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/cow/ - Lolcows

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File: a7544948471d5c4⋯.jpg (114.13 KB, 354x417, 118:139, laura loomer.jpg)

8335ec No.314719



3944a7 No.314721


The fuck you on about? This shit is pure fucking gold.

c2cfe7 No.314723

Mike tokes Linkedin



Jewish Federation of Las Vegas

Starting March 2014

His mug shot when he was arrested for fraud as well as his address.


ca0059 No.314724


6b2137 No.314727


>Jewish Federation of Las Vegas

Are Trump Jews just the conservative version of liberalists?

3944a7 No.314729


>Gender: Male

I guess they haven't incorporated 'soyboy' yet.

53a1e5 No.314730

File: 24e10bd28ab4b60⋯.jpg (29.46 KB, 500x333, 500:333, 24e10bd28ab4b6031ff0c27cd6….jpg)

These are some good superchats

ec97e1 No.314731

File: 824b98424e10fad⋯.jpg (23.88 KB, 400x534, 200:267, Michael-J-Coudrey-mugshot-….jpg)

923da9 No.314733

File: 9bffd500e6a46d0⋯.png (196.56 KB, 615x865, 123:173, loomer on mothers.png)

File: f2b02a6b022ea4f⋯.png (55.48 KB, 603x486, 67:54, loomer on mothers 2.png)

Loomer is bitching out Andy on twitter now

e417d7 No.314734

File: f8b9656fa0120b2⋯.png (8.14 KB, 543x194, 543:194, breadcrumb.PNG)

File: d5ef06456303fdc⋯.png (166.78 KB, 691x882, 691:882, breadcrumb2.PNG)


the holding company for his yuko social thing is in LA


ca0059 No.314735


They're just investing in both sides. Gotta diversify tour portfolio.

fb32b0 No.314736

Holy shit, the right has some money to burn on chats

a8183f No.314737

File: 90d91eb52d99a6d⋯.jpg (66.17 KB, 618x480, 103:80, liberal tears misato.jpg)

This was hands down THE BEST stream I've ever fucking witnesses in my entire goddamn life. It started off great and just kept escalating at every turn. Every time I thought it was peaking, it got better.

dec800 No.314738


that's all she got out of that stream? He called me a cunt. The beginning of the victim narrative and denying any loss on her part

92e625 No.314739


agreed, god bless Jim and whoever brought Mike Enoch on.

bfd4e7 No.314740

File: 6c0553a468b6617⋯.jpg (131.08 KB, 1263x658, 1263:658, mugshot.JPG)

491015 No.314741

>9 again


>no information in the op


3944a7 No.314742


Just watch. When it happens to her or her family or whatever she'll be bitching about it like the sociopathic cunt she is.

a8183f No.314743

File: 497268addff6785⋯.jpg (8.62 KB, 177x278, 177:278, oh baby.jpg)

>all these superchats referencing pilpul and the "gradually I began to hate them" line

c2cfe7 No.314744

File: 5324640c3c03730⋯.jpg (119.5 KB, 1152x2048, 9:16, DUMiXKEVwAA1VRp.jpg large.jpg)

Loomers phone number WAS tweeted out.

19db0d No.314745

I missed the stream, any good recap vids, or is it too soon?

e417d7 No.314746

File: e97a33c72f033fc⋯.png (344.69 KB, 604x467, 604:467, newRight.PNG)

wonder what this new right thing is

f0983d No.314747


>Somebody tweets her number

>Get on the stream and accuse the first random guy you hear talking of being responsable

That makes him even more retarded

41832b No.314748



f0983d No.314749


e417d7 No.314750

File: f01a82ac33ac9c6⋯.gif (1.1 MB, 320x234, 160:117, disappointed.gif)

>andrew anglin and sargoy

I wanted to watch him laugh condescendingly as spencer again

53a1e5 No.314751

>Sargoy vs Anglin confirmed

never heard Anglin speak not sure how this will go

e417d7 No.314752


at spencer*

e344d6 No.314753

19db0d No.314754


Nevermind, didn't realize it was still going.

c0ded4 No.314755

f0983d No.314756


BA announced it after finishing the superchats

a8183f No.314757


This should be even better. Spencer isn't a good talker while Anglin is actually quite underrated and very straightforward and to the point. Dude has a sharp wit and I'd love to see him eviscerate sarcuck.

67986e No.314758

File: 151a810d07e6012⋯.png (2.43 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, heaven-background-12345.png)

Is it better now?

8335ec No.314759


just think 3what the rest of the year will be like

544cb6 No.314760


that was during the stream at the time she was bitching about it, i think she was referring to a before time

8335ec No.314761

bfd4e7 No.314764

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Long-time Louis did a video about muh evil right-wing mainstream media. Hilariously enough, he argues that "if you only attack ridiculous strawmen, your own arguments will get weaker". There are a lot of pretty ironic things he says. He's also apparently pro-tranny.

At the very start of the video he shills j-list and play asia. Of coursh.



fb32b0 No.314765


Karma comes at you fast

8c4d5f No.314766

File: 616799ffc133a61⋯.jpg (417.05 KB, 2272x1704, 4:3, 0bf0a3335be4bffb534b741fb6….jpg)

ca0059 No.314767


Needs a thought bubble filled with wet bread

25aa36 No.314769

File: c68c5be7eaec16b⋯.png (965.86 KB, 985x939, 985:939, sargon_2.png)

Here is something shitty I made for the hell of it. Paint isn't the best but hey. Anyone else make something good with his ass tweet?

67986e No.314771


It's like 1AM where I live so if anyone here feels like adding that, you have my blessing.

25aa36 No.314773

File: 493b137066cd07d⋯.png (243.36 KB, 501x282, 167:94, dzczjjjj.png)

Here is my quick attempt

923da9 No.314774

File: 97115238d350152⋯.png (56.18 KB, 581x501, 581:501, loomer on mothers 3.png)

File: da88b9d9265b902⋯.png (53.46 KB, 588x556, 147:139, loomer on mothers 4.png)

Laura is still going off about the stream on twitter

bd3fdc No.314775


I never thought I could grow more anti-Jewish, but after listening to the amount of kikery and pilpul this cunt spewed tonight, I think I am now

bfd4e7 No.314776


>what are you, triggered?

She has a lot in common with the liberalists.

a8183f No.314777

File: 45a6edbc3b4fbd4⋯.jpg (55.56 KB, 457x470, 457:470, rosenbergs die.jpg)


Reminder that jews have an innate inability to admit wrongdoing.

Here's a perfect example:

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, the kike soviet spies who gave the Russians the plans for the nuclear bomb, who were then rightfully tried, convicted, and executed


>For decades, the Rosenbergs' sons Michael and Robert Meeropol and many other defenders maintained that Julius and Ethel were innocent of spying on their country and victims of Cold War paranoia. After the fall of the Soviet Union, much information concerning them was declassified, including a trove of decoded Soviet cables, code-named VENONA, which detailed Julius's role as a courier and recruiter for the Soviets and Ethel's role as an accessory. Their sons' current position is that Julius was legally guilty of the conspiracy charge, though not of atomic spying, while Ethel was only generally aware of his activities. The children believe that their father did not deserve the death penalty and that their mother was wrongly convicted. They continue to campaign for Ethel to be posthumously and legally exonerated.

>Distilling this consensus, Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz wrote that the Rosenbergs were "guilty – and framed."

Even a bunch of (((Experts))) who are willing to admit that they were guilty as sin still try to do mental gymnastics to say they dindu nuffin and didn't deserve execution. And the apologists are _all_jews_

They're ALL like this. On fucking everything. Even with the Rosenbergs, one of the most heinous crimes of high treason to ever occur in America, they still shuffle their feat and come up with all sorts of excuses.

92e625 No.314778

File: 2b79b6d78549fce⋯.jpg (27.39 KB, 720x402, 120:67, 2b79b6d78549fce6fb6e3653df….jpg)



71c7e5 No.314779

Jesus Christ, at least you guys know how to have fun, /pol/ blasted the thread on this with schizo bullshit.

923da9 No.314780

File: 5d74080e16eacac⋯.png (439 KB, 596x716, 149:179, Loomer andy unhinged.png)

She just keeps digging that hole

bfd4e7 No.314781


>"guys i have to leave this is a waste of my time i have shit to do"

>proceeds to rewatch a three hour stream she was just on

a8183f No.314782


/pol/ has its strengths and weaknesses, but my main critique is lately it's been getting too isolated and cancerous for its own good. It's total no-fun-allowed, which is something I still at least give cuckchan /pol/ credit for, even if the quality of discussion is lower.

71c7e5 No.314783


Yeah I really used to like it, but they have been really pissing me off lately. This shit has to be fun in order to be effective.

bd3fdc No.314784

File: c9334c3e5321435⋯.png (160.02 KB, 1242x1280, 621:640, IMG_0019.PNG)


She just got B TFO by a rabbi

a8183f No.314786


Yeah, it wasn't always like this. But in the attempts to keep all "cancer" out, they removed that fun shitposty chaotic element that makes things fun and engaging. The internet hate machine needs its lubricant to keep running properly, instead of being nothing but 100% super-serious discussion with no humor, along with every thread being derailed by shills with >(200) posts each and calling literally every single person in existence a CIAnigger shill.

71c7e5 No.314787


I wonder what can be done.

bfd4e7 No.314788

File: 63cda7ad6984144⋯.png (42.98 KB, 590x324, 295:162, pol is funny.png)

File: 1a9800e4ff45fb9⋯.mp4 (437.53 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, powdered wigman.mp4)


It used to be /pol/ was the spitballing joketelling area where we'd get the ball rolling, and for harder digging you'd go to IRCs or separate areas or something, but they seem to want to maintain the hardline no-shitposting focused atmosphere even on the fucking imageboard.

71c7e5 No.314789


God Anglin is so fuckin stupid, thats going to go poorly.

f7df78 No.314791

File: 43ee991dd137ac6⋯.png (193.64 KB, 494x494, 1:1, 5deb4ca9cf1303f3d822270f80….png)


Nothing, imkikefy ruined the fucking board. Reminder that the shitskin roach banned self improvement threads because he's a greasy overweight hikki & too much of a brainlet to read books.

c2cfe7 No.314793

File: 572974886df7f40⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1226x1424, 613:712, Screen Shot 2018-01-23 at ….png)

Going to bed but though I'd let you know Vee has been sperging hard on twitter with NoBS and Cederwood about /kg/ and his mom.


ca0059 No.314794



Sargon backed out of Spencer & Enoch. If he chooses to go on with Anglin, it will just make him look bad. It would make it clear that he can't get at anything other than low hanging fruit.

a8183f No.314795


That's definitely a major aspect of it. No shitposting, no self-improvement, no reading, no internet culture, no nothing. It's ironically just ended up forming into some sort of ho-hum news aggregate site with a comments section, because basically the only threads that are still acceptable are your typical "here's what's in the headlines" shit.


I disagree. Anglin gets a bad rep because people just see that he has a shaved head and tell themselves "muh neo nazi". He's obviously intelligent, but I think he has a pretty sharp wit too. And unlike Spencer, he actually gets to the point and doesn't pull punches instead of speaking in faggy verbose prose. He could definitely demolish Sargon and his pseud bullshit.

a8183f No.314796


What's his excuse for not doing the spencer/enoch debate but still doing the anglin debate?

f7df78 No.314798

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Anglin B TFO'D Sargoy years ago.

e344d6 No.314799


Probably his usual excuse of I don’t care or they are Irrelevant

bf8d1c No.314800


It pretty much exists to regurgitate mainstream news articles and blast schizo-drivel now. For folks that claim to care about protecting white culture they've sure gone out of their way to purge the board of it in favor of myopic, skinhead tier raving.

25aa36 No.314801


Vee literally lacks the ability to distinguish anyone from sjws oe the alt right. Most doxxxxers are center to left wing people doing it for shits and giggles. Or jews regardless of political stance.

4bfb57 No.314804


8/pol/ always shits on eceleb threads. I rather that than the cesspool 4/pol/ is


Shit I think someone copied the name and pic of my burner twitter

bd3fdc No.314806


We need to find new ways to fuck with this gypsy faggot. Posting in here probably triggers him enough tbh. Too bad I couldn't find any more info on his father besides the pics on his mom's facebook


That's what happens when you believe in horsejew theory

491015 No.314807


>derailing the thread with paranoid schizophrenic goon disinfo


c2cfe7 No.314808

File: ddcf32330c2fd96⋯.png (271.82 KB, 1274x1308, 637:654, Screen Shot 2018-01-14 at ….png)


And let's be honest here, he knows the mom stuff originated from /cow/ originally since he's posted here and linked the Skeptics thread in a previous tweet. He's saying it's /pol/ now to strengthen the claim that it's the evil alt-right that contacted his mom (I was in the original thread where the /cow/ poster did it).

