too, but you have to live in the world as it is. And in the real world a campaign against white, Western civilization is in full swing, and our people are dying.

Stop being a lazy piece of shit, because the people who replace you won't tolerate you being a lazy piece of shit.

b533e2 No.312859


While my research on the subject is still lacking, my belief is that excessive 'bull prepping' is the cause of the condition known as Cuck Mouth.

5103fa No.312873


Then you need to start prepping more bulls to gain further insight

1bdbac No.312874


>They are 'I wish it was the 90s-00s, the political party.'

As far as I know, the 1990s wasn't really a bastion of US Democrat-lib-left back then: Sure, it was Bill Clinton who was elected as POTUS, but there's a reason why it was a big deal that his dick got sucked by Monica Lewinsky, and Shillary is a laughing-stock even now, especially when the incident made her a literal, dictionary-definition cuckquean. Eminem was also extremely offensive back then, because of everything he rapped about. One line in one of his old songs in 1998 stated that he was supporting abortion, and that was considered edgy back then. Speaking of edgy, it was also a time when wearing black, being goth, laughing at death, making references to Satan, and all of the stereotypical "edgelord doomy dooms of death" traits we laugh at today were actually and unironically offensive. Irony isn't trendy back then. And, most of all, as far as I remember, there was not much political correctness to be worried about back then: Sure, you can't say "nigger" or "faggot" outright on TV, but you can in actual society if you aren't a celebrity. Anti-drug campaigns were strong, it was still acceptable for gays to be flaming camp, normal people didn't know what a "transexual" is generally speaking, it was mainstream to be a Tranny man, and being Christian is no big deal.

Now, when the 2000s hit, especially after 9/11, THAT'S the part where shit hit the fan. That's where anti-Christianity and tolerance to Islam grew bigger. That's the point when being Tranny was considered "old-fashioned" and "traditional". That was when everything that's being railed against today by the chans flourished.

In other words, Soygoy want the post-9/11 world back.

7cf02e No.312876

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This happened this morning. Andy confronts fox about stealing gameplay. He starts accusing Andy of working with with the otterman. Good part is at 10:48

ed54c3 No.312877


>They are 'I wish it was the 90s-00s, the political party.'

More like "I miss my childhood and don't want to grow up," the political party.

f42ac8 No.312880


What the fuck? Did someone turn his brain backwards while he was sleeping, thus making him see Jews everywhere?

aaaa19 No.312882


Fucking hell, he's lost all of his spergy motivation. He's completely fucking destroyed.

f42ac8 No.312884


>Vee thinks people on imageboards care about their image or being nice

>Vee doesn't realize that we do it for the lulz

He's such a newfag that I'm surprised he even knew how to post here.

21eef0 No.312891


he seems like a sovereign citizen type with how he defends himself in court (usually to his detriment). Still though I enjoy the race realist stuff so what can you do.

07dd65 No.312893


90s was when post-constructivism went mainstream. It was the last time before pozzing.

f42ac8 No.312894

File: b00b6d3eef43f3e⋯.png (1.32 MB, 862x644, 431:322, vee sargon baby horseshoe.png)

Try not to get too aroused, veeh

21eef0 No.312895


Destiny was calling JF a pedophile rapist over and over on twitter and then providing court documents (which didnt collaborate this claim) as some kind of evidence. I think JF is kind autistic with the legal stuff but I can't blame him for following through. The chick in question had autism but was able to drive cross country and only knew of JF since she liked to listen to political podcasts. Think she heard him on the drunken peasants (which had some good drama recently with a breakup then an attempt by TJ to seize the patreon/feed)

b533e2 No.312897


No thanks, I'm good. But would you be willing to let me study you as subject?

fd3832 No.312898

/leftypol/ here.

Why do autistic right wingers hate based le anti-SJW man all of a sudden?

9f522a No.312899

File: aea95b0407b4188⋯.png (71.6 KB, 500x477, 500:477, 6fd5bbd24f2b8944b527523b05….png)


>communist here, spoonfeed me because i'm too lazy to read

All of a sudden? What are you talking about? People on /pol/ have been hating on Sarcuck forever. There's just a resurgence in shit-talking him because of the whole Kraut discord thing, the skeptic community imploding, and Sargon starting "the liberalists".

83a989 No.312900


Because he shares your beliefs, but is embarrassed by your tactics.

83a989 No.312901


You're assuming JF didn't represent himself because he wanted to lose the case. That way he could let go of his retarded girlfriend "I tried, honey" and not feel guilty about it.

f42ac8 No.312903

File: 07dc9ff691bfd3e⋯.jpg (74.42 KB, 342x427, 342:427, lovecraftian feels.jpg)



Seeing Vee being a massive sperg who lives inside is bedroom and jacks off to hentai makes me want to start lifting. I'm now afraid of becoming too much like these people.

Am I the only one who feels this?

fd3832 No.312904

File: 33996f345217213⋯.gif (890.96 KB, 325x252, 325:252, 1500068524303.gif)


>a reactionary neoliberal who doesn't support workers democratically owning the means of production and has never advocated for the abolishment of a class-based society is a communist.

nb for off-topic response to b8

cdadd4 No.312906



He's shifting blame

>they are doing this to me not because I admitted on the kumite that I would dox someone again if they made fun of me or sargon, or because I'm sargon's lapdog who runs interference on any stream critical of sargon, or because I'm a lolcow who overreacts to any bit of criticism. No, it's because of kraut.

Slimey gypsy

83a989 No.312908

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sargon is opposed to collectivizing on the basic of class or race. He believes in state control of welfare. He believes humans are tabula rasa, little cogs that can be fit into a machine. By using vague enough terms, liberalist can mean anything. Horseshoe.

Keep in mind, he's not opposed to your lot taking over, so long as it's done by a vote.

9f522a No.312910

File: c07f6c6e1802719⋯.png (45.27 KB, 929x437, 929:437, leftypol cucks.png)


>muh autistic buzzphrases

You can babble about "workers rights" all day long, but let's be real. Your politics are cummies and anti-racism. If it was purely economical you'd be on /pol/.

People like the skeptics are embarrassed because SJWs have made their leftist "rational thinker" group look stupid. Skeptics were having fun shitting on SJWs for being clearly ridiculous up until people started digging deeper and questioning how SJWs came to be in the first place. You, your jewish faggotry, and your fence-sitting cousins all share something very basic: whenever your ideology is honestly and properly looked into, it crumbles.

07dd65 No.312911


>be /leftypol/ commie cuck

>try to sage a thread you don't like

How sad it is to be you

fd3832 No.312912


>sage is a downvote

reddit please

07dd65 No.312913


That isn't the way it's meant to be used, but you did what you did.

07dd65 No.312914


Why the fuck aren't you already lifting? Get to the gym, faggot.

aaaa19 No.312915

File: f544868de8220fc⋯.png (25.78 KB, 527x409, 527:409, is this bait.png)


>cummie faggot here

5555c3 No.312919


/pol/ told me that was degenerate.


