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Autism speaks. It's time to listen.
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File: d582bf085b5e706⋯.png (218.69 KB, 602x533, 602:533, d582bf085b5e7066efd9ebda9f….png)

807a98 No.316104

Last few threads:

>Styxhexenhammer666 accused of pedophilia, joins the altright

>Laura Loomer publicly gangraped on livestream by Literal Nazis for 3 and a half hours, saved by (((White))) Knight

>Kraut and Tea returns, he dindu nuffin and was unjustly persecuted #metoo

1966d3 No.316108


9d83ab No.316111



b7c82c No.316114

These threads are moving way too fucking fast. I looked through the catalog and there were like three 9s and two 10s.

952ad0 No.316115

File: 88e363c4a421a79⋯.png (537.21 KB, 600x900, 2:3, 400000 keks.png)

This has been one of the biggest online fuckfests I've ever seen, and it just keeps going.

All the big names are showing up, too. Sargon, Styx, Jim, Kraut, Laura, Spencer et. al.

This is like the Smash Bros of autism.

I wish Sam Hyde would get in on this too but he's too busy shitting his pants and doing nothing.

29d0a1 No.316118

File: 151a810d07e6012⋯.png (2.43 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, milady mike tokes.png)

File: ed0a4c0c8c85e74⋯.jpg (52.02 KB, 573x400, 573:400, miketokes ace.jpg)

515a9d No.316119

File: 8e93591aee46a10⋯.jpeg (19.11 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 972e8bb4af910edf35b30741e….jpeg)


>This is like the Smash Bros of autism.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

49f157 No.316120

File: e7d0094afac3e54⋯.jpg (155.86 KB, 1024x703, 1024:703, e7d0094afac3e54ea33c245436….jpg)


At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if this lasts for the entirety of this year. We're already, what, a month in and it just keeps escalating?

29d0a1 No.316123

File: 6c362ba943b64f8⋯.jpg (58.03 KB, 500x412, 125:103, vee.jpg)


Internet Bloodsports is getting popular, so attention whores and people who want to get their name out there will all lineup for their chance in the ring. Just you watch. We'll have a full roster and even some unlockable characters by the end of the year.

Speaking of which, someone should do a Smash Bros mockup of everyone involved so far.

64a88a No.316124

File: a1cefcd5dd93b14⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 4729x868, 4729:868, LIBERALISM altKraut.jpg)


What should this saga be called?

We need a name that encompasses everything: the collapse/defection of the entirety of the Skeptic community, Kraut's doxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxing server, Sargon's Liberalistismianite cult, Vee's vore hentai, Spencer AND Destiny advocating for Ethical Child Pornography, Styx getting accused of pedophilia by trannypol and joining the alt-right, the Hal-Demon SuperSoldier Wizard from the last thread …. and whatever else I've been forgetting.

It's been quite a ride.

29d0a1 No.316127

File: 6fd255c3749246c⋯.jpg (144.86 KB, 800x579, 800:579, kirbysuperstar.jpg)


The Shillmarillion

Nah, something better than that, but please enjoy my pun regardless.

952ad0 No.316128


Who's this furshitter I keep seeing recently?

I swear, these fags pop out of nowhere an embed themselves faster than ticks.

f6526d No.316129


Bro, coming in here with all caps, where are your manners, bro?

952ad0 No.316130



Funnest part of Tokes' entire fit was him demanding for order less than a minute after going into autistic rage.

f6526d No.316131


he needed order fast; five percent, bro.

64a88a No.316133

File: f4f0a88a1e77032⋯.gif (721.68 KB, 382x456, 191:228, sargon beardapp.gif)



Let's see if I can get most of this in order, we can put this in OPs when it's complete:

>Kraut and Tea gets in an autistic back and forth battle on youtube with the alt-right over race-realism: mainly JF and alt-hype

>Kraut shits his pants, can't win the argument and resorts to character defamation via gathering personal info of his opponents on a private doxing server

>this gets exposed through being revealed by ….? theguardian, uzalu, who?

>Kraut's personal history exposed; bdsm, vibrating nipple clamps, bleeding from the cock, etc real name and family info revealed. Mother is a politician.

>JF gets in a confrontation with desTINY, desTINY slanders JF leading to JF suing him for defaming him in ze pooblic spayze (still to be resolved)

>SARGON KNEW, Zeph reveals audio recordings of private conversations between Sargon and Kraut.

>the collapse/defection of the entirety of the Skeptic community

>Sargon v Spencer v Styxhexenhammer666, Sargon shits his pants after getting called autistic by Spencer, gets humiliated. Leaves early, claiming he needs to go to sleep, actually starts another livestream with his sycophants where they circlejerk about "winning"

>Sargon's Liberalistismianite cult founded.

>Sargon uses his minion Louis LeVau to lure Jim onto Louis' stream, proceeds to ambush Jim in an attempt to recruit/expose/humiliate him. Fails here also.

>Vee's vore hentai shown to his mother, which he has to explain. Remains unknown what Vee's mother thinks of her son now that he's been exposed by the internet nazis

>Spencer AND Destiny advocating for Ethical Child Pornography

>Laura Loomer, hideous kikess subversive agent of ZOG gets absolutely reamed on a stream featuring Jim, Baked Alaska, Warski, Lauren Southern and Mike Enoch. Mike Toke, (((White))) Kike, arrives at the end to save the day. Possible lawsuits from Ezra Levant incoming due to allegations made on the stream by Laura.

>Styx getting accused of pedophilia by trannypol and joining/associating with the alt-right

>Epic VeexSargon vore fanfic posted, no one volunteered to record themselves reading it out in the proper gypsy accent though, unfortunately

>the Half-Demon Super-Soldier Pedo Wizard from the last thread


Rags, some furfag from reddit who identifies as a Liberalist.


>Internet Bloodsports

this is probably the most well known and best name for the saga


>The Shillmarillion

also good

e4206d No.316134

File: 301a9a2063dfe14⋯.jpg (349.55 KB, 549x900, 61:100, loomer.jpg)

This has been a great ride so far, indeed.

New gifts every day.

It's like a grandmother with Alzheimer who believes that it's our birthday every single day.

952ad0 No.316135


So what's this "Rags" done so far?

I keep seeing him not no mention of his actions.

281b2b No.316136


>the Half-Demon Super-Soldier Pedo Wizard from the last thread

Give me the quick rundown on that, I only have 5% left

64a88a No.316137


all I know is he appeared on a warski stream and a kumite, defending Liberalistism.


basically some schizo guy who claimed to be half demon, raised by his father (who was also his uncle) in the military to be some kind of super soldier. claimed to have been attacked in the crib age 3 by demons and escaping via esp. casts "world spells". dated a 15 year old when he was 21. aliases: >>315815

64a88a No.316138


oh, the demon guy is also threatening to kill himself on twitter now: https://twitter.com/ThatPhillipSGuy/status/956384349577990144

4031b4 No.316139

File: 8a98649fcd2cfb8⋯.png (102.67 KB, 721x861, 103:123, 1.png)

File: fab17f73ea6a5af⋯.png (72.37 KB, 585x541, 585:541, 2.png)

File: c98f3a18307c70d⋯.png (45.54 KB, 744x563, 744:563, 3.png)

File: bc61e3e7f911869⋯.png (55.47 KB, 892x657, 892:657, 4.png)



So that's where that pic is from.

Also, the latest development in the last thread was in regards to Tree of Storm, a philosemitic race-realist nigger and Jared Taylor fan. She was on Millennial Woes' stream a few weaks ago, and they were pretty much in agreement in regards to race. Yesterday, however, she started chimping out when MW said that blacks were dumber than whites and that race mixing was bad.

29d0a1 No.316140

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


My favorite video on the internet right now is Tree of Logic's channel trailer.

There's something so psychadelic about it. It's like a bad trip.

would you let her dominate you, /cow/?

952ad0 No.316141


>would you let her dominate you, /cow/?


4031b4 No.316142


It's pretty unsettling, yes.

>would you let her dominate you, /cow/?

With that monkey face?

515a9d No.316143


>So that's where that pic is from.

I thought it was a shop of blending Sargoy with PJW

4031b4 No.316144

File: 9dc2bc0569b5b92⋯.png (313.05 KB, 701x394, 701:394, 9dc.png)


I thought Sargon and this guy.

9d83ab No.316145


Funniest part was Jim bellowing at him like a white trash hooker on Springer.

9a2cc1 No.316147


>Speaking of which, someone should do a Smash Bros mockup of everyone involved so far.

Destiny would be so OP, no one would be able to land a strike on him.

9d83ab No.316149

e4206d No.316150


Not only is she a nigger, but she's one of those extremely high-T butch ones, where her tits and voice are the only give-aways that she's female.

There aren't many things in life more nauseating.

4031b4 No.316151


>Thinking sheboons don't look masculine

>Using reddit spacing

da6b1b No.316152


Gay racemixed mutt, probably sexually trolld as a child hence the gay, part of THE FURRY COMMUNITY with a character that's more purebred than him. Worryingly, his character is not an anthropomorphic dog, but a regular one. Accused of being a "NADZEEEEEEEEEEEEE REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" by THE FURRY COMMUNITY, whom are so mindfucked by der ewidge jude and cultural marxism they're 95% communist because he had a picture made with a red/white/black armband with a steam logo on it once.

da6b1b No.316154

File: 4329fbcfe00e4cd⋯.png (232.45 KB, 588x809, 588:809, ClipboardImage.png)

Also apparently the liberalist™ furfag got perma'd.

29d0a1 No.316155


Destiny would be Mr Hand, where everyone knows exactly the bullshit he pulls, so they just boredly dodge his faggotry and smack him up while they're reading text messages.

9473e3 No.316156


The slaughter of the pseudos.

4031b4 No.316157


>Verified size queen

Fags are disgusting.

da6b1b No.316158

File: 53f39f96c754df5⋯.mp4 (545.07 KB, 480x360, 4:3, vXLbOjK1wKTe9LB9.mp4)



29d0a1 No.316159


The Yidslaying of Skepticlonde

64a88a No.316160


they must have found out about the Hasbro Incident.

75c925 No.316161




>Warski calls a Jewess a cunt

>Suddenly he is a nahdzee and must be jailed

My Noggin is already Joggin

4031b4 No.316162


Oyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Veeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

Do we know who this is?

c901f1 No.316164



e4206d No.316165

File: 1c6cd50d3e92568⋯.jpg (328.83 KB, 761x842, 761:842, andy race warski.jpg)

1966d3 No.316166


Most recent Kumite about an hour and 50 min in

da9f75 No.316167


>Andy Warski could be creating more Dylann Roofs

HOLY FUCKING SHIT! Kikes have mental illness and victim complex confirmed!

da6b1b No.316168

File: 79ed2431b8afe79⋯.png (185.61 KB, 1245x686, 1245:686, ClipboardImage.png)

da9f75 No.316169


What the fuck are those genes in her face? It looks like a baboon raped a jew and the jew enjoyed it so much she gave birth to this abomination.

da6b1b No.316170

File: b989d2df72a024b⋯.png (764.65 KB, 1258x812, 629:406, ClipboardImage.png)

da9f75 No.316171


I mean, I've installed google and skype before but fuck me, her mother installed them both into the same directory.

4031b4 No.316172


What am I looking at here? She seems nuts, but I don't quite see the connection between all tehe things you've underlined.


Not a burger, but that does seem quite sweet.

da9f75 No.316173


It's like the jews got so fucking jewish they stole DNA from an ape.

