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File: 9259c9bcb69cc26⋯.jpg (55.36 KB, 944x444, 236:111, sargon-the-afraid.jpg)

f694e2 No.313249

Since the old thread is getting full, I've decided to make a new one.

065519 No.313303

IT'S #11 NOT 9

b34d55 No.313330


>Lying this hard

Fuck off faggot last thread was 8, not 10.

b04f50 No.313353

File: ec0d2746ef4cd14⋯.png (77.22 KB, 645x729, 215:243, 1514703761997.png)


>1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9, 8, 9

b7ebdd No.313377


cceb93 No.313379

can you at least make a decent OP post of the good shit fuck

cceb93 No.313381

File: 0603de1d3a609f7⋯.png (18.74 KB, 739x268, 739:268, Untitled.png)

b34d55 No.313382


>Implying there was 2 9's and 2 8's

Nigger, it's

>1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, veetard 1, veetard 2, 9

87d13a No.313383

File: 71c2f3115d8bbc2⋯.png (25.17 KB, 626x392, 313:196, OU.png)

b7ebdd No.313384

File: dd7d0ce03378be1⋯.jpg (265.98 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, Breivik.jpg)


>you will live to see Styx call out International Finance in front of 200,000 subs

b7df50 No.313386

File: 626341be3359ec4⋯.webm (439.38 KB, 640x360, 16:9, the_fire_rises.webm)

f03ab5 No.313387

File: b43501940f0160d⋯.png (103.52 KB, 1178x458, 589:229, Screen Shot 2018-01-20 at ….png)

Hail StyxKikeSlammer666

b34d55 No.313388

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




/r/ing a pic of a l leftypol mod bragging about going on vid related, then locked the thread when they got B T F O'd by jim

094d5e No.313389

File: b43501940f0160d⋯.png (103.52 KB, 1178x458, 589:229, hailourpeople.png)


Hail our people.

ab81ff No.313392

File: 9be8c7b131cbb4f⋯.jpg (18.47 KB, 634x416, 317:208, 1e90764cc72d6d112061cef189….jpg)

b7df50 No.313393

File: 533cfa3e50e3b1c⋯.mp4 (2.67 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, GAS GAS GAS.mp4)



Hail victory.

0099eb No.313394

File: 8c1c06c0cb972b2⋯.jpg (68.01 KB, 970x735, 194:147, nigger down's.jpg)


I guess every thread will be #9 from now on.

b7ebdd No.313396

File: 158a193fb137cd8⋯.png (19.78 KB, 602x241, 602:241, retweet.PNG)

File: 0d1d8c4d50da5fd⋯.jpg (65.72 KB, 587x534, 587:534, maga jew.jpg)



Kek he retweeted it


0099eb No.313397

File: fa2a68ac468f68c⋯.jpg (103.43 KB, 1033x1060, 1033:1060, leftypol debates jim.jpg)

02987c No.313398


It's the eternal september all over again.

f03ab5 No.313399


lol watching this now. Dis gun be good

ab81ff No.313400

File: 0a9e71504cd8099⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 1.61 MB, 1232x696, 154:87, 0a9e71504cd80999fdec9462d….webm)


styx's future

4f5ad4 No.313401


What the fuck was that?

b34d55 No.313403


Allow me to interpret, i know spergenese

>[autistic growls]

>HITLERRR shit his pants and did nothing WROOOOOOONG


b7ebdd No.313404

File: de98224445b2a38⋯.jpg (44.59 KB, 390x570, 13:19, SA MANN BRAND.jpg)

File: 90a3b98eb667297⋯.jpg (38.98 KB, 380x555, 76:111, Leib und Seele.jpg)


This is the part where Styx gets jacked, becoming an esoteric ironpill-tier Ubermensch. Jews will quake in their boots before him

02987c No.313405


Looks like HWNDU season 1 no clue what he's saying though.

053fe6 No.313407


Styx will create a new Thule society

ab81ff No.313412

File: 7202bbfee464f4f⋯.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 5.1 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 7202bbfee464f4f1f3fa7b7864….mp4)

File: 187ef82c0bb483f⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 184.7 KB, 591x571, 591:571, 8688d542f12320c509b9f79dac….png)

File: 4384638c3f65751⋯.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 6.95 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 4384638c3f65751596d02c3545….mp4)

File: cb42a04618105b5⋯.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 616.11 KB, 320x180, 16:9, cb42a04618105b527aba2c1bee….mp4)


You missed HWNDU? You're in for a treat.

4afed2 No.313413


Nah just that one.

b98e71 No.313414

0099eb No.313415


it was fun while it lasted.

94f9dd No.313419

879a10 No.313420

File: ffbca274c87ac0b⋯.jpg (185.06 KB, 1456x1072, 91:67, moonhitler.jpg)


First the skeptics make race realism popular, now /leftypol/ is getting the far right airtime.


not that i'm complaining

b7ebdd No.313421

File: a71efdf189ec443⋯.jpg (328.15 KB, 874x1024, 437:512, Es lebe Deutschland.jpg)

7fca78 No.313424


Go back to chasing every big thing off /pol/ to make space for off-topic anime threads, faggot.

b98e71 No.313426


t. incoherent drug addled leftypol, go derail a pol thread nigger, filtered

b34d55 No.313428


>Derailing a thread to do an autistic screech about stupid shit on a niche board

Fucking kill yourself.

b98e71 No.313429

File: 402fe62afc5a912⋯.jpg (77.27 KB, 800x640, 5:4, obvious_fact_nigger_evolut….jpg)


t. another triggered nigger, so easy to spot. filtered

cceb93 No.313430

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ah the chick styx is grooming has fucked up teeth. he should offer her braces for that pussy imo

f03ab5 No.313432

File: dabdeb1c94e50e3⋯.png (24.9 KB, 738x86, 369:43, Screen Shot 2018-01-20 at ….png)


Please keep slandering him /leftypol/. I wan't him to go full 1488 out of spite. I'll actually watch him if he starts doing videos on esoteric hitlerism.

b34d55 No.313433

I hope Styx turns out to be the next Charle's Mansion, and he ends up killing a few /leftypol/ celebrities.

706278 No.313434


come home, white man

b34d55 No.313435


*while getting everyone to believe a wild pack of niggers caused it.

cceb93 No.313437


come on dude theyre friends on facebook and he leaves 200+ word replies to her videos.

94f9dd No.313438

File: a7dfa5003b68665⋯.png (34.23 KB, 622x294, 311:147, CONSEQUENCES WILL NEVER BE….png)

ab81ff No.313440

File: 1a9d89e5f2c66ce⋯.jpg (79.54 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 292cb6c22b4681f85c7a8f0801….jpg)


>The left underestimates my power

63af9e No.313441

the tonka stream was so entertaining i had to put my phone in a ziplock while in the shower just to listen to it.

37485f No.313442


I've no idea if that's real or not but I wouldn't be surprised if it is.

Styx is pretty narcissistic but he's entertaining and doesn't take himself too seriously or engage in spergy shit other than crossdressing.

87d13a No.313443

File: 2e58bbda4682221⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1280x800, 8:5, 1423541000506-1.png)


Hi /leftypol/.

50ca2b No.313444


>implying I give a shit

I'm way more interested in the possibility of seeing Styx doing swastika blood rituals on camera tbqh

63af9e No.313445


this and styx's comments about being so rich now are kinda irking me at this point. He's been kinda iffy the entire time and i'm sure this entire thing was bullshit, but him being a crossdresser and worshiping moloch dont sit well.

b34d55 No.313446


Even if it is true, it doesn't matter anymore leftypol. You came to the table with nothing but the flimsiest of bullshit, spoken by a retard who essentially blurted out BTW STYX IS A PEDO BYE, and immediately crumbled upon being brought back.

d93792 No.313447


It's the eternal thread #9

37485f No.313448


>worshiping moloch

Isn't he a Pagan?

cceb93 No.313449


>implying I give a shit

?????? I was talking to someone else nerd. youre not allowed to respond to me btw

cceb93 No.313451


he's a pedophile dude its not a surprise. I mean he's a fucking libertarian its kind of the whole point for them

b7ebdd No.313452


He's an "ex-satanist occultist"


His ego drives me nuts ever since Trump one


b34d55 No.313453


The threads starring the fluffer don't count as real threads.

724a7d No.313454


Christ, talk about shit optics

94f9dd No.313455


It's real, it's in the comment of the video

7fca78 No.313456

File: 90d31a260916490⋯.png (22.85 KB, 578x197, 578:197, ClipboardImage.png)


02987c No.313457


He's not actually a crossdresser, the person in the photo is a swedish tranny. That don't fuck with me I'm rich and will take you to internet jail shit was gay though.

879a10 No.313458

File: 648d3ef19d25027⋯.gif (1.07 MB, 250x141, 250:141, 648d3ef19d250275e90910ecad….gif)


Please tell me that was /leftypol/ having a little fun with inspectelement.

b7ebdd No.313459

63af9e No.313460


He said his predictions on the election were confirmed to him by moloch, but he said it was a different name after confirming it was indeed moloch.

i dont know what the fuck he is, but if he's that rich i wouldnt be amazed if he hasnt taken a donation or two from an abc under the table at this point.

cceb93 No.313461


the guys who brought it up seem to be libertarians oddly enough

37485f No.313462


Watch his older videos, he's been saying that for years.

63af9e No.313463


I was following him and watching all his video way before election results and I can indeed confirm that he took a gamble and won, even though it wasn't much of a gamble. his ego is getting way too big though, this last stream was oozing of it.

8b70dd No.313464


Even a broken clock is right twice a day. I remember him saying dumb shit like that Vermont would vote for Trump because they would be mad about Bernie. Or that it would be good for us to give Puerto Rico statehood because then those niggers would TOTALLY vote Republican.

6f1b5a No.313465


>We memed Styxhexenhitler1488

94f9dd No.313466

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3:52:50 for the beginning of all the shitstorm btw, in case somebody missed it

b7ebdd No.313467

File: e20045b15956bcb⋯.jpg (246.2 KB, 750x1066, 375:533, In den Staub.jpg)




63af9e No.313468


dude, he had videos of him cross dressing while talking. I have seen them with my own eyes. It's completely real. Those naked pics youre talking about are not.

37485f No.313469

File: 43371362355af6d⋯.jpg (170.04 KB, 900x900, 1:1, Peace out.jpg)


Styx is so goddamn edgy and it's fucking hilarious.

b7ebdd No.313470

File: bac94e71bfa8a9d⋯.jpeg (92.5 KB, 537x637, 537:637, styxknife.jpeg)

File: 5957f17e2ceea9a⋯.jpeg (64.88 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, styx.jpeg)


>muh brand



cceb93 No.313471


wow they really do start shilling for their 500 view podcast hard straight off the bat

879a10 No.313472


I predicted he would win and I'm a political illiterate who doesn't even live in America. It's like thinking you're psychic because you won a black bet on roulette.

63af9e No.313473


to add to this, YES, there are videos out there of styx with makeup in a womens clothes on, talking about his usual shit. They are at least 2 years old are were probably on his channel up until a while ago. I remember when i was subbed and he had less than 20k subs and he released a video of him doing his usual shit dressed as a woman with makeup with his backdrop. Him being a pedo is bunk, but the crossdressing whatever is real.

50ca2b No.313474


>youre not allowed to respond to me btw

What a feminine response. /leftypol/ confirmed. Once my internet comes back I'll show you that was me. I had to switch to a hotspot.

63af9e No.313475


exactly. come back to earth.

37485f No.313476

File: 57cc291d92573cb⋯.jpg (44.24 KB, 480x480, 1:1, that's about all.jpg)


While I like him, his ego is becoming a problem. I don't want this all to go to his head.