6af92c No.312920


No, John. You are the bait.

de1441 No.312921


/pol/ started hating Sargoy for monetizing his videos and using /pol/ cocks for profit, around 2015. They found out he is a literal cuck and started making fun of him. Sargon took this personally, and made it a point to suddenly hate /pol/ and internet knotzees. He continued to be an unoriginal attention whore by watering down /pol/ ideas and memes for e-fame and monetary gain (kekistan). Come the current year and he's still at his old tricks, trying to make his gay alt-left movement which lacks direction, soul, substance, and lead by a fat whore.

b0ad46 No.312922

File: d7c528fd4c53493⋯.png (45.1 KB, 1669x133, 1669:133, leftypol filters.png)

File: 4f635aaae2cddb4⋯.png (474.61 KB, 634x1530, 317:765, leftypol tranny admin.png)


>he is not a "real" communist


5555c3 No.312923


>He took our memes

Fair enough i have heard of worse excuses to hate a man.

Still getting up to speed on this trash fire. Who the fuck are the main players?

b0ad46 No.312924

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This introductory video is just under two minutes in length, but should give you some sense of what we're dealing with.

5555c3 No.312926


That was well done. This shit does come off as a cult.

d79d2a No.312927

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1c008a No.312929


>No person shall carry on, conduct or transact business under a name which contains as a part thereof the words "pharmacist," "pharmacy," "apothecary," "apothecary shop," "druggist," "drug" or any word or words of similar or like import, or in any manner by advertisement, circular, poster, sign or otherwise describe or refer to the place of business by the terms "pharmacy," "apothecary," "apothecary shop," "chemist's shop," "drug store," "drugs" or any word or words of similar or like import unless the place of business is a currently licensed pharmacy practice site operated or managed at all times by a pharmacist.

Looks like you're right and I was slightly mistaken. Thanks for the clarification.

0b8c0a No.312931

File: f08839652fd821d⋯.webm (4.4 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, removekomies.webm)




>/leftypol/ here

1c008a No.312932


No you retard. You have the same fundamental belief that "idpol" is meaningless, that human nature is malleable, that everyone is a blank slate, and that "equality" is something to be sought after.

The only difference is that communists take this mentality to the logical extreme, just as anarcho-capitalists take "muh individualism" to the logical extreme. Liberals like Sargon are just idiots who hold these sorts of conflicting views and haven't thought them through

He's essentially just a basic bitch berniebro who also doesn't like feminists going after >muh vidya.

c584d4 No.312934

File: 3f0ee35fe13fc5d⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1760x6176, 55:193, vee comes to cow.png)

File: f33cd329a59ea22⋯.png (2.57 MB, 3640x6984, 455:873, vee comes to cow 2.png)

Part 2 is now finished. Also posting part 1 for those that missed it.

07dd65 No.312935


>he is a literal cuck

Is this provably true? I used to make fun of him for it back when he had few enough subscribers that he responded to all comments, but it was just a joke.

That's some good shit if so.

1ecef1 No.312936


The best one is to ask him how much a gobby costs.

83a989 No.312938


oh right, like when he left his tabs open in that video, exposing his search for massage parlors in Swyndon

d40e9a No.312939


Naked Ape is a jew.

b72785 No.312940


Yes, but take note that the alt-right is worse because they might go after his vidya AND his cummies

07dd65 No.312941


I notice a lot of Alt-Right e-celebs are literal faggots or Jews.

85cd9a No.312942


Yeah, it's rather amusing and why /pol/ hates e-celebs and the alt-kike.

83a989 No.312946


yeah, it's a monkey knife fight

3c493b No.312948


I think they fear the muslims hordes, even though muds practice bumming each other in private they aren't very kind to openly gay people.

107b66 No.312950


The english are kiked as fuck in housing.

8a2f2e No.312951


>race realism

I too like hearing about race realism from a Quebecois identitarian who tried to knock up a retarded hispanic to secure US residency after finding out the hard way that even the most desperate of neurotypical women, jungle asians and aging catladies, will still run for the hills after only a couple months living with him. He's a funny guy but it's mostly not on purpose. At least he didn't fuck a nigger I guess. That we know about anyway.

059374 No.312953


>it's a "loser who can't act and has no concept of cinematography tries to make an ebin internet movie" episode

When you make channel autism skits look good by comparison, you should really just give up, sell your camera, and do something else with your life.


One guy cried over people using the term "m i l k " in terms of "m i l king the lolcow" so they added a wordfilter.

85cd9a No.312956


It has the same history as all wordfilters. Mods got butthurt decided to be colossal faggots. The end.

23a4f3 No.312957

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>That entire video

0a45df No.312958

File: 369df4b688e5c1a⋯.jpg (37.05 KB, 640x476, 160:119, huutista.jpg)


Do they not realize that uncle Ted would think that the Liberalautists are the same oversocialized cucks that he bitches about in his essay?

3f8462 No.312959


>unironically using the term neurotypical

>using the same false talking points that Johnny Fox destroyed himself with

cfa3d2 No.312961

File: 1c2fbceced2ac74⋯.jpg (103.95 KB, 742x1196, 371:598, 1c2fbceced2ac7415b353cfd01….jpg)

6c3b13 No.312962


>Naked Ape is a jew.

Really? Where's the proof? Has he said it himself?

6867cf No.312963

File: 7bcbd7ee262d4bd⋯.png (143.9 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1503008009-2.png)


Quoting Kaczynski is nice and all, but he is opposed to the Industrial society and the Happiness primate Liberalists are pushing for. Read his shit and look up Power Process.


Let's be more precise: All sane /v/irgins left the unproductive and the spergs behind in the General.


No. I started lifting a few years ago and I am struggling with the desire to jack off to Hentai. Slacked off with the lifting since I got internship that takes a lot of time. That internship will lead to a job that will eat up at least 50% of my time.


Don't listen to /pol/ on all aspects. Corporate Gyms are degenerate as fuck, yes. You even don't need a gym. Just get some dumbbells, barbells and some weights from Craig's list. If you still think you need to that with other blokes, look for gyms that looks like they should have names Deadlift Dungeon or Golden Horde.


If you fucking hate yourself, everything looks like a Stürmerkike.

5555c3 No.312964


>Don't listen to /pol/ on all aspects.

But /pol/ is always right.

100340 No.312965

File: 9cb2e7497d5ee59⋯.gif (2.04 MB, 472x197, 472:197, Getting_Gas_in_Detroit.gif)


It used to be often right. Currently it's a mess


>Quoting Kaczynski is nice and all, but he is opposed to the Industrial society and the Happiness primate Liberalists are pushing for. Read his shit and look up Power Process.

He doesn't fit at all with what they believe and for a movement trying to appeal to normies, quoting a serial killer who was mkultra'd is not the way to go.

d091ef No.312966

File: fbd68096768faa7⋯.png (25.82 KB, 91x122, 91:122, le.png)

6867cf No.312968


On the jews, not on the Degeneration of American strength sports. They probably never heard of Weider.

83a989 No.312969


>/pol/ told me not to get /fit/

5555c3 No.312970


But /pol/ is always right.


No /pol/ told me it was degenerate.

83a989 No.312971


>/pol/ told me getting /fit/ is degenerate

5555c3 No.312972


>/cow/ tells me that doing anything is degenerate

83a989 No.312973


>taking advice from /cow/

6867cf No.312974

File: f3301a160ea0e77⋯.jpg (245.61 KB, 994x745, 994:745, le cuckface.jpg)

Added the plebbit Ayylien.