I'll stop now

da6b1b No.316174

File: 562c54786a637b5⋯.mp4 (2.74 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, LIVE President Trump Impe….mp4)


You don't get it?

da6b1b No.316175

File: 779d65012618e4c⋯.mp4 (4.34 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Radio Newscast Epic Fail -….mp4)

0f6f27 No.316176


video's fucked

da6b1b No.316177

File: c74a490310a5a50⋯.mp4 (2.97 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Jordan Peterson's Final Wa….mp4)

File: adfe1fa23150864⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1314x651, 438:217, ClipboardImage.png)


That's why it's saved, it's exactly what the video is.

616d1b No.316178

File: 5a0b9010788b1a5⋯.jpeg (56.32 KB, 540x338, 270:169, 555-come on now.jpeg)

4031b4 No.316179


Kek. She found a twitter comment that she wanted to include, and she actually printed it out on a piece of paper to read it.


No. Although now at least I know that I'm missing something.


Still not 100% what's going on, but I think that's the point.

0f6f27 No.316180




Care to explain? I'm not a burger, and I've stopped going to /pol/

Do you think Alex controlled opposition Jonestein is getting censored? Are you a Qanon?

c901f1 No.316181


I think he's a fucking idiot who needs to stop getting high of his own supply.

b7c82c No.316183


>Destiny would be so OP, no one would be able to land a strike on him because they wouldn't want to touch him, since his whole body is covered in crushed adderall dust and baby semen.


4031b4 No.316186


>Destiny would be so OP, no one would be able to land a strike on him.

Destiny would be so small, no one would be able to land a strike on him.

0aff43 No.316187

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




It’s like watching a gay hobo fight. Liberalist vs SJWs is like a internet sissy version of the bum fight DVD series back in the day.

c1b4dd No.316188


He'd be like Oddjob from goldeneye where you cant shoot him properly because he's to small.

c1b4dd No.316189


Isnt the guy who made bumfights a massive sjw now?

d836c5 No.316191

File: 300d5f64c62d7ec⋯.jpg (86.46 KB, 728x1034, 364:517, dac4c98c4d174fa48103e2a0c9….jpg)

File: dddb49925e8493e⋯.jpg (41.68 KB, 500x347, 500:347, 9bd2d5261ba6b10e6de0be28bb….jpg)

File: 82ce78c13421907⋯.jpg (73.53 KB, 640x612, 160:153, orwell.jpg)

File: 3f7fec2827a332b⋯.jpg (30.98 KB, 429x280, 429:280, 2784d999c6b4e261bcbeb883d3….jpg)

File: 95019a783129a35⋯.jpg (422.61 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 95019a783129a35f9f6877f31c….jpg)




>"and have no time for people (from any political persuasion) who act like sheep without really thinking about why they support a cause"

Andy (ft. JF) comfirmed for not being a sheep by engaging in and sorting out the why by talking to these people directly instead of just reading oppositional opinions. At the same time he "steps out of line" and deserves to be on the ADL watchlist because the above quote only applies on support and not objection. What a eeediot.

>"Sickeningly, in recent weeks, Warski has immersed himself into white nationalist live streams, white nationalist ideology (e.g. embracing the creepily racist theory of racial realism), and even having a friendly hangout on the white supremacist podcast, The Daily Shoah. For these reasons, Warski should be a person of interest to hate watch groups such as the SPLC as well as other institutions worldwide who are committed to fighting racism, fascism and hate."


4d37d4 No.316192


Who the fuck is this cunt?

But I hope (((they))) go against Racewarski as it will end up redpilling a lot of normalfags.

0aff43 No.316193

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Isnt the guy who made bumfights a massive sjw now?

I thought he lose the rights to bumfights to a co-producer because of legal issues?

b7c82c No.316194


Several people sued him, including many of the homeless people the videos exploited. That Dr. Phil interview certainly didn't help his public image.

He tried to reinvent himself as this crusader for social justice by releasing documentaries about the plight of homeless people. I dunno if it worked or not.

34d4de No.316195


World War Autism?

d836c5 No.316198


There is no need for hope, except if you are in the same position as me and don't have any sockpuppet account.

For all it takes is a tweet to Andy and he will eventually feel the need to (even if its just briefly) address the issue of people alluding to shut him down. The fear of social ostracization is probably why the fence sitters ("sceptic community") never dared to take a large stride to begin with, and he already mentioned friends sperging out when he changed the format. But now when the ADL is coming for all of them and their children for silly reasons nature will push them outside of their comfort zone. I wonder how many channels will turn their back on him (lo and behold the disgust of sjw was never a basis for real camaraderie) because the newspaper and ADL might brand him a "racist", and how many will take this as an attack upon all of them. Either way it's hilarious.

e4206d No.316201

File: 1bf2a64d68a5774⋯.jpg (197.13 KB, 750x817, 750:817, warski.jpg)


Let them come. We will be ready.

627728 No.316202

File: 5895a5909a4e7ae⋯.png (2.83 MB, 720x1600, 9:20, Sargon.png)


>would you let her dominate you, /cow/?

Suck off a shotgun and turn your head into a canoe, pal.

The only nigger on the internet I like is King Henry the 1/8th Sargon of Akkad

07869c No.316203


Holy shit, Carlos is a moron.

>Antoine​: Carlos lost on rhetoric, but if you listen closely, he won on facts.

>Nacirema​: JF isn't a molecular geneticist or a biological anthropologist and yet he is viewed as an authority on the topic by his alt-right idiot followers.

And these comments, holy fuck.

ef8482 No.316204


You forgot the Rage After Storm debacle that sparkled all this autism, and the whole CRP situation

627728 No.316205

File: 288fdc6447786e0⋯.png (24.03 KB, 800x600, 4:3, __aqua_kono_subarashii_sek….png)


>only big brained nibbas like molecular geneticist understand why race exist and you can visually tell a nigger from a normal human being.

64a88a No.316206

File: 40917c6aac77bc1⋯.jpg (59.68 KB, 770x768, 385:384, retards.jpg)


>race doesn't exist because i define it as not existing

>local variations exist


64a88a No.316207


write it out as greentext, it'll be added in. i wasn't around for the rage stuff, so i don't know.

0f6f27 No.316208


Let me know if I got anything wrong as I'm working off memory:

>Septic "muh dik" someblacknigger tries to chat up hot qt3.14 german 19yr old ukip journalist youtuber in the comments sections

>qt3.14 makes awesome race realism video


>sourkraut triggered, make critique, main argument was she used dailystormer as a source

>kraut gets her fired from ukip journalist gig by contacting them on twitter

ef8482 No.316209



>After Vidcon 2017 there's talk brewing among the skeptic community about changing target from SJWs to Alt Righters

>They see the opportunity to start this when Rage After Storm, 19 yo skeptic youtuber who's moving more and more to the right, makes a video about race realism

>Andy Warski has a stream where Kraut and Jeff debunk her video and ridiculize her, the skeptic community at large bullies her until she deletes her channel

>Not happy yet, Kraut decides to contact the director of the website RAF used to write for and tell him all about her views, getting her fired (it will later come up that it was a voluntary job, but of course Kraut didn't know any of that)

>The blowback Kraut receives from alt-righters and disappointed fans along with his inability to admit wrongdoing sets him down a spiral of autism that will lead him to conduct an increasingly bitter and personal crusade against the alt right


>As soon as the leaked audio comes out, CRP accuses Sargon of being a pussy for knowing about Kraut and not doing anything to stop him

>Not even a day after Sargon and Vee respond with coordinated attacks that consist in sharing his foxdickFarm dox and smearing him

>They claim that since he was a semi public figure it wasn't real doxxxxxxxxxxxing™ and he supposedly scammed a person so he deserved it anyway

0f6f27 No.316210

>Septic "muh dik" someblacknigger tries to chat up hot qt3.14 german 19yr old ukip journalist youtuber in the comments sections

>qt3.14 makes awesome race realism video

>nigger b.t.f.o.'d fucking wordfilters

>sourkraut triggered, make critique, main argument was she used dailystormer as a source

>kraut gets her fired from ukip journalist gig by contacting them on twitter

0f6f27 No.316211


Also, when did rageafterstorm's twitter get hacked?


172085 No.316212



>not being a local-variations-differing-through-natural-selection realist

4e0037 No.316213


I humbly suggest Auticism+

f1a975 No.316214


>he appeared on a warski stream

That's like every other stream. He's a regular as well as Mister Metokur

1966d3 No.316216


>no one volunteered to record themselves reading it out in the proper gypsy accent though, unfortunately

Tweet screen caps of it at the guys that run the Kumite

64a88a No.316220

File: 94b2ec8f3179c37⋯.jpg (956.96 KB, 1812x504, 151:42, vee sargon vore fanfic 1.jpg)

File: 69cf71f7feff5f6⋯.jpg (748.51 KB, 1809x396, 201:44, vee sargon vore fanfic 2.jpg)

File: 9ab4e5723f561d4⋯.jpg (629.38 KB, 1818x339, 606:113, vee sargon vore fanfic 3.jpg)


I don't have a twitter. But here they are. I think I numbered them in the correct order.

e16658 No.316225

File: 06c00e438263b14⋯.jpg (7.14 KB, 251x189, 251:189, 06c00e438263b1448274e5028d….jpg)



Wouldn't that just make you a SJW

ef8482 No.316227

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Naked Ape is back

b77a08 No.316228


Verbal Jewjutsu.

1c27e5 No.316229


"Women will like what I tell them to like!"


This is some sanpaku shit.

On a side note: does anyone have the link to the Kraut interview?

4031b4 No.316230

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>"Women will like what I tell them to like!"

From whom is this quote?

>On a side note: does anyone have the link to the Kraut interview?

It's this Sunday.

e3513d No.316231

File: aad1c96b7374b91⋯.gif (1.68 MB, 500x376, 125:94, aad1c96b7374b91d562a1b266b….gif)


The salts is going to be delicious

da9f75 No.316235

File: 1ae52492f1c6a82⋯.png (352.77 KB, 601x595, 601:595, Jim ADL bitch.png)


Jim ya faggot I know yer in here.

da9f75 No.316236


Whoops still had a response notfier from ages ago.

e4206d No.316237

File: 5b2fc2f2371fbc9⋯.jpg (107.8 KB, 848x176, 53:11, liberaterrorist.jpg)

e3513d No.316239

File: f10a33d33d68330⋯.webm (769.23 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1415316088580.webm)



78b635 No.316240

File: 498d9964094ba64⋯.jpg (80.3 KB, 593x796, 593:796, 1501447229545.jpg)


>The Discord guy is a pedo-Kraut

>Apparently one of the other members claimed it wasn't true. I think that same guy turned out to be the cuck alien

>Actually it is true, apparently

Now I'm even more confused.

Also I kinda thought if Naked Ape wanted to bash TJ so much, he really should've brought up that time TJ tried to fuck a 15 year old but got scared of her father who was in the military. Granted I don't really take a lot of the "neo-christian" shit seriously from people like him, but it would've been a perfect moment

4e0037 No.316241


>The Discord guy is a pedo-Kraut

Quick rundown on him?


Good shit.

341358 No.316242


Yeah Zeph said it wasn't true


It was in the Braving Ruin discord dump. Seems like years ago now.

78b635 No.316243


From what I've gathered, it was Kruat and Tea was the guy who found out about the information on the discord guy(I believe his name was Smiley or something). He was also a mod in MundaneMatt's discord server and did stuff for the Drunken Peasants. However, Zeph claimed the allegation was false, and that the girl was 19.

But I'm guessing there was some talk afterwords confirming that, yes, she was underage confirming Kraut's original allegation.

