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c24777 No.315350

Last few threads:

>Styxhexenhammer666 accused of pedophilia, joins the altright

>Laura Loomer publicly gangraped on livestream by Literal Nazis for 3 and a half hours, saved by (((White))) Knight

>Kraut and Tea returns, vid related, he dindu nuffin and was unjustly persecuted #metoo

previous thread: >>314719

08a265 No.315352

File: 6a22de71a9f34d3⋯.png (9.67 KB, 311x162, 311:162, these fucking threads.png)

Der Ewige Neun!

6c23f8 No.315353


69eb6f No.315354

nein nein nein

e145ce No.315355

When can we expect the reckoning?

90c21d No.315356

File: db3a292b54fde7e⋯.png (627.65 KB, 585x645, 39:43, kraut hates goyim.png)

6c23f8 No.315357


I really want Kraut to try to debunk denial of the Holohoax. It'd be better than anything so far

08a265 No.315358

File: caf125e1dd967c2⋯.png (101.25 KB, 809x206, 809:206, Press F.png)

4e988f No.315359


Best episode

127a7e No.315361

I’m not surprised he’s German and those fuck just don’t know when to quit

c989d4 No.315362


I'd like to see him in prison too

89a338 No.315363


more jew and anglo than german

a23e9a No.315364

How have these liberalists not noticed someone lurking the chat with a bunch of dicks as avatars? Also: I fucked up the verification email. Apparantely nigger@dicks.com isn't a valid email on this site.

c24777 No.315365

dare I say it…


a23e9a No.315366

File: cd39785fb6782c9⋯.png (18.39 KB, 652x120, 163:30, Nigger dicks.png)

Totally not obvious.

b48790 No.315367

Do you guys think CoachKinoPill will follow through with his promise and sue Kraut?

a23e9a No.315369


Honestly I'm torn between him being so batshit he'd do it and him being a sleazy coward.

e145ce No.315370


>will coach file a lulsuit

Don't count on it.

329a79 No.315371


I doubt he can afford a lawyer

3e5485 No.315373


No. He's a funny kino boomer camera man, but he has no balls

b2d3f7 No.315374

File: 1abf776e442e147⋯.png (12.4 KB, 933x103, 933:103, This time he'll do it righ….png)

c24777 No.315375

File: ca73f519e6123d6⋯.mp4 (177.61 KB, 640x360, 16:9, laura loomer totally not l….mp4)

b48790 No.315376


Do they really think that us goyim are so stupid that we just casually forgot the whole shitstorm that happened about a month ago and that's well documented? That anyone who's been following the whole debacle will be so persuaded by Kraut's arguments that they'll go wtf i love kraut now?

59f4b1 No.315378


>salt and tea retruns

Okay, I'm getting my popcorn.

c90acd No.315379


No but the liberalists are infact that stupid. And that way Kraut can go to the Soyfather uninjured, and perhaps be a more competent mafisoyo than Vee is.

That and it distracts us from digging into his past a bit, I guess.

da3695 No.315381


Have you not seen the hundred references to pilpul in these threads? Yes, that's exactly what they think

3e5485 No.315384

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sage for off topic but desTINY is now arguing for censorship and deplatforming "extreme right wingers" on the internet against Count Dankula

b2d3f7 No.315385

File: b6d013b0917e58f⋯.png (67.13 KB, 924x523, 924:523, Soygoy BTFO.png)

Meanwhile, at Soygoy's…

b48790 No.315386

File: 592e1a1b8c34548⋯.jpg (3.86 KB, 236x240, 59:60, f483234e.jpg)


I've known about the JQ for more then a decade now and I'm still completely amazed when (((they))) and their goy slaves pull the same exact shit again and again, I just don't get it. They can be caught red handed, not just with witness accounts but with so much footage from so many different angles that even CoachKinoPill would be impressed, but they'll still maintain that they dindu nuffin and even convince themselves of it. It's so antithetical to how I've been raised and function that no matter which ten thousandth time this happens, the surprise still hits me like a freight truck.

b2d3f7 No.315387

c24777 No.315388

File: 34595683ba78826⋯.jpg (113.03 KB, 294x474, 49:79, gavin mcinnes twitter.jpg)

File: 5cf1ad43b94cdc3⋯.webm (8.32 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, gavin mcinnes brainwashin….webm)

Can anyone explain to me how this faggot can say these things but still do what he does and believe what he does?

Was this recording an act? Or is he just extremely cynical and doesn't care? I don't get it.

6ebfc8 No.315389


>Background pic of the vid

Is Zyklon Ben making memes now?

anyone have the original?

90c21d No.315390


The most amazing part is when you realize that they're not even lying per se. They GENUINELY believe the bullshit they spew from their mouths. Their subconscious minds trick themselves into thinking what they're saying is true. That's how they're so fervently able to defend stuff that is completely indefensible.

I used to think they knew they were lying when I talked to them and they fed me obvious bullshit, but now I realize that they're totally high on their own supply.

90c21d No.315391

File: cfbb088f9389ba2⋯.png (569.01 KB, 820x460, 41:23, kraut vs zeph we all watch.png)

Reminder that Kraut never lets go of a grudge, and he might end up going against Don Sargone for disavowing him and throwing him under the bus. And also if he continues trying to blame Zeph for everything, Zeph probably still has other recordings from the server that he can drop if need be.

The only way he's coming back to jewtube is if he comes out as 200% /leftypol/. They're the only political alignment left on the internet who Kraut hasn't pissed off. And we already know that he was basically a stasi agent masquerading as a centrist, and that he was in communication with fags like Batko and Spino.

f56b1e No.315392


Checked and he just says what he does in front of the camera for a paycheck.


It might be evolutionary. They always pull subversive shit to a big extent so if they admit to it they fear a pogrom, this probably causes them to double down (and indeed the ones who do admit shit probably get either killed by the goy or shunned by the group, meaning they wont pass their genes on).

6ebfc8 No.315393

File: e779d7911b5426f⋯.jpg (46.55 KB, 600x778, 300:389, d88.jpg)


>co-founder of Vice Media and Vice Magazine

I've had my eye on him for a while. Looks like a very slow and reluctant red-pilling.

59f4b1 No.315394


>he might end up going against Don Sargone for disavowing him

Yes please. That would be a very entertaining shitshow.

41aacd No.315395


It would be fun to watch him to autistically defend wooden doors.

688127 No.315396

File: f87d28acd395511⋯.png (52.48 KB, 1242x491, 1242:491, misandry today doxing.png)

It looks like he has made a statement and pinned it on his video now

c90acd No.315397


No evidence of doxxxxxxxxxing

Uh, I mean, I need actual direct evidence of kraut doxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxing, goy.

b48790 No.315398


I need direct audiovisual evidence of Kraut sitting on his computer looking up someone's doxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, goy.

6fc942 No.315399


uh, i mean i need actual direct undeniable absolute evidence of kraut's server being initially created for the explicit purpose of doxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxing, goy.

5342d5 No.315400


it's do ∞(x) you goy

c90acd No.315401


Uh, did I say that, I mean I uh need uh physical…………… evidence………….. of kraut………….. doxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxing people…………………………… real actual supported evidence………………. email it to me at …………………….video tapes crosschecked……….. by…….. the……… fbi only please

019418 No.315402

>Styxhexenhammer666 accused of pedophilia, joins the altright

Tldr or link?

90c21d No.315403


>no evidence it was created for the purpose of doxing

notice the wording here. You can start using a server for doxing so long as it was originally started way back when for a different purpose at first.

peak talmudism.

b2d3f7 No.315404

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6ebfc8 No.315406


It's discussed in thread #9: >>313249

185d34 No.315407

There's a small YouTuber who was supposedly going to do an interview with him, I wonder if he knows about this.

da3695 No.315408


>wooden doors


08a265 No.315409


The "Gas Chambers" had wooden doors.

90c21d No.315411

File: 219e277547c7918⋯.jpg (920.52 KB, 1312x2248, 164:281, gas chamber holocaust door.jpg)

08a265 No.315412

File: a89e5e2378a133d⋯.mp4 (14.82 MB, 640x360, 16:9, JIDFs Lament - YouTube.mp4)


Kraut right now.

da3695 No.315413


Oh my god these half-ass liars expected us to believe that wooden doors would contain evil Nazi gas?

5a4373 No.315414


The nazi gas chambers had wooden doors that could hold over 2000 people and then the gas could selectively not hurt the nazi officers (Or as one could call them "inhuman monsters") who could then haul the 2000 bodies and burn them and introduce another 2000 other jews into the gas chamber in an hour, and they went at it 24/7 during the entirety of the war.

Source: I survived 8 concentration camps and 12 gassing attempts.

90c21d No.315415


Don't forget how the "chambers" (read: bathroom showers) lacked any type of ventilation to dissipate the lingering cyanide gas.

6c23f8 No.315416


The so-called "gas chambers" had wooden doors. Don't believe the Jewish fanfiction of the Holohoax

a23e9a No.315417


And that they weren't connected to a vaporizer.

dc1142 No.315418




>2 hour stream and 500 post thread

e145ce No.315419

Pretty clear that the Misandry Today guy is gonna softball Kraut cause he's made his bias clear already.

I already posted some evidence, but we all know this cuck is gonna try to save the unsavable.

6c23f8 No.315420





I'm not too up to speed on the Holohoax, but isn't it true that some of the chambers on display now are not even original, ie (((reconstructed)))? Reminds me of when I visited Dachau this summer, lots of (((reconstruction))) and even a book store and cafeteria to swindle the gullible goy of his money. half the place was a gravel lot. These kikes need to step it up

a23e9a No.315421


Commie faggots called styx a pedo and he actually got angry and said "it's about time we admit that the left is objectively worse than the right" and that he would invite the alt right onto his stream and softball them.


Yeah, also one of the "chimneys" for the furnaces was added after and isn't even connected to anything.

5a4373 No.315422


To this day I'm still baffled as to why the gas chamber's chimney isn't connected to the fucking gas chamber at all

3f1f71 No.315423

File: c1123f741cafad0⋯.png (372.3 KB, 1199x444, 1199:444, c6c733640c3dcacbfa96c62418….png)

Ah krauts friends doing the jedi mind trick. DDJ is on the list and hes a law scholar oooo

dc1142 No.315424

File: f89ab495b74b7e4⋯.jpg (57.97 KB, 625x628, 625:628, f89ab495b74b7e4981f243dc48….jpg)


>Commie faggots called styx a pedo and he actually got angry and said "it's about time we admit that the left is objectively worse than the right" and that he would invite the alt right onto his stream and softball them.

Interdasting. I know the death panel has been trying to bring him on TDS and Mike Enoch wants to PvP Styx

bc1b20 No.315426


What level paladin is he

b2d3f7 No.315427


>2 autists get on the kumite to promote their gay little podcast

>Right before leaving they say Styx is a pedo and they drop proofs in the chat

>Said proofs are screenshots of Styx making orbiter comments on the videos of a 16 year old youtuber (which is technically not even illegal in vermont)

>No archive of any of those, only archived comment is some innocent remark on the cocks of one video

>Kumite stream implodes due to technical difficulties, they put it up again and reinvite the two faggots who launched the accusation

>Tonka gets very angry at them, they also get pissy for not being able to publicly accuse someone of being a pedophile with weak claims

>Meanwhile Styx hears about all this, initially thinks the Tonka is defaming him and threatens to flag the stream, then he retracts and apologizes

>Styx gets on the stream and immediately threatens to sue the two faggots

>The faggots shit their pants and start cucking out

>The stream literally ends with the two faggots singing happy birthday to Styx (it was also his birthday btw)

>After the stream, Styx goes on a tirade on twitter about how after this experience he's going to pinochet it up and ally with the alt right

b2d3f7 No.315428


Oh, that explains it

We should bring it up in the comments

dc1142 No.315429


>provoking a magic practicing hippy-goth crossdressing libertarian into allying with the alt right

This is the best timeline

4c61a7 No.315430


If his comeback fails, he can still have another secret discord server and continue his doxing activities and report his findings to the Stepfather.

bc1b20 No.315431


"Dear sir/madam/freak,

It has come to my attention that, while defending Kraut from his own stupidity, you were actually complicit in said act of large scale faggotry. Good job using those law scholar skills of yours to fuck yourself and everyone around you for eternity as the internet does not forget. You did a great job defending kraut and I'm sure this stream will be an equally excellent defense of your client and yourself.

Sincerely, get fucked."

c90acd No.315432


Styx plays a Multi-classed Blackguard/Redeemed Paladin. I hear Enoch is pure bard, so he'd probably have the upperhand, although some rumors say he put a few levels into merchant, which might make him weaker overall.

e145ce No.315434


What class is Jim and Warski?

0300e6 No.315435

File: 5682d8cc34bcbdb⋯.png (78.22 KB, 904x830, 452:415, Sperg sperging over spergs….png)

dc1142 No.315436


Styx has extensive knowledge of the occult but isn't athletic in the least. I'd say some kind of pure mage, probably a necromancer or possibly even a lich

0300e6 No.315437


Warski rolled gunslinger so he could raid hasbro. Jim said "Hold my beer, watch this" and transitioned from PC to DM.

f56b1e No.315438


A thought occured to me, did Kraut confirm this or are we being trolled?

4c61a7 No.315439


>"maybe you could also take down one of your shitty videos on CRP"


That fucking place…



>no direct evidence

It's like watching a bunch of politicians.

6c23f8 No.315440


>talks about people sperging

>names his channel "Misandry Today"

$10 bucks says he's a beta incel who wonders why he's never had a gf. Who the hell is this guy?

0300e6 No.315441


Doesn't matter to me, I'm just here for the shitstorm.

f56b1e No.315442


There wont be one if Kraut doesn't show up.

0300e6 No.315443


If he doesn't show do you really think the stepfather will miss the chance to play gotcha with the "alt-right"(aka anyone who disagrees with him)?

3597bb No.315444

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I think they're missing the point.