5b8cff No.314809

Jews are losing their minds, and, it's beautiful.

bd3fdc No.314810


I wish I wouldn't have deleted the kikebook I made to message her. I want to see if I got a response. Apparently it will auto-delete after 2 weeks, I should try to log into tomorrow and check. I'm probably banned though now

e8cd4d No.314811

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Laura Loomer

>Talking about Honor

25aa36 No.314812

Also Vee is a dipshit because if someone alt right did it, its some rouge anon, not this huge major channel conspiracy. Plus he was involved and said "oh its not doxxxxing" but now that it happened to him he's pulling the "oh now both sides are just as bad" when they fucking started and defended it. Having their cake and eating it too and expecting people to feel bad for him when hes out of cake. Fuck vee

a8183f No.314813


It reminds me of back in the days of arguing with ancaps and lolbergs, who do the same tunnel-vision shit where they are only capable of seeing things on the narrow axis of "liberty vs statism".

>heh, you think people shouldn't just be able to buy whatever random unregulated drugs they want over the counter? What are you some kind of STATIST COMMUNIST FILTH???

bd3fdc No.314814


I doubt you'll believe me, but I'm the anon who posted the facebook posts on here. I'm against Vee politically but did it solely for laughs (which he provided). It's stupid that he thinks anyone is trying to deplatform him or intimidate him off Youtube. just post the shit here and watch him sperg out. rinse and repeat.

dec800 No.314816


reminds me of someone who said they had to leave a stream to go to bed, and then did a 1 hour stream with his hugbox

a8183f No.314817


He is genuinely too retarded to see that the only reason anyone is bothering to dig info on him and fuck with him is because of the reaction it elicits.

As if he's some major threat that le scary internet frog nazis need to get rid of. Like he's some savior of the west who will stop us by screeching in gypsy sounds about horseshoes between spoonfuls of sargon's cum

f357b2 No.314818

File: 8f2be1c30f3ce85⋯.jpg (411.6 KB, 965x788, 965:788, f6269277df9e06b13794fce413….jpg)


What Stream?

bfd4e7 No.314819

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


He's like a character out of Rocko's Modern Life. I just want people to keep poking him so he makes those hilarious noises.


Oh shit nigger you missed a good one.

bd3fdc No.314820


Laura Loomer vs Jim. Lauren Southern and Enoch came on too

22c29a No.314821


This guy gets it. Anglin looks like he should be a sub-80 IQ retard, but he's honestly a lot smarter than Tricky Dicky (who's only where he is because he looks halfway decent and has a lot of money). Anglin would demolish the Quadroon of Akkad in a debate.

f0983d No.314822

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f357b2 No.314823

File: 1f6ca2655077bde⋯.png (132.12 KB, 316x307, 316:307, 1515292519-1.png)




>Three and an Half Hours

71c7e5 No.314824


I've only ever heard him ramble like junkies do, I've never seen him actually say anything all that interesting though he has written some good stuff. Has he ever performed well in a debate?

bd3fdc No.314825

File: 28420936d0770b5⋯.jpg (32.75 KB, 255x255, 1:1, IMG_0020.JPG)

File: 0fe06f2850bed26⋯.jpg (45.46 KB, 400x400, 1:1, IMG_0021.JPG)

>these two accounts reply to nearly everyone of Vee's tweets, trolling him

I'm surprised Vee hasn't banned either

bfd4e7 No.314826

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Kronos is uploading clips as we speak.

71c7e5 No.314827


Spencer is stupid as fuck we can agree on that.

8335ec No.314828


8/pol/ has been shit since the trump campaign.

bd3fdc No.314829

File: a3afb2ae52ad771⋯.png (195.33 KB, 1242x1349, 1242:1349, IMG_0022.PNG)

Keep up calling him a gypsy

f767d7 No.314832


definitely the face of a kike

bd3fdc No.314833

File: b99a6d0e657d7c1⋯.png (225.45 KB, 1242x1561, 1242:1561, IMG_0023.PNG)

I'm going to bed, but thought I'd ask the Vore Gypsy why he's been a NEET since May. Doubt he'll answer coming from my account

a8183f No.314834


Warski is 100% pureblood moortuguese

6b2137 No.314836


>can't win against Implicit Dick

>wants to debate the autistic CIA jew instead

Should be a complete shitshow, lol.

ddf1cf No.314837

File: c199bf8c8ed1cee⋯.jpg (31.89 KB, 602x533, 602:533, C4VItxNWEAUpUSk.jpg)


I want to give him props on not banning people who troll him, but its probably the only comments he gets and he probably wants to win against the evil alt right to impress sargon and see his daddy at his most pure

6b2137 No.314839

File: 344d225ae70bef6⋯.jpg (231.81 KB, 850x446, 425:223, adam-jq-warski.jpg)


I fucking called this kike shit. As soon as its over, she's talking about how brave and well spoken she was and how honorable an individual she is. She has no memory of being PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD and has already rewritten her version of events for the soul purpose of self preservation. Mein Warski 101

11e0ed No.314840


good stuff

16f676 No.314841


Warski will be /ourguy/ by the end of the year, I'm calling it after tonight. Maybe before the end.

3944a7 No.314842


>I fucking called this kike shit

You say that like there was anyone with a functioning brain that didn't know she would do that.

16f676 No.314843


So from what I understood, she dragged Enoch's mother into their political disagreement to further their fucking retarded neocon 'Dems are the real racists' narrative and imply that the alt-kike are in fact racist Democrats.

Did I get that right?

c0ded4 No.314845


Yeah nu/pol/ is utter trash sadly. I blame Reddit and the mods for it, but eh, what're you gonna do?

I hope that a replacement comes along sooner or later, because the ideas that were spawned there will never die.


It's somewhat helpful to know that a Jewish Roach is what ultimately ruined /pol/. Not a white, but the thing everyone banded together to denounce. If anything, it just proves all their points.

16f676 No.314849

Can't wait to hear Ezra's response to the miles of shit Loomer talked about him.

d615a1 No.314850


I'm sure most here are aware, but it's a good idea to keep pointing out on his streams that it's illegal for him to talk about the Holohoax in Canada, and that he'll wind up behind bars for even hosting an open discussion on the subject without even saying a word about it himself.

Not because of him since he's already aware, but because it's very effective in sparking outrage and curiosity among anyone listening.

The vast majority of normies will always be of the opinion that "holocaust denial" laws are retarded and should be done away with, because they believe that they live in "muh free and just society". So it's a great way to go about it.

Just pretend that you're a normie yourself and curious about why it's illegal, when you can question any other historical event.

dec800 No.314853


She really threw everyone and everything she could under the bus to keep her name clean. From Ezra to her own family

491015 No.314854


>t. schizophrenic shill spreading the same lie for 3 years running

6b2137 No.314855


All it takes is one little excuse. I'm sure at some point this year YouTube livestreams and superchats are going to get censored in some fashion. It just takes one WSJ article for Google to freak out and start banning or putting streams in limited state. What's worse, taking superchats away from people who have controversial cocks. YT Livestreams will just turn into an spiritless abyss of camgirls like Twitch. Enjoy the bloodsports while they last.

f7df78 No.314856

File: 665ac37df653e47⋯.jpg (14.26 KB, 375x366, 125:122, 1494510220631.jpg)


Fuck off kikefy

6cb6ce No.314857

dec800 No.314858


what the fuck is krautgate? I've only heard of it today despite being in these threads since the start. Did vee take it upon himself to coin a term for something that happened a month ago?

6cb6ce No.314859


Krautgate is the thread name of this shit on cuckchan /pol/. I think they're calling it IBS now, Internet Blood Sports. Just another case of skeptics stealing shit from anons.

dec800 No.314860


oh ok. That's a bit better. With how much vee brings up gamergate, I thought he was dubbing everything gate now

6b2137 No.314861


if hiroshima nagasaki ackshually bans internet blood sports, 8ch will get the refugees. Hopefully they all go to /pol/ and they don't know about /cow/.

dec800 No.314862


I'd rather none of them come here

491015 No.314863


Not gonna happen, they're going to /cow/ if anything.

bfd4e7 No.314864


/tv/ will take them with open anuses.

491015 No.314868

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>3.5 hours

491015 No.314870

File: 9fbc4eb5c942de8⋯.jpg (30.95 KB, 492x486, 82:81, mass_effect_andromeda_2017….jpg)

>hear Mike "Enoch" Peinovich's voice for the first time

>it has that exact jewish inflection you recognize from hearing jewish people

>people still try to claim he's not jewish

He's like a higher energy Chuck Schumer or Michael "Savage" Weiner without enhanced annunciation and slow speaking speed for the senate/radio.

ebae6b No.314872

File: 36ed41623306a97⋯.jpg (96.38 KB, 486x600, 81:100, jew yidfly.jpg)

Christ she has a beak on her. Jews can be blonde and have blue/green eyes yet that nose is their strongest genetic trait.

ebae6b No.314873


Has the /tv/ BO come back after he was shamed from getting a bj from leftypols BO?

ccdb4b No.314874

Fuck me I went to sleep right when the loomer stream started. Watching now, fucking golden man.

564792 No.314877

File: e7ed89386079c59⋯.jpg (101.66 KB, 952x1024, 119:128, DHZTRyQV0AAlF2m.jpg)

File: 22d0e990c76c126⋯.jpg (837.12 KB, 1400x1652, 50:59, Laura-Elizabeth-Loomer.jpg)

File: 249f25359543ae6⋯.jpg (198.4 KB, 1536x1140, 128:95, a nazi and a jewess walk i….jpg)

File: d47821070ca1da9⋯.jpg (42.06 KB, 444x955, 444:955, e1502099118996.jpg)

564792 No.314879

File: bcd20eabf145356⋯.jpg (8.58 KB, 278x220, 139:110, ahahahahaha.jpg)

also, lol

d615a1 No.314880

File: 57ef792e51a0f90⋯.jpg (172.16 KB, 350x427, 50:61, laurajoomer.jpg)


What a fucking creature, man.

bfd4e7 No.314881

File: b72ac70ea96ee31⋯.jpg (25.88 KB, 383x384, 383:384, b72ac70ea96ee31d7204e21b88….jpg)



The tales from Auschwitz were true.

They did burn and bury jews.


491015 No.314882

File: f8a0197c61a6aec⋯.jpg (71.25 KB, 960x714, 160:119, DTNgj_dW4AIB3vj.jpg)

>you brought on other people unscripted




c0ded4 No.314883


Is there a second stream going on?

c9bf9f No.314884


/pol/ gets LITERALLY SHAKING too easy.

491015 No.314885

File: b66aeadfcc47216⋯.png (291.62 KB, 577x521, 577:521, ClipboardImage.png)


No, this is the first one. I couldn't catch it live so I'm going through the VOD.


They're killing fucking survivors of the attack, and she thinks it's ok to out the person who ostensibly took and leaked the crime scene photos?

491015 No.314887

File: 5b1f065eb5f9c67⋯.png (839.33 KB, 800x988, 200:247, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA….png)

File: 65070bf8ec0cddb⋯.png (823.87 KB, 1849x1070, 1849:1070, ClipboardImage.png)

Wow, what a fucking clusterfuck as soon as Tokes comes on.

ccdb4b No.314888


I think the problem with /pol/ is twofold.

1)Fucking MODS and the faggots who buy their shit. Nuff said.

2)Influx of newfags after recent site destructions leading to about 3 near-exodus level events, combined with the mods stopping any basic level threads that led the older pol crowd to the level they are at.

85b77b No.314889



bfd4e7 No.314890


It didn't get the laughs he thought it should have, so he just kept saying it.

ccdb4b No.314891


OY FUCKING VEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1720c3 No.314892

File: 4a89d0608227a27⋯.mp4 (8.93 MB, 1152x720, 8:5, Loomer parents.mp4)

File: d0f03a23ea7e4a0⋯.png (180.79 KB, 601x642, 601:642, loomer dad.png)

File: f33053ca8f33f12⋯.png (31.8 KB, 602x415, 602:415, loomer parents.png)


Mp4 and images here for people who don't want to use yidder.

7228df No.314893


2001 W Orange Grove Rd Ste 104

Tucson, AZ 85704

Contact Information

(520) 575-7511

Not sure which is correct number/address.

a8d191 No.314894


He seems genuinely angry. He also doesn't understand anonymous imageboards and how they differ from private discords.

a8d191 No.314895



Why is that guy optics cucking? Wasn't he supposed to be on the opposite say of Vee?