And MundaneMatt being stupidly skeptic as per usual. Honestly, he's the only person who I see unironically defending Bryan Singer and Charlie Sheen.

ef8482 No.316244

File: c7d7dc69d2cc2c6⋯.jpg (65.59 KB, 864x648, 4:3, 1469439686932-0.jpg)



d836c5 No.316245

File: 5d966d244b93b5e⋯.webm (5.03 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Holodomor Question to Jor….webm)

Sceptics like Peterson right? When are they going to take the 200 years together pill? Sorry if off topic.

>>>/pdfs/5363 or libgen.io

ef8482 No.316246


Oh boy it was about fucking time somebody questioned him about Solzhenitsyn


>That autistic reaction by the audience

49f157 No.316247


The Blunderdome

1966d3 No.316248


He has openly said that he regularly posts here multiple times in the past. So, yeah, hi Jim

616d1b No.316249


I meant this thread. Isn't that the webm posted before?

4e0037 No.316250


And the crowd goes wild.

4e0037 No.316251

Veeh and the Guardian rat still sperging out on twitter. CRP must have gotten under their skin.

341358 No.316252

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The D Generation. Generation D is too convoluted, I think, but it has the memetic association of Austism Intensifies.

ef8482 No.316254

File: 336358e6fbe8645⋯.png (229.19 KB, 2518x1024, 1259:512, 1b0.png)


They just won't let go will they

e3513d No.316255

File: 569425ff4ee4437⋯.jpg (739.18 KB, 1000x1500, 2:3, 1000full-mad-max-beyond-th….jpg)


Seconding this

b2a596 No.316256

File: 15a6adee0220e38⋯.jpg (27.22 KB, 362x332, 181:166, 1393960333765.jpg)


So, what was his answer? Ignoring the drooling sheep howling like retards, what was his reply to this? He walked around nervously, like he didn't know what to say.

ef8482 No.316258


He didn't have any

Pretty retarded of him to keep shilling for a writer who had some mildly controversial opinions on God's chosens while he's constantly sucking their mutilated dicks without expecting someone to point that out and having an answer for that

bd285f No.316259


Isn't holohoax denial a crime in canada? He's got to keep his mouth shut if he wants those book shekels

4d37d4 No.316261


He can criticize the Juden without denying the Holohoax. You can point out Jewish nepotism and ignore the 6 gorillion. That's at least something.

97a1f2 No.316263


you can talk about jews and how they behave towards other ethnicities without mentioning lolocaust. Also, in the speech Bowden gives about the lolocaust and the implications on free speech, he says that it is irrelevant. You can state whatever your opinions are, if only you use enough flowery language. Clearely Peterson simply wont engage this topic, like a good skeptic cuck.

c1b4dd No.316264

File: cb9074cf5853e02⋯.jpg (52.02 KB, 1919x774, 1919:774, nakedape.JPG)


wew, what skeptic took it down i wonder?

172085 No.316265


>removed for hatespeech

lolwut? I've seen this previously, but IIRC all he does is call the atheists a bunch of cuckold soyboys.

Guess Amazing Banana had the fedora squad mass flag it.

e3513d No.316266

File: 3cdbcce7d25dfa1⋯.jpg (102.11 KB, 600x600, 1:1, avatar.jpg)

File: dd9acf087617572⋯.jpg (11.47 KB, 480x360, 4:3, AmazingAtheist.jpg)



341358 No.316267


some triggered faggot

4e0037 No.316268


The Don made a call.

b76383 No.316269


It's a message from Don Sargonne, Naked Ape is sleeping with the trouts.

ef8482 No.316270


Solzhenitsyn wasn't even an holocaust denier though

And if you read 200 Years Together it isn't even that harsh on the jews, he simply refused to go full "muh chosen people dindu nuffin and were unjustly persectued everywhere" and gave an objective analysis of the behavior and interactions of jews and russians in the last two centuries

He could have simply explained that, instead he looked like he truly didn't have anything to say on the matter, which means he either didn't know about the book - which i don't believe for a second - or that even a mild statement like that would have provoked autistic outrage among his beloved based jews, so he simply hoped nobody ever pointed that out, which is retarded



He didn't say anything too outrageous

d836c5 No.316271


Another possibility is Vee recruiting bulgarian hackers to false flag Billy on twitter by posting something from this thread.


He said that he had not read the book, kept silent for a few seconds and then "I can't do it". Considering that the Russian hacker narrative is dying, the question in the video remained unanswered, and the probability that most younger listeners online even know of Solzhenitsyn because of Peterson puts him between a rock and a hard place. Now he probably has to read the book (which never had any English translation until /pol/ and other individual took it upon themselves).


There is no way to get a tailored explanation from yt right? They just use the checkmark for whatever unknown reason and shut it down?

07869c No.316272


Bowden also mentioned that if you present in quotation, i.e., "Person claims…" Bowden made me realize that denying the holocaust is almost irrelevant because there'll always be a moral stigma. The point is just say it's a non-unique event in history and is no different than other ones. It still didn't happen though.



My favorite parts of that debate so far is that he thinks that taxonomy is set in stone and immutable and that you can't subdivide things ad infinitum. The guy is walking contradictions:

>Carlos: the west may have selected for intelligence but not the EAST

>JF: So you agree wit me that sum places select for intelligence.

>Carlos: I didn't say that.

I can't imagine the challenges this guy must face in life with that level of double-think.

9e8199 No.316273

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

*fake laughs*

Well, you see, these silly South African whites clearly needed more liberalistism. Maybe if they could convince the bantus killing their toddlers to be liberalists and to avoid any identity politics, they could finally have a peaceful civnat society.

0c539c No.316275


Does anyone have it?

b76383 No.316276


They just need to give the Bantu negroes Loki and Max Payne books and South Africa would become a liberalist paradise

7b5f01 No.316277


Fucking social justice warriors brainwashing those poor oppressed blacks into identity politics. What's that, that happened in the 80's and was financed by communist jews? Right wing asjaydubya much?

172085 No.316278


I remember something from a year back where someone asked Peterson about 200 Years Together, and he kinda stammered and said he was familiar with it, but used the "it hasn't been officially translated!" bit as an excuse to sidestep it from there.

From what I've seen from him, Peterson just tries to dismiss the JQ by saying that since they're high IQ, that's why they're in positions of power and into intellectualism and post-modernism sort of stuff. Which is a bullshit cop-out because they're massively disproportionate even when factoring in IQ differences, and Asians are also high IQ and successful, and you don't see them pushing any of this subversive marxist shit. Nor do you see a ton of "anti-asianism", even though antisemitism is allegedly just a manifestation of jealously

97a1f2 No.316279


much better than my clumsy formulation. Yes, that's exactly the Bowden quote I wanted to refer to.

ef8482 No.316280

File: 2957b337bda331a⋯.png (19.2 KB, 636x146, 318:73, Oy vey.png)


bd285f No.316281


china has openly admitted to studying the jews in order to emulate their success in taking over the west

4e0037 No.316283


Do they want to genetically engineer Americans?

172085 No.316284


They are the jews of the east, after all. I also remember something about how China outright says that they view the west/america/etc as jewish, because to outsiders and those not brainwashed, it's obvious who the power players are.

a38170 No.316285


We call them yellow jews over here.

bd285f No.316286


they have eugenics programs in china - that one basketball player is the 3rd or 4th generation of top players being forced to marry by the party - so perhaps we could learn a thing or two about genetic engineering from them

07869c No.316287


China has a history of forced integration which is pretty funny.

952ad0 No.316288



It's goyim you putz

c1b4dd No.316291


it was probably that unwashed degenerate jeff holiday. Ape ripped into him a fair bit.

d63919 No.316292

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


ef8482 No.316293

File: 65d7f58bab03b41⋯.png (15.24 KB, 619x102, 619:102, sad!.png)

I mean, as far as i understand they still don't try to disprove the difference between human populations, they simply argue that racial groups are not clearly defined

Other than it being a pretty weak criticism itself, i still fail to understand if intraspecies divisions within humans why do we recognize subspecies among animals

ef8482 No.316294

616d1b No.316295


Saw this faggot mentioned on twitter or in the racewarski stream, who dis?

9e8199 No.316296


Humans are unique and not bound by the laws of animals. Loki told me. Never mind that this is basically Christian thinking, I'm a rational atheist.

64a88a No.316297

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Hopefully he'll read them out on air, he can do a great gypsy voice.

341358 No.316298

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hungarian anon on cuckchan posted a mirror of Naked Ape's video.

63962e No.316300

File: 5a1952da9cecc83⋯.jpg (63.03 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 5a1952da9cecc8342f87a985eb….jpg)


What if he doesn't deny it, but admits there was some justification for it?

4d37d4 No.316301


I think he uploaded that video a couple of days ago already, but it was set unlisted. I saw it since someone posted it here.


I think justifying the Holohoax is illegal as well.

d836c5 No.316306

File: dfa627a32f0ab3d⋯.webm (5.7 MB, 478x360, 239:180, My Channel Trailer (2014).webm)


Absolutely euphoric. On a more serious note why can't these faggots realize why people are having this debate in the first place? I feel like most e-"intellectuals" are trying to dissect their arguments and philosophy down to something that would go into a Turing machine and mechanically output the correct answer every time because of the looooogical foundation in their arguments. In of itself it's not so terrible but when given priority above anything else their brain is no longer a useful tool for them to navigate reality. This is dead men talking and the topic have become "atleast we have to constitution" 2.0 for them to hold onto. It would be no surprie if they soon begin to propose these two together (constitution + "race debunked") as their final blueprint that everyone should follow, namely Atheism++++™.

<only three genes determine skin colour therefore London would have happened sooner or later anyway (caused by the britons)

<it is not set science therefore any decline in birthrates can't be solved internaly by increased insentives among the natives, refugees welcome

172085 No.316308


It's all just talmudic bullshit based on continuum fallacy. It's like sperging out over people saying there are different colors because they're on a spectrum, and that different wavelengths of light activated different cones in our eyes doesn't mean colors exist.

This was best presented in his debate with that saffer faggot last night where it's bad to be a race realist because "races don't exist", but it's perfectly cool to be a realist on different local populations having different genetic clusters and variations based on differences in selective pressure. …which is the same fucking thing.

The fact that we can further subdivide concepts such as "white" into subcategories doesn't invalidate the overall category either. This seems to be what they're focusing on now. Which is just further autism of the same assortment.

07869c No.316310



>It's all just talmudic bullshit based on continuum fallacy.

Is that what that video was about? I stopped watching at the astronomy/astrology part because they both essentially agree on the same thing, and the guy didn't get to his arguments against racialism.

b77a08 No.316311

File: b2936727e7637e9⋯.png (583.55 KB, 567x739, 567:739, Is this green.PNG)

9e8199 No.316312

Will 'skeptics' ever address the very strong possibility that the word 'racism' being a social construct invented by literal Trotskyites? Even 'rationalwiki' tries to gloss this over by calling it an urban legend.

b77a08 No.316313


They'll just laugh it off and say "Yeah, sure, jews again" *Insert sargon nervous laughter here*.

172085 No.316314


Funny how they oppose collectivism and tribalism while completely ignoring the elephant in the room of jewish tribalism, the most egregious example of all.

>we must crusade against these evil white nazis who want to work collectively in their group interest!

>b-b-but jews working together?? nonsense! I don't see that! That's just a conspiracy! Never happens!

b77a08 No.316315


What do you expect from anti white marxists who are mostly mystery meat/faggots/some other kink or BS that is anti conservative.

4e0037 No.316316



Suppposedly the Chinese are pushing the Jews out of Hollywood now, buying up studios and stuff. When I saw comments under articles Americans were complaining of course, they really think Hollywood belongs to them.

172085 No.316318


I honestly hope that's true. I don't want any foreign people controlling my media, but I'd gladly take chinks controlling it over jews. And I know chinks by and large won't be pushing progressive marxist bullshit.