Who cares if he doxed anyone? He's been shown to not understand the science he sources, and just repeats things from his youtube academics. He's been shown to be a literal cuckold with a hate-boner for white people and sandniggers. how odd for a jew And he's been shown to have hilarious fetishes like nipple clamps. He's useless to the skeptic community. None of his videos will be taken seriously and he'll be followed by trolls screaming about split dicks and black dildos.

Kraut's ring music vid related.

c90acd No.315445

File: 319e8c37bbf2845⋯.png (1.58 MB, 900x900, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Pretty sure Jim is some sort of Wizard. Warski plays commoner for some bizarre reason.


>isn't athletic

You'll barely hear the clank of his sword and his fullplate armor before he smites you.

a1b632 No.315446







6d3c10 No.315447


Well braving's already firing with both barrels.

ac24ff No.315448

File: 9209263d24a8159⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 523.7 KB, 600x1000, 3:5, Styx.jpg)


Here's a picture Styx doesn't want you to see

da7123 No.315449



>the very next day after the stream the 2 autists immediately start going after Styx again

>cry that the only reason they cucked out on the stream was because they were being dogpiled

>challenged to come back on the Kumite

>they say their too busy

>turns out the 2 autists had a history of harassing people who were more famous than them, including Jim Norton and Anthony Cumia

dc1142 No.315451


He said he's not very athletic in his NFL-hate video. He could also be a druid as he says he likes plants and minerals. I'd say druid or necromancer

865b6b No.315452

File: 80a7f1575680ab1⋯.jpg (40.74 KB, 532x343, 76:49, 1476518986574.jpg)

>when Jim gets Joomer to fuck off and white knight mike comes on

I was not fucking ready, you need to see this if you haven't


2afec2 No.315454

File: ffd235b622611bb⋯.jpg (158.83 KB, 1024x938, 512:469, 1516711120353.jpg)

Honestly I don't know why you guys waste your time going after Sargon; he will never admit fault. Every time you notice holes in his ideas or methods, he will just employ tactical nihilism - 'why do you care about this? Why care about anything? I don't care about [thing important to you with no extra explanation]'

6c23f8 No.315455


He's getting more and more irrational and it's pretty funny. We're getting to him obviously. Did you see the "huwhite taqiyya" video he put up and promptly deleted? Plus he supposedly has the debate with Anglin coming up, which he'll likely lose

3597bb No.315456


It's not to convince Sargon of anything. It's to show him to be a fool. You don't just argue with people to convince the fence-sitters. You do it to humiliate them.

Also, Sargon is starting to lose his shit. Before he was getting fucked with he was posting drunken asspics on twitter. Now that he's actively getting fucked with who knows what'll happen next time he has a few too many.

2afec2 No.315457


>Before he was getting fucked with he was posting drunken asspics on twitter.

Wasn't that a shoop?


I did, I honestly thought him so irrational he should consider a mental health check - the idea that someone could have been a fan of his and 'alt right' and then unsubbed didn't even cross his mind, which is exactly what happened here.

3cbeb7 No.315458


That. That is fucking QUALITY.

c24777 No.315459

File: d582bf085b5e706⋯.png (218.69 KB, 602x533, 602:533, sargon of sodom.png)


this? looks real to me. is there an archive?

c24777 No.315461

File: 385c268103247d1⋯.jpg (45.34 KB, 828x135, 92:15, laura loomer metokur strea….jpg)

6c23f8 No.315462


After seeing him tweet out all of that gay interracial porn I wouldn't put it beyond him. It sure looks like him

c24777 No.315463

File: 507c6ac9fbb78c0⋯.jpg (206.44 KB, 779x695, 779:695, vee sargon brazzers.jpg)


I bet Vee printed it out, framed it and put on his bedside table.

6c23f8 No.315464


>you will never be gobbled up and eaten by Sargon in a fursuit

Why live

3067da No.315465

File: 8562079e1503fd7⋯.png (188.21 KB, 431x316, 431:316, a bald man dying of cancer….png)


>Some guy shows up to defend m'lady's tires

>Goes full internet tough guy and starts screeching about manners

Good shit

185d34 No.315466



3597bb No.315467

We enter the bedroom, no need to waste any time now that he is here. Sargon asks me how I would like to be eaten and I reply by asking him how he would like to devourer me. He laughs and I can hardly take my eyes of that open mouth of his, his light red tongue and lips, white teeth and the dark tunnel that is his throat. He tells me that in order for me to enjoy myself the most he should probably devour me feet first so that I can see myself being eaten. His eyes reflects my own, he too can hardly contain himself.

I want to repay Sargon somehow, to make him feel as if I’m worth it and to show him just how grateful I am for him agreeing to fulfill my wish. I can’t eat him myself, however, who would be left to eat me? But I can repay him by partaking in a little foreplay…

I start by undressing, slowly, letting him enjoy me fully. I can feel his gaze upon me, searching every inch of my body, licking his lips, but not yet. I intend to enjoy this for as long as possible and I won’t let him remain unsatisfied either. I ask him to undress, and he does so with a smile on his lips. I know him, Know what he wants.

We embrace, touching each other gently, licking the others skin, sucking on various parts, feeling the want of our bodies, tasting each other with our mouths. He is just as turned on as I am, just as lustful and he wants me, the whole of me just as much as I want him. This isn’t just love making, it is something even more intimate. And we go on for what seems like an eternity before he finally asks the question I have long awaited and prepared for ever since I discovered vore.

“Are you ready to teach the alt-right a lesson, my little gypsy?”

My answer is a gentle and discreet as it is desperate and wild.

I dare him, tease him, challenge him. He licks his mouth, his eyes longing to feel my body pass trough his mouth and down his throat.

I offer myself to him, careful not to rush it. He caress a hand gently down my side, over my leg and takes hold of my feet’s.

It's happening!

He pulls them towards his mouth, slowly. I enjoy every second. And then I feel his lips upon my toes. I can’t help but moan. He sucks my toes, allowing his saliva to embrace them. It is a feeling beyond divine. He begins widening his mouth, allowing the first section of my feets to enter. I moan yet again, my muscles tensing. I can feel his tongue run over my toes, his teeth gently massaging my feet as he pulls me in, slowly, tenderly, lovingly.

I can't help it, I feel myself coming and I see him tremble with delight himself, but he does not stop. Soon I find myself moaning more and more as both of my feet enter his throat and my heels enter his mouth. I had no idea it was even possible! So many times I have dreamt of this moment, but I had never thought it to be more than a fantasy. Now, however, I am part of it in more than just lustful thoughts. My body and flesh are very much part of it too.

3597bb No.315468

Sargon's jaw works itself tirelessly up and down, his teeth gently pressing against my skin, his hands taking hold of me, pulling me gently inside him, slowly. His tongue runs over each part of me that enters his mouth, not tickling, but instead filling me with insatiable waves of pleasure. He’s working his way up to my knees and I can feel my feet down his throat, just as warm and tight I hoped it would be. I touch myself, feel my muscles tensing time and again, its like I’m in a constant state of orgasm. I can hardly wait for him to devour the whole of me. Right now, I’m being eaten. Whole, nude, alive and more lustful than ever. Not even my wildest expectations could prepare me for something this amazing!

His mouth widens ever so slightly as he pulls my knees into him.

I gasp in Romanian. My feet are almost numb, but I can still see and feel them inside of him. I can clearly see my legs entering his mouth and being pulled down his throat by strong muscles . I don’t even need to force myself into him as he gently pulls me in.

My breathing starts to become more rapid as he starts eating my chins. I can feel his warmth, his saliva and tongue embracing me and his tongue endlessly running over my body, his teeth gently massaging my legs as they get pulled deeper into his gluttonous maw. I close my eyes and allow myself to feel myself being devoured, lose myself in the moment and simply enjoy the experience, but soon I feel his teeth touching my private area and I gasp out loud.

He does not stop, however, simply pull me slowly in with his jaw and lovingly lets his teeth press against my genitalia with a gentle press. His hand takes hold of my hand and press me further in as he fondles it gently.

I’m starting to lose my breath in-between my gasping and moaning. His tongue finds my most hidden part, my secret gypsy bauble, and I can’t help but moan louder than ever. He runs it over me, passionate, his lips sucking at me and I can't help but add my own juices to his saliva, but he doesn’t seem to be bothered in the least. No, instead he seems to be grunting in pleasure, but its hard to tell over my constant moaning.

c24777 No.315469

File: 029c84e778391c2⋯.jpg (21.82 KB, 473x594, 43:54, 1470790672757.jpg)


somebody who can do the gypsy accent needs to record themselves on vocaroo reading that out. send it to tonka or something.

then we can make a video.

3597bb No.315470

Next to go is my butt. Sargon has to press it in with both hands to feed me in, but he manages. His jaw is still working tirelessly up and down, keeping a tight hold on my body, but I don’t mind. My feet must have reached his stomach by now, but my body is too explosive to even feel. However, I can see, and more importantly, feel most my body from the waist down being eaten by this gluttonous man how knows no end. My head is spinning and my body trembling by the share sight of it all. I can still feel his lips around me, so soft and warm, so wanting! His teeth, gnawing tenderly at me, I can hardly believe it's true!

I have often feared the aspect of teeth when thinking of being eaten, what if they cut you or ripped you apart, that would not be a pleasant experience for sure, but his gentle gnawing is oh so pleasant. Not only does each tender bite remind me that someone is in fact eating me, but it's such a massaging feeling too. His lips are beyond any pleasure I have ever experienced before too. Sucking me in, soft and warm, it's no wonder people enjoy oral explorations! But this is the ultimate oral experience and I am loving it more and more as it pulls me in.

As the last of my butt cheeks slide over his teeth I look down at him again. I can hardly breath by the sight of how close his become, how his mouth embraces all of me with ease. His naked body is filling out nicely underneath and I can see his belly swallowing, with ME inside! I start gasping again, the share thought driving me wild.

Once again, I can’t help myself. I offer him my hand and as he gulps me down to the navel he swallows that too. Once inside, I start reaching down. I feel his throat all around me and it fills me with unimaginable excitement. But it all becomes so much more when I reach my lower part. Feeling and touching, I start to moan louder once again. He seems to enjoy it too. To have someone inside him pleasuring themselves, I can hardly imagine, but very much feel it.

3597bb No.315471

As he envelops my navel I feel his tongue play around it, teasing me. The feeling ins beyond compare! Sargon's hands are upon my shoulders now, pressing my steadily downwards. I am more than halfway there! With each gulp, I feel myself lowering into his belly and I love it. Not only does it arouse me unlike anything I have ever experienced to be eaten whole and alive, but it just feels good altogether. It feels like I am reaching some sort of destiny, like I was meant for this! It's just so good!

His hands start stroking me gently over my breast before his hand seeks down and starts a massage my gyppo manbreasts. His hand is so gentle, yet playful, I can hardly wait for his lips to reach my nipples! The other hand he places on top of my head, pushing me steadily downwards into his mouth and down his throat. I can hardly move my hand that’s already inside him, but with the one that’s still free I reach down and touch his lips, let my fingers run underneath them and feel his teeth gnawing at me. It's all so much and real! In feel his teeth and lips on my back and around my lower chest, it's incredible!

As he reaches ever higher on my figure I need to help him devourer my Romanian bosoms. We already talked about it and how it would be an issue with his low dexterity saves, but now I am simply excited to feel myself being compressed into his mouth! I fill his mouth and he uses his one hand to push my breasts inside him. As my nipples pass his lips I moan louder. Now all that’s left is my shoulders, arm, and head!

I can hardly believe it and I start gasping once again while gasping for air. I can feel my body inside his stomach, it's tight and warm, just as I expected and it feels so good! With my legs, I’m able to make some space down there and I immediately reach for my fully erect 4 incher once again to pleasure myself as the last of my breasts are gnawed in by his teeth.

From there on is a rather tight, strange experience.

41aacd No.315472

File: eaf6054cdd7cf9d⋯.png (57.33 KB, 276x256, 69:64, 1450766715441.png)

2c7e75 No.315473


Oh wow. Muh Manners. Muh stop being Anonymous.

Reminder: Thanks to Jim having a Patreon now, anyone with access to Patreon's information, for example, blatantly corrupt SJWs, can easily and conveniently dox him. They probably already have his dox, and are hammering him about this shit to wrack his nerves and piss him off before the reveal.

3597bb No.315474

As my shoulders are pushed into his mouth and down his throat I gasp out loud. I feel his lips on my neck! It's happening! I’m being eaten! Whole and alive! It's the best vore experience I've had in a long time @_@. This is the final stage of being swallowed, the ultimate act before my head slide down his throat! I feel my whole body inside him, I don’t think I could escape even if I wanted anymore, not that I mind! No, this is not the time to be skeptical. I want this, I have wanted it so badly for so long!

All that’s left is my head and my arm, awkwardly hanging over my head. With a couple of gulps more and the press of his hands upon my head I feel my chins getting consumed by his lips. I gasp, moan and try my best to look down, and what I see is simply fascinating. Say what you want about us voreophilias, but this is nothing short of amazing, mate! I feel my lips on his lips, his teeth against my teeth and suddenly I am moaning from inside his mouth! It goes beyond everything I thought possible. But now my nose is next and I see it disrepair in his loving mouth that has devoured so much of me already. I am his food, and by the looks of it his enjoying me all the way. His eyes open and stare into mine before he closes an eye and take another gulp and suddenly I’m inside his mouth. All that’s left are the top of my head, my vegeta hair, my one free arm, still reaching out from above his lips. I can feel myself being pushed down his throat, dragged along by his muscles . And with another gulp all that’s left is my hair and the upper half of my arm.

Everything is dark, warm and slimy, but I am in a complete state of ecstasy. I can hardly breathe, but I feel so alive, my whole body being devoured by another human being- it's incredible! I run my hand all over my body, feel myself up as the rest of me slide slowly down the stomach. I feel his lips on my hand and then, suddenly, with a final gulp, I am fully inside him. The alt-right would never feel something so amazing!

3597bb No.315475

I slide trough the tight, dark tunnel of slime and warmth, feeling daddy Sargon's throat, the shape of a horseshoe, pressing all around my upper body. I have reached my goal. I have been eaten. I have experienced the full experience of vore. The thought alone is enough to make me want to scream in pure pleasure and as I slide down into his stomach, I feel him roll over on his back, exhausted.