63af9e No.313478


i think hes making too much money at this point.

bf554e No.313479


The hammer awakens.

87d13a No.313480

File: c2f72d6ff447f5d⋯.png (570.64 KB, 743x600, 743:600, whatt.png)


Yeah, being successful is starting to get to his head. I hope he doesn't crash like Icarus.

094d5e No.313481


Why? He can get his own thread then.

37485f No.313483


Lolcows are funny, but I don't want people turning into them, especially people I like.

Being a lolcow is a horrible existence.

63af9e No.313484


this. i wouldnt want to see styx here unless he was so high off his own farts he deserved it.

cceb93 No.313485

Styx has it pretty good right now though. Patreon going strong, views going well, selling old books as new, grooming teenage girls, fighting the idea of an ethnostate.

d93792 No.313486


>fighting the idea of an ethnostate.

For how long?

b34d55 No.313487


Depends of if /leftypol/ keeps running horrible psyops against him. If they're smart enough to back down, then forever.

b7ebdd No.313488

File: df7574b23a95b7e⋯.png (309.04 KB, 640x427, 640:427, styxhexenhitler1488.png)






t. Styxhexenhitler1488>>313485

87d13a No.313489


What >>313483 said. I'd laugh if he becomes one, but I hope not. I didn't want Sargon to not become a lolcow despite not liking him, but I'm laughing at him now.


>Responding to /leftypol/ shill.

2e8c30 No.313490


Wanting to fuck teenage girls over 15 isn't pedo leftypol. Its a bad idea though.

63af9e No.313491


checked, but no fuck you nigger.

b7ebdd No.313492


The image was supposed to be Styx

63af9e No.313494


he said, if those comments are even true, that he wanted to wait until she was 18.

Theres literally nothing wrong with that.

I did however assume that styx had a girlfriend at least a year ago but i guess they broke up?

094d5e No.313495




It's out of our hands whether he becomes a lolcow or not, we are just here to document, laugh and point fingers. These things don't happen by accident, look at all the Skeptic spergout, each of them have been degenerates for decades.

6f1b5a No.313496




What's it like being a retard?

91bf50 No.313497


So? Post it or shut up faggot

2e8c30 No.313499

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Now the Latins are in the game too. Are you ready for even more autism?


Oh lawd. This makes /leftypol/ even more wrong. How can a board always fuck up like that?


Hasn't some proven in the last thread, that the footage actually shows some French tranny and not Styx?

b7ebdd No.313500

63af9e No.313501

File: ce6694d41e7cb90⋯.jpg (18.27 KB, 454x421, 454:421, DFsrgfdXoAEvqQW.jpg)


googled styx crossdressing. took me 2 seconds you retarded glow in the dark nigger. there are videos of this.

b7ebdd No.313502

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here's the source

63af9e No.313503

91bf50 No.313504


>Just google it

See how stupid you look compared to >>313500 you worthless faggot?

b7ebdd No.313505

File: 0af53718f9987bb⋯.png (8.47 KB, 595x98, 85:14, ENOCH.PNG)


d93792 No.313506



This is what classifies as crossdressing nowadays?

Wearing makeup? He looks like a fag but he's still wearing his leather jacket.

e0d985 No.313507


Are we absolutely sure that he wasn't Rage the whole time?

63af9e No.313508


i didnt search for the specific video, just the picture. you're a dumb nigger for not knowing about a 2 year old video though pertaining to the thread. eat a dick

37485f No.313509


>Mike Enoch

Oh goddamn it.

02987c No.313510




>Black lipstick and eyeliner and black jacket

So you think every goth and emo is cross dressing or…?

91bf50 No.313511


>You're a dumb nigger for asking me to provide evidence for the shit I spent 5 minutes typing

Just admit you're a retard and spend those 5 minutes of sucking cocks finding the video instead next time.

63af9e No.313512


hes a borderline homo degenerate.

there is no argument against that.

63af9e No.313513


im watching jims old video on dsp and im busy, kill yourself

b7ebdd No.313514



>No, but they're still a fag

d93792 No.313516


I don't give a fuck about styx, I give a fuck about proper naming of things.

02987c No.313517


>No, but they're still a fag

Can't argue with that, never saw much of anything of him before today and his posturing on kumite was not the greatest first impression.

b98e71 No.313518

File: cc1cbf02faeca18⋯.png (118.96 KB, 392x366, 196:183, 1437389519781.png)




How did you kids find this board, is the tard wrangler on smoke break?

94f9dd No.313519


I mean, i'm not going to argue that emogoth makeup isn't gay as hell, but is that all you've got on him being a crossdresser?

5b35f0 No.313520


No need to get agitated anon. He asked specifically for a video and not what you posted. Hopefully that clarifies and settles things.

b7ebdd No.313521


I'm not the one who said he was. I just gave the video

63af9e No.313522


Someone else posted it and i replied to him with the exact post he requested. not mad just tired of niggetry.


>implying styx isnt degenerate

fuck off.

87d13a No.313523

Who's that youtuber who Jim recommended people watch his video on DSP? I forgot the guy's name and I'm not about to skim through twenty nine hundred hours of Kumite to find out.

d93792 No.313524

The question is, what did styx do to piss off the leftards?

6f1b5a No.313525


Was it, perhaps, Kojima World Order?

7fca78 No.313526


>trying to derail septic community thread with your autism on a let's player

094d5e No.313527

8b70dd No.313528


Apparently he made some comments pointing out discrepancies in the holohoax narrative.

b34d55 No.313529


>The question is, what did styx do to piss off the leftards?

He doesn't listen and believe hard enough.

63af9e No.313530


doesnt matter

b7ebdd No.313531


Had some anti-PC videos on the Holohoax where he talks about Zyklon B being a de-lousing agent, allied bombings causing Jewish deaths, typhus, Holocaust number counts, multicultural SS, etc

87d13a No.313532


Yeah that one, thanks.


No, KWO's even more autistic.

63af9e No.313533


predicted trumps win. you're 2 years late to the party

879a10 No.313534

File: 641ea1f229e3819⋯.jpg (72.75 KB, 584x367, 584:367, 641ea1f229e38198f39eda173b….jpg)


Leftists think Sargon is a white supremacist. Anyone who isn't demanding a transsexual jewish communist order is an enemy to them.

b7ebdd No.313535

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

He's more redpilled than we think

63af9e No.313536

relevant to the dsp jim stuff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDJzhLnk6gc

b98e71 No.313537

File: 37145f650751172⋯.gif (5.27 MB, 440x480, 11:12, GREEDY_LEE.gif)


arguing over an kike chink eceleb in a thread about septics. The last threads were awesome, this one is a fucking tard argument over some degenerate nobody who isn't even a fucking lolcow.

Get back on track, start looking into louis, there's shit to still to be parsed on vee. There's nuggets there and you are just circle jerking each other off shitting up the place. I wouldn't be suprised if you're desTinyfags

b98e71 No.313538

File: 2f1aa7bc4900b69⋯.jpg (60.64 KB, 640x853, 640:853, 225d585f05835e30178411d1e7….jpg)


>can't embed

>posting old shit about a dead horse lolcow with a thread in the catalog

You have to go back

7fca78 No.313539





Go to the dsp threads to julay a dead horse, faggots, that has nothing to do with vee/soygon/kuck/sticks/furfagrags/johnnyfucks/septics.

879a10 No.313541


Were those guys in the kumite actually /leftypol/? Because if those tranny retards got word of this I wouldn't put it past them to come to these threads and try to make this about themselves.

1fdc30 No.313542


I really need a 'Hail Hydra' edit with Styx now.

63af9e No.313544


i didnt start it. also no.

b7ebdd No.313545

We need a Styx fashwave now

63af9e No.313546


their source was assumed leftypol, rotc was ambiguous on where he found the information

b98e71 No.313547


Last thing I'll say off topic, these threads have been getting attention, we've had lefty's, christfags, btards and pol in here from the start with zero problems. But then we started getting some tinyfags getting PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD, liberalists trying to subvert in retaliation to getting subverted, and now, I think it's just kids got a link.

Filter and ignore, don't feed the kids and trolls. Also, gore posting and rotating my ip so they can't filter might be needed if it gets worse.

ee9839 No.313548

File: cc7eec19c25a0a4⋯.png (438.84 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 1445035018867.png)


This is very bad. TDS is a literal white nationalist CULT. I can see an occult psycho like Styx falling far into their grip.

Hold me /cow/

879a10 No.313549


Tinyfags and liberalists sounds the most likely, /trannypol/ was enjoying the skeptics destructing too.

b7ebdd No.313550

They could benefit from Styx's esoteric outlook. We Volkisch now

b7ebdd No.313552

706278 No.313555


He's always had an autistic unwarranted sense of self importance (muh alternative media uprising). You're just noticing it now that he's popular enough to have successful trolls.

706278 No.313557


>i'm going 1488!

>*DMs a jew*

706278 No.313558


Are you being sarcastic? I can't tell on the internet.

0099eb No.313559

File: 5149753feccf19a⋯.png (111.38 KB, 634x1470, 317:735, mike enoch 23andme.png)


enoch's not jewish. his wife was jewish.

ee9839 No.313560


I don't want styx to become a neo nazi

1c3591 No.313561

Why does /cow/ hate K1wi F4rms?

37485f No.313563

b34d55 No.313564


>I don't want styx to become a neo nazi

I don't think he's even going to be a neo nazi. At least not from this shit.

b34d55 No.313565




Pretty much, wouldn't be surprised if 8chan in general hates his fucking guts after the shitshow that was 8chan next.

706278 No.313566


I heard they both were huge tranny supporters or something like that.


If it makes you feel better the big bad nazi funnymen at TDS are probably CIA, or at the very least weev is a self hating jew.

>merry christmas

4872df No.313569

File: 3d5ba5f7772b4d2⋯.jpg (2.01 MB, 997x9775, 997:9775, jimpact.jpg)

Here s the rundown on Enoch

36a525 No.313570

File: 8f2d4b85fd04646⋯.jpg (19.68 KB, 255x316, 255:316, jimpact-promotional-photo-….jpg)

File: 8ff763aa88664ae⋯.jpg (13.59 KB, 255x255, 1:1, trs jimpacted.jpg)


Jimpact'd, indeed.

f03ab5 No.313571



Even if this is true listening to a funny nazi podcast for free isn't going to brainwash you into being an agent of ZOG. It's not like anyone who's sane looks up to these fat fucks

b98e71 No.313573


>doesn't know how propaganda works

Read up on it, it's very interesting, start with Edward Bernays. You'd be surprised what it's doing to you without you realizing.

f03ab5 No.313574


What are they propagandizing that you disagree with or find troubling?

b98e71 No.313577


Just fuck off trs shill >>>/trs/

You've got an entire forum where you can be led around by queers and kikes, we all know you're also following this shit.

879a10 No.313578


He's right, though. Why did you dodge that question?

I used to listen to O&A a lot, and I'm not a Tunisian back-alley knife-fighter. I haven't grown tits yet.

724a7d No.313580


I noticed it recently when he started suggesting that "radical centrist" was crafted by the mainstream media to discredit youtubers and that anyone assigned the label was likely a "good guy"

0099eb No.313581


>I heard they both were huge tranny supporters or something like that.

the wife was.

>>313569 should be amended with >>313559

also I think their forums were shut down before they got doxed, because they were getting ddosed. or, their provider had booted them for organizing raids on some lib woman on twitter who had adopted nigger children. can't really remember.

around that time someone on /cow/ made a thread about TRSDante who was a severely autistic homosexual NEET who was one of their forum admins. there are some nude selfies of him floating around somewhere. he was also the founder of >>>/trs/ board but I don't know if he still runs it.