Are you autistic? Spergs parroting everything was the reason we have left the /v/ hates video games meme behind. Also

>/pol/ told me getting /fit/ was degenerate

Get yourself some cast Iron weights and play with it. Work is good for the soul. I don't even have to google for evidence of that, because we are in a thread about people who don't.

5555c3 No.312975


>Corporate Gyms are degenerate as fuck,

/pol/ was right

83a989 No.312976


I have dumbbells under my desk. I usually just do pushups, ride a bike and swim, when I can get to the pool. I would not get back into lifting without a partner for spotting. I'd probably hire an instructor for a couple of weeks to make sure my form was right. Can't afford to fuck my knees or blow out my back.

5555c3 No.312977


>Work is good for the soul.

I just have to add, that work never did the jews any good in WW2.

I am just bored someone poke Vee in to sperging out again.

6867cf No.312978


Yes. Now whats your excuse to not lift at all?


You don't need a spotter if you know selfspotting techniques and never overdo it. Sure, it puts some limits on the shit you could do. You don't need a spotter for just doing.


Then do some pushups. Scooby has a video how you can get a 100 reps although you suck. You can also read the collected works of the UNA bomber or watch some stuffy by Jay Dyer to get better at trolling the Liberalists.

6c3b13 No.312980


Why is the Reddit logo this alien, robot, teddybear? I don't see a theme between the name and the logo. Or at least I've always assumed Reddit is a "cool" way of writing "read it", as in "I read it on Reddit".

I hate Reddit.

5555c3 No.312981


>Yes. Now whats your excuse to not lift at all?


83a989 No.312982


do pullups

e88696 No.312983


Also, get yourself a big gym ball to sit on at the desk. You can just rotate between using that and a chair. Even though one undoubtedly looks gay as fuck bouncing back and forth it does wonders. You can use it to keep a lot of muscles activated when you're just sitting, get better balance, and even lock your knees up against the desk and lean all the way back to train your abs.

You'll soon get addicted to that sort of mobility while at the PC.

d40e9a No.312984

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Context: NA and Kraut were taking a break (Kraut needing to go take a piss, NA being hungry) so NA suggested warming up so they can get things to be smooth. NA just got out his eggplant parmesan, noting it was crispy and kraut just got out of the bathroom.

8:33 NA states with mild shock "I was a Jewish truck driver living in New Jersey." finishing it with a laugh.

This is the full debate by the way.


>If you fucking hate yourself, everything looks like a Stürmerkike.

Actually that would be paranoia. You're assuming i'm a jew but we know it was a freudian slip. Next time question my claim and actually get the mental problems right, shill.

6c3b13 No.312985


Thanks for the info. His voice sure sounds Jewish.

I confused Naked Ape with Thinking Ape. WTF is it with all these Ape-Jewtubers? There's also a Shitflinging Ape or something. Is it so difficult to come up with a distinguishing name for yourself?

5555c3 No.312986


>Is it so difficult to come up with a distinguishing name for yourself?

Well what do you expect? Pseudo arguments,pseudo name.

83a989 No.312987


Adjective/place name-animal is a popular naming convention. I did a search for liberalist and pulled out some highlights.

Irate Bear

Logical Lion

Some Black Guy

American Raven

Michigan Wolverine

6c3b13 No.312988


I suppose Irate Bear is a Bearing-wannabe.

>Some Black Guy ->Animal

Oy vey, dat's racist.

cbe58a No.312989


>Some Black Guy

I laughed

83a989 No.312990

Seems like nothing is happening until Monday. Alt-Right Jewess Laura Loomer vs. Mister Metokur. I'm sure it will give the liberalists a chuckle. Vee's probably going to be busy deleting his online presence and explaining to his mom that Nazi's put vore on his computer. Sargon won't do shit until he has something to snark about. Barring another fringe nobody imploding, or Kraut making an exultant return, I don't expect much. See ya Monday.

f42ac8 No.312991


So Sargon vs Spencer? What the fug?

21821d No.312992


We could always find new ways to fuck with Vee to kill time

3c493b No.312993

File: 470d1a225236ab8⋯.jpg (6.34 MB, 3400x3033, 3400:3033, aed8696f9e5a4ff90dcdf25824….jpg)


completed montage

e88696 No.312994


I'm sure there are other close relatives on his mom's Fecesbook friend list.

1bdbac No.312995


What do you mean by "post-constructivism" here? I never heard of the viewpoint, honestly.

83a989 No.312996


No word on when that is happening. No partner for Sargon has been announced.


Don't have a faceberg

I'm sure someone will fuck up over the weekend though, bound to happen.

41642e No.313000


Should we needle Warski? Dude needs to get his shit together.

1c008a No.313001



The fact that Sargon/Spencer 2.0 has been pushed back at least 2 weeks now (possibly longer, could be indefinite) is quite telling. I think Sargon is gaming the system and keep saying "yeah, gonna do that debate any day now" and then keep putting it off over and over until most people gradually forget about it or stop caring, and then he'd just drop it entirely.

Even if he ends up doing it eventually next week or so, it seems that he's only allowing the debate to happen on his terms and timing, meaning after he can get a bunch of tangential half-truth bullshit together to weave a narrative to attack white nationalism with (stuff like using Faulk's video on manchildren playing mineycrafta to try to say that the 'alt right' are just like Anita and want to take their vidya)

0a45df No.313004


RaceWarski's too busy being a pothead to get his shit together.

d99091 No.313007


This would be consistent with how he has been dealing with other significant criticism of liberalistism

dea964 No.313008


JF wasn't allowed to speak in that case/hearing whatever it was.

dea964 No.313009

792adf No.313010


>implying any of them can stand up to the autism of Ryan Faulk


6867cf No.313012


> but we know it was a freudian slip

Funky way of writing heuristic, my man. The Jewish Truck driver thing sounds like joke to me.


Sargon did the same shit to Aurini, another right wing youtuber he has pissed off.

2bb3ce No.313019

File: 29332526e473681⋯.jpg (112.19 KB, 500x631, 500:631, leftypol.jpg)


How do you find the time to post in between sucking cocks?

dea964 No.313020

File: 6152f8bf2b11ea4⋯.png (169.98 KB, 473x504, 473:504, Kraut 001.PNG)

File: 93244f067c6dadd⋯.png (12.68 KB, 547x71, 547:71, Kraut 002.PNG)

Next week is going to be fun

27ad1f No.313021


One of his kids is not his, it is his wife's

792adf No.313022


I thought he'd be more rednecky. He's made the list for gassing regardless.

f42ac8 No.313026


I'd be more than happy if Kraut came back. What the fuck would he do? Fake-apologize again? He's fucked!

41642e No.313027


He'd constantly be spammed and trolled plus if they accept him back then the whole Sargon knew thing would be explicit instead of implicit.

792adf No.313028

File: c3858b5349c7f1a⋯.jpg (17.99 KB, 214x265, 214:265, 1486263181593.jpg)


> he is opposed to the Industrial society

It makes the Vee attack on Ryan Faulk even sweeter. Saying Minecraft is destroying civilization isn't really even a straw man when it comes to Uncle Ted. These people are so fucking dumb, why won't they just shut the fuck up and think about what they're reading/saying?


Faulk said he'd debate Vee today, put pressure on Vee not to back out


>400 tweets and he'll come back!

The kike could get 2 and he's coming back regardless. Youtube is the peak of these losers lives, and they fucking know it. Once that shit goes, they have to end the delusion that they're anybody at all.


