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Autism speaks. It's time to listen.
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File: 769150e3c1052ef⋯.png (15.77 KB, 433x124, 433:124, violence_2.png)

d303f7 No.318343

Be on the lookout for Dominic Vanner 'The Transgender Lover' and the Britbong Internet Defense Force (BIDF) samefagging and attempting to slide the thread. If you're a current or former friend of Britbong and have con.tent and/or stories to tell, come on down and give us the skinny. We are loving and sweet.

Reminder: Britbong posts in these threads and pretends he doesn't. He has a sub 80 IQ.

Previous threads

Thread #35: >>310484 (Archive: https://archive.fo/srLgb)

Thread #34: >>307022 (Archive: https://archive.fo/dLkeJ)

Thread #33: >>304244 (Archive: https://archive.fo/ffVU3)

Thread #32: >>298293 (Archive: https://archive.fo/2oLD2)

Thread #31: >>293110 (Archive: https://archive.fo/9fm2c)

Thread #30: >>290748 (Archive: https://archive.fo/a3XRr)

Older: https://p.teknik.io/Simple/L614J




Britbongreturns/Tranny cybersex screenshots

https://imgur.com/a/BuJuM (https://archive.fo/iNzpa)



Social Media

https://twitter.com/britbongalt (evading ban on https://twitter.com/Britbongreturns )

https://www.youtube.com/wizowd (evading ban on https://socialblade.com/youtube/user/britbongreturns )




Relevant ED pages


https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/KrappleGuy (MT's archenemy #1)

https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Boyd_Doghouse (MT's archenemy #2)



Other Links


Archived Media

https://pew.tube/user/britbongreturns - Clip Archive being constructed here! Spotty performance, but hopefully manlet-proof!

https://mega.nz/#!AYRF0ISA!BKxW2PVkMrHyT6wWtrwD8gMqW7D6FeCo2VVMn9dEkdA - Assorted soundclips of Tranny and his right hand toe sucker Bungie

https://mega.nz/#!sNRkhJpT!XOJFZeU42jQnbXLhIsboRQnguDfwzSyynV40LIF2NGY - Leaked chat logs from Tranny's skype group

https://mega.nz/#!tYY1HIAD!_9xY_fcQtBmauL4KhhgLvfXV0xZhxZJLtvtgqGuYoPg - streams from Aug25-29, 2017 (last streams before his main YT got banned)

https://mega.nz/#!YKB3TK7J!Y_RTahwteSVvk_aOy0OBPotIgkmjkulSus_-Isj0frE - stream from Dec12, 2017 (during which he received a copyright strike from OutpostGames)

a60d52 No.318354

how does britbong always end up getting bullied by trannys? this is like the third one

f5d035 No.318356


its because he won't just admit he gets a chub for tranny's

34542e No.318391

File: c49eca9e44690bf⋯.png (41.9 KB, 535x311, 535:311, e706dec4721c85387392821f81….png)

5730d7 No.318392

File: c9cb49ef206aa9a⋯.jpg (60.99 KB, 650x400, 13:8, KSI-MLGtv-Streaming.jpg)

Why did Manlet Tears delete all chat history?

9933ee No.318396


>a fucking image for ants

Who does this apply to?

34542e No.318397


He got cyberdemon removed from Catalyst Mint's sponsorship network.

a60d52 No.318402


>He got cyberdemon removed from Catalyst Mint's sponsorship network.

seems like that would violate the cease and desist order from stream.me

ec6db3 No.318405

File: 3f32e261c3e06b0⋯.png (29.06 KB, 625x430, 125:86, Next Month.png)

Weird. On January 25th Britbong claimed he would do another AFK stream "Next Month" but then 2 days later on January 27th he started his AFK stream back up and hasn't stopped streaming since. Literally sleeping while his 5 year old videos play.

Thats how pathetic this retards morals are. He raged on and on about how AFK streams are terrible asshole people.

469ec6 No.318443


Interesting to note that streamme is also sponsored by catalyst mints, and streamme's top user is a known racist and transphobe. I wonder what could happen….

9933ee No.318465


>t. butthurt tranny

be7415 No.318476


> t. Butthurt midget

Been streaming for 3 days in a row, gotta be taking its toll, thats like the most work put into anything ever!

2d8f86 No.318520


On the January 29th stream he complains a lot about being tired because he had to leave his computer on all night and the LED kept him awake.

11bd1d No.318523


And he is streaming again today, because the tranny announced it would stream 36 hours in a row. Next month is going to be a nightmare for the little man.

272554 No.318553

File: 4b4ac281e6137b3⋯.webm (8.32 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, brit_afkloop.webm)

File: d299ca848afe270⋯.webm (3.42 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, brit_so_tired.webm)

afk stream is the new norm when you've been bullied that hard

d067af No.318564

File: 6d7d5d08a417eaa⋯.jpg (206.49 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, 93026557d966bf3af00db4e59e….jpg)


>Who does this apply to?

Ant sized midgets named Dominic Vanner

a60d52 No.318576


trying this hard to beat a tranny playing doom.

even if Britbong wins the contest, people will just say "remember the time when Britbong stayed up for a week to barely beat a tranny playing doom?"

f5d035 No.318577


yea exactly, and hes got next month to do it too, hes just going to have to work harder and harder every month because hes so buttmad about almost losing to a tranny with a quater the viewers

9933ee No.318582


>it's still winter

>he has cloth or some shit on top of a fucking radiator

How stupid is this midget?

2d8f86 No.318612


Its his moms underwear he likes to warm em up so the smell fills the room

ca36ea No.318688

File: da245f1cb8e4c9d⋯.png (172.68 KB, 522x563, 522:563, alexjapan_cyber1.png)

File: a6f14eabdb6299f⋯.png (271.67 KB, 519x546, 173:182, alexjapan_cyber2.png)

File: 5e34a34747717a3⋯.png (202.32 KB, 509x628, 509:628, alexjapan_cyber3.png)

What do we call this war?


Midge has never worked this hard in his life.

…I'm just waiting for stream.me to step in, really. That is, if AFK streaming is actually against the rules?

Otherwise, we'll see a funny repeat of these events next month.


Catalyst is also a sponsor of stream.me? Wonder how they'd react to a compilation vid of MT - proudly titled stream.me's biggest streamer - sperging out at women on okcupid and hiding his hard-on whilst deriding trannies.

a60d52 No.318703

File: f61cd51806e4e17⋯.png (43.98 KB, 601x269, 601:269, Untitled.png)

i think you know what to do boyz

c2e418 No.318710


Britbongs most vocal supporter is a PROVEN pedophile. Not suggested not implied not rumoured to be but actually proven to have sex as a little boy with other little boys. All of his avatars are little boys.

How does Britbong justify that?

He seems just too invested in transsexuals and man/boy sex for it not to be something very sinister.

bb4397 No.318744


They're aware of his existance and they "don't promote racists" so take that how you will


I'd tell stream.me that some little shit is going to mess up their sponsorship if they keep poking them like that, how are they going to feel given the new "face" of stream.me is a guy who screams nigger at people

f5d035 No.318746


From what i understand they apparently allow him to afk stream as long as hes got his old shitty videos looping

To be honest they will be loving this, how much do you think they've made off midge and his pay piggies buying shitty point just so he can take the lead on a tranny in a contest he "doesn't even care about"

435bb0 No.318758


They both should be deplatformed if stream.me wasn't a shit company that will not remove basically their only 2 streamers.

ca36ea No.318759

File: 48f9f3e14fdbdc5⋯.png (215.1 KB, 937x667, 937:667, jmaa_book.png)

Did y'all order JMAA's book yet?

It's already been out for a day!

Get your copy here:


ca36ea No.318760

File: fee37666177b581⋯.jpg (37.3 KB, 348x500, 87:125, 51owsNO5A2L.jpg)

File: d7f0749c5d05def⋯.jpg (47.16 KB, 348x500, 87:125, 51ObRAmh00L.jpg)

f5d035 No.318761



Ha! what the fuck has he written though? like im interested in a car crash kind of way but not in a pay money and actually read it way

I have to imagine based on the preface and back pages that it might legit be a 400 page love letter to his soul mate dommy v

ca36ea No.318762



>his soul mate dommy v

You mean D.V. aka B___, the british conspirator.

>might legit be a 400 page

It's only 48 pages, actually. That's 4 pages on the dollar.

If he offered an e-book variant for 1/3 that price, I might've actually bitten. But this is just not acceptable price/value-wise.

34542e No.318763

File: bc5e015e1bd34e4⋯.png (37.29 KB, 361x637, 361:637, 2bb28e94a0b5a32503e6932410….png)

Boyd the tranny lover

34542e No.318764

File: ce98b280b371954⋯.png (23.53 KB, 353x419, 353:419, c4cb7726341c9a86a9d5fa3506….png)

ee5294 No.318765

File: 7299951b236cf3b⋯.jpg (178.22 KB, 903x569, 903:569, jmaabooksample.jpg)


this is a sample of his book. the guys a genius- 4 pages a dollar for this writing.

f5d035 No.318766


wait so its 48 pages of how we got britbong banned on youtube?

34542e No.318767

File: 1c5e61e69ecdc79⋯.png (67.06 KB, 434x553, 62:79, boyd1.png)

Boyd gets touchy when you bring up his new found love for trannies

34542e No.318768

File: 15cf4a987ef5726⋯.png (61.76 KB, 533x503, 533:503, boyd2.png)

34542e No.318769

File: 0d1f53ccdf86038⋯.png (91.93 KB, 1225x604, 1225:604, boyd3.png)

f5d035 No.318770


no one cares about your raging hardon for boyd when a super talented guy like JMAA has released his latest master piece

ca36ea No.318771


>2nd pic


For shits sake JMAA, at least run spellcheck on that thing before you publish it.



Hello alex.


So it's a (((conspiracy))) involving (((street-kids))) being made (((youtube-famous)))?

Man, it might be actually worth it. We need someone like brendaniel to read it.

First sentence:

>"in Youtube"

>"in 8chan"

>"is no way more difficult"

Does he have nobody willing to proof-read for him?


Alex, you know 8chan has multiple images per post, right?

a60d52 No.318772


lol we're in his book?

evil genius I kind of want to order one now!

a60d52 No.318773

f5d035 No.318774


Alex is abit tender at the moment, JMAA has just dropped his magnum opus about his love for the bong and he doesn't know what he can do to one up him


Boyd if you bought this you faggot can you atleast drop the pages so we can all have a laugh?