23c7f8 No.313582

In sensing a lot of gay in here

f03ab5 No.313583


Thanks for failing to answer my genuine question and coming across as a paranoid schizoid. I've listened to exactly one TDS and it was with Warski because of the drama surrounding it.

You're not doing a good job of explaining why they're dangerous to even listen to for fun

23c7f8 No.313584

Yup, definitely gay….and triggered

b98e71 No.313585


Believe what you want to believe, join whatever group you want. I know enough from the jimpacts that I will stay as far away from trs. Some podcasts might be free, but it's a gateway, you may not spend money but your friends you introduce will. He's a eceleb, he's shilling for shekels. And yeah, I do have a problem with how he demonises 8chan. He's pulling some cult tactics just like sargon with his libertarianists.

706278 No.313586


80 years of ZOG will do that

b98e71 No.313587

File: 7f84f8120e4915d⋯.mp4 (6.74 MB, 688x1128, 86:141, TRS244.mp4)


Sure thing trs shill, filtered, see you when you rotate your ip

706278 No.313588


> I'm not a Tunisian back-alley knife-fighter

fucking prove it

0099eb No.313589

File: beec2cf79cb4862⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 57.21 KB, 1008x611, 1008:611, sargon.jpg)


define "tunisian knife fighter"


b34d55 No.313590


>8chan is niggers and mexicans

I thought it was /pol/ are kikes, now they're mexicans and nigs?

f03ab5 No.313591


Totally sane and reasonable response.

cc8320 No.313592


But you are a Corsican pimp.

b98e71 No.313593


FYI TRS shills, your masters don't want you on this board, we don't want you on this board. Conflating halfchan niggers with hatechan, they want us to hate you and us to hate you, white fighting white for the kike. == That's the propaganda ==

And we didn't want to take trs down, we wanted you to fuck off.

879a10 No.313594

File: c68c4da8fc5672b⋯.png (611.08 KB, 993x523, 993:523, trap-loving sicilian drunk.png)


>join whatever group you want

This is exactly what I'm talking about. Not everything is a "group", you filthy collectivist nahzy.

You still haven't responded to the guy's point that listening to some edgy libertarians shitpost isn't going to turn you into a ZOG agent except for saying "GOOGLE BERNAYS BRO", and I'm assuming most 8ch users are already familiar with babby's first propagandist.

I'll stop sperging now, though.


That fucking face. A lifetime of cheesy snacks and videogames, and totally unwarranted self-importance. I can just picture this smug fat fuck in highschool with his hand permanently raised.



b98e71 No.313595

3a3a9a No.313596

Jesus fuck. I said I wasn't coming back until Monday and less that 6 hours later, shit blows up again.

7fca78 No.313597


>here's results from a fake site that intentionally fudges results

Nice try.

706278 No.313598


Autism Never Sleeps

e78ca1 No.313600


Sorry about that other guy, lots of genuine /pol/ users (and a lot of shills acting like them) have become pretty temperamental with the whole shilling accusations flying all over the place constantly, and it wears on some of us, but I think I can answer your question.

The main problem with the 'Alt-Right', TDS, TRS and etc. is that they either shy away from or outright deny certain ideas that are important to /pol/ and National Socialism as a whole. Zionism, Civic Nationalism, holocaust acceptance and other positions that would generally be considered ideological cuckoldry on /pol/ are commonly found and repeated throughout those groups, and they generally come off as edgy libertarians instead of actual fascists/NatSocs and in general disingenuous.

Another way to think of it would be to consider the idea that they work as gatekeepers to hard-right//pol/ style ideas similar to Alex Jones does. Shying away or deflecting from actual talking points like the Jewish Question or the Holocaust and constantly shilling for donations/patrons/etc. reinforces the idea that they are less than genuine and a detriment to /pol/.

741d6c No.313601


Does TDS shy away from zionism or ethnic nationalism? I don't think so.

Gatekeepers to hard-right? They were marching in the streets.

f03ab5 No.313602


Thanks for answering the question. I actually used to think TRS was an acronym for some sort of ShareBlue agency from what I read on /pol/ after I found out it was just a podcast I was confused but still avoided it. My first time hearing Enoch was on Warski and then I listened to them once after they interviewed him.

I see what you're saying. I probably wont listen to them again unless there is some reason to. I was just genuinely curious what the concerns were.

I'll stop probing further since I'm mainly here to shitpost and watch Vee sperg out with 50 posts

8b70dd No.313605


>Now the Latins are in the game too. Are you ready for even more autism?

Can you give me a basic gestalt? Who?

3cceeb No.313609

“A group of individualist is called the Ballpit”-Naked Ape

f03ab5 No.313610



0099eb No.313611

Has Vee been doing any sperging today?

d260e6 No.313612

What the fuck was going on with Styx in the last thread?

>leftpol accuses him of grooming a 15 year old

>styx comes onto the stream

>guys pussy out

Am I missing something?

87d13a No.313613


You're missing the part about Styx about to go full-1488 over this.

d260e6 No.313614


Leftpol just fucked up hard. The *clanking* will never stop.

f03ab5 No.313615

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


He's been streaming alone with the chat going over horseshoe theory. I'm not being hyperbolic.

…actually now that I rechecked to grab the link Tonka is there now

d260e6 No.313616


People were saying that styx had his fans flag the stream, what was that all about?

87d13a No.313617


He thought the Kumite was a /leftypol/ group, not that they invited ROTC for shits n' giggles.

d260e6 No.313618



87d13a No.313619

File: 2328c0f515dba4d⋯.png (233.83 KB, 1151x637, 1151:637, clanky.png)


He didn't really B T F O them in my opinion, since as soon as he hopped on he threatened to sue them and they pussied out. Tonka fucking ripped into them, though, once he realized they were full of shit.

d260e6 No.313620


Knowing Styx, he probably didn't intend on suing and just wanted to scare them. Turns out that leftpol actually believes that Internet Lolsuits are scary.

0099eb No.313621

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It was a really weak performance. They shit-talked styx a lot, then when he turned up they sucked his dick and apologized without even really going into the accusations.

Though we here had found that the girl herself turned 16 in august of 2017, so her age at least was correct. vid related.

0099eb No.313622

File: a7037fc52e80d0f⋯.jpg (281.11 KB, 1080x1739, 1080:1739, zeph t-shirt.jpg)

somebody made a t-shirt btw

879a10 No.313623


How do you even begin to explain that to the people who will inevitably ask you about your "weird alien shirt"?

3cceeb No.313624


He just released a new video

f03ab5 No.313625


It's not on his channel. Link?

3cceeb No.313629

f03ab5 No.313633


Thanks. Looks like it's an unlisted preview.

d260e6 No.313636


Naked Ape is right once again.

f03ab5 No.313637

File: 2557d039b593625⋯.jpg (61.52 KB, 780x435, 52:29, 1514525254339.jpg)

>Or perhaps, Jeff Holiday shops at the same stores that Jeffery Epstein does

Savage. Naked Ape has definitely seen this

d260e6 No.313638


>pedo brand

>shitlord hat

>greasy nigger hair

>kekistan shit

This fucking guy.

7989b7 No.313639


How does the chat work? Do you have to be a subscriber, have a jewtube account, donate money?

f03ab5 No.313640


just a google jewtube account

dad5d4 No.313641


Do we have an archive of that thread? Especially one which include the after-debate comments.

bc8491 No.313642

File: b30f3c73b5483d5⋯.png (532.85 KB, 1716x732, 143:61, b30f3c73b5483d5dda98d841c2….png)

File: 12853e6add64aae⋯.jpg (131.66 KB, 1200x742, 600:371, DR2H5reXkAA7415.jpg)

File: a4baf5c9a0413cc⋯.jpg (89.42 KB, 1200x601, 1200:601, DR2H6pcW4AAntg3.jpg)

File: 0a125a090e7fb46⋯.jpg (72.8 KB, 1200x246, 200:41, DR2H7ikX4AExbM5.jpg)

File: c5da09d504c850a⋯.jpg (52.6 KB, 1096x395, 1096:395, lol.jpg)

we need pure adulterated Veeh the gypsy/Jew guildmaster facts on here.

840132 No.313647






This is good advice. I remember in the other thread they posted the barney sound torture clip and memes aside, its uncomforting. Its the same way they hold your attention during emergency broadcasts.

840132 No.313648


im a bit more pathetic for using "

7fca78 No.313651

File: d721b491ec2b22c⋯.png (372.16 KB, 620x921, 620:921, ClipboardImage.png)

>Veeh is trying to suck up to the right wing now

3c246b No.313652

File: 681a3b5b3e1490e⋯.jpg (220.88 KB, 631x492, 631:492, zoned.jpg)

File: 239bfbccf73e6a7⋯.jpg (481.92 KB, 600x846, 100:141, bangbusromania.jpg)

File: 8425edf1c2d12e8⋯.jpg (59.19 KB, 275x313, 275:313, vee23.jpg)


We have a literal actual gypsy to deal with, not this other nonsense.

879a10 No.313653


No, he's just awkwardly taking that guy's joke and trying to repackage it to shit on the idea of an ethnostate while removing all the wit and humor. /leftypol/-tier.

7fca78 No.313654

File: 448ee8db074d211⋯.png (225.82 KB, 583x852, 583:852, ClipboardImage.png)



The "styx totally hit on this girl" screenshots were FAKE NEWS.

07b487 No.313656

File: 96d85f3e7b5c25c⋯.jpg (240.51 KB, 588x505, 588:505, vee kabab.jpg)


>come from the country of Vlad, let your mom mingle with Kababs.

d260e6 No.313658

File: 77ccc7d0e8a7f10⋯.png (619.57 KB, 861x898, 861:898, styx pony.png)


What if Styx made made the fake images and gave them to leftpol so he could take them out?

91bf50 No.313659


What if Styx'Kikenslammer'666 used his satanic magic to forsee this train of events 10 years prior?

d260e6 No.313660

File: f69249d1ed9633a⋯.png (44.99 KB, 480x428, 120:107, styx red eyes meme war.png)



0099eb No.313661

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


full video

06107f No.313662

He actually is gypsy afraid of getting deported isn't he?. Like Jeff holiday who's afraid that he'll lose the BLACKED part of his family, like the trannies that think that the nazis will gas them. ALL of these jewtube celebrities "fighting" against the concept of an ethnostate are degenerates, trannies, blacks etc,convinced that this hypothetical ethnostate will be the 4th Reich, with brownclad men marching them of to Auschwitz II.

0099eb No.313666


>like the trannies that think that the nazis will gas them.

they're not wrong though

06107f No.313667


This is wrong on so many levels. Is the Alt-right nazis? Did the real nazis gas homos and trans?

The entire premise that people who thinks an ethnostate is a good idea, are nazis is flawed. Were the europeans in the 60's and 70's nazis? I could go on and on.

2d6ca2 No.313669


>Feed me! I can't lurk!

Latins is a common synonymy for Catholics.

0099eb No.313671

File: 470d1a225236ab8⋯.jpg (6.34 MB, 3400x3033, 3400:3033, soy open mouth.jpg)


Do you really think being white is all there is to it? Are you Vee looking for a purity spiral screenshot?

The scandinavian countries were almost 100% white and look at them now.

This is a moral war as well as a racial one. If your "ethnostate" is as pozzed socially and culturally as the current society, you can count me out of it.

Look at this pic. They're all white. Why is that? There is a crisis occurring to my race and the presence of non-whites in my homelands is only one symptom of that crisis. Sexual deviancy is another, which reduces white birth rates and deconstructs the family. While foreigners are imported to replace the shortfall. These people are genetic dead ends whjo are importing non-whites to replace themselves. They are selecting themselves out of the gene pool. You could not save them even if you tried.

This is decadence, effeminacy, weakness. This society is dying. It will die from within or without but it will die no matter what. Let go of it.

