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Autism speaks. It's time to listen.
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File: 22fb5dc9cf2b59c⋯.webm (14.43 MB, 1916x1080, 479:270, Hardman.webm)

f0dc37 No.310484

Be on the lookout for Dominic Vanner 'The Transgender Lover' and the Britbong Internet Defense Force (BIDF) samefagging and attempting to slide the thread. If you're a current or former friend of Britbong and have con.tent and/or stories to tell, come on down and give us the skinny. We are loving and sweet.

Reminder: Britbong posts in these threads and pretends he doesn't. He has a sub 80 IQ.

Previous threads

Thread #34: >>307022 (Archive: https://archive.fo/dLkeJ)

Thread #33: >>304244 (Archive: https://archive.fo/ffVU3)

Thread #32: >>298293 (Archive: https://archive.fo/2oLD2)

Thread #31: >>293110 (Archive: https://archive.fo/9fm2c)

Thread #30: >>290748 (Archive: https://archive.fo/a3XRr)

Older: https://p.teknik.io/Simple/L614J




Britbongreturns/Tranny cybersex screenshots

https://imgur.com/a/BuJuM (https://archive.fo/iNzpa)



Social Media

https://twitter.com/britbongalt (evading ban on https://twitter.com/Britbongreturns )

https://www.youtube.com/wizowd (evading ban on https://socialblade.com/youtube/user/britbongreturns )




Relevant ED pages


https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/KrappleGuy (MT's archenemy #1)

https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Boyd_Doghouse (MT's archenemy #2)



Other Links


Archived Media

https://pew.tube/user/britbongreturns - Clip Archive being constructed here! Spotty performance, but hopefully manlet-proof!

https://mega.nz/#!AYRF0ISA!BKxW2PVkMrHyT6wWtrwD8gMqW7D6FeCo2VVMn9dEkdA - Assorted soundclips of Tranny and his right hand toe sucker Bungie

https://mega.nz/#!sNRkhJpT!XOJFZeU42jQnbXLhIsboRQnguDfwzSyynV40LIF2NGY - Leaked chat logs from Tranny's skype group

https://mega.nz/#!tYY1HIAD!_9xY_fcQtBmauL4KhhgLvfXV0xZhxZJLtvtgqGuYoPg - streams from Aug25-29, 2017 (last streams before his main YT got banned)

https://mega.nz/#!YKB3TK7J!Y_RTahwteSVvk_aOy0OBPotIgkmjkulSus_-Isj0frE - stream from Dec12, 2017 (during which he received a copyright strike from OutpostGames)

6e91e9 No.310487

Hi Guys Britbong here… i fuck children. glad i got that off my chest

88513f No.310488

File: 4fb7ba09b0a20e8⋯.png (152.38 KB, 568x702, 284:351, ffff.png)



469166 No.310513

i think he's still angrily replying to the other thread

2c4cb2 No.310518


I was planning to use that webm for this thread. troll minds think alike.


This wordfilter is the best thing ever.

2c4cb2 No.310520


>troll minds

Tho this wordfilter sucks. Let me be a gr.emlin, alright?

2c4cb2 No.310530


2c4cb2 No.310533


>So you spent 3 hours watching someones cocks you don't (yet again) just to scream about it on a creeper board?

You a word.

Are you perhaps mad?


>The bad guys are mad they got no collabs

They're regularly (and casually) collabing with everyone who still does SL trolling, no?


>if britbong has owned emptyhero, then why doesn't he tweet it out? if he wasn't afraid, he'd show what a fool emptyhero is

I'm requesting an EmptyHero-Britbong debate.

64c1b6 No.310588

File: 1c2e27d260b30be⋯.png (12.35 KB, 848x202, 424:101, 2018-01-15_dweebs.png)

He's running scared from Youtube right now. But me and my flag parties will be there if/when the little squirt makes a new Youtube channel.

3cce38 No.310690


He was clearly very mad, so mad he started talking about being ganged on

its almost as if posting on a thread of people who don't like you would just get you insulted and bullied

100% chance he went to bed crying last night

876df3 No.310741

kike free bump

3cce38 No.310742


Its mainly just checking every now and then for his next sperg out, hes streaming later so most likely a little before and then him coming on here after to cry

f8add9 No.310764


>Jun 6, 2013

>Empty hero has been salty about a bad review for six years

f8add9 No.310765






>Same person spamming low tier replies

Mod ban when?

f8add9 No.310767


Can your flag parties get your ex back?

3cce38 No.310772


haha told you this faggot would appear before his stream, why do you make it so obvious each time

f16c90 No.310775

File: aa7e418ceec81df⋯.png (416.05 KB, 361x514, 361:514, oioivey.PNG)


He just can´t stop. These shitty little threads are the only place where he is still relevant. Little baby man is clearly starved for attention, just look at all these tweets at bigger YouTubers who never reply to his disses or ass-kissing.


How autistic must you be to think he is "salty" about it? That review probably sold a few copies, it´s pretty damn hilarious…for all the wrong reasons.

88513f No.310780

f8add9 No.310792

File: c17ed3cd4470894⋯.jpg (442.39 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1515707479608.jpg)


>trolli shieIding this guy of all people


That embarrassing feel when you white knight anyone Britbong dislikes or makes fun of in your safe space so transparently.

Pic related, Mark Ortiz's life.

3cce38 No.310802


trolling who? i just pointed out that your baby brain would come crawling back to the thread before your stream, and you did because you're a predictable retard

How many hours are you going to cry tonight? "boo hoo no one likes me, i dont toe suck anyone (unless you pay me)"

and actually I liked the all out spergs you would have with that fat Mexican cunt, but your way to timid to do them anymore and thats on you, did you become self aware how retarded you both looked?

6956d0 No.310808


hey pal, i'm still waiting for proof that emptyhero got blew out. come on britbong, the only way to settle this is to have a debate with him.

88513f No.310811

File: e76e8deb88dd948⋯.jpg (235.06 KB, 892x668, 223:167, KopyButt.jpg)


>Pic related, Mark Ortiz's life.

you hate him because he reminds you of yourself

f8add9 No.310818

File: e6a4222113aa020⋯.jpg (20.46 KB, 685x421, 685:421, 1516123117831.jpg)

This thread and all threads about Britbong

6956d0 No.310823


lacking self awareness again, huh? ironically enough the bong shit talks other people all the time, and thinks that he's a perfect NEET, living under the care of his mother.

3cce38 No.310825


But i mean the thread is a discussion of the idea that you are a massive cringy faggot, so i guess it makes sense

176cdf No.310827


Why are you stealing images off your moms facebook shares?

f16c90 No.310828


More like:

Every Britbong banter stream

3c0ba2 No.310829


>100% chance he went to bed crying last night

Are you implying manlettears doesn't go to bed crying every night?

3cce38 No.310833


yea your right its pretty much a guaranteed thing at this point

poor guy, must be hard getting so bullied everywhere he goes

9acc40 No.310869

Hey mods can we get a sticky here? Midge is necrobumping old threads again and he seems to think saying all his posts will somehow save him

9acc40 No.310871


*Saying all his posts

9acc40 No.310872


*Saging his posts. Damn autocorrect

6aa599 No.310876


You kept linking pics of I think that Brandon kid and mentioning him towards me the prior thread…

Do you think I'm him or have any relation to him 5'4"?

055002 No.310880


this, do something productive you losers

3cce38 No.310886


Shouldnt you be donating your pay piggy money to an actual piggie? god hes got so fat lately

3c0ba2 No.310887


>implying it's not productive to make fun of a vigin manlet

16eedc No.310889

File: db93749dbd3932f⋯.jpg (223.26 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, resentment.jpg)

>thread 35

damn britbong really lives in your guys rent free huh?

6a8748 No.310892


If he'd quit sperging out here the thread would go away but he's too retarded to realize that.

469166 No.310896


>He just can´t stop. These shitty little threads are the only place where he is still relevant.

the threads get more views than his streams lately

f16c90 No.310897

File: d029490de307344⋯.png (931.28 KB, 632x1023, 632:1023, glargh.PNG)

Lol @ the manlet openly mocking JMAA.

Why do you bite the hand that feeds you, little man?

469166 No.310899

File: dc08c62705b953c⋯.png (316.28 KB, 722x419, 722:419, Harrison On KiK.png)


that video was made by the owner of this penis

3cce38 No.310903


Tell your gay boyfriend his stream audio is fucked, it makes him sound like a tiny man in a big arena… oh wait

88513f No.310910

File: 23d5508781f4cd3⋯.jpg (45.82 KB, 539x319, 49:29, DTha084VMAAT_tk.jpg)

>manlet dedicates years to stream me

gets 0 recogniztion from the site/mods

>emptyhero makes an account to comment on the manlets stream

>mods make him a global emote within 48 hours and made it so if you type the manlets catchphrase oioi it posts the emptyhero emote instead

>manlet can't even block the emote


f16c90 No.310912

For someone who cries about islam so much, he sure sounds like someone who would like a lot of aspects of that religion, at least when it comes to women:

>his woman is not allowed to go out on her own

>not allowed to talk to other men

>not allowed to have male friends

>not allowed to drink

>not allowed to be over 18

3c0ba2 No.310914


>his woman is not allowed to go out on her own

I want you faggots to imagine this scenario for a moment. A very ugly girl because let's face it a 2 is the absolute best manlettears is ever going to be able to pull is getting ready to go out with her friends from her genders studies class or whatever retarded shit she's into and babybong waddles in with his full diaper and daffy duck t-shirt, looks up at her from about 2 feet off the ground and with all the rage only a tantruming toddler can muster yells at her for going out without hiring a baby sitter.

469166 No.310919

if you type

oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi

into britbong's stream chat cowboykek gets


3cce38 No.310921


I guess all women can have a sigh of relief knowing the sad cunt won't leave his bed room


Islam would be perfect for him lets be honest, mostly minging women with no standards and they don't even have to like you because you can just get arranged married with enough money, he doesnt have to worry about them running away after seeing his gross naked body and weird odour either

469166 No.310925

he's so fucking agitated on stream

f16c90 No.310969

File: e7fee3dfb7a004a⋯.png (459.04 KB, 777x913, 777:913, ffs.PNG)


Yeah no wonder.