We have both realized an impossible dream, a desire so grand it was thought impossible, but our dedication drove us to succeed. As a doctor I would have considered such an undertaking foolhardy, and yet here I am. I feel my body, inside his, naked, slimy, warm, but most of all, satisfied. He ate me. I have been devoured.

If I ever got the chance to be eaten ever again I wouldn’t even think twice about it. Perhaps spice it up a little more next time, however, add a little extra flavor to me? But as of now, I am too happy to even wonder about anything but the fact that I have lived out a dream that have followed me nearly all my life and that I rarely dared consider before now. I have no regrets and as I give in to my exhausted body from all the pleasure I smile. I hope I tasted well, and that he will find someone else to share this incredible experience with one day again soon. I hope daddy Sargon is happy. I hope I have been a good boy.

c24777 No.315476

Vee has to see this. It'll absolutely mindfuck him.

eeb47d No.315477


Gavin might say things you agree with but he's mostly a whiny bitch who flipflops a lot.

6ebfc8 No.315480


Just got done watching the stream

That part was amazing

6c23f8 No.315481

File: 739707902a4c44a⋯.jpg (101.62 KB, 1200x601, 1200:601, IMG_0025.JPG)





My dick can only get so erect, anon. If only we could hear Vee himself or a similar voice read it

c90acd No.315482


I saw that picture 2 or 3 times and was wondering why it's just a snake with boobs

only now did I realize what it truly was

dc1142 No.315483

File: 471d44329a6aec5⋯.jpg (83.21 KB, 600x687, 200:229, 471d44329a6aec56508aba7cf5….jpg)

Who do you want to see dragged into this boogalo, /cow/? I'd love to see varg involved

eeb47d No.315484

File: db6053f4b75a97c⋯.webm (451.47 KB, 364x360, 91:90, smirk.webm)


Styx gets accused of being a pedo on completely baseless terms by libs and SJWs, proceeds to cut all ties with the left and officially consider himself alt-right.



Dude sperged out hard, prime lolcow shit.


There's a pretty funny post somebody made awhile back that's basically your reaction. >>303798

6c23f8 No.315485


I want to see Sargon raped live on air with Warski by fascist Youtuber Cultured Thug. The man is like the exact opposite of Sargon


>married with children (his own)

>was in prison from 15-20

>killed a man (put in prison again)

>well-read on the fascism / philosophy

>puts effort into his videos

>DESPISES all Patreon merchants

eeb47d No.315486


Sounds like a degenerate but it'd still be funny seeing a killer talk to a complete pussy like Sargon.

6c23f8 No.315488

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


He's also the fascist who was on Molyneux. He's not really degenerate, at least anymore from what I can tell

49c7d9 No.315490

File: 9b5fa09740894f1⋯.png (468 KB, 983x1137, 983:1137, 1513474672490.png)


Doubt it will happen, he's openly stated he despises that crowd and can't stand dealing with their dishonesty to win that youtube cred. He unironically has better interactions with serious communists than the champions of 'muh individualism'.

43ad7d No.315492

File: bc0245bf41a1a77⋯.jpg (90.66 KB, 563x650, 563:650, 1457130690543.jpg)


>far left


eeb47d No.315493


I don't get why he gets so fucking angry, Jim acts this way with everybody.

6c23f8 No.315494


He was defending a member of the tribe

3597bb No.315495


It doesn't matter who it is, when m'lady shines the elephant symbol, The White Knight comes running.

865b6b No.315496

>who's Jim?

>he's my lover

fucking hell benny

2afec2 No.315497



While it would be funny (and I'm not sure if we're taking the piss here), that dude's eye appears more deep set and smaller than Sargon.

c24777 No.315498


you could be right, sargon doesn't have grey in his beard near his ears, only under his mouth. nvm then.

7ea97b No.315499


That's not Styx just some Swedish mage.

43ad7d No.315500

File: afab19ccb84e538⋯.png (45.03 KB, 920x176, 115:22, ClipboardImage.png)


>phantasm is trying to defend sargon now

2afec2 No.315501


No, I hate Sargon. It's just likely not his bum. He's still embarrassingly posted black porn at the alt right meanies on twitter, though.

3597bb No.315502

File: 3e9ee1f84a933cb⋯.jpg (37.14 KB, 600x450, 4:3, saps.jpg)


>i tried once to see if i could fap to gay porn

>i asked my friend to find me some sexy gay porn

>i wanted to jerk off with my friend to totally prank him

6ef912 No.315503

File: ddff25a3f7084e3⋯.jpg (415.94 KB, 715x722, 715:722, 2782141.jpg)

Okay so I may get banned or shat on or wathever but I'm someone that knows ddj and I'll white-knight for him

So listen me out

I tried to reason with him that kraut was a fucking retard and that but he won't listen, the thing is that he is good friend with devilsadvocate and I don't know what kind of stupid shit he fed him but now he is on the defense that kraut dindunuffing.

Basically he was convinced by the devil nigga that kraut is a good boy.

Second thing I wanted to say was related to the server. Woz lee said how some of the people there were tricked into joining a doxxxxing server but never really get involved into the raids and stuff like that (thunderf00t is an example) and it was that it was more like a place to ask ((((academics)))) arguments for their videos, or they explain something to them that they don't understand. Basically like a proofread server mixed with circlejerking.

Basically don't be too harsh on ddj, he is going to shit the bed really hard and I tried to stop him but he wouldn't listen but he is not really a doxxxxer.

Also AMA, I'm open to questions related to sceptics and ddj and that.

7ea97b No.315504


>huwhite taqiyya video he put up and promptly deleted

Can you link me to a mirror or webm?

2afec2 No.315505

File: 13a86f9d7caf5e9⋯.png (195.84 KB, 620x500, 31:25, Dr. Smiley.png)


Smiles is a special boy, you should check out his thread some time heh

865b6b No.315506


he's half right, sugar will make you fatter faster than food fat

food fat =/= body fat

43ad7d No.315507


>phantasm is turning into foky just like that guy on /4chon/ foresaw


Are you a faggot?

3597bb No.315508


What I find funniest about the discord cult isn't the doxing. It's the fact that these so called "rational thinkers" took it as fact that they were right and the yicky nazis were wrong. They didn't have any evidence that they were right. They just felt they were right. They needed youtube scientists to give them arguments.

The skeptic community is all about posturing and pretending to be smarter than you really are. That's exactly what the discord showed.

6ef912 No.315509

File: 0b41233a4a6de3b⋯.png (267.06 KB, 700x700, 1:1, tomoko_coffee_by_eag_by_wa….png)




I agree.

The thing is that DDJ is related to them because of devilsadvocate. Friends by proxy you could say, (and apparently devils did hundred of posts in that server) and he convinced him of kraut side.

I think he never posted in that server as well so you are free to lurk in whatever leaks you have of his posts.

c989d4 No.315511

File: eb340e7702eb110⋯.png (320.15 KB, 480x590, 48:59, Log_Horizon_character_hold….png)


>Basically don't be too harsh on ddj

Where do you think you are? We're here to julay people for lulz, if your gay friend happens to be a cow we'll do our thing.

Basically, fuck off nerd.

6ef912 No.315512

File: d65c466f1b3fb73⋯.gif (1011.42 KB, 500x450, 10:9, f39f0cfc78dcf151265177f034….gif)


Don't worry

You can shit talk and meme him.

Just a heads up, that he is just being stupid rather than malicious like kraut.

Also open to suggestions, if you guys want to ask him or tell him something.

8b3134 No.315514


>tomoko avatarfag

are you that faggot from 4am who shit in the shower?

6ef912 No.315515

File: 88e584316f307ad⋯.png (209.72 KB, 1060x1197, 1060:1197, 1497591834543.png)


I'm avatarfagging so you can tell I'm the same poster and because tomoko is cute.

I have no idea what 4am shitshower is about.

c24777 No.315516



volunteer something more interesting than "i know a guy" and you might get somewhere.

43ad7d No.315517

File: 19339ae4299859d⋯.jpg (104.72 KB, 672x658, 48:47, cf5597285aa1f3254141863d23….jpg)


>p-people might think I-I'm a different person

<ID: 6ef912

6ef912 No.315518

File: 9a50b26e4d89ff6⋯.jpg (120.2 KB, 1000x1455, 200:291, 61SMP CVKVL._SL1455_.jpg)


There is not much.

Just in case you wanted to know something about the guy in the OP

But if you guys have nothing to ask or draw requests I'll leave.

So if you have something to ask or want to say to DDJ I'm lurking this thread, if not then I'm not really going to post. So cyao if that's the case. see you in some jim video or whatever

6ef912 No.315519


oh sorry I didn't see the ID. I'm used to the 4chan one with colors

3597bb No.315520


I've never heard of DDJ and didn't even know he was in the discord, but if he's going to hold a stream lobbing Kraut softballs he's going to get memed on hard. If you like your buddy, try to convince him he's fucked and show him the Jim videos.

>draw requests

Sargon eating Vee.

c989d4 No.315521


Seems like alot of people nowadays are mistaking this place for /pol/, with that board at the state it is, I don't blame you too much.

You said you were a faggot, but can I ask; are you a jewtuber yourself?

d0405a No.315523

File: 0ddc69f45de4e26⋯.gif (1.96 MB, 480x270, 16:9, SuperSmug.gif)


I can almost imagine what went through the guy's head before jumping in: "I won't stand for this. I'm going to jump in and then call him names… yeah, that'll teach him…" And then he invites himself to a conversation he has nothing to do with, starts calling Jim rude, slowly realizing he has no idea how it will all end. Should he just leave? Should he introduce himself maybe? What if Jim leaves… what if he doesn't. Damn. Maybe it sounded better in his head? "What's a white knight?" Keep going, don't stop, your plan is brilliant.

7ea97b No.315524


I'm seconding his draw request

6ef912 No.315526

File: 91f63256a9dd6e0⋯.png (11.58 KB, 434x67, 434:67, FireShot Screen Capture #4….png)


I tried

For the love of god I tried

I think even feedingdacat tried to reason with him (pic related when we started talking about the topic and ddj jumped into the server) but I think devil has just a better grip on ddj than cat or me

He just won't listen

>draw requests

>Sargon eating Vee.

My sides


No but I'm involved into anything political and happen to have some personal contacts because I go to their servers to say hi or whatever

da7123 No.315527


Why did someone as irrelevant(at the time) as Coach Red Pill get under Kraut's skin so badly?

37fff7 No.315528


He's a wizard

c989d4 No.315529


So how close to this DDJ fag are you? Do you know him personally or are you just a beta orbiter of his?

7ea97b No.315530


It was the because CRP called his accent fake.

6ef912 No.315532


I don't know

he was never salty like that, I have no idea what happened to him


I talk with him from time to time. Not close friends but we do hold conversations and don't want to see him shit the fucking bed

dc1142 No.315533

File: 2fbe782ddd27cec⋯.png (36.21 KB, 840x650, 84:65, 2fb.png)


The funny thing is how Sargon lost his reputation in a matter of weeks. All he had to do is severe himself from Kraut and he'd have been fine. But noooo, he had to engage Spencer and get his ass raped. And look at him now.

c989d4 No.315535


What are your personal opinions on race realism?

6ef912 No.315536


Women are dumber than blacks

2ccf64 No.315541

File: 40378573e71122d⋯.gif (2.16 MB, 386x232, 193:116, 14438a6ecbc6169f7fa3d4643a….gif)


Holy shit I hope that's a joke.

00e8b9 No.315542

File: c96aede3c914265⋯.jpg (320.57 KB, 724x919, 724:919, 1.jpg)

File: 8e5c4c5071860be⋯.jpg (310.04 KB, 443x755, 443:755, 2.jpg)

File: 46a138733781f7a⋯.jpg (157.83 KB, 376x550, 188:275, 3.jpg)

File: 6232e908227cd99⋯.jpg (289.86 KB, 539x819, 77:117, 4.jpg)

File: 22741eceb9c0b77⋯.jpg (328.77 KB, 641x845, 641:845, siegheil.jpg)

Didn't see the new thread, so I'll post these again.

Kraut's mutti: https://www.facebook.com/bettina.lancaster

43ad7d No.315543

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

d9a589 No.315544


Chech 8ch options you cuck.


>posted photos of kraut's mom

>didn't post screencaps of loomer's elephant tattoo


6ef912 No.315545





You are free to make fun of me tho

more so if you post anime girls




Yeah I'm sorry

3597bb No.315546

File: 85aa50354bdebc8⋯.jpg (473.73 KB, 1092x696, 91:58, mayaangelou.jpg)

I'm pretty sure the average IQ of women is higher than the average IQ of blacks.

aada44 No.315547


what is the rundown now? I was sleeping so I dunno what has happen.

6ef912 No.315548

File: d3e5f9f58c246ec⋯.jpg (108.19 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault (22).jpg)


Whatever makes you feel good I'm with you anon



nothing, we were talking about how dd (the guy giving a platform to kraut)j is going to screw it badly but mostly because of friend pressure rather than because he hates the alt right and wants to doxxxx them or anything.

37fff7 No.315551

File: c44436d8a892efe⋯.jpg (241.92 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, IMG_0401.JPG)


Kraut is coming back. Also, Laura Loomer's vagina looks like an elephant's mouth and smells like wet bread.

2ccf64 No.315552


How do these videos present your view on race realism? What you've essentially done is:

>Q: what's your thoughts on x

>I think y is [comparative] than z (z being a subsection related to x)

Just answer anon's question honestly, instead of weaseling out by pointing another truth. Are you veeh by any chance?

3597bb No.315553

File: 72b061c586246d6⋯.jpg (364.49 KB, 1032x815, 1032:815, black and white iq.jpg)

File: e743d21c0a36275⋯.png (29.68 KB, 627x419, 627:419, women iq.png)

File: 086f89dc4f1bcc7⋯.png (11.36 KB, 650x315, 130:63, women iq2.png)


>Whatever makes you feel good I'm with you anon

I mean, do you have proof that blacks are smarter than women? It seems like a very strange opinion that would be difficult to prove seeing as so much IQ data is hidden or twisted. Just saying it makes you seem like a butthurt MRA and anti-racist. No wonder you were in with the skeptics.

c24777 No.315554


don't assume it's here in good faith.