34542e No.318775


Would only take a simpleton like Boyd to waste his hard earned pension dollar to waste his money on a book by someone he "strongly dislikes".

Wonder what his family would think of him buying a nazi propaganda book,

a60d52 No.318776


> a book by someone he "strongly dislikes".

are you kidding? Boyd's like his biggest fan. Maybe for the wrong reasons, but he's pretty loyal.

f5d035 No.318777


Dont be jelly, write your own queermo book or draw your own bitchbong r34 to profess your love

34542e No.318778


Boyd must also be a hardcore leftist or socialist.

a60d52 No.318779


>Boyd must also be a hardcore leftist or socialist.

he's really into things with just one eye

34542e No.318780


Of course, then he'd only have to use one hand and his one tiny dick… Knowing boyd I know he'd fuck JMAA fo sure.. He wanted to bang some broad in France at some point lol.

a60d52 No.318781


sir, if you keep talking shit on JMAA we'll have to ask you to leave

34542e No.318782


JMMA appreciation thread

ca36ea No.318783


Thinking about it, aren't we the TRUE fans?

Imagine tomorrow he puts out a video in which he declares he's actually a tomgirl.

Think these other NOT TRUE fans will stay?

I will.


Alex will really have to brush up on these Microsoft Paint skills of his, he's nowhere close to rivaling JMAA.

ca36ea No.318784


Let's put JMAA into the OP of #37. He has earned it.

34542e No.318786



d32775 No.318787

File: bdf14dba2998371⋯.jpg (134.4 KB, 531x377, 531:377, Screenshot_20180112-144151.jpg)


may god bless the fat glasseyed cyclops for his intuitive writing

f5d035 No.318789




When will the short man accept his love?

4293bf No.318790

File: 0e4a8821f792862⋯.jpg (294.54 KB, 1025x633, 1025:633, 2 gays.jpg)


how can emptyhero even compete?

ca36ea No.318794

File: 1d46a4ad714aa7d⋯.png (40.34 KB, 538x266, 269:133, alex_backpedaling.png)

File: 6b5cc99da125ab7⋯.png (375.29 KB, 720x1692, 20:47, Energy Powder Blue Raspber….png)

Alex backpedaling.

Also, I just took a look at what catalystmints does.

>Gaming Energy Powders

What the shit…?

f5d035 No.318799


What did he realize that shitbong hasn't got a chance of getting a sponsorship now? maybe hes worried stream.me will get upset when they get dropped because faggotmints can't support a site whos biggest streamer is a guy who screams nigger and crys about girl gamers?

also gaming energy powder makes me think of that time DSP was trying to peddle "gamer trail mix", who comes up with this shit?

114050 No.318808

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Guess with only Chinese Cartoon as hint! I fucking dare you.

ca36ea No.318831

File: 0a42751d6e4d09e⋯.mp4 (11.79 MB, 720x480, 3:2, getting_innocent_streamer_….mp4)

File: 3d7041ef2250b25⋯.png (493.38 KB, 930x528, 155:88, IZgoN.png)

File: bc878c560bf0fb5⋯.jpg (8.45 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)


>who screams nigger

I think the context/other part of that clip deserves way more highlighting.

Screaming nigger in another persons stream to get them banned - rallying followers, personally submitting reports even. There's barely a more scummy thing you can do to a twitch streamer (short of swatting them) and I'd be surprised if you could find a non-BIDF person defending it.

>who comes up with this shit?

Well, there's a market demand for these kind of products, I guess? People are buying it??

Or maybe it's some sort of scam on the investors? Or money laundering?

f5d035 No.318836


smells like a tax fiddle so most likely and i know what you mean, but its no secret that bitchbong uses those "SJW tactics" he keeps blaming everyone else for and denying it as hes "the most redpilled" faggot on the planet (must be true because JMAA wrote a book about it)

Also has midge been played here? the tranny claimed it was doing a long stream but isnt on and shitbongs ahead and still doing another stream tonight even though he didnt need to and is apparently "tired" because you know, streaming vidya is hard

9933ee No.318865


>it's even kosher


It looks like it's not a completely bad product from what little they show of the ingredients, but the autistic flavor and the FOR GAYMING REEEEEEEE marketing is retarded. Nootropics is a big industry, especially among anything IT related, because it works. I wouldn't be surprised if this was an offshoot of a normal nootropic company marketing their shit to THE GAMING COMMUNITY to push more product. It's the sort of thing that's seen as a joke when gaming marketing or Infowars sells it but considered perfectly fine when anybody else does it.


Where there's a people, there's a market. The snacks seem like a mix of MUH ENERGY because obviously you need to kill yourself with overdoses of caffeine to play shit multiplayer games and a food you can eat without needing to wash your hands so you don't have to be responsible and take a fucking break away from the games for a couple minutes to have a real meal. It's probably better targeted at streamers who do their all day streaming. Like that one guy who had an article written about him because he almost fucking killed himself through health problems by streaming 12+ hours a day and not taking a fucking break to even piss out of fear of "not making enough money" and "losing viewers" if he stepped away for a minute. Modern day Weimar republic shit.

7e12da No.318866

Its too bad nobody recorded the streams when he was on Stream.Me the last time because I'm pretty sure he had several rants about "cancer mints"

f5d035 No.318886


Haha sounds abit like DSP, i dont get why these failing guys dont just get jobs, i know its some gay shit like pride, if your a loser like shortman it doesn't matter because hes just jackin off in his parents house till they die

Just don't get streaming for money, sure if you make it big and earn enough but why would you go into it thinking "im worth watching and paying money for!"

11bd1d No.318900

He is mega-crying right now because stream.me wants to talk to him

10b8dd No.318902


any context?

11bd1d No.318904


He got a message from Stream.me telling him they want to have a chat with him and Cybertranny concerning all the drama. He is in a foul mood now and looks depressed.

4293bf No.318905

File: c3b1ccf590190bf⋯.png (156.32 KB, 545x390, 109:78, g.png)


f5d035 No.318921


Haha oh dear, wonder if the sponsor is putting the screws to them because hes kicked a hornets nest there getting trambo banned for "racism"

f5d035 No.318922


not banned sorry, removed from the sponsorship

c45862 No.318936

Looks like they are all going to be devistated by cam whores anyway, this month might be the most interesting if that slag zoie is streaming everyday, once they figure out its easy money how many more will join??

9933ee No.318975


DSP takes regular breaks during longer streams and has that two or so hour period between streams. For all his problems I do think he'd be better at games if he got a smaller TV or even a high refresh rate computer monitor with minimal delay, he's smart enough to not think holding it in for up to 10 hours in fear of people "leaving" if you stop to use the restroom is a good thing.

bfe6e3 No.318978

manlet is currently sperging in that zoieburger girls stream on stream me.

469ec6 No.318986


he got banned lmfao

c2e418 No.319085

File: 7872042b1ceac0c⋯.png (2.99 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Untitled.png)

Britbong had a Rick and Morty cameo? Who knew?

22cc67 No.319086

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Wow he's so small you can't even see him. I see Vanner Sr. to the right of the purple muppet though. Right after renewing his wedding vows no less.

9933ee No.319155


>no screencaps

>no webms

Come on, someone has to be chronicling the autism.

ca36ea No.319201

File: 575ea9e5e1b2c97⋯.mp4 (2.99 MB, 854x480, 427:240, mt_jmaa_book.mp4)

MT hasn't seen JMAAs book yet.

Can't be helped. Streaming is a full-time job, after all.

11bd1d No.319203

File: ca215236819ce9e⋯.png (23.47 KB, 396x139, 396:139, burgered.PNG)

This is going to be an interesting month…

He is just barely above the whore as well.

95% chance he is going to be banned this month, he will sperg out even harder.

f5d035 No.319210


Did anyone get this sperg out he did in zoies chat? from the times posted here it looks like he wasnt in for long before she blocked him so might have been too fast to catch

11bd1d No.319258

File: c3b9e676fedee05⋯.png (53.31 KB, 554x444, 277:222, moneyplease.PNG)

Streaming the fifth day in a row, I wonder hoow that will affect is mental state.

ca36ea No.319262



>Crytek Germany

Bets on when he will get banned?

f5d035 No.319273


haha that didnt last long

11bd1d No.319275



He also wasn´t invited, he begged the developer for a key.

c2e418 No.319322


He’s to claim on twitter that they “saw his email” and sent him an invite. He’s so fucking cringe with his constant lies. Who does he think believes him?

8f7a87 No.319337


The mindless underage kiddies who watch his trash streams unironically

8b9d43 No.319376


>he wrote a book

>reads like it was written by a 3rd grader

>it's pretty much just him throwing a tantrum because people fuck with him

Just how butthurt do you have to be to write a book about how butthurt you are?

f5d035 No.319415


I see that and raise you a "how autistic would you have to be to think that someone would want to read a shitty book about butthurt you are"

When JMAA dies scientists will study his brain to see just what went on

a60d52 No.319418


I guess "preparing for stream" doesn't include making the bed or putting away his dirty undies

b4d573 No.319421


Hey cut the guy some slack… hes tried really really really hard these past few days, he had to play games for 3 days in a row! and as we all know thats really hard and shieet

021991 No.319500


looks like Britbong missed the gravy train on the new Dunkey video

ca36ea No.319774

File: 6e9fdd2e2f0ab93⋯.png (171.07 KB, 536x719, 536:719, mt_twitch_payment.png)

Btw, anyone knows if he's got a case here or is he making shit up again?

f5d035 No.319778


Yea i thought it was a bit suspicious that he blanks out his name even though everyone knows it

Do we even have any proof that anyones money is still being taken by twitch?

7e12da No.319779


Notice he has highlighted "Twitch" via a search. Meaning he had to look for this email even though apparently he just got it right before this screenshot and tweet were taken??? Why would he have to search for an email that he just got.

Theory: It's an email from someone else, or an old email that he edited the date.

f5d035 No.319781


Yea i think you're right there, thats what i was thinking anyway, but whats the point?

c2e418 No.319797


If it is true it’s up to the person getting billed to take it up with Twitch. Britbong is banned and is not authorised to act on anyone’s behalf so of course they would ignore him. His “audience” is obviously as stupid as he is and if they are retarded enough to subscribe and then can’t take it up themselves with Twitch they deserve everything they get.