06107f No.313673


I didn't invite you to my ethnostate so I'm not counting you in, don't worry. Look, I'm not disagreeing with you at all. But there's so many tools available before going "GAS THE DEGENERATES". Shun them, shame them,expel them. Prevent them from having a public presence. All of this should come before the SA and SS is put into action.

91bf50 No.313675



It doesn't work. Shunning them lets them hide and plot; Shaming them only makes them shameless; And expelling them only lets them go and spread their poz elsehwere. The only solution that will prevent any poz, and prevent any longterm threat, is to kill them. Larp or not, sad or not, that's the harsh truth. It just can't end peacefully, anon.

0099eb No.313676

File: ed68077eae7c4f8⋯.jpg (363.29 KB, 1824x2048, 57:64, if liberalism wins, the la….jpg)


Surround yourself with health. Lead by example. Don't impose it, inspire it in others.

What is falling must also be pushed.


Just noticed this is 5 and a half hours. He has no fucking life at all does he? He livestreams endless autistic debates for hours every day.

what a mess.

bc8491 No.313678

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

is there any news on yellow fever man?

7b5e0b No.313679


It all falls into place. Metokur is a pedophile apologist. JF is into teenage Latina girls. Styx is into teenage girls. Metokur is covering up for them. Truly Liberalists are the only force in the world that can stand up to internet pedophilia. Join now, only 9,99$ a month: liberalists.fag/principles/shekels

1a98a0 No.313681


How can the skeptic community deny they are a religion? Skeptic community has religious leaders and missionaries. For the love of Goku they give money to leaders. How is giving money to killroy any different from giving money to church road trip?

2d6ca2 No.313683

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I don't know, man. You tell me.

1a98a0 No.313684


>I don't know, man. You tell me

These are the Same cunts who blindly send Richard Dawkins money to tell people to not send money to churches.

560028 No.313685


>his ego is getting way too big though

I think he's just playing along, he knows how the internet works.

bc8491 No.313686


I can tell you something interesting.

Every form of ideology can be radicalized and that is what we've seen with this new centrist/liberalist movement and atheism.

2d6ca2 No.313688

This one is for the Anons who are bored from waiting for new cocks and want to get better at trolling Sargonites. You will guess why Atheism is like a religion without a certain video by the Brotherhood of Nod.




Yes. And what's your point?

3a3a9a No.313690


It's not radicalization. It's status seeking and conformity. Fence sitting moderates don't attract zealots. They're about comfort, not conviction.

91bf50 No.313691


Well, they do attract zealots in the form of porn addicts.

bc8491 No.313693


I'm saying it's human nature and these morons don't understand real human nature.


Any radicalized politics and religion will have a form of comfort in it.

3a3a9a No.313694

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Dopamine addicts. Not zealots. An enthused dedication may be similar to dependence, but they're different enough to be distinct. Otherwise armies would secure loyalty via opioids.


Can I quote Always Sunny?

3a3a9a No.313695


Atheism is radical in the West? Maybe in Goatfuckerstan, but sneering at religion has been a thing for centuries.

2d6ca2 No.313696



Protip: When the Enlightenment just rolled out, they needed to come up with a counterpart to sell people the idea that the West evolved beyond past barbarism and Muh Russia was the most convenient one around.

91bf50 No.313697


>Otherwise armies would secure loyalty via opioids.

That's a valid possibility in the future, don't you think?

3a3a9a No.313699


Yeah, I've read The Decline of the West. Liberalism just exports misery. Is this the thing about the Jew faction that wants to kill god?

7b5e0b No.313700


Pretty spot on video, especially since it's from 2012.

2d6ca2 No.313701


Even colder. The Jews have just exploited it. Considering the JQ in this case just complicates the question.


THX. Its the best one I found on page one. It actually replaces a certain other one. The video has all base assumptions behind the Sargonite movement by the way.

bc8491 No.313703


I'm saying that people have a hole and they fill it up with all sorts of stuff like work, entertainment, philosophy, politics and religion.

So anything can be corrupted and follow a form of dogma, it's just a waiting game before something gets corrupted.

3a3a9a No.313705

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


this video is older.


I'll see if I can find the documentary on how Bernays and Freud were behind pushing 'lifestyles' to replace identity in order to make populations compliant, materialist consumers.


So why is Atheism like a religion?

3a3a9a No.313706

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Century of the Self. It's a series. Here's the compiled series, but you can watch an episode at a time if you do a search. Worth watching. It'll make you a better troll.

bc8491 No.313708



Atheism is like a religion that it has a form of dogma. Theories that are probable are seen as absolute, instead of just theories.

I don't like Freud or Bernays tbqh they knew what they where doing when it came to make people perverse and degenerate.

1a98a0 No.313709

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Glad someone brought up brotherhood of nod on the thread. Is it just me or The skeptic community will slowly start to resemble Proto-nod but gay?Brotherhood of nod is a Atheistic religion that worship science and transhumanism. With Cult like devotion to a mad scientist prophet.

677199 No.313710

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.









I know people said the Jewish New Jersey truck driver statement was a joke but it would be very helpful if he can address it.


Vid related

2d6ca2 No.313711



Almost there. I suggest pressing play.

3a3a9a No.313713


Fair enough. Dogmatism, the tendency to lay down principles as undeniably true, without consideration of evidence or the opinions of others. Dangerous when it comes to acting without consideration of evidence. Sometimes accepting principles as true can be useful, especially in a philosophical debate, but then you're acting with consideration of others, or as part of a journey towards another truth.

0099eb No.313714

Atheism is just a metaphysical position.

I think you guys mean Secular Humanism or Atheism+ which are belief systems that attempt to create a moral system around that position.

No idea what the Aurini Army has to do with it.

3a3a9a No.313715

0099eb No.313717


yeah but i wouldn't even dignify that with the term moral system. it's just sargon being an attention whore.

bc8491 No.313718


Yes, I am making generalization with the secular humanists and atheism+ not all atheist obviously. I'm not an atheist but an agnostic its some of the same, I just think that what we see as a divine or a god is just a higher form of intelligence that we cannot understand and will never be able to understand.

And when we are dead there is nothing but the cold ground we are lying in.


I agree with you there but now it seems like no one is interested in finding truth or new and interesting theories.


Soyboy of akkad ego is the liberalist moralsystem and he is obviously using his jewtube comment section as beta to form his liberalistism ideology.

3a3a9a No.313719


It exalts the individual, states democracy is the best form of government, free expression (bake the cake or find another job), impartial justice and secularism.


Who knows? Maybe reality is a simulation. Maybe man will create god in his image. I think gods as idealized concepts are what people had to base their values on before Marvel movies. I don't have the answers and I have become increasingly cynical of people claiming to have all the answers.

b9eca5 No.313720


Is Naked Ape going to take down Sargoy?

8b70dd No.313722


Theoretically you're correct. Not believing in any sort of god or higher power doesn't necessarily mean pozzed secular human dildofest bullshit.

However, as we can see in practice, that basically IS what it means.

Personally, I think that most humans require some form of belief. There's a reason religion pops up again and again throughout history, and it's probably that the peoples who never bothered with any sort of religion/spiritualism/etc died off or were out-competed by those who were religious. Religion provides a system of fairly concrete morality, guidelines, and laws to follow. It helps keep everyone united and working together and doing things that are pro-social rather than anti-social.

Now look at the majority of modern atheists. Not all, but most. They're mostly hedonistic anti-social faggots who don't give a fuck about anything and favor things that will decidedly lead toward the destruction of our civilization and conquest by other (religious) people. Look at the ridiculous progressive shit your typical atheist advocates for. Look at how atheist birth rates are <1.0 whereas white christians tend to still have healthy birth rates. On basically all metrics, atheism is a societal cancer, and you can see this from the fruit it bears.

The lack of religion ends up becoming a new religion. But instead of this new pseudo-religion promoting pro-social behavior, it promotes anti-social behavior.

SJWs are the new puritans

white guilt is the new original sin

egalitarianism is the new central dogma

racism is the new heresy

hitler is new satan

global warming alarmism is the new apocalyptic revelation

8b70dd No.313724


The funny thing about Stepfather of Akkad's new Liberalist party is that while they all claim to be individualists, it's very clear that Sargon is the leader and his word is law. What he says goes as far as deciding on principles/ideology/positions. He's "first among equals", it seems.

0099eb No.313726

Are there any pics of the Liberalists doing the Soylent Grin™? I'll add them them to the compilation if so.


>It exalts the individual, states democracy is the best form of government, free expression (bake the cake or find another job), impartial justice and secularism.

Soygoy does all that with ulterior motives though. His primacy of the individual is only in opposition to what he sees as the collectivism of those he opposes. He sees those he opposes as collectivists because if he didn't he'd be racist.

All this contrivance is done in the effort of avoiding the accusations of his enemies. Not repudiating the accusations, but accepting them as morally valid and avoiding them.

Thus, he's not collectivist, he doesn't see groups, he's meritocratic, he only judges by individuals. If he actually opposed sjws he'd break their taboo and claim that white people have a right to organize in their own interest.

He doesn't. He says that no one has a right to form a collective and organize in their own interest, because muh individualism (which is just the excuse). At base, the demonization of white group consciousness proceeds unanalyzed. Meanwhile, every other group on the planet organizes in their own interest and will out-compete him and his atomized Liberalists.

3a3a9a No.313727


You forgot about the evil of force. Violence is always bad. But the majority of people are isolated from the wars their nation fights. They are isolated from the animals slaughtered to provide their sustenance. Strength has become a sin.


True. Sargon only adopted individualism as a debate strategy. I was just highlighting his principles. There is no such thing as impartial justice, unless we build an impartial judge. Democracy comes into conflict with individualism, because democracy is factional by design. All of these principles have flaws, but he no doubt has people who defend them on reflex.

bc8491 No.313728


You are spot on. He is just a new form of weird internet dictator.


seems reasonable.

f694e2 No.313729

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

CoachRedPill's Theory on Sargon of Akkad's Roll In The Kraut Scandal & The Skeptic Community

724a7d No.313730


Your coy leading bullshit is annoying. Just say what you mean to say and quit larping as some village elder

8b70dd No.313731


>True. Sargon only adopted individualism as a debate strategy.

I noticed this especially watching a little of his shit and seeing how he tactically takes opposing viewpoints just to counter his foes. Like how when debating Richard Spencer, he starts using arguments about state use of force/violence in general, which is an ancap argument that deconstructs every form of government ever, and not just an ethnostate. And yet, he himself is not an ancap, and he's not even a libertarian. He only adopted that talking point tactically when opposing THIS particular form of state.


>weird internet dictator

Exactly. It reminds me of some USSR shit. We are all free-thinking individuals, but if you don't share the same specific set of beliefs as Don Sargone, then you're excommunicated from the individualist collective. Because Sargon gets to decide which ideas count as individualism/classical-liberalism, and by his own circular logic, any sort of collectivism that Sargon and his underlings do doesn't count as collectivism because it's to further the end goal of individualism, as defined by Sargon himself.

dad5d4 No.313732

File: e9d4f268adf0033⋯.png (64.07 KB, 811x407, 811:407, lolcows, lolcows never cha….png)

Is … is this confirmed?


7b5e0b No.313733


I hope Cringe Pill sues le Poisson Pregnaunte.

0385ab No.313734


go back to ancapistan peckerwood before I decide to drop your dox

3a3a9a No.313737


Not confirmed, but predicted. There was some liberalist hubbub about letting him into the 'movement' a few days back. Some poll.

But just think about this. Even Johnny Fox didn't fuck off after saying he was gone. He didn't fuck off after getting doxed previously. Kraut has built a name for himself, built an identity for himself online. You think he can just walk away? Even taking patreon welfare out of the equation.


The Chilean Wizard never fails to entertain.