>the failed med student ugly NEET


>the failed high school student ugly NEET pseudo

>Carl "I retract the quarter black" Benjamin

>Literal cuck 50 year old man who discusses videogames and college lesbians to an army of NEETs

Fuck these people

27ad1f No.313029

File: f23a0e1dcecc4a9⋯.png (244.47 KB, 660x346, 330:173, callcenter.png)


Don't forget the fact that Carl was a call-center worker before becoming a JewTuber

21821d No.313030

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Holy shit i had missed this

Who is this Fox guy exactly and why is she so hellbent on having a gotcha moment on JF?

cbce33 No.313031


Sounds like a joke tbh it's hard to tell when he's joking though because he uses them same tone.

Maybe I'm biased because I like Naked Ape's arguments for how a moral system of objective morality is possible while still being an atheist and how far right he has become lately

c6f31c No.313032

File: c5da09d504c850a⋯.jpg (52.6 KB, 1096x395, 1096:395, lol.jpg)


Also we need to monitor Veeh twitter this is gold, he is having a shit flinging contest with CRP also known as the Chilean wizard.

cbce33 No.313033


>spoon feed me

It's like people don't even try to to read the thread.




d99091 No.313034



>failed video game developer

41642e No.313035


Will CRP claim another victim?

27ad1f No.313036

File: dfadd8f4bd07205⋯.png (52.84 KB, 608x535, 608:535, boom.PNG)

File: 3e982a4b525b6af⋯.png (221.04 KB, 672x643, 672:643, coach boomer.PNG)


CRP is growing on me, guys. He's a boomer snake, but he's the ultimate trigger for the septics

c6f31c No.313037


the wizard has to calm down and think for a moment and use his black magic when needed, it's just a matter of time.

27ad1f No.313038

File: 43f86b44b985fa8⋯.png (79.05 KB, 633x626, 633:626, ourboomer.PNG)

>the lolcow calls someone a lolcow

Kek even CRP admits he's just julaying Vee for lulz

cbce33 No.313039

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


He's sorry now

cbe58a No.313040


Calling a person, especially a man "plump" is fucking weird. I think Vee wants to be eaten by CRP

27ad1f No.313041

File: f9d06ccb7e0ac06⋯.png (603.55 KB, 476x458, 238:229, vee.PNG)


Not to mention Vee's not exactly thin himself. Vee probably got off telling his mom about his derangement last night

cbce33 No.313042

File: bdff5a18fdd929f⋯.png (164.14 KB, 1272x1352, 159:169, Screen Shot 2018-01-20 at ….png)



Oh the irony

27ad1f No.313043


How can he of all people type that and not realize the hypocrisy that shows

c6f31c No.313045



what do ya fellas expect from a gypsy?

aaaa19 No.313047


I think he's ranked up from the gypsy class into jew.

fc403b No.313048

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I want to like the old snake for his Kino camerawork, but CRP is just too much of a fucking boomer for me to handle.

c6f31c No.313049


Can't he be a gypsy and a jew or is it like that song from loverboy?

fc403b No.313050

File: 9c10a112430f2c0⋯.jpg (199.39 KB, 772x1024, 193:256, 1513482050478m.jpg)

I want to like the old snake for his Kino camerawork, but CRP is just too much of a fucking boomer for me to handle.


cbce33 No.313051


I'm neutral about this boomer. It's hard for me treat him as lowcow when he's just your average 1980's sleazeball but in his 50's. I also like how much shit he stirs

4da8ab No.313053


Jew is a prestige class for gypsies.

c6f31c No.313054


oh so it is like that song from loverboy.

If you have not heard it it's called pig and elephant dna just won't splice.

21821d No.313059

File: ce810c19427569f⋯.png (227.56 KB, 2518x1024, 1259:512, 1b0.png)

1c008a No.313061


9/10, can you include coach kinopill's tricolor paintings behind him?

21821d No.313063

File: 8f9994569a4f7c5⋯.png (229.26 KB, 2518x1024, 1259:512, 1b0.png)


Like this?

cbe58a No.313064


He honks like an autistic goose and he has he audacity to call anyone else a lolcow

f42ac8 No.313065



Coach feels like he should be an even bigger lolcow, but I'm kinda rooting for him right now. Give 'em hell, Coach.

He's a living embodiment of every possible stereotype that you can apply to a boomer.

1c008a No.313066

File: 0e32e620b635aa1⋯.png (280.83 KB, 371x532, 53:76, 200% nice.png)

cf0329 No.313072

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


And since losing subs, he's started claiming mental illness.

010000 No.313073


>I don't even know where to start

A great place to look, assuming he has held or even applied for state employment before 2014, would be the OPM leaks. 21.5 million SF-86 forms, his likely being one in there. I'm not sure where you'd find anything on that though.

de1441 No.313075


I don't doubt he is a manic autist. He'll be a star cow if he keeps this attention whoring up.

85cd9a No.313078


Fuck me keep digging m8, the grave's almost at the earth's core now.

27ad1f No.313080



Why do people always use this as a crutch?

cbce33 No.313081


Even if it's true, coming out about it right after embarrassing yourself in public is pathetic. If it was a one off vid unrelated to any scandal I would be fine with it

4e3b1b No.313082

File: 1c2fba7c4de4be1⋯.jpg (353.82 KB, 1136x1200, 71:75, 1c2fba7c4de4be1f0c419f6777….jpg)


should have used the newer patriarchie comic

27ad1f No.313083


Yeah it's the timing of it which irritates me. I usually hate people who whine about muh mental illness in general, but posting right after that sperg-out on Warski is especially gay

f28757 No.313086


Well the trend within the medical industry has been to medicalize just about every possible human behavioral quirk to increase revenue. Its not surprising to see it manifest like this.

27ad1f No.313089

File: cd5dc301710bcb8⋯.jpg (135.65 KB, 885x990, 59:66, 1489964897052.jpg)


Pic related

dda92b No.313090

File: bd090a3654b86ce⋯.jpg (497.1 KB, 1000x1512, 125:189, Most Autistic thing ever.jpg)


Holy shit, someone actually made it into a video.

1297d8 No.313091

Will there be th Vee vs. Althype debate today or did vee pussy out of it?


65fb9c No.313095



>I need shekels

>I'm not going into whatever fun house you want to set up.

Sounds to me like alt-hype is bitching out on the blood sports.

cbe58a No.313096


>go on Vee's channel

>bring Vee revenue

Nah, he's making the right call

1297d8 No.313097


It's a stream full of retards screaming at each other. Nothing Ryan has interest in engaging in since it would overload his autism.

25e55e No.313098


He should just stream on his channel at the same time as kumite, chatsnipe with trolling and try to bait vee on.