021991 No.319828


he did the same thing the last time he got banned from twitch and when he got banned from hitbox. it's a bongscam

685f73 No.319830


It's pretty clear that he's trying to extort money from twitch. I mean the dwarf has a lengthy history of trying to defraud people. Scamming kids on steam, the forever alone copyright shit, lying about Pissed Pablo monitizing his Jew Wario memorial video, I could go on…

aa680a No.319831

Is the crossdressing stuff really real? i feel that he's not the type of person that would do that type of stuff.

f5d035 No.319838


He totally is, hes way into tranny's for a start, so i can imagine him being into dress up too


Still doesn't make sense, whats he going to do?

> Bitchbong: You owe me money twitch!

< Twitch: No we don't

685f73 No.319839


He'll probably make fake legal threats (as he's done in the past when he doesn't get his way) and hope that twitch caves into his demands

c2e418 No.319850


You're new around here huh?

f5d035 No.319854


Well i would believe he is this autistic, twitch better watch out hes going to sic his family lawyer onto them….

c2e418 No.319858


How many times has He threatened legal action = Hundreds of times.

How many times has He actually done it = ZERO.

e3ae92 No.319864


He's attracted to them sexually so it's not a big stretch.

9933ee No.319865


Crytek still exists? I thought they were de-facto dead after all they did post-Crysis 3 was some shitty F2P shooter from the russia team and having to give up the Homefront license to someone that actually did something with it.

528d5d No.319871


They got a 599 million Euro liquidity injection from the Erdogan gov and they're suing the pants off Chris Roberts ass.

528d5d No.319872

3e1295 No.319873

Why is he trying to sounds tough on his stream ? Most of his story are cringy as fuck and make him look like he has some kind of anger issue.

ef13d9 No.319874


because he's a no dick loser

f5d035 No.319875


All of his stories are fake, so hes literally making them cringey on purpose too

8cadaa No.319883


Well, he's provable into trannys, but of himself doing crossdressing I've seen not much evidence for it.

There's that one blurry pic supposedly showing him with a dress in his bedroom, but I'm not buying it. Further, there's talk about him having purchased a dress on amazon, but nobody ever elaborated on that.


He has told (not today, but what I've seen so far) 3 different stories of him clogging up toilets as a kid/teen. He said he's been doing it habitually, until he got kicked off catholic middle school for it. Might wanna do a compilation on that.

4293bf No.319896

File: 58a97d9c77e7587⋯.jpg (117.92 KB, 559x851, 559:851, small shopping list.jpg)


>Further, there's talk about him having purchased a dress on amazon,

9933ee No.319916


>suing the jpeg merchant

For what purpose?

7e12da No.319933


The "dress" was from ebay. He made a purchase from a store called "HiddenFashions" that sells womens clothes. But because ebay hides sale info after some time there is no way to see what the transaction was for.

1aad01 No.319938

File: a16123fc694e177⋯.png (381.05 KB, 559x629, 559:629, britbong and his toys.png)

7e12da No.320083


Reminder that he will never turn the AFK stream off now because he is too scared of being destroyed by a tranny and a warcraft gnome with torpedo tits.

11bd1d No.320084

File: 4cacb7a0979cda7⋯.png (134.67 KB, 494x487, 494:487, 1515580371795.png)


Yeah, he also deleted the Tweet that said "Thanks for watching the classic marathons, I might start them back up in a week or two." from like 2-3 days ago. He will have to "work" "extra hard" this month.

f5d035 No.320087


Haha have we actually activated his almonds and caused him to do an actual work load?

460c3b No.320194

File: c9efc043349d7ce⋯.png (36.52 KB, 515x295, 103:59, mt_colossal_plz_respond.png)

Colossal plz respond.

>trolled, slandered and endlessly deplatformed by absolute degenerate freaks

Is he talking about that zoom guy?

0d3383 No.320208


Probably more so referring to Kopy and possibly The Bad Guys/EmptyHero

f5d035 No.320209


imagine being this pathetic, people dont like bitchbong because he's just a general shitty person who will talk behind your back to his gay retard viewers and cry about how you dont DM him every other second

272554 No.320214

File: 897cb1c5f96cefd⋯.png (114.33 KB, 1857x806, 1857:806, kBJ5VAr.png)

File: 00af9176cbf8fe1⋯.jpg (26.06 KB, 398x460, 199:230, XxGKlrX.jpg)

TFW when brit and his community accuse others of botting some insignificant contest and you have your mod lackey beg for votes

4253b6 No.320234


Every one give congrats to the guy who won a contest no one else entered clap clap clap

22cc67 No.320238

File: ca9c74d79528c48⋯.png (12.64 KB, 762x155, 762:155, JMAA wants to bully kopy.png)


Having talked with Colossal a number of times, I can honestly vouch that outside of his internet persona, Colossal is genuinely a decent person who always tries to see the good in people. Surely the reason Colossal gets very little criticism can't be because he's not a shitty person or anything like that.

>But he is still afraid to ever respond to what I say about him or good reason

Not even close. Does Dominic ever consider that Colossal is deliberately ignoring him because he doesn't want to give Dominic attention and enable his sociopathic behavior?

a60d52 No.320250


britbong's suicide letter will read "colossal made me do it!"

c2e418 No.320273


Wow this latest twitter outburst is fucking hilarious.

How does He not see how pathetic it makes him look?

So embarrassing.

4293bf No.320299

7e12da No.320313


>people are too afraid to mention me


c2e418 No.320320


What is it everyone is supposed to be scared of anyway? What’s he gonna do? Cry on Twitter for two years? Yeah that’ll show em.

7e12da No.320323


He sent Kopy to jail for years apparently and sued killdeer in small claims court for $3000 damages.

Everyone is scared!

6e580c No.320343

File: bc7546230d012ea⋯.png (16.32 KB, 225x95, 45:19, zoie wins.png)

uh oh

6e580c No.320360

File: 3a8f79dd8cab2b7⋯.png (274.84 KB, 954x355, 954:355, Untitled.png)

8b9d43 No.320361


>giving up is what they want

>he actually thinks people want give up laughing at his retardation

9933ee No.320368


>camwhore intermingling with an interracial rapist

>other camwhre isn't even at the chair

>a third camwhore has nobody watching his shitty replays

11bd1d No.320374

File: aa7e418ceec81df⋯.png (416.05 KB, 361x514, 361:514, oioivey.PNG)




This what happens when an autist with narcissistic personality disorder has a couple of dozen enablers that agree with everything he does and says. He actually thinks he "redpills" people. He even posted about how beta it is to worry about burning bridges. Fucking hilarious, complete delusion.



100% sure he will rant about this today in his stream. She and the other whore could probably wipe the floor with him if they broadcasted more regulary. 1.2k viewers is like 3x as much as his highest viewercount on stream.me.

7e12da No.320466

File: c12b068ba5669c6⋯.png (380.12 KB, 991x357, 991:357, afk streamer.png)

File: bf67ceeac9c7523⋯.jpeg (25.91 KB, 480x480, 1:1, koksal-baba-angery-582865….jpeg)


He was awake all night crying about

f5d035 No.320472


haha being this salty, he was trying so hard to stay on top too

11bd1d No.320486

File: fb4ef1cdac2f22c⋯.png (56.11 KB, 572x573, 572:573, mvm.PNG)

No comment.

c2e418 No.320503


Yep his tweet didn't get any comments either just one like from a 12 year old.

The devs must be devastated.

e3ae92 No.320535


are these retarded faggots really going to let him get away with harassing other streamers for the 30th time this week?

starting to think instead of catalyst mints being an average snakeoil scam, they're probably someones front for money laundering or something else criminal.

fd4781 No.320856


No homo, Colossal is a good boy, Always has been. It's seriously some weird jealously thing that MT has.

>Colossal is deliberately ignoring him because he doesn't want to give Dominic attention and enable his sociopathic behavior

This tbh fam.

9933ee No.320951


It's a good tactic. Funny how small-world this shit is. Britbong should meet up with foky and G&P/tidepod from /4chon/ to make a triple team of self-destructive autism.

c2e418 No.321104

Britbongs World:

Girls are Thots and slags and disgusting.

Boys are sexy.

Conclusion: Britbong is a self loathing boy-loving tranny-fapping homosexual freak.

His retard brain gives him away yet again.

b1c3c2 No.321137


You could always keep reporting MT to stream.me. Eventually they will have to take action.

c2e418 No.321146

File: 71613f209cd5b77⋯.png (52.15 KB, 636x472, 159:118, 7b32bda8f476c88a85bbd93b62….png)

Britbong really doesn't get the concept of being banned does he.

If your "friend" makes an account on your behalf its on your behalf you fucking MORON. How stupid are you?

You are BANNED that means NO MORE YouTube for you…Get used to it.

A rogue YouTube employee? Bahahahaha!!

f5d035 No.321148


nah they have no interest in banning people, the closest he ever got was because a cock was in a video he was watching

guess you'd have to go after their sponsors


He is legit retarded….

c2e418 No.321151

File: a8aa2e513557252⋯.png (11.82 KB, 1145x43, 1145:43, 716ae1ed52e64b72ae8aa16aa0….png)

There's your answer Monkeyboy.

Rogue employee?!!

Your unwarranted self-importance is beyond embarrassing.

c2e418 No.321157

File: 69cdadf77c1676f⋯.png (68.48 KB, 637x490, 13:10, 60bb71dac05f5f769e0ddcb7ec….png)

File: 490e098b8eef639⋯.jpg (170.46 KB, 1273x356, 1273:356, ecde87be40d6db28f4bf694e16….jpg)

Britbong is trying to hate on Disrespect right now he currently has 250,000 viewers on Twitch.

That's 1000 times more viewers than Britbong has on a good day.


b1c3c2 No.321233


It was pretty obvious that the account was his and not "a friend" uploading on his behalf. This is the second time he's tried this because he thought "Keemstar did it so I can do it too". Nevermind that Keem had to actually go through some legal red tape to get back on YouTube.

ee5294 No.321264

File: 524451109139755⋯.gif (315.6 KB, 403x447, 403:447, 1517353239594.gif)


manlet rages at volunteer claiming he is "decieveing" people- tonight at 7

c2e418 No.321293

File: 33750d7154f0bde⋯.png (170.04 KB, 638x648, 319:324, 74168e7f6a0814e4abbf014819….png)

Waa Waa Waa It's a conspiracy Waa Waa Waa…

This is so fucking hilarious. He can't even lie effectively on his own recording. Listen at 4mins 20sec

"I'm gonna app.. *pause* …get the guy to appeal it"

For those of you that don't use VPNs to avoid the kiddie script IP grabber on his "website" here's the direct link: https://soundcloud.com/britbongdotcom/britbong-on-being-blacklisted-from-youtube

6e580c No.321295


lol he makes it sound like something from the xfiles

f5d035 No.321296


Imagine being this fucking retarded, why he cant just come out and admit he got banned for screaming pedo and nigger at other streamers on there is beyond me

Its really not hard to follow their shitty rules

11bd1d No.321298

File: d758c638c5b5068⋯.jpg (101.26 KB, 1420x946, 710:473, 17-leatherface-movie.w710.….jpg)


Man, he is such a pathetic crybaby. You are not relevant, bitchboy. Stop acting like you are.Even your toesucker-fans are getting tired of your whining. You sound like a broken record at this point.