0099eb No.313738


You're correct about Christians in general. I admire their strong morality and sense of duty and their healthy families. I think personally it was a mistake to link such a strong morality with the metaphysics of a higher power, because once science advanced to the point it has then that morality could be called into question along with the metaphysics. Ie, if god tells you to do something, but science can't find any evidence of god, why do you do what you do? (This is also why liberals try to reduce any opposition to them as christian, because it's an easy target for them)

Morality is something we create from our natural inherited predispositions, not something we discover out in the world so taking the position that "god said so" is not going to end well when you try to morally judge a degenerate who doesn't see that viewpoint as valid. Instead you should explain to him that he evolved to reproduce his genes by forming a stable longterm relationship with a member of the opposite sex, not sticking dildos up his ass.

Atheism is a phase of destruction that you go through before you reconstruct your world view. Atheism+/Secular Humanism is basic do-gooder morality of pity and sympathy towards the undeserving, primacy of the victim. It's like that weird distorted lib-christianity but without a god.

I have more sympathy and interest in paganism. Principled nationalism necessitates that you honour the gods of your ancestors and not those of foreigners. :^) It's not a matter of belief for me because I want to be empirical, but there is a value in learning about how our ancestors filled in the blanks of the great unknowns of the universe with their imagination and spirituality. If we learn about that we learn about ourselves because we are the inheritors of that spirituality. If you abandon your own sense of the divine you abandon your soul. The trouble for me is that there is very little record of that left and what is left is often distorted or lies spread by it's enemies, so not enough to form anything worthwhile on.

There are no clear answers.

053fe6 No.313739


>implying CoachKinoPill wouldn't make a new video as soon as Trout came back where he would present his lolsuit while performing his usual CIA nigger mind control tricks by changing the camera every 5 seconds and then end the video by clapping 5 times, changing camera angles during each clap, which will serve to program Trout to go out and incriminate himself further

How can Vee still not know who the fuck he's dealing with?

2d6ca2 No.313740


You are really dense, aren't you? I bet you could break a wall made of reinforced concrete with your thick skull. Read all posts on Secular Pseudo religion again! The only thing the Aurini video adds is the fact, that Atheistkult/Skeptic community is just the latest sect of Christianity. Everything else has already been mentioned.


And that post basically is in reality a short description of heresy.

053fe6 No.313741

StyxHebrewSlammer1488 has just released his first video where he softballs the right against the left, as he promised.


3a3a9a No.313742


Heresy? The purpose of life, as I understand it, is to perpetuate itself. For our branch of life, we perpetuate ourselves by passing on genes to our children, ensuring the survival of our children. We don't divide our cells. Most of our morality is derived from this truth. Does this mean there is no higher meaning to life? No? I don't know.

8b70dd No.313743


I don't want to sound like an egotistical fart-huffing faggot, but the simple matter is that most people aren't capable of understanding the complexity of where our morals come from. Most people lack the sort of abstract reasoning to understand things such as "gradually over time incest became a taboo because inbreeding leads to all kinds of defects over time". It's a lot simpler and easier to understand "god said don't fuck your sister" and leave it at that. Same is true for a lot of abstract stuff. It's simply easier for normalfags to understand things in the context of having some form of objective morality bestowed by a higher power than to understand all the biological/sociological reasons why XYZ behavior is preferred.

And keep in mind the argument I make isn't even necessarily about christianity. Christianity just so happens to be the religion of our people. The point is that SOME form of religion that promotes pro-social behavior is needed. If suddenly everyone was magically pagan instead of christian, then my argument would still apply. We just need some sort of social glue like religion to hold us together.

724a7d No.313744


I didn't say I didn't understand it. I'm saying your larping is gay as fuck and you shouldn't do it in the future

b9eca5 No.313746


The whole reason they did the rebranding was because of Kraut. Dense fucks. How long until Kraut short circuits again because of all the mockery that's going to ensue with all of the personal info people collected?

0099eb No.313747


I agree.

We should go back to talking about the Liberalismists. This is /cow/ not /farthuff/. Sorry for derail.

If anyone has any pics of them doing the open mouth fear grimace I'll compile them.

3cceeb No.313748


I think JF is on to something when he said there is some behind the scene coordination between Don Sargon and his goons in attacking him and CRP

b7ebdd No.313749

File: 0275c9c79fd15f5⋯.jpg (286.95 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, auschwitzholohoaxdoor1.JPG)


How dumb is Kraut to come back? People aren't just gonna forget what happened. It hasn't even been a month. I hope he comes back and starts trying to debunk the existence of the Holohoax like he said he would.

a99e07 No.313750


Excellent. This will lead to the left seeing him as a belligerent, attacking him further/further alienating him thus leading to a shitstorm.

3c246b No.313751

File: 55c2d073efb79cf⋯.jpg (376.06 KB, 600x600, 1:1, thepoweroftheindividualris….jpg)

a99e07 No.313752


Needs more vore.

0099eb No.313753

8b70dd No.313754

File: 8c38103e09f1ad1⋯.png (373.13 KB, 680x798, 340:399, sargon btfo.png)


There most certainly is. I remember right after the Kraut shit started blowing up, Vee, Sargon, and the others in the inner-circle all came out and started deflecting and trying to deflect to irrelevant shit about Coach Kinopill. And since then I've noticed this happening over and over. They also come out "independently" but totally in lock-step fashion.

I'm so sick of this bullshit with people conspiring on secret/private channels. Meanwhile we do everything out in the open because there's nothing for us to be afraid of.

2d6ca2 No.313755


I think CRP is correct here. Soygoy is indeed the Step Father behind it. Now next question: Is there a final Boss behind him that controls the Skeptic equivalent of /a/'s IRC crew? If there is, it could go apeshit and explode. Another theory: Sargon gained control through finding out all the degenerate stuff they are doing. All YT Fedoras who were excommunicated from the Skeptic Community™ have never been connected to degenerate stuff like playing Eroge on Christmas or collecting Dildos. Maybe he has learned from hanging out with revolt on IRC. Who knows.


> Does this mean there is no higher meaning to life? No? I don't know.

Not at all. Heresy is fostering a Clown troupe seperate from a Orthodox Religion by either replacing a complex concept with a simple solution or overemphasizing a aspect of the Orthodox Religion.

>I think personally it was a mistake to link such a strong morality with the metaphysics of a higher power, because once science advanced to the point it has then that morality could be called into question along with the metaphysics. Ie, if god tells you to do something, but science can't find any evidence of god, why do you do what you do?

Nietsche said the same about Catholicism. Only problem; He was going to become a Lutheran priest before he figured out that the West has killed God.


Playing gay guessing games between cocks isn't LARPing, you dense Nigger. For a LARP I need at least a elaborated persona and some claim to acclolades I actually don't have like Britbong. I am not autistic enough for that.

b9eca5 No.313756


I agree with CRP too but I think the reason Sargon is the leader of the degenerates is much simpler: People who play eroge on Christmas or collect dildos with their sheboon significant other are not mentality healthy to begin with and are probably willing to put up with some Gen-X burnout from Swindon much more willingly.

8b70dd No.313757


I don't think there's anyone directly behind Sargon. His actions are irrational and explained completely by egotism, hubris, and self-interest.

That said, there are almost certainly external factors breathing down his neck and influencing him. For example, part of the reason he's going after the "alt right" could be because he wants to show the left that he's not one of those ebil nazis and that he's a good goy. Other factors are things such as the "alt right" is competition on jewtube and he wants to stamp it out.

3cceeb No.313759


I think I remember HO says there were Skype groups where the skeptic mafia coordinates things like this after he was attacked for the candid stuff

b7ebdd No.313760

File: 09394d0202da401⋯.png (372.15 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, FIXED.png)


I don't feel like anyone is behind the Stepfather. He seems like the top of the pyramid to me. He is more egotistical and pretentious than pushing any sort of agenda

7b5e0b No.313761

I feel obligated to spout the obligatory "where's the video, Jim?" Wasn't he supposed to publish a video on DSP or something a few days ago?

3cceeb No.313762


Yesterday, but he said he wanted to include the doxxxxing saga and the BSV twitch ban on kumite

7b5e0b No.313763

File: 1b5895c6da740d1⋯.png (49.39 KB, 821x391, 821:391, TLDRSeptics.png)


Also pic related.

724a7d No.313764

File: 50fa42d15311d89⋯.jpg (71.34 KB, 1072x714, 536:357, 09-bee-movie.w536.h357.2x.jpg)


>defending your faggotry this hard

>on an anonymous image board

3a3a9a No.313765


The link of metaphysics to a higher power is hierarchy. Hierarchies have been undermined. Now people answer to no king or god. Ruling caste and priestly caste, if you want to get pedantic. The warrior caste now serves the state.


I'd bet on economic motives. He's earning as much from yt as a skilled tradesman. 100k per year. Sounds like a lot, but he's devoted years to this. How many years has he got left? I'd say this liberalist movement is not about getting skeptic ideas of yt, as it is getting Sargon off yt and less dependent on the whims of reddit. People are bored of the SJW shit.

724a7d No.313766


This. Sargon's going after the alt-right to virtue signal. It's for good boy points, just like claiming he was 1/16th Cherokee was to shield him from the left. He's a little stooge and trying to apply 4th dimensional chess motives to him when huge ego and massive insecurity suffice seems silly

0385ab No.313768

2d6ca2 No.313770

File: 17e4f0ab58acb61⋯.png (26.85 KB, 794x551, 794:551, The_Principality_of_Centri….png)







I am more inclined to believe that. Here I go with muh bald Catholic again: When Sargon was calling Aurini a liar in frame of the Sarkeesian Effect drama, what has he actually done? He has gotten rid off a high quality competitor. It doesn't matter that only really unelligent people and (at least almost) geniuses were watching his videos as if they were Saturday morning cartoons. Sargon saw a somone eating his Gamergate Lunch and he had to go and his project to fail.


<Getting bothered by it in the first place.

Do you hate /v/-isms and Sakura Fish as well? You act as if you have severe Plebbit syndrome, my man.


Exactly. Sadly you are still dancing around the issue itself. Why is a faction that claims that there is no God so rampant in Western Christendom? No other Religion is suffering from that issue.

dad5d4 No.313771


>That Slaaneshi Horseshoe


724a7d No.313773

File: 41790b01123a2ab⋯.gif (137.13 KB, 340x340, 1:1, 729.gif)


>hot-cold internet mystic wise man

>on the level of Sakura fish

2d6ca2 No.313775


We have new cocks to gawk at. Why don't you participate instead of sperging over a guessing game? In contrary to Manlet Tears, I don't need my guessing to be a meme.


I have never thought of the Zeon Flag this way. The One Year War Zeon Lily does resemble like a Slaaneshi rune.

d260e6 No.313776


>When Sargon was calling Aurini a liar in frame of the Sarkeesian Effect drama, what has he actually done? He has gotten rid off a high quality competitor. It doesn't matter that only really unelligent people and (at least almost) geniuses were watching his videos as if they were Saturday morning cartoons. Sargon saw a somone eating his Gamergate Lunch and he had to go and his project to fail.

Didn't that documentary fail because of Aurini and that fat guy fighting each other? Or maybe Sargon was behind it too? But wouldn't it be to early for Don Sargon to get that organized?

When do you guys suppose Sargon became the actual Don of Youtube?

bc8491 No.313777


Dude, he was the one that said or parroted that gamergate is about muh ethics in journalism and people followed him when Jim went away when reddit started to slide gamergate into a reddit movement.

Yes, the infighting was some of the problem that both had a huge ego but the stepfather might have fucked with Owen's head, since he had to release the film as he said and ironically enough because of his and Aurini sperg

3cceeb No.313778


Well he was always seen as one of the defacto leaders of gamergate (even through he’s part of the reason it failed). I think it was after Jim left that he took up the role of Don definitely once the skeptic community started to form

2d6ca2 No.313779


>Didn't that documentary fail because of Aurini and that fat guy fighting each other?