>next to no donations (pissed off big bucks JMAA too often I guess)

>low viewers

>stream.me bullying him with EH emote

>micropenis not growing despite expensive medicine

I love how he cries about people not attending his streams, as if it´s mandatory. I also love how he blames them being dumb for his low viewership, not his shitty behaviour and streams.

Whatever happened to that Bungie cunt anyway? Haven´t seen him in ages.

6956d0 No.310983

File: 4f746bb68308b06⋯.png (236.46 KB, 449x345, 449:345, manlettiny.PNG)

looks more like a faggot with his headset on. and my god, he is fucking small, love him waddling on stream like a retard.

also, some guy mid-stream told him his YT was shitty and after the game britbong went on about it whining about it.

>'not mad'

3cce38 No.310989


Why even have the cam on when you VR, its not like you're interacting with the chat or anything, people can just see you swinging your arms around like an autist

469166 No.310992

File: 98041fd280173d1⋯.png (168.41 KB, 393x258, 131:86, midgets.png)

713b8d No.311024

File: c2255ac3004ea29⋯.png (354.8 KB, 640x426, 320:213, Stop Bullying121421.png)

File: 5c3298d14b091ca⋯.png (328.01 KB, 502x493, 502:493, masdasdagik.png)


poor little fella just can't catch a break

713b8d No.311025

File: 0b7ebf7dd7dfbd9⋯.jpeg (13.76 KB, 300x400, 3:4, 11783cfb1c18d29b53239cae4….jpeg)


>not posting the real picture

08c078 No.311033


>DanielfromSL isn't in it

Do tell me you forgot about that episode.

2df3a5 No.311052

File: e3613037fde2fbf⋯.webm (2.23 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, mt_disloyal_fans_streamme….webm)

File: a90c9bdd9f820e8⋯.webm (3.67 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, mt_disloyal_fans_streamme….webm)

Mooooommy???? Why didn't my fans follow me to stream.me????=

Of course, the fault lies with the fans. That's gotta be it.


fukken epik. every time it gets posted (which is often), MT gets reminded of EmptyHero and has to ignore it.

5cc8f1 No.311058


>MrMisogyny: Where the fuck did those 60000 subscribers go?

2df3a5 No.311059

File: 7c1fbbde6e64dc7⋯.png (21.68 KB, 630x148, 315:74, mt_disloyal_fans_streamme.png)

File: de35cb1583ee9a1⋯.jpg (51.9 KB, 360x512, 45:64, mt_oivey_fairy.jpg)

File: 94574a8ae3a513e⋯.jpg (80.85 KB, 360x512, 45:64, mt_oivey_beauty.jpg)

File: 13f7713deb9dd79⋯.jpg (26.46 KB, 360x512, 45:64, mt_oivey_smoke.jpg)

64c1b6 No.311061

File: 8beb714074b901e⋯.png (358.23 KB, 443x384, 443:384, minivan hero.png)


God this is priceless. :DD

876df3 No.311083


based as fuck

3c0ba2 No.311107


>"i was getting above 400 views"

>like that's some sort of accomplishment

28817c No.311110

File: 04344ef13fadb2c⋯.png (221.84 KB, 449x401, 449:401, laughing imps.png)


>"I was getting around 100 views that's a dedicated fan base"

I guess that's one way of seeing it.

2df3a5 No.311126

File: e80a758bd714eef⋯.mp4 (3.24 MB, 854x480, 427:240, mt_tracking_females.mp4)

File: 84df749ba2dd7bf⋯.mp4 (2.97 MB, 854x480, 427:240, mt_why_online_date.mp4)

I can't fucking do the okcupid stream. It's horrible. I don't even know what to clip anymore.

3cce38 No.311130


No one would think less of you haha, i jumped on to see what he was upto and fucking hell how can people watch that boring shit, its not even like the insults for the women are unique or funny

then again i guess his fans are like DSP tier and those guys will watch DSP camp in a house for like an hour waiting for people to shoot so meh

f16c90 No.311131

File: 51adf32eeafb1f3⋯.png (1.55 MB, 663x1184, 663:1184, JMAA big man.PNG)


>"It´s issues with the site!"

>"It´s disloyal fans!"

>"It´s people working against me!"

No man, it´s you. It has always been you. People get bored or tired of your schtick.

The only times you came even close to being entertaining was when you still interacted with other players or fans online. Now it´s just a boring online-therapy-session where you show everyone how fucking broken, bitter and hateful you are on the inside. You are actually hurting your image more yourself than any "stawker", "troll" or "stream-sniper" ever could.

Anyone who isn´t retarded or a masochist will eventually realize that you are a shit person. And I don´t think this will ever change, you are beyond help.


The funny thing is, JMAA actually used to lurk and donate on DSP's stream before jumping on the manlet train..

5cc8f1 No.311135


>I have to online date because the women locally are horrible!!!

seconds later

>All the women I date are insane for some reason!!!!

He really is a complete fucking idiot.

Why would you ever even talk about dating and women with his history? He almost BRAGS about possibly having 2 girlfriends and possibly losing his virginity at 27 years old.

469166 No.311159


i wonder if he'll ever finish that sweet tattoo

469166 No.311162

File: 7a2f41454855fcd⋯.png (951.03 KB, 1460x828, 365:207, 2elvis.png)

David Allen Turpin and Louise Ann Turpin, recently arrested and accused of torturing their 13 children were married at the same "Elvis Chapel" as convicted Tobacco Smuggler Steve and Elaine Vanner

469166 No.311167

File: 12435edc1b59bdb⋯.png (84.81 KB, 624x576, 13:12, britbong lies forever alon….png)

469166 No.311172

File: ef99b45bee03700⋯.png (78.84 KB, 781x397, 781:397, britbong cuck.png)

3cce38 No.311178


Ofcourse, hes about as beta as it gets lets be honest, hates all women because they wont even look at him, and when one talks him hes gobbling those toes like nobodies business

24e05e No.311181

File: 006a2c90720036d⋯.png (354.11 KB, 529x383, 529:383, edgy.png)


She has low self esteem. Perfect for Dominic

23550b No.311184


depressed, suicidal, drug addict, lol oh man I hope he takes the bait.

24e05e No.311185

When Bong got banned from Twitch he had to make a new StreamLabs account because his old one was tied to the Twitch account. Anyone want to check their TOS and check if this is allowed?

13f18a No.311207


the definition of a stupid bitch. Who knows maybe it'll be another story of the midget doxing this chick, this girl is legit dumb.

23550b No.311210

File: 5d14b6cb23e58ab⋯.png (852.74 KB, 1476x996, 123:83, please choose jmaa.png)

f16c90 No.311263

File: 4e9d3b0145e4647⋯.png (230.18 KB, 1161x851, 1161:851, wahwah.png)

The manlet seems well-respected by people in the gaming industry!


I hope JMAA fights for his love. Anyone of these 2 would be perfect tbh, both seem mentally unstable. But I think Bonnie will just end up being banned from Baby Man's discord because she "dared" to talk to other men.

ea1daa No.311406

File: 94625a6b1cce6ff⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1838x1165, 1838:1165, bongzoie.PNG)

Desperate for views are we?

080888 No.311413


lol he's so salty

080888 No.311429

File: f5aba44c37f7356⋯.png (322.15 KB, 1137x421, 1137:421, britbong hates girls.png)

261c60 No.311450


>blowing ugly thots


what, like, trannies?

ea1daa No.311456

File: 83c401ee072fd67⋯.png (211.04 KB, 1328x689, 1328:689, naught.png)

File: 1f60b8efb8bbc90⋯.png (38.61 KB, 494x292, 247:146, naughty.png)

Pirating games? Naughty naughty!

24e05e No.311457


Isnt one of the rules on StreamMe no harassing? and a strong focus being not harassing other streamers? Why would this dumb fuck risk his only outlet just to hurl some poorly written insults to a whore?

f16c90 No.311460


1) He is retarded, if he does get banned, he will probably screech about being innocent again and how stream.me was out to get him from the get go

2) He is worried she might steal his money from the contest.

Pick both.

ea1daa No.311467

Would be a shame if anybody reported his telling of another streamer to kill themselves to support@stream.me…

6a8748 No.311473


Yeah but who would do such a thing…

f16c90 No.311498

File: dbf7fd8cbdc6cd4⋯.png (76.45 KB, 777x578, 777:578, harrypooperandthegobletofs….PNG)

Today's stream will be miserable, mark my words!

3cce38 No.311501


> Panic attack

Nah, Everyones just laughing at you

f16c90 No.311506

File: d57eb0ea7066703⋯.png (23.12 KB, 740x165, 148:33, retard.PNG)

Wow, just wow.

Are you guys scared yet?

88513f No.311507

File: dcb1efd745008d8⋯.jpg (74.58 KB, 1014x670, 507:335, little fruits.jpg)

>somewhere in the future, a 50 year old midget is schemeing against you because you joked about him using peanut m&m's as buttplugs 20 years ago

24e05e No.311510


Apparently the "most basic of help" applies to trying to get your 8th YouTube account that has been permanently banned back.

Most people would have given up after 2 or 3 but not our little manlet. He is actually proud of having no life other than crying and complaining.

3cce38 No.311511


Fuck you mean he might leave his bedroom? or is he going to hire some deepweb assassins

Hes really not self aware how cringy he sounds is he

f16c90 No.311512

File: 15fd79e42f24976⋯.png (961.41 KB, 784x1142, 392:571, mtawesomelife.PNG)


>Hes really not self aware how cringy he sounds is he

No..not at all


Do you really think he´ll make it to 50?

24e05e No.311518


His dad is in his late 50s right? His mom in her late 40s? They can probably keep taking care of him for another 20 years but not much after that.

24e05e No.311522

File: db60de9b93590aa⋯.png (115.37 KB, 1292x838, 646:419, elaine.png)

File: 22852d4c4b00023⋯.png (73.44 KB, 943x826, 943:826, elaine2.png)

File: c407e1322472f18⋯.png (27.47 KB, 622x260, 311:130, elaine3.png)

I wanted to try and find his parents actual ages. No luck but this did get the neurons in my brain dancing.