27f86c No.315555

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'd want to see thunderf00t go all in this time. I'd like to see him, Soygoy, and Kraut be completely humiliated.

Preferably, I'd like Kraut to tackle the Holocaust this time.



I chuckled.


He gives a lerned expression, but I'd have a hard time trusting a murderer.


Tripfags, not even once.



Kek. The only one on Kraut's server dumb enough to talk directly to JF. He immediately started bix-nooding, and making a fool of himself. See embed.

6ef912 No.315556

File: a242946f5e8016d⋯.gif (224.72 KB, 269x360, 269:360, giphy (14).gif)


I'm not an MRA and I also agree that much IQ data is hidden or twisted.

Unfortunately I'm too lazy to dig up my sources so you win Anon.


Nice Id trips

2ccf64 No.315557


m8, don't bother trying to go into IQ differences between women vs. blacks. It's not relevant, and it's very amusing that he'd go for IQ so quickly as if that was the only thing that differentiates the races.


He's not.

3597bb No.315558


So you think race realism is wrong despite the mountains of evidence. Gotcha.

>>315555 (noice)

>not even two minutes in

<i'm not gonna lie to you muthafucka it's some boolsheeit, i'm not gonna lie to you muthufucka, but boolsheeit, and i'm not gonna lie, but muthafucka dat some boolsheeit

This is going to be good.

6ef912 No.315559

File: fe3970562287c73⋯.gif (70.33 KB, 591x605, 591:605, 1398603473629.gif)



Did i say something offensive? I don't dislike or disagree with any of u

c989d4 No.315560



2ccf64 No.315561


I don't like people who prevaricate. That image would have been better as a gif in which Lain uncomfortably closes the door, leaving it ajar with one of her eyes peeking through.

7ea97b No.315562

File: ac2f643b2f43965⋯.jpg (337.53 KB, 572x808, 143:202, charles_bukowski_by_valery….jpg)


>Also, Laura Loomer's vagina looks like an elephant's mouth


7ea97b No.315563


I meant to post "pics?" not "зшсы,".

I left my Russian keyboard on, sorry.

3597bb No.315564

File: e1333b420d0afa6⋯.jpg (104.59 KB, 872x463, 872:463, e1333b420d0afa6e5b95882cbb….jpg)


>i don't even care

>are you triggered

All you have to do now is call me an sjw and you pulled off the Sargon hat trick.

27f86c No.315565

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I didn't look at the pics in previous threads, because it sounded disgusting, but I think first of these two videos is what it refered to.

27f86c No.315566




Whoops! I thought you were asking for the elephant tattoo.

6ef912 No.315568

File: efc2df988b9970c⋯.jpg (35.12 KB, 500x500, 1:1, tumblr_static_d0qwzj6sjm04….jpg)


I didn't say that.

I'm not very smart so whatever you said is probably right anyway.

I don't know what else to tell you.

37fff7 No.315569


Just bantz. Someone said she had an elephant tattoo on her crotch last thread and an anon asked, "which end of the elephant?"

It was real in my mind, bro. She even has teeth down there.

41aacd No.315570

What is it about this Kraut faggot that makes believe his lies? He's not not nearly as fake and kikey as Sargon. He sounds like a whiny bitch all the time. He has no charisma. Basically, 1.) how did he get a doxxxxxxing server with all his academics, and 2.) why is some internet nobody defending him even now? How is this possible?

3597bb No.315571


My theory is he was making the right kind of videos at the right time, and so got heaps of fans who like listening to fifteen minute videos about why they're right. iirc he was making anti-islam videos just as the anti-SJW gamergater crowd were getting sick of the latest tumblrina compilation. He used to pop up in my recommended list a lot, but I never listened because even back then I couldn't take his fake accent and like you said, he has zero charisma.

6ef912 No.315572

File: c97e0cc090f3abc⋯.jpg (178.95 KB, 514x652, 257:326, Pixlr_20180124030118261_20….jpg)

3597bb No.315573

File: ea9b62be0d41445⋯.webm (802.61 KB, 638x360, 319:180, ea9b62be0d4144523205081ef….webm)


Someone tweet this at him.

6adcdb No.315574

File: 1eb818ade473bf4⋯.jpg (14.82 KB, 276x153, 92:51, c9b961dd9179b6e8caab421d9c….jpg)

54b9a9 No.315576


It was the best part of the stream by far, the bloodiest of internet blood sports where every participant just yelled over each other.

c989d4 No.315577



you may not be very bright, white-knight discord fag, but you delivered and you're entertaining.

Thanks for the laffs and good night.

6ef912 No.315578

File: 7f42fc3b14b0342⋯.jpg (152.79 KB, 803x790, 803:790, Kaga.Rin.full.679712.jpg)


I mostly don't want people to think my friend is evil

He may be stupid, but he is not malicious

gnight anon

7ea97b No.315579


Can you make one with colour?

6ef912 No.315580


sure but it would take me a while

27f86c No.315582





7ea97b No.315584


Sure, that's fine. just post it in the jewtube™ thread when you finish it.

00e8b9 No.315585

File: 2e652aab8a09a30⋯.jpg (127.8 KB, 629x496, 629:496, gkgk.jpg)

I wanna hear Kraut get screamed at.

54b9a9 No.315587


>I wanna hear Kraut get screamed at.


27f86c No.315588


Did we do a knock out study on whether it was a doxing server or not?

30df47 No.315589

Tee hee

098d70 No.315590

File: 93de7de1195795e⋯.png (116.28 KB, 524x336, 131:84, disgust face.png)

File: 731ceceb1dc7f29⋯.jpg (54.92 KB, 486x409, 486:409, batkek.jpg)

3fb134 No.315591

File: 660440ea0d48e0c⋯.jpg (202.33 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

aada44 No.315593


why is he around books? is it to look smart or something?

If I take all my dads engine books on cars and LOS, and my late grandma fiction books with my own philosophical and theological books.

Will I look super smart or what?

597fa7 No.315594


>why is he around books?

He got the books from his uncle (or grandpa) as inheritance.

>is it to look smart or something?

It's for the youtube skeptic creds.

aada44 No.315596


But if I do the same would I get Skeptic creds?

6ef912 No.315597

DDJ - Today at 4:33 AM

They are talking shit because they "believe" im defending kraut.


DDJ - Today at 4:34 AM

there is a subtle yet signifcant difference.


DDJ - Today at 4:35 AM

The Kraut issue will be explained ONCE on the stream. Just so there is no confusion.


DDJ - Today at 4:35 AM

Im not gonna feed into drama queens drama

00e8b9 No.315598


If we could somehow do a CSI zoom-in…

I think the binders are his own scientific research into vore. And by research I mean stick figure drawings of himself being swallowed by Soygon and women who have rejected him throughout his life.

3597bb No.315599

File: ac4ca373702c59b⋯.gif (214.37 KB, 360x181, 360:181, BOOOO.gif)


>Im not gonna feed into drama queens drama

27f86c No.315600

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I've checked him out a bit now. He's a civic nationalist cuck.

>I mean what is even white!?

I'll pass, thanks.

37fff7 No.315603

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


They're coming back. Like mold.

90c21d No.315604


Cultured Thug is great though. You're not really going to find any other youtubers going in-depth into the philosophy and economics of fascist ideologies like with him. Even though I don't agree with him on his "civic fascism" stuff, but theoretically it would work like a caste system anyhow.

>what even is white

You have to understand that he used to be involved in the WN1.0 aryan nation groups and such, and this colors/clouds his perception. Those guys were legitimately retarded and actually did circlejerk and spend all their time bickering over whether slavs were white or whatever the fuck. But it's not something that normal people besides that tiny tiny fraction actually care about or think about. white nationalism gaining broader appeal means that it's no longer confined to fringe elements like it was way back when.

90c21d No.315605



I remember this nigger. Kraut hosted his video when he was busy crashing and burning last month. Also, he's literally a kike who talks about how race doesn't exist and identity is invalid, and yet he also makes videos defending israel and saying they have a right to exist. Really activates the almonds

b2d3f7 No.315606

File: 9ad33576cf0e302⋯.jpg (15.28 KB, 470x313, 470:313, CinHssxVEAAWLQX.jpg)


>he was never salty like that

85c069 No.315608


>civic fascism

I hate these people the most.


I wish JF would reply to this retard instead of jerking himself off over outsmarting a mulatto vegan

6c23f8 No.315609


>/cow/ is drawing Vee porn now


688127 No.315610

File: f4859e2c82e0002⋯.mp4 (5.12 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Sargon doesn't know how to….mp4)


Thankfully someone else re-uploaded it on youtube and added their own shit at the end so the video is not lost

6c23f8 No.315612

File: f6f7b95c479bf9e⋯.png (286.01 KB, 1242x1694, 621:847, IMG_0038.PNG)

I sent Vee the vore, hopefully he will enjoy himself

127a7e No.315613


He has a habit of doing shit he’s spoken out against (trying to drive AiU and edgy Sphinx off YouTube, contacting Rage’s employers) apologizing and then going back and doing the same shit a few months later. He convinced himself (or maybe Don Sargone convinced him) the reason people where pissed at him regrading rage after storm was because the Alt-right. To answer your question the sever was supposedly created to create counter-arguments against the alt-right; the skeptics have a habit of defending their own no matter what they did (the stepfather defending his friends for the candid bullshit, not holding themselves to their own standards)

27f86c No.315614


I checked out his other stuff as well, and it was pretty good. However, I don't think he would be good for a debate with the Septics, if he doesn't disagree with Liberalistism on the main issue in this entire saga.

Still, that video was retarded.

>"I disagree with White Nationalism because most white nationalists are of poor character."

>t. Murderer

To be fair, I stopped watching the video halfway through, because he didn't say anything interesting and was just pissing me off. Maybe it got better.


>I wish JF would reply to this retard instead of jerking himself off over outsmarting a mulatto vegan



Vore nationalism – only people eaten by Sargon may stay in Sargon.

90c21d No.315615


I agree that CT wouldn't be good for a debate over white nationalism, because he's blackpilled from being involved with WN1.0 aryan nation skinheads and doesn't think it's possible. However, in a debate over the concept of classical liberalism, egalitarianism, etc he'd absolutely crush them.

Won't happen though because he doesn't generally seem to give a shit about jewtube politics, oh well.

27f86c No.315616


Fair enough.

6c23f8 No.315617


The only reason I mentioned him was because he is in contact Millennial Woes, Braving Ruin and possible people from Warski (on his latest video after being asked about going on Warski he says "JR" (assumed he meant JF) had contacted him but they had a scheduling conflict). Views on CN / WN aside, he'd be great versus liberalism and individualism

b7f31c No.315618


Haha you're a MGTOW/MRA. A lot of those guys defend the brown hordes after things like Rotherham and Cologne come to light.

081ec3 No.315619


nice blogpost tinyfag

ac24ff No.315620


Don't feed the retards.

cd9b80 No.315621


I'm going to be a grammar nazi here. It's 'die', not 'der'. Numbers all have the article 'die' in german. 'Die Eins, die Zwei, die Drei etc.'

d0405a No.315623


The whole mom doxing part is amazing.


- Did you dox Mike Enoch's mother?

- OMG this is another thing that people blew out of proportions (…) I didn't post any personal information that would really be a dox (…) because when you look at the definition of "dox", it takes a lot more than just what you got a Facebook profile picture (…) I think I took a screen shot of one of her pictures.

>I didn't dox his mom, I only kinda sort of did it in some way.


- It's his mom! Like his mom has nothing to do with his viewpoints at all. What was your point of doing that?

- Because I wanted to prove that a lot of these individuals who call themselves right really aren't right-leaning at all, a lot of them actually have ties to Obama, Hillary, their families are very liberal.

>I doxed Enoch's mom (who's democrat) to prove he's actually left-wing.


- Mike Enoch really likes to play the victim through this whole scenario. What I don't understand is he's so upset about people posting a picture of his mom with Hillary Clinton and pointing out the fact that she's a Hillary supporter and donor, but he and his buddies over at the right they're constantly doxing people, constantly harassing people, and calling them on their…

- You did it to teach him a fucking lesson?

- Not to teach him a lesson (…) I really have a no-apology policy (…) I don't believe I have to pander to people who promotes falsehood about me, that promotes disgusting things about me, that lies about me.

>I didn't dox her, but they do it all the time! It's fair game not to pander to them.


- I'm not going to apologize because he did the same thing.


- What she said to me was: "I'll remove your mother's picture if you can bring Heather Heyer back to life".

- I said I would delete the tweets if you could bring Heather Heyer back to life.

>Me doxing his mom is the price to pay for Heather Heyer's death because I hold him for responsible.


- It gives actual conservatives and people on the right a bad name when you have people, people who associate with, people who you associate with and who you're friends with, so like a lot of these people at daily stormer claiming to be conservative while they march things like gas the Jews, and calling people kikes.

>I doxed her because Enoch associates with people who are so far-right they are giving conservatives a bad name.


- It's not that I thought it was going to necessarily cause a major blow for the alt-right (…) my intention was to show "look a lot of these people who uses this rhetoric and the people they associate with"

- My mother…

>I doxed Enoch's mom because he's associated with her… by blood. And that makes him a democrat. Or conservative. Whatever, I don't know at this point.


- The thing that bothers me the most is that the policies and the rhetoric that you promote is totally contrary to your personal lifestyle and your own personal relationships which is why I did what I did. For example your constantly say anti-semitic things about Jews but if I'm not mistaken weren't you married to a Jew?


- It strikes me as very hypocritical and disingenuous to be saying things that are so hateful that when aligned with those individuals who are in your life… so for example, (…) why would you perpetuate so much hateful rhetoric toward Jewish people when you married a Jew? why would you be saying all the things your saying about these left-wing protesters and call them fat slobs when they're Hillary supporters when your mother is in fact a Hillary supporter and a democrat herself.

>I doxed her to illustrate how hypocritical the alt-right is because their views can hurt the people they love.