65fb9c No.313099


Oh it was gonna be on Vee's channel and not the Kumite. Fuck that.

de1441 No.313101

These retards on Tonka are claiming Styx was hitting on a 15 year old youtuber using his actual YouTube account. They aren't offering a sauce unfortunately, claiming he deleted it. I wonder if there's an archive somewhere.

f8ba02 No.313102

File: 5a0b9010788b1a5⋯.jpeg (56.32 KB, 540x338, 270:169, 555-come on now.jpeg)


"Apparantely 4chan has screenshots" Yeah ok, seems legit.

cbce33 No.313103


but everything on 4chan is real that's how we know that each of the human races used to have their own planet Anon5 said so

80a163 No.313104


I haven't seen shit in the cuckchan threads

27ad1f No.313105

File: 6a03bc44b4746d7⋯.png (2.68 MB, 1348x3787, 1348:3787, styx5.png)

File: 02303bc28071276⋯.png (69.58 KB, 1063x529, 1063:529, styx1.png)

File: 311d79ef6ac3bbe⋯.png (47.33 KB, 848x461, 848:461, styx2.png)

File: 25e877164336991⋯.png (2.02 MB, 1348x3962, 674:1981, styx3.png)

File: 9e897e277ba9256⋯.png (70.1 KB, 915x637, 915:637, styx4.png)

de1441 No.313106


Screenshots are pretty gay. Also she looks like a 30 year old hag. Would love to see actual archives.

885699 No.313107

9a672a No.313108


Does this bitch actually have facial features? Between the caked on make up and the overexposed lighting I can't tell.

80a163 No.313109


>that face

>getting all of those compliments

I guess Styx is getting thirsty living in rural Vermont away form any qts

27ad1f No.313110

File: bbeec0ebce327ec⋯.png (67.43 KB, 515x419, 515:419, styxa.png)

File: b4877986e931bba⋯.jpg (106.92 KB, 829x516, 829:516, styxb.jpg)

cbe58a No.313111


1. That bitch looks gross

2. I don't see anything that could be defined as "hitting on". He seems attentive but there's nothing overtly sexual in there

27ad1f No.313112

File: 7ec832a1ca9fa0d⋯.jpg (1.93 MB, 3000x1080, 25:9, 7ec832a1ca9fa0d0f39f719194….jpg)


Reminder that Tarl Edward Warwick is Styxhexenhammer's real name

b72785 No.313114


Didn't know Styx was a necrophiliac

27ad1f No.313115


Styx had made a video where he was a mess titled "I will return" where it was theorized widely at the time that he had broken up with this girl. This info came out around that time. I'll try to find the video

cf0329 No.313116

Is styx a septic?

Also, is hitting on a 16yr old lulzy? This is /cow/ not /pol/

cbe58a No.313118


Age of consent in Vermont is 16, so it's neither funny nor illegal

cbce33 No.313119

What happened to the Kumite stream?

c83f6b No.313121

File: 55495642dd5ece2⋯.jpg (17.67 KB, 371x405, 371:405, 55495642dd5ece2fbda070d1cb….jpg)


That trap picture is a tranny in Sweden btw.



>Is styx a septic?


885699 No.313122



no he's a libertarian/pro-gay/pro-weed occultist or something

885699 No.313123


it's currently (((offline))).

27ad1f No.313124

File: 2474a567e1d6efd⋯.jpeg (138.71 KB, 900x900, 1:1, styxprayer.jpeg)

File: bac94e71bfa8a9d⋯.jpeg (92.5 KB, 537x637, 537:637, styxknife.jpeg)

File: 5957f17e2ceea9a⋯.jpeg (64.88 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, styx.jpeg)


Wow, the resemblance is uncanny


He's some weirdo libertarian hippy who repeats himself daily from his bedroom. Edgy and eccentric, but not really lol-worthy like Vee or Sargon most of the time

c6f31c No.313125

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


new one

de1441 No.313126


I'm wiling to believe he uses his moderate e-peen to hit on other internet autists. But She definitely looks like an old lady with cake makeup. Still it will be funny if she's really 15.

4da8ab No.313127

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


bb8c3e No.313128


885699 No.313129

de1441 No.313130


>injun radio technology

21821d No.313135

What proof do they have exactly that Styx had a relationship with the girl?

21821d No.313136

What proof do they have that Styx had a relationship with the girl?

de1441 No.313137

>he's waiting for his teenager to ripen

god damn this is getting hilarious

de1441 No.313138

41642e No.313140

Did Tonka get trolled by leftypol?

de1441 No.313141

Okay so most of this shit comes from a 4cuck archive from months ago that has an autistic amount of screenshots and no archives.


The only archive going around is here. Which proves nothing other than at least one of the screenshots is genuine:


21eef0 No.313143


I'd write him off as pointless but the fucking multiple high end cameras and the clapping to change shots just kills me

21821d No.313144

Who the fuck is this Revenge of the Cis

de1441 No.313145


two nobodies who were shilling their skeptic podcast and boring the fuck out of everyone until they just left the stream saying styx was a pedo

41642e No.313146


I second the question. They sound like stupid mutts.

cf0329 No.313147


Indirectly, yeah

c83f6b No.313149


I think he's a /leftypol/ shill.

cbce33 No.313151

The Revenge of the Cis cucks are shit sturring drama whores trying to grow their little podcast

21eef0 No.313152

wait so styx did groom some nasty looking 15 year old?

cf0329 No.313153

>They don't respond to my trolling


885699 No.313154

This has been constant drama since mid-December. when is it going to end? when they're satisfied with their sub counts?

cf0329 No.313155


leftypol logic

27ad1f No.313157


Not until the sheckles stop pouring in

a989e5 No.313158



Anyone got proof they're responsible for this?

de1441 No.313159


It looks like it but we need more archives and confirmation that she is actually 15 (not just created the account when she was 15)

21eef0 No.313160


yeah I mean styx is some libertarian so I wouldn't find the pedophilia surprising

885699 No.313161


I watched a couple of her videos, she was on red ice once. She dsaid herself she was `15-16 around a year ago.

she was also friends with evalion, there should be pics/vids somewhere.

21eef0 No.313162

oh tonka shows who is talking now. earlier it was so fucking confusing

fb1038 No.313163


To be honest she looks like 30

41642e No.313164


Sort of their style.

0d63ff No.313165

7bfe01 No.313166

File: ff44409fae1720e⋯.png (43.88 KB, 1000x507, 1000:507, 835787868678676.PNG)



Here is her channel now, plus the description.

27ad1f No.313167



Well there we go

21821d No.313168

I don't even like Styx that much but these two guys sound like they're full of shit

41642e No.313169


One of them was trying to start shit with Metokur the other day too I think.

de1441 No.313170


She could be a retard who hasn't updated her about for years, but this is turning out to be hilarious. I want an archive of the "patience" screenshot.

21eef0 No.313171

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

that 56% look

cf0329 No.313172

This is DramaAlert tier retarded.

41642e No.313173

de1441 No.313174


They are clearly shills, but this is still a riot.

885699 No.313175


they've figured out that tonka/warski strategy is to start drama and julay it for all it's worth for le internet shekels. they're just copying the business model.

is this cancer really going to be the future of youtube for 2018?

cbce33 No.313176


That's not even 56 percent. More like 100% kebab

21eef0 No.313177


theyre just doing it to get more views on their "podcast" which gets around 4-500 views till their most recent one that had 2k

c83f6b No.313178



21821d No.313179

Styx is in

41642e No.313180


What's their cocks?

de1441 No.313181

lol now they are triggered

c83f6b No.313183


Typical /leftypol/ tbh.

65fb9c No.313184


>is this cancer really going to be the future of youtube for 2018?

It's gonna stop real fast if they keep getting weak ass bullshit like this Kumite, or the one yesterday where NoBS was talking shit about furfag rags in the chat but when he comes on "Oh no i didn't say anything bad rags here why don't you talk about the liberalists for an hour oh yeah that's real interesting"

885699 No.313185

not to be that guy, but it would be "ephebophile", not pedophile.