24e05e No.311528

File: 0c7ebf8a65d07df⋯.jpg (256.68 KB, 960x960, 1:1, freddie the 6 year old vir….jpg)

Also of note, Freddie. Dominic's 6 year old nephew has already been in more relationships with women than Britbong did in the first 28 years of his life.

88513f No.311530


not cool dude

f16c90 No.311535


Come on, quit that shit.

080888 No.311552


lol holy fuck. so daddy bong got cucked in 2012?

that explains sooooo much!

080888 No.311554


sometimes it skips a generation

080888 No.311563


>not cool dude

you know Britbong posts far worse than this in his discord right?

080888 No.311564



The following is the true story, in her own words, of how Britbong’s mom cheated on Britbong’s dad, which lead to Britbong hiding himself away on the internet.


09-13-2013 06:15 PM

Not sure what to do now

I suffer from anxiety issues and it's only really very recently I've discovered that my prodern has a real life diagnosis (relationship anxiety disorder).

Its caused endless problems in our marriage but my husband’s way of dealing with that was that rather than trying to provide support or comfort he would just tell me I was nuts

For him it was easier just not to tell me something rather than deal with how I would feel if I did know. Obviously this just made my anxieties worse because I'd feel that I was constantly not being told the truth and so went on the vicious circle.

He’d do something, not tell me, I’d find out, give him a hard time about it, and things would become horrible. I’d feel deceived and would then start wondering and questioning everything. There was never anyone else involved or anything - it’s just that my worries would make me assume the worst all the time.

My husband used to just think I was mad but in actual fact I think he just did. understand or know how to help.

In my head all I actually wanted was to feel secure, feel loved, wanted, special, cared for, that I meant something to him. But of course the way I behaved with the not trusting him, being suspicious etc only pushed him farther away.

So after years of this we came to a point m march/April 2012 where we first separated.

Obviously I was devastated that things had come to this and this was something that I really didn't want to happen.

We agreed that my husband could still live in the family home until he got things sorted and in the meantime we could see if we could find a way to resolve things. We also agreed that none of us would see anyone else at this point.

A few months went past, but my husband showed absolutely no interest in me or trying to resolve things whatsoever. It was as if he was pretty much just here until he'd got his own stuff in order.

It was then that I went out with another man - ONE TIME.

Very soon after that my husband decided that he thought us separating had been a mistake. Obviously by then I'd already went out with this other man.

My husband found out but we decided to try to salvage things. It had been trundling along on an “ok” level until a few weeks ago when he told me that he “didn't want to do this anymore”. That was it - game over. Incidentally the day he told me was our 15h wedding anniversary.

At the time that I went out with the other man I firmly believed that my husband I were over, I thought then that there was no way back, that he’d made up his mind and that waws that. How was I ever to know that he would come back to me a couple of months later and say he’d changed his mind.

I feel really angry wan myself for being so stupid as to be with someone else and as a result throw away everything that meant something to me.

But the honest truth is that I only really wanted some attention from someone, just someone to actually be interested in me for 4 minutes. At the time, and for the few months prior to the separation my husband had hardly even spoke to me. I felt really abandoned I suppose and just wanted to feel a bit wanted

My husband said I should’ve told him if I felt I needed comfort and attention and yes I probably should have. But it was so hard to even approach him with anything like that after how things had become between us.

I made a HUGE mistake which I'm paying for now with the loss of the one thing that meant the most to me. I am devastated and a totally shell shocked really, but I don’t think there’s anything more I can do.

The thing my husband keeps coming back to all the time is mat we had an agreement (that we wouldn't see anyone else whilst we sorted out the separation) and I broke it so therefore it’s mostly all my fault.

I think the fact that my one night "affair” happened over a year ago and that my husband & I still stayed together after this shows that there is still something there between us.

I think he just doesn't know how to deal with this properly and move on in a positive way ……… and I don't know how to help him :confused:

I really don't want this to be the end for us after us having come so far and came through so much. It seems such a shame to throw away 15 years for the sake of a couple of hours with a man who meant absolutely nothing to me.

But then I suppose. I should have thought of that-.(

88513f No.311565


just because you'd need to dig a hole in the ground and stand in it to stoop to his level, doesn't mean you should do it

bc8138 No.311584

File: 79486aaa49b1597⋯.png (324.56 KB, 1262x551, 1262:551, cheetycat.png)


How do you know that's his mum? It could be this woman.

080888 No.311608


>How do you know that's his mum? It could be this woman

some of us have inside information on his family life because we used to be his friend.

It's his mum. Trust me. He talks about the shit his mom and dad do to each other all the time.

055002 No.311610


Oh so he wasn't lying about the freak who sent pictures of his nephew to his P.O Box

f16c90 No.311611



Yeah, it´s probably true.

They did that retarded Elvis Wedding renewal thing a year later. The shoe fits.

aa2b28 No.311616


Statistical probability that MongBong posted this himself to claim himself the victim: 100%

080888 No.311623


their family life is fucked beyond belief. back before he switched to discord, Britbong would make us sit in skype and listen to the stories about how his dad would get drunk and troll him and his mom would lock herself in the bathroom crying.

One of britbong's problems is he talks too much to people and then shits on them later. That's how all the upraksi stuff got out

13f18a No.311670

listening to the midget brag about his relationships is pathetic so I typed "Remember when Applechild stole your gf britbong?" message gets removed and I get banned, but I thought he hated censorship?

f16c90 No.311682

File: d53fbfa0146820b⋯.png (1.92 MB, 1820x851, 1820:851, jmaagay.png)


Someone also posted >>311564 in his chat and he quickly cried to his mods to delete it, saying it was spam. Pretty sure this confirms it´s actually his mom and not some other woman.

Also this gem:

080888 No.311689


lol the look on his face at the mention of JMAA

13f18a No.311697

Britbong must've been crying about Upraski before the stream he had the boyd/upraski video open already on his desktop lmao.

080888 No.311700


>Britbong must've been crying about Upraski

I think he knows she posts here.

2df3a5 No.311702

File: 84c2fad92018b58⋯.png (807.02 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, oc_meme_tiny_people.png)



I already started the necessary safety precautions.



While the smugglers run thing is somewhat funny, I admit it… don't do this.


Ya that derrick dude's nasty.

Might very well still have been lying. Unless there's physical evidence or a 3rd party confirming it, you just have to assume he's lying about the most basic things.


Doesn't look like that this time.


Around what time was this? Got any logs?


Our memes are starting to affect them.

13f18a No.311704

File: ea3555d507beef8⋯.png (17.71 KB, 1234x185, 1234:185, censorshipmidgetmod.png)

f16c90 No.311706


He also admitted he posts here, referencing Kopy paying people to flag his shit down.

080888 No.311707


>Around what time was this? Got any logs?

yeah but it would be really clear who posted them and I kind of dont want this midget calling my mom like he did with tesla and kopy

just trust me, it's his mom. he's also lying about Upraksi on the stream at the moment. he wanted her back in a big way. begged her to come back many times.

2df3a5 No.311709

Banned personally for asking whether he's gonna play SL today…

…How did he know?

88513f No.311711

File: e326d24b6e3e806⋯.webm (8.81 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, triggered.webm)



080888 No.311713

lol apparently he's not going to play games today he's going to relive the entire upraksi drama

I wonder what brought this on.

ea1daa No.311721


He's sick of people crying whenever he plays games. Also scared about his dwindling audience.

080888 No.311731

I think I just got rejected and told off at the same time


375fa7 No.311734


Dominic Vanner will now focus on this in the thread rather than anything else like his mom fucking around, I guarantee it.

375fa7 No.311737


What did he say about Upraksi? That story is very well known the real details by now.

080888 No.311741



>What did he say about Upraksi

he tried to make out like it was all her fault. Not too different to what his dad to his mom above.

come to think of it, that's not all that different from his experience with ehlnofey either. he just copies his dad on shit like this. The one who went to jail and lost the family home.

f16c90 No.311757

I hope someone is recording this trainwreck, guy is having a complete meltdown over Elvis the Alien.

080888 No.311761

File: dbe2a6266f706b1⋯.png (38.33 KB, 630x584, 315:292, Untitled.png)

I made this to help Britbong figure out the difference

375fa7 No.311773


I hope you grabbed that part just now about Boyd threatening to dox Colossal and that's why Colossal dropped him.

It will be useful to send to Colossal.

64c1b6 No.311776


Honestly I think at this point Colossal wants to stay as far away from minivan's drama as possible. He knows already that Dom is batshit craycray.

3c0ba2 No.311893



>figure out

That's kind of a tall order for him isn't it?

7ce17e No.311926


Don't sell the man short. Sure it might be a bit of a stretch but I think he is a big enough man to overcome such short sightedness.

7accc8 No.311943


>go full Weinstein mode

Did the manlet just admit to rape?


Leave kids out of it you fucking nigger. Kill yourself.

ea1daa No.311969

File: 4917f0f3e896937⋯.png (151.73 KB, 797x1174, 797:1174, LearnWithDom.png)

Oh dear…

6956d0 No.311971


saw this myself as well, the little man isn't too bright, is he?

64c1b6 No.311973

File: 780ce8a1ad1c593⋯.jpg (60.37 KB, 600x399, 200:133, good job guys.jpg)


Holy shit his paranoia is delicious.

6956d0 No.311978

File: 60773208a9fce77⋯.png (39 KB, 519x435, 173:145, manletbrainlet.PNG)

3cce38 No.312271


Haha jesus christ, how longs he been "youtubing", what a retard…

5fea50 No.312281

File: a71160e45c849ac⋯.png (52.93 KB, 586x455, 586:455, Untitled.png)

5fea50 No.312298

File: 0c857636f0cd3ef⋯.png (53.51 KB, 889x304, 889:304, Untitled.png)

64c1b6 No.312332

File: 78a1ef85dbe361b⋯.jpg (134.54 KB, 801x1200, 267:400, gupta.jpg)


>Maybe I can return soon

At which point, I'll be back with my paid flaggers :^)

5fea50 No.312333

File: 48caec0ad2032d6⋯.png (27.72 KB, 774x174, 129:29, britbong admits he didnt m….png)

I saw this interesting comment on this video


is britbong admitting he lied about the forever alone thing now?