6cb6ce No.314896


I think he's trying to show that he's doing more to stop doxing than Vee. He's already stated that chans aren't the alt-right.

a8d191 No.314897


It's retarded though, at best he will get the threads deleted to do what, prove a point to someone who is thouroughly dishonest?

867364 No.314898


what do you expect the shitshow on Tonka Shaw Stream where he defended doxing coach kinopill or the Chilean wizard he got so much shit from Tonka and Andy, Andy gets really pissed when it comes to doxxxxing.

9f21c8 No.314899


For a second I was afraid I was gonna completely miss it since it's not on RaceWarski's channel for some reason. I had to do work when the stream was live.

d49162 No.314900



Honestly, I somewhat agree with her about not backing down from the dox. For example, if I had the dox of an Antifa member and their family, I'd post it without compunction.

1720c3 No.314901


I'd use it to order a gay escort for their father.

bd3fdc No.314903

File: e8a1abd23b94e4e⋯.png (235.24 KB, 1230x1542, 205:257, IMG_0024.PNG)


Turns out he responded to the vore charge…

72495c No.314904


Yeah that DNA test in most likely faked, not only because it says he's 0% Jewish but also that he's low percentage slavic which was his excuse before the test

72495c No.314905


Why does it look like Uncle Bill is grabbing some of that "Muffin" probably a dick seeing the implict smile from dicky

867364 No.314906


he does not address onto why he is not working anymore

bfd4e7 No.314908


Correct me if I'm wrong but you don't just stop being into a fetish.

dec800 No.314909


>I just got over my fetish

I don't believe him. A fetish isn't something you just lose attraction for. He's just lying to save face while jerking it in private

d615a1 No.314910

Is it not publicly known that Baked Alaska is a Jew as well? Or am I just mixing shit together and he's not?

bd3fdc No.314911



I've certainly never gotten over a fetish, and I doubt most people have

6cb6ce No.314912


You do if you have to stop being a doctor because your colleagues noticed your hard on every time you opened up a cadaver. I wonder if he tried to crawl inside a stiff? Or maybe he snuck a piece home and tried to eat it. I never figured out what the vore thing was. Is it sneaking back into the womb or is it sexy cannibalism? Doe Vee want to be a dildo, or does he have a Hannibal Lecter thing going on?

72495c No.314914


vore is being eaten, vaginal vore is a thing too

ebae6b No.314915


>I'm over my fetish

It doesn't work like that.

d615a1 No.314916


But does it then extend into the realm of cannibalism, where we're venturing into "swallow me, German cannibal" territory, or is it a lot more cartoony and metaphorical.

f0983d No.314917


>Won't shut the fuck up about how CRP was doxed using public information and therefore it's not morally wrong

>Goes on and on whining at the hacker known as 4chan when he gets doxed using public information

We need to fuck with this gypsy subhuman some more

bd3fdc No.314918


I don't have the pics on me, but its documented he's got off to pictures of women getting swallowed by snakes amd various types of MLP and furry vore. So cartoonier as far as we know, but still just as degenerate

72495c No.314919


I don't really know too much about it other than being a fetish that doesn't get me off

ebae6b No.314920

File: 702e7ef0f02c4d4⋯.jpg (98.63 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault1.jpg)


Seems cartoony on the surface, vore fags are getting a boner over the new dragon ball z character that eats you. You've certainly got more extreme cases though.

867364 No.314921


Fetishistic Disorder


The term "fetishism" was coined in the late 1800s. It originates from the Portuguese word feitico, which means "obsessive fascination." There is a degree of fetishistic arousal in most normal individuals who find particular bodily features attractive. However, fetishistic arousal is generally considered a problem when it interferes with normal sexual or social functioning and where sexual arousal is impossible without the fetish object.

72495c No.314922


tbh mrs buu is pretty hot tbh not even for vore faggotry

50389f No.314923

Is vore a submissive thing? What is the underlying psychology?

6cb6ce No.314924


So is he imagining himself the snake or the woman? Is he into face first fisting or is he a gypsy cannibal in the making? I can imagine neither would be permitted if his medical colleagues caught in. Probably why they put him in a back room looking at blood samples, rather than abortion duty or anything to do with direct patient contact. Could be the reason for his leave of absence, too. That's what I'm going with.

88d254 No.314925


Use obs to capture next time. No watermarks.

d615a1 No.314926

File: b2ab8fbdd95727f⋯.gif (2.76 MB, 300x225, 4:3, 2HK.gif)


So what you're saying is that he's been EATING the aborted fetuses? That's pretty grotesque and twisted… even for someone like Vee.

WTF, Vee.

6cb6ce No.314927


Now he's on a break for 'personal reasons' because the hospital doesn't want the embarrassment. They even had to get an injunction to keep him from entering the areas of the hospital where they incinerate bio waste and store the stiffs.

bd3fdc No.314928

File: 739707902a4c44a⋯.jpg (101.62 KB, 1200x601, 1200:601, IMG_0025.JPG)


I'm not sure if you self-insert with this shit or not. Maybe we should ask the Gypsy himself what is arousing for his microdick in this image

6cb6ce No.314929

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Been catching up my my talmudvision, is all. My bet's on cannibal. Zombie leftist meme for the win.

d615a1 No.314932

File: 868bb289335381a⋯.jpg (55.85 KB, 500x334, 250:167, Bc_4.jpg)


Yeah, and knowing how large institutions like that work they probably didn't want to turn it into a huge national scandal.

I don't know what it's like in Romania, but in my country various institutions within the public sector are always fighting for more funds, and a case like that would not exactly make the hospital look good, where Vee the Vore, a guy who looks like a rejected creature from a Frank Henenlotter movie, has been satiating his demented fetish by treating the bio waste bin like an all-you-can-eat buffet.

a8d191 No.314933



Do you guys have any proof that he got banned from work for his fetishes?

d615a1 No.314934


I believe we can safely come to that conclusion at this point, if we just look between the lines.

This whole thing is messed up, and Vee is fucking out of control…

ddf1cf No.314935


You guys are gonna trigger the fuck out of Vee when he looks through this again. "The alt right is slandering me!!"

a8d191 No.314936


It is a reasonable hypothesis for sure.


We could also do it another way, ask him repeatedly to confirm or deny whether he had to leave because of his degeneracy. The answer wont really stick in people's minds, just that it got brought up.

dec800 No.314937


You need more gypsy spin on that

>the alt-right is looking into my work to get me fired!

6cb6ce No.314938


yes, but doxing is wrong, so i can't say more.

d615a1 No.314939

File: c6934350fbb1120⋯.gif (346.4 KB, 700x380, 35:19, swallowmemommy.gif)


Yeah, that's not a bad idea. It would be a win if he even chooses to address it.

70f4c7 No.314940


I had an internet friend (who I shall keep anonymous) from I think wizardchan that was into this shit. Apparently there are something analogous as to how gays have tops and bottoms - some want to be eaten by a monster girl, the others want to eat women. Most are the former, and the former crosses over with giantess fetish.

9b9c2f No.314942


I haven't really watched any of his stuff prior to the debate, so I don't know much about him, but I recall hearing claims of his Jewishness. Don't know if it's true or not.

f0983d No.314943


Somebody should properly ask him about this shit the next time he shows up at the kumite

a8d191 No.314945



He's awake and trotting out kosher reasoning.

4f0953 No.314947




Sounds like its time to make some fake documents saying that's why he was put on leave

6177d1 No.314948


>not the Jews

>not the Jews


6cb6ce No.314949

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Oh wow. Horseshoe Theory. The EU is just like the Nazis. The Nazis are just like the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Who are Just like the Soviets. Who are just like the SJWs. This rational skepticism is unstoppable. I guess I'm a liberalist now.

d615a1 No.314950


Hahaha… this horseshoe shit is reaching cult-like levels of self-assurance.

They can literally nit-pick any connection to any subject they want and run wild with it.

096482 No.314952


hi imkamfy,


369dfb No.314954


>no difference between people advocating for your own side and people who hate you and want you dead

Really makes you think

6cb6ce No.314955

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Vee for Vore

He studied law, too, didn't he? What would a cannibal need legal knowledge for? Oh wait.

369dfb No.314956



>Britain (and before that France) was the greatest ally of the Ottoman empire for a hundred years

>Germany loves Muslims

4f0953 No.314957

028118 No.314960

File: 25633546ad16bb4⋯.webm (14.5 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 25633546ad16bb465dc88f5d8….webm)




>tribe jokes, references, defending eztra, etc


>twitter aftermath

I bet someone is preparing clips of the best parts so I am just going to leave this here to save some time. It is not the same translation word for word, but get the message across.



71c7e5 No.314961


He reminds me of an everyman protagonist like Marty McFly or something wandering into this whole thing. It will be very entertaining to see his change over time in ze pooblic space.

71c7e5 No.314962


It was so fucking jewish jesus christ.

71c7e5 No.314963


Dude she even had a fuckin nose job too. It used to be even worse.

11e0ed No.314964

does jimmy post here

71c7e5 No.314965


I can't comprehend someone masturbating to Vore, even after 2 decades of internet use I am just a vanilla basic bitch.

71c7e5 No.314966


Probably, not like we'd ever know.

4f0953 No.314967


I can be pretty degenerate, but at least I can say everything I've masturbated to is human, alive, and not being consumed

11e0ed No.314968

wait a sec why are there 3 thread #9s

6d09cd No.314969



He linked /cow/ in some video he did quite a while ago. I think it was the one about Nick Bates.

71c7e5 No.314971


Cause jokes

4f0953 No.314972


Retarded OPs

369dfb No.314974


71c7e5 No.314976


Well he was wrong, did he admit it?

4f0953 No.314978



>ever admitting he was wrong

Why do you think debates with him are so painful?

71c7e5 No.314979


Well if he doesn't we should raid his shit.

a8d191 No.314980


I didn't follow that development, did he get B T F O?

369dfb No.314981



He doesn't seem to have made any comment about it

71c7e5 No.314982


Yeah he was just straight up wrong, someone made a response video demonstrating that they were subscribed.

a8183f No.314983


sargon is the closest thing we'll ever get to a talmudic goy. Literally incapable of admitting any wrongdoing ever, won't address the main criticisms levied against him by guys like JF and Faulk, backing out of the Enoch/Spencer 2v2, making arguments against random youtube shitposts instead, etc.

6cb6ce No.314984


can someone spoonfeed me? I don't give Sargon views.

71c7e5 No.314985


His downfall is obviously being cultivated as the next big shitstorm.

4f0953 No.314986


Someone made a comment on one of Sargon's videos saying that he was a long time sub and was unsubbing because he was sick of Sargon's shit. So Sargon makes a video about this random comment, clicks on their channel and goes through his subs, where (big surprise), he's not subscribed to Sargon and subscribed to Alt Hype,Braving Ruin and other "alt-right" channels. Sargon didn't use his big nibba brain and think that this person could have actually been subbed to him before the commenter made that comment and proclaimed him to be some sort of alt-right shill in the comments

a8183f No.314987

File: 730966b6bf47f53⋯.jpg (17.8 KB, 344x306, 172:153, mike tokes.jpg)

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class at Yeshiva University, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on /pol/, and I have over 300 confirmed shills. I am trained in talmudic pilpul and I’m the top shill in the entire JIDF. You are nothing to me but just another goy. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to Laura, or her tire, over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Mossad agents across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, bigot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your twitter account. You’re fucking shut-down, goy. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can shut you down in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my SPLC connections. Not only am I extensively trained in pilpul, but I have access to the entire database of the ADL and I will use it to its full extent to dox your miserable ass off twitter, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. Upgrade your hardware, kiddo.

71c7e5 No.314988


Radical fence-sitter, all collectivist ideologies are bad and the same, and individuals are all that matter. Also its okay if individuals work as a collective if its for liberal enlightenment values. There's no such thing as white people, there's other dumb shit you get the idea.

dec800 No.314989


someone made a comment on one of his videos saying they were a subscriber but don't like how he's been approaching the alt-right in videos.

Sargon made a 40 second video where he clicked on the guys comment and only showed the first page of his subscriptions with the description of the video saying the alt-right are using taqiyya (muh horseshoe).

Someone showed that the guy was subscribed, but it was on the second page of his subscriptions.

Sargon after being a part of gamergate and railing on the mainstream media for printing lies and never retracting or clarifying misreportings, will now do the same as them to save face.