4e45c0 No.316320

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


A Sargonite has gone rogue!

4e0037 No.316321


That's true, they're as ethnocentric as Jews but don't push that subversive shit. I don't know why Jews do that, is it to open up the sexual market?

ef8482 No.316323

Btw why is everyone also going after No Bullshit now? all he did was making a video summarising the situation

b77a08 No.316324


It's because jews are matriarchal, just look at israel's treatment of men. Jewish men are proto-soy boys and the women are butch dykes on steroids.

b77a08 No.316326


Because he made a video from an outside perspective. As in he isn't on board. Also he appeared on an alt right podcast.

b09c47 No.316327

File: 0d1d8c4d50da5fd⋯.jpg (65.72 KB, 587x534, 587:534, maga jew.jpg)


I hope the ADL goes after Warski. If he's not redpilled now, he will be soon when some Jewish organization comes after him for no reason. Fucking kikes, man

07869c No.316328


No, I'd say that they have selected a gene for being a race of degraders. Or perhaps, they were always meant to be that, given how their religious history suggests.

b77a08 No.316329


Kek, I was considering sending them an email to tell them to address him for the m ilk but fuck it, kikes will do it anyway.

4e0037 No.316331



Yeah, outgroup vs ingroup dynamics. The Skeptics got extreme an extreme ingroup preference despite all the cries over collectivism.


But the ADL can just take him off YT directly. If he is RP'd but offline it's useless.


Heh, I remember a Molyneux video where he said Weinstein is an alpha male and that's why he is succesful and a serial trollr.

b77a08 No.316332


Molyneux giving his tribe a free pass and a PR boost again, imagine my mainstream meteor.

0f6f27 No.316337


Is he a sargonite?

He calls him sargoy around 4min mark. It could be his deaf person speech and I misunderstood, he sounds like the kid from breaking bad

c1b4dd No.316338


>Is he a sargonite?

He said at the start that Sargon was one of his favorite youtubers.

4e45c0 No.316339


He says so right at the beginning, and is subscribed to Sargon of Akkad, Sargon of Akkad Livestreams, and The Thinkery. Also (what made me notice him), his avatar has pixelated sunglasses like all these Liberalist retards.

0f6f27 No.316340



He's also subscribed to Mark the retard Dice, black pigeon speaks and the alternative hypothesis.

He looks like a cuckchanner youtuber stealthily cashing in on the drama llamas. His channel description is "If you're looking for dank memes, you've come to the right place."

Do you judge people by what they saying? Instead of what they do.

0f6f27 No.316342


And I'm not saying it's not a good video, it is, and he's right. I just don't think he's a sargonite and looking for subs and clicks. I wouldn't be suprised if he posted that video here or at least on cuckchan for it to be reposted here.

1966d3 No.316343


>who dis

This is the guy who made Sargon into a Classical™ Liberal™. He's philosophy phd who believes in the absolute correctness of Analytical philosophy.

172085 No.316344

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

d6f821 No.316345

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Naked Ape Mirror

9a2cc1 No.316346


That was the point I was trying to convey.

cd2ee6 No.316347


>The Shillmarillion

Love it. But what does the wizard super soldier have to do with this anyway?

1c27e5 No.316349

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Look at the post I replied. The first panel in the image comes from a Simpsons episode. full scene here.

5afe54 No.316350

File: e7cd3eba8091014⋯.jpg (47.19 KB, 458x458, 1:1, besugo.jpg)

cd2ee6 No.316351


Doesn't Warski live in Canada? Is he gonna have to move to America to escape persecution?

341358 No.316352


I like the cut of his gib.

172085 No.316357


I don't think he's a sargonite. Probably just a typical fan (there is/was a lot of overlap between anti-SJWs and 'alt right' before the kraut/sargon drama). Seems like pretty much /ourguy/ defending ethno-nationalism and calling spencer low-hanging fruit

da6b1b No.316362


>being autistic

His reporters on that day were getting hit with a lot of shit. Random signal loss, random phone shutdown despite high battery levels, phone displays scrambled, phone forcibly signed out of social media accounts, a real shitshow.


>so poor you're homeless

<but you can sue a guy who paid you to fight




Leave emptyhero alone!


Hold your autism. I got the video clip from Jim's twitter post.


You would know, Schlomo.


I wonder when people will start questioning why that is.


No, fagtasm. autistic post on /4chon/ forthcoming It'll be just like the frankfurt school and cultural marxism on yidipedia, played off as a "conspiracy theory".

Daily reminder "conspiracy theory" was coined by the CIA to shut down investigations and questions related to the agency-sanctioned assassination of President Kennedy.


>alpha male

Only among jews. Imagine that, being so effeminate as an ethic group that this fat ugly loser is an "alpha".



Fuck, now I can't help but imagine Sargon with a "pokesona", a Sargon Dragonite.

4e45c0 No.316365

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You know who I'd like to take a moment and appreciate? This fucking streetshitter!

As all the other atheists (the non Atheism+ ones) moved on to talk about SJWs and collectivsm, this guy keeps repeating the same exact atheist talking points that they used to drive home ten years ago. He even talks about fags like they're some oppressed minority who just wants to be like everyone else, and like their struggle is analogous to that of atheists.

Just look at this video. He posted it two days ago, but it looks like something you'd see ten years ago. He really is a living time capsule.

7cc4a1 No.316367

Stop shilling shit ass youtubers and grt to the fucking lulz.

<waah u dont make them happen kys

>i did a week ago fox tried to kill himself

<waah check this youtube channel out

0f6f27 No.316369

File: 7bc10ab9602618b⋯.jpg (85.33 KB, 640x678, 320:339, ha.jpg)


>s on that day were getting hit with a lot of shit. Random signal loss, random phone shutdown despite high battery levels, phone displays scrambled, phone forcibly signed out of social media accounts, a real shitshow.

>Believing the water filter merchant.


Where are you from?

da9f75 No.316370


I just filtered him for the obnoxious post in general.

01e7e8 No.316371


It's like if you remove all the autistic screeching, people can come up with a plan.

4e0037 No.316372



Yeah good vid.

6c86b5 No.316373

File: 40374ae998f3936⋯.png (26.22 KB, 540x171, 60:19, 3435435435435.png)





Daily reminder that that french fuck jf is a biggest lolcow out of the whole ordeal.

https://foxdickfarms.netPLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORDs/jfg-jean-francois-gariepy-jfgariepyneuro-the-french-pervert.38787/

13052a No.316374


kys Vee

de3af1 No.316375


t. Kraut

da9f75 No.316376

File: 88822be827f4e30⋯.webm (368.71 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, desperate.webm)


You sound pretty desperate leftypol.


ef8482 No.316378


>That pic

>Implying he has said anything wrong

Fuck off Vee/DesTINY

6c86b5 No.316379




Just read the topic. If i was you i would drop that french pervert before he sinks your whole racist shitshow with him.

da6b1b No.316380


>see it happen live with the stream cutout

>just report on what happened



<f-filtered reeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>being this assmad that I'm not Jim like you thought I was

172085 No.316381


Where's the lie?

d836c5 No.316382

File: c58435bf86305e5⋯.gif (1.51 MB, 320x180, 16:9, (You).gif)


<that that

<is a biggest

4e45c0 No.316383



This is so bad that I'm wondering if it's actually real or just a troll.


Hi, Jim.

0f6f27 No.316384

File: b93e154f21a6e61⋯.png (851.86 KB, 500x721, 500:721, 30765d154a6a58e4ef28d92e9b….png)



I'm not racist, stop projecting.

d63919 No.316386

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Don't forget to ask Sargon if he's too insecure about his intelligence to debate Spencer and Enoch

4e0037 No.316387


When is Anglin vs Sargon happening?

ef8482 No.316388



Excuse me, this is a leftist board

Fuck white people and fuck drumpf

6c86b5 No.316389



Well "race realism" is a way to legitimise racism using pseudoscience. If you weren't racist you would get out of your way to defend racist frogs.

da6b1b No.316390

File: 251fbb08b3aba27⋯.jpg (12.91 KB, 287x277, 287:277, 251fbb08b3aba27d6200db5cc0….jpg)

0f6f27 No.316391

File: 44f1afede3bd49b⋯.gif (352.1 KB, 256x256, 1:1, 65e9e377ba0288097538b7867f….gif)


>If you weren't racist you would get out of your way to defend racist frogs.

This level of strawmanning, who could be behind this post?

75c925 No.316392


Pfft no

You can 'legitimise' Racism by talking a jog through the ghetto.

d836c5 No.316393

File: 6e55d5308342052⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1062x915, 354:305, 366e081c5f8dd575489298fe34….png)

File: fe63ed956715ac0⋯.jpg (8.69 MB, 8532x5040, 237:140, Fascism vs NS.jpg)



0f6f27 No.316394


The lack of understanding of what and who the septics are up against is hilarious.

3e497d No.316395




>Select Tiny Melee

>Automatically play as DesTINY

>You are in Tiny Mode

>Everyone Else is in Giant Mode

4e45c0 No.316396

File: 56fcbcc6cd480d8⋯.png (51.51 KB, 178x348, 89:174, Catotsuki.png)

File: 829801ba32d56a5⋯.png (95.48 KB, 603x267, 201:89, Catotsuki2.png)


The two thats are okay, though.


Checking foxdicks, there's the thread on CRP since november, there's this thread on JF since today, and there's also a six days old thread on Richard Spencer :

>https://foxdickfarms.is/thre ads/richard-b-spencer.31426/

>https://foxdickfarms.net/thre ads/coachredpill-gonzalo-lira-expat229.36610/

>https://foxdickfarms.net/thre ads/jfg-jean-francois-gariepy-jfgariepyneuro-the-french-pervert.38787/

Interestingly, both the Spencer and the JF threads were made by the same person – Catotsuki (and are fucking awful), a """""""female""""""" moderator and staff member at foxdickfarms.

Is this person related to any of this?

c14791 No.316397

foxdickfarms staff mod is trying to shill his shitty thread here >>316373 and on half chan

4e0037 No.316398


Pretty boring, they're just rubbing each other's bellies. Also muh evil Nazis. The MRE guy is a Greek living in the UK btw.

b76383 No.316399


Yes, the tranny knows that once the white ethnostate rolls around that >she won't be tolerated on ze publique spees anymore.

ef8482 No.316406

File: 61446296b6d7a55⋯.png (19.85 KB, 820x85, 164:17, butthurt nigger.png)


I like how they don't even mention the author of the thread was caught red handed samefagging shilling for DesTiny

172085 No.316408

File: cb283cc841c6354⋯.jpg (108.04 KB, 430x381, 430:381, k visible confusion.jpg)


>ethnicity is culture!

>greeks born in britain are ethnically british

I can't take this bullshit.

4e45c0 No.316409



Interesting, isn't it. Significantly less than 1% of the population is trans, and yet from the extremely limited information provided by that foxdick profile immediately tell that he wasn't a real woman.


>The projection in that pic

>I like how they don't even mention the author of the thread was caught red handed samefagging shilling for DesTiny

Is this confirmed? Was Catotsuki 8cdcbd (OP)?

c1b4dd No.316410

File: c3e93741460e094⋯.jpg (137.43 KB, 1094x363, 1094:363, nigger hearts.jpg)

01e7e8 No.316411


Lol. Nobody would have cared about that JF thread. It would have died a peaceful death. But the OP just had to be a raging Destiny autist and sperg out over anyone who shitposted in his thread.

c901f1 No.316412


I loaded it, heard like 1 minute and hit f5 on the thread.

9a2cc1 No.316413


>Significantly less than 1% of the population is trans, and yet from the extremely limited information provided by that foxdick profile immediately tell that he wasn't a real woman.