876df3 No.312487

The little nigger is spamming shit threads again.

Here's a free bump

5d54b3 No.312520


Is he really necrobumping again? Please provide links to his necrobumping posts so the mods can see and then hopefully sticky this thread

6669b6 No.312575


I wonder what ever happened to Britbong's Mom's Boyfriend.

It's a really small town so you know they bump into him every so often. It's gotta be awkward for the little guy to see a man and know he fucked his mom while his dad sat at home.

maybe that's why he doesn't go out very often

maybe that's why he doesn't trust women

maybe knowing his mom fucked another man while he sat at home with his dad ruined his life forever.

88513f No.312601


>I wonder what ever happened to Britbong's Mom's Boyfriend.

it was boyd

f61cde No.312635


>it was boyd

that would explain a lot

3cce38 No.312639


haha beat me to it, hes just got ptsd of walking in on boyd fucking his mum

375fa7 No.312742


He actually did admit it on stream and it is recorded so he can't really say much about it.

I like how everything was photoshopped by Kopy, is this what he tells them?

64c1b6 No.312781

File: eba181cbfaafaf3⋯.png (60.5 KB, 1380x984, 115:82, alchemybrit 11.png)

File: 5281cf5aca0e386⋯.png (61.34 KB, 1372x992, 343:248, alchemybrit 12.png)

File: 00b9df88ac277ea⋯.png (61.81 KB, 1372x984, 343:246, alchemybrit 13.png)


Yup. See these skype messages between Dom and MsAlchemy? Totally photoshopped by me and not legit in any way.

f61cde No.312787

File: baf3cc523734e70⋯.png (138.69 KB, 612x1020, 3:5, Untitled.png)

britbong banned from another game lol

3c0ba2 No.312800


>i-i never did anything bad i must because i said something to one of those scary girls

What's the tiny man equivalent of 'dindu nuffin?'

f61cde No.312829

File: 030b89e5f2bf993⋯.png (45.25 KB, 564x280, 141:70, here we go again.png)

3cce38 No.312960


Wow when will he learn

41125f No.312999


"Someone" AKA Dominic Vanner

f16c90 No.313002

File: bd8a04edf302d2b⋯.png (414.71 KB, 584x385, 584:385, 1512889403679.png)


Lol, he can´t catch a break

>tattle on other players like a little bitch instead of fucking with them in the game

>devs see the VOD of you being a complete and utter faggot

>get banned instead


The little faggot will never learn. How often did this happen last year alone?

Case in point:


Just how fucking dumb and pathetic can he be? Let it go ffs.This will be gone within weeks and will be suicidal again. That TrustedFaggot really has him on his radar by now.

64c1b6 No.313023

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>This will be gone within weeks and will be suicidal again.

I guarantee it. I've already dispatched the flag parties.

3cce38 No.313025

Hes crying about how "fans cant find me", nigga no on wants to go on your IP tracking shitty website…

f16c90 No.313044

File: 0f4e1144ee1a02f⋯.png (60.11 KB, 590x584, 295:292, peabong.PNG)


>"I want to rebuild my fanbase!"

>"I´ll start buy insulting my fanbase!"

Fucking mega-mongoloid.

Today's stream is shaping up to be an even bigger cryfest than the last one.

I hope highlight-bro has a few clips. he literally acted like a 15-year old girl who just got left by her bf.

>"Wah, look what he wrote me, what a bastard!"

41125f No.313046


This type of bitching about people not showing up sounds exactly like DSP. It's too bad Britbong doesn't play video games anymore or else people might create videos like "This Is How You Don't Play" of him.

3cce38 No.313055


He's pretty much british DSP:

> Has a few loyal paypigs and thats where all his money comes from

> Hours long "pre stream/banter" crying about what "detractors/defamers" are saying, and how they are victims of nasty people (even though most problems are caused by themselves)

> Constant talk about how they were the "big dogs" of youtube back in the day, and how everyone now just copies them

> Chats are super censored garbage

> Bad at games (but shitbong doesn't even really play games, its usually social shit and anything that requires no skill)

> Can only just start the stream, if something goes wrong they are so shit at computers that they spend hours crying about it til someone helps them fix it

DSP pulls just slightly ahead in quality khantent because hes a little smarter and realises he cant go screaming nigger and crying about girl gamers because he will most likely be banned and i think he might be a little more self aware

Then again he begs for money from people he doesnt know and thats really sad and shameful so i guess it equals out

f61cde No.313056


for some reason he's checking russo's twitter from august to see if some tweets are still standing

3cce38 No.313057


Forgot that they both lie and sometimes i dont even think they can tell the truth about anything anymore


You mean hes been stawwlking russo? what a creep

2df3a5 No.313058

File: 557b3ae545c92f4⋯.png (31.94 KB, 519x252, 173:84, mt_google_me_brainlet.png)

How tf do you unravel this.

First he chastises NOT TRUE FANS who are asking him where he did go.

Second he claims he can't make videos because he has to "rebuild his fandom" - presumably by chasing said NOT TRUE FANS, telling them where to go.

Ok. Turning this inside-out: Isn't he just making excuses for why there are no new videos, blaming his own fans for it?…

2df3a5 No.313060


Also, I'm interested in what differentiates a NOT TRUE FAN from a TRUE FAN. Do you turn into a TRUE FAN once MT told you where he streams now? Or does he acknowledge his audience has many NOT TRUE FANS among them?

Also, is this "rebuilding his fandom" a full time thing? He should've known that when he created that new YT channel 12hrs ago and told us he'd "perhaps create new cocks", no?

5771f8 No.313062


true fans donate all there pocket moneys and google him every day, gotta work on that SEO yo

f61cde No.313071

britbong's streams have become like the end of Lenny where all he did was read from the transcripts of his trial and complained about how people treated him


f61cde No.313074

File: eea181616b4e897⋯.jpg (56.13 KB, 598x272, 299:136, lenny-bruce-8.jpg)

britbong's future

f16c90 No.313077

File: 1acfd3444254da6⋯.jpg (35.34 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 1408399071534.jpg)


This seems more likely

3c0ba2 No.313079


>anyone having sex with manletears

>anyone paying to have sex with manletears

I really don't think that will happen.

876df3 No.313087


I can tell you the first time I saw him try this "not true fan" was the first thread I came to, last year, 15 threads ago. He got all defensive in here because I was unironically trying to defend him and he got upset that I would even come here. Saying i wasn't a real fan and if i was then I should tell him who I was so I guess he could suck my dick or something.

f16c90 No.313117

He´s mega-raging right now, ask him how to change the quality of his stream.


713b8d No.313132

File: f6b40188829f229⋯.png (724.5 KB, 960x879, 320:293, received_816248135213869.png)


>when a channel gets banned the person does not POOF out of existence

But those subs sure do, don't they pal

35ca7d No.313134


Just 2 threads ago he banned a donator >>307086

If he had given his name, his dox would've dropped immediately, guaranteed.


The quality is really shitty, tho.

35ca7d No.313139

File: 0267a511cfdcba0⋯.png (2.15 KB, 209x44, 19:4, mt_chatnew1.png)

File: c2ff783dd6497a7⋯.png (4.06 KB, 343x51, 343:51, mt_chatnew2.png)

2 bans so far, how about you?

f16c90 No.313148


Even timid CowboyCuck is getting triggered today.

3cce38 No.313150

haha just caught him trying to debunk the russo stuff,

come on niggerbong you were in the wrong, why pretend you werent

432702 No.313182

lol manlet just said reffering to this board getting him banned off youtube "you caused someone to kill themselves nice guys"

055002 No.313255

uganda geezer

it's elainecheetycat not cheetycat

Elaine is his mom's name and the profile has a pic of his mom.

3cce38 No.313269


Haha no shit? I hope topmans got that recorded so we can use it whenever he posts here

fuck me the cringe

375fa7 No.313329


Drop the clips of him shouting Russo is a pedo in some game and shouting Russo pedo raid that are "out of context".

f61cde No.313337


>you caused someone to kill themselves nice guys

did he say who?

f61cde No.313346

you know, steve vanner was in prison for a year. Seeing how quickly Elaine moved to cheat on him during their "trial separation" do you really think she wasn't out fucking other guys while he was in jail?

for that matter, do you really think Britbong himself wasn't out fucking other dads while Steve spent a year in jail?

41125f No.313348


Maybe he means his grandpa?

375fa7 No.313349


He's probably saying a real fan for real did it which makes no sense or maybe he's going to?

f61cde No.313378


>He's probably saying a real fan for real did it

anyone who'd kill themselves because britbong wasn't on youtube was just darwin at work

f16c90 No.313417


It´s guilt-tripping, guy is talking rubbish.

25ff81 No.313692


>Seeing how quickly Elaine moved to cheat on him during their "trial separation" do you really think she wasn't out fucking other guys while he was in jail?

So are you saying that Steve Vanner, Dominic's father, is a literal cuckold?

3cce38 No.313704


Now that would explain a lot, are minge's outbursts about cucks down to the fact his dad is a literal cuck

375fa7 No.313796



Is his father his father?

f16c90 No.313806

File: 17e0592f7f04f72⋯.png (533.88 KB, 535x1068, 535:1068, originaljmaa.PNG)

At this point, I really believe JMAA is fucking with the manlet.

He literally says the same exact things, even though none of it applies to him.

dab575 No.313877

File: 42f35af98c3cf3b⋯.jpg (27.27 KB, 504x796, 126:199, pedobong.jpg)

Britbong the pedophile.

41125f No.313920

File: 89a0cdaab355055⋯.png (8.74 KB, 516x223, 516:223, unemployed.png)

3c0ba2 No.313942


>Britbong the pedophile.

To be fair, not many people would want to date someone three feet taller then they are.

ce5c31 No.313966

100000000000 htreads later on 8ch and still obsessed with a 30yo man..

I can see why they stopped pinning your shitty posts.