4f0953 No.314990

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Found a mirror

5046ad No.314991


There was a post on his thinkery channel stating the person's disapproval of the direction of his channel, and ended it saying long-term subscriber. Sargon got triggered and made a short video "showing" he was not really a subscriber. Another youtuber B T F O'd him showing that indeed he was a subscriber

71c7e5 No.314992


Oh whoops, thought you said I don't get sargon's views my bad.

71c7e5 No.314994


Jim, go get tonka to start the morning kumite and make it entertaining you race-mixing degenerate.

a8183f No.314995


Don't forget:

>treat everyone as individuals!

>except internet nazis, you can lump them as a group and blame all for the independent actions of a single person

>collectivism is bad and it's our duty to fight against people working as collectives!

>except jews lol I don't know what you're even talking about! jewish nepotism and tribalism don't exist, you neo-nazi!

71c7e5 No.314996


Don't forget that we also must collectivize under my ideology to fight the collectivists!

8b01d6 No.314997

File: 0ae4dcb6b624722⋯.png (9.03 KB, 593x150, 593:150, brb.PNG)

Archiving for posterity

6cb6ce No.314998






Okay, thanks. I think I saw some screencaps higher in the thread, maybe last thread, showing who someone was subscribed to. Appreciated.

369dfb No.314999


>everyone in the alt-right is responsible for the actions of /cow/ and cuckchan

>t.Vee, liberalist

4f0953 No.315000

File: 260092843cb7b5f⋯.jpg (23.6 KB, 240x240, 1:1, IMG_0026.JPG)



a8d191 No.315001



Is Sargon's debate with Anglin still on?

4f0953 No.315002


I think so. The one with Spencer and Enoch seems unlikely now though, at least according to Enoch, who hasn't heard anything about a set date. Sargon thinks Anglin's a retard so I hope he gets tripped up

c0ded4 No.315003




You nibbas don't get it; You need to read more Loki and use more verbose speech such as intellectuals like I to truly understand how an individualist collective can work.

c0ded4 No.315004


It shows too, after watching the Soyfather's old video against Anglin, and Anglin's response, he completely missed Anglin's point and had to fall on false equivalence, strawmanning, and even lying to even respond. In a straight up debate, Anglin might just end up brutalizing Soygoy.

71c7e5 No.315005

File: 51204c906c8276b⋯.jpeg (37.7 KB, 600x449, 600:449, 51204c906c8276b08c471a8f5….jpeg)


He's such a Dunning-Kruger brainlet jesus christ.

a8183f No.315006


Enoch is definitely the best debater among them and is probably the reason Sargon backed out. Anglin is better than Spencer though, because Spencer answers retarded "gotcha" questions in good faith and talks in fluffy purple prose, whereas Anglin is far more direct and doesn't pull punches. He's not the most polished speaker out there, but he'd certainly destroy Sargon.

It's just too bad it's happening on Baked Alaska's channel rather than Warski for maximum attention.

8b01d6 No.315007


Yesterdays stream was #3 trending worldwide, it's going to be OK.

4f0953 No.315008

File: d975d56bdd9c0ba⋯.png (34.24 KB, 500x590, 50:59, IMG_0027.PNG)


>tfw you never went to college and worked at a call center before getting butthurt about muh vidya and sperging out day after day on YouTube before one day you go to Wikipedia and look up Locke to look smart in your next video


71c7e5 No.315009


I still genuinely can't trust the TRS people / spencer though. Activism doesn't accomplish anything, all Mike enoch has really done is create jewish children, get a white person killed and get thousands of young white guys doxed while having his own safetynet of donation money. I still genuinely believe there is an agenda to push duginism (see richard spencer's wife).

50389f No.315010


>get a white person killed

Imagine being this bluepilled

a8183f No.315011


>unironically caring about Heifer Heyer

It's time to stop.

71c7e5 No.315012


Did he work in a call-center? I did in my very early years and those places are FULL of dunning kruger types. Depending on what type of work it was, likely it fucked him up psychologically a bit too I know I was for a while afterwards.

11e0ed No.315013


it's obvious how this is going to turn out

Anglin is going to say something about racial difference and sargoy is going to *snort* "really? you think this is about skin colour? I won't waste my time on this"

71c7e5 No.315014


Didn't say I cared, just pointing out the facts.

f0983d No.315015


The guy was still subscribed

Sargon was just being retarded and didn't check the whole list


We need to get this guy on the Kumite stream somehow

a8183f No.315016


Sargon can only get away with that shit when he does one-sided video responses rather than a debate. If he tries to do that in a debate, he just gets called out and ripped apart.

50389f No.315017


Better, he will say 'so you think white people are people with pale skin. But then Japanese people are white too. Checkmate racist!'

4f0953 No.315018


Daily reminder Spencer wants a form of "white Zionism" and his mentor was (((Paul Gottfried))) who coined the term alt-right. Even if he's not a COINTELPRO agent, it's suicide to associate with him

71c7e5 No.315019


He's either a trust fund closet homosexual who likes fucking neo-nazis, a duginist subversive, or a COINTELPRO agent. Possibly all three combined, I'm not sure, but I do not trust the guy at all.

6d09cd No.315020


Good analysis.


It's actually fitting that the meme says that sargon worships Loki, the god of deceit.


>Activism doesn't accomplish anything

Yes, goy, don't go out into the real world. Just sit and mastrubate in front of your computer. It's arguable that you're right, but I still think organizing and making a showing IRL is important for community, as well as practice for when things will be going south. When Sweden collapses, for example, NMR will be in a good spot to sieze land, since they have a lot of organisation.

>create jewish children


>get a white person killed

>Unironically caring about a fat, childless, terrorist, catlady communist.

71c7e5 No.315021


I said activism, not guerilla warfare when the time is right.

47cd15 No.315022


Spencer's a fag, but I get the impression he uses Zionism as a means of countering opposition to the concept of a white ethnostate, more than Israel being an ideal model.

71c7e5 No.315023


He has admitted numerous times he has children, his wife is jewish. Put two and two together. I used to listen to TRS too, but theres too much weird bullshit that surfaced with that group for me to trust them.

8b01d6 No.315024


Activism done wrong only pushes people to the other side, and barely anyone knows how to be an activist and win people over.

4f0953 No.315025


I think he is all three. There's something off about him, and I'm not the type of guy who screams "shill" at every public figure who pushes my views either. Even besides the weird duginism / Jewish / Laura Bush links, he's not a charismatic figure at all.

11e0ed No.315026


is his wife actually jewish though

a8d191 No.315027


Gottfried has described white dispossession and the underlying drive in great detail, I don't trust Spencer but the Gottfried connection is weak unless you think Jews have some kind of magic that makes them influence people.

8b01d6 No.315028

Niggers, the download is done

Where do I upload 1.5 gibs?

71c7e5 No.315029


Yes, it is undeniable fact. He even admitted it, how new are you?

a8d191 No.315030


The weirdness is sort of inherent to WASPs, generations of upper class anglo-french intermixing with Jews will produce that.

11e0ed No.315031


sorry I don't follow TRS shit

c0ded4 No.315032


>unless you think Jews have some kind of magic that makes them influence people.

Honestly, after seeing how fucking horrible loomer was last night and realizing that even the top Jews aren't a whole lot better than her, I'm not sure anymore.

71c7e5 No.315033


imo activism done right should be accomplished by winning over communities through volunteer work and accumulating political power, its what I do atleast. Go help poor white families and shit, youth sports that kindof thing.

6d09cd No.315034

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I've listened a lot to TDS and I've never heard him say that. Do you have an example? If not, you're probably lying or confusing him with Sven.


If you are to be ready to do anything "when the time is right" you need to be organized IRL before "the time is right".

I can mainly speak from a Swedish perspective, but activism can be useful. I've seen a lot of good (even normie friendly) propaganda videos from NMR and Nordisk Ungdom live events. See embed for an example.



6cb6ce No.315035


Yeah, but they had 3 hours to pull her apart. Your average tv interviewer is going to get 15-30 minutes tops and only on dry boomer shows. If it's nightly news, they'll only have 2-5 minutes to counter pilpul. Have a look at how that Tokes guy ranted for 10 mins without saying anything.

a8d191 No.315036


The upper classes have degenerated just like the general population did I'd say. Another possibility is that Jews were never that good to begin with but American were the perfect goyim and helped to install them in the rest of the Western hemisphere. Maybe a bit of both.

a8183f No.315037



47cd15 No.315038


The main strength jews have going for them is relentlessness. Historically everybody has hated them because they're a despicable people. But they wear normal people down very effectively, and thus end up achieving what they want.

71c7e5 No.315039

File: 43ab1b58cd4dd3f⋯.jpg (780.5 KB, 698x6843, 698:6843, ad61e7fec5ae44ede1e0ed1070….jpg)

8b01d6 No.315040


They degenerated even more than regular people

They can afford it

4f0953 No.315041

File: a0ca5f004fb794d⋯.jpg (25.19 KB, 317x472, 317:472, IMG_0028.JPG)


>A country has the Jews it deserves. Just as mosquitoes can thrive and settle only in swamps, likewise the former can only thrive in the swamps of our sins.

t. Corneliu Zelea Codreanu

6d09cd No.315042


>1. He has kids. No solid proof of this yet.

So, in other words, no.

8b01d6 No.315043


Good luck removing the it'll go away eventually mentality.

c0ded4 No.315044


I don't think he is. I can't be arsed to find Enoch's quotes, although I am sure he has mentioned his wife's jewish ancestry, but she's definitely part kike at the very least. http://archive.is/L1Z9Y

I don't dislike Enoch that much, but I don't trust him, it's just way too coincidental and strange to me.


That's exactly it, I think. I've been arguing for over a decade now, never really lost my cool, but even then, put me in a room with a kike for 3 hours and I'd lose it worse than Racewarski did. The pilpul and the talmud tactics just piss me the fuck off. There is really no stronger evidence for the holocaust than the infuriating nature of Jews.

71c7e5 No.315045


Other than his own word, like I said, he mentioned they had kids many times on his podcast. I listened to them for a year.

71c7e5 No.315047


This all came out over a year ago though, its very likely he hasnt spoken much about his family since due to ongoing legal battles related to the divorce but I stopped listening to them when this shit came out.

9b9c2f No.315048

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

67986e No.315049


MEGA perhaps?

923da9 No.315050

File: 2ad78bfd3c0bd8a⋯.mp4 (15.78 MB, 720x720, 1:1, Andy response to Loomer.mp4)

Andy just tweeted out a small video response to Laura

47cd15 No.315051


>he has mentioned his wife's jewish ancestry, but she's definitely part kike at the very least.

He said in the Loomer stream that his wife is half kike.

369dfb No.315052


I love Andy's righteous anger at the Jewess

8b01d6 No.315053


>I couldn't finish college and I could figure that shit out

My sides

71c7e5 No.315054


He is becoming pretty honorary.

4f0953 No.315055


This guy doesn't let any Jewish tricks goes over his head. I feel like he knows more than he's letting on, but just doesn't the Canadian ZOG to lock him up

a8183f No.315056

File: f9171db189ba0f0⋯.png (919.54 KB, 994x994, 1:1, britain and portugal.png)


All we really need to do is show Warski that her shitty behavior is BECAUSE she's a jew. Once we get him to make that connection, it's over and he's past the event horizon.



He's portuguese, he doens't need the honorary designation. He's the reincarnation of Salazar.

71c7e5 No.315057


Eh I did tune in to his appearance on TDS, he was pretty shocked when they went into holohoax evidence.

923da9 No.315058

File: 132d2ca32135212⋯.png (82.08 KB, 600x570, 20:19, Andy vs Loomer.png)

Andy is going in for the kill

71c7e5 No.315059


I stand corrected, didn't know he was Portuguese.

6d09cd No.315060



Kek. Loomer is trying her hardest to redpill Andy on the JQ, it seems.


Thanks, but it was the

>He said he has children

part I questioned.



I've probably seen 90% of the TDS episodes before the paywall went up, and I don't remember him every saying it. I might be mistaken, especially since I couldn't tell the difference between their voices that well in the beginning (I'm bad at that sort of stuff).

Again, if you have evidence, feel free to post it. Otherwise, you're probably lying or confusing him with Sven.

I'm going home from work now, so I won't be able to reply.

8b01d6 No.315061


Gib raltar back!

1e10c0 No.315062

File: 809e9d074fbe6ec⋯.png (22.21 KB, 636x155, 636:155, 1516722214303.png)

Trout is coming back to Youtube

38bf0d No.315063

File: 881fec14d749bdc⋯.png (1.13 KB, 510x62, 255:31, error.png)


>All we really need to do is show Warski that her shitty behavior is BECAUSE she's a jew.