What are some red flags to look out for?

75c925 No.316414


Feline shit

Nearly 10,000 messages in less than 2 years


And a claim to be female yet a lack of nudes.

4e45c0 No.316415


I think I reacted to the avatar:




After seeing the avatar I immediately thought "either a tranny or a fat neckbeard LARPing".

It's also the fact that only an extreme outlier (among women) would be so involved in lolcow culture that she would be a moderator/staff member on foxdick, and having all those messages.

c1b4dd No.316416

File: fd3798cfbd54bae⋯.mp4 (8.66 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Destiny fan rages.mp4)


this is your average destiny fan so it makes sense.

0f6f27 No.316417

File: 9ab2351ca13163c⋯.jpg (93.56 KB, 600x1054, 300:527, 0daf92ca82b0121d87a3f03a12….jpg)


>Checkerboard illuminati symbolism



>tail buttplug

>from the ballpit, furry convention reference

>dark mage

>red demon eyes

What a mess

5ca291 No.316419



01e7e8 No.316420


a true master's apprentice

4e45c0 No.316421



>dark mage

>red demon eyes

Right. I also reacted to that.


Test to see if I can avoid the word filter:



cd2ee6 No.316422

d63919 No.316423


/our jewish coalburner/

4e0037 No.316424


Originally they wanted to replace Kraut with Braving Ruin, would've been good.

d6f821 No.316425

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Now that she has "come out" as (((alt-right))) I hope someone calls her out on making the most cucked video of all time

ef8482 No.316426


Oh boy

ef8482 No.316427


I don't think she seriously identify as alt right, it's probably just a knee jerk reaction for being treated like shit by Kraut and the skeptics

da6b1b No.316428

File: 7a5f46b50d9d850⋯.png (102.17 KB, 234x318, 39:53, Smug_Alex_Jones.png)



0f6f27 No.316430


>/our jewish coalburner/

Is she both?

d63919 No.316431


They have the caps in the cuckchan thread of old forum posts where she admits it

d63919 No.316433


Faggot didn't ask Sargon about why he pulled out of the debate. I think he is just going to try to memory hole any criticism of him and continue making snarky remarks about Spencer being a totalitarian collectivist

b7c82c No.316436


Someone get a mirror of this shit!

b7c82c No.316437


>so poor you're homeless

<but you can sue a guy who paid you to fight

Obviously a lawyer showed up and jumped on that shit for them.

ef8482 No.316438

b7c82c No.316439


Bless 'ya friend.

b09c47 No.316442




>tfw self-hating atheist / agnostic

What do?

ad276f No.316443

File: e8d7ed45c474db2⋯.webm (11.99 MB, 950x706, 475:353, suicide_is_painless.webm)

File: 5495018a4f07b4f⋯.jpg (93.81 KB, 604x396, 151:99, suicide two guns.jpg)

File: 11af3a048fd9ba1⋯.png (120.27 KB, 448x242, 224:121, up next, suicide.PNG)

5afe54 No.316445


Worship the sun

-Original religion, do not steal.

b09c47 No.316446

File: 6d7aa3cd76050eb⋯.jpg (66.56 KB, 680x418, 340:209, 1486579264505.jpg)


I always knew it'd come to this

3355b5 No.316447

c1b4dd No.316448

File: 902890f9662f060⋯.jpg (238.58 KB, 845x900, 169:180, 7f9239d11b99cbac6a7fac431e….jpg)


a lot of fedoras became pagans, you could try that.

341358 No.316449


become a god

b09c47 No.316450


I'll check this channel out, thanks anon. Unlike redditors I'm not innately against the concept of religion. Always willing to learn

341358 No.316451

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Apologies, but Loomer will be on. I wonder if she'll moan about the Warski thing.

ef8482 No.316452


Is her whiteknight going to be there too?

b09c47 No.316453



b77a08 No.316454


Fuck that shit. It's straya day so I'm using one of my 10 drinking days/year so I don't have to watch that sober.

4e0037 No.316455


Roosh is brown, Fuentes a spic, Loomer a Jew, Aurini a christcuck. The future of the right in North America, ladies and gentlemen.

3355b5 No.316456


wrong, right, correct, what's your point?

b76383 No.316457


Knight-Grandmaster of the Order of Her Most Virtuous Ebon Tire*

341358 No.316458


ackshually, jews can't be paladins, because paladins are Lawful Good

da6b1b No.316459

4e0037 No.316460


Wait, do you classify Roosh as white? My point regarding Aurini is that Christianity these days is a brown people religion and worships Jews, also Aurini himself stated it's more important to convert people to Christianity than achieve ethnic homogeneity.

3355b5 No.316461


I classify Persians as white.

>Christianity these days is a brown people religion and worships Jews

You are actually talking about a Bong heresy that has only got on its feet in America and nowhere else. The real teaching is, that Christendom is the new Isreal. The Jews are just huge motherfuckers, because they still can't handle not getting an earthly messiah.

Stop listening to heretics.

da6b1b No.316462

File: 8097d3d7f3f2541⋯.jpg (27.22 KB, 440x540, 22:27, 1455733626626.jpg)




d63919 No.316463




The Sour Grapes stream

4e0037 No.316464


Does someone like Roosh honestly look white to you? Also, even if we pretend that the Arab conquest of Persia never happened, they differed a lot from the ancient Greeks and Romans in many ways. Also, call it an Anglo heresy but that's the dominant strain of Christianity for 'whites' right now.

d6f821 No.316465

Reminder that Roosh is a subhuman who admitted his IQ was 85 unironically on Baked Alaska's stream

b7c82c No.316466

File: ceedb36c4d88838⋯.jpg (27.56 KB, 412x300, 103:75, Just saiyan.jpg)

Secularism is the soul-acting poison slowly killing the west.

4e0037 No.316467


I dunno about that but if women get told to fuck off for e-whoring and being race traitors (rightfully imo) then why keep a brown PUA turned attention whore around?

da6b1b No.316468


I told you the autistic post on /4chon/ was forthcoming. Maybe you saw it. :^)



That faggot? That pilpull pulling motherfucker that went on an autistic shitstorm, libeling and doxing his former business partners and generally being a faggot before stealing a paid spreaker account?

d63919 No.316469

File: 57122aa60c4f2ad⋯.png (59.66 KB, 1600x1600, 1:1, Middle East Genetic Map.png)


>he fell for the white=aryan meme

They're actually less white than Arabs

5afe54 No.316470

File: 6c04d36e4fbf164⋯.jpg (92.62 KB, 1066x1028, 533:514, 6e1944dc0d44205453a21a793e….jpg)


Looks white enough to me

d6f821 No.316473

>Roosh TradThot hate circle jerk

>Styx & Richard Spencer

>Random Wraski stream on Western Civ

All at the same time. What are you watching?

0f6f27 No.316474


Fag hag and her flaming homos… it's like a daytime chat show.

The comments were funny, someone's trying to spam wetbread

341358 No.316475


Seems like it.

<women are whores, I'm a fuck them all

<how dare these sluts exploit men for shekels on the internet

Sorry for posting the link. It's a pity party and they're bitching about Lauren Southern and Warski making money. Granted they're opportunists, but ffs these cunts need to look in the mirror.

d63919 No.316476

Warski attacked Loomer because he liked her

Hot take from shitskin. These fags don't even stick to their own principles of making fun of roasties and white knights

cbd849 No.316477

File: 270d5dfaa8cd994⋯.png (1.37 MB, 800x1139, 800:1139, smash-bloodsports.png)

fresh OC

341358 No.316478

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here's the Styx and Spencer talk.

01e7e8 No.316479


Read anything written before 1850

d6f821 No.316480


Yeah Andy isn't even single iirc. Regardless, criticizing a morally questionable action of some Jewess makes you a beta orbiter now? These guys are way too far up there own asses with their armchair psychology

5afe54 No.316481


Yeah, he specially loved the way she argues.

And Warskis girlfriend made an appearance on Tonkas stream today.

4e0037 No.316482


Spencer Styx where?

d63919 No.316483

>3 streams open at once

Peak bloodsports

e16658 No.316484

File: 03af7658248bb44⋯.mp4 (3.3 MB, 326x326, 1:1, 03af7658248bb444fb121afc69….mp4)


Smash Bros of Autism is the best way anyone could've ever described the past month

d6f821 No.316485

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




4 actually Baked Alaska and Count Dankula fired one up too

807a98 No.316486

File: bb34612ad30aab6⋯.png (989.51 KB, 1490x832, 745:416, maxresdddffefault.png)

File: 3cf04b4e170fbc3⋯.png (954.55 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, Sargon2Post.png)


Here are two full heads of the Don

4e0037 No.316487



172085 No.316488


>implicit dick blathering about 80s music

>Vee on warski

fuck all this shit

281b2b No.316489

>It's a Vee episode

Guess I'm catching up on the Kumite then

4e0037 No.316490


Vee = Poochie

d63919 No.316491


The Loomer stream is embarassing. They are all going along with her pilpul and acting like orbiters. Really makes you think

172085 No.316492


Vee = Scrappy Doo

cbd849 No.316493

File: 68f1d914eba630f⋯.png (1.34 MB, 800x1139, 800:1139, smash-bloodsports2.png)


got an even better face senpai

d6f821 No.316494


>Critisize orbiters who worship thots that reflect their views

>Bring on thot that agrees with this and worship her

More proof Roosh is a subhuman retard

d6f821 No.316495



cd2ee6 No.316498

File: 25c301917ce2be8⋯.png (3.53 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, jim sargon battle.png)


More oc please

69515b No.316499

The fucking sound quality.

cbd849 No.316501

File: 00d53ed26422b19⋯.png (13.71 KB, 479x476, 479:476, jack frost nyari.png)


give me inspiration and I can probably make it happen

d63919 No.316502


None of them are calling her out on the pilpul. They're all going along with her 'I'm not like the other girls' schtick

807a98 No.316503


Billy beating Sargon with giant black dildo

69515b No.316504

File: 9fc00833153fd0b⋯.png (27.51 KB, 694x296, 347:148, Roosh call ins.png)

I just noticed something about the roosh v stream.

99a790 No.316505


Sargons stand should be vee and star platinum should be tonka

69515b No.316509

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


d63919 No.316510


>don't insult my guests

Roosh is white-knighting hard

b09c47 No.316511


I'm ready to rant about Jews to anyone. Sign me up fam

69515b No.316513

>Loomer's just after the shekels


c1b4dd No.316514


Isn't this the guy who supposed to be a pick up artist alpha? Sounds like a usual liberal male.

da6b1b No.316516

File: 6741d192a2eacd4⋯.png (22.04 KB, 578x183, 578:183, ClipboardImage.png)

69515b No.316517



This call man!

"Why are the jews pro open borders?"

b09c47 No.316519

Ethnic Jew, religious Jew. One and the same. All are of the same tribe

69515b No.316520

Hey Jim learn to tag people you fucking scrub. How long have you been using twitter now?

69515b No.316522

Start a shitstorm by tagging cunts jimbo we all want to see it.

4e0037 No.316523


Peter Sweden is probably going to beta her even more.

b09c47 No.316525

Ah that's gay you have to pay money to call on Google Hangouts. I'll have to check on Skype

e16658 No.316526


Notice how she completely dodged the question too and just said not #Notalljews

69515b No.316527


She basically admitted it.


ef8482 No.316528

File: 1863e8121c6f27f⋯.png (10.83 KB, 460x75, 92:15, sick bantz.png)

e16658 No.316529

Peter Sweden fears fucking nothing

4e0037 No.316531


Flawless victory.