6669b6 No.313977


>100000000000 htreads later on 8ch and still obsessed with a 30yo man..

it's still a fun hobby. you bully the little guy and he squeels like a pig

aa2b28 No.313984


>30 yo man

30yo manbaby that is obsessed with children.

144927 No.313990

File: 2d6674612b0c935⋯.png (200.54 KB, 606x636, 101:106, Untitled.png)

46ecfe No.313997


They got the same face.




Just went through it & saw no such thing, mind giving a timestamp?


What do you think about the allegations of MT's dad being a cuck?

3cce38 No.314044


> Obsessed

< Doesn't know what Obsessed means

nigger please, it takes seconds to laugh at this retard chimpout. then again i guess you're obsessed with us, coming here to post, what a faggot

I hope bitchbong doesn't find out who you are because you're headed to ban city for even acknowledging these threads :)

aa2b28 No.314051


>I hope bitchbong doesn't find out who you are because you're headed to ban city for even acknowledging these threads

It is Bitchbong. It's always Bitchbong.

6aa599 No.314088


There's a smaller, much smaller not so secret group that is in on it but they sound so retarded he doesn't want them posting much.

The others get banned.

1b662d No.314111

File: 048718c3bbcc919⋯.png (129.04 KB, 787x190, 787:190, Untitled.png)

3cce38 No.314112


hahaha awww poor lad put his lipstick on and everything, is he talking to himself? is he one of those streamers?

e8f8bc No.314128


>fired from youtube

>works at twitch

>fired from twitch

>works at youtube

>fired from youtube

>works at stream.me


d5bc71 No.314135


Oh my god he actually has the rooster hair in real life.

1b662d No.314172

watched britbong's stream for 30 seconds and he's talking about his "family lawyer"

hmm I wonder why they need a "family lawyer" he can't be very good since his dad spent a year in jail.

6223d8 No.314176


oi m8 gang trolling is real

ea1daa No.314190

Brit and CowboyCuck are getting severely triggered by emotes, feel free to vote for cybertranny's one to piss them off https://www.stream.me/emoticon-voting

1b662d No.314192


which ones are his?

ea1daa No.314193

the one that says 'i love cyber'. brit was raging hard on his stream about it earlier on

1b662d No.314210


lol the jmaa emote is in second place. finally the little guy might win one]

1b662d No.314223

so apparently Britbong did the flag twitter thing about Cyberdemon531 and got his account suspended

ea1daa No.314234


yeah got into a twitter argument with cyber, deleted all of his own posts then got people to mass report cyber

1b662d No.314255

seems to be impersonating russo plays wife too


41125f No.314290

File: 459cb31ff998f7b⋯.png (723.4 KB, 1024x942, 512:471, oops.png)


Imagine being this dumb.

1b662d No.314305


you know for somebody who cries about picutres of his nephew, britbong sure is free with pictures of russo's baby.

kind of makes me want to mail him photos of his nephew myself

46ecfe No.314402


Not MT, but still BIDF. Quite a specimen.


>kind of makes me want to mail him photos of his nephew myself

You think MT actually gives a shit about his relatives?

64c1b6 No.314831


>watched britbong's stream for 30 seconds and he's talking about his "family lawyer"

What's he gonna do? Try and sue 8chan for trolling him?

3c0ba2 No.314848


Even he couldn't be that pants-on-head.

1b662d No.315155

File: 6e63d6d5459ae55⋯.png (94.68 KB, 579x488, 579:488, Untitled.png)

these ho's aint loyal

13f18a No.315214


what's even the point in him making a channel that he apparently "doesn't" own?

1b662d No.315220


looks like he's admitting he made the channel to me

64c1b6 No.315341


>admitting to making this new channel that "someone else" made

Someone should probably show that screenshot to TrustedFlagger

Here's an archive of the tweet too in case minivan deletes it


4578a6 No.315643


So did MT get banned from /cow/ again or did he just pussy out and stop posting again when you guys found out that his dad is a cuck?

6a8748 No.315653


Doesn't matter either way, he'll be back. He always comes back.

a38978 No.315789

These dry spells are boring. I hope clip bro/troll comes back with more snippets from the most recent streams

f16c90 No.315833

File: 7890071daed1c9c⋯.jpg (97.67 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 1516811022114.jpg)


There's an autism stream starting in a few minutes. He and (mostly) his fans have been harrassing the oher "top" (hah) strean.me streamer, that Cybertranny, for a few days now.

Knowing the manlet, he is going to take things too far and piss away the chance to earn an easy 2k/month. Imagine the epic spregout if he either loses the contest or gets banned before the contest is over.

3cce38 No.315877


They don't seem interested in banning him, i guess because hes the most viewed stream on there

would be hilarious if he lost though

6a8748 No.315884


Is he actually the most viewed stream on there? How dead is stream.me?

3cce38 No.315885


So dead that his 230ish viewers are like 200 ahead of the next highest stream, i honestly dont know how they make money, sounds like a tax fiddle

f16c90 No.315894


It happened like I said.

Just tuned in and the faggot is ranting about the tranny and threatening him.

bb8140 No.315895

f16c90 No.315898


Yeah, I hope someone is recording, the idiot is digging his own grave right now, ffs man how fucking dumb are you.

450390 No.315900

Threatening death on other streamers? Naughty naughty! https://twitter.com/pizzaparty531/status/956291044253097985

f16c90 No.315904


Someone send the tranny the "May I fap to them" pic, might explain a thing or two.

3cce38 No.315955

oh shit hes playing SoS again, shame if they found out….

c4d3ae No.315986


He must really like those devs if he keeps buying their game over and over

bfe0f5 No.315991

File: 1d1a70805284a9f⋯.png (62.83 KB, 564x216, 47:18, Untitled.png)

13f18a No.315992

You know your career is failing when you have to scream "BRITBONG DOT COM" in games hoping some useless fuck will go check it out.

3cce38 No.315993


Nothing haha same old shitty lying stories


Im sure anyone would love to go visit his shitty IP tracking website, so they can watch some low energy streaming

375fa7 No.315999

This gay ass tranny is so indefensible talking about "dead naming" that I can't even take his side on this one but he does have some compelling evidence against Britbong.

3cce38 No.316002


Yea i know what you mean, its pretty gay lets be honest, but how big will the autism fit he bitchbong loses to it

101b57 No.316005

imagine wasting your time on a shitty 4chan knockoff trolling a 30 year old neet in the uk,must be really sad and dont forget about giving him points for le contest by watching his stream

bfe0f5 No.316006


britbong is with *another* tranny?

375fa7 No.316013


Imagine doing all those things but actually watching it and thinking it is entertaining for the cocks and not the julay?

3cce38 No.316015


Dont let shortie know your posting here, you'll be heading to ban city


Pretty sure this whole thing is because hes trying to hide his love for tranny's

101b57 No.316027


he wouldn't ban 99% of his income.

3cce38 No.316029


Okay, but honestly i don't get the whole donating to streamers thing, why would you do that??? like there is better shit to spend your money on

294c49 No.316041

File: 84df749ba2dd7bf⋯.mp4 (2.97 MB, 854x480, 427:240, mt_why_online_date.mp4)

Everything recently looked like he was on repeat so I was neglectful. Fuck, he always does major shit when I'm away. Still stuck at the okcupid stuff.


I have everything recorded except today. Minibong will probably too scared to upload the archive, but we'll see.

294c49 No.316042

File: ce16cd95e9a0e0c⋯.mp4 (464.94 KB, 480x480, 1:1, cockroach girl-RV0gbWBHgUs.mp4)


>Pretty sure this whole thing is because hes trying to hide his love for tranny's

100% this. All this anti-tranny stuff started after the MsAlchemy drama.


Pretty sure I have some stuff to contribute to that thread. Lemme get sum food first & then I'll have a look.

88513f No.316061

86f54d No.316064


lol empty always delivers!

087d62 No.316066

File: daf652d47c250be⋯.webm (1.84 MB, 854x480, 427:240, mt_female_in_discord_fast.webm)

The other day, MT actually caught a female talking to other men in his discord! Can you believe it!?

Of course she was promptly ejected.


lmao nice

c4d3ae No.316069


You don't have to speed up the quality ones. This was actually funny that he thinks this isnt beta male faggot shit. Notice he picks at his shirt when he tries to act tough

087d62 No.316073

File: ff80b1d1d0792d1⋯.webm (2.97 MB, 854x480, 427:240, mt_female_in_discord.webm)


Ok have the slow/normal version.

I've been listening to him at high speed for so long now, it just feels natural.

(Part 2 incoming…)

087d62 No.316074

File: f688d517ffc5526⋯.webm (5.02 MB, 854x480, 427:240, mt_female_in_discord2.webm)

Female alone on Britbong Discord, Part 2


Btw, isn't this clip actually too slow? Or am I imagining things?

6956d0 No.316076

File: 95ae32ce7ad6049⋯.png (149.39 KB, 325x204, 325:204, autism.PNG)

literally unparalleled levels of autism, i join in for like 3 minutes of the stream- he's just playing vr chat and making autistic noises. good fucking god.

64c1b6 No.316079

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>Don't wake the BEAST

Nice shirt he's got. I guess he really is a furry after all.

087d62 No.316081

File: f1d701714f13a45⋯.webm (5.16 MB, 854x480, 427:240, mt_female_in_discord_boyf….webm)

File: b2876996b7154ea⋯.webm (6.69 MB, 854x480, 427:240, mt_females_who_go_clubbin….webm)

Another female alone on Britbong Discord, this one actually had a boyfriend



About females who go "clubbing"

How long did that long-distance relationship last?

86f54d No.316082

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/FeWCIwTJJpo" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

86f54d No.316084

86f54d No.316086

File: 36dab7f029496af⋯.png (43.8 KB, 603x176, 603:176, Untitled.png)

isn't redsaw sixteen?

aa2b28 No.316093


"To make sure you didn't go you better be on with me all night"

Oh you know for sure he did say that. Creepy possessive controlling weirdo.

6223d8 No.316196

File: 87022a37220a8ca⋯.png (518.84 KB, 516x918, 86:153, Why_not_your_dick.png)

File: cba2c0ef9afd12d⋯.png (256.95 KB, 918x516, 153:86, b4359ef1f01351ff375d775d70….png)


>How long did that long-distance relationship last?