This, to be honest. I've always knew jews have a positive racial bias towards each other and that was it, but listening to this bitch made me think of Hitler's quote on debating jews whenever she opened her mouth.

Also what the fuck is this error message

71c7e5 No.315064


I'm not lying but I don't care enough to go through hours of podcasts to clip some audio to win over an anonymous internet argument. you're free to look for yourself or believe what you want to believe.

4f0953 No.315065


One step at a time. Pilpul and talmudic tactics are babbies first redpill on the JQ after noticing the disproportionate influence they hold. The Holohoax is the hardest to swallow for many. I'll have to go watch it

281930 No.315066

File: b2c974acd323bf5⋯.gif (328.24 KB, 400x289, 400:289, e02.gif)


Didn't some /cow/boy predict this?

71c7e5 No.315067


lmao wtf haha

1e10c0 No.315068


I'm sure, but it has been confirmed

71c7e5 No.315069



Is this the ultimate form of JUST, memed so hard that you come back as a member of the movement that buried you.

a8183f No.315070


Funny how that works. I've always been "semi-redpilled" on jews since I was engaging in politically incorrect humor on 4chan since back in highschool in 2006. I would laugh at MUH HOLOCAUST jokes and happy merchants and stereotypes of jews being greedy and shutting things down. I knew they controlled the media and had a left wing bias and all that sort of stuff.

But it wasn't until college when I ended up getting to know a ton of jews personally and getting into discussions/arguments/whatever that it all clicked for me. It was exactly like the Mein Kampf quote. And this was before I read MK, and so when I finally got around to reading it, I was blown away by how it 100% fit my own experiences to a T.

8b01d6 No.315071


He just wants the shekels

71c7e5 No.315072


He's kinda right about Braving Ruin though, he should be gassed for being a huge faggot.

d615a1 No.315073

File: 07b5ace9cf7b36e⋯.jpg (369.71 KB, 800x1533, 800:1533, metzitzah b'peh.jpg)

When it comes to real life "activism", I just do little shit like putting up info stickers inside elevators or at bus stops when I'm going out anyway. Like attached image.

I don't know anyone in real life who's into this stuff, so it's as good as it gets right now.

a8183f No.315074

File: 8a9ba98b2545122⋯.jpg (613.23 KB, 695x900, 139:180, gas kraut.jpg)


Reminder that if Kraut tries to weasel his way back into ze pooblic spayze, we pick up where we left off. Remember that we ended up digging deep enough and finding out his mommy is an austrian mayor, but we sort of stopped there because that was the point where he deleted everything and left, so there was no reason to continue. But if he comes back, we get right into it. Just think of the possibilities here, exposing the shit her son has said (both regarding sandniggers, herself, and the nipple clamps stuff). Both to her and to her constituents.


Yes, but it's not hard to predict. Just like the passage from Mein Kampf, jews ALWAYS come back the next day acting like nothing happened.

50389f No.315075


Hoping that he does that series about the Shoah he promised, and JF does responses

281930 No.315076


Knowing Kraut, he's gonna try and do some subversion to try and make the alt-right "look bad", and fail horribly.

6cb6ce No.315077


just hold CRP to his promise to sue

8b01d6 No.315078


I think he's going to succeed on being every ones punching bag

4f0953 No.315079



>having the chance to drive Kraut off the Internet twice

Best timeline

a8183f No.315080



Kraut isn't beyond throwing others under the bus to save his own skin. I'm hoping we can convince the kike that the only reason he fell from grace is because Sargoy sold him out, and if we can get Kraut to hate Sargoy, we can get him to spill the beans on the inner workings of the skeptic mafia and blow the lid on the entire operation.

71c7e5 No.315082


Kraut could become a potential attack vector on sargon. Willingly or not.

8b01d6 No.315083



And what if Don Sargone doesn't allow it?

fae8b6 No.315084

File: 4e656b72ec15a41⋯.png (378.23 KB, 1034x649, 94:59, krautt.png)

Now that all the heat is on Loomer & Vee & Fox. I think its time I make my return.

47cd15 No.315085


I do occasional postering in my area. It's always nice to come across redpills in the wild that someone has dropped, too. I remember the time my car got leafleted with anti-

holohoax propaganda. Made my day.

a8d191 No.315086


His mom is a lefty as well, they're catering quite hard to Muzzies.

71c7e5 No.315087


Kraut might wake up with a horse dildo in his bed if he crosses the stepfather.

a8183f No.315088


Precisely, and it wouldn't be hard to do. Just look back to the leaked kraut/sargon audio and how their relationship is clearly one of Master and Little Bitch. Sargon totally set him up as the sole fall guy and disavowed him too to come out clean himself.


It's not a question of Don Sargone allowing it or not. If Kraut has secrets/info/logs he can leak, then he might do so with the proper persuasion.

To continue with the mafia analogy, Kraut is the mafioso who got picked up by the feds and took a deal to have his sentence committed if he wears a wire and helps nail the Boss.

c0ded4 No.315089


Worse yet, the Soyfather might start raising kraut's children for him, complete with giving kraut childcare paychecks and all!

71c7e5 No.315090


That'd be such a day brightener.

a8183f No.315091

File: f54b3621a6ccf51⋯.png (85.7 KB, 1502x383, 1502:383, kraut literal cuck.png)


>kraut's children

a future Mrs. Kraut wouldn't be fathering his children. It's just basic biology

9f21c8 No.315092


Is there anyone who'll buy this bullshit about Kraut becoming alt-right after being destroyed by them?

71c7e5 No.315093


I don't care, either way hilarity will ensue.

71c7e5 No.315094

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Kumite is live

70f4c7 No.315095

File: 164d4e213bca0c0⋯.jpg (614.99 KB, 1771x1154, 1771:1154, The Skeptic mafia.jpg)

Couldn't resist, I've been marathoning it.

9b9c2f No.315096

Wasn't The Guardian supposed to release some e-mails on Monday that prove CRP did scam that economist? Anybody know did Guardian do as promised?

a8183f No.315097


Sargon = Tony

Vee = Silvio

Pussy = Kraut

Johnny Fox = Paulie

Lous = Fabian

Destiny is Phil Leotardo

JF is the FBI agent

up in da club

una thousand dollars

70f4c7 No.315098


I was going to put Vee as Silvio but there's no way he is as competent a consigliere. Paulie and Johnny are both lovably retarded, so that works.

8335ec No.315099

File: f18e39a68f71ab4⋯.jpg (38.41 KB, 400x346, 200:173, 1389424087141.jpg)

I still can't believe what an amazing stream that was last night. It had jim, loomer, lauren southern and mike enoch. and it ended with a bunch of people shouting over each other in pure chaos.


a8183f No.315100


Vee isn't a competent consigliere, but Sargon isn't a competent boss either.

f0983d No.315101

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Don't forget about this guy

Truly the cherry on top of it all

70f4c7 No.315102


In terms of lying and covering his tracks, he's pretty good. In terms of actually running his liberalist syndicate, he's terrible.

d2a5d9 No.315103

>>314888 heiled

I'm on 8/pol/ since the early gamergate days and it used to be much better. Mods anchor threads like "how to spread redpilled to normies"… yeah, stay in your containment board and don't spread your ideas goy. I'm so fucking pissed cuz I have nothing to read now, I can't stand what /pol/ has become in the past few months. At least this shitstorm gives me something to read

8b01d6 No.315104

d49162 No.315105


What are you interested in because I may be able to give you something I've amassed quite a (non-digital) library myself.

281930 No.315106

File: 56aa0f4e751d103⋯.jpg (120.86 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, drinke.jpg)


I'm watching the Laura Loomer stream right now since I missed it due to work.


Same. Came here back in 2014, /pol/ back then had actual discussions instead of just being a glorified news board. But let's not dwell on the past and derail the thread.

a8183f No.315107


Same. I'll still post on 8/pol/ for certain things, but in general at this point cuckchan is better. Sure, there's more spam and plenty of low-quality stuff to sift through, but 8/pol/ has descended into a fart-huffing circlejerk that wants to shit his pants and do nothing but withdraw into itself. Because god forbid you do anything to reach out to people and redpill them.

59de24 No.315108



Learn to encode

71c7e5 No.315109


The numbers are dwindling hard as a result.

8335ec No.315110

File: 1be7d1dc69cd961⋯.mp4 (2.32 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, jon greenblat ADL 8chan.mp4)


The problem all /pol/s face now is that the trump election brought far, far too much attention on to it. Everyone knows about the evil internet nazi lair, so everyone will target it. From reddit to the ADL.

I feel like every thread on 8/pol/ at this point is 50% shills of some sort, 25% retards/mentally ill and the rest actually worthwhile people. The userbase has also steeply declined. Around 2000 now, was over 3000 a while ago.

It may not be salvageable at this point. The future of the community might be on a different platform. Imageboards are becoming something for normalfags.

I mean, pewdiepie is making ylyl videos with webms from /b/, so it's becoming part of mainstream culture.

The future might be irl activism, which may be good, because this has to go into reality at some point and stop being idealism. We don't have a lot of time left.

70f4c7 No.315111

I love it when Jim cusses people out and his Boston Irish upbringing slips out

a8183f No.315112



IMO part of the issue is that since 8/pol/ is slower than 4/pol/, it's a lot easier to shill on it, because each shill makes up a comparatively larger percentage of the board at any given time.

It's also a lesson on the pros and cons of moderation. At first I liked how 8/pol/ mods would actually do their job and delete obvious bate and such, but all it takes is one or two controlled oppo faggots as mods to completely subvert the board through stickying certain things, anchoring/deleting other threads, etc. 4/pol/ basically has no moderation at all, which means more spam, but it also means less instances of legitimate topics being pruned for no good reason.

I'm certain that things will always stabilize one way or another. If 8/pol/ continues to decline in quality, another altchan or board will take its place as the secondary /pol/ after 4chan's. Just the way it works.

d49162 No.315113


>2000 now

Not only that, but a number of those IPs are just VPNs used by shills and imkampfy. If you look at the stats of PPH to IPs, it doesn't add up.

6cb6ce No.315114


I got banned for calling BO a roach and calling out the no fun, no books, no self improvement shill. Probably just for calling the cunt a roach. What a fucking princess. Princess Goatfucker.

a8183f No.315115


boston irish? Jim clearly has a midwestern accent. Probably from Minnesota.

70f4c7 No.315116


I was making a joke at how he says 'faggot', but yeah, I googled, and he is indeed from Forest Lake.

a8d191 No.315117


I also think IRL activism is the way forward, it feels like all the ideas have been discussed to death and are just being brought forward on YT and other media. Hell, the Jews are using the same tricks Martin Luther (not the negro one) described centuries ago. Braving Ruins videos about Bernays and mass media brought it all together a while ago nicely.

However, if the route is doing IRL stuff then cuckchan might be preferable because of the sheer manpower.

369dfb No.315118


>probably from Minnesota

I always assumed he was from there since he made that long video about the local Democrat party

c0ded4 No.315119


Yeah. Alot of the oldfags seem to have left to go do IRL stuff, from what i've spoken to atleast.

48654d No.315120



He's said multiple times that he's from Minnesota.

4f0953 No.315122


This is part of my problem with politica on youtube. All bitching day after day, all talk, no action. I'm not currently doing anything IRL but I've been seriously considering doing something. I like to have fun online but I can't just post pepe at Jewish journalists while the country goes off the cliff

a8d191 No.315124


It's probably best to work in your local community, get contacts etc to be prepared for when shit hits the fan (which will happen down the line, maybe in years, maybe in decades). Also increase socio-economic status and move out of cities. I don't really think the system can be changed all that much, it's almost completely closed off. Trump was a fluke and even he has been a complete shabbos goy in foreign policy while being styrmied for most domestic stuff, at most he will hasten the decline of the political and media elite by undermining their credibility.

6cb6ce No.315125

File: 4276247011abe6b⋯.jpg (80.81 KB, 720x846, 40:47, 1516728127864.jpg)

File: 40c1e955a76f679⋯.jpg (96.73 KB, 720x891, 80:99, 1516728146170.jpg)

this fox dick rodent really pinches my scrotum


Get fit and learn some stuff. I'm no leader, but if one shows up I'll have his back.