>"This is another thing that people blew out of proportions. Here let me tell you what really happened."

>And after changing her story three times, she went to Twitter to play the victim because Andy called her a cunt. Even though Andy decided to burst for no other reason than steer up drama into an otherwise very civil discussion, I'm backing him up 100% on that fact. She's a cunt.

6ef912 No.315624

File: f3842a40d2a592e⋯.jpg (125.41 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault (0).jpg)


I mostly don't like seeing anons bullying others anons for their nationality or stuff like that

Nu bully the brownies pls

ac24ff No.315625


>Even though Andy decided to burst for no other reason than steer up drama

No, Andy burst because he couldn't take anymore of the pilpul, it's how the kikes try to deny valid points.

c5c314 No.315628


No he burst because his Adam “ if it ain’t white it ain’t right” Warski persona took over

3597bb No.315630

File: 40d17d5ca54423d⋯.jpg (32 KB, 680x237, 680:237, argentina.jpg)

File: c867e03bb67014a⋯.png (421.36 KB, 628x625, 628:625, j.png)

File: 68d0fd1d831f3f4⋯.jpg (109.94 KB, 800x623, 800:623, 0856645a537aa31307294a9d30….jpg)


>I mostly don't like seeing anons bullying others anons for their nationality or stuff like that

t. faggot who never went on /int/ back in the day

e145ce No.315631


>Even though Andy decided to burst for no other reason than steer up drama into an otherwise very civil discussion, I'm backing him up 100% on that fact. She's a cunt.

Can you honestly blame him? I probably would have pulled my hair out by then.

90c21d No.315632


There's also the fact that Warski was raped/trolld when he was a kid, and then Der Ewige Loomer tries to act like men can't be raped and pulling some hardcore pilpul to try to weasel out of that one.

27f86c No.315633


That was by far the best part, yes.

6ef912 No.315634

File: 640d433517ceec9⋯.png (101.41 KB, 581x399, 83:57, 1469467272768.png)


As long as they know is all banter is all fine

Even if you dont like being around blacks a lot, as long as you don't go kraut on them is fine

ac24ff No.315636

File: 942525b04f8ae39⋯.webm (14.92 MB, 360x203, 360:203, Tokes' stellar introducti….webm)

I finished converting the stellar introduction of the level 9001 Paladin

cd9b80 No.315637


Damn, I've missed that. I thought there wasn't much happening anymore in the last 3/4 hour

b2d3f7 No.315638


I want more of this guy

We need to get him on some other stream somehow

ac24ff No.315639


You missed some shit


I think that talking shit about Tirejew could be enough

3e58e6 No.315641


m8 even Spino was telling him to gtfo with his dox info, he went lower than a back stabbing sjw.

3597bb No.315642

File: 9cacb95ed264d04⋯.jpg (43.62 KB, 573x400, 573:400, miketokes ace.jpg)

081ec3 No.315645

File: ac2e84b890ddcbf⋯.png (62.87 KB, 869x475, 869:475, Race Realism Fallacy Expla….png)

File: 922f8e8103bbb61⋯.png (112.52 KB, 854x606, 427:303, Race Realism Fallacy Expla….png)


I concur, sugar is readily convertible to body fat


From what I remember some of the academics tried to tell him he was wrong and retarded about race realism.

Isn't that why that "I tried to help you kraut" lady e-celeb autist was crying about?


Here are some of the comments on that video from MouthyBuddha and onespecies reply

081ec3 No.315646

File: 590a23a65cdca00⋯.png (105.89 KB, 866x784, 433:392, Race Realism Fallacy Expla….png)


onspecies projecting salt

3597bb No.315647


The language he uses in his reply is so autistic. It reminds me of when spergy 12 year olds would respond to someone calling them gay with a multi-paragraph overly-verbose takedown full of two-dollar words they didn't quite understand.


>thanks, you fucking worthless humans, for the views

Taking a page out of DSP's book on detractors.

>i have the analytics as evidence that you watch a few seconds of the video just to downvote it and leave your ignorant Laurence Fishburn comment. This is exactly the level of uneducated idiocy JF and his Ilk promote

oh i am laffin

This guy is definitely a sperg.

27f86c No.315648


Back when these people were debating feminists and creationists, they used the high dislikes on their enemies' videos as evidence that the "free marketplace of ideas" was working. Now, when they're debating race realism, they use the high dislikes on their own videos to show that their enemies can't stand criticism.

b2d3f7 No.315650


Reminder that this faggot used "alt white" as some form of a slur for the alt right in his video on Kraut's channel

He's basically a full blown SJW

b7f31c No.315651


Well, most blacks are anti-white.

b2d3f7 No.315652


He's black?

b7f31c No.315654


Most of the people genuinely pissed off by 'race realism' are. Maybe he is just a shabbos goy SJW.

27f86c No.315655


>His username is OneSpecies

>He picked his entire fucking channel name after his position in this debate

3597bb No.315656


I think someone said he was jewish.

6ef912 No.315657

File: 14274c401200554⋯.jpeg (62.9 KB, 622x521, 622:521, 142.jpeg)

b2d3f7 No.315659

File: 322335e6bde0975⋯.png (14.74 KB, 602x104, 301:52, le driggidid :DDD.png)

Also what the fuck is it with these kind of comments from sargonite brainlets?

Any sort of criticism or response is "le triggered right wing es jay dubya XD" to these people

3597bb No.315660

File: 6a6f97ab10dbf53⋯.jpg (84.64 KB, 664x418, 332:209, onespecies.JPG)


Here it is.


He's also into that "social construct" meme. SJW kike who hates whites yet thinks they're a social construct. Really makes you think.

b7f31c No.315661


It's a feeble attempt at copying the edgy humour while never adressing any taboos so it falls flat.


I get the jew rhetoric but is he actually a kike?

b2d3f7 No.315662


Based on what i've seen of him so far i wouldn't put it past him to be a fully constructivist brainlet, but to be fair here he's only trying to argue that blacks being good at basketball is a social construct, hence why he brings the example of ethiopians

90c21d No.315663

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



These skeptic+ fags always do the same tactics. Make retarded fallacious statements and then everyone laughs at them and calls them dumb, their response is always "haha look at all this salt I'm getting!!! #winning"

It's the [current year] version of the "lol i trol u" shit that I used to see all the time back in the day

Also, check out this shit

>race isn't real!

>white nationalism is invalid!

>oh btw lol jews are a real thing and have a right to have their own land even though you don't :^)

6ef912 No.315664


Ur still a juice

6ef912 No.315665


Do u want your own country anon?

b2d3f7 No.315666


Ok, he's a kike

aada44 No.315667

File: 21a81116bd0ef49⋯.jpg (46.43 KB, 640x631, 640:631, 1515391804642.jpg)


Thank you Satan

3597bb No.315668

File: bf7e591e7b51d30⋯.jpg (41.01 KB, 740x287, 740:287, jews are an ethnicity.JPG)

fe5173 No.315669


What books?

I can't make them out. I know Ride the Tiger is one.

I feel I need to study more now "skeptics" are evolving into a cringey political group.

7fe02c No.315670


>white/black (European/African) is an arbitrary, invalid social construct

>jews are an ethnic gorup defined by heredity

It really activates those almonds

90c21d No.315671

File: bef156dc53e8590⋯.png (23.36 KB, 240x240, 1:1, ponder smiley.png)


really gets the noggin joggin'

40119d No.315672


>blacks aren't real

>whites aren't real

>Jews are


3597bb No.315673


Top is Carl Schmitt - The Concept of the Political

Bottom is Rene Guenon - The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times

Second from top is Internet Aristocrat - How To Make Shekels Without Really Trying

90c21d No.315674


That's actually revolt against the modern world.

b2d3f7 No.315675


Second from top is Joseph de Maistre - Considerations on France i think

4dd0d5 No.315676


well, didnt you know that OneSpecies was also in the discord too, see >>315423

4dd0d5 No.315678


regarding onespecies comment… he is going off the old algorithm… there is a new one now… sigh…

37fff7 No.315679


I put it to you, sir, that basketball is a social construct.

3597bb No.315680


Thanks, couldn't make that one out.


Curiouser and curiouser.

90c21d No.315681


The concept of different objects in the universe is a social construct, because we're all made of individual atoms, and electron shells don't have hard boundaries and instead exist as as probability cloud.

40119d No.315682


It's time to make a LARP movement called the Atomists

ac24ff No.315683


**Children of the atom

bc1b20 No.315684

File: bd854a9ee25b3ad⋯.jpg (69.43 KB, 960x538, 480:269, fo4 merchant.jpg)

54b9a9 No.315685


>Won't happen though because he doesn't generally seem to give a shit about jewtube politics, oh well.

I remember him saying that he's open to conversations and debates, but he doesn't actively seek out to participate in the YouTube Halls of Debate and/or Internet Blood Sports.

40119d No.315686

File: 328d5b2c68df03a⋯.png (164.13 KB, 1024x600, 128:75, IMG_0039.PNG)

File: bb5a6d24c5fa414⋯.jpg (170.74 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, IMG_0040.JPG)

All hail the ultimate individual

bc1b20 No.315688


Fuck me we need to troll them with this.

>Human beings are just a collective of atoms

>The true individual is a single atom organism

>The overman is an atomic bomb

37fff7 No.315690

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

40119d No.315691

File: 2621a93cd59fbc1⋯.jpg (250.57 KB, 1200x997, 1200:997, IMG_0041.JPG)


Fear the wrath of the divided individual

90c21d No.315693


nah nah nah, we can't go too extreme with it off the bat. We have to use incrementalism

Start with:

>I don't see humans. Humans are a social construct and we're actually collectives of individualist cells

ac24ff No.315694


I want to get someone to admit that humans are animals after all.

bc1b20 No.315695


Tell them to watch colin flaherty if they don't want to admit it.

40119d No.315696

File: f13467f0233437d⋯.jpg (189.3 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, IMG_0042.JPG)

File: bc1281fd8b82c5c⋯.jpg (474.22 KB, 652x918, 326:459, IMG_0043.JPG)

File: 76832b9cb4df3b9⋯.jpg (392.92 KB, 1280x1449, 1280:1449, IMG_0044.JPG)



bc1b20 No.315697

File: cf5597285aa1f32⋯.jpg (113.2 KB, 672x658, 48:47, sargon philosophy fishburn….jpg)


>Third pic

597fa7 No.315698


There's a 1.2% difference between chimps and human, the dividing line is so slim that it can only be a social construct. We must have affirmative action for chimps in education, and employment.

bc1b20 No.315699

File: 93fe473c2aa798a⋯.png (28.46 KB, 796x357, 796:357, High effort shitposting.png)

Sage for offtopic but fuck me some people put serious effort into their shitposting.

40119d No.315700

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I would love for someone to argue that against Sargon applying his logic

37fff7 No.315701

File: f7f7cb310731b21⋯.jpg (115.12 KB, 800x530, 80:53, portrait-orangutan-pongo-p….jpg)

File: 12236e0ec3bbb29⋯.jpg (43.22 KB, 632x373, 632:373, 6a-angry-chimp-122203715.jpg)

File: 838cd2e1b53cbce⋯.jpg (50.24 KB, 1024x504, 128:63, Reactions-Dustin-Dance-Str….jpg)


pic 1 97%

pic 2 99%

pic 3 56%

Horseshoe Theory.

40119d No.315702

File: 9930cfea52b18f1⋯.jpg (195.93 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, IMG_0045.JPG)


da7123 No.315703


Don't humans also share something like 50% of the same DNA as bananas?

5bf502 No.315704

File: 9affb6fd7861794⋯.png (27.97 KB, 640x467, 640:467, Venn0001.svg.png)

File: aefabc284b48dd1⋯.png (911.53 KB, 1903x1905, 1903:1905, the destruction of words a….png)


>what the fuck is with these kind of comments

Similar to all the left wing feminist rapist exposed during #metoo that comment is correct in it's assumption that there are triggered cry babies, but only because the alt right is superfluous in the first place and allow these individuals to identify with it. This is what you get when people invent false alternative movements that intersects larger ideas. In theory this is where the exchange of ideas could flourish but in reality you end up with skinheads (old), facists with small f (old), closet-nazis, alt right, alt light, individualists, alt left, etc with as many beliefs as there are individuals. Everyone claim to be looking for the truth yet navigate the taboos with mental gymnastics. Just because ideas thrown around in the middle is funny, it is no place to seek residence. Yet none of these matter offline and the majority will vote for the status quo.

>Lol I love all the triggered

Back to the comment, these people believe in the endless continuation of modern society to the point where any real concern or attempt to turn the boat around proposed by some opposition simply can be dismissed with newspeak terminology. Lol he triggered (but will fall in line and not do anything surprising).

ac24ff No.315705

24/01/18: The day anon accidentally made /cow/ turn vegan

597fa7 No.315706


It's 60%. They are more white than the USA.

6d3c10 No.315707


This actually gives me an idea for how to fuck with them. Use sargon tactics in the richard spencer debate mixed with the kraut tactics from his vids.

"What exact scientific DNA boundary of similarity separates species? If someone was half way to a bonobo would that make them human or bonobo? What exact DNA markers make a human a human and how much deviation does it take to make a different species? Have we done a knock out study on bonobo dick size?"

7fe02c No.315708

File: 48bec0075035b9e⋯.jpg (33.74 KB, 829x411, 829:411, Sargon of Akkad with his b….jpg)

>tfw no gf who looks at you the way that Sargon looks at his black bf

40119d No.315709

File: b974f211a977ec8⋯.jpg (51.5 KB, 1024x679, 1024:679, IMG_0046.JPG)



It'd drive them crazy, I could see Sargon making fun of it as a strawman, but if the right person argued it (like JF) Sargon could get BT FO

bd0848 No.315710


I bet that the molecularists will try to stop us.

37fff7 No.315711

File: b655fe33d9d525b⋯.jpg (89.8 KB, 2048x1024, 2:1, wrong_hole.jpg)

6d3c10 No.315712


Also we could use this: If two COLLECTIVES of humans were separated, one went to mars and the other stayed on earth, after a million years of genetic variance making them different species which one would be human and why? What makes a human?