Don't know but it ended with some nice dick pics of his little red rocket.

713b8d No.316219

File: 50db89629817007⋯.jpg (11.87 KB, 441x408, 147:136, smile.pnasdasdasdg.jpg)


>brit pussies out again

how embarrassing

f16c90 No.316221

File: 3b9e07678515a3f⋯.jpg (94.11 KB, 600x900, 2:3, 1516718049649.jpg)

Is anyone else doubting that "someone sent pictures of my nephew" story? I remember the faggot saying he was gonna close his P.O. box because it cost him money and no one sent him stuff anymore. Doesn´t seem below him to use an innocent family member to gather sympathy.


Keep recording his garbage.

He was insanely triggered by that clip where he tells the tranny to kill himself. He acts all "Haha you´re wasting your time, I´m not even bothered", but you can tell it pisses him off to no end.


What an absolute pussy. Wonder what

he whinged to his viewers

>hurr irrelevant

>hurr troll

>hurr pedo

>I-I´m not even bothered really

3cce38 No.316224


You hit the nail on the head, i mean someone might have sent him a picture, which is a bit creepy sure, but we all know the real reason he opened it was because he thought he would get loads of shit mailed to him and it turned out to only be like 1 guy who kept mailing him things

who knows i gues but we do know he lies 100% of the time so it was most likely not the reason he gave

also someone should make a wheel of "britbong excuses" we can spin when ever he goes super timid in front of EH to see why

88513f No.316226


you can tell from the video that he instantly clammed up and began turning around trying to find empty so he could mute him

if this keeps happening he'll start telling people that vr is a dead game just like second life

3cce38 No.316333

Britbongs so scared a tranny is going to take 500$'s from him that hes just streaming his old shitty videos to rack up more points against something that only has 30odd viewers

just let that sink in, this might be the most effort hes actually put into his streaming ever

6a8748 No.316354


I'm just waiting for them to ban him right before the contest ends. There is actual evidence of him encouraging harassment against him.

86f54d No.316359


you can't make this shit up:

Britbong's pulling out all the stops to win streaming contest between himself playing all the latest games and a boy in a dress playing super mario world.

that's the state of his "career" right now. there is no going back.

876df3 No.316429


this x1000.

he's broken their TOA at least 50 times in the past 2 weeks

e503ab No.316434

I've emailed StreamMe support before but the only response I've got is an email saying "They will monitor the situation" I wouldn't care if he streams there but it's weird that they are paying him to stream and he is making death threats and harassing other streamers.

aa2b28 No.316497


Stream me is as desperate for viewers as Britbong is. They will take anyone at this point. If they weren't in such a dire state he'd be gone by now.

He'll last a little longer there but not much.

450390 No.316521

File: bb7f58d8ca76b61⋯.png (196.02 KB, 580x624, 145:156, TopKek.png)

Not a great evening for Britbong. Faking a discord message to try and incriminate cyberdemon https://twitter.com/pizzaparty531/status/956685749298122752 , posting a discord conversation with all of the images removed (images of him looking bad) https://twitter.com/pizzaparty531/status/956686225783521280 , and then deleting his tweet after he was exposed!

375fa7 No.316530


The tranny isn't much better and he isn't banned so I really don't you will get a ban with stream.me as they need to hold on to anybody they can.

aa2b28 No.316540


Her links are hilarious!! Britbong totally exposed for being a lying sack of shit so completely He deleted the whole general channel on his discord to try and bury the truth. His insanity just increases every single day.

3cce38 No.316541

File: 286e0119a78131b⋯.png (67.22 KB, 454x561, 454:561, firefox_2018-01-25_19-05-1….png)


haha holy shit that one image with him whining about his parents,

> Be Britbong

> Mummy tells you dinner is going to be late

> Blame father because getting take away was his idea


> Doesn't even think about making his own dinner or looking after himself

jesus christ is there anything more pathetic?

6a8748 No.316565


>is there anything more pathetic

His life in general, yes.

86f54d No.316576


if only there were a way he could cook what he wanted without his parents complaining. if only there a way he could have meals when HE wanted not when HIS MOTHER made him.

someone should liberate britbong from the tyranny of his parents

3cce38 No.316583


If only but you know as well as i that that's all fantasy talk

imagine the scenario that his entire family dies, no one to take him in, how long would he survive?

my guess is once the pot noodles are done, or when the take away places stop showing up because of the smell

aa2b28 No.316596

File: dd5010a61040c02⋯.png (112.14 KB, 846x764, 423:382, firefox_2018-01-25_18-57-3….png)

File: 0cab09213efee97⋯.png (75.62 KB, 688x459, 688:459, firefox_2018-01-25_18-58-0….png)

So paranoid and safe space controlling that he deleted the entire general chat channel of his discord to try and manipulate and hide the truth to fit his delusions.

It doesn't get any more fucking Trannytears than this.


e503ab No.316605


>Deleting 3 years of general chat messages

Whoa dude he really is a fail spy!

3c0ba2 No.316612


Even someone like DSP lives on his own and doesn't whine about his mommy not making his chicken tendies according to his "schedule." Let that shit sink in.

aa2b28 No.316613


The funny part is that its not deleted at all. Discord keeps everything if a complaint is made all the evidence is still there. A fail bullshitter.

087d62 No.316616

File: ff9694a304931ac⋯.mp4 (4.9 MB, 854x480, 427:240, mt_vrchat_empty.mp4)

Mini Gamer Getting A Lispy Surprise



What the fuck was he trying to achieve in the first place?

Also talk about an overreaction.

087d62 No.316643

File: 03209231e1bc0ba⋯.webm (3.26 MB, 854x480, 427:240, mt_btfoing_lazy_fucking_c….webm)

Briannabong B.T.F.Oing lazy fucking cunt fans

e503ab No.316645


I have never seen someone so scared. Truly pathetic

238e81 No.316655

File: c8ed94ee6f1160f⋯.jpg (80.41 KB, 902x586, 451:293, 453978e082237462a9da820e6e….JPG)

aa2b28 No.316666


Britbong just doesn't get it does he?

He is properly insane.

aa2b28 No.316670


Just look at the expression on his face while he's trying to find the guys message.

2e7259 No.316678

File: 81822547613a326⋯.webm (3.59 MB, 854x480, 427:240, mt_clip_this_audio.webm)

"Clip this audio. If I ever get famous again, these people will come crawling back on their knees."



satan quads = truth

3c0ba2 No.316681


>waaaaaaaaaah everyone's life doesn't revolve around watching me play vidya 24/7

Wasn't this faggot crying like a bitch about not enough subs recently?




This could not be any more appropriate.

>he thinks he was ever famous

How can such a tiny man have such huge delusions?

2c986e No.316690


Quads of wisdom

86f54d No.316697

File: 10beface60c975c⋯.png (318.31 KB, 646x684, 17:18, Untitled.png)

64c1b6 No.316702


It must really be hard for him to grow when he can't get away with buying subs/views anymore. :^)

e503ab No.316703


Its like he cast mind-blank and forgot about that part

>70,000 Youtube subs

>18,000 Twitter followers

They can't be bothered to show up to StreamMe bwecause they are in a Chinese dungeon farming WOW gold and eating a single grain of rice a day.

375fa7 No.316707

6956d0 No.316708

File: e42c3cf28028e35⋯.png (18.5 KB, 710x153, 710:153, manletscared.PNG)

he's in denial now, hahaha.

wouldn't be wrong to say he's afraid of the lispy legend that is emptyhero.

876df3 No.316709


He does this when he's triggered.

>Who is DSP?

>Who are thebadguys?

>Who is emptyhero?

By the time he's asked who, he's already said something about them 30 times before on record.

86f54d No.316710

File: 8c13cab0f0b27ea⋯.png (63.32 KB, 735x546, 35:26, green goblin.png)

2e7259 No.316714

File: dbac6bc4a1590b1⋯.png (36.56 KB, 225x168, 75:56, fursuits.png)

MT has been so hardcore internet bullied for the past day or two, I don't know whether to laugh right now or feel bad. Is this what they call guilty pleasure?

Can't imagine how >>316702 feels.



Oh god. MT please stop.

Especially the last ones, where multiple things coincide… I, I just don't know anymore.


God, these voices of these guys are dripping with weakness. Those are MTs elite warriors, who endured months/perhaps years almost totalitarian (in all things on the internet related to MT) control by this perverted megalomaniac.

Does someone have these fursuit/onsie pics in higher resolution?

2e7259 No.316717

File: 9fd133ebebcce91⋯.png (42.83 KB, 538x335, 538:335, mt_rerun_fan_apologies.png)

File: dd9f2a1d2153baa⋯.png (12.61 KB, 517x107, 517:107, mt_rerun_fan_apologies_2.png)

File: e5d13c8bfa31624⋯.png (109.57 KB, 630x784, 45:56, mt_disloyal_fans_streamme_….png)

File: 6cb390b51338b89⋯.png (254.88 KB, 484x2080, 121:520, some_fans.png)

MT could literally piss in their faces (not just figuratively, what he does all the time), and they'd thank him for it.

64c1b6 No.316719

File: 25960eabaaec50a⋯.png (19.61 KB, 329x255, 329:255, 1336293091558.png)


>Can't imagine how >>316702 feels.

I'd say everything is going splendidly.

86f54d No.316722

try this sometime:

enter Trannytearsuk into youtube search and see how many danielfromsl videos come up

86f54d No.316724


without the word filter of course





86f54d No.316727


apparantly tesla cucked britbong on easter

e503ab No.316765


Ah yes. 2015! Dominic was trying to get a girlfriend on Second Life so badly he actually spent money and tried to make his avatar look like him except normal height.

f61ae6 No.316769

File: 78d9801d11e31c5⋯.png (140.59 KB, 642x520, 321:260, unknown-7.png)

there was some really cool fanart, y'know? shame that the mods dont appreciate art..

3e0e3c No.316876


For someone who calls people cucks all the time, he sure gets cucked a lot himself. Really makes you think.