952929 No.313186

21eef0 No.313187


they had 120k video about dan schneider a month ago and it seems they've just done more videos on it

cf0329 No.313188

27ad1f No.313190

Does this cancer and drama ever stop? I can't say I'm not enjoying a lot of though

de1441 No.313191


but did styx violate the NAP

0d63ff No.313192

Revenge of the CIS just humiliated themselves on the public space.

9a672a No.313193



Looked around her channel more recent videos have her in less makeup/better lighting and while she still looks older than 16, she doesn't look like a mid thirties hag anymore. Guess she just needed someone to tell her she's not in the circus.

21eef0 No.313194


not sure about that unless they're false flaging. They did videos about #freeechriscantwel who was one of the nazis who got arrested at charlottesville

27ad1f No.313195


Lol styx in damage control mode

21821d No.313196

Oh fuck is Styx going to go the Kraut way about it?

a989e5 No.313197

File: 17120e93afe5ef0⋯.jpg (44.85 KB, 408x352, 51:44, 1466811009926.jpg)


the ride never ends

21eef0 No.313198

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Joined by our friend Dave Martel (Mad American Network), we discuss the ridiculous & excessively harsh treatment of Christopher Cantwell by the Virginia court system. Despite all three of us having a universal dislike of Cantwell & his beliefs, we find ourselves defending him since our government has a habit of being even less likable than crazy, mace wielding White Nationalists.

>2 out of 3 of the original charges have been dropped in his case after two alleged victims recanted their false testimony. And despite cooperating and turning himself in voluntarily, Christopher Cantwell remains a political prisoner.

lol styx is such a retard

65fb9c No.313199


1c008a No.313200


No idea what's going on, but isn't Styx a free speech absolutist?

885699 No.313201



cantwell is a lolbertarian sperg, not a natsoc. heimbach is a natsoc.

65fb9c No.313202



For fucks sake i forgot the command

21821d No.313203


idk everyone is acting like a retard and i don't know why

27ad1f No.313204

File: bac94e71bfa8a9d⋯.jpeg (92.5 KB, 537x637, 537:637, styxknife.jpeg)



41642e No.313205


They sound like cuckservatives.

cbce33 No.313206

Styx just made a huge mistake. I'm not his fan so fuck him. I was just mad about these /leffypol/ drama mutts slandering him.

Now I care much less because Styx thinks flagging the stream is good optics. That's fucking retarded.

de1441 No.313207

If anything this proves how inept halfchan is. They had two threads about this last year loaded with screenshots and nobody thought to archive a god damn thing.

65fb9c No.313208



And revenge of cis is destiny.

21821d No.313209


Exactly, that makes me feel far less sympathetic to him

c83f6b No.313210

File: 68e37ad86254173⋯.gif (1.99 MB, 486x583, 486:583, 1423541678650-3.gif)

Styx is sperging out right now. I watch his videos, but he's really dropping the ball right now.

885699 No.313211


he might have assumed it was a sjw circlejerk. kumite isn't very well known.

cf0329 No.313212


My guess: manufactured drama, dramaAlert tier bullshit.

27ad1f No.313213

>this information is false because it hasn't been ironed out


cbce33 No.313214


That's bullshit it takes 5 seconds to read descriptions and titles and see the guests. I don't buy he thought it was an SJW circle jerk

21eef0 No.313215


it was like 2 screenshots of him making wordy comments to her videos

65fb9c No.313216

>Styx didn't realize he was commanding his fans to take down the kumite

lol Razorstyx that fucking retard.

de1441 No.313217

What a Saturday.

27ad1f No.313218


I wasn't saying it was either way, just the way Andy worded it

9bd51c No.313219

bullshit styx wasbeing a bitch telling his minions to flag shit

0f73bb No.313220


27ad1f No.313221

>Styx is the Rick and Morty of the YouTube world

That's about right

21821d No.313222

Why don't they just get Styx in the stream?

885699 No.313223

File: 20b7cf2a60b3d17⋯.jpg (94.15 KB, 606x228, 101:38, styx kumite.jpg)


looks like he just made a mistake

cf0329 No.313224




leftypol, your shilling too hard, too obvious

21eef0 No.313225


styx wont get on

cbce33 No.313226


Styx was in the chat and wont come on. He's not doing himself any favors by ignoring this

c83f6b No.313227

File: cb3967572542364⋯.png (297.94 KB, 884x358, 442:179, 8f62671b20e118364b43366682….png)


Styx thought it was a /leftypol/ stream. This is hilarious all around.

cf0329 No.313228



41642e No.313229


You can't really expect people to get on every 2 bit stream because some retarded mutt calls you a pedo.

45f2cd No.313230

<"there are ways to tell if that's a photoshop"

>forging something with clear cut colors, straight lines and the option to edit in the browser

I joined late and don't care if it was real or not, but there are no way to detect a good shoop. None. Fucking streamfags can't into pixels.

c83f6b No.313231

File: 1630bace3ad7113⋯.mp4 (1.15 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1010.mp4)


65fb9c No.313232


>leftypol, your shilling too hard, too obvious

I'm not shilling for leftypol, i'm laughing at a retard who tried to censor a chat because they said mean things about him.

27ad1f No.313233

>getting this mad at internet shit

6f38a4 No.313234

File: 806ff6f96347cc3⋯.gif (2.51 MB, 500x500, 1:1, 4b6bca5c00d321022b2717eeef….gif)

this is hilarious

21eef0 No.313235

how do they even know how the girl is 15

6c3b13 No.313236


Those faggots didn't say mean things to him, they accused him of being a pedo. Big difference.

21821d No.313237


Her channel description says she's 16, but we don't know when was the last time she updated it

cf0329 No.313238



You're post history is lefty as fuck, filtered

6f38a4 No.313239

File: 3b17e69ebebe820⋯.jpg (47 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1464751488947.jpg)

>it's fucking /leftypol/ who the fuck goes there?

21eef0 No.313240


its not like they looked into her video. She doesnt look like it

0d63ff No.313241

Revenge of the CIS slandering Styxhexenhammer666

Talk shit to Tonka

Tonka gets mad

885699 No.313242

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



16th birthday vid, was uploaded aug 22 2017

21eef0 No.313243

I'm for styx getting fucked over since he doesnt believe in the right for whites to exist tho

27ad1f No.313244


21821d No.313245


885699 No.313246


21821d No.313247


Oh well


Jim was in since the beginning

059374 No.313248



When has /pol/ ever said anything against gyms/workouts? You're just pulling autism out of your ass. Are you conflating "post /fit/ threads on /fit/ not /pol/" with this shit? Also Kaczynski was a fed plant.


>losing subs

It's not like he had many in the first place.


Just look at his channel. in a way, he defines exactly how bad jewtube is now. Try to make cocks? Get nothing. Get into the business of stirring up drama and "calling people out"? Look at that, suddenly views.


>commenting on videos is "hitting on"

Maybe in permavirgin gypsy land.





41642e No.313250


He has been there for an hour.