90c21d No.315713


Actually IIRC it's like 95% similarity between mice and humans.

b2d3f7 No.315714

All this shitposting about specism is funny but i think they could simply bring up the biological definition of species to draw the line (if they are so genetically different they can no longer produce fertile offspring together they're two separate species)

37fff7 No.315715


Dead people deserve human rights. You can't define life. They're still organic matter.

6d3c10 No.315716


see >>315712

That's the response I was expecting son.

90c21d No.315717


They'll fall back to unnuanced arguments like "well that's a false distinction because species exist as defined by the ability to interbreed and have viable offspring".

you can then throw a wrench is that by asking whether the concepts of genus, family, order, class, etc exist in phylogenetic terms. If these people want to pick "different races don't exist!" as a hill to die on, then they will be unable to also argue that things like whether bears exist, because you could just as easily argue that there are only different species and that the overarching concept of "bear" isn't real.

37fff7 No.315718



>so infertile people aren't human now? you fucking bigot. trans women are killing themselves after transition because of people like you.

Is what I would say if I was retarded.

295b96 No.315719


>Race is not real

>Jews have the rights to not be breed outta existence

40119d No.315720


What if someone's infertile? Are they a different species? Skeptics on suicide watch

90c21d No.315721



To combat this talking point, they would need to take a stance of talking about humans in general, which means looking at a COLLECTIVE as a whole, which invalidates their entire "only look at individuals and not groups" philosophy

2afec2 No.315722


What about bacteria? They can't even sexually reproduce yet still have species?

54b9a9 No.315723



<fake laughs

<I mean as a species, humans can interbreed with each other and create fertile offspring

>aren't you looking at humans as a COLLECTIVE rather than INDIVIDUALS then?

The absurd arguments and counterarguments practically write themselves.

90c21d No.315724


What about animals that can theoretically interbreed but are unable to due to anatomical differences? Good luck somehow getting a chihuahua and a mastiff to interbreed even though they're both Lupus canis familiaris

08a265 No.315725


You could argue that if you use quantum brain dynamics with quantum wave theory and use heisenberg's uncertainty principle(but not the pilot wave function).

90c21d No.315726


I've literally seen libcucks fall back on quantum mechanics in an attempt to argue that the very idea of knowledge doesn't actually exist in an attempt to debunk race realist claims.

2afec2 No.315727


*fake laughs* well clearly, that means that 'chihuahuaness' and 'mastiffness' is a social construct. I mean, we can artificially inseminate a female chihuahua or mastiff and cause the former to die giving birth, so clearly it means neither exist.

"Forced mastiff insemination now, ohhh yeahhh" - Louis Le Vau's twitter feed

08a265 No.315728


Just respond that you follow the pilot wave function theory and watch them melt down.

08a265 No.315729


"What do you think of elite Chihuahua semen?"

54b9a9 No.315730



37fff7 No.315731


The Boltzmann Brain Paradox. An argument for solipsism if I ever saw one.


Most viruses don't even have DNA. How can academics study them, Kraut?

90c21d No.315732

File: 3a8f8429fb45c96⋯.jpg (45.02 KB, 560x560, 1:1, sargon state enforced indi….jpg)


>"Forced mastiff insemination now, ohhh yeahhh"

08a265 No.315733


Couldn't you just use Laplace's demon to fuck with them?

37fff7 No.315734


Start with Laplace and if they counter with entropy, go to Boltzmann.

0300e6 No.315735


Their brain would end up as a boltzmann baby by the end of it.

0300e6 No.315736


Why the fuck does my ID change every fucking post? Man this proxy can suck my dick. Whatever, not like I'm a namefag, just don't like the idea of having triangulation exposure.

c90acd No.315737


uhhh we need uh…………. more……….. direct evidence…………. that can be supported and stands on its own…………… that it was a doxxxxxxxxxxxxxxing server


Warski is a bit smarter than we give him credit for. He could see that Loomer was trying to pilpul and make herself look righteous for doxxxxxxxing enoch's mom.

2ccf64 No.315738


It's probably on a set time.

0300e6 No.315739


Nah I timed it. It's a backup system based on packet loss from the looks.

4c61a7 No.315740


>trans women are killing themselves after transition because of people like you

>after transition

You're doing it wrong. Usually they voluntarily ignore that part because it confirms that the transition wasn't the right solution to that kind of mental issue.

0300e6 No.315741



Just realized that in my fucking rage over a security vulnerability(as small as a two sided packet sniffing triangulation is) I forgot I already knew the answer to my own question. Fucking sperged out too hard because this shit triggers my autism.

37fff7 No.315742


Or just inject simulation theory into the discussion. Good for trolling super cereal atheists.

0300e6 No.315743


You could get them into an argument over trans people, drag them into the mud, then turn the tables by saying that gender is a social construct just like race and watch them lose their shit.

0300e6 No.315744


Pfft hahaha, I've used sim theory plus botzmann on alex jones people before to fuck with them. "You're actually just a brain in a jar, it's statistically the most likely reason you even have a body."

b2d3f7 No.315748

Now i'm not a biologist or anything so correct me if i'm wrong, but from what i seem to understand from my high school biology classes and the whole debate with Kraut it seems to me one could easily attack them on the subspecies angle

These guys are literally arguing semantics right now, they resort to claim that because A and B categories are not clearly defined, the differences between them are invalid

Now let's say we define these groups as subspecies, subspecies are taxonomic definitions within species, which are arbitrarily defined by biologist on the sole basis of geographical divisions precisely to study the genetic differences between two populations

Humans also do seem to have enough genetic variation to be divided into subspecies, that was AltHyp's argument that Kraut strawmanned and disastrously failed to dispute in his 2nd video

That would invalidate all the semantics circlejerk these people are up to, and the only way they could argue against it would be to deny the very biological concept of subspecies

>What do you mean northern fox and grey fox? there's only one species, the fox species!

098d70 No.315749


They've essentially done that already they just use verbal jewjutsu to avoid sounding like that's what they're doing.

ac24ff No.315750


Do you expect a chihuahua to act like a mastiff?

098d70 No.315751

File: 61f4c3106988ccf⋯.jpeg (91.77 KB, 857x482, 857:482, hdnw.jpeg)

7c686a No.315752


Better: We're actually just a collection of genes. True individuals serve these genes, not collectives of 3 billion base pairs. Amusingly, this hyper-radical indivdualism pretty much leads to race realism, since my genes are to a greater extent shared by people of my same race or nation.


Which vid? What happened at 1:04?

098d70 No.315753


Yes - Roundabout.

6d3c10 No.315758

Your all gay.

6d03aa No.315760

File: 59d16490db7eab5⋯.png (161.88 KB, 362x367, 362:367, Sad Aqua.png)


y must u bully

098d70 No.315761

Since the thread isn't moving I'll just dump a huge shit all over these sceptics in this thread since that's what it's about.

Civic nationalism

This means, ultimately, that people are less important than arbitrary lines on a map. How does a civicuck define a member of a nation? By whether or not they were born there. The person's evalutaion is based upon geograpy, land, a piece of dirt. Ethno nationalism says that the evaluation of a person is based on that person's inherent DNA. The person is subservient to nothing and the most important part of a nation.

098d70 No.315762


Was checking if you all passed out kek.

b2d3f7 No.315763

File: 00cc0c2fc165520⋯.png (318.8 KB, 525x681, 175:227, helo were de proofs.png)

7c686a No.315764

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>JF is a manlet

Welp, I suppose I'm a Liberalist now.

2afec2 No.315765


Putting aside that argument for a moment; civnats like Sargon contradict themselves. They claim to believe whiteness is a social construct because Greeks aren't white. Okay, fair enough. Wrong, but fair enough. Then when prodded they will say that each 'white country' has its own little unique genetic profile which means no white person exists and there is only ancestry. Then, not even deftly, they in the same breath claim that anyone of any affiliation can come to the West.

There is no logic - despite there being these genetic pockets of individuals according to skeptics, a nation can be any group of people whatosoever as long as they 'become liberalists', a nebulous concept outside of shared heritage (or, if we are to have immigration, similar heritage). They contradict themselves with their own arguments, without even outside influence.

6d3c10 No.315766


Yeah, I just wanted to get that off my chest because every time I see someone debate these faggots they rely on them self immolating harder than a monk at Tienanmen square rather than pointing out how disgusting their views really are.

40119d No.315768

File: ad8e86474698688⋯.jpg (99.84 KB, 925x583, 925:583, IMG_0047.JPG)


40119d No.315769

6d3c10 No.315770


So sargon's like 5'7? Fuck me, liberalists on suicide watch.

40119d No.315771


Manletism is rampant in liberalist circles, along with obesity

7c686a No.315773




Unfortunately, he's still taller than JF.


>liberalist circles


6d3c10 No.315774


Gas the midgets, height war now.


Yeah, but sargon's the perfect height for an armrest.

37fff7 No.315775

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Posting a stream link this far ahead of time? It's like he's asking for shitpost brigades. Then again, he's probably after those superchat shekels.

90c21d No.315776


There's also this strawman that they do where they think when we talk about "white nationalism" that we mean there should also be unlimited migration from poland to britain or from spain to norway or something. No, absolutely not. I want Czech Rep to remain Czech, Portugal to remain Portuguese, Greece to remain Greek, etc. Obviously some mingling between different european ethnicities is okay and certainly far better than having niggers instead.

the only places where we need to apply the concept of overarching white nationalism are America, Canada, etc. We're not talking about BLANDA UPPing european nations to make them pan-european.

bc1b20 No.315777


Der Ewige Anglo x2. Send a real german(Not Cuck and low-t) in and watch the blood flow.

40119d No.315778

File: 260092843cb7b5f⋯.jpg (23.6 KB, 240x240, 1:1, IMG_0026.JPG)


>dozens of "alt-right" channels make video responses and criticisms to Sargon

>had debates set up

>ignores all of it, goes to talk with some dickrider

cd9b80 No.315779

File: 9ab01e158e8e1d4⋯.jpg (118.27 KB, 349x349, 1:1, ogre.jpg)


Is Sargon ogre?

e7f7aa No.315780


>retarded bitch wants to make a living creating videos but cant do outdoor audio properly

bc1b20 No.315781


He's the eternal anglo incarnate. What did you expect?


Yeah but they'll just dodge that and use america as an example if you take down that BS.

37fff7 No.315783



There is enough time before the debate to drop some redpills in the chat. They'll probably be deleted.

bc1b20 No.315784


Literally just needed to stick a sock over the mic and they'd have been fine. Women can't into things, only people.

bc1b20 No.315785


Ask them why they want to gas germany like they did in WWI.

90c21d No.315786


>Yeah but they'll just dodge that and use america as an example if you take down that BS.

Which is just ridiculous because in America, there's no one debating which european ethnicities count as white. Whites are here, we've been here for centuries, most of us are at least partially mixed up and we've become assimilated as a white american identity. No one truly identifies as irish or polish or german rather than white here, except when LARPing on st. paddy's day or oktoberfest or something.

Yet they take how we see things in America as some sort of desire to BLANDA UPP europe. And I've noticed that all the people doing the "what even is white??" argument tend to be europoors. Sargon being the most notable example, of course.

ab79e0 No.315787



84b07e No.315788


>the virgin race realist vs chad liberalist

7fe02c No.315790




Keep asking him if he's scared to debate Spencer and Enoch

a23e9a No.315791


Ask him what it's like to have a vagina on his head, because he's such a massive intellectual pussy for dodging debates.

37fff7 No.315794

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What is it with nazi furries?

6fc942 No.315798


is tl;dr actually a furry? i thought it was just a silly avatar

c24777 No.315799

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

jim on kumite, discussing some demon baby guy

4c61a7 No.315800


TL;DR is not a furry.

bfad6a No.315801


>Warski is a bit smarter than we give him credit for.

Agreed, I disliked him at the start because he was a kiss ass and a good little doggy. But he took that as feedback and got real. He's not an idiot and he listens to the good feedback from people who watch his shit. More than can be said for the septics. Also he's on the crest of this bloodsports super chat which is smart way to make money. The last few weeks of bloodsports have been a lot of fun. Warski and JF are more entertaining than kumite guys and kumite is only good when warski and jim are on it.

e7f7aa No.315802


why do you think a man with a furry avatar isnt a furry?

37fff7 No.315803


bold claim

b7f31c No.315804


TL;DR = Teal Deer

127a7e No.315807


Can I get a rundown I’m at work

c24777 No.315808


they're going into it now.

he claims to be half demon, when he was 3 he was attacked by demons in his crib and used esp to levitate and escape.

he's been casting "world spells" and he's defeated known demons like belial and beelzebub. there's this girl called joy on now who claims he's been sending her messages for 10 years harassing her. she's showing it now.

c24777 No.315809


meant for>>315807

c24777 No.315810


styx was in the chat earlier and they were hoping to get him to debate this weirdo but they both pussied out.

ac24ff No.315811


Smelly 2.0?

127a7e No.315812


Jesus, is this the skeptic guy that larps as a wizard

37fff7 No.315814


who are they talking about

c24777 No.315815


damienshadow88 / azarel13 / azarel35 / nichistateum / Vaelemont / thatphillipSGuy


37fff7 No.315816


never heard of him. he sounds exceptional. thanks.

127a7e No.315817

Ok who is joy sparkle she talk about her info being talk about here

ac24ff No.315818

dc1142 No.315819


Sargon is turning into TJ with the banana

>i just did something cringeworthy! Triggered yet, enemies?

ac24ff No.315820

File: 46ee4a6309f9ba4⋯.png (13.18 KB, 721x136, 721:136, lel.PNG)

7fe02c No.315821

Is there an active thread on this cow?

c24777 No.315822


joysparkleBS, search on youtube gives videos about her deleting her channel.

c90acd No.315824


He did this a long while ago apparently

b7f31c No.315825


She sorta failed to deliver.

1d18f7 No.315826


>Makes a claim that all this was a false accusation without proof that it was made up

>Demands proof that he did do it

10/10 b8

7fe02c No.315828


Who is this MGTOW faggot? Is he angling to be the Vee to Kraut's Sargon?