The retard even hinted at the fact that he was the one behind the channel

>"Yeah bro, it´s totally my cousin who upload to the channel haha"

How long until he opens a new YT-account? Place your bets!

I´d say 2-3 weeks.

6e580c No.321299


he got banned for fucking with other youtube streamers while he was also on youtube. Pretty fucking stupid if you ask me.

22cc67 No.321326

File: 67923d66ca23d09⋯.png (56.12 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1298410209956.png)




Welp. Looks like my paid flag parties were indeed a good investment. The payoff was well worth it. Minivan lost yet another Youtube channel. I'll be ready with my flag squad when the little runt tries to make another channel. :^)

ca36ea No.321372

File: 632f3b97e2c03c9⋯.png (337.31 KB, 601x623, 601:623, jammku_thot_invasion.png)


>wah wah wah stawlkers outpostgames angrygranpa blacklisted keemstar trustedflagger toesuckers

wait who now?

who did it

who's responsible for getting you this time, your (true) fans want answers.


>"had 800 viewers on Youtube, then I got a DMCA from Outpost Games"

Wait, is this right?

Wasn't he already on 3 layers of evasion at the time? Don't think he had more than 300-400 viewers… The only time he had 800 and upwards viewers was when he streamed on his main channel.


>toesuckers is a serious insult. the toesucker lashes out when you point out his practices


>on the next recording: why twitch banned me



I'm happy you're happy, Kopy.

The real party starts when stream.me has enough/keels over.

9933ee No.321384


As long as you're throwing money away for stupid shit, throw some cash my way for making OC that's been used for at least two threads' OP image.

22cc67 No.321454


Shouldn't the OPs of those threads be paying you royalties then?

ca36ea No.321460

File: 163eb7814eabb84⋯.png (327.59 KB, 528x707, 528:707, jammku_cyber_twitter_bantz….png)

File: d68f3f9c4bdf0c4⋯.png (280.88 KB, 435x748, 435:748, jammku_cyber_twitter_bantz….png)

File: e857eba2248e331⋯.png (25.36 KB, 532x194, 266:97, jammku_cyber_twitter_bantz….png)

File: 50e650efc3b232e⋯.png (22.11 KB, 418x233, 418:233, jammku_cyber_twitter_bantz….png)

By the way, jammku and cybertranny had a small twitter bout.

Idk to what level of memery this guy ascended to, but looking at that writing style, I'm certain he's >>309682 as-if that wasn't quite obvious

So we know he's lurking here.


Be patient. Once the lawsuit hits, we'll distribute the spoils among ourselves based on merit. You get the towel on his radiator, how about it?

4dec40 No.321469


Do you have anything of merit that has been commited against you personally for a case against the individual in question?

It's pro bono at this stage.

1f8ce6 No.321511


You magnificent faggot. While you're probably wasting your money, at least you're not getting into screaming matches with MT anymore and seeing MT crying on Twitter when he gets banned off a platform is always golden

9933ee No.321529


They're not the ones paying money to troll Dominic "pedo" Vanner. :^)

4293bf No.321560

File: dfb6f23ef6884a2⋯.jpg (96.59 KB, 1296x810, 8:5, 1517943754260.jpg)

>manlet is lucky to scam 100 dollars out of a tshirt maker by claiming to own the forever alone shirt

>emptyhero gets his books plugged by pewdiepie and will be a millionaire by the end of the week

1bc33f No.321571


who gives trophys for Dance Dance Revolution and when did it become a sport?

1bc33f No.321594

File: cdfce4ea6e84035⋯.png (64.9 KB, 625x471, 625:471, crybaby.png)

f5d035 No.321597


yea sure thats the reason hes unpopular, this is hilarious though, like does he really think this stuff is real? surely not

e3ae92 No.321605


it's to make his false narrative to gain pity.

manlet is the gif of that dog dragging his backlegs behind him until nobody can see and then walking normally afterwards.

38e022 No.321630


Britbong genuinely believes that if it weren't for us manipulating the SJW's at youtube and twitch he'd be famous by now.

Britbong genuinely believes that ColossalisCrazy could save him if he tried

Britbong genuinely believes his father was innocent and his mother was a whore for cheating on him

Britbong genuinely believes we're why he doesn't have a girlfriend.

Britbong genuinely believes he can still make it as an entertainer.

c2e418 No.321711


>Genuinely believes he can still make it as an entertainer

He’s been shilling and shamelessly self promoting himself for 10 years now.

Reality check if you were going to be famous Bong it would have been a long time ago. The only thing you’re famous for is annoying real streamers and trying to get them to notice you like a little bitch. This is why no real platform wants to be associated with you.

8b9d43 No.321778


>are they this desperate to hold me back from gaining more popularity or something

>he thinking youtube gives a shit one way or the other about him

Jesus fucking Christ his delusion is way the fuck out of hand.

435bb0 No.321815


He only had 800 viewers for a VERY short time and that was when he was playing a popular game and got lucky, he had much less when he was banned.

ca36ea No.321884

File: 84c4f0617c42f12⋯.mp4 (11.95 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, WeWuzMetokur - Dat ending-….mp4)

File: d8939e4ac3563ed⋯.png (22.57 KB, 576x106, 288:53, mt_venti_warski.png)

Brittany Venti was on Racewarski's Holocaust Denial Show and MT doesn't like it.


lmao venti's shout. You know whom she's referencing.


No, but good luck.

ca36ea No.321887

File: d21d5e79916d0e7⋯.webm (485.95 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, venti_hes_a_manlet.webm)

Golden moment.

38e022 No.321889


Britbong has been obsessed with Roosh for years. If Roosh V is a manlett like Britbong that might explain a lot

9933ee No.321901


>rooshcuck can't even output a video above 1FPS

38e022 No.321966

f5d035 No.321970


That tweet screams jealousy, "Why didn't you invite me! waaah", hes shit at normal banter could you imagine him in an actual group chat with anyone just timidly sitting there silent

34a1b5 No.321983

File: 94c62c7b7ec3bff⋯.jpg (894.37 KB, 1280x1920, 2:3, Dominic Vanner meets his h….jpg)

File: 3525606d515732a⋯.png (62.19 KB, 686x872, 343:436, pwease notice me.png)

22cc67 No.321984

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Wonder no more.

22cc67 No.321985

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0685c8 No.322096



God the one time he was invited to a podcast (and not even good one) and he acts like a cringy retard the whole time. I can see why Clown never invited him on baited.

81653b No.322112


install gentoo

81653b No.322114


"Deceptive cocks" aka lying and saying the channel wasn't yours when it sure as fuck was.

What a retard.

c2e418 No.322118

File: ed9c1ce83dda32b⋯.jpg (19.6 KB, 568x258, 284:129, DVdCZR6WkAAUO2S.jpg)

And the keks keep coming….

c2e418 No.322123

File: 7ae5efe9a013071⋯.png (112.11 KB, 595x716, 595:716, bc4bbe6e8c43a7cb9df8b68349….png)

The past 15 minutes on Twitter has just been a litany of Britbongs experience with rejection.

Hey Britbong try tweeting about something that doesn't have anything to do with you being shown the door by people.

9933ee No.322127


>ban from the entire game

>not just teamplay

What a shit game/company, even if manlet is the one getting hit.

f5d035 No.322130


he keeps getting bans off them for TK'ing so he kind of knows the risks

0685c8 No.322141


I think "deceptive cocks" also applies to all the trannies he tried to hook up with and later backstabbed because he thought they were plotting against him

e3ae92 No.322263


>break rules

>file false reports

>harass devs


that happens over and over. this is probably the 3rd time hes been banned, i guess those weren't permanent at the time or he keeps getting 13 year olds to give him new ones.

either way, the company is doing what any other company would do.

4293bf No.322439

File: 3d028a1fb0953e2⋯.webm (2.93 MB, 640x630, 64:63, Luke gonna puke.webm)

domonic flushed too many cum socks

just had a pipe burst and his house is flooding

f5d035 No.322474


hahaha was it on stream???

a4f712 No.322542

File: 14303b3a27a30a0⋯.png (57.8 KB, 361x480, 361:480, beatenbydaddybong.png)

looks like he's gonna get beaten by the tobacco smuggler again

d067af No.322639

272554 No.322680

File: 06b5604223119b4⋯.mp4 (14.06 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, pedo_alarm.mp4)

too embarassed to say on stream! shameful midget.

a4f712 No.322685


lol he left his sink running and it flooded the lower floor. No wonder his dad blamed him. lol I guess that's how he'll spend his contest money

272554 No.322689

File: b18d272fdd92524⋯.jpg (82.31 KB, 1380x576, 115:48, MpZMZcF.jpg)

… and now manlet is crying over the new competition!

9933ee No.322695

File: 7f08ea94d444358⋯.gif (1.87 MB, 159x146, 159:146, 9f14ef8c47574101bce5e5f321….gif)


>he clogged his sink up enough to cause a flood somehow

22cc67 No.322698

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Looks like the wet troll.lins have struck again

a4f712 No.322737

File: af181a97270b00f⋯.png (184 KB, 655x309, 655:309, be honest.png)

a4f712 No.322772

File: 01ef072f7c7bc97⋯.png (310.55 KB, 1037x930, 1037:930, reddit.png)

a lot of activity over at reddit

11bd1d No.322780

File: 754a004d580316d⋯.png (170.3 KB, 567x712, 567:712, cryer.PNG)

Puritan bong doesn´t want to stream on the same site as these horrible women of ill regard.

I love how the thinks he can pressure stream.me into banning those girls. His viewership seems to dwindle more and more and his current "co.ntent" will not attract a new audience. If anything, it will slowly drive even the most autistic fans away. Compare that to these whores: The actually have a following, are semi-relevant and are capable of drawing more people to stream.me.


At this point, I can almost admire you for sifting through the manlet's streams.

They´ve become absolutely insufferable lately, can´t even watch them for more than a few minutes anymore.