69515b No.316532


Damn son, 99999 damage.

b09c47 No.316533


Reeee how can I call online without paying

4e0037 No.316534

>Roosh begging for betabucks

d63919 No.316535

>Roosh has to beg for superchats

>unironically agreeing with Laura that men only say mean things because they want to fuck her

b09c47 No.316536

Fuck is he done with calls now? I was about to use my real phone

4e0037 No.316537


And now for something completely original, let's hear how fucked Sweden is.

69515b No.316538


I think he's just trying to go to something that imploded harder than his reputation.

c1b4dd No.316539

File: 5313ae664924bd8⋯.gif (1.37 MB, 446x251, 446:251, 19.gif)

69515b No.316543

Fuck sake faith G.

d63919 No.316545

Loomer keeps talking about how she doesn't mind if people find her attractive, but she doesn't get as much attetnion as tradthots because she doesn't show off like them.

This is hilarious

69515b No.316546


If she showed off anything she'd lose 90% of her audience to suicide.

391f11 No.316547


>Loomer keeps talking about how she doesn't mind if people find her attractive

I really don't she has to worry too much about that.

b09c47 No.316548


69515b No.316549

Faith goldy sucking loomer's elephant like that trunk is a raspberry flavoured dildo.

69515b No.316550


Wordfilter son. I do it sometimes but fuck we all need to remember the rule of all boards. MODS=FAGS.

Also, yeah I want to call in but I think they got the memo that no-one takes them seriously. Tail between legs circlejerk right now.

69515b No.316551

What the fuck is FG smoking? "Focus on men, I go to the gym in yoga pants btw"

d6f821 No.316552


They're literally just gossiping like a bunch of kids at the lunch table. Roosh just wants super chats

69515b No.316553


He wants to be racewarski. Little does he know what happens when you suck up to a jew. They remove all of your shekels.

"WHAT IS WHITE?!" Fuck me.

b09c47 No.316554

I'm connected on my phone and can hear there voices. I'm not sure if I can speak or not

69515b No.316555


Call loomer a kikess elephant cunt.

99a790 No.316556

Any of you watching the warski stream, they seem to be headed towards discussing the jewish question

d63919 No.316557

<what is white

t. Davis Aurini

Half the people in the chat don't know who he is

69515b No.316558

Jim that was posted like 15 mins ago, read the thread before you post.

b09c47 No.316559


I'll say it if I get on. I plan on quoting codreanu and calling out out southern as a mudshark

d63919 No.316560


call out roosh for white-knighting Loomer

69515b No.316561


Nah still hoping Roosh lets more calls in.

4e0037 No.316562


The leader of NOD.

b09c47 No.316563


I'm on some sort of hold it seems like


I'll call him that and a sandnigger

99a790 No.316564


Its bretty good they are interviewing some kike that is claiming that the alt-right is going to win.

d63919 No.316566


I hope you get through


It's Luke Ford, he's a non-jew ethnically iirc but then he converted because he was in porn and now he talks about jewish subversion all the time

d6f821 No.316567


>some kike that is claiming that the alt-right is going to win.

Isn't he a convert?

69515b No.316568


Swapped streams. The roosh one decided to be faggots.

69515b No.316569


If they want to convert their DNA they can suckstart a shotgun.

b09c47 No.316570

I can only hear Roosh's voice from my phone. I think that's a good sign

69515b No.316571

"hey JF, the asian girl you fucked the other day, did she have horizontal pussy"

b09c47 No.316572

Shit they're going through callers, get ready lads. I'll give a shoutout

69515b No.316573


Shoutout to niggercentral.org

d63919 No.316575

Is this you lad?

35a1f7 No.316577

File: 3345e197cfc30dd⋯.jpg (35.49 KB, 522x499, 522:499, 6fb3203c21ea95c39dc6ea8758….jpg)

So is this where a big contingent of /pol/ has gone or something? There's more anti-semitism here than actual /pol/ these days, I was wondering where the decent posters had gone.

b09c47 No.316578

Not yet, I'm gonna talk about Jews and call people sandniggers and coal burners

d6f821 No.316579

>laura loomer is wearing Lauren Southern's nose


69515b No.316580


69515b No.316581


I died.

69515b No.316582

Do it. Niggercentral.org.

b09c47 No.316584


I'll make sure to call it out. I've been waiting for 20 minutes so I hope he accepts it

d63919 No.316585

Forney keeps bragging about the 45yo crack whore he slept with.

I think the details are on the right wing cows thread on here

4e0037 No.316586


It really shook her up.

What's the point of bitching about tradthots when you worship Loomer?

4e0037 No.316587


>Talks about mentally ill right wing women

>Loomer shuffles uncomfortably

69515b No.316588


Loomer isn't a thot. Thot's get dick. She just gets clit.

5afe54 No.316589

>Jewrini defending the tire

You faggot.

b09c47 No.316590

Anybody know anything about Roosh in case I get on?

69515b No.316591


I just realised I used an apostrophe wrong. Suiciding.

4e0037 No.316592

>Roosh doesn't like name calling

This is golden.


He's a PUA turned traditionalist.

69515b No.316593


He's an MRA. About all from me.

b09c47 No.316594



I'll just call him a sandnigger

4e0037 No.316595


69515b No.316597


Ask him if he likes fucking kids. Calling cunts paedos is a pretty huge m ilker.

d63919 No.316598


Call aurini a lisping faggot as well, if you have time

b09c47 No.316599


I'll fit in everything I can. I was gonna call him Kane too

d63919 No.316600

Laura just said the paladin was just a friend

01e7e8 No.316601

this spencer stream

"i'm glad to be aboard a-adolf"

>y-you too

b09c47 No.316602

>32 minutes on hold


d6f821 No.316603


Is it worth watching later?

d63919 No.316604


It will be hilarious if you get through

49d10c No.316606

File: 28dd036ee4df3f9⋯.png (1.2 MB, 711x740, 711:740, 24.PNG)

I can't belive loomer is only 24. I guessed early 30s-mid 30s.

01e7e8 No.316607


Styx and Implicit Dick are both autistic, but it seems pretty amicable so far

b09c47 No.316608

>have to piss really bad

>don't want to miss my chance to sperg in front of 1000 people

I may have to find a piss bottle

cbd849 No.316609


Guess that's what plastic surgery and excessive makeup can do

d63919 No.316610

>1 more call

d6f821 No.316611


lol not a good look. Should have just solved the problem quietly without seeking approval for a degenerate solution.

91bde1 No.316614

File: 72b5b1298add6ff⋯.jpg (75.11 KB, 570x845, 114:169, frankly disgusting.jpg)



172085 No.316615

File: f8b54663341d0ab⋯.png (4.23 KB, 183x275, 183:275, small brainlet.png)

>we need porn or else there will be rape epidemics!

Yeah, that's why we had sky-high rape epidemics back in the 1950s before you could get porn at the palm of your hand in an instant

da6b1b No.316618


Are you on a landline? Why not piss while on the phone?

b09c47 No.316619


I'm on my cell but the battery is pretty low so I'm charging it. I don't want to pull a Tokes

64a88a No.316620


blame imkampfy for that

b09c47 No.316622

>1 hour 2 minutes on hold

This faggot better take some more calls, this shit is awful

5afe54 No.316623


fun goes to wherever fun can happen.

4d37d4 No.316624


>I can't belive loomer is only 24.

Are you fucking kidding me? Is she really only 24? I thought she's close to her forties.

d3fbe9 No.316625

This stream sucks. Get something going anons.

64a88a No.316626

File: f49ce069480f3c7⋯.jpg (188.89 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, laura loomer makeapp.jpg)


i was surprised as well. she went from infant to roastie with barely a transition.

5afe54 No.316627


Warskis stream is shit too

cc0a3f No.316628


>This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on hate speech.

>not even cyber bullying



64a88a No.316630


because Vee is on it. he's like a gravitational vortex of cancer, anything near him instantly metastasizes.

d3fbe9 No.316632


Are any of these streams any good yet? Or do we have to wait for Anglin and Sargoy.

cbd849 No.316633

File: ba27834b632cb3f⋯.jpg (10.7 KB, 290x310, 29:31, sargon-tired.jpg)

File: 98a7a0172570854⋯.png (226.79 KB, 536x654, 268:327, sargon-wojak.png)


I'm working on it, which do you think would fit Sargon's reaction more?

If it's neither, send me your suggestion

b09c47 No.316634


All of these streams are shit. Roosh is taking callers and I plan a JQ rant. Been on hold for over an hour though

d63919 No.316635

Laura just explained Khazar julayers

b09c47 No.316636

>all of this race-mixing propaganda

da6b1b No.316637

File: 22c53eef66680a5⋯.png (530.18 KB, 1000x2800, 5:14, 1462317671399.png)


In a way they're treating it like a real radio show then. Those tend to have yuge hold times for callers.

b09c47 No.316638


They're talking about the JQ too now, this is my zone

d63919 No.316639

<alt-right just hates jews because they want to bang jewish women

Brilliant analysis from Roosh. This guy is an honourary kike

d6f821 No.316640

I had to leave that cancer gossip stream pilpul cringe fest. Roosh and Aurini are a fucking weird part of the right wing internet

5afe54 No.316642


He's parroting what tirekike said.

They're her paladin guard.

4e0037 No.316644


Told ya.

172085 No.316646


I popped in for a second and I heard aurini defending TireGate as if the problem was her thinking that her tire was slashed, rather than the fact that she went out of her way to forge evidence that she wasn't wrong.

b09c47 No.316647

I tried lads

4134f9 No.316648


Vee managed to be more jewish than the actual jew in the stream

172085 No.316649

File: e19d133755fafc8⋯.jpg (93.29 KB, 400x552, 50:69, untermensch vee.jpg)

>muh meritocracy

So are the LiberalistsTM saying that they're going to step in and oversee everyone's hiring processes to prevent anyone from hiring anyone for reasons other than what they deem "merit"? How the fuck does that even work?

4e0037 No.316650


Quick recap?


Don't worry.

b09c47 No.316651


I got nervous and jumped into my Jew rant. We do need to organize though

b09c47 No.316652

And everyone is calling a fed and CIA kek

172085 No.316653



Part of the problem is his shit opinions. Then the other part is that he's indeed a black hole that sucks air out of the room. Whenever he's on a stream, he can't help but interrupt and take up 80% of the airtime with his false premise bullshit.

That and his insistent to falsely equivocate everything to communism and feminism

b09c47 No.316654

How bad did I sperg? I was the deep-voiced caller from a minute ago, I feel like I dropped my spaghetti a bit too early. Sitting on the computer and discussing metapolitics is gay though

da6b1b No.316657

File: 1b4132e60a5e0e3⋯.mp4 (13.78 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, alex jones bill hicks.mp4)


>fucking up


d3fbe9 No.316658


Damn it, you got through? I was getting ready for the gym and missed it. I'll try and check it later. The rest of this stream is going to suck.

d6f821 No.316659


You didn't sound nervous but you got cucked pretty bad by your phone. These dissidant alt-right fags are the worst and make no real points other than

>Lul! beta virgin alt-right cucks wana fuck the jewess princesses. What losers!

b09c47 No.316660


It wasn't that good, I told Roosh that metapolitics was gay and that they need to get on the streets and organize. He just whined "WAHH ANTIFA WOULD KILL ME". That's politics. It's not peaceful. Chat called me a fed


Yeah I just listened to it. Not sure why the audio was so shit, maybe it was my phone case. Wish I had stayed on longer but I just got pissed and hung up at Roosh being such a fucking coward

d3fbe9 No.316661


You're right. For a bunch of wannabe alpha pussy slayers these guys sure suck up to (((Laura))) even though she's a wellknown scheming cunt.