4f0953 No.315126


Complete agreement on Trump. I was very enthusiastic about his candidacy, went to three rallies, wore my MAGA hat, etc. But I've been pretty disappointed with what we've gotten, especially with Syria, Afghanistan, especially Israel. I'll probably vote for him again, just because whoever else we get will be full on ZOG and flood the country with brown people, which at least Trump has totally cucked out on yet (until we find out the solution for DACA)

My goal is to attempt party politics in a year or two, make my own with some like-minded friends from the area and try to spread the message / win the hearts and minds. I'm not that optimistic with its results, but something is better than sitting back. /blog

f0983d No.315128


Somebody needs to tell this fucking squirrel to fuck off

He was useful to dig out all the shit on Kraut's server, but he's shit his pants and done nothing but autistically screetch from then on

4f0953 No.315129


Hope to see you IRL one day and not even know it, anon. Also that squirrel faggot is a LARPer at this point, isn't he underaged as well?

d230c9 No.315130

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





I do IRL activism, check out this video, my face is somewhere in this video have a guess lol.

My ID might be different cuz on mobile.

a8183f No.315131


IMO the best course of action is a combination of

>1) shitposting online

This is actually more important than you make it out, because the internet is the modern equivalent of the town square, except with many times more exposure. So having tons of people out there shitposting and normalizing ideas matters. However, this doesn't work when you just stay withdrawn in echo-chambers of people already on your side. It's important to push out into spaces where new ears are. This can mean anything to making a reddit account and trying to redpill MAGApede faggots without getting banned, or shitposting on boards like 4chan /tv/ to bring people aboard, or attacking the skeptic community and usurping their fanbase.

>2) forming local communities

This mean redpilling people you know. Redpill your siblings and cousins and friends. Start off with testing the water with some entry-level redpills or some midly offensive humor and go from there. Get them to do the same.

9f21c8 No.315132


The most important thing that anyone can do is just being a force of positive change in your local community, few are able to go larger than that, but just having local people have your back while you have theirs is simple enough for anyone to do in my opinion.

71c7e5 No.315133


I just try to make my community better/trusting but its vast majority white

e8cd4d No.315134


>Loomer's friend Mike joins the stream to accuse jim of giving out her number


>Later she herself accuses Warski of doing the same thing

Really gets my noggin joggin.


Are you sure? Seems to me like the second statement is a joke, especially since he says in the first that he's not coming back. I hope you're right, though.

a8183f No.315135



Nobody knows what his end-game is. He seems like an autist who wanted to make this about himself and about "fighting for truth" or whatever, but any idiot could see from miles away that the destruction of Kraut/skeptics in the "skeptic vs white nationalist" war would end up majorly propping up the white nationalists as de facto victors.

And yet he REEEEs about white nationalists and how we've basically used him as a way to propel ourselves.

8b01d6 No.315136

File: 07406b03c4657dc⋯.png (1.23 KB, 138x65, 138:65, CR2.PNG)


I get all my source material raw

a8d191 No.315137


Nice job, never think for a moment Eastern Europe is safe from the ZOG. They're not flooding you with browns right now but they're spreading degeneracy and communism. The African hordes just come later to finish you off.

d230c9 No.315141

File: afceb57bd69e74a⋯.jpg (83.26 KB, 668x668, 1:1, 6b956cb1b0f67a2440bef7440c….jpg)

File: 16b31ef0b3164e6⋯.jpg (48.71 KB, 500x339, 500:339, pil.jpg)

File: c0c8c90fd44c1f9⋯.webm (490.97 KB, 320x180, 16:9, c0c8c90fd44c1f9c2394779a4….webm)


Believe me they want to flood us with (((refugees))) most of us (poles) are racist as fuck. At the same time other European countries have much better gibs and their people are unfortunately cucked too… I mean look at this video. This is some muzzie chomping out in Germany getting knocked out by poles. Just shows how cocky they are, probably because Germans are such cucks. And this is not a I hate German post, it's just a truth and it fucking sucks. Although I can't dismiss how the government of Germany or UK is against any wrongspeak, which plays a big role in the cucking.

What I as a National Socialist really really want is for my people to stop being so down about their own country. I know lots of people who are about to emigrate anywhere cuz the pay is shit and all that crap, while ignoring how fucking good we have here with no niggers roaming about. I fucking love this country and I only hope it will get better. I wish you all the same

6cb6ce No.315142


Heard he was 17, but I don't know.


He's a namefag on fox dick. It's all status seeking behavior, IMO. That's why it rubs me wrong. Not denying the faggot doesn't have a talent for digging though.


nice work, anon

a8d191 No.315144


As someone from former East Germany the whole situation is depressing. The GDR had like 20% approval rating, this current government which is even more authoritarian in all the worst ways but also includes LBGT, mass immivasion, feminism and 'Green' energy which amounts to just incinerating money is totally beloved by West German boomers which of course hold most of the wealth. They're almost as bad as American boomers.

9f21c8 No.315146


The CultMarxist forces have set up shop in former communist Europe as soon as all of them either just rejected communism or also gained their independence along with it, make no mistake. Doesn't matter where you're from - Poland, Hungary, former USSR countries, former Yugoslav countries, etc. The same rabid feminists, shitskin lovers, queers, antifa et al. have a presence in Eastern Europe as they have in the West and a lot of cultural institutions are ran by CultMarxists, all of them being funded by both the taxpayer and by uncle George, Rotschilds and other kike vampires. The big difference is that the populace is more vary and therefore resistant to the cancer, but we should be careful as a lot of post-communist countries are still ran by the same "reformed" communist swindlers, pimps and usurpers, only difference is that they're all really big into Christianity right now despite not even knowing how to do the sign of the cross with their hands. They'd sell us out and fill us with browns in a second if they thought it'd benefit them, but they're too afraid from the backlash to do so (rightfully so).

a8183f No.315147


Much respect. I'd much rather be relatively "poor" and live in a more traditional and homogeneous country than have slightly more material wealth but live in a multicultural hellhole.

We make more money in the west, but everything is also a fuckton more expensive, so it really all evens out. You guys can also

1) live in cities and near your jobs instead of living 90 minutes away from work just to live in a whiter area

2) paying out the ass to subsidize nigger welfare/healthcare

3) paying for private school to avoid kids being shipping into inner city slums as part of public school "desegregation" programs

…and so many more hidden costs like that. Here we have plenty of niggertechnology and knick-knacks and bullshit, but we're still all living effectively poor when it comes to the important stuff. I'd trade it all away in a heartbeat.

Technically I can claim Jus Sanguinis and claim Polish nationality. If things get bad enough, I might have to bite the bullet and do that. I'd prefer not to run away though.

028118 No.315148


>1½) organize and source information to separate the shitposting from the gems

I like to do this when listening to talks like yesterday or (rarely) podcasts. But of course this is redundant if done right from the start.

a8d191 No.315149


Right now the population is vary, which is good, but give it 20 years of flooding the country with Western crap, nihilism, destroy traditional structures due to outsourcing jobs and insourcing some limited migrants and you'll weaken the structure enough not to worry about a backlash. Then you just make sure the right people stay in office and only keep technocrats on the payroll that are down with the cause.

d230c9 No.315150

File: 5cf1ad43b94cdc3⋯.webm (8.32 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, gavin before ezra threate….webm)


too bad we're not white though :^) maybe sargon can tell me what I am.

Have an unrelated redpill on faggot gavin

d49162 No.315151


FYI, the ethnological term white can be found all the way back to Ancient Rome.

d230c9 No.315152


that's cool, but for fags that argue like sargon I always day that white and black is just a common name based on the apperance. The proper name is Aryan or Caucasian and negro.

71c7e5 No.315153


Holy fuck when was this.

9f21c8 No.315154


From experience, I don't think Western crap and atomized nihilism will work as well, I think that limited importation of a foreign workforce will be the thing that will be a major player though, which will follow with the usual "anyone can be a Czech/Croat/Slovene/etc." crap to justify importing even more of them, but we will have to see it to believe it. A lot of people who move away to work in the West eventually end up coming back because the astronomical living costs just aren't worth it despite them making much more money than back home. A friend of mine I know since childhood moved to Ireland about 6 months ago, he found employment really easily, he knows English like his mother tongue, but the problem is that when he takes away all the living costs of renting a shitty apartment which is much more expensive than back home and the increased prices of all basic goods, the net gain in money he has isn't really that significant compared to here. Also, his excursion in the West didn't change him as much, in fact now he's even less tolerant of other nationalities.

d49162 No.315156


Yeah, the only instance I've found of it so far is used to distinguish between blacks and whites, which when the term is most relevant. The use of white might not be 1:1, though. I've been looking into two questions regarding Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. The first question is how white, i.e., Aryan, were these populations? And the second is how Indo-European was the Mediterranean Basin?


Yeah, but he'd probably argue it's skin-deep if he didn't argue that there wasn't a difference at all. After all, he couldn't say whether Lawrence Fishbourne was white or not It's a trick question: he's a mongrel.

8b01d6 No.315157


>And the second is how Indo-European was the Mediterranean Basin?

Read about the Goths, not the modern faggotry, the actual Goths

a8d191 No.315158


Damn. Warski should do an Israel trip.


Oh yeah the quality of life is going to decrease, just a byproduct of the in/outsourcing and the fact Europe is rather small so property cost is going to skyrocket even more. There was a funny scene on TV after the election where some AFD guy explained to some lefty that if she wanted lower housing prices for the poor she should advocate for a stop to mass immigration, she couldn't process it.

As for the rest, we'll see. I think if we want to save Europeans it'll have to happen across all of the West or at least most of mainland Europe, including the big ones like France, Germany and Italy, making a holdout in Eastern Europe will only delay the inevitable.

d49162 No.315159


You don't even have to do that. The Ancient Greeks were likely far more Aryan than they are today because in the Iliad, Achilles is described as blonde and Menelaus as red-haired. Cleopatra is also described as blonde.

6cb6ce No.315161

File: 802bf44879f7fa7⋯.jpg (42.13 KB, 717x405, 239:135, 1516731720812.jpg)

oh shit

71c7e5 No.315162



8b01d6 No.315163



d49162 No.315164


Considering its rising status, Eastern Europe won't be contaminated; a 100 years down line is more likely.

a8d191 No.315165


Will Dr Duke attend to the debate in his 'ghost' costume?

d49162 No.315166


I'd be pretty spooked if he did.

4f0953 No.315167

File: f8db55c15e23e2f⋯.jpg (61.73 KB, 627x794, 627:794, IMG_0029.JPG)

File: e7befeeaa8c44a3⋯.gif (65.95 KB, 364x252, 13:9, IMG_0030.GIF)


Exclusive preview of the outcome of the debate

59de24 No.315168


Did he drop the emails last Sunday?

6cb6ce No.315169


I think he dumped a bunch of stuff in the fox dick thread, but I did not look at it to see how new or relevant it was. I can't say if was legit or not.

8335ec No.315171


I've watched videos of Tree of Kangz before, she's a sassy black woman who just shouts incoherently at her opponent and then declares victory.

I wouldn't expect much from this debate.

a8183f No.315172


From what I've seen, she's all about the "dems are the real racists!" Dinesh D'Souza bullshit. Better than a standard nigger, I guess, but still a nigger.

dbce72 No.315173


Skin is skin, it is generally thought by (real) historians that Egyptians were Caucasoid if not outright white Euorpean but their paintings show that they considered themselves separate from Europeans, portraying themselves as tan while showing Greeks as extremely pale. No doubt ancient people did not have modern DNA-based race science but general directions were right, it's only used as strawman by leftists and le centrists.

2c4273 No.315175


He said once that he wanted to stream a debate on the JQ but his lawyer told him the Canadian government would go after him if he did that.

a8183f No.315176


DNA analysis showed that ancient egyptians were neolithic farmers, who were the ancestral people of places across the mediterranean/anatolia/levant before conquest by arabs/turks/mongols/ec.

Closest living group to what they looked like is probably the sardinians, who are like 95% neolithic farmer to this day.

71c7e5 No.315177

They are ripping into loomer again, man we're breaking the conditioning!!!

dbce72 No.315178


Very interesting, makes sense since the Sardinian language is the closest living relative in terms of form to Latin, obviously that's not related to Egyptians but they were a pretty isolated people overall.

c2cfe7 No.315179

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Loomer leaked flirt videos getting roasted on the Kumite

a8183f No.315180


>tune in

>video of Loomer showing her vagene to random people at a crowded party

>tattoo of elephant on her thot-hole

1e10c0 No.315181


She apparently has an elephant tattoo on her vag.

9b9c2f No.315182



I didn't really want to know that.

a8d191 No.315183


What did she mean by this?

6cb6ce No.315184


yeah, those elephant ears are a 'tattoo'

19db0d No.315185

File: f164573dd695bf4⋯.jpg (27.8 KB, 393x300, 131:100, assimilation_cancelled.jpg)

6cb6ce No.315186


does it have tusks, or it it the other end?