Yes. The actual issue was: The fat guy was a loser who couldn't stand Aurini giving him some dating advice and some Roosh books. Everything followed from there. Now try to remember; who was the first e-celeb to pour oil into that fire?

>Or maybe Sargon was behind it too?

Behind the drama getting worse? Yes.

>But wouldn't it be to early for Don Sargon to get that organized?

He didn't have to. Sargon was already more popular than Aurini inside Gamergays. While Aurini was shooting that film, Sargon still sat on his ass all day and earning Patreon bux with This week in Stupid.

>When do you guys suppose Sargon became the actual Don of Youtube?

Somewhere in the middle of Gamergate when it went to shit here. I heard of many funky Skype cabals going on. Revolt even has smeared someone pointing out that problem as euphoric tinfoil hatter. Sargon however remained, because he was more interested in lining his pockets than in more gamergays.


The Sperg was pretty one sided. Trust me on that. Sargon fucking with Owen's head has some credibility to it, although he has never been caught in the comment section. Another circumstantial protip for more money motives: I know Sargonite personally. He has switched to Pol sci, is a fedora and probably a frustrated loser sexually. Otherwise he wouldn't have been a volunteer on a certain board. Haven't talked to him in a long time, because I was very busy with other things. To make it short: Sargon can keep this guy thirsty.

Roosh is all about making thirsty chumps into confident winners by teaching them how to deal with women. To this Week in Stupid to work, the audience has to be thirsty and never get beyond "Feminism is dumb lol". The community Aurini and Roosh came from already got over it. It used to be called the Altright.

3a3a9a No.313780


>Why is a faction that claims that there is no God so rampant in Western Christendom?

It's a challenge to authority.


Didn't they have a falling out because Sargon claimed to be a quadroon for Not Your Shield points?

b9eca5 No.313782


How exactly does Sargon keep people thirsty?

2d6ca2 No.313783


Yup. But why challenge authority in the first place? Punk wasn't invented in the 1700s. Its like the Enlightenment needs to be there no God.


No. Sargon simply said, that Aurini is a liar when the Drama broke out.

bc8491 No.313784


I mean that the stepfather did say at one point, that he believed that Owen released it because Owen did not want to look like Sarkeesian while I know Aurinini got shit upon and they took Owens side. And then Owen got so embarrassed since allot of funny things came out about him, I wish Black Faced Kermit still had the stream where Owen comes in chat and BKF is just fucking around with him.

2d6ca2 No.313785


By implying that Womankind is hostile to young man and telling them at the same time that pr0n is AOK. Just look Veeh.


Awww crap! I didn't know that BKF also did a stream Owen couldn't handle. I only got the Manosphere side of that, because Owen loved to legally harass the guys whenever they were shitting on him. One of my favorite streams is a comentary track were they mocked Owen's poor editing efforts. The Soyfather claiming that Owen had to release it or he would look like an asshole otherwise is just rich, because Aurini tried to raise some money to send a gumshoe after Sarkeesian and get something credible on her time with Bart Bagett. I know for a fact, that the PUA scene was full of scammers before the autism was exposed in that catastrophic Washington meetup and RoK took over the pleb market.

b9eca5 No.313786


>By implying that Womankind is hostile to young man and telling them at the same time that pr0n is AOK. Just look Veeh.

You know, in the pics we found of Vee he looks sort of okay a few years ago whereas now it's a metamorphisis of Quasimodo and Igor. I was curious how and why that transformation happened.

706278 No.313787


"Checkmate, nazis!" is an all around good description of Libertistism.

d3823d No.313788


'Succubus trainer'

dad5d4 No.313789

File: 7e040be992ff8e8⋯.jpg (289.72 KB, 3200x1800, 16:9, kekistani flag 2.0.jpg)

File: e369668208886d0⋯.png (225.06 KB, 1268x702, 634:351, submission.png)



>I have never thought of the Zeon Flag this way. The One Year War Zeon Lily does resemble like a Slaaneshi rune.

Oh. I thought it was a Wehrmacht flag with a Slaaneshi Horseshoe to signify degeneracy and fence-sitting.

On that note, here's a new suggestion for a Liberalist symbol. Also, apparently Reddit's submission system sucks.


bc8491 No.313790


BFK is so entertaining kinda too bad that he does not make more video or strems(as he calls them).


What happen, probably that escapism took over to a degree that would be addictive psychologically. His porn has probably gone to new extremes as-well so that is kinda what I did not like with the debate with Gregg that Gregg could not say that Porn is escapism and when he wanted to regulate porn for obvious reason and Andy also did say about the studies that show porn to have an effect that is not healthy and those studies are not even pro feminist or Marxist its just psychologist and sociologist and some medical studies that found it interesting and made hypothesis on what is happening.

ab81ff No.313791

File: 92f236f5f73dbb2⋯.jpg (171.17 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 1425588363495.jpg)



3c246b No.313792


Yeah, constantly draining your testosterone will do that to you, on top of other factors such as feeding your body nothing but crap and being stationary constantly.

I don't know if this actually produces estrogen in your body or what?

Feels like what women body builders are doing to their body, but the other way around.

There are some really messed up looking "women" at my local gym. They don't even have to be on roids necessarily. It's enough that they're raising the (low) amount of natural testosterone that they have by going apeshit at the bench and lifting in general.

3a3a9a No.313793


> But why challenge authority in the first place?

Because there are men who desire power.

7b5e0b No.313794


>Yes. The actual issue was: The fat guy was a loser who couldn't stand Aurini giving him some dating advice and some Roosh books.

>Everything followed from there. Now try to remember; who was the first e-celeb to pour oil into that fire?

I didn't follow GG in the early days. Who's the fat guy? Boogie?

Who poured the oil?

3a3a9a No.313795


All I know is that I would not want to be the patient of a vore enthusiast doctor.

e78ca1 No.313797


>Does TDS shy away from zionism or ethnic nationalism? I don't think so.

my mistake, i didn't mean to put TDS on there but I was tired and throwing out acronyms

>Gatekeepers to hard-right? They were marching in the streets.

you mean getting absolutely fucked up by the local government and not being able to do shit about it while nobody except the people who were already on their side defended them?

i guess it brought a lot of attention to them but i'm not sure i can agree with the success of the march

b7ebdd No.313798


Good post

2d6ca2 No.313799

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Read the thread. The e-celeb who stirred the shit has already been mentioned. For what happened with the Sarkeesian Effect drama, look no further than that stream. The fat guy is Jordan Owen by the way. There is also a thread about him floating around in the catalog that got derailed with Muh Forney.

dad5d4 No.313801

File: 174d8eeec565df9⋯.png (53.09 KB, 919x497, 919:497, clarification.png)


Let's see if I get any replies.

3c246b No.313802


Nice one, anon.

2294d3 No.313804

File: 9714f3ea35c88a1⋯.png (36.28 KB, 850x191, 850:191, stop_posting_ops_here.png)



There are liberalists here, veeh steps in often, there are other anons here from tiny and others who just want to shit on the fun. Stop posting ops here, just do it and post results after.

b7ebdd No.313807


How did Vee even find these threads? Do we have snitches in our midst?

bc8491 No.313808


Into the secret discord you probably remember me as Chilean_Wizardmaster

0099eb No.313809


i think i saw someone mention /cow/ once or twice in the livestream comments of kumite.

053fe6 No.313810


It's not like we're doing secret ops in some discord server anon, we're doing all of this in the open.

2d6ca2 No.313811


Veeh knows of foxdickfarms thanks to Kraut posting the doxs there and the onion service still appears on google if look up the subject of this thread.


Also this. Cows finding the board and sperging out is exactly what is wanted here though.

f03ab5 No.313812

File: ddcf32330c2fd96⋯.png (271.82 KB, 1274x1308, 637:654, Screen Shot 2018-01-14 at ….png)


Vee originally found it because one of our guys in the plebbit trolled a troll by saying he was from /cow/ with a link to the current thread, then Vee tweeted that link

b7ebdd No.313813


Still, /cow/ has never really seemed to me to be a super well-known place. I guess it has been blowing up lately after all this Kraut and Sargon stuff. I kind of like the idea they get that we're some sort of secret cabal though

8b70dd No.313814


They don't get that sperging out and having paranoia about possible infiltrators just makes things worse for themselves. They're in a lose-lose scenario. If they don't know about it, they get subverted in their ignorance. If they do know about it, they become paranoid and go on witch hunts.

f03ab5 No.313815


>Still, /cow/ has never really seemed to me to be a super well-known place.

Anyone who watches Metokur could potentially know what /cow/ is since he credits this place occasionally

f03ab5 No.313816

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Liberalist Plebbit Mod Talk Live

bc8491 No.313817


that is the funny part about all of this. They are essentially following a minor autistic dictatorship but it's on the center left where wrong-thing is being a non-classical liberal determined by what The Stepfather says.

And denying the horseshoe theory and not realizing the last serious ones using it as an example where Zionist in Israel.

7b5e0b No.313818


I watched a couple of minutes. It was boring as fuck. What's the point of these mod streams?

dad5d4 No.313819


>Those are not innocuous, those are hard core memes.

>I can't… [more than] scoll up twice before I see a greedy merchant.

>I guess one of the worries is to make sure that the memes are, eh, in a place (I think the retarded mod thinks "in a place" is the opposite of "out of place")

Oy Vey! Hard core merchant memes! We can't let the goyem on our discord see that!

2d6ca2 No.313821

File: 952688f0ce7a0db⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 6.22 MB, 640x360, 16:9, serious discussions.webm)


<We have a fucking project spreadsheet.

WEW, lad!


Plebbit style meta thread.

b7ebdd No.313822


fart-huffing and LARPing as politicians

0099eb No.313823


>15 viewers

>1 like

>7 dislikes


0099eb No.313825

Ask them what Sargon's cum tastes like.


How many of you have been diagnosed with AIDS?

0099eb No.313826



b7ebdd No.313827


I wonder if we can convince them to let others (us) on the stream. I need to lecture them on Jewish collectivism

724a7d No.313828


Nah, subversive distraction and disruption is better.

Also they use "problematic" without a hint of irony while being concerned about looking ridiculous

724a7d No.313830

Missile Lawnchair in there with the subtlety of an atomic bomb

0099eb No.313831

>"free speech" is outdated

>stop using liberal as a pejorative

we need to be clipping this

724a7d No.313832

That stream was gay as fuck. These people have no idea what they're doing and none of them have the testosterone to give direction to the "individualists"

b34d55 No.313833


>Missile Lawnchair in there with the subtlety of an atomic bomb

Probably because it seems like they couldn't care less what goes on in the chat, which is strange for hotpocketeers.

3c246b No.313834


They seem to be concerned about "Liberalist" being falsely attributed to people.

Can we do anything with this? Attribute it to anyone and everyone who shares just a few of their vague and cookie-cutter principles.

Or is it too weak to be useful in any way?

2d6ca2 No.313835


YES! Also show that to gamergays in kotakuinaction. At least two the mods were posting there.



One of them was on thedonald


8b70dd No.313837

File: ae96b06d618fb68⋯.jpg (333.18 KB, 919x3262, 919:3262, shapiro.jpg)


Their weakness is that they want to be a group but their retarded individualism prevents them from putting their foot down on any in-group/out-group distinction. Unless they make it so "liberalist" is literally some sort of party where you have to go sign up for and be an official member, anyone can claim to be one. And likewise, we can attribute the title of liberalist to whoever we want.