7c686a No.315829

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's great! I found a video of it.

317aa5 No.315830


b2d3f7 No.315831


He was in Kraut's server so he was probably one of his minions

317aa5 No.315834


b2d3f7 No.315835


1d18f7 No.315836


I still think he is a master baitman. He might have been in the server but there's no way he could be so stupid as to put gasoline on the fire with his name being attached to it. He's probably doing this for laughs so later he will say "psyche" and call Kraut a fag and disavow him for good.

cd9b80 No.315837

File: 20c28d2a430472b⋯.png (452.53 KB, 1199x444, 1199:444, c1123f741cafad048830064b53….png)



He was in Kraut's server as bigbrained 'law scholar'

c24777 No.315838


just damage control then. too late for that shit friendos.

c24777 No.315839

>half demon supersoldier

>too beta to make a move on a 5/10 fujo


c90acd No.315840


Is this nigga serious?

b2d3f7 No.315841

File: 2400ddcd20b7b6d⋯.jpg (29.81 KB, 400x388, 100:97, 15993618.jpg)


>tfw academics finally respond

e145ce No.315842

49c7d9 No.315843


Oh hey onespecies is there too, what a coinkydink.

0050f5 No.315847


>Or is he just extremely cynical and doesn't care? I don't get it.

For the money. If I remember correctly the only reason he didn't hold onto Vice was because he lost control of the office politics

c4708d No.315848

File: 860385625a7ded2⋯.png (233.86 KB, 640x633, 640:633, 5e3531ff8fd828b2ba93b9ddc3….png)


I hope this is what he reads on stream

6c23f8 No.315849


What site are those for

688127 No.315850


They already covered that, this has to be something even more juicy

6c23f8 No.315851

What are they talking about Kumite?

0050f5 No.315852


I thought it was going to be the dick pic.

1adfc7 No.315854

dis gon b good

7c686a No.315855


Some moe shit.

fc874c No.315856

File: 13bd18a296e8dff⋯.png (408.14 KB, 644x587, 644:587, Kqc7EyG.png)


>Laura Loomer publicly gangraped on livestream by Literal Nazis for 3 and a half hours, saved by (((White))) Knight

So I just watched this and I'm stumped trying to figure out how anyone sees any redeeming quality in Baked Alaska. Jim openly insults him and makes fun of him at every turn and he laughs like a kid that's been bullied so severely that he thinks laughing will make them think he's in on the joke. Jim threw a question referencing "a woman's perspective" to Baked implying Baked is a bitch and that's exactly what happened.

He seems about 5 seconds slow on the uptake and I don't remember him saying anything memorable at all, which is amazing for how much he talked for 3 hours. Why the fuck do people take this clown seriously?

89a338 No.315857


No one takes Baked seriously

6c23f8 No.315859

>all of this fake moral outrage

>implying everyone in that stream wouldn't date a 15 year old if there was no law against it.


85c069 No.315860


Teenage girls are fucking annoying tbh

688127 No.315861

c24777 No.315862

>15 and 21

omg the outrage

6c23f8 No.315863


Agreed, but they're acting like it's a prepubescent girl. It's pretty gay


>implying marriages in the past didn't have a much larger gap

37fff7 No.315864


Finish school first, Tyrone.

37fff7 No.315865



They weren't married though.

c989d4 No.315866


He's cringy as fuck but normies like him so he's useful in that regard.

6c23f8 No.315867


I know that, I'm saying it's a nothingburger and the moralfaggotry is retarded. In terms of the law it's illegal but it's not some heinous moral crime. I'd never do it, but I wouldn't sperg out on a stream over it.

c24777 No.315868



if it was 15 and 31, sure. it isn't though.

85c069 No.315869


>implying marriages in the past didn't have a much larger gap

This is a meme tbh. Very young marriages were confined to the upper classes (and some odd areas like . Average (female) first marriage age was actually in the 20s for most of the last few centuries. The low was 20 in the 50s and early 60s

6c23f8 No.315870


Fair enough, I just still think they're faking moral outrage on Kumite

b7f31c No.315871



Fuck off Vee.

6d3c10 No.315874

File: 3ae037cc5aa93db⋯.jpg (106.72 KB, 480x540, 8:9, a_schwitz.jpg)


Filtered. Fucking pedo, gas yourself.

6d3c10 No.315875

Why are you cunts responding to a tree ornament? Filter the filth and move on.

7c686a No.315879



Do we know what it stands for?


>I don't remember him saying anything memorable at all

I remember one (and only one) memorable thing he said. Warski was insulting Loomer, saying she was a horrible person. Loomer seemed a bit broken, and has a hard time looking into the camera. She does however manage to get out

>W-well, I'm sure Baked Alaska doesn't think I'm a horrible person, right?

trying to seek validation from the one person there who can be called her friend. BA responds with

>Well, I think you're a horrible person in this instance.

b7f31c No.315880


During the stream he asked Loomer if she doesn't go again Ezra because they're of the same tribe.

43ad7d No.315882

File: 2e046aaf89e5513⋯.jpg (17 KB, 255x246, 85:82, 1438344567519.jpg)


>p-pls /b/ nice

08a265 No.315886


Dicks, drugs, ==JEB!==


Huh, I thought that was Jim.

08a265 No.315887


Fuck me I put Jeb on the same line as normal text. I need sleep.

8b268f No.315888


According to the almighty Wikipedia marriage at 12 was legal in ancient Rome and in medieval Europe (at least some countries). In France until the revolution the legal marriage age for girls was 12. In American colonies some people got married even younger. This didn't mean that everyone got married at 12, of course, but it was legal in many places.


c90acd No.315889


Importantly, though, what age was sex considered normal at?

7fe02c No.315891


It was legal but quite uncommon. The area of Europe with the highest average marriage age was the Med, and there it was still in late teens


c989d4 No.315892


Probably a couple years after her first period I'd guess.

098d70 No.315897


Middle age, so yeah.

37fff7 No.315899

The negress that's going to debate Davide Duke is bullying Millenial Woes on twitter.


85c069 No.315901

Alt-Hype working on a response to the latest Sargon response


f27077 No.315903


>flag of israel

Dumb nigger

6d03aa No.315905


>You're making shit up

>No, YOU are making shit up

Ah, the wonders of Internet discourse

37fff7 No.315906

File: 90a800d7363e2db⋯.png (50.82 KB, 744x563, 744:563, 1516833331478.png)

File: 8106ebcce6daa3a⋯.png (101.23 KB, 585x541, 585:541, 1516835292677.png)

It's funny, but at the same time sad, because Woes is the most passive Scotsman on the planet. At least he got straight to the point.

85c069 No.315907


Why do people talk to this dumb negress again?

c90acd No.315908


>Muh Dik

Sometimes I feel like niggers are digging their own grave.

c989d4 No.315909


>muh dik

6d03aa No.315910

File: 5bce3c8387c1824⋯.jpg (53.91 KB, 800x804, 200:201, 1370400572492.jpg)


>Muh dick! Muh dick!

c24777 No.315911



c4708d No.315912

File: ba6e8442fe5dcc5⋯.png (347.58 KB, 567x609, 27:29, 1464298374057.png)



when's the shitshow scheduled?

b7f31c No.315913


She's one of those based niggers too.

b2d3f7 No.315914


Wait, Tree is anti-race realism?

I seem to remember a stream of her with Braving Ruin and David Cedarwood were she was completely sucking their dick on the matter

90c21d No.315915


Probably got paid off by Shmuley Skekelblatt

45ad6f No.315916


Woah, check out this black chick in a Trump hat. Fucking BASED!

37fff7 No.315917


Good stuff




Who fucking knows. I think she flipped a switch when she got into the DD debate. What is it they say? She has to 'represent.'

c24777 No.315918

File: c69d36fa2af89f7⋯.jpg (361.56 KB, 1169x2048, 1169:2048, school photos.jpg)



from his twitter, really activates the almonds.

b7f31c No.315919


So what's the deal with David Duke? He always seems reasonable in his radio shows, why is he treated like poison in the USA?

c90acd No.315920


>recognizes differences between races

He's the purest of evil, literally Hitler infact.

fc874c No.315921

File: 5638ea59d7f8e2a⋯.gif (1.24 MB, 423x231, 141:77, 1481442654697.gif)


It's like the Beast People on the Island of Doctor Moreau eating raw flesh and reverting to animal habits the minute the Skeptical Whip Hand is removed. Take that away and they're just… niggers.

6d03aa No.315922



Also he was part of the KKK. You know, the group that's been portrayed in a slightly negative manner in the recent years.

37fff7 No.315923

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


He was Double Dragon of the kkk at one point. I think he joined before college, then left after college.

Been meaning to watch this entirely. But he comes across like a /pol/ack trying to be polite. If anything, he's a conservative cuck that thinks Israel shouldn't get American money and niggers are too stupid to look after themselves. I don't really know much about him or his politics beyond that.

85c069 No.315924


Because he was formerly Grand Wizard of the KKK, the most evil organisation to exist in human history

c24777 No.315925


I heard a rumour a while back that he was teaching in cambodia during the cold war? not sure about that though.

3e5485 No.315926

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Warski Live

45ad6f No.315927

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>hurrdurr what is white? Cheque m88, alt-rite! T: Sargon

Reminder Murdoch Murdoch predicted this.

37fff7 No.315928

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Another stream.

3e5485 No.315929


Aussie retard claiming the all other races are actually domesticated subspecies

688127 No.315930


What is with the skeptics all having the same exact problem glasses

c4708d No.315931


the aussie is stumbling all over himself

37fff7 No.315932

File: 5f64d3c2ee8ae85⋯.png (59.73 KB, 778x672, 389:336, 1516837037837.png)

Challenge issued

b7f31c No.315933


Who is the other guy?

41aacd No.315934

File: a153a560028649e⋯.png (255.66 KB, 450x500, 9:10, 149.png)

HAHA. Why does this guy sound like Kraut trying to do an aussie acccent.

c24777 No.315935


>race doesn't exist

aren't we beyond this shit yet? fuck sake this is tiresome.

c4708d No.315936

File: 6b37a6c2f91af64⋯.jpg (29.62 KB, 320x240, 4:3, 6b37a6c2f91af6471bb834e4fd….jpg)

>harping about skin color


37fff7 No.315937





>Carlos Rodruigez

Dagos and Wogs aren't Aussies.

b7f31c No.315938


There was some WASP nationalist on Red Ice a while ago, he left Canada for Australia because of the Italian immigration into Canada.

c4708d No.315939

File: e95dde2c593edb7⋯.png (91.71 KB, 358x310, 179:155, aussie_spic.PNG)

He has the deal with it sunglasses on his avatar that all of the sargonites share

37fff7 No.315940


I'm just embarrassed to share a nation with this greasy looking cunt.

41aacd No.315941

why are septics so scared to admit people are different

85c069 No.315942


Because that would mean they were racists

b7f31c No.315943


Because they're radical status-quo activists.

54b9a9 No.315944


We're all different because we're all individuals, but we're also all the same, collectivist. Have you even read Max Payne and Loki?

da3695 No.315945


Jesus, she went full tilt nigger.

Remember this when someone says "There's whites and rednecks and there's black people and niggers"

A white doesn't become a redneck at the mildest offense. Black civility is the thinnest of veneers

5bf502 No.315946

File: 0af4a7175ebc0fe⋯.png (522.79 KB, 680x2222, 340:1111, once upon a time.png)


Those glasses are starting to become very punchable.

c24777 No.315947

File: c6760ceae81389a⋯.jpg (11.46 KB, 230x220, 23:22, 1381444022828.jpg)


>Max Payne and Loki

da3695 No.315948


Because they're lefties that just want to play Banjo Kazooie and watch Adventure Time

688127 No.315949


Because then they couldn't argue on why Whites don't deserve their own homeland. They know that if they concede this point then they are irrelevant and the alt-right will replace them on youtube.

82f3cd No.315950


This is Kraut larping as an aussie spic.

c4708d No.315951

File: e320a01a75520af⋯.gif (2.61 MB, 600x300, 2:1, 1429593590737.gif)

>i fucked this woman and i didn't even get that deep

85c069 No.315952

This guy sounds like a saffer to me, not an aussie

c24777 No.315953

File: e0184cba4d1ad2c⋯.jpg (41.45 KB, 500x500, 1:1, louis levau.jpg)

<top botanist right here

41aacd No.315954

>everyone looks the same, and every difference is skin color

>being this skeptic

4e988f No.315956

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


(((kike eunach))) will be on the stream to argue for white ethnostate.

Thanks to cloak and hammer for pointing out that enoch left and came back just like (((kraut))) is doing. Typical tricks. Is cloak and hammer a cuckchanner or from h8chan?

26fc46 No.315957

Honestly Kraut was known to fake his accent and this skeptic spic shows up and sounds eerily similar. Too many coincidences tbh.

37fff7 No.315958


no idea

b7f31c No.315959


c4708d No.315960

File: b30eff10af59208⋯.jpg (25.01 KB, 457x405, 457:405, 0e56c2611fd872089c5b65174a….jpg)

>intelligence is a blank slate

>tabula rasa

85c069 No.315961

This guy is trolling

c24777 No.315962

>Intelligence is a blank slate

>Here, let me give you an anecdotal example

c4708d No.315963

File: fe5320cc2ce5bfb⋯.jpg (96.13 KB, 800x820, 40:41, 9a17f787b64013240a46c36bd1….jpg)

>that's not an argument

37fff7 No.315964

>intelligence is a blank slate

ah fuck.

c24777 No.315965

File: b4b494d7df7c67c⋯.jpg (27.87 KB, 300x428, 75:107, thumbs up.jpg)

He had me going there for a second. 7/10, good effort

45ad6f No.315966

File: cbc154e572315df⋯.jpg (15.79 KB, 621x702, 23:26, vO7lRZ7_d.jpg)

>this guy

85c069 No.315967

>you're a creationist

Sure is 2012 in here

8a05dd No.315968

Fucking telstra. Turned off my proxy to try to livestream and it still doesn't work.