It´s like 95% crying (banter) about how he was wronged, it´s everyone else's fault and everyone is an asshole and he needs no help (and 5 minutes later crying about how he never gets any help). I think part of the reason he streams more often is that he needs someone to talk to.


He´s going to have a shitfit when he wakes up.

2a2aa3 No.322793

File: 717b773bee1ebc0⋯.webm (8.11 MB, 1280x718, 640:359, mister_metokur_manlet_tea….webm)

Jim's take on the little guy lel.

f5d035 No.322800


Haha i remember this, this is why i thought bitchbong was really salty about jim in the past, looks like hes trying to toe suck him nowdays

c2e418 No.322808


>Blamed me when I never use the bathroom

That is Britbongs mentality to being caught doing anything summed up in one sentence. Dindu nuffin.

Let’s get this right Bong you never use the only bathroom you have access to. The bathroom you film your crying vids in. The bathroom you bathe in once a week. The bathroom you constantly disappear into while streaming so your bladder can expel that peasant juice you think is a meme.

No of course Britbong you never use that bathroom.

c2e418 No.322862

File: 78bea25c3f5fab6⋯.jpeg (33.36 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 5C9796C3-0D8B-42C3-AA10-7….jpeg)

So the cringily vain Trannytears tears has started using an almost decade old photo of himself as his twitter pro pic.

This picture was taken whe he had more of a hairline (barely) and way fewer chins.

It is obviously his attempt to lure in a new generation of children by trying to convince them he a fellow kid like them.


fbccce No.322866


His hair looks much better than usual.

c2e418 No.322945

File: 4b2224f406a45b5⋯.gif (1 MB, 500x225, 20:9, 2BA33DC5-6B3F-4E33-B31A-10….gif)

a4f712 No.323027

File: e124f4d8cbf7e04⋯.png (5.79 KB, 339x53, 339:53, Untitled.png)

so, Keemstar's Twitter has been taken down due to multiple DMCA claims.

Who do we know who's been filing false DMCA claims recently?

4293bf No.323056


i know keem personally, and he said that the next time the manlet fucks with him, not only is he dropping docs, he's going to flood the little faggots house, then promotethe bad guys on his youtube channel

76d7ec No.323086


Damn, what's with this guy and his misuse of sanitary facilities.


>flood the little faggots house

Well, that's already been done for him.

11bd1d No.323138

File: 100c122552badc0⋯.png (238.52 KB, 559x863, 559:863, psychotic.PNG)

Hitting new lows every day.

a4f712 No.323160

File: 3ff649149478877⋯.png (181.13 KB, 981x430, 981:430, nigga please.png)

f5d035 No.323162


hes cracking, what a wonderful time to be alive

76d7ec No.323175

File: 613b74610e6d3ee⋯.png (212.24 KB, 511x746, 511:746, mt_colossal_dmca.png)

File: 5343c00aad10645⋯.png (39.17 KB, 524x331, 524:331, mt_colossal-more_whining.png)

File: d645db14c1b7755⋯.png (14.81 KB, 507x98, 507:98, mt-manletismental.png)

>He's gonna DMCA colossal

oh boy

>muh mental health

not buying it. if there's something, it's gonna be self-inflicted, like every problem.

a4f712 No.323181

File: 062ea2ce66db51c⋯.png (22.48 KB, 584x148, 146:37, Untitled.png)

a4f712 No.323190

looks like pyrocynical got suspended on twitter too. If Colossal goes down it might be time to think Britbong really did do it.

f5d035 No.323199


It most likely is bitchbong, he seems really really salty at the moment and lashing out at anyone for relevance

Lets be honest, he probs wants keemstar and those to talk about him, anything to drip a few more viewers into his dying streams

76d7ec No.323209

File: 7009d63810b8d1d⋯.png (309.39 KB, 526x1220, 263:610, alex_sos_war.png)

File: d29b0f85b07b46b⋯.png (578.4 KB, 475x1485, 95:297, jmaa_quinton_shill_block.p….png)

File: fdbc61be49f0984⋯.png (22.9 KB, 516x215, 12:5, jmaa_burning_bridges_beta.png)

File: 3cb37c3912536f8⋯.png (244.28 KB, 524x523, 524:523, jammku_esports_repost.png)

Lets see what the satellites are up to.

Alex still waging war on OutpostGames. He does it for free, and with barely any acknowledgement.

JMAA shilling his book to Quinton, gets blocked by Quinton.

JMAA outright copying MT's tweets, Alex approves.

Jammku still reposting his e-sport memes from years ago, gets blocked by the person he's writing to? (Or maybe the conversation was deleted? Idk how exactly twitter works)

f5d035 No.323211


lol do you think this is why hes sad, these are the only people he has left, literal mentally ill people

11bd1d No.323215


Yeah, it´s pretty sad. And even these people are getting tired of his shit. He barely gets any replies to his ramblings on Twitter and his Subreddit is still flooded with his&JMAA's dick-pics.

76d7ec No.323219

File: 70ec09694ddf6b2⋯.png (95.86 KB, 640x648, 80:81, abuse.png)

File: 9ddc3dc4d655b8c⋯.png (370.75 KB, 669x737, 669:737, Screenshot_2018-01-09_07-2….png)


I'd honestly be amazed if any of them actually gained sentience/stopped putting up with him.

Fuck, two/three years back Jammku got dunked on by MT+BIDF brutally - MT shared his pics and made fun of how disgusting he was on the daily. If I'm not mistaken, Jammku's teeth were even made a sub-emote on hitbox.

76d7ec No.323223


>And even these people are getting tired of his shit.

Jammku/JMAA/Alex (i'm counting Alex in for now) are special cases. I don't think they're ever gonna leave MT's side.

But his other fans are tired of it, indeed. All the drama MT puts out barely seems to elicit any response anymore.

>his Subreddit is still flooded with his&JMAA's dick-pics.


a4f712 No.323241


>I don't think they're ever gonna leave MT's side.

where would they go?

d58d49 No.323247


>TrannyTears fans also support THA BIG DAWG

p o t t e r y

a96262 No.323253



Has the dwarf returned to /cow/ for more mega bitching?

a4f712 No.323257

lol holy shit keemstar pretty much calls britbong out for this


11bd1d No.323268


I wouldn´t put Jammku into the same category, that freak is at least somewhat self-aware. Alex is a creep and I don´t know what the fuck is wrong with JMAA. The better question would be : "What isn´t wrong with him?"

d067af No.323540



dc84c1 No.323576


i watched one of jamkus troll videos the other week and it only struck me as harmless. He doesn't really seem like a bad guy, just probably lonely. Jammku if you're reading this then get some new friends dude.

22cc67 No.323860


He leaves out the other stuff like the obvious BPD, bipolar disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, etc.

9933ee No.323874


>jumpcuts between every sentence fragment because he can't piece a fucking sentence together

>lighting/color changes every time

a4f712 No.323912

in britbong's now defunct soundcloud there were two recordings that turned out to be ironically prophetic.

One was Kopy and Tesla saying they would get keemstar after britbong and the other was boyd saying he would make sure people associated Britbong's shitty behavior with his channel.

Both of these actually came true in 2017

9deda4 No.323932

File: eb2ea8e7890640e⋯.webm (5.18 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, jmaa_boyd_brand.webm)

File: bb05d62f8cacd48⋯.webm (1.49 MB, 640x360, 16:9, mt_boyd_brand.webm)


>the other was boyd saying he would make sure people associated Britbong's shitty behavior with his channel.

The one where Boyd talks about "destroying MT's brand"? I've recovered some of it from one of JMAA's commentaries.

9deda4 No.323938

File: 2a564155b90b91f⋯.webm (5.41 MB, 852x480, 71:40, jmaa_boyd_brand.webm)


Better version of 1st clip.

Not that it matters much, can't make out what JMAA is saying half the time.

a4f712 No.323946


why is he lumbering out of the jungle?

11bd1d No.323969

File: 8b3a4aae09facc7⋯.png (479.71 KB, 1221x897, 407:299, reddit.PNG)


Seems like the subreddit has been taken over.

3cfb1c No.324066


I wonder how Dominic feels about a photo of his boyfriend JMAA's dick being passed off as his?

11bd1d No.324074

File: 24f99bb0143d0ff⋯.png (183.66 KB, 564x488, 141:122, 1434052214882.png)


I´m kinda confused, normally he´d probably freak the fuck out and delete everything fairly quickly, being the control-freak that he is.

In other news, Lavender Storydel was featured in the new Joe Rogan Experience podcast


3cfb1c No.324095


Is he heading towards rock bottom?

-No Youtube (over 8 accounts banned in 2017 and early 2018)

-Forced to AFK stream on Stream.me 24/7 for fear of being defeated by a tranny who plays 20 year old games

-Twitter account banned, forced to use alt with no followers

-Tweets to Roosh every day for 2 months, never gets a reply

-Retweets mister metokur even though he hates him

-Soundcloud stolen because he started reporting other people's audio


-no gf

-JMAA having more success, released a new book

-Went from thinking he could have sex with Brittany Venti to insulting her constantly in the span of 2 months. She hasnt responded or paid attention to him in 5 months.

-reddit gets spammed with his and JMAA's penis. He doesnt remove it.

edc750 No.324231


>That tweet screams jealousy, "Why didn't you invite me! waaah"

Manlet has been doing just that for years, even all the way back on 4/v/ long before this site existed he would get extremely irate and jealous if another youtuber was ever mentioned or god forbid had a thread about them, the best way to piss off the little one is to bring up people more popular then him.

He has the biggest napoleon complex I've ever seen.

7da947 No.324285

File: 7eccd3b260b8ecd⋯.jpg (103.65 KB, 567x456, 189:152, 1515604525742.jpg)

937ebe No.324290

File: 653213837fc62bf⋯.png (207.28 KB, 579x337, 579:337, mt_bventi_the_end.png)

It is done.


Honestly, what things are there still to lose?

stream.me, his twitter alt, his pay piggies, his last loyal moderators, his remaining fans, his home… anything else?

f92fba No.324350

File: 4819dca76bec07f⋯.jpg (57.92 KB, 779x730, 779:730, onion butt.jpg)

what if jmaa is confused by dominic's small stature and think's he's a delicious onion ?

dc84c1 No.324417


oh fuuuuuuuuuuuuck before lavender he's talking about DanielfromSL


21961c No.324491

File: 0ea72f04219081d⋯.jpg (6.51 KB, 255x143, 255:143, d21d5e79916d0e7c252ce9054e….jpg)


I think her reply here pretty much covers everything

c2e418 No.324550

Tuned in for 2 mins. Found him looking at trannies on Reddit and getting really excited about it.