4134f9 No.316662


>people fap because they are to high T

>jews being a collective is not an issue because they are not a collective, but don't let Whites group together

>vee was romans n sheeit

>muslims rape because of no porn

Meanwhile the jew dropped redpills about jews in the media, White genodice, and jewish nepotism.

d25d5a No.316663

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



172085 No.316665


Vee/Sargon's definition of collectivism is also fucking retarded. It's like some sort of schrodinger's cat where something gets to be both individualist and collectivist and it ends up being one depending on what Vee/Sargon want.

da6b1b No.316667


da6b1b No.316668

cd2ee6 No.316669

File: a4b090183e3673a⋯.jpg (86.1 KB, 384x288, 4:3, 1334189239969.jpg)

1fb6bb No.316672


wojak sargon

b09c47 No.316673

Roosh kinda pissed me off in my call. Wish I had stayed. What a pussy faggot. This makes me want to do stuff IRL 10 times more now.

4d37d4 No.316675


>the jew dropped redpills about jews in the media, White genodice, and jewish nepotism.

But repeated the old "muh Holohoax"-narrative a 6 gorillion times.

cbd849 No.316676

File: 2d47b2f19e98da7⋯.png (197.06 KB, 668x190, 334:95, billy-sargon-fight1.png)

for the anon who requested Billy slapping Sargon with a BBC, hopefully you don't mind the awful coloring I did of the dildo

172085 No.316677


>the jews who wanted to escape to America refused to settle for Dominican Republic

>instead they decided to turn around and go back to Germany

>where they all got gassed!!!

Implying anyone got gassed, top kek. Also the story doesn't even make any sense. If the nazis were allegedly doing this horrible shit and purpoesfully gathering all the jews for extermination, then why did they let this boat of jews leave for another country?

578597 No.316679

File: 24e10bd28ab4b60⋯.jpg (29.46 KB, 500x333, 500:333, 24e10bd28ab4b6031ff0c27cd6….jpg)

>Aurini watches Rick and Morty

cbd849 No.316680

File: 031ad948a803eaf⋯.png (203.54 KB, 668x190, 334:95, billy-sargon-fight2.png)

alt version

cbd849 No.316682

File: 07f42973403b9d2⋯.png (2.01 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, jim-sargon-battle2.png)


gotcha covered fam

a634d4 No.316683

File: 4c9f42fa30a40c3⋯.png (369.76 KB, 846x900, 47:50, Laugh in serval.png)


And then everything made sense about this fag.

01e7e8 No.316685

I'm listening to Warski from today. Vee is crying about being Romania and how its all nepotisms fault he doesn't have a job. He has an highly skewed idea of how meritocratic things are in the United States. I think after hearing both Vee and Sargon sperg over the last few weeks, I have figured out the problem. They both just want to be Americans. And they think America still works like it did in 1960.

172085 No.316688


There's two things I've noticed:

1) all the people pulling the "what even is white?" shit are all europeans who are acting autistic, as if swedes and brits and italians aren't part of an over-arching umbrella of shared genetics/culture/history/etc

2) all the people gushing about America being some idealized place like in the "american dream, land of opportunity" propaganda are all also europeans who have no clue what life in America is really like.

01e7e8 No.316689

>a woman's pent up sexual energy is released with her period

t. gypsy doctor

01e7e8 No.316692


Vee """""dated""""" a camwhore

e95f00 No.316693

File: 8c75db8710cd19d⋯.jpg (66.34 KB, 680x727, 680:727, 8c75db8710cd19da8a18503189….jpg)


Sounds like gypsy magic to me.

e3513d No.316694

File: a650abe6f057e96⋯.jpg (12.92 KB, 322x308, 23:22, a650abe6f057e96aa6451e0bd0….jpg)


>he didn't knew when he started dating

I guess Vee was to busy masturbating to Vore pics to care about a normal relationship

01e7e8 No.316695


He probably donated to some slut on twitch and told his parents he had a gf and then they laughed.

172085 No.316696



I find it hilarious how Vee pretends to be the sexual psychology expert saying porn is perfectly healthy, when he himself is a degenerate furfag and vore fetishist, and now it turns out he was literally a cuckold too.

This is what porn does. It's like a drugs and keeps giving dopamine rushes until you're desensitized, and then you need to go on to more extreme forms of porn and/or weird fetishes. And Vee himself is a living example of this. Nobody becomes a furfag or vore fetishist out of the blue. That shit happens after watching so much porn that they end up needing to go to something else to keep getting stimulated.

d6f821 No.316699

Holy shit have you seen this guy who is trolling Andrew Anglin's lawyer? His entire twitter feed is creepy videos of him at the airport. Sage for off topic.


d6f821 No.316700

01e7e8 No.316701


This reminds me of weev's christmas stream. He talked about his living situation and how he moves around all the time. He also said almost nonchalantly that he will probably end up dead. It's weird to think about internet nahdzee memers being international outlaws, but of course that is absolutely the case.

99a790 No.316704


Good man.

c1b4dd No.316712

File: 70499f2de9da2d2⋯.jpg (59.07 KB, 603x739, 603:739, DUant_QVMAAjLvb.jpg)



he looks like he works for huffpost

9d83ab No.316713


>muh reddit spacing

Literally been on imageboards since 05 and never been on leddit, never used any other spacing. Don't know what the fuck this shit is.

a3cbfc No.316716


From an actual white person who lives in a non shartified white country I can tell you he isn't white just like every other Iranian isn't white.

07869c No.316718



>muh reddit spacing


>Literally been on imageboards since 05 and never been on leddit, never used any other spacing. Don't know what the fuck this shit is.

Those two > between the post # and text and both texts are reddit spaces.

9d83ab No.316720


>implying I care

Don't you have school tomorrow?

07869c No.316721


I'm informing you, m8. No need to get triggered.

9d83ab No.316723


I understand what it is, what I'm saying is that it's a very new thing people have just recently started bitching about.

07869c No.316729


Yeah, it's really annoying when you separate sentences/paragraphs thematically to automatically met with

>reddit spacing

It's cuckhan shit from perspective.

07869c No.316730

da6b1b No.316732

File: 2f25fb00543115a⋯.jpg (5.58 KB, 141x199, 141:199, I seriously hope you gays ….jpg)


>s-stop bullying me for double spacing between single sentences and thinking single sentences are paragraphs because I'm a twitterbrain

07869c No.316733

File: 95dcced75d5e32d⋯.jpg (24.57 KB, 400x462, 200:231, Disdain.jpg)


Learn what the definition of a paragraph is before you post. I can write a grammatically correct sentence the size of a paragraph. Thematic continuity is more important than an arbitrary number of sentences.

75c925 No.316735


>defending reddit spacing

Time for you to go back

cd2ee6 No.316736

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Things are kinda boring right now. Hopefully the saga continues soon.

da6b1b No.316737

File: 2d8fd4992a440d3⋯.png (90.41 KB, 241x357, 241:357, 1471772962904.png)


>saging a thread that's past bump limit

>over reddit spacing

>being this butthurt

07869c No.316738


It's called saging because it's off-topic, cuckchanner.

8e6d46 No.316739


A new shibboleth /pol/ has made up to keep out plebbitors. BOOM! Spoonfed. Frankly, I find it pretty annoying, because I have used that formatting for one of the largest texts without the need to deal with like a dozen /pol/tards sperging out in the same thread.


You don't know how it used to work, do you? Brotip: There wasn't a bump limit when halfchan used Futaba+gazou+PHPjunkheap

9a2cc1 No.316740


Found twatter of this "woman"


8e6d46 No.316741



>not a autistic moefag LARPing one.

281b2b No.316746

File: 9f520dd08b601c5⋯.jpg (91.99 KB, 600x506, 300:253, Unbenannt.jpg)

File: c2bd596a18e887a⋯.jpg (57 KB, 608x509, 608:509, Unbenannt2.jpg)


Things are heating up with Destiny and Tonka again

627728 No.316748

File: 2dfb6de300a1dca⋯.jpg (140.23 KB, 828x967, 828:967, 1515706765499.jpg)

Why is Vee being so desperately trying to LARP like a legitimate doctor now that its been called into doubt by us – Hell, isn't he a self-admitted micro-biologist? Yet he tries to come off as a General Physician who cures people of cancer and autism on a daily basis.

182fd4 No.316749


>Vee is crying about being Romania and how its all nepotisms fault he doesn't have a job.

Is this fucking tsigan for real? According to what Romanianon found he had a medical job and is on leave due to "personal reasons" aka because holding a job prevents you from playing vidya and jerking it to vore all day.

5afe54 No.316750


Tiny doesn't know shit

Look at Tonkas muscles, those have not been worked for beauty, they are functional

e16658 No.316751



He's a skeleton that tricks adventurers into thinking he's low level EXP fodder and then wrestles the shit out of them.

4e45c0 No.316752

File: 93beb2b0f9d6d62⋯.png (39.54 KB, 1092x244, 273:61, ToL.png)




5afe54 No.316753


My problem is that I've seen one of those skeletons play rugby and break the shoulder of a forward (the "fatties"), thankfully he was on my team.

4e45c0 No.316754

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The video.

4d37d4 No.316755


DesTINY didn't reveal Tonka's name but I think I figured it out. I don't know if I should share it though since I like Tonka.

5afe54 No.316756


He hasn't done anything that deserves that, wait until destiny goes all out.

e16658 No.316757

File: ff59ba9ce851c04⋯.jpg (49.01 KB, 596x470, 298:235, 466f9b588fd429ab19dafceb81….jpg)


>Demanding people to stop trolling

The tried and true tactic. Shame she didn't put out any lulzy ominous threats like the best spergs do.

c98c94 No.316758


wow destiny really cant help doxing everyone mean to him lol

9f46c4 No.316759


Vee turned out to be a cuck? Do I have to watch that stream now?

e4206d No.316760

File: 4cae35d7cfa82f2⋯.jpg (87.44 KB, 335x419, 335:419, tonka.jpg)

File: 5ff366ffd0168bb⋯.jpg (453.29 KB, 1023x644, 1023:644, destiny cuck.jpg)


Destiny is smaller than a fucking rando Asian chick. I don't why I keep being WTF'd over this.

e4206d No.316761


Someone with a Twatter sock account, twat that Destiny pic @Tonkasaw

I can't be arsed to make one.

172085 No.316762


on the Warski stream, Vee said he used to date a camwhore

b04b3d No.316763


>he's a romanian

>he's a gypsy

>he's a camwhore

>he dated a camwhore

High probability

Checks out

bf5730 No.316764


>he's a romanian

>he's a gypsy

Ain't that the same thing?

4134f9 No.316766


If he took a break on his own terms the hospital would still put a return time, then Vee could extend it. For example taking 1 year off. There is no return time which would make it seem that the hospital wanted to keep some sort of scandal quiet and put Vee on indefinite leave, probably something related to Vees vore fetish. Now we don't have concrete proof that Vee was put on indefinite leave for eating parts of cadavers or more likely aborted fetuses, but it would be great if we could force Vee to even respond to such a theory.

b04b3d No.316770

File: 800c090ae96c3d7⋯.gif (2.48 MB, 294x240, 49:40, cat_dialated_eyes.gif)


>Vee was put on indefinite leave for eating parts of cadavers or more likely aborted fetuses

Vore fetishist working in a hospital, never made that connection. It's like a netflix original

e4206d No.316772

File: 22eb640a22a4b2b⋯.gif (1.92 MB, 500x250, 2:1, tumblr_nbytjzp49v1ql4e6oo2….gif)


This just keeps getting more and more fucked up.

I can't believe that Vee's been doing that.

Or… I can, and that's what's truly horrifying.