Also, I apologise for this faggot not having been gassed, I'll get right on it.

c24777 No.315970


every country has its retards, straya. i wouldn't worry too much.

8a05dd No.315971


Yeah, but we have shitposting genes and that makes our retards pretty bad. Also, guess my net speed atm.

85c069 No.315972

Is he actually Australian? He sounds very South African to me

8a05dd No.315973


Nah that's an aussie who hangs around with sheep fuckers.

54b9a9 No.315974

37fff7 No.315975


He's a portugese boat person. This is what ending the White Australia policy produced.

b7f31c No.315976

Now he is doubting JF's credentials and horseshoeing him into creationists.

8a05dd No.315977

File: ff46c56784e1223⋯.png (58.93 KB, 1193x565, 1193:565, Fuck you telstra, fuck you….png)


Averages out to like .8mbps. And I have NBN.

b7f31c No.315978


I've seen his videos posted both here and on cuckchan before, if he hates on Enoch he probably spends more time on 8chan.

6ef912 No.315979

File: 1a6904cc7a80dd8⋯.png (103.16 KB, 680x834, 340:417, e8b.png)


Stop that

37fff7 No.315980

Ah fuck, his name is Carlos and he's quoting wikipedia

8a05dd No.315981


I'll fuckin do it again cunt.


This is what happens when I turn my proxy off. And this isn't even my final form.

6ef912 No.315982


Ups, I meant tto reply to >>315882

But you can have that (You) as well anon

8a05dd No.315983

Fuck this I think I'll call telstra and yell at them a bit.

b33498 No.315984


Her debate with Enoch is really telling. Enoch didn't press her hard enough knowing she was a police officer and used to work as a dominatrix. Her whole strategy was screaming "So you think its every jews fault!?" despite Enoch stating that 91% percent jews state loyalty to Israel. Its also very telling that she chose Enoch, knowing he's a fat edgy libertarian slob who is a fake NatSoc over the various Rockwell and Pierce videos on Youtube. Also her loyalty to israel was an effect of some jew who helped her out financially apparently.


>Making fun of Woe's past.

She's friends with Blair White. And is a proud supporter of LGBTQMNOSPLO shit. She's just another Red Pill Black.



She's so ==BASED== she's willing to move into a white majority city but won't support your ethnostate because you''l deport her to nigger africa.

b33498 No.315985


Meant for >>315901 too

8a05dd No.315987

Holy shit this guy's a huge fucking troll

b7f31c No.315988


> used to work as a dominatrix

Uh, how do you know that?

>Also her loyalty to israel was an effect of some jew who helped her out financially apparently

That's the case for most of the Shabbos, money/influence, or in the case of some of the non-Jewish leaders of the Soviet Union they had Jewish wives a lot of times.

c4708d No.315989

File: b6b980ca7f2338a⋯.jpg (73.58 KB, 478x288, 239:144, e52de228760c59466c8a1d80c8….jpg)

>brings up wolf subspecies

>forgets that the dog subspecies can be subdivided in to breeds

b2d3f7 No.315990


>and used to work as a dominatrix

w8, wat?

90c21d No.315994

File: c259d837d9017c0⋯.jpg (80.21 KB, 492x559, 492:559, retard.jpg)

>different ethnicities within europe means the overarching idea of a race exists


c24777 No.315995

So is he trolling or just really indoctrinated? place your bets.

37fff7 No.315996

c4708d No.315997

File: dc11afd6630a7d3⋯.png (62.59 KB, 594x316, 297:158, 2bb5527602c8f906b720a796c2….png)


I can't tell with aussies sometimes

8a05dd No.315998


4031de No.316000


He's from Portugal

e1c1c1 No.316001



I was subscribed to her. She has stated before she used to work as a Dominatrix and a police officer. The whole reason she made a big fuss about RPB is because she had her dox and was afraid the criminals she imprisoned would gun her down. Its very fishy. You can ask in her livestreams if you want verification. I don't know exactly when she had stated but she has.

c4708d No.316003

File: 642f860c12493db⋯.jpg (298.16 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 7cefcae8f94d58e8def72049cd….jpg)

>and I will counter with this one

Is he playing MtG?

c24777 No.316004

People are saying it's Kraut putting on an accent.

8a05dd No.316007

"Here's my study"

"Nah here's my study"


c24777 No.316008

His accent also sounds South African to me, not Australian.

Who is this guy?

37fff7 No.316009


He's not even an anthropologist. He's an archaeologist. An Australian archaeologist, which means he studies petrol sniffers.

dc1142 No.316010


Variations are incipient varieties and varieties are incipient species. Cladistics, brah

c24777 No.316012

>tress and humans are the same

come on.

688127 No.316014


He had his cam on at the first 4 minutes of the stream


Anons made that argument as a joke earlier



90c21d No.316016

>this faggot is seeth afrikaan

How much of a fucking cuck do you have to be to be fucking SOUTH AFRICAN and still be a cuck on race?

Assuming he's not a yid, of course.

8a05dd No.316017


He said we are algae.

8a05dd No.316018


He's at least a dishonorary jew.

90c21d No.316019

File: 96ee38f560ee0a9⋯.jpg (154.8 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, that feel drive2.jpg)

>she was a human being


8a05dd No.316020


90c21d No.316021

File: f8b54663341d0ab⋯.png (4.23 KB, 183x275, 183:275, small brainlet.png)

>humans aren't divided into races, they're divided into local variations based on evolutionary differences

c24777 No.316022


I think these idiots are just scared of the word "race". I think that's the whole of it.

8a05dd No.316023


Yeah, he basically admitted that when JF said "okay local variations, can we get a shorter word"

90c21d No.316024


b-b-but (((Franz Boas))) told me race doesn't real!

41aacd No.316025

>bulldog is the same thing as a lab

This is how taxonomy made science retarded.

8a05dd No.316026

>The difference aren't comparable

>but you compared them

Fuck me.

c4708d No.316028

File: 6fa12588a50a840⋯.jpg (115.67 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, 5c8f5f830dadd1da17c0405b14….jpg)

>humans were not bred

>natural and sexual selection doesn't exist

c24777 No.316030

File: 66f4c1ff5e2b902⋯.jpg (193.66 KB, 1178x1248, 589:624, australian shitposting.jpg)

never change australia

8a05dd No.316031


Pretty much sums it up.

90c21d No.316032


He's a saffer cuck though

6d03aa No.316033

I'm beginning to suspect this guy doesn't know how to read

e145ce No.316034

>where do they say there are not races

8a05dd No.316035

I'll bet this fucking faggot is from pozzbourne.

b7f31c No.316036

8a05dd No.316037


Yeah this one's just going in circles, hopefully that one's better.

Also: Embed next time.

6d03aa No.316038

File: c43ab3bec3caa07⋯.jpg (38.4 KB, 450x450, 1:1, 1445172639823-3.jpg)


>Atheist that goes to church

>To appreciate the architecture

90c21d No.316039

File: 2751b4744664c7e⋯.png (329.64 KB, 479x495, 479:495, tips_fedora.png)




8a05dd No.316043

is chimp of non-logic still chimping out on yidder?

8b3134 No.316044

File: f60263345239cbe⋯.mp4 (3.06 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Xcv-G4U6TowjSzFb.mp4)


most relevant part in it. Why the sargonites can't understand why everything's crumbling down and their audience won't just switch to attacking the alt-right now.

8a05dd No.316046

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


8a05dd No.316048

>Explain where you're coming from

>No, I'll explain where YOU guys are coming from

This fucking mystery meat.

eeb47d No.316050


>if you post anime girls

>that gif

>anime girls

they have dicks lmao

6ef912 No.316051

File: 1704632d7fc9876⋯.png (354.76 KB, 499x487, 499:487, 1491160375_the-dick-only-m….png)

6d03aa No.316052


They only have dicks at the end of the game anyway

dc1142 No.316056


So far I tend to agree with Mike on the issues (not a big fan of him), but Nuance Bro so far has put up much better arguments than Styx or Sargon did in the Sargon vs Spencer stream

90c21d No.316059


It's the same basic argument as styx, except he's better at speaking it.

the problem is his idea is still predicated on the idea of culture being separate from people. Along with doing this circular logic stuff where every example of shitskins not integrating is written off as "muh enclaves". He's still advocating for something that has never worked out.

6fc942 No.316062

is there a new bread?

92f032 No.316063

So, I decided to check out that cuck /pol/ archive to see the threads about Kraut & Tea over there, and I found something a little interesting. It seems a couple of anons there predicted that the skeptics would go SJW a few months before this mess. It was probably obvious for anyone with a brain, but I'm surprised cuck /pol/ still had one. Is this something to be surprised about?

c24777 No.316067


I made the last 2, one of you guys do it this time. We're on #9 now so the next thread is #9.

92f032 No.316068


Why did the 9 mistake keep repeating itself?

be74b3 No.316070


It's a joke at this point, my only hope is getting to nineteen and spoilering the one.

c24777 No.316071


Some retard couldn't figure out how to type ™, copy-pasted the thread title and forgot to change the number.

It's tradition at this point, but not necessary.

d9a589 No.316075


> I mean, we can artificially inseminate a female chihuahua or mastiff and cause the former to die giving birth

This needs to be done. Fuck chihuahuas.



>584 posts

>new thread

Sort yourselves out.

c90acd No.316078


Chihuahuas? What the fuck are Chihuahas? I hope their whole breed dies anyways, I don't care!

7ea97b No.316087


>5 - 10 hours

Can we please get a designated timestamp autist for the kumite. These things are too fucking long

3597bb No.316089

File: f5938b0c71c2bdf⋯.webm (8 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, nuancebro so white.webm)

That Nuance Bro guy was so fucking annoying.

>can i stay in the ethnostate

What do you think?


Yeah, when does Jim start talking about the demon person?

41aacd No.316090

The wizard from the kumite stream says he's going to kill himself totally for real and not just saying it for attention:


90c21d No.316091


>I'm persian!

kek, that thing is not persian. That's some sort of kurdish or paki mongrel

3597bb No.316092

File: ba6e07de952cc1c⋯.jpg (80.04 KB, 662x648, 331:324, nuancebro on jews.JPG)

File: 60f5c33a32f6c8d⋯.jpg (74.79 KB, 671x554, 671:554, nuancebro on race.JPG)

File: de2078c3e6d3146⋯.jpg (84.67 KB, 645x584, 645:584, nuancebro on race2.JPG)


I couldn't tell if he was stupid or disingenuous. He seemed very resistant to the idea that whites have a culture and a certain set of values that come naturally, yet when it comes to smart jews and dumb niggers he's apparently a hard race-realist.

90c21d No.316095


it really does just come down to the brown leech not wanting to get kicked back to where he belongs. Only reason for him to pull this "muh culture" shit.

Also, culture/values-based citizenship would be far more draconian than race-based. Because it necessarily invalidates the concept of free speech/expression if we're going to deport people based on values. He brings up "muh racial purity spiral" but the only time in history we've seen legitimate purity spirals is with values-based movements, like what happened in the French Revolution and Bolshevik Revolution. Because you can always be more ideologically principled.

3e5485 No.316097


It's because he's not white himself. How is that not obvious? His last question was "Will I be allowed in the ethnostate?". If he got a hard yes he would probably be alt-right now.

90c21d No.316098


He asked that question multiple times too, not just at the end. He tipped his hand.

And the thing is I honestly don't care about persians and other fringe groups. I mean, I wouldn't want them coming here en masse, but I'm not going to get autistic about the handfuls of persians or armenians or whatever that are already here.

And I mean actual persians that look fairly huwhite. Not mongrel rapebabies LARPing as persians.

c24777 No.316099


Sometimes I wonder what will happen to Jim when the Internet finally figures out who he is.

7ea97b No.316101


I'm an hour and a half in. They're talking about the guy but no Jim yet.

7c686a No.316105

File: 9b8994f97f8b7d2⋯.png (115.01 KB, 721x861, 103:123, ToL.png)


This was the first tweet in the conversation. I'm guessing that Woes' dislike of race mixing was what made her start nigging. She doesn't like blacks all that much, so I'm thinking she might be looking for an oil driller. I think Woes' comment either hurt her because it's true, because she was interested in him specifically, or because she's afraid of it taking root.

41aacd No.316106


Woes tweets like a fag. But that negress is acting like the acknowledgment of general differences in intelligence races is some deep dark shameful secret of the alt right. Its pretty much the one thing everyone knows about.

5bf502 No.316107

File: d640b3fe0fad770⋯.png (87.63 KB, 986x323, 58:19, thinking.png)




Sounds like a Loomer 2.0. The more she talk the less people will think of her. Also why is she rooting for the tribe?

7c686a No.316109

File: 3dd28f5bf58c57d⋯.png (68.23 KB, 892x657, 892:657, amusing.png)


Not only did she already know about it, she agrees with it. She debated Mike Enoch on the JQ a while back, and kept criticizing him for being too soft on the blacks. She's also a fan of Jared Taylor.


She's very pro-semitic. I think she said at some point that she's been raised by or lived with a Jewish family during a period, and is grateful. I think she also said that the Jews she lived with taught her about finance.

7ea97b No.316110



Jim comes in around 1 hour and 50 min

c24777 No.316117



d9a589 No.316121


>602 posts

You will be the first to go on the day of the rope.

c24777 No.316122

c24777 No.316125


I didn't make the new one this time, just linked it from this thread.

41aacd No.316126


>She's also a fan of Jared Taylor.

haha what a disingenuous cunt then

43ad7d No.316146


Other topics get new threads as soon as 3/400 posts get made. Look at all the 100000000000000000 foxdicksperg threads.

d9a589 No.316257


That's cuckchan-tier faggotry, I remember from 2014.

7c686a No.316317

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


A Sargonite has gone rogue.

7c686a No.316319


Wrong thread.

2c7e75 No.317509


>Greece to remain Greek,

Too late. Islamic Slave raids saw to that. They hit hard, fast and were more devastating than the Bronze age collapse and they just kept the onslaught going.

And the Portuguese were barely European even before the Americas were discovered, afterwards they debased themselves even further thanks to the slave trade.

Parts of Spain have white people in it, but Portugal is trash.

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