21eef0 No.313251


yeah I mean its obvious when you look into it but she doesnt look that young so I can understand styx not knowing it from first glance


jim was on earlier


27ad1f No.313252


What a fag lol

65fb9c No.313253

Fucking finally comes in and it's just

>Heh you don't want to mess with me, kiddo.

cf0329 No.313254


This isn't going to hurt styx. It will still be funny if he rapes someone in court

6f38a4 No.313256

File: cfde199b453c384⋯.gif (149.74 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 664f1b16b4111085870781c41e….gif)

>you realize how much money i make?

de1441 No.313257


65fb9c No.313258

41642e No.313259




Can we get the Styx sword pics with the nothing personal kiddo stuff shopped in?

21eef0 No.313260

>I'm a fan

>you're a pedophile styx!

674e96 No.313261


"Heh, that's about all, pease out"

6f38a4 No.313262


maybe just "spoon clank"

27ad1f No.313263

Styx's ego is out of control

059374 No.313264



65fb9c No.313265



Inb4 another lawsuit

6c3b13 No.313266


That Revenge of the Shit sounds like a dumb attention whore.

885699 No.313267


Says it all really. All these worthless parasites have the same priorities.

21eef0 No.313268

wait did these guys not know you can edit metadata to make stuff

792adf No.313270

Am I the only one that thinks Styxx is guilty as fuck?

885699 No.313271

>these leftypol shills just give up the moment styx appears

gj leftypol

21eef0 No.313272


he probably was grooming the bitch tbh

27ad1f No.313273


The YouTube comments are real, but they don't make him look TOO bad, just a little creepy. It's nothing channel killing

885699 No.313274


he could be. she was 15-16 at the time, and he did delete it. not enough there to use though, and these retards aren't able to accuse him properly.

41642e No.313275


It's just retarded middle aged/boomer mutts which are the main people buying into the shill shit and other talmudic shit.

9bd51c No.313276

65fb9c No.313277


There's so little concrete evidence that it doesn't even matter, it's just funny to watch the spergouts.

cbce33 No.313278


I dislike Styx for a lot of reasons, but it's a stretch to spin talking to some 15 year old chick in comments about politics to grooming a child tbqh

6c3b13 No.313279


Is Styx really that pathetic? He's an e-celeb. He could probably get someone better looking.

27ad1f No.313280



83680d No.313281



t. hoverhands

*tips hat*

21eef0 No.313282


the chick is some weird trad wife wannabe so I can see the appeal

21821d No.313283


I think it's bullshit but he's still acting like a little bitch about it

792adf No.313284


It sounds exactly like that. This is going to come out sooner or later, women aren't reliable to keep a secret, especially if there's something to gain.

>Styxxx exxxposed

>he was sexting me and grooming me since I was 15

He's going to get burned later, mark my words.

f6a6df No.313285

File: 0340541300de5eb⋯.png (580.22 KB, 514x767, 514:767, 1497834466888.png)

1297d8 No.313286


>The YouTube comments are real,

How do you know? The only confirmed one is the one with an archive and is harmless. If styx lieds people will ask the youtuber.

cbce33 No.313287


source: Your crystal ball

21eef0 No.313288

lol they really changed their tune from styx being a pedophile to wow my bad guys

41642e No.313289

de1441 No.313290


The problem is there is no archive of the actual comments he made about waiting for her to be legal. This could be 4cuck's fault for not archiving shit. Or it could be because it's just a leftypol shitty op. Either way, the lack of evidence is to Styx's benefit.

885699 No.313291


they melted as soon as he turned up. clowns.

792adf No.313292


How do you know I'm not CRP?

0d63ff No.313293



really makes you think

just bottomfeeders starting drama to get big, backfires

c83f6b No.313294

File: 5fa4784ec83622c⋯.png (233.73 KB, 1151x637, 1151:637, styx.png)

27ad1f No.313295


Lemme see if I can find it

6c3b13 No.313296


Complete fucking pussy cucks.

I don't even like, or dislike, Styx, but if you want to attack someone, you should at least have some ammunition.

674e96 No.313297



>not clanking

21eef0 No.313298


>we'll address this on our show

>tune in guys!

cbce33 No.313299



>Crystal ball

What's the difference?

6c3b13 No.313300


Too bad if Styx's fans were to flag their video.

c83f6b No.313301

File: 2328c0f515dba4d⋯.png (233.83 KB, 1151x637, 1151:637, clanky.png)


I was thinking about doing that, but thought it'd be too much.

21821d No.313302

>We'll address this on monday

>Don't forget to tune in!


And even if they were real it would only prove him being a creepy orbiter at most

21eef0 No.313304

they got fucking scared I think when styx brought up a lawsuit and given who it is the fact that it could actually happen

21eef0 No.313305


they've made a ton of videos about dan schneider being a pedo. Probably could get them kicked off.

45f2cd No.313306








6f38a4 No.313307

File: a4c00e12b6ab58a⋯.jpg (39.79 KB, 592x386, 296:193, 00b9a62cb61e29c5f5a30ed3c8….jpg)

>spread the holocaust bullshit

21821d No.313308

>You people on the right


0d63ff No.313309


$3000/month on patreon? He could hire few jewish layers.

674e96 No.313310


Much better

65fb9c No.313311


>they got fucking scared I think when styx brought up a lawsuit and given who it is the fact that it could actually happen

He sounded scared long before that, seemed like he genuinely thought he could just yell STYX IS A PEDOPHILE and then just leave without any issues.

c83f6b No.313312


Not just Patreon, but he makes a shitload of dosh from his books.

27ad1f No.313313

Why did these retards instantly bow down to Styx instead of questioning him on the photos or the girl? Were they scared Styx would send some Jewish lawyers after him?

21eef0 No.313314


it's a fucking letdown tbh. The spic dude was getting fucking heated before. I was a bit excited but of course they let me down yet again

6c3b13 No.313315


They have no spine.

7bfe01 No.313316

File: e97e14551dee298⋯.png (330.58 KB, 1186x899, 1186:899, 768674876868678.PNG)


Well, he follows her on twitter, not saying he's guilty, but I found that interesting.


8b2451 No.313317

File: 3982bf86ec27557⋯.png (310.97 KB, 440x440, 1:1, 3982bf86ec275577ae0c55052e….png)

The autism in this stream. Youtube has never been this entertaining.

c6f31c No.313318


ain't it just grimoire that he republish since there is no copyright on them?

65fb9c No.313319


>Why did these retards instantly bow down to Styx instead of questioning him on the photos or the girl? Were they scared Styx would send some Jewish lawyers after him?

He doesn't have it in him to continue that shit, especially with evidence so flimsy.

83680d No.313320


Because the comments were benign, she was legal despite it being creepy, they called him a pedo, the had only the screencaps which aren't proof of shit and they're retarded leftypol faggots.

c83f6b No.313321


They already got PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD'd by Tonka and they thought he wouldn't confront them.


He writes other books, but most are "remasters" of grimoires with redone artwork.

de1441 No.313322

Dance! Dance!

cbce33 No.313323

>leftypol cucks bitch out and end up singing on command


21eef0 No.313324

wow and who would have thought 20 minutes ago they thought this man was a pedophile

c83f6b No.313325

File: e7d0094afac3e54⋯.jpg (155.86 KB, 1024x703, 1024:703, e7d0094afac3e54ea33c245436….jpg)

Tonka's Kumite getting popular is the greatest thing to ever happen to the internet.

c6f31c No.313326


then he is basically rich since most of them are just from old niche grimoire and he can just publish about 60 copies or under 100 and make 200 to 400 per book since he signs them or something.