1e10c0 No.315187


Fuck if I know and I certainly don't want to ever find out. Kumite played a drunk Loomer video maybe 20 minutes ago

8b01d6 No.315188


She sold the ivory for some shekels

4f0953 No.315189


My sides

8335ec No.315190


damn it i missed it, anyone got a link?

1e10c0 No.315191

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8335ec No.315192


no, the loomer videos, they've moved on from that on the livestream.

1e10c0 No.315193


It's about twenty minutes behind the live stream. I have no clue about where the videos are. Jim sent them in

491015 No.315194

File: 2ad78bfd3c0bd8a⋯.mp4 (15.78 MB, 720x720, 1:1, me8Cb6pwijh1d5F3.mp4)



6cb6ce No.315195

File: 446b19fb808529e⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 12.29 KB, 275x183, 275:183, elephant.jpg)

don't click

491015 No.315196

File: 18e738ee1a3af73⋯.jpg (213.24 KB, 900x900, 1:1, interdimensionalreeeeeeeee….jpg)


Aaaaaaaand someone already posted the video.

58ec06 No.315197

File: 1cb3be85945f3f1⋯.webm (6.53 MB, 640x360, 16:9, skinhead_jews.webm)

File: f8cd7f4737fc961⋯.mp4 (5.42 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Lᴇᴛ_ᴍᴇ_ᴛᴇʟʟ_ʏᴏᴜ_ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ_ᴛʜᴇ_….mp4)

File: 6d8b0efa2334892⋯.webm (665.85 KB, 360x360, 1:1, White_Power_black_kid.webm)


I don't know, I never watched him, I saved this long time ago and just posted it now because why not it's a good clip


Israel is not a real country or even a home for a like, it's just a hideout where they can escape when they get caught mid scheming in the other country they a.busing. Video related. I know this is /cow/ and /cow/ is not strictly /pol/ so sorry for joooo posting, but it has to be said.

Holocaust didn't happen but it will. Hitler shit his pants and did nothing wrong. Gas all kikes race war now.

I'm also hyped for the David Duke debate. The nigger will perish or become the 3rd video

71c7e5 No.315198


Its certainly a fuckin surprising clip. I feel like antisemitism is finally starting to go mainstream

867364 No.315199

File: 5d101bcfc9928ad⋯.png (32.42 KB, 657x527, 657:527, 1504359489692.png)


I wanted to see the elephant tattoo reeeeeeeeeeee

8335ec No.315200


I rewatched the livestream. She pulls her pants down slightly, the elephant tattoo looks like it's on her hip, not her crotch.

9b9c2f No.315201


>I feel like antisemitism is finally starting to go mainstream

That's what I hope.

38bf0d No.315202


Yeah, at this point it seems like the mainstream is going to have a fair talk about the jewish question or shit's gonna get fucked. Antisemitism is on the rise and it's gotten to the point where trying to dismiss it as blind hatred and meaningless prejudice is starting to produce backlash wherever dissent can occur.

58ec06 No.315203

File: 62e1ec68e2e4882⋯.mp4 (11 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, heyjews.mp4)


at the very least I can tell you I saved it about 2 years ago. But listen again to what's he saying. He knows everything yet he continues to play good got because he has Jewish sponsors. I have more respect for a normalfags that just doesn't know any better than this COWARD. When (not if but when) NatSoc will come to power this fag will go I ALWAYS SUPPORTED YOU I KNEW I KNEW. He's a traitor

6b2137 No.315204


Sargon is already way ahead of the competition in Massive Faggot of the Year points. Who can compete?

a8d191 No.315205


I doubt they're going to let that happen, even if, do you think they're going to let go of their fortunes and go happily back to Israel, maybe let us jail all their criminals too? Unlikely.

In the past what happened usually was that the ruling class used the Jews for their purposes until the natives had enough and were close to lynching their rulers or at least ready to rebel, so the rulers withdrew their protection and the Jews fucked off or got pogromed. But nowadays the Jews are the ruling class. This likely wont end peacefully.

491015 No.315206

File: cccb194cd2c37e3⋯.jpg (19.39 KB, 400x187, 400:187, nose profiles.jpg)

File: e94b10a8a4f1d0d⋯.png (93.71 KB, 585x794, 585:794, ClipboardImage.png)


Any proof for that? Jews with nose jobs typically end up with something closer to a Nordic nose, while Alaska has what could be classified as Roman or Indian nose. I've only seen the jew accusation against BA from autists on 8/pol/ that claim every single person on the right with a name is a jew or fed, who are also the same people that claim every single white person that has been raped, attacked, or killed is secretly a jew/coalburner/tranny with ZERO evidence. And of course the moderation doesn't do dick about it, but will go out of their way to ban you for a month if you don't want your white nation to be nuked by fat kim the commie.


There are two sides to it. The eater, and the eaten, or "predator" and "prey" because of course furfags, the #1 source of this fetish, would use animal terms. The "predator" is the cannibalistic one, fantasizing about it to the point there's no doubt it leaks outside of just wanting to see it in drawings and colon three RP. The "prey" is fucking suicidal, and gets off on the idea of being killed by digestion. Both come up with autism to create some "non-fatal" variant but it's no less retarded.


<stop disproving my lies reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee




>got someone killed



<I got banned for being a lying shill feel sorry for me muh books muh self-sucking "improvement" whaaa whaaa I can't go to the boards dedicated to a topic because I want to spam reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

c0ded4 No.315207


>Being against self improvement threads

>not wanting to entice people who aren't man enough or autistic enough to go to /fit/ to get lifting

>not wanting to be well-read and capable of smashing any talmud arguments with facts

If you can honestly look at /pol/ and say things are all fine with the way Imkikey is running things now, you are a retard. That faggot needs to be lynched and disposed of so the infighting can stop.

6cb6ce No.315208

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The board owner is a roach.

71c7e5 No.315213


How many of them are holding rifles?

491015 No.315216


Go. To. /fit/. Go. To. /pdfs/. It's that fucking simple. Or do you think discussing hollywood movies on /v/ and firearms on /sudo/ should be allowed?



Kill yourself.

4f0953 No.315217

File: ba5f3849cf1fea2⋯.jpg (73.85 KB, 500x357, 500:357, IMG_0031.JPG)


Soon, anon

59de24 No.315218

File: 8d70e355c196e7e⋯.jpg (165.14 KB, 500x625, 4:5, 1412624164.jpg)


fuck off back to /pol/ imkikey


88d254 No.315219

File: a15dc632954c4fb⋯.jpg (74.57 KB, 720x753, 240:251, Screenshot_20180123-123356….jpg)

Someone please tell johnny fox to stop stealing cocks. hes gone too far this time

c0ded4 No.315221


>Just go to…

But Anon, most people might not know about /fit/ or /pdfs/. Having a general thread for /fit/ and /pdfs/ related shit makes it easier to find out about since it's always visible. 2 Threads take up absolutely nothing but accomplish shitloads, so there should be no issue with it.

>Or do you think discussing hollywood movies on /v/ and firearms on /sudo/ should be allowed?

>Getting fit because your ideology dictates that you should and being well read on political books related to your ideology is 'offtopic' and wrong

And you're wondering why /pol/ is getting made fun of even by people who hate kikes as much as we do.

1720c3 No.315222

File: 12462ea3936a9c1⋯.png (354.72 KB, 370x547, 370:547, CIA niggers.png)


KYS imkikey. You're a fucking piece of shit and you deserve the gas.

8335ec No.315223

File: 3443b7eb4d3cb3d⋯.jpg (197.72 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, adbcb9471e49c29992d8db7e9e….jpg)

you people are pure cancer

f9a2a4 No.315224

File: 190902a94ab55bb⋯.jpg (146.01 KB, 813x628, 813:628, 1516578928575.jpg)






a8d191 No.315226


That's one of the reasons Jews are so big on gun control, mind you. Imperial Germany and Russia didn't have too much gun control, that came with Weimar and the USSR. But even still, the US is heavily armed, yet seems happy as the designated Shabbos goyim. Why, look at how the Hollywood Jews are treating their kids, no peep. It goes deeper, Europeans have been hurt on a deep level. In the USA it goes back to the early 1900s in my opinion, maybe deeper.

1720c3 No.315227


Oh this faggot again.

491015 No.315228




>spend entire thread derailing to cry about /pol/

>think everybody that doesn't listen and believe to your proven lies are MUH IMKAMPFY REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>continue to spam and derail the thread


<whaaaaaaa boards exist for my topic but I want to spam that topic on an unrelated board instead

Keep trying to hide the fact that every single niggerfaggot that cries about these pet topics clearly doesn't actually WANT to discuss those topics because you don't fucking go to the boards meant for it, you make threads on /pol/ and spend the entire thread bitching about the moderation and spamming the same fake talking points you've spammed for three years.

8335ec No.315229


fuck off kike

c0ded4 No.315230


>Its unrelated

No it's not faggot, read the above post. You got the gall to cry about getting banned but you still can't admit the board's gone to shit.

1720c3 No.315231


Filtered. Fuck off back to the oven where you belong you fucking roach.

8444d8 No.315232


Scheiß Kanake

491015 No.315233


1913: federal reserve established

1800s: jewish-owned and run slaver ships import african slaves en-masse

59de24 No.315237


t. (((chaim strawmann)))


KEK, going to remember that one

491015 No.315238





>still crying

>still spamming

>hopping IPs to create false consensus



It's unrelated. Go to the board for topic x to discuss topic x.

>You got the gall to cry about getting banned but you still can't admit the board's gone to shit.

The problem with /pol/ isn't fucking pet topics being pushed to the boards designated for those topics you disingenuous cunt. This shit is why there is ONE legitimate thread on /polmeta/ and every other one is the same person spamming THE RULES threads, the federal agent crying about his honeypot being banned, and faggots like you crying about being banned for defending jews, being banned for making a thread to cry about moderation, or being banned for posting the exact same spam talking point you've posted for three years.


59de24 No.315240


>hopping IPs to create false consensus

>the federal agent crying about his honeypot being banned, and faggots like you crying about being banned for defending jews,


Fuck off imkikey

c2cfe7 No.315241


>hopping IPs to create false consensus

It's a conspiracy!!!!

Or maybe this is not /pol/ so you're not getting the paranoid circle of agreement you were looking for

e6dfa1 No.315244

File: 4a0edf6353a3781⋯.jpg (52.07 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Fucking roaches.jpg)

This thread seriously needs some housekeeping done.

573e53 No.315245



Video is not even up anymore

923da9 No.315246

File: 4428485c5c189f5⋯.png (67.71 KB, 594x615, 198:205, Loomer response to Andy.png)

Can we get back on topic now and stop having people sperg out about /pol/

e6dfa1 No.315247


Yeah I didn't even watch it when it was, probably garbage.

c2cfe7 No.315248


It doesn't expose shit this guy always spams that pasta in these threads

e6dfa1 No.315249


Dox and rape her father?

6cb6ce No.315250


Cheap fucking redirect. I don't care if you're kamphy, moonman, jim, some goon faggot or some bored bitch. I don't care about time outs, but I'm not going to praise /pol/ and it's schizo, no fun moderation that does not even target shills. Also, BO is a roach and a literal faggot.

c0ded4 No.315251


>This thing related to the ideology held on /pol/ isn't related to /pol/ and should be banned

If you can't even go the route of that faggot Mark on /v/ and just lock or even set them to be cyclical, then you're shooting yourself in the foot. There is no justifying not having a single self improvement general on /pol/ unless you are not from /pol/ and do not care for the people on /pol/.

>The problem with /pol/ isn't fucking pet topics being pushed to the boards designated for those topics you disingenuous cunt

True, it's with topics, discussion, shitposting, and anything nearing actually making a difference in the world being removed.

>and faggots like you crying about being banned for defending jews, being banned for making a thread to cry about moderation, or being banned for posting the exact same spam talking point you've posted for three years.

I'm not banned from /pol/ where you admitted you were, actually, and I don't care to defend kikes, I care to get rid of them and their attempts at causing infighting and subversion.


Christ, Andy is getting the full JQ rundown here.

e6dfa1 No.315253

File: 3f6b034828dcc5a⋯.png (102.99 KB, 773x738, 773:738, Pilpul.PNG)

8335ec No.315254


Some guy was criticising sargon's debates with spencer and jim.

To summarize, he said sargon was an idiot, which we all know. He said spencer is using white nationalism to promote himself and nothing else and he said that Jim is a nihilist with no belief system who just wants to laugh at everything, adding that if Jim actually stood for something it would open him up to the sort of mockery he uses on others, which is a fair point.