And the best part about this is that most cuckservatives and neocons out there hold the exact same set of beliefs as Sargoon and his cult. We can go ahead and lump Paul Ryan and little Benji Shapiro in with the liberalists and then force them to explain how they're any different, putting them on the back foot.

bc8491 No.313839


Shapiro has a pretty hot sister with nice julayers.

8b70dd No.313840

File: 022dc3df1361dbb⋯.jpg (71.75 KB, 507x800, 507:800, abigail shapiro blacked.jpg)

File: 74dcae8a001826c⋯.webm (2.8 MB, 742x718, 371:359, abigail shapiro laugh.webm)

bc8491 No.313841


whoa she was in porn?

3c246b No.313842


Yeah, I could probably violate the NJA (No Jewesses Principle) and shoot my load all-over those. I just have to punch her in the nose to even it out. The violation, not her nose. Although both works.

3c246b No.313844


Yeah, true. It's so hilarious how they're actively fighting against their natural impulses like that. They KNOW that injecting so-called "collectivism" into their ridiculous battle plans will make them much stronger.

8b70dd No.313845


the Jewess evolved the khazar miIkers as a way to ensnare the goyim and steal their genes. Don't fall for it.

94f9dd No.313847

I've been away for a day

Hope nothing relevant happened

0099eb No.313848


she has that weird fucked up jew face. pass

bc8491 No.313849

File: 787ec6c46edc27f⋯.gif (3.54 MB, 600x400, 3:2, 1514471399725.gif)


gib jewfu

560028 No.313850


Vee really can't stop acting like a retard.


>I remember right after the Kraut shit started blowing up, Vee, Sargon, and the others in the inner-circle all came out and started deflecting and trying to deflect to irrelevant shit about Coach Kinopill.

The first thing they did (right before going after CRP) was to upload a mirror of Kraut's video and start the narrative that the alt-right was mass flagging his videos. Notice how none of them issued an apology when people found out that it was pure bullshit (it was just one guy who hated the alt-right and wanted to see some shit happening). This and the collective hit pieces against CRP are proof that there's a skeptic™ equivalent of the gamejourno pro.

There was also that stream/debate with Vee while Sargon was giving him the bulletpoints through skype, and also the Louis Le Vau/Metokur stream with the Stepfather lurking in the chat and jumped in the hangout to help Le Vau.

This: >>313759 and TL;DR went through some passive-agressive attacks at some point 2 or 3 years ago.

0099eb No.313851

File: 7fd45b8540c04e0⋯.jpg (73.79 KB, 613x196, 613:196, sargon spencer pussy.jpg)


styx got accused of being a pedophile by a couple retards from trannypol. he then decided to join forces with le altright. nothing much else, I think it's cooling down.

sargon i think has backed out of the spencer rematch.

b7ebdd No.313852


>Sargon doesn't want to

/cow/ was right again

94f9dd No.313853


I had already seen that

So i guess i missed nothing, phew

f03ab5 No.313854


hahahaha not a good look for Soygoy

8b70dd No.313856

File: 7702f27f4f7b4fd⋯.gif (1.51 MB, 480x267, 160:89, hail victory spencer.gif)


>sargon doesn't want to

I fucking called it. The little bitch is trying to backpedal and sweep this under the rug.

I guess it's our job to keep shitposting and making a stink and calling Sargon out for being a little bitch who's admitting defeat against Implicit Dick.

7b5e0b No.313857



He should at least make some more cocks for his new and controversial Liberalist ideology for people to attack or laugh at. Sargoon is a pussy (i.e. refusing to do a new debate) is no news, but if he started his movement he should do something to advance it so we can point and laugh. Maybe he's learned new Macchiavellian Art of War tactics from CPR and therefore started this new ridiculous thing, but he's just going to sit on his ass and shit his pants and do nothing, and deny others the satisfaction of pointing out how wrong he is.

3cceeb No.313858


Imagine my shock

b9eca5 No.313861


If he shits his pants and does nothing he will just continue to decline while his friends get destroyed 1 by 1. He originally started the thing because people were getting tired of the fence sitting and feminist/blue haired videos.

0099eb No.313862

File: 95570f3bac1c17c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 312.8 KB, 1280x1629, 1280:1629, spencer puncher irl.jpg)






it's not confirmed. that's just what Enoch thinks, but it's a possibility.

if sargon did well in a second debate it would drag this out for ages which would be hilarious. plus spencer has an amazing ability to self-sabotage.

3c246b No.313863


Imagine being this afraid of a loose-wristed faggot who's going to be acting like a moron on (((purpose))).

b7ebdd No.313864


Imagine being BT FO by Richard "White Zionism" Spencer. Imagine the shame

8b70dd No.313865


If it's been like 2 weeks since a rematch was announced, and not even Enoch, one of the debaters, has any clue what's going on with it, I think it's fair to say it's not happening. Sargon did this on purpose, saying he was down for a rematch and then delaying and putting it off until everyone forgets it was even a thing that was supposed to happen. It's a blatant plausible deniability tactic.

bc8491 No.313866


he did not have a good look when the whole individualist and then starting a weird collectivist movement. He is like a weird internet dictator now, just think of the egomania it takes to create such a thing.

cceb93 No.313873


>spencer has an amazing ability to self-sabotage.

He lacks the ability to not answer a question in good faith as the pedophile porn thing he brought up earlier shows.

bf554e No.313878


Heil'ed. Styx needs to fucking lift.

bf554e No.313879


Keep try leftykikes.

63af9e No.313881


yeah im sure hitler would have totally approved of styx in drag. eat a dick faggot

b7ebdd No.313882


The left pushes degeneracy, why would they attack Styx on his degeneracy?

f03ab5 No.313883


>if hitler wouldn't like him then we shouldn't encourage him to admire hitler

What if we just think it would be a hilarious turn of events for him to go full 14/88 ? Lulz before feels on /cow/

879a10 No.313884


They attack Richard Spencer even though he's a flaming homosexual. If you're not actively fighting for the genocide of all whites, you're their enemy.

dad5d4 No.313885


This is very true.


>Why would leftypol try to cause infighting

>Why would leftypol attack someone who just declared that he was going to fuck them over

b7ebdd No.313886


Spencer is effeminate but I don't think he's gay.


good point

bc8491 No.313887

I thought this was a scientific board in understanding Autism and Sanic.

9ca467 No.313888

File: c0f0592eeb3657e⋯.webm (7.57 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, manofsteel.webm)


That's where you are wrong, kiddo.

02987c No.313891


Everything I know of Styx I learned this weekend, and while it still amounts to next to nothing since I'm not interested in his videos, the two things I can be sure of are Styx is not a pedo, and Styx is not a cross dresser.

When you first brought this up >>313445

I assumed you were referring to the image that's been circulating with the tranny with similar teeth/mole that's since been found and confirmed to be someone else. Then you said there was a video of Styx in drag >>313468

>>313501 >>313502 but it was just some goth/emo makeup, pretty gay but not cross dressing. Now your still insisting he's a cross dresser and it's starting to get a bit suspicious.

Archived pics/video or it didn't happen.

7b5e0b No.313892


Oy vey, the triple Nazis have hi-jacked this pastoral board!

dad5d4 No.313893


>Spencer is effeminate but I don't think he's gay.

I think comes from him saying that

>"Homosexuality is the last stand of implicit whiteness."

He clarified on stream with Baked Alaska the other day that he was saying in relation to things like Duck Dynasty, that the anti-gay lobby was the last stand of implicit whiteness. That is

>"[The fight against] Homosexuality is the last stand of implicit whiteness."


<"[The fight for] Homosexuality is the last stand of implicit whiteness."


<"[The practice of] Homosexuality is the last stand of implicit whiteness."

I can't find the Baked Alaska clip now, and I don't follow the guy so I don't know if he has said the same thing in other places.

One problem he certainly has is that he says things that are extremely easy to take out of context. He did the same under the Sargon debate and with his CP comments the other day. In fact, had I not seen that BA clip I would never have heard the other side of the story.


This. Don't forget that /leftypol/ owns this bord now! Does anyone have the /leftypol/ screenshot where they actually claim that?

389a02 No.313894


I would go one further and argue that every fractional identity group will inevitably undergo the same fundamental process of radicalization (although I think the term is a misnomer). That is what they are designed to do by nature and why social democracies must encourage their development to maintain control.

0099eb No.313895

File: c89ab48dee19d53⋯.png (111.53 KB, 636x985, 636:985, spencer implicit.png)

File: cfb4ab06c5428b3⋯.png (120.13 KB, 664x892, 166:223, spencer implicit2.png)


And this is exactly what I meant with his amazing ability to self-sabotage. He could have easily worded that in a non-ambiguous way, but he didn't, like he could have humiliated soygoy and not immediately started talking about CP. The guy has no self-awareness.

There is no value in a guy that has to have people constantly making excuses and explanations for him. He's just a clown.

Here's the context btw.

dad5d4 No.313896


>why social democracies must encourage their development to maintain control.

I understand (although I don't necessarily agree with) the rest of your comment, but I don't get this part.

In what sense do social democracies encourage their development? How does this help them maintain control?

d3823d No.313897


It's exacrbated by the fact that he surrounds himself with yes-men who suck up to him. If you listen to their podcast, the retards on it with him often say stupid shit (sometimes ironically sometimes not) and he indulges them.

9ca467 No.313899

File: 266882fe05294bf⋯.png (273.21 KB, 1529x1187, 1529:1187, 266882fe05294bf32a3cba1b0e….png)


I got you fampai.

7b5e0b No.313900

File: ae5eed85628dcaf⋯.png (90.87 KB, 630x781, 630:781, DickyGay.png)


>"[The fight against] Homosexuality is the last stand of implicit whiteness."

How can you imply this from the pic related?

Dicky is criticizing Duck Dynasty (who are "homophobic"). If he meant the fight against homosexuality was the last stand of implicit White identity, then wouldn't he agree with Duck Dynasty? He claims to be pro-White identity after all.


Beat me to it.

0099eb No.313902


fuck sake they're retarded. if you're going to samefag, at least wait longer between your posts, even if you're too fucking dumb to notice IDs are on.


it's unclear what he even meant from context. Presumably, he meant something like: this tv show presents evil white christians opposing faggotry and that this opposition is a "last stand of implicit white identity", but who the fuck knows.

389a02 No.313904


Fractional identity groups like Sargon's Liberalism+ or Sarkesian's Pixel-feminism always progress along predictable trajectories that cause them to inevitably support the status quo that favors those behind globalist social democracy. By controlling public discourse to focus entirely on individualism and civil rights they encourage the development of these endlessly fractional identity groups because they can always either be subsumed or discarded with minimal effort.

7b5e0b No.313906

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New Metokur.

f03ab5 No.313907

Beat me to it

7fca78 No.313908





560028 No.313909


>sargon i think has backed out of the spencer rematch.

Not a surprise. If he had accepted then it would be another round of him going full Alinsky: he would either laugh or fart during the entire stream.

f694e2 No.313910


holy shit I'm dying

879a10 No.313913

File: c3516ebf5c5117b⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 3.81 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Sargon VS Spencer private….webm)


Sargon and Spencer actually went at it in a private stream two days ago. It wasn't uploaded anywhere and as far as I know nobody has it, but I managed to save a short clip of Sargon proving race isn't real.

b34d55 No.313914


Nigger, you realize this was the Jim thread before le rationale enlightened centrists took over?

70ffa9 No.313916


He applies horseshoe theory to everything.

0099eb No.313918


i'm sorry i missed that shit by focusing on the fucking septics for the last week.

560028 No.313919


He used the exact same tactic during the Louis Le Vau stream with Jim. He kept laughing and mumbling, he never really gave an honest answer to Jim's questions.

7fca78 No.313921


The NSDAP didn't gas anyone.