88513f No.316877

File: 7691a7cf946b670⋯.jpg (52.11 KB, 271x271, 1:1, fff.jpg)

it's ok dominic,

i caught the fucker that was bothering you

you can stream safely now

aa2b28 No.316878

File: ac01e46ac173c19⋯.png (810.46 KB, 642x833, 642:833, a36077eb1c7dfff32c216c6014….png)

Britbong please point out how you are different to any of these people? Shit Beard receding hairline expanding waistline spending your time online trying to get attention. This is your fucking tribe. You have this strange behavior of hating anything that is the same as you. Pedos Cucks Trannies etc. And now numales are added to the list.

Self awareness when?

88513f No.316880

File: 0133544cfacc4aa⋯.gif (2.03 MB, 500x500, 1:1, harmony.gif)


>gets harassed by a mario64 penguin

>suddenly hates nintendo

e503ab No.316884

File: 94c42c6192d5ae2⋯.jpg (58.66 KB, 413x425, 413:425, The fluoride stare.jpg)

File: 16e8603259e1d64⋯.png (563.94 KB, 654x659, 654:659, 1515603455572.png)

File: 5019f09e22fdcda⋯.png (558.77 KB, 560x560, 1:1, what is that.png)

File: 293400af909c4f6⋯.jpg (89.64 KB, 600x900, 2:3, CQEcU6zW8AA0l2G.jpg)

File: 9b29d05fda5681c⋯.jpg (20.39 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 40337e4a7944d0a93585b18da8….jpg)


Oh good I was wondering when he was going to tweet about the meme that people he hated made months ago where numales open their mouth for Nintendo.

He might also be offended by men opening their mouths because its some form of emotion and he doesnt understand those. The beta male open mouth is a sign of aggression that he can only return with a blank tight lipped stare for fear of exposing his dead tooth.

450390 No.316885

another day another twitter exposure. how long can this go on for? https://twitter.com/pizzaparty531/status/956953013477888001

3cce38 No.316887


thats not even the same font, jesus this is some low energy misleading by bitchbong here

aa2b28 No.317143

File: ac01e46ac173c19⋯.png (810.46 KB, 642x833, 642:833, a36077eb1c7dfff32c216c6014….png)

File: 17e2ce434a2cd64⋯.png (121.86 KB, 296x196, 74:49, bong.png)

>Britbong excluded from an old ass out of date meme that he only discovered today despite having the costume

aa2b28 No.317149

>Britbong spends his time playing Sos

>Doesn't understand how SOS works.

>Claims people who form alliances are somehow cheating.

>Forming alliances and working with friends is a key component of the game play.

>Britbong never gets asked to join an alliance because he's annoying and obnoxious and has no friends.

All this time being told and he still doesn't realize that he was he is and He always will always be the problem .

64c1b6 No.317207

File: 32c95f60495c01e⋯.png (1.05 MB, 784x821, 784:821, 2015-09-21_taller than cuc….png)

File: 6d4a7f9aaad6aeb⋯.jpg (838.81 KB, 1920x1018, 960:509, 10-1-2015_ britbongs room ….jpg)

File: 87ca25b49bb47a7⋯.png (39.02 KB, 616x763, 88:109, 2015-05-30_britbong gets p….png)

File: 6505bca3a9afd9f⋯.png (17.93 KB, 417x523, 417:523, 2015-09-27_ugly virgin.png)

File: 8cfbf0f96b52815⋯.png (325.72 KB, 811x529, 811:529, tomokobong.png)


>he actually spent money and tried to make his avatar look like him except normal height

Yet he still came up short.

3c0ba2 No.317208


>Self awareness when?

Never. If Ittybittybong was capable of it he'd have fucked off a while ago.

7accc8 No.317215

File: 00ab1aeef22f7de⋯.mp4 (1.1 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, UpEkANad3FrCOCHV.mp4)



>out of date

Wrong on both counts.

c1815f No.317244

File: 257b7a0896f5430⋯.webm (811.66 KB, 854x480, 427:240, mt_okc_lezbo_malefriend.webm)

aa2b28 No.317297


Nice bit of autistic rocking back and forth there shortstuff.

f19c5a No.317315

File: ecd9a449930cb0d⋯.png (83.32 KB, 175x214, 175:214, long haired nintendo fan.png)



f16c90 No.317318

File: 27b0d7d43fab0ec⋯.jpg (207.33 KB, 866x768, 433:384, zykrpNaqPhDeLJTYefseLr6gtR….jpg)

3cce38 No.317321


haha beat me to it, now photoshop a switch in but do it really badly, you know britbong style

f16c90 No.317327

File: b742b7ce1cdb0ad⋯.jpg (209.38 KB, 866x768, 433:384, zykrpNaqPhDeLJTYefseLr6gtR….jpg)

3cce38 No.317344


Haha amazing, top quality khantent right there

f19c5a No.317380

File: 85998fc00fe6632⋯.png (59.53 KB, 338x597, 338:597, big bad tough lad.png)

Britbong has banned some kid from his life because they dared to enter CyberDemon's chatroom.

6f7a9a No.317381

Hi, everyone. It's the stream.me tranny here. I am trying my hardest to trigger brit as much as I can with the contest ranking. If you want to see him cry like a baby, I'd love if you helped me in any way you could. The rules are very lax and open, so i am welcome to any and all support, even if it means AFKing. :)

f19c5a No.317395


Remember to register an account for the views to count. Even a few minutes helps trigger short people

3728b0 No.317398

File: 29533fee1cecb10⋯.png (70.82 KB, 535x727, 535:727, 1.png)

File: 926fc0e7b23b4f8⋯.png (72.58 KB, 584x727, 584:727, 2.png)

File: 71681e2c1bd03b7⋯.png (77.66 KB, 656x757, 656:757, 3.png)

File: 52d1f2eb9561968⋯.png (73.26 KB, 551x721, 551:721, 4.png)

complains about tranny afk streams and plans on doing it himself

3cce38 No.317402


Hes so worried hes going to lose, for a guy who "didnt care" about the competition he sure is putting way to much effort into this

Instead of afk streaming, why not normal stream, its low energy either way with bitchbong

6956d0 No.317404

File: 07358e33e1652d6⋯.jpg (48.47 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1516063469586.jpg)


really is funny- especially when the point of a stream is to relax and have fun. the little man is becoming so desperate to win, it's funny.

6f7a9a No.317408



Reminder that myself, the tranny, puts in 14-16 normal streams with interactivity and audience participation.Feel free to stop by and help me stomp this little whiner's ego into the mud! (be sure to log in!)

3728b0 No.317409

bitchbong replaying vods now because he has no relevant cocks to showcase to his braindead fanbase

aa2b28 No.317413


Make sure you notify us here when you go online so we can tune in.

6f7a9a No.317419


online rn

3c0ba2 No.317424



He sure does have a short fuse.

874f91 No.317432


Shit lads, soon the manlet will h4x us, just look at his computer skills.

64c1b6 No.317434


I remember I hung out in your discord for awhile but then your server poof'd and you seemingly deleted your discord account. What happened.

f19c5a No.317437


Britbong reported it and it got deleted.

3c0ba2 No.317480


Good thing he can't reach up to his keyboard or I'd be worried.

450390 No.317486

File: 919c104ce39a961⋯.png (21.88 KB, 337x192, 337:192, Hmmm.png)

That's funny, I could've sworn somebody else set up MT's newest channel for him…?

86f54d No.317487


why does Britbong's life always end with him fighting some tranny for relevance?

46b960 No.317488

File: 2daab3e4f1cbd9c⋯.webm (3.76 MB, 854x480, 427:240, mt_okc_2.webm)

File: 5c85142c329de1c⋯.webm (78.07 KB, 854x480, 427:240, mt_okc_2_laugh.webm)

Just so you know what I'm going through right now.

It's 3-or-so hours of this.

2df3a5 No.317490

File: 8d68fcc0979cbdf⋯.png (30.39 KB, 610x192, 305:96, why_autists_rock_back_and_….png)


I definitely keep seeing that.

b177ba No.317496


get him banned on the last day before the contest is over. you know it, I know it, stream.me knows it.

b177ba No.317497



ok at this point i want to see both of them banned if they do the afk thing. Cyber take one for the team, they'll let you back sooner than manlet

b177ba No.317498


i could only take 3 seconds of clicking around on the first one before i was done. it didn't use to be this hard to watch these and im sure it wasnt that hard for you to make them then, but now holy fuck. This is almost impossible to sit through. It's the foam party of british men.

2df3a5 No.317500

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

JMAA got removed from spreadshirt. Poor guy.

2df3a5 No.317501

File: 68ad72110cef508⋯.png (190.49 KB, 1094x378, 547:189, jmaa_merch.png)


Nothing onion-themed, am disappointed.

2df3a5 No.317502


Wait, the very first is something onion. I'm retarded.


This. Let's do it.

7accc8 No.317506




Nah, eat shit and die tranny. Join the rest of your kind in the suicide statistics. Trying to profit off a lolcow, really. Fuck you.


>manlet trying to critique anyone

>manlet stream chat calling someone jewish when big jew nose Vanner is on camera with his microphone still pointed at the ceiling

6f7a9a No.317508


Crybaby faggot detected.

7accc8 No.317514

File: cb587cc274356c5⋯.png (309.85 KB, 531x438, 177:146, d7d0f55b60760c12779d9b024d….png)


Remove yourself. Trannies get the gas with pedo manlets.

4cfff9 No.317523

Britbong and the tranny can both go fuck themselves

2df3a5 No.317544

File: 6a95860d98751d6⋯.png (56.7 KB, 501x403, 501:403, mt_venti_ban.png)

File: 96a31f05c9a92c8⋯.webm (1.93 MB, 640x360, 16:9, mt_venti_embarassed.webm)

File: 132c4a36f52689d⋯.webm (2.54 MB, 854x480, 427:240, mt_venti_genuine.webm)

More venti hate incoming.

Reminder: Related clips are just 1 1/2 months old.

f19c5a No.317576

File: 282aa8511c7441e⋯.png (33.06 KB, 911x160, 911:160, BeatByaGenderDysmorphic.png)

CyberTranny is doing a "SundayRunday" stream today. Feel free to drop by and login to watch someone who thinks they were born the wrong gender.