Just for keks of course he has no interest in constantly looking at trannies.

d067af No.324553

He's Browsing transpassing, someone should stream snipe it by posting about his height

c2e418 No.324570

The hilarious thing is that when he sees one that looks attractive you can see he actually gets off on it. He'll say "Hmm sexy"

He is genuinely looking for attractive transexuals and disguising it as T-rolling. Its the same as his obsession with age players and furries.

The guy is so fucking weird.

9933ee No.324579

File: 521886ef80a3650⋯.png (51.19 KB, 175x214, 175:214, CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWLING….png)


>T-rolling as a wordfilter dodge

>he's actually rolling the T(estosterone) dice while searching for trannies

11bd1d No.324630


The last year pretty much broke him, yes. It took a massive toll on his mental state, that should be obvious to everyone who isn´t a complete idiot.

I don´t think he hit rock-bottom yet, but it´s coming, no doubt about it. He´s getting worse every week.


I tuned in for a bit to see him quietly typing something. Turns out he stopped playing for a bit because someone on Twitter called him "not credible" and he had to call the guy a numale.

c2e418 No.324633


Plus he logged in to 2 of his sockpuppets as well to make it look as if someone was agreeing with him in the outburst.

For a dwarf that likes to throw the term transparent about the irony is hilarious.

8b9d43 No.324685


>He´s getting worse every week.

It'll be a shame to lose a prime source of lulz when he anheros, but I hope he at least records it.

4eb619 No.324718

File: 615b05f99637a72⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1600x1407, 1600:1407, mt_subreddit_wipe.png)

The subreddit has been wiped except for a few selected threads.

21961c No.324730

File: fa46de722f7ab49⋯.jpg (73.33 KB, 533x728, 41:56, fa46de722f7ab49550ba67ccb7….jpg)

look what i found

21961c No.324741

File: 385131f79542e35⋯.png (202.74 KB, 660x377, 660:377, baldy.png)

11bd1d No.324779

File: 95cd29bc1597894⋯.png (119.28 KB, 571x624, 571:624, lul.PNG)


f5d035 No.324781


whats with his sudden moral fagging? the gaywad's talking about people "necking themselves" all the time

All his recent tweets are so trying to get into the "edgy" crowd

11bd1d No.324825

File: d261ff5a2ce1871⋯.png (158.75 KB, 567x558, 63:62, thisiswhatwinninglookslike.PNG)


He moralfags if it helps him, guy has no integrity., keeps crying about people's behaviour when he acts just like them.

I love how he thinks getting blocked is a sign of victory.

If you really want to cringe, read the comments under this post.

c2e418 No.324936

File: 0924dc0941da424⋯.png (216.78 KB, 1661x903, 1661:903, 27d088f6c8cabe37a84af6b04c….png)

Someone needs to sit you down and explain the difference between people being butthurt and people finding you and the way you constantly behave repugnant and reprehensible.

You get banned and blocked because you're a scumbag not because you're some brilliant orator and thinker.

Quite the opposite you're a medically certified retard.

435bb0 No.325543


What's with the toilet?

541d9e No.326268

File: fd21e2dd578fbd2⋯.png (37.46 KB, 583x268, 583:268, twitterthreats.png)

541d9e No.326353

File: 46e9c0dc65f02fd⋯.png (74.68 KB, 995x254, 995:254, Untitled.png)

1d4a59 No.326508


If posting his dick is porn then is britbong a pornstar?

fbb2a3 No.326566


I feel like I should thank the little guy for the free publicity he's giving me on his subleddit. I've already been approached by several notable twitch personalities asking me to collab with them. Tfw I turned them down

74c46e No.326745

He is currently snitching and trying to get Brittany Venti deplatformed for rejecting him, pathetic.

2ef2ef No.326756


de11c8 No.326830

File: 40344a33225ef8e⋯.png (1023.85 KB, 1479x799, 87:47, jammku frog face.png)


Let's say he is reading this. How would you expect him to go get "new friends" when he's enslaved as a chicken tendie fry cook and only gets pleasure in vidya by trolling / ruining the game for others?

What do you expect someone to do when they devoted their entire life to being an e-sport fag then when it turns out the jews or whoever controls the establishments takes a big shit on the whole idea and makes it mega-cancer that then causes you to give up any pursuits in life?

How does that person get friends?

No one on 4chan wants to hang with him. The only gayboi's that'll play with him are 4craft (Minecraft) people.

9933ee No.326865


Did you mean to dox yourself?

541d9e No.326871

File: 8150d7a0a1bd42e⋯.png (95.97 KB, 639x757, 639:757, banBrittanyVenti.png)


why is he even mad at her?

dc84c1 No.326874


oh yeah i forgot he was a tripfag on 4cuck /v/. nvm.

9933ee No.326906


She wouldn't touch the manlet with a 4 foot pole. He's assmad that some mutt won't go for him.

11bd1d No.326929

File: ecd9a449930cb0d⋯.png (83.32 KB, 175x214, 175:214, ecd9a449930cb0d952860e251e….png)


>manlet makes a post under a RooshV video about trad-thots

>pretty much sucking himself off and saying how he was never fooled by women like these and he´s an alpha

>Venti comments on his comments saying that she doesn´t agree with him or Roosh

>Manlet unfollows her, starts screeching about her in his streams "How dare she disagree with me!"

>she unfollows him, follows him again later, unfollows again

>he keeps shitting on her, insults her and her boyfriend nearly every stream

>when that doesn´t get a reaction, he starts to screech about her on Twitter about how she leeches off everyone

>she blocks him

>he thinks he "won"

>tries to get her banned on Twitch despite saying how bad it is to deplatform someone just a few days ago when that girl wanted the guy mocking suicidal people banned

The short answer: Massive mental issues. He is angry at everyone who (unlike him) has the social skills to establish and maintain relationships with people. He shat away every single connection he had last year. The guy is done. All he has left are his little nuthuggers and rejects, people with no relevance or influence.


Woah, another safespace!

ee5294 No.327127

File: e0d57bbe97dda3a⋯.png (106.57 KB, 943x875, 943:875, whingingmanlet.PNG)

wouldn't be wrong to say he's mentally impaired..

ee5294 No.327128

File: e0d57bbe97dda3a⋯.png (106.57 KB, 943x875, 943:875, whingingmanlet.PNG)

wouldn't be wrong to say he's mentally impaired..

b55677 No.327320


what discord is he even talking about?

ac6239 No.327387


the bad guys

541d9e No.327864

File: de7b3192dc4b458⋯.png (20.82 KB, 576x181, 576:181, trapped in the house.png)

ca36ea No.328074

File: 4284c4114d99d45⋯.webm (468.74 KB, 854x480, 427:240, mt_winston_churchill.webm)

History lessons with MT.

bd49a4 No.328109


That's pretty funny tbh.

ca36ea No.328129

File: 1d18fc263cae500⋯.webm (1.75 MB, 854x480, 427:240, mt_announces_killing_spre….webm)

File: c439e6cf60e92f1⋯.webm (3.87 MB, 854x480, 427:240, mt_just_kidding.webm)

File: 365bd7df6fa901a⋯.webm (2.1 MB, 854x480, 427:240, mt_yter_betrayal.webm)

Announcing his killing spree


Killing Twitch employees in self-defense


Betrayed by former collegues

While he keeps presenting it in his jokingly manner, it does get more and more violent in rhetoric.

I guess once he starts dropping the "just kidding" follow-up, we know it's getting serious.

ca36ea No.328145

File: d14c6ead557c50d⋯.png (175.77 KB, 468x740, 117:185, mt_raiding_announcment.png)

File: da3add3244b477c⋯.mp4 (12.52 MB, 720x720, 1:1, Britbong - To all the lads….mp4)

MT announces he will do no more raids because stawlkers join - pretending to be his fans - and spam gore.

Ok sure.

ca36ea No.328158

File: 7bd3bce2e6580f8⋯.png (248.22 KB, 697x408, 41:24, mt_bventi_block.png)

File: c8aa09c7014a43b⋯.webm (9.16 MB, 852x480, 71:40, mt_bventi_after_block.webm)

Reaction to getting blocked by Brittany Venti


* Venti wanted to date Leafy, got rejected

* Venti tried to leech off BakedAlaska

* Venti tried to leech off Sam Hyde

* Venti tried to leech off MT

* Venti never talked to MT

* Venti blocked MT because MT knows the truth about her

* Venti tried to hit on MT, he rejected her bc she ugly

f5d035 No.328163


"I dont like whining and windging" - does a 3 hour stream doing it every other day

8b9d43 No.328189


>he actually thinks any woman would hit on him

Why are all manlets so delusional? This is mental illness levels.

ca36ea No.328226

File: 3dae07234a9a3dd⋯.png (206.89 KB, 462x647, 462:647, mt_girl_streamer_drama1.png)

File: 3f0f3b9aeba000c⋯.jpg (92.56 KB, 820x806, 410:403, mt_girl_streamer_drama1b.jpg)

File: 7a4d8db116c921e⋯.png (157.16 KB, 462x574, 33:41, mt_girl_streamer_drama2.png)

Some drama with some girl streamers going on right now?

Probably the reason for >>328145 and maybe why the recent stream Vods aren't public.

f5d035 No.328266


Looks like hes shitting his pants in that last one, what a retard,

He really didnt learn from the russo raids did he

ca36ea No.328281

File: 2f1b72827159972⋯.png (1.04 MB, 458x5470, 229:2735, mt_girl_streamer_drama_dam….png)

File: bbe2910d54731d3⋯.png (346.03 KB, 379x2073, 379:2073, mt_girl_streamer_drama_rus….png)

File: e9bf8e4b805816a⋯.png (411.52 KB, 696x413, 696:413, mt_girl_streamer_drama_fra….png)

File: 5ee8f26e3710c37⋯.png (65.84 KB, 473x617, 473:617, mt_girl_streamer_drama_fra….png)

File: f5ffdc721a983dd⋯.png (95.23 KB, 477x717, 159:239, mt_girl_streamer_drama_fra….png)


Oh boy, yea, look at that damage control.

What a shitshow. Shame I didn't capture the last stream.

ca36ea No.328295

File: b6f67bc0ee9339d⋯.png (57.42 KB, 399x580, 399:580, mt_girl_streamer_drama_new….png)

DamageControlBong created a new twitter alt to defend himself with (preparation to evade a possible ban on @BritbongAlt?)


ca36ea No.328334

File: f4f7fae7dd88731⋯.png (56.4 KB, 640x384, 5:3, mt_girl_streamer_drama_new….png)


Tweeting from both accounts at the same time, btw.