>plebbit has a bot

>to parrot a 2004-era meme

>from a shitty commercial

>in 2004+14

7fca78 No.313922


>this thread

>The JewTube™ Rational™ Skeptics™ Community™ Thread #9: THE POWER OF THE INDIVIDUAL RISES Edition

Wrong, foxdicknigger.

b34d55 No.313923


All regurgitating the thread title shows is you haven't actually been following the threads for long. The first three threads were about Mr Metokur videos, then when the septic drama started it switched over to that title.

7fca78 No.313924


>it's a different thread now but it's the same thread

<all these excuses made by you foxdickniggers to keep derailing the thread to talk about muh vidya player and muh fake escort story foxdickniggers made up and got completely B T F O ' d on by the target of the story himself

c79c25 No.313933

File: 190902a94ab55bb⋯.jpg (146.01 KB, 813x628, 813:628, 1516578928575.jpg)









d85257 No.313936


There is a tedious info-graphic on the back of the shirt.

f03ab5 No.313937


You didn't expose shit

0e735d No.313938


It's just that Jim knows to separate his autism from his personal life. I may be way off base, but I'm pretty sure he enjoys /pol/ for more than just the kang memes. There are a few times in debates where he'll say something that makes it seem like he knows and cares a little more than he lets on. He just doesn't let that bleed into the internet when we're just trying to have a good time, drink a few beers, and laugh at some retards.

02987c No.313940


Jim describes himself as just some faggot who loves watching drama and kumite style bloodsports. He never claims to be "above it all" or smart and actively rejects any attempts by others to set himself up as a leader precisely because his ego isn't out of control and he know he doesn't have all the answers.

Also, the videos claim that "image boards don't hold firm on their politics" seems wrong to me. I only pop on to /pol/ once every couple of weeks but the consensus on every issue I've seen has remained consistent between every visit.

d85257 No.313944


Wish you were here, the times need you.

724a7d No.313945


Seems like something youtubers "in the know" would wear to troll

6f1b5a No.313946



It's not that Jim doesn't care; he just has a pessimistic outlook on life. To sum him up in a quote, he would be Spengler's "Optimism is cowardice". This is why I slightly agree with Sargon on his point that Jim is essentially wasting his potential. But, in the end, he can do whatever he wants.

87d13a No.313947


Shouldn't you be crying to Sargon, Mr. Liberalistismistic man?

b9eca5 No.313948



Jim mentioned stuff like the JQ on streams, he seems pretty black pilled to me. As in, he knows the problems but also that there's likely no political solution. Remember that he was also a big anti-SJW for a time, really digging into it and telling people to look at who is responsible for those ideologies and who founds it. Of course that got degraded by Quadroon of Cuckad and his ilk into daily show style dissection of blue haired weirdos.

d85257 No.313949


Go back to his last video on the internet aristocrat and he said he respects /pol/ for drawing a line in the sand and sticking to their principles. Seems he genuinely cares more for people just being a fuckin man than anything

d85257 No.313950


tbh to go weeb for a sec I view him as the Yang Wenli of this situation, he just wants to live his life but this shit keeps pulling him back in because he was born to do it.

f03ab5 No.313952

File: 59dd80479b2fcd8⋯.webm (661.41 KB, 427x240, 427:240, Jim tells the truth.webm)


That was addressing 4/pol/. He made a separate 8/pol/ audio recording

706278 No.313953


You sound like a cocksucking homo who needs other homos on YouTube to give you your opinions for you. Gaymergate was years ago, Vee

706278 No.313955


>Jim is essentially wasting his potential

This would have been more meaningful if it didn't come from a fat ass with an ego larger than his potential in life will ever fill.

0e735d No.313957



I don't know if he's that blackpilled. In a sense he's right.

What can fucking youtubers do but try and sway public opinion with funny meme videos? There's a reason Jim sticks to funny retard shit and is amused by Sargon trying his hand at this serious academicsplzrespond thing. The autists who dig deep and go through stacks of pages of scientific studies are doing good work, but for some people no amount of evidence will be enough.

d85257 No.313958


lmao thats amazing I never caught that one. Ya gotta understand that 8/pol/ is like 60% schizos and spergs, 20% shills, 15% actually useful people and 5% terrifyingly useful people that I am certain has abandoned the board at this point to go to greener pastures or continue their ops alone. God I hate the lower 80%.

b7ebdd No.313959

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Those science paper spergs need to realize that people are persuaded by boring, dry data, but by good speeches

8b70dd No.313960

File: 231ece54b6c009c⋯.jpg (137.79 KB, 808x1080, 101:135, C58qU-IWQAUTn7j.jpg)


You broke my heard, Jim.

6f1b5a No.313963


Ironically it's best person for it to have come from considering the Stepfather is a walking example of that.



He is. He mentioned on a stream during the election year that I relistened to recently. Secondly, humor reaches people better than evidence because humans aren't rational, and Jim has charisma, so 2+2=.

b9eca5 No.313965



I think we're at one of those cycles that has to come to an end. Look at the world, in 2008 the Jews stole a shit ton of Western money through the banking crisis, right now stories are trickling out of them trolling and trading young goys like candy, yet the population rather watches capeshit movies. Youtubing is unlikely to change that.

6f1b5a No.313967


Actually youtube is the same as capeshit movies.

f03ab5 No.313968

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The leftypol niggers decided to double down on Styx slander claiming to speak to a /pol/ admin


b7ebdd No.313971

File: 934c506ec82cdeb⋯.png (75.16 KB, 776x535, 776:535, neverdespair.PNG)

File: e37413ba6cadd9d⋯.jpg (301.68 KB, 887x1200, 887:1200, Adolf Hitler.jpg)


Pic related, from Mein Kampf

ab81ff No.313972

File: ce88c633ae5b3ec⋯.png (75.33 KB, 875x764, 875:764, styx_banned.PNG)


now, some faggot's saying he's a mod on /pol/ and that he banned styx

b7ebdd No.313973


Based. Libertarians get the bullet too

e78ca1 No.313975



why even post this

b7ebdd No.313978

File: 9df9513a3edd724⋯.png (91.75 KB, 1242x594, 23:11, IMG_0012.PNG)


It was enough to make him respond so who knows

706278 No.313979


>tfw you are a no-name septic start drama as a way to shill your irrelevant podcast and it backfires and you end up singing happy birthday to avoid a lawsuit.

e78ca1 No.313981


>autistic cow responds to retarded trolling attempt

come on anon you're better than this

f8921d No.313989

File: 606616d54263104⋯.jpg (140.1 KB, 1279x960, 1279:960, 1424976342760.jpg)



bc8491 No.313991

So what is happening now? is Styx getting doubled down slandered on 4pol thanks to the retards that made an ass of themselves?

7b5e0b No.313992


Styx should sue them just for fun.

How fucking spineless do they have to be? First they claim "he's a pedo you guise". When Styx threatens them with a lawsuit, they wanna suck his cock and sing him happy birthday. And now they're back at accusing him (I presume since I didn't actually watch the video).

7989b7 No.313995


Did Styx ever use a tripcode when posting, because otherwise how can you know for sure who you banned?

06107f No.313998


That's the fuckup that flagged Kraut's 3rd? racerealism video,claimed that he was a facist who had the balls to do what the alt-right didn't have the balls to, and was outed as some bulgarian sperg named Kang Lazarus or something. Total mong.

0f71eb No.314000


Yeah, I've seen styx use a trip before, think that might have been on cuckchan pol but he probably has/had one on 8ch pol too.

dad5d4 No.314001


That's the same guy who false-flagged Kraut's fourth video. He's an autistic-sounding Anti-White nationalist, Bulgarian Fascist if I recall correctly. He did it because he's a whiny little bitch who said that Kraut ruined his channel. The guy is a sperg.


Nice! I haven't seen that one before. The one I was thinking of was a screenshot from leftypol where they're claiming that they now own the board.


It's quite poorly written and both interpretations seem to fit. The one that I provided is more reasonable given that he was against homophilia at the time (see pic 2 in >>313895). If he used to be pro-fag or silent on the issue and only later started being anti-fag, then it would have been suspicious. There's also the issue of innocent until proven guilty. I'm not going to believe every slanderous rumor stated about someone if they fail to provide conclusive evidence.

dad5d4 No.314003

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here's a video by him. His channel description says

>It's Interweb Kang here again.


>Roman-Fascist, Progressive Fanatic, Social Justice Warrior and Agnostic-Theist Extremist Centre Authoritarian.

dad5d4 No.314004


For some context: After sperging out on Kraut, he got scared and deleted his entire channel.

7989b7 No.314005


>Anti-White nationalist

>Bulgarian Fascist

So what is he a black man in Bulgaria fighting for the rights of the only black man in Bulgaria?

dad5d4 No.314006


That is how I remember him describing himself from the last time he was part of this saga.

Also, the only Bulgarian I've ever met seemed more Turkish than White.

706278 No.314008

File: fdd03b5fce2653c⋯.jpg (42.55 KB, 600x600, 1:1, nothanks.jpg)



halfchan at least knows better

3c246b No.314009


>"Against us we have the innumerable army of all those who are lazy-minded and indifferent rather than evil, and those whose self-interest leads them to uphold the present state of affairs." - AH

It's Vee!!!

06107f No.314010

Lazia Cus - has had beef with a lot of who's in youtube. Some guy named I,hypocrite had a run in with both Lazia and those two old guys on youtube, where they claimed he was a pedo or something.

b34d55 No.314012


<all these excuses made by you foxdickniggers to keep derailing the thread to talk about muh vidya player and muh fake escort story foxdickniggers made up and got completely B T F O ' d on by the target of the story himself

>Muh foxdick farms

Then why are you the one complaining about the video? I'm just here for the jim videos and vee spergouts.

7b5e0b No.314016


Those Revenge of the Cis guys can't even come up with new slanderous accusations it seems.

c0627a No.314019


>That autistic voice

<Too autistic to pronounce "Liberalist"

>"The entire reson everything happened is that I flagged Kraut's video"

<"I hurt them so hard they had to change their name"

>"I gained 100 new subs … they're downing subs while I'm booming in subs"

And this is only in the first 5 minutes. This guy is peak autism.

bc8491 No.314020


I kinda have respect for the guy.

9bc8bb No.314022

File: ad700c2e9cc879c⋯.png (73.48 KB, 1190x856, 595:428, styx on accusations.png)



Styx responded to another

0e735d No.314023


Seems like autists playing grabass tbh. This Lazia dude seems like just an average troll.

c0627a No.314024

File: b53e1b1dfc12901⋯.jpg (5.9 KB, 200x200, 1:1, turkroach.jpg)

File: b317c3d650f3e44⋯.jpg (40.22 KB, 1199x425, 1199:425, Oh, Irony, thy name is Bul….jpg)

File: 023b870a69ad312⋯.jpg (16.67 KB, 812x212, 203:53, whining.jpg)

Found three pics relating to Lazia in an older thread. He was the one who flagged Kraut's video because Kraut hurt his feelings by "destroying" his channel.


He's an autistic mudskin, so you're probably right.



bc8491 No.314025


I said kinda have respect for him since he has a 24 hour op server and is does not sugar coat that he is a fascist.

Fuck, I think he is just a troll so I don't know enough about the guy.

e8df56 No.314040


Don't take it too seriously kid

51335c No.314041


Yeah. Also Sargon's entire movement is based around bugmen wanting to stay bugmen.

9a31c7 No.314045

File: cba2c0ef9afd12d⋯.png (256.95 KB, 918x516, 153:86, b4359ef1f01351ff375d775d70….png)


fuck of Trannytears, go back to your own thread to get bullied even more.

7fca78 No.314852


>defending spamming and derailing threads to talk about other threads' topics

f8921d No.315081

Some aspie forgot to link the newer threads:



a941a3 No.328541

have to bump it

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