Britbong spent 5 hours yesterday running an AFK stream of his old cocks to less than 100 people while crying in Discord and making up fan theories about how Cyber is cheating the contest.


2df3a5 No.317597

File: c9ee3fd686112d6⋯.png (346.47 KB, 478x2879, 478:2879, pizzaparty_twitter.png)


Well, someone's got the lingo down.

Also, can someone tell me again who tf alexjapankid is? Someone from SL? A 17yr old boy or a grown man pretending to be a 17yr old?

f16c90 No.317598


>"Woah, how come people don´t defend me?

Maybe it´s because you fucking idiot burned every bridge you had, even with people LIKE VENTI who even gave you shoutouts when you were banned? You were relevant for like a week, when Dunkey dropped his SL video.

And instead of using that momentum or strengthening your relationship to the guy, you talked shit about him behind his back, how you could "easily" have banged his gf and all that other shit. And you do that do everyone, are you really suprised nobody likes you?

This is just next-level autism.



He is completly losing it. If he and his autists keep it up, he´s going to be banned from there as well. How hard is to just shut the fuck up? 2.5k or 2k who the fuck cares? Just take money and keep cool you raging mongoloid.

Or don´t, even better.

f19c5a No.317599

File: 7a0ee9ebc9ffaf3⋯.png (355.09 KB, 688x930, 344:465, gay.png)

File: 113968d4a3f4bf3⋯.png (8.96 KB, 663x77, 663:77, shirtless wonder.png)


Here's Boyd's article about Alex. Which is all pretty much true. I mean why else would someone run around dressed as a child and use child avatars???

Also Colby's comment trying to defend himself with a shirtless child avatar is really rich

375fa7 No.317600


When nearly everyone disagrees with you that doesn't make you correct, it just means maybe you should rethink your position.

ce5c31 No.317602


Boyd trolls kids creepily.

46b960 No.317615


>If he and his autists keep it up, he´s going to be banned from there as well.

It's being projected from a mile away. He'll keep increase the intensity until it happens.

It'll be spun into his narrative web and 5 years from now, we'll hear stories about how "cyberdemon was afk streaming and when I did it, stream.me staff banned me".


>20yr old homosexual ageplayer

Yea, that sounds about right.

86f54d No.317703


>Boyd trolls kids creepily.

it's a pretend kid though. alexkidjapan is like 25

86f54d No.317770

the owners of stream.me have warned Britbong he will be ineligible to win the streaming contest if he or his viewers continue to harass cyberdemon

6956d0 No.317782


where and when did they warn him? things will get interesting from here on out..

86f54d No.317792


>where and when did they warn him

they sent an official email to both channels

f19c5a No.317842

File: d569dc1ca06aa6a⋯.png (53.99 KB, 624x442, 24:17, cease fire.png)

375fa7 No.317992


His viewers you say?

3c0ba2 No.318027


It's amazing how he legitimately doesn't realize the girls he rags on are always so far out of his league they might as well be another species entirely.

ce5c31 No.318059

File: ae2dc7ba67704a8⋯.png (42.35 KB, 588x264, 49:22, 26ae41bb51a9c08140d7f6f5c4….png)

Oops, did Kopy's steam group get taken down?

64c1b6 No.318061

File: f80ccf7081997fd⋯.png (301.8 KB, 632x480, 79:60, vlcsnap-2016-01-16-01h52m5….png)


It's okay, Dom. The youtube channel you DIDN'T make (along with your twitter, subreddit, website, stream.me, etc) will be going down soon enough. I've been paying people to flag your shit endlessly for weeks. Hope you enjoy getting mega deplatformed.

25471c No.318096

2df3a5 No.318098

File: 466b0596bdc5f86⋯.png (223.19 KB, 526x541, 526:541, アレキサンダー ( SaltyAlexJP) Twi….png)

File: b31f5cb66eea218⋯.png (34.06 KB, 572x270, 286:135, Britbong on Twitter Sure t….png)

File: 253fbfd8bf530b7⋯.png (113.19 KB, 519x474, 173:158, alexjapan_fanart.png)

Before stream.me stepped in, alexjapan and MT were contacting one of cyberdemons sponsors (?). Lets see if they're gonna keep that up.

Also, alexjapan does fanart.

3cce38 No.318103


imagine being this big of a degenerate, he really does attract the bottom of the barrel in terms of talent eh

f16c90 No.318115


Wow, this is even worse than JMAA or Beowulf.

Btw, the manlet is currently running old videos of his on stream, 24/7, in an attempt to win back first place.

fe515b No.318116


Dont forget he "really doesn't care about the competition because stream me sucks, its all about my fans". I mean everyone else wins either way, you laugh at him because he lost to a tranny, or you laugh at him because hes had to actually put effort into his "job" and he can't just take it easy anymore,

How long till the same handful of videos bore these kids though, hes not even really racking up points because theres no interaction going on. Its like the rules are right there, i took 5 seconds to read them and they tell you how to rank higher…

f16c90 No.318123


Yes, I know. He CLEARLY doesn´t care about this stuff. He´s also CLEARLY not botting with his consistent view-count of 59-63 over the last 5 hours.

fe515b No.318125


I was going to say, he usually struggles to get 300, and last night he was on 320… most likely getting people to multibox it, but it doesnt help because points are gained via interaction and not just sitting there AFK

3cce38 No.318127


Also worth noting that britbong is so fucking retarded hes actually going to upset stream.me's "official sponsor" by reporting the tranny, im going to assume they won't be too happy with him snitching them out

de0f8a No.318154


>AFK streams will be kicked and action will be taken, up to contest removal, if they persist.

Report his stream

86f54d No.318158


>Oops, did Kopy's steam group get taken down?

the steam group we played with and abandoned 3 years ago? HOW DARE YOU?

86f54d No.318159


age-playing pedophile desperately seeking britbong's approval….

86f54d No.318168

Britbong is in a battle to the death with a transgender speed-runner on the fourth most popular streaming platform on the internet.

and losing…

I think our work here may be done, gentlemen

450390 No.318169

File: d11e3823ad54715⋯.png (20.69 KB, 392x183, 392:183, Hmmm.png)


funny you mention that

450390 No.318175

File: dcc86a29d59d04a⋯.png (39.07 KB, 712x275, 712:275, violence.png)

now making threats against cyber while using the same 'cheats' they do. nice hypocrisy, bro

3cce38 No.318176



Oh dear, it would be a shame if they were emailed to stream.me or something ;)

7accc8 No.318177


>Dominic "the pedo" Vanner takes down a steam group because muh feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeels

86f54d No.318180


dumbass is gonna get himself banned again

450390 No.318181

File: 769150e3c1052ef⋯.png (15.77 KB, 433x124, 433:124, violence.png)


one more for the collection

86f54d No.318183


>one more for the collection

was that from today? lol what makes him so tired? He works like 3 hours every other day.

3cce38 No.318188


Lol this is the hardest hes ever worked, and its still low energy like "ill just loop my videos 24/7"

guys losing because he really only has a handful of active "fans" and points are awarded on interaction

f16c90 No.318192

File: ed1f14dd2b6541f⋯.jpg (44.29 KB, 350x447, 350:447, 15269-Oma_Maske_Zahnlos-Gr….jpg)



What a fucking idiot.

If he doesn´t get himself banned 2 days before the contest ends, he will surely accomplish it by next month.

He´s breaking AFK rules and continuing to shit on the Cybertranny despite being told to keep his mouth shut.

There´s enough shit in just the last 3 discord posts to end his stream.me career or at least his place in the contest.

3cce38 No.318195


Maybe hes playing the short game here, "i didnt win because i got banned!!! totally unfair!! fuck my life!! REEEE"

3728b0 No.318226

britbong still whinging about the """cheater""" tranny (stream.me/cyberdemon531) PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD him in that streamer contest

f16c90 No.318228


He is a fucking child, he will never believe he is in the wrong.

The guy is straight up reading the confidential mail the stream.me sent him on stream right now…and saying he never did anything wrong in regards of the tranny.

3728b0 No.318232

File: e20e2038c371fdf⋯.webm (11.01 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, bb_whing_1_.webm)

File: 8b15d7994f242d7⋯.webm (1.78 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, bb_whing_2_.webm)

File: 3cb8515185c149c⋯.webm (1.87 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, bb_whing_3_.webm)

3cce38 No.318236


Listen to that logic, "he set up another account and is sending sparkles"

lol what, thats like spending more money then you will win

876df3 No.318253

reminder that cyberdemon got banned from agdq for being too based and not getting along with all the other trannys or pittying them into letting them control everything. There was a video that just came out the other day by apollo(iirc) and there was a tiny part of it involving people banned and why.

7accc8 No.318279


I wonder why he insists on representing himself with a bald GRIDS patient with a wizard hat and scantily clad gay men.

bc653e No.318280


Someone send these to stream.me. Brit fucked himself with those.

f16c90 No.318284



This was after he got the mail from stream.me as well. Absolute fucking mongoloid supreme.

876df3 No.318292


this please.

6223d8 No.318294




Time for those reports boys

3cce38 No.318298


You'd need to reup them somewhere i guess as i dont think they'd be interested in 8ch links, but who knows

e50d02 No.318300

Where's the new thread? We're way past bump limit

36b87b No.318306

someone with a faggoty twitter should maybe send that video of britbong screaming nigger to catalyst mints and ask why they sponsor a place that hosts him ;)

375fa7 No.318308


>too based

36b87b No.318310

whoever makes the next thread can it be the tranny wars saga edition ?

f19c5a No.318332


They are on the official BritbongReturns bitchute page. https://www.bitchute.com/channel/britbongreturns/

36b87b No.318333


Ah ha nice work lad

3cce38 No.318335


Cool sorry didn't check, interesting

Either way this ends its going to be hilarious, what an absolute sperger

f0dc37 No.318344

Thread #36 incoming >>318343

ce5c31 No.318382

File: 8b679532ac6d0ff⋯.png (9.5 KB, 1370x161, 1370:161, ed5997535dec0eae62c69e3c3a….png)

He got cyberdemon removed from his sponsor

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