It was no exposure of Jim, just an observation of his behaviour. no one really knows what jim believes politically other than loosely "conservative/constitutionalist".

e6dfa1 No.315255


Fucking text broke for some reason. Post meant to say spam that on his twitter.

e6dfa1 No.315256


Jim is a firm supporter of the religion of guac.

8b01d6 No.315267


Nobody watches Jims shit for politics though

7228df No.315272

File: 7e5d2d797bd5112⋯.gif (3.77 MB, 700x700, 1:1, Square_Peg_→_Square_Hole.gif)


I watch it for politics.

ccdb4b No.315275

Gas chambers.

6b2137 No.315276


Sargon was hoping Jim would disclose that he's sympathetic to the alt-right, so he could straw man him in a le epic take down video. Since Jim didn't follow his lead, Carl the cuck accused Jim of being morally weak for not being a massively gay internet activist. Since Jim still didn't give a fuck, Sargon started "muh gamergate" autism in a last ditch effort of summoning a 4 year old event to win an argument online. If you noticed he and frenchie mc yellow fever were virtually sucking Jim's dick for part of that entire debate in a pathetic attempt to get him to join the liberalist larp group. They desperately want Jim to go away because he made skeptics look absolutely stupid or a month strait. So much so that they had to fucking rebrand.

867364 No.315277


when he did random streams it was fun to watch it when he talked about current politics or random stuff. It would be in the IA days before gamergate stuff.


what more about the Yellow fever dude? Or is he a rather an unknown that only the Stepfather would know about?

a8d191 No.315278


Makes sense.

c2cfe7 No.315279

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


e8cd4d No.315280


Wait – was that Black Adam's video? Did that faggot delete his channel/purge his videos again? I can't actually check, because I don't remember his new channel name.


Verlust Heil!

a8d191 No.315281


Looks like we can settle in for the long haul with this.

867364 No.315282


It was Adam Edge and yes he probably deleted the channel.

f0983d No.315283


>Witch hunt

>False accusations of doxing people

Oh shit so he's going to be still unapologetic

I wonder how Soygoy and Vee will react to this

8335ec No.315284


>Kraut dindu nuffin, muh Gonzalo Lira

Time to make his mother unelectable then I guess.

7228df No.315285


>The anatomy of a witch hunt

Fuck me he's going to compare me too with his doxxxxing.

923da9 No.315286

File: 67b1187c61d9030⋯.png (19.39 KB, 984x202, 492:101, no doxing server.png)


This is going to be a shitshow

e8cd4d No.315287


>Kraut is going to talk about how he was the victim in all this

I can't wait


Thanks, lad.

It does indeed appear that he deleted his channel, which annoys me, because I really like his videos, and there was one which I was saving for later. Serves me right for trusting the eternal anglo, I suppose.

f0983d No.315288

File: 50a8d066afcb813⋯.png (11.49 KB, 598x84, 299:42, This gon be gud.png)

Oh boy

b35f9e No.315289


Who is this cuck? A friend of the skeptics?

Why can't Kraut just lay down and die already? Doesn't he realize that he's already lost all his YouTube cred? What's he playing at?

59de24 No.315290

File: 6016cc4cd195ba0⋯.png (103.09 KB, 997x405, 997:405, kraut_mom.png)


Adam Edge sounds and looks like uzalu.


This was his mom right? >>299081

a8183f No.315291



Fucking called this bullshit. Just like every other kike. Just like Loomer. Have mountains of irrefutable evidence against you, and you lie without flinching a muscle and then come back the next day acting like nothing at all happened.

923da9 No.315292


>I wonder how Soygoy and Vee will react to this

Both of them will back up Kraut. Sargon will by letting Kraut back into the group, but will be subtle about it in case of another fallout, and Vee will openly support what Kraut did. They will both pretend it was only CRP in the server. They have both started to change their definitions of doxing to the point that both of them will claim Kraut dindu nuffin under their new standards

95bd64 No.315294

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I know exactly how the stream will look like.

e6dfa1 No.315295

File: a8e222abdca70af⋯.png (11.91 KB, 786x111, 262:37, Find the gene.png)

59de24 No.315296




>She has a facebook with nearly 500 photos.

She might have shut it down by now

8335ec No.315297



i want to kill these people

867364 No.315298



Well, ladies and gentlemen it's time to have some real fun then.

f0983d No.315299


>Who is this cuck? A friend of the skeptics?

Judging by the name i'd say your usual anti feminist channel

>Why can't Kraut just lay down and die already?

He can't swallow his pride i guess, he really has nothing else to fight for now


That would be a massive blow to their credibility, but would they really risk that after all they've done to distance themselves from Trout &co?

9f21c8 No.315300


Holy fucking shit, just as I was finished with watching (((Laura Loomer))) invoking the wrath of Adam RaceWarski after she tried to pilpul her way out of anything now this comes.

b35f9e No.315301

Is Kraut physically capable of admitting defeat? What's it gonna take?

a8183f No.315302


>for the purpose of doxing

notice the goalpost moving and strawmanning specific claims, similar to what places like Snopes.com do.

Even though all the evidence in the world points to it being used to dox "targets", they can technically say but it wasn't specifically intended to be that from the very start!. Classic strawman bullshit.

a8183f No.315303


show me one kike in all of history who has ever admitted defeat.



867364 No.315304


It's going to take allot to take him down but unfortunately for Sargon and Veeh is that when Kraut goes down they follow down with him.

7bc36c No.315305


>i want to kill these people

They are in this very thread. Just ctrl+f doxxxxing

a8183f No.315306


That's a curious part of all this. From Sargon's perspective, he wants Kraut to stay dead. The more spotlight Kraut gets, the worse he makes Sargon and the rest look by extension. I can't think of a single reason why they would want Kraut back.

Which means this is basically Kraut "going rogue".

f0983d No.315307

File: 04c3ad77793269b⋯.png (213.69 KB, 550x366, 275:183, putin-buzz1.png)


Will we see Kraut shitting on Soygoy for "abandoning him"?

867364 No.315308


the stepfather is basically letting it be allowed since that for him is gymnastics to show that they are not a collective but individualistic.

So I think Veeh will be good bodies with Kraut since no one with a braincell want anything to do with Veeh and he knows it, so Andy and the Tonka crew hates Veeh and think he is a deceptive piece of shit, which he is.


Sargon will just leak stuff if Kraut goes too of the handle, and Kraut knows about that stuff and he does not want a shitshow like that.

b35f9e No.315309

File: ce90c83393f3489⋯.jpg (150.84 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, mahnignog.jpg)


What if he reveals something that heavenly implicates Sargon to clear his own name?

f0983d No.315310

File: 971ead807137787⋯.gif (936.74 KB, 500x281, 500:281, cYanmPn.gif)

a1c74f No.315311


>the stepfather is basically letting it be allowed since that for him is gymnastics to show that they are not a collective but individualistic.

Kek, his ideology is going to kill him before the year's end.

2c4273 No.315312


Do you think maybe Kraut is taking Jim's advice and coming back as a troll just to take the Liberalist™ movement down with him?

a8183f No.315313


Possibly. Kraut is a vindictive cunt and I wouldn't be surprised if he does something like what >>315309 said.

I predicted a while ago that he'd come back going full-on /leftypol/, because they're literally the only group on the internet who aren't disgusted by Kraut. And we already know that he was basically a stasi agent masquerading as a centrist, and that he was in communication with /lefttypol/ shills like Batko and Spino in his discord and on youtube, so I'm still standing by this prediction.

a1c74f No.315314

File: c5fc31a8920c94b⋯.jpg (992.8 KB, 250x250, 1:1, sensible_chuckle.jpg)


He's going to end up fighting them or dragging them down, either way they lose.

95bd64 No.315315

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Already found the soundtrack for the downfall of Sargon.

8335ec No.315316

He turned on Zeph in december. Wouldn't put it past him to turn on Sargon and the rest too.

But what the interviewer minion of his said sounded more like he's going to try for the innocence route, with CRP as the way out.

Isaid in the original threads that Gonzaklo is shady and weird enough to offer these slimy shits a way out by allowing them to redefine the concept of doxing and by extension call into question all the other accusations that have been laid against them.

We need to go very hard on him for this.

6b2137 No.315317




this is going to be amazing

a1c74f No.315318


Jim's already shitposting.

f0983d No.315319

File: ec5ccf1b9bd8cab⋯.png (12.33 KB, 595x80, 119:16, not real doxxxxxing.png)


Oh yeah, they're definitely going for that

a8183f No.315320

File: 0f8c38822afcace⋯.png (642.76 KB, 1022x731, 1022:731, tiresome.png)


IDK man, I'm going to pull my hair out if this is another "well what really counts as doxxxxxxxxxxxxxing anyway??" semantic debate

867364 No.315321


that is what I'm predicting anyway that he will not go to far off but >>315313 said seems also likely that he just want blood from the stepfather now.

6b2137 No.315322


I'm just imagining the shit-show in Twitch-chat, and how much banning Amazon employees are going to have to do.

ccdb4b No.315324

CRP and ruin know now. Waiting on JF to respond to CRP's tag.

f0983d No.315325

They might even try to make it all about CRP, but eventually Soygoy will have to say what he thinks of Kraut coming back

If he welcomes Kraut back to his ranks he will be dragged down with him, i don't think he wants that

If he keeps throwing him under the bus as he has done this last month then Kraut vs. Soygoy is a possibility

a8d191 No.315326


We've had the Joomer stream and at least one 6 hour Tonka stream dedicated to what can be defined as doxing, I think the main players are prepared.

ccdb4b No.315327

Woes now revving up his engine too. Looks like most of the crew is ready to shit on him. Can expect a good next week too.

b35f9e No.315329


I was running through Twitter checking on who knew. Shit is gonna explode on a level surpassing the last shitshow with Kraut.


7228df No.315331


Same. Everyone seems like they're ready to just finish him off so he's gone forever.


a8d191 No.315332


Woes is usually pretty nice, sometimes he can be really skewering.


I like the back and forth between Kraut and Braving Ruin the most because of their backstory, several betrayals in there.

7228df No.315333


When he does that groan you know he's about to yell. He just retweeted and didn't bother commenting so that's a groan.

a8183f No.315334


Yup. The only group online who doesn't want to BFTO him is /leftypol/.

Half the skeptics were repulsed by his actions

The libertarians hate him

Sargoon and his Liberalists want him gone becaues Kraut makes them look bad by association

JF/Ryan/Woes will just get to keep making videos about it

Jim will reopen the series and keep going with it

we'll keep shitposting and laughing at the dumpster fire

a8d191 No.315335

7228df No.315336


Yeah man he's a fucking pariah now. Just pure seething hatred and then people like us and jim who are just laughing while taking down people who deserve it.


You read the comments? Some are fucking amazing.

a8d191 No.315338


Yup. So many people out for his blood.

7228df No.315339

File: 5b92565a0ef9b3a⋯.jpg (86.85 KB, 579x1350, 193:450, nipple clamps.jpg)

Saw this in the comments.

827526 No.315340

File: 2dfb6de300a1dca⋯.jpg (140.23 KB, 828x967, 828:967, 1515706765499.jpg)


Daily reminder to shit up the Official™ Liberalist Discord, where grown and "intellectual" men have serious debates with 14 year old Lebanese lesbians and literal tranny prostitutes are head moderators.


bd3fdc No.315342






bd3fdc No.315344

File: 2bf412c4f0f6470⋯.png (186.51 KB, 1242x1132, 621:566, IMG_0032.PNG)

File: 4e610079295842a⋯.png (204.82 KB, 1242x1264, 621:632, IMG_0033.PNG)


>Kraut thinks this will go over smoothly

ccdb4b No.315346

File: d2b549b7b3e9b6b⋯.png (28.07 KB, 516x318, 86:53, Benis.png)

ccdb4b No.315349

The guardian just RT'd Jim's tweet. This is gonna be good.

8335ec No.315351






6208ec No.315479

File: a6c49f04e2ff0d3⋯.jpg (325.01 KB, 2048x967, 2048:967, Slaughter Melon.jpg)


Things were way better under the old mods and before the autistics took over.

d615a1 No.315522

File: c96aede3c914265⋯.jpg (320.57 KB, 724x919, 724:919, 1.jpg)

File: 8e5c4c5071860be⋯.jpg (310.04 KB, 443x755, 443:755, 2.jpg)

File: 46a138733781f7a⋯.jpg (157.83 KB, 376x550, 188:275, 3.jpg)


Dat ass though.

d615a1 No.315539

File: 22741eceb9c0b77⋯.jpg (328.77 KB, 641x845, 641:845, siegheil.jpg)



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