Vee should probably address this to clear his name. Very suspicious otherwise.

4538a3 No.316773

File: 091055eebe3902b⋯.mp4 (6.33 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Meet the YouTube Creators ….mp4)

>destiny fans trying to turn this thread into a pilpul festival

fucking lol

take it, bitches. race realism is now popular on the internet. your move. feel free to post memes in twitch chats tho

ef8482 No.316774

File: 92bc40d23dae95d⋯.png (184.06 KB, 512x384, 4:3, lisatheskeptic3.png)



How do we spread the rumor?

9e8199 No.316781



Wasn't he smearing petri dishes all day as a 'microbiologist'?

e4206d No.316782


You mean doing pap smears on female corpses in the morgue? WTF, Vee…

e4206d No.316783


Yeah, I don't know what the best way to go about it would be, tbh.

c14791 No.316785



Perhaps by spamming the idea in Kumite and warski chats? Or by commenting on the gypsy''s videos?

9f46c4 No.316786


Both work, also Twitter, he gives good openings https://twitter.com/Veeh_Ro/status/956782228117295104

9e8199 No.316787


Don't, you'll get him ranting about how we're just right wing ess jay dubyoos who smear him the same as the real ess jay dubyoos did.

4538a3 No.316788


Why are you still namefagging. We get it.

9f46c4 No.316789


So what? They've been saying that for over a year with no effect.

c14791 No.316790


But the ideas could stick somewhere, he'd actually explain why he's not a doctor or a lawyer, nothing but a useless NEET

5afe54 No.316791



ef8482 No.316792


>You'll get him to sperg out

>Implying that's not exactly what we want

4134f9 No.316793


That is exactly the point

>Christ, Lyndon, we can't call the guy a pigfucker. It isn't true

>Of course it ain't true, but I want to make the son-of-a-bitch deny it.

As soon as Vee responds to it on any level we win. It will be stuck in peoples minds the second he denies it

9e8199 No.316794



Apparently my sarcasm didn't translate well to text. I was making a joke about his cop-out reasoning.

d836c5 No.316795


Nothing translates well when someone is namefagging.

9e8199 No.316796

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Say what you want about NoBS but he's really good at emotionally analysing people. It's a nice, straightforward takedown.

7d1e84 No.316797


This is honestly the biggest fucking sperg and autismfest I've seen in years. Was TJ involved in this? What about DM2525? The latter made some vids about how bothersome the "ALT" community is, so it wouldn't surprise me if he supported this group on some level.

dcf1d1 No.316798


Is Sargon kill too?

ef8482 No.316799


The Amazing Autist said he was going to jump in the shitfest and make a video about race realism, but as far as i know he still hasn't delivered

341358 No.316800


decent video, he's setting up part 3 to be about the liberalist movement

e98c39 No.316801


Why did his last video cause such autistic screeching?


He probably saw Thunderfoot get destroyed (and then never mention it again)

b52a5f No.316802

File: 11c0ecd93b8f2eb⋯.jpg (68.74 KB, 750x828, 125:138, 11c0ecd93b8f2eb5aa6a89c861….jpg)



341358 No.316804

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What is it about the skeptic hugbox and pedos?

9e8199 No.316805


In a word: fanboyism



b52a5f No.316806


Take your fucking trip off you nonwhite faggot

e4206d No.316810

File: 151e8b5f69384e3⋯.jpg (17.71 KB, 233x517, 233:517, DUebCsdX4AAKj2p.jpg)

It's going to get heated over at Kumite soon because of Destiny's shit, I think: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tVFjrXk70A

5afe54 No.316813


God damn it, I'll miss some bits of it because I have to go buy food.

341358 No.316814


this is what the "what is doxing" sophistry leads to. hopefully it leads to rl asskickings.

4134f9 No.316817

File: 03104393a50ca82⋯.png (77.02 KB, 1248x708, 104:59, vee on porn.png)

File: e1cffbaaeaa5a71⋯.png (32.93 KB, 1186x292, 593:146, vee on porn 2.png)

File: 7de01a5d9036953⋯.png (61.43 KB, 1248x558, 208:93, vee race division.png)

5afe54 No.316819


Tonka "Beltan zipper" Saw has won a lot of tournaments apparently.

b52a5f No.316821




I had that body when I was twelve and loved Pokemon.

9f46c4 No.316823


is it just me or is he getting more agitated?

5afe54 No.316825


This is the ideal male body, you may not like it but this is what peak APM looks like.

172085 No.316827

9e8199 No.316831


>third picture

Vee is almost literally using the logic of

'Even in a benign tumour you can get complications that result in death, so let's let a malignant tumour grow'

b52a5f No.316832


>even if you would have 100 percent genetic purity

lol admitting whites are pure

>you will have ideologues that will focus on class differences

How can someone miss the point this hard? How the fuck can you be surrounded by so many books and still be so dense?

5afe54 No.316834


Having books isn't worth shit if you never open them

341358 No.316835


He's basically saying that if he doesn't get his vore fix, he's going to brutalize someone. No wonder the hospital won't take him back.

341358 No.316838



>red raw skin folds

4e45c0 No.316841


What video is this from?

cabafa No.316842

File: 0da83f2a0494d3a⋯.jpg (22.08 KB, 960x629, 960:629, 9lymnk6s47hz.jpg)


Disgusting, randy's love child

cabafa No.316843

File: 0da83f2a0494d3a⋯.jpg (22.08 KB, 960x629, 960:629, 9lymnk6s47hz.jpg)


Disgusting, randy's love child

cabafa No.316844


I take that back Randy did it better

807a98 No.316846

File: 0e03940692d7082⋯.jpg (157.35 KB, 1200x1010, 120:101, DUemuopV4AAjuPy.jpg)

341358 No.316848

Doxing is against twitch and twitter ToS.

9e8199 No.316849


What if she were wearing heels?

182fd4 No.316850


What if he was wearing them?

67d4b2 No.316851

File: 9f1f3c8ee8bfc17⋯.gif (1.71 MB, 331x197, 331:197, 1382414866468.gif)





1) It's funny how the same peoples that cheered when Anita/ Laci Green/Franchesca Ramsey/Buzzfeed/AJ+/etc. were downvoted to hell are now whining bawling about an "'alt-right' downvote brigade". Smells like wrongthink witch-hunting to me.

2) The pretense that anybody on the Internet has a right to not be trolled is some of the most outrageous shit I have ever heard.

cabafa No.316855


I thought tiny got banned already from twitch

341358 No.316856


no idea. he can get banned again though.

cabafa No.316857

File: 3814318218cb483⋯.gif (1.39 MB, 217x224, 31:32, 10944cc6b4f797273ccb2bf554….gif)



I remember he said he was banned a few weeks ago, but his channel is up.

You are right, a good member of the twitch community should bring this to their attention.

Anyone have a twitch account?

97a1f2 No.316858


he was banned for a week

ef8482 No.316859

File: f3e210b8f4cfa88⋯.gif (2.95 MB, 640x483, 640:483, source.gif)


Let's give him another week of vacation then

9f46c4 No.316860


This would be his third violation and result in a permanent ban.

341358 No.316861


oh, that would be terrible

https://www.woodwatches.com/contact (official sponsor)

https://greenmangaming.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=85968 (official sponsor)

https://lols.gg (official sponsor) There's a contact button in the lower right corner.

https://lineage2revolutionforum.com/misc/contact (official sponsor)

https://www.bluedesigns.com/contact/ (official sponsor)

how will his sponsors advertise if his stream gets shut down?

ef8482 No.316862

File: c613150bd4a81ca⋯.jpg (13.72 KB, 250x352, 125:176, c613150bd4a81ca5daa9fca94a….jpg)


Oh, my

Who would do such a horrible thing?

341358 No.316863


Tonka is Native American. D-did Destiny just commit a Hate Crime?

d836c5 No.316865

File: c80119d2393d2b7⋯.png (220.42 KB, 233x695, 233:695, watch out.png)

n-nazis watch out. I trigger uuu

172085 No.316866


el goblino…

4134f9 No.316867

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The recent debate with the jew vs JF on the Warski show which turned into Vee sperging out about porn.

172085 No.316868

File: 2c8cad06f6f7452⋯.jpg (119.57 KB, 456x337, 456:337, qaddafi come on.jpg)


>I'm a doctor for realz guise

>porn is perfectly healthy for you I swear! I'm definitely an expert on this and not talking out my ass and using my suspended credentials as a crutch

>if we didn't have porn we'd all be raping each other like what arabs do! Please ignore the fact that porn was nowhere near as accessible decades ago and we still didn't have rape epidemics back then!

80498a No.316869



Every time I see a picture of Destiny I think it's a bad shoop at first. Does he have some kind of legitimate disorder? A physical one I mean, I'm certain he has multiple mental disorders.

770899 No.316871


You know that's not him right?it'd be hilarious if so,but it's not.


>London would have happened one way or another

Holy fuck,seeing London referred in the past tense creeps me the fuck out,i know it's gone,i know that,but it's just, so surreal sometimes.


This little clip is fascinating in so many ways,you have the anon asking the question huge balls on this guy,unfortunately yes,being able to ask a simple question nowadays warrants being complimented on,sad fucking state of affairs,you have the crowd's reaction

which curiously only seems to realize what's being asked once the anon starts going on about overrepresentation in the media and other positions of power,funny,it's almost like they've been conditioned to respond with mockery to the common talking points of ebil nadzees,not to refute them,but to mock them.It's almost as if social humilation is effective in shutting down conversations.

"I can't do it",not "I can't do it and you know why" nor "i can't it because it's too stupid of a question" simply "i can't do it." if anything this will send hundreds on their path to truth,good.

172085 No.316874



341358 No.316893

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

alt right podcast on literal cuckoldry

da6b1b No.316912



>m-muh c-cuckchan muh off topic muh muhs

<saging a bumplimit thread

b09c47 No.316956


>when the west is going down the toilet and you sit talking with your virgin friends up cuckoldry instead of organizing

b52a5f No.317124

WeWuzMetokur suspended from twitter.

ca0372 No.317125


>warski and metokur argue against loomer on a stream

>someone pushing for warski to be added to the adl hate watch list

>metokur suspended from twitter

purely (((coincidence)))

e95f00 No.317142

File: e7d0d14837c16c5⋯.jpg (113.43 KB, 720x720, 1:1, e7d0d14837c16c5ad562db6a4b….jpg)


Is it temporary at least?

75c925 No.317161


He tweeted just 4 minutes ago.

699ac1 No.317276

Some stupid-ass niggerfaggot forgot to link the new thread: >>316779

f3dbe7 No.317483

File: b6c133383b5d709⋯.jpg (269.87 KB, 900x750, 6:5, 1515262210794.jpg)


kek you are such a soyboy

63cd14 No.317493

File: 25e30314f731863⋯.jpg (42.15 KB, 680x531, 680:531, 25e30314f731863cce23326c7f….jpg)


Like >>316799 said, TJ said he was gonna do something but the fat fuck hasn't done shit. As for DarkMatter2525, I have no idea. Last I heard, he's still a shitty animator conning many gullible saps out of their money with his patreon just so they can watch him make sloppy animations they can circlejerk too. But honestly, TJ and DM are literally nobodies compared to the big names going into a fucking meltdown right now. So just enjoy the madness from those delivering quality salt.


He's the lowest breed of manlet.

63cd14 No.317512

File: 771bc43e1d2c563⋯.gif (961.49 KB, 310x180, 31:18, Chosen One.gif)


I remember this tranny. Some anons over at /tv/ claimed this bitch raided them before New Year's with some other foxdickers. Anyone else recall that? I really don't feel like manually go over dozens of archived threads trying to find the now poorly compressed screencaps.

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