It's getting exciting.

ca36ea No.328354

File: b6dd29859c12f9e⋯.png (86.2 KB, 395x724, 395:724, mt_girl_streamer_drama_pol….png)

File: a5a5ac99490b8d6⋯.png (164.13 KB, 408x695, 408:695, mt_girl_streamer_drama_pol….png)

File: 97473b97c5da473⋯.png (30.27 KB, 344x253, 344:253, mt_girl_streamer_drama_hai….png)

People are contacting stream.me, lots of talk about getting police involved.

f92fba No.328359

File: 481721a0aa15b9e⋯.png (100.74 KB, 793x793, 1:1, jmonon.png)


and its all thanks to JMAA being so dumb that he contacted the girls involved and accidentally sold out dominic while braging to them and calling the girls fail troll pedo freaks

ca36ea No.328366

File: 5b31304dbbb53f6⋯.png (14.63 KB, 321x142, 321:142, mt_raiding_grade_a_bullshi….png)

File: 0a42751d6e4d09e⋯.mp4 (11.79 MB, 720x480, 3:2, getting_innocent_streamer_….mp4)

This tweet deserves a special place.



May the onion gods bless JMAA.

f5d035 No.328390





Lol holy shit just as i was starting to get bored of it, he goes and pulls an absolute fucking retard move like this


He should have stopped it when onion boy did that gay porn shit but you know

ca36ea No.328391

File: 382759081666137⋯.png (67.28 KB, 399x576, 133:192, mt_girl_streamer_drama_com….png)

File: ba410968c7e078e⋯.png (273.96 KB, 875x589, 875:589, mt_jello1.png)

File: f159d559635b179⋯.png (178.08 KB, 413x395, 413:395, mt_jello2.png)

File: a0092d49fd6b50a⋯.png (160.57 KB, 404x381, 404:381, mt_jello3.png)

Future ex-girlfriend sighted.

541d9e No.328397


lol that's Roo from secondlife. I have her nudes. She's lost some weight but still insufferable

c2371e No.328409


fucking hell nice eyebrows

541d9e No.328416


>fucking hell nice eyebrows

she's a fucking train wreck. Got passed around to all the lads in the safe hubs back in the day.

541d9e No.328420

pretty sure this is britbong too.


he just switches back and forth between accounts when he has these arguments.

f5d035 No.328422


Wouldn't be surprised, has anyone actually told russo its an impersonation?

541d9e No.328443

File: 6cdd8cca7d4eeb7⋯.png (802.71 KB, 576x1024, 9:16, Untitled.png)

most of Britbong's "fan base" seems to be rejects from Secondlife. JMAA, AlexKidJapan, Roo,

541d9e No.328518

File: 080678d201b75ac⋯.png (56.24 KB, 611x363, 611:363, Untitled.png)

Zombiunicorn is the one who got him banned from twich the first time.

11bd1d No.328614

He has gone Into full panic mode and started bumping old threads. Little man must be shitting himself

f5d035 No.328617


hes really bricking it isnt he, i've just seen his cringy as fuck "I'm really sorry to anyone i've hurt" tweet

as if this nigga didnt know what he was doing, because you know… he does it every time

fbb2a3 No.328619

File: 6b3ee58153ce8d1⋯.png (74.67 KB, 602x993, 602:993, 2018-02-12_twitter apology….png)

This is delicious. Shorty freaked out and is trying to damage control by giving a blatantly fake apology, hoping it'll get him out of the hole he dug for himself.



c2371e No.328620

id be archiving everything at the moment, incase he oy veys it all down

fbb2a3 No.328624

11bd1d No.328627


What a fucking bitch. Hahaha. This blew up quite a bit, stream.me might have to take action this time.

c2371e No.328629


I like how hes trying to blame "the stawlkers", pretending he doesn't know how retarded his fan base is

541d9e No.328633


looks like he got a warning from stream.me

c2371e No.328635


nah hes scared of the po po coming after him for the death threats, hes trying to setup a narrative that it was the "stawlkers" doing it even though its video and everyone can see its him….

272554 No.328769

File: c88ed8528a7ee83⋯.png (89.61 KB, 749x549, 749:549, manlet_tears.png)

Today's events sure have taken a toll on the miserable midget!

c2371e No.328773


"It wasnt me guys, stahp"

Do you think he will of learnt his lesson this time, or is he going to pull the same shit a few months from now?

541d9e No.328789

File: 9050f40eb09b810⋯.png (118.89 KB, 586x448, 293:224, zombi.png)

dc84c1 No.328835



holy fuck he's freaking out.

keep pressuring the police angle. theres actual jailtime pending here.

35fb6a No.328852

File: ae8258f54f72bde⋯.png (17.87 KB, 691x215, 691:215, MAY I.png)


541d9e No.328858


blonde asian?

d067af No.328867

File: 87022a37220a8ca⋯.png (518.84 KB, 516x918, 86:153, Why_not_your_dick.png)



541d9e No.328912

File: 2e58986211c7b02⋯.png (46.96 KB, 602x384, 301:192, Untitled.png)

apologizing is new. He might be in real trouble this time.

541d9e No.328914

File: 982fbcab3ab513b⋯.png (239.99 KB, 1748x612, 437:153, Untitled.png)

b131c3 No.328922

dc84c1 No.328923



Someone please send her the Nigger britbong video. please. she needs to know hes full of crocodile tears

this is it bros.

35fb6a No.328926


If you need a nice link its on his bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/video/hum516temUgc/

dc84c1 No.328927


im too much of a nigger to make a twitter. im more of a bitch about it until someone does it guy. kopy could easily take care of the situation. I'll give him a call.

9933ee No.328933




It's fucking obnoxious when the lolcow and the lolcow that goes against him are both faggots.


More likely Smiley doing it, since at the exact same time he botspammed the smiley thread. An unlikely coincidence, two cows spamming at the same time, also unlikely for manlet to spam and sagebomb the smiley thread rather than this one.

ca36ea No.328937

File: c182df02a5d2573⋯.jpg (13.58 KB, 366x253, 366:253, small-man-groveling-at-wom….jpg)

d067af No.328943

File: 0f189b5bdb5b1ef⋯.jpg (55.64 KB, 480x640, 3:4, fap.jpg)

9395d8 No.328944

File: fbd7b4c8ea9495e⋯.webm (9.3 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, russo_twitter_vid.webm)

Anyone took pictures of the people posting gore/doing threats and checked whether they're in MT's discord, maybe even are regulars?


>Lol holy shit just as i was starting to get bored of it

This always happens. Always when you least expect it.


Perfect ex-gf material, then.


Is JMAA active in SL?


>its video

Got a recording?

… Does anyone?

You'd think if it was as innocent as MT claims, he would've published the vods by now.


>keep pressuring the police angle. theres actual jailtime pending here.

I don't think that's going to happen tbh. But who knows. Did stream.me respond yet?


MT got swatted? First time I hear that.

Probably "swatted" = got visited by the police.

Also "three times in the past year" = once or twice in the past

You gotta learn to speak Manletics.


This. Also tell them about the Russo thing (see clips).

Tell them he got banned from twitch for raiding another streamer and calling them up at home (Warcraft guy). [May even have the recording, tho I'm sure I lost it…]

Tell them no matter what he says now, he'll keep doing it. Getting in trouble, then claim victimhood is his MO. Don't trust a single thing he says.


Still digging for rock-bottom. I predict it'll be when he gets cucked by JMAA & Roo.

541d9e No.328945



there was a big drama a couple years ago in Sl where Roo was suicidal because they were passing her nudes around safe hubs. she's basically a fat mr noob. For somebody who claims to be against thots, Britbong is surrounded by them.

9395d8 No.328960

File: 4164fe8d0e0d4ae⋯.png (221.64 KB, 617x459, 617:459, mt_distraction.png)

He deleted at least 13 tweets since I made this screenshot.

9395d8 No.328961

File: 85148a19812a71b⋯.png (59.93 KB, 294x665, 42:95, mt_distraction2.png)

9395d8 No.328970

File: 85e71401ccb65a0⋯.png (82.24 KB, 409x667, 409:667, mt_ronald1.png)

File: f6b2e6678c62611⋯.png (18.31 KB, 425x189, 425:189, mt_ronald2.png)


Seems to belong to a guy called Ronald Mcdonald on MT's discord.

f5d035 No.328971


Yea i imagine hes going to be shutting it down if she really has contacted the police because they'll be scouring all his shit (even though this retard really thinks blocking them on twitter stops them seeing what hes been upto)

35fb6a No.329012

File: cf963c3a7e861d9⋯.png (207.26 KB, 1149x469, 1149:469, lol.png)

People unfollowing him. He should try apologizing more often

ef1f71 No.329022

File: cc8a647ab557b3b⋯.png (701.82 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_20180213-091219.png)

File: e4b410bc7de6ef9⋯.jpg (351.03 KB, 1423x939, 1423:939, Screenshot_20180213-091326.jpg)

this is getting even SWEETER. how much longer for more damage control?

f92fba No.329030

File: 147a7180d34659c⋯.jpg (33.59 KB, 414x427, 414:427, shoo shoo manlet joo.jpg)


>arrested shortly

just like everything else he does

70d0c4 No.329043

do you think this little shit will ever take responsibility for his fuck ups?

9395d8 No.329133

File: e2b0848e660c732⋯.png (301.75 KB, 910x1764, 65:126, mt_cyber_breaking_terms.png)

File: 0e80455396ab7e6⋯.jpg (38.04 KB, 806x644, 403:322, DV7b_90X0AEzM0b.jpg)

File: c891deb70fccc9a⋯.png (15 KB, 514x87, 514:87, mt_cyber_ninja_delete.png)

The Cybertranny War is gearing up again as well.

The 3rd pic he ninja-deleted, but it was in the same conversation.



70d0c4 No.329153


hilarious given hes been going into the tranny's stream to bother people, as well as his fans

the small guy really thinks hes alot smarter then he is, but i guess thats what you get when you live on an island of sibling fuckers

272554 No.329158

File: c9703dad3c910e1⋯.jpg (149.67 KB, 1885x822, 1885:822, manlet_harassment_1.jpg)

File: 0057732b662eb7d⋯.jpg (153.13 KB, 1885x792, 1885:792, manlet_harassment_2.jpg)


Not only the tranny, but other streamers that put the fear of losing his only place in the world.