Here are some examples of what happens when they become a collector item.

27ad1f No.313327


65fb9c No.313328


>wow and who would have thought 20 minutes ago they thought this man was a pedophile

Really makes u think.

21eef0 No.313331


it's a good grift tbh. The originals of course are way too expensive and the alternatives are usually poorly done paperback editions.

83680d No.313332


holy shit

21821d No.313333

Is Jim working on a video?

41642e No.313334

Anyone caught up on the DSP shit? Should I head over to KF to check it out or wait for Jim's vid?

65fb9c No.313335


Yup. Should have been up by now, but Jim time.

cbce33 No.313338

File: b6d375d5970ff0b⋯.png (36.29 KB, 742x124, 371:62, Screen Shot 2018-01-20 at ….png)

What happened with Styx and Enoch?

6f38a4 No.313339


I'd watch that

c6f31c No.313340


also he is doing it wrong he should make limited editions or only so and so much copies and have art in them.

Also these I linked are just republished not originals but what is called a limited copies.

Here is all the books he is publishing



Before you ask I have 1 grimoire and one so-called hidden knowledge when it comes to freemasons, so history.

885699 No.313341



well done leftypol

cbce33 No.313342

File: dabdeb1c94e50e3⋯.png (24.9 KB, 738x86, 369:43, Screen Shot 2018-01-20 at ….png)

21eef0 No.313343


>The Occult Basis of ASMR: Second Edition by Tarl Warwick (2016-06-07)


674e96 No.313344


Wow so Styx is now /ouroccultist/?

21821d No.313345


6f38a4 No.313347

File: 71afdadbc6466e2⋯.gif (1.87 MB, 429x338, 33:26, 1436760128706.gif)


/pol/ wins again

a378c5 No.313350

File: 840697fc2dfe67a⋯.png (492.21 KB, 450x670, 45:67, ClipboardImage.png)


What's the deal with him not wearing shirts and showing off his chicken breast in every video?

cbce33 No.313351

File: 0fcd75ab8869a6f⋯.png (184.75 KB, 1238x750, 619:375, Screen Shot 2018-01-20 at ….png)


Looks like it

21eef0 No.313352


sryx and enoch had a debate about the ethnostate and styx kept doing whatabout arguments. Probably got heated. Didnt watch it though since Styx probably just sperged about individualist magic shit is all we need

0cc6f4 No.313354

File: db87bea1179ff53⋯.gif (3.1 MB, 200x200, 1:1, 8c533b65307a398a6b0711e135….gif)

1c008a No.313355

File: 7f629e01476e45f⋯.jpg (65.63 KB, 557x426, 557:426, hitler pacha.jpg)


>when the 4D chess hits you

c83f6b No.313356

File: fe9389af11fd354⋯.jpg (40.93 KB, 283x352, 283:352, 1456719111928.jpg)


>Alright everybody, niggers are subhumans that must be eradicated

>That's about all, peace out.

21eef0 No.313357


if the left was just libertarians in the ethnostate I wouldnt mind it at all

0cc6f4 No.313358

File: db05347ddd6ccc4⋯.gif (5.84 MB, 474x487, 474:487, db05347ddd6ccc4ce0a68da778….gif)

>>313355 (checked)

885699 No.313359

File: a7544948471d5c4⋯.jpg (114.13 KB, 354x417, 118:139, laura loomer.jpg)

tire jew vs jim on monday

674e96 No.313361


<clanks a spoon behind /leftypol/

>heh, that's about all, peace out

41642e No.313362


Superchat is going to get Andy arrested.

65fb9c No.313363


Was a fairly civil chat overall, much better the previous one with spencer and sargon.

cbce33 No.313364

c83f6b No.313365

File: 20271bc04cd9466⋯.png (90.01 KB, 275x250, 11:10, 20271bc04cd946686ff183d683….png)


As far as I know, Libertarians not "left-libertarians want limited government and non-interventionist, non abusive government for their citizens, but not no government. Strong boarders and limited immigration are something that Libertarians can agree on,

41642e No.313366



Do you guys mean Greg Johnson vs Styx? Enoch made fun of Styx afterwards on TDS.

21821d No.313367

Is Jim vs. Laura Loomer going to be on Warski's?

cbce33 No.313368

File: b43501940f0160d⋯.png (103.52 KB, 1178x458, 589:229, Screen Shot 2018-01-20 at ….png)

>/leftypol/'s ops failing this hard


21eef0 No.313370


maybe I got confused my bad



c83f6b No.313371

File: 0484b052724b075⋯.mp4 (582.12 KB, 510x388, 255:194, lickylick.mp4)


Oh shit.

27ad1f No.313372



Will Styx start revealing the truth on the Holohoax and the danger of Jewish international finance tomorrow?

21eef0 No.313373

did sargon try to recruit styx into the liberalist cult?

c83f6b No.313374


Baked Alaska's.

6f38a4 No.313375

File: 6d9a4a68dea1fb5⋯.png (11.89 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 6d9a4a68dea1fb5a22beb5022c….png)

c83f6b No.313376









1c008a No.313380

File: 1b2867fdf014b6a⋯.png (168.76 KB, 1010x901, 1010:901, laughing pepe moonman.png)



41642e No.313385

File: f507ffeb89dd601⋯.png (86.08 KB, 628x871, 628:871, EdgyTwitterRaHoWa.png)

45f2cd No.313390

File: 6eac46a1bc34dee⋯.png (43.83 KB, 611x361, 611:361, overton window 1.png)


Not tomorrow but I can see this leading to more pushback, leading to more step on snek666.


Too early.

674e96 No.313391


Trout is a high school drop out though

059374 No.313422


>trying to derail this thread with autistic shit related to foxdickfaggots spreading disinfo in a desperate bid to laugh at a someone who plays videogames

d9734a No.313425

File: eedfca4f658f0ec⋯.mp4 (1003.17 KB, 326x244, 163:122, baited apple.mp4)


This is actually really, really high quality. I commend you, faggot.

257067 No.313567



Styx also has magical gardening and survival guide books

6af92c No.313579



b58f8b No.313628


There are forensic tools, nigger


23a4f3 No.313630

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



This is what I think it's refering to: A while (perhaps a year) ago, Styx made a video saying Mike Enoch and The Daily Shoah are the

>"Al Sharptons of the White Race"

or something like that. From the way he described, I think he thought they were what people who don't read The Daily Stormer think The Daily Stormer is about. He might also have thought they were feds.

During the Mike Enoch debate on RaceWarski, he supposedly was in the comment section, saying things like that the impression he had of TDS and Enoch was mistaken and that he had been tricked by propaganda.


Such a beautiful, pure woman.

65a574 No.316057

File: 7b63bc84bcc8ed1⋯.mp4 (5.35 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Degadation of a Fanbase-Ho….mp4)


>/pol/ started hating Sargoon around 2015

nigger stop telling revisionist history. /pol/ never liked Sargoon or any e-celebrity for that matter. /pol/ hates the CIA run (((aut-kike))) and the "Skeptic" community. If their was any alliance ever it was before 2014 when /pol/ was still lossless affiliated with GG.



>post exodus facebook meme


65a574 No.316058


8356bf No.350842





Seems pretty calm, and level headed to me to me.

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