35fb6a No.329161

9395d8 No.329163

File: fae4cfd9eba79d1⋯.png (101.96 KB, 573x305, 573:305, mt_cyber_timid.png)

Welp, he conceded on that front.

…Or possibly, soon we'll hear "I blocked them on twitter and they didn't leave me alone". As not being bound by linear time is one of his reality bending wizardry abilities.


The deleted tweet really shows he just can't fucking stop. He keeps poking the powder keg with burning matches and at one point it'll blow up and he'll cry and it'll be beautiful.

70d0c4 No.329164



Calling it now, hes going to tell stream.me trambo was harrasing him on twitter even though they told them to "stop"

I'd be suprised if they fall for it tbh

9395d8 No.329166


Excellent job.

272554 No.329167

272554 No.329169

File: f5759eb675697bc⋯.jpg (153.51 KB, 1905x899, 1905:899, manlet_bragging_1.jpg)

File: 4ba4575869ff8d4⋯.png (64.38 KB, 782x582, 391:291, manlet_bragging_2.png)

35fb6a No.329177


Can't be true. Lord Bong never blocks people

65b10e No.329182

>35 fucking threads

someone give me the rundown please

9395d8 No.329218

File: 1823e7a8a8779eb⋯.mp4 (175.26 KB, 190x220, 19:22, mt_cow_cry.mp4)

File: e326d24b6e3e806⋯.webm (8.81 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, triggered.webm)

File: d57eb0ea7066703⋯.png (23.12 KB, 740x165, 148:33, d57eb0ea706670366b475cdfcc….png)

File: e7fee3dfb7a004a⋯.png (459.04 KB, 777x913, 777:913, 1515583814078.png)

File: 1796186e910e84f⋯.png (110.91 KB, 510x465, 34:31, mt_a4v_leftnut.png)


Can't summarize it. In size, this shit approaches CWC-levels of cocks.

There's an ED article https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/TrannyTears but it doesn't do the subject justice.

You just gotta hang around a bit, take it in.

Every now and then he shows up to shout at us or fish our IP's, less nowadays.

9395d8 No.329227

541d9e No.329422

File: bc7a1e9a952cfac⋯.png (83.55 KB, 576x259, 576:259, Untitled.png)

9933ee No.329437


You see, Jim, the best way to follow it is to check the archives of all 34 prior threads and all of this one. IT's the only way to get it right, since a summary would undoubtedly miss a lot of details and leave you with a boring as shit video like most of the channel autism videos were.

9933ee No.329453


>pedo vs pedo


dc84c1 No.329484


If jim actually waited this long to catch the story I would just assume he's got brain cancer instead of crohns.

d067af No.329499


Internet insanity when?

68dd05 No.329534




cybertranny u disgusting mutant stop samefagging, why do you think a freak like you would get support on a right wing basketweaving forum?

541d9e No.329561

count down till Britbong gets banned on stream.me

from his own mouth he's been ordered to

1) never raid again

2) never mention other streamers on stream.me

he's not gonna make it lads. He' can't do it.

575b60 No.329573

File: 70d00d22a10bc22⋯.mp4 (2.22 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, mt_disable_pms.mp4)

He just did a video instruction for his viewers on how to disable whispers on stream.me.

575b60 No.329645


This. While big fuckups like right now are certainly fun, you gotta watch the subtile shifts in his character, the slow yet unstoppable descent into megalomanic insanity, that's where the real gold lies.



One video wouldn't suffice.

Having actually spend the past year somewhat documenting MT, I think it's actually a job impossible for a single (non-NEET) person. MT produces cocks faster than you can properly archieve them.


My bet: 2-4 weeks.

575b60 No.329660

So his excuse for not publishing the VODS of the raids is because "they are somehow locked"?

Bullshit or is stream.me staff actually withholding them?

f5d035 No.329680


Nah hes not going to show them because they prove hes lying, he does it everytime

575b60 No.329751

File: 3dc35163e67b9b5⋯.mp4 (4.71 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, mt_girl_streamer_drama.mp4)

Trying to explain the drama while trolls interfere

f92fba No.329771


i was talking to kopy and emptyhero the other day and they said they were contacted already by a "big name" who wanted clips from sl, vr, and the short bus song

9933ee No.330051

File: 04ef7ba42049dad⋯.png (75.11 KB, 800x1246, 400:623, manlet tears.png)



9933ee No.330053

File: 194f98505969460⋯.png (116.29 KB, 800x845, 160:169, manlet tears.png)


Actually, updated version to affect 2018 manlet.

9933ee No.330054




8c4dda No.330058


lol "hello moderator, get rid of that mom's hair-tie guy please"

f5d035 No.330205

Imagine being a self proclaimed "king of banter" but not being able to take any banter and crying for a site admin to ban


Poor guy has to baby stream again, i give him a couple weeks before he fucks up again, or his fans get bored

8c4dda No.330215

my Russian friend was able to provide me with copies of the now infamous "roo nudes"

while you are allowed to fap to them, you may not want to as she appears to be made of un-baked pizza dough.

Needless to say, Britbong's Thot-free discord has been infiltrated. By now, I'm pretty sure every 14 year old in Britbong's discord has a copy of them as well, except for maybe JMAA

11bd1d No.330218

File: ecd9a449930cb0d⋯.png (83.32 KB, 175x214, 175:214, ecd9a449930cb0d952860e251e….png)



Girls who talk to Britbong , are nice to him or are his mom:

>fans, fangirls, babes, based, should send nudes

Girls who don´t talk to Britbong, ignore him, make fun of him or pretty much every woman that isn´t part of his fanbase:

>thots, slags, whores, cunts, worthless, should just kill themselves

You should know his way of thinking by now.

8c4dda No.330223


one of the ways you can tell how virile a man is by looking at who had his women before him. In Britbong's case that means Kopy and Boyd and now with Roo, pretty much every infohub rat.

that puts Britbong's virility score pretty fucking low. Ask his hero RooshV

fbb2a3 No.330307


Just for the record, neither me nor Caroline are infohub trash.

b55677 No.330411


Kopy you spent months camping out in violet getting into arguments with randos for the chance to yell at britbong, you are infohub trash.

fbb2a3 No.330470

File: 711cdcd69c288b3⋯.png (14.41 KB, 688x235, 688:235, 2016-03-11_britbong hrasse….png)


I only popped in like a few times. For the most part, I parked chatbots there that repeatedly linked his ED article. I wasn't there on a daily basis like he was.

8c4dda No.330654

lol he's streaming in his fur suit

b55677 No.330689


Kopy, we both know you are lying, you spent hours a day there for weeks at a time.

fbb2a3 No.330703


So you're saying that having automated chatbots parked there somehow means that I was also there in person for THAT long?

575b60 No.330707

File: ff883c699803a39⋯.mp4 (1.02 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, mt_getting_made_fun_of.mp4)

File: 7bae833c7fe744e⋯.mp4 (1.26 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, mt_footage_parents.mp4)

File: 6723735f6ee901f⋯.mp4 (5.96 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, mt_wouldnt_dare.mp4)

File: 7241b49eb80d116⋯.mp4 (1.39 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, mt_bventi_23andme.mp4)

Getting made fun of by women


Parents reviewed footage, said it's ok


Cowards wouldn't dare come to my house


Reacting to Britanny Ventis 23andme results

Bit of a letdown. Guess the drama is cold for now, or takes less of a priority.

575b60 No.330719

File: a65493c71416162⋯.mp4 (15.31 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, mt_twitter_mob.mp4)

Confronting the twitter mob

Tbh, in this whole affaire, I actually kinda tend to side with MT.

The twitter mob mostly consists of fake outrage/virtue signaling and what he seemed to have done isn't that bad - pales in comparasion to the Russo drama. That's only going by what we've seen so far. Can't tell for sure because he's immensely untrustworthy and withholds the footage.

However, many of these twitter comments keep touching truth despite this. Funny.

8b9d43 No.330739


>Girls who talk to Britbong

Are imaginary? I'd bet even his mom only deals with him when absolutely necessary.

41bc92 No.330778


Nah there's plenty of emotionally damaged retarded women on second life, but not even they stay with him that long.

8c4dda No.330837



>Tbh, in this whole affaire, I actually kinda tend to side with MT.

I'm not into the whole right or wrong thing. the idea of MT getting massacred by a dog pile of girl gamers is funny as fuck and that's all that really matters

edc4a9 No.330875

File: 967d49af4fc749b⋯.jpg (24.19 KB, 500x357, 500:357, did_somebody_say_NUT.jpg)



>Images are clearly filtered

I'm willing to bet she has a lot of blemishes she's trying to hide.

f5d035 No.330899


Pretty much this, only in it for the funny's

If he actually wanted to just be a streamer, he could just stream shitty games and not do things that are going to get him dog piled

8c4dda No.331047


unless he provides some sort of proof i'm gonna assume this was entirely fabricated to try and gain some sympathy with all these people kicking his ass

dc84c1 No.331060


he's literally crying about kopy. that's it. that's the only thing he has here.

He's trying to use kopy as an excuse for everything shitty he's been busted doing lately.

There will be nothing provided as proof because all he can do is link people to here.

He sends the video to the gamergirls trying to proceed with legal measures, they feel bad and decided hes a good boy and is trying to turn his life around.

Or possibly keem or someone has gotten tired of manlets shit and let people know who was causing it.

this is just my guess though.

575b60 No.331093

File: 32c523b90a85100⋯.mp4 (10.09 MB, 720x720, 1:1, Britbong - https -_t.co_Db….mp4)

Can't really make out what he's crying about here.

He tries to make it about Brainhub but also about everyone else.

Like he's merging many of his mental foes into one.


It is.


The nephew thing is fabricated. MT's the one who started it, MT's the one who keeps going on about it.


Nah, not Kopy, he's agitated about some hacker guy from previous threads, under the name of Brainhub/Purge/Superhoundx. He's been spamming MT's dox and flooded his chat with bots. I've never seen him threaten to kill anyone, tho.

575b60 No.331113

Next thread >>331112

fbb2a3 No.331157


I only ever threatened to kill Dominic, not his family. His family weren't the ones who drove Caroline to near suicide nor did they drop her dox on 8chan. That was all the dwarf himself. Also he needs to stop trying to use his nephew that a fucking meat shield. That's legit child exploitation on Dominic's part.

fbccce No.331164


Don't create new threads until the previous one hits the bump limit. We don't need two Britbong threads on page 1.

a35e77 No.331166


Its your fault for not stickying them

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